
jhamlin_is there a command line copy program with a progress bar?00:00
asgwZesturian - yup, but what am I looking for?00:00
SuperMiguelSo when i type a command i get something like this: Core 0: +38.0C  (high= +74C, crit= 100C) what can i type just to print the 38?? (note: that 38 can change) so i want to change what ever is next to Core 0: and before (00:00
roark files list file for package `libempathy-common' contains empty filename ............ anyone ? I get this message whenver I try to install something on my machine00:00
BluesKajasgw,  which nvidia card ...shudda asked before00:01
asgwBluesKaj: Geforce 310M00:01
asgwhttp://www.ebuyer.com/product/193900 - this is the machine, if that helps.00:01
amos81jhamlin_: http://clpbar.sourceforge.net/00:01
snoopy_Is there a programs that targets a certain place a repeats the text you input into it?00:01
Dany_>is there a programs00:02
ZesturianAnything that might give an indication to what is going wrong00:02
bribroderroark, did you try removing the package?00:02
roarkbribroder: remove and reinstall?00:03
asgwIt took quite a bit of work to get the nvidia driver working correctly - just got a blank screen at first. Had to edit xorg.conf and manually specify an EDID file I dumped from Windows - now the primary monitor (the laptop's TFT) is working fine.00:03
asgwWould really like to get this working, but not having a second screen is a deal breaker really...00:03
Dany_ 00:03
bribroderroark, if you insist on using empathy, sure, reinstall :p00:04
roarkbirbroder: it gives me same error when i try to remove that package using sudo apt-get remove <package>00:04
asgwit must be possible though - it works fine when I boot using the livecd.00:04
roarkno i dont want to00:04
SpaceCowboy40404does anyone know if there is an application for ubuntu that is compatible with PDAnet, used to tether a droid?00:04
roarkbridroder: i dont even knw what that package does00:04
bribroderroark, try sudo apt-get -f --reinstall install -y <Package>00:05
linuxbbasjoin #ubuntu-qc00:05
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mattorrehello, i have installed ubuntu beta 10.400:06
bribroderroark, I think it's just a library for Empathy00:06
xangua!lucid > mattorre00:06
ubottumattorre, please see my private message00:06
bribroder!lucid | mattorre00:06
ubottumattorre: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:06
bribroder /highfive xangua00:06
asgwZesturian: Any idea? After this I still gotta get sound and wifi working...00:06
mattorreand iI want to activate the extra appearance with a mobility radeon x160000:06
xanguabribroder: ¿¿¿00:07
mattorrethe visual effects extra00:07
roarkbribroder: I tried removing and reinstalling libempath now it says libgtk2.0-cil has empty files00:07
roarkbribroder; all this started after i converted my ext3 to ext400:07
Zesturianasgw, try editing the xorg.conf manually, have you screen vertical and horizontal refresh rates to hand for it?00:08
bribroderroark, try doing "sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get clean"00:08
roarkbribroder: tried that before00:09
roarkdidnt work00:09
asgwZesturian: Nope, but there are two different monitors I'll be plugging it into - one at work and one at home...00:09
asgwI'd very much like it if I could just plug in the monitor and it would just "work".00:09
=== david is now known as Guest88204
elkinc2000I Have a GForce 7300LE video card when i am trying to install ubuntu the installer shows me a message "mount: mounting /dev/sr0 on /cdrom failed: Invalid argument", but when  disable the GForce 7300LE and connect the monitor in the integrated video card the installer works fine00:10
roarkbribroder: anything that has to do with apt ends with same error saying files list for <package> is empy00:10
DesagasI'm having something called "aqua_4.16_i686-pc-linux-gnu__mt" stealing all my CPU %, what is it and how do I kill it?00:10
Zesturianasgw, try the drivers off of nvidia's website00:10
mattorreanybody can help me?00:10
SpaceCowboy40404is antivirus protection really needed for ubuntu?00:11
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: now00:11
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: no *00:11
xanguaSpaceCowboy40404: only if you have much contact with windows00:11
Zesturianasgw, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=2118873&postcount=22 just had a quick google, that comes up.00:11
SpaceCowboy40404no contact with windows other than pictures and movies carried over form my phone00:11
SpaceCowboy40404so I shouldn't worry?00:12
asgwZesturian: Yes, I did that, I had to do that just to get my primary monitor working on nvidia's driver.00:12
hunahpuSpaceCowboy40404: use of AntiVirus software in Linux is used to protect windows users only (imo)00:12
asgw(It took quite a bit of work to get the nvidia driver working correctly - just got a blank screen at first. Had to edit xorg.conf and manually specify an EDID file I dumped from Windows - now the primary monitor (the laptop's TFT) is working fine.)00:12
SpaceCowboy40404whats that mean?00:12
Sebohi me again, this time i get this when i try to install the graphic drivers: SystemError: installArchives() failed00:12
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: it's also useful if you're running mail serv00:12
Zesturianasgw, what's your xorg.conf at the moment?00:12
asgwI'll pastebin it, one sec.00:13
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: it means that viruses are not a problem for linux box but antivirus soft still stops spreading of them00:13
jMylesdbrav: Is colortail in the karmic repo?00:13
hunahpuSpaceCowboy40404: for example, if you download a file "infected" with a virus, it won't do anything to you but it may do unwanted stuff to a windows computer that got the file from you00:13
BlaDe^How do I make my own panel item ?00:13
BlaDe^Basically by executing a few ssh commands I can change the song on my iPhone - I want pause/play/next/prev buttons in my panel00:13
SpaceCowboy40404ahh ok thanks00:13
BlaDe^I have it all working in terminal, what's the best way to get it into my panel? I know some C++ but never worked with qt00:14
SpaceCowboy40404back to spamming for help for tethering my phone...00:14
hunahpuSpaceCowboy40404: I personally believe an antivirus program in Linux is as useful as an ice cube in a volcano.00:14
bribroderroark, i'm afraid i don't really know much about this one... if it takes more than an hour, i00:14
SpaceCowboy40404does anyone know if there is an application for ubuntu that is compatible with PDAnet, used to tether a droid?00:14
bribroder...usually BFR00:15
Desagasrecently got a handful of stuff from a handful of "Things to get with Ubuntu!" threads, after restart i've got something called "aqua_4.16_i686-pc-linux-gnu__mt" using up all my CPU%, what is it and how do I kill it? Anyone able to help?00:15
pdg1alright nerds and geeks alike... i need some help00:16
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: what droid?00:16
asgwZesturian: http://pastebin.com/s9saVSTU00:16
elkinc2000I Have a GForce 7300LE video card when i am trying to install ubuntu the installer shows me a message "mount: mounting /dev/sr0 on /cdrom failed: Invalid argument", but when  disable the GForce 7300LE and connect the monitor in the integrated video card the installer works fine, can somebody help me with this problem?00:16
pdg1i'm looking for a good mp3/video player that isn't an ipod... any suggestions?00:16
SpaceCowboy40404htc eris00:16
Desagaspdgl Try Sansa, tons of cheap ones around and mine lasted a while.00:17
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: http://alldroid.org/threads/14014-How-to-tether-droid-in-Debian-Ubuntu00:17
hunahpuelkinc2000: you probably need to manually disable the integrated video card from your mobo bios00:17
pdg1Desagas, i'm looking for something a little more advanced i think :P maybe with wifi... i was looking at the N800 but i can't find anything00:17
SpaceCowboy40404amos81 is awesome...00:18
SpaceCowboy40404thanks man00:18
Desagaspdgl then you're going past anything i'll know about. iPhone here00:18
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: np00:18
asgwZesturian: I don't think the laptop is aware of the monitor connected via VGA at all...00:19
=== etamtar is now known as Toci
pdg1Desagas, Ive heard that ipod touches and iphones have a hard time without itunes... how do you use yours?00:19
Zesturianasgw, there's no function key that enables it is there?00:19
SpaceCowboy40404one other question about viruses: do i need to be using no script and adblock with firefox to prevent malware and adware?00:19
SpaceCowboy40404in windows it helps some, but nore about ubuntu00:19
asgwYes, the laptop monitor goes blank for a second, and then resumes, the secondary screen still says 'no signal' though.00:19
Zesturianasgw, all I can suggest is writing a xorg.conf with the relevant sections and try that. What sort of monitor is it, crt or lcd?00:20
sixofouris there any way to stop a laptop from overheating, such as having it go into a low process mode or something when it gets too hot? when ever i watch movies, make them, watch youtube, or play mp3s for extended periods of time it gets hot and shutsdown...00:20
Desagaspdgl: I used iTunes for the longest time, but to be honest I don't use much music on it. Then I jailbroke it and didn't trust myself using iTunes and left it. Since then i've just not listened to much music outside the house00:20
asgwit's a Samsung SyncMaster 2232bw. TFT.00:20
zvacetI installed pacpl from synaptic and want to integrate it to amarok how can I do that00:20
sixofourwell, my question just got washed away lol00:20
xanguaSpaceCowboy40404: adlock plus is only to block adds :S00:21
asgwAh, I hadn't thought that it could be the particular monitor giving problems - http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=xorg+Samsung+SyncMaster+2232bw&meta=00:21
amos81SpaceCowboy40404: u dont have to use adblock but it's really usefull00:21
Desagasdoes anyone know what aqua_4.16_i686-pc-linux-gnu__mt is?00:21
SpaceCowboy40404what about no script?00:22
hunahpuSpaceCowboy40404: I edit my hosts file to block most ads from all Internet-apps; google for "hosts.txt" and you'll get a good list of bad sites00:22
Desagasanytime I kill the process it just comes back00:22
ardchoillehunahpu: may I pm you00:22
hunahpuardchoille: sure00:23
dos123and google's secret servers are in the list00:23
sixofouris there any way to stop a laptop from overheating, such as having it go into a low process mode or something when it gets too hot? when ever i watch movies, make them, watch youtube, or play mp3s for extended periods of time it gets hot and shutsdown...00:24
sixofouralso, could using the rt-kernal make it overheat?00:24
sixofourbecause i do use the rt00:24
geniisixofour: Physically cleaning the crud from the inside of it might help00:24
xanguasixofour: do you use ubuntu studio¿¿00:24
sixofouri use vanilla ubuntu, but i addd the rt kernal myself [to use flstudio in wine]00:25
sixofouryou mean taker the back off the laptop and clean it genii?00:25
geniisixofour: The -rt kernel definitely doesn't help00:25
sixofourit sure did help00:25
SuperMiguelok if i type this: sensors -u | grep -w 'temp1_input' | tail -1 i get: temp1_input: 38.00 how can i remove the "temp1_input" for it to only print the 38.00 ??00:26
pdg1Desagas, aqua makes it sound like a mac theme00:26
sixofourflstudio went from busted unable to produce sound and poppy..to smooth..lol00:26
geniisixofour: Yes, use something like an old toothbrush and a vacuum piece with a small attachment like drapes cleaner00:26
Desagaspdgl I have no idea, I installed a handful of stuff from "Cool Ubuntu things" threads00:26
DesagasI have a feeling I shouldn't of00:26
geniisixofour: I mean the -rt kernel doesn't help with keeping the cpu cool :)00:26
sixofourbut does the rt kernal make the cpu hotter?00:26
bashdudeI don't know what you are talking about, dude.00:26
h4fwhere can I download vmlinuz-2.6.31-17-generic00:26
bashdudeI don't know what you are talking about, dude.00:26
sixofourwhen watching a youtube video it jumps from 48c to about 62c, then rises a degree every 10 minutes or so00:27
bashdudeI don't know what you are talking about, dude.00:27
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.00:27
pdg1Desagas, like... from the ubuntu forum?00:27
geniiidoru: Thanks00:27
Zesturianasgw, not sure if this will help, but give it a whirl: http://pastebin.com/rBT0qLxN00:28
sixofourso you went to random sites on the net and downlaoded packages and installed them?00:28
pdg1Desagas, no... like from the official ubuntu forum?00:28
asgwZesturian: awesome - thank you - will try it now.00:28
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* kost{a}s_thess is away: Gone away for now00:28
geniisixofour: Is it an integrated nvidia card of some sort? They often have fan control issues00:29
sixofouri'ma go clean my laptop see what happens00:29
DesagasPretty much random sites, yes, but none questionable in the view of virus ridden types.00:29
sixofourit is genii00:29
sixofourbut just as a note00:29
und3rgr0undz3r0I have a Dell Studio 1537 laptop, and the cam doesnt work, suggestions?00:29
sixofouri installed ubuntu with kde a month ago, watched on average 2 dvds a day for a few weeks, never overheated once00:29
xangua!webcam | und3rgr0undz3r000:29
ubottuund3rgr0undz3r0: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:29
sixofouri tried windows, networking didn't work, so went back to ubuntu with gnome, now the laptop overheats00:30
pdg1Desagas, yeah, I'm sure none of these things are actually harmful...00:30
pdg1Desagas, any idea which forum it could have come from?00:30
geniisixofour: My best guess is under normal use with usual kernel scheduling it doesn't overheat but kernel scheduling on -rt maybe killing it00:30
sixofournot sure if it matters, but the laptop is in use and on about oh... from 8am to 11pm00:30
sixofourevery day..lol00:31
Desagaspdgl to be quite honest, no, I couldn't tell you from the top of my head. But I think it was when I was looking over a handful of wallpaper/design your own theme sort of things00:31
sixofourso you think i should first try a normal kernal and see if it overheats?00:31
asgwZesturian: Okay, just pasted that, and did a 'service gdm restart' - now primary monitor is blank.00:31
sixofourps. it doesn't overheat when making music100:31
Declinationgenii: the kernel scheduler shouldn't make that much of a difference00:31
asgwWill restart in text-only mode and restore my xorg.conf.00:31
Zesturianasgw, Control - Alt F200:32
pdg1Desagas, yeah, because aqua is def the name for the mac OSX theme00:32
ZesturianControl Alt F7 to get x back00:32
asgwZesturian = as a side effect of the EDID 'hack' ctrl+alt+functions don't work.00:32
Zesturianasgw, before you do it, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:32
ZesturianOuch :p00:32
Desagasfound it00:32
asgwThey are just blank, even when the primary monitor is working.00:32
geniiDeclination: As i understand the usual is tickless00:33
Desagaspdgl: it was the stupid BOINC folding@home project00:33
jMylesIs there a way to invoke a system beep every time superuser access is granted?00:33
asgwyup, have been messing around with this all day.00:33
sixofourhow do i get back to the kernal selection screen before boot?00:33
ironfoot495Hello everyone I have a problem with my server I have had xubuntu installed but now I canonly get the terminal. Is there a way to return the graphic login screen?00:33
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: try modprove -v uvcvideo00:33
und3rgr0undz3r0so basically my cam just might never work in Ubuntu?00:33
asgwAnd still gotta fix my wifi and sound after this...00:33
Desagaspdgl, it was just using all my CPU because I told it to earlier when I was afk00:33
sixofourbut i used rt kernal in kde i believe also00:33
macopdg1: i thought aqua was the whole window manager in osx00:33
zvacetwill somebody give me a hand00:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:33
asgw(I don't hold much hope for the gesture based touchpad to work either.)00:33
ironfoot495and desktop!!00:33
und3rgr0undz3r0thanks asmos91, i will brb00:33
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: it works in ubuntu look http://www.linlap.com/wiki/dell+studio+1500:33
pdg1maco, whatever :P could be... lol00:33
elkinc2000hunahpu: thanks, i restore the defaults settings in the BIOS and the installer works00:33
xangua!somebody > zvacet00:33
ubottuzvacet, please see my private message00:33
asgwI might have to end up going back to Windows 7... sigh00:34
ChaorainHey I just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and now my sound card is no longer detected. Help?00:34
hunahpuelkinc2000: I'm glad it worked00:34
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81, i got this: und3rgr0undz3r0@Anna:~$ modprove -v uvcvideo00:34
und3rgr0undz3r0No command 'modprove' found, did you mean:00:34
und3rgr0undz3r0 Command 'modprobe' from package 'module-init-tools' (main)00:34
und3rgr0undz3r0modprove: command not found00:34
FloodBot3und3rgr0undz3r0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:34
pdg1Desagas, so i gather all is under control now00:35
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: try modprobe -v uvcvideo *00:35
Desagaspdgl yes, thank you for your help00:35
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: modprobe not modprove00:35
Desagaspdgl perhaps you can help with something else. On my toolbar i've got, what I think are called, virtual desktops? Where you can click along to seperate screens00:35
pdg1Desagas, don't think i did anything but... you're welcome00:35
Desagaspdgl but they're not working00:35
rtsluI need assistance with my PSAD install.. how do I go about requesting that?00:36
ddrjsup guys, what's a good torrent client to get if you're on multiple private trackers ?00:36
pdg1Desagas, @ all? or do you just not have anything in those virtual desktops?00:36
amos81ddrj: vuze ?00:36
Desagaspdgl I can't click across to them, I can't scroll across to them, it looks like i've got something on one of them but I can't get to it00:36
Desagaspdgl its like they're not there00:37
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 http://pastebin.com/2Y5g0mDS00:37
ChaorainI think I need to do something with modprobe to get Ubuntu to detect my soundcard00:37
hunahpuddrj: I use Deluge, it works great00:37
th3Xfagtrneed a suggestion: what is the Ubuntu (linux) equivalent to iTunes? (i like internet radio)00:37
foul_owlgood open source 3d modeler as close as possible to rhino3d?00:37
ddrjty guys, checking00:37
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sixofourhow do i get back to the kernal selection screen before boot?00:37
mermath3Xfagtr, use banshee00:37
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: need to be root try sudo modprobe -v uvcvideo00:37
Zesturianasgw, not quite sure what to suggest, I should get off to bed now though, sorry I couldn't help. I notice you're from the UK too considering you're buying from ebuyer, so you know the time.00:37
Chaorainfoul_owl: checkout Blender, I'm not familiar with Rihno3d though00:37
DarthPuffdoes ubuntu automatically clean out its archives after installs00:38
th3Xfagtrok.. is that in the repository?00:38
DarthPuffor do i have to do that manually?00:38
geniisixofour: With grub 1, ESC key, with grub2, shift key00:38
mermath3Xfagtr, yep00:38
hunahputh3Xfagtr: Rhythmbox is similar to iTunes, is already installed in your Ubuntu system; other options are Banshee, Amarok and Songbird (which looks just like iTunes)00:38
foul_owli do like blender00:38
foul_owlbut any other options?00:38
sixofourjust mash the shift or esc key?00:38
geniisixofour: Hold it down when Grub load starts, yeah00:38
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 http://pastebin.com/tWAGk60h00:38
sixofourok, well, i'll be back00:39
pdg1Desagas, hmmm... doesn't help that i'm not on a buntu machine right now... but lemme see what i can find for you00:39
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: ur cam should work now00:39
Desagaspdgl thank you, I appreciate it, I can't seem to find anything to help00:39
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 brb lemme try this out00:39
asgwZesturian: Yup, I should go to bed...00:39
rtsluI need assistance with my PSAD install.. could someone PM me to assist **Error** Starting Port Scan Attack Detector: psad [*] Could not find mail, edit /etc/psad/psad.conf at /usr/sbin/psad line 9566.00:39
asgwThanks for the help.00:39
asgwI don't like giving up on problems though.00:39
asgwSo am going to continue trying to get the damn second display to work.00:40
ZesturianNo problem, likewise, bit tricky without hands on, might be worth a bug report if you can isolate it.00:40
ZesturianAre you sure it wasn't using 'vesa' when you used live cd?00:40
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 both skype and facebook still don't see the cam00:40
pdg1Desagas, I'm assuming 9.1000:41
Desagaspdgl Yep00:41
ZesturianTry the xorg.conf.failsafe, you might find it clones it then00:41
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: have you checked the webcam options in skype?00:42
SuperMiguelwhen you add a start up program using the startup aplications preferences is there a way to make it so the startup program will be ran as root?00:42
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 yes it doesnt show me any options for a cam00:42
pdg1Desagas, gnome? not fluxbox, kde, xfce, etc... ?00:42
asgwZesturian: It was using whatever was default, I guess.00:42
Desagaspdgl Uhh, I have no idea to be honest, how do I tell?00:42
asgwCertainly it wasn't nvidia though.00:42
sixofourok, using the generic kernal now...lets see what can i test this out on00:42
hunahpuSuperMiguel: not unless you log in as root00:42
fabiobikhello im using slitaz in startx how to run terminal?00:43
fabiobikanyone know?00:43
Zesturianasgw, yeah, that would be vesa, that's likely to clone, try the failsafe (backup your current one though), see if that does what you experienced in live cd00:43
xanguathis is #ubuntu, not #slitaz fabiobik00:43
SuperMiguelhunahpu, is there a way to start something as root?00:43
sixofourusualy when i tried to render an mpeg2 in kdenlive, my laptop would die in about oh 15 minutes00:43
fabiobikxangua i can read00:43
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: there is an option called video in skype00:43
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: you can select and try your cam there00:43
pdg1Desagas, well if you just installed ubuntu and not Kubuntu and not Xubuntu... safe to say you've got gnome... changing guis isn't something you can do by accident00:43
5EXAANIBGhello all.   Would like to know where I might find the config for ubuntu 9.x's fiile sharing (smb.conf?). Have already looked for smb.conf but the only one I find starts with a comment saying it is a sample.00:44
fabiobikxangua the problem is dont have someone to help there00:44
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 yes it dosesnt show my cam in the selection.00:44
Desagaspdgl, then I can safely assume i'm using Gnome00:44
hunahpuSuperMiguel: yeah press Alt+F2 and type "gksu <yourgraphicprogram>" or "sudo <nongraphicprogram>"; you can also launch them from command line of course.00:44
pdg1Desagas, unless you're really talented in having accidents00:44
asgwIt was better than mirrored I think, they were initially mirrored, but via the display preferences managed to enable separate outputs.00:44
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 there is no cams to select there00:44
xanguafabiobik: those are the rules ;) sorry :(00:44
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: paste output of lsusb00:44
webmoratoola tenho duvidas de como instalar impressora epson tx21000:44
sixofourgenii yeah when rendering a movie my laptop just jumped from 50c to about 75c and rising00:44
SuperMiguelhunahpu, is an startup script...00:44
sixofournow its 77c00:44
asgwwill try the failsafe now, I think I tried it before, but didn't seem to work... brb00:44
Desagaspdgl, I've gotten myself into some amazingly complicated problems before but usually remember how. With this one I don't think i've changed that heh00:45
amos81!es |webmorato00:45
ubottuwebmorato: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:45
asgwokay, have replaced the file, it's restarting...00:45
=== 5EXAANIBG is now known as mustangg
fatimahola, me he comprado una netbook con 1gb de ram y quiero instalar ubuntu netbook remix en una memory card de 8gb, pero ya lo hice sin swap y me iba bastante lento... debería crear swap? y si sí, de cuanto tendría que hacerla?00:45
xanguaamos81: that's not spanish :S00:45
xangua!pt | webmorato00:46
ubottuwebmorato: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:46
hunahpuSuperMiguel: as I said before, not unless you log in as root; if you include a reasonable "sleep" time you may be able to launch it, but it will ask for your super-user password00:46
nomnexcan someone help with the lucid ambience radiance them in the lucid beta2? what do I need to change the round icon to the simple windows icons (e.g. Dust theme)00:46
amos81xangua: *00:46
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 http://pastebin.com/1mKU9Uqy00:46
xangua!es | fatima00:46
ubottufatima: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:46
hunahpunomnex: try at #ubuntu+100:46
asgwZesturian: okay, no signal on the analog/vga secondary monitor00:46
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: paste output of lspci00:46
nomnexhunahpu, will do thanks00:46
webmoratook obrigado00:46
asgwthe primary one is working, but without 3d support00:46
sixofourgenii someone suggested i lower the clock speed,.... would that help?00:46
Zesturianstrange asgw, well the obvious answer might be to copy the xorg.conf from the live disc and give that a whirl.00:47
amos81xangua: how can u see a difference00:47
asgwheh, I did that too00:47
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 http://pastebin.com/vPbC5FPQ00:47
geniisixofour: Possibly, yes. Apologies on lag, I have many distractions right now.00:48
mustanggmuch better.  When I share a folder in gnome it seems to default to the windows "workgroup". That's samba right? Is there a way to manage the way samba behaves?00:48
sixofourgenii np, any idea how i can do that?00:48
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: r u sure the webcam's working ?00:49
asgwZesturian - http://pastebin.com/bXrdiJii - that's from the livecd00:49
sixofourgenii this person gave me a few terminal commands and told me to reboot, but i didn't do them00:49
und3rgr0undz3r0yeah, it worked just fine in XP 2 days ago00:49
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 yeah it worked in XP 2 days ago00:49
asgwpretty minimal...00:49
ZesturianI was just going to say that, yeah.00:49
asgwI'm not sure that the actual hardware is being detected though, is there a way to check this?00:50
geniisixofour: There's a fairly comprehensive tutorial on cpu scaling here: http://www.go2linux.org/how-to-configure-cpufreqd00:50
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: dont know then try http://www.linlap.com/wiki/dell+studio+1500:50
und3rgr0undz3r0I will00:50
pdg1Desagas, okay i found a little something...00:50
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: sorry tried my best00:50
Desagaspdgl, Do tell, i've not found anything helpful00:50
pdg1Desagas, if you look here it shows some shortcuts https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts00:50
amos81und3rgr0undz3r0: should work with uvcvideo module maybe this will point u somewhere00:51
Zesturianasgw, what does xrandr -q report?00:51
pdg1Desagas, the ones for moving from workspace to workspace are ctrl + alt + left or right00:51
Desagaspdgl It doesn't do anything00:51
Chazzwhere does ubuntu store whatever tells GTK how it looks?00:51
asgwthat it cannot detect anything00:51
asgwbut it says the same via the livecd too00:52
xanguaChazz: .themes /usr/share/themes00:52
ZesturianSorry, yeah you'll need to enable xrandr first00:52
Chazzxand, ty00:52
Desagaspdgl i've also tried removing the virtual desktops and putting them back on00:52
Chazzxangua, * ty00:52
pdg1Desagas, i also found this page http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/stable/overview-workspaces.html.en00:53
Zesturianasgw, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2 -- I really have to go, 7am start00:53
asgwZesturian: enable it how?00:53
keenandont know where to tell people this. but i just bought the Gateway 2104u netbook. Installed 10.04 everything works great right out of the box except you need to uninstall pulse audio and install ALSA Mixer. After that your mic will work including skype. Except that no changes neccessary. function keys, sleep, hibernate, all work.00:53
asgwokay, no worries, thanks for the help.00:53
ZesturianNo problem, good luck.00:53
asgwoh hey, it works00:54
asgwusing the livecd's config00:54
pdg1Desagas, if you open a program ( gedit or something)00:54
asgwjust no 3d support00:54
asgwi bet i can add that back in now though...00:54
Desagaspdgl, what would you like me to do in it?00:54
keenanif someone can put the Gateway 2104u netbook up on tier 1 that would be swell00:55
pdg1Desagas, and then you right click the top panel of that programs window... does it show something like " move to" and from there you can select workspace right/left?00:55
Desagaspdgl, yep, that moved it to the right workspace when I told it to00:55
pdg1Desagas, now... i'm guessing you can see it in the little workspace window thing down at the bottom?00:56
Desagaspdgl, I can, I can see theres a box in there but clicking on it doesn't move me to that workspace00:57
Desagaspdgl, but yes, its there00:57
pdg1Desagas, can you alt+tab to it?00:57
Desagaspdgl, its only giving me the option to alt-tab to things in this workspace00:57
zvacetI have problem adding pacpl in amarok can anybody help me with this00:57
craniumslowsDo they have multiple workspaces defined?00:57
pdg1Desagas, poop...00:58
Desagaspdgl, indeed00:58
pdg1craniumslows, multiple workspaces?00:58
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craniumslowspdg1, like you didnt redifine your preferences to have only 1 row and 1 column did you?00:59
craniumslowspdg1, i know its a silly question but some times people do that00:59
Desagascraniumslow not sure exactly what you're asking?00:59
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 I have no idea where i'm going wrong with this00:59
und3rgr0undz3r0asmos81 is there a way to get webcams working in a VM?01:00
craniumslowsIn the Workplace Switcher Preferences you can define a number of columns and rows. If you defined both to 1 then you wouldn't have anything to switch to01:00
Desagassays 5 Columns and 1 row, how I normally have it01:00
stopsignund3rgr0undz3r0: just plug it in before u start the vm01:00
Desagasits like they exist and work but I just can't get to them01:01
und3rgr0undz3r0stopsign its integrated in my laptop01:01
stopsignit should show uo as a usb devise01:01
mustanggwhere does the correct smb.conf live in an install of jaunty, when file/folder sharing is enabled...?01:01
pdg1craniumslows, yeah, i didn't do anything... it's Desagas01:01
jribmustangg: /etc/samba/smb.conf probably01:01
stopsignyou using virtual box?01:02
und3rgr0undz3r0stopsign, yes, but im thinking about switching to VMware01:02
Desagascraniumslows, hes right. Its my stuff not working. Still got no idea what I did either which is worse01:02
ZykoticK9und3rgr0undz3r0, specifically are you using the VirtualBox direct from Oracle or the one from the Ubuntu repo?01:02
stopsignlook under your usb settings01:02
Desagascould Ubuntu Tweak mess with it?01:02
djbeenie_ok whats up with firefox 3.6..it keeps freezing on me01:03
stopsignyou need the non-free version for usb support01:03
craniumslowsDesagas, can you send apps to different workspaces / move to diff spaces with ctrl+alt+up arrow?01:03
mustanggjrib - got one copy there, but also a few interesting ones in /usr/share/samba as well.  ie: smb.conf, smb.conf.gutsy01:03
jribmustangg: I don't know what those do, but what you want to edit is definitely the one in /etc/01:04
und3rgr0undz3r0stopsign, where can I get the non-free version?01:04
Desagascraniumslows, I can send open windows across to left/right workspace but can't get to those workspaces in anyway. ctrl+alt+up/left/right doesn't do anything01:04
stopsignhold on a sec01:04
ZykoticK9und3rgr0undz3r0, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads01:04
craniumslowsDesagas, do you have Compiz/Fusion kicking?01:04
Desagascraniumslows, Compiz I believe01:05
mustanggjrib - thanks.01:05
stopsignund3rgr0undz3r0: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads01:05
supermatt1000i have my computer set up with twin veiw and they seam indepentint from one another but when i go to run a program on the other monitor its on both monitors and i only want it full screen on the one01:05
craniumslowsDesagas, have you been mucking about with those settings lately? CompizConfig settings manager?01:05
Desagascraniumslows, ...maybe01:05
Desagascraniumslows, I have a feeling this'll be another case of "I messed with something I shouldn't of" again01:06
und3rgr0undz3r0thanks yo01:06
djbeenie_can someone help me with firefox, I cant do any searching because it keeps freezing on me01:06
craniumslowsDesagas, Something I've learned over time is that it's usually easier to fix something broken than to go nuclear and reinstall01:06
craniumslowsI <3 Links when firefox poops on my head01:06
craniumslowsDesagas, If you messed around with the key bindings you might have overridden somet hings is this problem consistent across reboot?01:07
Desagascraniumslows, i'm not a reinstall type of guy so that works out, I can't find any options in compizconfig that would mess with it that I know about. I know I didn't mess with keybindings01:07
djbeenie_is there a better browser to work with in ubuntu...i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, uninstalled all plugins, but still keep having freezes01:08
craniumslowsDesagas, do you have the cube setup??01:08
Chaoraincan someone tell me how to use modprobe to get my sound card back?01:08
Desagascraniumslows, Uh, I want to say no? But honestly not sure what you're talking about01:08
craniumslowsdjbeenie_, you can try alot of diff ones epiphany works for me01:08
xangua!better > djbeenie_01:08
ubottudjbeenie_, please see my private message01:08
xangua!browser | djbeenie_01:08
ubottudjbeenie_: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)01:08
xanguaand also chromium and opera ;)01:09
xanguammm midori doesn't appear either01:09
craniumslowsDesagas, Under desktop there is "Desktop Cube" and "Rotate Cube" these are common but not always on01:09
CornwallMidori is a good little browser :)01:10
Desagascraniumslows, neither option is checked01:10
craniumslowsDesagas, alrighty then lets sit on our thinking buckets01:10
djbeenie_how can i roll back the latest firefox patch..it was working fire before this morning patch01:10
Desagascraniumslows, sounds good01:11
=== lilbeanski is now known as lucretiaX
djbeenie_heck i cant even search on installing opera...01:11
fiberhello.... I was wondering if there was an easy way to start a script every time a CD is inserted into the drive (and I want this to run even if no user is logged in)01:12
frodoWhat is the best/easiest way to share files between Ubuntu machines?  NFS? SSH?  Is there a way to map a remote directory to look like a drive like you can do in Windows?  Thanks.01:12
jiohdifrodo: dropbox01:12
xanguadjbeenie_: you can install opera from the repositories i believe01:12
craniumslowsfrodo, you could also right click and just say share01:12
craniumslowsfrodo, in nautilus that is01:13
asgwfrodo - 'ubuntu one'01:13
asgwor samba01:13
fiberfrodo: if many people are on the network, sftp.... if not use NFS or SAMBA.... you can view people on the network with places->network and open a share with places->connect to server (i'm on 9.04)01:13
craniumslowsDesagas, ok so the forums pretty much have people having the same "problem" but the solutions are all over the place01:13
jiohdidropbox seems to work better than ubuntu one and works on windows too01:13
Desagascraniumslows, so start with the easiest and move forward from there?01:13
craniumslowsDesagas, Do you have an accelerated 3d graphics card?01:14
chibihogoshinohow would i go back to a older kernel version if the new one wont let me boot ?01:14
craniumslowschibihogoshino, did you custom compile?01:14
jiohdichibihogoshino: on start up you usually have the option to boot into the older kernels if they are still there01:15
Desagascraniumslows, i'm not sure. Nvidia GeForce 8600 GTS01:15
craniumslowswhat jiohdi said01:15
chibihogoshinoyeah.. i dont have any options when booting01:15
craniumslowsDesagas, yeah you should be fine01:15
Desagascraniumslows and if it helps, it was working earlier today. Just stopped working after a reset01:15
craniumslowsDesagas, I'd say turning on the desktop cube and the rotate cube options and seeing you can switch using the compiz manager01:15
craniumslowsDesagas, also once you get compiz "just right" might want to backup that file somewhere01:16
chibihogoshinoi know your supposed to hit esc to get the menu but it goes strait to booting up and hags with the usb detection .. tho if i pull a usb dev out it sees it and comes up with the removal message01:17
Desagascraniumslows, its working now, I can even click across like before01:17
Desagascraniumslows I enabled "Desktop Cube" and its working01:17
craniumslowschibihogoshino, you might boot from live cd and then mount your hard drive and move the bad kernel out and put the new one in01:17
Desagascraniumslows, Thank you! This is working as nicely as I could want it to01:17
craniumslowsDesagas, W00T01:17
craniumslowsDesagas, I'm glad to help01:17
Desagascraniumslows, Your help is appreciated a lot01:17
craniumslowsI've been having fun helping out here in #ubuntu :)01:17
martianIs there a way to set a command alias so that it is active only in a particular directory? I want 'ls' to sort by date in a few specific diectories by default if possible.01:17
poi77Hi! I need help using python setuptools. I installed something but now I need to uninstall it. How can this be done?01:18
craniumslowsmartian, you typically make an alias with a diff name you dont want to over-wright the original utility01:18
craniumslowsmartian, you might make an lst or a lt alias maybe ? then just call when ready01:18
chibihogoshinocraniumslows, i tryed that.. the new kernel is the bad one .. and when i boot from when i did that it comes up with the blue screen debien error where it has you need to load the kernel first .. press enter01:18
craniumslowschibihogoshino, do you know the location of the "good" kernel01:19
chibihogoshinocraniumslows, yeah.. its in the same dir as the other one01:19
craniumslowschibihogoshino, IIRC you should be able to just issue the command boot /dev/slice/kernel01:20
craniumslowschibihogoshino, let me check01:20
martiancraniumslows: yeah, I suppose that makes sense... just though it would be an interesting practice if it was possible :)01:20
cheakoHello, I have a problem getting Nautilus to ignore my BluRay drive,01:20
craniumslowsmartian, you *could write a script that ran pwd first and then had it take action depending but thats kind of sloppy01:21
cheakocheako@overrun:/wine$ lsof /dev/sr001:21
cheakonautilus 4095 cheako   60u   BLK   11,0      0t0 2536 /dev/sr001:21
FloodBot3cheako: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:21
chibihogoshinocraniumslows, from a live cd ?01:21
craniumslowschibihogoshino, You "should" be able to tell the loader where your kernel is but if you boot from live ccd you can just mount the drive and go move the file01:22
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Ignore a drive? Most peple complain they dont work. What are you trying to do?01:22
ta_how can I access a network drive? I have a domain with host monster and the instructions say that I only need to type "https://yourdomain.com:2078" but when I do it, there is an error message "Access was denied"01:22
chibihogoshinocraniumslows, how will grub know that to use the older kernel ?01:22
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: There a numerous problems.  If I could fix even one it would be progress.01:23
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: The tray closes if it's open.01:23
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Im not sure what disabling a cd/dvd drive has to do with.01:23
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: This indecates a deeper problem that something is hammering the drive.01:23
craniumslowschibihogoshino, If you have grub setup then you dont need to go through all these hoops man01:23
LinuxGuy2009cheako:Do you have a more rooted problem that caused you to ask such a question?01:24
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: disabling?  Your word, not mine.01:24
craniumslowsta_, Where are you trying to access this drive from?01:24
chibihogoshinocraniumslows, aaa  so it should auto detect the other images ?01:24
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Im offering help in other words.01:24
craniumslowschibihogoshino, you should be able to press esc or shift while its booting up to get the grub menu01:24
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: It's a change of subject.  I'd like nautils to -not- open /dev/sr0.01:25
cooper[desktop]jrib, it's automatic01:25
nishanthi turned off acpi; my sound controlling device do not work does anyone know how to fix it?01:25
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Can you be more specific?01:25
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: The tray closes when I don't ask it to be closed.01:25
LinuxGuy2009cheako: I see01:25
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: That is whenever the tray is open.01:25
jribcooper[desktop]: ok, but please disable the changing of your nick01:26
LinuxGuy2009cheako: What release version? 9.10?01:26
craniumslowsSuch smooth banishment01:27
chibihogoshinocraniumslows, aaa thanks.. i didnt know about the holding shift down..01:27
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: Where do I get version?  It's karmic.01:27
craniumslowschibihogoshino, right on! you should be able to get fixed up from there w/e got screwed up01:27
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Has any previous releases caused this problem?01:27
chibihogoshinocraniumslows,  thanks for your help..   its working now..01:27
craniumslowschibihogoshino, 2 fer 2 woo hoo01:27
chibihogoshinocraniumslows,  keep rocking01:28
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: Fresh install of unbuntu.  Didn't do this in Debian.01:28
ta_craniumslows, from my office01:28
gskerUsing an /etc/network/interfaces configuration, I would like to have two interfaces using dhcp but only have resolv.conf udpated from one of them. How might I do that?<key:H01:28
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Ill get yelled at if I talk about debian here so i wont.01:28
craniumslowsta_, Are you going to places connect to server?01:28
nishanthi turned off acpi; my sound controlling device do not work does anyone know how to fix it?01:28
craniumslowsnishanth, can you turn acpi back on?01:28
LinuxGuy2009cheako: And you didnt asswer my question about previous releases/01:29
ta_craniumslows, I am trying that option now01:29
soreauallrighteee THEN!!!oneone01:29
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: Can't is not the same as Didn't.01:29
craniumslowsta_, it should prompt you for user and pass from there01:29
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Meaning 9.10 is your first ubuntu experience?01:29
* craniumslows throws toast 01:30
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: Fresh/First install of ubuntu.01:30
nishanthcraniumslows: is there a way to fix it without turning acpi an?01:30
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Ok. Perhaps you could report a bug "ubuntu-bug nautilus"?01:30
craniumslowsnishanth, I dunno what is your sound cards chipset? is it detected by the os?01:30
newnicki was here earlier. same problem maybe more ppl are here.    i try to install ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix, eeebuntu 3, and ubuntu 9.10 desktop. with FAT and FAT 32 on the usb drive at different times. it boots the OS fine but when i go to install it perminately to my SSD, it crashes with errno 5 at 25% installed.. :( ?01:30
cheakoLinuxGuy2009, I closed Nautilus and it's still doing it.01:31
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Read above.01:31
nishanthcraniumslows : no it is not detected01:31
craniumslowsnishanth, ok does it show up under lspci ?01:31
craniumslowsnishanth, in the terminal01:31
nishanthlet me try01:32
craniumslowsnishanth, alrighty01:32
LinuxGuy2009cheako: Ok. Perhaps you could report a bug "ubuntu-bug nautilus"? Good place to start. That is of course unless you havent installed up updates.01:32
gskernewnick: are you partitioning the SSD? How big is it? How big are the USB drives?01:32
gskernewnick: can you watch the install on another console to see what's in the logs?01:33
nishanthcraniumslows : how do you find which is the sound chipset01:33
nishanthi typed lspci01:33
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: "sudo lshw -C sound"01:33
JoeSomebodyprobably tired of this question, when is new release out?01:33
LinuxGuy2009april 2901:34
JoeSomebodyimpatient :)01:34
trinikronoyou could always try the beta01:34
newnickgsker, the usb drive is 1gb. i attempted to wipe the drive completely and repartition to only ubuntu, it seems to get past that and the error is installing  the OS itself, i think.  i do not know how to watch the install in another console01:34
LinuxGuy2009JoeSomebody: Your welcome to download and test Lucid.01:34
trinikronoits beta2 now01:34
JoeSomebodybeta, yes, good idea01:34
nishanthcraniumslows: 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio01:34
craniumslowsnishanth, is this a laptop?01:35
gskernwnick: alt-ctrl-F1 (or F2 or F3 or wherever they are sending log msgs now.  Also, after the failed install, you might be able to mount the failed drive and look in /tmp or /var/log/install01:35
nishanthcraniumslows: yes it is laptop01:35
newnickokay its going to take a good 15 mins... because lately i have been trying to put an XP image in the drive.. but i cant even figure out how to do that01:36
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: What was your issue again?01:37
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newnickill try to install again. should i use FAT or FAT 32 on the usb01:37
JoeSomebodyanyone got a link for that beta? not seeing one on ubuntu.com01:37
craniumslowsnishanth, might read or try to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto01:37
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nishanthLinuxGuy2009: well i turned off acpi due to some other issues but after that my laptop doesnot detect the sound controller device01:38
gskerext3   <grin>01:38
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Ok so now you dont have sound?01:38
craniumslowsnishanth, you probably dont have the appropriate kernel module/sound card driver01:38
trinikronoJoeSomebody:  gimme a sec01:38
gskerHow are you putting the install onto the usb drive?01:38
craniumslowsnishanth, but maybe LinuxGuy2009 has some extra ideas01:38
trinikronoJoeSomebody: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/01:39
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: i have sound but i can use the scroll to increase or decrease it01:39
JoeSomebodytrinikrono thanks01:39
nishanthoops i can't01:39
FernandosI have HardyHeron and it says "Couldn't find package php-apc" when I enter "sudo apt-get install php-apc".. Can you help me?01:39
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: You mean the panel applet?01:39
newnickin on  a windows machine now, should i use something other than windows default tool to format it? i used unetbootin and universal usbinstaller01:39
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trinikronoJoeSomebody: i downloaded it yesterday01:39
trinikronohave fun01:39
FernandosI have enabled all sources in /etc/apt/sources.list01:40
jrendasI thought one file named "wedaolu" was a virus in my seven partition so I deleted it using ubuntu. I deleted and it cannot be recovered now (I tried ntfsundelete). Now I can't boot my Seven. I think the file "wedaolu" is some file created by GRUB. Could someone with dual boot (ubuntu+seven) send me wedaolu file? It is placed in C:\01:40
cheakoLinuxGuy2009: This is a kernel regression.01:40
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: the scrolling device to increase sound on the keyboard01:40
gskernewnick: I don't think it should matter.01:40
Fernandosand I have made an "sudo apt-get update" before01:40
Flanneljrendas: GRUB wouldn't have created that file.  You should ask ##windows for assistance with that file if it is a part of windows01:40
newnickis it perhaps a problem with my USB device? or can you not tell that explicitly til i have a log of the fail01:40
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: hmmm01:41
gskerHmmm.  I don't have much experience with unetbootin, but I thought it was for installing from an already running windows environment.01:41
gskerBut you say you are putting XP _back_ on the machine01:41
cheakoI can't get the drive to stay open to test any of these.01:41
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Wheel work for scrolling window contents etc?01:41
lukus`i'm using lucid and i like the newly placed window controls on the left01:41
* lukus` is controversial01:41
LinuxGuy2009lukus`: yes so do I.01:41
nishanthLinuxGuy2009 : yes01:41
tm0Hey all, how to i install UVC01:41
lukus`LinuxGuy2009; it's not too difficult to get a hang of01:41
newnickno i was trying to put xp on, cause non of the ubuntu was working.. but right now the netbook in question is empty of anything01:42
snowhouseOk so whenever I try to play a dvd on ubuntu both vlc and movie player quit any suggestions?01:42
lukus`or _the_ hang of01:42
LinuxGuy2009lukus`: no I actually prefer it now.01:42
lukus`LinuxGuy2009; i'm a bit scared about hitting close accidently01:42
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: well it is not a wheel but touch device01:42
lukus`does that happen with you?01:42
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Oh so your trying to use side scrolling for volume adjustment?01:43
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a good gif compressor for ubuntu?01:43
MorkBorkU-b-u-n-t-u, imagemagick is a good manipulation tool01:43
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: yes01:43
LinuxGuy2009U-b-u-n-t-u: gimp01:43
craniumslowssnowhouse, Do they quit with a specific error?01:43
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: and it does not work01:43
WebDawghow do i reinstall gnome?01:43
snowhousethe window just dissapears01:43
craniumslowssnowhouse, is this on multiple dvds or just the one?01:44
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Are you trying to use vertical or horiz scrolling?01:44
snowhousei've only trie one01:44
gom79xanyone know solution to remove Xlib: extension on "RANDR"/.... when  use vnc connections.01:44
U-b-u-n-t-uthank you to both LinuxGuy2009 and MorkBork ... I have tried both I thought there might be others... can't seem to get the gifs to msn size without loosing quality01:44
xanguaWebDawg: have you tried installing the metapackage ubuntu-desktop¿01:44
craniumslowssnowhouse, I'd sugest trying another dvd just to make sure its not the disc01:44
MorkBorkthere are others U-b-u-n-t-u01:44
WebDawgwhat does that do?01:44
LinuxGuy2009U-b-u-n-t-u: GIF is lossless after first compression.01:45
MorkBorkin a gui environment theres phatch01:45
WebDawgi need to remove gnome01:45
WebDawgand install it again.01:45
LinuxGuy2009WebDawg: What would removing gnome accomplish for you?01:46
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: it is a small touch scrolling device to control volume and it is positioned as a small flat touch device on my keyboard01:46
LinuxGuy2009nishanth:Ah well that explains it.01:46
WebDawgMy taskbar is messed up.  Gnome freezes when I move panels.01:46
WebDawgI need to reinstall GNOME>01:47
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: so is there a fix?01:47
WebDawgHow do i do it?01:47
WebDawghow about this.01:47
jrendasdoes anyone know if when I delete one file using "sudo rm file" it can be recovered?01:47
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: If its a proprietary multimedia control on a keyboard then its a lack of driver support maybe. Tried using system->prefs->keyboard shortcuts?01:47
WebDawghow do i log out via kb shortcut?01:47
LinuxGuy2009WebDawg:  system->prefs->keyboard shortcuts lists all default shortcut keys01:48
nyhcjedianyone having issues watching youtube?01:48
nyhcjedino streaming vids are playing01:48
snowhouseso now it just says it can't read the disk01:48
WebDawgGNOME is frozen son.01:48
snowhousewith a diffrent disk01:49
LinuxGuy2009nyhcjedi: nope youtube working fine01:49
gatinoishi nici01:50
AlcorWebDawg ctl alt del01:50
NICK12881how are u01:50
nyhcjedinot sure what the prbolem is01:50
=== NICK12881 is now known as RoOoMi-eXe
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: i couldn't find any way to fix it in keyboard shortcuts01:50
jrendasdoes anyone know if when I delete one file using "sudo rm file" it can be recovered?01:51
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Then if its some sort of proprietary multimedia control on a keyboard then your probably out of luck possibly.01:51
tristan__am I in the right place for ubuntu netbook remix support? (wireless adapter not working)01:51
LinuxGuy2009tristan__:  yes01:51
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: "sudo lshw -C lan"01:52
Alcorjrendas NO  It cant01:52
hiexpojrendas, its a goner01:52
MorkBorkjrendas, probably, but not without some skill01:52
MorkBorkjrendas, depends on the filesystem01:52
jrendasthe file system is ntfs01:52
Alcorjrendas first copy to Ofilename then remove it01:52
jrendasI used ntfsundelete01:52
jrendaswith no results01:53
nishanthLinuxGuy2009: it says XF86AudioLower volume..... in keyboard shortcuts01:53
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Ok so just set that for volume up and volume down keys?01:53
insulinahello, I my apt-get dist-upgrade, dont upgrade to karmic ?01:53
Alcorjrendas Always copy the file to Ofilename before you do anything... Then you can copy Ofilename to filename to get back...01:54
insulinait says everything is updated01:54
nishanthLinuxGuy2009 : well i think it is already set01:54
paragoncim trying to sync 2 local folders - but rsync hangs on this command rsync -a /home/jackmurphy/downloads/ /media/STORAGE/downloads/01:54
LinuxGuy2009nishanth:Try clearing it out first or set it to something else random and then change back and see.01:54
jribparagonc: adding -v any help?01:55
jrendasyes I didnt backup the file cause i thought it was a virus01:55
paragoncseems to be outpitting data01:55
nishanthLinuxGuy2009 : i cant change it to anything01:55
mc_I have a question, I have my mp3 on windows partition and play them from rhythmbox when I'm in linux. In the past rhythmbox used to mount the partition to access files, but after recent updates doesn't anymore01:56
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: CTRL+U or something random?01:56
mc_I have changed /usr/share/polkit-l/actions.org.free..disk.policy to yes01:56
mc_still doesn't work.. any advises?01:56
nishanthLinuxGuy2009 :  i set it to f2 and f301:57
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Ok now try to change it to your special keyboard controller or whatever.01:58
LinuxGuy2009nishanth: Whats the keyboard make and model BTW?01:58
nishanthLinuxGuy2009 : it is Hp01:58
mc_it works of course after I mount the partition before starting rhythmbox but it's an annoyance...01:59
cheakoThe sysctl command worked, but I _want_ my drive to auto close when it used too.  Is there a way I can trace who(what application) is messing with my drive?01:59
paragoncis rsync the best method for moving multiple  large files from 1 disk to another02:00
GSF1200Sif X was to freeze, could I just use alt+sysrq+k, or would I have to use alt+sysrq+r first?02:00
domashi! how can I read my partition table? parted rounds to megabytes, and I'd like to know sector/block offsets!02:01
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : do you want to know anything from the output of that command?02:01
GSF1200Sparagonc: I think so.. it works fantastic to me02:01
LinuxGuy2009paragonc: I think most non-nerds use copy and paste.02:01
Iowahchy there, is there a way to see which HTTP Traffic is coming in to my Ubuntu Server?02:01
GSF1200Srsync is easy as hell to use02:01
paragoncive had rsync hang on some extremely large movie files02:01
Mobuntuanybody here familiar with skype and pulse audio02:02
paragonclike 5GB +02:02
LinuxGuy2009paragonc: Ok so then dont use rsync for those.02:02
GSF1200Srsync options /data/to/backup/ /place/to/backup/to02:02
GSF1200SMobuntu: what do you want to know?02:02
RoOoMi-eXewhere can learn ubuntu terminal command on can learning more about of  shell programing02:03
GSF1200Sparagonc: I have large movie files and rsync had no problem02:03
LinuxGuy2009RoOoMi-eXe: YouTube....seriously02:03
RoOoMi-eXeor any thing about of ubuntu02:03
GSF1200Sim sure there is02:04
GSF1200Si dont know off the top of my head02:04
tristan__sudo lshw -C lan spit out a bunch of information?02:04
MobuntuGSF1200S I use Skype with Yealink Skype adaptor02:04
paragoncwell i actually deleted that file - so hopefully this attempt @ syncing works02:04
monkeytwinanyone know what font and fontsize "pterm" uses ?02:04
paragoncits about 2 TB of data02:04
Iowahctristan__: was this information for me?02:05
paragonctrying to move my media center data to a new HD02:05
Iowahctristan__: if so, then you misunderstood, i need to monitor the incoming traffic02:05
LinuxGuy2009paragonc: Why not just Clonezilla from one drive to the other?02:05
GSF1200SMobuntu: whats the issue you are having? I have skype running with a USB webcam+mic through pulseaudio and it works great02:05
tristan__Iowahc : sorry, it was for LinuxGuy200902:05
paragoncLinuxGuy2009: i want the media to be on a seperate partition - right now user and system files are on the same partition02:06
sakekasii have a qtn02:06
sakekasiwhich channel an i go to to ask a qtn about java?02:06
sakekasi #java requires an invite02:06
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: Whats for me?02:07
monkeytwinsakekasi: join ##java02:07
xanguasakekasi: requires invite or to be registered¿¿02:07
paragoncjoin ##java02:07
monkeytwin#java is full of cranky asshats you dont want to talk to02:07
paragoncor #oracale 8)02:07
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : I ran that command you posted, i was wondering if you wanted any of the output02:07
sakekasiwho do i talk to then02:07
monkeytwin ##java !  not #java02:07
sakekasican i just ask here monkeytwin?02:07
monkeytwin#java is a social channel .  ##java is where you ask java questions.02:08
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: Sure please visit pastebin.org and paste the link here for us.02:08
sakekasinow i cant join ##java either02:08
sakekasi ##java Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services02:08
monkeytwinsakekasi: register your nick02:08
sakekasithats what i got told02:08
LinuxGuy2009Im in need of a new asshat too.02:08
monkeytwinsakekasi: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=register+nick+freenode02:08
Iowahcanyone know an answer?02:09
White-Horsehi guys just wondering why or how ubuntu 9.04 32-bit works with wpa2 wireless N with no issues at all but ubuntu 9.10 crashes and if anyone knows ubuntu 10.04 will support wpa2 wireless N ?02:09
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : http://pastebin.org/14759902:09
LinuxGuy2009Iowahc: answer to what? meaning of life etc?02:09
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Iowahcno, i know that one :D 42.02:10
LinuxGuy2009 tristan__: thank you02:10
daftykinsWhite-Horse: it's not down to the versions of ubuntu supporting said wireless, it's more than likely the kernel based driver for your wireless hardware02:10
Iowahcno, as i mentioned earlier, a monitor tool to monitor HTTP traffic incoming to my server02:10
mc_Iowahc, I was oh so tempted to type 42 xD02:10
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : thanks for helping me.02:10
LoshaIowahc: something here maybe: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-linux.html02:10
monkeytwinIowahc: you could turn on snmpd, then process the info with cacti02:11
Iowahcmonkeytwin: how exactly?02:11
White-Horsedaftykins well if thats the case how can an older kernel work better then a newer one ?02:11
daftykinsWhite-Horse: pretty sure regressions happen sometimes.02:11
LinuxGuy2009 tristan__: Hmm looks to me that your wireless may not be supported by the kernel possibly but i coul dbe wrong. Your looks to report just the regular wired lan only.02:11
White-Horsethe said wireless is an Intel PRO 5100 ABGN02:11
Out_Coldok weird question.. if i have for example /var/ mounted with / on sda1 and i cp /var to sda2 and mount sda2 on /var, does the original data stay on disk?02:11
paragonchow stable is ubuntu 10 right now in comparison to 10.4 ?02:12
White-Horsewell does anyone here know if 10.04 will support wireless N ?02:12
daftykins"10" "10.4" ? what do you mean?02:12
monkeytwinmonteith: so on your webserver... "aptitude install snmpd"  .  configure snmpd in /etc/default/snmpd and /etc/snmpd.conf . on another machine on the same local net as your webserver, or even on your webserver "aptitude install cacti".  then configure cacti02:12
Out_Coldparagonc, there is no plain 1002:12
monkeytwinoops not monteith02:12
paragoncUbuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 102:12
Out_Cold10.04 and eventually 10.1002:12
daftykinsWhite-Horse: as i say it's nothing to do with ubuntu's support. ask in #ubuntu+1 for more info though02:13
LinuxGuy2009paragonc: Beta2 is here02:13
monkeytwinIowahc: there's probably a quickstart guide for cacti02:13
White-Horseok thank you daftykins02:13
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : I was using jolicloud and wireless worked if that means anything.  I assumed the kernel was the same.02:13
LoshaOut_Cold: yes it does, but the original data is inaccessible while you have sda2 mounted 'on top of it'...02:13
paragoncwill it upgrade from 9.10 ?02:13
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: Do you know exactly what kernel you had in jolicloud?02:13
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: Might have been newer?02:14
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : I am not sure exactly.  yea, maybe.02:14
Out_ColdLosha, so if i mount all my folders and something crashes i still have the original data in there?02:14
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: From what I see in your pastebin I would have to guess that your current kernel doesnt detect it correctly or at all.02:15
Out_ColdLosha, or i remove the disks..02:15
LinuxGuy2009tristan__:I could be wrong however.02:15
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: Do you happen to know for sure what the wireless cards make and model is?02:15
LoshaOut_Cold: yes, at least in theory, but I think it's a rotten way to do backups....02:16
paragoncegh - all i want is netflix on my media center02:17
Out_ColdLosha, no i'm thinking it'll be my base server, i'll create all my configs and what not then mount the other disks.. if something happens to the lvms, i still have the original base server02:17
* paragonc debates buying a mac mini02:17
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : unsure.  my netbook is an asus eeepc 1001p02:18
LinuxGuy2009paragonc: hackintosh02:18
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: k give me a sec here.02:18
shazbotmcnastydoes anyone have "world of Padman"? And if so, is it any good?02:19
tom_join #geebox02:19
LinuxGuy2009 tristan__: As of February 2010 I see people resorting to ndiswrapper on that model netbook for wireless.02:20
LoshaOut_Cold: I suppose, but you're assuming that whatever takes out your lvms won't damage the underlying file system. You've really just invented a whacked out, less reliable, non-standard weird backup scheme...02:20
LinuxGuy2009 tristan__: Perhaps the next release Lucid may support your card on release. #ubuntu+1 for people to ask this question.02:20
Out_ColdLosha, well i'll still create a good back up... it's a base server install anyways.. not much data I am relying on.02:20
tristan__LinuxGuy2009 : ok thank you.02:21
LinuxGuy2009shazbotmcnasty: Why not download and answer that question for yourself?02:21
Out_ColdLosha, if i wanted to remove my lvms I could still run the system though which IMO is a good thing02:21
LinuxGuy2009tristan__: Your welcome02:21
_Tristananother Tristan >.>02:21
shazbotmcnastyI AM02:21
shazbotmcnastyI WAS JUST WONDERING02:21
shazbotmcnasty(╬ ಠ益ಠ)02:21
emmaIs there no longer a way to encrypt a file in nautilus?02:21
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:22
shazbotmcnastyemma, if you're using 10.04, you're not using nautilus I don't believe02:22
shazbotmcnastyI think you may be using pcmanfm202:22
emmaI'm using Karmic.02:22
emmaIsn't this #ubuntu ?02:22
shazbotmcnastywell then I don't know02:22
LoshaOut_Cold: people usually use your kind of scheme with an automounter. If, for some reason, the remote nfs filesystems don't mount, you still have a local version of stuff to fall back on...02:22
shazbotmcnastyActually...I want to get pcmanfm202:22
emmaOh well you might want to go to #ubuntu+102:22
shazbotmcnastywhere to get?02:22
emmaBecause this channel is for support of Ubuntu Karmic and earlier.02:23
Out_ColdLosha, yea sounds like some hair-brained scheme that'll teach me not to mess with linux ;)02:23
papulshazbotmcnasty, u tried apt-get?02:23
LoshaOut_Cold: :-)02:23
shazbotmcnastyno, but I don't believe it's in there02:23
shazbotmcnastybut i'll apt-cache search02:23
_TristanI heard from an unreliable source that you could relatively easily make ubuntu run "in terminal" and have that terminal be the background02:23
shazbotmcnastywell you can have terminal as background02:24
shazbotmcnastyor you can be in terminal the whole time02:24
_TristanI'm looking for a sort of middle ground02:24
LinuxGuy2009shazbotmcnasty: if you want to see all available packages make sure to enable main, universe, restricted, multiverse02:24
shazbotmcnastyif so, hit ctrl+alt+F2, odn't get scared though, ctrl+altF7 will bring you back02:24
shazbotmcnasty_Tristan, try guake, or tilde02:25
shazbotmcnastythey are dropdown terminal emulators that come down when you hit the tilde button on your keyboard02:25
shazbotmcnasty"~" *02:25
shazbotmcnastyit's meant to be like in computer games you had the console...02:25
LinuxGuy2009~ god mode02:25
shazbotmcnastyLinuxGuy2009, that was totally half a sentence02:26
shazbotmcnastythe 'if you want to see all available...."02:26
shazbotmcnastyI'm now confused02:26
mcurranHas anyone figured out a way to run xwinwrap as desktop background (screensaver) w/out covering the desktop icons...?02:26
LinuxGuy2009 shazbotmcnasty: No its a full sentence. You just dont know what repositories are.02:26
shazbotmcnastyyeah pcmanfm2 isn't in there02:26
_Tristanshazbotmcnasty: I really should have read the second half of that sentence before trying it out.02:26
shazbotmcnastyLinuxGuy2009, oh yes I do02:26
SyrinxHi all!  Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but whenever I run Firefox in 9.10 I get a message telling me to install Flash.  When I click next, it says "Plugin already installed."  And youtube for example will not play videos.02:27
SyrinxI've uninstalled and reinstalled the flash plugin via Synaptic02:27
_TristanSyrinx: I think pretty much everyone gets that.02:27
Syrinxno dice02:27
mcurranSyrinx - Try installing the non-free version02:27
GSF1200SSyrinx: 32 or 64bit02:27
Syrinx64 bit02:27
SyrinxMcurran: that's what I'm using, via the restricted extras package02:28
xanguaSyrinx: then you need to manualy download and install the 64 bits version from adobe's website02:28
SyrinxAh, okay.02:28
GSF1200Ssyrinx: chrome or firefox?02:28
meowbuntuis there another cd/dvd burner i can try apart from brasero02:28
mcurranNautilus has it's own I believe02:29
myrlubottu tell myrl about nautilus02:29
GSF1200Sgrab the alpha 64 bit plugin from adobe, create a folder in your .mozilla folder called plugins, and put the libflashplayer.so file in there02:29
meowbuntuis there another cd/dvd burner i can try apart from brasero02:29
shazbotmcnastymeowbuntu, yes02:30
SyrinxGSF12005: I think I've tried that, but I'll give it another go02:30
RoOoMi-eXebye all have nice time02:30
meowbuntushazbotmcnasty, what02:30
shazbotmcnastymeowbuntu, lol I'm looking for the one I have02:30
shazbotmcnastythere are a lot02:30
Iowahci need a tool to monitor what HTTP Headers hit my server? any?02:30
tm0Hey, i have gnome installed, but i'm running LXDE. Can i use Gnome keyboard shortcuts?02:30
myrliowahc use php02:31
nyhcjedifixed the youtube issue installed nonfree flash02:31
shazbotmcnastymeowbuntu, in synaptic look for 'cd/dvd'02:31
shazbotmcnastyalso try gnomebaker02:31
shazbotmcnasty'sudo apt-get install gnomebaker'02:31
myrlIowahc use php02:31
Iowahcmyrl: no option, need to see what a certain page (of an application) gets02:31
GSF1200SSyrinx: pm me if you have issues- I have NO flash plugins installed through APT.. only the libflashplayer.so in a plugins folder in .mozilla02:31
meowbuntuanyone here used xfburn02:32
SyrinxCool, will do, thx!02:32
shazbotmcnastymeowbuntu, yes02:32
shazbotmcnastyit's okay02:32
shazbotmcnastyit will also work02:32
myrlIowahc can't you add php on the page?02:32
GSF1200SSyrinx: you need the alpha plugin, make sure it isnt the 32bit version02:32
Iowahcmyrl:  no, it is a generated page from a huge perl program.02:32
meowbuntushazbotmcnasty, what is the best write mode to use for live cd tao or sao02:32
SyrinxAh, okay..02:32
paragoncis rsync smart enough to know if a file is the same?02:33
encelsHi people..!02:34
myrlIowahc then can't you put something like "print "<?php blah blah blah ?>""?02:34
shazbotmcnastymeowbuntu, try sao02:34
Iowahcmyrl: no, don't know where the page is generated. would be a to heavy hack02:34
meowbuntushazbotmcnasty, whats the differance i wonder02:34
meowbuntuno other burners use that02:34
myrlIowahc what application is it?02:34
Iowahca caldav server02:35
shazbotmcnastymeowbuntu, TAO means "track at once"02:35
shazbotmcnastySAO means "session at once", which is the same as "disk at once"02:35
Iowahcmyrl: nevermind. will be running a sniffer... thx anyway02:35
shazbotmcnasty other burners use it02:35
shazbotmcnastyjust they don't usually make it an acronym02:35
shazbotmcnastymeowbuntu, and since a ISO does not have 'tracks' really02:36
meowbuntushazbotmcnasty, ok but what is the diff between them02:36
shazbotmcnastyyou should use SAO02:36
shazbotmcnastylike songs02:36
shazbotmcnastya track is like a song02:36
FloodBot3shazbotmcnasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
dr3mrohi guys , in grub menu there is a recovery option that gives us bluescreen and another menu .. i need to add option to this menu how ??????02:37
daftykins!grub | dr3mro02:37
ubottudr3mro: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.02:37
