
shane_maco /dev/sdc1: LABEL="EMERSON MP3" UUID="F8EC-0D1B" TYPE="vfat"00:00
suboneUntitled_only, did you google it at all?00:00
shane_maco from blkid00:00
macoshane_: add a line to fstab that looks like:  UUID=F8Ec-0D1B    /media/music     vfat     user,rw,defaults 0 000:01
suboneUntitled_only, i see a bunch of even video tutorials how to install it00:01
frameworkI have eth0 with subnet mask and lo with is that ok?00:01
macoshane_: then "sudo mkdir /media/music" and see what happens00:01
alketUbuntu One problem: http://goo.gl/ZcBn00:01
untiecant wait to install new ubuntu00:01
Untitled_onlyso what do I have to do it?00:01
macoshane_: like unplug/replug (not sure if reboot required...dont think it is... but you should be able to double click it in the "Computer" thing inside Places if it doesnt automount00:02
Untitled_onlydo you know the command in the terminal t install it?00:02
jhambohey folks, my wireless refuses to connect to WPA.  Any help with this would be much appreciated beacause if I can't solve this my computer will be basically useless to me...00:02
suboneUntitled_only, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=How+do+I+install+Gnomenu+on+Ubuntu%3F00:03
Untitled_onlyok give me a sec to read it00:03
haavarosHi! I'm ssh'ing to my server, which is connected via HDMI to my TV. How do I specify that video output should be displayed on the TV?00:03
untieis there really any life out side the cloud ?00:03
alketUbuntu One problem: http://goo.gl/ZcBn00:03
haavarosI.e: How do I set display via ssh?00:04
subonehaavaros, `export DISPLAY=:0` replace 0 with the number of your display00:04
haavarossubone: Ok, thx ... and how do I find the number?00:04
kermithow do i pick what version of something i want out of a PPA?00:04
=== system is now known as Guest32948
geniiTea connoisseur scours the world and decides to travel to Mercy in Australia for what he hears is Koala Tea. Gets there and throws some of it in a filter and puts hot water over wherein the local old codger goes: The Koala Tea of Mercy is never Strained!00:05
geniiHm, wrong channel, apologies00:05
momelodgreetings channel, I've ordered a 8Gb server from a hosting shop, when i log in i only see 4Gb.  Is there a way to determine if this limit is imposed by my installed kenel, or if there is actually only 4Gb in the box00:05
aciculaheu what channel was it ment for :P?00:06
aciculamomelod: you mean installed memory?00:06
psusimomelod, shouldn't the hosting shop have installed an appropriate system for you?00:06
=== Monotoko_ is now known as Monotoko
momelodacicula, yes, physical ram00:06
geniiacicula: Local bunch of tech minded people00:06
psusimomelod, you can check your dmesg00:07
aciculamomelod: if you are on a 32bit os it will not use/show more then 4GB, switching to a pae kernel improves things a bit, but using 64bit is much better00:07
momelodpsusi, should have.. but im wondering if im doing something wrong or they did00:07
momelodacicula, its 64bit00:07
aciculamomelod: hmm, then it should see 8GB, check the seating(resseat if need be) of the memory?00:07
shane_maco still says cant define permisions00:08
pyhackerany ideas about how to fix flash on firefox? (it broke from a recent ubuntu update)00:08
frameworkhi all, still need help with pinging linux ubuntu machines, anyone?00:08
momelodwhat should i grep for from dmesg to see the ram>?00:08
aciculamomelod: heu, what does free -m report?00:08
macoshane_: after unplug/replug? what does the /dev/sdc1 line of "mount" say now?00:08
subonehaavaros, try xrandr00:08
momelodacicula, says total 396200:09
tom4949311Hi. When creating an ext3 file system, is it possible to skip bad blocks that are on the partition?00:09
alketpo lorenc00:09
=== panda is now known as ownlife
aciculamomelod: and uname -a says?00:09
ownlifecould someone direct me to a channel for xp help?00:09
momelodacicula, Linux 100323t4t9a5 2.6.31-20-server #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 05:40:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:09
aciculaownlife: ##windows ?00:10
geniiownlife: ##windows00:10
vinnyM3or #xpsucks00:10
psusimomelod, pastebin the bios e820 lines from your dmesg00:10
suboneownlife, #windows?00:10
ownlifeI need it for the games00:10
psusitom4949311, it is, but you shouldn't have any bad blocks00:10
subonevinnyM3, all things considered Windows XP is a good choice for mainstream gaming00:10
momelodpsusi, http://pastebin.com/nbZeMxG200:11
shane_maco /dev/sdc1 on /media/EMERSON MP3 type vfat (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,flush)00:11
shane_gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/shane/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=shane)00:11
vinnyM3no it's not.00:11
suboneanyway its ot00:11
subonebbl guys00:11
tom4949311psusi: What do you mean? Do you mean that if there any bad blocks on a hard drive, then that hard drive shouldn't be used?00:11
macoshane_: ok i think you have to reboot for it to go into effect00:11
macoshane_: er, you saved fstab right? ..i skipped saying that step00:12
shane_maco yea00:12
shane_maco brb00:12
zaxonspoxtm bad block space shouldnt be used00:12
psusimomelod, looks like they screwed up...00:13
momelodbetter them than me00:13
psusitom4949311, that's one way of looking at it... though sometimes a bad block isn't really bad and can be repaired00:14
aciculapsusi: how are you calculating the memory from the ranges, by looking at the usable?00:14
psusiacicula, yea... highest listed address is only 4.3 gb00:14
psusierr, 4.7500:14
tom4949311psusi: Repaired how so? Would mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 be sufficient?00:15
aciculapsusi: ah right :)00:15
aciculamomelod: it can still be an incorrectly seated dimm in the machine00:15
ArpheticWhat does the %u do in starters?00:15
aciculathough i think you can see in the bios? which dimm slots are in use?00:16
momelodacicula, could be. just wanted to be sure it wasnt a limitation in my kernel00:16
psusitom4949311, no... first, what makes you think it has bad blocks?  have you checked with smartmon tools or palimpest?00:16
momelodreport-hardware shows u which dimms are free00:17
aciculahmm dont seem to have that command but what does it output for you?00:18
tom4949311psusi: Files have been getting lost randomly over the past few months. A few weeks ago I did use smartmon and iirc it said there was bad blocks, but cannot be certain. I'm currently running mkfs.ext3 -cv /dev/sda100:18
differentSmokehello everyone00:18
tom4949311psusi: I'll run smartmon after that has finished.00:18
psusitom4949311, may as well ctrl-c the mkfs00:18
=== Cream is now known as Guest54342
aciculamomelod: i can find it using dmidecode on my machine, should tell you what kind of dimm is in there too00:19
differentSmokeI need help getting a DLink dwl-g520+ wireless card with Ubuntu 9.100:19
tom4949311psusi: Oh?00:19
=== Guest54342 is now known as derp
psusitom4949311, if you run the smartmon long test and it identifies a bad sector, you can try using hdparm or dd to write to the sector and see if it recovers00:19
psusitom4949311, it could be that one sector was in the middle of being written when you lost power or something so it was corrupted... but there's nothing physically wrong with the disk.... in that case, writing to that sector will correct the error00:20
tom4949311psusi: And mkfs.ext3 -c will not detect that?00:20
psusitom4949311, if it is physically defective, then the drive should remap the address to the spare pool and you will see this in the smart numbers... if it's just one or two, you should be fine, if there are a lot, you should not use the drive anymore00:21
shane_maco didnt work, and when I went to boot up it couldnt mount00:21
psusitom4949311, ohh, -c will detect it and just not use those blocks ever... it will not attempt to repair00:21
shane_maco it couldnt mount that media we created and I had to skip it to get sytem to boot up00:21
macoshane_: add "noauto" to that options list (with user,rw,defaults) so it doesnt try to mount it on boot00:22
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
ownlifeMaybe this is a common knowledge thing, don't hate me! I ended up installing xp and ubuntu a few times over each other and now I can install linux but xp tells me it needs to write some startup files. It can't create or format partitions.00:22
tom4949311psusi: Do you have any idea how long a long smartmon test is compared to mkfs.ext3 -c ? I'm 50% through mkfs.ext3 -c and there are 20 minutes remaining.00:23
shane_maco is it possible to fix my windows xp bootloader and not mess up my ubuntu?00:23
ownlifeFrom the windows disk boot setup00:23
shane_maco that would be much simpler if its possible, that way I can use windows when I want to anyways00:23
macoshane_: lets just give it a try from the command line. try:  sudo mount -o=rw,defaults -t auto /dev/sdc1 /media/music00:23
haavarosHow do I find the display number via SSH? xrandr gives 'can't open x-server' or something... or maybe 'cant open display' don't remember00:23
alsetso i want to easy crop some screen shots but GIMP confuses me to no end. is there an easy way to do a screen capture where i just drag a box on the screen with the mouse?00:24
shane_maco with it plugged in???00:24
macoshane_: your windows bootloader is broken? or grub just isnt chainloading to it?00:24
macoshane_: yes with it plugged in00:24
shane_maco not sure, just no when I choose to boot windows it just goes to a black screen and sits there00:24
darksiderwhat length is an md5 hash? i forgot...00:24
ownlifeor is there a testdisk equivalent for linux?00:24
macoshane_: it could be that your grub config isnt calling windows' bootloader right00:25
tom4949311psusi: My connection dropped for a second. Did you say anything after my 23:23 line?00:25
shane_maco thing is I cant find the grub config file00:25
psusitom4949311, probably around the same amount of time00:25
macoshane_: its either /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.cfg i think00:25
tom4949311psusi: Ah ok. Thank you for your help.00:25
=== tag_ is now known as tag
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde00:27
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde400:27
shane_maco if my windows install is on the first harddrive but second partition would it be hd0,2 or hd0,1??00:28
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:28
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:28
=== mcurrington is now known as mrcurrington
macoshane_: hd0,2 i believe00:28
abc123could anyone tell me how to open a new tab in a bash script?00:29
shane_maco the config file says;   set root-= (hd0,2).... I thought they started from 0 when counting as 0 is the first partition??00:29
Neologicaladriyel Can i get the xfce phoenix edition for ubuntu you think?00:29
dmackdadyanyone here using Wireshark??00:29
macoshane_: im not sure. its been a while since i had to fix up a dual boot...00:29
William_Shaftneror windows00:29
dmackdadyif anyone knows any reasons why i cant get my wireless card interface to show up in Wireshark,, and it is compatible??00:32
ArpheticWhat does the %u do in starters?00:32
vinnyM3dmackdady it is, just won't be eth000:32
William_Shaftneri just uploaded windows 7 on my ipad00:33
William_Shaftnerits awesome00:33
William_Shaftnercan ubuntu run on an ipad00:33
vinnyM3have another beer william lol00:33
mattyokproblem: upgraded to 9.10 installed latest driver and wireless won't turn on00:33
ardchoille!ot | William_Shaftner00:33
ubottuWilliam_Shaftner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:33
William_Shaftnerits jager00:33
Capt_BlackwoodWilliam_Shaftner, i looove that name00:34
vinnyM3dmackdady you would probably start wireshark using sudo  - then it will see your wlan adapter.00:34
William_Shaftnerheh thanks cap00:34
William_Shaftneri had to find a reference to a penis for this girl in a nother room. on topic. where can i get a liver cd00:34
ardchoille!ops | William_Shaftner00:35
ubottuWilliam_Shaftner: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:35
chalcedonydoes anyone know how to turn something 90 degrees with imagemagick?00:35
chalcedonydoes anyone know how to turn something 90 degrees with gimp?00:36
chalcedonyi just need to turn it00:36
ardchoillechalcedony: yes, hold on00:36
chalcedonyardchoille, np thank you so much :)00:36
dmackdadyvinnyeM3 Tanks that did it!!!!00:37
jeevesok guys, I'm stuck, and I can't do any package installs/upgrades.  How can I fix this?   http://pastebin.com/FbsVPMAT00:37
vinnyM3cool dmackdady :)00:37
tomfitzyukardchoille: `convert inputfile.jpg -flop outputfile.jpg` would work too by the way.00:37
ardchoillechalcedony: in gimp, Layer > Transform > Rotate..00:37
tomfitzyukardchoille: Sorry, not you. :P00:37
ardchoilletomfitzyuk: That's ok, I can use that too :)00:37
chalcedonyill try thanks ardchoille :)00:38
ardchoillechalcedony: you may also have to do Image > Fit layer to canvas, after the rotation00:38
William_Shaftneri asked a relevant question right?00:39
geniiWilliam_Shaftner: Please behave, or else just leave00:39
William_Shaftneri asked where i could find a live cd00:39
