
macowhat happened to the ability to mark a bug as reported upstream?00:44
macoyou used to be able to give it a URL to the bug report on a public bugtracker, and thats gone now00:44
macoand you used to be able to choose a radio button to say that it was reported to the author but without there being a public bug, and thats gone too00:45
mwhudsonmaco: i saw that this morning00:45
mwhudsonmaco: i think it varies by project though00:45
macowell ubuntu's the project in this case00:46
macoim trying to mark a bug in a package in ubuntu as having been reported to the author of the software in that package00:46
mwhudsonis there a project for the upstream in launchpad?00:46
macoand if i click "also affects project" it wants me to pick from a list of projects that are hosted on launchpad00:47
macoand this software is just sitting on some guy's server00:47
mwhudsonyou've never been able to create a bugtask in this situtaion00:47
mwhudson(i'm pretty sure)00:47
macoyes you could00:47
macoyou used to get 3 radio buttons, i believe00:48
maco1 you'd put in the url to a public bugtracker00:48
mwhudsonthat's after you've chosen the project on launchpad00:48
wgrantIt doesn't make sense to add a bugwatch to an Ubuntu task.00:48
wgrantYou have always had to create a project task first.00:48
maco1 of the radio buttons was something like "the bug has been reported to the upstream author" for cases where there was no public bugtracker00:48
wgrantmaco: Right, that's on the 'Also affects project' form.00:49
maco*used to be* on that form00:49
macois not anymore00:49
wgrantIt is.00:49
macoi'm looking at it. it's gone.00:49
wgrantYou are just working with a package that doesn't already have its upstream project defined.00:49
wgrantSelect a package, and you will get that form.00:49
wgrantEr, select a *project*.00:50
macook then, how do i tell the package where its upstream webpage is?00:50
wgrantIs there not yet a project for it in Launchpad?00:50
maco(and why isnt this pulled from /debian/control?)00:51
macono. are you saying that every single upstream needs to have both their *own* project site AND a launchpad account?00:51
macobecause that just sounds ridiculous00:51
wgrantmaco: Every project that you want to refer to in Launchpad has to have a Launchpad project created -- placeholder or otherwise.00:51
wgrantIt has always been this way, and it works well.00:52
macosounds like overhead for upstreams00:52
wgrantWhy does it affect upstreams at all?00:52
mwhudsonmaco: just think of the launchpad project as somewhere to record where the bugtracker is00:52
wgrantThey don't even have to know about it.00:52
macoill just leave a comment in the bug saying its been reported upstream. the *only* time this makes sense is when upstream is hosted on lp, which the vast majority are not00:53
persiaJust for historical completeness, way long ago, before Malone handled non-disro projects well, there was a different way to handle it, but that was indeed long ago, and sufficiently so that reverting it would not be possible.00:54
mwhudsonmaco: launchpad supports (a bit incoherently) the idea of placeholder project00:54
wgrantmaco: Why not just spend the 30 seconds to create the project and link it properly?00:54
macomwhudson: which shouldnt be necessary00:54
mwhudsonit definitely makes sense when upstream is not hosted on launchpad00:54
wgrantmaco: Why not?00:54
wgrantIt does affect a project.00:54
mwhudsonmaco: yay blanket statements00:55
macobecause all it's doing is taking a URL00:55
wgrantYes, but it needs to extract meaning from the URL.00:55
wgrantApparently the idea to make the placeholder project registration suck less has been abandoned.00:56
wgrantI am not sure why.00:56
macowhatever. upstream doesnt even *have* a public bugtracker. i just wanted the "emailed upstream" radio button00:56
spivwgrant: lack of tuits I suspect...00:56
maco(which since there's no url i cant imagine why a placeholder would be needed for *that*)00:57
wgrantmaco: Then create the project, and select tat button.00:57
wgrantIt is needed to model the operation sanely -- you have reported it to the upstream project, not to Ubuntu, so linking it against Ubuntu makes no sense.00:57
