
IiLuminatedhi there ... some project got open sourced http://code.google.com/p/macaw/ and http://drpetter.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=musagi&action=display&thread=8200:58
jefimenkoi'm having problems with jack 1.x disconnecting all clients periodically11:33
jefimenkoit is making it near impossible to do any serious audio work11:33
jefimenkoi got it by enabling the falk-t-j ppa as recommended under the "unofficial backports" page here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation11:34
jefimenkothe "Unofficial Backports" section11:34
jefimenkoi think this ppa upgraded jack to 1.x11:34
jefimenkobut i believe this version series has the bug11:35
jefimenkoi removed the ppa from my software sources, but how can i revert all my packages to the latest versions supported by my current software sources11:35
astraljavajefimenko: apt-get remove $PACKAGE; apt-get clean; apt-get install $PACKAGE comes to mind. :D11:53
astraljavajefimenko: Or rather, use aptitude, it will keep better track on the dependencies.11:54
astraljavajefimenko: Oh sorry, forgot apt-get update from the top of the list, that should be done first.11:56
jefimenkothat came to mind for me as well11:56
jefimenkobut i don't have a list of all the packages that were upgraded from this ppa11:56
jefimenkoinstead of reverting only jack, i would like to maintain consistency and go back to how things were before enabling the ppa11:57
astraljavajefimenko: Then start by the ones that you know, there will be dependency problems that get reported if you try to install packages that depend on older ones that you got installed now.11:57
jefimenkowow, i got myself into a mess11:59
jefimenkothe dependencies go way back12:00
jefimenkoubuntustudio-audio -> ardour -> jack212:00
astraljavaI believe that. Just have patience, you will sort it out eventually. :D12:01
jefimenkodo i have to remove ardour first in order to go to the prior version?12:01
astraljavaIf it got updated, then yes.12:01
jefimenkowhich would require me to remove ubuntustudio-audio12:01
jefimenkothen reinstall that as well12:01
astraljavaThat's no problem, it's only a meta-package, don't _really_ need that.12:01
astraljavaAnd like you said, it can be reinstalled, so that dist-upgrades may install or remove packages according to the updated one.12:03
jefimenkoi'm having fun already :)12:07
jefimenkoi think i got it12:14
jefimenkoi'll reboot in a few minutes and see if my computer explodes12:15
jefimenko(very likely)12:15
jefimenkoand by very likely i mean < 0.0001 probability12:15
sobukusholstein: I hope the lot of bug reports I issued yields more activity than posting on ubuntustudio-users15:00
sobukusthat list seems rather dead15:00
sobukusholstein: especially compared to your constant presence here;-)15:01
YouKnicksgood morning all...15:59
holsteinsobukus: im sorry you havent gotten a response17:57
holsteini think some things are up in the ari right now17:57
holsteinas far as the ubuntustudio team17:58
holsteinall that will be resolved soon17:58
holsteinsobukus: i forget? was this about a firewire device?17:58
holsteinthe ffado mailing list IS rather active17:59
holsteinthe mail i get somewhat regularly from an ubuntustudio list, is the ubuntustudio-testers list17:59
* holstein bbib18:01
openmindjhi, could anyone tell me when the next version of ubuntu studio will be released?22:11
openmindjI've been trying to compile the bristol synth and other apps into ubuntustudio, but havent had any success...22:14
tertittencheers, this might be a stupid question but there's no ubuntu studio lucid yet right ?22:34
holsteintheres test versions22:34
holsteinyou can install lucid22:35
holsteinand add whtever software you want to it22:35
holsteinincluding ubuntustudio meta packages22:35
tertittenI tried that, but that made ubuntu back to 9.10 ...22:35
holsteintried what?22:36
holsteinadding packages?22:36
tertittenI installed ubuntu 10.04 beta 2, then all the packages tagged with ubuntu-studio22:36
holsteinand the repos reverted?22:36
tertittenhe he, no22:36
holsteinwell, you got it then22:36
tertittenI don't think so at least. ..22:37
holsteinwhats it doing?22:37
holsteinwhat makes you think you have karmic?22:37
tertittenOk so basically I can 1. install ubuntu 10.04 b2 then the meta packages for studio ?22:37
tertittenand that's it ?22:37
holsteinno reason to install from the ubuntudtudio disk22:38
holsteinyou just want to help testing22:38
tertittenok so I will get the right kernels and everything from the meta packages ?22:38
tertittenrt kernel, etc22:38
holsteinsudo apt-get install linux-rt22:39
holsteini would not do that unless you just need it22:39
holsteinthe generic kernel is being reported as working well for low-latency22:39
tertittenok, I see. ..22:39
holsteingetting linux-rt22:40
holsteinand the dependencies22:40
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:40
holsteinyou can check out how to change your grub set up22:40
holsteinso you can see the grub menu22:40
holsteinOR change the default kernel22:40
tertittenI'm not sure I want to do this yet though, cause I've tried it twice and both times I got problems with the pulseaudio server after installing the meta packages...22:41
tertittenit wont start...22:41
holsteinoh yeah?22:41
holsteinhow so?22:41
holsteinit should just shutdown22:41
holsteinand get out of the way22:42
holsteinBUT all that will be changing sometime soon22:42
tertittenwhat do you mean shutdown ?22:42
holsteintertitten: if you want... go to #opensourcemusicians22:42
holsteinand the latest podcast22:42
holsteinis an interview with one of the ubuntustudio main folk22:43
holsteinvery informative about the future of pulse and JACK22:43
holsteinfor me..22:43
holsteinwhen i start jack22:43
tertittenok, I will check it out22:43
holsteinpulse shuts down22:43
holsteinand im good to go22:43
holsteinBUT im still running karmic on my studio box :/22:44
tertittenyeah, but I think jackd autostarted for me, so pulse was terminated always22:44
holsteini just havent had time to migrate yet22:44
holsteini got lucid on my EEE22:44
holsteintertitten: there is a script that suspends pulse22:44
holsteinBUT the plan is for pulse and JACK to work together better soon22:45
tertittenthat would be perfect.22:45
holsteinfor me, i dont really need it22:46
holsteinbut i can see how it could be helpful22:46
holsteingetting webcontent into JACK or out of it, something like that22:46
tertittenIi'll try out with ubuntustudio installation for now,.,., just as long as I get ardour working I'm happy. ..22:48
tertittenwithout getting buffer problems and etc in jack22:48
holsteinwhat interface do you have?22:49
tertittenSB Audigy 222:49
holsteinit can be challenging22:49
holsteinyou might want to look at you IRQ settings22:49
tertittenI'm aware that it's crap for these kind of operations22:49
holsteinin the bios22:49
tertittenok, yeah that makes sense22:49
holsteinit can be helpful to get the sound device off by itself22:50
holsteinsometimes you cant... worth a look though22:50
tertittenI have a external sb 24 to, don't know if it's better or worse22:50
holsteinhmm USB?22:50
holsteinprobably a toss up22:50
holsteini would go for whichever one is easy22:51
holsteinyour not gaining a mic preamp with the external one22:51
tertittenyea, well thanks for your help.... I'm going to install ubuntustudio now and cross my fingers that it works as I hope it does. ..22:51

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