
jrendasdoes anyone know if when I delete one file using "sudo rm file" it can be recovered?01:49
embajador_hola alguien habla espaƱol03:09
slyrusI'm new to xubuntu (the installer is spinning away) but, so far, the installer looks very nice and appears to be running well on this box which seems to give various flavors of debian and freebsd fits.03:45
myrl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  03:57
myrl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  03:57
myrl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  03:57
myrl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  03:57
Gadg3ti am a noob to ubuntu and i need a little help, I seem to not have video when ubuntu boots up. i can ssh in and everything is working fine but when i restart i do get the ubuntu starting splash screen but never the login. what could be wrong?04:19
slyrusi've got video, but no audio :) looking for hdmi audio from an h55 motherboard. do i need to build my own kernel for this?05:44
BalsaqGood Morning Xubuntu.05:52
el3menti cant run my weather widget :| everytime when try to ffind any city or location im get err mesage Cant find location06:39
el3menthow  can i fix that06:39
Balsaqyou MAY need to edit the weatherscreenlet.py file and add "&link=xoap" to the xoap.weather.com URL06:50
el3mentwhere can find this file to edit it ?06:51
Balsaqhttp://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/17068?cc=*&dayf=10&prod=xoap&link=xoap&par=1003666583&key=41 28909340a9b2fc&unit=s&hbhf=1206:51
el3menti know this is not roght channel but im speakinf for Kde Weather Forecast wiget :) with bbc blabla station06:54
knomeel3ment, we pretty much do not know anything about that, so it'd be better to ask the right channel06:55
el3mentno one live there :|06:55
knomeyou can ask both #kde and #kubuntu06:56
knomeor search the ubuntu forums, or google06:56
Balsaqgood morning psycho_oreos.08:50
psycho_oreosgood evening Balsaq, hows you?08:51
Balsaqi am holding my own.08:51
psycho_oreoserr ok, what does that mean lol?08:51
Balsaqi am learning slowly but surely08:52
Balsaqtrying to get involved08:52
psycho_oreoslearning new things I gather?08:52
psycho_oreosthought you'd be fairly familiar with it by now considering you have been here for awhile and I think you may have assisted users08:53
Balsaqwell isee many questions i cannot answer08:54
psycho_oreosahh ok08:54
Balsaqsome...i have no idea what they are even talking about.08:54
psycho_oreoswe all had to start from somewhere and slowly but surely we'll get there :)08:54
Balsaqplus o only use computers for the basics....08:55
Balsaqi am a minimalist i guess08:55
Balsaqlike em lean and mean08:55
psycho_oreosI guess for me the only way to learn is to try and move out of my comfort zone, because comfort zones are nice but its like lying on one of those beanie bags08:56
Balsaqyup and i have been doing that...especailly after workin all day.08:56
psycho_oreosxubuntu is somewhat fairly lean I agree to some point though others may say lubuntu (which isn't out yet but there is a desktop package you can get) will probably be just as lean if not leaner08:56
Balsaqriding on my laurelsit would take a lot to move me off xubuntu.08:57
Balsaqooops combined 2 thoughts08:57
Balsaqit would take a lot to move me off xubutu.08:58
psycho_oreosI was getting confused with laurelsit lol08:58
psycho_oreosyeah xubuntu is still very much ubuntu on the insides08:58
Balsaqi like the way way the ubuntu screen looks as it boots in 9.0408:58
psycho_oreosall the core stuff are more or less ubuntu just the frontend that's different and a fair few other included programs08:58
* psycho_oreos personally didn't like ubuntu's brown theme, but that's how they convey their distros across08:59
Balsaqi dont either the brown at all...should be fire engine red08:59
Balsaqbright, arterial red.09:00
psycho_oreoswell for me the xubuntu jaunty's theme is a little nicer but to each our own09:00
Balsaqi just added another 512 rdram to my lil xubuntu rocket.09:02