chalcedonyi'm totally new to this stuff, one thing at a time, ty ardchoille :)00:39
macoWilliam_Shaftner: windows, apple products, and body parts are offtopic for this channel00:39
geniiWilliam_Shaftner: This is a support channel. You remarked "<William_Shaftner> i had to find a reference to a penis for this girl in a nother room. on topic. where can i get a liver cd"00:40
haavarosIs there some way to share mouse via lan? I have a server connected to my TV, but no mouse or keyboard00:40
frameworkhi all, still need help with pinging linux ubuntu machines, anyone?00:40
jeevesok guys, I'm stuck, and I can't do any package installs/upgrades.  How can I fix this?   http://pastebin.com/FbsVPMAT00:40
William_Shaftneryea the live cd for linux00:40
William_Shaftnerwas the question00:40
ardchoillechalcedony: ok, let me know if I canbe of further help with gimp, I use it all the time00:40
zvacethelp me ti integrate pacpl in amarok00:41
macoWilliam_Shaftner: everything before "on topic" was not-ok00:41
geniiWilliam_Shaftner: So eiher refrain from mentioning penises and girls in the same sentence in a support channel or move to achannel which is for that00:41
LoshaWilliam_Shaftner: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download00:41
vinnyM3frame whats ip, subnet mask, and gateway of both your linux and windoze machines?00:41
* genii slides Losha a coffee00:41
William_Shaftneri apologize :/ thanks Losha00:41
frameworkCan anybody help me find a channel for solving ping from windows to ubuntu hardy 8.04?00:42
jeevesframework, check your firewall on the Ubuntu box00:43
Loshaframework: why not start by answering vinnyM3's questions?00:43
chalcedonyardchoille, is gimp going to like working with a .jpeg or do i need something else?00:43
Losha!ops | Please take care of William_Shaftner00:44
ubottuPlease take care of William_Shaftner: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:44
=== snoopy is now known as Guest59302
ardchoillechalcedony: gimp can work with .jpeg just fine00:44
geniijpds: Beat me to it, thanks00:44
ardchoillejpds: thank you00:45
chalcedonyardchoille, great :)00:45
Loshachalcedony: easier to use the 'display' command, transform -> rotate right...00:45
chalcedonyLosha, umm?00:45
Loshachalcedony: the 'display' command is part of imagemagick...00:46
Guest59302Anybody use Bot sentry on pidgin?00:46
haavarosIs there some way to share mouse and keyboard via LAN?00:46
chalcedonyLosha, yes it is, that's the one i was looking for first. ok how do i write the command?00:46
Loshachalcedony: it's a gui interface, just type 'display file.jpg' then left-click for the menu...00:47
halimhi guys, i installed lamp on my machine, but somehow i can't open php files, when i open the address "localhost/index.php" firefox asks me if i want to download it, what do i have to do, to get it working?00:47
ardchoillechalcedony: you might also have a look at some imagemagick tutorials like this one: http://xahlee.org/img/imagemagic.html00:48
jimi_festival says it can't open /dev/dsp, what would cause that?00:48
chalcedonyardchoille, ty the manual is deep and hard to fathom.00:48
dim3000whenever I rotate or drag windows with compiz i get fuzzy bars and panels: http://imagebin.ca/view/umGMc4.html00:49
FunkyWeaselEvening.  Trying to get Ubuntu One to work - but following the instruction on the /support/installation page shows a preferences option for Ubuntu One that I don't have - even though I have it installed.00:49
ardchoillechalcedony: yeah, I found the same thing. Better to use some online tutorials00:49
FunkyWeaselhalim: Off the top of my head sounds like it's not recognising .php files as scripts to be executed.  You'll need to look in your apache config.00:50
chalcedonyLosha, that worked wonderfully! the original was not set on the page straight.. is there a way to fix that?00:51
ardchoille!lamp| halden check the troubleshooting section here, it has a workaround for that issue00:51
ubottuhalden check the troubleshooting section here, it has a workaround for that issue: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:51
halimFunkyWeasel, i never had this problem before, i guess this time it somehow didn't configure apache right...00:51
ardchoilleoops, menat that for halim , sorry halden00:51
ardchoille!lamp> halim check the troubleshooting section here, it has a workaround for that issue00:51
ubottuhalim, please see my private message00:51
Guest59302Anybody use Bot sentry on pidgin?00:52
halimgot it, thank you ardchoille00:52
Loshachalcedony: try the rotate command. It's not as easy to use as the rotate left/right though...00:53
ownlifetrying to delete all partitions on my hard drive(gparted) but I cant get rid of sda2 extended and sda500:53
ownlifethe swap partitions00:53
chalcedonyLosha, hmm ok looking ty :)00:53
ownlifeboom nm00:54
ArpheticWhat does the %u do in starters? (ie firefox %u)00:54
zvacetI installed pacpl from synaptic and want to integrate it in amarok how to do it00:55
CaponeBH1Ae galera que gosta de poker, passando pra dizer que estou emulando o Poker Stars pelo Wine perfeitamente! Viva ao Ubuntu!00:55
Guest59302You people really help out00:55
zvacet!es | CaponeBH100:55
ubottuCaponeBH1: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:55
alkethow to remove memorytest and unused linux kernels from grub ?00:56
tsimpsonArphetic: it's a place-holder for the url00:56
grtealket: remove them from /boot/grub/menu.lst00:56
grteBe careful about it.00:56
ardchoillealket: The best way to remove unused kernels from grub is to use the package manager to uninstall them00:56
zvacetalket : you can remove kernels from synaptic in search box type linux-image and remove one with lower number00:57
Arphetichow about rhythmbox %u ?00:57
halimardchoille, reinstalled as descripted on the page but still doesn't work00:57
alketgrte doesn work00:57
alketzvacet: how about memorytest00:57
tsimpsonArphetic: same thing, a url can be a file url, it just starts with file://00:57
dhaneshgrte: which is the most usefull mediaplayer that can play any video and audio streams from internet.00:57
ardchoillehalim: Did you try this section?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting%20PHP%20500:58
grtedhanesh: mplayer00:58
Only-OneHi friends, I invite you to a new network of mIRC, /s -m irc.joinirc.org [join #CService for HELP]00:58
grtealket: Are you sure?  Make sure to edit the file with root priviliges00:58
zvacetalket : jusr a sec00:59
chalcedonyi'm enjoying having the picture rotate back to sideways and then upside down, but making a line on it didn't change the image location on the page, maybe i misunderstood the help, when it said 'choose a point and draw a line' to correct rotation?00:59
chalcedonyLosha, sorry00:59
alketgrte i used sudo gedit ... and a blank file appeared00:59
ardchoille!gksudo | alket00:59
ubottualket: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:59
grtealket: You used the command "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" ?01:00
Loshachalcedony: if I recall, you select rotate, then click and drag the mouse. It draws a line which is supposed to give you an idea of how much it will rotate, and then it rotates. Might want to practice with a small jpg that responds quickly...01:00
alketobottu im familiarised with ubuntu, i use it for 4 years, but i dont know how to edit grub list, its for my moms pc01:00
maximus__hey ppl used rhythmbox to copy songs to ipod but once done i cant play anything on my ipod as it shows 0 songs. any help?01:00
alketgrte yes01:00
ardchoillealket: are you on Karmic?01:00
grteThat really should work.01:00
alketlucid beta 201:00
ardchoille!lucid | alket01:01
ubottualket: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:01
chalcedonyLosha, speed isn't my problem, it just didn't do anything that i could see, except the one time when it turned the picture back to sideways.01:01
alketubottu i know but its very stable thoug01:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:01
Loshaalket: it's off topic, but you don't really want to give your mom a beta release. Give here 9.10 instead...01:01
grteThat's very true.01:02
chalcedonyalket, i'm mom, give her 9.1001:02
maximus__any help folks01:03
zvacetalket : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:03
chalcedonymaximus__, i don't have an ipod01:03
Loshachalcedony: you did transform -> rotate -> direction -> horizontal, then clicked and dragged, then release?01:04
lokvendraperdi el sonido en youtube pero tengo en mi reprodoctur tengoa koala01:04
differentSmokehello, anyone?01:04
swoody!hello | differentSmoke01:04
ubottudifferentSmoke: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:04
Losha!es | lokvendra01:04
ubottulokvendra: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:04
differentSmokeI need help getting a DLink dwl-g520+ wireless card with Ubuntu 9.101:04
chalcedonyLosha, yes i tried both, i think01:04
maximus__chalcedony: lol okie :D may be i could buy one if ya fix this thing :P01:04
chalcedonybendkan, try #xchat ;)01:05
maximus__chalcedony: buy u one *01:05
maximus__anyways heading to rhythmbox chat :P01:05
chalcedonymaximus__, i wish.. are you positive it copied data over?01:05
halimis the htttpd.conf file empty after a installation of apache+php??01:05
aciculahalim: no, far from it01:06
swoodydifferentSmoke: have you tried going to System>Admin>Hardware Drivers and seeing if there's a driver available?01:06
Loshachalcedony: it's hard to diagnose through irc, but I bet you've misinterpreted one of the steps, since there's not a known bug in this area...01:06
halimacicula, what do you mean?01:06
chalcedonyLosha, most likely .. is the line supposed to be within the image or where you want the image to be? (i did the latter)01:06
maximus__chalcedony yea i could play them via rhythmbox as well as i could access the file directly on the device01:07
aciculahalim: the file is not empty, a default apache+php installation comes with working configuration01:07
HugoDanielwhats the name of the app that ubuntu uses to show up the graphical boot up animation ?01:07
Loshachalcedony: I did it within the image. I find it hard to predict from the line how the result will look, though...01:07
halimacicula, hmm, i guess that's the problem why the php modul doesn't work with apache01:07
differentSmokeswoody: it says there is no "privative" drives in the system. My install is in spanish, I think it may mean propietary?01:07
ringeram setting up a laptop with U9.1 for my wife to use and want to connect to it via my m/c (U9.1 also) via home wireless. Which progam(s) should I be using. Is there a guide somewhere?01:08
chalcedonyLosha, i'm cool with lines (used to be an artist .. i'll try drawing within the picture though :)01:08
halimbut where can i get a standard configuration for apache with php?01:08
swoodydifferentSmoke: yes, that's what it means :) Let me look into it for a minute...01:08
Loshachalcedony: I'm not very visual I'm afraid. I can't even match two colors together...01:08
swoodydifferentSmoke: can you give me the output of lspci through pastebin.ubuntu.com01:09
ardchoillechalcedony: gimp has a "healing" tool that might help01:09
differentSmokelspci is a comand?01:09
chalcedonyLosha, rolling on the floor laughing .. i did it and now the picture is still crooked .. but upside down!01:09
differentSmokesudo lspci?01:09
HugoDanielanyone knows whats the name of the app that ubuntu uses to show up the graphical boot up animation ?01:09
swoodydifferentSmoke: yes, sorry, and yeah go ahead and use sudo01:09
Loshachalcedony: that's what I meant when I said it's hard to know what the final result will be from line...01:10
swoodydifferentSmoke: is the system in question the one you're on now?01:10
zvacetdifferentSmoke : lspci or lspci | grep net01:10
chalcedonyLosha, ardchoille somehow i don't think this ought to be so complicated, it would have artists jumping out of 10th story windows!01:10
differentSmokeno, but I'm right next to it. copying through a usb drive shouldn't be a problem01:10
jribHugoDaniel: usplash or plymouth depending on what version you are talking about01:11
swoodydifferentSmoke: can you connect it via ethernet cable?01:11
ardchoillechalcedony: I do all my art work in the gimp, I know imagemagick is awesome but I don't use it often.01:11
differentSmokenot really01:12
chalcedonyardchoille, i used to do it with some command which i used to have handy, until my hd died .. ok let's try gimp :)01:12
HugoDanieljrib: what is the one used on the most recent beta ?01:12
Loshachalcedony: you might prefer gimp, but I think it's even more complicated, like photoshop. I'd give my left arm for a 'straighten' command in display...01:12
swoodydifferentSmoke: ok, well let's see what we get from lspci then01:12
chalcedonyLosha, that's kind of what i'm afraid of too01:12
jribHugoDaniel: should be plymouth (lucid questions should be asked in #ubuntu+1)01:12
HugoDanielok, thanks01:13
swoodydifferentSmoke: and we shouldn't need too much here, just run: lspci | grep -i net01:13
chalcedonyLosha, i'll bet that 'transform' etc represents some commandline command with numbers that with some experiementation would set it straight01:13
Loshachalcedony: you go for it, girl...!01:13
