
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
ringeram setting up a laptop with U9.1 for my wife to use and want to connect to it via my m/c (U9.1 also) via home wireless. Which progam(s) should I be using. Is there a guide somewhere?01:35
swoodyringer: what exactly do you want to control/use on her computer? Just updates? file sharing, printer sharing, etc.?01:48
swoodyfor simple maintenance, the easiest way would be ssh01:49
ringerI'm anticipating her having problems with setup. I want to be able to see her machine (remote desktop) from mine01:49
ringernot sure if remote desktop is the right way to go. Is that for Ubuntu - > Windows?01:51
swoodyringer: well Ubuntu comes with a pretty nice app for that out of the box :)...01:51
ringerI've tried to use remote desktop, and put in her ip address but just get a black screen.01:52
ringerI made sure her machine has 'allow other users....' set for remote desktop01:54
swoodyringer: ok, and you got no error messages?01:55
ringerno errors - just a black screen. I just tried disabling it on her m/c and get the same symptoms.01:55
ringercould this mean firewall settings have to be changed?01:56
collinpIt might.01:57
swoodyringer: have you noticed any other kind of networking/internet issues on either computer?01:59
ringerswoody, no - both connect to the internet ok. No other computers are on the (local) network02:00
swoodyringer: also, can you ping her IP just as you entered it into your Vinagre settings? Try: ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -c 302:01
swoodywhere the x's are her IP02:01
swoody(from a terminal)02:02
ringeryes - ping responses in 1.3 ms02:02
swoodyringer: have you tried SSH'ing to her computer at all? Any luck there?02:02
ringerssh connection refused02:03
ringerso that would suggest firewall?02:04
ringerbecause ping worked ok02:04
swoodyringer: have you setup and configured sshd (the ssh server) on her computer? If not, you won't be able to ssh into it, and I wouldn't bother setting it up just to test it02:04
swoodyI was more curious if you had already setup/used SSH02:04
ringerno not use ssh before02:05
swoodyok, that's np then.02:05
ringerswoody, are you suggesting I install sshd on her m/c? It is not currently installed.02:07
swoodyringer: have you restarted her computer since you selected to "Allow other users to view your desktop"?02:07
ringerswoody, no, I'll try that02:07
swoodyringer: no, no need. Again, I was just curious if you had already used it. No need to bother installing and setting it up :)02:07
swoodyringer: do try that, or try: sudo /etc/init.d/vino restart02:08
swoodyon her computer02:08
ringerha - hold on - I forgot her password already!02:10
swoodyhaha, that may not be good ;)02:10
ringeralso have a sticky key - just trying to sort it out02:11
ringerremembered the password now but she's not in sudoers - just having to fix that02:12
stlsaintcelthunder: ping02:13
ringerswoody, /etc/sudoers is read only. Do I need to chmod or am I looking at the wrong file02:15
swoodyringer: from her terminal, run: su username02:17
swoody(where username is whoever has sudo privelages)02:17
swoodythen once logged on as that user, do: sudo visudo02:18
swoodyringer: does that make sense, or am I just mucking things up? :)02:18
ringerswoody, no I think I understand.02:19
swoodyso if the account Bob on her computer is the one with sudo priv. then you would do: su bob (to login that terminal as bob) and then: sudo visudo (to edit the sudoers info)02:20
ringerswoody, yes I did that (her account is jill) so I did su jill02:21
swoodyringer: but you said she doesn't have sudo privelages?02:22
swoodyyou were trying to add her as a sudoer?02:22
ringerswoody, it did not return an error. How can I check if she has sudo?02:22
swoodyringer: try something simple like: sudo apt-get update02:23
swoodyyou can also view the /etc/sudoers list to see there02:23
ringerswoody, it says she is not in the sudoers file. I thought su jill would amke her 'superuser'02:24
swoodyringer: no, sorry about that confusion. Is there an account on her computer that currently has sudo rights?02:25
swoodyor is hers the only account on it?02:25
ringerswoody, no, I have an account but I'm not in sudoers either!02:27
swoodyringer: ah, so there's no sudoers? That's a tale of a different horse ;)02:27
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
ringersw is /et/sudoers the right file?02:28
swoodyringer: yes it is02:28
ringerswoody, i did a cat sudoers and it said permission denied.02:28
ringerbut sudo apt-get update is working for me!02:28
stlsaintswoody: sup02:29
swoodyringer: well that is odd, but glad it's working :)02:29
swoodyringer: now from your account, do: sudo visudo02:29
swoodyheya stlsaint :)02:29
