
doko_bdrung: are you able to reproduce 520515?14:43
bdrungdoko_: yes14:57
nthykierbdrung: Hey - did you look at creating a reportbug script? If not I will give it a try15:02
bdrungnthykier: i will create the apport hook first and then let's see if we can recycle it15:03
nthykierbdrung: okay15:03
doko_bdrung: works for me15:03
bdrungdoko_: sudo apt-get install wine1.215:03
bdrungnthykier: how can i detect the workspace directory?15:04
doko_bdrung: can you recheck with openjdk-6 from https://edge.launchpad.net/~doko/+archive/toolchain15:04
bdrungdoko_: ok15:04
bdrungdoko_: is there an bug report that openjdk does not support tray icons?15:05
doko_bdrung: are you running compiz?15:06
bdrungdoko_: yes15:06
doko_should be fixed in the ppa version. please check15:06
nthykierbdrung: You can try  ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_*/configuration/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs - it contains a RECENT_WORKSPACES value15:08
bdrungdoko_: tray icon works15:08
nthykierI think the average case will be ~/workspace/15:08
nthykierI would be okay with just doing an if [ -e "$HOME/workspace/.metadata/.log" ] ; then dump_file "$HOME/workspace/.metadata/.log" ; done15:09
nthykiers/done/fi/ - but anyway15:09
bdrungdoko_: the font bug is still there15:12
bdrungdoko_: TESTCASE: Install jdownloader and select a Synthetica theme15:14
doko_bdrung: Synthetica Simple 2D is the theme in use.15:18
doko_and works15:18
bdrungdoko_: do you have mscorefonts installed?15:20
doko_bdrung: no15:21
doko_bdrung: installed, still works15:24
bdrungdoko_: then install this16:35
=== ttx_ is now known as ttx
bdrungdoko_: bug #52051517:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520515 in openjdk-6 "Fonts in Java application are distorted" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52051517:50
doko_bdrung: why package the download script, what does it change?17:55
bdrungit gives you a desktop file. but downloading it and running it would have the same results.17:56
bdrungdoko_: i just wanted to create a simple test case (to avoid a jd config trigger this behaviour)17:57
doko_bdrung: I did ...17:57
bdrungdoko_: which arch?17:57
doko_bdrung: please try to remove any extra fonts installed17:58
bdrungdoko_: mine is amd6417:58
bdrungdoko_: where are the extra fonts?17:58
doko_ttf-* packages17:58
doko_and you mscorefonts,17:59
bdrungk, will test it in a kvm instance18:00
doko_bdrung: any results?18:17

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