
mathiazapachelogger: looks good to me.00:00
mathiazapachelogger: once your testing is done, please upload.00:00
apacheloggerk :)00:00
mathiazapachelogger: make sure that all the necessary bits are in client-core00:00
apacheloggermathiaz: works just fine .... BUT having mysql in there is actually a bit of a hack, it does not even get used, the only reason it is there is because mysql_upgrade looks for it but doesnt seem to use it at all00:02
apacheloggeri.e. touching and chmodding in $PATH would work just as well ^^00:03
mathiazapachelogger: really - I would be surprise00:03
mathiazapachelogger: I haven't looked at the code though00:03
apacheloggerseriously, upgrading worked just fine without it *shrug*00:03
apacheloggerTm_T: akonadi is growing support for sqlite btw00:04
mathiazapachelogger: have you looked at the code?00:04
apacheloggermathiaz: nope00:04
mathiazapachelogger: how can you tell that the upgrade worked?00:04
Tm_Tapachelogger: ouch00:04
apacheloggersame results as with proper mysql-client installed00:05
* apachelogger uploads to ppa and browses the code a bit00:05
mathiazapachelogger: is akonadi using the new features of 5.1?00:05
mathiazapachelogger: if not, it may not be enough to check whether the upgrade *actually* worked00:06
apacheloggermathiaz: unlikely, the lead storage dude said that all his machines are still using 5.000:06
apacheloggermathiaz: what do you suggest?00:06
mathiazapachelogger: check the code00:06
mathiazapachelogger: and make sure that the mysql binary is not called by the mysql_upgrade script00:07
apacheloggerfirst one must find it of course ^^00:07
apacheloggerthat is interesting00:07
apacheloggermathiaz: mysql_upgrade is in ./client/ yet we ship it in the server package00:08
mathiazapachelogger: yes - because you wanna run it on system where a mysql server is running00:08
apacheloggerwell, it clearly depends on the client anyway, so...00:09
mathiazapachelogger: hm actually - that's not true00:09
mathiazapachelogger: mysql_upgrade can probably connect to the remote server and do the ugprade there00:09
apacheloggerwhich might be why it is in the client source00:09
apachelogger  Run query using "mysql"00:11
apacheloggercalled by /*00:12
apachelogger  Update all system tables in MySQL Server to current00:12
apachelogger  version using "mysql" to execute all the SQL commands00:12
apachelogger  compiled into the mysql_fix_privilege_tables array00:12
apacheloggermakes sense after all00:12
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: So no major issues on your end to speak of? Once I file the sync request / FFe, feel like adding a comment with the testing you did?01:20
Riddellryanakca: what's the tip of the day idea on ofirk's website design?01:27
ofirkRiddell: FYI, the "Kubuntu 9.10 is out!" is now "Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx is out!"01:29
ryanakcaRiddell: If I remember correctly, it contains a random tip of the day for a KDE application. Like the Tip of the day when one opens a KDE app (or opened, haven't seen them in ages, but that's because I always clicked the "Don't show this again" box)01:35
Riddellyeah, suggests to me it's not a good idea since they're out of fashion and it's the sort of thing we get rid of in kubuntu01:36
Riddellbut that space could be used for the user profiles and other bits on the current kubuntu.org front age01:36
ryanakcaRiddell: OK01:37
ryanakcaRiddell: Jay Franklin's blurb is up by the way01:47
jjesseif i only have the usb i isnstalled and no internet how to install the restricted network drivers?  only have wireless01:47
daskreechDoes the Kubuntu.org site auto cycle through those info bits?01:48
ryanakcadaskreech: Unfortunately not01:48
* daskreech winces. Techinical barrier or just an oversight ?01:48
ryanakcadaskreech: Bit of the two. It's easier to change things manually every now and then than write a script and have it reviewed and yadda yadda.01:50
JontheEchidnaryanakca: I'm not sure I've tested it properly to get a good idea of its stability. I'm not exactly sure how to use it01:52
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Have time to more thoroughly test it with me, assuming I can get it to behave on my end?01:52
JontheEchidnaryanakca: sure01:52
JontheEchidnawaiting for kde4libs to compile at the moment anyhow ;)01:53
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: OK, just a sec01:53
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: bug 561950 :)02:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561950 in kobby "Please sync kobby_1.0~beta5-2 from Debian unstable (main) to Kubuntu Lucid (universe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56195002:12
nixternalI think it is only fair that I should be able to bill Canonical for the 5+ years of work I have done around here, so with that said, sabdfl are you listening? -> http://tinyurl.com/y5jmdqp - I figured this was better than the $380,000 USD I came up with :D03:18
jjesseso that bike costs 380k? :)03:19
nixternalit is exactly the same bike I broke last year in a race while I was thinking of ways to make Kubuntu better :)03:19
nixternalabout $5,00003:19
jjessehrmm i would blame your fat ass for breaking the bike and not thinking about kubuntu broke the bike03:20
jjesseyour welcome03:20
apacheloggermadness all around03:20
nixternali crashed, that's what broke that bike03:20
nixternalnow I am racing on a $800 bike, it just isn't the same03:21
nixternalactually, I think $4,500 is all I need, as Trek is one of my team's sponsors, so we get discounts03:22
* apachelogger can indeed imagine that there is less fear of breaking a 800 bike than a 500003:22
apacheloggerthen again 5000 USD is like 100 EUR, so that problem would not occur for me anyway :P03:22
nixternalnot so much fear, but with the $800 bike, it is harder to stay in the pack, therefor you don't usually crash by yourself03:22
apacheloggernixternal: are you a wolf that you want to stack in the pack? :)03:23
nixternalI can save Canonical $1,000 by changing out the wheels, but I think it is only fair to run carbon clinchers on that beauty03:23
* apachelogger agrees and pokes some json documents03:24
jjessewow  you have competly lost me03:24
apacheloggeruhm, now they are broken03:24
nixternalI am the <insert animal that kills wolves> that wants to be in the pack03:24
apacheloggerwhat animal can I insert there?03:24
nixternali don't know actually, what is a predator of a wolf?03:24
* genii welds his crappy old steel tubing bike back together and carries on03:24
* apachelogger always did triage bugs in school and doesnt know :(03:24
jjessedear $securitycompany your private ftp sites shouldn't be googleable espeically when they contain username and password03:24
nixternalor a wolf's predator?03:24
geniinixternal: Other wolves? bears?03:25
apacheloggeraliens for sure03:25
nixternalgenii: I thought bears, but wasn't sure how they hell they would catch a wolf03:25
apacheloggerno hold on03:25
apacheloggeraliens and predators03:25
geniiapachelogger: And humans03:25
apacheloggeror maybe only one of them03:25
apacheloggerhumans are only intersted in ponies!!!!!!!!!!03:26
apacheloggernixternal: tell him03:26
* genii munches on a pony03:26
nixternalgenii: but if I went with human, PETA would be all over me03:26
apacheloggerrightly so03:26
nixternalanimal on animal brutality is OK though, though humans are animals...damn that PETA03:26
imbrandonsup peeps03:27
apacheloggerqdebug is utter crap compared with kdebug03:27
apacheloggerlong live kdebug \o/03:27
* apachelogger makes his qlib a klib03:27
apacheloggerimbrandon: nixternal wants to munch wolves it seems03:28
apacheloggerapparently cyclists do that03:28
* apachelogger throws away his lib and considers going to bed03:29
imbrandonbah, sleep is for the weak03:29
apacheloggerRiddell: I might indeed have been to optimistic regarding the u1 akonadi stuff03:29
apacheloggerkubotu: time03:29
kubotuapachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Tue Apr 13 04:30 CEST03:29
apacheloggertrue, no point in going to bed now anyway03:29
geniinixternal: I guess the baby seal beaters have disenchantched PETA03:29
* apachelogger diggs through to desktop03:30
apacheloggeroh cmon now srsly!!!!03:30
apacheloggerstill no sun shine in sight03:30
nixternalyou gotta have balls to mess with a baby seal...in california I tried to get close to take a picture of a couple of baby seals and mama seal chased me for a good 100 yards03:30
nixternalnever knew seals could move that fast03:30
apacheloggernixternal: why did you want to take a picture anyway?03:31
nixternalthey were so damn cute03:31
apacheloggerisn't that like ponrography, considering they are technically not wearing anythinhg?03:31
nixternalCanonical, while you are at it, I could use a new time trial bike too, mine just isn't cool enough anymore....3 years old equipment gets slower :)  http://www.trekbikes.com/us/en/bikes/triathlon/equinox_ttx/equinoxttx99ssl/03:32
apacheloggerjust horrible03:32
geniinixternal: Ride a crappy old bike and be happy! ;)03:32
* apachelogger rides a crapppy old bike and is not happy03:33
apacheloggernot advisable03:33
apacheloggerreading works03:33
apacheloggerme@osiris:~$ curl http://localhost:33397/_all_dbs03:33
nixternalgenii: I race though, crappy doesn't cut it03:34
apacheloggerquestion of course is, where one gets the documentation for all them interfaces03:34
nixternalgenii: that's what I am racing now, just doesn't cut it ^^03:35
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Do you still have those files I emailed you?03:35
* apachelogger falls over03:35
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: do you need to bling me that loud?03:35
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: :D My apoligies03:36
* genii slides nixternal a composite frame penny-farthing03:37