swoodyringer: it's not recommended to edit the /etc/sudoers file directly, it's best to do it via visudo. If this doesn't work, you can either create a password temporarily for root, or you could boot from a liveCD and edit the file02:31
ringerswoody, sudo visudo worked - my username not listed but %admin ALL=ALL is there02:33
ringerperhaps I made myself in admon group but can't remember how02:33
swoodyringer: you're probably a member of the admin group.02:33
swoodyso you could either add her to the admin group, or add her as a sudoer02:34
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
stlsaintbgs000: sup02:34
ringerswoody, can't remember how to add people to admin group02:34
swoodyringer: logged in as your user, go to System>Admin>Users and Groups02:35
swoodypick the user name you want to edit, and click 'Manage Groups'02:36
ringerswoody, just looked - I'm not in any groups!02:37
swoodyhmmm... and visudo didn't show any users either? that's odd :/02:37
ringerswoody, head is spinning - am enjoying getting to grips (or not) with linux but it is late & I need to sleep02:38
ringerswoody, many thanks for your help - I will try again tomorrow02:38
swoodyringer: it's np :) Feel free to stop by when you have time, and hopefully we can get this working for ya02:38
swoodyheya ZachK_ :)02:39
ZachK_swoody: pm please02:39
ZachK_swoody: or -team02:40
ZeRoDeAtH50435how do I install adobe reader on 64bit02:48
swoodyheya ZeRoDeAtH50435 :) Which version of Ubuntu are you using?03:01
ZeRoDeAtH50435got adobe flash installed this morning03:01
ZeRoDeAtH50435have to restart03:04
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: well, you can install it via the medibuntu repo03:05
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: well, you can install it via the medibuntu repo03:07
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: then: sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins03:07
ZeRoDeAtH50435command doesnt work03:24
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: what error does it give you?03:25
ZeRoDeAtH50435Package acroread has no installation candidate03:25
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: did you do apt-get update already?03:28
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah I did what was on the page03:28
swoodytry: sudo apt-get install mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins03:30
swoodydo those two work?03:30
stlsaintanyone try this out??? http://www.menuetos.net/03:47
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: try searching in Synaptic, does anything come up for Adobe Reader?03:48
ZeRoDeAtH50435nothing for adobe reader03:51
stlsaintswoody: adobe can be installed via wine03:53
pleia2I think it's in medibuntu repos03:55
pleia2oh, swoody said that :)03:55
ZeRoDeAtH50435but I have had it installed on 9.10 64 bit so I dont know why 10.04 is giving me trouble03:55
swoodydoes medibuntu only come with the 32bit? and won't install on a 64bit? :/03:56
swoodyotherwise I'm not too sure what's going on there03:57
ZeRoDeAtH50435i installed it03:57
pleia2ZeRoDeAtH50435: what does your medibuntu line look like?03:57
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: ah, gotcha.03:57
ZeRoDeAtH50435dont know have not used it yet03:57
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: did you add it to /etc/apt/sources.list, or did you just copy/paste the command into your terminal to add the repo?03:58
ZeRoDeAtH50435yet I just did03:58
ZeRoDeAtH50435oops yeah03:59
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: can you tell us what the repo info says: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list04:00
* swoody wonders if they just haven't added Adobe Reader for Lucid?04:01
ZeRoDeAtH50435## Please report any bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/medibuntu/04:02
ZeRoDeAtH50435deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ lucid free non-free #Medibuntu - Ubuntu 10.04 "lucid lynx"04:02
ZeRoDeAtH50435deb-src http://packages.medibuntu.org/ lucid free non-free #Medibuntu (source) - Ubuntu 10.04 "lucid lynx"04:02
swoodyI guess not: http://packages.medibuntu.org/lucid/index.html04:03
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: well, if you'd like to get Adobe Reader, you can edit that file, and change 'lucid' to 'karmic' for the time being04:03
swoodyyou'll have to remember to update it later on when they add Reader for lucid04:04
ravibnHi! When I try to access http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/bruceky/Whirlwind-14-Whats-new-in-C-4-Events/ it shows up the player in Firefox But when I press play button nothing comes up why?04:04
ZeRoDeAtH50435well is there something like reader that I could use04:04
ZeRoDeAtH5043510.04 LTS comes out 29th of this month04:05
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: are you looking to read .pdf's in Firefox? Ubuntu does come with evince to read .pdf's that you download. Is there anything you needed in specific?04:05
