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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:42
fosco_is there any way to run apps in fullscreen mode? any keyboard shortcut?00:42
geniiF11 ?00:43
fosco_wow, so easy?00:43
geniifosco_: At least for Firefox usually00:43
fosco_i mean any app00:44
tsimpsonyou can right-click the window title, advanced -> full screen00:48
fosco_ok, let me see00:48
tsimpsonalt-f3 to get the menu back up while in full screen00:49
geniitsimpson: Nice, didn't know that one00:50
fosco_ok, good enought for me00:53
genii!helpersnack | tsimpson00:54
ubottutsimpson: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:54
* genii runs for his life!00:54
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zvacethow to integrate pacpl in amarok pacpl was installed from synaptic00:58
generaldisarrayhey all, I LOVE kubuntu, however I can't get seem handbrake to work on it, and I like it far better than k9copy, i have the gstreamer plugins installed and all that stuff, and I can rip/encode with k9copy, but when i click "source" on handbrake for it to read the dvd it goes through the whole thing,b ut then right when it finishes reading it just closes, no error message, and nothing is abnormal in the log, any ideas?01:00
geniigeneraldisarray: handbrake is not supplied or supported by us. You may consider taking up your issues with whoever provided the package you used01:06
generaldisarrayoh, i apologize01:06
generaldisarraywell, in that case can anyone help me with k9copy, how come i get these horizontal lines (sorta, they aren't like black lines as much as differences in brightness i suppose) when i use k9copy, i get it both with xvid and x264, even when i compress an 18 minute video to 400mb01:10
=== felipe_crimson is now known as BarDoPretoMan
=== BarDoPretoMan is now known as felipe_crimson
iRonH3Adhello folks01:40
skimjCan anyone tell me about the user 'klog' I have it in my /etc/passwd file on my boxes that started with old version of Kubuntu but it's not there on one of my fresh installs. Can I remove that user?01:40
geniiskimj: How old a version?01:41
skimjDon't remember, I think one of them started at 8.04 or so. All are running 9.10 now.01:41
skimjgenii: Do you know if that  user was for a daemon or something that has been deprecated?01:46
geniiskimj: On my 9.04, 9.10 and 10.04 those users do not exist01:47
daskreechskimj: Probably a KDE3 user for the klog system01:48
skimjgenii: OK, that confirms what I see with my one fresh install box. I'll backup the passwd file, delete it and see what happens.01:49
skimjdaskreech: yes, I see that user on boxes that originally had KDE3 on them01:49
daskreechskimj: That would be it01:49
daskreechIf you still run KDE3 then you can keep it around otherwise no real reason to01:49
skimjNo, I'm running current KDE4 so that shouldn't be a problem01:50
skimjThanks for the help.01:50
skimjOn a similar note (but not Kubuntu) I have a user "dhcp" on those older boxes but not the newer ones. All of my dhcp files/processes are owned by root. Do you think this is a left-over from times past as well?01:52
* genii feeds daskreech a coffee01:53
ybitwell, it seems that my bug report is invalid :P02:18
ybitthis was the last message i sent02:18
ybitI deleted the SMTP account, created a new SMTP account called Gmail, and02:18
ybitwhen I attempted to send an email it states that "Transport 'Gmail.com'02:18
ybitis invalid." That was the name of the previous SMTP account. Also, it02:18
ybitwas the name of the IMAP account, so I deleted and reconfigured it, same02:18
ybitmessage. I then restarted X, and I am still presented with that message.02:18
FloodBotK3ybit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:18
ybitwhoops, that should have been a total of about 2-3 lines02:19
ybitanyway, since it's marked as invalid on launchpad, anyone want to attempt to help me resolve the problem now?02:19
h4xhey all. quick question. I'm trying to run dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it's not running,02:57
Bsimsgot a question, as a commited amarok 1.4 user will the new 2.3 release drive me nuts?03:27
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Bsimsis there a bug with amarok and mp3's bought from amazon?04:22
=== andrew_ is now known as treltemp
treltempI have a small question, I have a dell laptop and I'm having a slight issue with my touchpad.  If I touch and hold my finger perfectly still, the cursor is moving around slightly04:48
treltempthere any way to fix that?04:48
dfreyI get errors about akonadi not starting every time I start KDE.  Is this a common problem?05:48
dfreyIt seems like the app expects MySQL DBs to be setup that I don't have.05:50
Tm_Tdfrey: can you tell me what this command in konsole returns: "grep ServerPath ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc"06:04