psycho_oreosrdram? *shudders* the days where those sticks would almost cost one an arm and a leg09:02
Balsaqruns real nice on a gig...in fact ran great on the half gig09:02
Balsaqyeah i really have to shop ebay for a oong time to buy it cheap but i get it done09:03
Balsaqi paid only 14 dolllars and free shipping09:03
Balsaqthe pc1066 is pretty fast even by todays standards09:03
psycho_oreosyeah right now they aren't so expensive but they should already appear at the stage where they are rare.. it was a bitter race between rdram and ddr-sdram09:04
Balsaqyeah i wouldnt even be messing with them but my employer gave me 6 for free09:04
Balsaqall with 512 originally09:04
Balsaqalmost done upgrading them all09:05
psycho_oreosthere were some tests done on it but I don't know if they are reliable or not (of course reviewers can easily be bribed almost like every other person) and they say on some parts rdram was better than ddr-sdram but ddr-sdram were mostly better elsewhere09:05
Balsaqruns at 533mgz09:05
Balsaqso no biggie....but xubuntu luvs it09:06
* psycho_oreos goes overboard with RAMs, almost always putting in the maximum amount of memory the mobo can handle09:06
Balsaqsee...thats where it gets expensive...they still want 100-200 for the big sticks09:07
Balsaqram is like money....09:09
psycho_oreosthe whole computer's internals is money lol09:09
psycho_oreoswhat grows from a simple computer just for web surfing to be a full blown multimedia computer that can handle high resolution gaming and all that multiple monitors jazz09:11
=== Techie is now known as Guest39708
OngacskaOla bruderz10:36
OngacskaBalsaq brotha aloha!10:37
OngacskaAnyone can help me?10:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:37
OngacskaI have an ubuntu 9.10, fresh install. The languga packages installed. Why I do not switch to hungarian language?10:38
psycho_oreosyou've gone through that language thing before?10:39
Sysiselect at login what language to use10:39
psycho_oreosor that10:40
OngacskaI tried swicth to language support in Sytem >>Admin, but the ubuntu not offered to me the selections:(10:40
OngacskaOn login screen: English10:40
Ongacskathe hungarian language pack installed from synaptic10:41
OngacskaSysi bruder ola!10:41
OngacskaHow the waether in Finland now?10:41
Ongacska(weather )10:41
xubuntu551xubuntu or linux mint 8 xfce hekp me to choose12:41
xubuntu551help i mean12:41
psycho_oreostry in #ubuntu-bots12:42
xubuntu551what's that12:42
xubuntu551im not a geek uno12:42
psycho_oreosa channel where you can ask for your query on wars between taste12:43
xubuntu551what do you use?12:43
_Techie_were in a xubuntu channel, offcourse were gonna reccomend xubuntu12:43
psycho_oreosI have xubuntu jaunty on my desktop but I have some other distro on my lappy which I'm using now12:44
psycho_oreoserr one of my desktops12:44
_Techie_i have xubuntu jaunty on my laptop and thats my only current linux install12:44
_Techie_well, its ubuntu turned xubuntu12:44
psycho_oreosvia aptitude install xubuntu-desktop? heh12:45
psycho_oreosxubuntu551, honestly? your question is kinda like asking which one tastes better, red apple or green apple?12:46
psycho_oreosand as _Techie_ which I very much agree, this is xubuntu only channel so its obvious12:46
_Techie_also just a heads up, im in bed watching a movie and its bloody cold, so dont expect prompt replies from me12:47
psycho_oreoswintertime eh?12:48
_Techie_i live in New Zealand12:48
psycho_oreosits not too cold here, Brisbane, QLD, .au12:48
_Techie_im south east of you12:48
psycho_oreosI'm lying here half naked with my lappy, setting it up12:48
_Techie_anyway, back to my semi warm bed12:49
_Techie_ill jump on the ipod12:49
psycho_oreosyou should take your lappy to your bed, that's what I do12:49
_Techie_i dont use my lappy12:49
_Techie_and im watching the movie on my desktop coz its a 720p movie12:50
psycho_oreosahh lol12:50
* psycho_oreos continues setting up archlinux and ducks for any incoming !ot notices ;)12:51
techpodiPod + warm bed = good12:53
techpodMy laptop barely runs xubuntu12:55
techpodPowerPC g412:59
