
BUGabundotoo late for this cycle00:00
mo-germanyyofel: no success00:01
yofelhm... oh, maybe run 'sudo ldconfig' ?00:02
mo-germanyon the contrary, my X crashed the first time I tried to start Konversation00:02
BUGabundoyofel: same prob as my 'costumer' ?00:02
BUGabundocheck for ppas00:02
yofelBUGabundo: he's using the intel driver and has "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)" in his xorg.log00:03
DanaGprobably has xorg.conf left  behind.00:03
mo-germanyDanaG: nope00:03
BUGabundonuke xorg00:03
BUGabundoyofel: nag Sarvatt like I did :)00:04
DanaGI pity the foo' who wants to use gpu-switching with Intel and NVIDIA.00:04
yofelmaybe I should ping bjsnider, this whole mesa/nvidia alternatives stull is confusing00:04
DanaGYou'll never get that working with the binaries, because the binaries trample all over Xorg.00:04
BUGabundoDanaG: right00:04
BUGabundowith all the magic UDEV makes, it makes me wonder why X doesn't make more use of it00:05
mo-germanyDanaG: Well, I recently decided to only use the Intel chip. Fortunately my BIOS offers a "disable hybrid graphics" option00:05
yofelI don't think this is a bios issue, more like an issue with left behind nvidia libs00:06
yofelmo-germany: did you try running ldconfig?00:06
mo-germanyyes, wait a sec, I'm doing a restart00:06
bjsnideryofel, what do you want00:07
Sarvattthat'll fix it00:07
bjsniderwhatever the problem, violence is the solution00:07
yofelbjsnider: sorry, was just wondering if you would be faster at fixing usage of intel driver with (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) in the xorg log00:08
bjsnideryofel, you've got that problem?00:08
yofelbjsnider: no, mo-germany (he's just rebooting) has one of those hybrid chips and wants to use the intel driver now but has nvidia installed00:09
bjsnideroh, nott hat crap again00:09
bjsniderthose things are hit and miss00:09
safehomeHey Battery symbol not showing on panel - Running this on a notebook - Currently not plugged into power cable - any idea's ? ?00:09
Sarvatteasiest way would be just boot with the nvidia enabled, deactivate it in jockey then switch it over again00:09
mo-germanyyofel: great!00:10
BUGabundosafehome: re-add indicator applet00:10
mo-germanyshouldn't jockey do all that automatically?00:10
Sarvattif you deactivated it before switching sure00:10
safehomeBUGabundo, Hey Thanks - will check it out.00:10
mo-germanyhm ... I thought I had done that00:11
atrussafehome: make sure it's on a horizontal panel00:11
mo-germanyanyways, thanks a lot everybody!00:11
safehomeatrus, ah - sorry still a bit of a neub - where is that?00:12
bcurtiswx_laptopi use lucid's USB creator.. use the beta2 ISO.  then upon using it in my computer i get a "boot error"00:12
bcurtiswx_laptopits the correct archetecture00:12
bcurtiswx_laptopCD ROM's busted00:12
atrussafehome: i mean if you have a vertical panel on the edge of your screen, the indicator may not work right.00:13
atrussafehome: like, along the left or right edge, instead of the top or bottom.00:13
nhainesbcurtiswx_laptop: run md5sum on the ISO and check it with the md5 checksums on the release mirrors.00:13
BUGabundobcurtiswx_laptop: broken for a while. its on LP00:13
safehomeatrus, No - I actually have my panel on the bottom.00:14
atrussafehome: good. so you should have a "notification area", and "indicator applet" and an "indicator applet session" all on there for everything to work right.00:14
safehomeatrus, I rt. clicked on panel but can't see where to re-add indicator applet?00:15
atrusjust type indicator at the top, and it'll search00:15
bcurtiswx_laptopnhaines: the md5 sums match :-\00:16
bcurtiswx_laptopBUGabundo: what bug is that?00:16
BUGabundobeats me00:17
BUGabundonot subbed to it00:17
safehomeatrus, I queried ubottu at the ubottu site but can't seem to figure out how to re-add the "indicator applet" - can you tell me?00:20
atrussafehome: right-click the panel, click "add to panel". type "indicator" in the text box. click on "indicator applet' and hit "add". repeat for "indicator applet session".00:23
atrussafehome: you can right-click them afterwards and hit "move" to move them around on the panel.00:25
safehomeatrus, Ok Will try that - was doing a search on google and found other folks had issue's as well00:25
safehomeatrus, Nope that just added another vol. indicator and another power button - but no battery indicator showed up00:28
atrusoh. well you can delete the extras then...00:28
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atrusis gnome-power-manager running?00:28
bcurtiswx_laptopis there a desktop image? not ISO? .img vs .iso00:29
trigroui still segfault trying to compile with gcc, i guess someone will have a look to this behaviour. I dont know if i can help more. i filled a bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/56013500:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560135 in gcc-defaults "g++ internal compiler error when trying to build OpenSceneGraph 2.8.3" [Undecided,New]00:29
h00kSo, network connections are solely handled by nm-applet in 10.04 desktop edition.  What is the best way to have a network connection start before an actual user session starts (i.e. I want to have ssh access to my machine even if the user isn't logged in)00:31
h00kI could do some hackery with cron to handle this, but there must be a better(cleaner) way00:31
yofel/etc/network/interfaces, and didn't nm have a 'system connection' option once?00:32
h00kI don't know00:32
nhainesIt did!00:33
nhainesI don't know if or how well it worked, though.  :)00:33
h00kyofel: so, in /etc/network/interfaces I want to add...eth0 somewhere?00:33
atrusi've never seen that work right.00:33
h00kI'd like to be able to reboot remotely and have it come back with a working net connection without a ton of hackery.  How does the server edition handle this?00:34
yofelh00k: read 'man interfaces' and google around a bit on how to set that up00:34
h00kI suppose I could ask #ubuntu-server00:34
yofelh00k: here's the one from my server as a reference: http://pastebin.com/TvJUcF2j00:35
yofelI let it use dhcp for DNS though, works somehow00:35
h00kYeah, I'm going to need DHCP, I don't have a static address at the University00:36
h00kit looks like I need to add 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' there.00:36
atrusand 'auto eth0'00:36
yofelwell, there is something like 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' but I don't know much about that00:36
h00kah yeah, I'm seeing that now, too.00:36
atrusyou can also specify stuff for wifi connections and things, but that's a lot more complicated.00:37
h00kYeah, that I'm not too concerned about right now, but I'll probably get that working later, once I move00:37
h00kokay, this isn't too bad.00:39
h00ktwo lines00:40
yofelh00k: test it a bit, someone had a weird issue a few days ago where that got the right IP from dhcp, but resolvconf failed to correctly set the DNS information00:41
h00kyofel: I will once I'm back, I tried to test it away from my box :( but I'll check it when I get back.00:42
atrusresolvconf probably shouldn't be installed, unless you have a special reason for it.00:42
h00ker, I tried to see if I could get net access without a session open, anyway. I'll add these lines to /etc/network/interfaces and give it a shot00:42
=== jpds changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Fixed kernel now on archive and mirrors (bug #561151) | Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2
Nalfanything I can do to fix this x seg fault? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/411783/00:43
atruswhen you're actually at the machine, try to 'ifdown eth0', and then 'ifup eth0', and see if that works. the 'auto eth0' means it'll bring it up on startup.00:43
atrusbug 56115100:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115100:43
h00katrus: alright00:44
NalfBug #54450800:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544508 in fglrx-installer "fglrx-modaliases do not allow Jockey to find/offer fglrx driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54450800:46
Zelozeloscan anyone tell me why this script wont work anymore, it used 2 work just fine in 9.10   http://www.pasteall.org/12366/bash01:06
Zelozelosthe only draw back was that i had to put the pics in a root folder, now it seems 2 do nothing01:06
Zelozelosis anyone there?01:10
MTughanZelozelos: Yes, but it's possible that no one knows the answer yet.01:10
ZelozelosMTughan usually theres other chatter in here :)01:10
Zelozelosthat script WAS awsome, it was short n sweet, didnt use up much resources, didnt have do do any thang for it 2 run and change the background cept put the pics in the correct location01:13
coz_zekoZeko,  which script is that?01:15
coz_zekoZeko,  sorry guyu01:15
Zelozeloscoz_ http://www.pasteall.org/12366/bash01:15
coz_Zelozelos,  ah ok.... sounds good  but I would like to see one that allows for transitions.like fade... etc  but I will try this01:16
Zelozeloscoz_ i dont see a need for transitions, its just a background, heh, i hardly ever see da background anyhow :)01:17
coz_Zelozelos,  yeah I understand :)01:17
coz_Zelozelos,  but I notice in gnome that there is already a script in /usr/share/backgrounds for the space set of images  no?01:18
willphBug in the initial boot screen? Ubuntu 10.04 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=xljb4z&s=5 bug 1, so that when Ubuntu will get the black screen with something written http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14jc1sw&s=5 bug2 after the 1st screen turns green and then the ubuntu logo appears http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2j32xdx&s=5 bug 3, when you restart it.01:18
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)01:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301:18
willphThe links are related images to bug.01:18
Zelozelosyup its pretty good, but i hate messin with xml01:18
willphThis is a bug or not?01:18
Zelozelosidk, ive had no issues with that screen, i always though it wasnt echo-ing whatever it was doing01:19
Zelozelossometimes i can see it doing stuff, esp when theres a disk in the drive01:20
philsfI'm experiencing occasional pidgin freezes, does someone else also see this?01:21
Zelozelosthe 3rd is the one i see kinda often01:22
Zelozelosoh coz_ i almost forgot the best point about that script, you dont have 2 change the scritp when u want diff backgrounds, u just change the backgounds in the folder01:23
ksolowoniukanyone else seeing problems with blank cdroms?01:24
Zelozelosksolowoniuk are u talking about when you start up the repeated error line?01:25
Zelozelosheay leagris hows it been?01:27
ksolowoniukwell, I have some files I want to burn to cd. I start cd/dvd creator drag the files over and select , write to disc. It's only giving me the option to write to file. The blank disc isn't being detected.01:27
Zelozelosahh, no i dont have that issue01:28
platiusksolowoniuk,  my Brasero  can,t detect a cd/r or cd/rw to write an image file tio it.01:28
ksolowoniukplatius: any ideas on how to fix it?01:28
Zelozelosif i remember ritght, you can right click on an iso 2 burn it, have you tried this?01:29
platiusksolowoniuk,  nope, strangely enough brasero will blank a cd/rw01:29
leagrishello zekoZeko01:29
ksolowoniukplatius: have you tried cdrecord?01:29
platiusksolowoniuk,  no I just made the observation01:30
Zelozelosleagris wanna check out a script and see if u can figure out why it wont work in 10.04?   http://www.pasteall.org/12366/bash01:31
platiusksolowoniuk,  I may load k3b and see if the problem is still there01:32
ksolowoniukplatius: well, I get the problem with both nautilus and brasero.01:32
FeasibilityStudyI keep getting kernel failure messages on boot, and when apport runs, it cannot show me the details because I get a permissions error01:32
FeasibilityStudyIOError(13, 'Permission denied')01:32
ksolowoniukI'm going to try cdrecord.01:32
platiusksolowoniuk,  must be a low level prob01:32
leagrisZelozelos, did you check gconftool-2 has a new name or takes different parameters ?01:33
Zelozeloswhat was that prog that will make a dvd iso from an avi?01:33
ksolowoniukmencoder I think.01:34
leagrisZelozelos, DVD::RIP01:34
Zelozelosleagris ummm, no :)01:34
ksolowoniukthat one might work the other way around.01:35
ksolowoniukplatius: when I put a blank cd in the drive, dmesg gives me this: Add. Sense: Logical block address out of range01:36
Zelozelosleagris looks all good to me i see all the options i used (-t string -s)01:36
ksolowoniukplus a couple other errors.01:37
platiusksolowoniuk,  ahh  check this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-avi-to-dvd-iso-in-ubuntu.html01:37
Zelozelosleagris should i try --type string --set ?01:37
leagrisZelozelos, if you invoke the command manually does it change the background?01:37
ksolowoniukplatius: I'm not really interested in converting files. Just being able to burn the ones I have.01:37
ksolowoniukI'll be back in a second.01:38
leagrisZelozelos, i know very little about Gnome internals but here is the problem. You should check the correct way of updating background picture with that version of gnome01:38
Zelozelosleagris ill see what i can see :)01:39
Zelozelosthank you01:39
leagrisEventually Zelozelos this command is deprecated01:39
Berzerkerso I'm configuring to install a raid01:40
Berzerkerit's asking to select the active drives01:40
Berzerkerdo I choose the swap drives? or just the ext4 ones01:40
pvelkovskican anyone check if /etc/readahead/boot exists on their lucid system?01:45
Zelozelosok leagris i see what i was doing, when i tried 2 type it in to a terminal i was fat-fingering a few things, it is changing the background :)...but when i double click on the script and run, it dosent01:46
Zelozeloshowever,,,i have another idea01:47
pvelkovskican anyone check if /etc/readahead/boot exists on their lucid system?01:47
yofelpvelkovski: that was part of readahead, we use ureadahead in lucid01:47
AKDid any face issues on Sound Recorder - Audio on internal microphone?01:47
pvelkovskiwhere does ureadahead write its configuration file?01:48
Berzerkerif I have 6GB of RAM, do I need swap?01:48
yofelBerzerker: unless you do something really RAM intensive or need hibernate, no01:48
yofelpvelkovski: I can't tell you more than man ureadahead will tell you01:49
Berzerkerit's soon to be 12GB, half my RAM is on RMA01:49
ZelozelosAHAA leagris got it :) i needed an update i think, cuz now its working (conveniently after an update i just did) heh, i didnt think about it being a freash install issue01:49
Berzerkerso I assume then definitely not01:49
leagrisZelozelos, I guess the shell close and terminate the script after first run. You should be able to tell the launcher to keep an open shell or spawn the script with nohup01:49
Votananyone here ever used netboot.me to install 10.04 ?01:49
Zelozelosi just add it to the startup list itll keep running w/o a open shell then01:50
pvelkovskithx yofel01:50
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:52
bcurtiswxhow do I change the GDM login screen?01:53
Zelozelosnow i just need 2 figure out why the backgrounds have 2 be in a root folder and the script must be somewhree else01:53
agronholmis there any way to make btrfs give sane values for used disk space?01:55
bcurtiswxhow do I change the GDM login screen.  i upgraded and its still the old one.. i watn the eggplant colored one01:57
zutmeI installed Lucid on my computer, and it works great except that Suspend seems to make my computer hibernate. It shuts it off so that I have to power it back on. Is there anyway I can have it "sleep" like in Windows so I just have to move my mouse to wake it up?01:57
haz3lnutSuspend actually mean hibernate.01:58
zutmeSo "Turn my display off" Is what I want?01:58
atrushaz3lnut: erm, what? that doesn't sound right.01:59
Zelozeloszutme are u using a laptop?01:59
haz3lnutTry System/Preferences/Power Management01:59
zutmeIts a desktop01:59
atrussuspend generally means low-power mode, hibernate means save state and power off.01:59
zutmeYeah I'm in those preferences01:59
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
zutmeWell I kinda want behavior like Windows suspend, which I guess might just turn the display off. Its kind of a pain in the ass esp. for my girlfriend to click the power back on every time the computer idles for a while02:00
haz3lnut[Put computer to sleep when inactive: Never"02:00
zutmeyeah thats what I did02:00
haz3lnut[Put display to sleep when inactive: 30 min"02:01
zutmeI guess I just misunderstood the terminology02:01
zutmeNot used to working on desktop linux02:01
zutme10.04 release is awesome though. Very slick.02:01
haz3lnutNo Prop.  It puts Windows to shame, but you have to get used to some differences.02:01
Zelozelosu want it to suspend (as in pause all processes), but you want it to wake up when your move your mouse right? theres no option for this, the only thing you can do is make it spin down and turn off the display02:02
zutmeYeah I think I have it where I want it. Thanks02:02
haz3lnutRight.  Spind down disks and blank display.02:02
haz3lnutStop processes == suspend == hibernate.02:02
zutmeAwesome. You are very helpful.02:03
zutmethanks all02:03
myk_robinsonwhat is the command to report a bug? Would like to report one for inverted webcam image02:03
yofel!bugs | myk_robinson02:04
ubottumyk_robinson: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:04
myk_robinsonyofel: there is a variation of that without having to know a package name. You know what that is?02:04
bcurtiswxyofel: do you know hwo to change the gdm login screen in lucid?02:05
yofelmyk_robinson: there isn't, but you can just run it without a package name02:05
yofelbcurtiswx: I don't use gdm02:05
funkyHatI've just upgraded my system to lucid and neither indicator-applet or indicator-applet-session seem to be working correctly... I don't see the volume button on the former and I don't see my name attached to the latter02:05
funkyHatAnyone else experienced this?02:05
myk_robinsonyofel: I tried that but get an error that i need to specify a package or process id. I will tyr from command line with --help02:06
yofelmyk_robinson: I guess the symptom management is a bit messed up... if it's a driver issue just file it against linux, if it isn't, file it against the webcam using app or linux anyway02:07
myk_robinsonyofel: its in any app that uses the webcam, I assume its driver related. Thanks02:07
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
myk_robinsonyofel: i tried to file against linux and get an eror that this is not a genuine Ubuntu package ??02:09
dios_miohey guyz.... beta 2 wont install the NVIDIA driver02:09
yofelmyk_robinson: ah yeah, we had the current kernel removed, make sure you're using the newest kernel available in the repository02:10
agronholmdios_mio, it did for me...you are talking about the ubuntu package, right?02:10
yofelmyk_robinson: and make sure you're using the official kernel, not one from a ppa02:10
myk_robinsonmyk@mobileThree:~/Downloads/Chrome$ uname -r02:11
dios_mioagronholm, yeah02:11
yofeldios_mio: did you install all updates before trying to install the driver02:11
myk_robinsonsorry for the flood post :(02:11
dios_mioyofel no man02:11
agronholmdios_mio, so when you start the restricted drivers manager, what does it say02:11
yofelmyk_robinson: not the newest one, the newest one is -20 (we had a few issues with that though, see topic)02:11
yofeldios_mio: the hardware drivers app was broken and told you that the installation failed even though it didn't, should be fixed by now02:12
dios_miooh ok thanks man02:12
myk_robinsonyofel: i see that kernel in the repository, but its is not auto-marked for upgrade. Just check it anyway? I had it earlier and had to boot into a previous kernel and remove it. Safe now though?02:13
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:13
bjsnideryofel, old story of people downloading old packages on the alpha/beta cd and then reporting bugs that have already been fixed02:13
yofelbjsnider: yep...02:14
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myk_robinson!bug #56115102:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115102:14
bjsniderit's extremely tiresome02:14
Zelozelosdoes anyone know when they expect to have all the kinks out of this os?02:15
agronholmall? haha02:16
bjsniderthe end of this month02:16
agronholmit'll be a perfect, flawless os then02:16
Zelozelostrue :) all does seem impossible, but they are deff working very hard on it02:16
bjsnideri don't think he was really suggesting that all of the code will be 100% bug-free, which is clearly impossible02:17
Zelozelosand are doing a beautiful job as well02:17
dios_miowow next time i wont do a install restricted-updates... it takes too long just for mp3 and flashplugin02:20
TommyThaGunhas anyone experienced problems with gDesklets?02:24
TommyThaGunI can't get it to work02:24
TommyThaGunI get this error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145281202:24
Zelozelosi forgot 2 ask, i want 2 change a few of the compiz options, is ccsm working correctly or the ubuntu tweak/ which is working best i dont want any mess-ups i just reinstalled today :)02:26
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Zelozelosi installed a few days ago and metacity or something messed up, i had no windows unless i ran metacity --replace through the start up progs, but that way i had no effects, so i just said forget it and reinstalled02:27
AKHello, is anybody try setup while connection to Empathy->GoogleTalk Voice Call. I am facing an issues, while making call cannot hear sound. When the call connected, i can hear other person voice and otherperson cannot hear my voice.02:28
chris4585Zelozelos, if you installed compiz-gnome that would have been fixed.02:28
yofelZelozelos: you could have just waited a few hours and installed compiz again...02:28
Zelozelosthats the thing, i did, and it still would not start up on its own02:28
chris4585Zelozelos, ccsm should work fine now02:29
bcurtiswx3whats the best way to make a gif with lucid?02:29
Zelozelosthen again, im so lost in ubuntu all the time, still kinda green around the gills iukwim02:30
Zelozelosbcurtiswx3 gimp02:30
Zelozelosor get wine and install psp or photoshop02:30
bcurtiswx3Zelozelos: ty02:30
Zelozelosoh wait, i think photoshop isnt working right in wine02:31
Zelozeloscant remember, i use psp02:31
bcurtiswx3GIMP is fine... just found a cool tutorial02:34
MariachiACHello. i've tried to do update-manager -d but the upgrade is unsuccessful from karmic. Is t here documentation on how I can install ubuntu using debootstrap? the current beta does not boot.02:40
swoodyMariachiAC: are you currently up to date on Karmic? Does apt-get upgrade show that no packages are available to upgrade?02:41
MariachiACyes. I tried last week with no success. I'm using a screen reader so that may have something to do with it.02:41
MariachiACI tried through the command line using do-release-upgrade -d and trying to upgrade through the alternate cdrom, but no success.02:42
MariachiACswoody So i"m not sure what to do.02:43
MariachiACswoody the packages successfully installed, but I've had to reinstall karmic evertime I try to do the upgrade wither in the command line, through te alternate cdrom using the cdromUpgrade script02:44
swoodyMariachiAC: Do you get any errors during/after upgrade? what happens after the upgrade, does your computer boot?02:45
MariachiACswoody I do not get any erros I don't think. Although I can't be fore sure since I do not recall. I tried last week and the packcages were successful installing, but I got sighted assistance and when trying to boot it said unable to connect to plimith. so the computer will not boot after upgrading. I don't know if this is true if doing the upgrade now. But in my past attempts its been unsuccessful.02:48
swoodyMariachiAC: maybe this could be useful for ya: http://www.khattam.info/2010/01/31/solved-error-mountall-could-not-connect-to-plymouth-mountall-main-process-x-terminated-with-status-1/02:50
MariachiACswoody Ok I'll take a look at what you posted.02:52
Berzerkerok so I have a strange problem02:54
Berzerkerafter updating grub, or booting into windows, coming back into linux, after I log in, it freezes02:54
Berzerkerit stops logging in pretty much, then after a while, the mouse freezes02:55
virtualdtry booting in recovery mode and get the latest updates02:55
Berzerkeranyone experience this?02:55
BerzerkerI just updated02:55
Berzerkerand recovery mode freezes after a while, also02:55
BerzerkerI know02:56
virtualdsounds bad02:56
virtualdso you don't see any kernel panic or oops message?02:56
Berzerkerrecovery mode doesn't freeze...02:56
MariachiACswoody Ok so how can I update my system using the command line safely from karmic? I'd like to use the command line since I don't have site and speakup works well using the command line.02:57
Berzerkervirtuald, no it just freezes02:57
Berzerkervirtuald, it freezes faster if I try to drop to a shell02:57
virtualdi don't have a clue either sorry02:58
swoodyMariachiAC: I would stick with the recommended way for server: sudo do-release-upgrade02:58
Berzerkervirtuald, after a while, the monitor shuts off02:58
swoodyMariachiAC: but be prepared to do what that link said to fix this issue if/when it pops up again02:59
MariachiACswoody Ok.02:59
virtualdtry booting with nomodeset kernel parameter02:59
MariachiACswoody I'll try to upgrade the system and report back with what happens.02:59
Berzerkervirtuald, how do I do that02:59
virtualdput at the end of the line beginning with kernel in grub03:00
virtualdpress e on the kernel you want to boot first03:00