meowbuntuthanks shazbotmcnasty soon i can replace ubuntu with dpup yea02:38
dr3mrodaftykins, ubottu no i mean the recovery menu not the grub menu02:38
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myrlubottu hi02:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:38
abc123I'd like to make a bash script that opens multiple terminal windows. Is this possible?02:39
myrlabc123 yes02:39
daftykinsabc123: probably just repeatedly put "gnome-terminal &" for example02:40
Random832it's not actually possible to remove the root directory - the danger comes from removing everything under it02:40
hiexpohey i use devedee to convert to dvd image file and it turns out fine but when i burn it / it becomes choppy and sticks been useing brasero ?02:40
abc123myrl, daftykins can you make bash scripts automatically run root?02:40
myrlabc123 yes02:41
myrlabc123 just put sudo02:41
abc123but you have to type in your password myrl02:41
myrlabc123 you can edit the sudoers file02:41
LinuxGuy2009hiexpo: I too havent had much luck in the way of video editing/authoring in the linux world either.02:41
myrlabc123 /etc/sudoers02:42
ardchoilleabc123: yes, you still need the password.. which is good because you may damage something if you forget you're running as root02:42
Nitsugadr3mro, the files you are looking for are in /usr/share/recovery-mode/02:42
ntsasngi can't saved resolv.conf02:42
ntsasnghelp me Plz02:42
LinuxGuy2009abc123: gksudo for GUI apps02:42
hiexpoLinuxGuy2009,  - i know its a tough one for some reason and i had it mastered in windows before now i guess i gotta master it here02:42
cortehey guys, quick question for anyone around--any idea why slocate doesn't pick up on my attached external HD?02:42
myrlcorte you need to mount it first02:43
cortemyrl, it is mounted, even after running updatedb i'm still not picking up any results02:43
dr3mroNitsuga, if i want to add an item do i just add it as a script02:44
ntsasng i can't saved resolv.conf02:44
Nitsugadr3mro, it seems that you have to /usr/share/recovery-mode/options/name02:44
LinuxGuy2009ntsasng: dont have permission?02:44
myrlcorte did you go to computer -> external drive and then search from there?02:44
Nitsugadr3mro, to put an executable shell script there02:44
johnвсем привет02:44
johnнарод ктонить натсраивал iptv на vlc02:44
johnя вроде настроил через сап, у меня маршрутизатор дир32002:44
johnно со сбоими рабоатет, мультикаст врубил на роуторе02:44
FloodBot3john: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
Nitsuga!ru | john02:44
ubottujohn: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:44
cortemyrl, i was actually trying from the command line, rather than searching from nautilus02:44
trinikronontsasng:  use sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf02:45
ntsasngLinuxGuy2009: i make it with root02:45
dr3mroNitsuga, thank you i wil try hello world script there to confirm02:45
myrlcorte oh ok02:45
cortei prefer terminal :)02:45
LinuxGuy2009ntsasng: Come again?02:45
ntsasngtrinikrono:  i make it with root02:45
myrlcorte :)02:45
Nitsugadr3mro, all the scripts returns 0 if you pass them the parameter "test"02:46
Nitsugadr3mro, I think that it is needed for the script to appear02:46
meowbuntufor some inhouse entertainment while working on your computer try this http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=sons+of+korah+site:youtube.com&hl=en&lr=&sa=X&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=vnHCS_n8EtCHkAX29oHVBQ&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CC0QqwQwAw02:46
trinikronontsasng: did you say you made it using a root nautilus?02:46
LinuxGuy2009meowbuntu: #ubuntu-offtopic02:47
dr3mroNitsuga, you are very helpfull thank you02:47
ntsasngtrinikrono: i'm using this command sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf02:47
trinikronontsasng:  right02:47
trinikronoand what are you seeing then02:47
myrlcorte sorry i can't find anything :(02:47
ardchoille!gksudo | ntsasng trinikrono02:47
ubottuntsasng trinikrono: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:47
Nitsugadr3mro, thank you. I found that if you run sudo /usr/share/recovery-mode/recovery-menu you can test the menu without rebooting02:48
ntsasngtrinikrono: i can't saved it02:48
LinuxGuy2009ntsasng: gksudo gedit02:48
WebDawgI have a gnome problem...02:48
WebDawgThe panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet"02:48
trinikronookie then02:48
LinuxGuy2009WebDawg: Get a launchpad account and report it.02:49
whileimhereHi. I recently removed Pulse Audio from my Laptop with an Ubuntu 9.10 installation. I see that my GNOME panel app is now MIA. Anyone know why or how to get it back?02:49
WebDawgLinuxGuy2009 its all over the internet and no one has answered how to fix.02:49
NitsugaWebDawg, pretty common, restart your session and you will have he applet again02:49
LinuxGuy2009whileimhere: sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer02:49
ntsasng LinuxGuy2009: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf can't saved it02:49
myrlsudo apt-get moo02:49
ntsasngLinuxGuy2009: :((02:49
WebDawgNitsuga I have restarted many times.02:50
WebDawgI tried to install it but it says that it has been replaced by GDM Nitsuga02:50
LinuxGuy2009WebDawg: Happens sometimes.02:50
WebDawgLinuxGuy2009 and Nitsuga how do I install it?02:50
NitsugaWebDawg, try alt-f2> killall gnome-panel02:50
LinuxGuy2009WebDawg: Install what?02:51
NitsugaWebDawg, that will refresh the panel02:51
whileimhereThanks LinuxGuy2009 it worked fine.02:51
LinuxGuy2009myrl: Can you please go troll in #windows again please?02:51
myrllinuxguy2009: why?02:51
cortemyrl, the solution was to modify PRUNEPATHS (remove /media from this list) in /etc/updatedb.conf..thanks anyway!02:51
LinuxGuy2009whileimhere: your welcome02:51
myrlcorte: oh sorry :)02:52
WebDawgNitsuga the problem comes up over and over and over and over again.  I am missing that applet.02:52
LinuxGuy2009myrl: Id rather you didnt send me pie.02:52
corteno, just passing along the info!02:52
cortetake care guys!02:52
burnsbI'm trying to write a script using rx to do a xmodem transfer, I can do it with minicom, but unable so far at the command line.02:53
=== Tyler is now known as Guest84590
NitsugaWebDawg, mm when did this started to happen?02:54
WebDawgI figured out how to fix it.02:55
WebDawgi moved that dir out of my gconf dir for my gnome panel.02:55
MikeGuohi, guys,  anyone have document about ubuntu system install, boot ?02:55
WebDawgthe problem is...this panel app is the one that had the logon/logoff shit.02:55
MikeGuoI want to learn from those document.02:55
robertzaccourhow do i access chats for yahoo with empathy?02:56
LinuxGuy2009MikeGuo: R you speak Engrish?02:56
burnsbusing: stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 38400 cs8 -parenb {and then} rx -c test.bmp < /dev/ttyACM002:56
NitsugaWebDawg, when it's missing the logout/off things are in System menu02:56
WebDawgNitsuga I know this.02:56
WebDawgNitsuga what is the applet called that IS that thing.02:57
NitsugaWebDawg, i once had that problem, and solved it by killing gnome-panel and putting the applet again on its place02:57
mc_LinuxGuy no need to be an asshole02:57
cambazzhello. how do I sync my hardware clock02:57
januszealnetstat isn't showing the entire IP (it's showing ::ffff:202.83.102:50796, for example) how do I get it to display the entire host?02:57
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:57
LinuxGuy2009mc_: ditto02:57
cambazzntp or something like that02:57
abc123how do you open multiple tabs in the same terminal window when writing a bash script?02:57
januszealbecause without displaying the entire IP netstat is almost completely useless02:57
ntsasngi'm using sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf -->>You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.02:58
NitsugaWebDawg, don'¡t know why, but it is nnot in the list02:58
LinuxGuy2009ntsasng: gksudo gedit. Then manually open the file and do your thing.02:59
ntsasngLinuxGuy2009:  gksudo ... --> same02:59
abc123LinuxGuy2009, how do you open multiple tabs in the same terminal window when writing a bash script?03:00
januszealis there a rule here on freenode that we're supposed to ignore questions that point out flaws in linux software?03:00
CreamAnybody speaks italian?03:00
Nitsuga<abc123> how do you open multiple tabs in the same terminal window when writing a bash script? command line apps can't interact with the terminal emulator. You can open a new tab of gnome-terminal but it will not work as expected if you are not running gnome-terminal or you don't have it installed03:00
cj__I am a newer03:00
LinuxGuy2009abc123: If your writing a bash script you can use a plain text editor if you like.03:00
braxWhat's the shortcut key to change desktops?03:00
cj__how to use this chat03:00
braxLike that, cj__.03:01
abc123LinuxGuy2009, but what is the command to start  a new tab?03:01
Nitsuga!it | Cream03:01
ubottuCream: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)03:01
LinuxGuy2009brax: CTRL+ALT and left or right?03:01
braxJust type somethiing and press enter.03:01
braxLinuxGuy2009, that isn't working for some curious reason.03:01
whileimhereSilly question but whens the next Ubuntu Release?03:01
cj__I got it ,it is easy03:01
LinuxGuy2009abc123: Shift+Ctrl+T?03:01
xanguawhileimhere: april 2903:02
Nitsugajanuszeal, i don't see what's wrong with that IPV6 address03:02
MarcusA10.04 is for later this month isn't it03:02
LinuxGuy2009april 2903:02
cj__how long have you use ubuntu ?03:02
Out_Colddo i have to reinstall to set up raid?03:02
abc123LinuxGuy2009, I meant in a bash script03:02
januszealNitsuga: did you read what I pasted?03:02
Nitsugacj__, a year and half03:02
LinuxGuy2009abc123: umm03:02
burnsbCan anyone recommend a IRC channel that could help with serial com scripts?03:02
januszealW 3703:02
whileimhereThanks xangua BTW is that a nick from a pratchett character?03:03
Nitsugajanuszeal,  netstat isn't showing the entire IP (it's showing ::ffff:202.83.102:50796, for example) how do I get it to display the entire host?03:03
Ninja_Can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to customize conky's colors and position on the screen?03:03
cj__Nitsuga,I used it three years ago03:03
xanguawhileimhere: no idea what are you talking about :)03:03
abc123LinuxGuy2009, "umm"? do I put a slash before that or anything?03:03
januszealNitsuga: that's not a complete IP03:03
paragonchrmmm still trying to rsync these drives - and somehow the drive keeps turning to read only - then i have to unmount and remount it03:03
januszealit's also not really an ipv6 address03:03
whileimhereOkay then03:03
LinuxGuy2009abc123: --tab-with-profile=PROFILENAME03:03
Nitsugajanisozaur, it is! Read the IPV6 RFC03:03
LinuxGuy2009abc123: I can just as easily tell smartasses to go help themselves.03:04
abc123how do you open multiple tabs in the same terminal window when writing a bash script?03:04
robertzaccouris there a radio application for Ubuntu?03:04
robertzaccourlike an internet radio thing?03:04
abc123!language | LinuxGuy200903:04
ubottuLinuxGuy2009: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:04
braxrobertzaccour, Go onto rhythmbox.03:04
januszealNitsuga: regardless of what kind of ip address it is, it's not complete03:04
mcurranI would like to be able to scan higher or lower frequencies with my wifi card...03:05
cj__Nitsuga ,this software is for connecting with ubuntu's friend03:05
LinuxGuy2009abc123: I just told you how. If you need more details "man gnome-terminal".03:05
braxThere is a last.fm tab there, robertzaccour.03:05
mcurran900 MHz would be cool.03:05
hiexporobertzaccour, what do ya mean radio like music radio03:05
LinuxGuy2009abc123: You here to troll?03:05
robertzaccourhiexpo, yes03:05
ianwizardHi ALL.03:05
hiexpolastfm is the best03:05
robertzaccourbrax, what?03:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:05
cj__ianwizard ,hello03:05
Nitsugacj__, this is a community chat03:06
braxrobert, go into Applications, Music and Video, Rhythmbox.03:06
abc123LinuxGuy2009, I'm gonna have to report/ignore you if you continue with the insults03:06
braxThen press the last.fm tab.03:06
Bleachhow to use wget comments in terminal to download an rapidshare.. file.03:06
LinuxGuy2009abc123: Same here.03:06
Nitsugacj__, you can ask for support here. And there are dozens of channels for every free software program out there. Even you can ask for windows support on ##windows !03:06
hiexpoBleach, its not happening03:06
mcurranAnyone know how to turn on tor for connections through terminal, ie. ping, traceroute, etc. or does it only work through browsers (port 80,8080)03:06
LinuxGuy2009abc123:  And yes you do put a - before the ummm.03:07
abc123how do you open multiple tabs in the same terminal window when writing a bash script, anyone?03:07
hiexpothe best downloader for rapidshare is jdownloader03:07
cj__Nitsuga,I am a chinese,what about you ?03:07
ianwizardI'm trying to come up with a backup solution.  I tried double mounting my root partition read only, and I was going to rsync that.  But it didn't work.  Any advice for a full system backup.  (Preferably something that I can boot from.)03:08
Nitsugacj__, argentininan :)03:08
Nitsugajanuszeal, I still don't get what's wrong with it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_address03:08
LinuxGuy2009abc123: "gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=PROFILENAME"03:08
ianwizardcj__, American03:08
januszealNitsuga: ignore the ::fff03:08
januszealit's not a complete address03:08
mcurransudo cp /dev/hda/.* /dev/<etc>03:09
mcurranthen just install bootloader to other device03:09
cj__Nitsuga ,is linux popular in your country03:09
ianwizardbut /dev/hda1 is a file03:10
Nitsugajanuszeal, it is an IPv4 202.83.102 mapped to IPv6 and in port 5079603:10
Bleach how to use wget comments in terminal03:10
mcurrangit co http://...03:10
januszealNitsuga: oh, really? I was not aware ip4 addresses were only 3 segments03:10
ianwizardI can't copy the files from it, and using dd wouldn't work because I can't use it while the fs is mounted, or the result will be corrupt03:11
Bleachhiexpo, through wget03:11
Nitsugacj__, not much. I don't know anyone who uses it in real-life. But in 3 days Richard Stall man will come to my town, and I'm seeing a lot of linux activity on the inet.03:11
LinuxGuy2009 ianwizard: Need some help?03:11
prappl93Is there a way to tell if my computer can support Ubuntu 9.10?03:11
Nitsugajanuszeal, ohh you got me03:12
dancalloprappl93: yes, use the liveCD03:12
LinuxGuy2009prappl93: Download and test the live CD03:12
januszealNitsuga: welcome to 20 minutes ago03:12
prappl93Is there a way to test it without downloading the LIVE CD? Cause I just wanted to check before, because I have used it before and it lags a lot.03:12
Nitsugajanuszeal, anyway it is a valid address. A missing segment is equivalent to 255 (multicast)03:12
januszealNitsuga: i was not aware I was calling verizon support, why do you guys always assume the person asking the question is retarded03:12
hiexpoBleach, wget will not work with rapidshare the one that i have found that works the best for me is jdownloader03:12
LinuxGuy2009Bleach: man wget03:12
januszealNitsuga: bro that is not what is going on here03:12
dancalloprappl93: not that I'm aware of. You'll need the live CD for that.03:13
januszealNitsuga: look at this unanswered thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74413003:13
LinuxGuy2009prappl93: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91003:13
LinuxGuy2009too late03:14
braxAlright, RhythmBox isn't working with last.fm.03:14
braxIt says forbidden for every song.03:15
Nitsugajanuszeal, congrats! you found a bug :P03:15
MrBishopHas any body seen the pope?03:15
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cj__Nitsuga,have you used ubuntu10.04?03:16
LinuxGuy2009cj__:  #ubuntu+103:16
januszealNitsuga: >:03:16
Nitsugacj__, yes, i'm using it since October 2009 :)03:17
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
EdgEyDoes anyone know of a tool I can use to merge two .avi files without reencoding?03:17
LinuxGuy2009EdgEy: avidemux  I think might03:18
Nitsugajanuszeal, i found the soluion on netstat manual03:18
LinuxGuy2009EdgEy:Unless they use different codecs maybe.03:18
Nitsugajanuszeal, use option -W   ( --wide )03:18
EdgEyLinuxGuy2009, nah, they're same codec, just split across two CD's03:18
brezHey - is there a way to associate a "screen" with a name, rather than a number, eg> screen -rfreenode, rather than screen -r 1105??03:18
januszealNitsuga: not a valid flag03:18
paragonccan someone look @ this rsync error and tell me what the problem is?03:18
EdgEyLinuxGuy2009, I'll check it out, thanks03:19
LinuxGuy2009EdgEy: Why not just put them in a playlist so they play back to back?03:19
januszeal[januszeal@peorth:~]$ netstat -W03:19
januszealnetstat: invalid option -- 'W'03:19
* fyauz4101 WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERNET? NOTHING! THEN GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARTY ON THE INTERNET! LISTEN: http://www.klulz.fm/listen.pls CALL: rev_g0sp on Skype CHAT: irc.hardchats.com #gnaa03:19
* eftrzls1063 WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERNET? NOTHING! THEN GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARTY ON THE INTERNET! LISTEN: http://www.klulz.fm/listen.pls CALL: rev_g0sp on Skype CHAT: irc.hardchats.com #gnaa03:19
* ruqpahe6650 WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERNET? NOTHING! THEN GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARTY ON THE INTERNET! LISTEN: http://www.klulz.fm/listen.pls CALL: rev_g0sp on Skype CHAT: irc.hardchats.com #gnaa03:19
* wni4712 WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERNET? NOTHING! THEN GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARTY ON THE INTERNET! LISTEN: http://www.klulz.fm/listen.pls CALL: rev_g0sp on Skype CHAT: irc.hardchats.com #gnaa03:19
rt3878WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERNET?  NOTHING! THEN GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARTY ON THE INTERNET!  LISTEN: http://www.klulz.fm/listen.pls  CALL: rev_g0sp on Skype  CHAT: irc.hardchats.com #gnaa03:19
lqypats9826WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERNET?  NOTHING! THEN GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARTY ON THE INTERNET!  LISTEN: http://www.klulz.fm/listen.pls  CALL: rev_g0sp on Skype  CHAT: irc.hardchats.com #gnaa03:19
jg9566WHAT ARE YOU DOING, INTERNET?  NOTHING! THEN GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARTY ON THE INTERNET!  LISTEN: http://www.klulz.fm/listen.pls  CALL: rev_g0sp on Skype  CHAT: irc.hardchats.com #gnaa03:19
Nitsugajanuszeal, sure? it's on the manual... I can't test it by myself as i don't have IPv603:19
EdgEyLinuxGuy2009, well, I have a fair few of these files and it's easier organization wise really03:19
januszealNitsuga: i seem to have a different version then you03:19
januszealNitsuga: what version of netstat are you using03:19
Nitsugajanuszeal, it's an option. You can't use it alone03:20
paragoncrsync failed with this line03:20
paragoncrsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]: Broken pipe (32)03:20
LinuxGuy2009EdgEy: You probably will in most likelyhood have to render the finished video no matter what you do.03:20
Nitsugajanuszeal, ~$ netstat -V03:20
paragoncrsync: write failed on "The Writer/30.Rock.S01E04.avi": Input/output error (5)03:20
Nitsuganet-tools 1.6003:20
Nitsuganetstat 1.42 (2001-04-15)03:20
januszeal[januszeal@peorth:~]$ netstat -ntW03:20
januszealnetstat: invalid option -- 'W'03:20
paragoncrsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(600) [sender=3.0.6]03:20
EdgEyLinuxGuy2009, under windows I used to use virtualdub, since the videos are broken at the exact frame the next starts, I'm just worried about audio matching up03:21
Bleachhiexpo, k ill try//03:21
Nitsugajanuszeal, mine doesnt complains :S03:21
robertzaccourhow do i access yahoo chat rooms in empathy? there's no list03:21
xanguarobertzaccour: no idea, you can from pidgin :)03:23
LinuxGuy2009 robertzaccour: Did you already add your account to empathy?03:23
robertzaccourmaybe i should install pidgin instead03:23
abc123LinuxGuy2009, how do you make the new commands appear in the new tab that is opened in the way you showed me?03:23
robertzaccouri don't empathy is as good as pidgin03:23
robertzaccourthats just one person's perspective though03:23
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: I prefer pidgin too03:24
tangjihello every body03:24
miatogood morning03:24
robertzaccouri guess after its not supported after next year we'll have to add it to the repos03:24
tangjimorning  every body,i have question03:24
LinuX2halfHi, I want to run two web browsers individually, how would I do that?03:24
LinuxGuy2009fire away03:24
tangjiwhere i can found  application/vnd.stardivision.draw type suffix03:24
LinuxGuy2009LinuX2half: Same browser with 2 instances?03:25
xanguaLinuX2half: instal 2 web browsers ;)03:25
miatomy ubuntu always stuck/hang03:25
LinuxGuy2009LinuX2half: Ok so just install them.03:25
LinuX2halfRunning them at the same time03:25
miatowhy this happen03:25
LinuxGuy2009LinuX2half: Ok so whats your question?03:25
LinuX2halfI'm using swiftfox and firefox03:25
robertzaccourLinuX2half, whats the difference?03:25
LinuX2halfIf one of them is open, then the other needs to be exit to open the another one03:25
LinuxGuy2009LinuX2half: ok03:26
abc123can anyone tell me how do you make new commands appear in a new tab that is opened in a bash script?03:26
EdgEyLinuxGuy2009, just tried it, works perfectly, :) thanks03:26
xanguaLinuX2half: you can't.........maybe creating diferent profiles¿03:26
LinuxGuy2009EdgEy: welcome03:26
tangjiwhere i can found suffix03:26
miatomy ubuntu always stuck/hang, how i can solved the problem ?03:26
abc123can anyone tell me how do you make commands appear in a new tab that is opened in a bash script?03:27
xanguamiato: the less information you tell, the less we can help03:27
Nitsugaabc123, try adding -c 'command1; command2 --option; command3;'03:27
miatothat is information03:27
miatostuck when use firefox03:28
miatocannot click anything but possible to move the cursor03:28
xanguamiato: if you have no many resources then don't use fx03:28
miatoany other good web browser ?03:29
LinuxGuy2009miato: google chrome is nice03:29
xangua!browser | miato03:30
ubottumiato: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)03:30
desynchwhat could be the repo of ubuntu 8.10?03:30
xanguamidori is very light too03:30
desynchi want to download ndiswrapper03:30
cj__LinuxGuy2009,chrome is better than firefox03:30
desynchim using backtrack03:30
xangua!backtrack | desynch03:30
ubottudesynch: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)03:30
miatocan tell me how to install chrome on terminal ?03:30
abc123Nitsuga, it says -c: command not found03:30
LinuxGuy2009cj__: you asking or stating?03:30
xanguayou can install ndiswrapper from the cd i believe03:30
hunahpudesynch: you can download the packages manually from http://packages.ubuntu.com03:31
LinuxGuy2009miato: http://www.google.com/chrome03:31
desynchhunahpu, but i want the exact ndiswrapper for this distro03:31
miatook then what should i choose03:31
miato32 bit or 64 bit03:31
desynchim trying to download the drivers for bcm431203:31
LinuxGuy2009miato: we dont know.03:31
robertzaccourchrome is good, however it doesn't integrate with themes03:32
mc_miato Chrome is good, Opera is good also03:32
Nitsugaabc123, got it: gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=default -e 'commands'03:32
robertzaccourand there isn't as many video codecs for it as firefox03:32
xanguarobertzaccour: yes it does03:32
robertzaccourxangua, not really, unless there's a matching theme you can change03:32
LinuxGuy2009desynch: install package bcmwl-kernel-source03:32
mc_miato try reinstalling firefox, it works perfect for most people03:33
xanguarobertzaccour: chrome/chomium integrates with gtk theme; what dcoes  video codecs has to do¿¿03:33
LinuxGuy2009desynch: or add CDROM as package source and look in hardware drivers window.03:33
ChazzWhere does Ubuntu store the default content (Default wallpaper, Gnome theme, content in ~, etc.) for a new user profile?03:33
robertzaccourfor example. install google-chrome and notice how different the window border looks, doesn't match themes03:33
robertzaccouroh chromium. haven't tried it03:33
robertzaccouris chromium easy to install?03:33
LinuxGuy2009Chazz: /usr/share/03:33
xanguarobertzaccour: you can also tell chrome/chromium to use the native borders03:34
ChazzLinuxGuy2009, ty03:34
LinuxGuy2009Chazz: welcome03:34
xanguarobertzaccour: chromium is incluided in lucid repository03:34
robertzaccourcool its in the repos03:34
LinuxGuy2009yep thats what Im using nice to have in the repo03:34
jhambois it true that irssi is not in ubuntu?? kpackagekit doesn't show it03:34
robertzaccourjust checked right after i asked lol03:34
NitsugaChazz, /etc/profile and /usr/share/gconf/defaults/ (and also some applications save them somewhere in /usr/share)03:34
cj__LinuxGuy2009,I'm a chinese ,what about you ?03:34
ChazzNitsuga, ok, thanks! :D03:34
LinuxGuy2009cj__: Have an ubuntu support question?03:35
xanguajhambo: no, it's not03:35
jhamboalso I can't seem to get firefox working.  When I go to it from menu it brings up some "firefox installer" how can I launch firefox03:35
xanguajhambo: some fx installer¿¿03:35
myrlhow do you create your own custom terminal command?03:36
cj__LinuxGuy2009,I haven't questiong present03:36
LinuxGuy2009myrl: Learn python or some programming language03:36
robertzaccourhey chromium looks just like google chrome03:36
robertzaccournot integrated gtk theme03:37
cj__LinuxGuy2009,how long have you use linux ?03:37
robertzaccourand buttons are on the right03:37
myrllinuxguy2009 i already know one03:37
jhamboso what would be the "ubuntu way" to get irssi onto my system?03:37
myrllinuxguy2009 what do you do next?03:37
xanguarobertzaccour: you have to tell chromium to use gtk theme in the preferences03:37
robertzaccourhow do i make chromium integrate with the current set theme?03:37
robertzaccouroh ok thanks03:37
LinuxGuy2009cj__: #ubuntu-offtopic to join all the other chinese people?03:37
robertzaccourxangua, and how do ya get the buttons back to the left side?03:37
xanguajhambo: sudo apt-get install irssi ¿03:37
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xanguarobertzaccour: tell it to use the native borders :S03:38
LinuxGuy2009myrl: Perhaps stop channel hopping and trolling for starters?03:38
myrllinuxguy2009 huh?03:38
LinuxGuy2009myrl: huh?03:39
IdleOnejhambo: sudo apt-get install irssi03:39
myrllinuxguy2009 huh?03:39
robertzaccourxangua, ah ok thanks03:39
Bleachhiexpo, i have downloaded and installed jdownloader..03:39
Bleachhiexpo, how to use it.03:40
robertzaccoureverytime i log out and back in my friends list disappears and i have to add them again, just to be gone when i log in again later03:40
FriedrichManhello, what's up'03:40
ethen637good time :)03:40
FriedrichMangot a question about traceroute03:40
FriedrichManhow come when I #traceroute "a_site.com" I only get *** instead of ips?03:40
mc_FriedrichMan, ICMP is filtered03:41
Bleachcj__ , hi03:41
FriedrichManmc_: how do I solve this?03:41
cj__Bleach,I'm chinese ,what about you ?03:42
mc_well, there are traceroute variants using tcp ports (like echo) try it03:42
FriedrichMancause if I traceroute thru http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/visual-tracert/ then I get the hosts... but on command line i only get ***03:42
xanguacj__: do you have any ubuntu related question¿03:42
jhambowhere do I change keybindings in kde?03:43
cj__xangua,I don't have present03:43
Bleachcj__ , check ur private chat03:43
FriedrichManmc_: echo?03:43
MoMoI have a box that whos internet connection is very slow (ubuntu 7.10)  i would like to create a mirror on a removable hard drive and then take it to the server and mount that for updating packages -- does anyone know a good howto for this -- i've tried some but it says use http://archeive.... for the deb and i don't think thats right03:44
robertzaccouris there a difference between chrome and chromium?03:44
mc_FriedrichMan, when you use traceroute you just use hostnames not the URL03:44
xanguaMoMo: 7.10 is not supported anymore03:44
xanguarobertzaccour: chomium is free software, chrome is not03:45
mc_try traceroute www.yougetsignal.com03:45
mc_I just tried03:45
robertzaccouroh whats a good site for internet radio stations? i got some url spots to fill in rhythmbox03:45
mc_and showed me all the hops03:45
MoMoxangua: thats not my problem the server can't be upgraded -- there has to be a way to create the mirror ... please don't be difficult ... i rather try and find a soultion then just say no03:45
robertzaccourxangua, i thought chrome is supposed to be open source03:45
ShazbotMcGroovyrobertzaccour, it depends on what you're int03:45
ShazbotMcGroovyif you want techno /dnb /weird03:45
ShazbotMcGroovygo to soma.fm03:45
IdleOne!ot | robertzaccour03:45
ubotturobertzaccour: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:45
mc_echo is just another protocol, do some googling, I don't want to complicate the issue by talking about it too much03:46
FriedrichManmc_: that's what I do, I #traceroute google.com03:46
ShazbotMcGroovy!ot | ShazbotMcGroovy03:46
ubottuShazbotMcGroovy, please see my private message03:46
FriedrichManand I get a series of *** back03:46
ShazbotMcGroovyoh my, that is one smart bot03:46
mc_your ISP must be filtering ICMP, works for me03:46
robertzaccourquestions pertaining to software installed by default in Ubuntu is offtopic?03:46
MonkeyKnitsHow do you back up stuff in ubuntu so you can reformat and reinstall?03:46
ethen637mc: echo is not protocol03:46
IdleOnerobertzaccour: polls on good radio stations is03:47
ShazbotMcGroovyI'm pretty sure ISPs don't filter ICMPs03:47
Bleachhiexpo , thank u pal.03:47
ShazbotMcGroovythat wouldn't make any sense at all03:47
robertzaccouri'll rephrase that03:47
FriedrichManmc_: so there's no way to bypass this?03:47
braxHow do I stop something currently installing with apt-get?03:47
ShazbotMcGroovythat would also be troubleshooting hell03:47
Bleachhiexpo , jdownloader works03:47
ShazbotMcGroovybrax, ctrl+c03:47
robertzaccourdoes anyone know of any good sites with radio URLs compatible with RHYTHMBOX?03:47
braxShazbotMcGroovy, how do I clean up the mess afterwards?03:48
IdleOnerobertzaccour: still offtopic.03:48
MoMono one knows of a mirror for the 7.10?03:48
robertzaccourrhythmbox is offtopic?03:48
xanguaMonkeyKnits: by copy them to a cd, dvd, usb stick, another partition/disk¿03:48
ShazbotMcGroovyIdleOne, nah I think that's on topic03:48
ShazbotMcGroovyone second let me see how to do it robertzaccour03:48
robertzaccourits just as offtopic as "where can i find gnome themes online"03:48
puffinWhere can I find some new gnome themes?03:48
IdleOnerobertzaccour: that is not ubuntu support related. if rythbox was causing an error it would be different. we are not IRC411 :)03:48
MonkeyKnitslet me rephrase, how do I back up data from ubuntu applications so I can reinstall03:48
LinuxGuy2009robertzaccour: You need a random online radio link to test or what?03:48
robertzaccoura site with a bunch of good ones03:49
MonkeyKnitsfor example, my mail program does not give an option to back up my email or my contancts03:49
woodyjlwanyone know if magicjack will work with ubuntu soon?03:49
robertzaccourwoodyjlw, its supposed to later this year03:49
mc_ethen637, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_protocol03:50
xangua(21:47:49) robertzaccour: does anyone know of any good sites with radio URLs compatible with RHYTHMBOX? - shoutcast, icecast; there is even a plugin03:50
LinuxGuy2009woodyjlw: magic jack is great and cheap but by the time you add in the electricity keeping your PC on all the time. Aint so great.03:50
ShazbotMcGroovyokay I'm going to GO03:50
braxShazbotMcGroovy, how do I clean up the mess afterwards?03:50
ShazbotMcGroovybrax, it shouldn't have made a mess03:50
woodyjlwrobertzaccour,  is there anything on the web about it? I cant find anything on it yet03:50
robertzaccourxangua, oh ok thanks03:50
ShazbotMcGroovybut you can do 'sudo apt-get autoremove'03:50
braxWhat about the leftover files?03:50
braxOkay, thanks.03:50
MoMofound the 7.10 repositories incase anyone cared http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/03:50
_stryk3rcan someone help me figure out what I record with recordMyDesktop ends up like in fastforward mode by itself?03:51
candy_i have eclipse.tar.gz file... can anybody suggest me how to install eclipse??03:51
ethen637i though echo is just utility03:51
mc_FriedrichMan not sure, let me google03:51
robertzaccourrecordmydesktop is good for distro reviews on youtube03:51
braxcandy_: delete the file.03:51
zirodaycandy_: "sudo apt-get install eclipse"03:51
hiexpoBleach, yes03:51
braxcandy_: then do that ^ in the terminal.03:51
woodyjlwLinuxGuy2009,  I have a cell phone so I dont keep it on all the time. only need it for faxing really. and some calls03:51
candy_brax, that takes alot of time03:52
FriedrichManmc_: ok thanks, I don't even know how to figure out whether my ISP is filtering or not03:52
ShazbotMcGroovyalso brax if you want to go further you can do 'sudo apt-get clean'03:52
candy_ziroday, so i asked my fren to get me that fine... my internet inn slow03:52
mc_FriedrichMan, does ping work for you?03:52
braxThanks ShazbotMcGroovy.03:52
zirodaycandy_: pardon?03:52
FriedrichManthe ping works perfectly03:52
navetzguys i am having a lot of trouble with the speed of eclipse on ubuntu03:52
candy_ziroday, brax, from terminal it takes alot of time03:52
navetzim using the sub libraries and all that stuff too03:53
candy_ziroday, so i got that file from fren and wanna install using some commands..03:53
Bleachhiexpo , i had integrated the jdownloder with firefox ... so that now i can download all rapidshare files03:53
mc_hmm, it means that most likely they don't03:53
zirodaycandy_: right, well that's not the best way to do it03:53
hiexpoBleach, kool03:53
zirodaycandy_: as you'll still need to install the dependencies and such03:53
myrlhow do you install chromium?03:53
mr_mustardwhat software should I use for a linux server that hosts files that are accessed by windows clients, to have some folders shared with password and others not?03:54
FriedrichManoh... i see03:54
zirodaymyrl: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa03:54
candy_ziroday, but i have all those files.03:54
FriedrichManso ... .03:54
navetzmyrl: you could just get chome froom google if you want.03:54
zirodaycandy_: sorry, I don't think I can help you03:54
LinuxGuy2009myrl is a troll03:54
* puffin huggles myrl.03:55
myrlnavetz: i think chromium is better03:55
navetzmyrl: ah okay.03:55
candy_ziroday, thanks03:56
mc_actually linux traceroute supports udp and tcp  man traceroute then try different options03:56
FriedrichManok... I'll do that03:57
jhamboif I test the sound inside of kde settings it works but inside firefox (with e.g. youtube) i get no sound.  How can I fix this?03:57
* myrl likes ubuntu03:57
FriedrichManmc_ also... do you happen to know if there's somewhere I could find the man pages in spanish?,... cause it's kinda hard for me to understand the whole thing in english03:58
Bleachhiexpo , check u private chat/03:58
hiexpoi dont do private messages sorry03:59
myrlubottu tell myrl about xfce03:59
ubottumyrl, please see my private message03:59
elkymyrl, you can PM the bot04:00
miatoneed help, i'm installing chrome but when i go to applications -> internet there is no chrome04:00
Bleachhiexpo , use xchat04:00
LinuxGuy2009miato: logout/in?04:01
zirodaymiato: how did you install chromium?04:01
Bleachhiexpo , cya04:01
hiexpoBleach, yes04:01
miatoinstall through chrome.com04:01
miatoinstall for linux04:01
kowabungawhere can I find the users on xchat?04:01
ShazbotMcGroovyAre there any good opensourced MMOs?04:02
supermatt1000how do i remove namoroka and put firefox back on my computer it randomaly switched to namoroka randomaly and i want firefox back because namoroka is realy unstable and doesent work04:02
miatowhere is located?04:02
kowabungaI can't see the users on xchat like i'm used to in mIRC04:02
zirodaymiato: follow the instructions here https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa04:02
Out_Coldkowabunga, are you using xchat-gnome?04:03
kowabungaOut_Cold, think so04:03
rgs_what is the best tool to manage an iPod Nano? the default ones seem to corrupt the itunes DB04:03
kowabungaI'm using ubuntu04:03
Out_Coldkowabunga, in my opinion xchat-gnome is garbage. make sure you have just plain xchat04:04
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: gtkpod04:04
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: easytag is great for tagging04:04
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: tried that, it killed my itunesdb04:04
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: Which nano Gen?04:04
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: any ideas on why now my iPod cant find any other music?04:04
supermatt1000can any one help me please04:04
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: I have no idea what you mean? find music?04:05
supermatt1000i hate namoroka04:05
LinuxGuy2009supermatt1000: ask04:05
supermatt1000how do i remove namoroka and put firefox back on my computer it randomaly switched to namoroka randomaly and i want firefox back because namoroka is realy unstable and doesent work04:05
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: i can see the songs from amarok and banshee, but not from my iPod04:05
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, i love it.. what's the problem?04:05
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, just remove 3.5 and reinstall 3.004:06
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: When you switch to gtkpod its best to totally start from scratch the itunes db and all.04:06
supermatt1000i tried04:06
supermatt1000keeps going back04:06
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, then you didn't remove it04:06
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: how do i reset the itunes db from iPod?04:06
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: sorry, from gtkpod04:06
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: format it. Itll recreate the whole file system when the ipod restarts.04:06
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: mkfs.vfat ?04:07
supermatt1000Out_Cold how do i remove it?04:07
xanguasupermatt1000: how do you installed namoroka¿¿04:07
supermatt1000no clue04:07
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: no idea. I usually just use gparted04:07
supermatt1000it installed by it self04:07
Out_Coldall namoroka is, is firefox 3.504:07
hayanbomhi guys, i have a  Lucid beta1 on my laptop , i want to upgrade from beta1 to beta2 , how can i do it ?04:08
supermatt1000and for me its extremely unslable crashes every time you go to a new website04:08
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: or you can browse to it in nautilus and throw everything away in it.04:08
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: k, thanks.. I'll give it a try04:08
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, look in synaptic, purge 3.5 and install 3.004:08
LinuxGuy2009rgs_: k04:08
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: done, rm -rf *04:08
rgs_LinuxGuy2009: now lets see what gtkpod says04:09
supermatt1000Out_Cold ok04:09
Flannelhayanbom: just do regular updates, but #ubuntu+1 is the place to go for Lucid questions, thanks.04:10
hayanbomFlannel, thanks for response04:10
Guest2133i am a noob to ubuntu and i need a little help, I seem to not have video when ubuntu boots up. i can ssh in and everything is working fine but when i restart i do get the ubuntu starting splash screen but never the login. what could be wrong?04:12
=== Guest2133 is now known as Gadg3t
supermatt1000i cant figure out how to unstall it04:12
LinuxGuy2009Guest2133: i experienced simaler things with 9.10. I skipped that release for those very reasons.04:13
supermatt1000i uninstalled all firefox packages04:13
supermatt1000but its still there04:13
Gadg3twell it was working fine then just went nuts today04:13
Gadg3ti am using 9.1004:13
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, right click, purge, apply04:13
DiverdudeWhat is the best processor available on the market at the moment?04:13
FriedrichMananybody has any info on why command "traceroute" might display "***" instead of actual ip's?04:14
LinuxGuy2009Diverdude: offtopic04:14
supermatt1000Out_Cold where is purge?04:14
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, in synaptic? right click the package, select purge, apply from tool bar menu04:15
supermatt1000Out_Cold i dont have that when i right click that and i uninstall all fire fox packages04:15
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, make sure it's 3.504:16
jeeveswhat is the command to totally clean an apt-get install?  I'm having serious dep issues when I pull "apt-get upgrade -f"04:16
Out_Coldugh.. one second i'll find cli command04:16
FriedrichMan anybody has any info on why command "traceroute" might display "***" instead of actual ip's?04:16
LinuxGuy2009supermatt1000: sudo apt-get autoremove? that what you need?04:16
Out_ColdLinuxGuy2009, is the package firefox for 3.5?04:17
supermatt1000no i just need to completely remove fire fox and reinstall 3.004:17
Out_Coldapt-get remove --purge firefox?04:18
supermatt1000got it i think04:18
supermatt1000i got it unisalled04:18
LinuxGuy2009supermatt1000: maybe "sudo apt-get remove firefox*" and "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0"?04:18
Out_Cold3.7 is in the repos XD04:19
LinuxGuy2009supermatt1000: sudo apt-get autoremove04:19
supermatt1000i got it04:19
supermatt1000thanks linuxguy04:19
LinuxGuy2009supermatt1000: very welcome04:19
Gadg3tso LinuxGuy2009 you think i should change versions of linux?04:19
Gadg3twell ubuntu04:19
LinuxGuy2009Gadg3t: Why do you ask?04:20
Out_ColdGadg3t, in my experience, every installation is unique and diversely problematic04:20
Out_Coldup to you ;)04:20
LinuxGuy2009Gadg3t: If you have trouble ask and we can help you.04:21
knuttyYep that's the point of the channel04:21
Ninja_Are the buttons in Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 going to be on the left permanently? (For Final Version and future releases?)04:21
LinuxGuy2009Ninja_: #ubuntu+104:22
Ninja_LinuxGuy2009: Thanks04:22
iromlihow do i fix bonobo-activation-server error code 3?04:22
Gadg3tLinuxGuy2009 it was working yesterday, i have been having problems with 9.10 that it would not turn the monitor back on so i would ssh in and reboot it and then it would come back up normally well this time i did it and on the reboot i noticed there was some updates so i updated it and now i got no video to login @ the pc itself04:23
butt3rfly_3ff3cthey all. i try to make repository by myself. so, what's that i need for it?04:24
LinuxGuy2009Gadg3t: No command line either?04:24
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LinuxGuy2009butt3rfly_3ff3ct: APTonCD is easy enough.04:24
Gadg3t@ the computer itself i get no video, but if i get on my laptop i can ssh in and get command line04:25
butt3rfly_3ff3ctok, i was forget that name. so, thank's04:25
LinuxGuy2009butt3rfly_3ff3ct: yep04:25
Out_Coldbutt3rfly_3ff3ct, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors04:25
LinuxGuy2009butt3rfly_3ff3ct: Do you see bios loading and stuff before ubuntu?04:25
LinuxGuy2009oops sorry04:26
LinuxGuy2009Gadg3t: Do you see bios loading and stuff before ubuntu?04:26
butt3rfly_3ff3ctLinuxGuy2009: ya04:26
Gadg3tyes and i also get the logo for ubuntu login but then it goes blank04:26
Guest75062video prob04:26
Gadg3ti never get the login box just the logo04:26
LinuxGuy2009butt3rfly_3ff3ct: sorry just ignore that last comment to you.04:27
BerzerkerI'm having a problem with my path, I edited .bashrc with this line: export PATH=$PATH:/home/andrew/Documents/android-sdk-linux_86/tools04:27
Berzerkerbut I get bash: /home/andrew/Documents/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb: No such file or directory04:27
Berzerkereven though the file is there04:27
stealth-Is there a way to make commands run once a network interface has been established a IP?04:27
Guest75062video driver prob what is your video card04:27
LinuxGuy2009stealth-: Maybe a simple script or something?04:27
Gadg3tits a built in video for a dell dimmension 240004:27
Gadg3tis there a way i can roll back the updates i did earlier04:28
stealth-LinuxGuy2009: .....That's what I'm asking. How would I get the system to run that script after a IP has been leased?04:28
LinuxGuy2009 stealth-: hmmm04:28
stealth-Gadg3t: I'm pretty sure their isn't.04:29
supermatt1000could i just remove .mozila fifefox?04:29
iromliBerzerker: try to load it04:29
Guest75062start in termnal  .... sudo apt-get update .... then .... sudo apt-get upgrade04:29
Berzerkerok now that's weird04:29
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Berzerkeriromli: I cd into the directory and try a ./adb, yet it says adb is still not found04:29
stealth-Linkadmin: nvm I found a way04:29
LinuxGuy2009 stealth-: not sure really other than manual starting after.04:29
LinuxGuy2009stealth-: share with us?04:30
Guest75062gadg3t start in termnal  .... sudo apt-get update .... then .... sudo apt-get upgrade04:30
iromliBerzerker: is the file executeable?04:30
Berzerkeriromli: yeah I set permissions on it04:30
Berzerkeriromli: even if it isn't executable, it should still _find_ it, no?04:30
stealth-LinuxGuy2009:  add a  up <command-name> entry to the stanza in /etc/network/interfaces04:30
Gadg3tGuest75062 i want to roll the update back not do the update, do you know how to do that?04:30
LinuxGuy2009stealth-: hmmm cool04:31
iromliBerzerker: well, that's very odd04:31
kenITRHello. I am new to Ubuntu (coming form Fedora). Is there a way in the GUI to log off or shut down the computer?04:31
LinuxGuy2009kenITR: gnome is still gnome04:31
Out_ColdkenITR, it's where your name is on the panel04:31
stealth-Shutdown by GUI?!? What the hell do you think this is?!04:32
SuperMiguelkenITR, alll th way to the top right corner04:32
Guest75062gadg3t start in termnal  .... sudo apt-get update .... then .... sudo apt-get upgrade   .... this will usually get you to standard settings04:32
Reticentidoes ubuntu come with a default bash variable called GET ?04:32
Out_Coldstealth-, i haven't shut down a computer in gui for a long time..04:32
Guest75062gadg3t start in termnal  .... sudo apt-get update .... then .... sudo apt-get upgrade   .... this will usually get you to standard settings and remove 3rd party installed drivers04:33
stealth-Out_Cold: Me either, tbh.04:33
LinuxGuy2009Reticenti: GET command yes.04:33
ReticentiLinuxGuy2009: I've never heard of it...04:33
kenITROut_Cold, in Fedora there are actually menu items logg off and shut down. How quaint!04:34
LinuxGuy2009Reticenti: man GET ?04:34
Gadg3tGuest75062 thats what i did earlier and now i cant get anything04:34
stealth-kenITR: That's not just fedora, that's pretty much every linux 'cept ubuntu04:34
Out_ColdkenITR, i think you can add them to the menu.. i use the netbook desktop though so not sure at the moment04:34
ReticentiLinuxGuy2009: well, I'm on another distro that doesnt come with GET, so i'm trying to find it04:34
Guest75062you need to get to generic video driver04:35
Out_Coldi think it's gnome based because other desktop environments have that option04:35
stealth-Reticenti, LinuxGuy2009: I'm not aware of any GET command either, are you sure your not thinking of wget?04:35
LinuxGuy2009Reticenti: This channel is for Ubuntu.04:35
iromlikenITR: it's on your panel that has your name on it04:35
Reticentistealth-: no, I found it on a bash script on the ubuntu forums, and I'm jsut trying to get info on it04:35
Out_Coldtime for a new install :(04:36
stealth-Reticenti: ah, okay. Just making sure ;)04:36
kenITRiromli, yes I see it thanks. I'm just used to it being a bit more prominent.04:36
Gadg3tGuest75062 that would be awesome04:36
LinuxGuy2009GET - This program can be used to send requests to WWW servers and your local file system.04:37
kenITRThe lack of a network manager and services manager is curious. I thought this was supposed to be a "user friendly" distro.04:37
LinuxGuy2009kenITR: Dont like it dont use it.04:37
supermatt1000i figujred it out04:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:38
iromlikenITR: i used to be in fedora for several years :)04:38
supermatt1000when i reinstall firefox im getting 3.6 on default04:38
kenITRWell, it's been 20 minutes so far. I'm just getting used to it.04:38
ReticentiLinuxGuy2009: does it have a website?04:38
russell__Evening folks.  Is there a ubuntu server specific IRC chat?04:38
supermatt1000how do i set it up so i get 3.0 on default04:38
LinuxGuy2009Reticenti: What have a website?04:38
Out_Coldrussell__, you are in it04:38
ReticentiLinuxGuy2009: does the GET man apge havea  website?04:39
Reticentimane page*04:39
iromlisupermatt1000: maybe apt-get instal firefox3.0 ?04:39
LinuxGuy2009Reticenti: Open a terminal. "man GET"04:39
kenITRMy first shock was not finding the /var/www directory04:39
tucemiuxubuntu server?  not really, this channel is for ubuntu support, some of the guys in #ubuntu-offtopic might give you a tip or two if youre having a problem or have a question about hosting a server using ubuntu04:39
ReticentiLinuxGuy2009: I'm not on ubuntu, and it's not installed on my system, so I'm trying to find it, but I cant find it04:39
Guest75062 gadg3t dell 2400 has intel video04:39
russell__is someone able to answer a question regarding apache (maybe?)04:39
iromlikenITR: you must install apache2 first04:39
Out_Coldrussell__, you can ask here ir in #apache204:40
tucemiuxrussell__, apache is not developed by the ubuntu folks04:40
Guest75062 gadg3t dell 2400 has intel video ich704:40
kenITRI found a way to install the entire LAMP stack.04:40
LinuxGuy2009Reticenti: probably could copy the bin file from one distro to another maybe?04:40
russell__yes, I understand that apache is developed by the apache foundation.  I'll try their IRC04:40
supermatt1000nope dident work04:41
kenITRAlso, surprised that there is no root password04:41
supermatt1000still have namoroka04:41
LinuxGuy2009kenITR: sudo gksudo (no need for root account)04:41
kenITRwhat is gksudo?04:41
LinuxGuy2009kenITR: but can easily be enabled.04:42
iromlikenITR: yes, no need for root account :)04:42
Out_Coldsupermatt1000, that's just a branding.. check that it's the right version inside firefox help>about04:42
LinuxGuy2009kenITR: man sudo | man gksudo04:42
kenITRIn Fedora there are certain tasks that cannot be done with sudo even with all privileges04:42
LinuxGuy2009kenITR: sudo and gksudo are to run any app as with root privledges.04:42
iromlikenITR: yup04:43
supermatt1000it still says 3..6.4pre04:43
Gadg3tGuest75062 ok how can i find a driver for one and install it?04:43
LinuxGuy2009kenITR: sudo for CLI and gksudo for GUI apps04:43
fivetwentysixHi, I'm trying to migrate to Ruby 1.9.1, but my switch code doesn't work, did they make any changes to syntax?04:43
supermatt10003.6.4 pre04:43
iromlisupermatt1000: i'm not sure about downgrading a package04:44
Picifivetwentysix: Try asking in #ruby (or is it #ruby-lang ?)04:44
xanguasupermatt1000: how did you install namoroka¿¿ using the daily/nightie ppa04:44
iromlibut maybe there is a PPA for ff3.004:44
supermatt1000i have no clue it installed it self04:44
iromlii used it for my amarok1.404:44
Guest75062Gadg3t ... what version of Linux are you using04:44
supermatt1000oneday i updated every thing and i was stuck with namoroka04:45
LinuxGuy2009have fun guys04:45
jhambokpackagekit doesn't find anything when I search for irssi even though I know that it's available from `apt-cache search irssi`.  I kpackagekit even the right program to use to install new software??04:45
kenITRDo I need to isolate my Home directory to protect it from kernel upgrades with Ubuntu04:45
chdso I downloaded a tar.gz file, how do I run what's inside it?04:46
iromlichd: extract it first04:46
Out_ColdkenITR, it's always a good idea to isolate /home04:46
chdiromli, then what?04:46
iromliit depends on the files inside the tar archive04:47
butt3rfly_3ff3ctLinuxGuy2009: i was installing AptonCD, but i can't found it in my main menu. so, where i can found it?04:47
Gadg3tGuest75062 ubuntu 9.1004:47
iromlichd: what are you trying to execute?04:47
kenITROut_Cold, I can;t remember how I did that. Did I create a separate partition?04:48
supermatt1000woot i got rid of namoroka04:48
jhambois kpackagekit the kde version of aptitude, synaptic etc...?04:48
Out_Coldideally yes, another partition mounted at /home or /home/user04:48
butt3rfly_3ff3ctok, i was installing AptonCD, but i can't found it in my main menu. so, where i can found it?04:48
qwertyjustini have more than 1 user on my computer. & these other users can  see my home folder files, using their seperate user accounts! how is this active by default?04:48
iromlicd to that directory04:49
Out_ColdkenITR, depends on your setup04:49
red2kicsupermatt1000: woot i installed namoroka :)04:49
iromliand try ./abgx36004:49
Out_ColdkenITR, do you have any space left?04:49
chdhere are the files in the dir04:49
kenITRI used all04:49
supermatt1000red2kic im sorry for me it is realy unstable and crashes all the time04:50
chdaclocal.m4, config.h.in configure, configure.ac, decomp, install-sh, makefile.am makefile.in missing readme04:50
qwertyjustinhow can i stop other users from being able to see my home files?04:50
chdand an src folder04:50
dsnydersHi all!  How do you boot an iso file without burning it to a disk?04:50
supermatt1000red2kic got to the point i couldent even go to the next page and it crashed04:50
Out_ColdkenITR, it's possible to shrink with gparted but i'd go with a proper partition table if you plan to keep it for any length of time04:50
kenITRqwertyjustin, strong password04:50
iromlichd: i see, you're trying to compile a source right?04:50
Guest75062Gadg3t ... on startup use down arrow key on keyboard to pick second on list .... then start in normal mode form list04:50
tucemiuxqwertyjustin,  you have change the permissions on the files, first chown the files to yourself and then give them 700 permissions04:51
chdiromli, I'm not sure, this is the first time I've done it04:51
red2kicsupermatt1000: You mean the latest firefox package? I have been using daily-ppa for long time and it is the only latest packages that causes the crashes lately (for me).04:51
chdsorry iromli I'll read the readme...dur04:51
iromlichd: type ./configure in your terminal04:51
kenITROut_Cold, and how do I assign home to that partition?04:51
Flannelqwertyjustin: chmod o-rx /home/yourusername04:51
Out_ColdkenITR, sudo mount /dev/sda* /home04:51
iromlichd: okay04:51
Out_Coldswitch * with proper #04:52
Flannelqwertyjustin: note: this may prevent you from using userdir for apache04:52
qwertyjustingreat, so thats :    sudo chown 700 /home/justin    ?04:52
Out_ColdkenITR, then you add the line to /etc/fstab for a permanent solution04:52
hiexpoiromli,  - he is tgring to compile the abgx 360 is a tool to copy xbox games04:52
Guest75062Gadg3t ... on startup use down arrow key on keyboard to pick second on list .... then start in terminal and enter .... sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg .... this should reset your video to standard04:53
iromlihiexpo: that's nice :)04:53
tucemiuxqwertyjustin, if youre doing it on your home directory it should already be setup,  you can also try what Flannel just told you04:53
kenjy_hi guys04:53
kenITROut_Cold, and if I do it when I install?04:53
kenjy_I am using ubuntu netbook remix and I need to add this to the firefox icon: "firefox -ProfileManager -no-remote %u" because I wanna launch the profile manager each time I open firefox04:54
kenjy_can you help me?04:54
Out_ColdkenITR, you do a manual installation and set up a partition for /boot, swap, /, /home04:54
supermatt1000red2kit yah i think04:54
soreaukenITR: Right click on the icon and click preferences?04:55
soreaukenjy: ^^04:55
tucemiuxqwertyjustin, but if you have lets say another hard drive with data and not mounted in a home directory the way I make sure no one sees a folder is first I chown it to myself, sudo chown tucemiux:tucemiux, then I add the permissions, chmod 700 filename, youll have to do it recursively if youre doing it on a  directory04:55
kenjy_soreau, are you kidding ? ubuntu netbook remix only have open and favorite when you do right click in a icon04:55
soreaukenjy: Oh that sucks.04:56
soreau! unr04:56
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu04:56
Out_ColdkenITR, on my server i just set up i have a 300mb /boot, 50gb /, 20gb /var and 4.5tb /home XD04:56
kenjy_soreau, absolutely agree04:56
red2kicsupermatt1000: You can type "red2" --> Press TAB to autocomplete. I think this is happening to me too as of lately. I'm going to install another webbrowser -- Firefox-3.5.  Might be a good time to play around with Opera/Chrome too. :)04:56
chdconfigure:2488: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables what's this mean?04:56
kenjy_soreau, Im trying to edit the bash script in /usr/bin/firefox04:57
steen444will ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 be upgradable to the final release without reinstalling?04:57
KB1JWQchd: Darned if I know.  That's a bit strange, what package is it coming from?04:57
KB1JWQsteen444: Yes.04:57
chd./configure: line 2441: g++: command not found04:57
KB1JWQ!lucid | steen44404:57
ubottusteen444: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:57
kenjy_any better idea about launching firefox in ubuntu netbook remix?04:57
KB1JWQchd: Install g++ then?04:57
chdsudo apt-get install g++?04:57
KB1JWQkenjy_: Launch it how?04:57
KB1JWQchd: Try it and see.04:57
soreaukenjy: The hacky thing to do would be to rename the ff binary to something else, then make your script the name it thinks is the binary and then you can call the ff binary with whatever options04:57
iromlichd: you need to install build-essential package to compile04:57
kenjy_KB1JWQ, with profile manager04:57
deenai have fedora lvm partition04:57
supermatt1000red2kic, yup i been using chrome and chromium04:57
chdsudo apt-get install g++ worked04:58
chdshould I run build-essential?04:58
deenaif i do grub-install /dev/sda... it is not detecting fedora lvm partiition04:58
iromlichd: just install it04:58
deenaanyway to fix this?04:58
iromliyou'll need it later04:58
soreauchd: You should install build-essential if you're planning on using compilers and related developer tools04:58
kenjy_KB1JWQ, I need to launch firefox in this way "firefox -ProfileManager -no-remote %u" in ubuntu netbook remix04:58
Loshachd: yes, also do:  sudo apt-get install build-essential as this will install other tools you'll probably need04:59
tucemiux!hello | sanders05:00
ubottusanders: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:00
dsnydersHi all!  How do you boot an iso file without burning it to a disk?05:00
sandersi wish i had zune on this thing05:01
tucemiuxdsnyders, sounds like you want to use virtualbox, youre talking about an iso that has an operating system?05:01
tucemiux!ot | sanders05:01
ubottusanders: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:01
dsnyderstucemiux, I want to install ubuntu to a real machine, not a virtual one.05:02
kenjy_so no way?05:03
dsnyderstucemiux, I've copied the 9.10 install iso to an ext partition on the machine.05:03
Loshadsnyders: unetbootin is supposed to support doing a cd-less install http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/05:03
dsnydersLosha, sadly, the machine in question cannot boot from usb.05:04
tucemiuxdsnyders, so you want to try karmic without installing it on your hard drive??? or do you want to dual boot into it without burning it to a CD?05:04
dsnyderstucemiux, Just a simple single boot install without having to burn a disk.05:04
Loshadsnyders: keep reading: "it can make a "frugal install" on your local hard disk if you don't have a USB drive"05:05
cleverfoohey everyone, can someone help me setup a password less vnc server?05:05
Gadg3tGuest75062 i tried @ the pc and down would not work, so i used ssh and tried and still i get nothing05:05
cleverfooit's only on localhost for some screen recording I'm working on05:05
dsnydersLosha, Hadn't gotten to that part yet.  I just did a quick scan.  Thanks for the link, BTW.05:06
Zenkerhow do i disable the start up music?05:06
knoppieszenker easily05:06
soreaucleverfoo: You want to use vncviewer to view another box with X running?05:06
knoppiesZenker, system->preferences->sound05:07
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Zenkerknoppies then what ?05:07
cleverfoosoreau: nope, I want to setup a vncserver that is password less so I can attach with a tool that converts the vnc data into a flv05:08
cleverfoosoreau: I have most everything working05:08
cleverfoobut the password on the vnc session is annoying05:08
bastid_raZorZenker: Sound theme = No Sounds05:08
cleverfooi just wanted it to be password less05:08
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=== NinoScript_ is now known as NinoScript
Zenkerknoppies ahh i dont want 2 disable them all just the start up sound05:09
soreaucleverfoo: I use vncviewer which doesn't require a password if the vino-server is configed for no password (sys>prefs>remote desktop)05:09
tucemiuxdsnyders, i dont believe ubuntu works that way, you have to have a medium to install from, you can install the ISO from a usb drive, a server that hosts the ISO but it's not that easy, only systems administrators would take the hassle to do that, typically when installing on more than 10+ clients you would want to do something like that05:10
knoppiesZenker, Im still on 9.04. But on mine you can.05:10
cleverfoosoreau: that makes sense but I'm not using vino, I'm using vnc4server05:10
bastid_raZor!install | tucemiux dsnyders .. follow the tinyurl link.05:10
ubottutucemiux dsnyders .. follow the tinyurl link.: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:10
soreaucleverfoo: oh, not sure then05:10
cleverfoosoreau: thanks anyways05:10
soreaucleverfoo: Maybe look into the related man pages05:10
soreaucleverfoo: Or ask in ##linux05:11
Zenkerknoppies ohh ok well thanks anyhow ;)05:11
cleverfoosoreau: cool05:11
tucemiuxbastid_raZor, he has the ISO, how can he install it without burning the ISO to a CD?05:11
bastid_raZortucemiux: if you read the link you will know.05:11
knoppiesZenker, anything to help. I would just have a look at the different tabs in there05:12
mdelhey all.. anyone ever boot a windows partition with virtualbox? i want the ability to still use the windows install natively if need-be, so im going this route05:12
dsnydersbastid_raZor, what in blazes is a C:\ drive? And what's winrar?05:12
knoppiesmdel, I like the idea, I hope you can do that.05:12
SuperMiguelany one know if multisim 11 works with wine?05:12
mdelknoppies: yeah... i switched to ubuntu after php-cli crashes every 5 minutes05:13
mdelknoppies: i still need full power for heavy flash and photoshop work :(05:13
mdelhonestly, its incredible having a real terminal finally doing web-development05:14
mdeli dont have to log into the staging server to get my grep on ;)05:14
tucemiuxdsnyders, if he doesnt have any personal experience he will not know, youre generally wasting time with people that tell you to rtfm, just keep asking the same question, try different times and days, eventually someone who has done it personally will help you05:14
knoppiesmdel, Im glad you liked the switch.05:15
mdelknoppies: ;)05:15
mdelsomething i've been meaning to do05:15
gm|lapmdel: if you desperately need those programs, wine usually helps05:15
gm|lapi don't know of any good alternatives to flash05:15
mdelgm|lap: nope, wine wont help with those05:15
mdelwine wont even handle CS2 sufficiently05:15
gm|lapin a pinch, GIMP works as a photoshop replacement05:16
dsnyderstucemiux, they are giving me good links though.  Burning disks to install stuff is a waste.05:16
gm|lapi did say "in a pinch" though05:16
knoppiesgm|lap, he wants to run his windows partition in Virtual Box, without making it a virtual HDD.05:16
mdelgm|lap: yeah, ONLY in a pinch05:16
gm|lapas in, it has layers, and brushes, and some stuff05:16
gm|lapoh, righty, uh05:16
mdeland i've found the font rendering is sub-par05:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:16
mdelardchoille: really?05:16
mdelfeel better now?05:16
cchildressHey everyone, I'm trying to set up an ipsec vpn, but I can't get ESPINUDP working. Everytime I start openswan it says it has to fall back on the old style nat-t. Does anyone know how to get ubuntu working with udp encapsulation?05:17
mdelannnnnyway... i've found some guides on virtuabox/windows partition booting05:17
red2kicCould somebody link me to Opera-Browser-64bit.deb? I'm having issues with my Firefox and lynx isn't helping me with that. :(05:17
mdelbut it seems kludgey05:17
bastid_raZordsnyders: C: is related to windows.. winrar is a rar application for windows.. at the bottom of the page it also gives a howto for a linux version of installing by the method you want.05:17
bastid_raZortucemiux: glad to see you read the entire page too before commenting.05:17
Compsmanquestions.... windows exe inastaller.05:17
gm|lapCompsman: wine05:18
Compsmani mean how dows windows base unbuntu install?05:18
gm|lapwhen was the last time you used wine, 2000?05:18
tucemiuxdsnyders, i suggest you use a USB drive them, there is also a way so that you install whatever's necessary so that your machine boots up to the drive that youll be installing the stuff to, if you follow that guide one of those links will eventually show you how to do an installation of that type, i personall have used USB thumb drive, or if im testing an OS, I install the OS in virtualbox05:18
dsnyderstucemiux, The machine does not support booting from a usb.05:19
gm|lapCompsman: you can run ubuntu off the CD without touching your hard drive, and there's also an option to install it05:19
Compsmanu can get a cd booter05:19
gm|lapi think you can boot into it as a live CD, and then install it from there05:19
gm|lapcan you boot off the CD?05:20
archany one use arch linux ?05:20
Compsmanthen all u need is syslinux booter to boot usb.05:20
ardchoille!ot | arch05:20
ubottuarch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:20
tucemiuxdsnyders, in that case you will have to research on how to install without using a CD, one of the links in there will show you, just need to find the right one05:20
tucemiuxarch, you can ask the guys in #ubuntu-offtopic05:20
gm|laparch: #archlinux if you need help05:21
archI use ubuntu now05:21
gm|laphmmkay... why were you asking, btw?05:21
tucemiuxarch, ok so what is the problem you are experiencing with ubuntu?05:21
Compsmangm|lap, so how does the ubuntu installer for windows work?05:21
archI use lubuntu ,and I want to know how to make it work effective05:22
bastid_raZordsnyders: if you do decide to follow the guide... sudo chmod `whoami`:`whoami` should be a sudo chown `whoami`:`whoami`05:22
susuwhat is the topic05:22
gm|lapCompsman: i'm not entirely sure, but if you have a standard USB stick, then i think it reformats your stick or something like that05:22
dsnyderstucemiux, That was my original question.05:22
tucemiuxCompsman, that's probably a very generic question, i would suggest for you to try it unless you want the actual technical details and youre a developer05:22
SuperMiguelis there a wine channel?05:22
bastid_raZorSuperMiguel: #winehq05:22
gm|lapbasically, booting off a USB stick is like booting off a hard drive05:22
dsnydersbastid_raZor, I saw that in the comments.  I'm going to give the http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ method a try first.05:23
bastid_raZordsnyders: good luck.05:23
Compsmantucemiux, well i will try it on a empty ntfs part.05:23
gm|lapexcept there are some tricks it uses, at the early stages, your hard disks are, erm, "shifted along a letter"05:23
archSuperMiguel,wine is not linux philosophy05:23
gm|lapbut once it's all booted it should just act normally05:23
tucemiuxdsnyders, i just pointed you at the right direction, on the link that bastid_raZor gave you might have the actual instructions05:23
cchildressdoes anyone in here know how to set up ipsec on ubuntu 9.10?05:24
tucemiuxCompsman, you want to install wubi?05:24
Compsmantucemiux, and the installer wants to install on ntfs drives. kinda like vmware.05:24
xanguaSuperMiguel: yes there irs #winehq05:24
Compsmantucemiux,  and yes05:25
NinoScriptcan someone show me how to put a text file in the SED hold space/buffer? I don't quite understand the info google gave me, ##sed is almost empty and #bash isn't too active :P05:25
tucemiuxCompsman, this is the first time I have heard that but then again it's been ages since i've used fat32 on an actual hard drive, ntfs is definetely the way to go if youre using windows05:25
Compsmantucemiux, yup win 7 8gb of ram.05:26
tucemiuxNinoScript, that's not really an ubuntu issue, you can try again in the channel at another time and maybe day, if someone knows the answer they will let you know, you can also ask in #ubuntu-offtopic05:26
jhambowhen I put in a data cd, where can I go to browse the contents (in KDE)??05:26
Compsmantucemiux, i will come here and see what wubi does:p05:26
ardchoillejhambo: ask in #kubuntu05:27
tucemiuxCompsman, installing wubi on windows is the same as installing anything else on windows, just click on the exe file and pray that it works05:27
Compsmantucemiux, so its a virtual drive.05:27
tucemiuxjhambo, does kubuntu have a "places" link??05:28
foxtechanyone have tips on getting the microsoft life cam 3000 to work .. i updated to the 2.6.32rc8 kernel and i see it in the /dev ..but i get a light on and then nothing05:28
tucemiuxCompsman, i almost tried ubuntu on wubi once but ran out of space, if I tried it yet again I would rather install a real ubuntu installation using virtualbox or better you, i would dual boot if i was you05:29
tucemiuxCompsman, or better -=-yet--- not you, sorry05:29
foxtechif its showing video0 in the /dev dose that mean it should work>05:29
Compsmantucemiux, the wubi makes a boot entry for boot loader05:30
Compsmantucemiux,  reading the readme.05:31
Compsmancould a bea  live iso emulator05:31
tucemiuxCompsman, yeah if youll rather go with wubi then there it is, you can also try virtualbox on windows and install ubuntu on virtualbox, maybe then that would help you decide to dual boot, creating a dual boot is not hard05:31
Compsmantucemiux, yea i use the the for os x custom pc boot loader:p05:32
dsnchntdHi, can someone help me?05:32
dsnchntdI burned the live cd and I booted into and tried the check cd for integrity test05:33
tucemiux!anybody| dsnchntd05:33
ubottudsnchntd: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:33
dsnchntdbut no progress bar will come up05:33
tucemiuxdsnchntd,  so you can boot up to the cd then?05:33
dsnchntdlol I did type my question at first, but I added the dumb question because I thought it was polite05:33
dsnchntdyeah I can boot into the cd but nothing comes up05:34
Compsmandsnchntd, wait for a bit?05:34
Compsmandsnchntd, sometimes it can take a bit.05:34
dsnchntdI waited about 20 min and saw nothing so I thought there was something wrong05:34
dsnchntdit was just a black screen05:34
Compsmantry add -live ahci off05:35
Compsmanif thats right05:35
dsnchntdx.x okay, before I turn off my laptop to try it again, could you give me an idea of how long is too long?05:35
Compsman1 hr05:37
tucemiuxdsnchntd, i generally dont waste my time with that since i've had mixed results05:37