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alexbodnhello friends06:50
alexbodni've asked to reset my forgotten lp password06:50
alexbodnfollowing the link i got a page to set a new password, but unfortunately got an error on submit.06:50
alexbodnlately, tried again, and have been announced that my account has been deactivated.06:50
alexbodnhow can i have it re-activated again?06:50
spmalexbodn: oh what fun. Is the ref 'postgis' meaningful to you?06:55
alexbodnspm: i was deb maintainer for postgis in the past06:55
spmheh; just checking I have the right account.06:56
alexbodnhave i met you that times?06:56
spmha. no. I went for the obvious guess. ~alexbodn as your LP account. :-)06:56
alexbodnindeed :)06:57
spmalexbodn: have you used this account at all? it's showing up as never been activated?06:58
alexbodnwell, i intended, but finally probably not.06:59
alexbodnthen i wanted to contribute to a project hosted on lp06:59
spmalexbodn: I've re-activated the account. i asusme you still have access to the original email address - go for the forgotten password link and ping me back on success/fail?07:02
alexbodnthanks a lot spm. i'll do it right now07:02
spmif still no joy; we'll rename the old away; and let you create a brand newie with the same name. sledgehammer, but... :-)07:03
alexbodnwaiting for a new resetting url07:04
alexbodnbad luck spm: again,07:10
alexbodn                 You cannot reset the password ofa deactivated  account.                                                                       Account deactivated           Your account has been deactivated.07:10
spmoh (*&^(*&%^*&^$%&*%^$&^$%!!!!!07:10
spmright. /me pulls out the big hammer07:10
alexbodnthis sounds the time to do this07:11
alexbodnsince i had little usage of the account, maybe it could be deleted?07:12
spmalexbodn: so, I've renamed. https://edge.launchpad.net/~alexbodn-argh <== dunno where I got the inspiration there. ;-) So pls to create a new account; and I'll merge the old in.07:12
alexbodnso the name gets free07:12
alexbodnah, right away07:12
spmwe get this general style of issue enough that we know how to deal with it. the specifics change07:12
alexbodnindeed, "We’ve just emailed alexbodn@012.net.il (from noreply@launchpad.net) to  confirm your address."07:14
alexbodnlet us see :)07:14
alexbodn:( spm:07:21
alexbodnWe've received a request to create a new account with your email address.07:21
alexbodnIf this was you, perhaps you've forgotten your password?      https://login.launchpad.net+forgot_password07:21
spmalexbodn: just checking the obvious things here: 1. is your computer plugged in and switched on at the wall socket? 2. cookies - istr there's a couple of varying names you need to allow that bit me with this when i blew away my firefox configs07:22
spmalexbodn: possibly try a diff browser?07:22
alexbodni'm using ff. should i delete cookies related with lp?07:23
spmit's more if you're blocking ones or similar.07:24
alexbodnlet me ensure, but i'm blocking nothing, i think07:24
spmi had selective allows on; and the login.lp.net domain (istr...) was being blocked07:24
alexbodni'm not blocking cookies at all, and i've just deleted 2 cookies for this domain07:29
spmalexbodn: I must be going blind.... that link: is that a direct copy and past? cause it should be more like:  https://login.launchpad.net/+forgot_password ??07:31
alexbodnindeed spm, c&p07:32
spmalexbodn: is that working then?07:34
alexbodnspm, should i follow it again?07:35
alexbodnlet me see07:35
spmalexbodn: yeah - just check the url link they send you off too....07:35
alexbodn https://login.launchpad.net/+forgot_password , yes?07:36
spmthat should be it. yup.07:36
alexbodn1 moment07:36
* spm stops guessing and goes to create an account to follow the bouncing ball....07:37
alexbodn"We’ve just emailed alexbodn@012.net.il (from noreply@launchpad.net) with  instructions on resetting your password."07:37
spmalexbodn: so creating a new account. you should get an email like 'to complete your registrauion:  https://login.launchpad.net/token/<HORRIBLE_RANDOM_TEXT>/' ??07:39
spmalexbodn: I am officially a muppet. you're using the same email address correct?07:41