Berzerkerso wait, at the grub, I hit c for a command line, right?03:01
Berzerkervirtuald, oh I get it03:01
Berzerkervirtuald, so I just type "nomodeset" on the last line?03:02
virtualdyes, i think it will work, or you may have to type something like i915.modeset=0 or radeon.modeset=0 or nouveau.modeset=003:03
Berzerkervirtuald, I'm using the normal nvidia drivers03:03
Berzerkervirtuald, that didn't work03:04
virtualdsorry, i'm out of ideas03:05
robertzaccourmy caps lock key don't work now03:06
Berzerkerwhat's even weirder is my fix, I boot into the alternate cd and update-grub from there, and it magically works03:06
robertzaccouri booted the live cd and it worked fine, but not with the current lucid stage03:06
robertzaccourmy caps lock key don't work now03:06
robertzaccouri booted the live cd and it worked fine, but not with the current lucid stage03:06
robertzaccourgotta restart brb03:07
virtualdberzerker: do you think something is wrong with your grub configuration?03:07
Berzerkervirtuald, no idea,03:07
Berzerkervirtuald, I am on a RAID, ever hear of that being a problem?03:07
BerzerkerI can try reinstalling not on a RAID03:07
robertzaccouri'm back03:09
robertzaccourwhat could possibly make my caps lock not work now?03:10
robertzaccourany ideas?03:10
atrusrobertzaccour: if you do ctrl-alt-f2 to go to a console, does it work there?03:11
virtualdberzerker: that could complicate matters, i think the devs would be interested in fixing such issues03:11
atrusrobertzaccour: alternatively, run xev, and see what that says your capslock is doing03:12
atruswell, run xev in a terminal03:12
robertzaccourit took me a couple minutes to figure out how to get out of there atrus03:13
robertzaccourhey it works again03:13
robertzaccouratrus, is that the usual fix?03:13
funkyHatI've just upgraded my system to lucid and neither indicator-applet or indicator-applet-session seem to be working correctly... I don't see the volume button on the former and I don't see my name attached to the latter03:14
funkyHatAnyone else experienced this?03:14
robertzaccourfunkyHat, i know how to fix it lemme get the info from my email03:15
robertzaccourfunkyHat, gnome right?03:15
atrusrobertzaccour: weird. shouldn't be.03:15
atrusfunkyHat: are your applets on a vertical or horizontal panel?03:16
funkyHatatrus: horizontal03:16
robertzaccourkillall-gnome panel03:16
robertzaccouratrus, killall-gnome panel03:16
robertzaccourit resets it03:16
funkyHatHm. Doesn't work here03:16
atruspossible. but logging out or rebooting would have the same effect.03:17
robertzaccouratrus, did that work?03:18
funkyHatrobertzaccour: neither works here03:19
funkyHatI'd already tried killing the panel03:19
atrusi haven't had that problem, myself.03:20
robertzaccouroh ok03:20
robertzaccourit worked for me03:20
robertzaccouri got my top panel set to autohide and my botom one removed and replaced with docky :D03:20
robertzaccourwith a sweet wallpaper that goes perfect with the theme03:21
robertzaccouri prefer Ubuntu over windows, but i gotta admit there's been a lot of bugs in the past 2 releases03:22
robertzaccour9.04 worked really well though03:22
VarthSo I updated to the broken kernel, and now I can't boot into Ubuntu. What is the best way to replace the broken one with the fixed one when I can't boot into it?03:23
robertzaccourso far the only lasting issue is the screen blinking every few minutes. filed a bug a long time ago, all thats happened is that its been confirmed03:23
VarthI ugraded from 9.10 and got the broken kernel. Now I'm locked out of Ubuntu. How do I replace the kernel without being able to boot into Ubuntu?03:33
Zelozelosdoes anyone know how to install sun java 6 or when it will be avalible from the repo's?03:36
sinistradMy mouse cursor is invisible on the login screen. It appears as soon as the login box drops away and starts loading the desktop.03:37
robertzaccourVarth live cd?03:37
sinistradrobertzaccour, I was going to suggest that, but he quit03:38
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, you need to add the Partner repo then you'll find the Sun Java JDK / JRE as well as the Firefox plugin03:42
Zelozelosahh ok thank you03:43
Zelozelosso i just click on both the partner one's right?03:44
Zelozelosoh, im using the 64 bit os, does this matter?03:45
kermiachey ppl :) anyone seeing "critical temperature reached" & having system shutdown after latest kernel updates?03:49
ddecatorkermiac: can't say i have03:50
kermiacI've seen it on 3 diff laptops now & only way to get back in was adding noapic to kernel boot options03:50
kermiac2 nvidia's & 1 ati :(03:50
kermiachey ddecator :)03:50
ddecatorkermiac: hey mate =)03:50
robertzaccouratrus, how did console fix it?03:51
kermiacseems like lmsensors issue - but I'm still trying to get to the bottom of the issue. It's something in either 2.6.32_20.29 or .30 kernel03:51
robertzaccourmy caps lock stopped working, then i updated, restarted, still messed up, tried a live cd, then it worked just fine, then came back to the current Lucid build and atrus asked if it works in console so i tried and it did, then i exited and it finally worked normally03:52
Zelozelosthank you sooo much i wish someone told me that a week ago :)03:52
robertzaccourhow is it that console fixed my caps lock? is that weird?03:52
Zelozeloswow thats very wierd robertzaccour03:53
robertzaccourthe same bug i reported a long time ago is still there. thinkin about switchin to win 7 and checking back after final release to see if its fixed.03:54
fatumIs it possible to update to beta 2 from inside beta 1?03:59
robertzaccourfatum, system>administration>update manager03:59
robertzaccourfatum, or sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:59
sinistradrobertzaccour, fatum, I was advised against using apt-get for most tasks. The guys in here told me to use aptitude, as it is less likely to break things04:03
DesagasUsing Lucid, top of all windows appear to be "cut off". Any fix or simply because of Beta?04:03
bjsnideranybody got a pioneer dvd burner on amd64 with lucid at the present time?04:03
chris4585fatum, if you've been doing the updates from beta 1 you should have upgraded to beta204:03
sinistradDesagas, That was a problem for me. You may need to reinstall compiz/gdm04:04
robertzaccouri wish i would have got a system with amd instead of intel, too many intel bugs these days04:04
Desagassinistrad, Interesting, keeping in mind i'm... pretty new to Ubuntu/Linux in general can you walk me through that?04:04
chris4585Desagas, try reinstalling compiz-gnome04:04
bjsniderrobertzaccour, you're kidding right?04:05
robertzaccourbjsnider, nope04:05
sinistradDesagas, What chris4585 said.04:05
DesagasSinistrad, i'll try that now, good to know others have had this problem, I figured it was compiz but wasn't sure04:05
robertzaccourbjsnider, in karmic i had to disable power management to keep my screen brightness from flickering to the point of extreme slowdowns, freezing, and crashes04:06
fatumrobertzaccour:  The update manager will update to beta 2?04:06
chris4585Desagas, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager ; then search for compiz-gnome and tick the box and apply04:06
robertzaccourfatum, i updated, still have that problem. and the devs seem to have swept my bug report under the rug, all they did was confirm the bug04:06
sinistradMy mouse cursor is invisible on the login screen. It appears as soon as the login box drops away and starts loading the desktop. Anyone seen that problem?04:06
Desagaschris4585, Doing so! thank you04:06
chris4585Desagas, if it doesn't work let me know04:06
fatumrobertzaccour:  What problem do you have?04:07
bjsniderrobertzaccour, intel's commitment to linux support is second to none, and beats amd by approximately a billion times. intel commits code for devices that have not even been released yet04:07
robertzaccourfatum, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/55550304:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555503 in xorg-server "screen flickers at least once every few minutes" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:07
chris4585Desagas, you may have to reboot for the problem to solve itself04:07
chris4585Desagas, after you installed compiz-gnome04:07
fatumrobertzaccour:  Hmm, I do not have that issue on beta 1.04:07
fatumI haven't tried out beta 2 yet.04:07
Desagaschris4585, rebooting now, i'll be back04:08
sinistradDesagas, if you are handy with a command-line, you can restart the desktop with "sudo restart gdm"04:08
bjsniderfatum, these milestones are meaningless. they're the distant past04:08
ubuntu_chris4585, doesn't seem to of fixed the issue, any other solutions?04:13
chris4585ubuntu_, try System > Preferences > Appearances ; in the visual effects tab enable extra04:13
DanaGbjsnider: watch out for gma500. =þ04:13
DanaGThat was a management mistake, using powervr.04:14
DanaGoh yeah, so I am going to be rid of that nv17 laptop with the broken EDID.  =þ04:14
DanaGWindows driver I'm using with it: 78.70.04:14
ubuntu_chris4585, Fixed! Thank you, its all snapped into working form04:14
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VarthUpgrading to 10.04 has left me with only the broken kernel. How do I go about replacing it with the new working one? I can't boot into Ubuntu.04:15
robertzaccouri don't know how they decide which bugs to fix and which ones not to. guess i take it subjectively, but then again i'm the one using the computer04:15
bjsniderDanaG, puolsbo isn't their in-house technology though04:15
robertzaccourVarth, tried a new live cd?04:15
chris4585ubottu, no problem, glad it worked :)04:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:15
* DanaG wonders: if I could mind-control powervr to give source... would we find the beagleboard PowerVR and the GMA500 PowerVR to be the same?04:15
chris4585Varth, can you access grub2 and view  your older kernels? anything < x.19-generic should work...04:16
VarthI have 32.20 and 31.20.04:17
VarthThat's it.04:17
Berzerkerok another problem04:18
chris4585Varth, I'm waiting for the next kernel to be in the repositories to update myself.. I've heard from others that x.20-generic had issues...04:18
Berzerkergrub seemed to install on /dev/sda, when it should be on /dev/sdc04:18
Berzerkerand it errors when I boot into it04:18
Berzerkerhow can I fix this>04:18
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virtualdberzerker: with grub-install04:19
chris4585Berzerker, I suggest trying the ubuntu livecd and reinstalling grub like virtuald just said04:19
Berzerkeralternate cd ok?04:20
chris4585probably, one would think it has grub-install on it04:21
psusiBerzerker, why should it be on sdc?  did you set your bios to boot from there instead of the first disk?04:21
Berzerkerpsusi, yes04:21
Berzerkerpsusi, sdc is my linux disk04:21
psusiBerzerker, why not set the bios to boot from sda?04:21
Berzerkerpsusi, because sda is a backup drive04:21
chris4585Berzerker, sdc is what exactly?04:21
psusiBerzerker, but if you want during the install there's an advanced button that lets you choose where to install it to near the end of the install04:21
Berzerkerchris4585, an SSD04:22
chris4585Berzerker, maybe you can try changing the boot order in the bios to boot off ssd first04:22
BerzerkerI did04:22
Berzerkerthat doesn't change sd order though04:22
Berzerkersda is still my backup disk04:22
psusichris4585, his problem is the reverse... grub is on sda not sdc, but the bios he set to boot sdc04:22
chris4585psusi, oh04:23
chris4585then he could try installing grub on /dev/sdc with the alternative cd right?04:24
psusichris4585, can do it with the livecd too04:24
BerzerkerI have both04:24
BerzerkerI couldn't get an option to install grub with the alternate cd, so I'm going to try the live cd04:24
HowardtheDuckare you all using 10.0404:27
scopecreepdoes anyone know if software raid is faster/slower than fake raid from an intel chipset?04:28
Berzerkerit's faster04:28
Berzerkerhardware > software > fakeraie04:28
scopecreepah nice thank you04:29
HowardtheDuckis lucid a lot better than karma04:30
swoodyHowardtheDuck: yes, it comes with a hover-craft :)04:30
HowardtheDuckkarmic sorry04:30
HowardtheDucksorry, i'm a newb.  i really liked jaunty but 9.10 broke all my stuff04:31
swoodywell 'better' for me isn't neccesarily 'better' for you ;)04:31
Berzerkerpsusi, how would I install grub from the livecd?04:31
chris4585HowardtheDuck, you can try lucid of course, it works nice, but remember it is beta 2, and by the end of the month the final will be released04:32
swoodythere's a lot of hardware variances, personal preferences, technical abilities, etc. that change from one person to the next04:32
psusiBerzerker, on the last page of the installer there's an advanced button to choose where to install it to04:32
Berzerkerpsusi, I already installed ubuntu04:32
Berzerkerpsusi, I just want to install grub04:32
HowardtheDuckyes, i'm hoping the final is way more stable than karmic04:32
HowardtheDuckit has me worried that i may have to downgrade to jaunty04:32
chris4585Berzerker, I think its grub-install ?04:33
swoodyBerzerker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:33
psusiscopecreep, no difference in speed... if doing raid1 or 5 software raid is more reliable than fakeraid04:33
chris4585I'm not familiar with installing the new grub04:33
swoodyBerzerker: check out the 'LiveCD' section :)04:33
swoodyBerzerker: and that will just put Grub back on your computer. If you have other OS'es on your computer, you will need to run 'sudo update-grub' after you boot back into Ubuntu04:34
psusiBerzerker, then try mounting your root fs in /mnt and running grub-install --root-directory /mnt04:34
Berzerkerthe hell...unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member04:35
BerzerkerI had it in a raid before, but I formatted both of the drives04:35
psusiBerzerker, making a new filesystem does not remove the partition from the raid array04:36
Berzerkerpsusi, how do I remove the array?04:37
psusiBerzerker, you need to do mdadm --zero-superblock to do that04:37
Berzerkerwill that damage any other drives?04:37
psusinot unless you run it on them04:37
Berzerkeroh is that a guided thing?04:37
Berzerkerok...so what do I run this on?04:39
Berzerkerboth parts of the array?04:39
psusiwhatever partition you want to not be in an array04:39
Berzerkerok it completed instantly, is it done?04:40
Berzerkerok so I install grub on /dev/sdb, not /dev/sdb1, right? (it's actually sdb not sdc)04:42
hanasakiwhat needs to be done on lucid to play dvd's?04:49
Gartralhow do i open the friends list after setting up my accounts in gwibber04:57
mxe5This is probably really easy but - When I try to change my desktop background to one I see - it will not change to it - It's the one that has 4 pictures all in the same spot. ?04:58
AbuMaiawhat is the procedure for upgrading when you have /home on a separate partition?05:01
AbuMaiaand will this channel be moved to #ubuntu once LL is released?05:03
Gartralsupport for LL will, yes05:03
claptrapSo what's the cleanest way to upgrade from beta 1 to beta 2?05:03
red2kicAbuMaia: Just point /home to the correct partition at installation progress.  And yes, it'll be #ubuntu (and #ubuntu+1 will be disabled for few months).05:03
AbuMaiathen #ubuntu+1 will be support for 10.10?05:03
AbuMaiamaintaining /home during upgrade, that will keep all my programs and settings and themes, correct?05:05
red2kicclaptrap: If you have been keeping your machine updated, you're on beta2.05:05
red2kicAbuMaia: Not programs. Settings and themes, yes. Your favorite themes should be under ~/.themes.05:06
AbuMaiaso I'd have to reinstall firefox and wine and others, but their settings and such will be carried over in ~/.wine and ~/.mozilla?05:07
claptrapred2kic: The PPAs do most of that, or what? sudo apt-get upgrade?05:07
red2kicclaptrap: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"  (or what you use with apt-get).05:08
claptrapred2kic: Thanks~05:09
AbuMaiaI assume then that any backups I've been keeping the last few months won't work once I upgrade?05:12
voss749AbuMaia, 10.10 will be Metrosexual Meerkat :)05:16
AbuMaiaI thought it was Manic Meerkat, or Mischievous Meerkat... something like that ^_^05:17
chris4585Marvelous Meerkat?05:18
chris4585Maverick Meerkat :D05:18
voss749I prefer Metrosexual Meerkat05:19
AbuMaiaoh god... are we gonna have an IceMan Ibex next go-round?05:19
voss749After 26.10 they will run out of letters hehe05:19
AbuMaiawe could go into other alphabets... Omega Ostrich05:20
DanaGmaverick meerkat... too many sharp pointy syllables.05:20
voss749Actually 17.04 will be Zippy Zebra05:21
DanaGdap-per drake.  ed-gy eft.  fei-sty fawn.  gut-sy gib-bon. hard-y- her-on.  in-tre-pid ib-ex. jaun-ty jack-a-lope. karm-ic ko-a-la.05:21
DanaGmav-er-ick meer-kat.   5 syllables.  Same as Intrepid, but more sharp and pointy.05:22
voss749Plus meerkats have their own tv show so there05:22
AbuMaiaI'm having trouble thinking of an N animal >_<05:22
DanaG /end yelling.05:23
AbuMaiaNocturnal Newt... not particularly confidence-inspiring05:23
voss749Nubile Nymph :)05:24
DanaGthat sounds like an NSFW name.05:24
AbuMaiaIt'll come with special wallpaper05:25
DanaGI'd like to see something based on "fire" or "flames" or such.05:25
DanaGhmm, maybe we should go to #ubuntu-offtopic?05:25
chris4585Noble Narwhal05:26
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sinistradI haven't seen a bug posted on this yet....My mouse cursor is invisible on the login screen. It appears as soon as the login box drops away and starts loading the desktop.05:47
bisbyi had that too. sinistrad. but only on my actual install. its fine on my VM i think05:51
sinistradPerhaps I should submit a bug report then05:52
rumpsyis that possible to upgrade from beta to stable after the LTS release05:52
ZykoticK9!beta | rumpsy05:53
ubotturumpsy: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.05:53
sinistradYes, it should automatically do that as the packages are released05:53
sinistradif you keep up to date05:54
rumpsyZykoticK9: so if i keep on updating, it will turn to LTS stable ?05:54
ZykoticK9rumpsy, yes05:54
rumpsyZykoticK9: Cool, thank you05:55
rumpsyZykoticK9: can you help me with xampp and eclipse05:55
ZykoticK9rumpsy, sorry no - i don't use either05:55
rumpsyZykoticK9: okay05:55
Flomasterharro harro06:02
FlomasterI just installed 10.0.4 beta2 and wicd is giving me a bad password error when trying to connect to my wireless network06:02
Flomasterharro harro06:04
FlomasterI just installed 10.0.4 beta2 and wicd is giving me a bad password error when trying to connect to my wireless network06:04
Blue11Flomaster have you checked to see if your key is correct?06:05
VarthI attempted to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and got locked out due to the bad kernel. Now I'm in a 10.04 live USB environment. How can I replace the broken kernel with the new one from here?06:05
VarthI've never been in this situation before, but I'd like to learn how to fixi t.06:05
Flomasterblue11 I just installed form Win7 I nornally just type my password in nothing special06:05
Blue11Varth: that is the reason I never do an upgrade but a fresh install06:06
Blue11Flomaster: there are dozen of things that could be wrong.  ssid, key, wireless channel, security mode06:06
VarthBlue11: I generally do that as well, but I figured I would takek a chance this time, and look where that got me.06:07
ranjanhello Every body can help me in figuring out any appropriate answer with Ubuntu Moblin Remix  does it'll too be an LTS product .. for this new upcoming relise of 10.406:07
Blue11Varth: for my wireless to work, I had to be pretty meticulous with details06:07
Flomasterblue11 wicd see my wireless network, are you saying it might have a setting wrong and I need to manually configure it?06:07
Blue11Flomaster: yes, I had to06:08
FlomasterDoh.... I wonder if I can boot into win7 and copy my network info06:08
Blue11Flomaster: that might be a good place to start --06:08
Flomastergrrr when typing blue[tab] I keep getting Blue-Omega  not blue1106:09
Blue11Blue11: my netbook dual boots win 7/ubuntu 9.10 - and ubuntu required some extra tweeking but it worked, when I paid attention to the settings - have you looked at system messages?  hint dmesg  (for any clues)06:09
DanaG1The program crashed on an assertion failure, but the message could not be retrieved. Apport does not support reporting these crashes.06:10
DanaG1great, so now how the heck am I supposed to report such a bug?06:10
Blue11yeah it will only type upto what is common when you hit tab, you have to manually make it unique06:10
Blue11i hate it when you have user123 and user123_06:10
Flomasterwhen using xchat for windows it would ask me with blueXXXXX I wanted to send to06:11
VarthCan anyone teach me how to replace this broken kernel, which is preventing me from booting, from within a live environment? Any help would be appreciated.06:11
Blue11DanaG1: file a manual report06:11
VarthI don't have a prior kernel to boot from anymore.06:12
Blue11Varth: someone with more experience then me, unfortunately --06:12
DanaG1E: module-bluetooth-device.c: Assertion '(size_t) decoded == a2dp->frame_length' failed at modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c:1375, function a2dp_process_push(). Aborting.06:12
Blue11DanaG1: you need to file the report here - not in this channel:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/06:14
DanaG1anyway, a report already exists in pulseaudio upstream...06:14
Blue11DanaG1: yes many hiccups with pulse06:15
Flomasterhow can I set grub to boot from Win7 as default?06:15
Flomastermy wife is not going to be happy when she turns on the laptop and find Ubuntu installed instead of Win7 lol06:15
Blue11DanaG1: this is my pulse bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/56038706:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560387 in alsa-driver "pulse audio crackles after each track is played" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:15
DanaG1my bugs:06:16
Blue11Flomaster: you should install windows first then linux06:16
DanaG1Not my reports, but I have the same bugs.06:16
FlomasterI did blue1106:16
Blue11arggh new kernel wish me luck gonna reboot06:18
VarthWill someone please assist me with replacing the new kernel? I cannot boot without it.06:19
* Blue11 decides to be like to pope -- kisses, the ground and declares: "I made it again!"06:21
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +106:25
Blue11ActionParsnip: some fella had a problem booting into a kernel, and was trying to fix the problem (update the kernel) from a livecd - is is possible to do that?06:26
FlomasterBlue11: I figured out a setting so I don't get  Blue-Omega  popping up06:26
Blue11Flomaster: how did you fix that?06:26
ActionParsnipBlue11: sure, use a chroot06:27
Blue11ActionParsnip: ahh thanks --06:27
Flomasterxchat settings > prefs>  input box  nick completion sorted was abcdefg , I changed to "last-spoke order"06:29
Blue11Flomaster: I am very lazy and use pidgin06:29
Blue11I dunno if xchat exists for windows, I never looked, odds are that it does -- but this way I only had to learn the programme once - works similar in linux and windows06:31
ActionParsnipBlue11: it does06:33
Blue11ActionParsnip: i thought it might - holy cow a netsplit06:33
VarthActionParsnip: I am the guy that Blue11 was talking about. Could you give me some more in-depth direction as to how to use chroot to replace my kernel with a working one?06:36
ActionParsnipXchat or hydrairc are great windows clients for irc, mirc has the nag06:36
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Blue11ActionParsnip: what do you mean th nag -- I run an old version under wine, and it seems fine06:37
ActionParsnipVarth: if you have old kernels still installed simply boot to those, hold shift at boot and select the older kernel. You can then do stuff in your own desktop06:37
ActionParsnipBlue11: the register nag06:37
VarthActionParsnip: I don't. All I have are .32.20 and .31.20, neither of which will boot.06:38
Blue11ActionParsnip: Ahh this is an old copy v 6.x that I bought eons ago06:38
almoxarifepidgpin, multi-server chat, linux and win, oh yeah, has a ppa for updates06:38
ActionParsnipBlue11: gotcha06:38
ActionParsnipVarth: ok06:38
ActionParsnip!chroot | varth06:38
ubottuvarth: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)06:38
ActionParsnipVarth: you boot to livecd then mount your partition, then use the chroot command06:40
VarthActionParsnip: Thank you. What would be the next step after that? Run update-manager?06:42
ActionParsnipVarth: i'd reinstall one or both of the currently installed kerenla06:42
chrisl2424i just bought a new graphics card and the drivers will not install. Nvidia geforce 21006:45
ZykoticK9chrisl2424, when you say "install" do you mean from Hardware Drivers or from Nvidia site?06:46
chrisl2424hardware drivers06:46
chrisl2424and website06:46
ZykoticK9don't think the website ones work on Lucid yet.  no idea about your specific card & hardware drivers though.  best of luck man.06:47
VarthCan someone recommend a good guide on how to reinstall the kernel? I lack the knowledge at this point, but would really like to be able to get my install to boot.06:48
|ns|nR8beta2 fairly bug free ?06:50
|ns|nR8thinking about giving it a crack06:50
PolitikerNEUUnless you use fglrx, IMHO: yes06:53
AKAnybody has any workaround solutions alsa_record_playback_internal audio testing getting failed06:54
chrisl2424can anyone help me with drivers for a graphic card. can't install them06:55
chrisl2424Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log06:57
chrisl2424how can i view that log06:57