psycho_oreosoh I also got my operands wrong I was meant to say < 1GHz lol I fail12:59
psycho_oreosahh and so you got ppc builds12:59
techpodI knew what you meant12:59
techpodYeah ppc builds ftw and alot of work getting it going13:00
psycho_oreoshehe I can imagine :) EFI based BIOS and stuff13:00
techpodI use yaboot on the laptop13:01
psycho_oreosheh I have 0 experience with linux and ppc, I know they can be a pita at timems13:04
techpodAll my problems were involving video and wireless13:06
psycho_oreosI presume the wireless was airport driver? something about broadcom I suspect13:06
psycho_oreosnot sure about what sort of video chipset they would have in those things but in the latter non-ppc builds they have nvidia chipsets13:07
techpodHad to patch the driver for wpa-psk support13:07
residentgreyhow did you do that? I am still a newb13:08
techpodAti fire gl mobility13:08
psycho_oreossounds like someone didn't include that into package builds13:08
psycho_oreosahh ati13:08
psycho_oreosresidentgrey, you need source, build-essentials and need to know how to use patch (google has got some good examples of how)13:08
residentgreypatch like with svn?13:09
psycho_oreosno usually patches are files with names ending in .patch13:09
psycho_oreosoh I forgot to mention, you need to rebuild the driver from source too after applying the patch, if build is successful you install it and modprobe it13:10
residentgreyima go man that modprobe again13:10
psycho_oreosyou should imo, prior to loading the new module, make sure the old module is backed up and removed13:11
residentgreyi have a question about usbserial, can that point to more than one device? I had to set the device id and all that for my air card to work13:12
residentgreywhen/if I put in another usb device will that get flashed?13:12
psycho_oreosdepends on the id I suppose13:15
residentgreyoh ok13:15
techpodMovies almost over so I'll be shutting down soon13:16
residentgreywhich movie?13:17
techpodChronicles of riddick directors cut 720p13:17
_Techie_times up13:18
techpodI'll chat from the iPod for a little while13:20
techpodNobodys talking now13:24
residentgreyim just trying to understand linux systems13:24
residentgreygonna get certified13:24
techpodDon't put us freelance guys outta work13:25
residentgreywe need to be certified to be good freelance13:27
residentgreyand keep the job13:27
techpodDon't need a certification to be "good"13:28
residentgreytrue but that's how you get the contracts and a job to get more xp13:37
techpodI'm gonna go to sleep, might be on tomorrow13:41
Pres-Gas'gmorning all13:57
=== Pres-Gas1 is now known as Pres-Gas
Pres-GasSo, what does it mean when I get "Received CTCP 'VERSION'".14:05
Pres-GasI keep getting kicked off14:05
Pres-GasAhh..I see...I forgot I was logged into another machine14:06
Pres-GasThar we go14:07
psycho_oreosreceive ctcp version is when someone sent a specific client to client message14:11
psycho_oreosand that specific one is checking the version of your client in which it will be your IRC client14:12
sinnyohalo sysi16:30
knomeroot, eww16:32
rabchi folks would anyone be kind enough to help im using filezilla and need to browse to the location of the usb drive running OS xubuntu which directory is the USB dirve under theres nothing obvious there thanks16:37
knomeif it's automounted, then /media/something16:43
plocis xubuntu capable of playing audio cd ?17:00
charlie-tcaploc: yes17:01
charlie-tcawhat version?17:01
plocthe last one : 9.1017:01
plocwhen my friend is inserting an audio cd, he gets no sound17:02
plocbut he has sound with a video from a dvd17:02
charlie-tcaPut the cd in the drive, open exaile, select the bottom tab, audio ???, select a track, hit the big green +, then hit the play button17:02
charlie-tcaIt doesn't do it automatically17:03
plocok, I'll tell it to my friend so he can test it17:03
ploccharlie-tca: which tab are you speaking about ? http://yeknan.free.fr/blog/images/ubuntu7.10/softs/exaile.jpg17:08
plocfiles ?17:08
charlie-tcaIt will appear on the left below Files Radio Playlists Collection17:09