spmalexbodn: launchpad uses emails as a key - of sorts; try creating a new account with a different email address. ??07:41
alexbodnthat's what i would expect indeed, spm. but my email/account is in lp db somewhere, so they suggested me to reset foregotten pwd in the mail you've previously seen07:42
spmalexbodn: yeah - i think something is getting very confused on your old email address - hence if we create a brand newie; I can force merge the old account in the new. So you end up where you want to be; eventually. :-)07:43
alexbodnmaybe what you did changed my status from deactivated to activated, so that pwd could reset07:43
spmcould well be. this part of launchpad has had some interesting changes lately; so possibly we're hitting a nasty edge case.07:44
alexbodni got this link spm. would you want to try it? my email is alexbodn@012.net.il07:45
spmalexbodn: oki; just sent you a password reset07:48
spmalexbodn: while that happens - do you have a different email address we can register a new account with. eg, a gmail one?07:49
alexbodnnp, alexbodn@gmail.com07:49
spmalexbodn: oki; have just kicked off a registration against that address - can you follow the email link you get from that? should look vaguely like: to complete your registrauion:  https://login.launchpad.net/token/<HORRIBLE_RANDOM_TEXT>/'07:51
alexbodna problem spm. that's probably about the forgot link:07:52
alexbodn                                Unauthorized token  You are not authorized to use this token. If this URL was sent to you by email, please make sure you open it in the same  browser where you requested it.07:52
alexbodni'm sending you the lnk,07:53
alexbodnlet me see gmail07:53
alexbodnsame with the gmail link: https://login.launchpad.net/token/G8ptq4srjVd2jVwnM0Bw/07:55
persiaSo, that link happens to work for me, surprisingly.  I won7t actually confirm it, but...07:56
spmalexbodn: and what happens on that link? can you access it via a very different webbrowser? not firefox.07:56
spmeg konquererer07:56
alexbodnwell, read the message: they wanted it to be followed from your browser, because you have issued the requests07:58
spmalexbodn: yup. can you follow it in a different browser. same PC is fine.07:59
alexbodnas i told you spm. same result in opera08:00
spmunauthorised token?08:01
spmheh. wonder if persia caused that.... ;-)08:01
persiaI hope not.08:02
spmnope. works for me.  https://login.launchpad.net/token/G8ptq4srjVd2jVwnM0Bw/ <== sends me to the right place.08:02
persiaI was just curious what response I'd get from someone else's previously used invalid token, and was surprised to be asked if I wanted to add an email address (I didn't).08:02
spmbeing prompted to enter new userid, and passowrd.08:02
alexbodnno wonder, the message says that08:02
alexbodnso what password have you chosen for me?08:03
spmha! I haven't. I'm guessing if we can't get you thru here, trying to get a password reset is worlds of pain waiting.08:03
spmalexbodn: to be pedantic. Using opera, when you click on https://login.launchpad.net/token/G8ptq4srjVd2jVwnM0Bw/ what do you get?08:04
alexbodntold you08:05
alexbodnso i should issue a forgot password again, myself. shouldn't i?08:05
spmahhh I see.08:07
alexbodnspm: still deactivated, sorry08:10
spmalexbodn: 1. flush all cookies in opera. 2. go here, https://launchpad.net/ and proceed to register a new account using your gmail address. 3. with the email that arrives; in opera! open the newly sent token link ?08:10
spmdon't paste any links here; as they shouldn't work for us.08:11
alexbodni understand the account creation and pwdreset should be confirmed in the browser the request has been issued on, previously08:12
spmyup. so the idea is to get a new account created in a clean env. once we have that and working; we then get you to login08:13
spmin your old browser/firefox08:14
alexbodnnow, that you attempted to register me with gmail, you should confirm on your browser the link i've received in my mail, and then i would change my password later08:14
spmwell yes I can; I'm trying to get you to do this so it doesn't stage thru me - and also to confirm by doing so; that there are no other funkies in your env that may cause other hassles. :-)08:16