ZykoticK9chrisl2424,  "less /var/log/jockey.log" in a terminal should show it to you06:58
mikedep333hey, how do I check what percentage battery life is remaining?07:00
mikedep333all I see is the time remaining07:00
LordKowmikedep333: try right click->preferences07:00
Berzerkerhaving a problem: computer freezes right after login07:01
LordKowim on a desktop so the settings are hidden from me07:01
mikedep333LordKow, not there07:01
Berzerkerit loads startup programs, and plays the login sound07:01
Berzerkerbut the desktop never loads, and the monitor eventually shuts off07:01
LordKowBerzerker: look at /var/log/messages for errors.07:02
chris4585mikedep333, you could install acpi and try this in the terminal "acpi -b"07:03
BerzerkerI can't really find anything07:03
LordKowBerzerker: put it on paste.ubuntu.com and link me to it07:03
Berzerkerhow can I paste it? I'm in a shell07:03
LordKowhmm.. links maybe?07:04
Berzerkerhow would I do this07:04
bazhangcommand | pastebinit07:04
Berzerkernoteable times are 1:56 ish07:06
AKcan anyone help me out any workaround solutions alsa_record_playback_internal audio testing getting failed07:06
LordKowBerzerker: 1:56'ish is still in the boot process... what is the last thing you see ?07:07
Berzerkerthe login screen background07:07
Berzerkerwith a cursor07:07
Berzerkernothing else07:07
AKcan anyone help me out any workaround solutions alsa_record_playback_internal audio testing getting failed07:08
BerzerkerLordKow, Apr 13 01:56:48 shuhangenjuu kernel: [    9.602973] usb 5-2.4: usbfs: process 1403 (g15daemon) did not claim interface 0 before use07:09
BerzerkerLordKow, sudo apt-get remove g15daemon fixes this07:09
Berzerkerand everything07:09
Berzerkerbut I'd like g15daemon...07:09
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +107:09
LordKowBerzerker: im not sure what it is so make sure it is configured right and also check launchpad for bugs07:10
mikedep333chris4585, it works, thanks07:10
BerzerkerLordKow, it's a daemon for displaying info on the Logitech G15 screen07:10
BerzerkerLordKow, all I did was apt-get install it07:10
chris4585mikedep333, no problem07:11
LordKowBerzerker: bug 50161307:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501613 in g15daemon "g15daemon does not claim interface before use" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50161307:11
chris4585mikedep333, looks like you can see the percentage when you click on the amount of time left and in details scroll down to where it says Percentage07:13
mikedep333oh, thanks07:13
gartralwill the version of VBox for Jaunty work in lucid?07:19
BerzerkerLordKow, the bug was fixed in >1.2.6 apparently.07:20
BerzerkerLordKow, can I run a command at startup "sudo g15damon"?07:20
Berzerkerwill that work?07:20
ActionParsnipGartral: no, its for jaunty not lucid07:22
ActionParsnipGartral: the vbox ppa may have a lucid release07:22
gartralActionParsnip: i'll just compile myself. i dont trust PPAs07:23
ActionParsnipGartral: your call dude07:23
BerzerkerLordKow, updating to worked, thanks a lot for helping me debug07:24
* gartral found a .run07:24
gartralyay, i7 ftw07:29
ActionParsnipFt$ more like07:29
gartrali bought my 860 second hand, 200 vucks07:30
ActionParsnipGartal: my biggest rig isn't worth that for the whole thing07:31
gartralActionParsnip: and what do you do with it?07:31
ActionParsnipGartral: play fretsonfire, web browse. Chat, halflife2 when I'm really bored07:32
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, don't forget helping fellow Ubuntu users -- you didn't get to be the #3 top Ubuntu Contributor by playing Fretsonfire... :)07:34
ActionParsnipZykotick9: haha true ;) but fretsonfire is badass, needs me an axe though07:34
gartralanyone ever get netflix watchnow working?07:35
ZykoticK9gartral, without using a Windows VM I don't believe it's currently possible07:35
ActionParsnipGotta split kids, money to earn07:36
EruditeHermithello, does anyone know how to fix the following error when trying to upgrade to lucid from karmic? E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.07:43
BerzerkerEruditeHermit: hi07:43
EruditeHermitBerzerker, hey07:44
Damascenedoes any one see double lock when it tries to log into locked system?07:46
DamasceneI unlock and as soon as I start to see the desktop I get locked again07:47
swoodyEruditeHermit: try: sudo apt-get install -f07:49
swoodyEruditeHermit: and actually, another 'sudo apt-get update' before that may help07:49
EruditeHermitswoody, already tried those, there are no broken packages07:50
EruditeHermitalso did dpkg--configure -a07:50
EruditeHermiterr a space in there before --07:51
swoodyEruditeHermit: does this apply to you?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/53087707:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530877 in php5 "E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." [Undecided,Fix released]07:54
EruditeHermitswoody, not really, my machine is in a good state07:55
EruditeHermitall packages are fully installed; no partial installs07:55
EruditeHermitno conflicts07:55
swoodyhmm.... sry, I don't know what else I can suggest :/07:57
EruditeHermitI was facing this problem a few days ago07:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554149 in alsa-lib "dependency problem breaks upgrade to lucid beta1" [Undecided,Fix released]07:57
EruditeHermitbut that seems to have been resolved07:57
EruditeHermitas in the bug was closed07:58
EruditeHermitand I no longer see that error when I try to upgrade07:58
gartralubuntu 10.04 is rocksolid here! :) hope the release fixes my minor networking issue though08:02
Berzerkeranyone use liferea here?08:05
tapan_chughi am using ubuntu lucid beta 2. I am having problems with gwibber. When i run gwibber it shows Sorry the program gwibber has closed unexpectedly.08:06
SandGorgontapan_chugh, run it from commandline and see if it spits out any more messages. paste the error output (if any) on pastebin.com08:07
bullgardI cannot assert System > Administration > Software Sources > (software Sources) > Ubuntu Software > (Downloadable from the Internet) > Source Code. (On another computer I can though.) How to fix this?08:07
tapan_chughSandGoron here http://pastebin.com/HaYdwFW808:08
tapan_chughSandGorgon here http://pastebin.com/HaYdwFW808:09
SandGorgontapan_chugh, not entirely sure, but it looks like gwibber has a dependency on CouchDB and python-desktopcouch and they are not available on your local machine. It could be a packaging issue (since it is not pulling in dependencies). Why dont you file a bug using "ubuntu-bug gwibber" on your commandline08:12
gartralanyone here having issues with openttd?08:13
Berzerkerwhat's the app to view all the variables used for every program?08:25
thecookieAny idea why I can't start x just through booting up like usual, I first have to go into a safe mode shell then manually do startx08:26
thecookieIt hangs during the gfx loader otherwise08:26
kristian42_I just updated a week or so of patches and I don't have any /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and I cant regenerate it. Is that a known change/ problem ?08:30
bullgardthecookie: Unless you provide more error messages or logs probably nobody can tell you how to fix your problem.08:31
thecookiebullgard: I can't see any error messages because of the gfx loader bar. I can't exit it with esc either (to see the console like during the installer)08:31
thecookieAny idea how I could see the console during start?08:33
bullgardthecookie: But you can analyze /var/log/Xorg.0.log.08:33
thecookieNot even sure I get that far. But I'll check08:33
thecookieNo errors there. I think it bails out before starting x08:34
thecookieIs there a boot log?08:37
cefok.. where do I add customer kernel commandline options in grub now?08:37
iconmefistocef: /etc/default/grub08:38
iconmefistocef: after editing that, run sudo update-grub08:38
cefyeah just found it after I asked.. *sigh*08:39
cef*sigh* they really need to document these config files inline..08:39
iconmefistocef: even better would be an edit-grub script or something08:41
ceficonmefisto: yeah.. me.. I'm just trying to figure out where to enable a serial console08:42
AKActionParsnip: I need ur help as per comments related to alsa_record_playback_internal audio , which is getting failed on my DELL Vostro Laptop ALC268  The problem I am facing on SOund Recorder and Voice Call. Please advise to solve the issue08:46
cefamazing.. upgraded this test server from an early alpha to current lucid and it still works.. totally amazing!08:47
cef(yes, I am being slightly sarcastic.. but I am somewhat amazed that nothing broke)08:48
AKI need ur help as per comments related to alsa_record_playback_internal audio , which is getting failed on my DELL Vostro Laptop ALC268  The problem I am facing on SOund Recorder and Voice Call. Please advise to solve the issue08:50
AKI need ur help as per comments related to alsa_record_playback_internal audio , which is getting failed on my DELL Vostro Laptop ALC268  The problem I am facing on SOund Recorder and Voice Call. Please advise to solve the issue08:53
BUGabundo_remoteRaise the Sun, Raise the soldiers moral o/08:53
vegareally can't believe f-spot is the default "photo manager.." or whatever08:54
vegait's total crap08:54
iconmefistohow is the new -20 kernel? has it caused any new problems? it was working really well for me and I'm hoping it stays that way08:55
vega"old" one worked for me and new one does also..08:55
MariachiACHello. I tried to update yet again, but i'm unable to boot the system. However, i'vve chrooted into it using a live cd. is there any logs I can look at for related erros to hopefully fix the system and make it bootable08:55
MariachiACupdating to lucid from karmic08:56
AK I need ur help as per comments related to alsa_record_playback_internal audio , which is getting failed on my DELL Vostro Laptop ALC268  The problem I am facing on SOund Recorder and Voice Call. Please advise to solve the issue08:56
joaopintoAK, repeating will not help you ;)08:57
joaopintoMariachiAC, does it show the boot (GRUB) menu ?08:58
MariachiACjoaopinto I believe it did. I am unable to see the screen. It just tried to boot. I know this since the hard drive was spinning. I waited for about a minute and it stopt with an error. So I'm wondering if I can check any related errors in my chrooted environment.08:59
MariachiACjoaopinto I'm a blind user.08:59
BUGabundo_remoteiconmefisto: neither the new nor the old for me09:00
BUGabundo_remotevega: if its such a 'crap' feel free to make it better or propose a better alternative09:00
joaopintoMariachiAC, ah :( I was goint to ask about the erroe message09:01
BUGabundo_remotemorning joaopinto09:01
joaopintoMariachiAC, as far I know during the initial boot nothing it logged, because the filesystems that would be used for logging are not available09:01
joaopintoyou need to identify the erros on the screen, sometimes is not possible because you just get a hang or a blankc screen after the error09:02
joaopintomorning BUGa09:02
MariachiACjoaopinto Ahh ok. Well there is no way of sorting itt out with a chrooted environment? Previously my error was can not connect to plymouth. I'm not sure of thats currrently the error. If I need to though I can get sighted assistance later on today.09:02
joaopintoMariachiAC, no way, with chroot you could only check if the errors were logged after the boot, when the hard disk filesystems are already available09:03
joaopintohum, do we have a nosplash kind option on lucid ?09:04
iconmefistowhat about the debug kernel option? does that not log the boot process?09:04
joaopintoMariachiAC, have you tried to boot in recovery mode ?09:04
joaopintoiconmefisto, I am not familiar with that option09:04
MariachiACjoaopinto Well I can try to boot into recovery mode, but with out knowing what the screen says thats impossible. I have a visual impairment and am unable to see the screen.09:05
iconmefistojoaopinto: I'm not too familiar either, but someone yesterday used it. "debug=" added to the kernel line in grub09:05
MariachiACjoaopinto If there is no speech available I'd be screwd with out sighted assistance.09:05
joaopintoMariachiAC, right, sorry, but since the problem is probably related to the graphical configuration you will not have speech available :\09:06
MariachiACjoaopinto Ok I'll gget sighted assistance later on and report with the problems I'm experiencing.09:06
MariachiACjoaopinto thank you.09:06
joaopintoyw :)09:07
vegado i need to remove HAL somehow by hand after upgrade from karmic -> lucid, seems hald is still running and installed09:08
vegaeven though "This beta sports full removal of HAL from the boot process", or is HAL != hald ?09:09
ZykoticK9joaopinto, in future you might want to consider not using smileys and abbreviations like "yw" when assisting someone who is using a text to speech system.  It was very nice of you to assist though :)09:10
iconmefistovega: doesn't necessarily mean hal is useless or no longer needed. just removed from the boot process09:11
vegai see, thanks09:11
joaopintoZykoticK9, ok, will do09:12
ZykoticK9vega, i clean installed Lucid and still have HAL hanging around09:12
joaopintohal is not instaled by default on lucid,09:12
vegahmm, so which is it? :)09:13
ZykoticK9joaopinto, would you be willing to put money on that statement :)  Try "ps aux | grep hal" and see if you get any results.09:14
=== bigjb_gone is now known as bigjb
joaopintoZykoticK9, let me repeat myself, hal is not installed by default, and is not running on my system09:14
BUGabundo_remoteI have HAL in my system09:16
vegaapt-cache show hal: Priority: optional09:16
iconmefistojoaopinto: if you do apt-cache show hal, it says it is "optional" so not installed by default09:16
joaopintook, so let me correct it, its installed but not needed :P09:16
joaopintoit's not installed on mine09:16
joaopintoit doesn't force removal of ubuntu-desktop, so it's is very unlikely to be install by default :P09:17
vegawell let's see what happens after removal.. there's a lot of hal processes running09:17
vegahald-addon-rfkill-killswitch, hald-addon-leds, hald-addon-generic-backlight, ....09:18
vegahald-addon-cpufreq sounds important09:18
vegathese things handled by something else then nowadays?09:18
joaopintovega, there maybe some packages still dependong on it09:19
joaopintoI guess hal removal only applies to main packages in general, there are universe packages which may depend on hal09:19
gartralHAL is a crutch.. it's like a northbridge, it's not stable either >.>09:20
joaopintobut I am just guessing :)09:20
vega libgnomevfs2-0 depends on libhal-storage1 (>=
* iconmefisto notes that hal seems to be a kubuntu-desktop dependency, but not for ubuntu-desktop09:21
blue102can't see my taskbars anymore?????09:27
om26erblue102, you mean panels?09:28
ZykoticK9joaopinto, i'm affraid your statement "hal is not instaled (sic) by default on lucid" statement is incorrect - did a BETA2 install in a VM since you mentioned it and HAL is both installed and running by default09:30
blue102the bar under and on top of the screen09:31
blue102if you call that panels that is09:31
ZykoticK9blue102, in ubuntu terminology those are called panels09:32
BUGabundo_remoteZykoticK9: in *GNOME*09:32
blue102If I minimize say this xchat  then it is gone09:32
ZykoticK9BUGabundo_remote, true :)09:32
blue102of the screen09:32
vegaok HAL removed except for a few libs, system is still running... with 8 processes less09:33
eev2Hi all, I'm having some trouble with the latest xubuntu 10.4. I upgraded yesterday (dist-upgarade) and now my system doesn't boot. It halts with the message "isapnp: No plug and play device found" and I cannot do anything. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.09:34
BUGabundo_remoteblue102: its in the notification applet09:34
blue102where do I find that?09:34
BUGabundo_remotegreen envlopee?09:35
ZykoticK9blue102, xchat is a poor example unfortunately -- it's icon is OFTEN missing from my panel as well09:35
BUGabundo_remoteZykoticK9: ALL icons will be removed from notification are09:36
blue102mine has always been there network icon charge icon log off09:36
ZykoticK9BUGabundo_remote, this is while xchat is running - sometime i have actually seen it disappear09:36
blue102how can i activate the panels again ?09:37
ZykoticK9blue102, try running "gnome-panel" and see what happens (if they are totally missing)09:38
blue102at the console?09:39
ZykoticK9blue102, you'd need to be inside X for that to work i believe09:39
BUGabundo_remoteor export X09:40
blue102dont have gnome panel09:40
iamfossyhi all09:40
blue102have to install it09:40
iamfossyanyone here encounter this error during boot ?  : [   11.990294] nForce2_smbus 0000:00:0a.1: Error probing SMB2.09:41
blue102there must be something that would bring it back surely09:41
iamfossyanyone ?09:42
ZykoticK9iamfossy, a little while ago someone posted a VERY similar question to Launchpad (no answers yet) https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/10722509:43
iamfossyZykoticK9 : Thanks for the info :(09:44
om26eriamfossy, this might be realted to kernel update. I think09:44
iamfossyAdding "acpi_enforce_resources=lax" as a linux kernel parameter (via grub2) suppresses the message. Saw this help09:45
red2kiciamfossy: This one did for me.09:47
iamfossycoool, i'm yet to test that out09:48
iamfossybut at launchpad.net the bugreport says : This bug was fixed in the package linux - 2.6.32-19.2809:49
iamfossyand i'm running 2.6.32-20-generic09:49
eev2Hey guys, does anyone have an idea on how to fix the "isapnp: No plug and play device found" error? I got this when I upgraded my system yesterday.09:50
sara_i have 17 gb loggs again09:53
b__ikonia, u here?.. u have karmic or lucid?09:56
ikoniaI have both09:56
b__ikonia, as in dual boot?09:58
ikoniab__: what do you actually want ?09:58
b__ikonia,  how do i ban a user from im ing me here?09:59
ikoniab__: you don't09:59
zekoZekob__: /ignore nick!*@* ALL09:59
ikoniab__: you can use the "/ignore" feature (help in #freenode) or you can report it to the ops09:59
b__ikonia, not from room just from sending me messages09:59
BUGabundo_remoteuse /ignore09:59
BUGabundo_remotemorning matt10:00
zekoZekob__: replace ALL with MSGS if you only want to ignore private messages.10:00
b__zekoZeko, thanks10:00
cviorelhi all10:00
BUGabundo_remotesara_: which logs exactly ?10:00
cviorela have a small problem, maybe one of you can point me in the right direction10:01
cviorelin lucid (latest build), when I try to install smartmontools and smart-notifier packages, the X server crashes10:01
cviorelthis didn't happened in karmic10:02
BUGabundo_remotecviorel: which kernel do you have?10:02
BUGabundo_remote.20 was giving lots of trouble yesterday10:02
sara_var logs it says they are kb but total 17gb10:02
cvioreli use i386, latest in the repos10:02
b__ikonia, i heard everytime the pc shuts down incorrectly it stores a lot of log files.. which eat either resources or space.. how to disable it?10:03
cviorelBUGabundo_remote, will try again when I get to my home computer10:04
cviorelBUGabundo_remote, 10x for the tip10:04
BUGabundo_remotesara_: $ du -ah /var/logs ?10:05
vegatried to use that new social thing for the first time: "sorry, the program gwibber close unexpectedly ... "10:05
bullgard[GNOME] Why does the current Ubuntu 10.04 Beta show on one Thinkpad a Disk Mounter 2.30.0 applet as a floppy disk symbol while on another not? Both do not hav any floppy disk drive.10:05
ikoniab__: you heard wrong10:05
vegaguess i'm not being social then10:06
b__ikonia, how long have u been on ubuntu?10:07
cvioreland another issue... in karmic I was able to create the file $HOME/.config/indicators/messages/applications-blacklist and put here the items which I don't want in the indicator applet area10:07
ubuntu_MBHAKMHello Guys I am using Live CD of Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 notebook on my Dell Vostro 2510 laptop. Getting no sound ... Looks like a bugs, please let us know how can i fix10:08
cviorelin lucid, this file does nothing10:08
ikoniab__: that doesn't matter10:09
bullgardvega: You better start in a terminal and notice and analyze the error messages when Gwibber crashes.10:09
cviorelis it a bug or a feature? :)10:09
vegabullgard: it spews out a lot of python crap10:09
vegaok tried empathy directly then, "no connection to server"10:09
vega(pidin works fine with the same account)10:09
bullgardvega: What you call crap actually is valuable information. Learn to use it.10:10
cviorelas a workaround I deleted the items from /usr/share/indicators/.... but this works system-wide...10:10
ubuntu_MBHAKMcviorel: its a bug.... Getting no sound ... on live CD of Ubuntu 10.04 notebook Beta 210:10
cviorelubuntu_MBHAKM, I was referring to the indicator applet issue10:11
ubuntu_MBHAKMcviorel: I thought you are referring to my issue Getting no sound ... on live CD of Ubuntu 10.04 notebook Beta 210:12
cviorelubuntu_MBHAKM, I am pretty sure this will be fixed in the final release10:14
ubuntu_MBHAKMcviorel; Any solution for remporary workaround10:15
BUGabundo_remotehttp://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=40865 chromium removing "http://" from omnibar ..... is a feature... for crying out loud :(10:15
cviorelubuntu_MBHAKM, try to use am image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/... yesterday I had problems with my network card not being recognized10:16
SandGorgonanyone with Kubuntu 10.04 - is you system tray autohiding? mine doesnt, even though the autohide settings are appropriate10:16
ubuntu_MBHAKMcviorel: I am using image CD for notebook 10.04  Beta 210:18
ubuntu_MBHAKMCviorel: Do u mean to say to use desktop version from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/10:19
geekphreakhi all10:23
geekphreakgetting bu error (core dumped) error , anyone encountered one of those :)10:24
geekphreaki am trying to reinstall application empathy which is the culprit10:24
ubuntu_MBHAKMcviorel: I found the work around for sound on live CD, which is pulseaudio -k type in a terminal window you will get sound..10:26
geekphreakreinstall did not work :(10:27
cviorelubuntu_MBHAKM, cool10:27
ubuntu_MBHAKMAnybody Ubuntu Developers there from Crononical, there is a bugs on Live CD for 10.04 notebook Beta 2, where you will get no sound. When u type pulseaudio - k, then u get sound back.. please fix these when u launch final version..10:29
vegacrononical.. almost right10:33
geekphreakoh well will keep working in it10:33
geekphreakbye all thanks :p10:33
AscavasaionWhen I plug in my USB memory stick in 10.04 it does not mount it for me anymore... any ideas?10:34
Ascavasaionlsusb doe snot show it either.10:35
AscavasaionIt does work, because it works on my Windows machine.10:36
Ascavasaiontail -f /var/log/syslog does this when I insert it.  Apr 13 11:37:00 fellowship kernel: [  781.004075] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7310:38
AscavasaionApr 13 11:37:00 fellowship kernel: [  781.072311] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 310:38
trigroustill stunk with gcc, help :)10:40
ubuntu_MBHAKMHello I am facing issue on LiveCD for 10.04 notebook on Soundrecorder10:42
ubuntu_MBHAKMcan anyone please help me on solving this10:42
ubuntu_MBHAKMThanks it will be much appreciated10:43
Ascavasaionubuntu_MBHAKM: Ask a more specific question.10:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560135 in gcc-defaults "g++ internal compiler error when trying to build OpenSceneGraph 2.8.3" [Undecided,New]10:47
trigroui need help :)10:47
ubuntu_MBHAKMAscavasaion: I am using LiveCD of 10.04  Beta 2 notebook, I am testing some applications. I found that audio on Soundrecorder unable to playback my speach which has been recorded. System using internal microphone. Let me know if u need anything to resolve this..10:50
=== peter__ is now known as lucidlynx
Ascavasaionubuntu_MBHAKM: I cnanot help you, sorry... as that question to the whole channel.10:52
BUGabundo_remoteubuntu_MBHAKM: repeanting your question over and over won't help10:54
BUGabundo_remoteplease file a bug, and report back to audio team10:54
BUGabundo_remotefeel free to idle in #ubuntu-audio-help10:54
AscavasaionSo, 10.04 does not support USB memory sticks?  Scary!10:57
trigrouAscavasaion: i use my usb stick on 10.0410:59
Ascavasaiontrigrou: Mine does not work :(10:59
BUGabundo_remotewfm fine11:00
MariachiACHello. I have ubuntu10.04 installed. However vt1 gets spammed with mountall: plmouth command failed . Any suggestions?11:01
[diablo]afternoon all... guys, I am running the latest up to date beta2... and am having boot issues on my Acer Aspire One D250 sometimes... http://pastebin.com/f7mJucds11:02
[diablo]it freezes at the 2nd DUMMY line11:02
[diablo]but not always... I can only assume it is trying the sbb, at the point of the freeze...11:02
[diablo]repeat booting does eventually boot it11:03
[diablo]1/7 boots work11:03
[diablo]any ideas please?11:03
trigroui have 1 boot on 211:06
trigrouespacially after update kernel11:06
[diablo]I think mine might be related to the wifi drivers11:07
[diablo]maybe I swap to the closed source ones and see11:07
doomcupI'm having some trouble with OSS411:09
doomcupI can't seem to get it working properly, even though I've removed the alsa and pulseaudio packages and run dpkg-reconfigure11:10
ubuntu_MBHAKMBUGabundo_remote: I am not repeating question over and over ... If u cannot help don't give any vague answer11:11
doomcupI can wait11:14
BUGabundo_remotedoomcup: oss is not supported oficially by us11:15
doomcupOkay then11:16
avisdoomcup, i had the same experience with karmic11:16
doomcupWhere do you suggest I get help?11:16
