[00:21] anyone ever seen such installer error: http://p.defau.lt/?1XZtv34Fg4nT3UcUa_o1WQ ? [01:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/412831/ [02:07] how do I find out partition table on ubuntu-server? parted rounds to megabytes, and fdisk doesn't work with GPT [02:26] can anyone share preseed magic to align file systems? :) [09:16] New bug: #561281 in samba (main) "case sensitivity option (case sensitive=no) is not honored" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561281 [10:17] hi [10:17] Guys i'm on ubuntu server version 8. What alternatives are there to cPanel ?? [10:17] ebox [10:19] Looks good. But no file directory access, or vhost setup. [10:19] IMO all "I want to administer the system from my browser" solutions are utter, utter shite. [10:21] Ditto. I'm the sys admin but the directors are uneasy that i'm the only linux dev in the building. [10:21] so they want GUI access [10:21] I gave them SCP/SFTP acess and phpMyAdmin acess [10:21] As opposed to, you know, training the other sysadmins :-/ [10:21] but still not enough :S [10:22] I tried to sell my bosses on putting gnome-system-tools on the server and having the faux sysadmins access it using xming32 [10:22] Since AFAICT all they REALLY needed was the ability to add and remove users. [10:23] hehe [10:23] Instead we're running webmin (urgghh!) [10:42] twb, what would you want to use insterad o webmin ? [10:42] it looked not bad.. mysql, email, ftp administration. [10:42] Dr4g: a shell. [10:43] Re. FTP, http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie [10:43] twb, i was referring to a web product like cPanel [10:44] Something that doesn't have hundreds of lintian errors, several of them critical? [11:16] Does Ubuntu have a command line tool that will collect all the various system configuration files and logs then bundle them up for sending to support? [11:16] (Other than just creating a tarball each time) [11:26] reportbug? [11:26] Except that Ubuntu NIHd debbugs :-/ [11:33] Looks like a little script might be easiest. [12:07] * amine_ hello [13:10] soren: ping [13:23] hey guys im trying to upgrade ubuntu server from karmic to lucid and i keep getting this message [13:23] Exception during pm.DoInstall(): E:Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall [13:23] any solution or way i can upgrade to lucid [13:29] eagles0513875: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/559582 [13:29] Launchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,New] [13:29] ttx: does euca have a built in dhcp server or uses the dhcp server [13:29] pmatulis: should i go ahead and confirm it [13:29] eagles0513875: add that you are also affected (near the top) [13:31] zul: i'm not sure I understand your question... eucalyptus hands off IP addresses to the VMs [13:31] ttx: k i think i figured it out [13:32] pmatulis: ty and i added myself to that list :) === ogra_ is now known as ogra [13:33] pmatulis: so no way to upgrade [13:33] unless i do an entirely clean install [13:34] eagles0513875: are you on #ubuntu+1 ? if not, you should be if you are running lucid [13:34] pmatulis: i am but im on karmic trying to upgrade im just asking if my solution would be a clean install [13:34] since upgrade process is broken [13:35] eagles0513875: i would wait and try again in a while. is it a VM? [13:35] non virtualized setup [13:37] eagles0513875: how did you perform you uprade anyway? [13:37] pmatulis: like the wiki says [13:37] updated fully [13:37] then ran sudo do-release-upgrade -d [13:38] eagles0513875: ok. just asking b/c the bug poster says he manually edited sources.list [13:38] pmatulis: that used to be the way back in the days of edgy etc === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening [13:38] no need for that now [13:38] used to use source o matic hehe [13:38] eagles0513875: yes, i know [13:44] ttx: the case sensitivy bug has been re-opened fyi ;) [13:45] man this is upsetting [13:47] eagles0513875: so your system is a regular install (Server ISO)? [13:47] pmatulis: ya [13:47] nothing is setup on the machine have been using it as a testing and development machine [13:47] eagles0513875: ok, i'm investigating [13:47] pmatulis: thanks :) [13:48] eagles0513875: fresh karmic install? [13:48] yep [13:49] eagles0513875: how long ago? [13:49] few weeks [13:49] its fully up to date [13:57] ttx: Who's the mysql expert these days? We (Kubuntu) are still having akonadi/mysql problems and we need to coordinate on packaging changes. [13:58] ScottK: