
lightninTrying to upload a new package to my PPA, but dput keeps giving me this error: Checksum doesn't match for ...diff.gz00:06
lightninI built the source package with PDE build, signed it with debsign... am I missing something?00:07
maxbPDE build? You mean pdebuild? That's not an acronym :-)00:11
maxbthat checksum error implies the .diff.gz you've got isn't the one that was built at the time the .changes you are trying to upload was built00:12
lightninmaxb: Hmmm... thanks. Yeah, sorry -- pdebuild00:18
lightninmaxb: So would this be a good command to build a source package using pdebuild: DIST=jaunty pdebuild --buildresult ../00:19
maxbuhm. I've never used --buildresult myself, which makes me wonder if it might be related to your problem00:20
maxbTypically I won't bother with pbuilder if I'm just building a source package for a PPA upload00:21
lightninOh, ok.00:21
lightninSo I should probably just use debuild, eh?00:21
lightninmaxb: Ok, debuild worked. I'm thinking of releasing this package as a download on our website too - so I figured I'd be as kosher as possible and use pdebuild. But I guess it doesn't matter as long as pdebuild is able to build it...00:24
maxbpdebuild is useful for ensuring the binary packages build in a clean environment00:25
maxbHowever for a PPA upload you want a source only build anyway00:25
maxbI suspect the  --buildresult ../ as the root of your problems, because I can't imagine what else it could be00:26
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lightninmaxb: Many thanks for your help!00:34
IntuitiveNippleDo I need to subscribe ubuntu-release or ubuntu-sponsors for a Universe package (apt-cacher) bug fix ?01:11
IntuitiveNipplethanks ajmitch01:19
asacjdong: i am trusted to do the right hting02:17
asacsometimes i add stuff before consulting them02:17
asacbut i always consult them02:17
asacusually we should consult them first02:18
jdongasac: thanks for clarifying; I'd assume after some point there'd be a level of trust built where they trust that you will make decisions that are reasonable to them02:54
asacjdong: right. its officially not that way02:57
asacinofficially i might act that way if needed though ;)02:57
jdongright, understandably so :)02:57
jdongI guess the point is things that sound absurdly bureaucratic in legalese can work out in practice02:57
jdong(at least the point I was trying to bring up in that discussion)02:57
asacwell. in practive we have this:02:58
asacwe do stuff and have to discuss upstream by first beta02:58
asacin security updates i really try to avoid any changes so we are safe02:58
jdongdoes that cover just the Mozilla source/codebase, or also things like our debian/ packaging changes?03:01
jdong(now I'm just asking out of pure curiousity)03:01
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CiemonLaney: when you've 5 mins, ping me please.06:34
EzraRthere is a command to download a source package from debians repo is there not? anyone know?06:47
persiapull-debian-source might work.06:58
persiaAlternately, dget from the .dsc URL (found in various places, but always at packages.qa.debian.org if nowhere else)06:58
EzraRseems pull-debian-source is broken, im pretty sure that is what i was looking for thnx07:06
persiaPlease fix :)07:06
EzraRi was just going to look07:06
EzraRok fixed07:21
persiaExcellent.  Do you use bzr?  If so, please submit a merge proposal to lp:ubuntu-dev-tools.  If not, please file a bug with the patch.07:22
EzraRyeah i will, i just was going through the bug reports to see if it was reproted already etc...07:25
EzraRi find it strange that it hasent been reported, maybe people dont really use it or it doesnt effect all packages07:26
persiamost of the users of ubuntu-dev-tools are, unsuprisingly, developers, so bugs tend to get swatted on discovery (but not always).07:26
EzraRpersia want to try it out on a random package for me? if you get the error i would feel a little better about it :)07:30
persiaworks for me, no error.07:31
EzraRpersia: are you using karmic?07:34
EzraRwhat package did you try it on?07:37
dholbachgood morning07:39
dholbachhey ajmitch07:39
Rhondawgrant, persia: Haven't heard about the sdl issue in some days and seen no mail to the bug neither - what's the plan? :)07:41
