
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
ZachK_mdke: ping02:38
mdkeZachK_: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)02:38
ZachK_mdke: Ah just wanted to talk with you about that server page....02:38
ZachK_newz2000: ping03:04
newz2000hey ZachK_, I'm here if you're still around03:25
newz2000actually, I'm not sure I'm going to make it much further, I'll try to check back in a bit but otherwise will have to catch up w/ you tomorrow03:29
ZachK_newz2000: just wanted to say that i think that page should stay on the ubuntu main site03:30
newz2000ZachK_: why's that?03:30
ZachK_one because of the pure amount of info and second where are people gonna look right away when they check out the server edition03:31
ZachK_the page that the server edition is listed as an os03:31
newz2000yeah, we'll still link to it there03:31
ZachK_that would be repetitive03:31
newz2000Unfortunately, the decision has been made already03:31
ZachK_TOO repetitive03:31
newz2000(not by me)03:32
newz2000but I think it can be made to work...03:32
newz2000it is also a bit documentation-like03:32
newz2000And yes, it is quite a bit of info. :-(03:32
ZachK_ok i'll try to fit it in/confer with some guys i know to figure out what we should do with it03:32
newz2000if you come up with anything let me know03:33
newz2000I am prepared to move the content over, so tomorrow when I come back online I can start on it03:33
ZachK_roger that03:33
newz2000ok, I'm going to bed then03:33
newz2000I'll ttyl03:33
mo-germanyHi everyone. Regarding Kubuntu Docs: Where do I send translated screenshots?13:41
mo-germanyhas anyone got any idea where I could send screenshots in my language?14:02
mo-germanyBTW: Just reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs/+bug/562390 - would be nice if this could be fixed for lucid17:14
ubot4`Launchpad bug 562390 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "many instructions in -desktop are wrong (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:14
nixternalmo-germany: to late to fix in lucid17:17
mo-germanynixternal: so it's not possible to simply remove the instructions concerning ctrl+alt+backspace?17:20
nixternalwould removing them be a fix though?17:21
mo-germanyhm, as it's not possible to re-enable the keycombo through the GUI anymore, I would say so17:22
mo-germanyof course it's no fix for the dead link, but maybe this could be automagically adjusted in the translations as well?17:22
nixternaloh, they got rid of the little check mark17:26
nixternali noticed that a while ago..17:26
* nixternal smacks whoever did the -desktop topic17:26
nixternalsee, the final package upload is in 1 week, right before release freeze17:27
mo-germanynixternal: so, is that possible to do?17:34
nixternalit is possible, but i feel it is way to late in the game to make changes that aren't grave or may cause damage to a person's computer17:39
mo-germanyhm, okay, I just felt stupid translating instructions which are plain and simple wrong17:41
nixternalyeah, i don't blame you...i will smack DarkwingDuck around as I think he worked on that :D17:41
mo-germanyI won't hold you back ;-) anyways ... as I stated in the bug report, some members of the German translation team are willing to help with the next version, as the diction could still be improved17:42
mo-germany*in the other bug report17:43
* nixternal looks to make sure nothing links to it17:43
nixternaldamn, there is one link to it, and removing the link would make me have to modify the text then in that line17:44
mo-germanywhere is that?17:45
DarkwingDuckmo-germany, nixternal: I missed that?21:13
* DarkwingDuck smacks himself21:13

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