jmfthevciubuntu_MBHAKM: People on this channel help other as they are able. If you have a problem with any aspect of Ubuntu then the best place, where you will get help, is to submit a bug. Others, who may not be on this channel, might have already submitted a similar problem. Please don't get frustrated with the people here if you do not get the response you need.11:18
doomcupI have a feeling the packages didn't install correctly, or there was some problem with alsa not being completely blacklisted11:19
jmfthevciYou can always google a problem first and that might help determine if your problem is already known.11:19
doomcupUpon using osstest, I got an error saying /dev/mixer couldn't be found11:19
doomcupAnd sorry to say that google hasn't been particularly helpful11:20
doomcupPlus, ubuntu_MBHAKM has long left11:20
jmfthevci(oh bum... all my nice words wasted!)11:20
larsivithe fglrx driver - is it catalyst 10.4? the version number in the package seems to not make sense in that regard11:21
doomcupI sort of wondered about that too11:22
doomcupI'd heard the proprietary driver didn't support the more current versions of xorg11:22
larsiviyeah, that was an issue, but that is fixed11:22
doomcupThat means it'll be fixed for other distros11:23
doomcupWell, maybe'11:23
doomcupBut anyway, I'm seriously troubled about this OSS thing11:23
b__HELP GNOME....... E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?11:24
doomcupI'd rather not use ALSA/Pulseaudio unless I absolutely have to11:24
doomcupI don't think it's my sound card, because I've had OSS4 working under Arch just fine11:26
doomcupOf course, in Arch, I never installed ALSA or Pulseaudio in the first place11:26
doomcupI've switched to ubuntu 10.04 because of an update that broke my Arch setup, but that's another story11:26
doomcupSo I've been working at getting things working since yesterday afternoon, and I hate to say I'm getting rather tired and frustrated11:27
b__ikonia, help plz...11:27
doomcupb__, what is it you're trying to do11:28
b__doomcup, E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?.........thats what i got when i did sudo apt-get upgrade11:28
doomcupTry sudo aptitude update11:29
doomcupAnd see what that does11:29
jmfthevcib__ could be a network problem.11:29
b__k ill try11:29
vegamost likely just missing stuff on one mirror, try another11:30
b__doomcup, jmfthevci i had removed kde.. then updated gdm via sudo apt-get update..then did sudo apt-get upgrade n got that message11:30
b__jmfthevci, doomcup W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/ruby-gnome2/libgnome2-ruby1.8_0.19.3-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:32
b__  404  Not Found [IP: 80]11:32
b__W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/ruby-gnome2/libglade2-ruby1.8_0.19.3-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:32
b__  404  Not Found [IP: 80]11:32
b__W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/ruby-gnome2/libgnomecanvas2-ruby1.8_0.19.3-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:32
b__  404  Not Found [IP: 80]11:32
b__W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/ruby-gnome2/libgtk2-ruby1.8_0.19.3-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:32
b__  404  Not Found [IP: 80]11:32
jmfthevcib__ go into System > Administration > Software Sources and change the Download From option to another location. Then once done and closed re-try the apt-get update.11:32
b__W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/ruby-gnome2/libpango1-ruby1.8_0.19.3-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:32
b__  404  Not Found [IP: 80]11:32
b__W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/r/ruby-gnome2/libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby1.8_0.19.3-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:32
b__  404  Not Found [IP: 80]11:32
jmfthevcib__ NO MULTI POSTS please.11:32
jpds(I meant for him to come back).11:32
doomcupI was about to tell him about pastebin, too11:32
coz_yeah I think a warning would be cool for first time offenders :)11:33
doomcupI think he just pasted the whole content into his chat program and couldn't stop it11:33
doomcupI've done that at least once11:33
doomcupAnyway, I'm trying something, see if it works11:34
coz_yeah the cache was filled he couldnt see11:34
doomcupNo such luck :/11:36
doomcupStill getting "/dev/mixer: No such file or directory"11:37
doomcupAnd I'm still not getting any sound11:37
doomcupHm, that's wierd11:38
doomcupThere's no soundon command11:38
doomcupThere should be if OSS installed11:38
doomcupOkay, maybe if I try purging the OSS packages, then reinstalling them11:39
jpdsYay, in.archive.ubuntu.com is broken.11:39
doomcupOf course that wouldn't work, makes too much sense11:46
doomcupI'm out of ideas11:47
doomcupCAn anybody here help me?11:47
vegado i have to add empathy manually to "startup applications" to make it start in login?11:47
iconmefistodoomcup: what are you trying to do? get OSS4 to work?11:47
doomcupApparently it's not starting11:48
doomcup/dev/mixer apparently doesn't exist11:48
doomcupNor does the "soundon" command11:48
larsividoomcup: the ati driver appears to be the 10.4 beta11:48
doomcupOh, I see11:48
doomcupSo I'm completely out of ideas now11:49
doomcupI have no clue what to do next11:49
doomcupEven in arch it wasn't hard getting OSS4 to work11:49
mrpdo i need to install docky and gnome-do now?11:51
jmfthevcimrp: If you want to... Is there an issue behind your question?11:52
mrpjmfthevci: well it use to be one package?11:53
mrpi don't want to have both running if i don't need too11:53
mrpi use gnome do a lot but like docky for eye candy :)11:53
jmfthevcignome-do has a "docky" option within it.11:53
jmfthevciIt's what I use all the time.11:54
BUGabundo_remotemrp: are you confused?11:54
mrpbut does the "docky" package more up to date thank gnome-do + docky theme?11:54
doomcupA simple "doomcup: I'm sorry, we can't help you" would be perfectly acceptable11:55
doomcupI'm going to go try another distro11:56
jmfthevciSorry, doomcup. Try filing a bug. That way someone will at least triage your issue.11:56
doomcupUbuntu's still not ready11:56
jmfthevcimrp: According to the notes "Docky" was derived from the Gnome-Do docky option.11:58
mrpjmfthevci: hrmmm12:00
jmfthevcimrp: Just looked at the notes for Docky in synaptic. That's what it said..12:00
mrpjmfthevci: thanks12:00
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
avisi have a sansa clip+.  i turn it off before charging through usb.  when it powers on, only 1/2 the battery appears full.  can you use a ipod nano on ubuntu without much hacking ?12:16
c_kornis it a known problem, that compiz does not start ?12:35
rwwHello. How do I stop plymouth from running on an Ubuntu Desktop system?12:36
avissilly question here.  forgive me, i'm getting old in age.  can i turn my external usb/esata backup into shared network storage (with login and passwd) restraints  i'd rather the NAS lived outside my own lucid box12:38
avismorning crimsun wherever you are12:39
c_kornok, was bug 55899812:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558998 in compiz "[lucid] compiz-gnome broken because of metacity update" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55899812:45
mrpwhat size droid font do people use?12:47
vishmrp: peopl dont use droid ;)12:47
vishmeant only for small screens12:47
mrpwhat another good font12:48
ironmunkI seem to be missing nfs-common init script is that a new for lucid?12:50
rwwHow do I stop plymouth from running at startup on an Ubuntu Desktop system?12:51
gunsofbrixtonhi, for kubuntu karmic there where plans to use arora as default browser, seems to have gotten pretty feature-complete by now... what are the plans for lucid or future releases?12:51
avisi have a sansa clip+.  i turn it off before charging through usb.  when it powers on, only 1/2 the battery appears full.  can you use a ipod nano on ubuntu without much hacking ?12:51
avisgunsofbrixton, like your nick :)12:52
vishgunsofbrixton: probably better to ask the question in #kubuntu-devel12:52
avisyes #kubuntu+1 is locked12:53
avismorning all12:53
vishavis: there is no k +1 , this channel if for all U/K/X +112:53
Pici#kubuntu+1 forwards here.  If you're already here, it just says that its invite only.12:53
avisthanks vish12:53
gordrww, apt-get remove plymouth12:54
avisi've never been a KDE user really.  cept in the old days when i didn't know the difference between gnome and kde :)12:54
avisall this talk of plymouth i have no idea what it refers to ?12:54
PiciThe pretty blinkenlights when you boot12:55
avisthe splash ?  i guess thats a personal preference12:55
rwwgord: considering this, no:12:55
rwwYou are about to do something potentially harmful.12:55
rwwTo continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'12:55
vishPici: lol!12:55
avisi prefer to see the output of my kernel booting12:55
rwwTelling users in support channels to remove packages that are depends of essential packages ftl.12:55
zirodayrww: try maniacally smashing the "esc" key on boot up12:55
avisoh, yes do not sabotage anyones boxes12:56
gordrww, ahh, they must of changed that, it used to work fine12:56
avisthere is a wireless n card at mwave thats supposed to work very well with ubuntu.  its the PC-N13 by asus12:56
avisPCE-N13 excuse me12:57
avisgoing for $19.9912:57
rwwgord: yeah :(12:57
avispci card12:57
rwwnosplash doesn't work either, before someone suggests that.12:57
cozziemotois anyone having issues changing cursor themes?12:58
rwwAnd the "remove the theme packages" thing that used to work also no longer works.12:58
Picirww: That particular point sounds bug-worhty12:58
avisiv'e never messed with the cursor only changed the pointer to red, the cursor will appear as a block of in insert mode12:59
avisif in12:59
vishcozziemoto: i had a problem of the cursor not changing according to appearances prefs12:59
avisi never new the cursor was customizable all these years of the ubuntu cursor, i wouldn't want to mess with it13:00
vishcozziemoto: use  $ update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme13:00
cozziemotovish,  yeah that's what is happening here13:00
rwwlolwat, Launchpad is claiming that "splash" and "nosplash" enable plymouth, and omitting both disables it.13:01
cozziemotovish,  ok  i will try that now....13:01
* rww goes off to try this13:01
avistleds is a interesting package it gives you network blips using the keys that light up on your keyboard13:01
vishcozziemoto: try first as user , but i had to use sudo , for some reason  :s13:01
cozziemotovish,  yes I had to use sudo as well.... I assume the theme changed after log off log on?13:02
rwwyay, worked13:03
vishcozziemoto: changed instantly for me though , try re-login if it hasnt already13:03
cozziemotovish,  ok not here so let me try log ogg13:03
cozziemotovish,  ok that didnt work but no biggie.. this is beta1  updated to current  so release should be fine13:05
cozziemotoalthough i do have one more thing...who would be responsible for the current ubuntu-logo plymouth theme image?13:05
cozziemotowell regardless. the current image is not clear..so i created another one with the coloured ubuntu logo   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/ubuntu_logo.png   this can replace the current image in /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo13:09
DesagasAfternoon Gentlemen and Ladies, using Lucid and the new (I believe) Grub loaded i'm now no longer able to duel boot into Windows.  The option is there but when its clicked it just flickers then reverts back to the Grub screen unless I click the Linux option13:11
cozziemotoDesagas,  in ubuntu   do    sudo update-grub and try again13:13
DesagasCozziemoto, Ok, I will try that13:13
DesagasBe right back!13:13
gunsofbrixtonvish: will do, tnx13:15
cozziemotoDesagas, any change?13:16
DesagasIts not solved the problem or changed it13:17
cozziemotoDesagas,  ok I am still trying to get up to speed with grub2   and unless someone here picks this up I am going to suggest going to the #grub channel and letting them know the situation13:17
mrpsudo apt-get purge brasero13:18
mrpsudo apt-get purge games* gbrainy      sudo apt-get purge brasero13:18
DesagasThats fair enough13:18
DesagasI'll /join #grub and see what they think13:18
cozziemotoDesagas,  yeah they "should" be able to solve this :)13:18
avisgbrainy looked cool.  i never went through using it though13:19
Rods_TigerI've got a problem with UNR Lynx on my Acer Aspire One. I've just tried to do an update, and it complains that there's not enough room! Why does it need any room at all? I'm not installing anything new, I'm updating what's already there - it already fits, by definition!13:21
gerryxiaowhy i have to delete pulseaudio  to make sound work on my box?13:26
BUGabundo_lunchyou don't have to13:27
BUGabundo_lunchactually you shouldn't13:27
gerryxiaoif i don't delete pulseaudio, my audio isnot work,i have tried it many times13:28
gerryxiaowhat's wrong with pulseaudio?13:29
gerryxiaoand what's pulseaudio? why i need it?13:30
bjsnidergerryxiao, pulseaudio is a userspace sound system that allows mutiple sound streams to play simultaneously13:33
BUGabundo_lunchwhat he said13:33
BUGabundo_lunchgerryxiao: have you reported a bug yet?13:33
gerryxiaobjsnider: sounds good but not work13:33
bjsniderit will also make your bed and cook your supper for you13:33
gerryxiaoBUGabundo_lunch: not yet13:33
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
JoshuaLgerryxiao, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems13:34
gerryxiaoi 'm not sure if  it is a bug13:34
AKWhich wireless driver is better for Ubuntu 9.10 on HP Pavilion dv2125nr laptop? Broadcom B43 and Broadcom STA wireless driver13:42
patdk-wkhow about just replacing it with an intel wireless card?13:46
om26erAK, depends but B43 worked when I enabled for someone13:47
om26erpatdk-wk, hmmm.. intel works fine for my netbook OOTB so yeah but why not use what already is there13:48
TommyThaGun_there's a new -so kernel13:48
TommyThaGun_is it still blazing fast?13:49
AKom26er:Thanks om26er. my wireless cannot detect . it shows 2 on Hardware Drivers13:49
om26erTommyThaGun_, its just bug fix13:49
om26erAK, can you show a screenshot of harware drivers window/13:49
MTecknologySo.. any of you use xdm, and notice xdm randomly crash- frequently?13:51
om26erAK, use imagebin.org seems like xchat dont work for file transfer13:52
AKom26er:Please use the following link:http://imagebin.org/9289413:54
albertitoMTecknology: I use xdm and it seems to work, although I have only logged in a few times and didn't have much time running. However, my X has a semi-random crash bug (bug 560899)13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560899 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "After upgrading to Lucid, xorg exits after a couple of minutes" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56089913:55
om26erAK, enable B43 if that dont work then try STA13:57
om26erAK, though you have to reboot after enabling one13:57
AKom26er: yes true. as per command line . it shows Broadcom. lspci | grep Broadcom13:58
AK01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)13:58
MTecknologyalbertito: when mine crashes I wind up typing but only random characters show up13:58
om26erAK, those both are broadcom drivers13:59
albertitoMTecknology: hmm doesn't sound like the same thing. I can type just fine, and I just re-log after it crashes and it works just fine14:00
AKom26er: Yes these are broadcom drivers...I have to reboot now14:00
MTecknologyalbertito: ya know you don't need to keep saying it happened again, right?14:00
albertitoMTecknology: I just thought knowing that it was easy to reproduce was valuable information14:01
albertitoMTecknology: anyway, I just said it a couple of times, when more information was added (i.e. confirmation it only happens on enter, it happened under gdb), I hope that's ok14:03
ryeanybody running virt-manager in lucid with lucid guest (the one that does not capture your mouse when you click inside) ?14:04
MTecknologyalbertito: I just realized that I'm using my ppa version of xdm - oops14:06
_CommandeR_hi guys14:07
_CommandeR_how do you change plymouth theme?14:07
albertitoMTecknology: =)14:07
Dr_Williswow - another 120mb of updates today for me.14:11
Dr_WillisI noticed i shut the lid on my netbook.. and the system hangs. :(  hipe that got fixed14:11
ubuntu_hi iconmefisto14:13
Desagas#join grub14:13
ubuntu_hello anyone there who have a fully encrypted hard disk with the keyfile in a usb drive14:13
ubuntu_lucid's cursor stop blinking and im unable to key in my passphrase to unlock the usb key14:14
ubuntu_can anyone throw the light pls14:14
Dr_WillisI never used that feature. sorry14:14
ubuntu_can anyone tell me how the cursor which usually blinks througout the boot process go blank14:15
jonihi all14:15
jonidoes anybody else have lost bootlogo on lucid 64bit?14:16
Dr_Willisthe plymouth and other things try to start up a pretty display. if the cursor even vanishes.. could be they are showing a blank black screen14:16
Dr_WillisIt boots so fast for me.. i hardly even notice the silly bootlogo.14:16
joniIts so cool :)14:16
Dr_Willisi find it rather useless.14:17
_CommandeR_is there a settings window for plymouth ?14:17
joniIt worked first, but after I have upgraded it did vanish14:17
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  not that ive seen/heard of14:17
joniwhen I shutdown, I see blink of logo14:17
Dr_Willisjoni:  it may be back today or tomorrow.. hard to tell.14:17
joniI hope so :)14:17
_CommandeR_i want this one so bad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-4xTkN1_RQ14:17
* Dr_Willis imagines theres other bugs for them to worry about first14:17
joni_CommandeR_: woah :D14:18
mrpif i install a ppa and an update breaks can i roll bck to the last version?14:18
jonithats bit too much14:18
_CommandeR_that bootscreen is awesome :P14:19
joniyeah, but I like that default ubuntu logo thing14:19
joniI like it simple :)14:20
Dr_WillisMy systems boot so fast.. it would be done befor it even gets 1/4 the way up the screen14:20
mrpon lucid i don't see a boot screen14:20
mrpit loads too quick i think14:20
mrpor there something wrong ;P14:20
jonimrp, I have gnome-globalmenu ppa for karmic installed and it workd allright so far14:21
frantaAnyone has a clue why 3D doesn't work with nvidia-current? I managed to get it working when I installed from .sh file from nvidia over nvidia-current ... but this sollution is ugly..14:21
jonibut I dont think that I can roll back if it brokes14:21
Lord_Rahlhow do I remove the text beside the icons in nautilus? It use to be in control panel but I can not find it now14:22
Dr_Willis3d seems to be working for me with my nvidia cards.14:22
jonihere too14:22
mrpjoni: how do you find global menu?14:23
jonimrp: http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/wiki/InstallingonUbuntu14:25
jonikarmic ppa14:25
Dr_Willisnow that would of been  a interesting thing to put in the default ubuntu..14:26
mrpjoni: yeah, do you like the menu though?14:26
jonimrp, very much14:27
joniIm osx user, and like that screen usage which it has14:27
mrpi just bought a new laptop, because i was sick of wating for new macbook :) and bah they release one today (i bought my new laptop on firday). but ubuntu rocks so much more these days :)14:28
joniand lucid with gnome-globalmenu and awant-window-manager docky is almost better than osx-interface :)14:28
mrpjoni: im think about hthat combo but with docky instead14:28
Dr_WillisNow you can buy 2 laptops.. instead of a macbook! :014:28
mrpDr_Willis: lols14:28
aguiteli uninstall evolution and there is in the panel ,how delete this indicator?14:29
VigoIf I remove were to remove Bluetooth pkg would that interfere or create an unstable system?14:30
patdk-wkif you used a bluetooth mouse or keyboard :)14:31
VigoSweet, Thank you.14:31
jonihome ->14:32
Vigoaguitel: Did you try the Remove from Panel or the Main Menu in System>Preferences?14:33
_CommandeR_plymouth-set-default-theme --list14:33
_CommandeR_ gives me command not found...14:33
mrpgwibber crashing atm?14:34
aguitelVigo, if i remove from panel the indicator applet ,remove too the sound indicator14:34
patdk-wkcommander it was removed awhile ago14:34
Vigopadk-tk: This is an old homebuilt box that I test and run a few distros on , is all PS-2 and hardwired stuff.14:34
frantapatdk-wk: that could render a more stable system ... you cannot mess anything up withou keyboard :)14:34
patdk-wkfranta, I found the most stable systems are the 386's that are never turned on anymore :)14:35
patdk-wkas long as the caps aren't bad :)14:35
_CommandeR_patdk-wk, they still use plymouth ?14:36
aguitelVigo, sorry for my bad english14:36
Vigoaguitel: It should'nt, but I would and always do make a backup of any system before doing any configuration changes.14:36
frantagarrr plymouth still cannot be removed...it looks like we're stuck with it :-/14:36
Vigoaguitel: Have you ever used the Main Menu configuration utility/tool before?14:37
aguitelVigo, no14:37
Dr_Willisthat stinks.. a week or do ago. i was able to remove it. :) then it got readded back in14:37
aguitelVigo, like ubuntu-tweak?14:38
Dr_WillisYou could disable the /etc/init/XXXXX scripts to turn it off14:38
Vigoaguitel: Have you re-started since removing that pkg?14:38
aguitelVigo, yes14:38
aguitelVigo, but the applet remain14:39
Vigoaguitel: Main Menu is a tool on most all Debian/Ubuntu systems.14:39
Vigoaguitel: Right click/Remove from panel has no effect?14:39
aguitelVigo, ok but i do not find the way to temove this applet with main menu14:40
aguitelVigo, right click remove sound too14:40
Vigoaguitel: Let me look that up, I do not want to give  any mis-information or such.14:41
MohaThen come the RC release?14:41
aguitelVigo, ok thanks14:41
_CommandeR_guys for some reason i have dark screen as bootup splash but outro works when shutting down. Is there a way to check what is going on ?14:44
Vigoaguitel: Oh yes, I see now, there is a bug report on that, still reading, >https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/51955314:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519553 in indicator-applet "Right click menu could confuse users, leading to accidental removal of panel applet" [Low,Confirmed]14:44
aguitelVigo, ok14:47
Vigoaguitel: Which icon are you no longer using?14:48
aguitelVigo, evolution14:48
aguitelVigo, mail reader14:48
Vigoaguitel: Ok, open Main Menu14:48
aguitelVigo, ok14:49
Vigoaguitel: Tick high light the Internet section14:49
AltinCan anybody tell me where background pictures and themes are stored in which directory. i'm new to ubuntu. thanks14:49
aguitelVigo, ok14:50
_CommandeR_themes = usr/share/themes14:50
Dr_Willisthey could be anywhere Altin  the defaults i think are in /usr/share/SOMTHING14:50
coz_Altin,  generally in /usr/share/backgrounds14:50
coz_Altin,  for the desktop images but for themes it is /usr/share/themes14:50
Vigoaguitel: See the Evolution section and is it Checked/Marked?14:50
_CommandeR_yay now i cannot get bast boot screen sigh.14:50
coz_Altin,  if you install a new theme ...it is likely in /home/yourname/.themes directory14:50
aguitelVigo, no evolution there because i uninstalled14:51
m_anishHi, I cannot seem to log into my launchpad account from within ubuntu-lucid using either firefox or epiphany-browser. Also I cannot login to my ubuntu one account. A message apperas saying openid transaction in progress and nothing seems to happen14:51
Vigoaguitel: But icon remains, that is why I was thinking it could be easily fixed or be rid of from Main Menu, still looking.14:52
Vigoaguitel: Is it in Office section?14:52
Altincoz_: Thanks Coz_14:54
aguitelVigo, no14:55
coz_Altin,  no problem...did you find what you wanted?14:55
Vigoaguitel: Did you use the CLI to remove it or the GUI Software Center?14:56
aguitelVigo, i use synaptic14:56
mrpi just remove evolution and it didn't remove the icon in the main menu :)14:56
Vigomrp: Nice work, I forgot how I did it now, going back to log files and checking...14:57
Dr_Willisthe alacarte menu editor could remove it.. or it may vanish at the next login14:58
kuttansi encrypted my hard disk with a keyfile and i kept the keyfile in a usb which is luksformatted.  i got a keyscript from mazeoffiles which i placed in /usr/local/sbin/keyscript.  when i do a update-initramfs the keyscript is inserted in the image and it works in the boot up.  the keyscript look for the usbdrive with uuid and ask for the passphrase to unlock the keyfile and after that with that keyfile it decrypt the whole hard disk.now after upgrading to14:58
kuttanslucid, the image is asking me the passphrase, but as there is no cursor im unable to enter passphrase or press enter key.14:58
mrpVigo if you go Prefernces > Main menu you can remove ht eicon :)14:58
mrpDr_Willis: I rebooted and it didn't disappear :)14:58
mrpif i rm -rf .* will i get a fresh desktop?14:58
mrpin my home folder of course14:59
kuttanscan anyone help me whats happening here.  why the cursor go off when lucid is booting up14:59
Vigomrp: That is what I suggested to aguitel, no luck yet though.14:59
Dr_Willismrp:  theres gnome specifc files you can delete to reset teh settings14:59
Dr_Willis .gnome* .gconf* and erhaps some in .config14:59
Vigoaguitel: Do you have a current backup?15:00
kuttanswhere i can see boot logs?15:00
aguitelVigo, yes15:00
thiebaudehow do i enable global menu in 10.04?15:01
Vigoaguitel: Go commando like Dr_Willis suggested.15:01
_CommandeR_how do you update plymouth folder?15:01
kuttansanyone using a encrypted hard disk here with lucid15:02
Vigoubottu on a break?15:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:02