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: the reason for my asking is the bug that you and ScottK were talking about, the answers should lie somewhere in those files. I'm digging and seeing if I have them still03:38
apacheloggerfetch you mail03:38
* apachelogger cant copynpaste ^^03:40
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I switched out Harddrives and switched to AMD64 instead of i686 since then.03:41
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: fetch your mail^!!!103:42
* apachelogger finds it scary when a host of apache.org times out03:42
apacheloggerand it is all moinmoin's fault03:42
DarkwingDuckWhat mail am I looking for?03:43
DarkwingDuckThe packaging branch?03:43
* apachelogger sent mail :P :P :P :P03:43
* apachelogger is going to fall apart03:43
DarkwingDuckNo, I don't have it.03:43
DarkwingDuckWell, wait...03:44
DarkwingDuckBRB... I'm going to see if this will work.03:44
apacheloggermoinmoin fowarded me to a stupid german translation of the frontpage03:45
apacheloggerno wonder I did not find no documentation ^^03:45
* genii shakes an impotent fist somewhere in the general direction of moinmoin03:45
nixternalgenii: editmoin can be your friend03:47
ScottKapachelogger: You saw mathiaz answer about mysql?03:50
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: you may beat me for not remembering I used my never used gmail account to email those to you03:55
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you did very much indeed03:56
DarkwingDuckLOL At least I remembered that I emailed those to you03:57
apacheloggerthat is something03:58
* apachelogger just broke an addressbook entry created with evolution03:58
apacheloggerthat is actually fun03:58
* apachelogger could destory data all day long ^^03:58
DarkwingDuckHow about fixing the akonadi issue :P:P03:59
apacheloggertoo little sleep03:59
apacheloggerno sleep03:59
apacheloggerI could be testing upgrading mysql04:00
apacheloggerbut I am afraid I wouldnt find the proper terminal at this time of day04:00
apacheloggerI might wipe my system04:00
DarkwingDuckThat would be bad juju04:00
DarkwingDucknixternal: ping04:00
apacheloggerQVariant(QVariantMap, QMap(("error", QVariant(QString, "conflict") ) ( "reason" ,  QVariant(QString, "Document update conflict.") ) )  )04:06
apacheloggerhm, seems as if it got accepted though04:07
apacheloggerdarn awesome04:08
* apachelogger can edit stuff in couchdb04:08
ScottKdebfx: Bad news on the powerdevil patch.  I still get the double suspend.04:29
nixternalDarkwingDuck: pong04:32
txwikingerhey nixternal... Are you still awake ;D04:40
rgreeningHas anyone else seen Landscape/Portrait reversal between what Okular shows and printer applets does? I see this in Karmic and Lucid04:51
rgreeningJontheEchidna, Riddell ^04:51
JontheEchidnabeen like that since 4.0.004:51
rgreeningoh. no fix?04:51
JontheEchidnaQt Software just don't give to craps04:51
rgreeninghmm,,, s9omething we should look to fix for Maverick?04:52
JontheEchidnagood luck (tm)04:52
ScottKLCD on my laptop died.05:04
ScottKDoes Dell offer any non-crap laptops with Ubuntu preinstalled?05:07
persiaRumour has it that they don't.05:12
persiaAnd that Ubuntu works great on their less bad notebooks, but isn't there by default.05:12
rgreeningDell Canada > Dell US05:13
persiaIndeed.  Different markets have different offerings, some of which are better than others for given user segments :)05:14
rgreeningI got 8.04 on my Mini with 2 GB RAM, and you can get that anywhere else (the 2GB)05:15
persiaFor example, Dell offers no products with Ubuntu preinstalled here (although there will be some available later this month, supposedly)05:15
persias/products/laptops/ (apologies fo failing to notice the OptiPlex offerings)05:16
* txwikinger thinks we need to integrate kubuntu into testdrive05:24
ScottKpersia: That was my experience last time I bought a laptop ~two years ago.05:27
txwikingerMarket segmentation is anti-competitive and disallowed by EU law05:29
ScottKOf course now that I realize it was ~two years ago and not ~three, it may be under warranty....05:30
ScottKtxwikinger: So one has to offer the exact same products in Europe everywhere?05:31
txwikingerWell.. yes05:31
ScottKOne wonders how test marketing would work?05:31
txwikingerthe rule says you cannot restrict a retailer to sell in a particular territory05:31
ScottKI see.05:31
txwikingerso if they have an offer in Germany, the retailer is allowed to sell to anywhere in the EU05:32
ScottKWell in Dell's case they don't restrict retailers, they choose to sell directly.05:32
ScottKSo it doesn't seem that would enter into it.05:32
txwikingerEven there05:32
txwikingerif you get to the Dell germany site they cannot refuse to deliver to UK or wherever else05:32
txwikingerand they cannot refuse warranty05:32
ScottKSounds very inconvenient for business.05:33
txwikingerWell.. your business has to have a certain size05:33
txwikingerSuch that your behaviour can have a anti-competitive effect on the market05:33
txwikingerhowever, this can be as little a 16% of the market05:34
txwikingerSo the small family business does not have the same obligation05:34
ScottKIf I'm running Dell Germany, how would I even know if Greece has any special rules?05:36
txwikingerspecial rules?05:36
ScottKIf my section of the company is focused on one market, how can it be expected to know about other markets?05:36
ScottKI've no idea (which is rather the point).05:37
ScottKMaybe Greece has requirements around offering to recycle old computers when you sell a new one?05:37
ScottKNo idea.05:37
txwikingerIn what sense? Greece cannot diallow any product to be sold which is allowed in any other country05:37
txwikingerWell. Greece as a country cannot do anything that would hinder companies outside of GREECE05:38
txwikingerto sell in their market.. that would be anti-competetive by itself05:38
txwikingerThat used to be the problem with cars05:39
txwikingerbut they introduce the EU certificate that every car has to comply with and hence you can import it from any EU country into any other05:39
txwikingeri.e I bought a car in Germany registered it in Luxembourg and then took it to England05:40
txwikingerbecause in Luxembourg and UK the models had different packages that I did not like05:41
txwikingerSo that would be the analogy to your Dell issue05:42
persiaEssentially, the "EU" is taking the "state" out of "nation-state" and handing that at a higher-level.05:44
txwikingerpersia: Well.. in some way yes.. however, this is not so different to the interstate commerce clause in the US05:45
txwikingerjust that the anti-competition law is not a strong in US, since i.e. Anheuser Bush has exclusive distributors for certain markets05:45
txwikingerin EU such limits in contracts with distributors would be illegal05:46
persiatxwikinger: Indeed, although in that case, the "nation" was removed from "nation-state", and the "state" is still under process of being removed (last direct foreign treaty between a US State and a non-US nation-state was circa 1996)05:46
persiaFunctionally similar, but very, very different in terms of identity of polities, etc.05:47
txwikingerHowever, yes, some of the new treaty of Lisbon is taking lots of things to the EU council05:47
txwikingeri.e. an EU state cannot protect its own citizens anymore from other states05:47
txwikingerNow Ireland could theoretically procecute someone in Germany who had an abortion and Germany would have to expedite even everything happened in Germany05:48
txwikingerbut it would violate Irish law05:49
persiaIndeed, and interesting, and worthy of discussion (especially in comparison with other aggregated unions (US, India, etc.), but far off topic :)05:49
txwikingerHowever, I presume the German Supreme Court would set this part of the Lisbon treaty apart and not allow thta to happen05:49
ScottKSo US states have more ability to regulate car sales than EU nations (thinking about California emissions control requirements)05:51
persiaScottK: Yes.05:58
debfxScottK: are you sure that you have used the patched package to test it?08:59
Riddelltwo days until final freeze! panic!09:48
Tm_Tcan we change now the wallpaper to some unicorn pony, please?09:49
Tonio_Riddell: hi09:59
Tonio_Riddell: Feedbacks about current svn snapshot of knetworkmanager are very good09:59
Tonio_Riddell: should I consider uploading now ?09:59
Tonio_Riddell: you can checkout the ML09:59
Tonio_Riddell: since we only have 2 days before final freeze...10:01
RiddellTonio_: mm, I think we should10:05
RiddellTonio_: give me an hour to test it myself first10:05
Tonio_Riddell: sure10:09
ScottKdebfx: Reasonably sure.  I can double check.11:00
apacheloggerTm_T: one wallpaper coming up right away11:15
apacheloggerthat said11:17
apacheloggerI should be uploading some junk anyway.11:17
CIA-6[kubuntu-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413101901-7vv8ozxy1m1v57ex * debian/changelog releasing version 1:10.04ubuntu1811:19
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: anything up for workspace?11:20
* apachelogger has a patch for kickoff's model loading pending11:20
ScottKapachelogger: Just debfx's powerdevel thing.11:21
apacheloggerok, I'll wait with that upload the11:21
* ScottK needs to sleep more before considering any testing reliable.11:21
RiddellTonio_: hmm, I can't get it to work11:21
ScottKapachelogger: Did you do mysql already?11:21
* ScottK attempts sleep again....11:22
apacheloggerScottK: waiting on mvo to tell me how to do proper testing considering update-manager eats my sources.list11:22
apacheloggerin case anyone cares11:26
apacheloggerexport RELEASE_UPRADER_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY=true11:26
Tonio_Riddell: really ?11:33
Tonio_Riddell: talking about knetworkmanager or the plasmoid ?11:33
RiddellTonio_: dist-upgrade sorted it11:34
RiddellTonio_: so go for upload11:34
Tonio_Riddell: may I get your log output please ?11:34
