
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
ChipacaNafallo: topyli: ubuntuone-preferences shows a litte bit of status info (basically syncing / synced)01:53
Chipacatopyli: what does --list-folders say? it's entirely possible the udf creation errored silently01:53
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raphakklimonda: thanks ... do you think there's any chance of that changing to be ~/Music though? As that would be the right thing to do; after all, Ubuntu has these folders by default for a reason...09:43
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kklimondarapha: maybe in the future - it's actually a limitation of U1, you can't make sync folders inside of other sync folders and many people are already syncing Music11:43
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raphakklimonda: oh, okay ... but then at least it's on your radar, which is good :-)12:35
raphakklimonda: but what about the "simple" solution then; just using a Music folder inside U1 for the music store stuff? That way it would be clear where your music is stored (even without arcane folder names like "User Defined Folders" (which ppl like my gf are never going to look into anyway)) - and it would also merge nicely with the ~/Music folder of ppl who have that syncing already.12:38
kklimondaheh, not on mine radar - I'm just a little drone that sits here and answers questions :)12:44
duanedesign'lo all\13:17
ryeduanedesign, hi!13:17
duanedesignrye! :) hope you had a good weekend.13:18
duanedesigntrying to get set up here to test some new bug reports13:18
duanedesignhave you noticed in Lucid the browser not opening on first run to authenticate?13:19
ryeduanedesign, I have finally set up my dev box with lxc so I have twice as much power to test things13:19
ryeduanedesign, hm, not opening on first run? it did for me last week, nightly ppa or stable?13:19
ryeduanedesign, btw, are you running lucid on a laptop?13:20
duanedesigni have/had nightly. I am installing Lucid stable right now to test13:20
duanedesignrye: yes sir13:20
ryeduanedesign, what's your  cpu governor?13:20
benniehey guys i wanted to update you to a problem i reported here over a week ago. Anyone from the team reading?13:32
duanedesignrye: pow3ernow-k813:32
benniei reported that the music stroe was stuck on "transefering to ubuntuone"13:35
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benniewell after about a week its very slowly sorting itself out13:35
benniebug report 54452613:35
duanedesignhello bennie13:37
duanedesignbug 54452613:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544526 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Downloads do not progress beyond tranferring to Ubuntu One storage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54452613:38
bennieits done all but two songs now13:38
benniewhich are still transfering13:38
bennieit all happened this morning after i remeoved the blank file its was suggested i add last time13:38
duanedesignbennie: was this a blank file that was added to help debug the problem?13:41
bennieyep, it was suggested it might force the folder to be scanned13:41
benniebut instead adding that file wipped all the music from the folder (which never appeared in rhythem box)13:42
benniebut this morning i logged onto one of my boxes removed the file and the alert in rhythem box staing that a file was missing ( in this case being the blank file). And the music started to sync and appear in rhythem box13:43
bennieand the transferring dialogue has changed (there's a screen shot in the bug report)13:44
benniealthough two songs are still stuck (and are not synced from the music store at all to my ubuntu one account). There seems to be no good reason why these two haven't synced. There are bang in the middle of the album13:45
torosI've just found an interesting option in Ubuntu One, called "Broadcast Messages Archive"13:57
torosdoes it mean gwibber integration is coming to Ubuntu One?13:57
beunotoros, yes, it syncs across gwibber settings14:02
ryetoros, actually, "Broadcast Messages Archive" means the replication of your gwibber messages archive to Ubuntu One14:02
ryetoros, by default it syncs only account settings..14:02
ryebeuno, I came for your soul :)14:02
ryebeuno, my A1200 authfails during phone sync even with brand new password14:02