cchildresscan someone help me with ipsec udp incapsulation? It fails and tries to fall back on an older method of nat-t.05:37
wyggler2in the appearance setting for background there is a choice that shows several astronomy pictures as a group of wallpapers.  Is it possible to add a new group of wallpapers?05:37
tucemiuxdsnchntd, i usually check the md5 sums, if i have a match i go ahead if not then I download again05:38
Compsmandsnchntd, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions05:38
foxtechso no word on the my cam question ?05:38
SuperMiguelis there a way to fool wine to think you have internet explorer installed?05:38
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mdelSuperMiguel: install IE?05:39
tucemiuxSuperMiguel, there probably is,  i would read up on the forum05:39
SuperMiguelmdel, i did using this: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=469 and it keeps saying that i dont have it, im installing a program that needs it05:39
SuperMiguelmdel, i can open ie no problem, but when i try to install this program it asks me for ie :S05:40
mdelSuperMiguel: hrm, sorry im not a big wine person05:40
mdelcheck fora05:40
foxtechok can any one at least see my text ..05:41
crucialhoaxfoxtech: yes05:41
foxtechok thanks05:41
foxtechthe color was just diffrent and i wasent sure05:42
xanguaSuperMiguel: why do you want ie¿05:42
SuperMiguelxangua, trying to install multisim in wine,  which requires ie..05:43
jhamboare dvd's supposed to be automatically mounted somewhere or do I have to do something special in order to access it??05:43
crucialhoaxjhambo: they should auto mount with a desktop icon05:44
red2kicjhambo: You will have to install codecs if you haven't done that.05:44
red2kic!dvd | jhambo05:44
ubottujhambo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:44
dsnchntdthanks a lot guys!05:44
ackt1cubuntu > XP?05:46
red2kicackt1c: We're in #ubuntu channel. Course we're going to say yes.05:47
bastid_raZorackt1c: still at it?05:48
jhambored2kic: are the codecs necessary for a data dvd?05:48
ackt1cit runs in my head05:48
red2kicackt1c: But that was not the point. I never went back to Windows when I started using linux few years ago. If that help you at all. :)05:48
dsnydersred2kic, ackt1c, unless we're talking about price, of course.05:48
jhambocrucialhoax: they don't seem to be auto mounting05:48
red2kicjhambo: Assuming you're talking about movies, you'll need codecs.  As for regular data dvd, I'm not sure but that should be mounted automatically (in Gnome).05:49
foxtechim new to linux .. is there a way to just load or update drivers like with windows of do i need to patch the kernel everytime i make a change ??05:51
dsnydersfoxtech, You don't need to patch the kernel.  There is a program called synaptic which can load updates05:52
Compsmantucemiux, its downloading a iso (torrent)05:53
crucialhoaxjhambo: Is it in the /media folder?05:53
foxtechok .. i just wanted to try diffrent drivers for my webcam and see if i could get it to work05:54
foxtechthe kernel i have installed now is the 2.6.32rc and it was said this one would work with my cam but im not so sure05:55
ardchoillefoxtech: are you running Lucid?05:55
dsnydersfoxtech, your best off to google for your webcam model and ubuntu05:55
foxtechim not sure how could i check i think its05:56
ardchoillefoxtech: lsb_release -cs05:57
foxtechkarmic ..05:58
ardchoillefoxtech: Then how did you get kernel 2.6.32rc ?05:59
crucialhoaxthere is not much difference between Ubuntu and Debian is there? Besides art, branding etc?05:59
ardchoillecrucialhoax: There is quite a difference05:59
ackt1cnot really05:59
foxtechhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.32-rc8/  from here05:59
crucialhoaxardchoille: explain please05:59
crucialhoaxackt1c: I did not think so, but that is why I am asking lol.06:00
ardchoillecrucialhoax: differences i app versions, file locations, dangerous to use .deb packages made for debian, etc.06:00
bastid_raZorackt1c is a troll. beware of his murmurings06:01
crucialhoaxardchoille: Dangerous to use .deb packages made for debian?06:01
ardchoillecrucialhoax: yes06:01
crucialhoaxdangerous for ubuntu?06:01
ardchoillecrucialhoax: there is enough of a difference between debian and Ubuntu that using a .deb package made for debian can do more harm than good06:02
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!06:02
ardchoilleThere ya go06:02
ardchoillebastid_raZor: Thanks06:02
bastid_raZorardchoille: the bot knows all :)06:03
foxtechardchoille: what is the diff with karmic and lucid ?06:03
ardchoille!lucid | foxtech06:03
ubottufoxtech: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:03
voss749ardchoille, depends on the package, and how critical it is06:07
crucialhoaxI guess there is quite a difference... now I know lol.06:07
ardchoillevoss749: It's best to stick with .deb packages made for Ubuntu.06:07
=== apangnu is now known as apangnu__
voss749ard, sometimes the ubuntu packages are too old. Like freeciv06:08
gasgesgosplenty of older packages lurking in the repos, be sure to check version numbers when installing as a pre-requisite for another app06:09
cchildressdoes anyone know how to fix "ipsec__plutorun: 003 NAT-Traversal: ESPINUDP(1) setup failed for new style NAT-T family IPv4 (errno=19)"06:09
ardchoilleIf a package in the repos is "too old", then the user needs to find an Ubuntu PPA or compile it. It's best to stick with Ubuntu packages.06:09
tony_ /join #el-lnx eternallinux06:10
ackt1c[10:10pm] [N] #el-lnx Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key06:10
vahe_quick question guys, trying to install ubuntu 10.04 beta on a seperate hard drive on my windows system. The installer will not see this specific drive (sees the other two). When I run it in Live CD, ubuntu sees this drive and its content. This drive had opensuse installed previously. I had deleted that volume using windows disk management and the ubuntu installer stil does not see it06:12
ardchoille!lucid | vahe_06:12
ubottuvahe_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:12
bastid_raZorackt1c: are you seriously still at it? i would have thought the several kicks you've had would have beaten the message through.06:13
tonechefI have a newer MacBook.. not a power macbook. the cheaper aluminum one.. since its an intel cpu.. would I just install the normal 9.10 32bit i assume?06:14
bastid_raZor!macbook | tonechef06:15
ubottutonechef: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:15
=== benja193 is now known as BenjaminB
tonechefI dont wanna dual boot06:15
tonechefi want to get rid of osx06:15
bastid_raZortonechef: read the entire factoid.06:15
tonechefbut ill check out the link thanks06:16
tonechefyes i see.. thanks06:16
red2kictonechef: Why? (I'm just wondering why people would want to get rid of OSX?  Hardware)06:16
bastid_raZortonechef: good luck06:16
tonechefwell I like os-x and everything.. but.. i dont like having to pay for all the software upgrades each time a new version of os-x comes out.. and i hate itunes..06:16
tonechefand all i really do is browse the internet.. and record music.. but i can do that in linux just fine06:17
red2kictonechef: Gotcha. :)06:17
red2kictonechef: I have been wondering if I ought to buy it off eBay (because of hardware, nice battery life).06:18
tonechefthe mac's are built very nicely which is why i bought mine06:18
tonechefand they aren't overpriced like ppl say.. i got mine brand new for about 130006:18
tonechefand i dont care what anyone says, they are built wayyy supeior to any other laptops in that price range06:19
tonechefspelling .. ignore06:19
=== cchildress is now known as who_cares
emergencyhey everyone, i need some heavy help. i was dua booting win 7 + ubuntu 9.10. then i was upgrading 9.1 to 10.04 when the grub installation near the end got corrupted somehow. now there is a "GRUB error" (considering it's screwy) message after the bios option to where i can't choose to boot up in either win or ubuntu06:22
=== who_cares is now known as cchildress
ardchoille!lucid | emergency06:23
ubottuemergency: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:23
emergencyi've tried putting my recovery disk for windows back in, but it won't get rid of the screwed up grub settings, and now i'm running off of a spare 9.10 disk which is having trouble installing06:23
emergencywell, i think during the upgrade i chose to replace my current grub settings with the new one which froze during the installation. it would have been wrong any06:24
emergencyis there any way to wipe everything clean using the live disk without installing it? i just can't rid of grub06:25
ackt1cthere is06:26
ranjanhi all...anybody using bugzilla here??06:26
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:28
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
rocket16Is KGrub Editor unavailable in Ubuntu 9.10?06:31
ackt1ci think its Gedit06:31
AlcorWhen I try to set up file sharing, After I input a passwd, I get a file sharing service fail error.. NE ideas?06:34
crucialhoaxwhats up06:38
Choowiyleh jadi tmn g'.........?06:39
crucialhoaxI just updated and now my laptop fan is going crazy haha06:39
Choowiyhey.......... pake indonesia aja ...........06:39
rocket16Ah, I am downloading Lucid Alternate. Is there any bug in the installer?06:40
crucialhoax!lucid | rocket1606:40
ubotturocket16: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:40
iromli!ot | Choowiy06:40
ubottuChoowiy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:40
Choowiyah..........g' tau................06:40
=== bigjb_gone is now known as bigjb
kenITRBrand new to Ubuntu (coming from Fedora). Where is the Firewall Manager?06:42
crucialhoaxkenITR: sudo apt-get install gufw06:43
crucialhoaxkenITR: ufw is the default but it does not have a GUI, gufw is the GUI06:43
iromliChoowiy: please grown up, this channel is not for a chit chat talk06:44
kenITRThanks, crucialhoax06:44
Choowiyah..................... sorry I don't know whats themining06:44
crucialhoaxkenITR: No problem.06:46
crucialhoaxHow do you see what the most recent packages that were updated?06:46
kenITRcrucialhoax, hmmm. I just want to open a port.06:46
crucialhoaxkenITR: that should do it06:47
crucialhoax!hi | miato06:48
ubottumiato: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:48
miatoi am installing chrome but i dont know where to launch it06:48
crucialhoaxmiato: did you install it from the google site06:48
miatofrom chrome site06:49
crucialhoaxmiato: Ok, it is under Applications > Internet > then the chrome icon06:49
miatoi dont see any chrome icon there06:49
miatoi dont see any chrome icon there06:50
crucialhoaxmiato: Open a terminal06:51
iromlimiato: it should be on Application>Internet06:51
crucialhoaxtype cd /opt/06:51
crucialhoaxtype ls06:51
crucialhoaxwhat displays?06:52
miatolaptop:/opt$ ls06:52
crucialhoaxtype cd google/06:52
crucialhoaxcd chrome/06:53
miatook then06:53
miatou mean ?06:54
miatocd google-chrome ?06:54
iromlimiato: or you can try Alt+F2 and type 'google-chrome'06:54
crucialhoaxno just as I typed. google-chrome06:54
oDoyleYou want him to launch it using ./06:54
miatoit shows laptop:/opt/google/chrome$06:54
crucialhoaxmiato: It is installed, but when you typed 'google-chrome' did it run?06:55
oDoylewhois crucialhoax06:55
kenITRthis distro doesn't come with SSH?06:55
miatothen ?06:55
crucialhoaxkenITR: Not by default.06:55
miatonope crucialhoax06:55
miatoit not run06:55
crucialhoaxiromli: True, I was typing the wrong command which is why I was doing it this way...06:56
kenITRWhoa. I'm really surprised by this distro06:56
crucialhoaxkenITR: why is that?06:56
crucialhoaxmiato: Is that same terminal still open?06:56
miatoit not run what should i do06:56
Out_Coldi followed this guide: http://www.evileyez.org/quick-and-dirty-linux-software-raid5/ everything went smooth until restart... now i have no md0 and am not sure where to start troubleshooting..06:56
miatostill open06:56
crucialhoaxmiato: type 'cd'06:57
crucialhoaxmiato: without the quotes06:57
kenITRno service manager, no network manager, no SSH, no apache, kinda bare bones06:57
=== donny is now known as donnybaker
crucialhoaxkenITR: Yes, it is. and Ubuntu does have a network manager...06:57
iromlimiato: type this on your terminal '/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome'06:57
crucialhoaxmiato: type 'google-chrome'06:57
=== donnybaker is now known as TheImperialTreas
miatonothing happen06:58
kenITRwhy do we like this distro?06:58
=== TheImperialTreas is now known as Imperialism
iromlicrucialhoax: i think you forget ./06:58
crucialhoaxiromli: Chrome on my laptop launches with just 'google-chrome'06:58
=== Imperialism is now known as EpicWindsor
crucialhoaxmiato: type this 'whereis google-chrome'06:59
oDoylethat works, you can also use ./chrome if you want...06:59
crucialhoaxmiato: what does it say?06:59
miato whereis google-chrome06:59
miatogoogle-chrome: /usr/bin/google-chrome /usr/share/man/man1/google-chrome.106:59
crucialhoaxmiato: It is installed...06:59
crucialhoaxoDoyle: bash: ./chrome: No such file or directory06:59
xivenHi guys06:59
=== bigjb is now known as bigjb_gone
miatobut i cant launch it06:59
=== EpicWindsor is now known as hxcgaming12
iromlimiato: cd to /opt/google/chrome and type ls -l07:00
xivenI just installed a fresh copy of Karmic, I changed the screen resolution from 1024x768 85.0, to 1280x1024 75.0, which is what it has always worked best with. Now, I get the desktop, but no panels whatsoever. I have to create a launcher for xterm, and open up apps by command.07:00
iromlimiato: check whether google-chrome is executable07:01
crucialhoaxmiato: System > Preferences > Main Menu > on the left hand side look for 'Internet' click it > is Google chome there?07:01
oDoylecrucialhoax | could be a bad install. Do you think removing it and reinstalling using synaptic would resolve the issue?07:01
xivenI've tried to reset it using xrandr, but the screen blinks to a black screen, with the mouse in the upper right, and the system appears to be frozen.07:01
crucialhoaxoDoyle: It works fine...07:01
crucialhoaxoDoyle: chrome does not use the standard set-up method.07:02
miatonope crucialhoax07:02
miatono chrome on it07:02
crucialhoaxmiato: in the terminal type: /usr/bin/google-chrome07:03
miatook then07:03
miatonot a directory07:03
crucialhoaxwhat command did you type?07:03
miatoi type /usr/bin/google-chrome and cd /usr/bin/google-chrome07:04
miatoboth no directory07:04
xivenWhat is the command to bring up the Display Graphical Administration tool?07:04
crucialhoaxmiato: At the desktop or home screen press and hold the ALT key then press F207:05
miatowhen i type that it disable my wireless07:05
crucialhoaxmiato: hmmm.07:05
crucialhoaxmiato: Ok... nevermind then07:06
rocket16Does Empathy need less memory than Pidgin?07:06
crucialhoaxrocket16: About the same07:06
rocket16If not, what is the advantage of Epathy over Pidgin?07:06
miatowhat should i do07:06
crucialhoaxmiato: type this again. /usr/bin/google-chrome copy and paste it07:06
rocket16crucialhoax: Ok, but still, isn't there any advantage of Empathy over Pidgin?07:06
crucialhoaxrocket16: User preference. Pidgin supports file transfer over most networks, where as Empathy only does XMPP07:07
miatoi type /usr/bin/google-chrome07:07
miatonothing happen07:07
neutrino__how do i supress Xorg starup output on the console?  i read the FAQ.  i tried -quiet.  i'm currently using nohup to hide the output in nohup.out.  is there another way?  here's the output i get (nothing exciting): http://sprunge.us/aaVQ  everytime i switch between console and X i get this.07:07
crucialhoaxmiato: yes07:07
kenITRThe default webroot is /var/www?07:07
miatonothing happen07:07
crucialhoaxtype ps -A | grep chrome07:07
robbmunsonkenITR, yes07:08
kenITRThis is like another country07:08
miatonothing happen too07:08
monkeytwinanyone know font and fontsize "pterm" uses ?07:08
robbmunsonkenITR, you must use sudo or gksudo to copy files to that directory (its owned by root)07:08
ardchoille!root | kenITR07:09
ubottukenITR: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:09
iromlimiato: try to reinstall chrome07:09
xivenHow can I instruct xrandr to try each display mode that is saved, until it finds the right one?07:09
crucialhoaxmiato: type uname -m what is the output?07:09
robbmunsonardchoille, you beat me to the punch =)07:09
crucialhoaxmiato: Did you install a 32 bit version of chrome?07:09
kenITRrobbmunson, how can I use sudo from another computer?07:11
xivencrucialhoax> How can I tell GDM/XServer  to rescan for monitor modes, and use the one it finds best?07:11
crucialhoaxkenITR: SSH07:11
robbmunsonkenITR, ssh07:11
kenITRright but if root owns the dir how do I ssh there?07:11
crucialhoaxxiven: I do not know as I know very little about X07:11
miato2sorry i'm disconnect07:11
robbmunsonkenITR, you dont...07:11
miato2crucialhoax> miato: type uname -m what is the output?07:11
miato2<miato> i68607:11
xivenI'm just trying to get back my Gnome menus, and panels....07:12
robbmunsonyou log into a normal user account with ssh, and run sudo, it automatically changes to a temporary root user for that one command....07:12
rocket16Hmm, sounds like Pidgin is better, :( I was an Empathy fan, but... Thinking to make a switch to Pidgin, :(07:12
crucialhoaxrocket16: Pidgin is nice :)07:12
robbmunsonkenITR, sudo is like "hey big brother can I borrow your keys for one second?"07:12
xivencrucialhoax> When I changed my screen resolution, it made it so I cannot see anything but  the background and icons...and the screen doesn't scroll.07:12
miato2crucialhoax then07:12
rocket16crucialhoax: Yes, :( But, I feel sorry for Empathy, :(\07:13
crucialhoaxkenITR: You want to access the /var/www from a differnt pc on the same network?07:13
kenITRnormally I would do scp /var/www/html/ root@
rocket16crucialhoax: Still, thank you :D07:13
xivenPidgin sucks compared to Empathy in my opinion (however Empathy isn't free of its own diffficulties)07:13
iromlicrucialhoax: is there a way to fix yahoo account in pidgin without upgrade pidgin?07:13
kenITRcrucialhoax, yes07:13
robbmunsonkenITR, no offense intended but isnt "sneakernet" another option for this?07:14
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:14
crucialhoaxssh <username>@
slyrusargh... anyone gotten hdmi audio to work on an h55 mobo?07:14
xivenrocket6>  do you know the command to open up  the Gnome Display Control ?07:14
crucialhoaxkenITR:  ssh <username>@
ActionParsnipSlyrus: use the output if: sudo lshw -C sound ,to find guides07:14
crucialhoaxxiven: Do you have a GUI?07:15
red2kicrocket16: I like Pidgin. I even made few changes in pixmaps to suit my taste a tad better. :)07:15
kenITRcrucialhoax, maybe a better option is to change the owner or group of www?07:15
rocket16red2kic: Oh, nice,:D07:15
miato2hello crucialhoax07:15
crucialhoaxiromli: What do you mean?07:15
miato2crucialhoax> miato: type uname -m what is the output?07:15
miato2<miato> i68607:15
crucialhoaxmiato2: Try re-installing07:15
crucialhoaxkenITR: You can do that as well.07:15
iromlicrucialhoax: i cant get my yahoo id worked on pidgin07:15
miato2how to reinstall07:15
kenITRcrucialhoax, can you chmod in Ubuntu?07:15
iromliand i dont want to upgrade pidgin yet07:15
miato2where can i remove it07:15
crucialhoaxkenITR: Yes07:16
xivencrucialhoax> I have Gnome, but can only see icons and background..I created a launcher to open xterm and started Empathy by cl07:16
crucialhoaxkenITR: One second I will give you commands lol07:16
ActionParsnipIromli: get pidgin from the pidgin ppa. May help07:16
red2kickenITR: You could "gksudo nautilus /var/www" too07:16
kenITRcrucialhoax, well thank goodness for that!07:16
slyrusActionParsnip: thanks. I've found a bunch of things that are close, tried the new realtek drivers, etc... but to no avail.07:16
robbmunsonred2kic, different computer same network :)07:16
ActionParsnipIromli: yahoo change logon server like people change socks07:16
miato2how to uninstall chrome07:16
iromliActionParsnip: yes, i knew it .... but for now i dont want to upgrade pidgin07:16
miato2command ?07:16
crucialhoaxiromli: Click on accounts > add > then re-type all of your info07:16
crucialhoaxxiven: Create a new panel?07:17
ActionParsnipSlyrus: that's all I know. I don't use hdmi, too much heartache07:17
red2kicrobbmunson: Personal HTTP Server?07:17
ActionParsnipIromli: it may be necessarey07:17
xivenYou mean calling gnome-panel??07:17
slyrusActionParsnip: ok, thanks07:17
iromliActionParsnip: i see07:17
robbmunsonred2kic, I believe so....07:17
crucialhoaxkenITR: You need to add yourself to the www-data group07:17
ActionParsnipIromli: you could websearch around for recent guides. You may simply have to change the logon server used07:18
robbmunsonkenITR, I will be back in a second...but these guys know what they are doing...have fun boys and girls!07:18
crucialhoaxmiato2: Just re-install over it07:18
xivencrucialhoax> When I call gnome-panel it says Adding applet 1-6, but says it cannot find the session manager or name or something07:18
kenITRthanks guys, gotta hit the sack.07:18
usuario_en ispanis07:18
crucialhoaxkenITR: Cya.07:18
Madpilotubottu, es | usuario_07:19
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:19
iromliActionParsnip: yup, already done it ... but nothing's work07:19
iromlii guess i should upgrade pidgin :(07:19
ActionParsnipiromli: yahoo are a weird bunch07:19
oDoylecrucialhoax: I'm using mint, but shouldn't chrome appear in the package manager once it's installed?07:19
iromliActionParsnip: LOL07:19
ActionParsnipIromli: try it, you can always remove the ppa and reinstall the version you have07:19
oDoylechrucialhoax: in standard ubuntu I mena07:19
crucialhoaxxiven: If you are in a GUI environment why are you using the terminal to get the panel back? right click and click new panel07:19
red2kicrobbmunson, kenITR: You could "ln -s /var/www /home/$USER/public" -- Then on any computers, do "http://<ip-here>/public"07:19
red2kicrobbmunson: Not sure what he's trying to do though.07:20
miato2ok i reinstall and its showing up07:20
miato2thank you07:20
crucialhoaxoDoyle: Yes, after it is installed it is in the repos and has its own sources.list entry.07:20
crucialhoaxmiato2: Glad it is working :)07:20
iromlimiato2: finally :D07:21
crucialhoaxred2kic: Or add the user to the www-data group and chmod the /var/www folder07:21
oDoylegrats miato207:21
miato2thanks all for helping07:21
crucialhoaxmiato2: No problem.07:21
nomad77!es > usuario_07:21
xivencrucialhoax> I got it to change to 1024x768 resolution, but the screen it pretty large, and the monitor is a 19"07:21
robbmunsontrying to copy files from one computer to another computers "web directory" in the same network red2kic07:22
rocket16Ah! Pidgin is awesome!07:22
xivenWhat do all the numbers to the right of resolution mean coming from xrandr?07:22
xivenrocket6> You prefer Pidgin to Empathy?07:23
ActionParsnipRocket16: runs on windows too07:23
rocket16Yes, :)07:23
ActionParsnipXiven: i'd say so. Switched to irssi recently though ;)07:23
knoppiesxiven, I prefer pidgin to empathy07:23
red2kicxiven: Refresh Rates.07:23
robbmunsonred2kic, I mean from any folder in one computer to the folder /var/www on the server...07:23
knoppiesxiven, I do not use it for irc, I use xchat instead07:23
xivenred2kic> Hmm well xrandr has four of those numbers listed by the resolution I'm currently using07:24
red2kicrobbmunson: Gotcha. I suppose he want "ln -s /home/$USER/ /var/www/"  -- I think.07:24
xivenWell, two now actually07:24
rocket16Yes, I am trying to make the functionality of Xchat and Empathy combine in Pidgin, :)07:24
xivenI'm going to try changing the refresh rate from 85.0 to 75.0..07:25
xivenred2kic> Wait a second....should -any- refresh rate be 85.0???07:25
crucialhoaxxiven: 60...07:26
red2kicxiven: Meh. It varies on the display (ie monitor).07:26
crucialhoaxxiven: Could be higher, but mine is 60 lol07:26
ActionParsnipMy old ctx could pull 120hz easily. Why is 85 outrageous?07:26
xivenWell xrandr --output VGA1 --rate 60.0 worked..but it didn't say anything...or do anything visually.07:27
xivenThe only thing my monitor says is ESA07:27
tp43I had a question about the internet.  How do you register a domain name directly.  I mean you can go to godaddy, or yahoo, ... but what if you wanted to pay less, how do you go direct to buy a domain from the main source?07:27
xivenI know its an ESA Flat-Screen CRT 19"...07:27
ActionParsnip!ot | tp4307:27
ubottutp43: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:27
tp43crt lol07:27
red2kictp43: GoDaddy is terrible. :(  (Use #ubuntu-offtopic).07:28
SuperMigueltp43, u cant07:28
ThomasG33Ktp43: Dreamhost07:28
xiventp43> Find out what organization adminstrates the domain extension you want07:28
Madpilottp43, domain registry is decentralized. there is no 'main source'07:28
Madpilotand this is offtopic for #ubuntu :)07:28
xivenScrew DreamHost, I'd use MediaTemple if I was to use one of them07:28
ActionParsnipMadpilot: was just typing that ;)07:29
tp43can we meet in offtopic about this one please, guys, those interested?07:29
xivenred2kic> Shouldn't my screen at least flicker or something after I change the refresh rate?07:29
robbmunsonmarvelous idea tp43 :)07:29
neutrino__tp43: you have to become a registrar.  and that requires $$$.07:29
red2kicxiven: I don't know. I rarely have to use xrandr to set a resolution.07:30
ActionParsnipRight kids off to earn some cash, back in 12 hours07:30
xivenWhat do you use??07:30
xivenI usually use the Administration>Display, but I cannot access it right now obviously07:31
crucialhoaxxiven: With the display preferences open if I do a ps aux | grep xran nothing shows up..07:31
crucialhoaxtry gnome-display-properties from the terminal07:33
SuperMiguelhow do i edit path of things on my application menu??07:33
crucialhoaxSuperMiguel: System > Preferences > Main Menu07:34
SuperMiguelcrucialhoax, thanks07:34
red2kicSuperMiguel: Right-click and Edit Menu?07:34
xivenThat worked07:34
red2kicSuperMiguel: (On the menu).07:34
xivenIt opened..but clicking Apply didn't do anything07:35
crucialhoaxSuperMiguel: No problem.07:36
xivenWell I have tried all of the resolutions, with each refresh rate. The panels don't show up...but it says there is one running when I call the command.07:38
JasonBournehi i tried using ubuntu and all i can say is i went right bak to windows 7 for my gaming system07:38
JasonBourneim playing sc2 with insane windows 7 graphics07:39
tripelbHEY! this is important. If the ipad can have a youtube-app so it doesnt have to use flash --- we should have one too!!07:39
DPicdid the ubuntu server go down?07:39
xivenIf you want to get around Flash, just adopt HTML 507:39
DPicmy install isn't fetching files07:39
tripelbUbuntu has been a constant project for me. Just windows is $200 for one that can use legacy programs.07:40
ThomasG33Kxiven: at least html5 is open source ish07:40
xivenIt's completely open source07:40
thebwtis there a way to set up a bridge network connection without disabling netowrk-manager?07:40
xivenSVG is open, HTML is open, JavaScript, CSS are open...07:40
ThomasG33Ki dont mind apple screwing up adobe07:41
red2kic!info bridge-utils | thebwt07:41
ubottuthebwt: bridge-utils (source: bridge-utils): Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-5 (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 172 kB07:41
red2kicthebwt: That will works with network-manager.07:42
xivenred2kic> I don't get it..no matter what resolution/rate I use..the panels do not show up07:42
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:42
thebwtred2kic: thanks!07:42
red2kicxiven: "killall gnome-panelser07:42
red2kicxiven: Meh. Bad commandz.07:42
red2kicxiven: "killall gnome-panel" ?07:43
crucialhoaxps -A | grep gnome-panel07:43
rumpsyis that a bad idea ugrading hardy to lucid even its beta207:43
crucialhoaxsee if it is running first07:43
tp43so when Lucid is out, will it off the upgrade in my update manager, I wonder what is gonna be new and awesome07:43
=== ShazbotMcGroovy is now known as ShazbotMcNasty
red2kictp43: Yes, it'll display a dialog. If it does not, you always can come back here. There also are !upgrade07:44
xiven2767 ?   00:00:00 gnome-panel, output from ps -A...07:44
rocket16How to synchronize Xchat contacts to Pidgin?07:45
xivenWhat is the Name and Class supposed to be?07:45
dbboltonmy laptop sporadically restarts or completely freezes, such that i have to restart by pressing alt+SysRq+B. i tried running from an ubuntu live cd, and it froze after about an hour.07:45
apctr190hi all ...can any one tell me how to set up a local repository mirror on ubuntu 9.1007:45
crucialhoaxxiven is gdm even running?07:45
crucialhoax!ppa | apctr19007:45
ubottuapctr190: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.07:45
red2kicrocket16: Uh. You don't have to sync anything. A list of users usually comes with any IRC client. If Pidgin isn't showing it, try to enable it somewhere.07:46
indusdbbolton, which version of ubuntu07:46
rumpsy!grep | rumpsy07:46
ubotturumpsy, please see my private message07:46
nomad77xiven:   try gnome-panel --restart07:46
tripelbHEY! this is important. If the ipad can have a youtube-app so it doesnt have to use flash --- we should have one too!!07:46
rocket16red2kic: Ok,07:46
dbboltonindus: i believe 9.0407:46
dbboltonindus: but i seriouslu doubt it is a software issue07:46
indusdbbolton, maybe something overheating?07:46
red2kic!info apt-mirror | apctr19007:46
ubottuapctr190: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.6-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB07:46
tripelbHEY! this is important. If the ipad can have a youtube-app so it doesnt have to use flash --- we should have one too!!   Do we?07:46
indusdbbolton, did you try to hear the fans spinning?07:46
dbboltonindus: i cleaned it out. i have seen it shutdown while running with a core temp of 45C07:47
indusdbbolton, hmm07:47
tripelbHow do you know what your core temp is?07:47
indusdbbolton, does it shutdown all the time07:47
indusdbbolton, maybe try watching the kernel messages sometime07:48
crucialhoaxrocket16: The cool thing about X-Chat is a wallpaper inside the chat window :)07:48
tripelbmy computer freezes. Are there "kernel messages to watch"?07:48
crucialhoaxdbbolton: What is running when it crashes?07:49
rocket16crucialhoax: Yes, :) Gnome-XChat and XChat are nice for this, :)\07:49
crucialhoaxmy laptop goes dead when I plug in a USB mouse, not every time but sometimes it does.07:49
crucialhoaxoh well :)07:49
apctr190ubottu: thanks..Please check this link,http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror07:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:49
chrisl2424what is the terminal code to install on an application07:49
apctr190ubottu: am i right??07:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:49
xivenI think when I call killall gnome-panel, it starts another automatically..but I still can't see it07:49
red2kicxiven: Press ALT+F1. If your resolution is too big, you might see something on top-left corner.07:50
dbboltontripelb: from lm-sensors...07:50
oDoylexiven : this may not help, but you can change resolutions using Ctrl|Alt + and -07:50
rumpsyapctr190: chrisl2424 , its a bot, programmed app, its not human07:50
dbboltoncrucialhoax: one time just x, openbox, and xterm07:50
chrisl2424what is the terminal code to install something? Is it sudo apt get install .........?07:51
tripelbmy computer freezes. It sounds like dbbolton .. cntrol+SysRq+REISUB didnt work at all for me.07:51
induschrisl2424, yeah sudo apt-get install <somename>07:51
chrisl2424ah --07:51
crucialhoaxchrisl2424: sudo apt-get install <package name>07:52
xivenThose hotkeys don't work07:52
crucialhoaxdbbolton: Are there any external devices plugged in, possibly with shady drivers?07:53
apctr190and how to change splash image in 9.10??07:53
crucialhoaxxiven: the alt+f1 does07:53
dbboltoncrucialhoax: ac adapter, usb mouse. both of which i have used extensively for months07:53
crucialhoaxdbbolton: Ok. Well.07:54
tripelbdbbolton, where do I find lmsensors (I searched in home folder and got nothing.07:54
dbboltontripelb: lm-sensors is a package name07:54
xivenalt+f1 isn't doing anything07:54
crucialhoaxxiven: it opens the applications drop down..07:54
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dbboltontripelb: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/32707:54
xivenWell, I can see it worked..but I still cannot actually see the panels..07:55
tripelbdbbolton, lmsensors - is a pachage name that gives "kernel messages to watch"?07:55
xivenI'll try modifying resolution again07:55
dbboltontripelb: no, you asked me "how do you know the core temp"07:55
tripelbdbbolton, gone to read link. Will bb (if no freeze) sometime later.07:55
crucialhoaxxiven: is gdm running?07:56
tripelbdbbolton, what does LMsensors do?07:56
xivenI am inside Gnome with GDM07:56
industripelb, try booting in safe graphics mode, probably its just a graphical freeze07:56
oDoylexiven : you've run your monitors auto-configure?07:56
tripelbOH it reads the temp dbbolton , understood.07:56
xivenI just changed to 800x600, and there is no panel, and the icons look further up then they should be07:56
crucialhoaxxiven: What about sudo restart gdm?07:56
xivenI'll try it07:56
crucialhoaxxiven: you will have to log back in07:57
chrisl2424i can't download armagetron from terminal07:57
xivenIt says it cannot acquire DisplayManager name07:57
crucialhoaxxiven: it logs you out of your current session.07:57
ShazbotMcNastythat works?07:57
red2kiccrucialhoax: no service? o.o07:57
ShazbotMcNastyI thought you had to07:57
ShazbotMcNastysudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:57
segphaultAnyone here tried a fully automated install with Ubuntu 9.04 / 9.10 ?07:57
crucialhoaxShazbotMcNasty: No longer works07:57
ShazbotMcNastycrucialhoax, in 10.04?07:58
crucialhoaxShazbotMcNasty: It is now sudo restart <service>07:58
segphaultFAI that is ? all the docs point to debian mostly. Not sure if it works well for Ubuntu as well.07:58
crucialhoaxxiven, try sudo start gdm or /etc/init.d/gdm start07:59
tripelbindus, what's a graphical freeze? But lately twice it has gone black, but it reboots. I'll look up graphical freeze and safe graphics mode. Untill tho "gone black" I thought it was firefox. (9.10upgrade,AMD32,memtest good,last time I saw flashing keyboard lights but they quit. It's a project of going on 3 weeks now. ::))07:59
apctr190how to set static IP in ubuntu 9.1007:59
crucialhoaxtripelb: Flashing keyboard lights is a kernel panic...07:59
crucialhoaxapctr190: Network Manager, upper right hand corner of the screen.08:00
red2kicapctr190: There are network-manager (on Notification Area).08:00
=== riku|sleep is now known as riku
industripelb, due to some driver issue the gui doesnt load thats what it is08:00
industripelb, so safe graphics mode loads some basic driver08:00
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, "sudo ifconfig <staticip> <subnetmask>"08:01
ShazbotMcNastyeg: ifconfig
crucialhoaxShazbotMcNasty: You need more than that, you need the broadcast, network, gateway.08:01
rocket16So, how to use Pidgin Smileys in IRC? I can use them everywhere, but not in this channel or IRC, :(08:01
ShazbotMcNastycrucialhoax, that's what the netmask is for brosef08:01
rikuquick question, is there any way to put the monitor to sleep via terminal? that'd be handy when i get into bed and forget to turn off my screen, i'd like to just ssh in from my phone and turn 'em off :P08:01
crucialhoaxShazbotMcNasty: All that will do is give the machine an IP that can sit there, it needs a default route....08:01
ShazbotMcNastysubnet mask makes it possible for the computer to figure out a default gateway08:02
red2kicrocket16: IRC does not embed smiley or img. >;}~08:02
ShazbotMcNastyand the broadcast and network08:02
crucialhoaxShazbotMcNasty: The subnet mask has nothing to do with the router or the gateway...08:02
rocket16red2kic: Oh, thanks.08:02
ShazbotMcNastylol k crucialhoax08:02
ShazbotMcNastyI'm a network technician08:02
brounoklooking for desktop background slideshow software. web search throws up a few such as gnome-desktop-change, wallzapper...any recommendation?08:02
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rikuanyone? guess not, i'm probably just lazy ;)08:02
brounokfor gnome, of course.08:03
coz_riku,  mm not sure let me check08:03
red2kicriku: Toss any objects at the monitor usually work.08:03
ShazbotMcNastyriku, "gnome-screensaver-command -l"08:03
crucialhoaxAll a subnet does is tell a machine what network segment the machine is on. It cannot find its default route from that without DHCP, it can find its broadcast and network though -- which is my mistake..08:03
rikuthanks red2kic lol08:03
ShazbotMcNastythat locks the screen, is that what you're for? riku?08:03
ShazbotMcNastyokay crucialhoax08:03
rikuyes! :)08:03
rikusort of, lol lets try it ;)08:03
rikuoooh theres alot of commands i didn't know, thankms ShazbotMcNasty !  even if that waasn't exactly waht i was looking for ;o08:04
=== kasun is now known as Guest89309
ShazbotMcNastyI don't know how to actually sleep the monitor :<08:05
ShazbotMcNastybut if the screen is locked it will eventually sleep lol08:05
coz_riku,    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16037508:05
red2kicriku: "xset dpms force off"08:05
rikuthanks guys!08:05
=== Guest89309 is now known as help
ShazbotMcNastythat's purty cool08:05
rikuthat might be it red2kic, someone in another channel brought that up too08:05
crucialhoaxriku: gnome-screensaver-command -a -l08:06
rikuTHAT EXACTLY it red2kic thanks :)08:06
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red2kicriku: :)08:06
brontois ^string$ correct syntax for exact string match?08:06
brontoin regex08:07
tripelbtill later08:07
red2kicriku: If you can't remember that command, you might want to create alias so you can ssh in and just use the alias.08:07
rikured2kic, already done08:07
rikuxsleep :P08:07
red2kicriku: "goodnight" :)08:07
tripelbindus, till later I must sleep08:07
rikualright! night guys, thanks again!08:07
=== kasun_ is now known as kasun
weheI have a problem (probably due to statically assigned IP addresses). Really often that computer cannot reach the internet (looks like a problem with address resolution).08:10
mecoThe Disk Usage Analyzer tells me that "/" has 100% usage, and the graphic bar is all red. Is this a matter for concern and what does it mean?08:10
MuzerI am running on Jaunty and have a dialup modem that isn't always inserted. If it isn't inserted, init constantly trys to respawn the mgetty session, which has the net effect of constant 20KiB/s hard drive writes from syslogd. So, is there a way to make it so that if ttySHSF0 doesn't exist, init doesn't even try to start /etc/event.d/ttySHSF0 ?08:10
crucialhoaxwehe: from a terminal type nslookup google.com08:11
weheThe big problem is: I cannot reach the update server. (KK)08:11
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oDoyle2meco : it means a process is jamming up your cpu. open a terminal and type 'top'. Which process is going at 100?08:11
red2kicmeco: Naturally, / is full. It should be something you ignore.08:11
mecoThat was two totally contradicting answers...08:12
wehecrucialhoax: dig google.com replies normally.08:12
rikuhmm. that works when ran locally, but via ssh i'm missing something, how do i direct a command like "xset dpms force off" to a specific x11 session?08:12
red2kicmeco: Were you talking about storage or process? ;o08:12
crucialhoaxwehe: Does it state that you have a DNS server?08:12
Muzersorry, was disconnected, did anyone answer my question?08:13
crucialhoaxred2kic: Stupid question, but what did you mean by create an alias?08:13
mecored2kic: I assume the Disk Usage Analyzer deal with the former...08:13
wehecrucialhoax: yes, and it staes its own address08:13
=== tys_ is now known as clement_
red2kiccrucialhoax: Open a terminal. alias lol='aptitude moo';lol08:14
wehecrucialhoax: (
brounokis 'drapes' good for gnome desktop slideshow?08:14
crucialhoaxwehe: So underneath nslookup google.com it should say server:<server IP>08:14
red2kicriku: DISPLAY=":0" xset dpms force off --> Might work.08:14
MuzerI know how I would go about creating a kludge to sort it out (something in /etc/init.d and /etc/rcx.d that checks if it exists and if not runs the necessary initctl call to stop it running08:14
coz_brounok,   I have tried many of the options for gnome desktop slideshow and ALL have been disapointing08:15
Muzerbut I was wondering if there is a neater solution08:15
crucialhoaxriku: gnome-screensaver-command -a -l <-- try that?08:15
red2kicbrounok: Give it a try. I think drapes are decent enough. If you dislike it, there always are scripts + cron.08:15
brounokcoz_: in what way(s) are they disappointing?08:15
rikucrucialhoax, yes i did08:15
crucialhoaxriku: did not work?08:15
coz_brounok,  well they have never been smooth enough or with enough transition options for my tastes08:15
rikusame response as before, "x11 initialization failed" so i'm guessing it needs to be specified as "what" x session08:16
red2kiccrucialhoax: You understood alias?08:16
brounokcoz_: ok, so its a matter of personal taste.08:16
Muzerriku: Where are you running this command from?08:16
brounoki will give drapes a try.08:16
crucialhoaxred2kic: Yes. lol08:16
coz_brounok,  most likely yes08:16
rikuMuzer, an android phone via SSH08:16
rikuin bed08:16
Muzerriku: prefix the command with: DISPLAY=:0.008:17
Muzerthat tells it which X session to connect to08:17
rikuMuzer, thanks, gonna try that now :)08:17
Muzer(the first one in this case)08:17
red2kiccrucialhoax: You can use it for just about anything. I have bunch of them. Example: alias install='sudo aptitude install -VPR'   That way, I can just... install pidgin08:17
crucialhoaxred2kic: what is the -VPR for?08:17
rikured2kic, yup, Muzer up, thanks!08:18
red2kiccrucialhoax: aptitude --help ;)08:18
Muzerriku: np :)08:18
rikulets try sleeping again..08:18
=== riku is now known as riku|sleep
Muzerriku: If you're planning on doing many X things via the ssh session, you can run export DISPLAY=:0.008:18
Muzerlol, he's gone08:18
red2kiccrucialhoax: Prompt. Verbose. No Recommendations.08:19
crucialhoaxred2kic: I looked it up lol08:19
=== root is now known as Guest7777
shledahi, is there a way to change my status in empathy using some script to reflect 10.04 release dat?08:20
MuzerI am running on Jaunty and have a dialup modem that isn't always inserted. If it isn't inserted, init constantly trys to respawn the mgetty session, which has the net effect of constant 20KiB/s hard drive writes from syslogd. So, is there a way to make it so that if ttySHSF0 doesn't exist, init doesn't even try to start /etc/event.d/ttySHSF0 ?08:21
crucialhoaxtime for sleep08:21
crucialhoaxnight all.08:21
ah149159101Does anyone in here speak French?08:21
shledaje na parle pa francais :)08:22
ah149159101is that a sarcastic yes or a joking no08:22
red2kicah149159101: ubottu know french.08:22
red2kic!french | ah14915910108:22
ubottuah149159101: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois08:22
shledajoking no, I could not continue my french classes08:22
torelloHi, I update my ubuntu lucid beta to the latest kernel this morning and now the laptop not came up. Is not in kernel panic but not finish the boot08:23
philienshleda : Vous parlez quelle langue ?08:23
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois08:23
torellothe latest message is "usb 1-3: configuration °1 chosen from 1 choice"08:24
shledaun pea francais and thats all08:24
ah149159101ok so...nobody actually speaks french?08:24
Muzertorello: Sounds like it might be an error that's hidden by udev connection messages08:24
red2kictorello: #ubuntu+108:24
Muzertorello: That's annoyingly common08:24
HaffeIs it a diffrent french spoken in quebec as compared to french spoken in france?08:24
Muzertorello: I would try removing all devices you can so you can see what errors there are08:24
torelloI touch anything ....08:24
Flannelah149159101: This channel is english only, if you want support in french, /join #ubuntu-fr08:24
Muzer(USB devices)08:24
Muzeras many as possible08:24
shledaah149159101: you can put your question in english, I guess you can speak english08:24
torellohow I can choose the previous kernel?08:24
red2kictorello: Hold SHIFT during the boot process. Select the previous kernel.08:25
torelloMuzer, I not have any device plugged08:25
backlolubunto en français08:26
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weheHow does ubuntu (KK) know which servers to use for dns?08:26
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=== CMoH|office is now known as CMoH-office
Flannel!away > CMoH-office08:26
ubottuCMoH-office, please see my private message08:26
ezequielhello everybody08:27
CMoH-officesry, Flannel, just configuring nickserv08:27
torellored2kic, Muzer: Ok, now the machine came up again ...any suggestion about how to use new kernel?08:27
red2kicwehe: It usually use for dns...whatever your router offer.08:27
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
wehered2kic: I meant: how do I configure to use a certain server...08:28
Muzertorello: Sorry, I don't really have any clue if you can't see any errors :(08:28
Muzerit's quite irritating08:28
Muzerthere might be a way to get rid of udev messages but I don't know what it is08:28
red2kictorello: If the new kernel is causing issues, you could try and figure out why -- Use launchpad for that.  Report and they'll ask you to extract some information about your machine. (That's good thing, a constant improvement). Or just stick with the previous kernel.08:29
red2kicwehe: I think network-manager are capable of changing dns servers.08:29
=== ShazbotMcNasty is now known as ShazbotMcGroovy
ezequielsorry bothering you but I got a question about using ubuntu 9.10 palimpsest disk utility!08:30
torelloright red2kic ... you are right08:30
=== ShazbotMcGroovy is now known as ShazbotMcNasty
oDoyle2Whats the timeout for ghost nicks on this server?08:30
red2kicwehe: Use DHCP Address Only. You can put in the new DNS addresses right there.08:30
weheredkic: the computer must have a fixed address an keep accepting connections when no one is logged in.08:32
apctr190How to set static ip in 9.10?08:32
Gneaapctr190: in network manager08:33
parisHi folks. I know that I have Internet connection but for some reason when I try to use skype, it says that P2P connect failed. What do I have to do? so I can use skype!08:33
red2kicoDoyle2: Ask the nice folks at #freenode -- if you really want to find out.08:33
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oDoyle2thanks red2kic08:33
ezequielI have formatted my 160 GB external usb HDD using disk utility in FAT filesystem, it works in ubuntu but it doesn't work in computers running windows xp, anyone knows why this happening???08:34
red2kicezequiel: Any particular reason why you're using FAT format?08:34
parishow to install mysql?08:36
ezequielI am using ubuntu 9.10 on my PC, but I wanted it to be compatible with windows xp PC's08:36
red2kicezequiel: FAT32? Ubuntu is capable of using NTFS btw.08:36
=== Random832 is now known as rAndom832
camposvic<----- Hello, in need of some help08:36
Muzerezequiel: Define "compatible"08:37
Muzerthere are quite a few ways something would be compatible...08:37
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oDoyle2ezequiel: You may have formatted it using FAT16 instead of FAT32. FAT16 isn't readable by XP08:37
ortsvorstehercamposvic, just ask. all in one line and with full details of the problem08:37
weheHow do I set the dns to use (if no one is logged in) server in KK? Placing dns-nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces doen't do the trick.08:38
shledadoes anyone around here know plugins for empathy?08:38
camposvici have a ip1700 canon printer that i don't know how 2 install on ubuntu 9.1008:38
red2kicezequiel: Run "sudo blkid" -- What does it say about your hard drive?  fat32?08:38
camposvic<--- Noob08:38
ezequielsome time ago I used palimpsest disk utility to format the usb HDD in FAT it worked in ubuntu and in windows xp PC's08:39
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ortsvorsteher!printer | camposvic08:39
camposvichello? anyone?08:39
ubottucamposvic: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:39
apctr190Gnea: i edit /etc/network/interfaces file08:40
camposviccan u help?08:40
ortsvorstehercamposvic, try to follow the links which ubottu gave you.08:40
ezequielI had to format the drive again and now it doesn't show in windows PC's08:40
ShazbotMcNastyezequiel, what did you format it as?08:40
ShazbotMcNasty!ask | campee08:40
ubottucampee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:40
ShazbotMcNastyno not you campee08:40
ShazbotMcNasty!ask | camposvic08:41
ubottucamposvic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:41
ShazbotMcNastyTHERE WE GO08:41
FloodBot4ShazbotMcNasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
apctr190and change the dynamic ip into static ip but internet is not working08:41
weheapctr190: have you also sucessfully set the nameserver for that static network configuration?08:41
apctr190wehe: yes08:41
camposvici didn't ask to ask a question.. damn bot08:41
oDoyle2ezequiel: did you run "sudo blkid" from a terminal like red2kic mentioned?08:42
ezequielok give me a second08:42
camposvicip1700 printer i've tried numerous things 2 no avail08:42
camposviccanon printer08:42
camposvicno linux drivers08:42
sandro_ciao a tutte e tutti08:44
camposvicthose links don't have the ip170008:44
oDoyle2camposvic: googling "ip1700 linux" shows me a number of sites with peopel experiencing similar issues. Have a look through other peopels forum entries and see if they found a solution.08:44
camposvici've tried those things they extensive and usually do not work08:45
apctr190wehe: but my internet is not working with my static ip??08:45
camposvicnot usually but none of the 10 or so i've tried worked08:45
oDoyle2camposvic: printer support is very particular to the situation so remote assistance is difficult. You'll have to grab the linux drivers from canon, and figure out how to jimmy-rig it to work.08:46
ezequielhave ever happened to you that before updating ubuntu disk utility was giving you the information about your hard disk and after the updates it stopped giving you the info about your hard disk???08:46
camposviccanon doesn't have linux drivers08:46
oDoyle2camposvic: http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010231.asp08:46
camposvicwell i guess canon doesn't like americans cuz linux isn't shown when u go to the americas. LOL08:48
weheapctr: I just found the solution to my problem (and yours, I suppose) in http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html08:48
oDoyle2camposvic: exactly08:48
russell__greetings.  quick question: I've got a .war file (java) that needs to be served by our ubuntu server.  What are the best options for doing this?08:48
camposvici think it's Bill Gate's fault. :P08:49
ortsvorsteher!ot | camposvic08:49
ubottucamposvic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:49
camposvicshut up bot08:49
oDoyle2camposvic: They're sticky about this being a support only channel. General chatting is discouraged08:50
weheapctr190: Did that help?08:50
camposvicwell i think i got my answer so i'm outa here. thanx odoyle. :D08:50
oDoyle2camposvic: anytime08:51
ezequielI did it, run sudo blkid this is the info: /dev/sda1: UUID="5fc4f61b-b257-49fb-8072-ce981ca153bf" TYPE="ext4"08:51
ezequiel/dev/sda5: UUID="ba3ccf8f-9f23-4247-aa0b-25d8c424af46" TYPE="swap"08:51
ezequiel/dev/sdb1: LABEL="160 GB HDD" UUID="7F93-369B" TYPE="vfat"08:51
ezequiel/dev/sdb5: UUID="2bb4c56e-1f27-4660-a40a-bad4219a7ae3" TYPE="swap"08:51
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, #freenode is not for ubuntu support08:51
FloodBot4ezequiel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:51
theadminezequiel: use a pastebin08:51
oDoyle2good job ezequiel08:51
=== kompi05 is now known as nuk
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, do 'sudo gedit /etc/network/interface' and change these things: http://pastebin.org/14791908:52
ShazbotMcNastyeto, hello08:52
theadminThose floodbots are quite useless :/ if they would mute those who says more then 3 messages per, say, 2 seconds... then it'd be fine...08:52
etouseful advice only08:52
oDoyle2ezequiel: ew vfat is old. Pre win95. Thats your problem.08:52
amos81eto: hello08:52
theadminoDoyle2: no, not pre... it was there until winNT08:52
etohttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/remmina-remote-desktop-client.html will this work on ubuntu 8.10 and 8.04 ?08:52
etoi have lager 8.04 - 8.10 installation base08:53
oDoyle2theadmin: true, it was around for quite a while08:53
theadmineto: No, as you can see it only works on Jaunty/Karmic08:53
ezequielwhich filesystem you think is the best to format a usb 2.0 external Hard drive??08:54
oDoyle2ezequiel: ntfs08:54
theadminezequiel: NTFS or ext2 (if you don't need it on Windows)08:54
Gneaeto: my guess would be no, as well.08:55
ezequielThat's the problem I need it to work on windows08:55
etotheadmin : how can you tell by the lines in the deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/llyzs/ppa/ubuntu08:55
oDoyle2theadmin: he wants it to be pliant with win08:55
MuzerNTFS or FAT08:55
etookay that project had name before grdc08:55
oDoyle2ezequiel: ntfs works in both. IF you do FAT again, be sure to specify FAT3208:55
etoi can't find it in add remove software08:55
Gneaeto: the people who wrote the software explicitly tell you what it's supported on08:55
theadminezequiel: Do: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs. Then you can format to NTFS.08:55
MuzerI personally prefer FAT - not quite sure why, possibly because I don't have to mess about with FUSE in distros without a shiny interface08:55
=== bigjb_gone is now known as bigjb
apctr190ShazbotMcNasty: I gave the same argument but my internet is not working with that ip,It can send the information to the gateway but gateway is not forwarding the information.08:55
etoGnea : okay they don't seem to have fnode channel08:56
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, you need to make sure everything is right08:56
theadmin!info ntfsprogs08:56
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 280 kB, installed size 728 kB08:56
theadminyeah, right.08:56
ShazbotMcNastydon't use that IP configuratioin08:56
Gneaeto: you could try adding the ppa and installing and see what happens - it might work, it might not. that's really the fastest and most reliable way to find out for sure.08:56
ShazbotMcNastythat was just example08:56
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=== bigjb_gone is now known as bigjb
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, why do you need static?08:57
ShazbotMcNastyactually nvm I don't care08:57
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etookay Gnea i am not affraid of command line I just don't have exp with ubuntu and linuxes in general08:57
theadminShazbotMcNasty: What do you mean, why? He might have a static IP.08:57
ShazbotMcNastyeto, are you using wireless or wired?08:57
etoWhat the ppa is some kindd of repository08:57
amos81!ppa |eto08:57
ubottueto: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.08:57
ShazbotMcNastytheadmin, this is true08:58
theadmineto: ppa is a Personal Package Archive, a deb-style repository provided by launchpad.net08:58
etoShazbotMcNasty : why would you like to know that?08:58
etoi am on wired entwork08:58
Gneaeto: just follow the directions for 9.04 by adding the line for jaunty and then updating the key08:58
etoThe_Ball : amos8108:58
ShazbotMcNastyeto, sorry wrong person08:59
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, are you on a wired or wireless network?08:59
etothx Gnea i will read the wiki and follow the 9.04 path will report later08:59
ra100what´s wrong is with launchpad09:00
theadminra100: Nothing.09:00
Gneasomething's wrong with launchpad?09:00
apctr190ShazbotMcNasty: to set up an apt-mirror in our college.and i'm working on a wired network09:00
ra100i want to file a bug, but i still get:09:00
ra100Timeout error09:00
ra100Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.09:00
ra100We\rquote ve recorded what happened, and we\rquote ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.09:00
ra100Trying again in a couple of minutes might work.09:00
ra100(Error ID: OOPS-1563A828)09:00
FloodBot4ra100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
amos81ra100: pastebin.org09:00
theadminra100: Ah, this happens. Wait a bit. Maybe around 30 minutes09:00
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, then do 'ifconfig eth0' and pastebin the info09:01
ShazbotMcNastyand link me09:01
Gneara100: it's working fine here09:01
ezequielHave to go, Thanks to every body who tried to help me! :D09:01
oDoyle2gl ezequiel09:01
ra100but it´s been happennig for 3 days to me :-(09:01
theadminra100: "Timeout error" sounds like a connection problem09:02
nishanthmy computer freezes randomly. but it works fine when i set acpi to off. but i happen to notice that my fan is working continuously if i set acpi to off....anyone know how to fix this?09:02
bobthemilkmanI've got some trouble compiling this program, but essentially it comes down to the following error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lreadline" when I try to run the command g++ (blahblahblah) -L/lib -lreadline. I'm staring right at the file libreadline.6.0 in /lib.  I have the most recent versions of gcc-4.4, readline-common.09:02
oDoyle2ra100: I had this issue, but it resolved when I tried a different browser. You may try clearing your browser cache also.09:02
theadminra100: Could you copy the link trough which you try to report the bug? Let me try09:03
apctr190ShazbotMcNasty: its also not working09:03
ShazbotMcNastybobthemilkman, do you have to versions of libreadline?>09:03
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, it should09:03
ra100theadmin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect09:03
bobthemilkmanShazbotMcNasty: I do.09:03
nishanthmy computer freezes randomly. but it works fine when i set acpi to off. but i happen to notice that my fan is working continuously if i set acpi to off....anyone know how to fix this?09:04
ShazbotMcNastyit's just "ifconfig eth0" apctr19009:04
TheSovHello, just made the plunge and installed ubuntu 10.04 beta2 on my relatively new machine and was wondering if anyone could help me get my soundblaster x-fi working. i keep messing with the audio settings and pulse keeps crashing.09:04
apctr190ShazbotMcNasty: it gives command not found09:04
theadminra100: It works09:04
ShazbotMcNastybobthemilkman, it may be looking in the wrong library09:04
bobthemilkmanlibreadline.so.5 -> libreadline.so.5.2 and libreadline.so.6 -> libreadline.so.6.0 ( with the targets also existing)09:04
theadmin!10.04 | TheSov09:04
ubottuTheSov: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:04
ShazbotMcNastyapctr190, you're doing it wrong then09:04
ShazbotMcNastyjust do "ifconfig' and pastebin it then09:04
ra100oDoyle2: i tried it at home at weekend and now i´ m trying at work09:04
Gneaapctr190: don't use the quotes, just:  ifconfig eth009:04
Gneaapctr190: you may need to type it like:  /sbin/ifconfig eth009:05
apctr190Gnea: I'm not using the quotes.09:05
theadminra100: I can report the bug for you, just give me the data (pm it)09:05
TheSovahh, i should just go back to 9.10 then?09:05
bobthemilkmanShazbotMcNasty: How can I tell ld to try the other version?09:05
theadminTheSov: Point is, Lucid is NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS CHANNEL. You need to /join #ubuntu+1 and ask there09:05
GneaTheSov: no, you have to /join #ubuntu+1 to get help with it09:05
amos81TheSov: or /join #ubuntu+109:06
russell__can someone answer a question about choosing a java server (like tomcat, but simpler is better)09:06
ra100haaaaa. great. it works :-) thanks09:06
ShazbotMcNastybobthemilkman, if nothing else uses those libraries I would just keep the newest installed09:06
ShazbotMcNastyand remove the older one09:06
etoapt says the packages required to install remnia are missing and only solution to isntall it suggest is not to install09:06
dabomb69How can I change the gdm theme in Karmic?09:06
Gneaeto: well, that confirms it then.09:07
ShazbotMcNastybut if older ones use the old libraries then you have to change the install location09:07
ShazbotMcNastyor whatever it's called09:07
bobthemilkmanI suppose I can just move the older version somewhere else09:07
ShazbotMcNastyinstead of /usr/bin09:07
razor_24dabomb69: you cant09:07
ShazbotMcNastyor /usr/local09:07
bobthemilkmanand then if there's a problem in the future, I can move it back09:07
etoGnea : what do you mean by that?09:07
dabomb69razor_24, oh. :|09:07
theadmindabomb69: gdmsetup in Karmic does not provide theming. You can, however, install gdm2setup from their PPA https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup09:07
bobthemilkmanHowever, they also exist in /lib6409:07
etow8 i paste the to pastebin09:07
o2ooHi, guys09:07
dabomb69theadmin, oh, ty. :D09:07
razor_24since version 9.4 you cant change that09:07
ShazbotMcNastybobthemilkman, I don't know if it's that simple ;/09:07
bobthemilkmanIt occurs to me that lib64 is lib.09:08
ShazbotMcNastyI don't know a lot of stuff lol09:08
o2ooI wonder how could I search files contains specific words in an folder?09:08
o2ooI wonder how could I search files contains specific words in an folder? who could help?09:08
Gneaeto: it means that the ppa won't work with 8.10 or 8.0409:08
etoso that means i am basically fscked?09:09
Gneaeto: you could download the source and compile it and hope that it works09:09
Gneaeto: but you say you are very new, so maybe that's too much for you09:09
theadmino2oo: find folder -maxdepth0 -iname '*words' 2>/dev/null09:10
etoGnea : i did some compiling with ports on free bsd and openbsd, i use codeblocks on windows and nmake for my projects09:10
bobthemilkmansudo apt-get remove readline-common is a bad idea.09:10
theadmino2oo: find folder -maxdepth 0 -iname '*words' 2>/dev/null09:10
o2ooHi theadmin, what does "2>" means ?09:11
etoif compiling means just checkout svn and issue make09:11
etoi guess i could handle that09:11
Muzero2oo: Send error output to the file...09:11
Gneaeto: alright then, http://sourceforge.net/projects/remmina/09:11
Gnea!compile | eto09:11
ubottueto: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:11
Muzerin this case, the file is /dev/null, which means delete error output09:11
Gneaeto: that page can help you get your build environment setup09:11
theadmino2oo: Redirects those stupid errors (such as "Permission denied") to the bottomless pit of /dev/null09:11
nishanthmy computer freezes randomly. but it works fine when i set acpi to off. but i happen to notice that my fan is working continuously if i set acpi to off....anyone know how to fix this?09:12
o2ootheadmin,  oh, I try ...09:12
etothx going to read that09:12
Gneaeto: and sorry, most users tend to not know the difference between a c file and a header file09:12
theadminSo only Linus Torvalds can read them from his /dev/everything XD09:12
etono problem i it spits out lines of errors and warning i will give up too09:13
Muzernishanth: Try updating your BIOS then turning ACPI back on09:13
Gneamost likely, if it does, you probably just need to install the -dev package(s) for the referenced libraries09:13
nishanthMuzer : how do i do that?09:14
etoGnea : yep that might be true09:14
Muzernishanth: Find your motherboard's manufacturer and model, look on their website09:14
etosorry to bother but is there some nice wiki page about that isntalling dev packages?09:14
theadmineto: At least make sure you have build-essential09:14
Gneaeto: not really. I usually wait for the error to spring up, then I search for the library in another terminal and then install the -dev portion of it09:15
Sandkingi need some app like TeamViewer for Ubuntu - to remotely connect and control/view other computer. it needs to run without setting ports or any geeky stuff. is there some app like this?09:15
etoSandking vnc09:15
theadminSandking: Yuuguu for remote support (it needs permission of other comps owner), jrdesktop for remote control09:16
GneaSandking: freenx09:16
Sandkingok, thx guys. i'll try those09:16
ChazzIs there any way to switch to the pre-Karmic gdm? (And what would break if you did?)09:16
theadminChazz: If you just want theming, look into gdm2setup09:16
hateballSandking: By default, enabling "remote desktop" in ubuntu will enable VNC and try to open ports with uPNP. It'll give the client a link for the remote assistant to access as well09:16
Sandkingi just need to have an app that can be started and set up by no geeky person09:16
Chazztheadmin, looked at it already.09:16
theadminSandking: Yuuguu will do :D09:17
ChazzAnd, imo, the old gdm was nicer... :S09:17
theadminYeah, chazz, as well as the old GRUB :/09:17
GneaChazz: there's a reason I haven't replaced my 9.04 with 9.10 lol09:17
Sandkingi also have DHCP, so i don't know if it has any meaning09:17
Sandkinggood side of TeamViewer is that it just works09:17
ktSo does the VNC09:18
theadminSandking: Wait a year or 2, teamviewer 6 will work on Linux as far as i'm aware09:18
ChazzGnea, I would have stayed w/ 9.04, but was too lazy to keep hunting for the Jaunty disk after I found my Karmic disk. :P09:18
Sandkingtheadmin: ;) yeah, but i need it tomorrow :D09:18
hateballSandking: enabling remote desktop is like a two click job...09:19
NET||abusehmm, trying to get my laptop to upgrade, from 9.10 to 10.04 beta,, the upgrade installatino seemed to go through and then it says reboot, i reboot, grub pops up and then it just sits there saying "Satring up" and my hdd light is on solid.09:19
GneaChazz: well I tried it out and didn't like the new gdm, so I went back09:19
Sandkingand i prefer to target apps for noobs not the ubergeeks09:19
theadminhateball: It's IP specific09:19
chetnickmy sound driver broke... How do i reinstall sound drivers ?09:19
Arvani have a question,please help me. my server acts a router role, now i need to control traffic,which program will be great??09:19
Chazzi'm wishing there was a nice way to downgrade ubuntu right now. =(09:19
theadminSandking: Yuuguu is your solution for all the remote support.09:19
GneaNET||abuse: #ubuntu+1 can help you09:19
oDoyle2Sandking: whats your budget?09:19
Sandkingtheadmin: i'm looking at it right now. looks very nice09:20
hateballtheadmin: I was not aware that was an issue. The remote assistance app will provide a link with the current IP so...09:20
GneaChazz: there is! :D pop the livecd in, reboot, install09:20
SandkingoDoyle2: 0$ :]09:20
Gneaso easy, a caveman could do it09:20
ChazzGnea, problem is, say bye bye to all data. :p09:20
oDoyle2Sandking: us techs have a hard hard life don't we09:20
chetnickGnea: or not upgrade at all.09:20
GneaChazz: that's why I keep /home as a separate partition09:20
Chazzheh, sounds smart. (AKA, something I'm not! :p)09:21
red2kicGnea: I keep /home on a different hard drive. :)09:21
chetnickGnea: he can copy home, but i dont think that is what he meant by data.09:21
Arvananyone help?09:21
Gneaoh, I learned the hard way years ago09:21
o2ootheadmin,  I want to search files' content, not the file name09:21
Muzero2oo: Use grep then:09:21
Gneachetnick: most people tend to keep important data in their ~09:21
Muzergrep -Ri 'thing to search for' folder-to-look-in09:21
Gneared2kic: nice09:22
theadmino2oo: oooh. cat folder/* | grep 'stuff'09:22
Muzerif you want to search through the whole filesystem though, that will take a long time09:22
Sandkingtheadmin: can i take control over OS with Yuuguu?09:22
chetnickGnea: maybe i missed something, he can't mount his drive anymore?09:22
o2ootheadmin,  for example, I want to find out those files whose content contains some words09:22
Muzertheadmin: That only works for the top level of files09:22
Muzero2oo: Use what I said09:22
o2ootheadmin, thanks09:22
Gneachetnick: no, he has 9.10 but would like the gdm from 9.04, so he's wondering if there's an easy way to 'downgrade', so I replied half-sarcastically/half-serious with the livecd option09:23
theadminSandking: Other person shows desktop to you, you click "Request control" other one accepts, et viola!09:23
=== oDoyle2 is now known as Doyle
chetnicko2oo: $ find . -name "*.c" -print | xargs grep "main("09:23
chetnicko2oo: where *c is the file you are looking for, and "main(" is the string in the file.09:24
Gneaalso:  find . -name "*.c" -exec grep "main(" {} \;09:24
Sandkingtheadmin: great. sounds perfect for remote support. i've set up Ubuntu on friend's laptop as she needed quick setup and we couldn't find windows install and she's quite frightened ;] so this yuuguu should help me help her09:24
=== tys_ is now known as clement_
theadminSandking: "help me help her" sounds like "Thank you for helping us help you help us all" XD09:24
o2ootheadmin,  I need to deep into sub folders too09:25
chetnickGnea: you know something about sound drivers? it looks like my snd-cmipci (C-Media) driver broke. How do i go about this?09:25
chetnicko2oo: change . with /09:25
Gneachetnick: what do you mean by 'broke', exactly?09:25
chetnickGnea: Sound gone "bye bye" after hibernation. Reboot does not help ,etc....09:26
o2oochetnick,  could you give me the whole command?09:26
Gneachetnick: hrm, what about a cold boot?09:26
Sandkingtheadmin: yeah something like that ;] to be honest - without places like these i'd be looking for best options for days :]09:26
Kephello here09:26
chetnicko2oo: find / -name "*.c" -print | xargs grep "main("09:26
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:26
theadminSandking: This Yuuguu thing is not very well known09:26
littlepenguinhi  could someone help me with chroot environment?09:26
KepIm looking for some help to install driver09:26
chetnickGnea: cold boot?09:26
chetnicksafe mode?09:27
theadminlittlepenguin: I have some experience with that09:27
Gneachetnick: turn the power off, turn it back on.09:27
UnregisteredIm looking for someone To play ACCF?09:27
theadmin!ot | Unregistered09:27
ubottuUnregistered: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:27
chetnickGnea: done that. lol09:27
GneaUnregistered: please try #ubuntu-offtopic09:27
littlepenguintheadmin i made a chroot environemtn in a folder and installed via debootstrap09:27
Sandkingtheadmin: first thing i thought about was screen sharing with skype but i don't know if this option is yet in ubuntu build09:27
Gneachetnick: it's a laptop?09:27
theadminlittlepenguin: Okay, then what?09:27
Doylewhat does ot stand for?09:27
theadminSandking: No, unfortunately :(09:27
littlepenguintheadmin karmic in it...i then installed java and ran a software09:27
o2oochetnick, I don't need to search the root,09:28
theadminDoyle: OffTopic09:28
Doylegotcha. thanks09:28
theadminlittlepenguin: What is the problem anyway? :/09:28
Kepdoes anyone know how to install a driver (pci wifi) from a cd ?09:28
chetnicko2oo: well you search what ever you need to search.09:28
littlepenguintheadmin i started chroot as a special user..but in chroot environment where is for example the user specific folders?09:28
theadminlittlepenguin: Hm, it might be possible to use "adduser" in a chroot to create a user... :/09:29
UnregisteredAnyone? Wanna play ACCF with me? Animal Crossing?09:29
Gneachetnick: I have to get to bed, I'm sure someone else can help you troubleshoot it09:29
littlepenguinahhhhhhhhh ok i need to add the user in chroot not in main system09:29
chetnickGnea: i'm sure it will not, but Good Night.09:29
littlepenguinok thx theadmin09:29
RussellAlanI have a machine running 10.xx09:29
GneaUnregistered: /join #ubuntu-offtopic and ask there. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO ASK THAT QUESTION. thanks.09:29