Dr_Willis:) theres fedora docs on it.. but ive not looked at them15:03
kuttansanyone using a full disk encryption with a keyfile15:03
kuttansor can anyone explain me about a keyscript i will post it in pastebin15:03
kuttanshttp://pastebin.com/GNaJFEn1 this is the keyscript im having15:04
kuttansim not sure how the passphrase i enter is taken15:04
kuttanswhy the resolution of the screen while booting changes.  when it change the cursor is gone.15:07
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, hm did read them but i cannot find how you add new ones15:07
Vigoaguitel: Got it, I think, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1422515&highlight=remove+evolution+icon15:10
kuttanscan i downgrade grub2 to grub in lucid15:10
Vigokuttans: Looks like you could or can in 9.10, still looking for the Lucid answer,,,15:14
nonameNNkuttans: i couldnt do it in karmic, i dont know if its ok in lucid...15:17
Vigokuttans: I state again, I am uncertain if it works on Lucid, or is even suggested, there is a very decent writeup on the Forums about Grub2 and 9.10.15:17
Vigokuttans: Maybe, but please backup data before doing that, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527515:18
patdk-wkdunno, I dumped grub for grub215:18
kuttanswhen i run update-initramfs where the created image is kept basically in the / or in the /boot??15:19
patdk-wkin /boot with links to /15:20
kuttansthen y update-initramfs -u ALL not creating images for all of my kernal versions15:22
_CommandeR_anyone know how to install custom plymouth themes15:24
BUGabundo_remote_CommandeR_: you know how to remove default one ?15:32
BUGabundo_remoteI keep purging it, and it keeps coming15:32
BUGabundo_remoteforgot to upgrade my isos15:32
excois Moblin still working on top of 10.04?15:32
_CommandeR_BUGabundo_remote, what?15:34
BUGabundo_remote# ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync15:34
BUGabundo_remotersync my local isos15:35
BUGabundo_remoteforgot to do it in the weekend15:35
jmfthevciThere are some additional Plymouth Themes in synaptic. I installed one. It did not take effect.15:35
BUGabundo_remotenow I'm behind daily :(15:35
BUGabundo_remotejmfthevci: you need to choose it15:35
BUGabundo_remotethere's a comand for it15:35
glaucoushi all.  I have a serious issue with lucid.  periodically, and for no apparent reason, I lose sound and have to reboot to get it back (I probably don't have to reboot but I don't know what to restart otherwise).  the only thing I can think of is pidgin is doing it because I just lost it again and the only thing I'm doing is pidgin15:35
jmfthevciI'll search.15:35
BUGabundo_remoteits not in my history15:36
BUGabundo_remotebut it was mentioned in here two weeks ago15:36
BUGabundo_remoteso grep your logs15:36
BUGabundo_remoteor ping me later when IO is lower on my laptop15:36
glaucouscan anyone at least help me get sound back without rebooting the whole thing?  I don't care how quick rebooting is these days, it makes me shut everything down15:38
BUGabundo_remotezsyncing 4 isos on a 5400RPMs disk is NOT a good idea15:39
arandglaucous: you could try "pulseaudio -k"15:39
_CommandeR_BUGabundo_remote, sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth15:40
_CommandeR_use that one and switch to the one you want15:40
BUGabundo_remotethat's the command _CommandeR_15:40
_CommandeR_but dont use the solar one15:40
BUGabundo_remotejmfthevci: ^^^^^^^^^^^^15:40
BUGabundo_remotethat's the one I tried15:40
glaucousarand, thanks but it didn't work15:40
_CommandeR_not 100% sure but some of the themes may hang during boot15:40
_CommandeR_think it was solar but not 100% sure.15:41
VigoWhat was the default theme/desktop? because I had to change mine as it was really goofy and buggish. Maybe I revert to it for testing again?15:43
jmfthevciBUG & CommandeR. Thanks.15:44
k1llm3kw1khas anyone had weird xorg issues...such as the screen going crazy and looking unreadable?15:44
_CommandeR_jmfthevci, ?15:44
_CommandeR_Vigo, default theme is Ambiance15:44
Doc_exeyes... I had an issue something like that15:44
Vigo_CommandeR_: Thank you.15:44
Doc_exehappened a couple fo timees15:44
k1llm3kw1kit seems to be fine for a couple of mins then it goes nuts when surfing the web15:45
k1llm3kw1kseems random15:45
k1llm3kw1kI am going to boot to the partition later today and do updates...see if it still acting up15:45
BUGabundo_remoteVigo: open guest session an see15:45
mrpis gwibber broken?15:48
BUGabundo_remotedaily ppa is working for me15:48
mrpis it a good idea to have stacks of ppa's?15:48
mrpi seem like i add a lot :D15:48
mrpchromium, docky, globalmenu, gnome-colors15:49
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX15:49
BUGabundo_remotelet me know when you reach my personal record15:49
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository15:49
mrpBUGabundo_remote: haha nice15:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:50
BUGabundo_remoteold system15:50
BUGabundo_remoteon this install, much less15:50
mrpBUGabundo_remote: gets very messy15:50
mrpBUGabundo_remote: what you got atm?15:50
BUGabundo_remotesara_: please don't abuse the bot15:50
BUGabundo_remoteyou can msg it15:50
BUGabundo_remote$ pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list15:50
BUGabundo_remotemrp: ^^^^^^15:51
BUGabundo_remote$ wc -l /etc/apt/sources.list15:51
BUGabundo_remote40 /etc/apt/sources.list15:51
BUGabundo_remotedamn... :(15:51
sara_http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/9703/screenshot4t.png java is not working for me when i maximise a screen15:52
histoanyone having issues with their mouse failing to work?15:52
mrpBUGabundo_remote: if a daily breakes can you roll back?15:52
histomrp: some package but you'dhave to do it manually15:52
BUGabundo_remotemrp: local cache plus ppa cache15:52
histofor somereason my mousepad on my laptop stops working after loggin it.15:53
histoits find if I switch from tty to X for a split second then stops working15:53
histoI'm at a loss for ideas on where to begin to fix this and i'm trying to work on another server right now with cups web interface.15:54
IceDeepI was thinking about downloading the beta 2 and installing it over my old 9.04 partition. It would be using the same swap and /home partition as my 9.10 version I am using as my main OS. Would that be fine or should I just wait for 2 weeks until it comes out officially/15:54
thebwtAfter I enable the nvidia driver, the bootup ubuntu logo drops in quality ( I think it drops color depth ), anyone knwo how to fix this?15:57
mrpwonder when they will one click ppa add :D15:57
Picisudo add-apt-repository ppa:pici/ppa  is good enough for me.15:58
jmfthevciJust had the spinfinity plymouth splash freeze the gui.15:58
thebwtmrp: mrp, I have a small project on that https://launchpad.net/python-ppa-add15:58
thebwti haven't worked on it in a bit, ( and it needs A LOT of work)15:58
jmfthevcithe fade.in plymouth did not show. Glow is a rubbish theme.15:58
mrpthebwt: nice :)15:58
mrpthebwt: im no dev ;(15:58
thebwtideally it would take ppa://<uri>15:59
thebwtand ask to confirm, yadda yadda15:59
mrpthebwt: similar to apt:// ?15:59
=== sara_ is now known as switchgirl
thebwtswitchgirl: sec, looking at your comment16:00
thebwtswitchgirl: what java application? I am going to try and duplicate it16:00
switchgirlthebwt it's a chat applet on gaydargirls - they use the same with gaydar nation and gaydar (for the guys)16:01
switchgirlgaydar has over a million users16:02
switchgirl*throughout 55 countries16:02
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
switchgirlthebwt, gaydar chat v1.3.0 (c) 2003-2006 QSoft Consulting LTD16:04
switchgirli have reported it many many times before16:05
toogreenHi there... Question here... My wife and I both share the same destkop16:06
thebwtswitchgirl: kk, hitting up a one time email so i can register and look at it16:06
switchgirlthebwt, may i /msg?16:06
toogreenand unless I'm crazy, I'm pretty sure we used to be able to click at the top-right, then click on our names, to switch directly to our user space16:06
thebwtswitchgirl: you bet16:06
toogreennow, I need to click on "Switch from toogreen", then I get to the login screen, etc16:07
toogreenIsn't there any way to get the old behavior back, when for example i'm using it and my wife wants to user her space she just has to click her name, instead of having to go back one extra step?16:08
mrenoufHi... still encountering major breakage after a karmic->lucid upgrade. System startup gets hung at mountall, blank screen, blinking cursor16:08
toogreenI mean I don't mind typing the password, but why the log-out, then click on the name, then log back in.. ? Why not just click the desired name, then enter password, thats it?16:09
mrenoufAlt-SysRq+K gets me to maintenance prompt, root login + "mountall" spews messages about mounting /proc/bus/usb and Plymouth not available, but eventually starts X and gdm16:09
mrenoufmountall continues running (spinning at 100%) in the background16:10
BUGabundo_remotethebwt: you should merge ppa-purge in it too :)16:11
dajhornmrenouf: Can you boot an older kernel?  I had a temporary breakage when the kernel package was munged.16:13
thebwtBUGabundo_remote: I'll add ppa-purge to my stuff to look at16:13
BUGabundo_remotethebwt: its in xedgers ppa. I think it was made by Sarvatt16:14
jmfthevciFunny. Install the kubuntu plymouth theme and it works. Uninstall and re-install the Ubuntu theme and it does not display at boot. Random. Should I file a bug?16:14
thebwtBUGabundo_remote: kk16:14
victo236Hi, I updated the available packages today, but now I lost my "extra" visual effects ... along with my compiz animations.... how come?16:15
victo236its really quiet here today :(16:17
AnAntHello, sometimes sound stops working on lucid, in karmic I used to fix that by killing pulseaudio and waiting for a while before running another audio file, now that doesn't work16:19
dajhornvicto236: Perhaps it means that everything in Lucid is working properly.16:19
jmfthevcivicto236 check the status of compiz-gnome. was it removed?16:20
DASPRiDwill there be another beta (3) oder will the next one be a RC?16:20
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:21
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:21
DASPRiDUhm, final freeze in 2 days, and the alternate installer is still buggy?16:21
sobersabrehi. what does the file $HOME/.gvfs serve for ?16:23
sobersabreand why does it have such strange ownership/permissions ?16:24
Dr_Willisits where gnome mounts on the fly filesystems. sich as ntfs3g and samba shares16:24
Dr_Willisits a 'virtual fileysstem' thing.16:24
ZykoticK9sobersabre, Gnome Virtual File System -- it's an automounter of sorts16:24
sobersabreZykoticK9: why does it create such a STRANGE file ?16:24
Dr_Willisits a special fuse thing thats why.16:25
ZykoticK9sobersabre, best answer is it's a *strange* thing16:25
* Dr_Willis sees nothing weird with .gvfs :)16:25
DASPRiDDr_Willis, i hope this one gets fixed before the release: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/54221016:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542210 in debian-installer "/boot destroyed during install even when formatting disabled (alternate installer)" [Undecided,New]16:26
electro_Where can i get the network installable kernels for automation lucid deployments?16:30
electro_is it on the CD iso?16:30
Raydiationis it normal that my screen is always flickering when i move a window playing a video?16:30
Raydiationi dont use compiz16:30
Raydiationit doesnt work with metacity compositing too16:30
Raydiationi got a nvidia gtx 275 and installed the restricted drivers16:31
victo236jmfthevci: i think its a driver issue, because when the system looks for drivers (when i set the visual efects to extra) its fails to locate drivers and sets it back to basic or normal.16:39
victo236but when it comes to drivers i'm a big n00b :)16:40
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
jmfthevcivicto236. I also have the no supported drivers. But with the right compiz code installed I do get all the fx.16:41
SandGorgonanybody using 10.04 with a 2.6.33 kernel ? I heard it solved problems of suspend/resume16:42
Dr_Willisnot tried it yet.16:42
victo236jmfthevci: compiz-gnome was gone....16:42
victo236jmfthevci: the settings manager was still installed... but that package was removed....16:42
jmfthevciwhat happens when you do an apt-get update and then re-install compiz-gnome16:43
victo236i reinstalled it and it works like a charm again :)16:43
victo236thanks for the tip...16:43
victo236any ideas on why it was removed during update?16:44
jmfthevciThere was a change to a metacity update that took it out.16:44
victo236o ic16:44
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
victo236i hope the launchdate isnt to soon, i encounter quite a lot of sudden crashes in evolution, OOo and firefox....16:45
TommyThaGunI have an issue with gDesklets if anyone can help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9116947#post911694716:46
Dr_WillisApril 22 - Release Canadiate.16:47
MichaelKohlerhi, when I want to add something to the panel, it gives the following error: "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_BrightnessApplet"." this happens with all different things you can add. How can I fix this?16:52
Dr_Willistry a new user - see if it affects them16:53
buckyanyone got info on (could not write bytes broken pipe) i get it 7 times at post and 7 at shutdown when installing certin apps like flash 10 shuts down and does not install16:54
Dr_WillisHmm. I shut the lid on my netbook.. it still crashes/hangs16:54
LordKowyay for some beta 2 breakage :D16:58
bucky?anyonr help me with lucid16:58
Dr_WillisI install flash using the package manager.. not from the adobe site.16:58
LordKowi highly recommend the package manager because all it does is download it from the adobe site :P17:00
LordKowand it installs it correctly without any user input17:00
Dr_Willisi saw some helper script that can help automate a lot of these common tasks. :)17:00
Dr_WillisInstalls flash, medibuntu, and other stuff that i always want and install anyway17:00
LordKowi like how pbuilder checks pbuilderrc for errors during a tarball creation AFTER it downloads all of the base packages17:03
MichaelKohlerDr_Willis: happens with a new user too17:03
looki have a problem with 10.04 when i try and boot it on my system at home from either a disc or a USB it crashes on me. i loads splash and then my screen dies17:03
MichaelKohlerDr_Willis: I also tried to reinstall gnome-applets and gnome-applets-data , didn't help either17:04
Dr_WillisMichaelKohler:  thats a sign of a deeper issue then.  Try update/upgrading and see if it still does it. Check for allready existing bug reports.17:04
Dr_WillisI dont see the issue here.17:04
MichaelKohlerDr_Willis: doing an update now17:06
mungojerrylook, which graphics card do you have? try editing the grub command line when booting to remove "quiet splash"17:06
lookmungojerry: i have a nvidea 980017:06
JSundlook: does it show the splash screen and then nothing happens? try booting without quiet splash as mungojerry said17:07
ugandudoes Hybernate work properly in Lucid Lynx???17:08
lookJSund: that is exactly what happens. So how do i get ride of quiet splash? where is it locaed exactly?17:08
JSundlook: do you get a list of kernels and other stuff to select in grub when booting?17:09
uganduarvind_khadri, does hybernate work?17:09
lookJSund: no im trying to boot from a CD and/or USB device17:09
arvind_khadriugandu, erm, no idea... i dont use lucid17:09
switchgirlfirefox sucks for html5 support17:10
uganduarvind_khadri, u from india?17:10
JSundhm... what bootloader is used for the live cd image?17:10
lookswitchgirl: it will get better17:10
arvind_khadriugandu, yes17:10
JSundstill grub or something else?17:10
LordKowswitchgirl: check out chromium17:10
lookJSund: i think its still grub17:10
JSundif it's grub, try holding shift while booting17:10
lookJSund: just the generic ISO17:10
JSundthat should display the menu17:10
lookJSund: kay i will try that17:10
LordKowswitchgirl: next major firefox release (3.7 i think)17:10
JSundthen select the entry, press E to edit, remove "quiet splash", press Ctrl-X to boot it17:11
uganduarvind_khadri, where in india? mumbai? delhi?17:11
lookif that does not work ill be back in here at about 2:30 my time (US mountain time)17:11
arvind_khadriugandu, why are you asking ?17:11
LordKowchromium gets 137 score off that page17:11
uganduarvind_khadri, is ubuntu popular in india? i doubt17:11
arvind_khadriit is very  popular here.Rather all the Linux distributions are popular here.17:12
AltinHi I would like to know in ubuntu where are the environment variables files located.17:12
BUGabundo_remoteLordKow: switchgirl: both 3.6 and 3.7 versions of FF support html517:12
uganduwhere which city?.. im in mumbai.. no one knows abt ubuntu17:12
BUGabundo_remotejust mind the codec support17:13
LordKowBUGabundo_remote: and geolocation.17:13
BUGabundo_remotesites like youtube use h264 close source codec, which is not supported by mozilla17:13
BUGabundo_remoteLordKow: even 3.5 had location17:13
uganduarvind_khadri, no one even knows what is ubuntu when i tell them i dont use windows i use ubuntu17:13
BUGabundo_remoteturned off by default17:13
LordKowBUGabundo_remote: ahh i see. yea i figured it was some sort of licensing issue with the codecs17:13
BUGabundo_remotenot license17:14
arvind_khadriugandu, which part ?17:14
BUGabundo_remoteits a filosofy17:14
Altinugandu: I agree with you true. know one knows ubuntu in india17:14
BUGabundo_remotemozilla wants to promote open standards17:14
BUGabundo_remoteand will not support any new close codecs17:14
uganduAltin, where u from ? is ubuntu popular there?17:14
uganduarvind_khadri, churchgate n u?17:15
BUGabundo_remotehence why todays news from google open sourcing vp8 h264 codec are good17:15
MichaelKohlerBUGabundo_remote: that's on of the reasons everybody should use Firefox ;)17:15
BUGabundo_remotecause mozilla can include it17:15
AltinUgandu: I'm from India , Delhi17:15
arvind_khadriugandu, bangalore17:15
AltinArvind: How come u know Ubuntu? In India Ubuntu is not popular not everyone knows17:16
uganduAltin, arvind_khadri mumbai17:16
uganduAltin, how come u know?17:17
Altinugandu: I'm from delhi. I know becoz I stay in US and Europe17:17
uganduAltin, arvind_khadri in india they should name ubuntu my chat id.. "ugandu"... then it will become popular!!17:18
arvind_khadriAltin, my friends know, and lots of other people know.Here lots of companies work on it.Ok rather i would say that they work GNU/linux17:18
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:18
arvind_khadricharlie-tca, yeah, i want to move it there :)17:18
MichaelKohlerDr_Willis: update/upgrade didn't help17:18
charlie-tcaThen you should say so.17:18
MichaelKohlerDr_Willis: will search for bugreports now17:19
Altinarvind_khadri: I know in India Redhat is popular linux17:19
uganduAltin, arvind_khadri  i saw a video on youtube, compiz vs aero.. it made me switch to ubuntu..can u beleive it .. i have windows 7 ultimate full.. yet i choose to use ubuntu.. n my friends here dont even know abt it.. for them windows 7 is god17:19
charlie-tcadiscussion about India move to #ubuntu-offtopic17:19
arvind_khadriAltin, ugandu please lets move this to #ubuntu-offtopic17:20
LordKowugandu: with regards to windows, windows 7 is actually a fairly nice O/S by Microsoft standards. however it doesnt get halfway to ubuntu's awesomeness :)17:21
uganduLordKow, Altin arvind_khadri is the hybernate fixed in ubuntu?17:22
charlie-tcaugandu: appears to work for some systems17:22
LordKowhibernate is very hardware-dependent17:22
uganducharlie-tca, what happens for those that it doesnt work.. i havent tried hybernating for fear of some screw-up17:23
charlie-tcafile a new bug, specific to the hardware17:23
thiebaudecharlie-tca, thanks for excepting bug 55231617:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in linux "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231617:24
charlie-tcayou are welcome. I just try to do what I can17:25
kwtmHi.  I installed Kubuntu+1 beta-2 as dual-boot but did not let it install grub for fear it might bork my working system, too.  When I upgrade to the official release, is there a way to get it to install grub, too?  I understand that Kubuntu+1 uses Grub2, whereas my Hardy installation uses original Grub.17:25
charlie-tcaIt will keep the legacy grub you are using.17:25
LordKowkwtm: ubuntu installs grub2 by default17:26
charlie-tcaYou would have to upgrade the grub manually17:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:26
charlie-tcaLordKow: on upgrade from hardy, grub2 does not install17:27
LordKowinteresting, they must have had too many issues with the upgrade script so they dropped it for jaunty17:27
kwtmHi.  Um, thanks for the info.  Trying to sort out which of this info is new to me.  LordKow: yes, I know Ubuntu installs grub2 by default, hence my question.  charlie-tca: yes, I know I have to upgrade grub manually.  Is there a Ubuntu package for this, or is it outside Ubuntu's purview because it's not really part of the OS?17:28
kwtmNote that I am using Hardy (as I mentioned) so ubottu confirms that I am not using grub2.17:28
LordKowkwtm: look at the wiki17:28
charlie-tcaThere is a wiki page, which helps some17:28
charlie-tca!grub | kwtm17:29
uganduwhen i updated n upgraded.. then rebooted i got a sky blue screen with DEBian written while loading the kernel instead of the regular black screen..is this normal??17:29
ubottukwtm: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:29
kwtmLordKow: Okay, thanks for the advice.  Any particular part of the wiki?  All I saw was that if I *upgrade* to Lucid, it won't update grub.17:29
LordKowthe section written for 9.04 will work for lucid.17:29
LordKowbasically, it will keep grub-legacy until you run upgrade-from-grub-legacy17:29
kwtmLordKow: However, it does not say what will happen if I install a dual booting Lucid into a new partition (from DVD).17:29
LordKowkwtm: if it detects grub then it will not install grub217:30
uganduLordKow, how to check my grub version? i upgraded from karmic to lucid17:30
charlie-tcaugandu: what distibution of lucid?17:30
kwtmLordKow: Ahh, I see!  So even if I install from DVD, it will leave grub alone!  This is new info that was not apparent in the wiki.  Thank you.17:30
LordKowugandu: look at the boot menu i believe the grub version is listed somewhere on it17:30
kwtmcharlie-tca: Looks like you're saying there's an actual .deb package for grub, and that it will install grub even though it's on the MBR and not really on Ubuntu's section of the hard drive.,17:31
uganduLordKow, did u get a sky blue debian screen on boot menu?17:31
LordKowugandu: not since i had my grub-legacy theme17:31
charlie-tcaThere is a package for grub2, yes. You can install it to replace grub legacy that is in hardy17:31
MichaelKohlerbug 542150 says it has been fixed. is this verified?17:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542150 in gnome-applets ""The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_KeyboardApplet"" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54215017:32
kwtmOkay, then I have a question: I installed Kubuntu+1 but did not let it update grub.  I wanted to update it manually.  (I'm running 8.04 right now.)  So right now the only entry in grub to boot into Kubuntu+1 is what I manually entered.17:32
kwtmIs there a way to say, "Okay, go ahead and install an entry in grub so I can boot into Kubuntu+1, but don't upgrade grub to grub2, just keep it grub1 and install an entry"?17:32
LordKowkwtm: after you install grub2 there is a script called "update-grub" which searches your hard drives for o/s' every time you run that script17:32
charlie-tcacorrect, that is the grub legacy package17:32
uganduLordKow, is grub2 default in karmic?17:32
dm_Is anyone familiar with the FGLRX issue in lucid?17:33
kwtmLordKow: The point is that I don't want to upgrade to grub 2 until the official release.17:33
charlie-tcakwtm, you can't force it to add the entries. I have tried17:33
knittlmy apache does not start. syntax error on line 1 of etc/apache2/mods-enabled/reqtimeout.load17:33
kwtmDo you guys think grub2 is safe to use?  I really really really cannot risk borking my currently running system.17:33
charlie-tcaugandu: yes17:33
kwtmAlso, are the improvements in grub2 worth upgrading?17:33
charlie-tcadm_: what issue?17:33
knittlkwtm: has run fine for months here17:33
LordKowkwtm: grub2 is as safe as grub-legacy17:33
LordKowkwtm: from an end-user standpoint, grub2=grub-legacy17:34
mc44kwtm: if you can't risk borking your system, you really, really shouldn't be using pre-release installs ;p17:34
charlie-tcakwtm: it depends on your setup. grub 2 has issues with raid yet17:34
kwtmLordKow: Hmm, one more thing I just thought of.  If I'm dualbooting into Hardy and Lucid, and I use Lucid to upgrade grub to grub2, then when I "apt-get update/upgrade" Hardy, won't that leave it in the lurch since Hardy doesn't use grub2?17:34
dm_charlie-tca: Well it is failing to install fglrx, and therefore i cannot run gnome shell as planned to test with this round of the testing phase. ill pastebin the error17:35
kwtmmc44: That's why I'm dual-booting.  Do you think that even dualbooting (and using legacy grub) is too risky?  I can remove my installation.17:35
LordKowkwtm: yea there might be a problem there...17:35
mrenoufdajhorn: sorry for late reply... but not, older kernel does the same thing (I had -19 and -20 today, in addition to a 2.6.31 left over from before the upgrade)17:35