Tonio_oh okay ;)11:34
dpmhey apachelogger, JontheEchidna, re: bug 560411, it looks to me that you are handling this already, but just in case is there anything else to do from the Translations team? Anything we should look into?11:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560411 in ubuntu-translations "Desktop translations not pulled for desktop-extragear-multimedia_k3b" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56041111:57
apacheloggerRemove (was auto installed) g++-4.2 libstdc++6-4.2-dev11:58
apachelogger  mysql-client-core-5.111:58
* apachelogger finds that unfortuante11:58
apacheloggerdpm: just checking if that actually worked11:59
apacheloggerproblem was that we were fetching the desktop pos for non-core KDE stuff from the wrong SVN branch11:59
apacheloggerso some files were just not present or outdated11:59
apacheloggernow they should be in ubergood shape11:59
dpmah, cool12:00
* apachelogger rolls back his upgrade chroot and tries again12:01
apacheloggerdpm: it is still a bit of a dirty approach though ... bug 56060612:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560606 in pkg-kde-tools "Fetching of desktop file pos needs to be improved" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56060612:01
apacheloggerneed to revise that a bit for maverick12:01
dpmlooking at the bug...12:02
dpmok, gotcha. I'll add an ubuntu-translations task for the translations team to keep track of the progress12:03
apacheloggerkubotu: topic del 112:07
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
apacheloggerkubotu: topic del 312:07
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
apacheloggerthat topic is way too useful ^^12:08
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Beta 2 Released!, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
apacheloggermuch better12:08
apacheloggeremit fail();12:12
apacheloggeror maybe not12:12
JontheEchidnaapachelogger, dpm: this string is translated upstream, but hasn't been imported even after the fix: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/k3b/+pots/desktop-extragear-multimedia-k3b/ru/52/+translate12:15
JontheEchidnain fact, none of the strings in that template seem to have an upstream translation12:15
Riddellwe use svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/stable/l10n-kde4/$(LANGCODE)/messages/extragear-multimedia/desktop_extragear-multimedia_k3b.po12:17
Riddellit's possible with k3b 2 not being stable that's the wrong place12:17
dpmJontheEchidna, the template seems to have been imported, though -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/k3b/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=pot12:17
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ah, good point.12:18
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
dpm(and translations too -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/k3b/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=po)12:18
apacheloggerRiddell: I switched to trunk12:20
apacheloggerdpm: the po for the template should be coming from kde-l10n-FOO12:21
apachelogger   messages/kdelibs/desktop_extragear-multimedia_k3b.po in kde-l10n-ru in Ubuntu Lucid12:22
apachelogger Approved12:22
apachelogger 12:22
apachelogger   Uploaded by Harald Sitter on 2010-04-11 19:03:09 CEST12:22
apachelogger   Will be imported into Russian (ru) translation of desktop-extragear-multimedia-k3b in Ubuntu Lucid package "k3b"12:22
apacheloggerstill pending import I suppose12:23
apacheloggercan we speed that up a bit?12:23
dpmapachelogger, if I'm mistaken, it should not come from kde-l10n-$LANG, if it's extragear12:24
dpmIf I'm _not_ mistaken, that was :)12:24
apacheloggeryou are mistaken :P12:25
JontheEchidnaupstream distributes its translations in the .desktop files12:25
dpmI knew it, can't beat kubuntu devs12:25
JontheEchidnabut pkgbinarymangler.... mangles... them12:26
apacheloggerstupid and ugly binary mangler12:26
apacheloggermangles but doesnt extract, stupid as it is12:26
apacheloggerso what we do, is have script magic in kde-l10n packages that fetches the pos from KDE's SVN12:26
JontheEchidnagotta go to class now, be back this afternoon12:26
apacheloggerand that is why those translations come from kde-l10n-FOO but the tempalte from the actual source package12:26
dpmapachelogger, yeah, but my point was, when I saw desktop_extragear-multimedia_k3b, that if k3b is extragear (is it?) the translations should not be included in the kde-l10n-* packages but actually come from the actual k3b source package. I thought only core kde apps' translations were in kde-l10n-*12:29
apacheloggeryes, that is absolutely correct12:29
apacheloggerjust not for the desktop files12:29
dpmah, I see...12:30
persiaIs this to support app-install-data?12:30
apacheloggerdpm: in the k3b source ther is a po/ directory that indeed contains the localized UI strings12:30
apacheloggerdpm: then we manually create templates12:31
apacheloggerdeskto files however get distributed without appropriate .po files12:31
dpmpersia, no, that's to support the KDE translation infrastructure in Launchpad12:31
persiaHaving the .desktop translations outside the source?  I think we have a context miss :)12:32
apacheloggerthat is how the desktop file look sin the k3b source12:32
apacheloggerthen the ubuntu binarymangler comes and takes away all the translations, and (unfortunately) dumps them12:32
apacheloggerso technically as it is the desktop files are left without associated po files12:32
apacheloggerand that is why we fetch them form KDE svn in kde-l10n-FOO12:33
apacheloggertechnically we could also do it in k3b, but by doing it in kde-l10n-FOO we have a central point of failure12:33
apacheloggerotherwise too many things can go wrong + it would be quite the PITA to maitain12:34
dpmok, I get you12:34
dpmpersia, that's how it's done in KDE upstream. .desktop files are not created on build from a .desktop.in, but are kept in the sources. Translations for them are done in separate PO files than the ones from applications.12:36
dpmpersia, upstream the translations are also not distributed in the sources but in sort of separate language packs12:38
persiaSeems like an opportunity for string cleanup, since all the strings are *duplicated* in app-install-data.12:38
persiaWe oughtn't need to ship both (or else there's a bug in app-install-data translation for all KDE apps)12:38
dpmpersia, haven't we got the same problem with duplication with app-install-data for GNOME apps? Just asking, since I think this is not an issue only for KDE apps12:40
persiaI thought there was some special hack for GNOME apps, related to the bit how binarymanger takes away the .desktop translations.12:41
persiaI may be wrong.12:41
apacheloggerupgrade failed :(12:42
* apachelogger rebuilds mysql12:42
dpmpersia, these are unrelated things, I believe. For GNOME apps, inline translations in the .desktop files are discarded, but they are nevertheless in the PO files and the original template in the POT files, and they get imported. In KDE, translations in the .desktop files are discarded, and there is no POT file or a way to create one, so it directly has to be fetched from upstream's SVN12:46
persiaSo what happens for the GNOME apps with maintainer-added .desktop flies.  I suspect there's a gap somewhere, and duplication, but that's possibly a longer-term thing.12:48
persiaIf you're going to UDS, you might want to have a spec on .desktop file translation.  I know seb128, mvo and myself have previously been interested in the topic, and wouldn't be surprised if there are others.12:49
persiaShould save disk space for all.12:49
dpmpersia, I'll be at UDS, and I'd be happy to discuss this :). I'm not sure about the spec yet, but we could have a session.12:52
* apachelogger loves specs12:53
* apachelogger should write some of them for kubuntu12:53
persiadpm: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/rosetta-desktopfile-ui12:53
persiaBasically needs someone to take it up, and run with it.  I was strongly reminded by the KDE .desktop file handling description.12:54
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
rgreeningmornin persia12:56
dpmpersia, ah, but that's something different. One thing is improving how KDE translations for desktop files are imported (packaging infrastructure), while the other (the spec) is about adding new funcionality to Launchpad to allow translators to translate them in an easier way. The latter would require someone to hack on LP, as the LP Translations developers' current focus is upstream integration, and I don't think they'd have the resources to put time o12:57
dpmn that12:57
persiaOK.  That was the old spec that was always referenced when folks talked about .desktop files.  Working with upstream is clearly better.  We could do a new spec, regarding handling the translations for .desktop files.12:58
persiaSince we end up needing translations for every .desktop file in the archive on (nearly) every GUI install, it seems wasteful not to use them.12:59
Riddellryanakca: you forgot to subscribe ubuntu-archive to bug 56195013:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561950 in kobby "Please sync kobby_1.0~beta5-2 from Debian unstable (main) to Kubuntu Lucid (universe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56195013:01
Riddelltsimpson: bug 41292913:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412929 in arora "Arora does not start a new instance when icon in kickoff is clicked." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41292913:12
gunsofbrixtonhi, for kubuntu karmic there where plans to use arora as default browser, seems to have gotten pretty feature-complete by now... what are the plans for lucid or future releases?13:15
apacheloggergunsofbrixton: it is not features we are concerned with, but reliabilty, consistency, integration and stability of course13:17