mathiaz [13:58] ttx: Any idea when he'll be around? [13:58] ScottK: usually in one hour [13:58] ttx: Thanks. [14:02] ScottK: any ideas on a rather nasty upgrade bug [14:02] bug 559582 [14:02] Launchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/559582 [14:02] Nope. [14:08] ttx: ping about bug 276472 i vaguely remembering seeing a kernel patch in the samba bugzilla [14:08] Launchpad bug 276472 in samba "cp -p on CIFS mount does not preserve permissions and returns a permission denied error" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276472 [14:09] zul: if you can find the reference back, post it as a comment -- just give Surbhi a chance to fix it [14:11] ttx: ok [14:12] ttx, someone maybe should look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devmapper/+bug/557909 . it needs more information, but looks like it is fairly severe [14:12] Launchpad bug 557909 in devmapper "lucid hangs on boot because of device ownership" [Undecided,Confirmed] [14:16] New bug: #561475 in xinetd (main) "when sysctl net.ipv6.bindv6only=1, xinetd can not bind to both IPv4 and IPv6 on same port" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561475 [14:25] smoser: ack [14:38] New bug: #561485 in samba (main) "Mounting CIFS folder i can only have READ ONLY access" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561485 [14:41] New bug: #561491 in net-snmp (main) "SNMP and Sundance driver problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561491 [15:18] hi all [15:19] I have this error in client (ubuntu desktop 9.10) trying to mount on server (ubuntu 8.04 server): [15:19] mount.nfs: mount system call failed [15:20] But if I try to mount in localhost (server) mount nfs ok [15:20] any idea? [15:20] no firewall between client and server [15:22] ttx: ping had a look at 556343 yet? [15:23] zul: no, it's all yours to debunk [15:23] i think we already debunked it [15:24] zul: ah ? We determined that it's not an apparmor issue, but the upgrade problem still remains, no ? [15:25] ttx: yeah i dont think its a really a bug though its just a verbose warning [15:25] zul: the post-installation script fails with exit status 1... tat's not a warning [15:25] because cups, ntpd, mysql will give the same warning [15:25] zul: I don't care about the "apparmor_parser" warning [15:26] the apparmor thing is a verbse warning (and didn't cause the postinst to fail) [15:26] zul: I care about what makes the upgrade fail (which is *not* the warning) [15:26] ttx: k [15:26] zul: if you can't reproduce failure on upgrade (but just the warning) then we'll de-prioritize it [15:27] thats what Im saying [15:27] zul: if you do hardy+bind -> lucid upgrade it doesn't fail ? [15:27] anyone? [15:28] no it doesnt [15:29] zul: check if mvo is he can reproduce on every run of his upgrade tester... maybe it only occurs when all tasks are installed (that's what he tests upgrade from) [15:29] ...check with mvo if... [15:29] k [15:30] zul: it happens only on the tasks all profile, but I can reproduce it in the VM 100% of the time [15:30] zul: its also transient, at the end of the upgrade I can restart bind just fine [15:30] mvo: so it's not blocking ? Perhaps zul missed it if it's just transient [15:31] ttx: well, its transient in the sense that it will fail only during the upgrade. but it still fails and makes dpkg/apt unhappy [15:31] ttx: so we should fix it (or at least figure out more about it :) [15:32] I commited a change that stops apparmor before dpkg runs so at messages about apparmor that are red-herrings should be gone with the next u-m upload [15:32] mvo: you can reproduce on a VM with only server + bind task, or you test the "all tasks" install ? [15:32] all tasks [15:32] I have not tried with server + bind only [15:32] mvo: ok, so maybe it's a conflict, if zul can't reproduce on server+bind [15:32] I can start a run for this in a little while, first the kernel needs to be sorted [15:33] mvo: zul will try to reproduce first [15:33] http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/current/ <- rather unhappy because the kernel can not be downloaded anymore [15:33] ttx: ok, thanks [15:56] ttx/mvo: im going to be doing the testing from an iso and will let you know after [16:04] ttx: Still no mathias. Anyone else? [16:31] how come I can ssh to a down interface here ? [16:31] http://pastebin.com/izmZ7Ce4 [16:31] i can ssh to the ip bind to eth1 [16:33] pmatulis: might have found a work around from someone on the bug you linked me to im