charlie-tcaA new tab will show up for audio disc17:09
plocok, thanks17:14
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:18
Sachse_SiechtumHello guy17:27
Sachse_Siechtumhello Sysi  :-)17:27
Sachse_Siechtumhow you doin Sysi ? :-)17:29
Sachse_SiechtumI want to activate anti aliasing with my nvidia card..so I look on this website: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=356888 when I set the command: nvidia-settings -a FSAA=num17:43
Sachse_SiechtumI get the message: ERROR: Error parsing assignment 'FSAA=num' (No attribute value specified).17:43
Sachse_Siechtumalright my bad17:44
charlie-tcaLet me think about that one...17:56
betOuYj rhel18:28
kuraHey guys, apologies if you've had this question crop up a lot but; has anyone else experienced issues with Plymouth on latest install of Xubuntu 10.04? My install no longer displays any splash on boot at all.19:00
charlie-tcaknown issue depending on video card19:02
kuraAh, yey, thanks. I've seen on the forums some people seem to be having issues with nVidia and splash only displaying on reboot etc but because I use an ATI card I wondered if it might be something different.19:04
Sachse_SiechtumHello charlie-tca19:23
charlie-tcaHello, Sachse_Siechtum19:24
charlie-tcaGoing better now?19:24
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, just looking for a way to enable FSAA in WIne19:24
charlie-tcaI don't use Wine, have no idea, myself19:25
Sachse_Siechtumwell Max Payne 1 & 2 and Steam/ HL 2 run fine.... just the missing FSAA bugs me...19:27
edvardok wise guys20:18
edvardi just installed 10.04 in virtualbox20:18
edvardwhere the hell did you put xorg.conf?20:18
Sysiit doesn't exist anymore by default20:19
edvardoh dear...20:19
Sysiwrite yourself or use xrandr20:19
edvardso X is so automagic now it doesn't need a config file?20:19
edvardwhat is the world coming to?...20:20
charlie-tcaedvard: xorg.conf hasn't existed for over a year nwo20:21
edvardthere was one in 9.1020:21
charlie-tcaNot by default20:21
edvardwhere did mine come from?20:22
edvardi swear it was there when i installed20:22
edvardack, i'm feeling dizzy20:22
charlie-tcaeither you / someone created it or it was carried forward by an upgrae20:22
charlie-tca10.04 will create one if you install hardware drivers20:22
edvardthat must have been it20:22
edvardi installed the ATI driver on 64-bit realtime kernel, so I had to build it myself20:23
edvardcatalyst control built me a custom file20:24
edvardi don't remember there not being one by default, however20:24
edvardxorg.conf is usually one of the first things I get my hands on after a fresh install20:24
charlie-tcayeah, it is not needed by most users now20:25
edvardi admit hacking xorg.conf is not for the faint of heart, but to remove it entirely?20:26
edvardit feels...20:26
charlie-tcaIf it is just an empty file, why keep it?20:26
edvardyes, I noticed the default one had a few token "section" lines in it with no real configuration info20:27
edvardthat threw me too20:27
charlie-tcaThe only thing it does in lucid is tell the system to use "nvidia" instead of "nouveau"20:27
charlie-tca(on my computer)20:28
edvardI heard about that20:28
edvardthat's not X, that's nvidia dropping support for 'nv'20:28
edvardhow well does nouveau work nowadays?20:29
charlie-tcanvidia is the hardware driver, nouveau is the open-source driver20:29
charlie-tcaWorks fine, but it does not have 3d20:29
edvardneither did nv, so i guess its a fine tradeoff20:30
edvardok, back to virtualbox20:32
edvardthanks for the info20:32
charlie-tcaHave fun with lucid20:32
edvardi'm hoping so20:33
edvard9.10 was damn fine20:33
edvardbut I'd like to stick with a lts release for once20:33
charlie-tcaIt is going to be a really good release, I hope20:33
edvardme too20:33
charlie-tcaIt is heading there20:33
AppetiteIs there a way to permanently set the keyboard layout to en-AltGr deadkeys? I change it via applications->settings->keyboard->layout but it seems to revert to plain EN after a while/on reboot23:32

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