
amichairev: I just realized I added the changelog line to the previous section marked as unreleased, but it appears to have actually been released!00:02
amichairor maybe I messed something up...00:04
amichairev: oh nm... I see u fixed it, or merging did, however that works...00:08
CIA-3tzsetup: cjwatson * r519 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog tzsetup): Use '-T 15' rather than '--timeout=15', to avoid breaking busybox wget.00:53
CIA-3tzsetup: cjwatson * r520 ubuntu/debian/changelog: clarify00:54
CIA-3tzsetup: cjwatson * r521 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1:0.26ubuntu800:57
evamichair: indeed, I took care of it during the merge.  No worries though, changelog mangling is often necessary when merging branches.09:12
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4070 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py):09:38
CIA-3ubiquity: Translate the yes and no buttons on the quit dialog in the KDE09:38
CIA-3ubiquity: frontend (LP: #561876).09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561876 in ubiquity "[Kubuntu Lucid] Quit dialog buttons not translated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56187609:38
ogracjwatson, why does d-i always pick the right TZ for me, even if i use a plain US install and dont indicate at all that i'm in germany it picks europe/berlin ... thats awesome !09:48
cjwatsonthank IS and ev :-)09:48
ogracool !09:49
evand cjwatson for getting the ball rolling on that :)09:49
CIA-3choose-mirror: cjwatson * r624 ubuntu/ (choose-mirror.c debian/changelog):09:55
CIA-3choose-mirror: Expand CC.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com if09:55
CIA-3choose-mirror: debian-installer/locale is set to "C" (LP: #550694).09:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550694 in choose-mirror "setting locale to "C" doesn't choose a generic mirror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55069409:55
CIA-3choose-mirror: cjwatson * r625 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.29ubuntu309:57
ogracjwatson, so my partman issue seems to be actually a disk-detect issue ... i finally got set -x output in syslog for that, would you mind taking a look ? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44009972/syslog10:08
ogracjwatson, the "Unhandled fault" seems to happen actually before disk-detect even runs, is there anything else triggered by default when i run it ?10:10
ogracjwatson, did you get my above ping ?10:21
ogracjwatson, so my partman issue seems to be actually a disk-detect issue ... i finally got set -x output in syslog for that, would you mind taking a look ? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44009972/syslog10:25
ogracjwatson, the "Unhandled fault" seems to happen actually before disk-detect even runs, is there anything else triggered by default when i run it ?10:25
ograi also have added set -x to check-missing-firmware now (see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap/+bug/561426) that exposes the bus error but its not clear why exactly causes it10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561426 in linux-ti-omap "partman dies when trying to detect disks due to kernel error" [High,In progress]10:26
cjwatsonwell, I mean it goes through main-menu and such, but you might also just be seeing log messages flushed out of order; it isn't conclusive10:26
ograand the kernel error still shows up above it10:26
cjwatsonparted_devices is consistently getting a bus error there10:26
* ogra looks for that10:27
ogragah, no script10:27
ogra~ #10:28
ogra~ # parted_devices10:28
ogra[ 1034.439666] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0x4020000010:28
ograBus error10:28
ogra~ #10:28
ograha !10:28
cjwatsonthere you go10:28
cjwatson'anna-install strace-udeb' and try stracing it?10:30
zimbatmhi there10:56
ogracjwatson, do you have any preferenc where to add omap in the HW list in libdebian-installer (alphabetical by name or arch or so ?) or should it just add it by gut feeling (seems dove and imx51 were just added in random places)10:57
ograthe existing arches seem to follow a schema sorted alphabetically by subarch10:58
cjwatsondunno really, stick it just after dove I guess11:00
cjwatsonthen at least the Ubuntu additions are together11:00
zimbatmHow do you debug something further than DEBCONF_DEVEL=developer ?11:01
zimbatmFor example, I'm building a custom ISO based on lucid, and "anna" tells me that "no packages for kernel in archive"11:02
zimbatmI would pretty much like to know which package it is looking for11:02
zimbatmI tried poking around in the filesystem. I had some hope when I found /var/lib/dpkg , but not11:03
zimbatmanna-install is a minimalist dpkg replacement for .udeb as I understand, but doesn't it unwrap the package scripts somewhere before executing them ?11:04
cjwatsonzimbatm: well, you should start by having the source code handy and tracing through it11:09