ZeRoDeAtH50435some I can read docs for school04:06
swoodyravibn: for me it tries to download the video file or open it with a video player. Is this what you're aiming for?04:07
ravibnswoody : thanks for the reply. I just wanna watch this on the browser04:07
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: well yeah, if you just need basic .pdf reader capability, there's evince which is included with Ubuntu, and there are many other programs out there which wil do the same thing - try looking for "pdf" in Synaptic, and see if any of the other ones tickle your fancy :)04:08
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok thanks04:08
swoodyravibn: open a new tab in FF, and in the URL bar enter: about:plugins04:10
swoodywhat's listed there?04:10
swoodyany flash plugins, or Multimedia Plug-in's?04:11
ravibnhangon swoody04:11
ravibnthe browser crashed04:12
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: then I would also keep an eye on this site: http://packages.medibuntu.org/lucid/index.html04:12
swoodyZeRoDeAtH50435: when you see acroread pop up on that list, it'll be available to download through their repository :)04:13
ravibnswoody : http://pastebin.com/Hkey7Qgk04:14
swoodyravibn: well the video file is an .mp4, and one of the plugins you have looks like it should play it...04:16
swoodyhowever, I got it to play in browser with my vlc plugin.04:16
swoodyIn a terminal, try: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc04:16
ravibnif u look at the pastebin I hv the vlc plugin04:17
swoodyhmmm... that is true, but it doesn't list mp4 under vlc...04:19
swoodyit has it under xine and totem04:19
swoodyI wonder if they're conflicting with one-another...04:20
swoodytry: sudo apt-get remove xine-plugin totem-mozilla04:21
ravibnYeah! It removed that Xine plugin I will try now playing it04:22
swoodydoes it list mp4 under totem still? Does it also show it under the vlc plugin now?04:23
ravibnlet me see that04:23
ravibnonly sliverlight and shockwave is installed everything else is gone04:25
swoodyit doesn't show the VLC plugin anymore?04:25
swoodyok, try: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc04:26
swoodyit's the hefty VLC plugin that can handle just about anything ;)04:26
swoodyit's the only one I have installed, and I can play just about everything on the web04:26
ravibnyes! VLC is back after installation04:27
swoodygreat, and does it show mp4?04:27
ravibnyes! it shows mpeg404:28
swoodyexcellent :) Try out the vid again.04:28
ravibnI went to the url and it is working now Thank you04:29
swoodynp, enjoy :)04:29
ravibnswoody : one more Q . I cannot see the control buttons on the player why?04:34
swoodyravibn: no idea, I can't either, lol04:34
swoodyspace doesn't pause either :/04:35
swoodyright-click doesn't do anything...04:35
ravibnoops : we have no control to go fwd or bckw Is this a bug in VLC ?04:35
swoodyCould be. I'm not thinking it would be FF :/04:36
ravibnNope none of them work04:37
swoodyravibn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/source/vlc/bug/17947304:38
swoodyit's been around for a while it looks like04:39
ravibnany workarounds ?04:41
swoodyravibn: well, if it bugs you, you can always right-click on the image that you clicked on to start the movie, select 'Save link as' and then play it from your desktop04:41
ravibnany other plugins that can work properly ?04:42
swoodyor if you don't feel like waiting for it to download, you can File->Open Network Stream from VLC04:42
swoodynot sure, I haven't given it a shot. Gimme one min...04:42
swoodyravibn: well, it looks like you can install the w32codecs from the Medibuntu repository...04:46
swoodyand use those with totem/xine04:46
swoodyravibn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu04:46
swoodythen: sudo apt-get purge mozilla-plugin-vlc && sudo apt-get install w32codecs04:47
ravibnshould I run the command on that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu ?04:48
swoodyravibn: yeah, run the first command on there, the big one04:49
swoodythen copy/paste the one I posted above ^04:49
swoodysudo apt-get purge mozilla-plugin-vlc && sudo apt-get install w32codecs04:49
swoodywe might have to reinstall the totem or xine plugin for mozilla, but we'll see if this does it first04:49
ravibnhang on it is currently running that big command04:51
ravibnThat big command got over I am running the command u gave me and it is doing it right now04:55
swoodyhmm... well I installed the codecs I posted above, and totem, and now the controls are there, but the movie doesn't play, haha04:56
swoodylet's see if it works for you04:57
ravibntry xine04:57
swoodyplaying with that now...04:59
swoodylol, sorry I was playing with it, the video wasn't ;)05:03
swoodyand it's still not :/05:03
ravibnOk! my w32codecs is still downloading and it is insanely slow05:04
