
rickspencer3Hi TheMuso, nice break in the weather, huh?00:57
rickspencer3I guess since it's warming up here it must be cooling down for you00:57
TheMusorickspencer3: Indeed, and I am looking forward to it.01:00
TheMusoThere is nothign better than a cool fresh morning for exercise.01:00
rickspencer3because it cools down for you to what i heats up to for us in Seattle01:00
rickspencer3 ;)01:00
rickspencer3break time for me01:02
RAOFI'm looking forward to some properly cold winter.01:02
rickspencer3be back later for some hacking01:02
RAOFFrost and such.01:02
TheMusoRAOF: Yeah that is nice. When I lived on the mountains, winter quite often like that.01:03
TheMusoSometimes the temperature in a day didn't get above 5 degrees.01:03
RAOFIt makes hot showers that much more satisfying!01:04
TheMusoRAOF: yeah that too.01:13
TheMusobryceh, RAOF, we can now reinstate nouveau package as a dep of xorg for powerpc. The kernel has the drm module, and users say it works, and there is room on the disks.01:23
brycehTheMuso, nice01:29
pittiGood morning07:34
seb128hey desktopers07:50
pittibonjour seb12807:50
pittibonjour baptistemm07:50
pittihey czajkowski07:50
seb128guten tag piti07:51
seb128pitti even07:51
seb128session restart brb07:51
czajkowskiara: do you know of a bug that has been logged where the rows for your other desktops are now in a column all squsihed up in your bottom panel ?07:52
seb128pitti, I've an appointement in half an hour so don't worry if I'm not around until 10:3007:53
araczajkowski, no07:53
pittiseb128: and I was just going to get the whip out to make you fix bugs even faster!07:53
* pitti hugs seb12807:53
* seb128 hugs pitti07:53
seb128pitti, can I recommend using the whip on robert_ancell while I'm not there? ;-)07:54
pittioh, hey robert_ancell, how are you?07:54
seb128robert_ancell, sorry could not resist seeing you are still around :p07:54
seb128robert_ancell, hey btw ;-)07:54
seb128how are you?07:54
* ccheney should probably go to bed, so he can be up in the morning, heh07:55
robert_ancellloosing my mind trying to track down this gdm bug...07:57
pitticcheney: sleep well!07:58
pittiseb128: phew, lucid retracers are finally tame07:58
seb128pitti, nice!07:59
seb128ok, I've to run07:59
seb128be back in 1.5h07:59
* ccheney has OOo ready except for waiting on ARM patch from NCommander and finishing the oracle copyright L10n stuff08:01
didrocksgood morning08:12
pittihey didrocks, how are you?08:22
pittirobert_ancell: does the design team actually know about reviewing simple-scan? (it's one of the three last WIs for lucid)08:25
didrockspitti: I'm good, thanks. Trying to enjoy some nice walk in the early morning :)08:25
didrockspitti: and you?08:25
pittirobert_ancell: but since it's quite independent from the release cycle, I'm also happy to postpone it08:25
pittididrocks: oh, yay for fresh air :) I'm great, thanks08:25
* didrocks just killed the first troll of the day in the ubuntu-fr forum. Can work now :)08:28
baptistemmhi pitti, seb128, didrocks robert_ancell & others :)08:29
didrockshey baptistemm, how are you?08:29
robert_ancellpitti, I'd just postpone/cancel it.  I asked Ivanka/Ayatana a while ago but they didn't seem interested/had time08:30
robert_ancell(in anycase it is too late for any UI changes)08:30
baptistemmwell, I motivated to improve the bluetooth stack for ubuntu08:30
baptistemmbut my day-to-day job is deceiving me in some parts08:30
pittirobert_ancell: ack08:34
didrocksbaptistemm: what do you work on at orange?08:37
baptistemmdidrocks, on the applicative side of the system, I do my best to integrate applications from developpers08:43
didrocksbaptistemm: oh, I know someone who is doing the same for sfr :)08:44
baptistemmI manage the servers which provide the answers from the search engine08:44
baptistemmmind the wornderful url :/08:45
didrocksbaptistemm: do you have a lot of requests in those internal search engine? I always wonders if people are using this…08:45
baptistemmlot of orange.fr subcribers I guess08:46
chrisccoulson_good morning everyone10:02
pittihey chrisccoulson_10:03
chrisccoulson_hey pitti, how are you?10:03
didrockshey chrisccoulson_10:05
chrisccoulson_hey didrocks_10:05
didrocksNo, I'm not a pointer :p10:06
chrisccoulson_you're a pointer to an array ;)10:06
chrisccoulson_how are you anyway?10:06
chrisccoulson_does anyone want to update epiphany to 2.30?10:09
chrisccoulson_hey seb128, how are you?10:10
didrockschrisccoulson_: I'm fine, thanks, you? ;)10:10
seb128why doctors always have to be late10:11
seb128hey chrisccoulson_, didrocks10:11
seb128chrisccoulson_, I'm good thanks10:11
didrockshey seb12810:11
seb128epiphany -> can't we sync from debian?10:11
chrisccoulson_didrocks - yeah, good thanks. it's nice and sunny outside today :)10:11
chrisccoulson_seb128 - we can, would you be able to do that?10:11
chrisccoulson_(we won't be able to sync once i've changed the search URL though :( )10:12
seb128I can do that but if you have a change to do just take the debian version do it and upload10:12
chrisccoulson_heh, yeah, that would make more sense actually ;)10:12
* chrisccoulson_ needs more coffee10:12
didrocksit seems that seb128 has some keyword, like "coffee", "lunch" which makes him react :)10:14
seb128didrocks, you know me!10:14
seb128didrocks, I see that now that you are done with the trial period you start showing less respect to people there :p10:16
didrocksoh! nothing related :p10:16
james_whello desktop team10:17
RAOFHell, bzr hero.10:18
seb128hey james_w10:18
seb128how are you?10:18
didrockshey james_w10:18
chrisccoulson_hey james_w10:18
chrisccoulson_hey RAOF10:18
seb128RAOF, hey, did you have a fix for f-spot export to directory crashing?10:18
james_wseb128: good thanks, you?10:18
seb128RAOF, did you get that in lucid?10:18
seb128james_w, I'm good thanks10:18
RAOFseb128: Yes, and yes.10:18
seb128RAOF, ok, I read a similar bug report yesterday so I was wondering10:19
seb128it's probably a different issue10:19
RAOFIt might be the same one; I only uploaded today.10:19
seb128oh ok10:19
seb128I didn't read emails from the night yet10:19
RAOFWhy does git suck so hard?!@10:19
chrisccoulson_hmmm, i've got no idea where epiphany is getting it's default search URL from :-/10:24
seb128you can ask on irc.gnome.org #epiphany10:26
seb128they are nicely and reply to questions usually10:26
chrisccoulson_seb128 - thanks, i will try on there10:27
seb128TheMuso, hey, do you know if there is any reason why onboard entries are not masked by default in lucid?10:37
seb128tseliot, hi10:47
tseliothi seb12810:47
seb128tseliot, bug #553200 seems an annoying one10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553200 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "Mouse and keyboard stop working after selecting user" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55320010:47
tseliotlet me check10:47
seb128tseliot, not sure if it's a known issue?10:47
tseliotseb128: to be honest, I'm not really sure about what's happening. I can ask Nvidia10:51
seb128tseliot, ok, I just wanted to make sure you know about it since it seems to affect quite some users10:52
seb128tseliot, if you could ask for some details on the bug if extra infos would be useful or ask nvidia that would be nice10:53
seb128tseliot, just at least to let those users know that somebody is looking at the issue10:53
tseliotseb128: thanks for bringing this to my attention. I think the nvidia-bug-report.log that one user attached should be enough but I'll let you know if upstream needs something more10:54
seb128tseliot, thanks!10:54
tseliotand of course I'll deal with this bug report too ;)10:54
seb128thanks ;-)10:54
chrisccoulsonfantastic, Xorg crashes when i switched to the guest session10:55
tseliotchrisccoulson: with what driver?10:55
chrisccoulsontseliot, intel10:56
tseliotdid you get a backtrace in the log?10:57
* hyperair wonders what happened to the flying toasters screensaver from ages back10:57
chrisccoulsontseliot - there's no trace, but there is this:10:57
chrisccoulsonFailed to submit batchbuffer: Bad file descriptor10:57
hyperairoh nevermind, it's still around10:57
andreasnmpt, are you looking for more bluetooth stories?10:58
tseliotchrisccoulson: I think "Failed to submit batchbuffer" is a known issue10:59
mptandreasn, sure, reply to ayatana@ or the OMG Ubuntu discussion or the Ubuntu Forums thread, whichever's most convenient11:00
andreasnall right11:00
baptistemmandreasn, what is you problem with blueooth?11:00
andreasnbaptistemm, none at all. It works great11:01
chrisccoulsontseliot, yeah, i think i recall that too11:01
andreasnbaptistemm, but mpt wanted feedback on what bluetooth devices people use and how they use the bluetooth panel menu11:01
* tseliot nods11:01
andreasnbaptistemm, so I thought I might as well provide some data11:01
baptistemmI be interested to have a set of reliable  people with various bluetooth devices that could give me feedback for each bluetooth upgrade11:02
baptistemmI just own a phone and a audio gateway, so It's hard to test11:03
andreasnI own a phone, a headset and a wacom tablet11:03
baptistemmandreasn, what version are you running?11:05
baptistemmof ubuntu I meant11:06
andreasnof ubuntu? the current stable one. The Koala?11:06
seb128baptistemm, I can do bluetooth testing too11:06
seb128I've some devices11:06
andreasnbaptistemm, I would be more than happy to help you out11:08
baptistemmhmm, my X seesion crashed, nice11:13
baptistemmI guess something in the nvidia driver went wrong11:14
baptistemmseb128, okay I'll ping next time to provide feedback :)11:14
TheMusoseb128: No I don't, other than someone requested that they be shown. I would have to check the changelogs/bugs to be sure.11:16
baptistemmis Steve Kowalik comes here? he is administrator of ~bluetooth but seems he didn't response to membership approval request11:18
chrisccoulsonok, i'm officially confused about where epiphany is getting it's search URL from :-/11:24
chrisccoulsonasac - any ideas?11:24
seb128TheMuso, it's adding a category do you think we should keep those or comment them back as there were?11:30
baptistemmchrisccoulson, If I refer to an old epi bug, I would say embed/ephy-web-view.c11:31
baptistemmchrisccoulson, effective_url = g_strdup_printf (_("http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"), url);11:32
baptistemmchrisccoulson, http://git.gnome.org/browse/epiphany/tree/embed/ephy-web-view.c#n203111:32