cjwatsonbut that error means that there are no entries in the Packages file on the CD with a Kernel-Version field matching the running kernel11:10
cjwatsonrather than any specific package name11:10
cjwatsonI'll clarify that message upstream11:10
zimbatmcjwatson, hmm11:11
zimbatmI'm using the latest packages from archive.ubuntu.com -> reprepro -> updated dist/pool on the CD11:12
zimbatmwhat's weird is that sometimes it work11:12
cjwatsonthat doesn't necessarily mean that the kernel you're booting the installer with matches, though11:12
zimbatmIt's like they publish a new kernel, but *.udeb get updated later (that's what I suspect)11:12
cjwatsonand you should also check the Packages files in dists/*/main/debian-installer/binary-*/ to make sure that they have Kernel-Version fields11:13
cjwatsonyour suspicion is incorrect11:13
cjwatsonhowever, the installer (dists/*/main/installer-*/current/images/) does need to be rebuilt against new kernel udebs, and *that* isn't immediate11:13
cjwatsonso you should always make sure that they match11:13
zimbatmcjwatson, reprepro has fetcher the Kernel-Version tags correctly, now I will look for version correspondance11:17
cjwatsonogra: can you try applying http://paste.ubuntu.com/413578/, building, scping in the new libparted.so.0.0.1, and running parted_devices again?11:20
ogracjwatson, will do11:57
ogragrrr ... cant wget from paste.u.c ... silly openid11:59
persiaJust use a different pastebin12:00
CIA-3libdebian-installer: ogra * r203 libdebian-installer/ (debian/changelog src/system/subarch-arm-linux.c): add beagle omap3 support12:09
CIA-3libdebian-installer: ogra * r204 libdebian-installer/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.68ubuntu212:10
ogracjwatson, hmm, FTBFS12:14
ograweird, is_apple is clearly defined in gpt.c12:19
ograoh, its surrounded by the #ifdef USE_DMI12:22
zimbatmcjwatson, thanks a lot for your help. Updating the CD's vmlinuz and initrd made the trick.12:35
cjwatsonogra: whoops.  Try http://paste.ubuntu.com/413606/ ?12:48
ogracjwatson, i also have an issue with libdebian-installer somehow dh --builddirectory=build gets expanded to -O--builddirectory=build at build time, any idea why ?12:50
ograits not that i would have changed anything but adding one line to the c source12:50
cjwatsonwhat's wrong with that?12:51
cjwatson-O is documented in debhelper(7)12:51
ograhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/35017551/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.libdebian-installer_0.68ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz is the upload from Nov ... it doesnt have that ... http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44019882/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.libdebian-installer_0.68ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz has the -O12:52
ograit looks broken that its directly attached to the --12:52
ograits the only difference i can see ...12:53
cjwatsonlooks unrelated to me12:54
cjwatsondirectly attached is correct - see debhelper 7.4.12 changelog for why it's there12:55
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
ograhmm, i would have read the manpage that it needs to be -O=--...12:55
cjwatsonit works fine here the way it is.  I think this is a red herring12:55
ograbut if thats ok, then i dont know whats wrong here ...12:55
ograoh, wait, seems the autoreconf doesnt run12:56
cjwatsoncould you let me prepare a new source package?12:56
cjwatsonI'll fix it12:57
cjwatsonnot all the stuff is in bzr for historical reasons, and it requires care.  why didn't you use debdiff before uploading?12:57
ograoh, sorry, i didnt know that12:57
cjwatsonchecking debdiff defends you against things you don't know :)12:58
ograyeah, will do that the next time12:58
CIA-3libdebian-installer: cjwatson * r205 ubuntu/debian/changelog: Reupload with the right autotools bits.13:00
CIA-3libdebian-installer: cjwatson * r206 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.68ubuntu313:01
ograthat parted build looks better13:05
* ogra waits for it to finish13:06
ogracjwatson, successfully partitioned a disk on the beagle, go for an upload :)13:37
cjwatsoncool, thanks13:41
* ogra hugs cjwatson 13:42
ogranow i only need the ugly flash-kernel-installer hackage13:43
ograthen beagle should work13:43
cjwatsonsilly trick for quickly testing grub changes13:48
cjwatsoninstall new version and make very sure that grub.cfg is configured to show the menu by default, rather than using the default zero-delay hidden timeout13:49
cjwatsonthen: sudo kvm -hda /dev/sda13:49
cjwatsonbit twisty, but a lot quicker than rebooting13:50
cjwatsonas long as you make bloody sure not to actually boot an OS inside that kvm :-)13:51
persiaWould it be safe for dual-booters to boot an OS, as long as it wasn't the runing OS, or is it too much madness?13:52
cjwatsonas long as no common partitions were mounted, I suppose13:59