ajmitchdholbach: bug 559059 is committed if you want to check it out07:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559059 in ubuntuwire-website "Please update rcbugs to always use the current development release" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55905907:59
dholbachajmitch: WOW, that was quick07:59
ajmitchreally didn't take long to do08:00
persiaI don't agree with that bug though.08:00
persiaI think we ought align with DIF.08:00
dholbachgood work08:00
persiapre-DIF, we'd do better to concentrate on SRUs for RCbugs.08:00
persiaRhonda: I wasn't able to come to any useful conclusions regarding consumers of the regression: do you think we should just push the patch?08:01
dholbachpersia: it had karmic a few minutes before08:01
persiaI know.  It had karmic too long, but I think the fix is too large a hammer.08:01
dholbachpersia: maybe file a separate bug so that we can get a separate view for "sru stuff"08:01
ajmitchdholbach: that's because I made a mistake in what should still be default, it was meant to be karmic until DIF & then switched08:01
ajmitchthough lucid was always available08:01
ajmitchpersia: the simple way is for me to just disable the part of the cronjob that looks up the current relese from LP08:02
ajmitchwhich was as quick & hacky as http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ajmitch/%2Bjunk/ubuntu-scripts/annotate/head:/ubuntu_series.py08:02
dholbachthanks a bunch ajmitch08:02
persiadholbach: Every release is available, one just has to enter the right URL.08:03
persiaajmitch: heh, OK.  If you happen to figure out how to make it work magically, that'd be cool too :)08:03
ajmitchpersia: sure, I could hack something into there now to only run it a certain number of weeks after the current release is open08:04
ajmitchbut that sounds like work08:04
dholbachI think it makes sense if it defaults to the current development release and has a "nav bar" to the supported releases08:04
ajmitchdholbach: right, I was going to add that, I should do that now08:05
dholbachwhere nav bar is really just "a bunch of links" :)08:05
dholbachajmitch: you are a man of awesome08:05
dholbachrcbugs is such a brilliant tool08:05
ajmitchit's a shame it's so ugly underneath :)08:07
ajmitchas long as noone looks at the code...08:08
ajmitchok, looks ugly, but the links are there for each release08:13
ajmitchsee if the bugs listed match reality08:13
Rhondapersia: Not sure wether people really complained about the fix that did stir this kind of regression, at least I never heard of any drag'n'drop issues.08:13
persiaRhonda: So, if you recommend it be applied, I'll apply it (or if you prepare a candidate, I'll upload it), but I'd like a firm recommendation as you've looked into this much more than I.08:15
persia(unless wgrant is already preparing an upload)08:15
Rhondapersia: Just in case, gentoo did pick up on that patch already. :)08:24
persiaWe should all really grant gentoo the appreciation they deserve: they apply patches faster than most of us, and get testing feedback quickly.08:27
ajmitchwhat an amusing cross-post on ubuntu-devel-discuss09:01
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arandI was planning on reporting https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose/+bug/562187 straigt to debian, without testing specifically on a debian install, since it's an upstream issue, is that an ok practice for this case?12:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562187 in virtualbox-ose "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [modprobe :66]" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:04
persiaI generally prefer to see things tested in Debian if being reported to Debian.12:08
persiaAn example of what you haven't tested is whether this issue expresses itself with a Debian kernel.12:08
persiaBut there's no reason not to report directly upstream if it's an upstream issue.12:09
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arandpersia: True... well, I won't be able to test it, so that'll pretty much be leaving debian to find out for itself...12:12
arandpersia: It's reported already to furthest upstream (vbox), and fixed in SVN there, figured it would apply to debian... but yea, that's just an assumption.12:13
persiaarand: The trick is to send all the bugs we can to Debian without ever sending them a bug that doesn't affect Debian.12:15
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LaneyCiemon: hiya13:00
Ciemonhiya, ok for a quick msg?13:01
