
dindajfluhmann: ping03:26
dindaping anyone who knows anything about Moodle themes03:26
ZachK_dinda: i know about "Noodles"03:30
pleia2I know vantrax was working on one for a bit03:31
dindapleia2: just stuck trying to copy a theme inside the moodle theme directory - saying I don't have permission03:32
dindapleia2: I'm running a local install and just trying to copy a directory to another directory but my command line foo is weak03:32
pleia2dinda: is it moodle installed via the ubuntu package?03:33
dindapleia2: yes03:33
pleia2dinda: is the themes directory in /usr/share/moodle/themes - or something?03:33
dindapleia2: exactly03:33
dindano 's'03:34
dindatrying to copy a copy of another theme into that dir03:34
pleia2ok, lemme pop into one of the moodle installs I have and take a look at how I did permissions03:34
dindapleia2: doph!  it worked03:36
dindaapparently I just needed to tell someone the problem and then is mgaically fixed itself03:36
pleia2probably just need to use sudo, since it won't automatically allow users to put themes there03:36
dindayes, used that finally too :)03:36
pleia2looks like on this server I didn't change permissions, the admin has sudo on this box03:37
dindapleia2: yes, that's the issue I'm working around, our servers I don't have root on the web server, only Moodle admin access and they don't have time to add the new theme I want so I'm testing local03:38
* pleia2 nods03:38
pleia2I really wish webapps in ubuntu/debian (moodle, wordpress, drupal) had a better way of handling themes and plugins for the users03:39
pleia2I always have to figure out clever things to do with our customers03:39
dindapleia2: yeah I've asking the design team for at least some of the new colors for the new brand but alas they can't even give us the palette yet03:40
pleia2hopefully soon, I hear we're getting a new fridge theme sometime in the lucid cycle \o/03:40
dindapleia2: yeah, saw your post03:40
dindalet's just hope it's sometime before meerkat ;)03:41
dindapleia2: now an even bigger problem - how to keep the cat off my keyboard when I'm working on the command line!03:41
pleia2dinda: I haven't figured that one out yet :)03:42
dindapleia2: mine is retaliating by scratching up my new sofa03:42
jfluhmanndinda, pong (high latency, I know ;-)14:37

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