DoyleKep: if you're new to linux, first thing to check is that the CD actually has linux drivers on it. If not, hitup the manufacturers website.09:29
RussellAlanand it gave me the option to download the wireless device drivers09:29
theadminGnea: Woah that dude sure made you angry :D09:29
RussellAlanwhere cani find this screen again?09:30
RussellAlanit isnt in the update menu09:30
GneaI'm not angry, just tired :)09:30
theadminRussellAlan: System -> Admininstration -> Hardware drivers09:30
Gneaanyhow, good night09:30
Kepdoyle => i check it, i have the linux driver for ubuntu09:30
theadminGnea: Well, more like good morning for me :)09:30
Kepon the cd09:30
o2oochetnick,  your command is not ok09:30
chetnickGnea: Good Night.09:30
coz_theadmin,  definitly good morning here  5:30 am09:30
theadmincoz_: 12:30 here09:31
todayhow install Hacao Linux inside VirtualBox guide?09:31
coz_theadmin,  ok you win :)09:31
rocket16Hello all,09:31
Kepthe thing is i have only a wireless conection so i need to install my pci wifi and then it should be ok09:31
theadmincoz_: Well, 12:30, uh, PM. Like after that goes 13:00 not 1AM. So you win :D09:31
theadmintoday: Like you would install normaly. Create a box, run it, mount the image...09:31
psycho_oreosKep: as long as the the wifi chipset onboard that pci wifi is supported under linux, then it should be a breeze09:32
chetnicko2oo: try this find /directory -exec grep "search string" '{}' /dev/null \; -print09:32
Kepoki but how to install the driver of the pci ?09:32
RussellAlantheadmin: SystemError: InstallArchive()failed09:32
DoyleKep: In irc, you can start typing a nick, and press [tab] to auto complete. try it, do[tab].  You can do it from System, Administration, HArdware Drivers09:32
theadmin...bash is acting crazy. I'm pressing the Up Arrow, it does not PRINT the last command into the input place, but instead it EXECUTES it, what the heck!??! I don't like that09:32
Kepi did the lspci command and i didnt see anything (no wireless bla bla)09:33
theadminRussellAlan: Can't help with this09:33
chetnicko2oo: or you could just try this grep -r "search string" /directory09:33
KepDoyle thank you09:33
DoyleKep: anytime09:33
rangahow can i run yahoo messanger on  ubuntu09:34
KepDoyle do you know how to install driver from a cd ? (pci wifi driver)09:34
theadminranga: You can not. However, there are alternatives such as gyachi09:34
etoGnea, theadmin well i installed all the packages mentioned in wiki build-essentials and all in remnia readme09:34
o2oochetnick, too complex09:34
o2oochetnick,  does ubuntu have any software could do these kind of search?09:35
etowhen i go to trunk dir there is configure.ac which had not x attribute setup yet readme said i should do ./configure ass rott09:35
o2oochetnick,  does ubuntu have any GUI software could do these kind of search?09:35
theadminI _HATE_ those instant messaging companies for not creating Linux clients. So I mainly use Jabber/XMPP because they don't have a "official" client... well, Skype did a good job.09:35
etoso i changed mode +x for that file but now i am getting syntax error09:35
todaytheadmin: i know that steps, but i have a problem, this problem here: http://imgur.com/7LBPj.png, cant you help me now ?09:35
theadmintoday: wud?! o_O09:36
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
theadmintoday: Ah09:36
today^^ theadmin09:36
etoam i doing something wrong?09:36
psycho_oreosKep: that depends on what sort of chipset you have, it can either come with the kernel or you will have to download a proprietary driver or use ndiswrapper with the driver disc or via online09:36
chetnicko2oo: i don't know, why is it to complex? It is quite simple..09:36
theadmintoday: Uh. Increase the virtual machine memory. Also, that theme you have looks nice :)09:36
DoyleKep: try under Administration, Windows Wireless Driver09:37
chetnicko2oo: grep -r "search string" /directory Nothing complex in this...09:37
todaynot sure theadmin,i set 300MB for Base memory09:37
Keppsycho_oreos sounds complicate09:37
theadmintoday: Uhhh... Well, try increasing it more. I'm unsure how much Hacao needs09:37
etoconfigure.ac i guess it's part of autoconf should be executed by itself or by some external tool?09:38
Keppsycho_oreos but the chipset is RTL8187 et the name of the pci device is Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller09:38
psycho_oreosKep: that RTL8187 is wireless and the driver is already part of the kernel :)09:38
todaywhoop? that's Puppy platform theadmin09:38
Doylelspci -v |less09:39
theadmintoday: Well, the only thing which could cause such an error is not enough RAM :/ and i'09:39
theadminand i'm unsure what it has to do with puppies, today09:39
psycho_oreosKep: in fact that name is also the name of the wireless driver that's integrated part of the kernel, which is a family of 3 rtl8187 based chipsets09:39
Keppsycho_oreos we are agree that the pci is integrated to my mother card ?09:39
Keppsycho_oreos and when i try the lspci command on the console i have no answer09:40
psycho_oreosKep: I wouldn't say integrated for the wireless, but I presume its probably connected?09:40
todayHacao is VietNam's Linux, it development with Puppy platform theadmin09:40
psycho_oreosKep, weird, it should work without one being super user, try sudo lspci09:40
theadmintoday: I say ya, that can only be caused by not enough ram for all i know09:40
today:-D so much RAM theadmin , i set 512Mb RAm, it;s running09:40
Keppsycho_oreos i mean, its not an independant device like a video card, its part of the mother card (asus P5K E09:41
todaythat allright  theadmin09:41
theadmintoday: Well, GLaD I could help.09:41
todaythanks so much, i want to ask you, may be puppy linux need more Ram?09:41
theadmin!yay | today09:41
ubottutoday: Glad you made it! :-)09:41
DoyleKep: pci doesn't mean the device will be an addon, integrated devices also run on the pci bus09:41
psycho_oreosKep: ahh I so its basically soldered on09:41
theadmintoday: I've no idea, never used it09:42
etoseems something broken once again in ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-412310.html09:42
today^^, i want to ask you andy question theadmin, ok?09:42
psycho_oreosand yes I agree with what Doyle says there, if its not USB based, chances are its PCI based, this also includes PCI-E, PCI-X, etc09:42
theadmintoday: uh what? %)09:42
loquitusAnybody encountered some segmentation faults with firefox? I restarted my machine just now, and I am guessing some system updates were applied. Anyways, when it restarted, firefox would no longer start. I get a segmentation fault now.09:43
Kepdoyle and psycho_oreos you're right09:43
theadminloquitus: Happened sometimes but it's usually quite random09:43
Kepanyway, when i check with lspci no wireless info appears09:43
todayabout Debian , my friend social talk with me that: Debian run with Stable than Ubuntu ( mor crash) do you think? theadmin09:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:43
loquitustheadmin: solution?09:43
psycho_oreosKep: and you tried sudo lspci as well?09:44
Kepon it09:44
theadmintoday: Ubuntu is VERY stable, Debian is just developed for longer time... Well, i can say they are on quite the same level09:44
theadminloquitus: I dunno, ask in #mozilla ... or was it #firefox ?09:44
today^^, well done theadmin09:45
Keppsycho_oreos no more info09:45
todaywhere are you from theadmin ?09:45
DoyleKep: mine shows up as 04:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)09:45
todaythis a question outside ^^09:45
psycho_oreosKep: that's very unusual, it could either be a compromised computer, or something wrong with the lspci binary itself09:45
theadmintoday: PM me since this is quite offtopic09:45
psycho_oreosKep: I'd check the last few lines of dmesg as well09:45
etoany ideas09:46
DoyleKep: if you don't have it, check to make sure the wireless isn't switched off. Some mobos have a hard switch on the back for htis.09:46
DoyleKep: similar to laptops09:46
etowhat shell sould one use to actually get configure.ac to execute?09:46
ikoniaeto: the shell is not relevant09:46
darwin_Can i get help please?09:46
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KepDoyle no worry im on internet right now so...09:47
theadmindarwin_: Yes... %)09:47
theadminWhat is .ac anyway? o_O09:47
darwin_HI theadmin, can you please tell me a good desktop remote program? I want to connect to my VPS, i've already tried TightVNC trough WIne, but it didn't really work.09:47
psycho_oreosDoyle: I reckon its not right if lspci lists nothing at all, it should list stuff like video card, sound card, network card, south bridge, etc09:47
theadmindarwin_: jrdesktop should work...09:48
darwin_one minute09:48
Keppsycho_oreos the exact command is : lspci | grep -i net09:48
ikoniatheadmin: it's just an input file for autoconf09:48
Doylepsycho_oreos: ah, I thought it was just not listing the wireless. If its blank, there are larger issues at work09:48
theadminikonia: oh.09:48
darwin_theadmin, could you link me the download file please?09:48
geekphreakvening folks09:48
theadmindarwin_: http://jrdesktop.net09:48
Keppsycho_oreos and im sure i dont have a driver for my wireless device09:48
geekphreakhowdy cara :)09:49
darwin_thanks theadmin, i'll get back to you if i get any problems. :)09:49
etoikonia : more light into it09:49
geekphreaktheadmin:  :)09:49
Doylekep for  adetailed look, use "lspci -v |less" If there are other devices listed, lspci is working at least.09:49
theadmingeekphreak: hai09:49
ikoniaeto: more light into what ?09:49
psycho_oreosKep: well you won't need to provided that what you said before about rtl8187 is correct09:49
etowhat to do ikonia? when i run autoconf as sudo at least it doesn't spit errors09:49
Sandkingbtw - does anyone knows Luxor game? what's the alternative for ubuntu :D ?09:49
ikoniaeto: what are you trying to build09:49
etoso i guess i am supposed to do that09:49
psycho_oreosDoyle: yeah that's what I figured, its ok if it returns something but if nothing, that's very unusual09:49
etoikonia remmnia09:50
etoi downloaded all dev packages09:50
etoread readme09:50
etocommand ./configure do nothing09:50
Keppsycho_oreos so how to set up my wifi connection ?<09:50
ikoniaeto: what do you mean do nothing, have you read the install notes ?09:50
DoyleSandking: for software ports or alternates, best source is google. "luxxor for linux" for example.09:50
etoyes nothing means command not found09:51
ikoniaeto: ok - so why did you try to run it if the command is not int he dirdctory09:51
tertittencan anyone please guide me to the proper way to reinstall pulseaudio and all of it componants ? after installing ardour and jack components i have sound issues with pulse09:51
psycho_oreosKep: are you able to scan for wireless networks?09:51
etowell ikonia because readme says so?09:52
etothere is actually no configre in the whole fsken tree09:52
etoonly configure.ac09:52
SandkingDoyle: yeah, i do it all the time, sometimes a quick tip on irc channel is worth a long time search09:52
todaybye theadmin, bye everyone09:52
etoi am asking what run it with?09:52
ikoniaeto: you don't run it09:53
etookay this useles09:53
Keppsycho_oreos i dont know how to do that on the console, and when i try to run KNetworkManager, nothing happens09:53
etoand what i do with it?09:53
etoikonia: ?09:53
Keppsycho_oreos so much pb with wireless. .... :-(09:53
ikoniaeto: what package have you downloaded ?09:53
darwin_theadmin, i connect to server, but nothing happens.09:53
Elfixhi, somebody knows if clamav can detect windows viruses from a linux system?09:53
psycho_oreosKep: pastebin (not paste) your dmesg09:53
darwin_it's just there..09:53
etopackage? i checked out svn trunk as they said on their site09:54
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
ikoniaeto: ok so you need to build an autoconf environment09:54
etogr8 we are getting somewhere09:54
hateballdarwin_: yes, thats what you use it for :)09:54
etohow do i do that?09:54
ikoniaeto: any reason you didn't just download 0.7.4 ?09:54
ikonia!info remmina09:54
ubottuPackage remmina does not exist in karmic09:54
darwin_what hateball?09:54
ElfixI've installed clamav and I've just run clamscan on the Windows system directory, but I don't know if it is going to work09:55
darwin_i was looking for a remote desktop to connect to my VPS09:55
Keppsycho_oreos i dont understand what you want09:55
hateballdarwin_: ugh, that was meant for Elfix09:55
darwin_and he said jrdesktop would work fine09:55
etoubuntu 8.04 ? because 9.04 and 9.10 freeze with rdesktop on these machines?09:55
darwin_oh, okay.09:55
ikoniaeto: there is a precompiled version for karmic in Llyzs's PPA09:55
darwin_Could anybody help me?09:55
DoyleKep: use this command 'cat /var/log/dmesg |grep -i eth0'09:55
ikoniaeto: and a pre-compiled package for Jaunty09:55
hateballElfix: That's how it's used. As for detection rate... it's so-so09:55
etoyeah and graphics doesn't work too09:55
etojaunty and karmic are 9 range09:56
etoaren't they?09:56
ikoniaeto: 9 range ?09:56
Elfixhateball: ah, good. Thanks.09:56
etoubuntu 9 doesn't09:56
ikoniaeto: oh, I see, you want this for 8.0409:56
etoexactly, rdesktop does funky think with focus when alt-tabbing09:56
etowomen can't worka fter changing keyboard in rdp window09:57
darwin_could anybody help me?09:57
etoso i was suggested remmina , now if you are so king guys i would really like to try to compile it09:57
ikoniaeto: there is a public mailing list for support of remmina09:57
ortsvorsteher!anybody | darwin_09:57
ubottudarwin_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:57
ikoniadarwin_: ask a question09:57
Doyledarwin_:  whats the q? just ask09:57
darwin_I need a good remote desktop program, i'm going to connect to my VPS, i can't find any!09:58
Doyledarwin_: yuuguu09:58
ikoniadarwin_: vnc, rdesktop, freenx - have you looked at them ?09:58
etoso basically i should write there ./configure doesn't work on 8.04 on svn trunk or what?09:58
Keppsycho_oreos i have no idea what is the command but here is the resust : eth0: Digital Ds21140 Tulip rev 32 at Port .... ... IRQ 11 and on a second ligne eth0: Using EEPROM-set media 100baseTx-FDX09:59
darwin_ikonia, i've tried VNC, didn't really work.09:59
darwin_Doyle, i'll check that out.09:59
etothis is really useless but thank you all really09:59
ikoniaeto: configure doesn't exist as you have not created an autoconf environment, I would advise you don't use trunk, and use a stable build and contact the developers on the mailing list for support09:59
Keppsycho_oreos there are some decimal numbers before on each line09:59
etoikonia : well okay i ask antoher way09:59
etohow can i create that autoconf environment?10:00
cybinguys, I want to set the cursor color in .gtkrc-2.0. I inserted a GtkWidget::cursor-color="#FFFFFF" but it doesn't change anything in bluefish. Any ideas?10:00
ikoniaeto: I'll tell you another way. I advise you to NOT use a trunk build if you don't know what you are doing, and use a stable build. If you have any problems with the package, there is a public mailing list for you to get support from10:00
psycho_oreosKep: those aren't part of rtl818710:01
DoyleKep: ok, it doesn't list your wireless card. The system flat-out doesn't see it. Period. Bizzar.10:01
etookay ikonia let's pretend i know what i am doing, how can i create autoconf environment on ubuntu 8.04 linux please?10:02
ikoniaeto: no, use the stable version10:02
darwin_Doyle, i got yuuguu now, could you please guide me through to connect to the VPS?10:02
DoyleKep: you ahve the cd. Go to synamptic package manager. Click on settings/repositories, other software, add cd-rom, update your repositores, load the drivers with Hardware DRivers (found under ADministration), rboot.10:02
etoikonia : okay can you please tell me where can i get stable version of remmina for ubuntu 8.04?10:03
ikoniaeto: it's on the download page10:04
ikoniaeto: the stable released source code10:04
KepDoyle sounds good, i work on it, thx much10:04
Doyledarwin_: http://www.yuuguu.com/help10:04
DoyleKep: good luck... psycho_oreos and I just can't belive it doesn't show up at all.10:05
etoikonia : are you reffering to 7.04?10:05
ikoniaeto: no10:05
darwin_Doyle, you need to provide e-mail etc. My VPS dosn't got that.10:05
ikoniaeto: I'm refering to the stable source code as I've just said10:06
etonevrmind thank10:06
etoi least i know i must now google hour to solve some frigging configure breakage10:06
Doyledarwin_: are you ok with terminal only connection? or does it have to be desktop?10:06
ikoniaeto: therei s no configure breakage10:06
ikoniaeto: if you use the stable version source code, configure will be there10:06
darwin_Doyle, desktop. Since i have to go on internet etc.10:07
immortal_soul_does anyone here kno how to install sound drivers ?10:07
thecookieSo, anyone but me having probs installing lucid beta 2?10:08
ikoniathecookie: lucid is discussed in the channel #ubuntu+110:08
psycho_oreos!lucid | thecookie10:09
thecookieI see10:09
ubottuthecookie: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:09
silv3r_m00nplease suggest some circuit analysis software for ubuntu10:10
etoikonia : okay i donloaded tarred 0.7.4 which seems latest stable10:11
etoyes you are right configure is there10:11
etoit now chokes on intltool is too old10:12
coz_silv3r_m00n,    http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/2169   take a look here10:12
ikoniaeto: yes, you have to meet the dependencies10:12
darwin_ikonia, none of them work for me to connect to my VPS..10:12
Doyledarwin_: If there's no one at the other end, you'll have to use something like vnc. or freenx as mentioned earlier. I haven't played with freenx, but vnc is well documented. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC10:12
ikoniadarwin_: what is your VPS running10:12
darwin_Doyle, i can't get the VNC server.10:13
darwin_or else i'd use that10:13
ikoniadarwin_: what is your VPS running10:13
knoppiesdarwin_, can you not install an RDP client on your PC?10:13
darwin_Sever 200310:13
darwin_Windows server 200310:14
ikoniadarwin_: ok - so you need to use rdesktop on your ubuntu client10:14
darwin_ikonia, i installed it. and i ran install.sh in the terminal10:14
Doyledarwin_: here's an example for server 2003. http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-remote-desktop-for-controlling-windows-xp-desktop.html10:14
knoppiesdarwin_, I played with RDP in ubuntu a little. I think Windows server will have the RDP server installed and running by default.10:14
darwin_a box appeared and dissaperaed10:14
ikoniadarwin_: you shouldn't need to run install.sh - it's a package in the ubuntu repo10:14
darwin_oh, let me check the map.10:14
darwin_knoppies, i'll check that out. thanks :)10:14
darwin_Doyle, i'll check that out too, thanks.10:15
Doylegood team effort there10:15
knoppiesDoyle, I wonder if we have hit him with too much info at once.10:15
Doyleknoppies: Machoman style10:16
jNovicehi, my ubuuntu 9.04 bahave very strange10:16
knoppiesjNovice, define "very strange"10:17
jNoviceprocess mount.ntfs-3g use 100% of procesor10:17
Doyleas fun as this is, I've gotta crash. I have a whole day of sleeping to do tomorrow so I want to rest up for it.10:17
knoppieshmm, jNovice does it only use 100% while you are copy-ing to/from the ntfs partition?10:18
darwin_ikonia, i ran the configure, nothing really happen'd. I have no idea how to install this.10:19
etookay after isntalling inttool i ended up with failure: Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.20.0' but version of GLib is 2.18.2 and Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.20.0' but version of GLib is 2.18.210:19
jNoviceknoppies: no. I start my computer today, few hours ago. And now I browse some web pages and I hear hat fan on cput is louder so I go to "system monitor" and I see 100%usage10:19
ikoniadarwin_: what part of "you don't have to build it" am I not making clear - it's a package in the ubuntu software repos10:19
jNoviceknoppies: there's no operations on hdd10:19
etocan somehow dodge that or i need to enter another dependency hell of searching how to get those working on my current ubuntu?10:19
darwin_oh, sorry.10:19
knoppiesjNovice, do you have an ntfs partition mounted? (or connected and not mounted)10:20
Emmyhi guys10:20
jNoviceknoppies: few mounted partitions, I have this OS form last yar and I don't change anything10:21
Flanneleto: inttool or intitool?10:21
Flanneleto: er, intltool (L? I? or nothing?)10:21
Emmyyesterday my amarok gave a me a weird erro : | when loading my library an alert box appeared with the follow message : " B is true" what is that suppose to mean ?10:23
scqHello! is it possible to install package for one user alone?10:23
zirodayEmmy: #kubuntu may be more help :)10:23
knoppiesjNovice, that is strange. When you copy-paste from an NTFS partition, it doesnt seem to use your DMA controller, and so the CPU goes up to 100% (its I/O wait using the excessive CPU). But if your not copy-pasting, then it is very odd. I don't think I can help you.10:24
etoFlannel : it was intltool10:24
etobut that is solved10:24
Flanneleto: intltool is in the repositories, just sudo apt-get install intltool10:24
etonow the gtk is outdated10:24
zirodayscq: which program?10:24
etoFlannel : already did that, but thanx10:24
jNoviceknoppies: I'll try restart, and if this come again, I'll install new ubuntu.10:24
Emmywhat player you recommend me instead? (no video features need)10:24
scqziroday: any .deb pakage10:25
knoppiesjNovice, that is probably what I would do.10:25
SandGorgonEmmy, clementine player10:25
zirodayscq: well you could restrict the execute permissions of the binary to only a certain group, but that's...icky10:25
etoFlannel do you have any idea whether i can do something about this: Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.20.0' but version of GLib is 2.18.2 and Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.20.0' but version of GLib is 2.18.210:25
scqziroday: no other way?10:26
zirodayscq: not that I know of10:26
knoppiesI want to put multiple ISO images onto a USB stick (bootable ISOs, like liveCDs and installers) and then use a bootloader like menu to pick from one of them. Anybody have any ideas? (Im off to search the forums now, but Im not sure what kind of tags to search for).10:26
scqziroday: well thanks10:26
Flanneleto: You shouldn't get any "dependency hell", stop installing arbitrary packages outside of the repos (or, fix your repositories)10:26
scqAny package to work with mobile phone contacts and phonebook?10:27
etoFlannel : i am compiling from svn i guess those things are not present on ubuntu 8.0410:27
etohow can i cchek it?10:27
scqAny package to work with mobile phone contacts and phonebook?10:27
ikoniaeto: what part am I not making clear about not using SVN10:27
dmhouseHi guys. How stable is Lucid? I'm having problems with my wireless (ath9k driver), which the web says are fixed in the more recent kernel that Lucid ships with. Is it still pretty buggy, or is it in practice fine?10:27
Flanneleto: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/intltool  it's available for Hardy too.  You shouldn't need to compile.10:27
Emmyhum clementine seems very nice : O I didn't know about this until now. Thank you : )10:27
knoppiesscq, dont repeat so quickly. I kinda remember seeing the word SIM in the repos once, but I dont think it was related to mobile phone contacts.10:27
knoppiesscq, I could look in synaptic for you, if you want?10:28
ikoniaeto: if the stable version is too new - then the SVN version is very new, and uyou've already explained you don't know what you're doing10:28
chitti_any one knows about mysql config in ubuntu 9.1010:28
chitti_please help me10:28
ziroday!ymmv > dmhouse10:28
ubottudmhouse, please see my private message10:28
ikoniachitti_: /etc/my.cnf10:28
scqknoppies: that was by mistake. I have checked Synaptic but none for contacts...10:29
DDAZZAHello, I've just installed a game called Urban Terror however I screwed up the resolution so its somthing like 1600x10 How can I reset this?10:29
etoFlannel : i installed inttool that is fixed i am repeating that 3rd time10:29
chitti_i have made that10:29
etoikonia : i said i downloaded latest stable10:29
chitti_but the problem still10:29
Flanneleto: So this is unreated to intltool entirely?  Alright.  What /else/ did you install manually and try and install?10:29
ikoniaeto: you said you're compiling from svn10:29
chitti_svn means10:29
knoppiesscq, ok, then Im afraid I dont think I can help you.10:29
Emmyclementine is a software for kde or for gnome?10:29
etoi installed every dev mentioned in readme that went fine10:29
ikoniachitti_: what is the problem10:29
scqknoppies: thank you10:30
etoikonia : i said later i donwloaded stable and that configure ran till intltool10:30
etoi installed that10:30
knoppiesscq, anytime.10:30
etonow i am stuck on Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.20.0' but version of GLib is 2.18.2 and Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.20.0' but version of GLib is 2.18.210:30
Flanneleto: What else did you try and install?10:30
etonothing besides tools mentioned in readme10:31
Flanneleto: Which tools are those?10:31
etoi am on ubuntu 8.04 there is no package for that i am building latest stable from source forge tar10:31
Flanneleto: No package for what?10:31
etolibgtk2.0-dev libssh-dev libavahi-ui-dev libvte-dev libgcrypt11-dev libunique-d10:32
chitti_i dont no when i type in command mysql it will shows some socket error10:32
etofor remmina10:32
etoFlannel : for remmina10:32
Flanneleto: remmina is in the repositories too, sudo apt-get install remmina10:32
ikoniachitti_: is mysql running10:33
chitti_i am a new one i dont no wht is its state10:33
etoapt says Broken packages10:33
Flanneleto: Because remmina is only available for Lucid, not Hardy.  It won't be able to be successfully backported due to the depedencies involved.10:34
Nijverheiddo any of you guys have a link or a quick explanation of what dpkg does?10:34
zirodayNijverheid: man dpkg?10:35
etookay so i can do it, officialy you say it's not doable, Flannel right?10:35
LetsGo67How do I downgrade my kernel to 2.6.27?10:35
Nijverheidziroday: d'oh... yeah I forgot about that >_< thanks10:35
chitti_hello sir <ikonia>  .are u there10:35
Flanneleto: No, you can't do it.  That's why you've got broken packages.10:36
Flanneleto: the only way you can do it is to upgrade to Lucid10:36
chitti_help me in the mysql10:37
etogrdc is previous version but on install i get: Package grdc is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it:  remmina10:37
chitti_help me in the mysql10:37
=== kt is now known as podkovyrsty
etoLucid chokes on this machines those are nec powermate ml5, unexpected freezes10:37
etoFlannel, ikonia,  so the conclusion is no remmina grdc for me i am stuck with broken rdesktop10:38
etogot it right_10:39
om26ereto, /join #ubuntu+110:40
etoom26er : and what there?10:40
om26ereto, you write "Lucid chokes on this machines those are nec powermate ml5, unexpected freezes" lucid support is at #ubuntu+10:41
chitti_i found a bug in ubuntu10:42
etoom26er:  i asked before here it went nowhere, i just dongraded several months ago to previous version10:42
chitti_i have a bug10:42
om26erchitti_, explain10:42
kylie__hey guys I have a 3945ABG wireless card on hardy heron, it isn't connecting to any wireless networks, i have removed networkmanager and installed Wicd, no luck there, anyone help me?10:43
etochitti_ : then just file the bug report and don't jump here like little kid10:43
nishanthquiet splash i915.modeset=0 any one know what this does?10:43
ikoniachitti_: what is teh bug10:43
LetsGo67Mhm.  It involves machine code.;10:43
chitti_open the terminal type yes10:43
LetsGo67How do I downgrade my kernel to 2.6.27?10:43
samcI wish, it's machine code10:43
chitti_any one got that10:44
ikoniachitti_: what is the bug10:44
etowell yes chitti_10:44
etoit's the tool for borken nix program to print eternal lines of yes10:44
chitti_what is the problem with that10:44
chitti_mr eto10:44
psycho_oreoschitti_: I think yes is a binary, a program10:44
chitti_ya but i am not sure10:45
nishanth quiet splash i915.modeset=0 any one know what this does?10:45
etochitti_ : what are you not sure?10:45
=== kylie__ is now known as sajuuk
chitti_thats bug10:46
=== sajuuk is now known as Guest66874
chitti_why its came to figure10:46
ikoniachitti_: what bug10:46
ikoniachitti_: what is the problem that think is a bug10:46
=== Guest66874 is now known as sajuukkhar
sajuukkharhey guys I have a 3945ABG wireless card on hardy heron, it isn't connecting to any wireless networks, i have removed networkmanager and installed Wicd, also installed backports, no luck there, anyone help me?10:47
etookay chitti_ another try "yes" is a program which prints y and newline forever, it is to be used to feed another program which expects key Y like in word yes to be pressed to continue, so it can be automated in scripts10:48
etogot it?10:48
sajuukkhar3945ABG Pro Intel wireless card to be a little more precise10:49
liminalim trying to install a package10:52
liminalbut it says I dont have a required dependancy10:52
sajuukkharwhat dependancy is that?10:52
liminalbut when I try to install the required package, it says I dont have the other dependancy10:52
sajuukkharliminal, make sure to have all the dependancies of your dependancies i guess10:53
sajuukkharsynaptic should cover that though, so why you having problems?10:53
chitti_mr eto u have to observe one thing the scope of the script must ends when the scripts terminate10:54
liminalim trying to install libstdc++6.4.4-dev10:54
liminalbut it says i need g++4.410:54
liminalbut when i try to install that, it says i need libstdc10:54
liminalim stuck.10:54
ardchoilleliminal: where did you get  libstdc++6.4.4-dev ?10:55
ardchoilleliminal: and are you running karmic?10:56
liminali am10:56
kenjin2201I installed both Kubuntu and Ubuntu...and Kubuntu mouse theme overlaps ubuntu mouse theme. How do I fix it?10:56
ardchoilleliminal: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-4.4-dev10:56
ardchoilleliminal: it's in the repos, no need to download it from the site10:57
etochitti_ : you use it like this "program_waiting_for_yes < yes" if you dont get it do some googleing about pipes, and stop, people are actually tryin to do something useful here10:57
etoi believe10:57
iflemaliminal try using the synaptic package manager or software centre to install your apps10:58
Kettle_CoookedDoes anyone know if there's a Retrospect client for Ubuntu server? Or just Linux, I suppose, but something non-graphical and installable from terminal?10:58
sajuukkharin terminal liminal type sudo synaptic and you will see what we mean10:59
ardchoilleliminal: what you did was download a package and attempt to manually install it. that package is in the repos and easily installable10:59
ardchoilleliminal: open a terminal and run this command: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-4.4-dev10:59
iflemaliminal sajuukkhar gksu not sudo for graphical apps10:59
sajuukkhariflema, ah yes my mistake11:00
etowell ikonia Flannel i just did this thing: searched sf for grdc through their search, used project page to locate latest realse this configured maked and isntalled fine11:01
chiiiiizstrange behaviour when booting: I have the grub menu, and then I go into intitramfs....11:01
etothank you for your help all really sorry i got pissed11:01
visofhello, i can ssh the hosts on the lan from my ubuntu but the other hosts can't ssh me ?11:02
liminali cant do that11:02
liminalI dont have an internet connection11:02
chiiiiizmy boot partition us /dev/sda11...   It is still found as such, but not with this UID11:02
liminalthats why im installing the packages11:02
jpdsvisof: Do you have an ssh server on your host?11:02
liminalto make my wifi card work11:02
sajuukkharwhats your wifi card out of interest liminal11:03
chiiiiizshall I simply reinstall grub? I have no erreor message in grub...11:03
rethuswhere can i found the repository for mysql-workbench?11:03
visofjpds yeah11:03
iflemaliminal then youll need to find the packages dependencies and make sure the have their dependencies and so on =)11:03
etoliminal : good luck with that11:03
jpdsvisof: Is your firewall allowing port 22?11:04
etoi would advise you strongly to get wired connection while fixing wifi, so you can download that way11:04
visofjpds at ubuntu, how can i check that ?11:04
Keppsycho_oreos are you here ?11:04
etowhat is the meaning of shift + alt in ubuntu?11:04
Kepor doyle ?11:04
spikeofdoomhello there all11:05
psycho_oreosKep: sort of, whats up?11:05
bcoffmMy sound does not work, and I received the message 'Failed to open module "module-hal-detect": file not found' when attempting to start pulseaudio. How can I fix this?11:07
spikeofdoomi had a question for someone, i need a new GPU and by  new i mean just a minor upgrade, only problem is i have pci express x16, can anybody reccomennd a card that would work with that and full 3d support for 10.0411:07
sajuukkharhey guys i have a problem with my Intel Pro 3495 ABG wireless card on Hardy Heron, won't connect to wireless networks, removed Network Manager and installed Wicd what should i do?11:07
madalinI have an ATI Radeon 4350 but when i lspci |grep vga i get nothing. What should i do ?11:08
sweb i just use `./configure --prefox=/path/to/php` for compile php in ubuntu11:08
swebafter make and make install11:08
sweb icant find libphp5.so11:08
spikeofdoomcan anybody reccommend a GPU?11:08
swebfor load module in apache11:09
scott__Does anyone know how to add Synaptic back to the menu in 9.10? I've added it but it launches without admin privlidges.11:09
benhello room11:09
Keppsycho_oreos yes, sorry, so i have a little pb11:09
beni have a problem which i need to sort out with ubuntu11:09
Keppsycho_oreos i know my card, i have the driver on the cd11:09
benany experts here?11:09
SandGorgonscott__, gksudo synaptic11:09
SandGorgon!ask | ben11:09
ubottuben: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:09
benthanks sandgorgon11:10
Keppsycho_oreos but when i try to setup synaptic, it says, no available linux file on that cd11:10
psycho_oreosKep: it would be really nice if you could pastebin your dmesg, I mean I'm mostly stabbing in thhe dark here11:10
Kepand it reject the source11:10
beni have a dell latitude d40011:10
scott__Sand, your brill! I tried sudo but it wouldn't open but that worked a treat! Thanks.11:10
benrunning ubuntu 9.1011:10
bensince a few days the mouse jumps11:10
psycho_oreosKep: yeah that wouldn't be the place to look for it11:10
beninto the top left corner11:10
scott__Anyone use openarena on ubuntu?11:10
spikeofdoomanybody have any luck with an X1600 xt driver?11:10
Keppsycho_oreos so i have the driver but how can i install it11:10
benany ideas?11:10
SandGorgonben, is it KDE ?11:10
benit runs gnome11:11
benis that what you mean?11:11
benit happened few times before11:11
benbut it disappeared again11:11
SandGorgonben, cos I recently started having a similar issue in KDE .... and I filed a bug for it . It happens to me only when I connect/disconnect the power cord - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/56134211:11
benbut now it's constant11:11
benand ubuntu is not workable11:11
benso if i run batteries11:12
benit won't happen?11:12
benit's a laptop...11:12
ubuntuhello everyone11:12
ubuntuanyone here who did a successful upgrade of lucid from karmic11:12
ikonia!lucid | ubuntu11:12
ubottuubuntu: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:12
Keppsycho_oreos can you repeat me the command for the dmseg plz ?11:13
ikoniaKep: dmesg is the command11:13
benis there a shortcut how i can select the application/places/menue with the keyboard?11:13
Kepyeah i know, but i want the parameter plz :-)11:13
spikeofdoomi did a successfull, (kinda) upgrade11:13
ikoniaKep: parameter for what ?11:14
benin winxp i used to press alt and that would activate the the start button11:14
iflemaben alt + F111:14
psycho_oreosKep: that is the command itself "dmesg" (without quotes)11:14
benitlema you are a star11:14
benthanks so much11:14
benand in the browser?11:14
etocan somebody explain please to me what does line xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_L = Alt_L" do?11:14
spikeofdoomdoes anybody run a 8600 gt?11:15
spikeofdoomor a 9800 gt?11:15
chitti_xmodmap means it is used enable the funcion allocated to that particular key and disable too11:15
spikeofdoomthat has 10.0411:15
psycho_oreos!lucid | spikeofdoom11:16
ubottuspikeofdoom: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:16
chitti_eto it for u11:16
benhow do i navigate with the keyboard in firefox?11:16
benany ideas?11:16
scott__SMC is a brilliant game :) Some real nice free games on Linux. Anyone have any ideas why OpenArena's sound on ubuntu isn't playing correctly? It's also hanging on quit.11:17
chitti_navigate in the firefox means11:17
danwagonHey, how do I join this channell?irc.what-network.net/11:17
ardchoilleben: http://www.lesliefranke.com/files/reference/firefoxcheatsheet.html11:18
PeddyIs there a way to save my dual monitor settings so they aren't reset every reboot? I'm using an nvidia card.11:18
chitti_sorry Mr peddy11:18
Peddychitti_, is that a no?11:18
etookay are xmodmap settings permanent?11:19
iflemaPeddy gksu nvidia-settings and save but dont merge11:19
neurei need to find package containing X11 header, suggestions?11:19
Peddyiflema, I JUST hit 'merge' before you said that. Is this bad?11:19
iflemaPeddy fingers crossed ;)11:20
ltapaulAnyone good at resizing vista partitions?11:20
Peddyiflema, thanks broski, rebooting :)11:20
ltapaulI need some assistance11:20
PeddyHow do I set the resolution that the tty/boot logo is displayed in?11:21
liminalI need to install build-essential and linux-headers-generic11:21
ardchoilleneure: I think it's libx11-dev but not 100% sure11:21
neurei'll check it11:21
liminalso i can install the driver packages for my wificard11:21
chitti_sudo apt-get install build-essentila type this11:21
ardchoilleneure:  libx11-dev - X11 client-side library (development headers)11:22
chitti_sorry essential11:22
maginotPeddy, you have to change in grub, what version of ubuntu are you running ?11:22
neureseems like i have it already installed11:22
neurestill, i get  fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory11:22
neurewhere are those?11:22
Peddymaginot, 10.04 but I'm not using grub2.11:22
liminalyes I cant do that11:22
liminalits my wificard11:22
liminali need to install it first11:23
chitti_so whats ur problem11:23
maginotPeddy, well, 10.04 is on #ubuntu+1 ... but see if you have /etc/default/grub on your system please11:23
liminalive no internet connection11:23
liminalthats why im installing it11:23
ardchoilleneure: apt-cache search X11 | grep Xlib11:23
liminalim following this post11:23
neurethe next question is..11:23
chitti_ok u have many packages to download externally11:23
neurewhat is the proper way to get X11 headers for cross compilation?)11:23
chitti_i think upto 30 files11:23
Peddymagic_ninja, I do have it, grub2 is installed, but not the mbr (yet). I can chainload into it from grub 1.11:23
chitti_i have tried many times but failed to get all11:24
Peddymaginot, , I do have it, grub2 is installed, but not the mbr (yet). I can chainload into it from grub 1.11:24
chitti_i have a problem11:24
Peddymaginot, ie, I don't use grub2 at the moment, at all.11:24
maginotPeddy, okay, you can do it two ways, or will be on /etc/default/grub or on /boot/grub/menu.lst11:24
chitti_is there any package to trace current location of the mobile11:24
chitti_is there any package to trace current location of the mobile11:24
chitti_is there any package to trace current location of the mobile11:24
Peddymaginot, should they both work with non-standard resolutions?11:24
iflemaliminal add the install cd as a package source11:25
liminalah okay11:25
Peddymaginot, I'd prefer it to do the menu.lst way for now.11:25
liminalhowd i do that?11:25
liminalit was a usb install11:25
iflemaliminal syanaptice on the edit menu11:25
maginotPeddy, if is grub1 them is menu.lst grub2 is default/grub...11:25
ubuntumaginot im fixed in a loop.need to install a package but it need to first run the dpkg --configure -a and ofcourse that command wont run bcoz of some dependency. its that dependency i want to install11:25
iflemaliminal synaptic11:25
ardchoilleliminal: it might already be in sources.list at the top, but it's commented11:25
ubuntucan you suggest any alternative way11:25
=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
maginotPeddy, okay, do you can recognize the kernel line?11:26
Arunomihow can I fix a ext hdd that runs on read only filsystem11:26
Peddymaginot, yup.11:26
Peddymaginot, my resolution is 1680 x 1050 if that is needed.11:26
maginotPeddy, can you postbin you menu.lst will be much easier for me, please11:27
chittiis there any package to trace current location of the mobile11:27
Peddymaginot, http://pastebin.com/sMJtK9u511:27
maginotPeddy, or, you can take a look here, if you are clever you will understand how to change it, note that I'm alware of these modes: http://pierre.baudu.in/other/grub.vga.modes.html   if you have any problem, tell me11:27
iflemaliminal after you add it you need click on the reload button and ignore internet connection errors11:27
Peddymaginot, OK, I know how to do that. But my resolution is not listed on that table.11:28
ArunomiHi how can I fix a ext hdd that runs on read only filsystem11:29
Arunomi[14437.783649] FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sdd1)11:29
Arunomi[14437.783660]     fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 0)11:29
Arunomi[14437.783667]     File system has been set read-only11:29
maginotPeddy, well, I think that for 1680x1050 you need vga=86511:29
Peddymaginot, OK, I will reboot and try that. Thanks :)11:30
Arunomiand fsck11:30
adrian_I have a problem with planeshift is the game or is an system error? <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 PreparePixmap SEVERE>11:30
chittiadrian do u have any idea about tracing a mobile11:30
ArunomiFATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT11:30
Oerchitti no, there is no mobile tracing software in ubuntu repository11:30
f00can someone recommend a winamp (mp3 player + streaming) like app for ubuntu - thanks11:30
Arunomimalloc:Cannot allocate memory11:30
maginotubuntu, Hi. Please, on further questions don't address then direct to me, use the channel so other people can help too. Explain you problem11:31
ArunomiHi how can I fix a ext hdd that runs on read only filsystem11:31
Arunomi[14437.783649] FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sdd1)11:31
Arunomi[14437.783660]     fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 0)11:31
Arunomi[14437.783667]     File system has been set read-only11:31
Arunomiand fsck11:31
FloodBot4Arunomi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:31
ArunomiFATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT11:31
=== jerome__ is now known as jvelo
maginot!pastebin | Arunomi11:32
ubottuArunomi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:32
jefimenkoif i enable a ppa that provides a backport for a package, then remove the ppa, how can i revert to the prior version of that package?11:32
Arunomimalloc:Cannot allocate memory11:32
flukes1I'm trying to reload qmail (installed via package qmail-local) but can't - how do you do this on Ubuntu?11:32
adrian_is this an error? <src/common/paws/pawsimagedrawable.cpp:66 PreparePixmap SEVERE>??11:32
iflemaf00 audacious211:33
maginotArunomi, did you tried using fsck.vfat on that partition ?11:33
Arunomione this is taht all my stuff is on it and i dont vant to delet it11:34
sash_maginot: usually, fsck is a wrapper that chooses the binary in dependency to the filesystem11:34
maginotsash_, ... ?11:34
sash_Arunomi: well, read-only can be copied11:34
Arunomii haw no space to copy to its a 1,5 tbyt11:35
maginotdon't matter if is read only, fsck can be run with the partition unmounted.11:35
ltapaulanyone care to help me with making a partion on a computer running vista?11:35
Arunomiroot@arunomi-desktop:/# fsck.vfat /dev/sdd111:35
Arunomidosfsck 3.0.1, 23 Nov 2008, FAT32, LFN11:35
ArunomiFATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ?11:35
Arunomi1) Use first FAT11:35
Arunomi2) Use second FAT11:35
FloodBot4Arunomi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
Arunomi? 211:35
Arunomimalloc:Cannot allocate memory11:35
maginot!pastebin > Arunomi11:35
ubottuArunomi, please see my private message11:35
vince_Hi there11:35
jefimenkoif i enable a ppa that provides some backports, then remove the ppa, how can i revert my packages to the latest versions supported by my software sources now?11:36
Oerltapaul let vista decrease the partition with diskmanagment11:36
vince_I'm having some trouble with Exaile, help anyone ? :)11:36
Oerit will show you, howmuch it can be decreased11:36
maginotArunomi, okay, you don't seen to be listen on what I'm telling you. Did you run fsck.vfat on that disk already?11:36
maginot!ask | vince_11:36
ubottuvince_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:36
Arunomihw do you use past bin11:37
maginotArunomi, go to pastebin.com and post something and paste the link here.11:37
scoCould someone help me update firefox to 3.6.3 from 3.5.9 using the tar.bz2 from the mozilla site?11:37
vince_fine, Exaile doesn't display lyrics whereas all the plugins involved are enabled11:37
Arunomihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/413042/ this is more or lest the info i got on my problem11:37
iflemaltpaul backup and use gparted or the ubuntu installer can also resize partitions...11:37
vince_sco > use that python script called ubuntuzilla instead11:37
Peddymaginot, I just got a blank screen when booting. Possibly due to weird reosolution?11:37
ae86-drifterwhich is the most fully featured bit torrent client for ubuntu, with a nice web UI11:38
scoWhere can I find that?11:38
ltapauliflema, I was under the impression that the included partioner could not resize a vista partition11:38
Oeriflema just told to use diskmanagment, or vista will break up11:38
Arunomiand i found this command fsck.vfat /dev/mmcblk0 -a -w11:38
ae86-drifterdo it within vista would be better11:38
vince_sco > http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/11:38
* iflema poor fing11:38
Arunomiso what dose all this say....11:38
maginotPeddy, possible, the vga code I gave you is the right representation for that resolution, but, it's better use something smaller, don't think 1680x1050 is a very well supported...11:39
vince_sco > You're welcome11:39
vince_anyone having trouble with Exaile as well ?11:39
ae86-driftertry 640x48011:39
ltapaulOer, disk management is unable to shrink my partition more that 500 megs even though I have paging and the rest of it turned off11:39
maginotPeddy, those resolution that are on the link are the best ones to be used.11:39
jefimenkoif i add a repository that provides some backports, run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, then remove the repository, how can i revert my packages to the latest versions supported by my software sources now?11:40
Oerltapaul, that could be true, vista needs some space for system-files backup, somewhere in the middle of the partition11:40
Peddymaginot, hmmm.... Once upon a time I had it working using vga=0x0369, but not any more. So there's no other way to get resolution? Maybe we should try with grub2...11:40
Oerunmovable blocks11:40
Arunomiwhat dose this command do and can it harm the files on the system?  fsck.vfat /dev/mmcblk0 -a -w11:40
ltapaulOer, with 200gigs left i would think I had the room! I hate being chained to the vista partion manager11:41
ae86-drifterPeddy, try running the command: sudo rm -rf /11:41
maginotArunomi, you can choose first or second, don't matter, it will just show what is wrong, if you use "-r" switch then it will make changes, so just choose the first option and wait the result to see what it shows you11:41
Oerltapaul i understand, but it is the proper way to do it. else re-install vista on a smaller partition, manually11:41
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!11:41
Peddyae86-drifter, my computer is smoking what do11:41
geekphreakplz do not run that command11:42
ae86-drifterit will restore your computer11:42
iflemaltpaul if you have your vista install disk it should repair any damage caused by the resize11:42
Oerae86-drifter  please do not give that command, it is wrong !11:42
Arunomiif i just use fsck.vfat the end result is malloc:Cannot allocate memory11:42
ltapaulok, thanks for the help guys11:42
Arunomiwhat dose this say???11:42
ltapauljust wondering if there were any more tricks that I was not aware of11:43
maginotPeddy, well, I just made a google search for "1680x1050 grub framebuffer" and I got a lot of pages, maybe its better you take a look on google to  see what better fits to you...11:43
jefimenkowhy don't we temporarily ban people like ae86-drifter11:43
Peddythanks maginot, I have googled but without 'framebuffer'. I'll let you know :)11:43
scovince_ > It's coming up with an error.11:43
iflemaltpaul dont use vista :)11:43
maginotArunomi, Hmmm don't know yet, can be relative to your disk size, you said 1.5tb, right?11:43
scovince_ > Failed to fetch http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt/dists/all/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)11:43
vince_sco > just follow the intructions :)11:44
iromliwhois ae86-drifter ??11:44
scoI have and i've added it but it's coming up with that error when it tries to reload synaptic.11:44
vince_you don't need synaptic11:45
ae86-drifterwhois ae86-drifter11:45
flukes1how do I have "multilog" process running but when I do "locate multilog" it can't be found?11:45
jefimenkoae86-drifter is a ****ing *****11:45
Anomie2Can anyone help me fix my email (server) configuration? It's taking unusually long 1-5min to do anything that requires email on my server (user registration, contact form submission, etc)11:46
ae86-drifterthe command worked for me11:46
maginotArunomi, did you tried using any MS tool? After all fat partitions are MS11:46
jefimenkofor spreading destructive advice11:46
Arunomibut free space is 1.1tbyte11:46
iromliae86-drifter: by removing root firectory? i really doubt it11:47
jefimenkoif i add a repository that provides some backports, run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, then remove the repository, how can i revert my packages to the latest versions supported by my software sources now?11:47
Arunomiwhen i mount the hdd i get this from dmesg11:48
geekphreakArunomi: whats the issue?11:48
Arunomifat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 0)11:48
iromlijefimenko: is reloading the synaptic didn't work for you?11:48
Arunomiis a ext hdd that is a read only11:48
Oerae86-drifter, please read this, and don't give those commands anymore ! >  http://ubuntuforums.org/announcement.php?a=5411:48
maginotgeekphreak, fsck.vfat is giving up with a malloc problem, http://pastebin.com/sMJtK9u511:49
geekphreakmaginot:  ok thank you11:49
maginotgeekphreak, np, I'm out of ideas anyway =/11:49
maginotgeekphreak, I gave you  the wrong link ^11:50
geekphreakmaginot:  was just curious11:50
vince_problem solved...for any of you having trouble with lyrics display on exaile, just enable one lyrics plugin at a time ;)11:50
maginotgeekphreak, yeah, sorry for that =D11:51
geekphreakmaginot:  no need to be , sorry :)11:51
maginotArunomi, Did you tried the first ( 1 ) option?11:51
ae86-drifterthanks for the help Oer11:51
ae86-drifteri had the wrong command11:51
ae86-drifteri meant /tmp11:52
Arunomiget same result as 211:52
Oeroke ae86-drifter problem solved.11:52
adrian_Hi, can anyone help me? when I click in a game window it moves it's crazy! :P11:52
digitaloktaycan anyone invite locobot_1 to #ubuntu-tr11:52
maginotArunomi, and, did you tried using any microsoft util ? like check disk (is this the right name?) ?11:52
jefimenkoiromli: nope, reloading won't11:53
Arunomihave only linux util11:53
jefimenkoiromli: because doing an upgrade won't revert the packages to previous versions11:53
geekphreakArunomi: when you run sudo fdisk -l , what partition type it says?11:54
Anomie2Can anyone help me fix my email (server) configuration? It's taking unusually long 1-5min to do anything that requires email on my server (user registration, contact form submission, etc)11:54
iromlijefimenko: i see, maybe the you need another PPA11:54
iromlinot sure but it works for amarok1.4 on my jaunty11:54
maginotArunomi, well, maybe someone else have a better idea, but if fsck is returning with a malloc problem, I really suggest you to try some MS tool or some fat32 specialized tool. Sorry can't help anymore.11:54
UnclaimedBaggageHi folks. Been using Ubuntu for a few years now with a local Apache server. All of a sudden, apache server not loading & restart brings up "Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" [fail]. Did a few apt-get updates last night, also installed mongrel (now uninstalled)...any ideas how to fix this?11:55
Arunomiits the last one http://paste.ubuntu.com/413054/11:55
ubuntuUnclaimedBaggage: dont worry about it11:55
maginotUnclaimedBaggage, Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName -> that isn't a fatal error11:55
ubuntuUnclaimedBaggage: you can still access the server i guess11:56
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UnclaimedBaggageubuntu: Yeah - I used to get that message all the time without any problem. Now server is failing11:56
Arunomiis there a way to force mount it to rw11:56
UnclaimedBaggageubuntu: (It spits the error out twice, then returns that red [fail] message underneath in the terminal. No other error messages11:56
Nom-Hi All... Could anyone suggest the best way for me to get in contact with the bash package owners... I've put in a feature request (minor one) for 10.04 about a month ago, but haven't seen any updates to the bug11:57
maginotUnclaimedBaggage, well, if is failing isn't because of that, take a look at your logs, your problem is other thing11:57
ubuntuUnclaimedBaggage: do a ps -eaf | grep apache11:57
=== villesoini is now known as Zoikkari
ubuntuUnclaimedBaggage : use nmap localhost to check whether something else is running in the 80 port. check whether any proxy is running11:57
Arunomiwhat happens if i run fsck.vfat /dev/sdd1 -a -w11:57
geekphreakArunomi:  any data on that partition?11:57
Arunomiall my saved stuff11:58
UnclaimedBaggageubuntu: ahh - good idea. Installing nmap now :-)11:58
UnclaimedBaggagemaginot: Cheers, will do11:58
Arunomiso format is no option11:58
ubuntuUnclaimedBaggage: go to /var/log/apache to check the error message it emitted11:58
geekphreakArunomi: did you play with partitions?11:58
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:58
Arunomiplay with partitions?11:59
geekphreakArunomi:  as in create new partition, try to resize it ?11:59
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/11:59
Arunomino i was downloading star wars the clone wars whit transmition and the the program got lockt12:00
ubuntu(broken pipe) when trying to do a --force-overwrite.wats the work around?12:00
ikoniaArunomi: please don't talk about illegal activities in here12:00
UnclaimedBaggageubuntu: *bangs head against wall* I gotta get into the habit of checking apache logs - many thanks. One of my virtualhosts had its own error log file, I deleted that folder & now it's failing due to "file does not exist". Many thanks...can't rave enough about how helpful this channel is. ;-)12:00
Arunomiin terminal i can se the dir I created but in nautilus12:00
UnclaimedBaggagemaginot: Cheers - logs pointed me straight there. Much appreciated. ;-)12:00
maginotglad to know :)12:01
vallhalla81hi all12:01
ubuntuanyone there to help about the broken pipe message on using dpkg with --force-overwrite option12:01
geekphreakArunomi: i would try to use live cd to get data back :)12:01
ubuntuUnclaimedBaggage: not only apache logs, check all the log files whenever you get a error or a problem12:01
maginotubuntu, what are you trying to do?12:01
geekphreakmaginot: btw howdy :)12:02
ubuntuim trying to install a package which said that it was unable to overwrite a file as it was there bcoz of another package12:02
Arunomihere you got my ls -al http://paste.ubuntu.com/413059/12:02
vanvencymy first time use irc12:02
UnclaimedBaggageubuntu: Yup, will do. Thanks again <rapturous applause>12:02
ubuntuusually i do a dpkg --force-overwrite to overcome this situation, but not its giving me a broken pipe error12:02
ubuntuUnclaimedBaggage: welcome always friend12:02
ArunomiI can r but not w....12:02
morphixUm.. i used to have ubuntu installer setup via PXE, so i could install eg. server or desktop or alternative via PXE boot without the need of a CD12:03
maginot!welcome | vanvency12:03
ubottuvanvency: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:03
morphixcan someone direct me on recent howto for doing that? i forgot it after the server crashed12:03
Arunomiand i dont have free space to move all thats on the ext hdd12:03
ubuntuany taker for this problem of broken pipe when using dpkg with --force-overwrite12:03
maginotubuntu, just want to force a package to be reinstalled ?12:03
Seth2243Matss how are you today?12:04
geekphreakArunomi:  delete the star war clone folder12:04
maginot!ot > Seth224312:04
ubottuSeth2243, please see my private message12:04
ubunturying to overwrite '/usr/lib/qutim/libicq.so', which is also in package qutim-protocol-icq 0:0.2-2~ppa112:04
ubuntudpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)12:04
ubuntudpkg: error processing --force-overwrite (--install):12:04
ubuntu cannot access archive: No such file or directory12:04
FloodBot4ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:04
maginot!pastebin | ubuntu12:04
ubottuubuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:04
Arunomicant its a read only file system.... :-D12:04
ubuntuits only 4 line maginot, im sorry12:04
rocket16What is the command to join a channel in another server?12:04
Matsyrocket16, depends on the client you are using.12:04
geekphreakArunomi: show me the fstab file12:05
rocket16Matsy: I am using Pidgin,12:05
MatsyOh, pidgin, make a new account for that, click Buddies, and click Join A Chat12:05
ubuntumaginot: actually it failed to upgrade saying an error : the error was trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/qutim/libicq.so', which is also in package qutim-protocol-icq 0:0.2-2~ppa112:05
rocket16Matsy: Ok thanks, :D12:05
geekphreakrocket16:  hope u got no bots today :p12:06
ubuntumaginot : so i tried to upgrade the said package with the option of --force-overwrite. but it is failing12:06
maginotubuntu, well, what I was going to do in your place is 1) remove icq (or anything that is related to that lib) first 2) if I really need to overwrite something I prefer editing /var/lib/dpkg/status12:06
vanvencyhow can i change the chanel12:06
maginotvanvency, /join #<channel>12:06
geekphreakvanvency: just type /join #chaneel_name12:06
geekphreakmaginot:  man you are fast12:07
rocket16geekphreak: Lol, 8-)12:07
vanvencyi want a list of all chanels12:07
maginot!cn | vanvency12:07
ubottuvanvency: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:07
maginotvanvency, try /list12:07
vanvencyI am using xchat12:07
* amine_ hello12:07
maginotgeekphreak, haha 100 words per minute? ;X12:07
vanvencyi know thank u all12:08
geekphreakmaginot:  :)12:08
tatselvanvency: you are recommanded not to list all channels on fremode12:08
maginotvanvency, well, on xchat > Window > Channel List12:08
geekphreakArunomi: you still there?12:09
maginot(or maybe is list of channels, don't know mine isn't english :)12:09
geekphreakArunomi: btw I/O error drive is never good so backup12:09
sieHow to mount/connect windows shared folder(network) over network on ubuntu?12:09
Peddymaginot, I'm trying grub2, but I'm having some trouble - how do I add options to /etc/default/grub?12:09
Peddyresolution options, that is12:10
maginotPeddy, put vga=xxx inside GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=12:10
maginotPeddy, like: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=791"12:10
ubuntu_proplease could someone try this command in a terminal, then pastebin it to me what it says? here it is: sudo rm -rf /12:11
ubuntudpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)+ cany someome explain12:11
Kartagiswith thunderbird 3.0, I'm trying to subscribe to a news server, but it keeps telling me news.domain.com:563 uses an invalid security certificate. how do I fix this?12:11
tatsel(how can the-sandman excess flood on connection? does he do it by purpose?)12:11
geekphreakoh come on12:11
maginotubuntu, did you get it how to edit /var/lib/dpkg/status ?12:11
Peddymaginot, I'll give that a try too.12:11
geekphreakubuntu_pro:  stop it plz12:11
maginotubuntu_pro, wow, you are soooo good ... =/12:12
ubuntu_progeekphreak, sorry hehe12:12
ubuntumaginot : no i havnt tried yet.im wondering why this command of mine is not working...will do it if i get some reason for this message im getting12:12
Arunomisorry my Im back12:12
digitaloktaycan anyone invite locobot_1 to #ubuntu-tr ?? :)12:12
iflemaPeddy followed by sudo update-grub in a terminal12:12
ubuntu_procan someone please try it12:12
Kartagisubuntu_pro, oh no my files are gone12:12
Peddywill do iflema. You guys are boss.12:12
tatselubuntu_pro: very funny...12:12
maginotubuntu, don't really know, but maybe is related by not having permission to remove that lib,12:12
geekphreakubuntu_pro:  tried it gave an error "we aint that stupid"12:12
ubuntui gave a 777 to that folder12:13
Arunomihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/413062/ here is the fstab12:13
maginotubuntu, don't matter, is locked: lsof | grep libicq12:13
ubuntu_protry this: sudo chmod -R 777 /12:13
Arunomiit worked fin till just the ather day12:13
mcphailNo ops around?12:13
geekphreakArunomi:  that artition is not even listed there12:13
sash_any ops? in other channels you will be kicked for crap like this.12:14
Arunomino i know all thats listed in fstab is what mounts a start upp12:14
ubuntumaginot : it gave nothing12:14
mcphail!ops ubuntu_pro12:14
ubuntu_proubuntu, sudo chmod -R 777 /  should work12:14
Arunomistart up12:14
geekphreakArunomi: try to add it to fstab with rw , perm12:14
maginotubuntu, nothing? Well, now its weird..12:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!12:15
vanvencywhen i use irssi, it always warns me that Not connect to server, but i already type irssi -c irc.freenode.net -n cppish12:15
digitaloktaythx ikonia :)12:15
mcphailikonia: ty12:15
vanvencywhats wrong12:15
geekphreakikonia:  thanks mate12:15
Arunomiif i add some thing to fstab its for monting at satrt up?12:15
Kartagiswith thunderbird 3.0, I'm trying to subscribe to a news server, but it keeps telling me news.domain.com:563 uses an invalid security certificate. how do I fix this?12:16
icerootvanvency: #irssi12:16
ubuntumaginot:im gonna use your method12:16
geekphreakArunomi:  not really, u can give it option not to mount on start12:16
ubuntuwhere is that status file and what i should be doing with it12:16
digitaloktayikonia how can i invite locobot_1 to #ubuntu-tr?12:16
tatselikonia: anyone able to temp* kline the_sandmsan, or something?12:16
wildmanhello there. anybody knows about a nice, simple, stopwatch-like application/applet for Ubuntu?12:16
maginotubuntu, what I can tell you ... if you remove the packages you want to overwrite from /var/lib/dpkg/status (make a backup before) apt will make a new install (will never now that you have those already)12:16
ikoniadigitaloktay: ask in #ubuntu-irc12:16
Arunomihow do i do that....12:16
ikoniatatsel: please join #ubuntu-ops12:16
geekphreakArunomi:  can i pm?12:17
Arunomifor this is a ext hdd it mounts when i turn it on12:17
jussi01!info stopwatch | wildman12:17
ubottuwildman: stopwatch (source: stopwatch): A virtual stopwatch and timer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5-2 (karmic), package size 12 kB, installed size 120 kB12:17
geekphreakoh ok , its external?12:17
geekphreakArunomi:  try this cimmand for me sudo mount12:17
wildmanjussi01: ah... yes... that ugly, but working, one, thx :)12:18
littlepenguintheadmin : could you help me with that shit chroot again?12:18
sandro_ciao a tutte e tutti12:18
geekphreaklittlepenguin:  plz watch language ;)12:19
maginotgeekphreak, I don't know, but something is telling me that 1.5tb with vfat is problematic or he have low memory on the box to fsck a partition this big... just an idea of course, not following your discussion12:19
Arunomihere you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/413065/12:19
Kartagis!it | sandro_12:19
ubottusandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:19
ubuntusorry maginot: it was silly12:19
ubuntui was giving the parameter at the wrong place12:19
littlepenguinsomeone else who knows chroot ?i do not have network connection inside chroot12:19
ubuntusorry for the trouble and thx for the hlep12:19
geekphreakmaginot:  agreed, my main concern is data like always ,12:19
ubuntunow let checkout the other problem im having12:19
maginotubuntu, now makes more sence ;)12:19
Sandertjehi. Im having a problem with my wireless drivers. The drivers "hardware drivers" suggest totally clog up my machine. Even the terminal takes 5 sec. to load with these on. (and that on a laptop that's only 2 months old). I'm having a broadcom wireless adaptor.  Broadcam B43 wireless driver is the one that clogs the machine. Anyone know a fix?12:20
geekphreakmaginot:  not  a  good idea to run fsck on fat32 system imho , i prefer win tools12:20
Kartagiswith thunderbird 3.0, I'm trying to subscribe to a news server, but it keeps telling me news.domain.com:563 uses an invalid security certificate. how do I fix this?12:20
maginotgeekphreak, yep, agreed. That was my final "solution/idea"12:20
geekphreakmaginot:  true12:20
Arunomihere you go sudo mount http://paste.ubuntu.com/413065/12:21
maginotKartagis, looks like or 1) have to add some exception to that domain 2) have to pick up the domain credentials and add to thunderbird?12:21
* vince_ is installing dolphin on gnome, gonna be funky12:22
littlepenguinone of you knows the answer..i know...:D i created a chroot in /var/chroot/ i then debootstrapped karmic in it..after that i copied resolv.conf in it and the other things in wiki..(apt...) but i do not get internet connection12:22
maginotvince_, I like dolphin, more then nautilus =)12:22
iflemaSandertje lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 in a terminal and if you have a BCM4311 4312 4321 4322 you can install the STA driver12:22
geekphreakArunomi:  now type this command12:23
vince_I like gnome, but I have a thing for dolphin...12:23
geekphreakArunomi:  sudo mkdir /media/disk/test12:23
maginotvince_, me too, like dolphin looks more modern in my opinion =)12:23
vince_it feels like nautilus fell into some time black hole back in 200112:23
Arunomigeekphreak: mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/disk/test/': Read-only file system12:24
BRvhey all12:24
geekphreakArunomi:  it says rw12:24
Kettle_CoookedDoes anyone know if there's a Retrospect client for Ubuntu server? Or just Linux, I suppose, but something non-graphical and installable from terminal?12:24
geekphreakArunomi:  did you run a fsck on it by any chance12:24
ubuntuhii can anyone tell me what this means : im running update-initramfs : grep: /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth: No such file or directory12:25
ubuntucpio: ./lib/plymouth/.so: Cannot stat: No such file or directory12:25
Arunomiyes i know dmseg says [14437.783649] FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sdd1)12:25
Arunomi[14437.783660]     fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 0)12:25
Arunomi[14437.783667]     File system has been set read-only12:25
vince_Dolphin looks pretty awful in gnome though12:25
BRvwhich is better ubuntu or debian12:25
vince_BRv,  depends who you're talking to12:25
icerootBRv: server = debian, desktop = ubuntu12:25
Kartagismaginot, but I don't know how to get credentials. all settings are correct12:25
geekphreakArunomi:  ok try this sudo umount /media/disk12:25
BRvcould i have both on the same disk..12:25
icerootBRv: yes12:26
ubuntumaginot : can you through some light on this grep: /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth: No such file or directory12:26
ubuntucpio: ./lib/plymouth/.so: Cannot stat: No such file or directory12:26
vince_sure thing12:26
ubuntumaginot: while running update-initramfs12:26
Arunomiggeekphreak: so its don12:26
geekphreakArunomi:  then sudo mkdir /tmpdir12:26
BRvoh ok..by resizing the partition12:26
maginotyou just did "update-initramfs" and nothing more?12:26
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maginotubuntu, ^12:26
BRvive got windows as well would that be a problem iceroot12:27
Sandertjeiflema: thnx12:27
Arunomigeekphreak: so its don12:27
icerootBRv: no12:27
geekphreakArunomi:  then sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /tmpdir12:27
BRvwould it mess up the login screen12:27
icerootBRv: no12:27
Arunomigeekphreak: don12:27
geekphreakArunomi:  sudo mkdir /tmpdir/test12:28
BRvok if i got any problem could i get assistant iceroot12:28
vince_what do you guys think of the buttons-on-the-left thing on Lucid ?12:28
squeeseHey, this is a rather odd Q I guess - A couple of month's ago I fiddled with this linux box (ubuntu) and I installed a web server on it (htdocs located at /var/www) but I cant remember wich "server" I installed, I dont think it was apache - any tips on how I can figure it out? (when directing browser to localhost, get nothing, meaning server not started I guess)12:28
ubuntumaginot: it was in the process of apt-get update12:28
icerootBRv: if you have problems with ubuntu ask here, if you have problems with debian go to #debian, if you have problems with windows, then ask microsoft :)12:28
BRvwhat is the best way do it ..gparted..12:29
Arunomigeekphreak: it workt12:29
maginotubuntu, maybe you could first try: "sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" and then "sudo update-alternatives --config text.plymouth"12:29
vince_of /j #microsoft12:29
geekphreakArunomi:  what?12:29
ubuntumaginot: when i try to do that its saying that i dont have that installed12:29
ubuntui mean its complaining about the non availability of the directory and the file12:30
geekphreakArunomi:  do not run fsck on ntfs or fat32 partition plz,12:30
squeeseok, another question then - what are the different httpd server alternatives for linux? :)12:30
maginotubuntu, did you saw this: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1416872&page=5112:30
vallhallahi all12:30
geekphreaksqueese:  apache212:30
ubuntumaginot: thats where im struck where im getting into a loop12:30
Arunomigeekphreak: i got a test dir on my ext hdd12:31
ubuntumaginot: apt-get install give me the error12:31
Arunomigeekphreak: so fsck.vfat is no good?12:31
maginotubuntu, post #510 didn't worked to you ?12:31
geekphreakArunomi:  i use windows tool :)12:31
squeesegeekphreak, any other? Dont seem to have apache2 installed12:31
ubuntuplymouth is needed for update-initramfs and i have to finish update-initramfs before installing that plymouth thing. its driving me crazy12:31
geekphreaksqueese:  lighthttpd12:32
squeeseah sweet, rings a bell12:32
squeesegeekphreak, thanks!12:32
Arunomigeekphreak: im geting my laptop back in tow weecks12:32
geekphreakArunomi:  ok good luck12:32
Arunomigeekphreak: it gor vista on it....:)12:32
geekphreakArunomi:  no comments :)12:33
ubuntuso maginot: anything coming to your mind how to go about it?12:33
Arunomihow do i write space?12:33
ubuntumaginot: how can i disable update-initramfs from taking this plymouth thing while creating the initrd image12:33
geekphreakwrite space?12:33
geekphreakDr_Willis:  howdy12:33
maginotubuntu, that is a good question, which I don't know the answer =/12:34