cjwatsonI wouldn't want to be the one to recommend this, though :-)13:59
evmichaelforrest: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallUpdatesWhenInstallingUbuntu14:06
ogra"No installable kernel was found in the defined APT sources."14:23
ograwhat magic am i missing ?14:23
=== icarus902 is now known as icarus901
cjwatsondunno, can I see the log?14:27
ograonce i'm done, i want to see where it fails next when moving on without a kernel14:28
cjwatsonoh, I can guess14:28
ograi added it to the boot and installer seeds14:28
CIA-3base-installer: cjwatson * r399 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog kernel/armel.sh): Add armel/omap subarchitecture.14:28
ograso i would have expected to be picked up from there14:28
ograbut i might miss something14:28
cjwatsonthat base-installer change should fix it14:28
ograheh, thanks :)14:28
CIA-3base-installer: cjwatson * r400 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.103ubuntu714:29
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4071 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog finish-install.d/07oem-config-user):14:43
CIA-3ubiquity: Update finish-install.d/07oem-config-user for new location of KDE's14:43
CIA-3ubiquity: oem-config-prepare .desktop file (LP: #557309).14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557309 in ubiquity "no "prepare for shipping icon" in kubuntu alternate" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55730914:43
dmarkeyhow for the possibly stupid question but where can i get daily netboot images?15:45
cjwatsonhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/lucid/ has the links.  the Xen build stuff is only on my hard disk right now though :)15:47
dmarkeyeven x86_64?15:54
dmarkeyand the grub fix15:55
davmor2cjwatson: have the install options been removed from the live cd out of curiosity.  example install free software only?16:09
cjwatsonshould be on the f6 menu16:14
cjwatsondmarkey: maybe 64.  grub fix should be in16:14
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3930 testing/tests/run-frontend: Add a testPageNavigation test for r4041 / LP #556180.16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556180 in ubiquity "Buttons on ubiquity partition page doesn't work" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55618016:20
dmarkeymodules are there anyway :)16:22
rgreeningev: are you going to push usb-creator 0.2.22? There's an important fix for Format under the KDE front-end.16:36
evrgreening: will do16:37
rgreeningthanks ev16:37
rgreeningev: new POT's need generation as well for the 'Erase Disk' change... so we get translations (unless you wish to revert that for now).16:38
evindeed, I'm going to send a mail to ubuntu-translations16:40
evand ubuntu-doc16:40
dmarkeycjwatson: grub bug is fixed, many thanks16:41
CIA-3debian-installer: ogra * r1281 ubuntu/build/config/armel/dove/netboot.cfg: make sure dove also uses INITRD_FS = initramfs for netboot, else it fails to uncompress the initrd LP: #54139916:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541399 in debian-installer "netboot image fails to boot." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54139916:45
CIA-3debian-installer: ogra * r1282 ubuntu/debian/changelog: update changelog for dove fix16:47
CIA-3usb-creator: evand * r302 usb-creator/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.2.2216:55
evrgreening: ^16:55
rgreeningnow to deal with the fallout regarding string changes in kubuntu-docs16:56
evmichaelforrest: wget http://popcon.ubuntu.com/main/by_inst -O - 2>/dev/null | egrep -w "language-support-[A-Za-z].." | less17:24
michaelforrestev: why I like rubyL17:32
michaelforrestfile << line unless line =~ /^#/17:32
michaelforrest*LOVE ruby.17:32
evmichaelforrest: re vowel removal> I had to take a series of AS/400 programming courses in university (don't ask why).  We were told that the list of commands was designed by a "world renowned linguist" to be easily pronounceable and easily remembered.  Not so much - http://whatis.techtarget.com/content/0,290959,sid9_gci827107,00.html17:34
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
cjwatsonev: I'm thinking of http://paste.ubuntu.com/413884/ as a general approach to this oem-config removal bug21:35
* ev looks21:35
evcjwatson: that doesn't seem to handle the case whereby oem-config returns nonzero, but it otherwise looks good.21:41
cjwatsonset -e21:41
cjwatsonit could maybe do with a comment :-)21:41
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4072 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity-dm: simplify set_locale21:53
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3931 testing/tests/run-frontend: Add testPluginTranslate test for bzr r4061.22:41
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3932 testing/tests/run-frontend: Clarify previous commit.22:46

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