[16:29] hi stas, around? [16:30] newz2000: yep [16:30] hi [16:30] hey stas, the fb thing looks good [16:30] I just sent you an email, but basically: [16:30] 1. can the images be 180px instead of 200px? [16:30] 2. Do you want to host it where it is now or do you want me to move it into a diff account? [16:31] newz2000: 1. I used the urls you sent me so I didn't change the images, but I would let them as they are [16:31] 2. I don't really care, we can move it anywhere [16:32] stas: some where there is a style setting the width to 200px. :-/ [16:32] as I said, I can place a load balancer in front of a couple of engines, so there wont be downtimes [16:32] newz2000: let me check [16:33] looks like in add.fbml and widget.fbml there are references [16:33] oh, just add.fbml actually [16:34] hmm, shouldn't be there, I removed them [16:34] let me upload the new version [16:36] newz2000: yep, that was wrong, now its better [16:36] stas: cool, so are you OK w/ me promoting this button now, like it is, or would you rather us do something first? [16:36] nope, actually I'm done [16:37] I was waiting for your approval [16:37] I think it's good. I've just added it, but like a newbie I don't know where to even see it [16:37] stas: ^ [16:37] we can submit the app to FB app directory and if its ok we can promote it [16:37] newz2000: there are 3 steps [16:38] when going to app page [16:38] clic on the upper button to add the application [16:38] after it you will have another button in the same place where you can use to place the widget [16:38] click on it [16:38] now you should be on /add page [16:39] choose your favourite widget [16:39] bu clicking use this widget [16:39] and after you'll see add to profile button [16:39] that one is pretty stright telling you what to do [16:39] and it will show you the results [16:39] *should guide you actually [16:40] ah [16:40] got it [16:40] When I add it to my wall I get an error like this: [16:40] I wanted to make it as simple as possible but FB are acutally asking for first 2 steps [16:40] No content to display. [16:40] This box will not be visible to people who view your profile until this application adds content to it. [16:40] newz2000: hmm, let me check [16:40] it works on my boxes tab though [16:42] dunno why it doesnt show, I'll try some modifications [16:42] thanks for your help with this, I've mentioned it to a couple people and they're excited [17:06] newz2000: check it now [17:07] * newz2000 checks [17:07] also should be visible on my profile [17:07] http://www.facebook.com/sushkov [17:07] stas: do I have to remove it and then re-add it? [17:07] you have to visit the /add page to update the content of the box [17:08] just go to /add page and toggle a widget or another as default [17:09] it worked! \o/ [17:09] ooh, fits perfectly in there too [17:10] yay, now pray facebook to not totally deprecate the profile boxes until lucid is launched :D [17:10] yeah [17:10] stas: ok, are you ready for me to publicize it? [17:10] yeah, I'll submit it to FB app directory for review [17:10] after what they should add it to the public directory [17:10] can we add it to the countdown page before that? [17:11] we can actually [17:11] :) [17:11] Do they give us some HTML we can use to add a nice official looking button? [17:11] btw, get some better logo to update the app :) [17:11] newz2000: nope, they just list it in their directory so the people who search can find it [17:11] nothing special [17:12] How do we get one of those "add to facebook" buttons? [17:13] hmm, we can just place a link to the http://apps.facebook.com/ubuntu-countdown-fb/ [17:13] and style it whatever we like [17:13] ok [17:13] newz2000: can you get a better logo with the new brand to put as application logo [17:14] i used the one from wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand [17:14] stas: what dimensions do you need? [17:14] 800x600 maximum [17:14] Do you know what size it is typically shown at? [17:14] let me check [17:15] The image that appears next to your application name throughout Facebook. [17:15] Limit: 16x16 px [17:15] The image that appears in the Application Directory and with your requests. [17:15] Limit: 75x75 px [17:16] and one bigger for http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=115718008445537 [17:16] app page [17:17] oh, yeah. we can do better than that. :-) [17:17] * newz2000 gives it a quick shot [17:18] tell me your fb id, I'll add you as admin so you can play with it [17:18] stas: newz2000 or newz tat bearfruit.org [17:18] at, not tat [17:20] fsck, can't add users as admin until not friends... [17:21] no sweat, I confirmed you. Buddy. ;-) [17:22] check it now should be visible at http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php [17:22] stas: no, not yet [17:22] but I did find an app I started long ago and never finished [17:23] hmm [17:23] newz2000: http://i.imgur.com/hZwg8.png [17:24] dunno why is pending [17:24] I'm going to try to put together some images real quick, so no worry [17:25] np, I'll edit app page [17:32] I triggered the surge supresion on the wiki. [17:37] newz2000: btw, the first smallest image, can you make it a transparent png, it will be used as a favicon too [17:37] ok [18:56] newz2000: check your email [21:08] hmm need 10 users for the app to submit it to directory. enough for today [21:08] newz2000: if there's something else, mail me