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm, thanks. the bit that confuses me is the URL ends up with a load of extra fields, and i don't know where they come from11:33
chrisccoulsoneg, client=safari11:33
baptistemmchrisccoulson, ah it can be set in gconf too, there is a "url_search = eel_gconf_get_string (CONF_URL_SEARCH);"11:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm wondering if i can override it11:35
chrisccoulsonone second11:35
TheMusoseb128: I think we need to have all a11y tools behaving the same in terms of visibility of icons in the menu. I'll have a look tomorrow, and change it if there wasn't a good reason given somewhere as to why they are visible.11:35
seb128TheMuso, ok thanks11:35
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm - ok, overriding it in gconf works. i'd still like to try and figure out where it's getting client=safari from though11:36
seb128you might want to follow up in #epiphany about that too11:37
seb128though some of the main hackers are not online right now11:37
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i tried asking in there11:37
seb128if it's only a gconf key to set we might want to set it in a different source11:38
seb128ie ubuntu-artwork11:38
seb128so we can keep epiphany-webkit in sync11:38
seb128I think that's what we do now for the default webpage11:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly. i don't mind11:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - am i ok to just go ahead and upload ubuntu-artwork with the change? (i just checked, and we are setting the default homepage there too)11:44
seb128I think it's maintained by the artwork team in bzr so maybe let them know that you uploaded if you don't have write access there but yeah you can upload otherwise11:45
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, i need to change epiphany anyway, as there is a bookmark URL in default-bookmarks.rdf that i need to change too11:50
seb128chrisccoulson, ok11:53
seb128ara, hey, I commented on your wikipage now11:55
araseb128, thanks!11:56
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
vishseb128: hi.. could you do an update for humanity?  lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release12:01
seb128vish, hi, ok, will do12:02
vishseb128: thanks...12:02
vishhopefully the last, if the design team doesnt change their minds again ;p12:02
seb128you're welcome12:02
seb128didrocks, still editing the wiki? your lock expired12:14
seb128didrocks, ie can I do my changes now?12:14
didrocksseb128: sorry, I didn't release it, you can do your changes12:14
didrocksseb128: I was thinking I had the time to finish it, but of course, had been sidetrack ;)12:15
seb128didrocks, I copied my changes so you can edit it again if needed ;-)12:17
didrocksseb128: thanks :)12:17
seb128you're welcome12:17
seb128pitti, there? I would like to discuss updated your libproxy version12:18
seb128pitti, it's quite a late change and the update is non trivial but the version we have is year old, buggy and not used by lot of components12:18
pittihi seb12812:44
pittiseb128: (sorry, knee-deep in CD troubles)12:44
pittiseb128: "my" libproxy version?12:44
pittiseb128: in fact, it seems that the only rdepends is libsoup-gnome2.4-1?12:45
seb128pitti, our12:45
seb128pitti, right12:45
pittithis is used by a lot of packages, though12:45
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
seb128pitti, well lot of those don't use a soup_proxy though12:50
seb128pitti, and the new libproxy is in debian testing and fedora12:50
seb128pitti, upstream consider the lucid one so outdated and buggy that it can't be used12:50
pittiseb128: do we need it for somethign in particular?12:50
seb128pitti, telepathy crashes with ours, gwibber doesn't work12:51
pittithat seems like a good reason12:51
seb128pitti, telepathy-butterfly crashes when trying to use proxies with our version12:51
seb128and gwibber just don't work with proxy right now in lucid because it requires a newer version12:51
pittiseb128: do we have bugs about it? i. e. people we can ask to test a new version in lucid?12:52
pittiseb128: it seems okay to me to upgrade12:52
seb128pitti, not really, we don't turn those options on due to this12:52
seb128pitti, should I do the update in the ubuntu-desktop ppa?12:52
seb128we can ask during the meeting today to have everybody to install the update12:52
seb128and upload to lucid tomorrow if nothing breaks?12:53
pittiseb128: does it change ABI/API?12:53
pittiseb128: I think upload it right away then12:53
seb128ok thanks12:53
pittiseb128: and perhaps put proxy-enabled telepathy/gwibber into desktop PPA and ask folks to test?12:53
seb128seems a good plan, will do that12:54
seb128I want to get the lib updated at least12:54
seb128will make easier to have things built on lucid which all proxy use12:54
seb128even if those changes don't land in lucid12:54
seb128it will make backports easier12:54
seb128we will just have to backport softwares12:54
seb128not system libraries12:54
seb128pitti, thanks12:55
stazseb128: the problem is that it doesn't crash when it try to use proxy, it crash immediatly when trying to connect if python-libproxy is installed12:56
seb128staz, well, still a good reason to have that fixed no? ;-)12:57
stazan even better reason to get it fixed I would say :)12:57
seb128staz, we just agreed on doing the update so it's all good12:57
seb128staz, right ;-)12:57
baptistemmseb128, papyon update from yesterday fixed the telepathy-butterfly crashing bug at start of empathy12:58
seb128baptistemm, excellent!12:59
seb128baptistemm, thanks for testing12:59
baptistemmyou're welcome12:59
baptistemmnice this bug doesn't bother me anymore :13:00
seb128pitti, you don't know how the default dictionnary is defined by any chance?13:00
pittiseb128: uh, I'm sorry, no13:01
seb128pitti, that's ok, I figured I would ask in case ;-) french installations have english and french listed with english activated there13:02
seb128let's debug13:02
seb128pitti, did you notice bug #559894 btw?13:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559894 in empathy "German spellchecking does not work" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55989413:02
seb128pedro_, hey13:03
pedro_salut seb12813:03
stazbaptistemm: you had the on_error bug?13:05
pittiseb128: hm, I seldomly write German text these days.. I can try13:05
* pitti grabs some lunch first, though13:05
seb128pitti, enjoy!13:06
seb128ok, found the french default dictionnary issue + why French is not in the list13:11
didrocksseb128: sweet! where is it defined? :)13:13
seb128didrocks, ls /usr/share/myspell/dicts13:13
seb128there is no fr_FR13:13
seb128didrocks, it uses the locale and look for a matching dictionnary there13:14
didrocksoh, ok, hence the fact it reverts to default13:14
seb128yes, it doesn't find a matching one13:16
didrocksso, hunspell-fr will get bigger (not sure it's on the CD)13:17
didrocksno, not seeded13:17
didrocksoh, it's just a symlink13:18
seb128didrocks, yes, they are installed in the huspell dir13:18
didrocksgood catch :)13:19
baptistemmstaz, on_error bug ?13:27
andreasnbaptistemm, the wiimote is a bluetooth device as well, right? I have one of those too.13:28
seb128baptistemm, the crash you were having, the stacktrace13:28
baptistemmandreasn, yep it is13:29
james_wseb128: have a problem with me uploading this gnome-settings-daemon CRTC fix?13:29
baptistemmandreasn, but I doubt you can do something useful with it :)13:29
andreasnbaptistemm, there is a library to use it I think, I was able to use it as a remote control13:30
seb128james_w, no, quite the contrary, it's on my "list of things to look at before lucid" but the said list is a busy one so I welcome those who help there ;-)13:30
seb128james_w, thanks!13:30
baptistemmandreasn, ah nice13:30
james_wseb128: well, I'm just building to test it, so I'm happy to take care of it. I'm also subscribed to bugs so I'll look out for regression reports.13:31
seb128james_w, excellent, thank you13:31
james_wseb128: has he sent it upstream do you know?13:32
stazbaptistemm: your butterfly bug13:32
james_wah, yes, but no review yet13:33
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you mind processing another removal for me please? (bug 562263)13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562263 in videolink "Please remove videolink source and binaries from Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56226313:57
pittichrisccoulson: should I blacklist it, or should we wait on Debian to get it fixed (and thus synced into maverick) or removed? (I'd recommend the latter for now)14:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'd probably go for blacklisting it actually, as it's likely to be difficult to maintain in stable releases anyway14:01
pittichrisccoulson: ok, will do; can't remove packages right now, some other archive admin is currently running lp-remove-package.py14:02
pittipresumably Riddell14:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, no worries. thanks14:02
pittichrisccoulson: done14:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks14:19
rickspencer3that's a nice thing to see when first joining the channel in the morning ;)14:22
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer314:23
rickspencer3good morning chrisccoulson14:23
didrockshey rickspencer314:23
rickspencer3hi didrocks14:23
rickspencer3hey! robert_ancell fixed bug #532531 ?14:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532531 in gdm "No way to come back if fast user switcher is activated accidentally" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53253114:24
didrocksoh it's fixed? last time he told it was driving him mad14:25
seb128hey rickspencer314:26
rickspencer3hi seb12814:26
* rickspencer3 cheers for robert_ancell14:26
seb128didrocks, he apparently defeated it though ;-)14:26
seb128robert_ancell rocks14:27
seb128when do we get it back? around UDS?14:27
seb128it -> him14:27
seb128doh ;-)14:27
didrocksthat really rocks :)14:27
rickspencer3seb128, yes, for UDS14:28
pittihey rickspencer314:28
rickspencer3good afternoon pitti14:28
pittirickspencer3, seb128: You'll kill me in a second, but I'm afraid I can't attend the meeting today :-(14:28
seb128pitti, why should I be angry at not having our tech lead cracking the whip on us? ;-)14:29
rickspencer3pitti, what happened? working for OEM Services already?14:29