testing it out now [16:33] this bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/559582 [16:33] Launchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed] [16:33] ScottK: ping can you have a look at #535185 for me please? [16:33] Looking. [16:34] zul: hi - what's the status of mysql-5.0 in lucid? [16:34] mathiaz_: will be done tonight === mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz [16:35] eagles0513875: yeah, i'm getting the bugmail [16:37] pmatulis: testing it as we speak [16:40] zul: Approved. [16:40] ScottK: thanks [16:44] pmatulis: :) seems to be working [16:44] eagles0513875: nice [16:44] hopefully nothing breaks :( === arm is now known as Guest82814 [16:47] Hello ! what is the topology of a network equipped with a an IPS host ? [16:47] I mean where can I put the ips in my network ! [16:49] Genk1: are you talking about a dhcp server [16:49] which dynamically allocates ip addresses to machines on ur network for a certain period of time [17:14] ScottK: mathiaz is here now [17:14] * ttx stops for the day [17:15] mathiaz: We're still having some Akonadi/Mysql issues in Kubuntu. Could you join us in #kubuntu-devel to discuss possible package adjustments? [17:34] can anyone point me to some eucalyptus "certified" ubuntu804 LTS images? [18:37] ScottK: sorry - I'm busy for now [18:38] ScottK: I should have more time in a couple of hours [18:38] mathiaz: OK. [18:38] ScottK: should I drop by #kubuntu-devel later or could you send me an email? [18:39] mathiaz: Please drop by. [18:40] ScottK: ok - will do in a few hours [18:40] Thanks. [18:49] has anyone here used gpart on a 4TB raid array? [19:38] are there any "official" fix for the problem with the init not waiting for cryptdisks to finish before attempting to mount them? [19:41] kirkland, about ? [19:41] apw: yo [19:42] we have some patches for kvm which we would like to apply before release, but after the last disaster i'd like to get them tested before i commit them ... would you be able to test them out [19:42] and do you have an amd based kit to test on? i think it went bang there last time [19:43] kirkland, plus ... is svm the thing that kvm used on amd64? [19:44] I find it odd that noone else seems to have this issue.. I mean, surely others must run encrypted drives, right? [19:44] apw: vmx is intel, svm is amd, yeah [19:44] Zider, i think you would be supprised just how few do [19:45] apw: perhaps they don't because of the initscript problem :P [19:45] apw: i do have both intel and amd kit here [19:45] apw: though my amd kit is very old (though still supports kvm) [19:45] apw: it's hardly comprehensive [19:45] i may have something which can test it [19:45] apw: do you have a kernel? [19:45] apw: in a ppa or what? [19:46] kirkland, not as yet... if you can test i'll get some building [19:46] apw: sure, i'll test [19:53] Zider: I run encrypted on my laptop - what bug? [19:54] sherr: mount-script tries to mount the disks before cryptdisks finishes unlocking them [19:54] i have two interface eth0 and eth1 .. with different IP .. eth1 is down.. when I ping from remote host even the eth1 reponds .. but the arp shows mac address of only eth0 .. a bug ? [19:54] Zider: is there a logged bug I can look at? [19:55] sherr: I'm not sure it logs anything special at bootup.. it seems to run all scripts at the same time, which screws up the order if you have many encrypted disks [20:00] Zider: Are you talking about bug 475936 or 456274? [20:00] Launchpad bug 475936 in cryptsetup "race condition between encrypted device creation and mountall probing with random-encrypted devices (swap, tmp)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/475936 [20:00] alvin: where can I see those? [20:00] Well, bug 456274 (show 'm uvirtbot!° [20:01] Launchpad bug 456274 in mountall "mountall 0.2.5 and cryptsetup fail to boot when using usplash (encrypted root)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/456274 [20:01] Zider: Click on the links and see whether the description matches your experience [20:01] alvin: it's 456274 [20:02] no wait.. [20:02] 475936 [20:02] That one is fix released I see [20:02] sorry, I c&p'ed wrong [20:04] well, it somewhat applies anyway, I don't have any random-encrypted disks, just "regular" ones.. but there's 5 of them, and they don't get unlocked in time before mountall runs [20:08] Ah, 5. Hmm, could you uncomment one in /etc/fstab? In LVM, you also can only mount 4 volumes (in Lucid) [20:09] to shorten the start-time you mean? [20:09] No, the