
doafsaeoii was kicked off for no reason01:27
jribdoafsaeoi: do you know what #ubuntu is for?01:28
doafsaeoiyes it is to talk01:28
jribdoafsaeoi: yes, about what?01:28
jribdoafsaeoi: ubuntu *support*01:28
doafsaeoibut they not talk about it01:28
jribdoafsaeoi: we're talking about you01:29
doafsaeoithey were talk about cd tray01:29
doafsaeoibut why they get to and not me01:29
doafsaeoiwe need to be fair01:29
jribdoafsaeoi: common misconception01:29
jribdoafsaeoi: anyway, what was the question you were going to ask in #ubuntu about support?01:30
doafsaeoiare you black man?01:30
jribdoafsaeoi: I am not01:30
doafsaeoii need to ask it to them01:30
jribdoafsaeoi: okay, assume I am then01:30
doafsaeoino you are nto black negro01:31
jribdoafsaeoi: anything else you want to discuss?01:31
jribdoafsaeoi: stop with the caps please01:32
doafsaeoilisten to me dummy01:32
doafsaeoii need to ask question01:33
jribdoafsaeoi: questions dependent on race aren't appropriate for #ubuntu01:33
doafsaeoii wasnt asking a question about race01:33
jribdoafsaeoi: I didn't say you were01:33
doafsaeoiyou have hard time understand with your small brain01:34
doafsaeoiit not "dependent" on race01:34
doafsaeoii want to ask a certain type of person01:34
doafsaeoithe question not neccessarily relate01:34
jribdoafsaeoi: just so I understand (as I have a small brain), you want me to let you ask a question in #ubuntu (a channel I am in) but do not want to tell me the question?01:35
doafsaeoiyou dont know the answer dummy01:36
jrib!guidelines > doafsaeoi01:36
ubottudoafsaeoi, please see my private message01:36
jribdoafsaeoi: please be respectful of others01:37
doafsaeoiwhy do i  need to talk to these underlings01:37
jribdoafsaeoi: anyway, I don't believe that you really want to ask a support question.  And you aren't changing my mind01:37
dhanesh bazhang01:38
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:40
doafsaeoiTHATS RIDICULOUS01:40
doafsaeoiAND THEY AREN'T BANNED01:40
doafsaeoiAND NON-UNIFORMLY01:40
doafsaeoi"DON'T BE ANNOYING"01:41
doafsaeoiAND YOU ARE A RACIST01:42
jribdoafsaeoi: if you don't want to seriously discuss your ban, please leave the channel01:42
doafsaeoii am discussing it seriously01:42
doafsaeoii want to be treated equally01:42
jribdoafsaeoi: I already told you you need to do01:43
doafsaeoithe "guidelines" are not applied to anyone else01:43
jribagain, this has nothing to do with other people.  It concerns you.01:43
doafsaeoiI UNDERSTAND01:43
jribdoafsaeoi: stop with the caps...01:44
doafsaeoithe same rules must be applied to everyone equally01:44
doafsaeoiyou can't have guidelines that only apply to me01:44
jribdoafsaeoi: let me know when/if you want to discuss your ban01:45
doafsaeoii told you already01:45
doafsaeoiif i am doing the same thing as everyone else01:45
doafsaeoii should not be banned for it01:46
jribdoafsaeoi: other people are *not* doing the same thing01:46
doafsaeoiwhat did i do different01:46
doafsaeoi"Some examples of touchy subjects are war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. Discussions on these subjects regularly upset people, so please be aware and drop a discussion if you are asked."01:47
doafsaeoithat implies that a warning is neccessary01:47
doafsaeoialso , those other subjects are often discussed01:47
doafsaeoi"This is not a blanket ban on any and all mention of these topics, however common sense is compulsory. Please be respectful and take the discussion elsewhere if someone takes exception."01:48
Flanneldoafsaeoi: #ubuntu is a support channel, *all* of those topics are offtopic in #ubuntu.01:48
doafsaeoibut is immediate banning an appropriate response?01:49