chalcedonyLosha, uh huh right.. wish my son hadn't moved to texas.01:14
willphBug in the initial boot screen? Ubuntu 10.04 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=xljb4z&s=5 bug 1, so that when Ubuntu will get the black screen with something written http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14jc1sw&s=5 bug2 after the 1st screen turns green and then the ubuntu logo appears http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2j32xdx&s=5 bug 3, when you restart it.01:14
willphThe links are related images to bug.01:14
willphThis is a bug or not?01:15
dhanesh tsimpson:i cant run youtube videos on totem movie player error message came.01:15
Loshachalcedony: I see something called 'nautilus-image-converter' in the repos which says it's a "...nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images..." but I've never used it....01:16
ardchoillewillph: lucid (10.04) support in #ubuntu+101:16
differentSmokeswoody: sorry, I had already copied the unfiltered lspci01:16
differentSmokeswoody: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/413399/01:16
swoodydifferentSmoke: that's np :)01:16
frankS2Hi, is there any way i can show the current IP leases from dhcpd ?01:16
Gneadhanesh: youtube recently changed, even youtube-dl doesn't work anymore01:16
astrocubHit http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates/multiverse Sources01:16
astrocub99% [Waiting for headers]^C01:16
crucialhoaxastrocub: Is chrome installed?01:16
chalcedonyLosha, hmm it rotated the image fine, it just didn't straighten it.. although opening it in gimp it's back to sideways.01:16
astrocubminus the ctl-c sign, that's what i see while trying to update01:16
astrocubcrucialhoax: google-chrome?01:17
ardchoilleastrocub: give it a minute, the servers may be busy this close to 10.04 release01:17
Loshachalcedony: did you forget to save it after you rotated?01:17
astrocubardchoille: is five minutes good?01:17
chalcedonyLosha, hmmm probably01:17
willphardchoille: thanks01:17
crucialhoaxastrocub: I dont know the specific error but chrome will cause that problem01:17
astrocubi have a 1megabit down connection01:17
DR_Fun1ok in the command line how do you extract files01:17
ardchoilleastrocub: tbh, I'd just leave it and let it do its thing01:17
thelostpatrolis 10.04 out yet?01:17
HowardtheDuckhey is python-qt4 important01:17
geniiDR_Fun1: It depends on what they were compressed with01:17
astrocubcrucialhoax: um, google-chrome will prevent me from downloading headers in apt?01:18
ardchoille!lucid | thelostpatrol01:18
ubottuthelostpatrol: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:18
crucialhoaxastrocub: Does for me01:18
dhaneshoh thank you01:18
HowardtheDucki was playing around and i thik i lost it, python q401:18
thelostpatroloh right, thanks01:18
sirninjaIs it ever going to be possible for empathy to automatically open new messages?01:18
crucialhoaxastrocub: and I am not the only one.01:18
astrocubi will give it one min01:18
astrocubcrucialhoax: apt-get remove google-chrome should solve the problem?01:19
Loshacrucialhoax: google-chrome causes a bug in apt?01:19
astrocubah, it finally completed01:19
astrocuband it was waiting on google stuff01:19
ardchoilleastrocub: if you have google chrome installed, their repos always take a min or two01:20
astrocubardchoille: how sad01:20
geniiDR_Fun1: eg: for file.tar.gz   - tar -xvzf file.tar.gz          for file.tar.bz2  - tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2              for zip - unzip file.zip          ... and so on01:20
crucialhoaxastrocub: Called it.01:20
ksolowoniukIs anyone else having trouble with blank cds on 10.04?01:20
ardchoille!lucid | ksolowoniuk01:20
ubottuksolowoniuk: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:20
DarthPuffi cannot mount fat 16 devices01:21
crucialhoaxastrocub: It is sooooo annoying. It even does it through the gui.01:21
DarthPuffhow do i make it so i can mount them (fat 16)? i have dosfstools01:21
swoodydifferentSmoke: ok, and is the device in question a new install of Ubuntu?01:21
chalcedonylosha ardchoille ok i saved and made some copies for safety. in gimp, show grid and snap to grid did nothing.. imho it's seeing the picture and the white space around it as one.01:21
differentSmokeswoody: I don't understand the question01:22
astrocubhttp://pastebin.com/Q3BAV7cY <- problem installing arduino from ppa01:22
ardchoillechalcedony: after you rotated the image in gimp, did you fit the canvas to image like I told you before?01:22
Loshachalcedony: snap-to-grid is only for new stuff you draw, it won't do what you need...01:22
chalcedonyardchoille, i missed that step for sure.01:23
ardchoillechalcedony: you may also have to do Image > Fit layer to canvas, after the rotation01:23
Loshachalcedony: I'm glad ardchoille knows his way around the gimp...01:24
ardchoilleLosha: gimp rocks! Been using it for years :)01:24
PeddyI'm using a custom tty resolution with grub2, and the resoution works, but the entire output of TTYs is restricted to the bottom 4 lines of the screen (everything else is blank). Why could this be?01:25
chalcedony<ardchoille> chalcedony: you may also have to do Image > Fit layer to canvas, after the rotation /  i have Image Edit and Misceleny Image Edit . but neither has 'fit layer to canvas' that i can see?01:28
aciculaastrocub: seems the packages are packaged incorrectly01:28
ardchoillechalcedony: Which ubuntu version are you using?01:29
aciculaastrocub: as judging by the trace there are conflicts between the packages, try a different ppa maybe?01:29
ardchoillechalcedony: are you looking in the Image menu item for that pic?01:29
chalcedonyardchoille, i have 9.04 i'm in image magick01:30
chrisl2424Is it bad to have a graphics card that is 300 wats and a computer that is 300 wats because i just bought a new graphics Geforce 210 Nividia card and when I first turned on my computer it acted like it knew it was there. I try something and it's worse then before like i don't even have a graphic card? this is on my Ubuntu partition. On my windows, the mouse freezes and everything is big. Please help?01:30
ardchoillechalcedony: ok, I was referring to the gimp, never used the imagemagick gui01:31
chalcedonyardchoille, ok i can open it in gimp01:31
chalcedonyi thought you were talking about IM01:32
Untitled_onlydoes anyone know how to enable desktop effect with a old computer?01:32
ardchoilleUntitled_only: that requires compositing. Are you sure your graphics card on that computer can handle compositing01:33
greezmunkeyUntitled_only: Pretty much up to the graphics processor, video card that is.01:33
chrisl2424Is it bad to have a graphics card that is 300 wats and a computer that is 300 wats because i just bought a new graphics Geforce 210 Nividia card and when I first turned on my computer it acted like it knew it was there. I try something and it's worse then before like i don't even have a graphic card? this is on my Ubuntu partition. On my windows, the mouse freezes and everything is big. Please help?01:34
aciculachrisl2424: the Gforce210 doesnt use 300W, i'd be surprised if it draws 30W01:34
swoodydifferentSmoke: sry bout that, laptop died. Anywho, so is this on a new install of Ubuntu?01:35
Untitled_onlyI'm not sure. it has a intel processor01:35
ardchoilleUntitled_only: I'd kinda doubt it unless you installed a newer gfx card01:35
chrisl2424box says 300 wat, anyway can you help me?01:36
aciculachrisl2424: if you swapped graphics make sure both ubuntu and windows have loaded/reloaded the right video drivers01:36
Untitled_onlylet me check the hardware info. give me a sec01:36
chrisl2424i did not swap01:36
chrisl2424it used to use the cpu graphics01:36
aciculaso you added a graphics card then?01:37
differentSmokeswoody: yes, it was windows XP but I overwrote it01:38
chalcedonyardchoille, Losha image gives me: Fit Canvas to Layers, but it's not doing anything?01:38
ardchoillechalcedony: did you do the rotation first?01:39
swoodydifferentSmoke: ok, I think the easiest way to do this would be to connect your computer via ethernet, run 'sudo apt-get update' and check the Hardware Drivers section again01:39
ardchoillechalcedony: step 1. rotation, step 2. Fit canvas..01:39
aciculachrisl2424: then you have to make sure that the drivers are changed, on windows by installing the nvidia drivers, and on ubuntu via System->Administration->Hardware drivers01:39
chalcedonyardchoille, yes and saved and then copied, opened a copy in gimp01:39
ardchoillechalcedony: do all of this work on the same image01:39
differentSmokeack. maybe getting a new wireless card would be easier01:39
chrisl2424windows won't even load it01:40
differentSmokeswoody: can I update it manually?01:40
ardchoillechalcedony: you can always ctrl+z to revert a mistake in the gimp01:40
aciculachrisl2424: i dont understand01:40
chalcedonyardchoille, let's assume this is an original and it's just crooked not sideways.01:40
swoodydifferentSmoke: I don't know a way to, but you'll also need to be connected to download the driver, ndiswrapper, and any dependancies. You can download these via the computer you're on, and transfer them to the other computer via USB, but tbh, I'm not sure which packages you'll need :/01:41
differentSmokeswoody: I did try with ndiswrapper and what was supposedly a driver for my card(it is surprisingly hard to get, and I can't find the damned CD), but it did nothing01:41
ardchoillechalcedony: ok, then you might try Layer > Transform > Arbitrary rotation01:41
Untitled_onlyOk when I go to appearance menu, than click the Visual Effects it says" can not enable effects"01:42
crucialhoaxdifferentSmoke: What wifi card are we talking about?01:42
swoodydifferentSmoke: try running this on that machine: sudo modprobe -r acx_pci01:42
snowhouseHi I have a problem with rythembox01:42
NeologicalHow do i find hardware information(processor, hdd, and the like) in Kubuntu?01:42
crucialhoaxUntitled_only: Probable because the proper video drivers cannot be installed or are not installed.01:42
swoodydifferentSmoke: then try your ndiswrapper with the driver again:sudo ndiswrapper -i [your windows driver here]01:42
ardchoillechalcedony: Would you be willing to let me try fixing the image?01:42
chalcedonyardchoille, sure moment01:43
Berzerkerso I'm configuring software raid, it's asking me for the active devices01:43
snowhousewhen i plug my ipod in it asks to initialize it (like it should) I run it through the steps but at the end it gives me an error01:43
Untitled_onlyso how do I install them?01:43
Berzerkerdo I choose just the ext4 drives? or the swap drives also01:44
Berzerkerdo I even need swap (6GB of RAM)01:44
crucialhoaxUntitled_only: What video card are you using?01:44
emmaAny ideas how to get videos on this page to work in Ubuntu -- http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/292938-801:44
chalcedonyardchoille, messaged you01:45
ardchoillechalcedony: got it01:45
chrisl2424where can i look for log files01:45
NeologicalHow do i find system info (ram, hdd capacity and processorspeed) in kubuntu?01:45
swoodyNeological: System Monitor should still be installed in Kubuntu. Try searching for it through the text box on the menu.01:46
david_brentemma: video doesnt work? or it just needs flash?01:46
Neologicalswoody thanks.01:46
emmadavid_brent: I watch youtube videos and other flash stuff with no apparent problem.01:46
emmadavid_brent: but i can't get the videos on that page to start.01:46
emmacan you?01:47
swoodyNeological: np, let me know if it doesn't work, or if you're looking for different specs :)01:47
david_brentemma: yes01:47
emmawith Ubuntu?01:47
david_brentemma: 9.10 yes, flashplayer 10.0.3201:48
JonBaI hear we have some imagemagick folks here01:48
Untitled_onlywell does anyone know a visual effect app that works good on old computers?01:48
JonBaSo as to reduce paste spam:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/8iBDahaj01:49
NeologicalSwoody. It gave me some info. Tha ram size. But in kde suse, thay displayes system data in the desktop folder. just like wandows. Is it possible in kubuntu?01:49
emmaI have 9.10 also.01:49
emmaAnd the lastest flashplayer from Adobe.01:50
david_brentemma: what version? what browser?01:50
zutmeSo I'm testing Lucid on my computer and when I suspend it does what I though was called hibernate. Meaning I have to switch my computer back on again when it does it. I want suspend to RAM. Is this intended, a bug, or am I uninformed?01:51
swoodyNeological: This is Linux, anything's possible ;) I just don't know how offhand, lol. Is there something you want to find out that System Monitor didn't have, or are you just preferring to be able to see it in the folder?01:51
pythags12hi all01:51
emmadavid_brent: firefox Shockwave Flash 10.0 r4501:51
Untitled_onlyemma why don't u upgrade to 10.04?01:52
emmado i just replace libflashplayer.so with the new one?01:52
crucialhoaxemma: Yes, if you are upgrading flash plater01:53
crucialhoaxemma: Yes, if you are upgrading flash player*01:53
Bruchow come i cannot update my files01:53
IdleOneBruc: what files?01:53
Untitled_onlywhat do you mean bruc?01:53
=== don is now known as Guest52020