beunorye, hi!14:03
beunowhat's your username?14:03
ryebeuno, ^14:03
duanedesignthank you bennie for continuing to provide information on your situation. That is very useful14:06
beunorye, looking14:07
torosrye: ohh, I see. Great idea!14:07
bennieduanedesign: thats ok14:07
duanedesignbennie: sorry i set the bug to 'invalid' I mistook one of the comments as a comment from the OP. Saying this was no longer an issue14:08
bennieduanedesign: is there any additional info i should post to the bug report for comparisons sake. I.e my syncdemon.log and syncdemon-exceptions,log14:09
bacrye: i was working with you and alecu on friday about U1 music store files not downloading.  the album i purchased friday never completed.  i tried purchasing one yesterday and have problems with it too14:09
torosSo, Ubuntu One syncs my Gwibber settings by default?14:10
ryebac, pinging music-store-related devs...14:11
ryetoros, gwibber developer decided to store everything in couchdb, and whatever is put there is replicated to ubuntuone servers14:13
torosrye: thanks!14:14
duanedesignbennie: what does u1sdtool -s say?14:14
beunorye, [2010-04-12 13:04:11,894] [funambol.json-connector] [TRACE] [51D7BDD8CDC5EE610DCEC127712910EB] [357487004637847] [] [] ---------> statusCode: 406 responseBody: {"error": {"message": "Free plan has expired", "code": "ERR_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED"}}14:15
beunorye, could you go to edge, /phones14:15
bennieState: QUEUE_MANAGER14:15
bennie    connection: With User With Network14:15
bennie    description: processing queues14:15
bennie    is_connected: True14:15
bennie    is_error: False14:15
bennie    is_online: True14:15
bennie    queues: IDLE14:15
ryebeuno, "You haven't synced any contacts yet so you still have 30 days left."14:16
bennie i have tried to do repeated u1sdtool -d; u1sdtool -c14:16
ryebeuno, and I have "Upgrade" thing there :)14:16
beunorye, that's interesting14:16
beunoand you are sure that's the same username?14:17
bennieand at theat point it says State: SERVER_RESCAN14:17
bennie    connection: With User With Network14:17
bennie    description: doing server rescan14:17
bennie    is_connected: True14:17
bennie    is_error: False14:17
bennie    is_online: False14:17
bennie    queues: WORKING_ON_METADATA14:17
bachi alecu.  any progress on the U1 music store issue you were helping me with on friday?14:17
ryebeuno, http://files.lappyfamily.net/Pictures/Ubuntu%20One%20:%20Phones_1271078216838.png14:17
ryebeuno, "Upgrade" looks somehow misaligned though14:18
beunorye, it does14:18
beunojblount, around?  ^14:18
beunorye, can you file a bug and assign to jblount?14:18
beunorye, and not ask to be upgraded until we fix it  :)14:18
alecuhi bac, we are finishing a fix for our servers, and will have news today.14:19
ryebeuno, ah, upgrade is performed voluntarily? Ok, then I am ok with my 2Gb plan...14:19
jblountbeuno: Looking...14:20
bacalecu: ok, thanks14:20
bacalecu: ping me if you want confirmation the fix worked14:20
alecubac, sure, thanks!14:21
jblountBlurgh! Good thing we have rye around :)14:21
duanedesignbennie: if you would like to paste your  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log at http://paste.ubuntu.com we can take a look at it.14:22
duanedesignbennie:  I think you stated in your bug report that you have nothing in your. syncdaemon-exceptions.log14:23
ryejblount, beuno what? You are all on 50Gb plan?14:25
jblountrye: Yeah, it's a freebie for @canonical people :) (although I've been paying for mine since it was avaialble)14:26
ryei wonder what that big cross button does - it just makes "Upgrade" link disappear...14:26
bennie<duanedesign> : i do now14:27
benniecat ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log14:28
bennie2010-04-12 14:01:42,852 - ubuntuone-preferences - ERROR - org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.AttributeError: Traceback (most recent call last):14:28
bennie  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/service.py", line 702, in _message_cb14:28
bennie    retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords)14:28
bennie  File "/usr/bin/ubuntuone-preferences", line 1062, in present14:28
bennie    if self.dialog.visible:14:28
bennieAttributeError: 'UbuntuOneDialog' object has no attribute 'visible'14:28
ryebeuno, wait, how can the plan be expired. It should start expiring after Lucid, right?14:29