Riddellgunsofbrixton: lucid is LTS so not a good time for changing browser, konqueror still default13:17
apacheloggerI personally do however think that now that kdewebkit is maturing along nicely that arora is out of the race13:18
apacheloggerIt's more like konqueror-khtml vs konqueror-webkit vs rekonq vs firefox now13:18
apacheloggerat least until chromium grows KDE integration ;)13:18
* apachelogger is wondering if akonadi resources can interact with eachother13:24
agateauRiddell: ping13:49
* shadeslayer watches as plasma-widget-networkmanagement crashes13:55
Riddellagateau: yo13:57
agateauRiddell: hi, was wondering about the status regarding the latest krandrtray and kalarm patches13:58
Riddellagateau: next on my todo list after archive admin duties, which I think I'm about done with13:58
Riddellagateau: anything else from you before final freeze on thursday?13:58
agateauRiddell: nothing I can think of13:58
agateauRiddell: sounds good then, thanks13:59
Riddellagateau: what should we do with the colibri package?13:59
agateauRiddell: good question13:59
Riddellit still gives an error  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service', which is also in package notification-daemon 0:0.4.0-2ubuntu213:59
Riddella conflicts would be a quick fix I guess14:00
agateauRiddell: if you have time, at least it would be nice to add a "Provides: notification-daemon"14:00
Riddellmm, that might work14:00
agateauRiddell: and distro-rename the .service to colibri-org.freedesktop.Notifications.service14:00
Riddellagateau: what will that do?14:00
agateauLet you install both notification-daemon and  colibri14:01
agateauRiddell: but then, only disk order will determine which one is started :/14:01
agateauRiddell: I was wondering whether it would not actually be simpler to get rid of the service file and turn colibri into a kded module14:02
agateauRiddell: but that would be for later14:02
Riddellagateau: ah, so the kde- and gnome- prefixes we used to have for policykit weren't some magic desktop thing it was dbus picking a file based on the first one it came across?14:02
agateauRiddell: yes, according to dbus source14:02
agateauI guess no one got both installed, maybe14:03
Riddellok I'll do that14:03
agateauRiddell: great, thanks14:03
Riddellpeople would have had both installed but they probably weren't too fussed which got used14:03
agateauRiddell: yes, makes sense14:03
* agateau does not know much about policykit14:03
shadeslayerRiddell: who is handling the networkmanagement plasmoid?14:09
Riddellshadeslayer: tonio14:10
shadeslayerah ok14:10
shadeslayerTonio_: got a bug for you : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23425414:10
ubottuKDE bug 234254 in general "knetworkmanagement plasmoid crashes on setting network while not connected completely" [Crash,Unconfirmed]14:10
Tonio_shadeslayer: can't reproduce....14:14
shadeslayerTonio_: weird....14:14
shadeslayerTonio_: well this too : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-networkmanagement/+bug/56219214:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562192 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "After a wireless disconnect+reconnect, no list of wireless networks can be seen though they can be seen in "Available Networks KDE Control Module" " [Undecided,New]14:14
shadeslayerlemme try again with the previous bug14:15
shadeslayerTonio_: i can reproduce it again... but the crash dialog doesnt come up,although the whole of plasma goes down14:17
apacheloggerRiddell: gsoc reply14:31
Riddellagateau: what's the status of kalarm-ksni.diff getting upstream?14:53
agateauRiddell: I am discussing it with David Jarvie on reviewboard14:53
debfxcan anyone confirm bug #538075 ? I can't and haven't found a report on the kde bug tracker14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538075 in kdebase-workspace "Machine suspends at "low" instead of "critical" battery remaining" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53807514:55
debfxI wonder why the ubuntu-10.04 milestone is set for that bug14:55
debfxRiddell: have you seen the discussion about the brightness osd on kde-core-devel?14:57
Riddelldebfx: I have not, let me look14:57
rgreeningRiddell: on my Acer's, the Plymouth splash isn't smooth. I get errors dropped onto the vty with a black screen. is this a known issue? I thought it should stay until kdm appears and console errors were supposed to be redirected?14:58
apacheloggerrgreening: mouse cursor?14:59
rgreeningI get some input/output error with glib iirc14:59
* apachelogger just hacked the upgrade tool \\o/15:00
Riddellrgreening: it's much the same for me too :(15:01
Riddelldebfx: groovy, so people like it but the question of a general OSD class is to be resolved15:02
Riddellsebas: have you had a look at the patch yet, I'd like to put it in our kdebase-workspace package but decision needs taken toot sweet before final freeze15:02
apacheloggerman that paste plasmoid is broken15:06
apacheloggerproof of workability15:07
* apachelogger uploads mysql15:07
* Riddell cheers apachelogger 15:08
CIA-6[akonadi] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413141111-r2b52cyp00r4c7mk * debian/ (changelog control) + akonadi-server depends on mysql-server-core-5.1 (>= 5.1.41-3ubuntu11) + akonadi-server depends on mysql-client-core-5.1 (>= 5.1.41-3ubuntu12)15:11
* apachelogger notes that kres-migrator likes to explode very much15:17
apacheloggerProcessControl: Application '/usr/bin/akonadi_kabc_resource' stopped unexpected (Process crashed)15:20
apacheloggerhm, no wonder that happens, the nepomuk resource is going cazy after resources were migrated15:23
* Riddell uploads kdebase-workspace15:27
Riddelldebfx: I included your patch, there seems to be broad support for it upstream, thanks for the improvement15:28
Riddellamichair: ooh you fixed bug 556376, lovely15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556376 in ubiquity "KDE frontend hangs on timezone page unless mouse is moved" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55637615:29
sebasRiddell: uhm, which patch?15:32
Riddellsebas: brightness OSD one from debfx http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.core/6448915:34
sebasRiddell: If Dario finds it OK I'll merge it15:35
sebaspatch looks reasonably clean, for as much I can say15:35
sebasI'll ask dario to have a look15:38
EagleScreensebas: if you talk with Dario, tell him to review also the patch proposed here, please: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22163715:40
ubottuKDE bug 221637 in powerdevil-daemon "powerdevil always suspends twice" [Normal,New]15:40
sebasEagleScreen: aye :)15:42
debfxsebas: and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=221648 :)15:43
ubottuKDE bug 221648 in powerdevil-daemon "powerdevil only autosuspends once/twice" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:43
sebasdebfx: do you have an SVN account?15:44
sebasin KDE's SVN :)15:44
EagleScreensebas: Bug 221648 may be duplicate of 22163715:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221648 in ubuntu "Nvidia drivers, monitor detection not working" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22164815:44
sebasEagleScreen: let's see15:45
debfxsebas: nope15:45
sebasdebfx:  http://techbase.kde.org/Contribute/Get_a_SVN_Account :)15:45
debfxRiddell: thanks, great to have the osd back in kubuntu :)15:45
EagleScreenoh i see, it could be a different issue15:46
* apachelogger is feeling like captain kirk in star trek the motion picture15:47
ScottKdebfx: You were right.  I tested with the wrong -workspace .debs.  Retesting.15:47
sebasdebfx: Dario has some comment on the patches, so some need a bit of work, overall they look very good15:48
sebasdebfx: if you apply for an svn account, then you'll be able to commit them yourself15:48
apacheloggersomeone please hold me!15:49
* sebas holds apachelogger15:49
* apachelogger hugs sebas while they are at it15:49
* ScottK hands sebas a towel.15:50
apacheloggerso, it would seem that dearest apparmor is repsonsible for bug 55451415:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554514 in akonadi "cant find resource agents" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55451415:50
sebashehe, thanks :)15:50
apacheloggerI DO HATE APPARMOR15:50
apacheloggerjust so that you know15:50
sebasdebfx: the patch to  221637 can go in15:50
sebasI can commit it, if you want it in quickly, otherwise you can do it as soon as you get your creds15:51
EagleScreenI'd like a fix for 221637 as soon as possible15:52
* apachelogger puts on a smile -> :)15:52
* apachelogger just fixed a bug without even wanting too15:52
sebasdebfx: the other one ok BKO is also good15:52
CIA-6[akonadi] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413145338-ooogf1cknocxzoa5 * debian/ (changelog usr.sbin.mysqld-akonadi) Expand apparmor profile to silence apparmor complaints in syslog, additonally this seems to fix LP: #55451415:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554514 in akonadi "cant find resource agents" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55451415:53
debfxsebas: great, I'll apply for an svn account15:54
sebasdebfx: great :)15:54
sebasyou can take me as reference if you want15:54
apacheloggerand the sponsorings I did15:54
apacheloggerRiddell: one first-start akonadi issue remains on my machine :(16:01
Riddellapachelogger: what's that?16:01
apacheloggerAkonadi server process not registered at D-Bus16:01
apacheloggerit only happens for first start though16:02
apacheloggerwhich might be indication that it is also apparmor related16:02
apacheloggerbut I dont get any apparmor denials in syslog :(16:02
Riddelltried turning off apparmour?16:03
apacheloggerat some point I probably did16:03
apacheloggernah, not apparmor related16:03
Riddelltime to poke upstream?16:05
apacheloggerno one around it seems16:05
apacheloggerI could call karke and lure him to some bar, so that he can fix it ^^16:05