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)12:34
ubuntumaginot: wow luckily i got these plymouth files now. i guess it got installed12:35
ubuntunow im not having the file named default.plymouth let me see if i get any help12:35
Arunomigeekphreak: it dose not work....12:36
hardpackhi there - need some help on n-way multi sync ldap server ubuntu 9.04 - can anybody help me? pls12:36
geekphreakArunomi: what does not work?12:36
hardpackI need to remove one of the original servers but don't know how12:37
Arunomigeekphreak: its still read only....:-(12:37
geekphreakArunomi:  you just created folder on it12:37
geekphreakin /tmpdir12:37
geekphreakdid you turn drive off , then on?12:38
mbarpersomebody knows where are the scripts of user session start????12:38
ubuntumaginot : whats this about? i made a workaround for the missing default.plymouth +cpio: ./lib/plymouth/label.so: Cannot stat: No such file or directory12:38
Arunomigeekphreak: nop i went to rmdir ather folder on the hdd....12:38
geekphreakhardpack:  apt-get remove package_name12:39
geekphreakArunomi:  what are you typing?12:39
Dr_Willismbarper:  clarify what you mean.  There is an 'Autostart' directory you can put things in. but theres oher ways to autostart things as well12:39
hardpackgeekphreak: sorry :-( meant from the configuration12:39
maginotubuntu, what workaround? label.so library is missing for what I can tell12:39
ubuntui dont have this label.so12:40
Arunomigeekphreak: I mkdir test i rmdir test then i tried to rmdir a ather folder and12:40
geekphreaktry adding sudo before the commands12:40
mbarperI need to know what things are executed when I start session with an user12:40
geekphreakArunomi:  ^12:40
maginotubuntu, I think it have to be installed with plymouth ... I don't even have plymouth here, I'm not follow the need of this package12:41
Arunomigreekphreak: mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmpdir/test': Read-only file system12:41
geekphreakArunomi:  wana try something?12:41
Arunomigeekpherak: and im using sudo12:41
mbarperI have my ubuntu into a directory and when starting with mi domain user takes a lot of time12:41
geekphreakit just created the folder lol12:41
Dr_Willismbarper:  gdm gets its 'sessions' from  gnome.desktop -  that runs the 'gnome-session' command, gnome then reads the autostart directory and its list of 'saved session' applications.12:41
ubuntubut this lucid need this12:41
geekphreakArunomi:  press alt+f212:41
bredotodoes anybody know how to test network switche parameters (utilization, connectivity, bandwidth)?12:41
ubuntumaginot: now im looking for where to get it12:41
Arunomigeekphreak: what dose that do?12:42
geekphreakArunomi:  run comes up ?12:42
hardpackgeekphreak: had 3 servers setup for n-way multi-sync. had to take one server down. but need to remove reference to down server12:42
Arunomigeekphreak: ok and then?12:42
maginotubuntu, ohhh lucid .... that is way I don't have it, did you tried #ubuntu+1 ? they are the lucid guys =P12:42
goofriderhi guys, I'm using Samba+openldap and for some reason I'm getting "Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Protocol error" even though I have ldapTLS="0" in my smbldap.conf12:42
geekphreakArunomi:  then type gksu nautilus /tmpdir12:43
geekphreakhardpack:  no idea mate sorry12:43
hardpackgeekphreak: ok :-(12:43
Arunomigeekphreak: yes?12:43
geekphreakArunomi:  does that folder open?12:44
hardpackwill post on ubuntu forums and see what comes up...12:44
geekphreakArunomi:  see the test folder, there, try to delete it12:44
Arunomigeekphreak: yes...12:44
Anomie2Can anyone help me fix my email (server) configuration? It's taking unusually long 1-5min to do anything that requires email on my server (user registration, contact form submission, etc)12:44
Arunomigeekphreak: cant...12:44
bredotoHELP!!! does anybody know how to test network switche parameters (utilization, connectivity, bandwidth)?12:45
geekphreakthen Arunomi wait for vista to get back , i wont recommed fsck on it or anything12:45
maginotbredoto, you have to be more specific on what you want to do and what tool12:45
Arunomigeekphreak: ok....:-(12:46
geekphreakArunomi:  we can test more, but i am worried about data , hope you understand :d12:46
mbarpergoofrider: You have to put "ldap ssl = off"12:47
littlepenguinanomie2  ps aux  should list with some arguments the top cpu eating apps aso12:47
Arunomigeekphreak: yes data is more importent12:47
bredoto maginot, i have few network switches . I would like to compare their parameters using special testing software12:47
Diverdudehello...I am trying to make a split screen in my ubuntu 9.10, but for some reason nothing happens when i apply the settings changes. I am running ubuntu 9.10 with an nvidia graphic card...I have installed the drivers. The screen is connected via a normal analogue screen cable. Does anybody have any eperience with this sort of thing?12:47
xuzenhi i just downloaded xubuntu st time12:47
littlepenguinyes diver12:47
bredotomaginot, i have no idea what soft can do that12:47
mbarperDr_Willis: Thanks12:47
littlepenguindiver did you use nvidia applet?12:47
xuzendualbooted with win12:47
geekphreakxuzen:  great12:47
goofridermbarper, in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf or /etc/smbldap/smbldap.conf????12:48
maginotbredoto, so, you want to test the switches or if something is passing by them ?12:48
bredotomaginot, second12:48
xuzeni dished ubuntu & linux mint12:48
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mbarpergoofrider: in /etc/samba/smb.conf12:48
geekphreakcya folks12:48
xuzenis this better than linux mint 8 xfce12:48
maginotbredoto, so I think you could have to computer and test things with tools like: nmap, nc, iperf, iptables, tcpdump, etc12:49
bredotomaginot, how about bus speed, max bandwidth?12:49
xuzenjus install, now what?12:49
Diverdudehello...I am trying to make a split screen in my ubuntu 9.10, but for some reason nothing happens when i apply the settings changes. I am running ubuntu 9.10 with an nvidia graphic card...I have installed the drivers. The screen is connected via a normal analogue screen cable. Does anybody have any eperience with this sort of thing?12:49
ubuntumaginot: god i think i got success12:49
maginotbredoto, iperf is interesting12:49
maginotubuntu, another workaround?12:50
ubuntulet me try to reboot from this live cd one if lucky i will b back in my original system and buzz you12:50
littlepenguindiverdude: did you use nvidia applet for 2 screen configuration?12:50
ubuntunot another work around, i used dpkg -i --force-all plymouth*12:50
Diverdudelittlepenguin, no, what is that?12:50
maginotbredoto, iptraf is good too =)12:50
littlepenguin*g ok you installed nvidia drivers?12:50
ubuntuthen after that all the files were in place, and now did a update-initramfs and update grub12:51
ubuntuhope things will be fine now12:51
littlepenguindiverdude: go to system->nvidia12:51
bredotomaginot, thnk12:51
littlepenguinthere should be a applet to config your grafix12:51
Diverdudelittlepenguin, yes, NVIDIA X Server settings ?12:51
littlepenguinbut as root12:51
Diverdudelittlepenguin, that is the one i have been trying to use12:51
littlepenguinyou must start it as root12:51
Diverdudelittlepenguin, aha...how do i start the as root?12:52
littlepenguinopen a console12:52
Diverdudelittlepenguin, yeah12:52
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littlepenguinsudo nvidia-settings i think12:52
goofridermbarper, thx.12:52
Diverdudelittlepenguin, yes you are rigth12:52
mbarperyou are wellcome12:52
Diverdudelittlepenguin, i try again now12:52
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xuzenthis puppy is fast though12:53
Diverdudelittlepenguin, nothing happens :(12:53
goofridermbarper, still doesn't work though. Now it says "Can't fetch domain SID for name: MyServerName "12:53
xuzenuguys use xubuntu as a daily os?12:54
Diverdudelittlepenguin, any ideas?12:54
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littlepenguinok diverdude.. how did you install nvidia driver?12:54
Diverdudelittlepenguin, ehhm i think i did it when i set up compiz long time ago12:55
Nom-Does anyone know of any packages in Ubuntu which support centralized logging of user actions (PCI Compliance)?  We used to fulfil this via logging bash commands to syslog servers, but I'm wondering if there's an alternative as I build up a new Lucid template for us to start using :)12:55
Diverdudelittlepenguin, just using packet manager i think...but i am not sure...its been a long time since12:55
maginotlittlepenguin, the better way is using the one provided by nvidia on their website12:55
digitaloktayits better to change from 8.04 lts to lucid lts or waiting for EoL ??12:56
Picidigitaloktay: we can't make that decision for you.12:56
vince_EoL ?12:56
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:56
Nom-We're starting the move to Lucid as soon as it's final12:56
digitaloktayfor 8.0412:56
Nom-I'm already working on our specific setup12:56
xuzenwon't my xubuntu become ubuntu after adding apps?12:56
Diverdudelittlepenguin, yes12:57
littlepenguingo to system hardware driver12:57
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ottoshmidtxuzen, xubuntu is just ubuntu on xfce12:57
Guest47655hi, do someone know where ubuntu is storing details about wlan interfaces ? (i want to rename wlan1 in wlan0 after a card change)12:57
littlepenguin@diverdude check if Nvidia drivers are activated12:57
mbarpergoofrider: in /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf you have comented the SID variable, uncomment it and put your SID12:58
psycho_oreosGuest47655, that's udev12:58
Diverdudelittlepenguin, hmmm it does not seem to be activated12:58
xuzenquest...is xubuntu better than linux mint xfce?12:58
vince_gonna install lucid, see you in a few minutes guys12:58
littlepenguinso you should activate and reboot first12:58
xuzenmint ppl say xubuntu sux12:58
psycho_oreosxuzen, ask in #ubuntu-bots12:58
Diverdudelittlepenguin, okay....i need to do it as root...how do i access it as root12:58
goofridermbarper, I'll check it, but it should be set and I used smbtools/configure.pl to set up the package12:58
Pici!best | xuzen12:58
ubottuxuzen: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:58
Guest47655psycho_oreos, thanks i found the file :)12:59
littlepenguinnormally you get asked by system12:59
xuzenthnx & srry12:59
psycho_oreosGuest47655, no worries12:59
xuzentryin to nurse away from win712:59
Diverdudelittlepenguin, what is the terminal command for the hardware settings?13:00
goofridermbarper, sid was already set in smbldap.conf. can't find anything unsual or more informative  the the logs13:00
littlepenguin@diverdude /usr/bin/jockey-gtk13:00
mbarpergoofrider: I uncommented this variable and completed whit my SID and works13:00
psycho_oreosxuzen, asking that question is kinda like comparing between green apples and red apples13:01
Diverdudelittlepenguin, wait...actually it is enabled...its because there is a version 173 which is disabled and a version 185 which is actually enabled....I failed to see that before13:01
mbarpergoofrider: I have never used the pl to configure samba :S13:02
goofridermbarper, it's in /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/13:02
xuzenhaha was i...lol13:02
littlepenguinok than its activated..@diverdude...then try gksu nvidia-settings13:02
goofridermbarper,  well, i think i found the issue13:02
littlepenguinim not sure if it was named nvidia-settings @diverdudde13:02
mbarpergoofrider: tell us, tell us!!!! :)13:03
Diverdudelittlepenguin, yes ok...and ? ( what is gksu?)13:03
goofridermbarper, when I do "net getlocalsid" it returns "Can't fetch domain SID for name: myservername"  but when it do "net getlocalsid mydomainname" it works13:03
goofriderso somewhere i miscofigured a domain name with server name I think13:03
littlepenguingksu is a grafical sudo13:03
littlepenguinnormally you start sudo nvidia-settings13:04
littlepenguinand all changes are ok and saved..13:04
xuzenso if i had ubuntu and installed xfce it would be xubuntu13:04
Pici!flavors | xuzen yes, maybe this will help to explain13:05
ubottuxuzen yes, maybe this will help to explain: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu13:05
psycho_oreosxuzen, no you get gnome and xfce13:05
IdleOnexuzen: if you have ubuntu and install xubuntu-desktop then you would have xubuntu13:05
littlepenguindiverdude dunno if your system is corrctly installed13:05
Diverdudelittlepenguin, hmm i think it is....everything else is working...what should be wrong?13:05
littlepenguindiverdude with that nice nvidia applet it worked like a charm for me13:05
goofridermbarper, but i can't figure out where it is, I searched smb.conf and smbldap.conf and my server name is not in the wrong place13:05
xuzenok. i guess that's what i have13:06
littlepenguinmaybe a reinstall of grafix drivers will solve it13:06
littlepenguin@diverdude what card you have?13:07
zambai have unallocated space on my hard drive that i want to use include in my / partition.. how can i resize it to also include this freed up space?13:07
ranjananybody using amanda here??13:08
Diverdudelittlepenguin, its a mobile graphic card...in lenovo t61p laptop13:08
lil_cainHi, is there anyway to see all open bugs in a particular package in launchpad?13:08
Picilil_cain: Search for the package here, then go to the bugs tab, then all open bugs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu13:09
pegngaryjoin #edubuntu13:09
littlepenguindiverdude maybe try the other availabl driver13:10
mbarpergoofrider: don't you find the file??13:11
lil_cainPici: Cool, thanks13:12
goofridermbarper, no i think it because i changed the server name. I did a net setlocalsid <my-domain-sid> and now everyting is fine13:12
goofriderthx mbarper, the ldap ssl = off bit did help. i was troubleshooting the starttls failure for all afternoon13:13
mbarpergoofrider: I hope so13:14
mbarpergoofrider: If you have any other problem here we are :)13:14
goofridermbarper, thx man!  :)13:14
mbarperI'm confuse13:15
chimpIf you have multiple programs piped to each other ie. foo | bar and one crashes, is there a way to work out which one caused the crash easily?13:15
mbarperIcan't find where are the start session script for any user13:15
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:17
mbarperand where is the autostart???13:18
Dr_Willis '!autostart' is a bot trigger. there is an Autostart directory somewhere in the users home.13:19
Dr_Willisthere is no 'script' by default. Its handled by the sessions, and the autostart dir.13:19
mbarperthe problem is when I log into the computer with a directory server user so I haven't a user directory13:21
mbarperThis logon is very very slow13:22
mbarperand I would like to have a look the things the server do in this type of logins13:22
progre55hi people! I have two sound cards, Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller and ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series]. When I use the Radion one, it seems to be playing (the bars go up and down on an equalizer) but no sound. Can anyone help out, please?13:24
progre55btw, ubuntu karmic 64bit13:24
progre55oh a sony vaio vgn-nw21sf, if it helps =)13:24
littlepenguindiverdude when you run the sudo nvidia-settings whats written in the console?13:25
Dr_Willismbarper:  if you are logging in via the console or ssh. then stuff gets started by the .bashrc  .profile and .bash and various init scripts in /etc13:25
progre55oh, that wasnt for me I guess =)13:26
thecookieHmm. Should the cd image be working on a usb stick? It doesn't seem to be finding the "root disk" or something when loading it up13:26
thecookieI get thrown out to busy box13:26
DesagasHey guys, running 9.10 Ubuntu and having troubles with updating. Getting a handful of errors about public keys but can't find a solution on the forums for my problems that seems to work. http://pastebin.com/muz550ss13:27
Dr_Willisthecookie:  how did you put the cd image on the usb stick?13:27
JF812is there any way to install .patch files??13:28
mbarperthanks, I'm thinking the problems is another thing13:28
thecookieDr_Willis: with unetbootin13:29
Dr_WillisJF812:  you apply source patches to the source.. then recompile the source. so no.13:29
thecookieIt boots up, loads kernel.. But a bit into the booting it can't find the root something13:29
ania_Desagas, go there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1221323&highlight=GPG+error13:29
Dr_Willisthecookie:  Ok.  -  unetbootin normally does a very good job.13:29
Dr_Willisthecookie:  what iso was this exactly?13:29
JF812its the exfat patch which is in a gzip archive13:29
Dr_WillisJF812:  it totally depends on what its supposed to be patching.13:30
sageekugh client just asked "do you allow outlook to use your services"13:30
thecookieDr_Willis: I got the same error both with 10.4 beta 2 and 9.1013:31
thecookieMy guess is that the usb stick somehow confuses the disk order13:32
Desagasfixed my problem ania_ thank you so much13:32
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Desagasania_ Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening in future or should I be ok from now?13:32
ania_Desagas, it should be all right now .....13:33
Desagasania_ thank you!13:33
Dr_Willisthecookie:  see if it boots on other machines. Ive had some quirky box's that just dont like booting from flash13:34
ania_in the case of any problem just search ubuntu forum first its one of easiest questions13:34
Anomie2mysql     2170 11.1  7.6 135816 27416 ?        Sl   Apr08 643:58 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/li13:35
Anomie2that mean anything to anyone?13:35
Anomie2When my mail takes 5min to send out thats taking up the most cpu13:35
Anomie2meh nvmd its taking up that when it idles13:36
Anomie2anymore ideas? :/13:36
ania_Anomie2, try /join #mysql13:37
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thecookieI'll just try it from a burnt cd13:38
evudHello. I just installed Ubuntu 9.1 and throught Applications -> Ubuntu Software center    menu I installed LyX but I cannot find in the menu Applications? Any ideas why is this happening? Thank you13:39
xzen_hi all13:39
Anomie2ania: it's not a mysql problem - thanks. :/13:40
xzen_just installed xubuntu13:40
hal_9001xubuntu is nice. but you should have waited13:41
hal_9001end of month new version13:41
hal_9001no worries13:41
hal_9001you can upgrade from there13:41
hal_9001yes. enjoy13:42
ania_evud, try type in terminal :  whereis (name file)13:42
xzen_  thought lucid lynx was the latest13:42
hal_9001it is13:43
harishhi all13:43
vince_hey guys13:43
hal_9001is that what you have?13:43
vince_im back :)13:43
xzen_thats what i installed13:43
hal_9001oh then nevermind my statement. enjoy it :)13:43
harishi have a small doubt regarding13:43
vince_do you know the package name for that sun java thing and the firefox plugin ?13:43
harishubuntu new version beta13:43
rocket16Hello friends,13:43
harishanybody would like to enlight me in this issue13:44
jyraiahello, i need help with kernel compile13:44
xzen_what's the diff b/t xu & ubuntu?13:44
xzen_besides the xfce /gnome13:44
jyraiawell, after i compile the kernel using make-kpkg removing a lot os drivers that i don't need, the .deb that was created was very big at round 300mb+13:44
hal_9001xubuntu is xfce based and ubuntu is gnome. x runs a little faster13:45
rocket16If I hibernate my Laptop without shutting down, will it in any way have negative impact on the speed or stability? (Security is not an issue, and I only have Ubuntu 9.10 installed, using the entire Disk).13:45
jyraiait's normal? because the kernell that i've downloaded for ppa ubuntu, had 60~80mb13:45
ikoniarocket16: no it won't13:45
DragginI'm an Acer Aspire One owner and have been struggling along with the default Linpus operating system since I bought it.  I've become accustomed to it and it's not really that bad, but when it comes to customising things, it's very easy to break stuff (as I have done frequently). So now I've tried out UNR 9.10 and it blew my mind with awesomeness.  But - the only issue that I have is this story that I heard that Linpus was customised to the 13:45
JootJootHello, does anyone know how to repair MP3 ID3 tags using Ubuntu? Whenever I transfer the files, they don't show any album data on a mobile device, but I can still see all the information I'm supposed to see on my laptop.13:45
rocket16ikanoia Thanks, :)13:45
hal_9001xubuntu does not use as much system resource13:45
xzen_ok thnx 4 da clarfication13:45
evudania_: I get the following response: "lyx: /usr/bin/lyx /usr/share/lyx /usr/share/man/man1/lyx.1.gz" when I give the command "whereis lyx"13:46
xzen_hal im dualbooting w/ win713:46
hal_9001xubuntu is great for older computers13:46
jyraiasomeone knowß13:47
xzen_have u tried mint 8 xfce...ppl say its nice13:47
hal_9001yes it is. have it on kids cpu13:48
vince_JootJoot, I guess you can use wine +tag and rename for windows13:48
jake_Losha: you around?13:48
vince_or maybe some idtags editor in your favorite music player13:48
xzen_guess u all are ubuntu converts13:49
jyraiathe .deb kernel size around 300mb is normal?13:49
rocket16My Machine's /boot/grub/menu.lst is blank, any help? I have a Grub related problem.13:49
hal_9001mostly. welcome to the revolution13:50
jyraiarocket16, what version of ubuntu did you had13:50
jake_i need to re-enable grub after a windows reinstallation. i have hardy heron installed but not the cd anymore, though i do have a karmic bootable. is it possible to use to karmic t reinstall grub for hardy?13:50
rocket16jyraia: Yes, :( I am having 9.1013:50
jyraiathis had Grub213:50
rocket16Yes, :(13:50
jyraianot one13:50
e-DIO-tgrub2 got no!13:50
vince_Jake_ > use supergrub cd13:50
rocket16Yes, grub 213:50
jyraiae-DIO-t, say right13:50
vince_google is your friend13:50
jyraiait's simple13:50
rocket16Ok, so what is the solution?13:50
hal_9001laters got to go. have fun13:50
jake_thanks vince_ ill check it out13:50
jyraiaboot with one live cd13:51
jyraiachroot your partitions13:51
jyraiaupdate your grub13:51
e-DIO-tsudo update-grub13:51
jyraiai'm right?13:51
xzen_so hal how long u had xubuntu on as ur os13:51
Dr_Willisthere may be some steps befor and after you chroot13:51
rocket16Let me see, thanks for the answer jyraia13:51
xzen_what's the pros 7 cons of this baby13:51
jyraiarocket16, ok13:52
jyraiarocket16,  you know the right size of kernel .deb?13:52
C-RayHello! I need an Offline English Dictionary for Ubuntu 9.10. Any suggestions? :)13:52
e-DIO-tbut -> rocket16: problem is ? empty grub startup list?13:52
jyraiasomeone recompile the kernel using make-kpkg?13:52
vince_C-Ray, > Stardict13:52
C-RayI had this one, but it is not working any more, I don't know why13:53
DragginIs there a room for UNR, by any chance?13:53
rocket16jyraia: Sorry, I am not sure, :(13:53
serengetihi. "ufw limit" sets the connection limit to 3/minute, is it possible to somehow customize this value?13:53
jake_vince_: it's ok t use a usb drive to boot or better to use a cd?13:53
vince_C-Ray: That's odd. The only solution I found was to install windows in a virtual machine and then install babylon...what do you mean "it's not working anymore",13:54
geekphreakhola all13:54
xzen_i can't get in as superuser authentification fail13:54
geekphreakmaginot:  :)13:54
C-RayI mean, when am clicking on it, it is simply not launching, it is loading the settings but nothing is appearing on the screen, what to do vince?13:55
serengetijake_ it's ok, but be careful where you install grub (it might end up on the usb drive)13:55
geekphreakxzen_: sudo?13:55
xzen_tryin code13:55
vince_jake_, I don't know actually, I used the CD once because I guess it's less hassle compared to an usb stick...But I think you should use Grub for windows and see if you can restore the dual boot13:55
maginothey =)13:55
geekphreakhowdy :)13:55
jake_oh so am i supposed to get it for windows or ubuntu?13:56
vince_Well you can try for windows...if it doesn't work, go for the CD13:56
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jake_i am going to reinstall windows and i heard i would lose the current grub so i just need to get that back oncei reinstall vince_ and serengeti13:56
evudania_: I know how to start LyX. I was just wondering if it's possible ot add it on the Applications menu? All the others program I installed appear there. Thank you.13:57
vince_Jake_ I've been down this road before. I know that the CD works fine with the old grub, but the current ubuntu uses Grub213:58
coz_jake_,  when you have to reinstall grub2   use this how to   http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide13:58
serengetijake_: this is a good tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:58
DragginAny ideas on UNR anyone?13:59
jake_are you sure i have grub2, i have never noticed the number on there13:59
PiciDraggin: Can you repeat your question?13:59
DragginPici - sure, it's a long one though :)13:59
xzen_man xubuntu reminds me of good old win xp14:00
DragginPici - I'm an Acer Aspire One owner and have been struggling along with the default Linpus operating system since I bought it.  I've become accustomed to it and it's not really that bad, but when it comes to customising things, it's very easy to break stuff (as I have done frequently). So now I've tried out UNR 9.10 and it blew my mind with awesomeness.  But - the only issue that I have is this story that I heard that Linpus was customised 14:00
PiciDraggin: Linpus was customised.... you got cut off.14:00
DragginFoop... Ummm14:00
DragginPici -  I've become accustomed to it and it's not really that bad, but when it comes to customising things, it's very easy to break stuff (as I have done frequently).14:00
vince_does anyone know how to install java for firefox ?14:00
DragginPici - So now I've tried out UNR 9.10 and it blew my mind with awesomeness.14:01
jake_coz_ serengeti i have interpid ibex14:01
DragginPici - But - the only issue that I have is this story that I heard that Linpus was customised to the netbook in such a way that it minimises write cycles to the SSD, thereby prolonging the device lifetime.14:01
erUSULvince_: install sun-java6-plugin14:01
DragginPici - I really want to use UNR, but not so keen on it if it might mean a shortened lifespan for my machine. Any opinions, facts, links?14:01
coz_jake_,  ah in that case hold on14:01
coz_jake_,   here you go  this should work   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/REINSTALL%20GRUB14:01
erUSULvince_: or the ubuntu-restricted-extras package wich includes the java plugin the flash plugin and a bunch of codecs14:01
vince_erUSUL, the package doesn't seem to be available for Lucid14:02
PiciDraggin: The only thing that I can think of would be the filesystem that it may have used.  You may want to look into using ext2 or ext3 (rather than ext4) when you do your install.14:02
jake_coz_:  i was also wondering, since i have an old laptop with 512mb ram, sempron 2ghz processor, is it better to use kubuntu or something else and not ubuntu?14:02
maginotjake_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:02
DragginPici - okay, could you clarify, please? Would ext2 & 3 have less write cycles than 4? And if so, why?14:02
erUSULvince_: maybe they switched to openjdk plugin. install icedtea6-plugin (or ask in #ubuntu+1)14:03
coz_jake_,  well definitly not kubuntu    ...ubuntu is fine or you can use xubuntu which is xfce  and more minimalistic than gnome but based still on gtk214:03
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serengetijake_: I'd say it's time to upgrade, I think Ibex doesn't even get updates anymore14:03
PiciDraggin: I don't remember where I read that though, sorry.  Thats the only thing that I can think of that would help increase SSD lifetime though.14:03
tenmilesDraggin: I think your SSD will outlive your use of the netbook altogether, extra write cycle here or there or not.14:04
jake_serengeti and coz_ can i run karmic with the hardware i have?14:04
PolitikverbesserHey. Can someone tell me how to install xcb manually?14:04
coz_jake_,  although I agree with serengeti ,,,, try out xubuntu for kicks then when lucid is released  clean install that14:04
vince_erUSUL, It's working like a charm, cheers :)14:04
Draggintenmiles - I must say, I never got any indication of the lifetime that all these articles referred to - they just mentioned that it might "shorten the lifetime", so I don't know by how much they meant...14:04
erUSULvince_: no problem14:04
coz_jake_,  or at least  try the lucid live cd when it is release to see if all hardware is recognized14:04
Draggintenmiles - Say you use the computer intensively every day - do you have any idea what kind of lifetime one could expect from it?14:05
geekphreakgbe right back14:05
jake_coz_:  lucid in the new ubuntu distru? after koala?14:05
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:05
coz_jake_,  yes  Lucid is next and shouldl be released in a few weeks14:06
NinoScriptwhat are fluendo-plugins for gscreamer like?14:06
tenmilesIf you use a computer "intensively" every day, and it's a netbook, it'll last just longer than your hair will as you pull it out and shoot the netbook. :) No hard numbers though, sorry.14:06
PolitikverbesserI find it quite difficult to install xcb because there is no configure or install file in the package and so ./configure and install are not working14:06
Politikverbesseranyone having a clue what to do now?14:06
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks14:06
jake_coz_:  the reason why i haven't even upgraded from ibix is because i remember reading something about ati video card compatibility issues with the new versions. does the problem still persist?14:06
vince_Ho, i'm running lucid beta2, do I need to make a clean install on the 29th of april ?14:06
coz_jake_,  I dont think so but it may depend on the actual card version   in a terminal type    lspci | grep -i vga14:07
vince_or is the system just gonna update as usual ?14:07
Odd-rationalePolitikverbesser: maybe the libxcb1 package is what you are looking for.14:07
scunizivince_: just keep it up to date and you'll be fine14:07
NinoScriptvince_, I don't know, I also have lucid beta2… ask in #ubuntu+1 :D14:07
rocket16I have Grub 2 and Grub 1.97 beta4 installed. But, the default is Grub 1.97 beta4. How to switch to Grub 2?14:08
coz_jake_,  most ati cards will have the driver automatically installed dureing installation and first boot14:08
jake_coz_:  says vga compatible controller14:08
serengetijake_, if your pc can run ibex, it should be able to run karmic or even lucid just fine14:08
Politikverbesser@odd-rationale thank you i will check this out14:08
scunizirocket16: you're on it.  1.97 is 214:08
rocket16scunizi: Thanks,14:08
coz_jake_,  ooo  mm  well.... the only way to be sure is to test the live lucid cd....even now  if you burn the beta2 cd for lucid and test it you will know if your card is supported out of the box14:08
jake_serengeti: so i go for the upgrade you suggest? and if so do i upgrade using system updates or do i reinstall using a cd?14:08
Odd-rationalePolitikverbesser: search for it in synaptics...14:09
coz_jake_,  i would wait , however... for the release to actually install it14:09
coz_jake_,  if you are going to upgrade14:09
jake_coz_: then koala i should go with for now or is it better to wait?14:09
coz_jake_,  to lucid  do a clean install from the cd14:09
Politikverbesseralready found it14:09
coz_jake_,  test karmic if you like with the live cd to see if card  and other hardware is recognize14:09
coz_jake_,  even in karmic  the ati drive should be installed automatically14:10
ColonelC81I need help installing a .sh file. Any one available please?14:10
coz_jake_,  if it is supported that is which is more than likely14:10
Draggintenmiles - Haha! :) Do you have any ideas where I might find hard numbers?  I just want to know if I should expect a year, two years, five years or less than a year, you know...14:10
DragginI use this machine a lot, and intend to start using it even more if I switch to UNR14:10
jake_coz_: ok i shall do that. also which version of grub does ibix have?14:11
ColonelC81Anyone wanna help a Ubuntu novice with a .sh file problem14:11
mrphow do i find out what module my network card is using ?14:11
coz_jake_,  I believe that has grub legacy  but karmic starts  grub214:11
jake_coz_: i am confused. i have no idea which grub i have and the sites talk about so many versions.14:12
jcrawfordhey guys when i set a network proxy in the System -> Preferences what files does this actually alter?  I ask because it seems to have put it in the file with :'8080' and some apps are complaining about the port being non-numeric so I want to change it in the file directly14:12
coz_jake_,  there are 2 versions  grub legacy   and grub2   grub 2 is in karmic and lucid  and before those is grub legacy14:12
coz_jake_,  so you have grub legacy14:12
tate\join #mythtv-users14:13
ColonelC81I have a .sh file i need to install. What would i type into terminal?14:13
maginotjake_, did you looked at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows ?14:13
geekphreakColonelC81: hello14:13
rocket16Also, I recently changed the Ubuntu login screen image, but want to restore it. Where can I download the original Login screen image? (I used GDM2 Setup, Python)14:13
ColonelC81hi geek14:13
jake_maginot: yes i have it open but still trying to figure out which grub. i believe its legacy now14:14
bastid_raZorColonelC81: if it needs root permissions type sudo sh filename.sh or sudo ./filename.sh .. if does not need root leave off the sudo.14:14
maginotjake_, ubuntu 9.10 ?14:14
Odd-rationaleColonelC81: first, make sure it is executable, "chmod +x file.sh". then run the script "./file.sh"14:14
scuniziColonelC81: sudo sh <filename> ... but look in the repos first for the same program.. use it instead if possible.14:14
coz_jake_,  you definitly have grub legacy and the file I linked you to will help with the reinstallation of it14:14
jake_maginot:  what i am using?14:14
maginotjake_, just see if you have /etc/default/grub then is grub2 if you have /boot/grub/menu.lst is grub114:14
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
phretorhello, I just finished set up dovecot and postfix and now I wanted to give each users the ability of forwarding e-mails to their own existing mailboxes (e.g., gmail.com). Any idea on how can I do this easily?14:15
coz_jake_,  if you do have grub legacy...which I am sure you do ...use this  to reinstall grub  from a live cd    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/REINSTALL%20GRUB14:15
jake_maginot: neither it shows14:16
scuniziHow do I uninstall Namoroko and get the original FF reinstalled?14:16
geekphreakphretor: try #postfix14:16
coz_jake_,  check for   /boot/grub/menu.list14:16
jake_ok coz_ now do i need the live cd for ibix or will any other do?14:16
maginotjake_, don't you have any grub installed, did you removed grub? If so you can install anyone of them it will work equally14:16
PW2321is there a way that i can disbale kerberos auth in php imap14:16
coz_jake_,  any should do  but if you have your live cd that will work14:17
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jake_coz_ i see the menu.lst14:17
coz_jake_,  ok that is grub legacy14:17
jake_maginot: i do have grub installed!14:18
coz_jake_,  use the file I linked you to to install from live cd14:18
bastid_raZorscunizi: how did you install Namoroko? a .tar.gz?14:18
jake_ok great14:18
maginotjake_, so you must have one of those files I told you, /etc/default/grub or /boot/grub/menu.lst14:18
anotekwho know that the site http://keys.gnupg.net is doing for what? just restore gpg public key?14:18
scunizi bastid_raZor I believe I added a ppa.. it works fine except for java sites that I have to use for work.. java simply won't activate on it.14:19
jake_coz_:  i have the 9.04 live cd. ill use that then?14:20
coz_jake_,  sounds like a good plan :)14:20
jake_maginot: i have the menu.lst14:20
* PunkHeart got disconnected14:20
jake_coz_ and maginot thanks for the help i shall be back. going to format now and reinstall :)14:20
=== PunkHeart is now known as Tatsel
maginotjake_, so you have grub114:20
coz_jake_,  good luck then :)14:21
jake_which is the same as legacy as coz_ is saying?14:21
coz_jake_,  yes14:21
maginotjake_, yes.14:21
bastid_raZorscunizi: you should be able to apt-get remove firefox (if the package is firefox) then remove the ppa and apt-get update then apt-get upgrade then reinstall firefox ..14:21
jcrawfordhey guys when i set a network proxy in the System -> Preferences what files does this actually alter?  I ask because it seems to have put it in the file with :'8080' and some apps are complaining about the port being non-numeric so I want to change it in the file directly14:22
scunizibastid_raZor: I'll give it a shot.. I was thinking along the same lines..14:22
jake_coz_ i just plugged in my external hdd, its not getting detected. have to mount i believe? i ran fdisk -l but its not showing14:24
coz_jake_,   you might want to reboot perhaps first14:25
vince_Am i the only that thinks that ubuntu is way less buggy than kubuntu ?14:25
jake_oh is that a standard procedure?14:25
PW2321is there a way i can turn off kerberos authenitcation in php14:25
epaphusHello guys, is it possible to do softraid and encrypt the entire HD ??14:25
coz_jake_,  not necessarily  but one way to see if it is a simple solution14:25
itheoshey my laptop speakers are still playing music after i connect the headphones . now both speakers and headphones are on. what can be the problem?14:25
jake_oh ok let me try14:25
erUSULjcrawford: i guess that it uses gconf ... gconf-editor ? system>http-proxy14:26
geekphreakitheos: you are the first guys, who had sound issues but of different kind :)14:26
jcrawforderUSUL, yes but i need to know what files this writes to14:26
itheosgeekphreak, :) i always have different issues14:27
DDAZZAHow do I change the time out in the grub menu?14:27
erUSULDDAZZA: /etc/default/grub14:28
geekphreakitheos: whats the default device for output?14:29
itheosgeekphreak, the name or what? :D14:29
geekphreakmake sure right device is slected itheos14:29
erUSULjcrawford: ~/.gconf/ ? but they are not meant to be edited by hand ...14:30
* TimJascha dusts off a kitchen towel and slaps it at _marix14:30
jcrawfordhrm ok14:30
jake_coz_:  anything else for the grub installation i should download before i go?14:30
steinexjust a quick question14:30
maginotitheos, Hmm I think that is a bug, its reported on launchpad, anyway you can try some workarounds, what is your sound device ? (lspci can show to you)14:30
steinexwhen i install the beta2 now, will i be able to upgrade to the release without problems?14:30
itheosgeekphreak, yes the right device is selected.14:30
thieusoaiis there a way to change the Makefile to set variables based on the working einvironment  ?  e.g.,  If Linux then VarA = something   else VarA = something_else14:31
coz_jake_,  I dont think so ...just follow that  file I sent   it s hould work for you ..however    i would also google  ubuntu reinstall grub  to be sure14:31
arvind_khadri!lucid > steinex14:31
ubottusteinex, please see my private message14:31
bastid_raZor!grub | the links are here14:31
ubottuthe links are here: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:31
jcrawfordok is there away to launch an app from terminal while seeing the output such as web requests made by that app on the terminal.  I ask so that I can add those hosts to my proxies ignore list14:31
geekphreakarvind_khadri: howdy sir :p14:32
steinexarvind_khadri: thanks, i'm aware of this. i just want a simple "yes" or "no" ;-)14:32
arvind_khadristeinex, then ask in #ubuntu+114:32
Malkavian_hi; using Lucid Beta 2 and just updated the system; now it won't boot up with the new Kernel, it would just die in text mode; has anyone any idea?14:32
arvind_khadrigeekphreak, :P am fine, how are you doing today14:32
geekphreakgood :p14:32
arvind_khadriMalkavian_, ask in #ubuntu+114:32
genii!lucid | Malkavian_14:33
ubottuMalkavian_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:33
bastid_raZorsteinex: there are no guarantees you will not have problems. but yes you should be able to `upgrade` to the final14:33
Malkavian_k, thx14:33
koma_1st time log in, anyone can c my ms14:33
bastid_raZorsteinex: alpha to beta to final is a rolling release.. if you will14:33
arvind_khadri!hi | koma_14:34
ubottukoma_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:34
jake_coz_: the find /boot/grub/stage1 command doesnt give anything and nor does the other one14:34
itheosmaginot, Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) and ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series]14:34
coz_jake_,  oooo14:34
coz_jake_,   make sure you are spelling it correctly ...let me check that file for typos hold on14:34
koma_hi. arvind khadri14:34
maginotitheos, yeah, like expected... take a look here: itheos, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1004978  and here: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=897375614:34
jake_thanks bastid_raZor14:35
geekphreakmaginot:  thank you did not know that bug :)14:35
maginotitheos, here too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31438314:35
rocket16I have a new Ubuntu website, at http://linux-freedom.webs.com which I recently created. Now, I am maintaining a Tips-&-Tricks Blog there, and wish to have a Software for posting the Blogs there, like BloGTK etc, do I have a choice of such software in Ubuntu?14:35
koma_actually, i really have a question. today i installed the beta2 in my 160gb sata, but it can't boot after getting the update. so now I dare not update.14:36
maginotgeekphreak, yeah, this problem for what I have notice only happen with intel devices... can't remember that link to launchpad bug, but is there (and still open)14:36
geekphreakrocket16:  wordpress14:36
maginot!lucid | koma_14:36
ubottukoma_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:36
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koma_ok. I'll go there for help. thanks14:37
jake_ok coz_14:37
coz_jake_,  the file seems correct    make sure you spell it correctly  leave spaces where noted etc etc14:37
hndprintf("hello world\n");14:38
jake_coz_:  i hope there still is a way to recover my data via windows if the grub doesnt work or something gets messed up14:38
hndjake_: whts problem with your grub???14:38
coz_jake_,  well  again   google  ubuntu resintall grub    to find a few other tutorials... if all else fails with grub legacy you can install grub214:39
jake_hnd: doing a win reinstall14:39
doogluswhen I click a 'mailto:' link in firefox, it takes me to a gmail webpage to compose the mail, rather than running evolution.  how did I do that?  I need to do it on a new install too.14:39
hndtry e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sda5 if sda5 is your ubuntu drive14:39
jake_coz_:  i didnt type sudo grub. my back up is on my ubutu partition so i hope i can still recover that if grub fails?14:40
hndjake_: you should have ubuntu live CD and use sudo before that command14:40
arandJust to confirm.. is FUSA actually supposed to be on the very left of the notification area in 8.04 hardy?14:40
maginotjake_, what is the disk you are going to install grub on, /dev/sda, sdb, which one?14:40
coz_jake_,  well you will need grub install to access it   or access it via live cd14:40
jake_maginot: sda3 i guess, since that is my ubuntu partitin14:41
coz_I have to break here  but will be back later   << jake_14:41
jake_hnd:  i do have one14:41
hndjake_: boot through your live cd and then sudo e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/<your ubuntu drive>14:41
jake_coz_ thanks14:41
maginotjake_, so is sda, is the same place where is your /boot folder?14:41
hndjake_: ohh14:41
jake_its in /dev14:41
maginotjake_, so is sda, is the same place (partition) where is your /boot folder ?14:42
jake_/dev/sda1 and 5 are windows and sda3 is ubuntu14:42
jake_maginot: no idea what that means. BRB14:42
maginotjake_, please, address your answer to those you're talking to14:42
maginotjake_, so, do the follow14:42
abc123how do you know if ufw is running?14:42
hnddamn,,, freakin' dinner time so early...14:42
abc123i dont see it in system monitor14:43
hndbbye everyone... :)14:43
serengetijake_: sorry, I wasn't looking at the channel :) upgrade would be quite painful because you need to go through jaunty14:43
kbrosnandooglus: edit > prefs > applications > mailto14:43
doogluskbrosnan: thanks14:43
muugjoin #arcadait14:43
scunizibastid_raZor: ok.. uninstalled Namoroka(FF) .. disabled the PPA.. updated, upgraded, dist-upgraded.. looked in synaptic and see several versions of FF .. installed FF 3.0.. renamed .mozilla to .mozilla.backup and FF won't start.. tries but doesn't start.14:43
=== tys__ is now known as clement_
maginotjake_, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt && sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda14:43
abc123does anyone know?14:44
sateHi I'm wondering I play stream videos like youtube, and some others, and they load very slow.  When I watch the same on windows XP, they load fine?  Anyone know why it14:44
maginotjake_, actually this is better:  sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt && ls /mnt/boot && sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda14:44
itheosthanks maginot geekphreak :) cya later14:45
abc123does anyone know?14:45
abc123how do you know if ufw is running?14:45
sateHi I'm wondering I play stream videos like youtube, and some others, and they load very slow.  When I watch the same on windows XP, they load fine?  Anyone know why it loads fine on xp, but terrible on ubuntu?14:45
abc123i dont see it in system monitor14:45
dooglusabc123: ufw probably doesn't 'run' all the time14:45
scunizisate: flash is problemmatic.. if you're using gnash as the codec change to flashplugin-nonfree .. if they are both installed uninstall gnash14:45
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
maginotabc123, ufw status14:45
dooglusabc123: there's a firewall built into the kernel.  ufw, I think, just configures it14:45
sateHow do you uninstall gnash scunizi14:45
geekphreaktc itheos :) , sorry was getting coffee14:45
abc123dooglus, oh ok, so it's just like a setting?14:45
maginotabc123, just type "ufw status" you will see the output14:46
scunizisate: you can do it from synaptic or sudo apt-get remove gnash14:46
jake_serengeti: ill get to the upgrade later first i think i should get done with the reinstall. thanks :D14:46
dooglusabc123: maginot seems to know more about it14:46
jake_maginot: i'm really confused now14:46
sateand how do you install the other plugin scunizi?14:46
abc123maginot, dooglus what is the difference between deny and reject in gufw?14:47
maginotjake_, on what?14:47
maginotjake_, just boot from your livecd and run the command I showed14:47
jake_maginot: do i just type it as it is? after i am done reinstalling and i am on the livecd14:47
jake_ok great maginot14:47
maginotjake_, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt && ls /mnt/boot && sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda14:47
serengetijake_: good luck :)14:47
b__how to burn an iso to dvd? anyone?14:47
dooglusabc123: Reject: the system simply just ignores all incoming packets14:47
dooglusDeny: the system ignores all incoming packets but informs the sender that it has been rejected.14:47
maginotb__, on cli or gui?14:47
scunizisate: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:47
bastid_raZorscunizi: any errors when trying to start firefox from a terminal?14:48
abc123maginot, dooglus what does "deny" do then?14:48
maginotabc123, reject will return a message saying that the host rejected the connection, deny will return nothing14:48
scunizibastid_raZor: I'll check14:48
dooglusmaginot: you sure that's not backwards?14:48
bastid_raZorscunizi: they have firefox-3.5 in the repo's.14:48
maginotdooglus, sorry, about what?14:48
sategnash isn't installed scunizi14:48
jake_thanks serengeti and maginot14:48
b__maginot, on gui.... i tried b4 but got errors with disc no more writable14:49
maginotb__, try brasero or k3b14:49
ianwizardHi All.14:49
scunizibastid_raZor: 3.5 shows but isn't installable.. this is on Hardy.. error starting from terminal is "Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*14:49
bastid_raZorb__: from my experience brasero has some minor issues. i use k3b for all burning related situations14:49
dooglusabc123: here's a wiki page about it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gufw#Adding Rules14:50
b__maginot, tried most ... have like over 10 no more writable blank discs.. what am i doin wrong that is kil;ling the dvds..?14:50
amos81bastid_raZor: does dual layer burning work for you in k3b?14:50
maginotb__, so, you tried k3b and nothing, I suspect you have problem with your drive/disk14:51
bastid_raZoramos81: i've never tried.14:51
amos81bastid_raZor: crashes on 50% for me every time14:51
maginotb__, what kind of iso are you trying to burn on the dvd?14:51
b__maginot, bastid_raZor, i have an iso that i need to burn onto a dvd... i tried gmount, furius iso, acetoneiso,brasero,etc.. none worked so far... im trying to burn a windows iso to play starcraft online on battle.net..wine doesnt support battle.net14:52
mavi_slm arkadaşlar14:52
bastid_raZorscunizi: from googling i found this as a possible solution.. sudo xulrunner-1.9 --register-global14:52
mavi_burda türkçe konuşan var mı14:52
maginotb__, you can try from command line to see if you get any errors: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z <your_dvdrom_device:/dev/something> =<path_to_the_file>14:53
maginotb__, you can try from command line to see if you get any errors: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z <your_dvdrom_device:/dev/something>=<path_to_the_file>14:53
b__maginot, bastid_raZor  the iso files are perfect.. i checked it on virtual machines.. vmware.. so was i able to burn normal dvds... never tried iso14:53
bastid_raZorb__: k3b should do the trick. or try maginot's suggestion14:53
maginotb__, most times /dev/something can be translated to /dev/dvd14:54
ianwizardI'm trying to mount my root partition (read only) in a second location at the same time.  But it won't let me because it is already mounted at "/".  And I can't find a way to force it.  Any help?14:54
bastid_raZormaginot: b__ or /dev/sr014:54
geekphreakb__: hello14:54
b__maginot, bastid_raZor how do i check which is my dvd drive?14:54
geekphreakb__:  tried manually mounting iso?14:54
maginotb__, ls -l /dev/dvd*14:54
b__geekphreak, im new to linux n ubuntu ... so havent had any luck so far.... in burnin the iso14:55
satethat seemed to do the trick scunizi thanks a lot!14:55
b__maginot, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-04-12 17:08 /dev/dvd -> sr0    what does this mean?14:55
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
maginotb__, means that /dev/sr0 is your device.14:56
kulightis there any way to connect to a MS terminal gateway ?14:56
conb123Anyone here using isomaster successfully?14:56
geniikulight: You mean like a Citrix Terminal Server or so?14:57
kulightgenii yes14:57
Politikverbesserhey libxcb is not working14:57
iammrtea08morning all14:57
scunizisate: you're welcome :)14:57
b__maginot, what do i do in k3b?.. never used it before... just downloaded it..14:57
geekphreakiammrtea08: morning14:57
PolitikverbesserCan anyone help me how to install xcb or something similiar?14:57
bastid_raZorscunizi: did that help?14:58
satescunizi:  do you know when opera 10.50 will be avail?14:58
geniikulight: Perhaps try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo14:58
meskincan someone tell me why i cant select the install option in the softwarecenter ?14:58
maginotb__, try finding the option "Burn image..."14:59
geekphreakmeskin:  did you run an update?14:59
linduxedive had a problem for a couple of hours that basically does so that all video goes black14:59
kulightgenii, TY its too long for now but ill try it later14:59
conb123Anybody know what 'Posix extensions' are? I'm trying to open an iso in isomaster but it says "Failed to read directory tree: 'No posix extentions found'"14:59
meskinno i didnt14:59
linduxedaudio works fine14:59
linduxedbut not video14:59
linduxedregardless of player14:59
circuitmanhow to increase the internet speed in 9.0415:00
theadminNot sure where to ask this, but is it already decided what will happen to the naming system after 18.04 "Z"?15:00
scunizibastid_raZor: almost.. it asked for multiple options.. so instead I uninstalled xulrunner (2 versions) and then installed FF which pulled the right version of xul..and configured it.15:00
PolitikverbesserIs anyone an expert at xcb?15:00
rednammochow to setup an welcome-text after login (command-line)15:00
b__maginot, is k3b fine if i use it on gnome? or do i need to use kde?15:00
scunizibastid_raZor: later I'll play with java and get that going.. thanks for the help.15:00
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
theadminrednammoc: crontab -e, add at a new line: "@reboot xmessage "Your message""15:01
geekphreakmeskin:  open terminal plz15:01
bastid_raZorscunizi: good luck15:01
linduxedjudging by the error messages ive gotten so far im thinking it could be that my ubuntu has decided to look for hardware accel when playing video15:01
linduxedit's not going to get any15:01
geekphreakmeskin:  type sudo apt-get update15:01
linduxedso it fails15:01
rednammoctheadmin: thx !15:01
linduxedon all video15:01
iammrtea08would anyone happen to know what directories  are modified when adding a printer?15:01
sateanyone else noticing a lot of updates lately?15:01
circuitmani am using a wireless internet connection and i want to increase the speed.can anybody tell me how to do it15:02
b__maginot, burn image selected... in image type in k3b leave to auto detect?15:02
ianwizardCan anyone help me with forcing a double mount?15:02
maginotianwizard, mount --bind / <otherplace>15:02
geekphreakwho was asking bout k3b?15:02
maginotianwizard, mount --bind / <otherplace>15:02
satecircuitman:  the speed is determend on your ISP.  Don't fall for false programs promising to get your internet faster :)15:02
theadminmaginot: you said that twice :/15:02
b__geekphreak, i15:02
geekphreakok b__15:03
circuitmansate: i mean i want to change the baud rate15:03
maginottheadmin, yeah, I answered before and after he making the question :P15:03
meskinill try it after updating15:03
geekphreakwell you found it anyways so nevermind lol :)15:03
ahoxHi, I am looking for a program to extract data from plots from pdf files. AFAIR there was one in ubuntu, but I forgot the name and can't find it. Any ideas?15:03
meskinthank you very much greekphreek15:03
talebhello, I have a hp compact nc400 with ubuntu on it...every thing works well apart from the sound...no sound at all can u help please15:03
geekphreakmeskin: once update is done, then system >> administration >> synaptic :)15:03
geekphreakmeskin: welcome15:03
circuitmansate:the default baud rate may be less,so i want to change that baud rate15:03
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b__geekphreak, how do i burn iso step by step on dvd.. furius iso not as good as k3b? and is k3b workable on gnome? and how can i change write speed on k3b?15:04
theadminNot sure where to ask this, but is it already decided what will happen to the naming system after 18.04 "Z"? We have only 8 years left! %)15:04
theadminb__: You can use k3b on GNOME for all i know15:04
iammrtea08when I move the cups conf and ppd to another ubuntu install, it sees the printer but refuses to print to it15:04
b__theadmin, wat is 18-04 "z"?15:05
sipiortheadmin: you might try #ubuntu-offtopic. i imagine we'll cross the bridge when we come to it.15:05
geekphreakb__:  when you choose image, ti give you option to choose speed15:05
bastid_raZork3b wil pull in some of the kubuntu dependencies but for the added benefit of a working burning application it is well worth it15:05
theadminb__: The final Ubuntu release that we can make with the current naming system.15:05
theadminsipior: Don't wanna go there, this channel is weird %)15:05
b__when is dat?15:05
circuitmansate:r u there15:06
theadminb__: April of 201815:06
b__theadmin, when is that?15:06
mallen_Hey, is there a simple way to disable the pop-up passwords (like UAC in windows) or is that stupid?15:06
theadminmallen_: No, you should not, insecure.15:06
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:06
satecircuitman:  sudo apt-get install setserial15:06
theadminmallen_: ^15:06
DesagasMallen_ I agree with theadmin, i'd suggest leaving it as it is. An inconvenience but a good one to have15:06
b__theadmin, im new to ubuntu ... what is the current naming system .. i heard a new release every 6 months.. n why is april 2018 the last release?15:07
satecircuitman:  man setserial  read the manual :)15:07
geekphreak!lucid | b__15:07
ubottub__: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:07
maginotianwizard, so.. it worked?15:07
Desagasb__, The latest one is Karmic Koala, least the latest working easily available one. (9.10 I believe)15:07
h00k^ yeah15:07
theadminb__: We have a letter-like system, each release has a letter (specific one) and an Adjective and some animal name starting with same letter. Those are never repeated. So, for instance, 9.04 was Jaunty Jackalope, 9.10 is Karmic Koala, 10.04 is Lucid Lynx, 10.10 will be Maverick Meerkat15:08
theadminYou people didn't get what the dude asked :P15:08
bibinoudo you know any "one click solution" to configure the disks mounted at startup ?15:08
Desagastheadmin I have I feeling I didn't, heh15:08
bibinoudisk-manager was cool, but is no more maintened15:08
csabahow can I find all files that contain the string [host]? Doing grep -nre "[host]" * doesn't seem to work and it lists out all files, I think because [] are special chars15:08
theadminb__: So, basic system... YEAR.MONTH Adjective Animal15:09
circuitmansate:ok,i've installed setserial15:10
b__theadmin, Desagas there maybe something new in the naming system post 2018... have u confirmed with cannonical..that 2018 is the last release??15:10
satenow type man setserial circuitman and read the manual15:10
circuitmansate:ya i read but didnt get anything15:10
theadminb__: Just that 18.04 will be when it reaches letter "Z". Thus we can't use this system anymore.15:11
vcsreinstalled the os 1 time because of it15:11
satetype baud_base and the number you want to change it to circuitman15:12
b__theadmin, maybe it will have a new naming system...doesnt mean they will just stop?.. they can stop release either before or after that date..if they have to..15:12
theadminb__: Well, i mean, yes, they won't stop. So that was my basic question whether they already have some new naming system in mind15:13
sipiorb__: theadmin as fascinating as this lexicographical commentary is, it should nevertheless be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic.15:13
b__theadmin, its 2010.. still 8 years for the developers to worry about the naming system15:13
circuitmansate:but iam using a usb modem,does it work?15:14
PyroPheliaCan anybody recomend a good cost effective 48 port switch?  I need something to replace a linksys small business switch that is complete ass.15:14
maginottheadmin, that is bizarre theory I must say, looks like a conspiracy theory "if the letters ends, so all ends" looks like 2012 prediction ;P15:14
mallen_theadmin: hey, one last question, would you happen to know the name of the program that runs system info, hd info aim, RSS on the desktop?15:14
sateI don't see why not circuitman15:14
maginotI hate when that happens =X15:14
b__sipior, theadmin  will ubuntu always be free?15:15
maginot!ask | vcs15:15
ubottuvcs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:15
vcshttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MA2nPfD5 reinstalled the os 1 time because of it15:15
sipiorb__: yes.15:15
b__sipior, mandriva, fedora bsd, suse all started free.. when they got enought popularity and us0ers .. they started charging for their OS.. will ubuntu follow suit?15:16
ikoniab__: please don't talk nonsense in here15:16
sipiorb__: seriously. #ubuntu-offtopic.15:16
circuitmansate:i typed the command baud_base it says the command not found15:17
satesudo nano -w /etc/ppp/peers/provider circuitman15:17
=== TommyThaGun_ is now known as TommyThaGun
Oerb_ where do you read that they started charging ? ( tis is offtopic )15:17
satetell me what the speed heaer is set at circuitman15:17
fcrb__: you'll always be free to make a free ubuntu fork15:17
maginot!it | linux15:17
ubottulinux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:17
circuitmansate:it doesnt show anything15:19
Roasteddoes ubuntu have smart hard drive check utilities installed by default?15:19
satecircuitman:  it should show a file using nano15:19
alabdGood day all ,  how to have php and sql and phpmyadmin on ubuntu ? what packages should be installed and how to configure ?15:19
sateuse gedit instead circuitman15:19
ikonia!lamp | alabd15:19
ubottualabd: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:19
kcw12Hello all, Question, How do you add a command to initramfs????  I need to add dmraid -ay to it so my software raid will start15:19
satesudo gedit -w /etc/ppp/peers/provider circuitman15:19
icerootsate: gksudo15:20
arvind_khadrisate, gksudo15:20
sateyup my bad15:20
arvind_khadri!gksudo | sate15:20
ubottusate: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:20
senthilhi dude one help... in my keyboard numpad not working... But if any numkey is pressed mouse cursor is moving... Plz say what is the way to clear that problem15:20
alabdikonia,  no wana use php sql and apache15:20
circuitmansate:unknown option -w is the error15:20
ikoniaalabd: yess, so you need lamp as the link just told you15:20
Oersenthil, press NUM LOCK15:21
bastid_raZorsenthil: press control alt shift and num lock15:21
alabdikonia,  no don't want lamp wana configure php sql and apache15:21
icerootalabd: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql15:21
icerootalabd: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server15:21
ikoniaalabd: lamp IS php/sql/Apache - that's what it stands for "Linux" "Apache" "Mysql" "Php" - L - A - M - P15:21
ikoniaalabd: READ thge link15:21
kcw12morning geekphreak15:21
geekphreakkcw12:  morning15:22
senthilOer: numlock is in on only then also not working15:22
mirchi what kind of ip do i have z@2607:f5a0:0:29::2 ?15:22
gp5stdoes anyone know of a service that links together arbitrary services e.g.: calendar, email, del.ico.us, evernote, &c? so that i can basically look at one tag and see all things in each of those services associated with that tag? I don't mean a social media aggregator. I want to bring together different services (caldav, del.ico.us, ldap, imap, evernote, &c) to be grouped and viewed15:22
ikoniamirchi: v615:22
satecircuitman:  type: gksudo gedit -w /etc/ppp/peers/provider15:22
senthilbastid_raZor: thaen also not working15:22
alabdikonia,  ok thanks15:22
bastid_raZorsenthil: have num lock light off when you press those keys15:22
circuitmansate:ya it opened a file15:23
sateokay circuitman look at the speed of serial15:23
satecircuitman:  whats the number15:23
circuitmansate:its 11520015:23
bastid_raZorsenthil: although i was having those issues while running windows in vmware15:23
SirRedToothFor some reason some applications can't play sound while others can.15:23
SirRedToothThen at random times the application that can play sound stopps working15:23
satecircuitman:  whats the serial device?15:24
SirRedToothand another application begins to work15:24
SirRedToothcan anybody help me?15:24
senthilbastid_raZor: I tried but no use15:24
vcshttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MA2nPfD5 reinstalled the os 1 time because of it15:24
senthilbastid_raZor: is ther any way to reset keyboard15:25
circuitmansate: the device is /dev/modem15:25
fcrsensae: press shift + numlock15:25
bastid_raZorsenthil: just to be sure.. you're pressing and holding them in order? ctrl alt shift NumLK ?15:25
senthilhttp://www.e-castig.com/index.php?r=v1gLj        check this link15:25
fcrsenthil: press shift + numlock15:26
marienzsenthil: don't spam on freenode. Stop now or I'll have to disconnect you.15:26
satecircuitman:  stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 11520015:26
kcw12geekphreak any idea how to get dmraid -ay into the initramfs?15:26
SirRedToothFor some reason some applications can't play sound while others can. Then at random times the application that can play sound stops working and another application begins to work15:26
matundapleas can you help site to contor ubuntu software?15:26
senthilmarienz: sorry15:27
geekphreakkcw12:  nope sorry15:27
circuitmansate: do i close the file before executing the above command15:27
sateCorrect circuitman15:27
senthilbastid_raZor: I tried dude but it doesnt works15:28
neureis it safe to remove sdcard when i have unmounted the filesystems?15:28
circuitmansate: device or resource busy15:28
BluesKajhi folks15:28
kcw12Anyone know how to add the command dmraid -ay to the initramfs bootup process?15:28
circuitmansate: i want to set the speed to 46080015:28
iflemasenthil hold shift then press numlock15:28
satestty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 46080015:29
underI've installed compiz in my Ubuntu 10.04 Remix, but I've to active it manually. How can active it at startup?15:29
icerootunder: #ubuntu+115:29
undericeroot: I dont thinks there is not diffence15:30
icerootneure: yes15:30
senthilbastid_raZor: i have installed an game called flight gear coz of that only this problem occurs... In my hardware no problem but if i pressed any num pad keys means mouse pointer is moving..15:30
icerootunder: doesnt matter, this is not for 10.0415:30
SirRedToothCan anybody help me?15:30
iceroot!ask | SirRedTooth15:31
ubottuSirRedTooth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:31
senthil have installed an game called flight gear coz of that only this problem occurs... In my hardware no problem but if i pressed any num pad keys means mouse pointer is moving.. Say any way to clarify it15:31
SirRedToothFor some reason some applications can't play sound while others can. Then at random times the application that can play sound stops working and another application begins to work15:31
icerootsenthil: also on the desktop or only in game?15:31
matundawww.appnr.com this site to install other programs15:31
senthiliceroot: on the desktop also15:32
itheoshey why is ubuntu always sending and receiving data through the internet even though nothing is running??15:32
underI've installed compiz in my Ubuntu 9.10 Remix, but I've to active it manually. How can active it at startup?15:32
iflemasenthil hold shift then press numlock15:32
senthiliceroot: say any good idea to clear this probs dude...15:33
sipioritheos: a number of internet-aware processes are running in the background.15:33
geekphreakitheos: what kinda of data?15:33
senthiliflema: i tried but no use15:33
iflemajust shift + num lock?15:33
icerootsenthil: there is an option called "keyboard-mouse"15:33
senthiliflema: yeah15:34
icerootsenthil: its simulating the mouse with the numpad-keys, have a look at the keyboard-section or mouse-section, there you can disable it15:34
itheosgeekphreak, sipior system manager shows that data is uploading and downloading. a few bytes per second though15:34
senthiliceroot: at where ?15:34
icerootsenthil: systems- settings i guess15:34
sipioritheos: sure, that's normal.15:34
itheosmy pidgin friend is complaining tht his laptop restarts when he talks to me15:34
senthiliceroot: plz guide me how to do that15:34
itheossipior, but why does this happen . it wasnt before15:34
geekphreakitheos: its normal , if you are still paranoid , you can use application like tcpdump or iptraf to monitor your net15:35
lunksQuick question: How to route a port i.e. 80 from a remote server to the local one? Can't remember at all15:35
itheosok thanks :)15:35
sipioritheos: yes it was :-) completely normal, really.15:35
lunksSo i can just localhost:80 and get remote?15:35
icerootsenthil: click on system - settings and search for something with "keyboard" dont have gnome here so i dont know the correct names15:35
icerootsenthil: you will find it at the left top corner15:35
mallen_anyone know the name of the app that displays system info on your desktop15:35
m_anishHi I am facing a peculiar problem.. I have just installed ubuntu-lucid-beta2 and installed the sugar-emulator-0.88 package (there is some bug in karmic that doesn't allow sugar-emulator/xephyr to work)... anyways sugar-emulator is now working in lucid but it seems to have screwed up my touchpad settings. When I left-click instead of performing the normal left-click operation it turns the normal pointer to a hand... I have to use CTRL+Left click to make15:35
m_anish left click work. Any ideas on how to fix this?15:35
Oermallen_, conky15:35
b__mallen_, conky.. easy to install .. hard to configure15:36
mallen_why thank you15:36
iammrtea08does anyone know a good amount about cups?15:36
mallen_thats exactly what i was looking for15:36
b__Oer, how to config conky the rite way?15:36
senthiliceroot: yeah i found it.. But in that what to do..?15:36
icerootiammrtea08: the guys at #cups15:36
m_anishthis only happens when I click gdk buttons etc... when I am selecting menu items from the Application/Places/System menus... this works correctly15:36
iammrtea08iceroot: they're very quiet15:36
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
Oerb_ this might help you >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145233915:37
icerootsenthil: search for something with keyboard or mouse and look for something like "simulate mouse with keyboard"15:37
TiGR[rus]Hi there! I am using Lucid beta 1 and have a problem that system switches to tty's not with alt+ctrl+F*, but with alt+F*. So, it switches to tty when I press alt+f2 or even alt+f4. Is there a way to fix that?15:38
b__which is the most stable kernel version??15:38
TiGR[rus]*sorry, Lucid beta 215:38
icerootb__: 2.6.1815:38
b__iceroot,  u from hungary?15:38
icerootb__: because its the base for xen and there are many fixes, also its the base of hardy if i am correct15:38
icerootb__: no15:39
PiciTiGR[rus] : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.15:39
b__iceroot, thats the new update i got from update manager15:39
m_anishHi got logged out Hi I am facing a peculiar problem.. I have just installed ubuntu-lucid-beta2 and installed the sugar-emulator-0.88 package (there is some bug in karmic that doesn't allow sugar-emulator/xephyr to work)... anyways sugar-emulator is now working in lucid but it seems to have screwed up my touchpad settings. When I left-click instead of performing the normal left-click operation it turns the normal pointer to a hand... I have to use CTRL+15:40
m_anishLeft click to make left click work. Any ideas how to fix this?15:40
icerootb__: i dont think so15:40
sateAnyone know how to use iptraf?15:40
icerootb__: maybe you mean 2.6.31-20? the karmic-kernel?15:40
b__iceroot, how do i check the kernel version in cli other than restarting pc?15:40
icerootsate: iptraf --help or man iptraf15:40
icerootb__: uname -r15:40
senthiliceroot: Dude thanks problem clear thanks a lot.. :)15:40
icerootsenthil: nice to hear15:41
sateI got it open using gksudo iptraf, but it won't let me use it... iceroot15:41
senthiliceroot: Bye dude...15:41
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alexxioanyone know about clonezilla support?15:41
icerootsate: isnt iptraf a cli-program?15:41
icerootalexxio: #clonezilla15:41
b__iceroot, is my kernel..15:41
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
sateI just want a program to monitor internet trafic iceroot15:42
icerootubottu info linux-image15:42