ryeUbuntuOneDialog... hmmm14:30
beunorye, no, we need to reset the start times manually14:30
ryebeuno, jblount bug #56149014:31
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/561490)14:31
ryeubottu, refetch bug #56149014:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561490 in ubuntuone-servers "Phone sync does not work - "Free plan has expired" in logs but no webui indication" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56149014:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:32
ryeI have added bug #544596 to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status14:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544596 in ubuntuone-servers "Songs not transferred from music store to U1 storage" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54459614:33
beunorye, it's mostly likely just you that is affected, as you are the earliest non-paid tester  :)14:34
beunoI will run the reset query by the end of the week14:34
beunoand again after Lucid is released14:34
ryebeuno, this makes perfect sense14:34
ryediverse_izzue, hi14:36
diverse_izzuehi rye14:38
diverse_izzuei'm back with the same issue as the other day14:38
diverse_izzuein a nutshell, some time back my U1 decided that i wanted my entire pictures folder synched. which i don't. there are many files there. so far, each attempt to disable that folder failed. even deleting all config data (according to FAQ) and reinstalling U1 failed, in that after a while this configuration was back (probably from server)?14:39
diverse_izzuecan i have my account reset?14:39
diverse_izzuerye, ^14:43
ryenessita, is it possible to unsubscribe/delete UDF w/o running whole meta-queue first ?14:44
nessitarye: nopes14:49
ryeurbanape, i have the same issue with Bindwood as described in bug #560583 - i see that beuno provided some info - is there something else that I can provide to assist in debugging?14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560583 in bindwood "Bindwood migrates for infinity" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56058314:50
nessitarye: maybe from the web UI ... (is it for you?)14:50
ryenessita, nope, it is for diverse_izzue14:50
ryenessita, it looks like it is impossible to remove UDF from web ui14:50
urbanaperye: did you see my followup? The migration is breaking somewhere and not completing. If you enable debugging, you'll at least be able to find out where.14:50
nessitarye: until dashboard is deployed, yes14:51
nessitarye: that is why I was asking if it was for you14:51
beunourbanape, we followed up with the errors, and I pasted the sources for the records that break14:52
ryeurbanape, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413136/14:52
diverse_izzuenessita, rye, is there a possibility in the meantime to get my account reset?14:52
ryenessita, dashboard is for ubuntuonehackers only?14:52
beunorye, no, it's just on edge I think14:53
nessitarye: beuno is your guy to ask that :-)14:54
ryenessita, hm... is dashboard going to provide the facility to remove udfs?14:54
ryebtw, is there a plan to make nightlies operating again ?..14:55
rodrigo_bug #56148114:55
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/561481)14:55
diverse_izzuewhat is dashboard?14:57
diverse_izzueoh i just realised, the start page on edge. but i can't see a feature to delete a udf there14:58
diverse_izzueagain, can i have my account reset?14:58
diverse_izzuei just tried cancelling my subscription and subscribing again - the damn folder is still there15:01
ryehm, I believe that it takes some time to set up Tomboy sync on ALTLinux - in my case ALT's tomboy gets BAD REQUEST response from https://one.ubuntu.com/oauth/request/15:04
ryenessita, ok, what should a person do if he wants to cancel UDF that was made by mistake and that share contains billion of files that would take infinite amount of time to complete?15:06
nessitarye: let me think, it's not trivial15:06
ryenessita, i still believe there can be a way to promote DeleteVolume (or something like that) so that it runs first...15:06
nessitaverterok: any ideas ^?15:06
nessitarye: right now I think we don't have a way to promote a command15:07
verteroknessita: about?15:07
* verterok looks15:07