sebasthe whole KDAB akonadi team is at a meeting right now16:07
apacheloggerhow unfortunate :(16:07
sebasthe meeting ends on Friday16:07
Riddellthat is one long meeting16:08
sebasUDS takes longer :)16:08
apacheloggerwell, that is a summit ;)16:10
apacheloggerRiddell: I am very much out of ideas16:10
apacheloggerit probably is some timing issue (timeout?)16:10
agateausebas: hi! speaking of UDS, will you be there?16:11
sebasit's in Belgium right?16:11
agateautoo bad16:11
sebasakademy then :)16:12
agateauyes :)16:12
agateaudo you know if any upstream kde developer will be at uds?16:12
Riddellapachelogger: needs a handy "sleep 5" somewhere?16:12
Riddellagateau: dantti will be16:12
Riddellseele should be16:12
agateauRiddell: great!16:13
apacheloggeroh oh oh16:13
* apachelogger does the looking16:13
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe it is not the server that fails registering but the selftest that fails noticing it (due to rather short timeout)16:14
apacheloggerby the time the selftest returns akonadi is not even done with creating the tables16:18
Riddellsleep 6 ? :)16:19
agateauwarning, engineers at work :)16:21
* shadeslayer sounds the horn16:22
apacheloggerI marked the important line for you16:25
ScottKdebfx: I have good news and I have bad news.  The double suspend is gone (this is a really big fix), but the second suspend still doesn't happen.16:26
* apachelogger builds new pimlibs16:26
ScottKI think we should upload it.16:27
ScottKapachelogger: For your workspace upload, please include debfx's powerdevil patch.16:27
apacheloggerScottK: is that in bzr already?16:27
ScottKapachelogger: I don't think so.  I fished it out of the bug for testing.16:27
apacheloggercan someone put it in bzr please?16:28
* apachelogger is busy fighting timeouts16:28
ScottKdebfx: Can you put it in bzr?16:28
ScottKIf not, I'll try to sqeeze it in before I have to go.16:28
debfxScottK: I'm not a kubuntu-member but I can put up a merge request16:29
* rgreening thinks debfx should request to be a member for next meeting16:30
ScottKdebfx: OK.  Please ping me when you have it.16:30
* ScottK thinks rgreening should file debfx's application.16:30
ScottKIt's been done before.  Hobbsee never applied for core-dev.  It was done to her.16:31
* apachelogger thinks rgreening should go talk to ayatana :P16:31
* rgreening still has to put together my kubuntu-dev app16:31
rgreeningthat too16:31
RiddellScottK: which powerdevil patch?16:32
rgreening$work has been on my a-$$16:32
ScottKRiddell: KDE Bug 22163716:32
ubottuKDE bug 221637 in powerdevil-daemon "powerdevil always suspends twice" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22163716:32
ScottKThat one16:32
debfxScottK: just to be sure, you have applied both patches to your testing package?16:33
apacheloggeroh my16:33
debfxScottK: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=221648#c116:33
ubottuKDE bug 221648 in powerdevil-daemon "powerdevil only autosuspends once/twice" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:33
ScottKdebfx: No.  I didn't include that one.16:35
ScottKI just did the one in 22163716:35
ScottKUnfortunately I need to leave nowish for $WORK meetings and can't test further.16:35
debfxScottK: both patches work for me and sebas said they are good, so should I include both?16:37
ScottKdebfx: I'm willing to trust you on that one and that would explain why it didn't resuspend16:37
ScottKdebfx: yes.16:37
apacheloggerRiddell: currently it times out after 10 seconds, assuming the starting failed16:38
apacheloggerRiddell: how about bumping that to 30 seconds or even 1 minute?16:38
apacheloggertakes about 15 here, so a netbook might easily be 30 or more16:38
apacheloggerand frankly, if the starting failed I doubt it will make much difference if you present the selftest after 10 seconds or 30 or 1 minute16:39
ScottKBTW, the "Akonadi Starting" announcement freaked my wife out the first time she logged into Karmic.16:41
ScottKIt seems like it should only be chatty on failure.16:41
rgreeningnixternal: ping16:42
nixternalrgreening: PONG!!!!!16:42
shadeslayernixternal: oh hi :)16:42
rgreeningnixternal: we gotz docs for usb-creator-kde?16:42
nixternalrgreening: dunno, do we?16:42
shadeslayernixternal: i want to help with help.kubuntu.org....16:42
shadeslayer( saw it on the To Do list )16:43
rgreeningnixternal: we should...16:43
nixternalshadeslayer: talk to ryanakca about that, he is in charge of web stuff16:43
nixternalrgreening: there is something in kubuntu-docs, that I do know16:43
nixternalactually, yeah we do have docs for it, I did them16:43
nixternalbut the app itself should have docs I feel....it is a simple enough UI, but for a newb none of the wording makes a lick of sense16:44
nixternaland the ubuntu version is even worse16:44
rgreeningnixternal: we should review it, as there are some changes... 0.2.22 with bug fixes has instroduced some changes16:44
nixternaldon't know whose idea it was to use jargon in the ui over there16:44
nixternalno need to review it now since we can't fix it16:44
nixternalhave to wait for lucid+116:44
nixternalwhen was 0.2.22 released?16:45
nixternalpost UI freeze?16:45
nixternaloh, people remove the losing fingers part from the topic I see16:45
rgreeninghrmmm... 0.2.22 is coming now (soon as evan releases)16:45
nixternalshouldn't have any UI changes16:45
nixternalas usb-creator is documented with screenshots16:45
rgreeningadded a warning dialog16:45
rgreeningfor format16:45
rgreeningLP #55346016:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553460 in usb-creator "usb-creator-kde format option does not properly re-display the device with a formatted size" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55346016:46
nixternalahh, that isn't anything16:46
nixternaloh, that does change something....16:46
* nixternal looks for it16:46
rgreeningand a translation change on format button from Format to Erase Disk16:46
shadeslayernixternal: um why are missing screenshots in kubuntu-manual?16:46
shadeslayerChapter : Intro. to Kubuntu16:47
nixternalrgreening: alt+f2 ->    help:/kubuntu/media16:47
nixternalBootable ISO Images From USB Media16:47
nixternalshadeslayer: kubuntu manual?16:47
nixternalthere hasn't been a kubuntu manual for years16:47
shadeslayernixternal: no16:48
shadeslayernixternal: sorry i meant docs16:48
nixternalI am not missing screenshots16:48
nixternaloh, i am missing a screenshot16:48
nixternaldon't know...i will have to look at that16:48
shadeslayernixternal: http://imagebin.ca/view/S56toSWL.html16:49
rgreeningnixternal: LP #484252 for the Format button label change. We'll need to update text (potentially).16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484252 in usb-creator "Wrong behaviour on format action" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48425216:50
apacheloggerScottK: upstream might eat us for hiding this fancy progressbar16:51
apacheloggerScottK: easy enough to hide though16:51
nixternalshadeslayer: fix committed to bzr16:51
shadeslayernixternal: :D16:51
nixternalthe image was kubuntu.png and the screenshot was supposed to be kubuntu-desktop.png...easy enough fix, just rename the image :)16:52
rgreeningnixternal: also, the "Before Continuing" comment about Format not working is fixed in the new release.16:52
shadeslayerrgreening: btw if i want to help with kubuntu docs,i just make a clone of the bzr and start working on my branch and request merges?16:54
nixternalthere, added a comment to that bug report16:54
rgreeningnixternal: and the Before Continuing should probably be changed to "Warning! Erase Disk with delete all partitions on the device"16:55
nixternalrgreening: if it were actually up to me, and it was a UI/String freeze at this point, I would say no, but who am I? I think Riddell or the KC has the right to approve, not me16:55
* rgreening +116:55
apacheloggersomeone for got to mark released16:55
shadeslayernixternal: so...16:55
nixternalwas it me?16:55
nixternalI do that shit all the time apachelogger16:55
apacheloggerdont care quite frankly16:55
apacheloggereasy to fix16:56
shadeslayerrgreening: btw if i want to help with kubuntu docs,i just make a clone of the bzr and start working on my branch and request merges?16:56
CIA-6[kdepimlibs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413155642-gq5s2c3hp1gs9lbf * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu116:56
rgreeningnixternal: you want me to make changes to the docs, or are you ok with updating?16:57
nixternalwe can't make changes to the docs16:57
nixternalnot until maverick16:57
rgreeningor do we want to have a KC vote on making any changes16:57
rgreeningoh.. grr16:57
nixternalask Riddell, see what he says16:57
nixternalwe have been in UI and string freeze for over a month16:57
Riddellnixternal: what's the issue?16:59
nixternalRiddell: usb-creator has UI and string changes and needs approval, my vote would be -1, however I don't think I have the right to make such a decision and think you or the KC should16:59
rgreeningRiddell: as a result of some bug fixes to usb-creator package, kubuntu-docs is out of sync.16:59
rgreeningso question is leave it or fix it17:00
nixternalif it gets changed, it looks to throw the documentation out of whack, which honestly I don't care, people will file bug reports and I will just smack them17:00
nixternalksmackbugreporter <- apachelogger get on that!17:00
rgreeningnixternal: 1 easy fix we could do, would be delete the warning box as its now unnecessary. Now translations affected, other than the time effort people put in.17:01
CIA-6[kdepimlibs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413160145-ywrl31ghf7c1c6iy * debian/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Add kubuntu_01_increase_fail_timeout.patch to bump the timeout before starting error detection from 10 seconds to 60, that should be enough time for akonadi to start on somewhat decent hardware (I hope)17:01