dfreyTm_T: /usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi06:05
dfreyTm_T: I think this was installed via backports06:05
Tm_Tso that's correct06:06
dfreyTm_T: Do you know where the DB is?  Maybe I can just remove it06:08
Tm_Tit's in mysql06:09
Tm_Tdfrey: but I don't think removing would help, you better get proper error log out06:09
heavybreakerHello all06:20
heavybreakerI have a question06:20
heavybreakerIs there something wrong with google chrome web browers?06:21
foursixnineheavybreaker: Drop your question... someone might answer (If they can)06:21
foursixnineheavybreaker: you're having problems?...06:21
heavybreakerYes, after an update  yesterday it seems to max out my CPU and crashes Plasma06:22
heavybreakerI was wondering if anyone has had the same problem and if theres a way to fix it.06:23
foursixnineheavybreaker: i'm using chromium, so far i havent seen that behavior.. but, i have problems when i have too many flash-powered-websites open06:23
foursixninedoes that happen when you're browsing a website like that?06:24
heavybreakerUmm no, it also happened when I was on wiki06:25
heavybreakeryou think it may be a flash problem?06:25
foursixninei could hep... but not at all... have you checked the bugtracker (If such thing exists?)06:27
foursixnineit could hep... but not at all... have you checked the bugtracker (If such thing exists?)06:31
=== aperson is now known as darkhazard
Darth_Psi3VHello! Can you help me?  In my kubuntu on laptop works only google, but on desktop all works fine. Where is problem?07:22
thomas___well i hit ctrl alt f1, then typed sudo killall kdm, and it just restarted x08:31
thomas___i need to stop it so i can install the newest nvidia drivers08:31
iconmefistothomas___: try  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop08:35
thomas___how would i install a .bin file?09:14
thomas___get this error "./jre-6u19-linux-i586-rpm.bin: 440: rpm: not found09:15
Tm_Tthomas___: what you are trying to do?09:19
thomas___well trying to install java, or does konqurer not support it?09:19
thomas___used to firefox09:19
Tm_Tthomas___: you don't need to install it that way (:09:20
Tm_T!jre | thomas___09:20
ubottuthomas___: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository09:20
Tm_Tthomas___: or simply install "kubuntu-restricted-extras" package09:21
iconmefistothomas___: karmic 9.10, right?09:24
thomas___i guess just installed kubuntu 9.1009:25
vivekhii i recently upgraded from kde 4.3 to kde 4.4.2... I thought that in kde 4.4.2 there were more desktop activities apart from the normal " desktop and folder thing"... but here on my kde 4.4 I have the same 2 desktop activities09:49
vivekiconmefisto: how are you...09:49
vivekiconmefisto:  I thought that in kde 4.4.2 there were more desktop activities apart from the normal " desktop and folder thing"... but here on my kde 4.4 I have the same 2 desktop activities09:51
vivekhii i recently upgraded from kde 4.3 to kde 4.4.2... I thought that in kde 4.4.2 there were more desktop activities apart from the normal " desktop and folder thing"... but here on my kde 4.4 I have the same 2 desktop activities10:18
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\How do i REINSTALL Evolution Mail its not working !11:15
Mac7`how come that the shutdown button does not work in kubuntu but when I press the on/off button than it works...11:28
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
lalalolcan i install nautilus on kubuntu?12:21
gunsofbrixtonhi, is arora going to be the default browser in lucid?12:45
iconmefistogunsofbrixton: maybe ask in #ubuntu+1 too?12:49
gunsofbrixtoniconmefisto: will do, tnx12:50
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
babaluhello, i'm still trying to make kde more reactive, when i right-click on a file on my desktop, the menu about one second to open, i watched htop when i click, and the process "kdeinit4 plasma-desktop" is taking 30% of CPU when the menu is opening13:37
vlad__need help in amarok playng problem13:43
larsiviwhich feature is it that dims the screen when it get a lot of dark content (i.e full screen console)13:45
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vlad__help pls14:31
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xiven1Hello all15:15
=== rene is now known as Guest99456
ravagehi all. running kubuntu lucid here and i can't start ubuntuone at all. packages are installed as far as i can see.16:08
ravage~$ ubuntuone-preferences16:11
ravage** Message: secret service operation failed: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files16:11
ravagein case the error is any helpful16:11
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Isbanehi where can i find a already compiled ndiswrapper in .deb format16:30
Isbaneany1 around16:32
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:32