nessitaverterok: "what should a person do if he wants to cancel UDF that was made by mistake and that share contains billion of files that would take infinite amount of time to complete?"15:07
verteroknessita: hmm, there is no easy way to fix that, using the current tools :/15:09
verteroknessita: probably the easies way is to mark the UDF as "unsubscribed"15:09
verterokand then delete it15:09
verteroknessita: as subscribtions to UDF are local, no server roundtrip is required ;)15:10
verterokrye: ^15:10
nessitaverterok: but that command will have any effect in what's currently queued in the meta queue?15:10
nessitaverterok: even though the unsubscribe per se doesn't have to go and back15:10
verteroknessita: I don't think the action queue is smart enough to kill the commands in the queue :/15:11
verteroknessita: I15:11
nessitaverterok: yeah, my thought exactly15:12
verteroknessita: I'll do: 1) u1sdtool -q, 2) u1sdtool --start, 3) u1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder=<udf id>, 4) u1sdtool -c15:12
verteroknessita: unsubscribe the folder *before* connecting15:13
verteroknessita: that way AQ should ignore that UDF, right?15:13
urbanaperye, had you used Bindwood prior to 1.0.3? Back with karmic at all?15:13
ryeurbanape, yup15:14
urbanapebeuno, same question. You mentioned not remembering having installed it.15:14
beunourbanape, right, I don't remember having ever installed it15:14
ryeurbanape, I had bindwood installed even before the karmic release15:15
beunoI could be wrong15:15
ryeurbanape, well, maybe 2 days before release. I need to see when was my first bug report regarding bindwood filed :)15:15
urbanapebeuno, maybe when you did some testing for a branch or something? Something in your environment (probably the two other bindwood. preferences) triggered the migration.15:16
beunourbanape, maybe, yeah15:16
beunoI don't remember any of that, but it could bery well be15:16
verteroknessita: sounds ok?15:16
urbanapeokay, need to make it a little less grumbly in the presence of a failed migration. It's not gonna get any better for either of you, until the migration is complete...15:17
nessitaverterok: why AQ would ignore the UDF? it will add it to process while doing local rescan15:17
nessitaverterok: which happens before the user connects (or not)15:18
verteroknessita: but if the UDF is unsubscribed should be ignored15:18
verteroknessita: new version ;) : 1) u1sdtool -q, 2) u1sdtool --start, 3) u1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder=<udf id>, 4) u1sdtool -q; 5) u1sdttol --start 6) u1sdtool -c15:18
nessitaverterok: yes!15:19
nessitarye: ^ (it's not optimal, we know)15:19
ryediverse_izzue, ok, could you please pastebin the output of u1sdtool --list-folders ?15:19
beunourbanape, it's ok, that's what testing is for. I'll disable it, and let me know when you want me to test again15:22
urbanapebeuno, thx15:22
verteroknessita: maybe steps 1 and 2 aren't required :)15:24
nessitaverterok: if it's running, nopes15:25
diverse_izzuerye, i'm trying, but u1sdtool reacts very slowly because the syncdaemon is churning gigabytes of data15:49
diverse_izzuerye, but there we go, just one folder: id=c040ec71-d7ad-40cd-91a6-89e67668a35f subscribed= path=/home/hunzikea/Pictures15:50
diverse_izzuebut as it looks to me it is already unsubscribed15:50
ryediverse_izzue, hm15:50
ryeverterok, ^15:50
verterokdiverse_izzue: did you just unsubcribed?15:52
diverse_izzueverterok, i tried so many things... but when i started the syncdaemon, the folder was already unsubscribed15:53
diverse_izzuethere's thousands of files in some queue, u1sdtool outputs them when i execute u1sdtool --waiting-content15:54
verterokdiverse_izzue: so, are those files from the UDF?15:59
diverse_izzueverterok, yes they are15:59
diverse_izzue6636 of them, to be precise15:59
lee_cowgood to see Funambol syncml working great in U1; just managed to sync a Blackberry phone and Micro$oft Outlook both to U1 without any issues :) fantastic & thanks; shame Evolution on Lucid Beta 2 (with desktop-couch) not behaving though :(16:04
lee_cowanyone? are we expecting notes/memos, tasks and calendar to be supported via U1 and Funambol at some point in the future?16:06
lee_cowanyone? when will contacts db in U1 support contact photos/pictures? evolution does but u1 contacts in couchdb and also in u1 cloud do not....16:13
diverse_izzueverterok, are you still around?16:14