alexbodnwell, we've seen the confirmation wants your browser. it sounds legitimate. please do it and i'll try to login with the password you'd tell me08:18
alexbodnif you can, spm, tell me the pwd in a private window ;)08:20
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=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
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m_anishHi, I cannot seem to log into my launchpad account from within ubuntu-lucid using either firefox or epiphany-browser on my laptop. Also I cannot login to my ubuntu one account. A message apperas saying openid transaction in progress and nothing seems to happen ....   However, I AM able to login to launchpad from my workplace ... the browser I am using there is Firefox 2... I also have ubuntu karmic also installed on my laptop and the same thing is hap14:58
m_anishpening(openid transaction in progress)... pl. help me out!14:58
c7phello everyone i have a question about the .po (on the translation process)15:04
c7pfor example we have this segment of the .po file http://pastebin.com/T9jgCxMh15:04
bigjoolsm_anish: I'm trying to find someone to help you15:05
bigjoolshenninge: can you help c7p?15:05
c7pthe traslation should be in quotation marks after the msgtr ?15:05
m_anishbigjools, thanks!15:05
askhl_c7p: yes, it should look quite like the msgid15:06
bigjoolsm_anish: while I look, can you try deleting your launchpad cookies and try again15:06
m_anishbigjools, did that15:06
askhl_c7p: there are programmes that allow editing po-files without having to deal with these "details".  You just see a string and type a string15:06
henningec7p: http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#PO-Files15:06
m_anishbigjools, still doesn't work15:06
henningec7p: the multi-line formatting is explained a bit further down15:07
askhl_c7p: I do suspect that the empty lines shouldn't be there in the pasted segment, though15:07
henningec7p: but I agree with askhl_ that you should not really be editing these manually, unless you are creating a conversion tool etc yourself.15:07
henningebut even then there are libraries to help15:08
henningeaskhl_, c7p, yes, there cannot be a blank line between msgid and msgstr15:08
c7pok thank you guys :)15:09
matsubaram_anish, do you get any oops?15:09
m_anishmatsubara, I didn't exactly get what your saying, What is happening is ... I login to ubuntuone site a single sign on page appears with my account info and two buttons "Yes sign me in" or "cancel" upon pressing the former, nothing happens and "Waiting for one.ubuntu.com" is displayed in the browser15:13
m_anishmatsubara, ...status bar15:13
matsubaram_anish, did you try clean up the cookies for your browser for that domain?15:15
m_anishmatsubara, I have just deleted ALL cookies, history etc and given it another go... same result. BTW, the exact same thing is happening with my launchpad account login15:17
matsubaram_anish, I just tried with a clean firefox profile and it worked for me. what browser are you using?15:20
m_anishthe default browser on ubuntu-lucid firefox 3.6.315:21
matsubaram_anish, same one I'm using here.15:22
m_anishalso tried it on epiphany-browser... same thing. The login process worked for me too from my workplace which has firefox 2 running on solaris15:22
matsubaram_anish, can you try with a new firefox profile? start it with firefox -ProfileManager -no-remote15:23
matsubaram_anish, also make sure you're not blocking cookies from those domains15:23
wgrantAlso, do you have JavaScript enabled for those sites?15:24
m_anishmatsubara, same thing "Waiting for one.ubuntu.com" :( I guess default settings are to keep cookies enabled. I have anyway checked that some cookies have been stored on my computer15:27
matsubaram_anish, wgrant> Also, do you have JavaScript enabled for those sites?15:28
m_anishMy internet connection is through a router, could it have to do something with settings on my router (although I am able to login to gmail etc.)15:29
matsubaram_anish, I use a router as well. do you see the same behaviour on other sites as well?15:30
m_anishmatsubara, wgrant, Javascript is enabled by default15:33