* seb128 still needs to collect blueprints people registered before meeting, just though about that now14:30
pittirickspencer3: no, family desperately wanting to see us again before my wife moves to Munich and I disappear for three weeks (Munich/Belgium)14:30
rickspencer3pitti, that sounds good14:30
pittirickspencer3: I'll update DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus by the meeting; do you need anything else from me?14:30
pittirickspencer3: I didn't prepare a BP list, since I won't be in the desktop team anyway14:31
rickspencer3pitti, no, you should enjoy your family time while you have the chance14:31
rickspencer3pitti, right, no blueprints from pitti14:31
rickspencer3pitti,  I was thinking about the work item tracker though14:31
* pitti untargets desktop-maverick-getting-rid-of-gnome then14:31
rickspencer3do we need to hand that off for Lucid?14:31
rickspencer3I mean maverick14:31
rickspencer3* pitti untargets desktop-maverick-getting-rid-of-gnome then14:31
pittirickspencer3: I'm fine with keeping an eye on it14:31
rickspencer3thanks pitti, I was hoping you would say that14:32
pittirickspencer3: the bulk of the work was done during lucid14:32
pittinow it's just guiding people to set it up, etc.14:32
rickspencer3pitti, but I'm a manager, of course I'll ask you for 1,000 "easy" changes14:32
rickspencer3and then ask why you didn't your normal work done later14:32
pittirickspencer3: I'll just have to convince Pat that they won't get ANYTHING done in OEM unless/until they start using the WI tracker14:33
rickspencer3and then say "you should have worked smarter, not harder"14:33
pittiok, udev upload take 2938432; /me crosses fingers that people stop complaining about broken CD handling now14:36
rickspencer3kenvandine, hi14:39
rickspencer3chad seemed pretty confident he had tackled the worst of those desktopcouch crashers14:39
rickspencer3what do you think?14:39
rickspencer3seb128, this crash: python2.6 crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_text_layout_get_line_display()14:40
rickspencer3probably shouldn't put the bug report in the Python package but rather some gtk package, right?14:40
seb128rickspencer3, it's likely an app, pygtk or gtk bug yes14:41
seb128hard to say without a testcase or a valgrind log14:41
rickspencer3seb128, well, one of my apps crashed14:41
seb128pygtk tend to not be very pythonish and not raise exception as it should but crash on wrong use14:41
rickspencer3shall I not log the bug and see if it happens again?14:41
seb128rickspencer3, log the bug in any case, I'm just saying that it's hard to know exactly where is the issue for those bugs from a stacktrace though, still a bug ;-)14:42
seb128rickspencer3, select pygtk to file it, it's a good default14:42
seb128rickspencer3, then we can try to figure if it's really pygtk to blame14:42
kenvandinerickspencer3, did you test his package?15:02
rickspencer3kenvandine, no15:02
rickspencer3I didn't have time, and it looked like a lot of feedback15:03
kenvandinerickspencer3, i hadn't been able to reproduce any of those crashers, so i am not a good test case15:03
rickspencer3and then I read chad's email15:03
rickspencer3it looked like he was planning to land two changes in Lucid last night15:03
kenvandinehe didn't yet, but i hope today15:05
kenvandinehey seb128, how would you feel about bumping libproxy to 0.4.0?15:41
seb128kenvandine, not sure, they changed the soname and they claim they didn't break abi so I don't understand why15:41
kenvandineupstream recommended that, and i think that is what is needed to use proxies with https15:41
seb128I've commented on the launchpad wishlist about that15:41
kenvandineyeah, i asked that question and they didn't really answer it15:41
seb128well I don't think we should take a soname change before lucid now if we don't know why they did it15:42
kenvandinei am pretty sure proxies on https doesn't work in 0.3.115:42
kenvandinei'll try to get more info15:42
seb128upstream often recommends to take the newest crack, it doesn't mean that's the best choice for us ;-)15:42
kenvandineagreed :)15:42
seb128you are welcome to do the 0.4 upgrade in a ppa for example to get it tested15:42
kenvandinejust they said that is what we needed for proxies over https, which many people use15:43
seb128and if you try to figure why they changed the soname if they didn't break abi that would be nice15:43
kenvandineseb128, ok, he bumped soname because px_proxy_factory_get_proxies() can now return NULL15:50
seb128that doesn't seem to be an ABI change...15:50
kenvandineyeah, he was unsure so bumped it just in case15:51
seb128can you do the new version update and test it?15:51
seb128it's less of a change now that we have 0.3.1 ;-)15:51
kenvandinehehe... sure15:51
seb128I'm busy with other things now, I need to do artwork sponsoring then I've a call and need to prepare for the meeting and register some blueprints15:52
kenvandineregister? i thought we just needed a list today?15:52
seb128right, either list some on the wiki or create blueprints on launchpad15:52
seb128it's just that I need to think about those I want to work on + review those from other people since I said I would collect those ;-)15:53
kenvandineseb128, ok :)15:54
seb128hey Nafai16:03
didrocksgood morning Nafai, how are you?16:05
Nafaipretty good, just remembering about the blueprint list due today. :)16:07
* rickspencer3 whip cracking noises16:08
rickspencer3Nafai how's the BT indicator bug going?16:11
* rickspencer3 breakfast16:12
NafaiI'm pretty darn close, last night I got some debug logging going that has narrowed things down considerably and so now I have just a couple of code paths to look at16:13
seb128ok, done with testing and sessions restart16:19
Nafaibrb, rebooting into new kernel16:20
NafaiIt takes longer to start all of my applications than it does to reboot and log into Gnome now :)16:27
chrisccoulsonis rebooting fast for people then? i find starting up is quick, but shutting down is horrendously slow at the moment16:27
pittichrisccoulson: depends for me; sometimes the desktop hangs for some 20 seconds before it finally shuts down16:36
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm seeing that, but i often see plymouth for some 2 minutes during shutdown16:36
chrisccoulsonis /tmp being cleaned on shutdown?16:36
seb128reboot is okish there16:36
pittichrisccoulson: no, during boot16:37
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i wonder why mine is so slow then16:37
rickspencer3Nafai could you please comment on the BT indicator bug so that folks can see that progress is being made?17:07
Nafaisure, I always forget to do that.  thanks for th reminder17:08
* pitti waves goodbye, see you tomorrow!17:11
seb128pitti, have fun, see you tomorrow!17:12
rickspencer3bye pitti17:17
komputesrickspencer3: is there a meeting?17:30
rickspencer3let's go17:30
* ArneGoetje waves17:31
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, ccheney, didrocks, kenvandine, Nafai, Riddell, seb128, tseliot17:32
rickspencer3meeting time17:32
* tseliot waves17:32
* didrocks waves17:32
rickspencer3ccheney, hi17:32
rickspencer3ready to rock?17:32
didrocksyeah ;)17:33
* kenvandine waves17:33
rickspencer3let's go17:33
rickspencer3no open action from last week17:33
rickspencer3let's do our normal updates, then turn it over to seb128 to lead us through blueprint discussions17:34
rickspencer3kenvandine, partner update?17:34
kenvandineDX is doing a great job of tracking their bugs17:34
chrisccoulsoni nearly missed that17:34
kenvandinelink on the wiki17:34
kenvandinelooking good so far17:34
rickspencer3sorry chrisccoulson17:35
chrisccoulsonheh, that's ok17:35
kenvandineOLS has a bunch of RC bugs we have been tracking, and since last week at least half of them have either have fixes available or are fix released17:35
kenvandinebut the biggest concern from OLS is desktopcouch17:35
kenvandinequite a few crashers still17:36
kenvandinebut chad thinks most/all are fixed now but needs a release17:36
kenvandineso anyone that has a good repro case for a desktopcouch crasher, please ping me17:36
rickspencer3kenvandine, release today?17:36
kenvandinerickspencer3, i think so, looks like there is one more patch being merged17:37
rickspencer3I'd like to do a dist-upgrade and retest tonight on my netbook if possible17:37
kenvandinethat is all i have17:37
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine17:37
* rickspencer3 crosses fingers about desktopcouch17:38
* kenvandine crosses toes too17:38
rickspencer3so I know chad has been working hard on this AND he's been a bit sick :(17:38
rickspencer3moving on Riddell?17:38
Riddell * Beta 2 out the door, no major problems17:38
Riddell * survey shows feedback we've recieved https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Lucid/Feedback/Beta2 majority of people have good experiences, although still plenty of issues out in the real world17:38
Riddell * time to get heads down and crack on with the last few bugs, http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 , 9 milestoned, 2 remaining high priority, all fixable just a matter of no slacking off17:38
rickspencer3Riddell, given that final freeze is in two days ...17:39
rickspencer3do you feel Kubuntu is on track to get the important work done?17:39
rickspencer3by then17:39
Riddellyes I think so, my main concern is bug 556555 but we've had similar issues so I don't forsee it being a big problem17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556555 in ubiquity "oem-config loops indefinitely in Kubuntu OEM installations" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55655517:40
rickspencer3seems Kubuntu is having a really solid release for Lucid17:41
* rickspencer3 knocks wood17:41
Riddellyes I agree, we had some worrying akonadi issues but apachelogger has been working hard on those17:41
rickspencer3I think bryceh is not hear, as he attends Eastern addition17:42
brycehI'm here17:42
rickspencer3hi bryce17:42
rickspencer3I was going to give a heads up about the for 8xx bugs17:42
rickspencer3shall I go ahead?17:42
rickspencer3511001  High       26345  NEW        [i855] Lucid Freeze shortly after X startup (needs KMS blacklist?)17:42
rickspencer3dang it, xchat never copies and pastes right for me17:43
brycehdoes anyone on desktop have 8xx?17:43
rickspencer3528467  High       26808  NEW        [i855] GPU hung (drm i915 intel) on Lucid Lynx Alpha 3 live CD17:43