verterokdiverse_izzue: yes, sorry. I was in a call16:16
verterokdiverse_izzue: so, you have the UDF unsubscribed but syncdaemon still want to download stuff from it?16:16
verteroknessita: ^16:16
ryeverterok, I believe it wants to upload stuff, not d/l16:16
diverse_izzueverterok, i don't know what it wants to do... i connected it, now it claims (upon --status) that it is "processing queues", but its not taking considerable amount of cpu or generating much network traffic16:17
nessitaverterok, rye: what's in the metadata queue?16:17
ryediverse_izzue, ^16:17
verterokrye: ok, it's the same :) the issue here is that if the UDF is unsubscribed it should ignore it16:17
nessitadiverse_izzue: what u1sdtool --waiting-metadata says?16:17
diverse_izzuethat gives an error, pastebinning...16:17
diverse_izzueverterok, rye, nessita: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413176/16:18
ryemetadata list does not handle utf8 i believe...16:18
ryenessita, proper utf-8...16:19
verterokdiverse_izzue: ok, please try restarting the client, it should ignore the UDF16:20
ryenessita, that should be handled as it is in show_path_info, i believe16:20
diverse_izzueverterok, command line?16:21
ryeor not16:21
nessitadiverse_izzue: after the restart  that verterok asked, could you please paste the log file from ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log ?16:21
nessitarye: not sure really, I'm not familiar with u1sdtool internals16:21
ryeit is in str_attrs... it tries to stringify something and I silence myself now...16:21
nessitadiverse_izzue: first, u1sdtool -q16:21
ryenessita, File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/action_queue.py", line 1430, in __str__ "for attr in str_attrs]"...16:22
nessitadiverse_izzue: after a few seconds, u1sdtool --start16:22
nessitarye: could you please file a bug?16:22
ryenessita, yup16:22
verterokdiverse_izzue: yes, u1sdtool -q16:26
verterokdiverse_izzue: and then u1sdtool --start16:26
diverse_izzueverterok, i restarted. it starts churning disk like crazy again16:28
nessitadiverse_izzue: do you have more files within Ubuntu One than the UDF you just added, right?16:30
nessitadiverse_izzue: maybe other UDFs as well?16:30
diverse_izzuenessita, no other UDFs16:30
diverse_izzuesome 20 test files in Ubunt One folder16:31
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok, what does --status says?16:31
diverse_izzuenessita, doing local rescan16:32
nessitadiverse_izzue: can you please paste the output of:16:32
nessitatail -n 100 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log16:32
diverse_izzuenessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413181/16:33
verteroknessita: looks like it's doing a Local rescan of a unsubscribed UDF16:34
diverse_izzueverterok, nessita, i'm away for half an hour, will be back later16:36
verterokdiverse_izzue: k, thanks16:36
diverse_izzuenessita, verterok, did you find out why it's rescanning an unsubscribed UDF, any more logs i can provide?17:18
verterokdiverse_izzue: looking at the code ATM, gimme a few minutes :)17:20
nessitadiverse_izzue: yes, could you please paste the output of:17:20
nessitau1sdtool --list-folders17:20
diverse_izzuenessita, it justs lists this one folder17:21
nessitadiverse_izzue: could you please paste the output?17:21
nessitadiverse_izzue: I want to confirm it's actually unsubscribed17:21
diverse_izzuenessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413204/17:21
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok, it's unsubscribed indeed17:23
nessitadiverse_izzue: we're looking at the code with verterok17:23
diverse_izzuenessita, :-)17:23
diverse_izzuenessita, great. i have to go buy groceries if i don't want to starve tomorrow, but i'll be back around 8 and happy to provide more debug info if needed. cu guys.17:24
nessitadiverse_izzue: thank you!17:24
ryenessita, bug #56163817:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561638 in ubuntuone-client "u1sdtool does not support utf-8 symbols in --waiting-meta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56163817:46
nessitarye: thanks!17:56
PaulGitvds: ping17:58
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