m_anishmatsubara, yes I seem to have same issue when I try to login to slashdot with my launchpad openid. Slashdot redirects to launchpad, where I authenticate... after that it says "Waiting for slashdot" and nothing happens15:35
matsubaram_anish, I mean, do you get a similar issue outside of the ubuntu one/launchpad open id authentication workflow?15:35
m_anishmatsubara, interesting... now that you say it ... I have two other openid's myopenid and google. I am using them to log into superuser.com and slashdot.org... both seem stuck with the same issue!15:41
m_anishI am able to login to gmail.com and mail.yahoo.com15:41
matsubaram_anish, if you wait long enough, does it time out?15:44
m_anishmatsubara, I am able to login to facebook, gmail, yahoo mail15:44
m_anishmatsubara, ok let me try15:44
matsubaram_anish, not sure what the problem is. it looks like something on your side rather than on launchpad's15:45
m_anishmatsubara, It seem increasingly so to me too!15:45
matsubaram_anish, maybe a firewall rule on your router?15:45
m_anishmatsubara, hmm.. I have temporarily disabled my router firewall and given it another go, will update you soon.15:51
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m_anishmatsubara, :/ same thing... after a long time firefox loaded a blank page, when I view its source I see nothing!15:55
m_anishmatsubara, Thanks for all the help... I will duly get back to you if I am able to solve this issue :)16:05
ETSHosthello, i was curious if someone could help me with my own launchpad not working after changing IP addresses. Is there a config file I have to set for launchpad specifically? Apache still works.16:06
matsubaram_anish, np16:06
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m_anishmatsubara, Ok, I've just restarted my computer switching from ubuntu-lucid to ubuntu-karmic... Opened google-chrome (NOT firefox) and I see that I am already logged in there. I had logged into launchpad using google-chrome about two weeks ago <I want to pull my hair out>16:16
matsubaram_anish, what happens if you log out and try the login again?16:16
m_anishmatsubara, now I am dead-scared to log-out of my launchpad account in google-chrome16:17
m_anishmatsubara, ok here goes!!!16:17
m_anishmatsubara, ok.. I logged out of launchpad in google-chrome .... tried to log back in using firefox ... no success.... tried to log back in using google-chrome again ... success!16:20
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* m_anish "wants to pull his hair out"16:23
m_anishmatsubara, I guess I have a working launchpad account for now :) (though its locked to A browser amongst three operating systems installed on my computer), Thanks again.16:25
matsubaram_anish, np16:26
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nigelbbigjools, anything more to be done for this question? https://answers.launchpad.net/malone/+question/10728416:58
* bigjools looks16:58
merbithi, is a launchpad member allowed to delete their user account?17:14
merbitThere's a member in ~surl team, rhett trappman - https://edge.launchpad.net/~surl/+members#active - their profile page is not found, nor does it say it is deactivated: https://edge.launchpad.net/~r1205617:16
nigelbmerbit, ah, he was a bit of a problem maker17:17
nigelbhis account was suspended I believe17:18
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merbitdarn, I should pick my contributors better :P17:19
nigelbprobably :D17:19
nigelbhe made a huge mess in ubuntu projects and teams17:19
maxbHis profile page doesn't say "not found", it says "gone" :-)17:19
merbittrue :)17:20
maxbBut, it feels like a bug to me that launchpad links to a "gone" error17:20
dickelbeckhelp:  https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/kicad is not coming up, gave me instead instructions to report that here.17:21
maxbbigjools: Is staging broken?17:22
bigjoolsmaxb: let me check, someone might be updating it as it was out of date17:23
bigjoolsmaxb: yes it's getting updated, no ETA as the automated updates were broken so they're doing a manual one17:25
maxbdickelbeck: ^17:25
maxbbigjools: Is this worth en-topic-ing?17:26
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Staging is down for upgrades | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: bigjools | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