rickspencer3 541492  High       26345  NEW        MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup (apport-crash) (Should KMS be blacklisted?)17:43
rickspencer3 541511  High       27187  NEW        MASTER: [i855] GPU lockup (apport-crash)17:43
rickspencer3bryceh, please correct me if I am wrong17:43
ArneGoetjebryceh: o/ 855GM17:43
rickspencer3but essentially, some bugs have crept into -intel17:44
rickspencer3the result of which is massive instability on 845 and 855 chips17:44
rickspencer3(well maybe not -intel per se, but the Intel graphics stack)17:44
brycehArne oh yeah...17:44
rickspencer3there is no clear solution in site, so RAOF is going to turn off 3d for these chipsets by default17:44
rickspencer3about 11% (best estimate from fuzzy data) of Intel users have one of these chips17:45
brycehwe're considering turning off kms as well, although we're not sure that'll help much so maybe not17:45
rickspencer3so perhaps 3%-4% of Lucid users will experience a regression17:45
rickspencer3bryceh, is there any action to take?17:46
rickspencer3I was just giving an update as an FYI to team/community17:46
brycehrickspencer3, no, we need to follow through on testing, and if problems still exist consider doing a kms-blacklist + switch to vesa (nuclear option)17:46
ArneGoetjeLucid has been stable so far on my 855GM... upgraded from Karmic though17:46
brycehrickspencer3, yeah that's a good point, these issues affect a subset of the 8xx users, so just some subset of the 3-4% of users17:47
rickspencer3bryceh, well, we'd turn off 3d for all of them, right?17:47
brycehno clue on what that proportion is though.  Somewhere between 1% and 99%17:47
brycehrickspencer3, yeah17:47
rickspencer3we should discuss in Eastern Edition if there is a way we can let them turn it back on17:47
rickspencer3but without RAOF here, there's not too much point in discussing17:48
* bryceh nods17:48
rickspencer3because we'd have to discuss all over again ;)17:48
rickspencer3any questions, or shall we hand it over to seb128 to discuss blueprints?17:48
brycehrickspencer3, in related news, RAOF has patches to do similarly on some older NVIDIA cards with -nouveau17:49
brycehapw is uploading patches as we speak17:49
rickspencer3so kind of a last minute, turn the 3d/KMS faucet off to older cards17:50
* bryceh nods17:50
rickspencer3good idea17:50
rickspencer3thanks bryce17:50
rickspencer3xorg is very well organized and we have a good understanding of the status (as usual)17:50
rickspencer3appreciate your attention to detail17:50
rickspencer3seb128, blueprints?17:50
seb128ok so previous week we asked people in the team to make a list of blueprint they want to work or discuss for maverick17:51
brycehrickspencer3, not well organized enough to have remembered to set up our blueprints :-/17:51
seb128thanks to didrocks who added some on the wiki and launchpad17:51
seb128I've not seen a lot from other people though, looking on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-04-13 and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-m?searchtext=desktop17:51
seb128so let's go through the team following the wiki order and see who has noted some and maybe quickly comment on those if anybody has comments?17:52
seb128(one note, if you register blueprints on launchpad please use the desktop-maverick-specname convention17:52
seb128and set the sprint to "uds-m"17:53
seb128if you want it to be discussed at uds17:53
seb128any comment before we start going through the team?17:53
* kenvandine hears crickets17:53
seb128ok, let's start in wiki order17:54
rickspencer3seb128, are you set up with permissions to accept and decline blueprints?17:54
seb128rickspencer3, any spec you want to work on or discuss at uds?17:54
rickspencer3seb128, sure17:54
seb128rickspencer3, seems I'm not no, we should get that changed!17:54
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to figure out how to get seb128 blueprint rocking permissions17:55
rickspencer3seb128, I put my list here:17:55
rickspencer3and some folks have added to it17:55
kenvandineme too17:55
rickspencer3shall we quickly walk through the list, and whoever has an item can discuss it?17:55
seb128oh, I've seen this page, lot of topic and no names17:55
kenvandineoh... we should add names17:56
brycehoh wow, RAOF already registered all the xorg blueprints.  I guess we are that organized.  Scary.17:56
rickspencer3we'll fix that by logging blueprints, maybe17:56
rickspencer3bryceh, lol17:56
seb128I though people would pick things from the list17:56
rickspencer3shall we just start through it and see how ti goes?17:56
seb128bryceh, yeah, he forgot the -maverick in the name which made me not see those are first glance ;-)17:56
seb128rickspencer3, ok17:56
rickspencer3I'll skip UNE selection, because that is didrocks17:56
rickspencer3Web-based productivity app integration17:57
rickspencer3so I'd like netbook users to be able to dump OOo, and use Zoho in a nicely integrated way17:57
brycehseb128, yeah I noticed that17:57
rickspencer3the Arm guys did something like this, so we can probably snatch their way of doing it17:57
seb128hum, quick question17:57
didrocks(interesting trolls… mmm, discussion, in perspective :))17:57
seb128will we have different tracks for desktop and une at UDS?17:57
rickspencer3bryceh, seb128 if you want to, give me a list of those blueprints, and I can adjust the titles17:57
rickspencer3seb128, good question17:58
seb128just to have an idea on the number of session we can reasonably get on schedule17:58
rickspencer3and the answer is "not really"17:58
rickspencer3so we'll have 2 rooms for all of our sessions17:58
rickspencer3we'll have to plan carefully!17:58
rickspencer3seb128, is that okay?17:58
rickspencer3we can always get more rooms, the other tracks usually don't fill their's17:59
rickspencer3seb128, shall I continue, do you have questions about the Zoho thing?17:59
seb128I'm just trying to get an idea of what is a reasonable number of topic we can schedule for UDS17:59
rickspencer3btw, I am thinking of this as an option, not a default17:59
seb128rickspencer3, please continue17:59
seb128the zoho one seems a good UDS session topic17:59
rickspencer3I put down: Skype integration for Empathy?17:59
rickspencer3there is a lot of requests for this, and some things have changed (skype API being hackable now and such)18:00
rickspencer3and the Colabora guys should be there for a couple of day18:00
rickspencer3not sure this is worth a session though18:00
seb128I feel it's rather a question of "somebody need to do it" rather than something to discuss18:00
rickspencer3seb128, fair enough18:00
rickspencer3I'll log a blueprint, but we don't have to schedule a session18:01
kenvandineyeah, and see how they feel about it18:01
rickspencer3I definately don't want the desktop team on the hook for this, though18:01
Nafaihow long are sessions?18:01
rickspencer3Nafai typicall 1 hour, though can be 218:01
rickspencer3this is why preperation before hand is important18:02
* Nafai nods18:02
rickspencer3seb128, thoughts on Nafai's question?18:02
seb128rickspencer3, right, it would probably require quite some hacking and we don't do much code writing usually, doesn't seem a priority either18:02
seb128a bit less than 1 hour18:02
seb128ie 1 hour is a slot for session and wrapping up going to the next one18:02
seb128we can reschedule a session during the week on a topic if required18:03
rickspencer3Touch is going to be a big topic18:03
rickspencer3design and dx will have some sessions on this I think18:03
rickspencer3but we should probably have 1 or 2 as well18:03
rickspencer3"Mobility" is a tough one18:03
rickspencer3this is about making Ubuntu be more tuned for the UNE scenarios18:04
rickspencer3but the engineering seems deep18:04
stazoff topic, but I have a "Lucid installation CD  freeze my whole computer when booting and Lucid still freeze when booting after having installed it via the alternate CD and I have to use the rescue mode" bug, which component should I report that on, and which info should I provide?18:04
rickspencer3and the trade off tough18:04
seb128(sorry phone rang)18:05
rickspencer3kernel team is planning to do some power work though18:05
seb128staz, try #ubuntu-bug18:05
didrocksrickspencer3: I had a look at the 3G stack and geolocalisation as we discussed it at last UDS. Doesn't seem to have evolved a lot unfortunately on that side18:05
seb128rickspencer3, touch seems almost something which would deserve an entire track and team ;-)18:05
rickspencer3seb128, hmm18:05
rickspencer3good point18:05
rickspencer3I will coordinate that with OEM services, dx, and design18:06
stazseb128: thanks18:06
seb128I think if we want to work on this topic we should not do it a side project for one team member18:06
rickspencer3I think RAOF may bear the brunt of Touch for our team (xorg input)18:06
seb128but rather have a team focus on the area18:06
rickspencer3the next one is a HUGE issue that I am very passionate about18:06
seb128(as we did for boot speed this cycle for example)18:06
rickspencer3seb128, agreed re side topic18:07
rickspencer3Delivering Applications to a stable release18:07
rickspencer3this is a biggy18:07
rickspencer3I want to see a stream of fresh apps land in a stable release18:07
rickspencer3this will involve:18:07
rickspencer31. launchpad18:07
rickspencer32. software center18:07
rickspencer33. policy!18:07
rickspencer34. tools for folks to ack new apps and such18:08
rickspencer3so community team will need sessions here too18:08
james_wrickspencer3: have you spoken to jib about this one?18:08
Nafairickspencer3: as in, getting fresh apps in an existing stable release, or help improve this for upcoming stable releases?18:08
seb128what do you call "applications" there?18:08
rickspencer3seb128, we need to define that18:08
seb128like new pidgin versions for lucid?18:08
rickspencer3well, maybe18:09
rickspencer3I don't know18:09
rickspencer3I was thinking more like little apps that folks make18:09
rickspencer3make them discoverable in the software center18:09
rickspencer3after someone has looked them over to make sure that they aren't malware18:09
rickspencer3or inadvertantly dangerous18:09
Nafairickspencer3: a search of "approved" PPAs?18:09
seb128oh, ok, different topic than the one I was envisioning18:09