Flanneldoafsaeoi: In your case, yeah, it was warranted, because the way you started out in the channel was not only offtopic, but it wasn't appropriate in general.01:49
jribdoafsaeoi: sometimes, when it's clear someone is intentionally trying to cause trouble, yes.  Afterwards, you can always discuss it with the operator or this channel like you are doing now if it was a misunderstanding01:50
doafsaeoibut those are examples of inappropriate "in general" subjects01:51
doafsaeoi"touchy subjects"01:51
doafsaeoibesides "inappropriate in general" doesn't appear anywhere in the guidelines01:52
doafsaeoii think i should have been notified ahead of time01:52
doafsaeoiand im not sure if that's even the official policy01:53
doafsaeoiit sounds like you just made it up01:53
doafsaeoiyou just ban anyone says something you don't like01:58
doafsaeoiyou don't even look if he broke a rule01:58
mcurranCould somebody here tell me why there is a ban against me in #ubuntu02:21
elkyYour realname needs to be less rude.02:23
elkythere's a default ban on any use of the f-word in that field.02:23
mcurranOh, sorry.  HAha02:24
FlannelMeh.  Not exactly the most helpful person in a query either02:34
=== Tyler is now known as Guest84590
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)03:19
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)03:19
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)03:19
Flannel!ops | #u banlist is full03:20
ubottu#u banlist is full: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:20
ubottuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (#u banlist is full)03:20
elkyWell if the clone floods would go jump in to a volcano, this wouldn't be a problem :P03:25
elkythey're hitting up oftc too03:25
elkyall the floodbots still have like a billion exemptions03:33
elkyall of floodbot1's exemptions should go03:34
elkylikewise floodbot2 and floodbot4, half of floodbot3's are more than a week old03:36
PiciI'll take a look03:37
elkythough i note floodbot4 is the current opped floodbot, so there might be some recent ones i missed with the cursory glance03:39
Piciokay, 100 exempts removed.03:44
LinuxGuy2009Could someone take a gander at a user by the name of "myrl" channel hopping, trolling, PMing many folks. Thank you.03:44
FlannelLinuxGuy2009: Taken care of03:48
Madpilot"myrl" showed up in #ubuntu a few minutes ago...03:53
FlannelYeah, we'll see if he decides to behave03:53
rwwHello. There's an ackt1c in #ubuntu-offtopic, and looking at my logfile it looks like an ACKT1C got kicked out of there yesterday for ban-evading. I've been offline for a little while, so I don't know if that got sorted out, but if not then they're ban evading again :\05:09
dholbachgood morning07:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ShazbotMcNasty)08:41
elkySomeone needs to educate him on reducing the enter ratio of his talking.08:59
ikoniahello Jigger11:14
JiggerHowdy ikonia11:14
JiggerHow's your moms basement?11:15
JiggerYou're on a projector screen in front of 45 people11:16
JiggerAnything to say?11:16
ikoniaI've no idea what you're talking about, but do you need any help ?11:16
Jiggerheh no11:16
JiggerWhy was I forwarded here?11:16
ikoniaok, no problem, if you don't need anything would you mean leaving the channel11:16
ikoniaoh, you where forwarded, one moment I'll take a look11:16
ikoniawon't be a moment11:17
Tm_Tikonia: aww11:17
ikoniaoh its bacta11:18
ikoniayou're forwarded because you where ban dodging11:18
Jigger*were :)11:18
ikoniaok, you were11:18
Jiggerikonia, we're having a bit of a party here11:19
Jiggera 24 hour hacking challenge11:19
ikoniaJigger/bacta - guess that's cleared up now, so if you could please leave the channel that would be great.11:19
JiggerAnd I've got a lot of FOSS devs really interested in you11:19