apacheloggernixternal: whut?17:01
rgreeninge.g. the "Before Continuing"17:01
apacheloggeralways this dirty talk in here17:02
apacheloggerScottK: so what's it gonna be? happy wife or happy upstream? ^^17:02
rgreeningnixternal: that only leaves the Format->Erase Disk change as lingering/out-of-sync17:03
rgreeningwhich isn't bad17:03
apacheloggernixternal: wasnt you17:03
rgreeningor screw it altogether.. Riddell? thoughts?17:03
* rgreening notes I did not make the string change and it certainly wasn't my idea on the best fix17:04
Riddellbug 484252 looks potentially destructive, I think it should be changed17:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484252 in usb-creator "Wrong behaviour on format action" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48425217:04
Riddellalthough I don't see what's wrong with rgreening's idea of only enabling it when selecting the full disk17:04
rgreeningRiddell: ya. but ev did not want to make deep changes at this point, only cosmetic.17:05
EagleScreenhello Riddell, printer-applet is always in systray even if there aren't jobs in the printer, I think it should appear only when there are some job17:05
RiddellEagleScreen: that's not what I'm seeing17:06
rgreeningso a label change Riddell, was what he suggested and this means unfortunately strings change (Im only the messenger)17:06
EagleScreenoh, i see it17:06
Riddellrgreening: I'm not sure enable/disable is much harder than a string change17:06
rgreeningRiddell: it's not. It's quite easy as ['Free'] is set or not. Someone offered a patch17:07
nixternalRiddell: unhide your tray icons, I see it too17:07
Riddellnixternal: well of course it's there if you unhide them, because if you unhide it then it'll get shown17:08
* apachelogger uninstalls the printer applet always :P17:08
rgreeninganyway... If you wish to beat up on ev Riddell, I can back you up :)17:08
apacheloggermight be related ot the fact that I dont own a printer ^^17:08
nixternalRiddell: it shouldn't even be a hidden icon, there shouldn't be an icon if it isn't running right?17:08
Riddellnixternal: it is running17:09
nixternalwhat if someone has it setup to show all icons, their sys tray is gonna get huge17:09
ofirkapachelogger: I fixed the kubuntu logo size inside kickoff17:09
Riddellwell yes, so don't do that17:09
ofirkapachelogger: here: http://imagebin.ca/view/cNyrYdz.html17:09
nixternalshouldn't it only run when I go to print something?17:09
* apachelogger falls off chair17:09
Riddellnixternal: no, it's always running17:09
ofirkapachelogger: good or not good?17:09
apacheloggernot good17:09
nixternalso is that stupid message indicator even though there are no apps running that use it17:09
apacheloggerofirk: way too blury17:10
ofirkapachelogger: do you mean the circle?17:10
EagleScreenRiddell: as suggestion, you can try to impre it to only run when some job is being printed, for future versions17:10
* rgreening goes for some Tim's coffee17:11
RiddellEagleScreen: why?17:11
EagleScreenI think the applet has no sense if any job is printing17:11
Riddellthat's why it's hidden17:11
EagleScreenyes I know, if you think this is better..17:13
ScottKapachelogger: I vote for happy non-technical user (of which my wife is one).  It's pointless to show "thingyouhavenoideawhatitis starting".17:13
ScottKActually it's not pointless, it's harmful.17:13
* ScottK predicts seele would agree if she were here.17:14
apacheloggerI suppose akonadi start can slow the system down quite a bit17:14
apacheloggerand then you ahve no indicaiton as to why that is happening17:14
apacheloggeralso app startup can be delayed a lot without visual feedback17:14
ScottKapachelogger: We never had a visual warning for updatedb running.17:14
apachelogger1. updatedb does not get executed in blockig manner before app startup17:15
apachelogger2. updatedb does not eat your system17:15
apacheloggermysqld startup + init hogs my system quite a bit17:15
ScottKIt can eat your system.17:15
apacheloggeronly for 10 seconds, but on a bit of a weaker machine that might indeed be horrible17:15
ScottKAnyway, I gave my opinion.17:15
apacheloggerScottK: it can ... akoandi does17:15
apacheloggerRiddell: what do you think17:16
nixternalupdatedb will only be a hog the first time it is run though17:16
nixternalafter that it is usually really fast, unless of course you just installed 1000 more packages and then it kicks off17:16
apacheloggerthe first time it gets run at CD creatin I think17:16
ScottKdebfx: I got another idea for a needed fix (no powerdevel involved).  Up for it perhaps?17:16
* apachelogger had too much coffee and nothing to eat17:16
apacheloggerbad combination17:16
nixternali have had gum and water thus far today17:17
apacheloggernixternal: are you also on a hunger strike?17:17
ofirkapachelogger: what about http://imagebin.ca/view/YKHvBw4A.html ?17:17
ScottKdebfx: On plasma-desktop, alt-F2 brings up krunner.  Plasma-netbook has it's own runner built into search and launch and it doesn't always play well with krunner, so could we make it so that if plasma-netbook is running, alt-F2 brings up search and launch and not the regular krunner?17:17
nixternalapachelogger: no, woke up and started participating in this community instead of eating properly17:18
* ScottK has really got to go now.17:18
nixternalaccording to Jono, that could be a sign of burning out17:18
nixternalthat's it, I quit! :p17:18
apacheloggernixternal: oh, that I do every day17:18
ScottKnixternal: Jono's got a job opening ....17:18
nixternali don't even wanna know17:18
ScottKCloud computing community lead.17:19
nixternaloh, imbrandon is going for that I think17:19
apacheloggersince when do clouds form communities?!17:19
ScottKOn that note, I'm off.17:19
nixternalcloud, the buzz word for the internet17:19
nixternalpeace out cubscout17:20
* nixternal thinks it was already made clear that canonical won't hire me after the escapade last year where they blew me off on a scheduled interview and wouldn't reply to emails asking what happened17:20
nigelbnixternal, 0_017:21
ofirkapachelogger: funny :D17:22
apacheloggernixternal: its all because of the stepchild bsuiness17:22
Sputapachelogger: funnily enough, current KDE trunk doesn't seem to deem it necessary to show akonadi startup17:22
nixternalapachelogger: yup17:22
apacheloggerSput: maybe they removed that ugly progressbar17:22
* apachelogger is all in favor of removing ugly things17:22
Sputat least I haven't seen this ugly popup since upgrading kdepim to trunk17:23
apacheloggernixternal: we could apply at mandriva's17:23
Sputand I've seen it again when I downgraded it to 4.4 again17:23
apacheloggernixternal: and become nepomuk fallback-overlords17:23
ofirksay, what about http://imagebin.ca/view/YKHvBw4A.html for a new logo size? I really think the current one is too big17:23
ofirkbtw, this is how it looks now: http://imagebin.ca/view/2CtPoUVn.html17:23
apacheloggerofirk: still very blurry17:24
ofirkapachelogger: you mean the circle, right?17:24
apacheloggerjonny made a mess in kds17:30
Riddellwhich one?17:31
apacheloggerthe younger one17:32
apacheloggerno offence though, you are also young :)17:32
* apachelogger sings the happy merge song17:33
CIA-6[kubuntu-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413163704-t5zspkxfd2cls9nu * (2 files in 2 dirs) merge with archive and release ubuntu19 now17:37
apacheloggerRiddell: so what is your POV on hiding the akonadi start/stop progressbar?17:38
EagleScreenI cannot switch KDE languaje in Kubuntu, what package should I report a bug against?17:39
apacheloggerthat entirely depends on where you try to switch it17:41
EagleScreenin Kcontrol/Systemsettings -> Regional & Language17:42
apacheloggerwhere in specific17:43
apacheloggerwhat buttons do you press17:43
* apachelogger is wondering why his hard disk is so busy17:43
EagleScreenfrom Spanish to British English17:43
Riddellapachelogger: I'm all for it in general, it should be just a trunk backport, arguably it's a UI freeze exception issue though17:43
EagleScreenthis is not new, this is an ancient problem in Kubuntu, can it be related to Launchpad translation? this not happens in other distributions17:44
apacheloggerRiddell: it will be our secrit ;)17:44
apacheloggerRiddell: do you want to have a bug for it?17:44
apacheloggerEagleScreen: you did not answer my question17:44
apacheloggerwell, from look at this nice systemsettings module the language will not change17:45
EagleScreenI add British English to the list, it is set upper by default, then I click on apply17:46
apacheloggerwell see17:46
Riddellapachelogger: I don't mind about having a bug17:46
EagleScreenthen I reboot the system and almost everything is still in spanish17:46
apacheloggerthat is already the wrong way to do it17:46
apacheloggerbecause en_GB requires to fallback to en_US17:46
apacheloggerbut if your systems global language is set to spanish ,then it will fall back to spanish17:47
apacheloggerhence you will end up with a mixture of en_GB and spansih instead of en_GB and en_US17:47
EagleScreenthen I must set en-GB; en_US; es_ES in the list?17:48
apacheloggerthat should work17:50
EagleScreenok, will check it now17:50
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 56242017:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562420 in kdepimlibs "UI freeze exception akonadi start/stop progress dialog" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56242017:50
Riddellnixternal: is that progress bar documented?17:51
* apachelogger certainly hopes not17:51
EagleScreenok apachelogger, this is still in Spanish17:54
EagleScreenI restarted session, must I reboot?17:55
apacheloggerquite frankly, you should just not use the fallback lists17:55
apacheloggerswitch the system language17:56
EagleScreenapachelogger: this shouldn't be necessary17:56
apacheloggerthen go fix whatever is the fallback lists causing to fail17:56