swoodyyeah, mine took nearly 3 mins :/05:04
swoodydang, xine doesn't look like it wants to play either...05:05
swoodyone more to try...05:05
ravibnu feel better to live with vlc without the controls ?05:10
swoodyI think it may be the only way to get this thing to work :/05:11
swoodyI didn't have any luck with mplayer, totem, or xine05:11
swoodyat least vlc will play it05:11
talsemgeestAnyone have any idea of how to make a gui windows app run under wine sending its gui output to vnc on a headless cli server?05:11
swoodyand like I said, for now if you want the controls, you can always right-click, save-as for the time being05:11
* talsemgeest is amazed he put that into one sentanc05:11
* swoody applauds talsemgeest :)05:12
swoodyravibn: and also this way, you can get rid of the Medibuntu repository, too05:13
Raidsonghello man0riaX07:57
_CommandeR_zup long time no see13:43
=== mohi_away is now known as mohi1
Guest65224hi all, is there a way of setting a program to only appear (from launch) in a second workspace?16:50
Guest65224ie: i want to launch Google Calendar and for it to launch in a second workspace16:50
leoquantnmap shows tcp-wrapper-d with an open port, etc/initd shows no tcpd, so is tcp-wrapper needed in a non server situation? if not how can i kill this tcpd?18:21
ibuclawleoquant, are you using nmap from outside the network?18:27
leoquantibuclaw from zero open ports, from outside this tcp wrapper18:31
ibuclawso scanning your network from outside it shows that one port is open?18:33
leoquantsorry from inside 0 open ports18:33
leoquantibuclaw yes18:33
leoquantits weird18:33
ibuclawleoquant, behind a router?18:33
ibuclawcheck router config?18:34
ibuclaw(for port forwarding)18:34
leoquantyes i have not tried that, i will give it a try18:34
ibuclawif nothing is being port forwarded on the router, one can only assume that it is probably the router itself to blame.18:35
leoquantcould i close it via ufw for instance?18:35
ibuclawthe job of the router is to drop packets, so nothing can connect to your network / internal machines unless you tell it to.18:36
ibuclawleoquant, it won't make a difference.18:36
leoquanti'll take a look in my "box"18:36
pedro3005hello ibuclaw18:39
leoquantibuclaw i set/reset it (router/modem) to its default values, new pass 0 open ports. thx18:45
leoquant(new modem pass)18:45
leoquanthave a nice evening/day all18:48
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
_CommandeR_ nice20:49
_CommandeR_lucid 10.4 and eveything works smoothly with all my new boot screen aswell :P20:49
swoody_CommandeR_: very good to hear :)20:49
_CommandeR_this is my new bootscreen =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-4xTkN1_RQ20:49
_CommandeR_not my video bot same working bootscreen and it is awesome :P20:50
swoody_CommandeR_: that's wicked cool :D20:50
_CommandeR_better than standard lucid one, ugh the pink was driving me mad20:51
hobgoblinyou need to sort your eyes out :D20:51
_CommandeR_pink is not my thing :P20:52
hobgoblin:) /me tries out space-sunrise ...20:52
_CommandeR_you need plymouth20:52
_CommandeR_gonna post a short guide on how to get it to work in lucid on the forums.20:53
_CommandeR_the script needs a few "tweaks"20:53
hobgoblinI have that - currently boots with solar20:53
_CommandeR_the space-sunrise need a few fixes.20:54
_CommandeR_need to give it a timer and edit some plymouth to make it play the sequence.20:54
_CommandeR_if you have encrypted drive you dont need to do it :P20:54
hobgoblinI likely not bother then - it is never there long enough to worry about much :)20:54
_CommandeR_ubuntu seems to have an odd implementation of plymouth20:54
hobgoblinbut looks pretty good :)20:55
_CommandeR_it not mutch of work to get it to work really, and it works on my core 2 intel 1.7Ghz and 965 intel20:55
_CommandeR_but I am really awsomed of few tweaks done to the nautilus :P20:56
hobgoblinwhich ones?20:58
_CommandeR_1 sec upploading screen :P20:59
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
_CommandeR_see the awesome nautilus :P21:00
_CommandeR_and google :21:01
hobgoblinmine doesn;t look like that21:04
hobgoblinperhaps it's the /home21:05
_CommandeR_no whole natilus is that for me, it is "modded"21:05
_CommandeR_few things from gnome-look21:06
_CommandeR_install that then scrool down to post 8 and download the thems then you can edit it some for your own look and feel21:08
hobgoblinwell I'm off cya21:09
Phreacan one update the list of hardware drivers in the hardware driver screen?22:50
Phreanot sure how it's called in english, we use Ubu in Dutch22:50
Phreathere never seem to be updated drivers in that screen22:50
Phreamy gf uses an ATI card, and I KNOW for a fact that the installed drivers are older than the current supported drivers22:51

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