arch0njwIsbane: there are two packages:  ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils -- do you have those installed?16:33
Isbanejust idk how to compile im a noob i cant connect to ethernet because thats not a option roomates a dick16:33
Isbaneneither r installed16:33
Isbaneis there a auto compiler16:33
arch0njwnot to my knowledge.  but those packages have what you will need in general and you don't need to compile unless you are doing something custom.16:34
arch0njwcheckout that link above.  there's a lot of good info there.16:34
Isbanei see16:35
Isbanenow with ndis how can i install my wireless adaptors netgear wg111t16:35
arch0njwIsbane: I am not terribly familiar with the process, but this forum post seems to have a lot of good info in it:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25873216:39
Isbanekk thnx bro16:41
sianThere seems to be a bug in the printer  control software16:43
sianPrinter Configuration - KDE Control Module has a bug.16:46
sianwhich program does the printer configuration program run?16:51
sianSquidy: do you know about printer control queues?16:56
sianeljot: do you know about printer control queues?16:57
sianI want to print a test page on my HP LaserJet 1018, but it doesn't happern16:59
sianThe printer prints nothing.16:59
sianThe job gets submitted according to the window which appears17:01
sianand the job is recorded as completed when I use the CUPS admin page17:01
sianbut nothing appears on the printer. The light on the printer doesn't17:02
sianshow that data is being downloaded to the printer. Nothing. Nada.17:02
sianAnybody got any ideas as what could be the matter?17:02
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srdjanHi. Which package provides asm/page.h ?17:57
srdjanapt-file search seems to tell me it's some irrelevant packages17:58
rork!find asm/page.h18:02
ubottuPackage/file asmpage.h does not exist in karmic18:02
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rorkI'd be wondering if ubottu was looking for the wrong package or just returns the wrong name :S18:06
srdjan"Actually, <asm/page.h> is about to be removed on all architectures, and it's been empty for some time on several architectures (avr32, arm, ...)"18:07
Whisky`how do I install gtk+ and glib in Kubuntu?18:19
EagleScreenWhisky`: Applications -> System -> Software Management; look for libgtk-2.0 stuff18:27
seicherlbobhi there! Im testing Lucid Beta 2 on a new laptop. I tried to use an external monitor via VGA, but the screen is distorted, although the size is set correct. I tried xrandr and KDE System Settings, both had the same effect. The screen is stretched horizontally so it does not fit on the monitor. I have a nVidia 3100M card. any suggestions how to fix that?18:33
=== novaquantum is now known as CacaMasque
daniel__hello guys! does anyone fancy a titty wank??18:43
geniidaniel__: This is a support channel18:43
daniel__all right18:43
daniel__i was joking18:43
daniel__i take it back18:43
FloodBotK3daniel__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
xjkxhow do i make a video with a text ? i'm about to create a presentation and there i will expose videos, the video should previously come with a black screen and an explanation of what the hell the video is about, and then i will show it, i already know how to unite videos so if i could create a text video i'd just join them, i dont even know the name of this "writing-text-video" so i cant even google18:44
seicherlbobxjkx: if you want text in a video, these are normall called "titles"18:45
seicherlbobxjkx: maybe that helps18:46
geniiI'm not sure if kdenlive has it, possibly18:46
seicherlbobgenii: i thought about that one too, just forgot the name, thanks18:47
xjkxseicherlbob: thanks18:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ChicanoHi all19:19
ChicanoI was wondering: what is the status of pulseaudio in Lucid?19:20
Chicanowill it be used or not? and if so, will it be using Mandriva's patches?19:21
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seicherlbobhi again! i have a nvidia graphics card installed. how can i find out, what driver i am using? (I've heard there are 2 OS and the proprietary one). glxinfo tells me, i use "Mesa". Is this the nouveau driver?19:26
rorkChicano: you might ask in #ubuntu+119:29
Chicanorork: A couple of minutes after I posted my question here I got that very same idea. I don't visit the IRC channels too often so didn't get right away that ubuntu+1 is also being used for ubuntu "derivatives". But thanks anyway19:32
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
rorkyou're welcome19:33
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junctionsis there any channel for kstars or apps of the sort?19:54
KDeskwhy is the kubuntu backports ppa almost empty, where is KDE 4.4 for 9.10?19:59
rorkKDesk: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.220:03