bigjoolsyup :)17:26
dickelbeckmaxb: I'm gathering that I should simply try some time later.17:27
merbitmaxb: shouldn't at least show a log or something as to why the profile page is gone?17:27
maxbI think it should.17:27
merbitI'll file a bug :)17:28
geserhow long does it take to sync an OOPS?17:28
bigjoolsgeser: ~5mins I think17:28
geserOOPS-1564EC887 is because of me missing permissions, right? The error message "(<Archive at 0x1442fbd0>, 'newPackageUploader', 'launchpad.Edit')" isn't helpful at all17:31
bigjoolschecking ...17:31
cody-somervillegeser, yes17:31
bigjoolsyeah that should not oops, bleh17:31
merbitbug 56241017:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562410 in launchpad "When a profile page is "gone", it should show the reason" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56241017:32
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=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Staging is down for upgrades | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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Penguin2I have a new upstream release - is there any way to make a debian source package automatically? - The only debian thing that needs to change is the changelog.19:22
dickelbeckwhat is an ETA for https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/kicad being accessible?19:36
Ursinhamthaddon, is there an ETA for staging to go up?20:03
Schmorgluckdoes someone here know what are the rules for passwords on Launchpad? I haven't found them anywhere21:00
Schmorgluckand the site keeps telling me I'm entering invalid characters21:01
Schmorgluckbut my passwords are entirely made of perfectly valid Unicode characters21:02
SchmorgluckI don't understand21:02
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SchmorgluckI briefly considered the idea that the website only accepts ASCII passwords, but that would be completely moronic21:11
azopsuch is life :P21:11
Schmorgluckplus, who, nowadays, would put such an exotic restriction on passwords without clearly stating it to the user?21:12
Schmorgluckah, yeah, and of course I have to be logged to launchpad to ask my question on how to log to launchpad21:17
SchmorgluckI feel tired21:18
kfogelsinzui: topic says staging still down, but staging appears up to me -- any reason I shouldn't change topic?21:30
sinzuiIf I ca QA, then yes we should say it is up21:31
ZarathoustraHi chan!21:32
ZarathoustraI always have a problem with my account creation21:34
ZarathoustraI open a ticket on https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/ 11 days ago and I didn't get any answer21:36
kfogelZarathoustra: this is launchpad account?21:37
kfogelZarathoustra: what is the problem?  (or is there a URL to your ticket?  Though I'm not sure I'll be able to see it...)21:37
=== kfogel changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
Zarathoustra https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/ don't offer any ticket number, just a 'Thanks for your report', or something near...21:39
ZarathoustraI tried to subscribe, received a mail saying "You want to reset your password?"21:41
Zarathoustraclicking yes, clicking the link then getting a 'Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad Login Service.'21:43
ZarathoustraWe’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.21:44
Zarathoustra(Error ID: 1553canistel117)21:44
Zarathoustrakfogel: ping?21:57
kfogelZarathoustra: sorry -- helps to say my nick when responding.21:58
kfogelreading backscroll now21:58
kfogelZarathoustra: when you say you "tried to subscribe", do you mean you tried to create a launchpad account?21:58
kfogelZarathoustra: Did you try to do it via the web page UI at launchpad.net?22:00
kfogelZarathoustra: hmm.  do you know if the account got created or not?  What is the account name, or an email address associated with it?22:00
Schmorgluckbut seriously, what ARE the rules for launchpad passwords?22:01
ZarathoustraI don't know if the account is created or not22:01
SchmorgluckI can't find them22:01
Zarathoustrakfogel: I created an account with alain.portal AT univ-montp2.fr, this work22:01
kfogelZarathoustra: looking22:01