dm_charlie-tca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413748/17:35
kwtmLordKow: Can I use the update-grub from Hardy to let it detect the Lucid installation?17:35
LordKowkwtm: you can try, but backup your grub config just in case you lose the lucid entry17:36
charlie-tcakwtm: no, it does not work17:36
kwtmIf update-grub just checks for other partitions with /boot/vmlinuz or something, it shoudl wrok...17:36
LordKowin theory, hardy's grub should be able to detect lucid.17:37
kwtmLordKow: <laugh> there *is* no Lucid entry except what I added manually (which I haven't even tested yet.  I haven't booted up into a working Lucid system yet.)17:37
LordKowbut in the end, generally its a good idea to use the newest operating system's boot loader.17:37
kwtmcharlie-tca: Oh, darn.  So Lucid is too advanced for Hardy. :(17:37
LordKowunless that newest operating system is by Microsoft. :)17:37
charlie-tcano, grub legacy is too old to detect the new installations17:38
kwtmLordKow: Well, officially Lucid is not yet the "newest operating system" until Apr 29, but I'll be travelling (and hoping to show off KDE4 to the family I'll be visiting)17:38
nemoIf I disable or uninstall Ubuntu Firefox Modifications will it quit switching my search to Yahoo! every time I restart Firefox?17:38
LordKowkwtm: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html#mozTocId1646817:38
nemo'cause that is getting really really annoying17:38
LordKow"Dual boot: two operating systems with GRUB legacy & GRUB 2 mixp; GRUB1"17:38
kwtmOkay, I guess I'll add the Lucid entry manually for now, then switch to grub2 when I figure out how to migrate to KDE4.17:39
LordKowi like that idea17:39
kwtmOh, advanced question for LordKow and charlie-tca: I see that /boot/vmlinuz and /boot/initrd.img are symlinks to the real thing.  Can I just put these filenames in /boot/grub/menu.lst and it will always boot the newest kernel?17:40
charlie-tcadm_: sometimes 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' helps with that to allow the install to work. but if you are doing the video testing, you should report it as a bug first17:40
dajhornmrenouf: Pastebin your /etc/fstab file.  You may need to start the computer with the Live CD-ROM.17:41
LordKowkwtm: yes.17:41
LordKowthe last known problem with grub legacy and symlinks was reiserfs back in 2001 i believe :P17:41
kwtmLordKow: Thanks.  Am reading the dedoimedo.com entry right now.  Interesting.17:42
dm_charlie-tca: tried that already, and there is a bug report, but I was wondering if there was a work around, as I cant install anything, because apt-get will not allow me to get past this fglrx installation error (keeps asking me to -f install)17:42
mrenoufdajhorn: http://pastebin.com/JNbsujLU17:42
nemohum. I guess I have to manually fix all of these things in about:config17:42
nemoI hope it doesn't reset it on me.17:42
nemowhat a pain17:42
mrenoufdajhorn: I commented out the UUID attempting to fix, but no effect17:42
charlie-tcadm_: no more ideas here17:42
LordKowi get goosebumps after i submit a bug that ends up being critical :)17:43
LordKowluckily, its an easy fix but man if it wasnt that would be a lucid stopper17:43
nemoalso screws up mail handler :(17:43
Dr_WillisTheme is Ugly (Critical, confirmed)17:43
LordKowbug 56237017:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562370 in apache2 "Upgrade from 2.2.14-5ubuntu6 to 2.2.14-5ubuntu7 results in syntax error, missing module" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56237017:43
charlie-tcanemo: normal updates have switched mine back to google17:43
Dr_WillisYep - Default earch engine is back to Google.17:44
nemocharlie-tca: oh?17:44
LordKowoh yea, be weary if you have apache2 installed on lucid. i would hope noone is using lucid in a production server environment right now :P17:44
nemoI'm running a set of updates now.17:44
charlie-tcaLordKow: I always think it was really good I submitted that bug, since it is critical17:44
nemoI was having issues with updating that was probably my fault for trying to switch to Evolution 2.30 to get semi-functioning MAPI17:44
LordKowcharlie-tca: if it wasnt me someone else was bound to. it affects all users with apache2 installed.17:44
dajhornmrenouf: That fstab looks okay.  I don't see anything there that would confuse mountall.17:44
Dr_WillisThe issue you may find is that once the user gets their default settings/configs made.. they might not see those sort of changes. Unless you make a new user that gets the new defaults17:44
nemowell. here's hoping...17:44
charlie-tcaYeah, but not everybody is willing to submit them17:45
dajhornmrenouf: Did you change any of the /etc/init/mountall-* files?  Are they defaults?17:45
marienzcan someone remind me what kernel commandline parameter or other mechanism I have to use to get lucid to not start X?17:47
marienzat least I'm assuming I'm only losing my monitor output when it switches to X17:47
dm_charlie-tca: ok, another question then, how do I prevent apt-get from trying to install this broken package? I cant install anything else, even dependencies for the open source driver to install manually17:48
dm_charlie-tca: It just keeps giving me use apt-get -f install.... well i cant because the PACKAGE IS BROKEN17:48
dm_an endless loop of lunacy.17:48
h00kI'm debating on if I should sacrafice compiz effects of using the nvidia driver for the metacity compositing of nouveau.17:49
marienzthis is weird, I'm trying to use "recovery mode", which passes "single", and still fail17:49
kwtmOkay, am going to reboot now.  Hopefully Lucid comes up!17:49
almoxarifecan someone else try to use the ping option on 'network tools gui', mine crashes if I click on it, every time17:50
nemoalmoxarife: crashed for me too17:51
* nemo pulls a bt17:51
VarthThe only icon in my notification area is the network icon. No volume, battery, etc. What can I do to fix this.17:51
LordKowalmoxarife: works for me...17:52
almoxarifenemo: thks17:52
almoxarifeLordKow: you up to date?17:52
LordKowi think so, as of 2 hours ago... lemme update again17:52
almoxarifemaybe I am not17:52
nemoVarth: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.17:53
nemo0x00007fffeed9d51f in ?? () from /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libmurrine.so17:53
nemo#2  0x000000000040d86c in on_ping_graph_expose ()17:53
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:53
LordKowthere are some theme updates being sent out today too17:53
nemothat should have gone to almoxarife17:53
charlie-tcadm_: you tried running 'sudo apt-get -f install' without any package on the end?17:54
mrenoufdajhorn: should be stock as far as I know.17:54
nemoalmoxarife: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libmurrine.so, on_ping_graph_expose g_closure_invoke, g_signal_emit_valist, g_signal_emit, gtk_main_do_event, gdk_window_process_all_updates etc17:54
almoxarifesegfault at 38 ip 00f5858e sp bfb645c0 error 4 in libmurrine.so[f47000+26000]17:54
nemowell. that's a common element :)17:54
marienzwhich program was that?17:55
LordKownemo, almoxarife: still works for me after updates... try changing themes17:55
almoxarifemurrine? the theme?17:55
LordKowi use new wave which is not the lucid default, correct?17:55
nemoI'm using DarkRoom17:55
marienziirc new wave is pixmap, not murrine, so yeah17:55
almoxarifenemo: me too, dark room17:56
marienzwhich app is "network tools gui"?17:56
LordKowmy guess is that it is a gnome-nettool bug but it could be a theme bug.17:57
LordKowif gnome-nettool, check upstream on the gnome bugtracker first....17:57
marienzdebugging a little17:57
dajhornmrenouf: Your hang may be happening after mountall, like plymouth.  Are you able to boot into single user mode?17:58
nemoahhhh. back to google17:58
dajhornmrenouf: Do you get the Ubuntu logo-and-dots before the boot hangs?17:58
marienzlots of nulls in there17:58
marienzthat is: I don't think it's the theme17:58
mrenoufdajhorn: recovery option results in the same problem. No, no startup logo, maybe plymouth is missing/corrupted?17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548952 in gtk2-engines-murrine "gnome-nettool crashed with SIGSEGV in on_ping_graph_expose()" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:59
mrenoufdajhorn: text mode, blinking cursor17:59
nemomarienz: ^^^ they blame the theme engine17:59
nemomarienz: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=615142 reports it as fixed.18:00
ubottuGnome bug 615142 in general "gnome-nettool crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_paint_layout()" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]18:00
nemomarienz: so I guess Lucid should pull that into their murrine18:00
dajhornmrenouf: It is safe to disable or remove plymouth.  Try it.  A video mode change at boot time can hide an error message.18:01
marienzand unfortunately they don't bother to mention the git commit fixing it18:01
LordKowbug 548952 launchpad bug18:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548952 in gtk2-engines-murrine "gnome-nettool crashed with SIGSEGV in on_ping_graph_expose()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54895218:01
marienzbut I can probably find it from here18:01
LordKowyea, that fix should be included before RC18:02
LordKowotherwise it will be floating until the first maint. release18:02
mrenoufdajhorn: mountall depends on plymouth ?!18:02
dajhornmrenouf: Hmm.  Really?18:02
LordKowmarienz: bug 54928118:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549281 in gtk2-engines-murrine "Crash if gtk_paint_layout is called with widget==NULL" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54928118:03
marienzLordKow, nemo: from the looks of it it needs the most recent 3 or so commits from Andrea mentioned on http://git.gnome.org/browse/murrine/ ("Fix gtk_paint_layout with widget == NULL" and followups)18:04
dajhornmrenouf: Right.  Yuck.  Disable it by renaming /etc/init/plymouth-splash.conf18:04
LordKowmarienz: apparently, the fix is being tested18:04
marienzalso, I really need to fix my laptop's video18:05
marienzdoes someone know off the top of their head how I can stop the boot process from switching out of vga text mode? That is: no plymouth, no X.18:05
mrenoufdajhorn: ugh, no change. disk activity for a bit, then nothing18:06
marienzah, break=blah sounds promising18:06
nemomarienz: text18:06
dajhorndajhorn: Do you know how to boot with init=/bin/bash ?18:06
nemomarienz: (boot param)18:06
mrenoufdajhorn: Alt-SysRq+K gives "General error mounting filesystems.", so I know it's dying on mountall18:07
dajhornmrenouf: Okay.  Did you ever have a swap partition in the fstab?  Are any filesystems dirty?18:07
marienznemo: insufficient18:07
mrenoufdajhorn: yes. I think swap is in there... bad?18:08
nemomarienz: huh. pretty sure I've used that before. granted, not in lucid18:08
dajhornmrenouf: Maybe.  You've got a tough problem, so you need to start eliminating potential problems.18:08
nemomarienz: oh. wait. you don't want graphical boot at all18:08
nemoprobably need some of the other vga options too then18:08
nemothe ones that control framebuffer and such18:08
marienznemo: it's entirely possible it does what that page describes (stop gdm from running) but I'm actually losing graphics when the kernel switches to vesafb or the like18:08
mrenoufdajhorn: whats the bootparam to raise kernel log verbosity?18:09
marienznemo: I'm going to try break=init18:09
nemocheck the options just above it18:09
marienznemo: I already tried nosplash18:09
dajhornmarienz: The console-tools package may be poling a video mode into the console, particularly a font. Look at the /etc/console-tools/config file.18:09
mrenoufdajhorn: hmm, actually just commented out swap partition from fstab and it booted ok18:09
marienzdajhorn: I am trying to get to the point where I can once again conveniently look at files :)18:09
nemomarienz: framebuffer=false18:10
nemomarienz: from a little farther down the page18:10
marienzdajhorn: normally I'd use ssh, but this laptop doesn't really have a wired interface, and I have to log in for the (network-manager-powered) wireless interface to come up18:10
nemosays installer option though :(18:10
nemoodd. I thought this was normally pretty easy to disable18:10
marienznemo: argh, *now* you tell me18:11
billy2007why does my screen keep changing ?? i downlloaded ubuntu 10.04 sometimes when i log on i have 2 worktops next time 4?????18:11
marienzpreviously I was logging in through gdm blindly, but I suspect gdm stopped coming up because of some recent changes I made.18:11
Idleheadcan someone tell me why ndiswrapper requires a password for my keychain on each start of ubuntu?18:11
SandGorgoninstalled 2.6.34 kernel - suspend/resume worked brilliantly... but I didnt see even my ethernet interfaces. So back to 2.6.3218:11
dajhornmrenouf: If mountall is hanging on /dev/sda2, then perhaps running `mkswap` on it could be a fix.18:12
cozziemotohey guys...getting  Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)  any issues with dpkg  ?18:12
billy2007HELTER SKELTER18:12
dm_jrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/413765/18:12
mrenoufdajhorn: but running mountall after breaking into the rc script makes things complete and the system comes up. With swap commented out of fstab, swap is still activated properly as well.18:13
mrenoufdajhorn: is swap partition in /etc/fstab on a stock system?18:13
mrenoufdajhorn: I think it's obsolete, maybe used to be harmless, but now breaks things possibly?18:14
charlie-tcadm_: instead of remove at that point, run sudo apt-get -f install18:14
jribdm_: what's the bug number?18:14
dajhornmrenouf: Dunno.  I don't have clean Lucid system handy.  Perhaps somebody else can answer.18:14
jribcharlie-tca: he does that later :)18:14
dm_jrib 54691718:14
mrenoufdajhorn: this system has been upgraded since hardy. another box here is a fresh karmic install and has no swap in fstab18:15
marienzbreak=init is a little early. framebuffer=false does not work.18:15
marienzI think I need to stop both gdm and any fb module from getting loaded18:15
dajhornmrenouf: Hardy?   Do you have anything in the /etc/rc.local file?18:15
jribdm_: that's not the same bug, is it?18:15
dm_jrib i tried the work around that was posted first, and it removes the second divert, but i have to remove all the fglrx packages before it will allow me to do the first removal of the diversion, and i cant remove those packages with fglrx failing to uninstall18:15
marienzthis'd be much easier if I knew *which* fb module it's loading18:16
marienzargh, lemme find some other bootable media18:16
jribdm_: your issue is "trying to overwrite '/etc/ati/signature', which is also in package xorg-driver-fglrx 2:8.723.1-0ubuntu118:16
mrenoufdajhorn: actually, take that back, my other system does have swap there. Hmmm.18:16
jribdm_: 55958718:16
jribubottu: bug 55958718:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559587 in fglrx-installer "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/ati/signature', which is also in package xorg-driver-fglrx 2:8.721-0ubuntu8" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958718:17
nemosay. does anyone else find the new boot splash rather unattractive?18:17
nemokinda just sits there, and the colours look like they've been flattened18:17
cozziemotonemo,  the white ubuntu plymouth theme?18:17
nemolike someone expects me to have a higher resolution than I have18:17
dajhornmrenouf: If you are correct in saying that mountall is working properly, then you need to check the things that could start before mountall and hang.  There isn't much:  modules, hostname, udev.18:17
nemocozziemoto: hmmm. maybe I changed it at some point - I see this purple thing18:17
nemow/ 4 dots below the logo18:18
dm_jrib dag, i must of misclicked, my apologies18:18
cozziemotonemo,  oh!  mm18:18
* nemo checks his boot splashes18:18
dm_jrib guess there is no work around atm :(*18:18
cozziemotonemo,   I created a different imaage for that if you want it  it is the ubuntu-logo plymouth theme18:18
* dm_ takes a hammer to his laptop18:18
mrenoufdajhorn: I think it's this /proc/bus/usb line.18:18
nemocozziemoto: ah. I don't care too much. it just looked a little unprofessional is all18:18
nemoso I thought I'd mention18:18
nemobut sure. I'll give yours a shot18:18
nemoright now prior to release is when I'll be doing the most rebooting18:19
cozziemotonemo,  yes it does that's why i changed it :)18:19
dajhornmrenouf: I don't have the /proc/bus/usb line on any of my nearby computers.  The devgid and and devmode is strange.18:19
cozziemotonemo,  do you want all white or white ubuntu with coloured logo?18:19
marienzargh why is everything terrible18:19
nemocozziemoto: let's try coloured logo18:19
jribdm_: you can force dpkg to overwrite the file anyway if you want, that's your decision though18:19
mrenoufdajhorn: it's kind of intermittent actually it seems. It's definately mountall and something in my fstab, Yes... so I'll take that out and it should help things18:19
nemocozziemoto: seems best way to reveal possible issues at whatever resolution I have18:19
nemos/resolution/colour depth/18:20
dm_jrib gotta leap first right? How can I do so?18:20
marienzthis &^#*(^ laptop won't boot off usb :(18:20
jribdm_: the right answer here is "wait for the package to be fixed" or "fix the package"18:20
dm_jrib aye, but I live dangerously. :P18:20
cozziemotonemo,   with coloured logo    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/ubuntu_logo.png     with white logo    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/Ubuntu_logo.svg18:20
jribdm_: dpkg has --force-overwrite18:20
nemocozziemoto: drop box is blocked over here18:20
* nemo sighs and proxies18:20
cozziemotonemo,  ok hold on18:21
nemocozziemoto: you don't have a webserver running at home? :)18:21
nemo'sok. I relayed it18:21
nemocozziemoto: so I just replace /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu_logo.png right?18:22
dm_jrib pardon my dpkg nubery, sudo dpkg-configure --force-overwrite18:22
cozziemotonemo, http://www.speedyshare.com/files/21924121/untitled_folder.tar.gz    and yes   /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo18:22
mrenoufdajhorn: ooh! interesting. Now I got plymouth splash running, I see "Checking disk 1 of 1", repeatedly counts up from 1% to 40% and starts over. I bet it's that /proc/bus/usb confusing it somehow. Bizzare!18:22
jribdm_: dpkg -i foo.deb   to install a package18:22
nemocozziemoto: lol. they probably block that too. they block all of those dropboxes and whatnot18:23
cozziemotonemo,  although  one is svg i would have to convert that to png for you18:23
nemo'sok. I already bounced it through18:23
cozziemotonemo,  damn18:23
dm_jrib ahh ok, so locate fgrx deb, sudo dpkg -i fglrxXXXXX.deb --force-overwrite18:23
cozziemotooh ok18:23
trigroucould someone help to test something ?18:23
cozziemototrigrou,  like what?18:23
trigroucozziemoto: like building a a program18:24
jribdm_: not sure if the --force-overwrite has to be before fglrxXXXX.deb or not.  Also, it will be in /var/cache/apt/archives/18:24
cozziemototrigrou,  well maybe...which one?18:24
trigroucozziemoto: http://www.pastebin.org/14936718:24
dm_jrib aye, i was in there earlier seeing if my cached deb was corrupted, unfortunately, that wasnt the prob : D18:24
cozziemototrigrou,  it is not making for you?18:25
trigroucozziemoto: i have hard problem to compile it, with some gcc internal error. but on my gentoo it works18:25
dm_jrib yeah before foo.deb18:26
marienztrigrou: trying18:26
dm_jrib thanks for your help, gonna reboot and see if it melts my laptop18:26
kuttanshii everybody18:26
trigroucozziemoto: i reported a bug and added comment, but i dont know what to do now, it's really weird - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-defaults/+bug/56013518:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560135 in gcc-defaults "g++ internal compiler error when trying to build OpenSceneGraph 2.8.3" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:26
cozziemototrigrou,  mm  let me download the current svn version and try here18:26
trigroucozziemoto: svn of ?18:27
marienzargh I hate cmake18:27
kuttanscan anyone stop and look at my xorg log a lot of errors there after upgrading to lucid, and compiz not working  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/DQfCQwYs18:27
cozziemototrigrou,  why not just sudo apt-get install openscenegraph  ??18:27
cozziemototrigrou,  svn of openscenegraph18:28
trigroucozziemoto: i am a developper of osg, so i need to work with different version and use trunk ...18:28
MindVirusHi. My login screen is fucked up.18:28
MindVirusIts theme is all wrong.18:28
MindVirusWhen you look at it, it seems like the theme isn't installed.18:28
MindVirusGray buttons and stuff.18:28
trigroucozziemoto: i have the same problem with the trunk18:28
cozziemototrigrou,  ah i see18:28
mrenoufdajhorn: commented out proc/usb line got it slightly more working. plymouth splash comes up, but still the problem of infinite disk checking18:29
cozziemototrigrou,  I am not sure i can help but let me try it here anyway18:29
MindVirusAny advice?18:29
marienztrigrou: sorry, this needs a sufficiently huge number of build-deps that I'm not installing them on my desktop, and my laptop with chroots is currently broken18:29
dajhornmrenouf: Manually `fsck` all of the filesystems that could be recognized by mountall at boot time.18:30
trigroucozziemoto: yes just a compile test would be good18:30
trigroumarienz: just cmake no ?18:30
marienztrigrou: and mesa-dev and friends, iiuc.18:30
nemough. libmapi 0.9 isn't in lucid :(18:30
trigroumarienz: oh ok18:30
dajhornmrenouf: Also check that your partition numbers are sensible.  (83 for /dev/sda1 and 82 for /dev/sda2.)18:30
* nemo is trying to get evolution-mapi 0.30 for evolution 2.30 working...18:30
marienztrigrou: also, I hate cmake because http://pastebin.com/K9QCaHK1 is a pretty terrible way of telling me what deps I'm missing18:31
MindVirusCan anyone recommend me what to do?18:31
cozziemototrigrou,  i also was reading through this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47929618:31
nemoah. "Unfortunately there's no version of OpenChange out yet that works with18:31
nemonewer versions of Samba 4 (as present in experimental)."18:31
nemosooo, unless I want to build a ton of stuff myself, I'd better give up on this18:32
dm_jrib well didnt melt :P but still no 3d18:33
jribdm_: you should run apt-get install -f after the dpkg possibly18:33
marienzteehee, "VIA Graphics Intergration Chipset"18:33
AltinI would like to know where the environment variables stored in which directory18:33
dm_jrib did that, it successfully set up the other needed fglrx packages (like amdcccle and the xorg stuff)18:34
trigroucozziemoto: you are on lucid right ?18:34
jribdm_: I see18:34
cozziemototrigrou,  yes18:34
jribdm_: do you still need to edit xorg.conf though (I've always used nvidia or intel)18:34
cozziemototrigrou,  and noticed that they have two build systems in this18:34
trigroucozziemoto: what do you mean ?18:35
dm_jrib Driver      "fglrx", thats what it should be :x18:35
cozziemototrigrou,  according to the README file  either ./configure &7 make && sudo make install or   mkdir build  cd build  cmake18:35
cozziemotoetc ^^18:35
jribdm_: anything interesting in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?18:35
trigroucozziemoto: ho yes but it uses cmake behind18:36
cozziemototrigrou,  ah18:37
trigrouthe mkdir build make it build outside the source tree18:37
cozziemototrigrou,  let me try the ./configure one first18:37
dm_jrib searching through it, looks like alot of  fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@0:17:0) found18:37
dm_jrib about 11 messages with different PCI:0!@:NUMBER:NUMBER18:37
dm_jrib but that very well may be the HDMI, the proprietary linux drivers do not support it iirc18:38
trigroucozziemoto: sure, i have the same output from the script or building inside the build dir18:38
trigroucozziemoto: here my output http://www.pastebin.org/14937818:39
dm_jrib and glxinfo | grep direct outputs direct rendering: Yes18:40
=== |thade| is now known as Alexia_Death_
MindVirusMy GDM is fucked up. Can someone help?18:40
dm_jrib so theoretically I should have 3d18:40
jribdm_: how are you determining you don't?18:40
cozziemototrigrou,  so far the ./configure && make are working but it is at only 4%18:40
cozziemototrigrou,  i also am using this revision   svn co http://www.openscenegraph.org/svn/osg/OpenSceneGraph/tags/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.118:41
trigroucozziemoto: could you try the version i put to be sure18:41
cozziemotook let me download that hold on18:41
nemo"Sorry, the program "update-apt-xapian-index" closed unexpectedly  - hm. that sounds kind of important.18:41
trigroucozziemoto: thank you18:41
dm_jrib compiz :P here is the error, which i dont quite understand yet. http://paste.ubuntu.com/413778/, gnome-shell also does not start18:42
cozziemototrigrou,  sorry that is the one I am compiling18:42
MindVirusNo advice for me, eh?18:42
dm_the part no whitelisted driver found I have never seen before18:42
dm_Ive always been an nvidia guy18:42
trigroucozziemoto: so it means it works for you ?18:42
dm_never really had probs with video drivers in linux18:42
jribdm_: #compiz might know about it.  I know there exists a way to have compiz ignore the whitelist and see what happens18:43
cozziemototrigrou,  hold on because i stopped it at 4% thinking it was not the up to date version   just restarted the compile18:43
Berzerkerso I'm still having a problem with freezing right after login18:43
Berzerkercouple questions: is the nvidia driver supposed to load "nvidia" or "nv"?18:43