ryeOnce revision 2581 hits the servers we have bug #539558 fixed. That would make notes OOPS individually, not the whole /notes/ UI18:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539558 in ubuntuone-servers "Simple /notes/ loading converts all notes from XML to HTML" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53955818:52
diverse_izzuenessita, verterok, i'm back. any epiphanies meanwhile?19:05
nessitadiverse_izzue: I think you discovered/exercised a bug in our code :-), right verterok?19:06
verteroknessita: indeed19:06
diverse_izzuenessita, i have a talent for that19:06
diverse_izzueeasy fix?19:06
verterokdiverse_izzue: probably, we need to write some tests to be sure fixing this don't break anything ;)19:07
diverse_izzueverterok, sure, it's too late in the release cycle to introduce new bugs with fixes for others... is there a bug to which i can subscribe?19:09
verterokdiverse_izzue: indeed, I don't think there is a bug for this, but rye might know better19:10
diverse_izzuerye just left :-)19:10
verterokyeap :/19:10
verterokdiverse_izzue: I can't find a matching bug, could you file one? :)19:23
diverse_izzueverterok, ok. what do i write? i unsubscribed from a folder, but what exactly does it keep doing that it shouldn't?19:28
verterokdiverse_izzue: local rescan process unsubscribed folder19:29
verterokdiverse_izzue: and please detail the behaviour you'r seeing19:29
diverse_izzueverterok, will do, that's in ubuntuone-client?19:30
verterokdiverse_izzue: yes, thanks!19:30
verterokdiverse_izzue: I'll start working on the issue ASAP19:31
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
diverse_izzueverterok, it's bug 561713. could you please just look over it, and maybe add some details in tech lingo that i can't?19:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561713 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon does local rescan for unsubscribed folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56171319:35
* verterok looks19:36
verterokdiverse_izzue: the bug description it's perfect, thanks a lot!19:37
verterokChipaca, joshuahoover: ping, bug #56171319:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561713 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon does local rescan for unsubscribed folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56171319:38
joshuahooververterok: hmmm...19:38
verterokjoshuahoover: yes, very bad timing for this kind of bug :(19:40
joshuahooververterok: this is a syncdaemon bug, then, correct?19:40
verterokjoshuahoover: yes, I just confirmed and assigned it to foundations+19:40
joshuahooververterok: check with lucio, but unless this is a bug we can confidently fix in the next 2 days, we should push this as an sru rather than for lucid final19:42
joshuahooververterok: and what i mean by "confidently fix" i mean, we can properly test it and feel good about the fix going in such a short period of time :)19:43
verterokjoshuahoover: ok, I'll talk with lucio19:43
verterokjoshuahoover: got it ;)19:43
diverse_izzuejoshuahoover, i'll try and be around the next two days so that i can test anything you need to have tested19:45
diverse_izzuejoshuahoover, (i'm the reporter)19:46
joshuahooverdiverse_izzue: great! thank you for reporting the problem!19:46
dobeyduanedesign: ping20:36
dobeyduanedesign: how exactly did you replicate #554522 ?20:36
duanedesignhello dobey20:52
* duanedesign looking20:52
duanedesigndobey: right-clicking on a folder outside of the $HOME  the menu gives you the option to Syncronize with Ubuntu One. Selecting that option results in nothing happening.20:55
duanedesignwhich of course is what is supposed to happen. However the user was wanting additional feedback that this failed, or is not allowed20:56
duanedesignI maybe 'supposed' to happen isnt the right wording. I actually cant comment on what is supposed to happen. :)20:58
dobeywhat's supposed to happen is that the option shouldn't show up in the menu outside of $HOME :)20:59
dobey(or even on $HOME itself)20:59
duanedesigni did notice something...20:59
duanedesignhmm, well nevermind. I thought I did notice a scenario where that option did not show up.21:01
duanedesignill kkepp poking around21:01
verterokdiverse_izzue: branch with proposed fix attached to the bug ;)21:31
diverse_izzueverterok, you guys rock :-)21:31
diverse_izzueverterok, how can i test that if it's not packaged?21:32
verterokdiverse_izzue: you could wait to be pushed to the nightly ppa, or directly run it from trunk21:32