LaneyI just noticed bug 496274 needs a SRU ack and has been sitting for months. Could someone on the team please poke it?13:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496274 in haskell-src-exts "No-change source rebuild necessary to make installable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49627413:22
arandIf game for some more SRU, there's Bug #510571 that's a bit mouldy as well.13:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057113:31
MTecknologyI ran dput without speficying where it should go and I got this - Rejected: The signer of this package has no upload rights to this distribution's primary archive.  Did you mean to upload to a PPA?15:08
MTecknologymr. error is right, but where the heck did I try to upload to :S15:08
MTecknologyjames_w: thanks15:13
joaopintocan someone help me getting libuser into a buildable state in the repository ?15:54
joaopintothe fix is trivial, I would spend too much time research all the required process to get it in :P15:54
james_wjoaopinto: you have a patch?15:55
joaopintojames_w, kind off, the easier wayt to fix requires to run autoreconf, the patch would be huge15:56
joaopintoI have added AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) to configure.in and ran autoreconf15:56
joaopintoit will build and install file with the updated autoconf* files15:56
joaopintothe  AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) was just to fix a warning with the newer autoconf15:57
james_wbut what actually fixes the problem?15:57
joaopintothe problem is within aclocal.m415:58
joaopintowhich uses: from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0)15:59
joaopintoto detect the python install dir15:59
joaopintoregenerating aclocal will replace it with a function that detects the proper path16:01
joaopintobut regenerating aclocal will require to regenerate the automake/autoconf files16:02
joaopintomy goal is to make usermode installable, I have a requirement to use it :\16:03
james_wso would a targeted patch to change that function be the best idea?16:05
joaopintodoes it make sense such an effort for a package which does not currently build/install ?16:06
james_wwell, it sounds like you need it?16:07
joaopintois there a bug automatically generated because of  FTBFS or should I file a new one ?16:07
james_wyou can file a new one16:08
james_wwe don't need one though16:08
joaopintojames_w, a smaller patch against configure would make the approval easier ?16:10
joaopintoufff, ok16:11
james_wpush up a bzr branch and I'll take a look16:11
joaopintodoes any know the equivalent to from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0) to get site-packages ?16:12
joaopintoI mean the site-packages path16:12
james_wthe build log from the failure has some code16:13
joaopintohum, a simpler fix would be to disable the python module building :P16:14
james_wno, that uses sysconfig.get_python_lib()16:14
joaopintojames_w, hum, ok so I need to figure why it is using site-packages instead of the sysconfig return16:21
joaopintoargh, it's the (0,0 on the get_python_lib()16:22
james_wno, it's not is it?16:22
james_wit may be different versions of python16:22
joaopinto>>> sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0,prefix='something')16:23
joaopinto>>> sysconfig.get_python_lib()16:23
joaopintoactually it's the "prefix" parameter16:23
joaopintothere is a bug with get_python_lib(, assuming I am reading the docs properly16:25
joaopinto"If prefix is given, it is used as either the prefix instead of PREFIX, or as the exec-prefix instead of EXEC_PREFIX  if plat_specific is true"16:26
joaopintoI am not setting plat_specific to try, but setting a prefix will do so16:26
joaopintojames_w, 4 lines fix: http://pastebin.org/14930216:44
james_whmm, please push it to a bzr branch so that I can review a whole fix16:45
joaopintohum, I am not used with bzr for packaging, you just want me to import the entire source+debian dir to a bzr branch ?16:47
james_wbzr branch lp:ubuntu/libuser16:47
james_wmake the changes, commit, push to lp:~joaopinto/ubuntu/lucid/libuser/fix-ftbs16:48
james_wthen propose for merging16:48
joaopintojames_w, how I do I propose for merging ?16:52
james_wjoaopinto: bzr lp-open and then click the link in the page that opens in your browser16:52
joaopintohum, I didn't take care of the changelog16:54
joaopintohum, now that I look into the changelog16:56
joaopinto  * debian/rules:16:56