trigroucozziemoto: ho ok i thought it was the good version after, to be sure test it with 2.8.318:43
cozziemototrigrou,  this is 2.8.318:44
trigrouso it compiles well18:44
dm_jrib found it on the forums, in /usr/bin/compiz18:44
cozziemototrigrou,  the compile is going slowly though so hold on :)18:44
trigroucozziemoto: what is your hardware ?18:44
trigroucozziemoto: yes but if you read my log you will see that it crash very early for me18:44
cozziemototrigrou,  64 bit amd at 2gihz only18:44
cozziemototrigrou,  i saw that  indeed18:45
dm_jrib hmm, fglrx is listed for whitelist18:45
cozziemototrigrou,  right now it is at 4% again so lets see how far it gets18:45
jribdm_: I don't know anything about compiz18:45
nemoah. already reported.18:45
Berzerkerthe thing is, is only happens when I update-grub from inside ubuntu, or if I boot into another os, such as windows18:45
trigroucozziemoto: it should compiles completely because i did it on my gentoo. i just dont know what's happen on my lucid laptop18:46
cozziemototrigrou,  mm it seems to be going along well...6% now18:46
trigroucozziemoto: yes you can stop it18:46
cozziemototrigrou,  ok18:46
trigroucozziemoto: any idea what could be wrong here ?18:47
cozziemototrigrou,  so something has been broken on that end?18:47
cozziemototrigrou,  not sure  this is a default install of lucid  no  extras other than from dist-upgrades18:47
trigroucozziemoto: i installed only stuff from lucid18:48
cozziemototrigrou,   not sure then... did you   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     I generally do that during pre release times18:48
cozziemototrigrou,  not sure off hand but let me read that readout you had hold on18:48
Berzerkerhow do I remove the nvidia drivers from the command line?18:49
cozziemototrigrou,  this part of your read out does not look good   "internal compiler error: Segmentation fault"18:49
nemoOk. So I had installed Francesco Marella's packaging of Evolution to see if it would be reasonably easy to get Evolution MAPI 0.30 working (it wasn't)18:49
cozziemototrigrou,  the complete line is  "/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:178: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault"18:50
trigroucozziemoto: i will have to leave, i will try to connect tomorrow18:50
nemonow. I'd like to revert back to 2.28 disabling that repo seems to not be enough. When I try a forced downgrade to 2.28 on all the 2.30 packages it starts flagging a ton of important stuff for removal18:50
cozziemototrigrou,  ok18:50
nemolike all of gnome18:50
nemo(not downgrade, removal)18:50
* nemo tries just uninstalling and reinstalling evolution18:51
Berzerkerhow do I remove the nvidia drivers from the command line?18:51
nemoBerzerker: just for purposes of booting X you could just change your xorg.conf to use the nv driver instead...18:51
Berzerkernemo, would I still get the nvidia performance out of it?18:52
nemoBerzerker: you'll lose 3d accel18:52
nemobut you said you want to remove it anyway18:52
Berzerkernemo, hmm...I want to try and find a way to fix this freezing at login18:52
BerzerkerI thought new drivers might be at fault18:53
Berzerkerso I wanted to try and install maybe 18518:53
Berzerkeror 19018:53
nemoBerzerker: well, then switch to nv, do whatever you want in convenience of nice managed env like synaptic, then switch back? :)18:53
nemohell. you can switch back graphically too...18:53
nemothat's what System->Administration->Hardware Drivers is for18:54
nemoagh... uninstalling evolution causes problems w/ lower deps on reinstall, such as EDS18:54
nemoand removing EDS wants to remove all of gnome18:54
* nemo tries just downgrading EDS18:55
nemothere we go. just a few more things to clean up...18:55
nemough. ton of other stuff stuck on 2.30 fmarl now though :(18:56
nemolike libcamel, which attempts to downgrade or remove trigger removal of ton of important stuff18:56
nemowhy is apt so stooooopid18:56
joaopintoapt is usually as smart as the user :P18:57
joaopintoactually smarter than some users :P18:57
nemojoaopinto: it seems logical to you that updating to 2.30 was as simple as adding the repo, but disabling the repo does not allow downgrading to latest lucid automatically?18:58
nemojoaopinto: but fine. since this is so bloody obvious, please enlighten :-/18:58
nemomaybe if I do partial upgrade...18:58
joaopintonemo, yes, it is that simple after you understand that downgrades are not supported18:59
joaopintoby design18:59
nemodist-upgrade did not do it :(18:59
nemowell. guess if I still have the 2.28 packages I can maybe force 'em w/ dpkg -i19:00
Berzerkernemo, ....19:00
Berzerkernemo, if I mark nvidia-glx-185 or something else for installation, it forces nvidia-current to be installed also19:00
Berzerkernemo, and I can't choose between them19:00
Berzerkernemo, in hardware drivers19:00
nemoBerzerker: well. I'm sure it is all obvious to joaopinto here.  I'm busy trying to raise myself to apt's level of enlightenment right now...19:01
joaopintonemo, it is properly documented that downgrading packages is not a supported procedure19:02
joaopintoif you decide to proceed with an unsupported procedure then you are smarter enough to handle it ;)19:02
Berzerkerjoaopinto, maybe you can help me, my system is freezing right after I login19:03
joaopintonemo, also it is widely advertised that you should use 3rd party repositories with caution19:03
Berzerkerjoaopinto, doesn't even get to changing the wallpaper, all I get is the login screen background with a cursor19:04
Berzerkerjoaopinto, then something, eventually, the monitor shuts off19:04
nemojoaopinto: huh. somehow missed this widely documented fact.19:04
nemoah well19:04
nemojoaopinto: trivial to do in Gentoo, so I guess I was overoptimistic19:04
nemo3rd party, sure. I was aware of the risks there19:04
nemojust was hoping to manage to build a MAPI that doesn't crash every 10 minutes19:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Berzerkeryofel, yo, still having my freezing problem :(19:06
Berzerkeryofel, it's different now though, I can get into recovery mode every time19:06
Berzerkeryofel, I think it might have something to do with the nvidia driver19:07
yofelBerzerker: not sure, and 185 is not in the repos for lucid, only 96, 173 and 19519:08
Berzerker:( I don't think 173 has GTX 260 support19:08
yofelme neither19:09
Berzerkerhow about the nouvaeu drivers?19:09
Berzerkercould I try using those?19:09
yofelBerzerker: the repository drivers of nouveau don't have 3D support as that's still experimental, where exactly does it freeze?19:10
Berzerkerright after I log in, when it's trying to load gdm19:11
Berzerkerfreezes at the login screen background with a cursor19:11
Berzerkereventually sometimes the monitor shuts off19:11
yofelwait, gdm is the login screen, so you mean it freezes after gdm?19:11
Berzerkeroh that's all included19:11
Berzerkerwell then it freezes while trying to load gnome-desktop I guess19:11
Berzerker./var/log/messages had nothinbg useful19:12
marienzweird, my gdm is using the wrong gtk theme (or at least that's what it looks like)19:15
marienzI probably messed with that in karmic and after upgrading to lucid the theme karmic was using is no longer there or something19:16
Berzerkeryofel, anything?19:17
DShepherdwhere do i got to disable bluetooth and other services i have no use for in lynx??19:17
yofelBerzerker: not really, no. I don't know how how gnome login works, I find it strange that gdm works for you19:18
jrrwhew msttcorefonts make google apps so much more pleasant19:18
nemojoaopinto: well. that was unnecessarily tedious, but all cleaned up in the end19:19
nemoyay for --force-depends19:19
Berzerkerlol now I can't boot anymore19:20
Berzerkerthis is just getting ridiculous19:20
Berzerkeryofel, now I'm not even getting into gdm19:21
ChicanoHi everyone19:22
yofelBerzerker: then really try it with nouveau once, by purging the nvidia drivers19:22
yofelBerzerker: sudo aptitude purge nvidia-current19:22
ChicanoI posted this in #kubuntu as well but I think this is a more correct place:19:22
Chicanowill Kubuntu Lucid use pulseaudio by default? and if so, will it be using Mandriva's patches?19:23
nemoBerzerker: you could also perhaps try the official nvidia driver, totally haven't tried it under Lucid yet though, I'm only using it under Karmic so I can try out CUDA19:23
macoChicano: kubuntu lucid will not have PA by default19:23
ali1234what does the exclamation mark by a package in lucid synaptic mean?19:23
nemoBerzerker: they are on 195.36.1519:24
macoChicano: there is discussion of moving to PA for Meerkat so that there is plenty of time to get it all smooth before the 12.04 LTS, and since Qt and Phonon now have better PA integration, it's good timing19:24
nemoali1234: upgrade I believe19:24
TyphI love that everytime I check apt, there's updates!19:24
nemoali1234: like. upgrade available or something19:24
ali1234nemo: ah ok, thanks19:24
kc7zzvI can't manage to get preseeding to fully automate partitioning in Lucid.  Does anyone know where I can find an example?  Google hasn't been helpful.19:25
nemoali1234: at least that's what I infer from my little [!] that I just cleaned up :)19:25
macoChicano: i dont know anything about mandriva patches. i imagine if mandriva hasnt sent their patches upstream, we won't have them unless whatever dev is watching whatever packages they're for is explicitly told about them and their necessity19:25
Chicanomaco: I saw mention of Mandriva's patches at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/LucidPackaging19:26
macoChicano: i see. i dont know if those got integrated yet or not since kubuntu devs dont tend to patch without upstream approval. i'm sure theyll be looked at again for 10.10 if they havent been19:27
macoChicano: the people to ask would be in #kubuntu-devel19:30
Chicanomaco: I hope pa makes it for Meerkat, because I get tired having to reboot my pc when sound just bluntly stops working. granted, 90+% of the time the code responsible is from Adobe's flashplugin - which also means it's useless submitting a bugreport19:30
macoChicano: i use pa with lucid just fine19:31
m_anishHi I am using ubuntu-lucid-beta2-amd64 and trying to publish a key to the ubuntu keyserver and getting an error. Here is the transcript http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ZrEWsmGG . Is the keyserver currently down... Pings to keyserver.ubuntu.com work though.the url http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/ times out.19:32
Chicanomaco: is there a wiki page explaining how I would go about installing it manually on Lucid once I've migrated?19:33
macoChicano: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio19:33
macoChicano: just make sure that in the multimedia settings in systemsettings, on *all* of the audio categories you put pulseaudio at the top of the list19:34
Chicanomaco: that's it? I'd imagined there would be more to it than that - at least configuration of some kind19:34
marienzargh I HATE HATE HATE ubuntu-bug19:34
seicherlbobi have a nvidia graphics card installed. how can i find out, what driver i am using? (I've heard there are 2 OS and the proprietary one). glxinfo tells me, i use "Mesa". Is this the nouveau driver?19:34
marienz"The problem cannot be reported: This is not a genuine Ubuntu package"19:34
marienzhow is linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic not a genuine Ubuntu package19:34
KB1JWQmarienz: That's not a Lucid kernel.19:35
marienzerr, right19:35
marienzcrap, wrong version19:35
KB1JWQDid that solve it? :-)19:35
marienzstill, that's a terrible error message, and I had to click through half a dozen dialogs asking me for info about the problem before telling me it can't use that info19:35
marienzI *loathe* ubuntu-bugs. It makes me not want to file bugs.19:35
KB1JWQmarienz: Are you actually on Lucid, with an older kernel?19:36
Chicanomaco: seeing the ease of it all I think I'll try it on my current hybrid install as well. I take it reversing the procedure (if necessary) is simply purging the pulseaudio package and bumping the pa devices in multimedia settings down again?19:36
marienzKB1JWQ: I'm on lucid, I'm running a lucid kernel, I'm trying to file a bug on that kernel. I accidentally tabcompleted the karmic's kernel's name, which the updater didn't remove.19:36
* marienz starts over using the right version number19:36
KB1JWQmarienz: Ahhh, that got it.19:37
KB1JWQmarienz: What's the bug, anyway?19:37
macoChicano: yep19:37
Chicanomaco: ok, thanks19:37
marienzKB1JWQ: some kind of incompatibility between viafb and the laptop I'm using. As soon as viafb is loaded the lcd turns off, after which nothing short of rebooting turns it back on (X works just fine, you just can't see anything on the screen)19:37
KB1JWQSounds vaguely driver related?19:38
isnoopIs it possible to upgrade 8.04 LTS to 10.4 LTS Beta2 at the command line?   "do-release-upgrade -d" exits with an error.19:38
marienzKB1JWQ: blacklisting viafb (and vga16fb, which hits a different bug) gets me a working system, but that's rather awkward to accomplish without a rescue cd of some kind to boot from.19:38
KB1JWQDoh, viafb is a driver.  Derp derp...19:38
marienzKB1JWQ: yep, viafb is a driver, but X seems to be innocent here, so I'm filing it against the kernel (which is where viafb lives)19:38
DasEi2isnoop: you update distro per distro, fresh install recommended then19:39
marienzalso, wtf does "stable release" and "development release" mean in the context of filing kernel bugs (is lucid "development release" and karmic "stable release", or is this referring to kernel version numbers, or what?)19:39
KB1JWQYou've got it right.19:39
isnoopDasEi2: Isn't one of the benefits of sticking with LTS that you have a direct upgrade path from one to the next?19:40
marienzisnoop: I know upgrading from one LTS to the next is supported, but I have no idea of upgrading from hardy to lucid beta2 is supported *yet*19:40
KB1JWQisnoop: Yes.  But again, it's not release yet.  Won't be for another couple of weeks.19:40
marienzisnoop: I do know I've seen lts upgrade bugs getting fixed (because I skim some changelogs), so I think it's wise to wait a bit19:41
_CommandeR_guys is there a way to disable the anyoing notice in downloads folder?19:41
thebishopis anyone else with an intel 4500MHD experiencing random flickering horizontal lines in 10.04?19:42
rippsDoes anybody know where I file bugs for broken livecd kernels?19:43
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, this question has come up before - I'm unaware of a way to remove it (would love to find one though)19:43
isnoopmarienz: KB1JWQ:  Well, I'll just crank off a fresh install to test the beta for now.  The confusion arose because the documentation suggests that a direct upgrade to Beta2 was not only possible, but simple:19:43
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, hm thing is i dont even have bluetooth19:43
OxymoronHow to solve this please: "apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/reqtimeout.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_reqtimeout.so into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_reqtimeout.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"?19:44
OxymoronSome clumsy programmer forgot to put mod_reqtimeout.so in there ...19:44
OxymoronI need one fix NOW, I was programming and used apache2 recently, I really need it.19:44
coc0nutSome clumsy person also forgot to build Python 3 on a system with working semaphores before releasing it as a package. ;_;19:44
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, i believe removing all Bluetooth packages does remove the message (but could be wrong about that, so don't recommend you try)19:44
_CommandeR_btw does anyone get error message when launching gksu nautilus ?19:45
brad[]Hi folks!19:45
* Oxymoron is glad some programmer probably listened on him before when he said that hes browser was freezed if apache2 reached infinite loops :P I guess that reqtimeout :P19:45
BUGabundoisnoop: seems we are having a bit of probs with upgrades at the moment19:45
_CommandeR_get like 7 error messages19:45
brad[]I'm looking for a java plugin that works a tad more reliably than icedtea under Lucid. I used to use sun java but can't find this in the repositories anymore.19:46
ZykoticK9brad[], if you add the Partner repo you'll find Sun java19:46
nemoOxymoron: I'm moderately surprised you are using Lucid for anything critical :)19:46
brad[]ZykoticK9, how do I add the partner repo?19:47
ZykoticK9brad[], see blue note at the top of http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java19:47
isnoopBUGabundo:  Roger that.  I'll sit tight on the upgrade.  Adding the release blog to my feed reader.19:47
Oxymoronnemo: Lucid is stable with Beta2 but just recently when updated apache2 which I shouldnt it stopped working xD19:47
TommyThaGunuh oh19:48
BUGabundoisnoop: by all means keep trying19:48
BUGabundowe are hopping to have that fixed in two days19:48
Oxymoronnemo: One cool thing, soon Cairo dock works good enough togehter with KDE and Dbus so you can enjoy the active window notifier fully so you dont miss any message :P19:48
BUGabundobefore final feature freeze19:48
nemoOxymoron: heh. just seems you probably wouldn't want to put a server on lucid even if it was released. personally I'd wait a few months after any release to do that :-p19:48
brad[]ZykoticK9, thanks19:48
nemoOxymoron: let some other person get burned by the apache bug - ideally someone running a test server19:48
ZykoticK9brad[], glad to help :)19:49
Oxymoronnemo: I dont run an official server on this machine, I just hobby programming and testing in it ;)19:49
nemoOxymoron: ah the "NOW" sounded panicked.19:49
marienzisnoop: I simply do not know if this is supposed to work already. It's entirely possible it *should* work, I haven't checkde.19:49
marienzchecked, even19:49
keitoAnyone else experiencing a bug where wifi keeps asking for the passphrase (even though you're connected!) and when you cancel it it disconnects you.  If you click OK then I disappears but comes back again after a couple of minutes - very annoying.19:49
Oxymoronnemo: Well, its a panic if I want it to work :D19:49
rippsBoth the destkop livecd and the alternate cd's have problems that prevent me from using them. I get some kind of kernel oops early on in the livecd that causes it fail to start X and drops me to commandline, and the alternate cd doesn't include the forcedeth module I need to activate networking on my mobo19:49
isnoopBUGabundo:  Does the do-release-upgrade for 8.04LTS keep getting upgraded to account for fixes, or do all of the important goodies get downloaded when the script runs?19:50
Oxymoronnemo: I dont expect Lucid to work flawless of course not, but some things shouldnt be release IMO if they arent stable enough.19:50
BUGabundoisnoop: we hope so19:50
BUGabundobut as proven by you, its broken right now19:50
BUGabundoisnoop: is it only cli or GUI too?19:50
nemoOxymoron: is impossible to catch all bugs before release, I have no doubt there will be many maintenance releases19:51
isnoopJust CLI.  We haven't installed X.19:51
nemoOxymoron: hopefully you filed this one though :)19:51
nemokeito: dmesg saying anything interesting? often wifi dumps stuff there19:51
isnoopI'll have a look at the ticketing system then.  Surely someone else has filed it, but maybe not...19:51
nemokeito: maybe it is trying to switch networks or something19:52
isnoopBUGabundo: Well, butter my buns... it just started working.19:53
isnoopThanks, all.19:53
Oxymoronnemo: Yes, thats understandable. But seriously, forgot to even put the file into the package. I got the error when updating in apt ... Cant start apache2 without it I think, or maybe if its possible to inactivate it :P19:54
spykeI have several folders set up on a samba server. I have a script on my laptop that basically mounts each folder. Is there any (easier) way (in lucid) to just say: "mount whatever folders there are on SHARE"??19:55
duffydackjust updated and installed new kernel but grub isnt pickin it up, any idea?19:55
AngryPunktried updating to the beta thru updatemanager but it hangs preparing memtest86+19:56
Oxymoronnemo: I am looking forward to see if all programmers will reach to all bugs and features until the stable release :P Its not long time left and my system have some problems left with grub2, kwin problems, video problems and plymouth problems and as well Kmail and that problem with storing mail in Akonadi :P19:56
brad[]icedtea is pretty dysfunctional with most java applets I've used. there any reason it's the recommended Java plugin?19:56
nemobrad[]: good question now that sun/oracle's jvm is now FOSS19:57
nemobrad[]: and unless things have changed, still breaks eclipse too19:57
mrenoufdajhorn: happy to report manual fsck seems to have fixed it, but I'm missing a bit of the startup portion of plymouth, and boot still takes a while.19:58
brad[]nemo, nod19:58
DanaGhmm, where would i go for help with networkmanager?20:00
jpdsDanaG: #nm20:00
kc7zzvspyke: I may be getting confused and thinking of MacOS, but can't you mount the "folder" that the shares are in?20:01
RPG-MasterI'm having some issues with Gwibber20:02
Oxymoronnemo: sudo a2dismod reqtimeout <320:02
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +120:02
RPG-MasterLike, it only shows @ replies for identi.ca20:03
RPG-Masternot my stream20:03
RPG-Masterand even if I have Gwibber open, it still says "set up broadcast account" in the notification applet.20:04
dajhornmrenouf: Spiffy. If you can describe the problem, then think about opening a bug against plymouth.  There are just a few days left before Lucid freezes.20:07
DanaGhmm, no response in #nm yet.20:07
DanaGHmm, anyone know how to get networkmanager not to be confused by having two rfkill devices?20:11
DanaGI have an hp-wifi rfkill device and a phy0 rfkill device.  Soft-blocking the former hard-blocks the latter... and then once I do so, NM won't let me unblock it.20:11
DanaGEvery time I resume from suspend, it gets stuck in this state.20:12
duffydackI think im missing some packages for the kernel thats why its not being picked up by grub when updating it..  anyone know which packages I need to go with the linux-2.6.32-20 ?20:14
avishad to take a blood test to prove i was legitimately effected with a certain disease.  what a inconvenience.  they could have rather said "don't take your meds for 24 hours" and get back with us20:25
guntbertavis: sorry to hear that - but here it is off topic :-)20:26
avisthanks guntbert20:26
avisi just needed an ear to hear me at the moment.  sorry about that20:26
arthurhavis, got more than (a)n ear, for sure20:27
avisi'm sorry you wont drop the topic when i did20:28
avisarthurh, i've never seen you here before.  are you new to lucid ?  or have you been lurking in the background ?20:34
avisarthurh, if i can help with any lucid issues i'd like to try20:34
arthurhavis, I'm in and out depending on need.  At the moment I just stuck Lucid on an extra Macbook Pro 5,2 that I have sitting around and figured I'd lurk a bit in case I had any outstanding issues -- thanks for the offer!20:36
TommyThaGunnow I have spell checking in xchat20:40
TommyThaGunfunny, 'xchat' isn't a word20:40
BUGabundothe irony20:41
avisi love lucid.  all all ubuntu releases, i'm most happy with this one20:43
avisand i've seen a number of them roll bu20:44
kc7zzvIn general I like most of the releases more than the last, and the color scheme less.20:45
kc7zzvExcept karmic.  That gave me lots of video driver trouble.20:46
d_dyerHello, While trying to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 i get this error "The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources.  It cannot continue." Is there anything i can do to fix this or continue the upgrade? Thanks!20:46
nemoOxymoron: I hope you still reported it - for one thing, the bug mail will keep you from forgetting you turned it off :-p20:46
avisthere is a recommended method of upgrading, of which i do not remember, but its supposed to be preferred to the old way20:47
kc7zzvIs update-manager -d the recommended way or the old way?20:48
d_dyerI used the steps on Ubuntu's Website on the upgrade.20:48
sealviewmy HP has 10.04 installed but when it enter the UI mode (Xorg) it stripes and shake my display continuously, I tried NVidia drivers but no change, what can work wrrong?20:48
BUGabundod_dyer: avis: $ update-manager -d for GUI, $sudo do-release-upgrade -d for CLI20:48
BUGabundo!upgrade | d_dyer20:48
ubottud_dyer: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:48
avisgot it.  thanks20:48
avisi guess the old fashioned way does work20:48
_CommandeR_how do you save the keyring for wireless in lucid?20:48
BUGabundooh you already knew that d_dyer20:49
BUGabundodo you have enough disk space?20:49
d_dyerMe? I have a 320GB HDD20:49
Oxymoronnemo: I saw someone else already have reported it and hopefully I dont forget xD20:50
d_dyerI looked on both of those sites and didnt see anything about my problem.20:50
BUGabundod_dyer: first time I saw it eiher20:52
BUGabundoplease file a bug20:52
d_dyerOk, How do i do that, Sorry i am new to Ubuntu and Linux in general20:52
sealviewsorry, can anyone help with a Lucid that flickers, stripe and shake the display in X.org?20:54
BUGabundod_dyer: then I don't advice you to be running devel releases20:56
Zelozelosdoes anyone know if devede will support .flv formats?20:56
BUGabundofeel free to test live images for now, for HW and app compatibility20:56
BUGabundoZelozelos: no idea, sorry20:56
d_dyerBUGabundo, How do i revert changes? It was almost at the end of the update20:56
BUGabundoyou can'tu restore your backups20:57