diverse_izzuei want to run directly from trunk. could you just give me the bazaar fu necessary?21:33
verterokdiverse_izzue: what version of ubuntuone-client do you have installed?21:33
verterokdiverse_izzue: I'm asking becaue you might need a newer protocol revno too21:34
lee_cowanyone have copy of ubuntuone-couchdb-query as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/ does not seem to have the attachment....21:34
diverse_izzueverterok, ah... then maybe i wait and test tomorrow morning21:34
verterokdiverse_izzue: :)21:34
diverse_izzuethe nightlies get built in the european night?21:34
verterokdiverse_izzue: no idea, let me check21:35
diverse_izzueverterok, the client was published an hour ago21:35
diverse_izzuethat probably doesn't include the fix yet, does it?21:38
verterokdiverse_izzue: no, isn't in trunk yet21:38
verterokrmcbride: thanks!21:40
diverse_izzueverterok, are you sure that i need a newer proc rev as well? if yes, can i run that from trunk as well?21:42
verterokdiverse_izzue: if you have the required protocol installed, you can run it from trunk, let me check21:42
verterokdiverse_izzue: I'm checking what's in lucid, gimme 1'21:45
verterokdiverse_izzue: you need the latest trunk of the ubuntuone-storage-protocol in order to use ubuntuone-client trunk :(21:46
dobeyah crap, i guess i do have to release that today too21:50
* verterok hugs dobey21:50
diverse_izzueverterok, so advice is i wait until the stuff is in the ppa?21:52
verterokdiverse_izzue: yes, unless you want to install a few deps to build trunk :)21:52
dobeyverterok, diverse_izzue: the latest u-s-p is in the nightlies ppa21:53
verterokdobey: oh, nice. thanks21:53
rmcbrideYea I was just about to mention that21:53
rmcbrideI had to build that protocol package and install it before I could build client packages :)21:54
rmcbrideI'm about to toss current nightlies into the BETA PPA, once a couple tests on this end completes. That'll let me rebuild nightlies as soon as verterok's fix is in21:55
diverse_izzuesweet. i installed that. verterok, can you instruct me how to get the client from bzr?21:58
verterokdiverse_izzue: if you want to test my fix: bzr branch lp:~verterok/ubuntuone-client/local_rescan-only-active-volumes21:59
verterokdiverse_izzue: but if you wait a few minutes it will land in trunk :)21:59
diverse_izzueverterok, i'll wait a little while and test as soon as stuff hits the nightly ppa. thanks you all for your efforts!22:07
verterokdiverse_izzue: great! :)22:07
jchrisI've finally installed Lucid22:07
jchrisand run gwibber22:07
jchrisit's neat22:07
jchrisbut I can't find my CouchDB so I can see what it's storing22:08
jchrisanyone know how to find it22:08
beunojchris, .local/share/desktop-couch/22:10
jchrishah found it22:10
ryebeuno, http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/desktopcouch-futon.py22:12
ryejchris, ^22:13
beunorye, what does that do?22:13
jchrisI just stuck that couchdb.html in my menu bar22:13
ryebeuno, sorry, that was sent to jchris, that thing opens futon in the browser since I don't always believe the bookmark-writing code22:13
jchris... hmm22:14
=== cpg is now known as cpg|brb
jchrishope it works for now22:14
jchrisI'm trying to get to the bottom of the complaints people have had about gwibber & couchdb22:14
dobeywhich complaints?22:33
jchrisdobey:  I follow the couchdb search on twitter and hear a lot of people talking about too much cpu usage, or gwibber not finding the port, etc22:45
jchrismaybe not a lot, but it's one of the more prevalent things I hear about couchdb on ubuntu22:45
jchrisI'm using it and it seems fine to me22:45
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg
rickspencer3jchris, for checking out your dekstop couch:23:01
rickspencer3if you want to give it a whirl, I'd be interested in your feedback23:01
nhainesjcastro: thanks for your review of the Nexus One car dock!23:05
nhainesI'd checked to see if it was available last week and hadn't seen it.  So I was able to order one myself.23:05
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
ajmitchdobey: ping, can bug 506114 be closed?23:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506114 in ubuntuone-client "Upgrade to 1.1.1" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50611423:59

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