NeologicalSwoody. i wanted to check out whether it registered my new ram, cpu, and harddrive proberly. I just thought that there might would be a "GUI" or a "commandline" show room:)01:54
Brucsudo apt-update01:54
Bructelling me permmision denied01:54
IdleOneBruc: sudo apt-get update01:54
Brucok then what01:54
Bruchow do install them01:54
IdleOneenter your passwprd01:54
david_brentemma: well i have Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32 and it works :S01:54
IdleOneBruc: then sudo apt-get upgrade01:55
Brucohh ok thanks IdleOne01:55
emmadavid_brent: All I get is that it says its buffering. It never starts playing.01:55
rageBruc: What are you trying to update? are you trying to install something specific or do you wish to upgrade everything?01:55
david_brentemma: your connection is good?01:55
Brucno just installed ubuntu01:55
Bructrying to do all the updates01:55
david_brentemma: really dont know :/ maybe someone can help you, else jsut fiddle with it01:55
rageAh, in that case run sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade01:56
Bructhis is cool package01:56
david_brentemma: is the flash from the repos?01:56
emmaNo I got it from Adobe.01:56
zutmeI installed Lucid on my computer, and it works great except that Suspend seems to make my computer hibernate. It shuts it off so that I have to power it back on. Is there anyway I can have it "sleep" like in Windows so I just have to move my mouse to wake it up?01:56
IdleOnezutme: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support01:56
JonBaImagemagick question:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/8iBDahaj01:57
Brucrage, upgrade everthing01:57
HenryDubbemma: That is the problem. Had same problem. Uninstall unfree flash and it should work.01:57
Green_Waxdoes anyone know why i don't have a menu for ubuntu one?01:59
Green_Waxi can't set any of the prefs01:59
Ubossam waiting for LTS edition, sometimes when am starting ubuntu I see a desktop with mixed colors. I fixed everything in configuration with my Radeon Graphics card.01:59
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
NeologicalSwoody. is there any way of determing graficcard specs in kubuntu?02:00
DaleI am using ubuntu the xmonad as the window manager and getting a black cursor over all the gnome stuff02:01
Dalewhere should I be looking to fix it?02:01
Ubosswhere i can find the latest and most popular themes for ubuntu? any suggestions except searching in google.02:01
rageUboss: http://gnome-look.org/02:02
Ubossthanks rage.02:02
iAcceptedi have a question.02:02
iAcceptedhow do i install palringo on ubuntu?02:03
iAcceptedhow do i install palringo on ubuntu?02:03
hiexpoevening all02:04
quesoWhat are some good ubuntu- or linux-related blogs?02:04
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:04
iAcceptedi have a question: can you answer a question for me02:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:04
iAcceptedhow do i install palringo on ubuntu?02:05
HenryDubbUboss: For 10.04 http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/bisigi-themes-ubuntu-1004-lucid-testing.html02:05
Ubossrage, I can't download Mac OSX icon themes. Problem with website. do they have a secondary source?02:05
JonBaI'm trying to pad some images to be a standard size, and there's something I don't understand about command order.  My (incorrect) command currently is "convert -size 1000x1000 xc:white source.jpg -compress JPEG -resize 225x250 -gravity center -composite dest.jpg".  But it seems to be resizing AFTER composing, or something.  I just want a 225x250 resized image, on a 1000x1000 white background.02:06
iAcceptedQuestion: how do i install palringo02:06
Ubossrage, solved.02:06
JonBaI'll stop being annoying and get out of your hair if still no ideas :)02:07
UbossHenryDubb, thanks mate but I still have 9.1002:08
iAcceptedguys i need help.02:08
Untitled_onlydoes anyone know how to activate fusion-icon?02:08
skimjiAccepted: I just looked at the palringo website. They don't have a version for Linux. Their solution is to run wine which is a Windows emulation solution which can then run the windows program. Not an easy solution02:08
UbossiAccepted, just ask and if anyone knows am sure he will help you.02:08
=== test_ is now known as dios_mio
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
VotanDid someone here ever use netboot.me to install an iso ?02:09
Untitled_onlyI did02:10
Untitled_onlyvia USB startup02:10
VotanUntitled_only why is the iso download that awfully slow ? i tested the mirrors I get uber speeds, but it downloads uber slow thru netboot.me ?02:11
iAcceptedskimj: is it wine already installed in the ubuntu? or do i have to install it?02:11
Untitled_onlyit could be the leeches02:11
=== tyler is now known as jumpingfish
Untitled_onlyI suggest that you just wait. it will be worth it.. took me almost 2 hours02:12
hiexposudo apt-get install wine02:13
iAcceptedk thats what im doing02:13
iAcceptedexcept wine1.202:13
hiexpoits pooring down here02:13
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf
The_ExplorerI moved my windows partition to a USB ext drive, It starts to boot then gives up to restart. Can anyone send me to resources to make it boot again?02:14
tehoweIs there anyway to flip/mirror windows and turn off the darkening effect in Compiz? I want to read things through the middle of the cube02:14
knightrageThe_Explorer: i've had an issue similar to that. i had to do a windows repair reinstallation02:14
Untitled_onlywhy not use virtalbox, it works for me02:14
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
Victory444is it possible, once in grub, to load an existing installation of ubuntu (on an HD) into ram and boot into that? allowing me to reinstall ubuntu? (I have a 32bit install and need 64bit, but dont have a cd/dvd drive or usb port, but I do have existing working installation)02:14
soreautehowe: What darkening effect?02:17
skimjDoes anyone know the history of a user "dhcp" in /etc/passwd? I've got that user on a few of my machines that have been upgraded from older releases of Ubuntu, but not on fresh installs. Think it's safe to delete?02:17
Untitled_only:-/ not sure02:17
tehowesoreau: windows seem darker the further they are from you (even if cube is 100% transparent)02:17
soreautehowe: Try disabling lighting in ccsm>general options02:18
TannerF!cn | duke_02:18
ubottuduke_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:18
TannerFor is that japanese?02:19
wombatmanI know the vmware/virtualbox works but has anyone found a way to make netflix watch now work in linux or in wine02:19
tehowesoreau: brilliant. or moreso, now02:19
AgolightlyWhen i try to connect to other computers i keep getting an failed to connect message. this just started in the last few days and i can not figure out why. didnt have the problem before. any ideas?02:19
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tehowesoreau: thanks. now I just need something to mirror windows and I can get all Minority Report ;)02:20
=== dg__ is now known as pireow
kunalguien por ahi02:20
soreautehowe: What do you mean mirror windows exactly?02:21
wombatmanif not we should all sign up and then quit before the trial ends with no linux/ubuntu support as the reason02:21
=== pireow is now known as datagrok
wombatmansoreau: he wants it to crash02:21
Daleok, my id_rsa private key, but not entirely sure what the public key is02:21
DaleI have a few public keys it could be, any easy way to test?02:22
soreauwombatman: What?02:22
wombatmansorry bad joke02:22
tehowesoreau: if there was some OS accessory to flip a window to a mirror image, you could read it through the back. if I knew how, what I'd do would have every window on every workspace other than the one you're working on, mirror every window. that would look amazing02:22
Untitled_onlyis there anyone on here working with the bug squad?02:22
derreckhi every body02:22
=== tyler is now known as jumpingfish
soreautehowe: You could do it 'manually' with the freewins plugin. It allows you to rotate windows on a center axis to any arbitrary orientation02:23
TriplicateSo instead of emptying my ~/.Trash file, I deleted it. What are the default permissions for the Trash can so that the system sees it as the real trash can? I recreated the ~/.Trash directory but 'move to trash' still tries to delete things because it's 'unable to move to trash can'02:24
jumpingfishhey guys, i cant install system-config-samba.. i get this error system-config-samba:02:24
jumpingfish Depends: python-libuser  but it is not installable02:24
jumpingfishit wont let me install python-libuser...dunno why02:26
tehowesoreau: hmmmn I will try that. setting alt-< and alt-> to control window transparency is the other thing I've tried. things are much more functional as a 3D OS now02:26
wombatmanI actually use a lot of compiz functions tied to various mousestrokes to make my life a bit easier02:26
wombatmannever played with freewins with this as the functionality is limited02:26
drunkenangelCan someone help me with my video card issues02:26
wombatmanbut it works great with ghost, expo, and others02:27
soreaudrunkenangel: What's the problem?02:27
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
wombatmani can't remember the name of window picker unless it is window picker but that's actually my favorite such task02:28
hiexpoi am tring to figure out if i have a writing issue or this is a bad batch of dvd-r's i convert with deveede and play it and it is fine but when i burn it it hangs in dvd player02:28
soreauwombatman: Scale02:28
tehowewombatman: what's the best way to bring in new plugins? are they individual entries in synaptic?02:29
wombatmannow if only there was a good alternative input idea that didn't sacrifice so much time then i'd be in lazy mans heaven02:29
TommyThaGunI'm having trouble getting gDesklets to start. Here is what I'm getting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145281202:29
wombatmani compile them myself but if they are in synaptic that's best02:29
wombatmanbut alot of them probably aren't02:29
tehowehave yet to grok the compilation process02:30
wombatmanmy compiz on 9.10 originally had problems with cube 3D model02:30
wombatmanso had to recompile a lot of the originals and then they worked great02:30
drunkenangelI have a nvidia geforce 210 card, I am running 2.6.31-20-generic, I have installed xserver-xorg and have the nvidia display configure installed but am stuck with 640x400 resolution the xorg.conf file is all generic02:31
soreautehowe: I wrote a script to install additional plugins if you'd like to try it02:31
KB1JWQdrunkenangel: You on Lucid?02:31
IzinucsI would like several directories on a drive outside /home to have read/write access by machines within my LAN.  What's my best approach?02:31
drunkenangelwith a crt mointor02:31
KB1JWQdrunkenangel: lsb_release says what, Karmic or Lucid?02:32
wombatmanlucid is 10.04 of ubuntu02:32
hiexpook figured it out is a medium error02:32
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:33
drunkenangelno LSB modules are available02:33
tehowesoreau: sure... I'm on lucid...02:33
mont3furi4cool my first time here02:33
KB1JWQWelcome to #ubuntu, mont3furi4.  What may we assist ou with?02:33
soreautehowe: http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=1201202:33
jumpingfishit wont let me install python-libuser...dunno why02:33
mont3furi4just cheking this out02:33
jimi_Can someone recommend a software for recording a window in linux? i want to do some math proofs and put them on yotube02:33
KB1JWQtehowe: I'm also on Lucid.  Bleeding edge hardware issues. :-)02:34
soreautehowe: It should work for Lucid, I will update it upon the official release02:34
wombatmangtk recordmydesktop02:34
bsmith093where do i install the java advanced imagin g thing too02:34
mont3furi4im so impress with ubuntu never going back to windows02:34
xzen_how do i get my panels back...i seem ti have lost it02:34
bsmith093good 4u02:35
drunkenangelopps ok sorry didn't put the lsb-release -a02:35
wombatmanyou might still need windows for minor things especially if you are a gamer but even then if the cpu and ram are there wine and virtual machines will probably do02:36
drunkenangel9.10 karmic02:36
xzen_i was dwnldinh themes in process i lost my xfce panel02:36
hiexpojimi_, yes i use shutter02:36
tehoweKB1JWQ: the evil pulseaudio skype problem is my only major glitch so far. 9.10 didn't work on this netbook though, too new, so am giddy about the lynx02:36
hiexpojimi_, yeppers02:36
kancermanI have an emachines 250-162 ... a netbook ... wondering why the cpu shows up twice on System Monitor ...02:37
jimi_hiexpo, do you use a pen with linux also?02:37
jimi_kancerman, dual core?02:37
TDJACRkancerman: Dual Core?02:37
hiexpojimi_, ? hugh02:37
TDJACRkancerman: Or HT02:37
wombatmangtk recordmydesktop02:37
jimi_hiexpo, like a table02:37
hiexpojimi_, not getting at where ya going ?02:38
kancermanprobly an ht02:38
jimi_hiexpo, like... a wacom tablet02:38
kancermandefinitely not dual core02:38
wombatmanis pulseaudio still evil or is it just waiting for apps to catch up?02:38
Dr_WillisIve rarely had issues with Pulse audio.  So id say its the appts catching up now a days02:39