Zelozelosis there a prog that will let me make a dvd from a flv? or a flv converter to avi or anything?20:57
Zelozelosi have a home movie that i converted to flv a while ago but i deleted the avi, and now i need the avi to burn it 2 disk so i can send it to grandma20:58
JEEBsvZelozelos: just use ffmpeg or something to encode to MPEG-2 with the vbv limits20:59
JEEBsvVP6 is supported by ffmpeg, after all20:59
JEEBsv(and H.264 too)20:59
Zelozelosill give it a shot thank you20:59
JEEBsvalthough the ffmpeg in ubuntu IIRC was lulzly old the last I heard21:00
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aviswhat tool do you all recommend out of all of them to backup /home directory to external backup ?  i just use rsync from a user launched cronjob21:00
JEEBsvalso, you should read up on what framerates etc. DVD supports21:00
TommyThaGunis anyone else having issues getting open office's spell checker to work?21:00
JEEBsv(and what framerate your input is)21:00
DanaGI use "faubackup", though it needs tweaking to exclude caches and thumbnails and such.21:01
avisdies it make an exact copy of your /home partition ?21:02
nonameNNits easier if you place /home in another partition or disk.... then you dont need to backup21:03
avisthat would not work, as i require a /home partition on my in use drive, as well as my backup, so i can swap drives should one fail21:03
nonameNNavis: what?21:04
JEEBsvquestion: yasm 1.0 was released some days ago, I guess it won't get into 10.04?21:07
BUGabundoavis: dejavu ?21:07
topylinonameNN, famous last words. "you don't need to backup" :)21:07
ZykoticK9topyli, +121:07
nonameNNyeah totally...21:07
arandJEEBsv: Many critical/security bugs solved?21:08
nonameNNi would rather buy an external hdd and copy there critical info21:08
JEEBsvarand: let me see the changelog21:08
nonameNNlike timecapsule of apple...21:08
arandJEEBsv: But yea, the FFE is a fairly hoop-jumpy process at this point, and very discriminatory as to what goes through and what doesn't21:09
redI have a pivot screen21:11
redand prefer reading documents with the screen turned 90 degrees21:11
redon windows I had a software that could automaticly sense the rotation and rotate the output to match the screen position21:11
redhow do I rotate my screen on ubuntu? :P dont really matter if its not automatic21:12
redI tried xrandr --rotate21:12
Haffexrandr I think.21:12
reddidn't work :l21:12
Haffered: Are you running nvidia?21:12
redScreen 0: minimum 3840 x 1080, current 3840 x 1080, maximum 3840 x 108021:12
kklimondayou have to add something to xorg.conf to get xrandr rotation to work21:13
kklimondaif it actually works - haven't tried21:13
kklimondaI use nouveau now21:13
Talon_I run ubuntu, I'm a single man, I live alone, its MY computer so I want my general user to be able to modify my website running on apache, apaches htdocs is in /var/www and im growing tired of using sudo to edit files. whats the best solution? chown the /var/www dir?21:13
reduseless information for a newbie21:14
melikhey guys21:14
melikhas the 10.04 netbook remix gotten any new features/interface?21:15
geniiTalon_: Or add your user to the www-data group21:15
redsome things just make me want to go back to windows so bad, but it's even worse for most parts. guess there isn't any perfect os :)21:15
JEEBsvarand: alright, kind of guessed it'd be like that at this point -- anyways, looking at the changelog @ http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/wiki/Release1.0.0 it might actually have some nice bugfixes :) Although I've only built x264 with it so far.21:15
redmelik: I recommend to check out Jolicloud21:15
Talon_genii, i like that suggestion, how do I go about doin it tho?21:15
joedarkhey all. I upgraded my laptop to 10.04, but I can't set the proper resolution anymore. Can anybody help me out?21:15
geniiTalon_: sudo usermod -G -a www-data your-username21:16
joedarkI've already tried using the graphical interface & xrandr, but when I try to set it to optimal resolution, it freaks out & garbles the screen21:16
geniiTalon_: Group membership changes don't take effect until next logout/login cycle, so ya know21:17
JEEBsvhaha, I didn't even think of that21:17
Talon_it hasto be done in a terminal? I can't use "system > administration > users & groups" ?21:17
JEEBsvthe one time I've set something like that I just switched where the public folder was set (Which isn't a good idea usually)21:18
geniiTalon_: You can do it either way. I give the desktop agnostic version since this channel has XFCE, GNOME, LXDE, and KDE desktop users21:19
Talon_eh the cmd lines easier anyways, i can't figure out how to add a group to my group with that crappy gui tool anyways21:20
Talon_oh, usermod: group '-a' does not exist21:20
geniiTalon_: The -a may be needed after the groupname then... I occasionally forget exact syntax21:21
brad[]Is there an IRC channel for Ubuntu One?21:22
Mohai try to install spotify via Wine, but it dont work....21:22
guntbertbrad[]: #ubuntuone21:22
_CommandeR_does someone dual boot with lucid?21:24
Talon_genii: I just recently isntalled apache, and it appears: "drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 2010-04-12 23:39 www" do i need to chown /var/www to www-data also?21:24
Talon_its owned by root atm.21:24
MohaI have dual-boot Windows and Lucid beta221:25
geniiTalon_: Should be fine21:25
MohaCan't install .exe files via Wine. Is it any fix to the problem?21:26
DanaGhmm, any tips for my networkmanager rfkill issues?21:27
AltinHello I am getting a info message when I log into the ubuntu window destop screen. The message is "Your battery may be broken. Your battery has a very low capacity (33%). Is it any fix to the problem??21:27
nemoAltin: well, is it inaccurate?21:28
nemomaybe your battery is dying...21:28
Altinnemo:battery shows full21:28
MohaAltin: Is it a problem??21:28
MohaAltin: ok21:29
AltinMoha: getting a info message whenever login to the system21:29
nemoAltin: that doesn't mean the battery hasn't lost capacity...21:29
nemoAltin: like, my old crappy laptop only has 5 min charge even when fully charged21:30
Altinnemo: looks like some bugs21:30
nemo'k :)21:30
guntbertAltin: the battery keeps track of its capacity - it can be full but have only a fraction of the old capacity21:30
Talon_genii: no joy... it didn't work, I did groups <username> and seen my user was a member of admin, so i sudo chown root:admin www and I can now edit files without sudo21:31
AltinHere is one thread which is similar as these info message which was in 9.10 - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67833421:31
Altinsaying that "This is a known issue in the DSDT tables of the Daru2".21:32
ZeldaHello everyone.21:34
darkfilei just recognized that my MAC address is wrong in lucid21:34
darkfileeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:00:00:00:c9:2821:35
ZeldaIm running Lucid. AMD64, anyone having issues with Java JRE installation?21:35
BUGabundothat's not supposed to happen21:35
BUGabundousually drivers don't touch that21:35
darkfileinstead of 00:19:db:4a:c9:2821:35
darkfilevery strange21:35
guntbertdarkfile: a virtual machine?21:35
BUGabundodarkfile: what's the device brand/model ?21:35
darkfileno virtual machine21:35
BUGabundoohh VM?21:35
darkfileits onboard21:36
Zeldafor the record, I have openJDK. I am trying to install frostwire, and it requires sun-java6-jre package21:37
darkfileMSI K8T Neo221:38
Zeldaalso, Linux noob here.21:38
darkfilezelda, you need to enable the ubuntu partner repository21:39
darkfilethen you can install sun-java6-jre21:39
ZeldaAwesome! thanks.21:39
Lorenc-Ubuntu-LiHello Guys i have problem with my ubuntu21:40
damidallahi, I have a really bad problem of black screen with Ubuntu Lucid... with desktop cd, but also with my freshly upgraded system...21:40
Zeldawould also checking the backports be a good idea too?21:41
darkfilezelda only if you need to for something special21:41
Zeldaanything that would stick out that  I could recognize that I would need that for?21:42
Lorenc-Ubuntu-Li hello I have a problem with Ubuntu lucid insert a blank disk did not even step out when he says this21:42
BUGabundoZelda: no backports in devel21:43
Lorenc-Ubuntu-Licd/dvd is now unmoundet21:43
Lorenc-Ubuntu-Li hello I have a problem with Ubuntu lucid insert a blank disk did not even step out when he says this  cd/dvd is now unmoundet21:43
Zeldaok then I wont check it. Thanks.21:43
darkfilelorenc, how about a reboot21:43
Lorenc-Ubuntu-Lidone the same thing again21:44
darkfileopen a shell window and enter "eject"21:44
darkfilewhat happens?21:44
darkfilesorry, a "terminal"21:44
ZeldaLOL, the dvd tray opens... duh!21:45
Lorenc-Ubuntu-Liopen the drive21:45
Lorenc-Ubuntu-Liwhen insert the disc21:45
darkfilehm wasn't this the problem?21:46
darkfilethat it won't come out?21:46
z0rti think he means it won't mount i dunno21:46
Lorenc-Ubuntu-LiI can not do things we can throw the disc does not burn21:46
Lorenc-Ubuntu-Liwhat problem i have ?21:47
Zeldawhat burning program you using?21:47
damidallauhm... sorry, problem "solved", it's bug #55837821:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558378 in linux "Please blacklist ATI XPRESS 1250 from Kernel mode-setting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55837821:47
Lorenc-Ubuntu-LiThnx.For Help.21:48
h00kI wonder if the native nvidia driver will get a pretty looking plymouth21:48
darkfileLorenc-Ubuntu-Li:  does it work with another operating system?21:49
darkfilehow was his problem solved?21:49
ZeldaI guess so.21:49
Zeldahe left in a hurry21:49
darkfilemaybe he inserted the CD upside down :)21:49
ZeldaI wouldnt doubt that.21:50
sroeckeroh, too late. well, brasero has some bugs. e.g bug 52969621:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529696 in brasero "brasero can't copy audio cd (useless error message)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52969621:51
Zeldamaybe the drive is worn out becuase hes been using it as a cup holder.21:51
Zeldaer because21:51
z0rti just put lucid on my netbook and it freaked out when i did dist-upgrade without remounting rw...i need more coffee21:51
BUGabundoh00k: not all that better, no21:52
BUGabundoz0rt: dist-upgrade is evil21:53
BUGabundodon't use it21:53
BUGabundouse aptitude safe-upgrade instead21:53
h00kBUGabundo: that's...too bad. actually.21:53
h00kaptitude contains more logics21:53
h00kthat's ugly for people who want to use the native driver :( I would hope people don't have to see it a whole not (need to reboot and all) but :(21:54
thebwtare break-possible updates being published right now, I noticed updates jumped from 3 to 37 since my last upgrade (earlier today).21:54
darkfilei have another interesting problem21:56
darkfilemy upgrades never pop up "there are new upgrades etc"21:56
darkfilei always need to manually open the window21:57
darkfilewith system -> system maintenance -> upgrade management (or so, mine is german)21:57
balasuse the console sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade21:58
darkfilebalas: there are many updates21:58
darkfilebalas: i just wonder why i am never notified in the GUI21:58
balasdo you only expect to install a few ?21:58
darkfilei wonder why there is no popup21:59
thebwtthe pop up should only happen after liek a week21:59
darkfileor icon near the clock or so21:59
darkfilenothing happens21:59
thebwtit doesn't immediatly show up iirc21:59
darkfilebut when i start the updater, there ate 250MB of new updates21:59
darkfilehm ok, today there are just 70mb :-P21:59
z0rti never use the gui update manager i like my swirling text too much22:00
thebwtsame, byobu + aptitude22:01
benkong2hello all22:02
darkfilehehe sure22:02
darkfilei simply miss the notification22:02
benkong2I just did the latest update and now my grub entry shows this line22:02
darkfileit seems to be a bug22:02
benkong2'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-20-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {22:02
benkong2what happened?22:02
darkfileit shows this in the selector ?22:02
benkong2darkfile: yes22:02
thebwtdarkfile: i think the issue is that most lucid testers don't wait long enough for teh update alert to go off. If you in fact have, and it's not going off, that is a bug.22:03
benkong2I do a manual update in the terminal22:03
darkfilethebwt: how long is long enough?22:03
thebwtdarkfile: good question, let me see22:03
benkong2This was an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade22:03
thebwtdarkfile: on teh update manager gui, bottom left is "settings"22:04
benkong2all finished then the reboot icon appears22:04
benkong2or restart22:04
thebwtdarkfile: it's all in there22:04
darkfileyou mean the automatic update setting in the update tab?22:05
darkfileits set to don't download, only notify22:05
darkfileand the frequence is set to daily22:05
benkong2you talkin 2 me?22:06
darkfileno sorry, to thebwt22:06
darkfilethebwt: uptime:  23:05:59 up 2 days,  5:4322:07
darkfilebut no notiy about the 46 updates yet22:07
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cyberkillaHello, Strigi doesn't seem to load for me at login. When I check the settings, it says: "Strigi service not running."22:20
cyberkillaAnd the checkbox, "Enable Strigi Desktop File Indexer" is unchecked. I can check it again and the indexer icon will appear in the tray. It seems to start indexing, but a reboot takes me back to square one. This didn't always happen. It started in the past couple of weeks.22:21
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: could you pastebin your ~/.kde/share/config/nepomukserverrc file please?22:22
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Sure, one moment.22:22
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: http://pastebin.com/LW0Cp8LC22:24
JontheEchidnaok, that all looks good22:25
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: For a brief instant, the message "Strigi service not running" changes to something about failing to initialise, then it changes to its progress on indexing files.22:26
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: It is too quick to screenshot, I'm afraid.22:26
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: but, does it eventually report progress on indexing files?22:26
JontheEchidnaand does it stay that way?22:26
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Yes, within a fraction of a second of me checking the box and clicking apply, it starts indexing and reporting its progress.22:27
JontheEchidnain that case everything should be working22:27
JontheEchidnathat fraction of a second is most likely the time it takes for the strigi service to start up22:28
JontheEchidnabut System Settings starting watching for it immediately22:28
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Unfortunately, despite it working once I manually enable it, the setting doesn't seem to stick. I get the feeling it fails to load automatically.22:28
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: That makes sense.22:28
JontheEchidnabut you say that when you log in and go back to systemsettings, the box is unchecked?22:29
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Yes.22:29
JontheEchidnathat's weird22:29
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: It claims that the service hasn't started.22:29
JontheEchidnathat would point to the service having died on startup, I must agree22:30
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Could the checkbox be unchecked because the service failed to start, rather than it not remembering the setting?22:30
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Yes, my thoughts too.22:30
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: I'm thinking that's the only way the checkbox could be unchecked, considering that your settings file has autostart=true for the nepomuk strigi service22:31
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: I have been experiencing trouble with Python (PyKDE, in specific) but I fixed it a few days ago. jockey-kde and several other things (such as the printer tray icon) would not load, citing an ImportError for PyKDE422:32
JontheEchidnawhat was the fix?22:32
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: The solution wasn't so hard. Basically, I had to delete the old folder because the organisation of the libraries changed and the updated package didn't bother to cleanup after itself.22:32
JontheEchidnaso it was pointing to the old pykde files...22:33
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: I don't pretend to know the details, but the bug report mentioned something about using python central now, and the old folder not being deleted. Yes, exactly.22:33
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Other than that, I've had no real issues with the system.22:33
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: is this a karmic upgrade?22:34
reborni got 10.04 beta and every other day i have updates which are around 100mb sometimes even way more. what's up with that? all in all i think i've d/led updates worth more than 600 MB!22:34
JontheEchidnaI'm not sure, but I think we switched to python central in 10.0422:34
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: This is Karmic yes, but it's older than Karmic.22:34
z0rtreborn it's a beta, stuff is changing all the time22:34
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Correction, it was upgraded from Karmic.22:35
rebornsure but such huge updates? if you use patches you only need to change small parts of the original file!22:35
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: ok, then that makes sense, since we most likely switched pykde to python central in 10.0422:35
rebornit's no alpha software , right?!?22:36
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: It is actually Ubuntu, but I installed kubuntu-desktop after upgrading to Lucid. I have kept everything as clean as possible though. It isn't as big of a mess as it sounds:)22:36
reborni mean every day like 100mb updates... that's just ridiculous!22:36
rebornwhat is one to do without a highspeed internet connect?22:37
reborni will not recommend 10.04, if this does not change22:37
FunnyLookinHatreborn: Sounds like you shouldn't be beta testing... :)22:37
mc44reborn: not use prerelease versions22:37
z0rteven mcdonalds has wifi now i dunno22:37
FunnyLookinHatreborn: it changes as soon as it's released.  :)22:37
rebornwell, it's not M$ , so beta usually means it's pretty much finished!22:38
rebornlet's switch back to 08.10 ... the best linux!22:39
FunnyLookinHatreborn: not so true...  :)  In any case, the updates will become MUCH less frequent when 10.04 is officially released.22:39
rebornif that wouldn't happen , ubuntu could pack it's things and foget about it!22:40
rebornnobody in his right mind is willing to d/l 100MBytes worth of updates every single day!22:40
rebornmy isp is making a fortune22:41
mc44plenty of people are. If you're not, feel free to not beta test.22:41
z0rti'm testing it on a netbook, really easy that way22:42
trothigarIs anyone else having trouble with the proprietary nvidia drivers and compiz?22:42
JEEBsvI'm thinking of maybe selecting some other file system than ext4 this time on my netbook :322:42
chris4585trothigar, what kind of trouble?22:43
JEEBsvBecause my SSD is from early 2008, thus slower than an SD card or a USB stick with ext4 >->22:43
trothigarchris4585, I can't seem to get compiz working22:43
z0rtis ext4 on a ssd faster?22:43
JEEBsvext4 on a normal SSD is quick22:43
chris4585trothigar, try reinstalling compiz-gnome then System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects > Extra22:43
nonameNNtrothigar: what video card do you have?22:44
JEEBsvMine is just one of those cases of 'holy Hanyuu they got these for cheap'22:44
trothigarnonameNN: I'm not entirely sure, its a new machine.22:45
trothigarnonameNN, 7600GT22:45
chun2Wonder if anyone can help -- when I try to play mp3s in totem, I get this error when it tries to download codecs: "No packages with the requested plugins found [MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder]"22:45
nonameNNtrothigar: go to System - Administration - Hardware Drivers and click on Active so you download the drivers...22:46
chris4585trothigar, was compiz working before?22:46
trothigarnonameNN, I have done and they claim to be active, but there're not22:46
trothigarchris4585, on 9.10 yes, on 10.04b1 I think so also, but this is a new install of 10.04b1 updated fully22:47
chris4585trothigar, does the window boarder appear? the minimize, maximize, close?22:48
trothigarchris4585, when?22:48
chris4585trothigar, right now do you have a maximize, minimize, close option?22:49
trothigarchris4585, yes22:49
trothigarchris4585, I'm still running metacity I think22:49
chris4585trothigar, then I'm not sure, the drivers should work22:49
peterwangHi guys. Are you getting any instances of no bootsplash/plymouth on startup for a long time and then plymouth appears for a few short seconds?22:50
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Hello again, sorry about that. My Internet connection failed for some inexplicable reason.22:50
chris4585peterwang, I don't think thats plymouth appearing for a few seconds, I think thats xsplash, and yes I have that on both of my computers22:50
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: I don't know if you replied again, but I didn't get anything after "ok, then that makes sense, since we most likely switched pykde to python central in 10.04"22:51
peterwangchris4585: what's the problem with that then? a forced fcsk run on every boot?22:51
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: I hadn't written anything further than that22:51
chris4585peterwang, plymouth doesn't like some drivers I guess, I'd love to see plymouth but I doubt I will22:52
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Oh good, I didn't miss anything then;) I'll have to continue searching for a cause or a bug report. If there was some sort of log file for Strigi, it would speed up the process greatly.22:52
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peterwangchris4585: ah. do you have ati cards? because that happens for me with and without fglrx.22:53
trothigarchris4585, ok thanks for your help22:53
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: you may get a bit more info about it by restarting nepomuk from the terminal: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Metadata/Nepomuk/TipsAndTricks#Restarting_Nepomuk_and_its_Services22:53
chris4585trothigar, does compiz work now?22:54
trothigarchris4585, nope22:54
chris4585peterwang, I have an intel card and a nvidia card22:54
peterwangchris4585: oh, and has a bug been filed on this yet?22:54
chris4585trothigar, then I didn't help, I hope an update fixes it22:54
chris4585peterwang, I don't know22:54
peterwangokay, thanks for your help anyways22:55
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Thanks again. It was a refreshing change for someone to actually respond to my messages in IRC;)22:55
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: well, I had done some work on strigi the other day, so I was afraid I had broken something. :D22:56
JontheEchidnaYour nepomukserverrc has convinced me that I hadn't, but I figured I couldn't just leave you hanging ;-)22:56
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: :-P22:57
daftykinshi all, i don't seem to be seeing the 190 or 195 package nvidia driver after adding the nvidia VDPAU PPA ?22:57
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cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Should I have "strigidaemon" installed? It says I need to install the strigi-daemon package to get that command. Could this by why it doesn't start of its own accord?23:07
JontheEchidnacyberkilla: to get the nepomukserver command? nepomukserver is in kdebase-runtime23:08
cyberkillaJontheEchidna: Sorry for the confusion. I tried what you suggested (running nepomuk from a console). It doesn't seem to mention anything being wrong. I noticed that a few websites I've read speak of a "strigidaemon" command, which I don't seem to have installed. I'll figure it out on my own and stop hassling you;)23:11
JontheEchidnaback in the olden days (KDE3, it's already been two years, thinking about it...) strigidaemon was used, but nepomuk uses strigi directly these days23:11
scottjis 10.4 supposed to support the same hardware (suspend on close) as 9.10 (doesn't seem to on my x41t) or is that a known digression bc of dropping hal?23:17
BUGabundoanyone having themes blow ?23:19
chun2Wonder if anyone can help -- when I try to play mp3s in totem, I get this error when it tries to download codecs: "No packages with the requested plugins found [MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder]"23:19
lil_cainHi, has anyone managed to get a realtek 8192 working on lucid?23:19
lil_cainI get an error in dmesg about being unable to init the firmware.23:20
git__is 10.4 release?23:21
lil_cainI didn't think it was released yet.23:21
lil_cainlsb-release says it's dev branch anyway23:22
daftykinsgit__: see topic; 10.04 is at beta2 right now23:23
bjsniderdaftykins, that was amusing23:42
daftykinswhat's that? :)23:43
quidnuncWhy can't I install ifhp?23:43
daftykinsbjsnider: have i done something amusingly stupid? :)23:44
quidnunc"couldn't find package"23:44
bjsniderdaftykins, perhaps you should install nvidia-current23:49
daftykinsbjsnider: yeah i just had the replacement all explained to me :)23:49
daftykinsbjsnider: is the idea that you'll be avoiding placing packages on that PPA now entirely?23:50
randomusr_hello all.23:59

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