didrocksmaybe we really should advertise this one to have community joining by IRC and really having a lot of people involved. Telling clearly "this is something big coming, we need you" (particularly for the acceptance policy)18:09
rickspencer3Nafai similar to that, yes18:09
rickspencer3didrocks, yes18:10
seb128seems a good topic for UDS discussion18:10
rickspencer3the community team is quite dialed into this18:10
rickspencer3it's quite a huge change18:10
rickspencer3essentially, a 6 month cycle was quite fast 5 years ago18:10
Nafaiand definitely goes along with the developer focus, and the opportunistic development stuff18:10
seb128I'm not convinced that users really want that rather than update for their favorites apps in stable versions18:10
rickspencer3but users expect fresh content faster now18:10
rickspencer3seb128, they want that too18:10
seb128I see lot of requests for new <desktop software> in stable18:10
rickspencer3seb128, shall we discuss that?18:11
komputesrickspencer3: If I understand correctly, this initiative will close many "needs packaging" bugs?18:11
rickspencer3because what I am referring to is different18:11
seb128well your call18:11
rickspencer3the person who makes the app will be on the hook for maintaining18:11
rickspencer3just like if it's in a PPA18:11
seb128we can discuss both if you want but it seems a bit too much for one cycle18:11
seb128so maybe better to focus on yours for maverick there?18:11
* tseliot likes the idea18:12
seb128we can discuss updating applications we ship in stable versions next cycle (there is already getdeb and backport somewhat for that)18:12
rickspencer3seb128, let's take the "new versions of apps in main on a stable release" discussion off line18:12
rickspencer3I think it's a good idea, but I need to think about the ramifications18:12
rickspencer3I guess we would make them available, not push them18:12
seb128it's non trivial topic indeed18:12
seb128but let's discuss that offline as you said18:13
seb128yours is a good one for UDS18:13
chrisccoulsoncouldn't we just make -backports a bit more active?18:13
rickspencer3I want to keep running through my list quickly becuase other people have lists too that are at least as important18:13
rickspencer3speaking of quickly18:13
seb128chrisccoulson, backport only build versions from newest ubuntu18:13
komputesI'm with seb128 on users wanting "update for their favorites apps in stable versions". I like the idea of simplifying that process, although PPAs kind of do that already.18:13
rickspencer3so, I want to make app develop even a bit more "backed into the desktop"18:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - but, wouldn't these new apps also be in the newest ubuntu?18:14
seb128I can see didrocks looking carefully at IRC now ;-)18:14
Nafaiyay for quickly.  This is one I'll want to contribute to18:14
didrocks(that rings a bell to me) :)18:14
rickspencer3I think ground control really pointed the way to some interesting ways to do that18:14
rickspencer3also, I'd like to discuss moving some of *our* apps to quickly if possible18:14
seb128chrisccoulson, we often have packaging changes or new build options used, etc that we wouldn't want for a stable update backport18:14
seb128chrisccoulson, let's discuss that after meeting if you want18:15
rickspencer3Quidgets ...18:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem18:15
rickspencer3I'd like to discuss having a blessed pygtk helper library18:15
* rickspencer3 plows ahead18:15
seb128let's not move properly writen code to boilertemplate generated code please18:15
seb128no offense to quickly ;-)18:15
rickspencer3seb128, it wouldn't be the boiler plate18:15
rickspencer3it would be to make sure the packaging and publishing commands can be used for real18:16
seb128but usually writing code is extra efforts but also optimized better18:16
rickspencer3so the changes would be in quickly, not the apps18:16
rickspencer3moving on quickly18:17
rickspencer3image scenario ...18:17
rickspencer3I'd like to make viewing and editing images simple-scan easy18:17
rickspencer3(treat the manage an image library scenarios seperately maybe)18:18
rickspencer3so I'd like to see the "perfect" flow for image stuff, and see if we can implement it18:18
rickspencer3desktop app selection -18:18
rickspencer3lots of user requests for this, we should have the conversation18:18
rickspencer3I'll skip the OneCOnf one, since that wasn't mine, but I like it18:19
rickspencer3next was:18:19
rickspencer3# Overriding defaults at upgrade, even if the user has changed the default and then changed back again.18:19
rickspencer3this is when we don't change to new default, though the user has the default set, because they changed something in the past that wasn't a default18:19
seb128is that the one I mentioned to you?18:20
rickspencer3seb128, yes18:20
rickspencer3next is:18:20
didrocks(+3000 for this one, such headaches) :)18:20
rickspencer3# A great Python API to make programming Telepathy easy and fun.18:20
rickspencer3we are sponsoring someone just for this and Robert McQueen is excited about it18:20
seb128(the one before should rather a "how to deal sanely with user datas changes on upgrade")18:20
rickspencer3basically, I want a quidget like approach18:21
rickspencer3seb128, ok, I like your title better18:21
seb128telepathy easy and fun++18:21
seb128rickspencer3, thanks ;-)18:21
rickspencer3open office18:21
rickspencer3we need to do way more here18:21
rickspencer3I 'd like to see it smaller and faster18:21
seb128I think it's out of the scope of your team manpower though18:22
rickspencer3I'd like to be able to install impress without installing basically all the rest of Ooo18:22
rickspencer3seb128, I think ccheney can make some progress in at least one area18:22
seb128"# can we make it smaller, faster " is out of scope18:22
rickspencer3we should pick something that will add user value and see if we can make progress on it18:22
seb128we might be able to get impress a standalone install18:22
ccheneyimpress can be installed separately to the extent impress is a separate app (it isn't really)18:22
rickspencer3seb128, I'm not convinced, but we should discuss at UDS18:22
rickspencer3ccheney, no, if you install impress you get draw and like 150 megs of other stuff18:23
ccheneyOOo is so intertwined its not easy to not have all of installed and have it also not crash18:23
ccheneydraw and impress are closely related at the design level18:23
rickspencer3yeah, so I;d like Ubuntu to be less passive in terms of the OOo experience18:23
seb128let's take technical discuss for later18:23
* komputes wishes there was an openoffice.org-light18:24
ccheneyoriginally SO was a full desktop replacement app, not just a desktop publishing app18:24
rickspencer3ok, my last one was covered in the OneConf one, so I am done18:24
seb128trying to improve the OOo experience seems a good topic for uds and next cycle18:24
ccheneyit even had its own start menu like windows18:24
seb128rickspencer3, ok, thanks18:24
didrocksrickspencer3: you mean, writing OneConf proposal, I covered your needs? :)18:24
seb128should we go through the rest of the team to know who has topics to add not mentioned yet?18:25
rickspencer3didrocks, yes :)18:25
seb128rickspencer3, ^18:25
rickspencer3seb128, sure18:25
seb128tseliot is first on the list but going back to OEM next cycle so I guess we skip him there?18:26
seb128ArneGoetje, anything you want to work on or add to the list discussed?18:26
ArneGoetjelanguage-selector: add a walk-through configuration wizard18:26
seb128language-selector-improvements seems a good one18:27
seb128any other spec?18:27
ArneGoetjeother than that, I'll have lots of other non-blueprint related work to do18:27
komputesseb128: I spoke to you previously of Bug #324700 - do you think session sound effects would benefit from being discussed at UDS-Maverick (if so I could create a blueprint)18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324700 in gnome-media "gnome-volume-control missing ability to customize session sound effects theme" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32470018:28
seb128ok, fair enough, we can discuss work items and workload later18:28
seb128komputes, discussing the sound experience could be a good topic for UDS yes18:28
seb128ArneGoetje, ok thanks18:28
seb128ccheney, any spec you want to add or work on?18:28
komputesseb128: ok, let's talk it over post-meeting18:29
seb128komputes, ok18:29
ccheneyseb128: i added a general OOo planning blueprint so there will be at least one session we can discuss OOo related things in18:29
ccheneyseb128: its already up on LP18:29
seb128ok, that makes planning + the changes rickspencer3 want us to work on18:29
seb128ccheney, where?18:30
seb128ccheney, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-m?searchtext=desktop doesn't have it18:30
seb128ups it has18:30
seb128anything else?18:30
ccheneynot from me18:30
seb128ccheney, ok, thanks18:30
komputesseb128: my bad - it's already there: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/gnome-media/+spec/sessionsfx18:31
seb128chrisccoulson, any spec you want to add or work on?18:31
seb128chrisccoulson, I guess you will be in the default browser one ;-)18:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet, although i've been discussing mozilla security updates QA this morning. i'm not sure if that will turn in to a spec or not though18:31
seb128ok, thanks18:32
seb128let's move quickly we are over meeting ime18:32
seb128didrocks, I see you added some to the weekly summary you wrote18:32
seb128+ the oneconf one18:32
seb128anything else? or any comment on want to make on those?18:32
didrocksright, the oneconf is described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/10.10/BlueprintList for those who haven't read it18:33
seb128I like it18:33
kenvandinei like it18:33
didrocksthanks :)18:33
seb128seems something which would be nice to have18:33
seb128didrocks, thanks18:33
seb128Riddell, what about you?18:33
Riddellwe've been brainstorming at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/10.10/Brainstorm18:34
Riddelland I've an initial list of specs at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/10.10/Specs18:34
seb128the kubuntu team is well organized as usual ;-)18:34
RiddellI'll get more feedback and get them registered18:34
seb128rickspencer3, when you said the desktop team had 2 rooms before, that was 2 + 1 for kubuntu? or does the kubuntu tracks have to fit the 2?18:35