JiggerThey think you're a bit of a fascist ;)11:19
ikoniaJigger: could you please leave the cahnnel11:19
JiggerTheir words, not mine11:19
JiggerNo thanks11:20
JiggerPlease kick me :)11:20
Tm_Tnow it's out of my hands, sorry11:21
ikoniawhat is ?11:22
Tm_Tmr B joining channels I have no power in11:22
jussi01People are interesting...11:31
Tm_Twhere were the dispution process written up? it's apparently not mentioned in guidelines11:31
Tm_Toh boy, I should have stay silent...11:35
Tm_Tsuprisingly, refuses to take his problems to IRCC11:43
ikonianot really a surprise11:44
ikoniaI'm going to remove him from +1 as he's tried to get around hi mute in +1 with the nick jigger as he did in #ubuntu and with slamdrunk11:46
ikoniaor maybe not11:46
ikoniathe ip mute caught him even though he tried11:47
Tm_T1347.46 <Jigger> I'm not submitting to your IRCC as you're all corrupt11:48
Tm_T1347.53 <Jigger> Hence why I will continue to evade11:48
ikoniawhere was that ?11:48
Tm_Tin PM11:48
ikoniawe'll he's failing to evade11:49
ikoniaand if he evades without being a problem we won't know and he won't be a problem, so it's not a problem11:49
ikoniahe's sending my insults now in pm11:51
Tm_Tniko: should there something to be done with him?11:56
nikolet's me check that11:57
elkyYou missed a "what". Should is mandatory at this point.11:58
ikonia11:49 <Bacta> Been busy you little freak?12:00
ikoniait's just uncalled for at every turn12:00
elkyI've pinged bosslady, but she's not responded yet.12:01
ikoniaif it's not approriate for freenode to act I'll have to request the council review bacta as a candidate for the namespace wide ban process12:02
jussi01ikonia: [13:49:01] <Tm_T> 1347.53 <Jigger> Hence why I will continue to evade -> should be enough for freenode staff to get involved.12:08
Tm_This current evasion alone12:09
jussi01!staff | ^^12:09
ubottu^^: hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, Pricey, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)12:09
Tm_Tjussi01: I thought niko was on that already (:12:11
jussi01oh... I missed that12:11
jussi01niko: please let me know anything you can share.12:11
nikotake a look a ubuntu_pro at this time12:14
ubottumcphail called the ops in #ubuntu ()12:15
ikoniahey tatsel12:17
ikoniado you want to explain the problem you're having ?12:17
ikoniatatsel: one moment please12:18
tatselI guess you all seen it, but the_sandmam just keeps cycling the [login; throw amazing amount of commands then execess flood]12:18
tatsel[sorry, on mobile, takes forever]12:19
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ikoniaubuntu_pro: hello there, do you know why you where removed from #ubuntu12:19
ubuntu_proikonia, Je n'ai rien fait de mal12:19
ikoniayou do speak english so please don't play dumb12:19
tatselthe_sandman*  sorry, seems like i cant spell on touch screen12:20
ubuntu_proJe ne parle pas bien anglais12:20
ikoniaubuntu_pro: ok - bye then as I know you speak English12:20
tatselubuntu_pro: woah, a french :p12:20
ikoniatatsel: no problem, I'll sort it out12:20
* tatsel can translate12:20
ikoniaubuntu_pro: the fact that you in in australia and speaking English in #ubuntu 1 minute ago12:20
ikoniaubuntu_pro: so do you want to discuss this or mess around playing games ?12:21
ubuntu_prone parlent pas anglais12:21
ikoniaok bye then12:21
tatselubuntu_pro: tu as été viré ducanal pour avoir dit d'essayer rm -rf /12:21
ikoniatatsel: please ignore him,12:21
ubuntu_proil est bon sudo rm-rf /12:21
tatselikonia: okay12:21
ikoniatatsel: I'll look at sandman now, thanks for the info12:22
tatselno problem12:22
ubuntu_prolove ubuntu12:22
ubuntu_proUbuntu amour12:22
tatseli'm sure you dont nee/want that waste of B/W12:23