kancermananyway ... the Netbook Edition ( lucid ) is sweetness02:39
hiexpoDr_Willis, how it goes?02:39
Dr_Willisin 6 min  - its going to work time. :)02:40
hiexpoDr_Willis, work is good02:40
bsmith093where do i install the java advanced imaging bin file to02:41
datagrokHello all, I'm in the market for a new video card for 3d gaming in windows and minimal headaches in Linux. I've heard from ##hardware that I should prefer nVidia over ATI for this, does anyone know more specifics (or disagree)?02:41
tehowewombatman: it could be my microphone hardware that is evil. verily is it our place to know such things?02:41
Dr_Willisdatagrok:  i basically never plan on touching ATI for my Linux box's if i can help it.02:42
wombatmanwell the community is somewhat the primary tech support02:42
wombatmanbut then again tech support is never perfect02:42
datagrokDr_Willis, I was looking for just that sort of sentiment. As a Linux user primarily, I understand I should avoid ATI but I'd like to know more specifics, rationale.02:42
darksideris there a way to see the last two/three/etc.. snippets on my clipboard? i lost a password and i had it copied but i accidentally cut something else, so now if i cant do that then its gone02:43
kancermanTDJACR, jimi_: it's definitely ht ... googled the cpu :D02:43
Dr_Willisdatagrok:  sit in here long enough and you start to notice the ati questions/problems outnumber the nvidia ones by a very large factor,02:43
hiexpospecifics if it don;t work dont buy it lol if it ain't broke don't fix it   lol02:43
Dr_Willisdatagrok:  its all about how well the companies are supporting linux. and at this time.. Nvidia has better support then ati.02:43
stopsignnever had problems wit nvidia02:44
wombatmanin general nvidia while not supporting a truly open driver do support linux to some small extent02:44
datagrokDr_Willis, I see, thanks for the help :)02:44
Dr_WillisMy Order of preferance  -->    NVidia > INTEL > ATI > anythimng else.. and way way way down low..  is 'SiS'02:44
datagrokwombatman, yeah lesser of two evils I suppose but my wife and I need the 3d games :)02:45
Dr_Willisdatagrok:  stick with nvidia then.02:45
wombatmanI am getting tired of people shutting out linux just because though02:45
Dr_Willisand dont go for the 'just released yesterday' sort of cards - if you want linux support.. go for the ones the have been out for a while.02:45
datagrokDr_Willis, great, that makes things easy to think about.02:46
wombatmani'm positive this netflix watchnow stuff could work if they weren't testing my operating system when in linux02:46
Dr_WillisI dont see much point these days in getting the latest $400+ cards..02:46
wombatmanit's also probably fudging around in wine too just to avoid that backdoor02:46
datagrokDr_Willis, I'm aiming for a GeForce GTX 27502:46
datagroktrying to get the best thing I can for $250.02:47
Dr_WillisId even consider $250 a big overkill. :) but it depends on your needs.02:47
wombatmani think it's because all linux users are hackers and might discover some backdoor to download the movies it'll let me watch numerous times for free02:47
* Dr_Willis plugs his PC into a DVR.02:47
wombatmanevil haxor02:47
wabashHello. I've got Ubuntu 9.10. I've been trying to record multi-session CDs and DVDs for backups. Both brasero and gnomebaker fail to do this -- brasero even has the option greyed out. XCdroast also will not run; it doesn't seem to understand the symlink of /usr/bin/cdrecord -> wodim. Has anyone else been able to do multisession CD recording on Ubuntu?02:48
Dr_Williswith a $30 Vga -> svideo adaptor!02:48
hiexpowombatman,  - lol02:48
datagrokDr_Willis, current games smoothly (but I'm not an overclocker super gamer), dual-head desktop, and a bit of future proofing.02:48
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Ivanedua_Maybe svideo graphics card02:48
Dr_Willisdatagrok:  even my old system here Nvidia 8800gtsxx handles most games smoothly. I just have to turn down some settings for  Crysis and so forth.02:48
crucialhoaxOver the last update I have notice that chrome no longer displays thumbnails on distrowatch.com. Can someone else using chrome verify this?02:49
Dr_Willisdatagrok:  there was an artical the other day about how mainstream  (ie deceintly priced hardware) can do most all games out now at very good rates.02:49
datagrokDr_Willis, hmm, I'll look for it, do you recall some words from the title I can feed to google?02:49
wombatmanunderstand now that the future is relative and honestly most programmers have yet to get the most out of what is currently considered good hardware. This statement however means that if you buy some big technology tomorrow they'll invent some newer technology just so you will buy it02:50
hiexpoweel i just ckicked on distrowatch with firefox and works fine02:50
Ivanedua_Irc chatting is fun02:50
Dr_Willisit was at one of those major hardware review sites. Phronix perhaps/02:50
crucialhoaxhiexpo: I am not showing thumbnails with FF either =/02:51
Dr_WillisIts almost better in ways to spend $100 on a decent card now.. then in 6+ mo.. spend another $100 on whatever card is decent... then spend $300 now on a card that will be $100 in 6 mo. :)02:51
hiexpomust be a chrome issue i would never install chrome02:51
crucialhoaxhiexpo: FF does not work either...02:51
hiexpoworks here02:52
crucialhoaxOh well lol02:52
Dr_Willisdistrowatch thumbs has worked for me befor in chrome02:52
Dr_WillisLooks like a distrowatch.com issue02:52
crucialhoaxMe too, however, neither FF nor chrome work now.02:52
crucialhoaxDr_Willis: I assume that now, as wallpaper sites work.02:53
Dr_Willisnight all02:53
hiexpoi just went to distro watch and its fine02:53
datagrokThanks all for the video card advice, very helpful02:53
crucialhoaxidk then. not concerned about it02:54
hiexpoinfact freenas has just relaesed a release02:55
crucialhoaxI seen that. I was going to check out the new release of VortexBox but ya. I also noticed in when Beta 2 of Ubuntu released.02:56
Green_Waxdoes anyone have link to a setup tut for ubuntu one on 9.10?02:56
hiexpoi think that link is at ubuntu site not sure though02:57
hiexpogoogle is my best frien //// setup ubuntu one tutorial02:58
wombatmanit was fairly automatic i thought but i don't remember how i did it02:59
crucialhoaxSo the mini.iso from ubuntu, is that like a Debian netinst where it downloads only needed packages?03:00
hiexpowatching avatar again great movie03:00
ttolsanyone pass me the usermanual that is chip of wireless LAN, AR5213!!!!!!!! :)03:00
genii!ot | hiexpo03:01
ubottuhiexpo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:01
Flannelcrucialhoax: Yeah, it's debian-installer without packages on the CD (alternate CD includes packages)03:01
hiexpogeni - i know03:01
geniihiexpo: Good, thanks.03:01
crucialhoaxFlannel: Ok, cuz I was going to do a mini install when I did a fresh 10.04 but I was not sure if thats what that did.03:02
jonathonjoin /ubuntu-austin03:02
crucialhoaxjonathon: /JOIN #ubuntu-austin03:02
hiexpogenii,  - sometimes the monotony needs to be brake i been here for 3 years now03:02
jonathonjoin #ubuntu-austin03:03
brax_Hello, I manually installed the newest version of Sauerbraten on Karmic Koala, and the graphics and FPS are horrible.03:03
brax_In specific, a lot of things appear black, even the default textures.03:03
hiexpoupdate hardware drivers03:03
brax_I have already updated my ATI Radeon Driver >,<03:04
ardchoillebrax: Did you check the repos before installing that?03:04
crucialhoaxFlannel: How do you boot the mini.iso to do an install? Or should I just consult the Ubuntu help site?03:04
brax_The last time I installed it via the repos, ardchoille, I got an older version.03:05
ardchoillebrax: ok03:05
Flannelcrucialhoax: It's just like a regular installer, boot to it.03:05
teguhhello all03:05
brax_So I just extracted the tarball from the website.03:05
crucialhoaxFlannel: OK, thanks.03:05
teguhany body can help me about openvpn..?03:05
braxHiya UnderSampled1.03:06
UnderSampled1brax: hello03:06
=== darksider is now known as darksider`cig
UnderSampled1I'm having trouble scp pulling from a mounted directory (a cygwin mount of the windows filesystem). I can scp push it from there, but if I try to pull instead, it says that the file does not exist. How am I supoosed to do this?03:10
abc123for some reason my system isnt recognizing my 2nd wireless adapter since I changed from network manager to wicd. could anyone help pls?03:12
=== xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK
Nom-Hmm... I've noticed that in debian packages now, there's a packagename.upstart file -- is it possible to have more than one upstart job per package?  Can that be a folder, for instance?03:14
pythags12hey all wats up03:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:14
pythags12iam tryin to install my ati driver ati-driver-installer-10-3-x86.x86_64.run03:15
pythags12and its given this ..sh: ./ati-driver-installer-8.42.3-x86.x86_64.run: No such file or directory03:15
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:15
pythags12but the file is on deskop and downloads03:15
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abc123for some reason my system isnt recognizing my 2nd wireless adapter since I changed from network manager to wicd. could anyone help pls?03:16
FlannelNom-: Probably, its likely just so you don't have collisions.  I'm not sure about folder (if it will traverse the folders) or if you might have to do packagename.N.upstart or something like that.  #ubuntu-packaging might be better suited to answer that question03:17
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:17
=== jeremy_ is now known as Guest812
Nom-Thanks, Flannel03:17
Nom-I'll try it and see, failing that i'll poke my head in #ubuntu-packaging03:18
=== darksider`cig is now known as darksider
UnderSampled1Does anyone have a suggestion for me?03:22
geniiUnderSampled1: Use common sense03:22
nevets04Does anyone know why may desktop may not be showing up?03:24
nevets04(like icons + I cant right click it)03:24
abc123is there anything one can use besides wicd and Network Manager?03:25
crucialhoaxabc123: Network Manager is the best bet. It supports more options...03:28
xanguanevets04: run 'nautilus¿03:28
xanguanautilus ***03:28
nevets04xangua, Thanks, that worked03:29
hiexponetwork manager was gonna sAy that but to eaches own wicd is boggy03:29
emersonI can't donwload videos using youtube-dl?03:31
greezmunkeyAnd Network Manager supports VPNs03:31
awesome_guesthi, does anyone have experience running ubuntu with an ssd?03:31
emersonanybody are having the same problem ?03:32
awesome_guestI am concerned about performance optimizations for disk drives that will negatively impact ssd performance03:32
awesome_guestand excessive wear on the drive due to background system activity03:33
emersonis youtube has a blocker for the command youtube-dl ? As can't donwload videos anymore03:34
henri-pauljust go to /tmp and copy the temp file ones it has max size03:34
xanguaemerson: they changed the page recently, maybe they do something that avoids youtube-dl to work anymore03:34
emersonxangua: so what can I do then ?03:35
xanguaemerson: what henri-paul told you03:35
daroluemerson, do what henri-paul said03:35
daroluHello pythags1203:35
pythags12how come i cant use compiz on my system have ati radeon 577003:35
pythags12hey darolu03:36
pythags12does it supprt that03:36
emersondarolu: I did already and doesn't work too..youtube might have a new kind of tool...03:36
henri-pauldo: ls -ltr several times until the file size is stable and then cp FlashWhatever myflash.flv03:36
darolupythags12, check this out: http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check03:36
soreaupythags12: There aren't any drivers that provide 3D for that card yet AFAIK. The latest from amd site *might* but not sure03:37
pythags12grr darn it03:38
daroluemerson, in your firefox adress bar type: about:cache and find out where your cache is located at03:38
dciderhow does one get 9.10 to recognize a mic?03:38
darolupythags12, unfortunatelly ATI support for very new or very old cards is not very good :(03:39
zirodaypythags12: I believe the pre-released catalyst driver shipped with lucid has 3D for that card, however lucid is not out yet03:39
soreaupythags12: The open radeon driver has preliminary KMS support but no 2D or 3D acceleration yet (though it will eventually since amd provides docs for radeon hw)03:39
pythags12ok let me paste this guys03:39
daroludcider, make sure your mic is connected to the right port (mini jack input) and make sure is not muted; right click your sound icon and go to sound preferences to check it; you can also run "alsamixer" (no quotes) in a terminal03:40
retroovertgood day, can someone guide me to install gfxboot on ubuntu 9.10?03:40
dougbis there a better php/apache development package to use than xampp for ubuntu? or is xampp pretty much the only one of its kind?  i use xampp for windows03:40
emersonstill not there ...03:40
pythags12soreau, this is it...http://paste.ubuntu.com/413439/03:41
emersonI don't know guys but is quite weird03:41