seb128Riddell, thanks18:35
rickspencer3I think18:35
rickspencer3I forget18:35
seb128let's check that later18:35
rickspencer3ll check with jono18:35
Riddellwe've always been part of the desktop rooms before18:35
seb128kenvandine, specs? ;-)18:35
rickspencer3I don't suspect we'll have an issue with rooms18:35
kenvandineMessaging - Port empathy indicator patch into a telepathy approver18:36
seb128rickspencer3, it's rather how much topic we can get on schedule than a space issue18:36
kenvandinedoesn't need a session, but a blueprint to track the work18:36
seb128kenvandine, does that require discussion.18:36
kenvandinehopefully telepathy is ready for that :)18:36
seb128we will have telepathy guys there18:36
kenvandineand i have a few Social From the Start ones18:36
seb128so we should be able to talk with them about what we need18:36
seb128sounds good18:36
kenvandineExpand the Gwibber API to provide access to social data without talking directly to couchdb18:37
kenvandinemaking it easier for app developers to interact18:37
kenvandinelibgwibber, create a C library for accessing gwibber and then generate bindings for other languages18:37
Nafaikenvandine: Would this be a DBus API or Python API?18:37
kenvandineNafai, ^^18:37
kenvandineand included in that, potentially convert the gtk widgets to C18:37
kenvandineso they are more reusable18:38
kenvandinePhoto browsing of albums shared by friends via the gwibber API18:38
seb128seems a good list!18:38
kenvandineeither in gwibber itself, or ideally in what ever default photo library tool we are shipping18:38
kenvandineyup :)18:38
kenvandinei want to make sfts more useful :)18:38
seb128kenvandine, thanks18:38
kenvandinethat is all i have18:38
seb128ok, pitti is not there and on rotation next cycle18:38
rickspencer3seb128, jono predicts we'll have at least 30 slots total (desktop, UNE, Kubuntu)18:39
rickspencer3but maybe more18:39
seb128I will be busy filling pitti's shoes I guess18:39
seb128rickspencer3, thanks for checking18:39
seb128+ I want to discuss the user settings and how we deal with those on upgrade18:39
seb128+ one about the image, photo experience18:39
seb128and what we want there18:40
seb128(ie need to import or not, what webservices should be integrated, what edition functions we need)18:40
kenvandineand how it relates to sfts :)18:40
seb128+ GNOME318:40
chrisccoulsonsorry, i've been drifting away with other things. there is one thing i wanted to talk about but i don't know if it's outside of the scope of our team, or whether it's a platform issue (and it might already be being talked about)18:41
seb128we will need to see what we will do with upgrades coming next cycle18:41
seb128what tech changes we want to follow18:41
seb128and how we will deal with those changes18:41
seb128that's about it for me18:41
seb128chrisccoulson, yes?18:41
seb128ok, while chrisccoulson is typing18:42
chrisccoulsona lot of gnome things seem to be growing packagekit support now, and we aren't making use of that. are we sticking with aptdaemon for the forseeable, and if so, has anybody thought about writing a wrapper library to allow us to make use of packagekit integration with aptdaemon?18:42
seb128Nafai: do you have any spec you want to work on or add there?18:42
Nafainot really, mainly just additions in detail to things already mentioned, i.e. quickly, etc18:43
seb128chrisccoulson, seems an good one too, maybe check with mvo but I think it's worth a discussion at UDS18:43
seb128Nafai, ok thanks18:43
seb128which makes me think too18:43
chrisccoulsonmy question arises because i wanted to add support to gnome-user-share this cycle for installing components to enable webdav sharing, but other than python-aptdaemon, there is a lack of convenience library for doing that18:43
rickspencer3Nafai, I will work with you to make sure you own certain blueprints ;)18:43
Nafairickspencer3: Sounds good :)18:43
seb128rickspencer3, did you want one about tracker and what we can do with it at uds? is any upstream coming there?18:44
kenvandineand how about zeigeist?18:44
seb128chrisccoulson, right, there is a need for this, we should have something compatible with upstream apis in any case18:44
rickspencer3seb128, well ... seif will be there18:44
kenvandinei think he is coming, is there anything to discuss?18:44
chrisccoulsoni can be involved with tracker discussion too18:44
seb128kenvandine, that too18:44
rickspencer3you ask a good question though18:44
rickspencer3personally, I am interested in developing something in universe or so18:45
chrisccoulsonmbiebl got 0.8.1 in experimental a few days ago18:45
rickspencer3I am skeptical about the whole idea of running these daemons that log stuff and then the payoff you get18:45
seb128chrisccoulson, right, he mailed debian-gtk-gnome about 0.8 transition in unstable18:45
chrisccoulsonyeah, he mentioned that too18:45
seb128rickspencer3, me too, but I know you had a short meeting with upstream guys some weeks ago18:45
chrisccoulsonso, we will have 0.8.x packages ready as soon as maverick opens, and they're already in good shape18:45
seb128rickspencer3, it's probably worth discussing at UDS at least, we can figure then if we take any action item on it18:46
seb128chrisccoulson, good!18:46
rickspencer3if they are there, we should discuss18:46
kenvandineseb128, +118:46
seb128ok, thanks everybody18:46
seb128sorry for overrunning18:46
kenvandinewhew... long meeting :)18:46
seb128rickspencer3, back to you18:46
rickspencer3but I think we can do interesting things on blueprints if they are not there, since I don't see anything happening in main18:46
NafaiPotential rabbit hole, but are we considering updating to the latest evolution in Maverick?18:47
kenvandinei am going to have to drop out in a little bit, the guys working on my floors in our house is going to kick me out when they start staining the floors :)18:47
NafaiI hear it is faster :)18:47
seb128can people add things which are not on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/10.10/BlueprintList there for next week?18:47
seb128and maybe add their name next to the specs they added18:47
seb128rickspencer3, ^ what do you think?18:48
kenvandinei added my name18:48
rickspencer3seb128, sounds good18:49
rickspencer3I think we need to set a deadline for when blueprints are submitted18:49
rickspencer3I'll talk to seb128 offline about that18:49
rickspencer3any other business?18:49
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, go ahead18:50
chrisccoulsonbeta testing will start for firefox 3.6.4 shortly (I think by the end of the week), and we will be putting builds in to the u-m-s PPA for testing. 3.6.4 is scheduled to release around the time of UDS18:50
chrisccoulsonand it has some fairly substantial changes18:50
chrisccoulsoni would appreciate people helping out with testing that18:50
rickspencer3^good example of an app that users would like updated in a stable release, btw18:50
chrisccoulsonand also blogging about it / announcing it on twitter + identi.ca etc18:51
rickspencer3ACTION: everyone try out FF 3.6.4 from the PPA18:51
Nafaichrisccoulson: Sure, just say the word.  Though I'd have to actually use FF :)18:51
didrockschrisccoulson: sure, just ping around once ready :)18:51
chrisccoulsoni will contact everyone in a few days once i've got it in to the PPA18:51
chrisccoulsonthis is the big change in 3.6.4: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Plugins/OOPP_Testing18:52
rickspencer3any other business?18:52
seb128rickspencer3, right, I used pidgin rather than firefox before because we get firefox updates as security updates now ;-)18:52
seb128rickspencer3, not from me18:52
rickspencer3seb128, great job with the blueprints18:52
rickspencer3good luck with that ;)18:52
rickspencer3ok, I guess that's a wrap18:52
seb128rickspencer3, thanks18:53
* rickspencer3 taps gavel18:53
seb128thanks everybody18:53
Nafaion that note18:53
* Nafai lunches18:53
chrisccoulsonthanks :)18:53
didrocksNafai: enjoy :)18:53
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
ccheneyhttp://linuxbook.orbdesigns.com/ch11/images/btlb1116.jpg <- shows example of just how badly SO/OOo used to reimplement everything from internal windows to start menu and even the clock, i'm not sure how different internally OOo is even today, but will try to find a way to reduce impress install deps18:54
kenvandinedpm-afk, all those i18n related issues are fix committed now :)18:54
kenvandinefor gwibber that is18:54
dpm-afkkenvandine, awesome, thanks! Remind me about beers at UDS :)18:55
* ccheney bbl, looking for lunch18:55
komputesseb128: moved sessionsfx to desktop-maverick-session-sound (following the convention)18:58
seb128komputes, thanks19:00
chrisccoulsonoh, i posted the wrong link in the meeting there. i meant to post this one: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Support/OOPP19:04
rickspencer3stepping away for some air19:31
rickspencer3back in a couple of hours19:31
rodrigo_hmm, sun's java is not anymore in the repos for lucid?19:39
jcastrorodrigo_: look in the partner repo19:41
hyperairhmm it got moved to partner eh19:42
Sarvattdon't we need this pm-utils commit? http://cgit.freedesktop.org/pm-utils/commit/?id=e8d0b58a9df080f021d04b4c2d358003974092f3 - I don't see org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Power available20:14
james_wSarvatt: probably20:16
mvochrisccoulson: there is a compat lib for this already https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~glatzor/sessioninstaller/main20:26
seb128mvo, do we use that in lucid?20:27
mvoseb128: no20:27
mvoseb128: it was on the radar, but too much other stuff was in the way20:27
seb128mvo, is it api compatible with what upstream do? ie can we just turn those options on in builds?20:27
mvowell, it implements the dbus api20:28
seb128mvo, do you think it requires UDS discussion or we can just do it next cycle?20:28
mvoI think we should discuss it20:28
seb128ok, good ;-)20:28
mvoone session is enough20:28
seb128mvo, thanks20:29
mvowe need to talk to glatzor about it too20:29
seb128is he coming to uds?20:29
mvono :(20:29
mvoapparently could get the time from work20:29
seb128"couldn't" I guess ;-)20:29
zygamvo: you work too much :-)20:29
mvohey zyga20:30
zygamvo: some patches in software-center _really_ helped responsiveness, great job20:30
zygaall those mainloops in busy places20:30
mvozyga: the latest version? yeah, much better now, still not perfect, but improved20:32