Zarathoustrakfogel: stop ! ;-)22:02
kfogelZarathoustra: ?22:03
Zarathoustrakfogel: I trried to created another account with alain.portal AT free.fr, unsuceessfull22:03
Zarathoustrathis is my problem22:03
kfogelZarathoustra: hunh.  I don't know what is the cause, but mailing feedback {AT} launchpad.net is generally a better way to find out (rather than...)22:03
kfogelZarathoustra: you mean you know the cause now?22:03
Zarathoustrakfogel: no, I don't know22:04
kfogelZarathoustra: phone, one sec22:04
Zarathoustrakfogel: but I try to add my 2nd address to my account, hoping I could received mails, from mailing lists I subscribed, on my 2 emails... Unfortunalety, this don't work22:06
kfogelZarathoustra: I have to go do something else unfortunately.  feedback {AT} launchpad.net is the place to ask, though, definitely!22:09
Zarathoustrakfogel: so, you say I loose my time (10 days...) with https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/ ?22:10
kfogelZarathoustra: did they ever respond to you?22:11
Zarathoustranone answer22:11
kfogelZarathoustra: Well, then if I tried to deny that that time was lost, I would be denying reality :-).22:12
Zarathoustrayes... ;-)22:12
ZarathoustraIf you want, I can flood my report here...22:13
kfogelZarathoustra: feedback @ is the place.  This channel can sometimes help, especially when a "help contact" is listed in the channel topic.  I normally could help, I'm just in the middle of something else at the moment, unfortunately.22:14
Zarathoustrakfogel: I'll "feedback"...22:15
kfogelZarathoustra: good luck.  I wish I knew why it wasn't working.22:15
ZarathoustraHoping "feedback" will be more verbose than https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/22:15
Zarathoustrakfogel: done, I got the auto-response22:42
kklimondawhy does summary require me to use quotation marks if it stops processing at the new line anyway?22:42
Zarathoustragood night chan!22:42
Schmorgluckis there a mean to sign in on launchpad?22:44
Schmorgluckis there a chance that someone, someday, will Write The Fucking Manual about how to connect to Launchpad?22:46
tsimpsonSchmorgluck: you mean the "Log in / Register" link in the top right?22:50
SchmorgluckNope, I mean the "Complete your registration" page22:52
Schmorgluckmy passwords keep being refused without any explanation as to why22:54
tyarussoIs there documentation available regarding how to install/deploy Launchpad?  I'm looking into the possibility of using it internally.  (Mainly Bugs and Answers)22:57
SchmorgluckOK, let me ask the question straight: are passwords on Launchpad limited to ASCII characters?23:01
tyarussoSchmorgluck: I don't know the answer, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.23:02
tyarussoYou can always try a different password and try changing it later.23:03
Schmorgluckthey definitely should state it, because it has become a pretty exotic limitation23:03
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
SchmorgluckI could do that, but I'm in a WTFM mood23:03
tyarussoTrue.  Test it, and if it turns out that is the issue, then file a bug against Launchpad.23:03
SchmorgluckI'd prefer to be able to file a bug directly23:04
tyarussoWhat do you mean?23:05
Schmorgluckafter all, I'm not trying to do anything that isn't stated as being unacceptable23:05
tyarussowhat do you mean by "file a bug directly"?  Without attempting to confirm it?23:06
Schmorgluckwithout having to use a lame password to register23:06
james_wyou don't have to use a lame password23:07
SchmorgluckI can't use my password policy23:07
SchmorgluckI realize I'm being needlessly stubborn23:09
SchmorgluckI will use a temporary lame password to file a bug report23:10
kklimondaI actually get " Invalid characters in password  " on the staging server when I try to use characters like żółć23:10
kklimondaso it doesn't fail without any explanation23:11
james_wmy point was that a password doesn't have to include non-ascii characters to be non-lame23:11
SchmorgluckI don't see any invalid character in your example23:11
kklimondaSchmorgluck: you see? they are non ascii :)23:18
Schmorgluckand they are rejected, kklimonda23:20

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