
cyphermoxbladernr, can I bug you about the NM + broadcom issues?01:20
bladernrdo I get to say no?01:21
bladernrsure, what's up?01:21
cyphermoxit's up to whether you want it fixed or not ;)01:21
cyphermoxI just want to make certain the testing you were doing for that was on lucid... and if you could apport-collect 539300, that would be awesome. I'm interested to see /var/log/syslog, and maybe .xsession-errors too01:23
bladernrok... hold on a sec and let me see what it sends ;-)01:24
cyphermoxsure, np01:27
bladernrthere ya go... I'll see if I can dig up .xsession-errors and add that too01:31
bladernrand xsession-errors added01:32
cyphermoxoh, i thought it was added01:32
bladernrit should be... I just added it01:44
cyphermoxwow, that's a lot of dhclient logging01:46
bladernrI think that's cumulative too though, not sure how far back dhclient logs go02:09
bladernrI reboot that thing A LOT because I do a fair bit of update and ISO testing on it02:09
bladernrthough that sounded stupid, because ISO testing would wipe out those logs anyway... sigh... it's late02:10
bladernrand I'm STILL working02:10
bladernrcyphermox:  sorry, I'm not trying to ignore you, just working on a project and not paying too much attention to IRC at the moment02:10
cyphermoxbladernr, don't worry. I'm half working on that, half trying to package something new in debian02:12
cyphermox(not at work atm)02:12
bladernroh... cool... you kids and your boundless energy ;-)02:12
aragood morning all!06:55
primes2hHello ara.10:48
arahey primes2h10:48
primes2hI create the new zsync page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage10:49
aranice :)10:49
primes2hand I redirected rsync to that10:49
primes2hara: just a note.10:49
araprimes2h, thank you very much :)10:50
primes2hara: I put #redirect etc. on the top of rsync page and I didn't delete the old content.10:50
primes2hara: Do I have to delete it?10:50
araprimes2h, it shouldn't be necessary, but it is safer, to avoid people editing old content by mistake10:51
primes2hara: Ok. Thanks. btw, I also change this accordingly https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO10:52
* ara hugs primes2h10:52
davmor2morning all11:05
aramorning davmor211:07
davmor2morning fader_ cr314:00
cr3davmor2: hey dude14:01
fader_davmor2: Hey14:03
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MarcusAhey guys23:57
MarcusAhas anybody tried running ubuntu in a windows 7 virtual machine?23:57

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