rorkI don't know why it (could be) empty, I don't use KDE 4.4 myself20:05
KDeskrork: it has only digikam20:05
AgrigorServus@All, ähm hab grad ein Problem: Hab KDE 4.3 und innerhalb der Anwendung "Konsole" aus versehen meine Menüleiste verschwinden lassen... die Frage ist jetzt: wo bekomm ich die jetzt wieder her?^^20:16
arch0njw!de | Agrigor20:20
ubottuAgrigor: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:20
Agrigork sry, bye20:20
=== administrateur is now known as kefu
dennistergenii: hi there, long time no chat20:33
* genii slides dennister a coffee20:34
dennister thanx; having a problem with long-working samba here since my move20:34
dennisteroc course, I haven't tried to use it for a week after that move, so probably just didn't notice before20:35
geniiProbably something like they are getting different IP than before or something simple20:36
dennisterbut my 'puter is set to manual, 'static' ip address from modem/router20:37
dennisterit hasn't changed, fstab hasn't changed, samba shares just don't get mounted20:38
arch0njwdennister: did you switch ISPs when you moved?20:38
dennisterand the external IP address change should have no bearing on the internal IP address from the modem/router20:39
arch0njwdennister: I had a problem switching from Comcast to Verizon.  I needed to change something so ... err ... either my router or my modem was a recognized DNS server20:39
geniidennister: If you can't find help today on it try me tomorrow aft (1-3ish). Right now I'm running around at work a lot, we have 3 Roger's Cable people tripping over themselves etc20:40
genii( why my status is currently /away )20:40
dennistergenii: ah, ok...just wanted to say hi anyway, it's been so long20:41
arch0njwdennister: it was my /etc/resolv.conf that I had to edit.  I had to add my router as a nameserver.  that was it.20:42
arch0njwdennister: of course, I'm taking a wild stab at a potential solution.  Perhaps worse than a guess.20:42
dennisterthat's ok...had forgotten to check that, and yes, my router is still the nameserver20:43
=== derick_ is now known as Guest23647
mm_202Does anyone know of an actual tool to manage KDE 4.4's  Desktop Activities?21:00
kaddihi I'm having problems with my clock. It's off by an hour. I tried resetting it in systemsettings or using the timeserver, but I only get the following error:  Unable to authenticate/execute the action: 6 Help?21:36
kaddiit's a 64bit OS21:36
Torchkaddi: run "kdesudo kcmshell4 clock"21:37
kaddiwhat does it do?21:37
Torchkaddi: run the system settings module that sets the clock as root21:38
kaddioh, ok. How nifty :)21:38
Torchkaddi: its a permissions problem. kubuntu's kde 4.4 is broken.21:38
kaddinot good :s21:38
Torchkaddi: it works in kubuntu 10.0421:38
kaddihehe, I'll wait a little before I upgrade to that though..21:38
kaddiTorch: so how do i get around changing the clock without systemsettings?21:39
Torchkaddi: what i suggest above should still work.21:40
Torchkaddi: as an alternative, use date from the command line.21:40
Torchkaddi: or ntp21:40
kaddiTorch: it doesn't i'm getting the same error as for systemsettings. It's kde 4.4.2 on 9.1021:40
Torchkaddi: that's bad news. i haven't tried it, i was just assuming it would work. sorry bout that.21:40
Torchkaddi: you can run "sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com" from a shell21:41
Torchkaddi: that will set the clock via time server21:42
kaddii used date that should have worked21:42
kaddiit did21:42
kaddi[23:39] <Torch> kaddi: you can run "sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com" from a shell21:42
kaddi[22:39] <Torch> kaddi: that will set the clock via time server21:42
kaddity :)21:42
FloodBotK3kaddi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
Torchkaddi: don'21:42
kaddii was about to stop talking when FloodBotK complained :p21:42
jacob__Hello, I have an ATI radeon x800, which is not supported by fglrx drivers anymore. I tried to install the fglrx driver before noticing this, and now that I am back using the opensource ati drivers I can not change desktop effects settings.22:19
jacob__It gives the message "Compositing is not supported on your system". How can I fix this?22:20
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ge0rge007hello all! I have a bautec usb router and it works great with gnome network manager(ubuntu) but when i tried it at kubuntu doesn't work.Does the k network manager support usb routers?23:01
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
scbHello. I am using KDE 4.4.2 from the backports. Everytime I close my laptop's lid it locks down the screen. However, when I come back to unlock it the password dialog never comes up, I can't even move the mouse. The only way to recover from this is to killall -9 kscreenlocker. Any idea what could be going wrong?23:25
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