
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (William_Shaftner)00:35
geniiGot it already00:36
ubottuLosha called the ops in #ubuntu (Please take care of William_Shaftner)00:44
geniiObviously he doesn't follow warnings well.... :/00:45
ringerhmm - I'm typing /j #ubuntu but keep ending up here00:54
persiaringer: You may be forwarded here, if you're banned in ubuntu (either directly, or as a side effect of a too-wide ban or due to some client issue)00:55
ringerI had a problem the other day with a script I was running - it ended up flooding #ubuntu so I may be abnned. How do I get that overturned?00:56
tsimpsonringer: have you disabled or fixed the script now?01:03
ringertsimpson, yes, it is fixed now01:03
tsimpsonif you do enable any scripts, please make sure they are either silent or disabled for #ubuntu01:04
tsimpsonyou should be able to join #ubuntu now01:04
ringertsimpson, thankyou.01:04
tsimpsonyou're welcome01:05
* genii prepares a delicious pot of coffee for the crew01:13
MisterPingPingFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME IN THE ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!! its from 40 year old virgin01:49
MisterPingPingoops wrong room01:50
* elky blinks.02:12
persiaFailed to notice the banforward, one supposes02:13
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (take_a_dump)03:57
FlannelHowdy darolu, how can we help you today?03:58
daroluhello, can someone come to #ubuntu and kick a kid who thinks is funny by spamming immature stuff03:58
Flanneldarolu: If you're referring to take_a_dump, he's been taken care of03:58
daroluYes, that's the one; thank you.03:58
* genii makes more coffee, hands out the mugs04:15
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
GryllidaWhat languages are the floodbot and ubottu in?05:47
Gryllidaubottu is the first question05:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:49
Gryllida// ok I whoised it, it is supybot, heading to #supybot , end }05:58
FlannelTheyre in english!05:59
jussi01has anyone seen Seeker` recently?06:38
Tm_Tcannot remember seeing him specifically06:39
tsimpsonhe's online now, apparently06:39
jussi01tsimpson: he runs off jussi01.com or ubottu.com06:40
tsimpsonthe last messages I see from him in here was on the 8th06:41
jussi01oh. well thats not so long ago.06:58
dholbachgood morning07:39
knomemorning daniel07:39
dholbachhi knome07:39
ardchoilleThere is a user in #ubuntu named RaMcHiP that has been using a public away message for days despite the bot triggers (!away) by myself and others.08:22
elkydoes the client ever part? or would a banforward just leave us with an idler here?08:24
Tm_Tyou could try08:25
ardchoilleThanks for listening, you folks are cool :)08:26
elkyremoved, figure it's the best we can do at this point. if he rejoins, pounce08:33
elkyoh my. the bots actively seek us out now?11:03
elkyer, the bot, as in ubottu11:03
jpdselky: Yes.11:14
elkyUm, so if we don't want to do anything, do we um, just ignore it?11:35
topylielky, yes. it's just a reminder nag to encourage commenting11:51
elkytopyli, not the one right after the ban... there are new nags11:52
jussi01elky: you mean the one after a week asking for a review?11:57
jussi01hrm, tsimpson mustve applied that. I should write an email.11:58
elkyI'm happy to ignore them, but I suspect there's more to it than that.11:59
jussi01elky: no, its a planned feature, I just diidnt think it had been applied yet.11:59
jussi01elky: could you paste me the message just to make sure?12:00
elkyjussi01, yeah, i'd figured that's what it was. What i'm saying is that i'm happy to ignore them /forever/ but that it probably is not the best idea.12:02
jussi01elky: hehe12:02
elkyAlso, I think I ate too much.12:03
jussi01thats not generally a good idea...12:03
elkyNor is forgetting lunch.12:04
elkyOr more to the point, forgetting lunch until all the takeaways are closed12:04
elkyBought a bbq chicken on the way home. Way too easy to eat too much bbq chicken.12:05
jussi01I know that feeling12:05
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Seeker`jussi01: myes?12:12
jussi01Seeker`: I hadnt seen you for ages and wanted to make sure you were still alive :D12:13
Seeker`yeah, just about12:13
nikokeep an eye in #ubuntu-women please, there is probably few new users13:23
PiciOh dear13:23
PiciThanks for the heads up13:23
ikoniamarienz: you asked about bacta evading bans earlier - he's claiming (I don't believe he did it) he's been doing it again, I have logs if you want them14:44
marienzikonia: sure, why not14:45
marienzikonia: (someone more familiar with bacta than I am is planning to have a word with him, I'm not sure if that happened yet)14:46
arandNick visiON_ is being a general menace (insulting, random shouting, etc.) in #ubuntu-se, would anyone here be able to take care of it?15:08
Seeker`jpds: is on the access list there15:09
Seeker`you may have more luck in #ubuntu-irc, I believe there are more loco ops there15:10
jpds#ubuntu-se or #ubuntu-es?15:10
arandjpds: -se swedish15:10
Piciarand: Are there no operators around that are listed on /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-se list   ?15:10
jpdsarand: Yeah, not on the access list for that. !o.ps should work.15:11
Seeker`damn, sorry, transposed the characters15:11
arandOk, will do.15:11
arandProblem solved, thankyou.15:17
jpdsGuys, who on earth is MasterZxSpectrum?15:29
jpds /mode +b *!*@ip-66-35-179-93.dialup.ice.net$#ubuntu-ops15:31
jpds→ [!] Unknown mode character *15:31
jpdsGot it in the end.15:34
buckyhey it says adress banned for ubuntu+116:30
buckyi'm trying to work on a bug in lucid needed help16:31
* bucky slaps jussi01 around a bit with a large trout16:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:35
Picibucky: one moment.16:36
buckythank you16:36
Picibucky: You can join now, looks like there was a stale ban in place for someone who shares your same name.16:39
buckyok thank you16:39
topylitrouts eh16:41
gordi hearby suggest that all types of fish be referred to as "fishes", regardless of their species type. also dolphins be referred to as fish-land-fishes16:43
PiciThus spake the gord16:43
gordall Pici's should be referred to as anti/posi-pici's. obviously depending on their type16:44
jpds[ ubottu!~supybot@ubuntu/bot/ubottu  ] Hi, please review the ban '*!*@88-196-141-145-dsl.rpl.estpak.ee' that you set on Tue Apr  6 15:44:32 2010 in #ubuntu, link:20:01
Myrtti!list > fabrizio21:46

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