joaopinto    - Adapted python2.6, by changing site-package to $(call py_sitename_sh, $*)16:56
joaopintoit was supposed to be fixed on the previous change16:56
joaopintojames_w, I need to add a changelog entry and bumpt the version to ubuntu2 right ?16:58
joaopintogrr, it uses dpath, is it a requirement to use the existing patch system for the configure patch ?16:59
joaopintogrr, grr, grr :P16:59
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joaopintojames_w, propose to merge done17:40
joaopintojames_w, do I need to poke someone else now ?17:47
james_wjoaopinto: so you have confirmed that the package will now build with your change?18:21
james_wjoaopinto: patching just configure is usually bad as changes may be overwritten as it is a generated file. You have confirmed that if it is regenerated it will retain this change or an equivalent one?18:22
joaopintojames_w, yes, build & installed on lucid18:22
joaopintojames_w, regeneration should be done with recent tools wich will override aclocal with a correct function to detect the python paths18:23
joaopintothat was my initial approach18:24
james_wwhere does the macro that is used come from?18:24
joaopintofrom the local alocal.m418:25
joaopintothe patch could also be extended to aclocal.m4 but that is also a file expected to be re-gerated18:26
james_wwhere does aclocal get that part from?18:27
james_waclocal is like a cached copy of macros from elsewhere18:27
joaopintohum, good question18:28
james_wanother way to ask would be what statement in configure.ac expands to include the thing you are patching?18:28
joaopintoI assume it's AM_PATH_PYTHON18:30
joaopintowhich probably uses /usr/share/aclocal-1.11/python.m4 (from alocal-1.10)18:31
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james_wjoaopinto: that file still uses prefix= here18:59
joaopintojames_w, you mean configure ?18:59
joaopintoah, hum, I didn't check the alocal.m4 after the regeneration19:01
joaopintojames_w, aren't we spending too much time for such a simple fix ?19:01
james_wyou wanted to get it fixed19:02
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james_wjoaopinto: why don't we just change the packaging to not expect the upstream build system to have put the file in site-packages?19:11
joaopintojames_w, I want, as long it's a reasonable effort, I really don't see any risk with the current patch, and I can't see the advantage of further effort19:14
joaopintothere are plenty of other things which I would like to do and I will not be able by spending more time on this package19:15
james_wjoaopinto: well, your patch could easily regress in the future19:15
joaopintojames_w, I really don't care at this time, a better patch maybe provided when someone else as the time/interest to do so19:17
joaopintojames_w, IMHO a future-concerned patch would regenerate the entire autoconf/automake/aclocal chain19:21
joaopintoI did the cherry picked patch to make the review/approval easier19:21
james_wwell, you haven't convinced me that the regeneration would work, as it appears a regenerated file would produce the same code19:22
* james_w has a packaging fix. I'll test and upload after dinner19:24
joaopintojames_w, uff: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/libuser && cd libuser && autoreconf && ./configure19:26
joaopintocheck the configure output for the detected python modules dir19:26
joaopintojames_w, will you approve my merge ?20:02
james_wno, I don't think so20:03
joaopintook, thanks for your effort, I will try to find someone else willing to help20:05
joaopintowhat is the team/group that can approve an univer FTBFS patch ?20:08
joaopintohow can I file a bug for a package which is not installable ?20:10
james_wjoaopinto: fix uploaded20:13
arandjoaopinto: Find the package in LP and report the bug there?20:15
blueyedIs there a convenient way to try applying all debian patches to a source package, before trying to build it? just to see if they fail?20:19
blueyedAt best, something which incorporates info from what-patch and works with any patch system.20:19
james_w./debian/rules patch should work for the majority20:20
blueyedah. sure. thanks.20:21
blueyednext one: what's the most convenient way to build from the current dir using sbuild, like sdebuild for pbuilder? Currently I "bzr builddeb -S" then "sbuild -A -d lucid ../*.dsc"20:24
james_wthat's the way I use20:24
