=== IdleOne is now known as Rabbinightmare === Rabbinightmare is now known as IdleOne [07:26] good morning [07:27] dholbach, good morning :-) [07:27] hi akgraner === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [21:46] hi [21:48] hi Aiween [21:48] MichelleQ: hey [21:50] hi Pendulum [21:51] Hey there everyone [21:52] MichelleQ: I hadn't even thought to poke you on this, but in case you hadn't seen it and might be interested, http://pendulumtech.wordpress.com/2010/04/11/reviving-the-ubuntu-accessibility-team/ [21:53] Pendulum: I'd absolutely be in on that one [21:53] all you've got to do is shout [21:53] I don't know whether or not I'll be able to make the meeting tomorrow, tho. [21:54] Mike and I've been kicking around the notion of an ubuntu-for-the-elderly - we've nicknamed it "Elderbuntu" in our heads. [22:02] yeah, no worries. I realised that the time probably wasn't great for you [22:11] bye [22:25] MichelleQ: i think there's a monty python joke in there [22:26] your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderbuntus? [22:40] MichelleQ, - my GMA would really like Elderbuntu - its hard to change the settings since she cant see unless it is 800 x600 [22:40] A Qimo-like interface for her would rock! [22:45] MarkDude: better use a higher resolution & change the size of screen elements [22:49] Uh, I tried that - she is so particular about the dimensions. The fonts look slightly different with any other way. Her make or break app was MS solitaire - it *had* to appear *exactly* the way Windows used to- We did make a power-off button that takes up half the screen (it uses visudo to power off) [22:51] even 1024 on the big plasma only works for Facebook for her, [22:52] MarkDude: er....gksudo? [22:53] visudo is for editing /etc/sudoers [22:53] Its cool though - she NOW can read 90% of her email - she could not do that a while ago. No big deal if I have to change res to DO actual stuff to - I just need change back [22:54] maco - I think we tried that at 1st & some part of her hardware would not shut down- There was some cringing when we used visudo [22:54] MarkDude: how on earth are you using visudo to shut down though? [22:54] We tried the testbook ways 1st [22:54] Let me check [22:54] visudo just opens a text editor [22:54] as root [22:54] to the /etc/sudoers file [22:55] and adds some syntax highlighting settings [22:56] My bad - I misread my notes [22:57] sudo shutdown -P now <<<< Rainman on my part [22:58] what is the -P for ? [22:58] /me does not know - [22:58] * valorie just uses sudo halt [22:58] lol [23:00] I need to have it documented better - I want to have a few of these things organized better - it took us a ridiculous amount of time to get the power button. She tends to open windows on accident- and that stops the shutdown [23:05] visudo was used for something before we did that. My handwritten notes are terrible. Good catch maco - now I need to go figure out how this will work for Lucid (or IF) [23:05] -P tells it "and make sure you power off" [23:06] remember how win95 would shut down and then put up text "it is now safe to turn off your computer"? [23:08] Yep - it was not happy without -P [23:09] maco: PCs couldn't be powered of programmatically back then ;) [23:09] off [23:10] i think centos 5.4 in vmware requires -P [23:10] but not other distros [23:11] IIRC there are by now 3 ways to power off a computer programmatically [23:12] and all of them don't work with some hardware ;) [23:13] as is usual for "IBM PC compatible" hardware [23:14] maybe "-P" tries them all :P [23:21] -P was "poweroff" message (ACPI?) [23:21] if my flaky memory doesn't fail