seb128mvo is make of awesome20:32
mvozyga: next cycle we need to look into more agressive threading, but I had some bad experiences with that in computer-janitor :/20:32
mvoseb128: *blush*20:32
* seb128 hugs mvo20:32
* mvo hugs seb12820:32
seb128mvo, be careful about this, it bites back quite often20:33
seb128quite some of our lucid issues are due to it20:33
mvoway to easy to mess up20:33
seb128like libgnome-keyring using cpu in desktopcouch was due to that20:33
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
seb128or gnome-control-center crashing on theme dnd20:33
seb128hard to get it right, lot of libs you can't use as you want + locking issues20:34
mvoseb128: my feeling too, this is why its been avoided so far, but maybe, maybe for some selected stuff, not sure yet20:35
mvoseb128: I heard rumors there might be a gtktreeview replacement in the near future?20:35
chrisccoulsonmvo - oh, that's good to hear something like that exists already20:36
seb128mvo, I didn't but you might be better informed than me ;-)20:37
mvoseb128: haha, then I'm sure its *rumors* only20:37
didrocks"that's what you hear on the street" :)20:38
zygamvo: how about making the backend totally async in another process?20:38
zygamvo: SoftwareCenterService20:38
zygamvo: and the UI just one thread with async dbus data20:38
zygamvo: if you like that I'll make it happen :-)20:38
mvozyga: I like the idea, what I want to know if we can get search-as-you-type (as we currently do) with that. if latency/speed is fine, it will be a good improvment20:39
zygamvo: I think we can do that20:40
zygamvo: if you like I can make a proof-of-concept demo20:40
mvozyga: if you are interessted in building a prototype jut for e.g. appview.py that would be cool20:40
zygamvo: exactly that20:40
zygamvo: I was also thinking about making two data sources20:40
zygamvo: or actually - improving our current database20:40
mvothis is really the only thing that I'm concerned about, that it will slow searches down20:41
didrocksoh, the backend isn't another process? when you close s-c when you install something, it only hides it?20:41
zygamvo: in a way that xapian points to storm-wrapped SQL database20:41
mvodidrocks: oh, that bit is a different process20:41
zygamvo: this could make the data layer _easy_ and fast20:41
james_wSarvatt: is that not in the 1.3.0 we have?20:41
didrocksmvo: apt-daemon?20:41
mvodidrocks: but the searching/db handling is in process (just using gtk)20:42
mvodidrocks: yes20:42
zygamvo: and lessen the current "magic" stuff in xapian that is IMHO not very nice20:42
didrocksoh, I was thinking there was still a s-c bits there, but it's apt-daemon :)20:42
zygamvo: this could also speed up some operations20:43
mvozyga: hm, I'm not sure if adding a sql database make it nicer. but hidding it behind a dbus service so that we can use whatever we want is definitely a win20:43
zygamvo: did you check out c-n-f- trunk?20:43
zygamvo: the new dbus code is super fast20:43
didrockszyga: apt-xapian-index is still quite impressive, no?20:43
mvozyga: I haven't checked c-n-f trunk, no20:43
zygadidrocks: depends on what you mean by that, I find the whole solution 'working but ugly'20:44
zygadidrocks: I don't want to offend anyone though, it's just not layered correctly IMHO20:44
didrockszyga: I don't know how this is binding, but trying it manually one year ago and was impressed by the results20:44
zygadidrocks: manually?20:44
didrockszyga: making some request on apt-xapian20:45
zygadidrocks: is xapian any better than a database with full-text searching?20:45
mvowell, we selected xapian because of the focus on text search and  the integration with debtags20:45
zygadidrocks: I remember that during the last cycle xapian was segvfaulting after each update and it kind of made me dislike it20:46
mvozyga: it is smarter when it comes to ranking, there are some articles about it20:46
didrockswhat mvo told, it's more than text searching as it has the tags knowledge20:46
zygamvo, didrocks: I see20:46
zygamvo: the part I currently hate is...20:46
mvowe currently do not make use of debtags, but that will hopefully change20:46
didrocksmvo: yeah, I saw the FOSDEM talk a while ago and you discussed it there :)20:46
zygawhat are debtags?20:47
mvobut in general I'm very pragmatic about this, having a better abstraction layer is definitly a win20:47
mvozyga: what part do you hate?20:47
zygamvo: (searching)20:47
mvoaha, yeah20:48
mvomaybe, just maybe we need something custom20:48
zygamvo: softwarecenter/db/database.py:70 to 7320:48
zygamvo: magic20:48
mvoit looks like xapian requires a bit of magic20:48
zygamvo: I'd really like a SQL db + xapian as the index20:48
zygamvo: so that it's not really holding all the data as it currently does20:48
mvozyga: a overview on debtags is here http://wiki.debian.org/DebTags its basicly just additional meta-data20:49
mvobut pretty powerful20:50
zygamvo: clear db schema, no magic, easy-to-understand fields20:50
zygamvo: as an additional bonus you can use the same data to make webapps that know about packages20:50
zygamvo: s-c could even become a webapp hybrid20:50
zygawith gtk UI like iTunes currently is20:50
zygamvo: there are numerous advantages of that model20:51
mvoI guess at some point I need to look at iTunes20:51
mvoit gets mentioned pretty often20:51
zygamvo: [do you have a mac?]20:51
mvoI don't have a mac, not even a ipod20:52
zygamvo: itunes on windows is a lesser being, have a look at the mac version one day, apple made some good choices20:52
zygamvo: and some bad ones too20:52
* mvo nods20:52
zygamvo: but they react pretty quickly to user feedback and it's worth reusing some ideas20:52
zygamvo: do you have any other bugs I could help you with?20:53
mvozyga: yes, hold on a sec20:55
zygamvo: (and please tell me about that unauthorized sources patch, if you like it or not)20:56
mvozyga: bug #44184720:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441847 in software-center "software-center crashed with DatabaseCorruptError in __init__() (when the xapian db is corrupted)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44184720:57
zygamvo: ah, the irony :-)20:57
zygaxapian :D20:57
mvozyga: that should be pretty trivial, just call the xapian dbus service and ask it to trebuild20:57
zygalet me check it out :-)20:57
* zyga likes dbus20:58
* mvo too20:58
* zyga would like to rewrite it one day but still likes it20:58
mvobug #449877 is similar20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449877 in software-center "software-center crashed with IndexError in get_xapian_document() during database rebuild" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44987720:58
zygamvo: please assign both to me20:58
zygahopefully this will let me know xapian a little better20:59
zygaand make a proof-of-concept while I'm at it20:59
zygamvo: I stop working at Samsung at the end of the week20:59
mvobug #441847 is the more important one20:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441847 in software-center "software-center crashed with DatabaseCorruptError in __init__() (when the xapian db is corrupted)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44184720:59
mvozyga: so you have plenty of time then? that is excellent!20:59
zygamvo: after that I will need some time to prep my personal stuff and setup a company to work for C20:59
zygamvo: yeah20:59
Nafaiwhoops, my only 4 hours of sleep caught up with me.21:03
NafaiI'm back21:03
* pitti waves21:04
didrockswb pitti and Nafai21:04
NafaiGood thing I worked a bit last night during my insomnia21:04
* chrisccoulson waves back at pitti21:06
pittiHey ... Rick21:06
pittiseb128: how did the meeting go?21:07
seb128pitti, seems I don't have your german efficiency...we overrun which didn't happen for a while I think ;-)21:08
pittiseb128: that was to be expected for BP discussions21:08
* didrocks hugs seb128, the blueprints took a long time21:08
seb128pitti, otherwise it went nicely, we covered all the blueprints mentioned on the wiki + the one listed by team members21:09
Nafaipitti: You'll be glad to know we assigned them all to you21:09
didrocks(I guess it's unavoidable)21:09
pittiseb128: great21:09
seb128pitti, having to say "no blueprint for pitti since he's on rotation next cycle" made us a bit sad though ;-)21:10
* seb128 hugs pitti21:10
pittiNafai: ah, so maverick is the cocktail+beer+gaming cycle for the desktop team? sweet!21:10
pittiit really feels strange21:10
kenvandinesounds fun :)21:10
pittibut let's see how it goes21:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - you're leaving us for next cycle?21:10
pittiafter half a year I'll be happy to come back and do twice as much :)21:10
didrocks+1 on pitti's proposal :)21:10
pittichrisccoulson: yes, I hate GNOME now21:10
seb128pitti, I need blueprint editing rights btw21:10
seb128pitti, who should I ping about that?21:10
chrisccoulsonwho's going to look after udisks and g-d-u now?21:11
pittiseb128: please ping mdz or cjwatson; it's ubuntu-drivers, I think21:11
seb128pitti, ok21:11
pittichrisccoulson: udisks is kind of my pet project21:11
pittiI do half of the work on it on my non-Canonical time anyway :)21:11
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, that's ok then ;)21:11
seb128pitti is not running that far and those are sticky :p21:11
pittialso, I think those are in relatively good shape now21:11
pittiI have wasted 2.5 hours that afternoon on this silly https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59855421:12
ubottuGnome bug 598554 in gdu volume monitor ""Blank CD-R Disc" dialog shows an "unmount" button instead of "Eject"" [Minor,New]21:12
seb128pitti, did you figure what is wrong?21:12
pittibut now the big halsectomy is by and large over21:12
pittiseb128: no, at some point gdb/nemiver just refuse to talk to me21:12
seb128next cycle will see quite some changes too but not on those21:13
pittiif I have an iface->methodname pointer, it's impossible to tell which actual method it is, or to step into it21:13
seb128I will crack the whip on robert_ancell :p21:13
pittiseb128: oh, yes; new desktop.21:13
pittiseb128: but oh well, at least I finally got cdrom_id working now; that was a fun exercise today21:17
* pitti can't see ioctl straces any more21:17
seb128pitti, I watched the bug and uploads, good work ;-)21:17
pittiseb128: I hope to kill the blank cd bug tomorrow, then I'll also do a gvfs git snapshot21:17