ubuntu_propuis-je obtenir de l'aide ubuntu ici dans le canal?12:23
ikoniaall sorted, tatsel please re-join #ubuntu and thanks for the info12:23
tatselubuntu_pro: #ubuntu-fr12:23
ikoniatatsel: please ignore him12:23
ubuntu_proce qui la baise est-ce? Impossible de joindre # ubuntu (Vous sont interdits)12:24
jussi01tatsel: you all good now?12:24
jussi01!idle | tatsel12:25
ubottutatsel: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.12:25
ikoniaubuntu_pro: do you need anything else now ?12:29
ubuntu_proikonia, could i please go back into #ubuntu now12:30
ikoniaubuntu_pro: I gave you chance to discuss it12:30
ikoniayou chose to mess around12:30
marienzikonia: so bacta's confirming in pm to you that he'll continue to evade bans set against him? did he show up anywhere other than #ubuntu so far?12:30
ubuntu_proi did noot12:30
ikoniaubuntu_pro: you said you did not speak English12:31
ikoniaand just kept repeating it12:31
ubuntu_prono speak english12:31
ikoniamarienz: he evaded in #ubuntu as the user slamdrunk - then tried to get in as the user jigger (we caught him) he tried to get past a mute in #ubuntu+1 with the nick jigger12:31
ikoniaubuntu_pro: it's clear you do speak English as you managed to tell people very clearly how to use rm -rf /12:31
ubuntu_prowtf is a NICK JOGGER?12:31
ikoniaubuntu_pro: that was not for you12:32
ubuntu_proi dont even know how it means12:32
ikoniaubuntu_pro: you can speak english fine - I spoke to you to resolve your ban and you chose to pretend to not speak english12:32
ubuntu_proubuntu_pro: you can speak english fine - I spoke to you to resolve your ban and you chose to pretend to not speak english12:32
ikonianow you are repeating me12:32
ubuntu_proikonia, please tell me , what does jigger do? r u being recist?12:33
marienzikonia: thanks, will let you know what we end up doing with him, please poke me (or someone else) if he ends up in more channels than just those two12:33
ikonia ubuntu_pro jigger was another user's nick name and I was not speaking to you12:33
ikoniamarienz: thank you12:33
marienzikonia: also, your staff trigger has a typo (just Sport, not Sports :)12:33
Tm_Tmarienz: big thanks12:33
ubuntu_proi wasnt anyone elses12:33
ikoniamarienz: good call12:34
ubuntu_prothis 1st time IRC12:34
* marienz was assuming that thing was automated12:34
ubuntu_prowhat do you mean jigger12:34
Tm_Tubuntu_pro: we were not talking about you12:34
ikoniaubuntu_pro: forget jigger,12:34
ubuntu_proA double-ended vessel, generally of stainless steel or other metal, one end of which typically measures 1 1/2 fluid ounces12:35
ikoniaubuntu_pro: this discussion is over12:35
ikoniaubuntu_pro: please leave the channel12:35
ubuntu_proplease ikonia12:35
ubuntu_proi did not do ANYTHING wrong.12:35
Tm_Texcept that12:36
ikoniaI'm pretty confident that was bacta12:36
Mamarokwow, that was rather bad French for somebody pretending to speak French :)13:26
ikoniabigmouth: are you at your keyboard ?13:51
=== bigmouth is now known as topgun21
ikoniatopgun21: are you at your keyboard13:51
ikoniabigmouth: I've banned you in #ubuntu as your quit message is very offensive13:52
=== bigmouth_ is now known as bigmouth
ikoniachanged ban forward to a ban and udpated BT13:59
* genii makes a large pot of coffee14:30
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:11
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:11
=== Tyler is now known as Guest80389
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (visiON_)20:56
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti20:57
Myrttione more, and he's out20:58
MyrttiGuest80389: how can we help you?21:05
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (allowoverride)22:36

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