Picib__: Are you running Lucid?15:42
iceroot!info linux-image15:42
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)15:42
iceroot!info linux-image lucid15:42
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)15:42
icerootb__: #ubuntu+115:43
b__Pici, i used update manager.. it did some updates n there were some kernel updates in it15:43
icerootb__: you are using lucid which is not supprted here15:43
Picib__: It looks like that you installed the Beta version of Ubuntu though.15:43
cybinI've installed gnome-junior for my son. During the installation I were asked which users will use it, but the user for my son did not exists. How do I get that configuration-option now?15:43
icerootsate: install vnstat, its giving what you want15:44
b__iceroot, Pici is the kernel fine? or can i switch to the one iceroot mentioned,.. if so how?.. n how do 0i 00de00l0ete the multiple kernel options at the startup screen.. its annoying15:44
icerootsate: /usr/bin/vnstat -m  work getting the month report. -d for days and so on15:44
icerootb__: you are using a beta-version from ubuntu which is not supported here15:45
icerootb__: lucid support is in #ubuntu+115:45
Picib__: You seem to be running the Beta version of Ubuntu.  You need to join #ubuntu+1 for support. also, it is beta and is not yet ready for prime-time, nor for a user new to Ubuntu.15:45
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bibinouhow do I add another package to an existing bug filed for an ubuntu package ??15:46
circuitmansate: r u there15:46
c3lwhich is the bigges open source note engraving software out there?15:46
b__iceroot,pici how do i remove old kernels at start up screen...?.. the procedure for removel will be same rite in any version?15:46
sateDidn't work iceroot15:46
icerootsate: sudo apt-get install vnstat15:46
icerootsate: sudo vnstat -m15:47
sateThat worked iceroot15:47
iceroot!grub2 | b__15:47
ubottub__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:47
icerootb__: and again, this is not the support-channel for lucid15:47
satesate@Satepc:~$ sudo vnstat -m15:47
sateNo database found, nothing to do. Use --help for help.15:47
sateA new database can be created with the following command:15:47
sate    vnstat -u -i eth015:47
sateReplace 'eth0' with the interface that should be monitored. A list15:47
FloodBot4sate: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
sateof available interfaces can be seen with the 'ifconfig' command.15:47
erichyndsdoes ext4 still have the bug with corrupting large files?15:47
b__Pici, how do i remove the obsolete kernels at startup screen?15:47
icerootsate: vnstat -u -i eth015:47
icerootsate: Replace 'eth0' with the interface that should be monitored.15:48
bastid_raZorb__: uninstall them via synaptic15:48
icerootsate: there is everything in the error-message you need15:48
b__iceroot, how do i change the channel? i got the default channel when i joined15:48
icerootb__: /joiin #ubuntu+115:48
icerootb__: /join #ubuntu+115:48
DDAZZAMy GL applications are slow and flash. Any ideas how I can resolve this?15:48
soreaub__: /j #ubuntu+115:48
b__iceroot, clickin on the link u gave doesnt work15:48
icerootb__: but typing that in the chat15:49
sateiceroot:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/413160/15:49
b__u mean like this? #ubuntu+115:49
icerootsate: have you read that text?15:49
icerootb__: /join #ubuntu+115:49
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icerootsate: vnstat -u -i eth015:50
circuitmani have typed the command "stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200" to change my usb modem's baud rate but i'm getting a messge "unable to perform all requested operations"15:50
vladikoFFhey guys, i have a script that i run inside my terminal, how can i 'attach' it to the system, so when i close my terminal it does not shut down?15:51
geekphreakPici:  howdy :)15:51
circuitmanhelp me to set my usb internet mdoem's baud rate to 46080015:51
IntelMiner(Apologies if this is a newbie question) but, Im trying to change the gnome login sound, replacing /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg with the wanted sound (same filename and filetype) seems to disable the login sound entirely15:51
sateiceroot:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/413162/15:51
icerootsate: sudo vnstat -u -i eth015:51
sateiceroot:  A new database has been created15:52
hheuuvladikoFF, you could run your script with nohup and &15:52
icerootsate: sudo vnstat -m15:52
hheuuvladikoFF, example :  nohup yourscript.sh &15:52
icerootsate: for further informations on vnstat use  vnstat --help or man vnstat, to see the options15:53
sateiceroot:  eth0: Not enough data available yet.15:53
geekphreakcybin: hi15:53
m_anishProblem solved! Installed compizconfig-settings-manager and performed "reset to default" .... thanks to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/9091815:53
vladikoFFhheuu, thanks15:53
sateIs there a better GUI monitoring tool iceroot ?15:53
circuitmanhelp me to change my usb internet modem's baud rate15:53
icerootsate: if you want to send a mail with vnstat use something like that /usr/bin/vnstat -m | mailx -s "Traffic: yourhostname" user@host.de15:54
icerootsate: i dont know a gui-tool, dont need that, i am using vnstat and sending mails15:54
soreaum_anish: What was the problem?15:54
geekphreaksate: monitoring what?15:54
kcw12Im trying to get the dmraid -ay command to exicute before the drives are mounted using grub, how do you do this?15:54
cristi_litle help with laptop bateries , y have a 14.8 v baterry pack and y want to put one with 11v  ( 9 cell ) , wat problems y can have ?15:55
sategeekphreak:  other connections.. On windows XP, theres a program called wireshark, that monitors IP's when you browse15:55
m_anishleft mouse click wasn't working in lucid-amd64 after installing and running sugar-emulator-0.88 once...15:55
icerootcristi_: ##hardware15:55
kcw12cristi_ it won twork15:55
geekphreaksate: wireshark is for ubuntu too15:56
icerootsate: there is wireshark also for linux15:56
sateoh I did not know this geekphreak15:56
icerootsate: and tcpdump and so on15:56
geekphreaksate: sudo apt-get install wireshark15:56
m_anishsoreau,  left mouse click wasn't working in lucid-amd64 after installing and running sugar-emulator-0.88 once... to simulate a left mouse click I had to press ctrl+left click15:56
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soreaum_anish: Well thats not good. I wonder what sugar-emulator did15:57
soreau!info sugar-emulator15:57
ubottuPackage sugar-emulator does not exist in karmic15:57
sateThat's what I needed thanks geekphreak and iceroot15:57
m_anishsoreau, hmm i'm not sure... sugar-emulator uses xephyr, and I had to press "ctrl+shift" to grab/release window focus in the xephyr window... When I finally closed sugar-emulator ... my mouse settings got screwed15:58
m_anishsoreau, mouse<=>touchpad15:58
maginotsate, did you tried something like iperf, iptraf or tcpdump?15:59
Guest72740anyone know why im a guest? first time on IRC :)15:59
m_anishsoreau, should I file a bug?15:59
geekphreakGuest72740: register your nick :p15:59
Guest72740how do i register my nick? :)15:59
soreaum_anish: If sugar-emulator is in ubuntu repos, you could I guess15:59
m_anishyes sugar-emulator-0.88 is in repos16:00
TrekGuest72740, type: /nickserv help register16:00
TrekGuest72740, then read what it gives you16:00
Guest72740thanks :)16:00
maginothey Trek16:00
m_anishsoreau, yes sugar-emulator-0.88 is in lucid repos... it already has issues in karmic. I tried every trick in the box in my power but couldn't get it to work ... so installed lucid-beta2 just for getting sugar-emulator to work16:02
jonatanHello! :)16:03
jonatanAnyone who can help me?16:03
jribjonatan: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:03
DekkoHello everybody16:03
ccahoonIf your server is using kerberos authentication by default for new users you create, but you want to create a user that can use normal authentication, how do you go about that? The kerberos documentation is not very good.16:03
geekphreak!ask | jonatan16:04
ubottujonatan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:04
Dekkodoes anyone here know what to do to be able to access file sharing and printer sharing on a Windows 7 machine using Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope? It worked just fine before with XP on it (having disabled simple filesharing) but now its all broken again.16:04
soreaum_anish: hm.. I cant really understand what this sugar thing is supposed to do16:05
hndhow to reinstall grub without using live cd???16:06
jonatanAh, ok, will do that :) Tried the new ubuntu 10.4, and now all my systems are screwd... In the install, fglrx failed to install, and after that, ubuntu only boots in failsafe mode, ubuntu dosent detect my screen(unknown) and Mac, XP And W7 dont boot at all...16:07
bastid_raZorjonatan: which is to be expected out of a beta.16:07
geekphreakjonatan: something dont sound right16:07
jrib!lucid | jonatan16:07
ubottujonatan: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:07
Lord_RahlAnyone know how to remove the text beside icons in 10.04?16:07
Dekkocould someone please help me with the problem I am having if you know the answer?16:07
* geekphreak on lucid and happy camper :p16:08
hnddekko: ask16:08
PiciLord_Rahl : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.16:08
m_anishsoreau, I guess you haven't heard of the OLPC project sugarlabs.org , laptop.org for more info16:08
jribLord_Rahl: #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 questions16:08
Dekkohnd: does anyone here know what to do to be able to access file sharing and printer sharing on a Windows 7 machine using Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope? It worked just fine before with XP on it (having disabled simple filesharing) but now its all broken again.16:08
jonatanWell, i know its a unstable version, but my question is how to fix the packages... :P16:09
hndplaces->connect to server->windows hare (in the service type) and fill in the required credentials16:09
hndhopefully this should work16:09
hnd*windows share16:10
circuitmanwht is the command to upgrade pidgin to the latest version16:10
jribcircuitman: sudo aptitude install pidgin   will install the latest version of pidgin in the repositories16:10
Guest72740try "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade" if you already have pidgin installed16:11
jribGuest72740: install will also upgrade16:11
Guest72740jrib: ah nice. wasn't aware of that :)16:11
hndDekko: did you try???16:11
jribGuest72740: useful on a mixed system :)16:12
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Guest72740jrib: true ;)16:12
circuitmanjrib:this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/413173/16:14
jonatanSo, is our reco to wait for updates that will hopefully fix my problems?16:14
jribcircuitman: congrats, pidgin was upgraded16:14
jribjonatan: are you on 10.04?16:15
circuitmannow it still shows 2.5.5 version16:15
jonatani am16:15
jribcircuitman: close pidgin and start it again16:15
jonatanbut in fail-safe xserver16:15
jribjonatan: #ubuntu+1 is the channel for that version, it's still in development16:15
circuitmanjrib: latest is 2.6.616:15
jribcircuitman: that's what you installed16:16
jonatan /join ubuntu+1 ?16:16
circuitmanjrib:ya ok16:16
circuitmanjrib: it's 2.6.6 can i do voice and video chat in 2.6.616:16
jribcircuitman: I don't know16:17
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geekphreakcircuitman:  om empathy you can :)16:17
hndeven on pidgin i think... didnt used it since the upgrade to koala16:18
geekphreakhnd: it does it it support it but i think it needs jasper lib hnd16:18
circuitmangeekphreak:how to configure pidgin to make voice and video chat16:18
hndgeekphreak: ahhh yes16:18
LinuxPhreakdoes anyone know of an Ubuntu remix that can run on a DVD player? I've seen emovix do this but I wanted to know if their is Linux distro that has full desktop enviernmont such as gnome16:19
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hndLinuxPhreak: ubuntu has a full desktop environment of gnome16:20
psusiLinuxPhreak: you mean a home entertainment type dvd player?  the kind that sits on top of your tv and has nothing to do with a computer?16:20
InvisrcI'm having a wierd problem with my wireless, when i pull up iwconfig it seems to be showing that im connected(that is if im reading it correctly) but when i try to ping something it doesnt work16:20
hndhi :)16:20
LinuxPhreakpsusi: yes the one that goes to a tv16:21
psusiLinuxPhreak: no such thing... they are stand alone devices that have custom firmware they run, they do not boot an os from a disc16:21
hndLinuxPhreak: psusi is right16:21
LinuxPhreakokay just an idea16:22
hndLinuxPhreak: try any linux (well almost any ;)) you get the gnome environment16:22
c3lwhich is the biggest open source note engraving software out there?16:23
LinuxPhreakyeah I know I have a Linux distro on my computers however I thought it would be cool to get it on my TV16:23
hndc3l: google it out buddy16:23
DmoleAre there no good PDF-book makers for ubuntu?? (gscan2pdf was the best I could find and it's lacking overlay of OCR'd text)16:24
hndDmole: again google it16:24
Dmolehnd: I would not be asking if i did not already spend a day on Google16:24
hndDmole: :P kidding16:25
geekphreakDmole: open office?16:25
Dmolec3l: what is note engraving software?16:25
geekphreaki think abiword also creates pdf's16:26
hndInvirsc: ummm i didnt actually get you very well16:26
yotta911Folks, i downloaded an image of Lucid beta and checked MD5, it's ok. But, VirtualBox aways sucks on running the iso. What i can do?16:26
Piciyotta911 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.16:26
geekphreaksinnyo: failed :p16:26
yotta911pici: Ok, sorry.16:26
Dmolegeekphreak: i'm not just looking for any old PDF16:27
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:27
happosadeDoes evolution support CSV contacts16:27
Oli```Does anybody here know what loads compiz automatically on boot? I've tried going through the visual effects screen but it never remembers my preference so was wondering if I could take a peek at the gconf/ini directly to see the problem16:27
happosadeI'd like to import.16:27
geekphreakhapposade: import?16:27
xomphi folks, how would I copy a directory and all it's contents from one place to another? I've tried "cp /home/user/folder -R /home/user2/folder" but it doesn't seem to work?16:27
happosadegeekphreak: From file that I've exported from Google Contacts16:27
Dmolexomp: use -r not -R16:27
xompDmole, ok thanks16:28
Dmolexomp: use -ru to "update"16:28
OltreIrc`27695(Ciao) a tutti voi16:28
Pici!it | OltreIrc`2769516:28
ubottuOltreIrc`27695: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:28
penociohow do i replace spaces with paragraphs in open office?16:28
xompthanks Dmole16:28
soreauOli```: If the changes you make in visual effects are gone after you login again, it could be a permissions issue. Try chown -R $USER $HOME/.gconf*16:28
SirRedToothCan somebody explain the errors I have been getting while trying to update: http://siteguides.net/1.png Just take a quick look they seem to be serious though.16:29
soreauOli```: You might want to run that command with sudo but as your normal user16:29
dotI started two aMSN and quit it, now from the upper right corner the aMSN hide button disappeard16:29
dothow can I get it back there16:29
geekphreakhapposade: i dont think it does, it works with pst and  ldif16:29
dotwhen I close aMSN it minimizes to tray but I want it to the upper right corner16:29
geekphreakhapposade: add evolution plugin support16:29
penociohow do i replace spaces with paragraphs in open office?16:29
DmoleSirRedTooth: what is sdb? (type df -h )16:30
Dmolepenocio: look into regex16:30
Dmolepenocio: s/\s+/\n\n/g16:30
SirRedToothDmole, http://pastebin.com/pTjeKvZH16:31
hndglphvgacs: ummm O.o???16:31
glphvgacshnd: do-release-upgrade -d16:31
DmoleSirRedTooth: "fdisk -l" ?16:32
Loshaglphvgacs: running lucid? Ask on #ubuntu+116:32
glphvgacsLosha: ok16:32
vincedo you know an kde equivalent for cheese ?16:32
SirRedToothDmole,  http://pastebin.com/ydtKUGvp16:32
penocioDmole:  how to look in regex ? actually i want each word in a seperate line16:33
DmoleSirRedTooth: it's trying to use your second hard drive that is not mounted maybe you have an out of dade fastab... no idea16:33
xanguaooh it's Kamoso vince ;)16:33
DmoleSirRedTooth: *date16:33
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bramming9xvince: there's http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/WebKam?content=7690216:33
SirRedToothDmole,  What do you mean?16:34
geekphreakhapposade:  you there?16:34
SirRedToothDmole, I dont have a second hard drive and I never have done... >.<16:34
vincethank you :)16:34
geekphreakhapposade: evolution does work with csv's :)16:34
vinceI might switch back to kubuntu16:34
hndany doubts??16:34
vincethe bloody nvidia drivers are so messed up16:35
Dmolepenocio: google regex, the simple way to do what you want is this:     cat file.txt | perl -p -e 's/\s+/\n/g' > file2.txt16:35
bramming9xvince: however, you can still use cheese on kde. but it wont look as native since kde doesnt use gtk16:35
hndcan we reinstall grub without live cd???16:35
vincecan't use 195...the system keeps using those dodgy 173 drivers16:35
happosadegeekphreak: from where I click what?16:35
geekphreakhapposade:  open evolution16:35
happosadegeekphreak: it just freeze when I drag'n'drop16:35
vincebramming9x,  yes :)16:35
DmoleSirRedTooth: I see that but it's looking for one "/dev/sdb1" is a hard drive you don't have16:35
iammrtea08would anyone be willing to help me with a small cups deployment problem?16:36
geekphreakhapposade: click file , click import, choose from single file, from down choose csv16:36
SirRedToothDmole, so how could I solve it?16:36
happosadeThanks, I'll try16:36
ZykoticK9Oli```, i believe the specific gconf key that calls the windows manager is /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager -- however if your compiz settings aren't being remembered correctly, my I suggest installing fusion-icon.  Best of luck.16:36
jolsonHi! Is it possible to have "make" watch for changes in the prerequisites and automatically run through its procedure whenever they change?16:37
axisyshow come I can ping a down interface to its IP ?16:37
DmoleSirRedTooth: maybe it's looking for a USB stick?16:38
happosadegeekphreak: ok, who should this work. It didn't do anything :D16:38
SirRedToothwell i have usb wireless adapter and a usb reciever for my wireless mouse and keyboard16:38
geekphreakhapposade:  really?16:38
geekphreakhapposade: did you mark filed correctly?16:38
vincedo you have any idea why trhe system keeps choing the old nvidia drivers instaed of the brand news ?16:39
vinceI mean when I enable all the compiz effects16:39
soreaujolson: If you are building source, you should probably get in the habit of running make clean; make. You would have to make your own system for watching dependencies though16:39
SirRedToothDmole,  so i really cant think what the problem would be...16:39
jake_maginot: it worked16:39
sipiorjolson: sure, you could trigger an invocation of make using tools from the inotify library.16:39
maginotjake_, good. =)16:40
jolsonsoreau: Thanks for the response. I pictured a situation where a PDF of a LaTeX document would be updated as soon as I saved a change to the sourcefile in my editor.16:40
KenseiToday I install Ubuntu on my computer. I'a new..:-)16:40
DmoleSirRedTooth: I'm not sure exactly what the problem is but I would try looking in the fstab and pluging in some mass storage device16:41
xangua!welcome | Kensei16:41
ubottuKensei: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:41
SuperMiguelif i put a script in my rc.d does it run as root :)16:41
geekphreakbastid_raZor: wb16:41
jolsonsipior: I was thinking of that, but it would be even better to have make do it, since it already knows which files that need watching.16:41
SirRedToothWell I am really new to ubuntu and will probably cause more damage than I solve.16:41
DmoleSirRedTooth: "cat /etc/fstab"  ?16:42
sipiorjolson: make has enough to do :-)16:42
KenseiCan I Install some programs where a run computer with only LiveCD?16:42
sipiorjolson: you're looking for TeXShop-like behaviour under linux?16:42
DmoleKensei: yes untill you reboot16:43
SirRedToothDmole, http://pastebin.com/RB6dU92p16:43
DmoleKensei: or if you install them to a drive16:43
jorechphello guys.16:43
jolsonsipior: I'm not familiar with TeXShop, so I don't know. (Also, it would be useful not only when working with LaTeX.)16:43
KenseiDmole: Thx:-)16:43
jorechpi install ubuntu 9.10 on my girlfriend pc, and when use firefox freze pc,  any can help me ?16:43
soreaujolson: I cant think of an easy way to do that. I guess you could create a script to be run by cron that compares the dates of when the file was last modified but again it would be your own implementation16:44
sipiorjolson: inotify would be the easiest way to create a general solution (that's what it's for, at any rate)16:44
SuperMiguelhow can i run a startup script as root??16:44
DmoleSirRedTooth: do you have any USB drives/devices?16:44
DmoleSuperMiguel: put it in /etc/init.d16:44
SirRedToothDmole, well i have usb wireless adapter and a usb reciever for my wireless mouse and keyboard16:45
DmoleSuperMiguel: read on how to do it properly though16:45
soreaujorechp: Typically a freeze means some kernel driver is messing up. Which graphics driver does it have?16:45
jorechpsoreau, is a intel chip integrate16:45
soreauSuperMiguel: put it in /etc/rc.local16:45
DmoleSirRedTooth: nop, sorry out of ideas ... reboot retry?16:45
soreaujorechp: Does it help if you disable visual desktop effects?16:46
SuperMiguelsoreau, do i use sudo ? or not?16:46
Abaddon5im having problems installing with ubuntu software center16:46
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Abaddon5it keeps saying unable to authenticate16:46
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Abaddon5even after i punch in my password for auth16:46
SirRedToothDmole, this error started around january time16:46
soreauSuperMiguel: To edit this file, you would need privileges, yes16:46
SirRedToothand has been going since everytime i update16:46
SirRedToothwhats more is that my sound doesnt seem to be working16:46
SirRedToothwell it sometimes does, but then decides to stop16:46
SuperMiguelsoreau, but the command inside do i need to use sudo? or just type it?16:46
soreauSuperMiguel: But you dont need to use sudo inside rc.local16:46
Abaddon5is there anyway to fix this16:47
SuperMiguelsoreau, ok thanks16:47
DmoleSuperMiguel: just type it16:47
DmoleSirRedTooth: you could backup and reinstall16:47
jolsonsoreau and sipior: Thanks for your answers. So it seems that make won't do this for you, and rolling one's own isn't worth it for me. If you know any make substitute that has this feature, I'd be happy to hear about it.16:47
Abaddon5does anyone know how to fix this16:47
Guest82814Hello, Lucid looks to have some regressions on drivers for TP-Link : TL-WN321G, and TL-WN422G, anyone else having TPlink devices ?16:48
bramming9xAbaddon5: do you have the same problem if you try to install through system->administration->synaptic package manager? or is it only software center?16:48
soreaujolson: Like I said, I cant think of a simple solution though there are ways to do it16:48
sipiorjolson: i'm afraid i don't. hard enough getting a build system right, let alone expect it to restart with every file change (most of those changes will lead to broken builds in any event)16:48
chocolatinahay alguno que hable español16:48
DmoleSirRedTooth: or make a bug report and see if some one will fix it for you16:48
Abaddon5ill check now bramming9x16:49
carmancodeyo chocolatina16:49
xangua!es > chocolatina16:49
jorechpsoreau, is a 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller16:49
ubottuchocolatina, please see my private message16:49
soreaujorechp: Does it help if you disable visual desktop effects?16:49
chocolatinapuedes hablar español  ubottu16:49
Abaddon5bramming9x, it seems to work in synaptic16:50
DmoleSirRedTooth: one more thing to check is grub16:50
antivirtel!vouched gukrisz16:50
bramming9xAbaddon5: what version of ubuntu are you using?16:50
Loshajolson: I'm with sipior. Sometimes the build will fail, or you haven't finished your edits by end of day and just want to save your incompleted work without having it be processed yet, and so on. It's a lot of messing about just to avoid typing 'make' after an edit...16:50
DmoleSirRedTooth: "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" ?16:51
Loshaantivirtel: what was !vouched supposed to do?16:52
antivirtelLosha nothing, it is in #shellium, sry16:53
jolsonsipior and losha: You're right, of course. Not every save should trigger a rebuild. For some source files, though, one would want a rebuild on every change. Ideally, it would be possible to specify which source files (or combinations of sourcefiles) this applies to. It grows in complexity, I'm afraid.16:53
spaceman1987anyone know how to set up this damn web server in ubuntu I'm so mad at it bout ready to toss it out in the yard16:54
sipiorjolson: yep :-) for TeX specifically, though, it would be a very nice thing to have, I agree.16:54
simontolI have a problem with a microsd card and a microsd to SD adapter16:55
Treksimontol: whats your issue?16:55
simontolIf I insert the microsd card in the usb-pen it is recognized, but if I use the adapter and insert it in my PC card reader I can't read it...16:56
Treksimontol: bad micro-to-normal SD adapter then?  you tested it in another system?  on another opsys?16:56
itscrimetanyone use postfix?16:57
jorechpsoreau, but visual effects is disable i dont understand why pc frezing.16:57
simontolTrek: the adapter is the one I've bought together with the microsd card16:58
AegNuddelWhen I look in the synaptic package manager festival and espeak show certain languages. I downloaded the espeak from sourceforge and it seems to show more but I have no idea how to install it. *Batting eyelashes* help please?16:58
soreaujorechp: That is strange.. which version of ubuntu and which version of firefox?16:58
spaceman1987I was wanting to use a perl script then when i tried it it showed the text in the script then I did chmod -x now it asks me to d/l the script!!16:58
Treksimontol: doesnt matter.  have you tested it on a different system or a different operating system?16:58
simontolTrek : I only have Ubuntu/Kubuntu on my PC I'll try to test it on Windows XP via VirtualBox16:59
jorechpsoreau, i using ubuntu 9.10 and firefox version install, but is first time run before install16:59
Treksimontol: same thing, have you testeed on another system as well?17:00
jorechponly use apt-get upgrade after install17:00
Skullerhello why on ubuntu flash in mozilla is cutting? ex. youtube?17:00
soreaujorechp: Maybe you can file a bug report or serach to see if anyone is having a similar problem17:00
soreaujorechp: I have a feeling it still may be a problem with the intel driver in karmic. To test this theory, you can try putting Driver "vesa" in the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf and this file can be created with X -configure17:02
DachWow, lots of people.17:03
DachAnyone alive?17:03
AegNuddeljorechp, with the lines flashing through it and stuff?  mine and my sister's do that too17:04
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Trek!away > RaMcHiP17:04
ubottuRaMcHiP, please see my private message17:04
DachI'm trying to bootdisk my way into an ubuntu server install.. but when it boots it gets to the main menu and immediately jumps to the language selection, however I'm unable to take control at that point.. it is either locked or unresponsive.17:04
DachAny thoughts? opinions/17:07
jksajdkbasdasdubuntu rocks17:07
DachMore to my situation that you missed, but thanks.17:07
=== jksajdkbasdasd is now known as ubuntudude
OerDach did you check the Md5sum of your .iso ?17:08
DachI'm trying to bootdisk my way into an ubuntu server install.. but when it boots it gets to the main menu and immediately jumps to the language selection, however I'm unable to take control at that point.. it is either locked or unresponsive.17:08
DachNo I have not Oer17:08
ryannis anyone here good with libpcap?  i need help with an expression.17:08
jribryann: just ask your question, but I suspect you are not in the right channel17:08
ryanni just don't know where to ask!..17:09
jribryann: this is a C question?17:09
AcePreshawhere to help17:09
ryannI'm using tcpdump to capture bootps and bootpc packets, but I only wish to capture those which are DHCP OFFER packets (preferably with a file name)17:09
DachShit, more downloading.17:09
AegNuddelHmm Oer Heks ... I know heks is Danish for witch...17:10
yshavitI'm working at home, where my DNS servers are a bit messed up. I added a "prepend domain-name-server" to dhclient.conf, but is there a way to do that on a per-connection basis (so it doesn't affect me at work) ?17:10
todaycan you help me to config samba.conf ( now i installed Samba, nautilus-share, config-samba-system but only share not see other PC at LAN)17:10
OerAegNuddel, true.17:10
DachOer, is that a common issue off a fresh download and burn?17:11
AegNuddelø would be island...17:11
TrekDach: not usually, but you should check it anyways17:12
OerDach, yes, it is best to check the cd before installing17:12
todaycan you help me to config samba.conf ( now i installed Samba, nautilus-share, config-samba-system but only share not see other PC at LAN)17:12
OerDach it will take a minut or so.17:12
AegNuddelislands witch?17:12
Trek!ot | AegNuddel17:13
ubottuAegNuddel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:13
evilbughow can i leave a burn session open with brasero?17:13
todaycoz_ can you help me to config samba.conf ( now i installed Samba, nautilus-share, config-samba-system but only share not see other PC at LAN)17:13
coz_today,  actually I am the wrong person for that  sorry...my skills are even close to good with samba17:14
coz_today,  i meant "not even close to skilled enough for samba"17:15
kiraihow could I start a .run data? I want to install teamspeak 3 on ubuntu and I am new on this os.17:15
todaycoz_  i see, i cant fix this, has many doccument in worldwideweb,17:16
Trekkirai: chmod +x <path to file>   in terminal if you're an admin17:16
AcePreshawkirai:u geting ts3?17:16
coz_today,  sometimes when you cant find someone here  try the ##linux channel17:16
AegNuddelWhich speech synthesizer is best?17:16
AcePreshawor 217:16
Trek!best | AegNuddel17:16
ubottuAegNuddel: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:16
=== bigjb is now known as bigjb_gone
ccahoonIf I use kerberos authnetication normally, but want to create another normal, system username/password, how can I do that?17:17
kiraiyes I am the admin ;) ok I test the line, how is the path if it is on the desktop?17:17
todaythanks coz_17:17
coz_today,  let me know if that channel pans out for you17:17
kiraiAcePreshaw: yea on teamspeak.com u could download the version17:17
crucialhoaxIs there a way to have icons for folders? Like in Windows you can set folders to have pictures for icons.17:17
AcePreshawi can17:17
BloupFrench or english over here ?17:18
jake_hey coz_, got it all sorted out17:18
Bloupca parle français ici ou pas ?17:18
sipiorBloup: english, if you want to be understood ;-)17:18
Bloupsure ..17:18
Bloupso :-)17:18
Blouphi everybody :-)17:18
sipiorBloup: there's also a #ubuntu-fr, if you prefer17:18
Bloupi need some help to make an ssl ftp server on ubuntu 9.1017:19
Bloupwhich programs do i have to uses ?17:19
mostafaIf you will allow to solve the problem de mandate   E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:19
mostafaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:19
HaffeBloup: Il ya quelque chose ici qe peut parler française mais la langue preferé ice est anglais.17:19
AcePreshawim now geting ts317:20
sipiorBloup: have a look here, this may be useful to you: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html17:20
kant_mobilewhat can i do to fix this error"W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 620396F19C0042C8"?17:20
jribkant_mobile: visit the web page for your ppa and read about how to add its gpg key17:21
kant_mobilejrib: i have to login to ubuntu for this????17:22
jribkant_mobile: no17:22
kant_mobileNote: You can only activate a PPA if you have signed the Ubuntu code of conduct.17:22
jack_1suggestion for an app which I can use to write messages for twitter and facebook?17:22
jribkant_mobile: where are you reading this...17:22
DachHmmm, this will be harder to figure out than I thought.17:23
jribkant_mobile: that's not what you want.  What ppa are you trying to add?17:23
erUSULjack_1: gwibber ?17:23
erUSUL!info gwibber17:23
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): Open source microblogging client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0~bzr476-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 380 kB, installed size 2616 kB17:23
jack_1erUSUL: can you write messages with it?17:23
jack_1or only read?17:23
erUSULjack_1: try it and see... it is only a click away from your desktop17:24
AcePreshawtrek can i run an msdos on 9.10?17:24
ZykoticK9jack_1, read and write - yes17:24
jack_1ZykoticK9: hmm I have to find out how to write then :/ :)17:24
ZykoticK9AcePreshaw, check out the program dosbox for DOS emulation17:24
TrekAcePreshaw: no, since MSDOS was written for MSDOS, not Linux17:24
AmberJHello :)17:24
AcePreshawis ok fanx :P17:25
jack_1ZykoticK9: ah I see, I hided that part17:25
karol_Could anybody help me with compiling in ubuntu?17:26
bramming9xkarol: what do you need to compile?17:26
erUSULAcePreshaw: use dosbox or dosemu ?17:26
sipiorkarol_: sure, what's the question?17:26
AmberJMy ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 fonts/display just crashed like this: http://i39.tinypic.com/nv4izc.png  and  http://i40.tinypic.com/2r44j1k.png17:26
AcePreshaw dosbox17:26
karol_you wouldn't be happy if you will know what I want to compile17:27
bramming9xAmberJ: you should try joining #ubuntu+1 for questions about 10.0417:27
karol_but it is an Open Tibia Server17:27
AmberJbramming9x, ok thanks17:27
karol_I have source from windows, patched it a little bit downloaded all libaries17:28
underdevhi!  i'm totally spacing- i can't remember if i have ubuntu 32bit or 64bit on my machine... how can i check that?17:28
kiraichmod +x <path of the .run> <<<< this dont really work with my teamspeak3.run, hew told me a Syntax mistake at the word "newLine"17:28
karol_i386 ?17:28
underdevi've put so much ubuntu everywhere :)17:28
erUSULunderdev: uname -m17:28
underdeverUSUL: ty17:28
geekphreakunderdev:  ubuntu is good17:29
souffledevi am getting segfaults running firefox 3.5.9 on 9.1017:29
underdevand because i know enquiring minds what to know- it's 64 bit :)17:29
souffledevis this known bug?17:29
karol_geekphreak: ubuntu isn't good as for me cause I had problems with install of any aplications ... such as searching libaries one by one etc.17:30
geekphreakkarol_:  wow really17:30
Trek!caps | karol_17:30
ubottukarol_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:30
kiraianother problem, if I connect with teamspeak 2 to a server, the window will freez and I just see the channels and who is on the server, but cant click or mark the channels....17:30
sipiorkarol_: were you going to ask an actual question at some point?17:30
geekphreakkarol_:  it auto does it :)17:30
erUSULkarol_: you shouldn't be compiling anything...17:31
erUSUL!compile | karol_17:31
ubottukarol_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:31
jribkarol_: we can help you clear up how to use ubuntu efficiently so you don't have to worry about compiling17:31
Loshakarol_: so are you following this? http://otfans.net/showthread.php?t=10081217:31
karol_heh, I know how to use ubuntu...... but I have strange compiling  errors with my own software which worked on windows17:32
bramming9xkarol_: try googling the errors ;)17:32
aepgreetings. how do i enter the wifi password in a way so that it is kept on reboot?17:32
karol_tried and no one knew what to do with it17:32
shadeslayerkarol_: sure17:32
ardchoillekarol_: What are you compiling?17:32
shadeslayerkarol_: can you paste the errors?17:32
Trekkarol_ it might be because it was written for windows?17:33
souffledevhas anyone got segmentation faults on firefox 3.5.9 x86 9.10?17:33
lookhow do i make a persistent flash image of 10.04b217:33
Trek!lucid | look17:33
ubottulook: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:33
karol_ardchoille:  extra qualification ‘FileLoader::’ on member ‘writeData’17:33
AmberJlook, unetbootin worked like a charm in my case17:34
toyman61Using avidemux: Which output format should be used to be able to watch the video on a home theater supporting DivX ?17:34
ardchoillekarol_: What app are you compiling? Have you checked the repos to see if the app is already built for you?17:34
geekphreaksouffledev: have you tried creating new profile?17:34
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
karol_ard can I use priv with you?17:34
ardchoille!away > RaMcHiP-Away17:34
ubottuRaMcHiP-Away, please see my private message17:34
souffledevgeekphreak, new profile? i've deleted ~/.mozilla ;-)17:34
ardchoillekarol_: It's best to keep it in the channel so others canhelp17:34
Loshakarol_: there is a forum at http://otfans.net/forumdisplay.php?s=8dd0f66a162e4baf91078ae32fce9b4b&f=24317:35
geekphreakSouljah:  tried to purge , then reinstall ff?17:35
geekphreaksouffledev: ^^17:35
souffledevgeekphreak, ok that's a good idea. hang on a sec buddy17:35
souffledevthank you17:35
karol_LoshaL I know that there is a forum17:35
karol_but No 1 answers there17:35
karol_there are only questions17:36
kumar-klewhat package i need to install to configure thunderbird 3.017:36
karol_and requests :P17:36
geekphreakkumar-kle:  sudo apt-get install thunderbird17:36
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
toyman61kumar-kle: Download the bz2 from site and run the thunderbird setup file in the archive..17:36
xanguakumar-kle: you can try 'ubuntuzilla' repository to get the latest firefox and thunderbird stable release17:36
kumar-kleit's giving 2.2 version i wan t3.017:36
sporedihi ,17:37
CaptainTrekkumar-kle: it might not be in the repos yet17:37
kumar-klei need to add it to repository17:37
* geekphreak forgot he is on lucid17:37
ardchoillekumar-kle: are you on lucid?17:38
kumar-klei need to manually add it17:38
Loshatoyman61: I think I usually use mpeg4 asp (xvid4) with mp3 audio. Make a small test file before you go spending hours on something that might not work....17:38
CaptainTrekkumar-kle: you can't manually add to the repos, you'd have to download the source code and compile it yourself17:38
sporedihow do i configure xrdp on ubuntu17:39
vbgunzdoes anybody own this printer "HP Deskjet D1660". does it work flawless, perfect? I see HP has drivers for Linux on their website but can I get this rocking from any drivers available from the default repos?17:39
kumar-kleok. thnx17:39
sporediwhich mode u suppose to use17:39
Salva1What sound mizex does KDE use?17:39
=== dmart is now known as Guest73678
Loshakarol_: I see postings on there which claim that people have successfully built and run servers on linux as long ago as 2007...17:40
souffledevgeekphreak, neah still getting segfault17:40
geekphreaksouffledev:  hmm17:40
ardchoilleSalva1: Ask in #kubuntu17:40
evilbughow can i set brasero to keep a burn session open?17:40
souffledevgeekphreak, uninstalled every firefox-* installation and reinstalled a fresh copy of firefox meta package17:40
souffledevand also purged it prior to re-installing17:41
Salva1I want to know about that because I cannot set to listen from the Line-in jack.17:41
Salva1In the Ubuntu 9.10 Mixer.17:41
souffledev[1]    14346 segmentation fault  firefox17:41
souffledevdoesn't squeak any more than that17:41
geekphreaksouffledev:  try 1 more thing17:42
souffledevgeekphreak, yeah shoot17:42
geekphreaksouffledev:  press alt+f2 , then type gksu firefox17:42
souffledevgeekphreak, nothing17:42
souffledevthanks though :-)17:42
geekphreakdid you do an update?17:43
souffledevgeekphreak, ^17:43
AcePreshawcan i play CoD4 on lunx?17:43
geekphreaksouffledev: when you try to install an app , does it throw message , file empty or truncated or so,ething along that lines?17:44
sporediis any one accessing ubuntu remotely using windows /rdp17:44
geekphreaksome depned. files are messed up hmm17:44
simontolTrek : are you here?17:44
ZykoticK9AcePreshaw, check http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1280417:44
=== No20Day is now known as No21Day
=== Guest73678 is now known as dmart_
thozethingzI am really new to using cron ... I have a cron job running a bash script which creates a zip backup of a large directory ... when the job runs it only executes a small portion ... its like the cron job only lets it partially run ... (zip should be 310MB but is only like 5k) ... if I run the bash script manually within terminal it works fine ... any ideas?17:46
chazcoHi... can you configure apt to not cache packages?17:46
cognitiaclaevesIs the upgrade for virtualbox 3.1.6 a safe upgrade for 9.04 ?  I upgraded that package on a 9.04 machine somewhere, and it put the package into an in-between state of some sort...17:46
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
ardchoillethozethingz: can you pastebin your cron command?17:46
souffledevgeekphreak, no17:47
cognitiaclaevesthozethingz: Might have to do with your path.17:47
kcw12im trying to install 9.10 gparted sees the disks but the install doesnt17:47
AcePreshawhaha ur not 9.1017:47
thozethingzmy cron job looks like this: 0 0 * * * /home/mediarif/backup_system/svn_backup17:48
thozethingzsvn_backup is a bash script file17:48
AcePreshaw 17:48
steviemanI was just wondering if this is even possible, Can I have a VPN connection launch when a specific program is run and the close the connection when the program is closed? or even betting can I have only the program use the VPN? (I don't believe the latter is possible)17:48
cognitiaclaevesa little off-topic, thozethingz, but shouldn't you be using hot-backup.py for backing up svn/17:48
ardchoillethozethingz: try this for the command in the cronjob: sh /home/mediarif/backup_system/svn_backup17:49
thozethingzok ... I'll try ardchoille ... thnx17:49
souffledevso someone's got insights? i get segfault17:49
souffledevff 3.5 on 9.10, x8617:49
souffledev[1]    14904 segmentation fault  firefox17:49
souffledevthat's it17:49
ardchoillethozethingz: and see what cognitiaclaeves said17:50
HaffeI don't know if this is an appropriate channel. But have any of you tried OLED on your portable devices, is it worth the premium?17:50
souffledevreinstalled, purged, updated 5 times already17:50
MkoolsI have followed the instructions on: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-and-configure-dhcp-server-in-ubuntu-server.html but I am getting error. Can someone please help?17:50
xanguano, it's not Haffe17:50
thozethingzI will investigate hot-backup.py ... never heard of it ... thnx for the pointer17:51
cognitiaclaevesnp. :)17:51
souffledevanyone? :-)17:51
SirRedToothCan anybody look at some error logs for me? http://siteguides.net/1.png http://siteguides.net/2.png17:52
kiraihey I can not login in the terminal as su17:52
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois17:52
otswimhi, is there a way to force the detections of ethernet link on my network card? sometimes it doesn't detect that i plugged a link and i have to plug it over and over again to work (and the problem is not coming from my cable nor my network card, because i have this problem only in one location)17:52
ardchoillekirai: sudo -i is preferred over su17:52
AcePreshawops pnw me17:53
kiraiyea nice it works thanks =)17:53
Salva1Does anyone know why can 't I hear from the line-in jack? I am Using Ubuntu 9.10.17:53
kcw12Im tryin to install ubuntu gparted see the drives but the rest doesnt17:53
souffledevanyone? :-)17:54
souffledevreinstalled, purged, updated 5 times already17:54
souffledev[1]    14904 segmentation fault  firefox17:54
Salva1I can In 9.04.17:54
thozethingzardchoille ... I just tried ... and still did the same thing ... only created like 5k of the zip file17:54
=== ares_ is now known as Guest38674
wikiikthere is any way to execute a text program from the terminal17:54
souffledevff 3.5 on 9.10, x8617:54
cognitiaclaevesthozethingz: Pastebin your script.17:54
ardchoillethozethingz: the next step would be to make sure the script is written correctly.17:54
emhsHey, folks.  Question for y'all.  I've got a cron job that's set to run a script that changes to a directory and runs ipcheck and then echoes to a file.  All it does when cron runs it is possibly the CDing and the echoing.  ipcheck does not run.  When I run the script independently, it works fine.17:54
jack__wikiik: a text program?17:54
wikiikand output the execution to the terminal window and a file?17:54
emhsAnyone know why?17:54
jack__emhs: did you do the full path to ipcheck?17:55
wikiikjack__: hehe, a program that is just text17:55
wikiikis because i would like to show how i configured it17:55
psusiemhs: because cron runs with a minimal environment with very little on the path17:55
cognitiaclaevesthozethingz: Don't paste in the channel, FYI, see topic.17:55
SirRedToothCan anybody look at some error logs for me? http://siteguides.net/1.png http://siteguides.net/2.png17:55
wikiiki'm configuring it and i have to answer some questions during the configuration17:55
wikiikbut i also what to save all this process17:56
Salva1Does anyone know why can 't I hear from the line-in jack? I am Using Ubuntu 9.10.17:56
d4rkn3sshi @ all, can some1 help me? i have a problem with my firefox.... he doesn't start for about 10 mins when i turn on the computer17:56
jack__dude Salva1. you're exploding my notification :P17:56
souffledev[1]    14904 segmentation fault  firefox17:56
souffledevff 3.5 on 9.10, x8617:56
souffledevreinstalled, purged, updated 5 times already17:56
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
emhsjack__, psusi: Thanks.17:56
thozethingzcongitia ... I should not paste my script? ... not sure what you mean?17:57
cognitiaclaevesThat's what you get, jack-o. ;-)17:57
ardchoille!pastebin | thozethingz17:57
ubottuthozethingz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:57
ZykoticK9souffledev, for testing purposes move you ~/.mozilla folder to an alternate name and try reopening firefox17:57
cognitiaclaevesThat's what I mean. :)17:57
souffledevZykoticK9, thank you. i've deleted ~/.mozilla17:57
ardchoillecognitiaclaeves: glad you caught that back there btw17:57
ZykoticK9souffledev, that contained all your mozilla settings!17:58
souffledevZykoticK9, i made a back up. thanks ;-)17:58
geekphreaksouffledev:  which version of ff you currently have?17:58
souffledev3.5.9 geekphreak17:58
kiraiif I write now in the terminal, chmod +x home/.../Desktop/TeamSpeak3-....Linux.run nothing will start or come on the terminal, have I wait after I have type it?17:58
cognitiaclaevesardchoille: Some things you can just see coming... ;-)17:59
geekphreaksouffledev:  wana try something :)17:59
souffledevgeekphreak, yep shoot17:59
bullgard_In Chatzilla I entered  /connect irc.gnome.org and obtained: "===Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator." How to connect to the irc.gnome.org network using Chatzilla?17:59
souffledevSetting up firefox (3.5.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1) ... <- if that helps17:59
thozethingzI just pasted it ... (thnx did not know about this tool)17:59
d4rkn3sswhat could be wrong with my firefox, if i can start it immediately when i rename the .mozilla-directory but else it loads for ages?17:59
souffledevgeekphreak, ^17:59
ardchoillethozethingz: we need the url to the paste17:59
cognitiaclaevesthozethingz: We need the URL?17:59
SuperMiguelso i added /home/miguel/script & to my rc.local, rebooted the system and it didnt run the script :S18:00
geekphreaksouffledev:  for testing try installing old version off from  synaptic18:00
jhambohi folks, fresh install of 9.10.  Wireless at home works fine.  Wireless can't connect to WPA/PEAP network at school. lspci gives network card as "Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)".  Do i need to install some firmware? If so, how? How can I get wireless working properly??18:00
ardchoillethozethingz: mkdir -p /home/mediarif/backup_system/backup_xfer/svn_server18:00
Mkoolsgeekphreak: I have followed the instructions on: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-and-configure-dhcp-server-in-ubuntu-server.html but I am getting error. Can someone please help?18:00
bramming9xkirai: after doing so you will have to run it. try changing directory and issuing sh ./TeamSpeak3-....Linux.run18:00
cognitiaclaevesthozethingz: Chances are very good that's a very bad way to backup SVN.18:00
souffledevgeekphreak, alright18:00
coz_jhambo,  same distribution at home and at shcool correct?   maybe it is the18:01
thozethingzI see ... will it not be a legit backup?18:01
d4rkn3sscan some1 plz help me with my firefox? i have ubuntu 9.10 x64 and my ubuntu doesn't start for ages18:01
bramjamhow do i now where a program is isntalled (installed with 'apt-get install')18:01
d4rkn3ssmy firefox doesn't start for ages, not my ubuntu, sry18:01
cognitiaclaevesIt depends on whether or not anything is accessing the repo when the backup runs.18:01
coz_bramjam,  generall /usr18:01
souffledevgeekphreak, there is no < 3.5.9. Only transitional packages18:02
geekphreaki see firefox-2 hmm18:02
ardchoillethozethingz: mkdir /path1/mystuff/path2 will fail if mystuff dir doesn't exist so we sue the -p on mkdir toovercome that18:02
geekphreaksouffledev:  try seamonkey, its same just old version18:02
cognitiaclaevesthozethingz: http://crazytoon.com/2007/08/16/subversion-svn-how-do-you-set-up-backup-for-your-subversion-repositories/a18:02
souffledevgeekphreak, i want firefox though18:02
SuperMiguelso i added /home/miguel/script & to my rc.local, rebooted the system and it didnt run the script :S is there anything else need to do?18:02
thozethingzardchoille ... ok ... I am trying now ... I will let u know18:02
ardchoillethozethingz: but cognitiaclaeves seems toknow more about svn than I do so listen to what he says18:03
Darkmikehow can i recover my password for my irc user?18:03
souffledevff 3.5 on 9.10, x8618:03
souffledevreinstalled, purged, updated 5 times already18:03
souffledev[1]    14904 segmentation fault  firefox18:03
geekphreaksouffledev:  there is 1 more thng u can try then18:03
souffledevgeekphreak, yep18:03
thozethingzcognitia ... I will check this link out ... thnx18:03
geekphreaksouffledev:  download .gz package from firefox site, try that :)18:03
bramjamcoz_, ty. it's there  :D18:03
souffledevgeekphreak, i want the ubuntu one18:04
jelaq_ku4kaHello all18:04
geekphreaksouffledev:  man ur demanding :p ,18:04
jelaq_ku4kaplease someone help me to PPPoE connection?18:04
jhambocoz_: yeah this is on my laptop.  So same exact computer.  The WPA at school is "Enterprise" unlike the one at home.18:04
souffledevgeekphreak, :P18:04
geekphreakjelaq_ku4ka:  sudo pppoeconf18:04
souffledevi like to keep my system organized18:04
jelaq_ku4kageekphreak and?18:04
souffledevff 3.5 on 9.10, x8618:04
souffledevreinstalled, purged, updated 5 times already18:04
souffledev[1]    14904 segmentation fault  firefox18:04
FloodBot4souffledev: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:05
jhambocoz_: it's not the school.  With Debian lenny I could connect fine to my school network18:05
geekphreakjelaq_ku4ka:  well set it up, it will try to detect, provide name/pass18:05
coz_jhambo,   not sure because I am the most proficiet "doof" with networking...but you may want to try the  ##linux channel18:05
ardchoillesouffledev: Please allow more time in between your repeats18:05
souffledevardchoille, alright18:07
aarHi, is it possible to create a script for lynx that will prompt me for a password so it can login to my webmail account, do a source code "-dump", and then exit? Feeding it the variable with the password is where I'm struggling.18:07
DmoleSirRedTooth: still no joy eh? did you ever "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" ?18:07
lou1hey all. i was read that xmms2 has interface like winamp. but i was found it with console. so, can i install xmms2 with gui? i mean in official repos?18:08
ardchoillelou1: audacious has a ui like winamp18:08
SirRedToothDmole, "cat: /boot/grub/menu.lst: No such file or directory"18:08
ardchoillelou1: audcaious can also use winamp and xmms skins18:08
lou1so, it's not xmms2?18:09
Dmoleaar: read password18:09
ardchoille!grub2 | SirRedTooth18:09
ubottuSirRedTooth: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:09
SirRedToothI can really see why windows and mac are market holders even though they are very expensive compared to ubuntu.18:09
lou1ardchoille: so, it's not xmms2?18:09
ardchoillelou1: I've never used xmms so I don't know, just letting you know of an app with a winamp like ui18:09
SirRedToothardchoille, thats a bit unrelated?18:09
lou1ok, thanks. i'll try it18:10
SirRedToothardchoille, I was pasting a response to a command Dmole asked me to run.18:10
ardchoilleSirRedTooth: unrelated? I thought you were wondering why you have no /boot/grub/menu.lst file, the reason is you're using grbu2 which doesn't use that file18:10
geekphreaksouffledev: still there dude?18:10
souffledevgeekphreak, aha18:10
ardchoilleSirRedTooth: Ah, ok, my bad18:11
geekphreaksouffledev:  any other app which give that fault error?18:11
souffledevgeekphreak, not at all18:11
brianchidesterDCC SEND "PreCalculus" 0 0 018:11
aarDmole, I suppose I could get the bash script to generate a lynx script (including the password fed to the bash script with read password) before running lynx.18:11
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.18:11
aarDmole, I'll try that18:11
sealivehi i killd my system by installing a 32bit lib onto a 64bit system need help18:11
DmoleSirRedTooth: ardchoille is correct it's /boot/grub/grub.cfg in the new versions cat that.18:12
sealivesudo apt-get update liefert eine fehlermeldung ,libstdc++.so.6 wrong ELF class18:12
jribsealive: what exactly did you do...?18:12
sealivesudo apt-get update Fault->  ,libstdc++.so.6 wrong ELF class18:12
sealivesudo wget --no-cache opencam.sourceforge.net/opencaminst -0 -|sh18:13
jribsealive: repeating things you see in a terminal without any context is useless18:13
sealivethis was the last command18:13
jribsealive: what *exactly* did you do...?  Take 2 minutes, organize your thoughts.  Summarize what you did on one line and then link to specifics on a pastebin18:13
UbossMy Ubuntu battery lasts shorter than in Windows OS while on battery. How can I fix that?18:15
crucialhoaxAnyone know how to set pictures as folder icons?18:15
dennis_is there a way to have no keyring prompt to connect to my network?18:15
sealivei instalt via Synaptic gambas then i put the line with the code above in the terminal18:15
erUSULUboss: lesswhats.org has a lot of info on that topic18:15
SuperMigueli added an script to folder /etc/init.d/ and typed update-rc.d script defaults, rebooted and it didnt start :S whats wrong?18:15
jribcrucialhoax: can't you right click -> properties and then click on the icon?18:15
erUSULSuperMiguel: the script has a bug ?18:16
crucialhoaxjrib: Only emblems..18:16
jribsealive: I can't help you if you don't do what I last said (about being organized and specific)18:16
SuperMiguelerUSUL, it runs fine if i type /etc/init.d/scriptname18:16
cognitiaclaevesI've got to go do work now.  Everyone take it easy. :)18:16
sealivejrib: what els can i tell you thats all i did18:16
dennis_the keyring asks me for access every time i start my computer and it tries to connect to my Wifi network - can i stop that somehow?18:17
erUSULSuperMiguel: does that app has any dependency ? it needs network up ? or something else ( X windows ) to work?18:17
SuperMiguelerUSUL, x windows18:17
crucialhoaxdennis_: are you using network manager?18:17
UbossMy Ubuntu battery lasts shorter than in Windows OS while on battery. How can I fix that? (Can I see some properties with friendly user interface on Ubuntu to configure them?)18:17
erUSULsealive: well you calimed "i killd my system by installing a 32bit lib" <<< how exactly did you installed that lib?18:17
sealivesudo wget --no-cache opencam.sourceforge.net/opencaminst -0 -|sh18:18
dennis_crucialhoax: ummm, if that's what comes with default install, yes18:18
sealivethats what i made18:18
jribsealive: so you ran some random script from the internet...?18:18
erUSULSuperMiguel: well you can not launch apps that need X windows via init18:18
sealivei think yes18:18
SuperMiguelerUSUL, what do i use? it needs root access18:18
erUSULSuperMiguel: X windows is tied to a specific user. you should use the System>Pereferences>startup apps or something like that18:18
jribsealive: yeah, don't do that unless you want a broken (or worse) system...18:19
ne7workhow to change the partition of 30 GB under linux?18:19
SuperMiguelerUSUL, but it doesnt run as root if i do it that way18:19
sealivejrib: How can i now that that will kill my system18:19
crucialhoaxdennis_: Ok, the way I fixed that issue was this: Applications > Accessories > Password and Encryption > In those menus find the network password for your network and delete it, reboot and connect to it, when it asks for a password for storage, leave it blank and choose always allow18:19
erUSULne7work: resize? from a livecd with gparted18:19
d4rkn3sshi @ all, can some1 help me with my firefox? it doesn't start when i run the command....18:19
ardchoillesealive: Two things to consider for the future; 1) never use sudo with a net app, b) never run strange scripts18:19
dennis_crucialhoax: ok thanks - i'll try that now18:20
jribsealive: if you're not sure it won't (by reading and understanding it), then you don't run it18:20
ne7workerUSUL: what is this gparted?18:20
erUSULSuperMiguel: what app are we talking about? why it needs root?18:20
crucialhoaxdennis_: Ok :)18:20
erUSUL!gparted | ne7work18:20
ubottune7work: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:20
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: what command are you using18:20
dennis_crucialhoax: bbiab if it doesn't work ;)18:20
erUSULne7work: you can use the ubuntu install disk as livecd18:20
SuperMiguelerUSUL, is a conky.. my conky script needs root acess18:20
sealiveop i want to have a CNC/cam system and they told me that woudt do the job18:20
ne7workerUSUL: with no use livecd?18:20
jribsealive: ask them how to undo it then18:21
majidhelloo world18:21
sealiveso is ther a chance to bring the system back jrib18:21
crucialhoaxlol alright18:21
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, i am using firefox %u (i click the icon^^) .... but when i rename the .mozilla-folder it works18:21
erUSULne7work: ?? didn't understand18:21
ne7workerUSUL: under ubuntu now not from livecd?18:21
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: So what is the problem18:21
erUSULSuperMiguel: something is wrong if your conky needs root18:21
hessassjoin ubuntu18:21
jribsealive: it's a script, just go through it line by line and undo what it did.  If it copied over something that already existed, then reinstall the package it clobbered18:21
erUSULne7work: you can install gparted in the livecd18:21
ne7workerUSUL: why in the livecd?18:22
majidwhere am i?18:22
jribsealive: how exactly is your system broken anyway?18:22
xanguamajid: in some planet called earth18:22
erUSULne7work: you can not resize/edit partitions that are in use18:22
ardchoille!hi | majid18:22
ubottumajid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:22
SuperMiguelerUSUL, ok so after i type update-rc.d script defaults, how can i deleted from all the rcs?18:22
sipiormajid: where did you see yourself last?18:22
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, the problem is that i don't wanna install all the plugins, bookmarks, add-ons and passwords again.....18:22
sealivehow can i go rto the script if the system is not runing i'am on win98se now18:22
majidno i mean wat is this software18:22
jrib!who | sealive18:22
ubottusealive: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:22
erUSULSuperMiguel: sudo update-rc.d -f scriptname remove18:22
jribsealive: why isn't the system running?18:22
geekphreaksealive:  win 98 ?? omg lol18:22
ardchoille!ubuntu > majid18:23
ubottumajid, please see my private message18:23
ne7workerUSUL: okay thanks :)18:23
sealivejrib: its simply not starting any programm at all18:23
sealivejrib: ther is a big red STOP button on the top panel18:24
jribsealive: please be more specific.  Do you get to login?18:24
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: If you backed it all up just restore it. Other than that you will have to install plugins / add-ons.18:24
sealivejrib:  Yes and also sound18:24
majidoh it's great18:24
majid:* to all18:24
sealivejrib: Terminal is the only thing that seams to run18:24
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, can i also backup the plugins/passwords?18:24
swebafter install php via `./configure`, download and compile by myself. php can not set the apache module. i add it manually, but i know how can i fix this issue ? http://pastie.org/private/b3itzszymdini2jdgmiw18:25
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, cause i played a long time that flash works and i don't wanna do this again^^18:25
swebi want know to fix this issue .18:26
jribsealive: see if you can reinstall the libstdc++6 package18:26
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: Flash is so easy to install... I am not completely understanding the problem, someone else will step in :)18:26
majidmay i question?18:26
sealivedo i need to do this with sudo?18:26
majidwat is libboost ?18:26
crucialhoax!ask | majid18:27
ubottumajid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:27
jribsealive: do you have another computer you can use while you boot ubuntu?18:27
majidwat is libboost  ?18:27
sealivejrib Yes i'am on a windows system right now18:27
jribmajid: It's the boost library, why?18:27
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, do u have a x86 or a x64 ubuntu?18:27
=== mqu1n is now known as mquln
majidwhat is boost library ?18:27
xjkxi use openoffice to create a presentation, "save as" to MSoffice, and when i close/open it again its different :( some colors are missing18:27
jribsealive: and ubuntu is booted in front of you?18:27
jribmajid: why?18:27
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: x6418:27
erUSULmajid: a c++ library18:27
majidfor comm between c++ and python?18:28
sealivejrib:  yes18:28
sealivejrib: terminal is also open18:28
majidfor comm between c++ and python?18:28
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, good, can u plz say me which is the best flash-plugin here? there are 3 and i don't know the best of them :)18:28
erUSULmajid: no it has a lot of funcionality18:28
jribmajid: no...18:28
sipiormajid: they do all sorts of things...have a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boost_C%2B%2B_Libraries18:28
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: Give me one sec to get you the download link :)18:28
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, k :)18:29
sealivejrib: how is the comand for the libstdc++.so.618:29
majidsipior: tanx18:29
parisHi folks. I need some help I was able to install mysql by this command sudo apt-get install mysql-server, the problem is that i don't see anything is I do into Applications. What I am doing wrong?18:29
=== mquln is now known as mqu1n
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html18:29
jribsealive: tell me the output of: md5sum /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6*18:29
erUSULparis: is a server; it does not appear in aplications becouse it does not have a gui18:30
jribsealive: or just remember it somewhere18:30
=== mqu1n is now known as D0minian
erUSULparis: there are some guis to control mysql thought...18:30
crucialhoaxd4rkn3ss: The download link is at the bottom, save the file to the desktop, right click the file and choose extract here, place libflashplayer.so into the ~/.mozilla/plugins folder18:30
d4rkn3sscrucialhoax, nice, thxal, now i can delet the .mozilla-directory and reinstall all things :)18:30
maginotparis, try installing mysql-navigator, mysql-query-browser or mysql-admin18:31
majidhow can communicate between c++ and python lang?18:31
majidhow can communicate between c++ and python lang?18:31
majidplz help me18:31
=== D0minian is now known as mqu1n
jribmajid: try #python18:31
sealivejrib: starts with 59 ends with 7b518:31
erUSULmajid: define communicate?18:32
maginotmajid, #python and #c++18:32
jribsealive: ok.  Now do: sudo aptitude reinstall libstdc++618:32
sealivejrib: its 6.0.1318:32
Elshar_Well, I like to write my c++ via python functions that auto-generate code.18:32
majidyes python and c++18:32
Elshar_Works really well.18:32
majiderusul : how can i define?18:32
crucialhoaxAnyone know how to set pictures as folder icons?18:32
majidjrib: wat do you mean about # python?18:33
jribcrucialhoax: did you try what I said?  right click -> properties, then click on the folder icon you see there18:33
majidminjoo : hello18:33
jribmajid: it's another channel... about python18:33
majidjrib: oh tanx jrib18:34
sealivejrib this does not work ,cause it needs the lib himself18:34
jribsealive: ok.  What version of ubuntu is this?18:34
erUSULsealive: maybe you can do it from a livecd chrooting to the faulty install from there?18:34
sealivekarmic 9.10 kernel 2018:34
crucialhoaxjrib: Yes, I did. Nothing is there.18:35
jribsealive: amd64, correct?18:35
sealivejrib: yes18:35
jribcrucialhoax: Nothing is where exactly?18:35
jribsealive: wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-4.3/libstdc++6_4.3.3-5ubuntu4_amd64.deb18:35
majidjrib : i can't connect to #python :(18:35
jrib!register | majid18:36
ubottumajid: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:36
majidjrib : ;)) oh i forget that18:36
crucialhoaxjrib: I only get, permissions, emblems, notes and what not, nothing for changing the icon18:36
jribcrucialhoax: click on the icon itself in the properties window18:36
wildc4rdevenin' all18:36
=== vitasis is now known as vita_sis
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:37
martianWhat is the 'backup' user used for?18:37
erUSULmartian: to make backups ?18:37
blarghDoes anyone know how I can configure vino to start as part of the boot process instead of the session?18:37
jribblargh: why would you want to?18:37
Droopsta915im having trouble playin avi files. It starts playing but then says--aborting video redirecting microsoft codec download page. Any suggestions?18:38
blarghso if someone logs off I dont have to physically go to the computer and log back in18:38
jribblargh: ah, never mind, I read that as "kino" for some reason18:38
jrib!vnc | blargh18:38
ubottublargh: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:38
jribblargh: that may or may not be helpful, no idea18:38
majidmany people ask me one question and i cant answer them plz help me to answer them18:38
majidthem ask me :18:38
martianerUSUL: Is it though? It's not a sudoer... I was considering using it to copy data to a NAS, but want to make sure I don't screw anything up by giving it read permissions to stuff and changing its' password18:38
majidopen sose is better than ubuntu?18:39
jrib!ot | majid18:39
ubottumajid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:39
soreaumajid: Thats not even a valid question, its a matter of opinion or purpose18:39
totu# gedit /usr/bin/xchat-firefox18:39
erUSULmartian: did you installed any backup program in this machine?18:39
jribsealive: done?18:39
sealivewget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-4.3/libstdc++6_4.3.3-5ubuntu4_amd64.deb18:39
martianerUSUL: No18:39
jribsealive: still downloading?18:39
jlaielcomment fait la configuration openldap18:40
jrib!fr | jlaiel18:40
ubottujlaiel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:40
sealiveno thy to get the code in the terminial jrib18:40
majidi know they familiar but them ask me: why ubuntu and why not open sose?18:40
jribsealive: what?18:40
martianerUSUL: seems like a built in account. Don't you have one?18:40
crucialhoaxjrib: Thats what I am doing, I am clicking on a folder inside my home folder and choosing properties. There is no option for that.18:40
ardchoillejrib: just noticed the "amd64" in that file he's downloading, just fyi18:40
sealivejrib: done18:40
jribcrucialhoax: you get a properties window pop-up, correct?18:40
jribsealive: you're on amd64, right?18:41
parismaginot, I want do to according thy instructions, but for some reason it says "Unable to lock the download directory" . I have used this command sudo apt-get install mysql-navigator and so on. What I am doing wrong?18:41
sealivejrib: yes18:41
=== kTk is now known as Guest75622
erUSULmartian: yes is probably a system account; and yes i have it18:41
blarghjrib: I'm not actually having an issue with the service, just the point at which it starts.18:41
jribsealive: now type: sudo dpkg -i libstdc++6_4.3.3-5ubuntu4_amd64.deb18:41
crucialhoaxjrib: Yes18:41
jribblargh: I understand, I don't know the answer to your question offhand18:41
maginotparis, maybe you have other application using apt? like synaptic or any update manager?18:41
jribcrucialhoax: in the properties window you see an icon, correct?18:41
geekphreakgoodnight all18:42
Guest75622I am trying to run an old Win95 game "Constructor" in Wine on Ubuntu. It installs perfectly but then says "Constructor CD must be in the cd drive". I tried mounting the ISO and setting up a cd drive in Wine but it doesnt work. Help please18:42
jribcrucialhoax: should be the first thing in the window in the top-left, besides name, etc.18:42
crucialhoaxjrib: Gotcha, its like changing an app icon. Perfect :) thanks18:42
maginotgeekphreak, good evening ;P18:42
jribcrucialhoax: no problem :)18:42
crucialhoaxjrib: No, I got it, I am just blind lol. Thanks though.18:42
maginotoh, he was leaving indeed =X18:42
sealivejrib there are faults  no gcc-4.3base18:43
realmatthas anyone here used gpart on a 4TB raid array?18:43
jlaielhow does the configuration and openldap openvpn18:43
erUSULGuest75622: tried #winehq ?18:44
totuxchat --existing --url=$@18:44
sealivejrib:  its installt but not configt18:44
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Guest75622erUSUL no I will ask there as well ty18:44
James2kHas anyone had problesm with updating to 10.04 Beta through Update Manager?18:44
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ardchoille!lucid| James2k18:44
ubottuJames2k: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:44
jribsealive: what does the md5sum command from before say now?18:44
James2kOK sorry18:45
RyanPGuest75622: In "Configure Wine", is there a drive letter pointing to your CD?18:45
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sealivejrib 37at start 1cb2 at end18:45
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Guest75622RyanP yes it's "D"18:45
pvelkovskican i talk with someone experienced in Ubuntu development?18:45
RyanPGuest75622: Sorry, that was my only guess.18:45
Guest75622RyanP I also set it to cdrom under "Advanced", still nothing :/18:46
erUSULpvelkovski: #ubuntu-motu ? #ubuntu-devel ?18:46
sealivejrib: shoudt i try a restart18:46
jribsealive: different from before right?18:46
pvelkovskiI am not a developer18:46
sealivejrib yes18:46
pvelkovskiI have serious problem with lucid18:46
pvelkovskiand i don't know how to file a bug18:47
erUSULpvelkovski: #ubuntu+1 then18:47
erUSUL!bugs | pvelkovski18:47
ubottupvelkovski: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:47