blueyedok. not too bad - but this could be one step IMHO.20:25
blueyedWhat apt-caching mechanism are you using? I'm using apt-cacher-ng since a while, and it's really great to get the packages a lot faster when the first sbuild failed! :)20:26
joaopintojames_w, will you be proposing your patch to fix the FTFBS package ?20:27
joaopintojames_w, ah, it's already uploaded, thanks20:30
joaopintojames_w, any idea on how long it takes to get built/available on the repository20:30
james_wjoaopinto: it's already built for some architectures: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libuser/1:0.56.9.dfsg.1-1ubuntu320:31
james_wit's in NEW though, so will need to be checked and allowed in20:31
joaopintook thanks20:32
micahgdirecthex: do you have a PPA for the latest moon/moonlight?21:20
sebnerbdrung: don't forget to merge audacious-plugins or .. or ... or I'll file a bug! :P21:21
bdrungsebner: don't panic ;) i was away for three hours. this gave audacious enough time to build.21:21
sebnerbdrung: right and br0ke on upgrade :P21:22
bdrungsebner: time will cure the wounds :P21:23
directhexmicahg, nothing newer than in the archive. upstream's build system is painful enough without throwing svn snapshots into the mix21:23
micahgdirecthex: k, someone asked for  a moon PPA, so I thought I'd ask21:23
* sebner hugs bdrung :)21:23
micahgdirecthex: did upstream have any idea what is causing xul192 to crash with gluezilla?21:24
directhexmicahg, yeah, bad patch. i uploaded a fixed gluezilla earlier21:24
micahgdirecthex: really, awesome :)21:25
* micahg will have to look21:25
bdrungsebner: uploaded21:49
* sebner ^5 bdrung :)21:51
* bdrung ^5 sebner.21:51
bdrungsebner: are you audacious user?21:51
sebnerbdrung: from time to time, yes21:52
bdrungme, too21:52
sebnerbdrung: my main player is banshee but for quick audio stuff I use audacious :)21:52
bdrungmy main player is xmms221:52
sebnerbdrung: any good?21:53
bdrungjust look at my debian qa page ;)21:53
bdrungsebner: any good? what?21:53
sebnerbdrung: xmms221:53
sebnerbdrung: gui gui giu21:54
bdrungsebner: i control it mainly with my remote control and use xmms2-notify21:54
bdrungsebner: lxmusic is quite promising. gxmms2 works (but doesn't look nice).21:55
sebnerbdrung: any difference to audacious?21:55
bdrunggapless playback was my reason to switch.21:56
sebnerah Ic21:56
bdrungand: cover support for flac files21:57
bdrungxmms2-notify shows the covers embedded into the flac files21:57
bdrungsebner: you remind me that i want to package xmms2-notify21:57
bdrungdamn, eclipse is still fucked up21:58
ajmitchhow badly broken?21:58
bdrungsome user have problems with xulrunner (freezing, etc)21:58
bdrungand i cannot reproduce it21:59
sebnerbdrung: haha, glad to hear21:59
bdrungsebner: glad?21:59
kliangois it still possible to synch a universe packages with the appropriate version from unstable?21:59
sebnerbdrung: that I could remind you of something21:59
ajmitchkliango: possible, depending on what changes there are21:59
bdrungsebner: aha, that wasn't the response to eclipse22:00
sebnerbdrung: of course now! I will give eclipse a deeper test tomorrow, let's see if I can reproduce anythin22:00
bdrungkliango: bug fix sync: yes22:00
kliangois a bug report enough or is there a standard way for a request?22:01
bdrungkliango: a bug report is enough22:02
bdrungkliango: ping me and it will be fast processed22:03
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kliangobdrung, thx, is this always possible or only until the release ?22:10
bdrungkliango: until some days before the release. after that point you have to follow the SRU process. then you will cherry-pick fixes instead of syncing a version.22:11
kliangobdrung, thx, i will do a rebuild to test everything works fine, then you will get an email22:13
bdrungkliango: email?22:14
bdrungkliango: just paste the bug links here in irc22:15
YokoZarIs it still possible to do a sync request for a new version of a game?22:24
simon-oYokoZar, I don't think so. which game and version?22:26
YokoZarsimon-o: Hedgewars made a new release and it's needed for online play (version 0.9.13) -- upstream says they were specifically targeting this release for Lucid too.22:27
YokoZarsimon-o: I could make another upload myself but I'd prefer to just use the Debian package22:28
bdrungYokoZar: you need a FFe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess22:28