EagleScreeni can tell you that in Debian or Suse this problem is not present, thay change the language as expected17:56
apacheloggerstupid langack patches always break some shiz -.-17:57
apacheloggerEagleScreen: so?17:57
EagleScreenso this is a Kubuntu specific issue17:57
apacheloggerEagleScreen: so?17:57
apacheloggerwant me to remove the list widget?17:57
EagleScreenso I must give feedback about it17:58
apacheloggeryep yep, though there is some report about that particular issue17:58
apachelogger+ it is not the kubuntu way of changing the language17:58
apacheloggerthe kubuntu way is switching the syslang17:59
EagleScreenin my opinion the Kubuntu way is not a good idea, and why is it necessary in Kubuntu and not in the rest of distributions?18:00
apacheloggerbecause it is18:00
* apachelogger takes note of the issue and wil look into it once he gets time18:01
EagleScreenok and thanks18:01
nixternalRiddell: no18:03
Riddellapachelogger: exception accepted18:03
neversfeldea universe package can be in the Recommends section of a package in main, is that correct?18:06
persiaIdeally not.18:07
neversfeldepersia: there is a universe package in Recommends for kipi-plugins "graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat", I would like to add hugin, because it is needed for a new expoblending feature18:09
neversfeldedebian did that, too18:10
persiaWell, this will show up in component-mismatches, and the archive-admins will want to you undo it.18:11
persiaIt is considered a bug.  It's not a critical bug.18:11
neversfeldeI am not sure what to do. If you choose the expoblending feature in kipi-plugins, it displays a warning, that hugin needs to be installed. So hugin needs to be recommended somewhere?18:13
EagleScreenapachelogger: you may want to know that after changing the system language to en_GB, this is still in Spanish18:15
persianeversfelde: If you wanted to be really tricky, you could catch the error and offer to install the software for the user.18:16
persiaI did this with a package where my recommends was downgraded to suggests, but I really needed it for one feature.18:16
neversfeldealso kipi-plugins will not have some new features announced with 1.1.0 and 1.1.2 like RedEyeRemovement because of missing libs in main18:16
neversfeldepersia: I think I will never manage to do this till thursday :)18:17
persiaThat's the challenge :)18:17
neversfeldekipi-plugins needs a second runtime dependency Enblend, that is also in universe :(18:25
neversfeldeI think it is not a good idea to introduce a package that needs major changes so close before final freeze?18:26
debfxapachelogger: could you merge the powerdevil aptches into kdebase-workspace? https://code.launchpad.net/~debfx/kdebase-workspace/powerdevil-patches/+merge/2333718:29
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CIA-6[kdepimlibs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413173817-ek5pe87gvmn2wh8t * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add kubuntu_02_hide_akonadi_progressbar.patch to hide start/stop progressbar as done in KDE trunk and requested by ScottK LP: #56242018:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562420 in kdepimlibs "UI freeze exception akonadi start/stop progress dialog" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56242018:38
apacheloggerdebfx: cando18:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I'm committing the CVE fix to bzr in just a bit here18:40
JontheEchidnathough the patch that riddell just uploaded isn't present...18:40
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: congratulations for becoming core dev18:40
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: thanks :)18:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what fix? ^^18:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20100413-1.txt18:40
* apachelogger didnt read mail all day long18:41
apacheloggerwas breaking akonadi ^^18:41
CIA-6[kdepimlibs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413174138-l9hjlbca2yeu8zy1 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu218:41
RiddellJontheEchidna: which patch isn't present?18:41
JontheEchidnaRiddell: kubuntu_119, the dbusmenu one18:42
JontheEchidnait's not in the upload to the archive either, it seems18:42
apacheloggerup up we go18:42
* apachelogger moves on to akonadi18:42
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: btw, do I have to do that cia magics every boot?18:42
RiddellJontheEchidna: fooey, added now18:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no, for every branch18:42
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks18:42
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: could you tell me the command again?18:43
RiddellJontheEchidna: was this security issue advertised?18:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bzr cia-project kubuntu18:43
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yes: http://www.kde.org/info/security/18:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: thanks18:43
RiddellJontheEchidna: but not on e-mails?18:43
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I've not seen one18:44
JontheEchidnasaw it on Digg, actually18:44
apacheloggerthat is a flaw in the system18:44
apacheloggerthis stuff should be announced to packager and release18:44
JontheEchidnait usually is :/18:45
apacheloggermaybe we just found a bug in dirk ^^18:45
Riddellwe should also check with the security team about doing -security updates18:46
neversfeldeI think it is best to leave kipi-plugins at 1.0.0 and ship digikam in 1.2.0 with lucid, I will ask upstream, if that is ok for them. For maverick it will need a lot of work, I will have a look at it, if Lure is still busy then and try to backport. Do you agree with this?18:46
Riddellneversfelde: usually we just go with what lure says :)18:47
CIA-6[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas (The man) <echidnaman@gmail.com> * echidnaman@gmail.com-20100413174809-hpska67yneotl3dr * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add CVE-2010-0436_fix_kdm_local_exploit.diff from upstream to fix a local KDM vulnerability (LP: #562440)18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562440 in kdebase-workspace "[CVE-2010-0436] KDM Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56244018:48
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-0436)18:48
CIA-6[akonadi] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100413174848-qaw2jqpgakoav91v * debian/changelog releasing version 1.3.1-0ubuntu318:48
Riddellneversfelde: you don't want to do the new kipi-plugins because of new dependencies?18:49
neversfeldeRiddell: he is busy with baby and job, so I offered to have a look at digikam and kipi for lucid18:49
neversfeldeRiddell: new Recommends18:49
neversfeldehugin and another one, bot in universe18:49
apachelogger  Uploading akonadi_1.3.1-0ubuntu3_source.changes: done.18:50
* apachelogger can eat again18:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I think that it might be best if I do the ubuntu12 upload for the patch, and that the osd stuff can come in ubuntu1318:50
JontheEchidnaor I could just merge the patches real quick ;)18:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: whatever you like best mister core dev ;)18:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if you choose to do the mergery, could you please also merge debfx's powerdevil stuff18:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yeah, that's what I was saying about merging the patches18:53
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CIA-6[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas (The man) <echidnaman@gmail.com> * echidnaman@gmail.com-20100413175425-h7nhww8nwjz7hh5w * debian/ (4 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)18:54
CIA-6[ Felix Geyer ] * Add kubuntu_119_powerdevil_fix_suspend_twice.diff, fixes18:54
CIA-6PowerDevil suspending twice when system is idle. http://bugs.kde.org/221637 *18:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
imbrandonnixternal / ScottK : indeed I have considered applying for the Cloud Community postion, still mulling it over19:25
imbrandonguess i should make my decision today sometime to get an app in , in a timely manner19:26
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
neversfeldeRiddell: still around?19:35
rgreeningOMG: the first para dropped me to the floor... http://www.osnews.com/story/23151/Rumour_Google_To_Open_Source_VP8_Video_Codec19:37
CIA-6[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas (The man) <echidnaman@gmail.com> * echidnaman@gmail.com-20100413183805-xvt2ou5ghdxjo1h6 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu1219:38
apacheloggerinternet farting unicorns19:41
apacheloggerthat indeed might become a new buzzword right there19:41
apacheloggerrgreening: you shouldn read crappynews.com though19:41
apacheloggerleaves a bad taste19:41
apacheloggerrgreening: how is the courser stuff progressing?19:41
apacheloggercursor even19:41
rgreeningI know, but I love a good chuckle now and then.19:41
rgreeningonce work stops riding me... I may get some time to send it tonight19:42
* rgreening crosses fingers19:42
apacheloggeryou said that yesterday already :P19:42
rgreeningback to the future or deja vu huh.. good talent to have19:43
* apachelogger puts some honey in his tea and decides that he shall do useful things tomorrow19:44
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
sebasdebfx: can you join #solid, that's where we're coordinating powerdevil stuff, and dario (drf) has some questions / comments on one of the patches19:55
sebasyour account is ready, btw :_19:55
debfxsebas: cool, thanks :)19:56
promuloRiddell, just saw your comment on the proposal :)19:59
promuloI've posted a reply19:59
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
Riddellneversfelde: how's the packaging?20:50