crucialhoax!lucid | pvelkovski18:47
ubottupvelkovski: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:47
jribsealive: try: sudo dpgk --configure -a18:47
jlaielhow does the configuration and openldap openvpn18:47
jribjlaiel: your question doesn't make sense18:48
sealivejrib:  i do18:48
jribsealive: result?18:48
meeroHi, i have problems connecting to samba share(security=user) from XP. From ubuntu it works well. Any idea how to fix?18:48
kiraiso nice teamspeak 3 works on ubuntu perfectly, teamspeak 2 have many bugs ;)18:48
kiraithanks for your help18:49
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sealivejrib dpgk not found18:49
theadminsealive: it's dpkg18:49
theadminAs in, Debian PacKaGe18:50
sealivejrib:  gcc-4.3-base not installt18:50
Droopsta915hello, what codec do i need to play .avi files?18:51
sealivejrib: do i need the hole gcc-4.3 package new18:51
theadminDroopsta915: Just use the VLC, it plays everything :D Will save you the trouble18:51
jribsealive: no, you should already have that...18:52
parismaginot, thank you for thy help. I did according thy will, and write now it is working, Can thy refer me to good tutorial about mysql?18:52
jribsealive: anyway things are wonky, go ahead and reboot and see what happens18:53
sealivejrib: the problem is the lib needs the gcc but its not installt it says18:53
DachI'm trying to bootdisk my way into an ubuntu server install.. but when it boots it gets to the main menu and immediately jumps to the language selection, however I'm unable to take control at that point.. it is either locked or unresponsive.  I've downloaded the server software twice, burned a second copy, and both had the same results.18:53
maginotparis, http://www.mysqltutorial.org/18:53
sealivejrib:  same result18:54
jhambohi folks, fresh install of 9.10.  Wireless at home works fine.  Wireless can't connect to WPA/PEAP network at school. lspci gives network card as "Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)".  Do i need to install some firmware? If so, how? How can I get wireless working properly??18:54
sealivejrib:  no synaptic18:54
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parismaginot, Big thanks!18:54
Morten_hey, im trying to get the screensaver photopile to use the pictures folder in my home directory, but can't get it to work..  - Another thing could be to know which folder photopile default use. Can anyone help me?18:55
maginotparis, you're welcome, you should also check mysql webpage, I still think is the best resource place18:55
OerDach do you use a USB keyboard ? if so, dou you select Legacy USB in your bios ?18:55
jribsealive: same result for what?  What are you running?18:55
sealivejrib: wait a second somthing is going on18:55
DachYes, USB keyboard, and currently in a junction box.18:56
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DachI think i took it out and plugged directly.. let me try again.18:57
sealivejrib: firerfox is baxk igone change from windows to chatzilla ubuntu ok18:57
Droopsta915theadmin: I go to open file and pick my file on vlc, but I cant see the video. Am i doing something wrong?18:57
theadminDroopsta915: What DO you see?18:57
olga_guys, why cant i "sudo apt-get upgrade" from beta to beta 2?18:57
DachMind you, input before boot works fine.. i can enter bios without issue.18:57
jrib!lucid | olga_18:58
sealivejrib:  i'am here ?18:58
ubottuolga_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:58
jribsealive: yes18:58
DachYea, plugged in directly same result.. no change.18:58
sealiveso now its easy to get your commands into a terminal jrib18:58
c3lhow do I add/swap between screen windows?18:58
liminalim trying to compile a driver for my wifi card18:58
Droopsta915theadmin: All i see is the little controller with play, stop, rewind, and etc..18:58
liminalbut im getting an error, does anyone know what is causing this18:58
olga_jrib: ty anyway ^^18:59
theadminc3l: Hit: Ctrl+A and ?, then read what it sez18:59
theadminDroopsta915: Hm, maybe a bad file18:59
jribsealive: run an update18:59
sealivejrib: how do i do this18:59
theadminsealive: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:00
Droopsta915theadmin: yeah. it starts playing for a few seconds and reads codec error. redirecting to ms codec downloadpage19:00
c3ltheadmin, in swedish keyboardlayout "?" is on same button as "+". and when hitting ctrl+a and ? , all that happens is that the text gets bigger ;)19:00
Droopsta915theadmin:  thanks anyway.19:00
sealivetheadmin: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade this does not work19:00
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
theadminc3l: You're supposed to TYPE "?". If it requires holding Shift or something, do so19:01
jribsealive: you're being vague again19:01
sealivetheadmin: apt-get: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by apt-get)19:01
c3ltheadmin, i thought I did, but was noobis, thanks alot19:02
sealivetheadmin: apt-get: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/libapt-pkg-libc6.10-6.so.4.8)19:02
jribsealive: what does « apt-cache policy gcc-4.3-base » return?19:02
sealivejrib: the same as obove19:02
jribsealive: dpkg -l gcc-4.3-base19:03
liminalany ideas?19:03
theadminjrib: How do you make such weird quotes anyway?19:03
sealivejrib: ok19:03
jribtheadmin: I added them to my keyboard layout :/19:04
theadminjrib: Oh19:04
sealivejrib: seams that there is no version installt19:05
jribsealive: what was the output?19:05
mhall119anyone know if it's legal to distrubute packages from the partner repo pre-installed on a system?19:06
theadminmhall119: Totally.19:06
AnxiousNutwhat are the best simple sites that tells what ubuntu is, saw some simple attracting one but i cant seem to remember the url. I need this for my presentation19:06
sealivejrib: its german19:07
ardchoilleAnxiousNut: ubuntu.com ?19:07
theadminsealive: Then run it in "LANG=en command" style19:07
mhall119theadmin: even if they're not open source?19:07
ardchoilleAnxiousNut:  http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu19:07
sealivejrib:  in the privat chat19:07
theadminmhall119: Well, yes, those packages are free to redistribute anyway19:07
jribsealive: install it then (use packages.ubuntu.com, wget, and dpkg as before)19:08
LipsumI have problems running netbeans. It has always worked great before, but the last couple of days, the program just shows on the program bar, then disappears again. Any ideas what it could be?19:08
theadminAnxiousNut: Oh, nuts! (no pun intended), I had a nice Ubuntu presentation at home. Too bad that i am not there now.19:09
sealivejrib: can i doble klick on this http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/karmic/amd64/gcc-4.3/download19:11
jribsealive: hmm, I made a mistake.  I think I gave you the jaunty version of libstdc++ accidentally.  Make sure you grab that from karmic too19:11
=== Blue-Omega_ is now known as Blue-Omega
AnxiousNuttheadmin: thanks but this isnt the first time to make a presentation, and i have already finished the outline, and i saw other's presentations like larry bushy's19:12
backlolil ya des français?19:13
sealivejrib: ok19:13
Haffebacklol: Peut etre19:13
LipsumI have problems running netbeans. It has always worked great before, but the last couple of days, the program just shows on the program bar, then disappears again. Any ideas what it could be?19:13
ravi__i have ubuntu 9.04 Desktop, should I upgrade to 9.10 and then 10.04 (when released), or can i directly upgrade to 10.0419:13
Tatselbacklol, #ubuntu-fr19:14
backlolmerci c'est la réponse que j'attendais19:14
njs`anyone know why a bunch of old releases have disappeared from old-releases.ubuntu.com?19:14
jribnjs`: probably because they are really old19:15
sealivejrib: witch first gcc or libst19:15
njs`I just pulled this old laptop out of a closet and need to get it off feisty, but the repos disappeared since last week...19:15
jhambohow do I set up a keybinding to launch kmail19:15
ravi__i have ubuntu 9.04 Desktop, should I upgrade to 9.10 and then 10.04 (when released), or can i directly upgrade to 10.0419:15
njs`jrib: yeah thanks, I thought that was why they were *there*, not why they would disappear19:15
liminalI reverted back some configuration changes i made to a wifi driver im trying to compile19:15
KuwaitiI installed Ubuntu on my HP Pavilion dv7, it's all working fine except for the wireless network thingy, not working. :/ any idea what I can do about it?19:15
xanguanjs`: well feist is no supported anymore19:15
liminalbut now im getting some different errors19:16
KuwaitiI'm a linux noob by the way.19:16
liminalcan someone look at for me19:16
njs`xangua: ....yes. that's why I want to stop using it, but I can't upgrade properly without the repos :-)19:16
bramming9xravi_: as far as i can see (looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades) you have to upgrade to 9.10 first19:16
xanguanjs`: better to do a fresh install of a more recent distro19:17
jribsealive: just do both at the same time and let dpkg worry about it19:17
ardchoillenjs`: yeah, you can always download and burn a new cd19:17
aleperaltaHi I need to install firefox 2.0 since I need to support it pages for it. How can I install it in karmic?19:17
ravi__bramming9x: oh, couple of days ago, in this channel, I asked how to upgrade my commandline server from ubuntu 8.04 to new, and ppl said - wait, and directly upgrade to 10.04.. uhh,19:17
sealivei restart19:18
jribsealive: no errors?19:18
ardchoilleravi__: iirc, you can upgrade from one LTS to another LTS without having to go through each release in between19:18
ardchoilleravi__: 8.04 and 10.04 are both LTS releases19:18
ravi__ardchoille: oh. well19:18
bramming9xravi__: you can upgrade from 8.04 since its LTS, but 9.04 isn't so you cant that way19:18
ravi__bramming9x: ardchoille : thanks :)19:19
sealivejrib: :D :DD xd19:20
sealivejrib i'am back19:20
sealivejrib:  shoudt i do this now -> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:20
erUSULaleperalta: i would dwonload the tar.gz from moxilla website and install it in my home folder. (just unpack it iirc). dunno if it would be a problem sharing profiles19:21
aleperaltaerUSUL: Thanks, I would very much appreciate the link, I can't find it on google.19:22
abacupyas tia aki19:23
sealivejrib: ?19:23
xanguaftp://ftp.mozilla.org aleperalta19:23
brushhello everybody19:23
aleperaltaxangua: thanks19:23
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Loshaliminal: your first error looks like it's on line 63. On my 8.04 system, struct task_struct defines those fields in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-27/include/linux/sched.h19:23
brushis this the location where i can ask real experts? ;)19:24
abacupwenas a to el mundo19:24
Losha!es | abacup19:24
ubottuabacup: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:24
Losha!ask | brush19:24
ubottubrush: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:24
bramming9xaleperalta: just make sure you backup your profiles first;)19:25
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aleperaltabramming9x: that is backing up .mozilla on my home right?19:26
erUSULaleperalta: ouch not easy to find it seems ... did not know it was that hidden19:26
liminalLosha think i need to install my linux headers again?19:27
brushi have a phisically demaged hard drive mounted as usb drive. how can i copy the whole content from the root of this disk to a directory on other drive... like to /home/Destop/IWannaToSaveFilesHere19:27
aleperaltaerUSUL: I found throught the ftp19:27
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aarHow can I echo my text in color using a bash script?19:27
Loshaliminal: first, take a look in that file on your system and see if those fields are defined...19:28
erUSULaleperalta: ok; as i said make a backup of your preferences folder before runnig the 2.x version.19:28
parisHi folks it is me again. I would like to run(use) skype, however, so some reason (when I try to run) it says 'P2P connect failed", What I have fail to do? what should I do?19:28
liminalhowd i do that?19:28
jorechpsoreau, resintall driver intel and continue frezing when use any app firefox, terminal or wherever in X mode19:28
erUSULaar: use the correct escape sequences19:28
aarerUSUL, not sure I follow that. Could you type an example?19:29
soreaujorechp: I didnt say reinstall the driver, I said try using the vesa driver so you can see if that is the problem19:29
erUSULaar: first hit in google --> http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/colorizing.html19:29
jorechphow tu use vesa driver, soreau but dont have xorg.conf ?19:30
sealivejrib: Thankyou19:30
aarerUSUL, I'll check that out, thanks19:30
klaparis, maybe you need to open port(s) on your router?19:30
erUSULaar: echo -e '\E[37;44m'"\033[1mBash is Cool\033[0m"19:30
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IzinucsIs there a Citrix Client in the repos?19:30
Loshaliminal: sorry, I assumed you were a programmer. Look in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-27/include/linux/sched.h (your filename will be slightly different) around line 1033 for something that looks like this: /* process credentials */ uid_t uid,euid,suid,fsuid;19:31
Sachse_Siechtumanyone experience with WINE? How do I activate FSAA?19:31
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earthlingwhat network utility would i use to scan local network for ip addresses of other nodes?19:31
pariskla, I don't have router. I have just modem which it is connecting to comcast Internet.19:31
icerootSachse_Siechtum: you activate it the game, not in wine itself19:31
klaSachse_Siechtum, see channel #winehq19:32
erUSULearthling: nmap19:32
jorechpsoreau, how to make a xorg.conf to use vesa driver, but in /etc/X11 dont exist xorg.conf19:32
earthlingthankx, will give it a try...19:32
Sachse_Siechtumkla thanks19:32
soreau<soreau> jorechp: I have a feeling it still may be a problem with the intel driver in karmic. To test this theory, you can try putting Driver "vesa" in the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf and this file can be created with X -configure19:32
erUSULearthling: zenamp is a nice gui for it19:32
buttons840hi, i installed eclipse and it changed what the javac command pointed to (forgive my terminology); i have used a command before which goes through and updates many of the common commands and what version they point to?  anyone familiar with this?19:32
Loshabrush: does the usb drive mount itself?19:32
frxstremis it possible to remove hard links in the file system?19:32
jorechpsoreau, in console put X -configure ?19:33
earthlingactually need it for a script I'm writing..  but will look at zenmap too...  thanx..19:33
Loshafrxstrem: it is, but tell me why you think you need to do this....19:33
erUSULbuttons840: sudo update-alternatives java ?19:33
soreaujorechp: Yes, its either that command or Xorg -config or something19:33
brushi have a phisically demaged hard drive (w/bad sectors) mounted usb drive. how can i copy the whole content from the root of this disk to a directory on other drive... like to /home/Destop/IWannaToSaveFilesHere with at least 10 retry without my system stops responding...19:34
klaparis, dialup? you're out there in the boons aren't you. maybe you have a software firewall blocking your ports, otherwise no idea really - gluck :)19:34
frxstremLosha: I was just wondering, not special reason19:34
buttons840erUSUL: i believe that's right; thank you19:34
jorechpsoreau, ty so much try to make now.. and tell u later19:34
liminalive got linux headers from 28 to 3119:34
liminalnot back to 26 tho19:34
soreaujorechp: Xorg -configure19:34
soreaujorechp: Ok, Ill be back later19:35
RaMcHiPhowdy everyone19:35
jef91Anyone know what repos sun-java6-plugin is contained in in 10.04? I have medibuntu and all the defaults enabled and its telling me it cannot find it19:35
saadronhi guys how do i fortigate19:35
Loshafrxstrem: then yes, a hard link is like an alias i.e. an alternative name for the same file. You can remove them just like removing a regular filename. The only difference is that the file itself doesn't get deleted until the last link to it is removed...19:35
buttons840erUSUL: actually, that doesn't work, it keeps giving me usage information rather than doing anything19:35
frxstremLosha: okay, thanks for explaining it for me :)19:36
crucialhoax!lucid | jef9119:36
ubottujef91: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:36
klaI think ubuntu comes with just openjdk19:36
erUSULbuttons840: sorry typo is --> "sudo update-alternatives --config java"19:36
frxstremwhat is "Launchpad"? (I understand that it has something to do with Ubuntu, but I don't know exactly what :/)19:38
kla!launchpad | frxstrem19:39
ubottufrxstrem: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/19:39
frxstremkla: okay, thanks :)19:39
LoshaBruce: if it's mounted and the files are visible, copy them to the destination like e.g. cp -r /disk/mounted/here  /home/Destop/IWannaToSaveFilesHere. This will attempt a recursive copy of the files. Make sure you have enough space at the destination, it not you will have to pick and choose what to copy. Since the disk is damaged, the copy can fail at any time so you might see lots of error messages. If you don't know where /disk/mounted/here is, ask me19:40
klafrxstrem, y/w just google next time :p :)19:40
iromliis it okay if i use karmic package from PPA, since i'm using jaunty now ??19:40
Izinucsjef91: I just read about that.. the partner repositories..  just enable it.19:40
erUSULiromli: no it is not ok ...19:40
jorechpdamm frezing again :(19:41
iromlierUSUL: do you know where i can get latest erlang package?19:41
Loshaliminal: it's unlikely those fields have disappeared. Is there a configure script in the drive you need to rerun?19:41
erUSULiromli: maybe the same ppa has packages for jaunty too19:42
Loshaliminal: drive -> driver19:42
jorechpdamm i start thing my girlfriend pc dont like linux :(19:42
iromlierUSUL: too bad that isn't there :( ... i guess i should compile it from source19:42
HaffeHmmmm. I think you need to get out more if your girlfriend is a pc.19:43
liminalthey are uncompiled driver files direct from the manufacturer19:43
HaffeAn sgi o2, now that I could understand.19:43
erUSULiromli: what is the ppa url ?19:43
liminalLosha: im im following this forum post19:43
iromlierUSUL: https://launchpad.net/~erlang-dev/+archive/ppa19:43
buttons840erUSUL: thanks; that solved my problem19:44
sysdocHas any one had a problem with the latest updates from Firefox ppa ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ubuntu karmic?? Firefox is hanging on load of any site afterwords19:44
erUSULiromli: yep only karmic there19:45
erUSULbuttons840: no problem19:45
kiraiI ve a medion pocket pc, does it work on my ubuntu? which software work with pocket pc?19:45
xanguasysdoc: don't use daily buils, better try Ubuntuzilla or firefox-stable PPA repos19:45
Loshaliminal: dunno then. Try reinstalling the headers, like you suggested. It can't hurt...19:46
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
Loshabrush: if it's mounted and the files are visible, copy them to the destination like e.g. cp -r /disk/mounted/here  /home/Destop/IWannaToSaveFilesHere. This will attempt a recursive copy of the files. Make sure you have enough space at the destination, it not you will have to pick and choose what to copy. Since the disk is damaged, the copy can fail at any time so you might see lots of error messages. If you don't know where /disk/mounted/here is, ask me19:48
liminalthe headers for 2819:48
liminalsorry 2419:48
valarihm..... ubuntu seems empty!!19:49
jorechpsoreau, i now using vesa driver and dont' freze..19:49
valari#ubuntu wid so much silence!! o.O19:49
Loshaliminal: whichever has the right fields in include/linux/sched.h. If they both have them, it shouldn't matter which you choose. If one doesn't work, try the other :-)19:50
Loshavalari: I noticed that. Some kind of network constipation going on?19:50
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soreaujorechp: Ok, so now you know for sure it's the intel driver19:51
GuthurShould libgsasl7 be available on 9.0419:51
GuthurI'm trying to apt-get it but it says no package can be found19:51
soreaujorechp: What I would do is wait for the Lucid release and try again as there's been a lot of changes in the intel driver19:51
jorechpyep, but now my girlfriend is happy but dont use anymore windows, she say " i love linux, but never again i lost info by virus"19:52
soreaujorechp :)19:53
GuthurI see libgsasl7 on my 9.10 box but can find it on my 9.04 server19:55
alketdoes empathy have plugins ?19:56
Losha!pm | brush19:56
ubottubrush: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:56
rocket16alket: No, :( You need to make them manually19:56
rocket16alket: Also, it does not have any Plugin manager19:57
rocket16alket: But Pidgin has plugins19:57
alketrcoket16: I guess i must switch to pidgin, but pidgin unblocks all unwanted contacts that i deleted years ago19:57
Droopsta915Why could I switch to root in a terminal but not at the login screen?19:57
rocket16alket: Oh, no problem, just remove them, :)19:58
alketrcoket16: lol19:58
icerootDroopsta915: gdm is blocking it for a good reason19:58
zaxonspoxDroopsta915 because it is switched off for a security reason19:58
alketEmpathy doesn't even offer a filetransfer or contact block19:58
majid_is KDE great than gnome Desktop?19:59
arvind_khadri!poll | majid_19:59
ubottumajid_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:59
liminallosha: im looking include file and i dont see a linux folder20:00
alketmajid_ : belive me no20:00
majid_which one is graphicly?20:00
alketmajid_ both20:00
Loshaliminal: are you looking in the right place: /usr/src/linux-headers-*/include20:01
proximo_kde is more fancy fx20:01
majid_alket tanxs20:01
alketmajid_ just use the standard ubuntu that you downloaded from www.ubuntu.com20:01
majid_alket : that is gnome ? right?20:02
alketmajid_ yes20:02
xanguaalket: standard¿¿, majid_use what you want20:02
ptingwhich do you guys prefer using, truecrypt or dm_crypt?20:02
nawir88im new be in here20:02
alketxangua: I may asume the majid_ is a new user and all we can propose is use the standard20:02
nawir88halo every body20:03
ptingor is there another preferred partition encryption software out there?20:03
majid_alket yes i m a new user20:04
zaxonspoxnawir88 hallo, just ask20:04
GuthurAh found it, had to add 'universe' to my sources list20:07
DessawyI want to install Ubuntu Studio (which to me appears to only be available as an DVD-iso) on a computer which does not support booting from a DVD. If I install Ubuntu from a CD first and then get the Studio packages, will I end up with the same system?20:09
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icerootDessawy: yes20:11
icerootDessawy: ut by default you have ubuntu-desktop also installed but the rest is the same20:11
xjkxthere was an ubuntu picture somewhere in the website(o was it a cd?) where they put a lot of people from different collors together, i cant find it, would you know where it is20:12
kiraiKnow someone how I could get access to my ppc if I had connected it with my computer?20:12
icerootxjkx: tried google image search with the string ubuntu logo?20:12
zaxonspoxDessawy UbStudio is Ubuntu with additional programs, and other desktop decoration20:12
kiraisome good software or anything else?20:12
xjkxiceroot: http://geekpressff.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/ubuntu-logo.jpg cool but not what i'm looking for, lol20:13
Hermannis there an ubuntu-way of keeping certain kernel options in grub even after upgrades?20:15
liminallosha: which linux header should i be oking under?20:15
silverrockerhi, I was wondering how I could make a script that enters stuff on a webform and then gets a string from the html code after the page has loaded. I was wondering if this could be done. can someone help me?20:15
liminallooking under20:15
liminalive got a number of different versions20:15
frxstremhow do I do a complete removal of a program (like in Synaptic) in the terminal?20:16
crucialhoaxfrxstrem: sudo apt-get remove --purge <package name>20:16
Loshaliminal: As previously discussed, on my 8.04 system, it's in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-27/include/linux/sched.h (your filename will be slightly different) around line 103320:16
frxstremcrucialhoax: okay, thanks :)20:16
crucialhoaxfrxstrem: From synaptics, right click on the package and choose remove completely20:17
crucialhoaxfrxstrem: no problem20:17
ravi__OT - in irssi, when i do /nick mynick , it says that nick is already in use.. how can i overide it20:19
trismravi__: /msg nickserv help ghost20:19
Bizzehhi, whats a decent IDE for gcc and related tools for ubuntu? looking for something similar to vc200820:19
ravi__trism: thanks20:20
javatexananyone having luck installing ubuntu on mac minis?20:20
icerootBizzeh: kdevelop, code::blocks, emacs, vim20:20
silverrockerhi, I was wondering how I could make a script that enters stuff on a webform and then gets a string from the html code after the page has loaded. I was wondering if this could be done. can someone help me?20:20
rjuneBizzeh, eclipse, anjuta, kdevelop20:20
icerootBizzeh: i think kdevelop os the closed to visual studio20:20
rjuneiceroot, kdevelop as closest ?20:21
icerootrjune: i think so20:21
=== ravi__ is now known as ra21vi
Bizzehill take a look at kdev first then, thanks :)20:21
liminallosha: i have all these linux headers20:23
liminalwhich one is the right one20:23
zaxonspoxsilverrocker use JavaScript20:23
ShmaaWhat is the esiest way if you want to upgrade your 32 bit ubuntu system to 64?20:23
cfeddeShmaa: probably a reinstall.20:23
silverrockerzaxonspox: pleace be more precise how I can achieve this, and if there is a tutorial for this20:23
OerShmaa, complete re-installation :-)20:24
mickster04Shmaa: as Oer said20:24
Loshaliminal: which kernel are you running?20:24
Oerlike cfedde grinn20:24
zaxonspoxsilverrocker precisly learn JS and write a script for it, code i can not write here and now20:24
silverrockerzaxonspox: ok thx20:25
epifaniohi all20:25
epifaniois there the good place to ask question about ubuntu 10.4 ?20:25
_sllidewhat is a parallel port?20:25
erUSULepifanio: #ubuntu+120:26
rebelstarhi...the ctrl button is not working ...( but it works in windows)...does anyone know how to correct it.....in preferences, i do not know what to check and uncheck..is there any command by which i can reset it to original settings20:26
zaxonspoxsilverrocker learn a form object in JS and strings variables, mayby use website with frames20:26
epifaniook thanks!20:26
zaxonspoxrebelstar, which CTRL? what do you want to achive?20:27
erUSULrebelstar: system>preferences>keyboard20:27
ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:27
rebelstarzaxonspox: the CTRL button in keyboard ( both of them) .. i mean i cannot d oany operation related to it20:27
rebelstarzaxonspox:like ctrl +C and ctrl + v...doesnt work20:28
ActionParsnipRebelstar: does it create an event in xev?20:28
rebelstarActionParsnip: How can i check it?20:28
zaxonspoxrebelstar does CTRL + ALT + F1 work?20:29
ActionParsnipRebelstar: run xev in terminal and press lettered key so you get a feel for the command, then press the ctrl keys to see if they do the same20:29
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jabbawhere am i able to define with which GID the files of an USB-attached Drive are auto-mounted?20:29
ActionParsnipKeys sorry, not key ;)20:29
ActionParsnipJabba: label the partition and it will use the label20:30
insulinahello I am trying to put ogre3d working in ubunto, but it doesnt display things rigth. What can I do ?20:30
ActionParsnip!label | jabba20:30
ubottujabba: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.20:30
ActionParsnipJabba: sorry, misread20:30
jabbaActionParsnip, the partition is labeled, but that's not what i waned20:30
jabbaok :)20:30
ActionParsnipJabba: add the UUID in /etc/fstab and the settings you define will be used20:31
liminallosha im using karmic20:31
ActionParsnipRebelstar: does it make events?20:31
Loshaliminal: run 'uname -a' and use the headers which match the kernel version...20:31
rebelstar1ActionParsnip: yes just now i did ctrl + alt + f1 and it took me to command line (root)20:32
liminallosha Linux liminal-laptop 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 05:23:09 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux20:32
jabbaActionParsnip, aah, i always wondered what these UUIDs can be used for :)20:32
ubottuFor at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.20:33
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ActionParsnipRebelstar1: nice ok so the keys are ok-ish20:33
ActionParsnipJabba: yeah if the uuid matches the mount option will be used20:33
HammerTiem__hi #ubuntu.20:33
liminallosha so im looking in 20 generic , i still dont see the file20:34
HammerTiem__i have a problem, for some reason the sound does not work on my 9.10 laptop20:34
rebelstar1ActionParsnip: But suppose i try to copy a text from a document -  ctrl + c ( copy) or ctrl + s ( save ) etc  it does not work20:34
Loshaliminal: so you'll be using the headers in 2.6.31-20-generic so they match the current kernel. Check /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.31-20-generic/include/linux/sched.h20:34
HammerTiem__it used to now it doesnt20:34
Hermannto answer my own question before, it was in /etc/default/grub. had problems with laptop freezing when lid closed, but was solved by changeing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINX="nomodeset"20:34
HammerTiem__i was wondering if i could get some help to point me in the right direction20:35
liminalah i see it20:35
liminalwhat am i looking for?20:35
HammerTiem__i have installed the alsa mixer and turned up the mic input and i get feed back.20:35
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Loshaliminal: You are checking around line 1033 for something that looks like this: /* process credentials */ uid_t uid,euid,suid,fsuid;20:36
rebelstar1when  i try to copy a text from a document -  ctrl + c ( copy) or ctrl + s ( save ) etc  it does not work..can somebody pls help me20:36
zaxonspoxHammerTiem_ often it is only muted20:36
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 go to KBD pref20:36
HammerTiem__zaxonspox, i was just testing that the sound card wasnt broke.20:37
rebelstar1zaxonspox: where is it..system -> preferences? ,,,,,here i do not know whta to select and what not to20:37
cliffI was wondering if there was anyway I could set up the keyboard shortcuts to a command that includes the compose key. This is hard to explain but I'll try. Suppose what I want for the shortcut to be is every time I press: winkey + a, the result (command) is: compose + ' + a, (which yields the result á). This would be very useful cause it takes the effort from 3 keys I press to 2. Does any1 have any idea if this is possible?20:37
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 go to second (Layout ?) Tab20:37
jabbahmm, I configured my fstab like ActionParsnip told me, but now if i plug in the usb device a window pops up, saying: "mount: only root can mount /dev/sdf1 on /media/VERBATIM"20:37
jabbaany suggestions?20:38
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 yes Sys>>Pref>>KBD20:38
HammerTiem__thanks for your help, i just fixed it:P20:38
rebelstar1zaxonspox: ok there in layout options what should be done?20:38
brtrnd1hello, I managed to destroy my EEEpc trying to install ubuntu. Now all I see is "grub loading; error file not found; grub rescue". I have a live usb that works on 2 other pc's but not on the EEE. Any advice?20:38
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 Layout Options button20:39
rebelstar1zaxonspox: yes i did it...now in that Ctrl key position is default..should i change it?20:39
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 in "Ctrl key position" select Default20:40
rebelstar1zaxonspox: it is already set to default..but still it doent work20:40
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 did you try to re-login?20:40
rebelstar1zaxonspox: yes i had tried it previously20:40
scunizibrtrnd1: does the eee have a bios setup screen? if so is usb in the boot options list? if it is ... is it first?20:41
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 try to check "Make Capslock ..." or "Swap Ctrl and Caps.."20:41
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 and check if then copy will work with new keys20:42
brtrnd1scunizi usb is in the option list but it doesnt boot to it (though it does for two other pc's so the usb will be ok I guess)20:42
rebelstar1zaxonspox: ok i l try re login and get bck20:42
magn3tsCan someone please help me debug why xdg-open continually stops working on my computer?20:42
scunizibrtrnd1: but is the usb in the list ... listed *first*? if not then move it up to the top20:43
frxstremwhat is the difference between /media and /mnt?20:44
brtrnd1scunzini: "removable Dev." is on top of the list...20:44
zaxonspoxfrxstrem like folder and catalogue20:44
nimrod10frxstrem, no difference as far as I know20:44
rebelstar1zaxonspox: yes it works, but keys are swapped..cant i change it to the default one??20:45
frxstremso, I can (if /mnt is empty) remove it and just create a soft link to /media, right? or will that mess things up?20:45
swebhttp://nl3.php.net/manual/en/image.requirements.php ... ineed package jpeg-6b ...20:46
zaxonspoxfrxstream dont delete /mnt leav it, use /media20:46
swebwhat's package name in ubuntu ?20:46
scunizibrtrnd1: there might be a key option to active the usb on boot.  Like what some Dell machines do.. when booting try each of these on post.. F12, F8, F2, ESC, Delete ... if that doesn't bring up a screen where you can choose what you're booting to then I'm stuck and you'll have to seek others for the answer20:46
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 so now try to set back to default, and check if it work20:46
rebelstar1zaxonspox:i did check..but no it doesnt work :(20:47
eric_bjr a tous j aimerais savoir comment20:47
frxstremzaxonspox: well, won't making a soft link just make it point to the same sub-directories as /media has?20:47
_Trullojust had a update for a package, ifupdown, what does that do ? :)20:47
eric_le nes plus de son sur mon pc20:47
frxstremzaxonspox: also, you misspelled my name :/20:47
agrumanhi, i experience high io wait on my freshly installed system after using it for a day or two, currently have 50% +- 5% iowait constant, and im only running xchat and gnome-term. Could someone give me some hints on how to locate the problem?20:47
nimrod10frxstrem, don't delete it, certain apps will try to access it by default , but a link to media should do the same20:47
xangua!fr > eric_20:47
ubottueric_, please see my private message20:47
scunizi_Trullo: brings your network cards up and down20:48
grobda24Is this suspicious in netstat ? "tcp        1      1 anubis-ubuntu.loc:39681 static-ip-62-41.eur:www LAST_ACK    root       0"20:48
zaxonspoxfrxstrem sry, Ubuntu uses /media for mounting, thats all, other distroos uses /mnt20:48
thesovjust installed ubuntu and im having issues getting my sound card to work, its a soundblaster x-fi pci-e the system detects it yet, i get no sound at all regardless of the profile i choose for the soundcard. all sound playing apps tend to freeze20:48
frxstremso ... I should not replace it with a soft link, right? and just leave it the way it is?20:48
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 mayby something wrong in xorg.conf?20:48
zaxonspoxfrxstrem but whats the problem? if none - leave it as is20:49
rebelstar1zaxonspox: may be..can i somehow change it ?20:49
frxstremzaxonspox: okay, then I'll leave it as it is :/ thanks anyway20:49
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 what KBD layout have you in KBD Prefs? 105 ?20:49
rebelstar1zaxonspox: yes20:50
rebelstar1zaxonspox:generic  key 105 (intl) pc20:50
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 Layout English?20:50
rebelstar1zaxonspox: USA default20:50
InsomniaqueDoes anyone know if there is a way I can install Ubuntu (not as a dual-boot) from a BackTrack live CD?20:51
visiON_hey guys20:51
visiON_i got some questions20:51
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 did you try to copy in the Textarea in KBD Prefs? did you try Restore default button?20:52
visiON_how do i get more ram in my box?20:52
visiON_i tried getram.com20:52
visiON_its no use20:52
Ziderinsert more ram chips in it20:52
bpgoldsbWhats the easiest way to make sure any files a user creates are g+w?20:52
InsomniaquevisiON_, ... you have to buy it?20:52
visiON_buy it?20:52
AegNuddelram chips into it?20:52
visiON_i already spent 1 grand on it20:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:52
zaxonspoxvisiON in Virtual Box? or in real PC box?20:53
MyrttivisiON_: ha      ha. so did you have a real Ubuntu support question?20:53
visiON_its a black box20:53
visiON_i dont know20:53
rebelstar1zaxonspox: sorry i dint get u.....i have only changed under ctrl key position options20:53
visiON_yes i have ubuntu20:53
visiON_on this windows20:53
FloodBot3visiON_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
visiON_how much is this ram?20:53
visiON_in dollars20:54
MyrttivisiON_: we wouldn't know.20:54
visiON_why not20:54
KRiMoRaLwhat's up what's up20:54
visiON_my ubuntu is too slow20:54
visiON_i need to get more ram20:54
KRiMoRaLvisiON_, go to store?20:54
visiON_walmart works?20:54
KRiMoRaLnot really20:54
visiON_its the only store nearby20:54
KRiMoRaLshop online20:54
KRiMoRaLhave patience20:54
visiON_so you can get ram online?20:55
visiON_give me the site20:55
crucialhoaxvisiON_: newegg.com20:55
MyrttivisiON_: ##hardware might be able to help you better than this channel20:55
visiON_my ubuntu is slow20:55
visiON_nothing work with my box20:55
rebelstar1viSiON_: check in ebay20:55
xzen_hi, how can change my header color in xubuntu20:55
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:55
KRiMoRaLvisiON_ == troll?20:55
visiON_i cant find where to download ram on newegg.com20:56
MyrttivisiON_: please stop fooling around20:56
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 in the KBD pref window, on Layout Tab there is button Restore Default, did you try? also under it is TextBox, did you try to copy in int?20:56
nullbeatvisiON_: make sure you get the right kind for your motherboard20:56
visiON_you lie20:56
crucialhoaxhaha @ bramming9x20:56
visiON_you say i can get it online20:56
visiON_but i cant find download link20:56
xzen_wow this place is loud & bzy20:56
MyrttivisiON_: please stop, now, or you'll be removed.20:56
InsomniaqueA label on a partition does not matter, does it?20:56
KRiMoRaLvisiON_, take your computer to a mom and pop computer shop and tell them you need ram. They'll get you sorted out.20:56
suboneok can someone help me with setting up my wireless through the gnome panel applet, because the network connections dialog is giving me hell20:56
xangua!ops | visiON_20:56
ubottuvisiON_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:56
crucialhoaxvisiON_: RAM is something you plug in... You can not download ram...20:56
Myrttithanks xangua, but I'm already here20:57
nullbeatvisiON_: you don't download ram, it is physical20:57
visiON_but you said i can get it online20:57
g0aliathyes you can buy it online20:57
crucialhoaxthank you20:57
KRiMoRaLYou can, but getting it online is too advanced for you.20:57
g0aliathand then it ships to your house20:57
KRiMoRaLSo take it to the pro's20:57
crucialhoaxhaha @ KRiMoRaL20:57
nullbeatvisiON_: check this link out... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random-access_memory20:58
KRiMoRaLI feel like I'm feeding a troll...20:58
Myrttiyou are20:58
visiON_YOU LIERS20:58
nullbeatdear god... why?20:58
Bizzehhi, im having a bit of trouble.. cant seem to get to any shares that i have on my windows 7 pc... currently using ubuntu 9.10... just hangs when i try and view workgroup20:58
Myrttimoving on20:58
* KRiMoRaL praises Myrtti 20:59
nullbeatvisiON_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random-access_memory20:59
AegNuddellol download RAM.20:59
visiON_i did nullbeat20:59
visiON_but i cant find a download link20:59
nullbeatvisiON_: read up on that20:59
visiON_you guys say20:59
visiON_i can get it online20:59
visiON_and give me links20:59
KRiMoRaLLOL... download ram.20:59
nullbeatif you read it, you would know what ram is20:59
xzen_maybe he works for microsoft20:59
samcBizzeh: in the file browser in gnome, can you type 'smb://<windows 7 computer name>' in the address bar and get a list of shares?20:59
rebelstar1zaxonspox : no reset to defaults dint help20:59
xatconi hav20:59
KRiMoRaLlol xzen.... newhires //rollseyes21:00
nullbeatxzen_: haha21:00
xatconprinter hp deskjet d160021:00
xatconnot working21:00
AegNuddelOK RAM is hardware.  Downloading hardware?  LOL21:00
Myrttiand moving on in topic21:00
KRiMoRaLSpeaking of Microsoft... I have to boot into it so I can get some homework done :/21:01
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 do you have addition KBD? to test another one?21:01
KRiMoRaLI will have to catch all of you another time.21:01
xzen_at least my friend from microsoft gave me free win721:01
crucialhoaxCya KRiMoRaL21:01
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: what do you have to use windoze for?21:01
rebelstar1zaxonspox: no i think this is the only one21:01
Bizzehsamc: noope, hangs21:01
KRiMoRaLnullbeat, My prof. prefers C++ done in Visual Studio21:01
djbeeniehey guys is there a fix for firefox/flush plugin..flash freezes firefox21:01
rebelstar1zaxonspox: i mean this is my laptop21:02
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: eww... sorry bout that. what about wine?21:02
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: How did you install flash?21:02
BizzehKRiMoRaL: .cpp files look the same no matter what you use to create them21:02
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: speaking of which... i'm in c++ class right now, haha21:02
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 aaah, so do a LiveBoot of Ubuntu and then check CTRL+C21:02
Myrtti!cz | tomek_21:02
ubottutomek_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.21:02
djbeeniecrucialhoax, i tired it both ways, via apt-get and via adobe website21:02
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KRiMoRaLnullbeat, would wine be able to run VStudio, and compile and let the exe's run that I create?21:02
thebrucehey guys relatively new ubuntu user here, what is the best way to stream your pc's media, similar to orblive if you're familiar21:02
KRiMoRaLBizzeh, does it create vcproj's though?21:02
rebelstar1zaxonspox: do i need to install again??21:03
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: yeah, Bizzeh is right, the only differences would be system calls like 'pause' and such21:03
BizzehKRiMoRaL: no, but you dont need those... or you shouldnt need those21:03
Bizzeha decent professor should be able to suss out a makefile21:03
DDAZZAHow can I hide the menu bar in the terminal by default?21:03
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: i'm not sure, it should be able to...21:03
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: i was just wondering if you had tried it yet.21:03
socramjoin ubuntu/es21:04
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: When you say via adobe site, did you download libflashplayer.so?21:04
KRiMoRaLAh well... all in good time. I'm still new to Ubuntu also, so I'll deal with Windoze a little longer.21:04
djbeeniecrucialhoax, no the .deb file21:04
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: four shore21:04
drmagoothebruce > what do you want to stream it to ?21:04
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 it might not help21:04
KRiMoRaLI haven't tried it yet.  What's a good visual c++ environment? Something comparable to visual studio?21:04
Bizzehsamc: if i type in smb://homer  just get a hang for a few minutes, then a message saying cannot connect21:05
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: netbeans works well with the c++ plugin21:05
KRiMoRaLI like having syntax highlighting etc.21:05
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: That is why, give me one second, I will supply a link for download21:05
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: it does that, and you can get cool color schemes as well21:05
djbeeniecrucialhoax, sweet21:05
rebelstar1zaxonspox: sorry i dint get it ...if so,,pls can u tell me what live boot is?21:05
iromliKRiMoRaL: netbeans or eclipse cdt21:06
xzen_we all owe vision for the good hardy laugh til it all got old21:06
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: some people swear by eclipse, but i have yet to try it with c++, but i do have it installed on my ubuntu21:06
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: are you 64 bit?21:06
djbeeniecrucialhoax, 3221:06
crucialhoaxxzen_: For sure. That was hilarious21:06
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: Ok, one sec21:06
KRiMoRaLI'll have to check them both out.21:06
zaxonspoxrebelstar1 you have installed Ubuntu from CD or PEN, so put It back, but not run installation, but LiveCD for testing21:06
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: i personally, prefer the dark color schemes with a dark background... it's easier on the eyes...21:06
KRiMoRaLnullbeat, agreed.21:06
rebelstar1zaxonspox: oh ok.. i got it..thank you very much for your help :)21:07
xzen_on a serious note, i recently converted from ubuntu....how do you change the ugly black headers, srry lazy today21:07
KRiMoRaLnullbeat, do you know where I can find this c++ plugin for netbeans if I give it a shot?21:07
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html <-- the download is near the bottom..21:07
InsomniaqueDoes anyone know how I can easily install Ubuntu onto an un-partitioned hard drive from a live CD of a distro that is not Ubuntu?21:07
djbeeniecrucialhoax, sweet thanks!  :)21:07
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: After you download it, right click the file and choose extract here. Put that file in your home folder ~/.mozilla/plugins21:08
xzen_crucial hoax...wasn't vision ur cousin21:08
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: the file will be name libflashplayer.so21:08
crucialhoaxxzen_: ???21:08
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: yeah, once you have it up and running, you go to the plugins menu under tools, i think, and go to the tab that mentions something around available plugins, and you click on the c++ one... you could also do ruby on rails, or php, or java, etc...21:08
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: whatever floats your boat21:08
Sandertjehi. my system updated to linux 2.6.32-20 about an hour ago. After rebooting, grub didnt show the new kernel. According to synaptic, it wasnt installed, and is the package linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic is unfindable.21:08
KRiMoRaLcrucialhoax, since you seem to know a bit about flash, I'm running 64bit and can't seem to get the download to work, it says wrong architecture21:09
_stryk3rcan someone tell me is there is something wrong with my updates? I am getting a couple of fails, so I did it in the command line and this is what i get from running sudo apt-get update: http://pastebin.org/14869221:09
xzen_what meant was vision was a crucial hoax...lol21:09
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: are you using the prerelease version of the native 64bit plugin?21:09
KRiMoRaLnullbeat, sweet. Sounds easy, I was also actually downloading netbeans as we were talking :)21:09
xzen_jus joking21:09
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: that because its a 32bit download21:09
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: nice...21:09
suboneHello I have a simple issue with the gnome network manager...21:09
allowoverridecan someone assist with my no burn cd rom issue?21:10
KRiMoRaLcrucialhoax, couldn't find the 64bit one.. I must be blind?21:10
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: One sec, I have link for that one as well.21:10
erUSUL_stryk3r: that looks ok. can you do « sudo aptitude safe-upgrade » ?21:10
KRiMoRaLsweet, thanks21:10
sunblitzhi i have a problem with the software center from ubuntu 9.1 since installation. its not posibel to instal software with it. i can see lots of programs but the software install link is missing for every program. i installed the same version fron cd on another pc and there it works very well.21:10
crucialhoaxxzen_: Ohhh haha21:10
xatconi hav hp printer model deskjet D160021:10
iromli_stryk3r: looks fine21:10
suboneallowoverride, whats the issue21:10
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html21:10
xzen_hey crucialhoax...do you know how i can change the border headers on xu menu...i hate the pure black color21:10
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: Put the libflashplayer.so file into ~/.mozilla/plugins21:11
KRiMoRaLI had to install the ubuntu extras package.. and would prefer the real deal ;)21:11
allowoverridesubone: how many years of linux experience do you have?21:11
subonesunblitz, is there a check mark before each?21:11
crucialhoaxxzen_: xu menu?21:11
xatcondriver not found default used D1500 but printer dosnt work21:11
xatconhelp me out21:11
suboneallowoverride, thats a silly question... just ask your question to the room21:11
allowoverrideum can't burn?21:11
xatconany body21:11
Sandertje_stryk3r: that's what it's supposed to do. No errors in there. But, you forgot the "sudo apt-get upgrade" after that. You wont install anything if you forget that line ;-)21:11
xzen_what you see on top of this chat box for ex.21:11
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nullbeatKRiMoRaL: just make sure you remove any previous versions of flash before you install this one21:11
sunblitzsubone check mark? i cant see any what is it21:12
crucialhoaxxzen_: I am using X-Chat, is that the same thing? new to irc, excuse my ignorance.21:12
allowoverridesubone: its a good question, i dont want to waste your/mine time. so if could just state, i will go further. i myself have 10 years linux experience and i can not figure this out21:12
xzen_desktop setting isn't doin the trick21:12
cliffsunblitz: I had the same problem for a couple days try running updates and getting new packages from synaptic21:12
sunblitzcliff i installed sofar all packages21:12
xzen_yeah u know the black border on top...i want to change it to blue or green21:13
djbeeniecrucialhoax, when I do a locate for that file this is what I get.. /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so  ...   /usr/share/ubufox/plugins/libflashplayer.so21:13
subonesunblitz, how are you getting to the software? i mean are you going to Menu > Ubuntu Software or what21:13
subone!ask | allowoverride21:13
ubottuallowoverride: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:13
allowoverridewhen i have a few listeners/helpers, i will give more details, and i prefer to IM as my eyes burn trying to keep up with all the enter/leave comments on this screen21:13
KRiMoRaLCan I leave the ubuntu-restricted-extras package installed? or should I remove that also? (would keep it for mp3 support etc)21:13
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: extract it and copy the libflashplayer.so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins21:13
nullbeatKRiMoRaL: just remove the flash related packages21:13
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: I forgot that you had it installed already from the repos, uninstall that using Synaptic, then put libflashplayer.so that you just downloaded into the folder21:14
allowoverridei'm quite familiar how to communicate effectively, so if you would like to help me with my cdrom issue, i will expect and IM shortly. thanks21:14
cliffsunblitz: did you try reinstalling the sofware center from synaptic too?21:14
faron1Hello all. Hopefully all are well today...Having some probs with mplayerplugin going to try a reinstall.BUT...I have noticed that some of the dependent packs for this pro have debug packs that are not installed DO I NEED THESE DEBUG PACKS TO MAKE THE PLAYER WORK RIGHT ?21:14
djbeeniecrucialhoax, ok21:14
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: Correct, and you could uninstall the flash-player install from the ubuntu-restricted package.21:14
_stryk3rSandertje, ohhh thanks then!21:14
sunblitzsubone yes - menu - software center - games - chess - .... no download link21:14
Idleheadholy crap guys i screwed up :O21:14
crucialhoaxxzen_: I do not have a black border?21:14
g33k3rgRLhey, i was trying like mad to install ubuntu on a partitioned SATA disk, but it only offerred a full erase21:14
allowoverridecan someone assist with my no burn cd rom issue?21:15
nullbeatgtg guys, class is over... later21:15
sunblitzcliff how can i install it again21:15
crucialhoaxcya nullbeat21:15
Typhanyone having any luck with a update-manager -d today to upgrade to 10.04?21:15
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Does the cd rom recognize cd;s?21:15
Idleheadi wen to profile settings in the terminal, there to title and command and said "execute user defined command at start" and said fortune cuz i thought that would be a funny thing to do21:15
icerootTyph: #ubuntu+121:15
KRiMoRaLcya nullbeat21:15
allowoverridecrucialhoax: yes21:15
Idleheadnow my terminal is not opening cuz it executes fortune and exits21:16
subonesunblitz, on the right hand side of the window on the same line as the chess game you wish to install should be an arrow, click the arrow and you will be taken to a more thorough description of the game, do you see an install button on that page?21:16
KRiMoRaLcrucialhoax, while we're on the topic, how would I get it installed for chrome?21:16
crucialhoaxallowoverride: So it works properly just will not burn?21:16
allowoverridecrucialhoax: correct21:16
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: Firefox and chrome share that same directory :)21:16
crucialhoaxallowoverride: have you tested it in any other OS?21:16
sunblitzsubone thats the problem, there is no button :)21:16
allowoverridecrucialhoax: its a new dell laptop, 4 months old21:16
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: Yea its slick. lol, but 64bit flash sux0rs =/21:17
subonesunblitz, did you check if it is already listed under Menu > Games?21:17
crucialhoaxallowoverride: And? It is a moving piece of hardware, stuff can fail.21:17
allowoverridecrucialhoax: it used to burn fine, i have ganked lastest kernel as a precaution. i can really tell when or what caused it to stop burning21:17
cliffsunblitz: go to synaptic look up software center completely remove and then install it again. See if it works...21:17
g33k3rgRLhow do i make it see my partitions on a sata disk? i was trying like mad to install ubuntu on a partitioned SATA disk, but it only offered a full erase....21:17
djbeeniecrucialhoax, yeah it doesnt recognize ~/.mozilla/plugins21:17
sunblitzsubone it with every program21:17
allowoverridecrucialhoax: how many years of linux experience to you have?21:17
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: Have you used firefox before?21:17
subonesunblitz, yes i just tried it and it becomes a remove button, give me a second21:17
crucialhoaxallowoverride: why dos that matter?21:17
djbeeniecrucialhoax, yeah21:17
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Did it ever work in Windows?21:18
djbeeniecrucialhoax, is is b/c im using namoroka21:18
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: Ok, in a terminal, type cd ~/.mozilla21:18
cliffsunblitz: also see if your installed version is 1.0.3 (that's the one that's worked for me)21:18
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djbeeniecrucialhoax, yeah im there21:18
djbeeniecrucialhoax, i had to create a plugins folder21:18
sunblitzsubone the remove appears but the install button is missing :)21:18
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL what did you do before lunching install/21:18
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: Type ls what displays?21:18
allowoverrideits a good question, but i dont want to waste your/mine time. so if could just state, i will go further. i myself have 10 years linux experience and i can not figure this out21:18
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: that is a lowercase L21:19
subonesunblitz, you mean that the remove button is there for items that are installed, or items that are not installed?21:19
djbeeniecrucialhoax, yup..extensions, firefox..plugins is what I created and put the libflash into it21:19
sunblitzcliff fron the web site or fron synaptic thats just on my pc?21:19
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Ok, then if you have so much experience why are you omitting a key possibility?21:19
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: So there is a plugins folder?21:19
cliffsunblitz from the one on your pc21:19
djbeeniecrucialhoax, yeah b/c i created it21:20
allowoverridecrucialhoax: ill disregard the snide comment, but what key are you speaking of?21:20
sunblitzsubone for items that are installed yes, but for that are not installed is missing the install button21:20
subonesunblitz, have you tried the synaptic package manager under Menu>System>21:20
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: That is fine :) did you put the libflashplayer.so into the plugins folder?21:20
Idlehead!german > Idlehead21:20
ubottuIdlehead, please see my private message21:20
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Hardware failure.21:20
subonesunblitz, and there is no button displayed whatsoever21:20
sunblitzcliff ok i will try thx for help so far21:21
allowoverridei am issuing from the dir where the iso resides, sudo cdrecord -v whatever.iso21:21
MathisI have installed Ubuntu 9.11 in a VMware Workstation 7 virtual machine and booted it up, trying to log into the desktop, but it always returns to the login screen. why is that happening?21:21
subonesunblitz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130504821:21
djbeeniecrucialhoax, i think I know what I did21:21
KRiMoRaLcrucialhoax, thanks again for your help. I will see you around here more I hope :021:21
sunblitzsubone i will try to deinstall and reinstall it with synaptic21:21
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Also, you stated you installed a new kernel, try booting into a different kernel and see if that helps.21:22
crucialhoaxKRiMoRaL: Sure thing :)21:22
subonesunblitz, just do `sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade`21:22
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: OK, then reboot firefox and you should be good21:22
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allowoverridebackground - i have upgraded the kernel, i removed it, not an issue anymore, i have not loaded any new drivers, i have tried every possible sudo and reg user cdrecord, wodim, brasio, so forth, i have pastebins of stdout if anyone would like to check them out.21:22
zaxonspoxMathis wrong user/pass ?21:22
allowoverridewith pastebins21:22
subonesunblitz, on the terminal, then reopen ubuntu software center and it should be fixed21:22
Mathiszaxonspox: no, getting no "wrong user/pass" message21:22
InvisibleManI'm going to be running a script.  I want to ensure that the script doesn't have any access to my files or the local shared files.  How would I do this?21:22
djbeeniecrucialhoax, that worked..but i froze again :(21:22
sunblitzsubone cliff well great thx so far for ya help, very kind. i will inform if i manage the problem21:23
Iulyhi all! I have a problem on 9.10 , when I try to install games from playdeb. I added the link in Software Sources but I don't know how to obtain the gpg key and add it, so I can't install any game21:23
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: The display froze or just firefox?21:23
allowoverridehttp://inetpro.org/pastebin/2714  http://inetpro.org/pastebin/2713  http://inetpro.org/pastebin/2712 http://inetpro.org/pastebin/2711 http://inetpro.org/pastebin/271021:23
sunblitzsubone the remove appears but the install button is missing :)21:23
zaxonspoxMathis did you tried login running in recovery mode?21:23
djbeeniecrucialhoax, its firefox21:23
djbeeniecrucialhoax, anytime it tries to read flash21:23
allowoverrideill be watching my IM, please use it21:23
Mathiszaxonspox: not yet, trying...21:23
emespulseaudio often loses my sound card and i just get a "dummy output". I have to restart my computer to get the sound working again. what's going on?21:23
djbeeniecrucialhoax, it goes gray21:23
xzen_where do i go to download xubuntu themes21:23
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: Hmm.21:24
suboneallowoverride, have you tried burning at a slower speed maybe 8x or 16x ?21:24
Mathishow do I get to the recovery mode?21:24
crucialhoaxxzen_: I think it is xfce-look.org21:24
djbeeniecrucialhoax, not sure what happened21:24
allowoverrideyes subone i have21:24
cliffsunblitz no problem. same thing happened to me...21:24
allowoverridespeed 1-1621:24
xzen_jus installed xubuntu 5 hrs ago21:24
suboneallowoverride, you havent given us any errors that i can remember21:24
xzen_ok ty cruc21:24
subonewas there an error?21:24
djbeeniecrucialhoax, it all started after updates to 3.6 two days ago through via apt-get21:25
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: Me neither. I am using the same flash as you and mine works just fine... What site is it exactly/21:25
allowoverridesubone: i gave 5 paste bins21:25
zaxonspoxMathis after Power On button should be GRUB menu display if not, on screen should be Press Esc ... press it21:25
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suboneah i c them now21:25
djbeeniecrucialhoax, youtube21:25
allowoverridesubone: thanks21:25
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: that is odd...21:25
Mathiszaxonspox: I get neither Grub menu nor "Press Esc"21:25
allowoverridecrucialhoax: and how many years of experience with linux do you have?21:25
Mathisits just the VMware logo, then the Ubuntu logo and the login screen21:25
crucialhoaxMathis: Hold the SHIFT key when you boot up21:25
zaxonspoxMathis after Power On PC?21:26
faron1Okay,since no one seems to be able to answer my other quest...I see a conversation going on that interests me very much...is it possible to turn my cdrom on my pc into a burner ?21:26
Mathisah, the Shift key21:26
crucialhoaxallowoverride: around a year plus schooling. other than that google is my teacher ;)21:26
allowoverridecrucialhoax: thanks21:26
djbeeniefaron1, well is it a burner?21:26
Mathisokay, recovery mode is running21:26
faron1uhm,no sir21:27
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: I am still running 3.5.9 for firefox. Is your icon a blueball21:27
Mathiswhat now?21:27
crucialhoaxallowoverride: sure not that it is relevant.21:27
djbeeniecrucialhoax, yup21:27
kermitis the problem with the facebook wall posting options due to a recent firefox change or facebook change?21:27
brontosaurusrexfaron1: no21:27
djbeeniefaron1, you need to purchase a burner, you cant turn a cdrom into a burner21:27
allowoverridecrucialhoax: actually it is, but see what you can figure out, im getting pissed off with this issue21:27
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: I wonder if it is an incompatibility with the new version. Not sure.21:27
faron1okay thanks much everyvbody21:27
ReallyOldGuywhat if the ubunto901 installer doesn't see my prepared partition?21:27
djbeeniecrucialhoax, possible..i dont mind backdating..do you know how to backdate it21:28
InvisibleManI'm going to be running a script.  I want to ensure that the script doesn't have any access to my files or the local shared files.  How would I do this?  I've looked into setting permissions, but I don't know what to set where and I seem to recall that there was a problem with this method (something about groups...).21:28
allowoverridecrucialhoax: i would rather have a Dr with 25 years experience than an intern with 221:28
suboneallowoverride, when you are burning does the drive spin up?21:28
crucialhoaxallowoverride: what is the cd-rom model?21:28
allowoverridesubone: yes21:28
allowoverrideeverything is in my pastebins crucialhoax21:28
jyraiahey people where i can find the "make.conf" in ubuntu 9.10?21:28
crucialhoaxallowoverride: If the cd drive spins up and recognizes cd's but will not burn I say hardware failure of the burner itself...21:28
zaxonspoxMathis if you logged as root, logout, and try to login as user21:29
crucialhoaxallowoverride: link?21:29
suboneheh "Using /dev/cdrom of unknown capabilities"21:29
allowoverridehttp://inetpro.org/pastebin/2712 http://inetpro.org/pastebin/2713 http://inetpro.org/pastebin/2710 http://inetpro.org/pastebin/271121:29
faron1the reason I ask is because of this conversation I see going on with crucialhoax & allowoverride21:29
Mathiswhat is root's password?21:29
suboneMathis, you shouldnt need it, it is randomly set21:30
Mathisusing my normal username I can log in21:30
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: I would go back into Synaptic Package Manager and look at the version of Firefox Installed and see if there is a backdatable version first21:30
allowoverridefaron1: ?21:30
=== ReallyOldGuy is now known as g33k3rgRL
crucialhoaxMathis: There is no root passwrod21:30
zaxonspoxMathis have you $ or # command prompt?21:30
Mathisyes, I am now in the shell21:30
g33k3rgRLfaron1: did you see that movie FreakyFaron?21:30
djbeeniecrucialhoax, thanks for the help, i will try that route21:30
faron1it sounds like this gentleman has turned his cdrom into a burner21:30
suboneMathis, if you need to login as root, login as yourself and then su or sudo to root21:30
crucialhoaxMathis: in the terminal do you see a # or a $ right before where you type?21:31
allowoverridefaron1: please keep out of this conversation21:31
nimbioticsi need help. im geting an "Could not calculate the upgrade" error message when trying to open the update manager...21:31
zaxonspoxsubone problem is wiyh login as user21:31
Mathissince I dont know the root password, I am unable to switch to the root user21:31
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: No problem, I hope you get that sorted out though. I believe that downgrading will have a positive effect.21:31
faron1g33kgrl....no I havesn't seen that21:31
allowoverrideim still waiting for people to use the IM so i can give/take full attn21:31
erUSUL!root | Mathis21:31
ubottuMathis: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:31
faron1gee,sorry allowoverride21:31
subonefaron1, read on, the device is later identified21:31
Mathisso what do you want me to do with sudo?21:32
allowoverridefaron1: there is enough on the screen to read as is. im sure you agree21:32
crucialhoaxallowoverride: There are other users in here that need help.21:32
wajsAnyone know any utility that can change cursor focus to another screen?  i have setup dual screen screen :0.0 and :0.121:32
crucialhoaxMathis: What exactly are you trying to do?21:32
allowoverridecrucialhoax: i asked to use IM 4th time now21:32
Mathiscrucialhoax: I simply tried to log into my GNOME desktop21:32
nimbioticsi need help. im geting an "Could not calculate the upgrade" error message when trying to open the update manager...21:32
g33k3rgRLwhen I try to install ubuntu, it fails to see my target partition, how can i fix that?21:32
Mathisit loads the desktop, but then returns to the login screen21:32
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Well this is the first time I read it because you are not using my name.21:32
crucialhoaxMathis: So you log in then it kicks you back out?21:33
suboneMathis, when you are logged in as your user, you can use sudo like `sudo visudo` or such commands that require root priviledges. As long as you are part of the admin group you should be able to do anything root can do with it with your OWN password entered at the prompt21:33
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crucialhoaxsubone: He can log in, but as soon as he does it kicks him back out to the login screen21:33
Mathissubone: great, but that doesnt help me logging in to my desktop21:34
airliasdesignubuntu server channel is ubuntu-server right?21:34
suboneMathis, sorry i think i missed a bit up above21:34
crucialhoaxairliasdesign: Yes i believe so21:34
Mathisno problem21:34
c3l how impossible is it to run os x apps on ubuntu? such as logic pro21:34
nimbioticsHello everyone. i need help. im geting an "Could not calculate the upgrade" error message when trying to open the update manager... any and all help will be appreciated. TIA21:34
crucialhoaxMathis: When did this problem start happening?21:36
Mathiscrucialhoax: several minutes ago, I am rarely using this virtual machine21:36
kancermanlovin the Netbook Edition ( version Lucid ) :D21:36
Myrttic3l: very impossible21:36
g33k3rgRLhelp me, please21:37
crucialhoaxMathis: Ubuntu is installed via Virtual Machine?21:37
c3lMyrtti, that sux, so my only option is to run os x then?21:37
SpajderixI have 2GB Sandisk Sansa Fuze player, after emptying it it still shows around 197MB used, after formatting from menu still the same, do you know how to free this memory ?21:37
Loshaallowoverride: I've burned many cds/dvds. The engineering tolerances nowadays are very tight and the manufacturers compete over price, so units do sometimes fail spontaneously, more so than they used to. Another possibility is poor media (are you really using some knock off Indian brand?). In your place, I would boot into windows and see if you can successfully burn from there...21:37
suboneMathis, is there any error message displayed at all when you tried to log in using X? or did it just kick you back21:37
Myrttic3l: in a way or another, yes.21:37
c3lMyrtti, ;) thanks21:37
Mathissubone: it just kicked back21:38
karim_frlevery one21:38
allowoverrideLosha: ok,, i understand... as for windows thats not possible21:38
Mathissubone: no error message21:38
nimbioticsHello everyone. i need help. im geting the "Could not calculate the upgrade" error message when trying to open the update manager... any and all help will be appreciated. TIA21:38
allowoverridei could virtual machine a window instance21:38
allowoverridebut it uses the host drive, thus host hardware21:38
g33k3rgRLis nimbiotics a bot?21:38
nimbioticslol, sometimes i wish...21:38
allowoverrideLosha: if the host hardware is having issues, the VM wont work as a burner either21:38
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:39
g33k3rgRLhelp me, please! when I try to install ubuntu, it fails to see my target partition, how can i fix that?21:39
suboneallowoverride, im still reading your logs21:39
crucialhoaxsubone: it is a driver issue21:39
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL what did you do before lunching install?21:40
allowoverridethanks subone appreciato21:40
Loshaallowoverride: well you really only have 2 choices to debug this: replace the hardware, or replace the software....21:40
crucialhoaxsubone: read line 82 of the link that ends in 271121:40
nimbioticsHello everyone. i need help. im geting the "Could not calculate the upgrade" error message when trying to open the update manager... any and all help will be appreciated. TIA21:40
subonedidnt get that far yet :p21:40
allowoverridecrucialhoax made a point that it could be buffer underun or driver issue, so how can i find drivers for this drive?21:40
g33k3rgRLi made my partitions and formatted them21:40
InvisibleManI'm going to be running a script.  I want to ensure that the script doesn't have any access to my files or the shared files on the local network.  How would I do this?21:40