YokoZarbdrung: right right of course but would syncing be a good idea or would a normal upload just be the right solution22:29
bdrungYokoZar: syncing/merging is preferred over a normal upload22:29
simon-oYokoZar, see bug 555082. There's a discussion22:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555082 in hedgewars "new version 0.9.13 released ... ppp (pretty please package)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55508222:30
YokoZarbdrung: Right, but at this point we've been frozen for a good enough period of time I'm worried we've diverged22:30
bdrungYokoZar: make a diff of the debian directories and compare the sync to the normal upload22:30
YokoZarbdrung: I'll make sure the debian version works right and put it in the bug report and then mark it as a FFE request22:31
jpdsmicahg: Ping.22:34
micahgjpds: pong22:34
jpdsmicahg: Hi, any idea why xul-ext-noscript has been removed from the archive?22:35
micahgjpds: too fast of a moving target as they do a release about twice a month22:35
jpdsmicahg: Hmm, OK. Shame.22:35
micahgjpds: usually security fixes, so it really should be updated through -security often which is too problematicv22:36
micahgjpds: I've been using the version frmo addons.mozilla.org without issue for quite a whil;e22:36
jpdsWould be nice if https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/mozilla-noscript had such a message.22:36
micahgjpds: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-noscript/+changelog22:37
jpdsmicahg: Aha, hmm.22:38
jpdsThanks for the info.22:38
micahgjpds: we might do an extensions PPA at some point, that seems the only sane way to do it22:38
joaopintois it acceptable for a package to generate/change an /etc file on it's postinst ?22:41
Nafallomicahg: do you know if adblock-plus will be dropped as a package as well?22:50
bdrungNafallo: it will stay22:51
sebphi, I tried to upload a package to my ppa, but if I run dput I get: Please select a .changes file to upload. Tried to upload: build23:03
sebpI provide the .changes file, though23:03
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domibelhi, it would be nice if a motu could take care of bug #56260923:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562609 in slicer "Missing modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56260923:20
blizzkidHi ppl, when packaging, in a control/rules file is it possible to have another package removed? "Conflicts" only indicates it conflicts apparently?23:31
micahgblizzkid: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html23:32
bdrungblizzkid: you want remove a package in debian/rules? it's possible to conflict with an package on build time.23:32
blizzkidbdrung: let me clarify: if I install eg wicd, it'll remove network-manager. Now if I install my-own-package, it has to remove some-other-packge. Is that done through "control" or through "rules"?23:34
bdrungblizzkid: in debian/control23:34
blizzkidbdrung: I guess automatic removal only works with apt-get/aptitude?23:35
domibelbdrung, please fast process 56260923:35
bdrungblizzkid: yes23:35
blizzkidok, thx bdrung, will try adding it to my ppa then to test ;)23:36
bdrungblizzkid: already commented ;)23:36
blizzkidbdrung: what? *confused*23:37
bdrungdomibel: already commented ;)23:37
bdrungblizzkid: the last message was for domibel23:38
blizzkidoh, ok :)23:38
bdrungit's too late -> my brain needs a rest23:38
domibelbdrung, thanks for taking care of this23:39
bdrungdomibel: can you test a sync and tranform the bug in a sync request?23:42
domibelbdrung. a sync might break things, the provided patch is minimal and already included in unstable, i prefer the patch23:45
bdrungdomibel: but you have to add breaks & replaces, because you move a file from one package to another23:46
quidnuncCan someone confirm for me that ifhp doesn't show up in the repositories (e..g apt-cache search)23:47
bdrungquidnunc: confirmed23:49
quidnuncbdrung: Is that expected?23:50
bdrungquidnunc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifhp23:50
quidnuncbdrung: What should I take away from that?23:51
bdrungquidnunc: you see that it should be in lucid and that it wasn't removed23:52
bdrungi am still confused23:52
bdrungquidnunc: you might ask this question in ubuntu-devel23:56
quidnuncbdrung: Will do, thanks.23:56
bdrungquidnunc: i have no explanation why it's missing23:57

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