LVM thing is actually a real bug, but mabe the shorter start time does do something [20:10] Karmic had the same problems with NFS: network not up fast enough = blocked boot [20:10] I don't use LVM afaik [20:10] Not enough people do :-) [20:10] I don't really see a point to :) [20:10] Oh, there are many. Even for a desktop system. Snapshots for example. [20:11] <_ruben> resizing and snapshotting are the most common ones [20:11] I don't use either. :) [20:11] LVM is proving very useful. Better perf. for virt. devices as well. [20:12] I just have the drives mounted in separate dirs [20:15] Can someone confirm my suspicion that the upgrade to Lucid changes all LVM fstab entries to mount-by-uuid? [20:16] smoser: can we chat about the EC2 test cases? [20:16] sure [20:17] smoser: I see you started working on them, and already have it pretty much done, sort of [20:17] "sort of" [20:17] :) [20:17] :-) [20:17] when might this be available for karmic or lucid? http://packages.debian.org/sid/linux-image-2.6.32-4-xen-amd64 [20:17] much more than what *I* had, and it is alomost complete [20:19] smoser: I have some Qs: (1) the tests are quite inclusive, but I am unsure on how we report an error on one of them [20:19] for example, would it be a good idea to add the different models explicitly? [20:20] models ? [20:21] the general "test suite" is quite hacky. [20:21] and much of the tests (so far) require me to look at console output. I basically run the test-multi.sh and then 'vi *'. [20:22] which is obviously going to be error prone , but is *considerably* better than launching all that by hand and looking at output one by one. [20:22] yes, I agree. I am trying to arrive at something that can done by (theoretically) anybody [20:22] well, as long as this "anybody" is willing to spend money ;-) [20:24] hggdh, so the stuff that isn't automated, can probably be automated. i collect enough data from each instance. [20:24] (and if not, we can just collect more) [20:25] i'd suggest adding a directory of tests that run maybe after console data had been collected, before termination [20:25] that could do things like verifying the ssh keys are what the console said they should be [20:25] hggdh, its embarrasingly hacky at this point :) [20:26] but it works [20:26] one thing i've wondered, though, is why anyone would *want* to spend money just to run an automated test suite [20:27] smoser: don't ask me... there are always somebody willing (and I really welcome them, BTW) [20:27] well, i understand being interested in finding bugs you care about, or making sure your hardware works. [20:28] but this seems just simply a donation to amazon [20:28] but anyway [20:28] heh [20:31] New bug: #561750 in squid (main) "squid starts and stops immediately (after upgrade from karmic to lucid)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561750 [20:31] smoser: as far as I can see, I agree with you --- one test is enough here [20:31] New bug: #561751 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96+dfsg-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561751 [20:32] smoser: I mean one *tester* [20:42] New bug: #561760 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96 dfsg-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561760 [20:42] New bug: #561761 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96 dfsg-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561761 [21:05] New bug: #561779 in squid (main) "squid is not started on runlevel transition 1 -> 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561779 [21:15] mathiaz: I have added euca-get-console-output to your uec-testing-scripts, can I propose a merge? [21:34] anyone here to help me? [21:35] !ask | airliasdesign [21:35] airliasdesign: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:36] hi all [21:36] I'm looking into possible server OS options for a new website I'm running, and I'm looking to run a clouding setup with Ubuntu as my OS, would it be possible to run 1 instance of Apache with all of my node resources dedicated to that Apache server, then run a MySQL cloud, then a mail cloud and so forth? [21:37] In other words, it would be separate clouds on separate ip addresses and hubs [21:37] I was wondering if there is a list of kvm enhancements/new features/fixes that would cover 8.04LTS -> 10.04LTS ? Other than the fully detailed changelog [21:37] specifically, re: running Windows guests in KVM (Win2008 server) [21:38] nijaba, mathiaz ^ [21:38] is 10.04LTS out