emersonis like youtube blocked everything ..03:42
^b0ss^hey all03:42
daroluemerson: if you watch a video on youtube (or other site) it is cached.03:43
^b0ss^i was just seeing what anti virus is worth getting for ubuntu03:43
dciderdarolu, tried them all, doesnt see the mic, almost like i need drivers03:43
crucialhoaxemerson: It is possible, they might have caught on to what people were doing. I.E. music videos.03:43
daroluhey ^b0ss^03:43
ZykoticK9!virus | ^b0ss^03:43
ubottu^b0ss^: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:43
* take_a_dump pinches a loaf03:44
emersondarolu: I found the cache but I can run the video I don't know why...03:44
pythags12darolu, ........http://paste.ubuntu.com/413439/03:44
soreaupythags12: I didn't ask for that pastebin..03:44
soreaupythags12: I don't know why you're even trying to start compiz after I just told you don't have 3D03:44
pythags12ok cool03:44
daroludcider: if your mike is a regular one (not a usb one... if such thing exist) it should work; your sound card may not be configured or something (hardware-wise) is not right; have you tried that microphone somewhere else? make sure you are using the right channels (analog/digital)03:44
emersondarolu: They had done a very good job I don't know whay but works...03:44
soreaupythags12: Even worse, you're using that worthless compiz-check script03:44
^b0ss^well well03:46
^b0ss^ guess i dont really need a anti virus at this stage03:46
emersonif anybody knows how do download files from youtube now please let me know ..because youtube-dl doesn't work anymore and I even can access those videos from my temporary files...03:46
crucialhoax^b0ss^: Correct. Unless you are an email server, no real need. although, rkhunter and chkrootkit are good rootkit tools :)03:47
darolupythags12: fglrx is not working for you :( I have a rather old ati card using the radeon driver and it works; I don't know what driver can make your video card work03:47
pythags12radeo hd 5770 series03:47
darolu^b0ss^: I personally consider an antivirus (under linux) useful when trying to protect windows users *only*.03:49
fmateoi have a question about killing zombies process03:49
darolu!ask | fmateo03:49
ubottufmateo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:49
crucialhoax!ask | fmateo03:49
crucialhoaxlol @ darolu :)03:49
darolubeat ya!03:50
fmateohow i kill this zombie process03:50
fmateofmateo   14912  0.1  0.0      0     0 ?        Zl   22:07   0:02 [VirtualBox] <defunct>03:50
fmateothe status is Zl03:50
crucialhoaxfmateo: is 14912 the process id?03:50
fmateoi was searching in google without any result03:50
fmateorite now03:50
darolufmateo: sudo kill -kill 1491203:50
crucialhoaxfmateo: OK, so type this in a terminal: sudo kill -9 1491203:51
brezHrm!, unable to update Ubuntu from .iso!03:51
breznow I have have to manually upgrade from the upgrade-manager :(03:51
xanguabrez: update from  what version to what version¿¿03:52
brez9.04 > 9.10, I have the 8.10 disc, and totaly forgot that it only updates to the next version :P03:52
brezso now I have to do two lots of upgraded, I have 9.10 saved as an iso, but because the box is a headless server it gives me an error and doesn't prompt me to install after mounting it.03:53
hiexpobrez,  - you are better off backing up your stuff to a disk etc than doing a fresh install trust me03:53
=== Aryeh is now known as Mr_Rav
brezI only installed the box the other day, I can't be bothered.03:54
breztook me long enough to get the stupid wifi card to work, ending in my buying a nic card so I could update the device.03:54
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed03:54
kdasI am trying to setup a usb tv tunar card and i need some help. Here is the id 05e1:0400 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Any help?03:56
alejanalguien sabe de algun chat ruso03:56
hiexpotake_a_dump, this is a family orientated site03:56
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:56
take_a_dumpalejan: hablas espanol?03:56
take_a_dumpyo hablo espanol.03:56
albech_is it possible to have dnsmasq resolve internal addresses?03:56
hiexposomeone kick him03:57
alejanhablo español03:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:57
darolualejan: puedes probar en el canal ruso; /join #ubuntu-rs03:57
take_a_dumpyo tengo una problema: yo tengo una grande cabeza de tortuga asomando de mi ano y necesito tomar una mierda en el inodoro.  pero, no esta papel de inodoro en el bano.  que debo hacer?03:57
darolutake_a_dump: gow up03:57
xangua!ops | take_a_dump03:57
ubottutake_a_dump: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:57
take_a_dumpme gusta limpiar mi culo con las paginas de la biblia despues de tomar una mierda en el inodoro.03:58
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take_a_dumpnecesito un bidet para limpiar mi culo.  aun tengo mierda en el pelo de mi culo despues de tomar un vertedero en el inodoro.03:58
crucialhoax!es | take_a_dump03:59
ubottutake_a_dump: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:59
=== Guest74773 is now known as derp
hiexpoi have a 16 year old daughter on here not that she has not heard that but03:59
albech_i wish to make a development server on my lan so i want to add a dns record locally for it only need visibility on LAN side. I could modify /etc/hosts on each machine, but id rather keep it centralized at the router which is running dnsmasq03:59
darolucrucialhoax: don't even bother he is just saying immature nonesense03:59
corespeedxxxI got this problem with my wifi.. I can ping myself. interface is visible in ifconfig, with an ip03:59
corespeedxxxwhat more to check?03:59
alejanhow do download linux satanic edition03:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:00
take_a_dumpsi tu buscas mis palabras en el google translate, vas a ver que estoy hablando de las evacuaciones intestinales.04:00
Flannelalejan: http://ubuntusatanic.org/ This isn't a channel for support for it though04:00
ravibnHi! When I try to access http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/bruceky/Whirlwind-14-Whats-new-in-C-4-Events/ it shows up the player in Firefox But when I press play button nothing comes up why?04:00
ArsinIs unetbootin supposed to be a 1 step solution to flash drive booting?04:00
crucialhoaxdarolu: Oh okay. Still an annoyance.04:00
hiexpotake_a_dump, hey this is a family channel we will delete u04:00
joshubuntui have a quick question about features.  does anyone here know if a current or future distro is planning to support 3G internet devices?04:00
kermitwhat app can track how much time i spend in different windows?  like TimeTracker does for Win.04:00
darolupythags12: yes?04:01
hiexpokermit, there is ana app for that i just seen it the other day darn04:01
sexcopterhi, can anyone recommend a program to convert a multipage pdf into pnm files?04:01
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed04:01
pythags12the 5770 and 5750 dont have that support but the 5850 and 5870 do04:02
pythags12what a joke04:02
DesagasUsing Lucid right now and every window that I open is missing the top of itself, anyone know how to fix or if its simply because its beta?04:02
FlannelDesagas: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid questions, thanks04:02
DesagasFlannel: Sorry! How do I get there?04:02
FlannelDesagas: /join #ubuntu+104:02
DesagasFlannel Thank you04:02
Ellwoodi got an ubuntu cd04:03
Ellwoodare there encryption tools in it?04:03
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:03
darolupythags12: Yes, I know ATI really needs to start improving in the support/drivers area or they are going to lose may clients; I know I won't buy another ATI card again :'( I'll keep searching how to make your card work04:03
daroluEllwood: your ubuntu CD should come with seahorse package, it works with pgp04:04
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
ravibnHi! When I try to access http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/bruceky/Whirlwind-14-Whats-new-in-C-4-Events/ it shows up the player in Firefox But when I press play button nothing comes up why?04:05
Out_Coldumm what's the character to separate a command onto different lines?04:07
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:07
daroluravibn: check firefox preferences-apps; the video I saw right away is mp4 one, search for mp4 there (in firefox), also make sure you can play mp4 files (ubuntu-restricted-extras should give you what you need)04:07
crucialhoaxravibn: Mine is playing just fine. Do you have flash installed?04:07
JuzzyOut_Cold: just a \ at the end04:07
Out_Coldkdas, ask us the question and make it detailed as possible04:07
Out_Coldthanks Juzzy04:08
ravibndarolu : what exactly u mean by ubuntu restriced extras ?04:08
pootgotta make dooties04:08
Out_Coldi hate trying to copy commands that strech in nano.. cuts off in the middle with a $04:08
Flannelpoot: Please stop.04:08
daroluravibn: it is a package, installs codecs like mp3, mp4, etc...04:09
ravibncrucialhoax : can u think of something that is not playing in my browser04:09
kdasOut_Cold: I am trying to get a usb tv tuner card to work "05e1:0400 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd" i do not see anything being created such as /dev/dvb or anything in /dev/v4l-dvb/ what should i do ?04:09
ravibndarolu : I will try installing it04:09
daroluravibn: open your software centre (under applications menu) and search for ubuntu-restricted-extras04:09
crucialhoaxravibn: Oh, I thought it was playing in the browser.04:10
Out_Coldkdas, did you check to see if there is ubuntu supposrt for the card?04:10
daroluravibn: make sure you have all four software sources enabled (under Edit-Software Sources)04:10
Out_Cold!hardware > kdas04:10
ubottukdas, please see my private message04:10
demonsporkhow can I set a crontab that will check to see if a process is running and then restart that process if it fails04:10
ravibndarolu : I just checked to see if it is installed in synaptic and I have version 36 installed04:11
kdasOut_Cold: yea i checked and also the forums i saw somehting on the forums but no one helped the dude asking04:11
acovrigwhere is the mysql config located?04:11
Out_Coldkdas, but it's specifically listed in the hardware pages?04:11
maginotdemonspork, have you tried google ?04:11
daroluravibn: OK then just check how firefox handles embeded mp4 videos, if totem plug in doesn't work for you you can try another like mplayer's (search for mplayer in synaptic)04:12
acovrigCan I get to a mysql database with this: jdbc:mysql://[static-ip-address]:3306/[database_name]04:12
maginotacovrig, try #java04:12
kdasOut_Cold: no sign of it in hardware pages04:13
Out_Coldkdas, what about from the manufacturer??04:13
kdasOut_Cold: manufactor says nothing about linux "Mygica"04:14
pythags12ok thx dorolu04:14
Out_Coldkdas, can you return the card?04:14
greezmunkeykdas: look here: http://linuxhacksandfixes.blogspot.com/2009/05/sabrent-tv-dgusb.html04:14
kdasgreezmunkey: seen that page i dont have that card and tried following it regardless04:14
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Desagas
greezmunkeykdas, read the whole thing.04:15
kdasOut_Cold: i bought it online so i guess i could but i would have to send it back04:15
maginotpythags12, take a look at the vlc pluging for firefox, its a good one too04:15
ravibndarolu : http://pastebin.com/Hkey7Qgk04:15
kdasgreezmunkey: i read it.. so your hinting that ubuntu udev is messed up? because i tried it on my arch box too04:16
kdasdosent create anything04:16
acovrigI'm trying to install openfire on ubuntu, and am having database issues04:16
acovrigis there a command that will tell me how much freespace I have on the root partition?04:17
Out_Coldkdas, i'd go for one that you find on the ubuntu lists... maybe read up about which are easy and compatible... if there is no documentation on that specific card, it might just not be supported. Maybe ask in launchpad or something?04:17
maginotacovrig, df -h04:17
kdasOut_Cold: ok cool i guess back to windoze :(04:17
awesome_guesthi, I'd like to dual boot ubuntu and window xp04:17
acovrigmaginot, thanks04:17
awesome_guestdifficulty: with an ssd04:17
daroluravibn: in your preferences-apps look for mpeg-4 and set it to Quicktime plugin; that should make totem handle it04:17
awesome_guesthas anyone done the same?04:17
Out_Coldkdas, i'd keep looking around for support.... make sure you exhaust every option before sending back..04:17
maginotawesome_guest, yeah, sure, you just need to configure grub... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot04:18
acovrigI'm trying to install openfire on ubuntu, and am having database issues, A connection to the database could not be made. View the error message by opening the "/logs/error.log" log file, then go back to fix the problem.04:18
awesome_guestmaginot: you've succeeded with an ssd?04:18
Out_Coldkdas, i'd check any of the major nix forums and maybe ask around on the server here04:18
ravibndarolu : where do I check that preferences-apps ?04:19
kermitwhat app tracks the time spent in different windows?  like TimeTracker does for win.04:19
awesome_guestthe last time I tried I got nasty drive alignment errors since XP sucks with that04:19