pittiand gdu21:17
* pitti waves good night21:18
pittisee you tomorrow!21:18
chrisccoulsongood night pitti21:18
didrockssee you tomorrow pitti21:18
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: got a min or two?21:18
pittiI'm a bit intoxicated, too much for serious coding :)21:18
bcurtiswx3nite pitti21:18
seb128pitti, excellent, thanks!21:18
seb128pitti, have a good night21:19
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, sure21:20
bcurtiswx3bug #53670221:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536702 in gwibber "gwibber-accounts crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53670221:21
bcurtiswx3I am now getting a bunch of crashes after I deleted a good chunk of my . files from my /home/bcurtis directory21:22
bcurtiswx3since i am playing around, is this something thats supposed to be crashing like crazy, or deleteing the . files shouldn't matter21:22
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, yeah... only files it would care about is couch21:24
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, did you delete that?21:25
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: yup21:25
kenvandineand what about u1, do you use u1?21:25
bcurtiswx3not really.. i have an account and all21:25
bcurtiswx3lemme try that21:25
kenvandineno... don't21:26
kenvandinejust checking21:26
bcurtiswx3oh..lol ok21:26
kenvandinewell, is this computer associated with your u1 account?21:26
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: i believe so, yes21:26
kenvandineok, if so then your desktopcouch db has  been syncing, so it should replicate back down21:26
kenvandinedo you have anything in  ~/.local/share/desktop-couch now?21:27
kenvandinealthough none of that should be related to the traceback in that bug21:27
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: i have a few things in that directory21:27
kenvandinegwibber_messages.couch, gwibber_accounts.couch and gwibber_preferences.couch21:28
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: they all exist21:28
kenvandineone sec21:28
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413881/21:29
kenvandineso gwibber-accounts tracebacks, but gwibber works?21:30
bcurtiswx3no, i haven't setup any accounts21:30
bcurtiswx3on this machine21:30
kenvandinedoesn't matter, they have synced down via u121:30
kenvandineor should have21:31
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, get me the log file at ~/.cache/gwibber/gwibber.log21:31
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: the entire thing, or will tail have enough?21:32
kenvandinewell, i big chunk of the end21:33
kenvandine100 lines or so maybe21:33
kenvandineor just attach the hole thing to the bug21:33
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: i can do that, but lemme know if you want it after seeing http://paste.ubuntu.com/413883/21:34
kenvandinetry this21:35
kenvandinekillall gwibber gwibber-service21:35
kenvandinegwibber-service -d21:35
kenvandinelet that run for a few, then send me what's new in that log file21:35
kenvandineit will include debug logs21:35
rickspencer3hi all21:46
rickspencer3I debunked to a coffee shop21:46
* rickspencer3 sips chi21:46
NafaiHello rickspencer321:46
bcurtiswx3hey rickspencer321:46
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: now i don't get any crashes.. it just eats my CPU up21:56
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, what version?21:57
kenvandineand what is eating CPU?21:57
bcurtiswx3gwibber-service: Installed: 2.29.95-0ubuntu421:57
bcurtiswx3same with gwibber21:57
bcurtiswx3lemme cause the crash again.. once sec21:58
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413908/21:59
bcurtiswx3as well as http://paste.ubuntu.com/413910/ which is the output of 'top'22:00
bcurtiswx3and i can't killall gwibber-* as it just respawns them22:02
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, ok so you did run gwibber-accounts and set the password?22:02
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: no that all was spawned by gwibber-service -d22:02
kenvandinetry running gwibber-accounts22:03
kenvandineit should be raising a dialog... but that must be failing22:03
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413912/ ahead of ya there22:04
kenvandineactually looking at the log, it did run gwibber-error which ran gwibber-accounts22:04
kenvandineyou didn't see the dialog?22:04
bcurtiswx3i looked at it.. i mentioned all three spawned from gwibber-service -d22:05
bcurtiswx3but no screens came up22:05
kenvandineyeah, so it saw the password wasn't in the keyring so called gwibber-error to handle the failure22:05
kenvandinewhich spawned gwibber-accounts22:05
kenvandinewhich is what timed out22:05
kenvandinebut it did start it22:05
bcurtiswx3yup, its still running... or trying to...22:06
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, ok... i reproduced22:07
bcurtiswx3so are your CPU's getting eaten up now?22:07
didrockswell, time to wave goodbye22:08
bcurtiswx3bye didrocks22:08
didrocksgood evening everyone22:08
* bryceh waves to didrocks22:09
kklimondaheh, I can't start gwibber anymore :/22:09
bcurtiswx3kklimonda: welcome to my world22:09
rickspencer3kenvandine, so presumedly at some point my gwibber account settings will synch down?22:12
bcurtiswx3rickspencer3: what does that even mean?22:13
rickspencer3it says "synchronization in progress..."22:13
rickspencer3but there is no way to know what is synching22:13
rickspencer3bcurtiswx3, gwibber account settings are stored in desktopcouch22:13
rickspencer3so at some point they will get synched with my netbook, and all the settings will just be there22:13
rickspencer3I just have to put in my passwords22:13
kenvandinerickspencer3, i think the problem bcurtiswx3 has is just that22:14
kklimondaI get some really interesting warnings along with NoReply: http://pastebin.com/kgkVfqS822:14
bcurtiswx3rickspencer3: ah, so having u1 will do that?22:14
rickspencer3bcurtiswx3, yes22:14
kenvandineit is raising gwibber-accounts to have him enter the passwords, but it is failing to connect to gwibber-service22:14
kenvandinethis is freaky, this exact scenario was fine on friday...  :/22:15
rickspencer3well, since neither desktopcouch or gwibber have both been stable at the same time ...22:16
rickspencer3it's no suprise we haven't been able to make this work end to end22:16
kenvandineso i was barking up the wrong tree... i assumed it was a failure of raising the accounts dialog22:16
kenvandinebut it is another crash buried inside which is making gwibber-service crash completely after gwibber-accounts has already fired22:17
rickspencer3I wish I had any f*cking clue what desktopcouch was doing22:17
rickspencer3is there a log I can watch or something?22:17
rickspencer3hasn't been written to since yesterday :(22:18
rickspencer3this would explain the lack of crashing22:18
rickspencer3desktopcouch is not running, but couchdb has 2 instances, and couchjs has one22:19
rickspencer3kenvandine, can I run the desktopcouch daemon in such a way that I can see what's doing?22:19
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: actually, its weird.. the gwibber-* fail in such a way that its a nevernding loop of respawns22:21
kenvandineyeah... it wants to talk to gwibber-service which just crashed, so it starts and crashes again22:21
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: im assuming this because as i try to kill process ID's they keep not-existing22:21
kenvandinerickspencer3, not sure22:22
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, i have reproduced your bug... i am just a bit puzzled still22:22
rickspencer3kenvandine, sip-cover works22:22
kenvandinewhy this is failing now22:22
rickspencer3 but I don't think there's any synch attempts22:22
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, what version of desktopcouch do you have?22:22
bcurtiswx3desktopcouch:  Installed: 0.6.3-0ubuntu322:23
kklimondais it possible to ship gconf schema (for registering url handler) and not depend on gconf (and half of the gnome?)22:27
kklimondaor maybe create a -gnome package that ships it?22:28
bcurtiswx3i think i stumped ken.. i don't know if i should be proud or go running far far away22:33
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, hehe :)22:33
rickspencer3bcurtiswx3, he'll figure it out22:33
rickspencer3I think it's probably a run of the mill bug ;)22:34
kenvandineif the password isn't set in the keyring, it fails to find the last_seq from desktopcouch22:34
bcurtiswx3im switching to laptop and relaxing.  brb22:36
* kenvandine heads out for a bit... i'll work on this later :)22:41
bcurtiswxOK, back22:42
TheMusoGood morning.23:03
rickspencer3hi TheMuso23:04
kklimondahmm.. could you guys take a look at bug 538580 if you have time? I'd like to get it sponsored before the final freeze.23:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538580 in transmission "transmission hangs everytime i add a torrent" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53858023:07
TheMusorickspencer3: You'll be interested to know that the accessibility team is being revived. We just had a meeting to get things going again. And this is for all disabilities, not just people like myself with vision impairements.23:18
NafaiTheMuso: awesome!23:19
rickspencer3TheMuso, nice23:20
rickspencer3I am not just interested, I am very pleased23:21
rickspencer3TheMuso, UDS session?23:21
TheMusorickspencer3: very likely yes.23:21
TheMusoThey will be community sessions. I have more technical accessibility sessions planned also.23:21
rickspencer3TheMuso, is there anyone from the team other than you who will be there?23:21
TheMusorickspencer3: Pendulum aka Penelope Stow will be there.23:22
TheMusoShe was the one who got things going again.23:22
rickspencer3kenvandine, can you please confim bug #56261823:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562618 in ubuntuone-client "desktopcouch should automatically start replicating when files sync" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56261823:30
TheMusopitti: Seems that others are experiencing that race with at-spi I told you about. I will be around later so I can talk about it in depth with you again.23:31
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso Easter edition in 4 minutes?23:56
* bryceh waves23:58

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