Myrtti!repeat | nimbiotics21:40
ubottunimbiotics: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:40
crucialhoaxLosha: That is what I have been saying. The drive functions in every way except burning.21:40
nimbioticsthx ubottu21:41
suboneallowoverride, do you have a model number?21:41
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Does this happen when you click on the update manager?21:41
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL in Partition screen of installation, what options do you have?21:41
allowoverridebrb subone21:41
Loshaallowoverride: burners are so standardised these days that they don't use special drivers. And buffer underrun should disappear if you burn at very slow speeds. Of all the hypotheses put forth so far, hardware failure of the burner is by far the most probable...21:42
nimbioticshoax: yes21:42
suboneallowoverride, and did you edit the config file to remove 'driveropts=burnfree'?21:42
* phyphor is getting "Mount of filesystem failed." on a netbook running UNR21:42
allowoverridesubone: can i pm you?21:42
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: there is some custom option, but it doesn't give me any customized options. The only option i get is to erase all and format the whole disk21:42
allowoverridei have it21:42
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crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Go to System > Preferences > Main Menu > in that window find the system icon in the left column and double click on update manager. Paste the command here please.21:43
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zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL the last (at bootm) should be to pick up ypur partitions21:43
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: that's what i thought, but look at me, im here asking questions ....21:43
airliasdesign17 days until 10.0421:44
KettleCornTrying to add a user with "useradd -m username", but I'm getting: useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later. What can be wrong?21:44
* phyphor is getting "Mount of filesystem failed." on a netbook running UNR. I think it's related to something trying to use a UUID rather than /dev/sda1. I can get to a maintenance shell, but how do I fix things so it works normally?21:44
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL did you picked up the last option? are there no partitions in window?21:44
Loshaairliasdesign: it's off topic, but note that it will probably be another couple of months after release before it's decently stable...21:44
guntbertKettleCorn: you could have opened /etc/passwd in an editor21:45
airliasdesign@Losha I could imagine21:45
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: no. why is everyone finding this so hard to believe?21:45
KettleCornguntbert: the only thing I've done recently is installed backuppc, I haven't opened that file what I recall. If that's the case though, what can I do?21:45
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL are you lunched installation from desktop of LiveCD or from boot Menu?21:45
sunblitzsubone sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade ... doesnt help me :( i still have the same problem us before ... i read also the tread but no answers for my problem...i will try to remove and then install it again with synaptic, cliffs way.21:45
nimbioticscrucialhoax: command=/usr/bin/update-manager21:46
subonesunblitz, ok let us know the progress21:46
KettleCornguntbert:  oh never mind, I had to put "sudo"21:46
guntbertKettleCorn: did you use sudo?21:46
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: i booted from the CD, i changed the bootsequence in the Bios21:46
kenITRHello, I'm new to Ubuntu (coming from Fedora & RHEL). Would it mess things up terribly if I switched the web root to /var/www/html?21:46
crucialhoaxallowoverride: have you tried k3b?21:46
sunblitzsubone ok i will reboot cu later21:46
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Same as mine... Hm. When did it start happening?21:47
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL yes, but do you have lunched installation from desktop icon? can you run Gparted now?21:47
LoshakenITR: dunno, how about compromising and putting a link to the standard web root from /var/www/html ?21:47
ramvi/boot/vmlinuz* doesn't exist on my system. Can I regenerate it some how?21:48
crucialhoaxkenITR: that is the default webroot I thot..21:48
allowoverrideLosha: im starting to agree there. i will have fun with Dell support on this one21:48
allowoverridesubone: no i didnt edit it,, howto?21:48
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Have you tried k3b?21:48
suboneMathis, was there any sort of error at all before the login?21:48
nimbioticscrucialhoax: oh well ... first, im a complete newbie when it comes to linux ... i was following the instructions at "How to crack a WEP key using Ubuntu" (http://www.askstudent.com/hacking/how-to-crack-a-wep-key-using-ubuntu/)21:48
Mathissubone: no21:48
Loshaallowoverride: it's a laptop with a built-in cd drive?21:48
allowoverrideLosha: yes21:49
allowoverridei can pm you the lshw if you like21:49
zaxonspoxMathis if you have a Logon screen press CTRL+ALT+F1 and try to login from the terminal21:49
Mathiszaxonspox: and then?21:49
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: NO not from the desktop, i tried that, and it goes to same options, which gets me nowhere21:49
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Did you copy and paste all of those  "deb" lines into the sources.list file just like that?21:50
Loshaallowoverride: ok, the probability of a burner hardware failure just went up a lot. Miniaturised electronics plus bangs/drops/dents....21:50
allowoverridecrucialhoax: i will not load the entire KDE suite just to try one program21:50
guntbert!illegal | nimbiotics21:50
ubottunimbiotics: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:50
zaxonspoxMathis and try to login21:50
nimbioticscrucialhoax: yep...21:50
Mathiszaxonspox: that works fine21:50
suboneMathis, what source did you install from?21:50
suboneMathis, ...21:50
allowoverrideLosha: there is no way anyone can say that unless they are an electrical engineer and have a lab to test it in.21:50
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Ok, I think I know the problem then..21:50
suboneMathis, what does the cd contain :p21:50
allowoverrideLosha: i am/have neither, and also, no bangs drops so forth here21:50
nimbioticssry ubottu ... not inentioanl ... can i stay here 2 fix my prob though?21:51
Mathisyou mean if either desktop or server, if x86 or x64?21:51
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL did you make partitions from GParted/Partition Editor? did you Aplayed changes?21:51
frameworkhello all21:51
Mathissubone: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd6421:51
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: We need to edit that file..21:51
frameworkI need help with sharing samba windows xp & ubuntu 8.0421:51
Loshaallowoverride: regardless, your next step is presumably to RMA the part (or the entire laptop) and see if that fixes the problem...21:51
dsnchntdHey guys, I disabled animations in compiz but I'm still experiencing a 2-3 second lag when opening a window from the taskbar. I haven't used ubuntu in a long time, but I think there was a fix for this21:51
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: what desktop do you mean? the windows desktop or the LiveCD ubuntu desktop21:51
nimbioticscrucialhoax: k?21:52
allowoverrideLosha: no thanks have a good day21:52
Loshaallowoverride: a pleasure...21:52
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: i made them with Partinon magic21:52
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: in a terminal type: gksudo gedit /etc/sources.list21:52
suboneMathis, have you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8127393#post812739321:52
allowoverridewhat cmds can i use to see what is wrong with my cdrom? thanks21:53
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL you are putting CD into CD-ROM, you are lunching LiveCD you picked up Try or install Ubuntu , yes?21:53
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Mathissubone: no, but I seem to have found a solution21:53
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: I mean gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:53
allowoverridecmd line only please, thats all i require at this point to assist in troubleshooting my no burn cdrom issue21:53
SuperMiguelwow 1516 users :O ubuntu keeps growing21:53
suboneMathis, what was your solution?21:54
Mathissubone: VMware Workstation has an option "auto fit to window", which was switched on. I guess when the desktop is trying to log in, it tries to fit the desktop size to the VMware Workstation window and segfaults.21:54
nimbioticscrucialhoax: got an empty sources.list ...21:54
MathisI disabled "auto fit to window" and it logs in properly, afterwards I can do a manual "fit to window"21:54
suboneMathis, ah... well thank goodness its just a vm issue :p21:54
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: I believe I gave you the wrong file on accident.21:54
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: It is: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:55
zaxonspoxMathis why not use VirtualBox ?21:55
Mathiswell, its not a VM issue itself, but a VMware Display driver issue21:55
liminallosha hi21:55
liminalsorry i got called away21:55
soreaudsnchntd: fglrx?21:55
Mathiszaxonspox: because I use VMware Workstation for several other OSes too and heavily using the snapshot functionality21:55
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: when you say LUNCHING do you mean LAUNCHING?21:55
zaxonspoxMathis VB also have such ability21:55
dsnchntdi have no idea what that is o.O;21:55
nimbioticscrucialhoax: got it!21:56
Mathisbut it doesnt allow me to easily debug my code inside as what WS does21:56
dsnchntdohhh okay, just googled it21:56
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL yes, do mi english bud?21:56
dsnchntdi'll give it a try21:56
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Ok, as per instructions on that site, did you delete everything in that file and paste those lines into it? or did you add those lines?21:56
zaxonspoxMathis what are you debuging?21:56
Mathiszaxonspox: the backup engine of my BackupManagerV221:57
Mathiswhich runs at kernel level in Windows NT4 and newer21:57
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: I Am here:  http://news.softpedia.com/news/Installing-Ubuntu-9-10-126370.shtml You have four options here:   where it says * You have four options here: *21:57
nimbioticscrucialhoax: yes i did, but 1st i saved it as sources.list.backup21:57
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL just run Ubuntu LiveCD and run GParted to check partitions21:57
liminalim looking in generic includes/linux/sched.h21:57
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Ok, this will get tricky then21:57
liminalwhat am i looking for again?21:57
Loshaliminal: I have to go out myself. Back in an hour...21:57
* phyphor is getting "Mount of filesystem failed." on a netbook running UNR. I can get to a maintenance shell, but how do I fix things so it works normally?21:58
nimbioticscrucialhoax: cant i just rename my backup file?21:58
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Go ahead and close out the gedit window, since you have the original backed up21:58
suboneallowoverride, did you try booting into a previous kernel?21:58
nimbioticscrucialhoax: done!21:58
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Yes, we can, however we need to rename the current one first21:58
nimbioticscrucialhoax: ic21:58
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: In the terminal type: cd /etc/apt21:59
DarthPuffhey, what package do i need for the lpanel library?21:59
=== vivid_ is now known as vivid
nimbioticscrucialhoax: no such dir21:59
DarthPuffi mean panelw21:59
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL i would ask you why PM when you can use GP, but, just run GP and tell me if it sees partitions21:59
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: cd /etc/apt/21:59
shane__hey can anyone help me with a boot problem??22:00
shane__I have xp and lucid installed and ever since I installed lucid I cant boot into xp anymore22:00
nimbioticscrucialhoax: i cant ... is etc @ root?22:01
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: type: cd  then type cd /etc/apt22:01
guntbert!lucid | shane__22:01
ubottushane__: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:01
suboneallowoverride, DVD+-RW GS20N - http://tinyurl.com/ydn3fcc - "1. DVD/+-RW Drive: Dell recently released a new version of the firmware (A110) to add Windows 7 compatibly to the drive. This version of the firmware causes errors when trying to burn CD/DVDs. Downgrading to version A108 of the firmware fixes this problem."22:01
djbeeniecrucialhoax, ahhh finally all fixed now...yeah they can keep that 3.6 junk22:01
nimbioticscrucialhoax: done22:01
shane__ok well does anyone know how to fix bootloader problems22:01
crucialhoaxdjbeenie: It was the 3.6 causing it22:01
nokia3510I Fedora I can do "yum update --changelog" to see what's new in available updates. Is there a way to employ apt-listchanges to do the same thing when updating Ubuntu ?22:01
suboneallowoverride, in your pastebin: Revision       : 'A110'22:01
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: You are in the etc/apt now?22:02
nimbioticscrucialhoax: yes22:02
djbeeniecrucialhoax, yup looks as though22:02
allowoverridesubone:  i have A11022:02
airliasdesignhey guys22:02
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Ok, now type: sudo mv sources.list source.list.old22:03
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: cos i didn't think to use gp, cos i had PM22:03
airliasdesignif I wanted to use ubuntu as my main OS22:03
g33k3rgRLme too22:03
airliasdesignbut wanted to change all visual aspects to represetinging my company logo22:03
airliasdesignwould that be possible?22:03
allowoverridesubone: oh wait,, shyt really? hmmm.... thats not write... this laptop was bought in nov 200922:03
DarthPuffi got it, there is a workaround by making some symbolic links22:03
armenceHello all, is there a way to disable help popping up when I hit F1 in the terminal?22:03
suboneallowoverride, its right there in your pastie22:03
subone"Downgrading to version A108 of the firmware fixes this problem."22:03
nimbioticscrucialhoax: done22:03
abhiSriI want to talk about packaging of a project as .deb , from where i will get the information about who actually is the maitainer of that ?22:03
allowoverridesubone: also,,, the A108 is also an issue for other things hardware/bios so forth lol... no win situation of thats true22:03
dj_segfaultg33k3rgRL: Yes.  You can create your own theme.22:04
suboneallowoverride, should we thank dell?22:04
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Ok, now: sudo mv sources.list.backup sources.list22:04
allowoverridesubone: sighs.... i dread that ya know22:04
ThJWould anyone know why the Linux UVC driver isn't picking up the manual white balance control on EITHER of my two webcams? (Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 and Apple iSight)22:04
subonego throw the drive through their corporate windows22:04
g33k3rgRLdj_segfault: why the fuck whould i want a theme22:04
ThJIt's picking up a checkbox for enabling or disabling auto white balance, but this is useless without a manual white balance adjustment22:04
guntbert!language | g33k3rgRL22:04
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL so mayby PM set partitions with Own way, which is not so standard, mayby run GP to check existance of partitions22:04
ubottug33k3rgRL: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:04
ThJI think there's a bug in the UVC driver.22:04
nimbioticscrucialhoax: i thiugh u had a typo and issued: sudo mv sources.list source.list.backup instead22:05
dj_segfaultg33k3rgRL: Sorry I responded to wrong person.  I meant that for airliasdesign22:05
suboneallowoverride, just so you know, how long i or anyone else in this channel have been on linux is off-topic really, dont ask to ask and dont ask to pm right off the bat, ask the room and if anyone knows they can help you, you'll get a much better response that way22:05
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: You said you created a backup of the sources.list file before you edited it right?22:05
abhiSriI want to talk about packaging of a project as .deb , from where i will get the information about who actually is the maitainer of that ?22:06
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: What did you name it?22:06
suboneallowoverride, i havent been on linux long, but that doesnt change what i do know22:06
airliasdesignahh ok22:06
DarthPuffcommand xmlto not found... to get it i have to install 500megsof bs.22:06
nimbioticscrucial: same filename +.backup22:06
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: exactly. So we need to change that to just sources.list so it will work22:07
abhiSriI want to talk about packaging of a project as .deb , from where i will get the information about who actually is the maitainer of that ?22:07
nimbioticscrucial: gimme a sec22:07
aj00200How do I disable the beep when I backspace in a box with no characters is it22:07
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: kk22:07
crucialhoaxaj00200: Turn down your sound.22:07
DarthPuffaj00200: blacklist pcspkr... however mine still beeps22:07
nimbioticscrucial: how do i c all sources*.* files?22:08
allowoverridesubone: how long?22:08
allowoverridei have 10 years, and im still learning22:08
crucialhoaxaj00200: Or go into your sound preferences and do not use a sound theme.22:08
DarthPuffcrucialhoax: i think he means the pc speaker beep22:08
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: ls -a22:08
crucialhoaxDarthPuff: Shouldnt that work?22:08
kenITRSorry, phone call. Back to the web-root issue. Isn't it only apache2 (formerly known as httpd) that knows what a web root is?22:08
aj00200crucialhoax: DarthPuff: The internal speaker beeps, and I would prefer a sound theme still22:08
DarthPuffaj00200: then blacklist pcspkr22:09
suboneallowoverride, ive only been on linux for a few years, before that it was an off and on thing, afraid to make the jump... now i dont even have MS installed22:09
DarthPuffaj00200: that is the workaround... even though it doesn't work all the time.22:09
suboneallowoverride, anyway thats #ubuntu-offtopic :p22:09
aj00200DarthPuff: thanks then. :D22:09
abhiSriI want to talk about packaging of a project as .deb , from where i will get the information about who actually is the maitainer of that ?22:09
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: how do i find gparted after i started the livecd?22:09
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crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Did you get it?22:10
icerootabhiSri: debian/changelog or better debian/control22:10
aguitelhow enable icon in preferences & administration22:10
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL System>>Administration>>GParted/Partition editor22:10
suboneabhiSri, http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/Linux-For-Devices-Articles/How-to-make-deb-packages/22:10
crucialhoaxaguitel: What do you mean?22:10
allowoverridesubone: i dont see how thats offtopic lol but fine, i will ask anyone that same question prior to typing way to much info for someone who is just messing around in here. you know what im referring too ;)22:11
aguitelcrucialhoax: in panel22:11
icerootabhiSri: ah, apt-cache show packagename is also showing the maintainer22:11
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: ok thanks for your trouble, you must be russian or polish?22:11
suboneallowoverride, this channel is moderated to be specifically a volunteer support channel for ubuntu22:11
crucialhoaxaguitel: I am confused about your question22:12
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Are you still here?22:12
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL PL, what is your point?22:12
nimbioticscrucialhoax: how can i send u an ls of my files?22:12
allowoverridesubone: im aware of how to communicate effectively, and that is why i ask ORIGINALLY to IM everything to me22:12
suboneallowoverride, as you said, it can sometimes be a pain viewing all this chatter, especially when there is a lot of offtopic chatter in between22:12
allowoverridesubone: i dont see how asking for credentials is out of line, but fine, you have your opinion, and besides, why be scared to jsut say lolol22:13
icerootallowoverride: you have a ubuntu-support-question? maybe in one line with details?22:13
allowoverridesubone: yep thats what i said, exactly22:13
suboneallowoverride, i do have my opinion, you're in no way obligated to listen :p22:13
allowoverridesubone: actually i find it a worser death than to answer question from an amateur who really is stating theory22:13
guntbertallowoverride: please stop that chatter here22:14
mccool_1985hey, got a quick q.. I have a live disk of the latest beta, with persistent changes... when i try to install a hardware driver, it fails... any idea?22:14
allowoverridesubone: like, do a google, do a man, maybe you dropped your computer,,, maybe your 10 cd's you have lost are all bad cd's so forth so on22:14
abhiSriI want to talk about packaging of a project as .deb , from where i will get the information about who actually is the maitainer of that ?22:14
icerootallowoverride: you have a ubuntu-support-question? maybe in one line with details?22:14
aguitelcrucialhoax: in the panel ,are aplication places & system ;under system are preferences and administration ,how i enable the icons of preferences & administration22:14
allowoverrideiceroot: yes i do22:14
allowoverrideiceroot: can you help out with my cdrom no burnin issue?22:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:14
icerootallowoverride: then stop being offtopic and ask it here in one line with details22:14
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: u speak without articles, so that's how i noticed22:14
icerootallowoverride: what do you mean with "not burning"? any errors?22:15
nimbioticscrucial: cause when u told me to type "sudo mv sources.list source.list.old", i  though it was a type and replaced old w/ "backup"22:15
DarthPuffif i just need xmlto for 1 make do you think it is ok to uninstall it after?22:15
suboneiceroot, i already answered his question22:15
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: just post it here. post the ls -a here22:16
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL articles.. whatever... my english came from movies22:16
nimbioticscrucial: how?22:16
allowoverrideiceroot: i have about 5 pastebins of errors, care to take a look and advise?22:16
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: copy it and paste it22:16
subone!paste | nimbiotics22:16
ubottunimbiotics: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:16
guntbertcrucialhoax: are you sure? paste ls -a *here* ??22:16
buttons840how can i tell if /usr/local has anything besides folder in it?22:17
nimbioticscrucial:  secring.gpg          sources.list.BACKUP  trusted.gpg22:17
nimbiotics..             source.list.backup   sources.list.d       trusted.gpg~22:17
nimbioticsapt.conf.d     sources.list~        sources.list.save22:17
nimbioticspreferences.d  sources.list_backup  trustdb.gpg22:17
abhiSriiceroot, thank you22:17
FloodBot3nimbiotics: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:17
crucialhoaxguntbert: See, not too bad :)22:17
suboneFloodBot thought so22:17
guntbertcrucialhoax: too much - please advice to use pastebin in the future22:18
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: sudo mv sources.list.backup sources.list22:18
guntbertkdogm: don't advertise here22:18
crucialhoaxguntbert: Will do. My apologies.22:18
icerootallowoverride: you are burning directly from an internal hdd?22:18
kdogmokay, guntbert22:18
icerootallowoverride: at a quick look at the paste i cant get that info22:18
g33k3rgRLzaxonspox: slavic people, when they speak english,  never say "Go to THE car" but they say "go to car", etc, that's how you can spot them ...  thanks again, im gonna try your suggestion now22:18
allowoverrideiceroot: correct22:18
guntbertcrucialhoax: besides: too many lines at once will get a user kicked from the network22:19
nimbioticscrucial: donw22:19
nimbioticscrucial: done22:19
icerootallowoverride: that error also happened with k3b?22:19
allowoverrideiceroot: and an internal writer22:19
allowoverrideiceroot: i dont use KDE libs22:19
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: Now try the update maanger22:19
openmindjhi, could anyone tell me when the next version of ubuntu studio will be released?22:19
openmindj I've been trying to compile the bristol synth and other apps into ubuntustudio, but havent had any success..22:19
allowoverrideiceroot: all errors from brasio, cdrecord22:19
Flare-Laptop!lucid | openmindj22:19
ubottuopenmindj: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:19
Juzzyanyone ever setup iscsi failover?22:19
icerootallowoverride: can you do a hdparm -t /dev/sdX?22:20
nimbioticscrucial: it is working...22:20
icerootallowoverride: replace X with your drive22:20
allowoverrideiceroot: mind IM'ing to continue this, i leave this screen often, and would rather give full attn. yes i can.. accept pm?22:20
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: It works now?22:20
zaxonspoxg33k3rgRL i know when to use 'a' , 'the' but some times its to much writing/speaking :D mayby only try to reformat partitions with GP, and then lunch installer from desktop22:20
icerootallowoverride: no pm please22:20
icerootallowoverride: hdparm with sudo of course22:20
aciculaJuzzy: using multiple san's you mean or just raiding two iscsi devices?22:20
allowoverrideiceroot: why not?22:20
maurimy scanner canon lide 100 is not recognized by sane.... is there any other way to get it work22:21
icerootallowoverride: i hate pms22:21
InvisibleManI'm going to be running a script.  I want to ensure that the script doesn't have any access to my files or the shared files on the local network.  How would I do this?22:21
nimbioticscrucial: its downloading, but taking 2 long22:21
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: But it is working :)22:21
suboneiceroot, http://www.mikesplanet.net/2009/09/dell_studio_xps_1340_review/#comments22:21
Juzzyacicula: i have a iscsi tape library, with 2 paths, and 2 drives + 1 arm, I'm trying to setup a dm for them so linux doesnt treat them as 6 devices22:21
nimbioticscrucialhoax: thank you very much. Muchas gracias!!!22:21
allowoverrideiceroot: um, sd or sr?22:22
aciculaInvisibleMan: run it as its own user without specific priviledges and use a sandbox(chroot/apparmor or mac like selinux)22:22
crucialhoaxnimbiotics: No problem :) glad it is working.22:22
Juzzyacicula: all the examples are for redhat/centos, which doesnt use the udev to manage that stuff22:22
allowoverrideiceroot: isn't hdparm for internal harddrives only? not cdrom/dvdwriters22:22
allowoverrideiceroot: /dev/sr0:22:22
allowoverride Timing buffered disk reads:  read() hit EOF - device too small22:22
InvisibleManacicula: Ah, so it isn't just a quick fix...  All right, thanks.22:23
crucialhoaxallowoverride: What are you trying to burn22:23
allowoverrideiceroot: disk in or out22:23
nimbioticsgood evening evry1, nad keep the good job, congrats!22:23
allowoverridecrucialhoax: and iso22:23
aciculaInvisibleMan: well creating an apparmor provile wich doesnt allow anything is pretty easy22:23
crucialhoaxallowoverride: how big is it?22:23
allowoverride626 mb22:23
r34p3rCan anyone help me with Fuppes? I have it up and running I just need to find out if Fuppes supports playlists for video.22:23
allowoverridecrucialhoax: disk is 700 mb22:23
suboneallowoverride, why are you still probing for answers?22:23
allowoverridesubone: yep22:24
icerootallowoverride: for your hdd, not the burner22:24
nimbioticscrucialhoax: thx again for your help and patience22:24
allowoverrideiceroot: burner, all along22:24
InvisibleManacicula: Installing and setting up the program is the problem.  I don't use Linux usually.  The only reason I have it installed is because I don't have another copy of XP :S22:24
suboneallowoverride, didnt i already solve your problem?22:24
MrGoosedoes anyone know a good tool for measuring distances between objects in an image?22:24
aciculaJuzzy: i dont know anything about that :/22:24
allowoverridesubone: no, its not burning22:24
Juzzyk :)22:24
allowoverridesubone: how did you solve the issue?22:24
suboneallowoverride, you CANT BURN unless you downgrade the firmware22:25
InvisibleManacicula: (I only use this to have an IRC client open 24/7)22:25
icerootallowoverride: you looked at the link from subone ?22:25
allowoverrideiceroot: i do not believe its a firmware issue 1. it worked fine before22:25
icerootallowoverride: before what?22:25
allowoverrideiceroot: this isnt a linksys router22:26
crucialhoaxallowoverride: If you are not going to be open to suggestions then find help elsewhere. iceroot has a legit solution and so did I, neither of which are being attended to.22:26
allowoverrideiceroot: its not firmware, get it straight. i am asking for the past 20 mins for cmd syntax ONLY to troubleshoot a non burning cdrom/dvd writer. simple22:26
allowoverridecrucialhoax: shut up22:27
allowoverridecrucialhoax:  im very open, im not a virgin22:27
conb123Does anyone know of a program/command that will put my cpu under a big load? I need to test my trubo boost22:27
aciculaallowoverride: mind your language please22:27
allowoverrideacicula: yes sweetheart22:27
allowoverrideanyfoo,,, ill consider this a hardware issue when the cmdline starts to point to it22:28
allowoverrideso far i have only seen a driver, buffer issue that maybe the issue22:28
suboneallowoverride, it did! the pastebin entries you pasted said that your firmware is version A100, the firmaware specifically in question22:28
bulliumconb123, sudo aptitude install cpuburn22:28
allowoverridesubone: i don't believe everything i read, and really do you trust the dell site support?22:28
conb123bullium: Thanks :D22:28
bulliumconb123, np22:29
allowoverridethis is not a dell studio xps 134022:29
suboneallowoverride, did you even try to research further into it? im starting to disbelieve you have 10 years of linux experience22:29
allowoverridesubone: of course i did, i have a shyt load of bookmarks22:29
suboneallowoverride, is that not your drive spec listed on the page however?22:29
crucialhoaxallowoverride: Laptop model is irrelevant. Burner model is.22:30
allowoverridecrucialhoax: thanks22:30
conb123bullium: Er maybe a silly question, but how do I run it? I tried cpuburn but it is not that22:30
allowoverridesubone: well its hard to say really what the problem is, i just know i cant burn anymore, shrugs22:30
icerootallowoverride: i asked what do you mean with "before" if you want to attack me or tell me how to help other people i am not very happy and stopping support22:30
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allowoverrideiceroot: please stay on topic22:30
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crucialhoaxallowoverride: hahaha22:31
icerootallowoverride: kidding me?22:31
bulliumconb123, did you install it?22:31
conb123bullium: Yes22:31
allowoverrideiceroot: please stay on topic and read the rules for this room before attacking me further.22:31
suboneallowoverride, iceroot has a point, he asked you "before what" in response to your comment "it worked before"22:31
conb123bullium: Hmm found the readme, but I'm running an i7 and it doesn't seem to be listed. http://pages.sbcglobal.net/redelm/readme.txt22:32
crucialhoax!hi | truenhero22:32
ubottutruenhero: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:32
conb123bullium: I might just try mprime22:33
bulliumconb123, that will load it down for sure...you may want to try ubcd22:33
conb123bullium: ubcd? why?22:33
bulliumconb123, http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/22:33
truenhero i need to convert a HEX password to ASCII, is a wpa pass that NetworkManager converts from ASCII to HEX22:34
conb123bullium: Yes, yes I know but why would I need that?22:34
trexyzwhere is located22:34
bulliumconb123, it has a bunch of system benchmarking tools and it's a bootable disk including disk and CPU22:34
aciculatruenhero: its not ascii encoded22:34
iceroottruenhero: i guess its not only hex22:34
suboneallowoverride, also, it only took me a minute to find new firmware updates for your dirve... A110, A05 which applies to HLDS GS20N 9.5mm Slotload SATA DVDRW22:34
conb123bullium: Oh no I just really wanted to see if it is working properly in ubuntu22:34
iceroottruenhero: its md5/rsa or something like that22:34
trexyzwhere can i find mc.ini???22:35
allowoverridesubone: i already told you why i will not change to diff bios ver.22:35
ki0waHow can I set /etc/resolv.conf non modifible by NetworkManger?22:35
truenheroc216e4c1fb94b3e1a9e3cc582921e64b791d657a17788087e8c71749fdf9857a, is that22:35
crucialhoaxki0wa: as long as you do not change you network manager settings, it does not touch it.22:35
suboneallowoverride, no you specified why you didnt want to downgrade, note this is an upgraded version22:35
bulliumconb123, oh ok..22:35
iceroottruenhero: that is crypted, no way to encrypt without keyring password22:35
allowoverridesubone: before what doesn't classify as a valid question/answer, please read the rules before attacking me any further22:36
iceroot!ops | allowoverride22:36
ubottuallowoverride: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:36
jack_grumbl can't past weblinks into gwibber? :/22:36
crucialhoaxallowoverride: no one is attacking you. you just wont apply the suggestions.22:36
aciculaallowoverride: can you stop trolling people giving out support, if you are not willing to try suggestions to troubleshoot your problem you should find another place to search support22:36
ki0wacrucialhoax: how can i set dns?22:36
truenherowhat about keyring password?  this is the seed??22:36
conb123bullium: Hmm I couldn't get it to work last time either, all of the cores are reported as being at 100% usage however the frequency stays at 2.8ghz as reported in conky and with watch "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz"22:37
crucialhoaxki0wa: Inside the network manager you can assign connection dns servers.22:37
subonesunblitz, whats teh status22:37
aciculatruenhero: the keyring password protects the keyring, which containes your wpa key, which is derived from your passphrase/password22:37
aciculathis deriving is(should) not be reversable22:37
sunblitzsubone i doesnt work :( still the same problem...22:38
aciculayou can however still use the derived value as a wpa key22:38
conb123Anyone had any success with core i7 turbo boost in ubuntu?22:38
ZoffixHey, guys. I'm stumped about how to change the "default" network connection. I'm trying to share Internet on one box that has Ethernet and wi-fi connections, but as soon as I turn on the Ethernet, the box sets it as default and tries to connect to the Internet through that interface. I googled around but found no answer but apparent bug reports. Any hints on this?22:38
duffydackconb123, lucid (2.6.32) supports it ok22:38
truenheroif I use my keyring password can I know wpa pass?22:38
hashishinDoes anyone knows PiTiVI? When I export the projectfile, there is a bug: processbar stays at 50% (after this is reached) and time goes up (after 1 second the duration to create the fill increase for 1 sec)22:38
sunblitzcliff i doesnt work :( still the same problem...22:38
allowoverrideacicula: please stop attacking me, i have a issue. and please read the rules for this room before continuing, and please stop filling up the room with comments, you can pm me if you have concerns. thank you22:38
subonesunblitz, so you are all updated and upgraded?22:38
conb123duffydack: But karmic doesn't?22:39
marcusbsince I updated to lucid, I don't have a volume control in my panel anymore.22:39
sunblitzsubone yes and remove and reinstalled22:39
zleapZoffix, i think you can use route to set default gateway,  (is that the right thing to do)22:39
duffydackconb123, 2.6.32   so no....22:39
maginot!lucid | marcusb22:39
ubottumarcusb: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:39
duffydackinstall the latest kernel22:39
zleapso if you have pc b connected to the gateway, you tell your pc to route through that, i guess22:39
duffydackthere is a tool to monitor it too, I forget the link.. its some code.google site.. you have to compile it too.. but I tested it, it does the boos.22:40
conb123duffydack: Ah so 2.6.32 added support for turbo then, I use conky it's fine22:40
subonesunblitz, it looks like this correct? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/35600081/Screenshot-Ubuntu-Software-Center.png22:41
duffydackconb123, well I dont know if that will display it right, like, multipliers etc like this tool..   ubuntu/linux doesnt report the speed without the tool22:41
Freeman2411hi guys could you please help me22:41
Freeman2411I would need a shellskript22:41
conb123duffydack: What about cat /proc/cpuinfo, surely that displays the frequency properly22:42
duffydackconb123, maybe it will I dunno.. depends what its using to report cpu speed/freq22:42
sunblitzsubone yes.... so it looks like i checked alot of programms (like 30-40) and i get  where the button appears, but when i click on it i get an error message22:42
duffydackconb123, well, Im assuming it doesnt, since they made the tool22:42
nevets04If neither banshee nor rynthembox detect my ipod, but my computer does, what would u suggust i do?22:42
sunblitzsubone i get 2 with button22:42
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Freeman2411I would need a script to check when a user was logged in the last time22:42
duffydackconb123,  the cpufreq applet doesnt.22:42
crucialhoaxFreeman2411: type last in the terminal22:43
duffydackconb123, I`ll find it hangon22:43
Freeman2411ah ok22:43
conb123duffydack: Yeah I was going to say there is the cpu frequency scaling monitor for the panel, but that doesn't work you say?22:43
subonesunblitz, any particular packages? maybe try updating using this methos, follow the instructions carefully http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141987222:43
crucialhoaxnevets04: I plugged in my shuffle and nothing would work for syncing it or anything. =/22:43
nevets04crucialhoax, so give up?22:43
Zoffixzleap, ok, thanks. That's something that came up in my original search results, so I guess, I'll try to read it over again and fix it.22:43
crucialhoaxnevets04: What kind of ipod is it?22:44
duffydackconb123, http://code.google.com/p/i7z/22:44
nevets04crucialhoax, 3rd gen touch22:44
conb123duffydack: Ah brilliant thanks22:44
duffydackconb123, no, the cpu scaling thing only gives you the option of selecting upto your max rated speed (not inc boost) and doesnt show any higher22:44
zleapZoffix, man route may help,  otherwise if you think you know what you have to do ask here if its the right way to do it22:44
crucialhoaxnevets04: Which is the most recent model correct? Mine was a shuffle, so maybe there is a solution to your model...22:45
nevets04aight :(22:45
aciculaduffydack: you mean its not showing turboboost of individual cores?22:45
duffydackconb123, if you need to test it on a single core, do a md5sum /dev/zero &22:45
crucialhoaxnevets04: I know, it blows =/22:45
subonesunblitz, this isnt a livecd is it?22:45
duffydackacicula,  Im not sure the tool is perfect as it shows all cores as having some boost.. even tho only 1 is in use, for my testing.22:46
subonesunblitz, what error message?22:46
duffydackacicula, anyway, boost is less with each core in use..22:46
sunblitzsubone ok thx again, i will save and try tommorow , i feel very sleepy now. i will take a look for you then here and report what happend, i downloaded the cd two months ago, on another computer the software center works very godd22:46
conb123duffydack: Well that's a revelation, according to i7z my cores are running at around 3.2ghz on average22:47
sunblitzsubone should i post it here?22:47
PeddyWhen setting a custom resolution in GRUB, the framebuffer displays visual corruption and is unusable. Is this a known problem?22:47
duffydackacicula, I only wanted to see if my i7 1.6 went to 2.8.. and it did.22:47
sunblitzsubone This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.22:47
aciculaduffydack: nice :22:47
subonesunblitz, sudo apt-get install -f22:47
sine_in ubuntu what is responsible for the optical drive22:48
duffydackconb123, it reports the highest speed core as the speed of the boost.. they are all over the place when you watch it ..22:48
sine_only its frozena dn wont eject i want to kil it22:48
subonesunblitz, i wonder what software your conflicting with....22:48
crucialhoaxsubone: sudo apt-get check // install -f?22:48
Naderhey, will ATA TRIM be backported into Lucid?22:49
crucialhoax!lucid | Nader22:49
ubottuNader: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:49
duffydackconb123, if you wanna have your cpu at max speed by def (doesnt affect boost either, still works when needed) just edit /etc/init.d/ondemand and change the line  "echo -n ondemand > $CPUFREQ" to say performance22:49
sunblitzsubone The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: linux-headers-2.6.31-14 gnome-games linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.22:50
conb123duffydack: Well that was weird, I just run mprime with small ffts and according to i7z the frequency actually decreased22:50
duffydackin case you didnt know already22:50
pepper_hazedoes anyone here know how to get vlc to work, I can't get my mic to work with it22:50
Naderi mean backports for 2.6.3322:50
pepper_hazeI tried /dev/dsp1 and the mic still won't work22:50
zaxonspoxsine_ what do you mean?22:50
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: Go to the sound preferences and see if the mic is detected.22:50
duffydackconb123,  I dont know mprime sorry.. I just ran md5sum /dev/zero &  (have to kill it tho to stop it) but it uses a single core22:51
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: It will be on the input tab22:51
subonecrucialhoax, i guess, i usually use -f though, it displays unnecasary packages as well22:51
crucialhoaxsubone: oh, I did not know that worked, I thought it was a typo lol22:51
sine_i tried to play dvd with vlc vlc shutoff and not in ps U sine and i cant see any cd daemon thing. dvd is locked cant open it22:52
pepper_hazethanks cruialhoax, my mic was muted22:52
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crucialhoaxpepper_haze: :)22:52
pepper_hazeI get a bar when talking into my mic, so that means it works right?22:52
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: If you blow towards the mic the bar will move, thats how I test mine lol22:52
duffydackpepper_haze, seems so22:52
subonesunblitz, im still looking... i usually just use apt-get22:53
zaxonspoxsine_ is it still mounted?22:53
subonesunblitz, its not as nice, but synaptic package manager works22:53
crucialhoaxsunblitz: sudo apt-get autoremove22:53
zaxonspoxsine_ sudo eject22:54
Zoffixzleap, thanks! `sudo route add default gw` (where the IP is that of the wi-fi router) worked in fixing my problem :)22:54
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sine_there is nothing mounted in mnt22:54
subonesunblitz, but most of what ive found is fixed by updating22:54
conb123duffydack: Yup just ran about 7 instances of md5sum /dev/zero and my frequency according to i7z dropped to 2.9 ghz from about 3.222:54
crucialhoaxsine_: Is there a dvd icon on the desktop22:54
skimj1On a system that has been upgraded to 9.10 from several older releases, I have a user 'dhcp' in /etc/passwd. On a fresh install of 9.10, that entry wasn't created. Is it needed? deprecated?22:55
sunblitzsubone ok so  i search the programs that interested me with software center and then i search them with synaptic for install22:55
sine_ahhh yes22:55
crucialhoaxsine_: Right click > eject...22:55
sine_ahh ok22:55
sine_i can axx it now from therer22:55
sine_ta ill play22:56
duffydackconb123,  well, it does work so thats something... now games will be little quicker :)22:56
crucialhoaxsine_: Is it ejected?22:56
conb123duffydack: It works? But the frequency dropped22:56
subonesunblitz, you can use synaptic for all that Menu > System > Admin > SPM22:56
suboneits just not as pretty22:56
duffydackconb123, turbo boost only applies when  1 core is in use22:56
duffydackconb123, the speed of the boost drops with each core in use...22:57
pepper_hazeVLC is unable to open the MRL 'alsa:///dev/dsp1'. Check the log for details.22:57
pepper_hazei still get this message22:57
sine_yes thanks22:57
duffydackconb123, thats why I run the md5 test to stress out 1 core to see the max boost in operation.22:57
subonesunblitz, but also, you'll note that on the install page in USC where it says "Version", in the parens () there is the package name... just drop to terminal and type `sudo apt-get install 3dchess` for example22:57
crucialhoaxsine_: no problem :)22:57
sunblitzsubone ok22:57
subonesunblitz, i almost always use the terminal as it usually gives more helpfully errors22:58
sunblitzcrucialhoax ok i removed the packages but i cant install the software22:58
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: How are you trying to access the mic in VLC?22:58
shane__can anyone help me fix my bootloader for windows xp?22:58
pepper_hazecuricailhoax, what does this message mean - "VLC is unable to open the MRL 'alsa:///dev/dsp1'. Check the log for details.22:58
suboneshane__, you mean you need to add windows xp to grub list?22:59
crucialhoaxsunblitz: What software are you trying to install?22:59
duffydackconb123, bearing in mind, I have all my cores set to max speed regardless of cpu load to begin with....22:59
pepper_hazeI keep typing dev/dsp1 in the sound area22:59
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: give me steps.. lol22:59
shane__subone  I installed ubuntu again, and now when I try to load xp it just hangs and does nothing22:59
pepper_hazeI open up vlc22:59
sunblitzsubone im new to ubuntu linux so its a long way to understand it all... most...enough ;)22:59
pepper_hazeclick on media22:59
suboneshane__, hangs where22:59
pepper_hazego to open capture device23:00
shane__subone right after I choose xp from the menu on startup, it goes to a blank screen and just hangs there23:00
pepper_hazeand type /dev/dsp1 in audio device name23:00
subonesunblitz, when i started usiong it i used SPM so you should be ok, you can still search/filter, etc23:00
Flare-Laptop!windows | shane__23:00
ubottushane__: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents23:00
pepper_hazecrucialhoax, did you get all that?23:00
suboneshane__, ok, so you installed windows first then ubuntu and windows wont boot23:00
shane__subone  yes, funny thing is that the first time i installed ubuntu it worked, I reinstalled ubuntu now it doesnt23:01
sunblitzcrucialhoax some software from software center like games, media stuff or software for internet... but i cant install any23:01
pepper_hazethen I click play23:01
suboneshane__, do you know how to use a partitioner?23:01
pepper_hazeand I get that message23:01
shane__subone  yea23:01
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crucialhoaxpepper_haze: So do I. Are you sure that is the /dev of the mic?23:02
suboneshane__, and can you confirm your ntfs partition still exists?23:02
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shane__subone yea23:02
pepper_hazewell I am following a web site23:02
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: your dev might be different..23:02
pepper_hazecheck out this web site, beacuse someone showed me how to get /dev/dsp1 to work with cam23:02
pepper_hazecat /dev/dsp1 > /dev/dsp23:03
mel0natorhi guys im using ubuntu 9.10 and ive added a root account for myself and two users but i want to delete the sudo account.  i want to know how i can enable the 2 users to have the own website on the server e.g. /home/bob/public_html/index.html23:03
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: what is the website23:03
pepper_hazethat command will make my mic work with the soundcard23:03
suboneshane__, can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst23:03
pepper_hazehold on23:03
shane__subone thats another thing that file does not exist23:03
NeologicalHello world23:03
shane__subone tried to find it and its not there23:04
pepper_hazecheck out the first file of his, that works to get the audio mic to work with the sound card23:04
zaxonspoxshane_ do you have grub2?23:04
nevets04Has anyone successfully synced music to an ipod touch on ubuntu?23:04
shane__zaxonspox I have whatever is with lucid23:04
revelnickso i had previously had our application's cron jobs running as root, but my boss just pointed out that its a security risk, so can i just make a crontab for any user, even a user without a directory or anything like our www-data application user?23:05
mel0natorcan someone help me allow a user to host there own site from my server please :D23:05
suboneshane__, you have grub2 huh23:05
zaxonspoxshane_ lucid is 10.0423:05
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:05
ConcreteRoseyo kill yourself before its too late23:05
shane__subone so what does that mean???23:05
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: if I tried the cat command I get a permission denied..23:05
zaxonspoxshane_ try sudo update-grub23:06
suboneshane__, grub-install -v23:06
apparleHow to increase the resolution of the command line23:06
shane__subone grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu3)23:06
GuthurI'm trying to use mysql on a remote server but keep getting access denied for user, I have tried resetting the passwords but still the same, I'm doing this through ssh23:07
mel0natoranyone? 0.o23:07
GuthurAnyone had similar before23:07
pepper_hazecrucial hoax, my command works23:07
subonemel0nator, #apache23:07
revelnickmel0nator install apache?23:07
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde23:08
geniisubone: Shouldn't that be ##httpd ?23:08
zaxonspoxGuthur do you want to connect remotly to mysql-server?23:08
mel0natorbut i want every user to have there own individual website. do i just apt-get install apache2 on every user?23:08
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: I'm sure if you can find the device name in the /dev folder it will work.23:08
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Guthurzaxonspox: I'm just trying to connect locally at the moment, on the server23:08
pepper_hazethanks crucialhoax23:08
subonegenii, oops23:08
zaxonspoxmel0nator no, only once23:09
GuthurI am of course remote, I don't have physical access to the serve23:09
mel0natorok thanks zazonspox ill try it now :D23:09
revelnickmel0natorm here are some good tutorials for that: http://articles.slicehost.com/apache23:09
sunblitzsubone well, i will check SPM out, i have no alternativ sofar :). thx again for the help and good night, cu23:09
suboneshane__, what version of windows/linux23:09
frameworkneed help with pinging ubuntu from windows machine Destinations Host Unreachable23:09
subonesunblitz, gl23:09
pepper_hazetheres dsp and dsp123:09
pepper_hazewhich one is my mic?23:09
zaxonspoxGuthur remote by vnc, and then locally by terminal to mysql?23:10
shane__subone windows xp sp3 and ubuntu lucid 10.0423:10
crucialhoaxpepper_haze: Try either.23:11
Flare-Laptop!botabuse | Neological23:11
ubottuNeological: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:11
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
GuthurI'm just using ssh23:11
shane__zaxonspox so what do you think I can do?23:11
zaxonspoxGuthur do you type sudo mysql -u root -p <enter> and typing pass?23:12
crucialhoaxim out all peace.23:12
frameworkcan anyone adive on sharing with samba between ubuntu hardi 8.04 & windows XP23:12
pepper_hazecrucialhoax, thats for the help, I also got my sound recorder to work, mabby I can just record with vlc and the sound recorder now23:12
Guthurzaxonspox: I am logged in as root23:12
suboneshane__, did you try repairing the windows mbr using the windows disc?23:12
NeologicalFlare-laptop. Thanks for the correction:)23:12
shane__subone someone told me if I did that I wouldnt be able to boot linux then23:12
revelnickin freebsd, you can specify the user to run the command in the root crontab, you can't do that in ubuntu?23:13
Flare-LaptopNeological: np23:13
Guthurzaxonspox: and thats exactly what I have tried, I have even went through the password reset procedure, I'm a little stumped23:13
zaxonspoxGuthur ok, then without sudo, the rest is the same?23:13
Flare-Laptoprevelnick: yes you can, read the man page23:13
frameworkneed help with pinging ubuntu from windows machine Destinations Host Unreachable23:13
suboneshane__, if you then installed grub again over that you could, but first try something open Menu > Sys > Admin > Disk Util23:13
Guthurzaxonspox: I just get -> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)23:13
geniiframework: Check gateway and/or netmask23:14
shane__subone then ???23:14
suboneshane__, is your NTFS drive listed? is it marked as empty (0x00) ?23:14
zaxonspoxGuthur is the password correct?23:14
Guthurzaxonspox: I pretty sure it is, it is the one in the reset file23:14
suboneshane__, that is... what does it say under "type" when you click the windows drive23:15
shane__subone ntfs23:15
revelnickFlare-Laptop, man crontab says nothing about that23:15
shane__subone on partition type it says HPFS/NFTS(0x07)23:15
Guthurzaxonspox: I'm as sure as I can be I suppose23:15
suboneshane__, is the bootable flag set?23:15
geniiframework: Please do not private-message me. I assist only in the public channel23:15
shane__subone were is that at, available: says -, usage says filesystem dont nee a flag23:16
geniiframework: Again- Please do not private-message me. I assist only in the public channel23:16
suboneit is a checkbox23:16
framework#genni sorry23:16
suboneshane__, checkbox just below "type"23:16
shane__subone partition flags says -23:16
frameworklinux pinging windows but not the other side aroung23:16
zaxonspoxGuthur it looks like wrong pass, can you connect thru VNC?23:17
frameworksubnet mask: where is the gateway defined on linux?23:17
suboneshane__, you see the checkbox "Bootable"?23:17
shane__subone there is no checkbox23:17
zaxonspoxGuthur VNC instead of SSH23:17
suboneshane__, can you show me a screenshot?23:17
NeologicalAny body know anything about rewriteables and installation software?23:18
geniiframework: The netmask determines usually your gateway, etc. So  usually means that x.x.x.1 is the gateway. (x.x.x.1 is usually something like try to ping the gateway from each box23:18
Guthurzaxonspox: I'll check it out, I haven't tried VNC before23:18
shane__subone how can i do that?23:18
zaxonspoxGuther i assume you have phical access to this mysql server? you can go and change config etc?23:18
aarHi, I'm trying to write a script to update all my website passwords. I'm stuck trying to feed the new password to lynx as a variable. What would be the best way of doing this?23:19
subonePrint Screen Key, then http://imagebin.org/23:19
jtaylor13i installed ventrilo in wine.i see it in wine folder.no run icon. any help please?23:19
frameworkboth pinging23:19
Guthurzaxonspox: No physical access, it is a VPS23:19
frameworkmy gateway (router) ip is:
Guthurzaxonspox: I have full root privileges is all23:19
shane__subone k i took a screenshot now how can I get it to ya23:19
linuxman410hey has anyone here heard about epson worforce 40 printer working in ubuntu23:20
suboneshane__,  http://imagebin.org/23:20
geniiframework: A mask of does not put the gateway usually at x.x.x.13823:20
NeologicalI got this error message when trying to burn out Kubuntu. What can i do?    Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:23:20
Neologicalmount: block device /dev/sr1 is write-protected, mounting read-only23:20
Neologicalmount: /dev/sr1 already mounted or /media/cdrom0 busy23:20
Guthurzaxonspox: I should technically be able to reboot the VM as but that doesn't seem to be working at the moment23:20
revelnickFlare-Laptop, yeah you're wrong23:20
Guthuras/as well23:20
shane__subone how do I send it there?23:20
suboneshane__, there is a link on the bottom of the page "add your images now!"23:21
nevets04Does anyone know where I can upload 55 gb not compressed?23:21
frameworkso, do you have any idea for me how to menipulate this to be able to ping from windows to linux?23:21
Simon1245Hi guys, Anyone know how I can upgrade to 10.4 using the terminal?23:21
Simon1245The Beta Version23:21
joaopinto!lucid | Simon124523:22
ubottuSimon1245: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:22
zaxonspoxGuther is the mysql deamon started?23:22
aguitelSimon1245, why with terminal23:22
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zaxonspoxGuther mayby try /etc/init.d/mysql restart23:22
Simon1245aguitel, Just wanna see how to do it trough terminal :D23:22
BluesKaj-LaptopSimon1245, first of all it's 10.04 , in the terminal sudo do-release-upgrade  , assuming you are upgrading from jaunty to karmic .23:22
Simon1245joaopinto, Oh ok thaks for the info23:22
Guthurzaxonspox: Yep, the only time I can access is when the i set --skip-grant-tables on the daemon23:22
=== jean_ is now known as FirerBlue
apparledoes pidgin support voice chat for google talk23:23
GuthurSo the server does work, just doesn't let me in as a user23:23
shane__subone k its there23:23
Simon1245BluesKaj-Laptop, How can I see my current version in terminal?23:23
shane__subone there are two there the first one is messed up and i didnt notice till after i posted it23:23
BluesKaj-Laptopoops Simon1245, frpm karmic to Lucid , do-release-upgrade -d23:23
aciculaGuthur: check how permissions are set up, try specifying a database when you connect23:23
BluesKaj-LaptopSimon1245,lsb_release -a23:24
aciculamysql will not let you in on login if you try to access a db you do not have grants on, where you connect from is incorrect etc23:24
GuthurI believe the umask is 077, would that be relevant23:24
aciculaGuthur: not file permissions23:24
Simon1245BluesKaj-Laptop, I got Karmic23:24
Guthurah ok23:24
aciculaGuthur: connecting to the mysql db is not tied to user accounts23:25
BluesKaj-LaptopSimon1245, then, karmic to Lucid , do-release-upgrade -d23:25
framework#genii windows machine has the same subnet like linux23:25
geniiframework: I suspect the problem is in how the IP and gateway etc are being determined. If the router is giving the IP by dhcp then it is misconfigured for the mask and gateway it passes onto the clients23:25
Simon1245BluesKaj-Laptop, Authentication failed23:25
Simon1245Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.23:25
Simon1245That's what I get when I do that command23:25
frameworkso do you recomment user static ip maybe?23:25
zaxonspoxacicula he cannot connect as root to mysql srv, not to a concreet DB23:25
Neologicali figured it out my self. my ReWrite media is finished.23:25
BluesKaj-LaptopSimon1245, best to ask any other questions about lucid in #ubuntu+123:25
Simon1245BluesKaj-Laptop, Ok, Thanks for the help :)23:26
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »23:26
suboneshane__, edit partition, does it have options on the next screen for bootable and hidden?23:26
BluesKaj-LaptopSimon1245, sudo  do-release-upgrade -d23:26
GuthurI'll try the reset password to a blank password, but I don't think it will help23:26
FirerBluePlease How I create an ISO with boot of the my distribution instaled?23:26
geniiframework: Setting static IP is more problemmatic than just making sure the machines are getting right gateway IP so they can ping each other. Are you pinging by IP or by their names?23:27
Simon1245BluesKaj-Laptop, I did that too, Got the same23:27
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shane__subone on the window that pops up it says partition label and its blank, then it says type ntfs and bootable and the chekbox is unchecked23:27
Guthuractually I'll try VNC first23:27
frameworkI'm pinging with the ip address, BTW - what is Bcast? it's configured to be maybe it has something with this issue??23:28
suboneshane__, check it, then if there is an apply button do that and try it, ill wait23:28
shane__subone k ill be back23:28
ActionParsnipFramework: its the broadcast address of the subnet23:28
geniiframework: Broadcast is where the machines announce they exist23:28
frameworkso maybe define it to be will help me ping from the windows machine?23:29
geniiframework: Some work requires me23:29
frameworksorry for the ignorance...23:29
Monotoko_guys...i think i might have got a linux virus :S23:29
zaxonspoxit is colled something? root? sudo?23:30
Neologicalmonotoko. what is a linux virus?23:30
Guthurzaxonspox: Do you know if tightvnc requires X23:30
SuperMiguelis there a way to install the windows loader within ubuntu?23:30
soulkillerThat can't happen because all viruses are usually for windows23:30
zaxonspoxGuthur yyy, yes, i think so23:30
Flare-Laptoprevelnick: fail23:31
Monotoko_Neological, i ran "sudo apt-get install" and it came back with "Permission Denied" then it crashed, wont boot back up, so i ran it from a live CD, my box is trashed23:31
jeeveshow can I fix this error?  http://pastebin.com/JZs7TvTs23:31
zaxonspoxMonotoko_ pass not corectly typed? what did you done before? mayby you are not in the admin group?23:32
framework#ActionParsnip can we pm?23:32
cristi_anyone know one player for mkv files ?23:32
NeologicalMonotoko. Damn what a mess. Thank god for live cd's they bailed me out a couple of times. Why is it that linux dosent get ordinary viruses?23:32
Monotoko_zaxonspox, im th only one who uses the computw23:32
jsidhuso i've just got 10.04 Beta 2 installed, after i SSH in to my box, it disconnects after a while.. systems fine.. nothing in /var/log/messages, syslog ..23:32
subonecristi_, i use mplayer for everything23:33
Monotoko_and my password was typed correctly, looking at the drive, its got loads of various random files on it23:33
cristi_ist not worcking ..23:33
shane_subone still dont work23:33
jeeveshow can I fix this error?  http://pastebin.com/JZs7TvTs23:33
Monotoko_my / partition is filled with these files, one called "haha"23:33
shane_subone i just get a black screen with a blinking _ in the corner23:33
suboneshane_, i would suggest installing the MBR from the windows disc, just careful not to reinstall your windows :p23:33
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=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
shane_subone you dont think i can get it to work from suber grub boot disk23:34
zaxonspoxMonotoko_ ok, mayby its a virus, are you running a bank server?23:34
frameworkneed help with pinging ubuntu from windows machine Destinations Host Unreachable23:34
NeologicalMonotoko. where did you pick up the virus? just for the record.23:34
Symeanyone in here know where i can get wl_apsta.o easily?23:34
AppetiteIs there a way to permanently set the keyboard layout to en-AltGr deadkeys? I change it via applications->settings->keyboard->layout but it seems to revert to plain EN after a while/on reboot23:34
suboneshane_, if using your windows recovery disc works you may be able to later successfully reinstall grub again...23:35
Monotoko_zaxonspox and Neological, im running a home server and a personal computer, it attacked the personal computer, i havent tried anything on the server yet...and i havent a clue where it was picked up23:35
shane_subone well the thing is I dont wanna tank my ubuntu install as thats what i always use, i just need windows to work for an mp3 player23:35
Untitled_onlyhey does anyone know how to install the GnoMenu? from a tar.gz23:36
shane_subone so if i use the windows disc will it mess my ubuntu boot for sure???23:36
suboneshane_, your mp3s wont play in ubuntu?23:36
aciculaMonotoko_: is the home server reacheable from the internet?23:36
shane_subone no they will i just have a piece of trash mp3 player that i cant put music on from ubuntu23:36
Monotoko_acicula, yeah it is, not by domain though, only IP23:36
Neologicalmonotoko. Okay. I am trying the same combination of server and desktop. I guess that you are using a firewall?23:36
macoshane_: what kind?23:36
aciculaMonotoko_: that makes little difference23:36
Monotoko_Neological, of course, on the router and i have my own configured on the server23:36
macoshane_: what program do you use on windows? if windows media player, rhythmbox should work with any mtp player.  though if its a zune...23:37
shane_maco emerson23:37
ghizlanehello i want to configure snort with iptables can you help me  if you have an idea23:37
skimj1I've got a user 'klog' in my /etc/passwd file. I don't have any files or processes owned by that uid. Can I delete the user?23:37
suboneshane_, which one?23:37
shane_maco no i just usually open the folder and drag em in there, box wont work it just carshes23:37
Untitled_onlyhey does anyone know how to install the GnoMenu? from a tar.gz23:37
Neologicalmonotoko okay. Damn so we arent protected...23:38
shane_subone ??? not sure of the model its a little one like a pack of gum23:38
macoshane_: and using the normal filebrowser to do that doesnt work for you?23:38
macoshane_: have you considered windows in a virtualbox vm as a way to transfer files if you dont want to deal with re-setting-up the bootloader?23:38
shane_maco no it says i have no priveleges and I cant change them no mattet what i do23:38
Flare-Laptop!language | Neological23:38
ubottuNeological: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:38
Monotoko_Neological, im usually very careful about what i go on, so im not quite sure what caused it :S23:39
macoshane_: open a terminal and "gksudo nautilus" to get a root file browser for transferring your files23:39
shane_maco doesnt work23:39
NeologicalFlare-laptop. Sorry about that.23:39
suboneshane_, can you read the model number off of it anywhere on the device? sometimes also there is an "about" option on the screen of the player somewhere, check under the battery?23:39
Flare-LaptopNeological: np23:39
aciculaMonotoko_: where are these files dropped, and what user owns them23:39
haavarosHi! I ssh into my server which has my TV connected via HDMI. How do I in command line tell it which display to output a video on?23:39
AppetiteIs there a way to permanently set the keyboard layout to en-AltGr deadkeys? I change it via applications->settings->keyboard->layout but it seems to revert to plain EN after a while/on reboot23:39
macoshane_: could you pastebin the output of the "mount" command so i can see what permissions your player is mounting with?23:39
macoshane_: sounds like it's mounting read-only23:40
Monotoko_acicula, there all over, every single folder i go in, and they are owned by root23:40
aciculawhats in the file23:40
suboneshane_, changing permissions of which a disk autoloads can easily be accomplished with some fstab editing if that is indeed the issue23:40
jsidhu10.04 -> anyone have SSH disconnects? I jsut set mine up and it randomly keeps disconnecting. Putty: Network error: Software caused connection abort.  This is on the LAN. no other network issues..23:40
frameworkneed help with pinging ubuntu from windows machine Destinations Host Unreachable23:40
shane_subone how do i do that?23:40
shane_maco how do i pastebin it???23:41
Neologicalmonotoko. Can you copy the source file from the virus?23:41
shane_maco I have the pastebinit installed i just forget the command23:41
macoshane_: you can just copy and paste it into paste.ubuntu.com23:41
shane_maco k its there23:42
linuxman410hey has anyone here heard about epson worforce 40 printer working in ubuntu23:42
macoshane_: what url did it give you?23:42
aciculaMonotoko_: if you find suspicious files on your internet facing linux box its more likely your machine got compromised then that it contracted a virus23:43
shane_maco http://paste.ubuntu.com/413348/23:43
suboneshane_, is this with the mp3 player plugged in?23:43
macoshane_: is it not plugged in?23:43
subonei dont see it23:43
shane_maco how do i turn on the onscreen keyboard???23:44
macoshane_: system -> preferences -> accessibility -> onboard... i think?23:44
macoshane_: i dont use gnome so im going from memory, not actually trying it right now23:44
subonemight be "assistive technologies... i dont have lucid though23:44
macosubone: this is a karmic channel anyway23:45
shane_maco k hold on sec, gotta repost it23:45
subonemaco, hes on lucid23:45
MK-BB+OK 4WE081JTns81UFgkm0OW8pS1QNQhM.f3mTX1iSQSY0bCAIL.hV9MY.QXJ4H1wS9ds1udHCF10zhi0.ZZux1.jeaG50F/39V.23:45
MK-BB+OK 4WE081JTns81urVbU.qyP1o/rTDbO/ccnLy.dNgNk.UKBzQ023:45
MK-BB+OK 4WE081JTns81NjpdX/wLtKp1kGP09.XXiTm03UYE./o0rnQ/Sih0U/3YqmR.KrFBv0ypuWt.fmWkA1TcTSq0UpZnk.09a3L.c8o2y.s3hYN12ncG606fBg30tlFea147Cm91u1W.//4w.gt/23:45
pyhackera very recent ubuntu firefox update killed flash on firefox! Firefox now gets stuck when i open a youtube video or check gmail! Is there some fix for this?23:45
zaxonspoxmaco this is karmic channel?23:45
macozaxonspox: well karmic or older23:45
macozaxonspox: lucid is in #ubuntu+123:46
frameworkdoes anyone knows how to solve destination host unreachable?23:46
zaxonspoxmaco yes, bot is seying that recently23:46
macozaxonspox: has been for 5 months or so ;-) just more people in here needing to be informed lately23:46
macoframework: whatever server you're trying to ping... get it back online?23:47
macoframework: or fix your router / modem23:47
shane_maco http://paste.ubuntu.com/413351/23:48
macoshane_: ah yep its read only23:48
macoshane_: ok "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"23:48
kermithow can i install a less than current version of something?23:48
macoshane_: oh and um run "blkid /dev/sdc1" and see what long string it gives for UUID=23:49
zaxonspoxkermit why? dont you want the latest soft?23:49
kermitzaxonspox: no, it freezes23:50
zaxonspoxkermit what freezes?23:50
pyhackerany idea's about how to fix flash on firefox? (it broke from a recent ubuntu update)23:50
kermitzaxonspox: the latest PPA for firefox23:51
brad__Hi all. I'm using a Dell Dimension 9200 (Also known as DXP061) - a Lucid Beta2 install completes, but booting it leaves me frozen forever at a purple Ubuntu screen. The hard drive activity light is solidly lit.23:52
brad__Has anyone else run into this?23:52
framework#maco I can ping linux to windows but not windows to linux...23:52
macoframework: by ip address, right?23:52
jsidhuframework: are they both in the same subnet?23:53
kermitframework: broadcast or unicast?23:53
LyraDoes anyone know how to configure default programs for different file types under LXDE?23:54
shane_maco comp crashed23:54
shane_maco what do i do again with fstab23:55
LyraSince I cant use the gnome panel for it?23:55
macoshane_: ok, i was saying run "blkid /dev/sdc1" and see what the UUID is, then run "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"23:55
shane_the blkid does nothiing23:56
geniiUse sudo23:56
geniieg: sudo blkid /dev/some-drive23:57
Untitled_onlycan someone help me install Gnomenu?23:57
frameworkshould lo netmask be
shane_maco http://paste.ubuntu.com/413356/23:58
suboneUntitled_only, are you having a problem doing it?23:58
subonewell whats the problem?23:58
zmbmartinCan anyone tell me why when I sudo gem install gem it is like it is not there. I did a sudo gem install rake rails and passenger and the executables are not there?23:58
zmbmartinbut gem list --local shows them23:58
Untitled_onlyI got it downloaded as tar.gz file23:59

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