maginotawesome_guest, a ssd is just a disk, like any scsi disk04:19
greezmunkeyacovrig: I had the same problem, what did you do to install it?04:19
daroluravibn: in firefox, under Edit - Preferences04:19
awesome_guestmaginot: that's what I originally thought as well04:19
greezmunkeyI fixed mine btw04:19
acovriggreezmunkey, I did everything in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52567004:19
greezmunkeyacovrig: looking, I'll se if I can add anything to it for you.04:20
null__есть руские тут04:20
bastid_raZor!ru | null__04:20
ubottunull__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:20
maginotawesome_guest, do you have a working OS on the ssd ?04:20
greezmunkeyacovrig: Did ubuntu tell you that you already had the proper java?04:20
awesome_guestwell, ubuntu installed fine04:21
maginotawesome_guest, did you already installed windows on that disk?04:21
awesome_guestcreating a second partition, great04:21
null__тут русские есть04:21
awesome_guesttransferring my existing xp partition to the ssd, great04:21
awesome_guesthowever, this is more of a windows problem.. xp cannot really handle an ssd without some tweaks.  have you done it?04:21
greezmunkeyacovrig: ?04:22
maginotawesome_guest, windows boots fine? ubuntu boots fine?04:22
acovrigJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_19-b04)04:22
acovrigJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.2-b04, mixed mode)04:22
awesome_guestubuntu boots fine, windows, nope04:22
greezmunkeyacovrig: you're good then. ok do you have mysql loaded and running?04:22
maginotawesome_guest, so isn't a grub problem neither ubuntu =) ...04:23
acovriggreezmunkey, I thinkso, how can I tell?04:23
awesome_guestthis is the specific problem: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/250282-32-major-problems-formatting-partitioning-intel-windows-install04:23
awesome_guestif you do not have experience with it, then it's alright, I'll work it out04:23
greezmunkeyacovrig: locate mysql04:23
darolunull__: Нет, иди на # ubuntu-RU04:23
maginotnull__, Please, ENGLISH only.04:23
greezmunkeyacovrig: in a terminal04:23
acovriggreezmunkey, I get LOTS of output, what about it?04:23
null__а как04:23
greezmunkeyacovrig: good so far, can you log into it with: mysql -u admin -p04:24
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed04:24
xanguawhy do people come asking windows problems¿ :S04:24
greezmunkeyacovrig: substitue you're username if it is differant.04:24
maginotxand, I want to know that too..04:24
acovriggreezmunkey, yes, root works04:24
greezmunkeyacovrig:  good, next find where you untarred openfire, go to that directory04:25
acovriggreezmunkey, ok, now what04:25
allowoverridequestion - can someone assist me in a firmware bios downgrade?04:26
null__darolu обясни как зайти04:26
genii!ru | null__04:26
ubottunull__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:26
darolunull__: пишет /join # ubuntu-ru04:26
HowardtheDuckhey is anyone using lucid linux04:26
bastid_raZorHowardtheDuck: everyone in #ubuntu+104:26
scopecreepdoes anyone know if software raid is faster/slower than fake raid from an intel chipset?04:26
geniiHowardtheDuck: Probably most people in #ubuntu+104:26
acovrigif I goto /opt/openfire/resources/database, there is openfire_mysql.sql, what can I do with this?04:26
greezmunkeyacovrig: Do you have a graphical admin for mysql loaded?04:26
greezmunkeyacovrig: it's a bit easier for the next step04:27
acovriggreezmunkey, I am running ssh -X, what can i do for that?04:27
greezmunkeyacovrig: you on server?04:27
acovriggreezmunkey, yup, I can install (apt-get) an app if you have a specific one in mind04:28
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
acovriggreezmunkey, I already did mysql CREATE DATABASE openfire04:28
greezmunkeyacovrig: try this first in your browser, http://localhost/phpmyadmin/04:28
ArsinIs unetbootin supposed to be a 1 step solution to flash drive booting?04:28
greezmunkeyacovrig: heh, ok substitute the ip address of your server, sorry :)04:29
hanasakiI am trying to play a DVD and the sound is skipping.  how can it be fixed?  happens with all DVD's . they play fine in a dvd player04:29
greezmunkeyacovrig: http://{ip address}/phpmyadmin/04:29
acovriggreezmunkey, I am running a different server, i get a 404 (abysswsx1)04:29
daroluhanasaki: what are you using to play them?04:30
null__darolu спосибо только там не кого нет04:30
greezmunkeyacovrig: ok, that's fine. Back to the directory...04:30
maginotnull__, please, we are nicely asking you to stop. Please, this is an international channel we use English here, if you want you can use #ubuntu-ru.04:30
darolunull__: Я не говорю по русский, мы говорим на английском здесь перейти на русский канал: /join #ubuntu-ru04:30
hanasakidarolu:  tried mplayer and vlc04:30
z1yhi all, does anyone know about repository for ExactImage?04:30
* z1y using ubuntu 80404:30
greezmunkeyacovrig: go to the resourses/database directory under openfire04:30
ravibndarolu : Thank you for your help I got it working by removing the Xine plugin and reinstalling vlc plugin04:30
greezmunkeyacovrig: you see the scripts there?04:31
daroluhanasaki: run mplayer from a terminal (command line) see what is the problem with the audio; try different audio options and see if some of them works for you04:31
acovrigthey all end in .sql04:31
daroluravibn: I'm glad it worked.04:31
greezmunkeyacovrig: qwuestion, did you create the database as outlined in the howto?04:31
hanasakidarolu:  how do I run it from the cmd line04:31
acovrigwith 'mysql CREATE DATABASE openfire'04:31
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed in ubuntu 9.1004:31
greezmunkeyacovrig: yes04:31
greezmunkeyacovrig: you will have to run the script from the commandline, are you familiar?04:32
maginotnull__, what problem are you having ?04:32
KyliesBF!hi | RavsGF04:32
ubottuRavsGF: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:32
acovriglet me quess `./openfire_mysql.sql`04:32
daroluhanasaki: mplayer dvd:// -dvd-device04:33
greezmunkeyacovrig: good, the openfire_mysql.sql query script has to be run against the openfire directory in mysql.04:33
null__* #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel - help04:33
null__это чё04:33
daroluhanasaki: to find what your dvd device is use "dmesg |grep -i dvd"04:33
KyliesBF!wireless | RavsGF04:33
ubottuRavsGF: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:33
greezmunkeyacovrig: it will populate the openfire db with the tables it needs, they kind of left that step out!04:33
acovriggreezmunkey, `chmod +x` first?04:33
hanasakilibdvdread: Can't stat cdrom04:33
geniinull__: English here only or leave please04:34
lokvendrauna pregunta tonta alguien puede entrar a youtube.com?04:34
mike28I'm trying to run World of Warcraft.  It is installed correctly in wine, launches to the news feed, but when I hit play, the screen goes black.  the sound from the opening video plays, but the screen stays black, and I have to force quit to close it.  Ubuntu 9.10, newest version of wine, what do I do?04:34
allowoverridequestion - can someone assist me in a firmware bios downgrade?04:34
hanasaki[    1.270694] ata1.00: ATAPI: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4167B, DL11, max UDMA/3304:34
hanasaki[    1.318449] scsi 0:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4167B DL11 PQ: 0 ANSI: 504:34
hanasaki[    1.324163] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 62x/62x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray04:34
greezmunkeyacovrig: no, it is a text file that contains the query you need to build the tables in the openfire database.04:34
maginotnull__, you need to register you nick to be able to talk on some channels. /nickserv help register <password> <email>04:34
KyliesBFmike28, might need to ask in #wine04:34
acovriggreezmunkey, do I cat it then?04:34
mike28I'll try that, thanks.04:34
greezmunkeyacovrig: you will have to log into mysql, then USE DATABASE openfir, etc.04:34
maginotnull__, /nickserver register <passwd> <email>04:35
acovrigcat .sql|mysql04:35
MTecknologyWhat package tells you how many packages can be updated when you log in over ssh?04:35
maginotops, s/nickserver/nickserv04:35
greezmunkeyacovrig: once you figure out how to run that query script against the openfire database, then you can proceed with the install itself. I'd have to look that part up as I did mine with phpmyadmin.04:36
greezmunkeyacovrig: I doubt it's that simple, let me look, brb04:36
daroluhanasaki: read this link to learn about mplayer usage, browse through chapters to learn how to change the audio options, etc. I'm pretty sure mplayer will make it work for you, it has never failed me :)04:37
hanasakidarolu: libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access04:37
hanasakilibdvdread: Attempting to use device /dev/sr0 mounted on /media/cdrom0 for CSS authentication04:37
hanasakilibdvdnav: Can't read name block. Probably not a DVD-ROM device.04:37
RavsGFI just installed Ubuntu and need help with my wireless setup.04:37
xangua!help | RavsGF04:37
ubottuRavsGF: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:37
greezmunkeyacovrig: it would be more like this: mysql openfire < openfire_mysql.sql04:38
hanasakidarolu: what link?04:38
mike28I tried going into #wine, but got immediately booted, cited as 'invite only'.04:38
daroluhanasaki: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/dvd.html04:38
KyliesBFxangua, she's too new to be specific04:38
acovrigwould SQL >  @script.sql work?04:38
maginotmikael79, #winehq04:38
KyliesBFWe've tried searching for her wireless card, but it doesn't register via lspci04:38
maginotmike28, ^04:38
Tit4nRavsGF: Whats the issue?04:38
KyliesBFmike28, my bad bud04:38
greezmunkeyacovrig: did you see above?04:38
daroluhanasaki: sorry forgot to paste it :p anyways, it's weird it prints that error, is your drive a dvd-rom one? does Ubuntu recognizes as one?04:38
KyliesBFTit4n, we can't find her wireless card04:38
null__maginot * #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel -help04:39
Tit4nKyliesBF: Oh, What kind is it? Did she try NDISWrapper?04:39
maginotnull__, you need to register you nick to be able to talk on some channels. /nickserv register <password> <email>04:39
KyliesBFTit4n, I walked her through lspci and that was it before telling her to ocme here04:39
Tit4nKyliesBF: I see04:39
hanasakidarolu:  yes04:39
null__<maginot> а по русски04:39
KyliesBFTit4n, she's coming from Windows and we don't know what kind it is. I can't be there in person... >_>04:39
Tit4nKyliesKyliesBF: So i assume it is an integrated card?04:40
maginotnull__, english only, or I will have to ignore you.04:40
KyliesBFTit4n, it's in a laptop, so I'd assume so.04:40
hanasakidarolu:  mplayer dvd://dev/cdrom0 <= won't play.. right click and play works but the sound is off04:40
greezmunkeyacovrig: ?04:41
daroluhanasaki: try mplayer dvd:// -dvd-device /dev/dvd04:41
acovriggreezmunkey, i did that, and it returned right away (after passwd of cource) but it still doesn't work, how can I tell if it isn't just openfire connecting to the database?04:41
Tit4nKyliesBF, Does she have any internet at all? Because she should look up the model of her laptop and figure out what kind of card it is.  Without knowing it is gonna be really tough04:41
sine_hello guys i want to make a small video for youtube etc which is low file size. i used to use windows movie maker and wondered if there is an easy movie maker for ubuntu. im not super noob i know some stuff about encoding but really i just want an easy option to take a big raw avi and turn it into something small like wmv or divx aviw tih mp3/wma sound04:41
KyliesBFTit4n, I'm really tired and am not much help to her. Anything you can suggest would be tops, bud. My wireless always sets up out of the box, so I don't know much about troubleshooting it anyway04:41
daroluhanasaki: although the error you pasted early is very weird; I haven't seen it before04:41
KyliesBFTit4n, good idea! She's on a wired connection04:41
greezmunkeyacovrig: what doesn't work?04:41
acovrigopenfire setup04:42
KyliesBFRavsGF, he's right, look up the model of your laptop and look for the wireless card04:42
hanasakidarolu:  I am gonna get a job in destructive testing lol04:42
KyliesBFhanasaki, can I join?04:42
Tit4nKyliesBF, Good deal.  She should get the type and use NDIS Wrapper (From the repos) and use the windows drivers04:42
maginotnull__, if you don't speak english, use tools like this: http://www.google.ru/language_tools?hl=ru04:42
KyliesBFTit4n, I'm not familiar with NDISWrapper - can you break it down for us?04:42
KyliesBFTit4n, or you can hang tight for a moment while we look up the card...04:43
hanasakiKyliesBF: join? what04:43
KyliesBFhanasaki, destructive testing job04:43
hanasakioh lol04:43
KyliesBFI bring the magic of the 40lb sledgehammer04:43
acovriggreezmunkey, what would the database url be?04:43
xanguasine_: there is pitivi, is going to be the default video editor in lucid04:43