neversfeldeRiddell: freeze exception requests for digikam are filed and I have a package for kipi-plugins in staging, but it pulls in mono and other things20:53
neversfeldebecause of recommending hugin20:54
Riddellwhat's the beastie numbers?20:54
macomake it suggests instead of recommends?20:54
neversfeldemaco: yes, but Debian recommends20:55
macoi wonder why20:55
macoi thought recommends was for "would be found together in all but unusual setups"20:55
macoand the set of people who use a photo album is MUCH larger than the set that make panoramas20:56
neversfeldewe could make it suggest hugin and remove the expoblending desktop file and would "only" have a link in the menu, which is not working without hugin20:56
neversfeldethat's not a big problem, because a warning is displayed20:56
Riddellwhat does the desktop file do?20:59
neversfeldeRiddell: add a link to the expoblending tool, which is only working with hugin to kickoff21:00
neversfeldewait, it is till there21:00
Riddellneversfelde: run kbuildsycoca421:05
neversfeldeRiddell: already did, it is still available in kickoff21:06
neversfeldehum, now it is away21:07
neversfeldeno, it is still there, kickoff seems to be a little bit buggy21:07
ari-tczewcould you review bug 533432 please?21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533432 in kdegraphics "kolourpaint4 breaks GNOME" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53343221:09
neversfeldeI uninstalled hugin and it is gone now21:11
neversfeldeweird :)21:11
amichairRiddell: I hope the fix is ok, the event handling there is quite tangled up... any chance u played around with it with the fix applied?21:12
Riddellamichair: not yet, I'll do some CD testing tomorrow21:14
neversfeldeRiddell: seems that kickoffs search feature is not updated, so expoblending link is no there, when installing from staging. This link is available in digikam and gwenview and if hugin is not installed, a window is offered, which recommends to install it. I think best way would be to move hugin to Suggested and talk to the debian maintainer21:15
Riddellamichair: bug 538505 maybe related to the event handling I suppose21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538505 in ubiquity "Extremely slow reponsiveness / high CPU usage" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53850521:15
amichairRiddell: great, would love to hear how it goes21:15
Riddellneversfelde: sounds good21:15
neversfeldeok, I'll do this and file UI/Feature freeze exceptions21:16
amichairRiddell: Yes, possibly. I'll be pretty busy the next couple of days, but if it's not fixed and a window of opportunity comes, I'll be happy to take a deeper look21:16
sghHow do I find a history packaging of libssh-4? I would like to downgrade to the version before the current version.21:58
neversfeldeScottK: Riddell: bug 561691 and bug 56256121:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561691 in digikam "Feature/UI Freeze exception request for digikam 1.2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56169121:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562561 in kipi-plugins "Feature/UI Freeze exception request for kipi-plugins 1.2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56256121:59
debfxsgh: are you getting "Out of Memory" errors in konqueror with sftp?22:26
sghdebfx: yes22:26
sghdebfx: I have just allways wondere how to find a recent historic version22:27
debfxsgh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/libssh/0.4.0-1ubuntu122:27
debfxsgh: you need to click on your architecture below "Builds"22:28
sghdebfx: how did you get to that page?22:28
debfxhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libssh -> "View full publishing history"22:29
sghdebfx: aaahhh ... nice22:30
apacheloggerMamarok, JontheEchidna: what is this horrible news about broken pulseaudio I've been hearing?22:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: upstream bug, as far as I can tell. Or at least the Qt patch we've been handed by upstream is insufficient22:33
JontheEchidnaI should ping sandsmark about that22:36
MamarokJontheEchidna: I subscribed you to the bug report, but yes, you should talk to sandsmark22:36
MamarokJontheEchidna: and while you are at it, with cguthrie, too22:36
JontheEchidnaMamarok: yes, I've been in discussions with cguthrie on the bug22:37
Mamarokboth hang out in #phonon22:37
* apachelogger takes JontheEchidna on a visit to #phonon22:37
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: just pinged sandsmark in #kde-devel22:37
apacheloggerNightrose: we might be looking at serious brain demage this time!!!22:47
* apachelogger forgot to boil his tea water22:47
* Nightrose hugs the apachelogger and hopes it makes things better22:47
apacheloggerdidn't help :(22:48
apacheloggerI appreciate the gesture though22:48
* apachelogger rehugs Nightrose22:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: zomg, cubecap needs updated, stat!23:03
apacheloggeroh my23:04
* apachelogger aint got no compositing 23:04
apachelogger+ I am watching torchwood23:04
apacheloggerdont tell me such horrible things when I am watching torchwood23:05
JontheEchidnaI'll get to it once Phonon is squared away23:05
apacheloggeraaah, he got the second glove!!!23:06
apacheloggeromg omg23:07
apacheloggershtylman: ping ping23:08
shtylmanapachelogger: pong23:09
apacheloggershtylman: do we have a SVG version of that kubuntu menu icon23:10
shtylmannew logo you mean?23:10
shtylmanwe have an svg of that23:10
apacheloggerno, the kde oxygen logo with our circle thingy23:10
shtylmaniirc noone has made it into a new menu icon23:10
apacheloggerwell, I have it here23:11
apacheloggerjust not SVG ^^23:11
shtylmanhmm... not sure if I follow23:11
shtylmanwhat is the "kde oxygen logo" ?23:11
apacheloggershtylman: ^23:11
shtylmanwhoa... I didn't make that :)23:12
shtylmanand ive never seen it23:12
shtylmanbefore now23:12
apacheloggeromg, but who did23:12
apacheloggeroh my23:12
shtylmanmy guess: Riddell23:12
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: riddell did, I think23:12
JontheEchidnaat least, he put in in bzr23:13
apacheloggerfirst nixternal, now jr23:13
apacheloggersoon we will run out of devs, everyone is doing artist work these days :)23:13
apacheloggershtylman: can you make a SVG of that?23:14
JontheEchidnaScottK: were you saying something about Qt builds taking 26 hours to compile on arm? Is there anything I should take in to consideration before uploading?23:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what do you think about exchanging the current logo cubecap with a 800x800 sized menu icon with our circle23:15
apacheloggerIIRC our logo looks like shit without backgrand, and with background it also looks like shit23:15
shtylmanapachelogger: I bet Riddell has the svg... so no need to make it again :)23:15
JontheEchidnayeah, black doesn't really do any favors when put up against... anything... in this case23:15
apacheloggershtylman: JontheEchidna wants a fix stat :P23:16
apacheloggerRiddell: ping ping23:16
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it is perhaps even more important than CrapAudio integration for Phonon!23:17
rgreeningplymouth suxorz23:17
apacheloggershtylman: well, meanwhile, if you have time, maybe you could take a look at whether you have some fancy idea to make the cubecap look hot and sexy23:17
Riddellapachelogger: pong pong23:17
apacheloggerRiddell: can you put the svg(z) for start-here-kubuntu in kds please23:18
Riddellhonestly not sure where I put it now23:20
Riddellnot hard to remake though23:21
apacheloggerRiddell: well, maybe shtylman gets a better idea anyway23:21
apacheloggerwhihch would be much preferred23:21
shtylmanapachelogger: what is the object with that one as it is now?23:22
shtylmandoesn't look good?23:22
apacheloggershtylman: it is the old kubuntu logo and looks like crap23:22
apacheloggershtylman: upstream uses an oversized logo23:23
apacheloggerwhich looks better but still not really "wowing"23:23
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shtylmanapachelogger: the image you sent me isn't the old logo...23:24
Riddelltalking about artwork bug 557220 is rather important23:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557220 in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu "kubuntu splash using old logo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55722023:24
shtylmanwait.. im lost23:24
shtylmanwhat is the new logo?23:24
* apachelogger is lost too23:25
shtylmanthe splash does use the new logo23:25
apacheloggershtylman: when you turn on the desktop cube kwin effect23:25
apacheloggeryou have an image on the top and on the bottom23:25
shtylmanapachelogger: ahhhhh23:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna can surely make a picture23:25
* apachelogger doesnt have desktop effects23:25
shtylmanRiddell: is that bug still open?23:25
Riddellshtylman: the CD boot splash, not the plymouth bootup splash23:25
shtylmanRiddell: cause I see the new logo on boot..23:26
shtylmanok.. all is cleared up23:26
Riddellwhich has the same problem as apachelogger's issue with kwin cube, it needs to be on black23:26
shtylmanI see23:26
shtylmanon black with no circle around it?23:26
Riddellfull logo, including text23:27
Riddellquick answer is just to use white text of course23:32
rgreeningRiddell: you should read bug 535108 regarding plymouth. maybe we could cheat temporarily and add cryptsetup to kubuntu-desktop meta... or something to force the early loading of plymouth... may help.23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535108 in plymouth "Hide console messages while Plymouth is running" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53510823:32
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Riddellrwhy is that a cheat?23:36
DarkwingDucknixternal: ping23:58

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