yet? [21:38] hi [21:40] airliasdesign: not yet [21:40] thought so [21:40] my 9.10 CDs came in the mail yesterday lol [21:40] I'm going to start a collection [21:40] lmao [21:41] airliasdesign, it is out in beta : http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ [21:42] ahh ok [21:42] anyone know about the clouding question? [21:42] well [21:42] 17 days until 10.04 [21:51] sommer: FYI - Bug #561825 [21:51] Launchpad bug 561825 in ubuntu-docs "Replace dkim-filter in mail filtering section with opendkim" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/561825 [22:02] hey guys [22:02] nevermind [22:02] wrong box [22:11] kirkland, dunno what time it is for you, but those kernels are uploading ... will msg the location [22:11] k [22:18] ok [22:18] I want to replace CentOS with ubuntu [22:18] is there any way to transfer the user's files ? [22:22] ciao ragazzi, ho un problema configurando la posta su un server virtuale tiscali, mi potreste aiutare? [22:23] hello guys..sorry, i didnt see its an english channel.. could someone help me to set up a mail server on a virtual server? [22:27] hi guys anyway i can implement a domain controller with active directory on an ubuntu server.. [22:31] * genii ponders "anyway, I can do something" as opposed to "any way I can do something?" [22:34] Hey guys. I'm setting up a small HA web server scenario right now. In this case only 3 web servers where all requests will be round robin setup between the servers. What I wanted to know is what is a good way to keep the filesystem replicated across all servers that will scale well as the number of web servers grows? [22:36] I was thinking about rsync but that doesn't seem well designed for this. DRBD is a thought I had and have experience with but I'm not sure how well that will work as the numbers grow. I have also never tried DRBD with more then two nodes. I have looked briefly into OpenAFS but don't have experience with it. What do you guys recommend? [22:41] jetole, i would go with DRBD [22:41] jetole, sample setups with new cluster packages can be found in: wiki.ubuntu.com/ClusterStack/LucidTesting [22:42] RoAkSoAx: Thanks for the advice [22:46] RoAkSoAx: I have another question for you. Suppose I want to configure files to be manages by rsync that typically need root access for example /etc/drbd/*. How would I set this up without creating root ssh logins/keys ? [22:47] or is there another way I should manage shared configuration files? [22:47] jetole, you can take a look to csync2 [22:47] Thanks again. googling now [22:47] jetole, http://www.roaksoax.com/2008/06/cluster-sinchronization-tool-csync2 [22:48] awesome! [22:48] RoAkSoAx: reading thatnow [22:49] ;) [23:05] hello [23:07] I'm using opera to do this, is that a mistake? [23:07] hggdh: hi - merges are free - so please go ahead [23:07] I've run into a wall [23:07] hggdh: are you using the test rig for now? [23:07] I tried to install ImageMagick on my Ubuntu Server [23:08] I need to know how to completely remove it [23:09] I tried rm -r and that seems to only work on folders, I'm not sure what I'm aiming at is a folder [23:09] I'm very novice [23:10] is this working? [23:11] Yes [23:11] panamaquono: Also, yes [23:12] wonderful, I wasn't sure I haven't used opera in a while [23:13] I tried to wget a fresh version of it and 'roll out the tarball' and then make, and then 'sudo make uninstall' - that was supposed to do it, [23:13] but it's still shows up if I type ls [23:14] I also believe the actual program to be running [23:14] perhaps I should look for a chat room for that thing? [23:23] does anyone know how I can see whats using the most bandwidth on my network from looking at pcap files? [23:26] what is the be all and end all way of fixing an apt failure? [23:31] mathiaz: no, I am not [23:32] mathiaz: your uec-testing-scripts is under ./+junk, should I just send you the diff? [23:33] hggdh: can't you create a merge proposal? [23:33] what is the be all and end all way of fixing an apt failure? [23:33] hggdh: or push to your +junk/ branch as well [23:36] smoser: are you using the uec test rig? [23:47] Is there a command line path to upgrade 8.04 to 10.4 Beta2? Perhaps a flag for do-release-upgrade? [23:48] -d gave me "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade" [23:49] mathiaz: I will push to my own +junk, I cannot create a merger proposal for +junk branches [23:50] hggdh: ok - that looks good enough [23:50] hggdh: can you subscribe me to your branch? [23:55] mathiaz: done