greezmunkeyacovrig: yeah, what I ended up doing was fixing the database first, then rm -r /opt/openfire - then untarring it again and starting the setup over. With the database in place the installation works. Can you verify that the script worked. If it did there will be a slew of tables in the openfire database.04:43
lipinskiJust replaced my MB & CPU - same HDD.  Ubuntu loses DNS settings - I have to manually enter the nameserver into resolv.conf now.  What could possibly be causing that?04:44
lipinskiworked fine before hardware upgrade04:44
Tit4nKyliesBF, Ya know, I really haven't used it much. But basically it takes Windows based drivers and somehow uses it for Linux. Not sure how it works, and if I told I knew how to use it I would be lying.  I suggest using Google once you get to that point.  I wilsh I could help more.04:44
KyliesBFTit4n, ok, thanks a lot! =D04:44
greezmunkeyacovrig: should be about 30 tables created.04:44
Tit4nKyliesBF, For wirelss cards only though.  Glad I could help some at least.04:45
acovrighow can I tell?04:45
maginotTit4n, KyliesBF https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper04:45
darolusine_: if you already have the .avi file, you can use ffmpeg http://www.fscience.net/ffmpeg/04:45
Tit4nmaginot, Thank you04:45
KyliesBFTit4n, maginot thanks a lot to you both! =D =D =D04:45
Tit4nKyliesBF, No problem.04:45
greezmunkeyacovrig: access the database, and run a query to show the tables, I'll see if I can find an exaple - but I'm just learning mysql myself here, please be patient!04:46
hanasakidarolu: [0x7f4424083ce8] libmpeg2 decoder error: DpbUnlinkPicture called on an invalid picture04:46
hanasaki[0x7f44241c7658] fb video output error: cannot get terminal mode (Invalid argument)04:46
greezmunkeyacovrig: mysqlshow openfire; should do it04:46
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed in ubuntu 9.10. It was working then just decieded to stop working now my conf file is gone so i had to set add an option in there so it would boot with low graphics mode04:46
null__and where Nada register04:46
maginotsine_, take a look at one of these: Kino, Pitivi and Lives04:46
acovriggreezmunkey, yup; lots of tables04:47
greezmunkeyacovrig: cool04:47
null__maginot and where Nada register04:47
maginotnull__, just type: "/nickserv register <some_password> <your_email>"  you will get a confirmation message on your email04:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:48
greezmunkeyacovrig: you got it. so kill the files under /opt/openfire - re-untarr, and run the install again. When you get to the point of entering your database connection string let me know,.04:48
maginotsine_, just found this link: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/top5-linux-video-editing-system-software/04:49
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed in ubuntu 9.10. It was working then just decieded to stop working now my conf file is gone so i had to set add an option in there so it would boot with low graphics mode04:49
acovriggreezmunkey, should I make the /opt/openfire/bin/openfire file match theirs (line starting with nohup)?04:49
z1yDepends: libc6 (>= 2.11) but 2.9-4ubuntu6.1 is installed04:49
greezmunkeyacovrig: hold a sec, my neighbor is here - gimme about 504:49
null__maginot Throw a link where you can do04:49
z1y<== what does that mean?04:49
MononaWireless is not working on my laptop.  Internet works fine with wired connection.  Also, if I boot into windows then reboot into Ubuntu, wireless will work for a little while.  I've got an Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG on Hardy.04:50
maginotnull__, here isn't the network support channel, for information on how to register you must try: #freenode04:50
SuperMiguelwhats the worldwide population linux %?04:51
maginot!ot | SuperMiguel04:51
ubottuSuperMiguel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:51
greezmunkeyacovrig: You can, but after you x all of the files and reinstall them.04:51
red2kicSuperMiguel: As long as you're happy/satisfied with your setup, who care?04:52
chiefhi, I was wondering if someone could help me with my grub problem, grub isn't finding the windows hard drive04:52
greezmunkeyacovrig: and, actually it will run without that, but the logging doesn't work, so yes it should be done!04:52
maginotchief, do you know what is your windows partition?04:53
chiefhd0 - linux, hd1 - storage, hd2,0 - cd rom, hd2,1 windows xp04:53
maginotchief, /dev/sdc2 ?04:53
null__maginot there is some stupid bot and Nitsche not clear help04:53
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed in ubuntu 9.10. It was working then just decieded to stop working now my conf file is gone so i had to set add an option in there so it would boot with low graphics mode04:53
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
acovriggreezmunkey, do I want standard, or embedded database?04:54
chiefhow do I check?04:54
greezmunkeyacovrig: Standard, that's what you're set up for!04:54
maginotchief, fdisk -l /dev/sdc (sda, sdb... )04:54
null__maginot I lamer = (04:54
chiefup /sdc04:55
chiefyup /sdc04:55
Gadg3tcan someone tell me another channel that could help me with my problem?04:55
greezmunkeyacovrig: put in your ip address instead of [...]04:55
greezmunkeyacovrig: if you have to change ipaddress lated you can manage that with the admin utility04:56
Gadg3tlooking for someone who can give me help on getting a correct driver installed in ubuntu 9.10. It was working then just decieded to stop working now my conf file is gone so i had to set add an option in there so it would boot with low graphics mode04:56
xangua!repeat | Gadg3t04:56
ubottuGadg3t: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.04:56
acovriggreezmunkey, I have my router's DHCP static assign to that MAC address, anyways, it didn't work04:56
CrustyBarnacleGadg3t: What conf file? and, what driver?04:56
null__Euro I razocherovalsya under Linux04:56
maginotchief, maybe is a good idea you take a look at this link: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html04:56
greezmunkeyacovrig: I just fired up pidgin on my xp laptop, and am running pidgin here - chatting with myself!04:56
greezmunkeyacovrig: ? let me read that...04:57
chiefk thanks will poke around04:57
Spoomhi folks, could someone point me to a good tutorial or reference for cheap hardware and software setup for creating a small ubuntu network?  google hasn't quite found it for me, and i'm looking for some low-cost ideas for a youth center my wife runs04:57
Gadg3txorg conf file was empty when i viewed it04:57
tezztcan someone help me test chatroom on my ubuntu server plz?  http://ohlawd.com/chat/04:57
Spoommy guess is that i would need a switch of some variety?04:57
xangua!ot | Spoom04:57
ubottuSpoom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:57
null__I want to communicate04:57
greezmunkeyacovrig: that needs to be the address of your lan adapter04:57
CrustyBarnacleGadget: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:58
Spoomxangua, is there another freenode channel that might serve my query better?04:58
CrustyBarnacleIf you set a resolution inappropriate for your monitor in the Screen Resolution GUI tool, you can reset it by running rm ~/.config/monitors.xml from a terminal.04:58
Spoomor would offtopic be good?04:58
greezmunkeyacovrig: or you could put localhost instead...04:59
akuma2020Gadg3t: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:59
chrisl2424driver for my new geforce 210 graphics card by nvidia will not install. The installation always fails. Help please, i would like to get it working04:59
greezmunkeyacovrig: in fact, use localhost04:59
maginotSpoom, please, no offtopic here. Try #ubuntu-offtopic or maybe #linux04:59
null__maginot but here the girls have04:59
skritehey all, how would i get ubuntu to boot to a command line instead of into gdm ? i have tried stopping gdm from loading by chmod a-x /etc/inid.d/gdm but did not seem to stop it05:00
greezmunkeyacovrig: that will make it so that it can connect with mysql...05:00
e1even25when i try to install programs from the software center it says "not available in the current data. what do i need to do?05:00
chrisl2424driver for my new geforce 210 graphics card by nvidia will not install. The installation always fails. Help please, i would like to get it working05:00
null__maginot but here the girls have I just wonder05:01
hiexpoe1even25, have you enabled all your repo's?05:01
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chiefmaginot: that complex of a problem ?05:01
chrisl2424driver for my new geforce 210 graphics card by nvidia will not install. The installation always fails. Help please, i would like to get it working05:01
e1even25probably not, how do i do that?05:01
acovriggreezmunkey, I'm not getting anything in netstat -tap|grep 3306, is that ok?  error.log is here http://pastebin.com/BQL4USBn05:01
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:01
CloCkWeRXyhalp! I'm stuck on karmic :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/56200405:01
maginotchief, sorry, don't get it05:01
greezmunkeyacovrig: looking...05:01
cdayhello all, had a quick question. when i do sudo apt-get install gcc, it says the package cannot be found. im using a vps running ubuntu 805:01
=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish
chiefmaginot: well normally grub finds drives physically attached to the machine.05:02
chrisl2424driver for my new geforce 210 graphics card by nvidia will not install. The installation always fails. Help please, i would like to get it working05:02
greezmunkeyacovrig: checking mine locally...05:02
CrustyBarnaclechrisl2424: Are you on Karmic?05:02
hiexpoCloCkWeRXy, ask your ? just do not post a pasrebin how does anyone know what there are looking at and if they can help before looking at it05:02
chrisl2424what is karmic05:03
acovriggreezmunkey, I am running openfire just fine on my macbook :) lol05:03
null__I Shoot Russian but would like to talk here as zaregatsya who tells05:03
chiefmaginot: in ubuntu grub see hd0,hd1 & hd2 .. from the boot menu it only see hd0,hd105:03
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91005:03
maginotchief, just a second, will pastebin something to you05:03
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:03
chrisl2424the new beta ubunto?05:03
greezmunkeyacovrig: try netstat -a | grep mysql05:04
maginot!lucid | chrisl242405:04
ubottuchrisl2424: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:04
CrustyBarnaclechrisl2424: Karmic is current supported release.05:04
Gadg3tCrustyBarnacle, i tried what you said i get rm: cannot remove `home/bitch/.config/monitors.xml' : nosuch file or directory05:04
greezmunkeyacovrig: netstat know to translate the port number :)05:04
chiefmaginot: thanks05:04
hiexpocrazy busy05:04
chrisl2424so I can't get the driver because of this karmic?05:04
FloodBot3habibi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
Gadg3takuma2020 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg seems to have done something cuz i didnt get an error but the screen is still screwed up05:04
CircsHowdy i have Ubuntu Netbook Remix on one of my laptops and I would like to switch over to the standard Gnome desktop, is there an easy way to do this?05:05
null__bastards threw me on the arbitrariness05:05
acovriggreezmunkey, how long should this take?05:05
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
xanguaCircs: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:05
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:05
greezmunkeyacovrig: what, the install?05:05
Gartralim sorry too bring this here.. but #Ubuntu+1 is not helping, in LL (10.04) what is the default chat client and how do i call it's friend's list up?05:05
xanguayou can then select it from the login screen Circs05:05
acovrig'tcp     0     0 ubuntu.local:mysql     *:*'05:05
KyliesBFGartral, empathy05:05
acovriggreezmunkey, no the netstat, but it came fast enough, its above/below05:06
Circsxangua, Is there a way to make it boot that by default?05:06
xanguaGartral: the default im client since karmic is empathy05:06
null__help help help help help help help help help help help help05:06
KyliesBFGartral, Applications->Internet->Empathy05:06
xanguaCircs: set the normal desktop as your default session05:06
greezmunkeyacovrig: you are good then, heres my db connect line, should work for you too: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openfire05:06
Dolpso i installed gparted but i dunno how to find it05:06
Dolpwhat do05:06
Circsxangua, Thank you05:06
null__да ну вас вы меня кинули05:07
akuma2020Gadg3t: did you restart your x server05:07
red2kicDolp: Gnomeer05:07
Gadg3tno sir but i will do now05:07
null__yah you, you threw me05:07
Dolpred2kic what05:07
acovriggreezmunkey, nope, not working?05:07
red2kicDolp: You're looking for Gnome Partition Editor (under System).05:07
hiexponull__, what language are u speeking?05:08
maginotchief, try this: http://maginot.pastebin.com/6iJfivDD05:08
MachnanNull__, are you from Primor'ye, Ussuriysk?05:08
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:08
KyliesBFhiexpo, Russian05:08
smick2I tried to format my disk in my Linux box, but it's not accessible via samba, both Mac and Windows can see the shared folder I made, but it says "can't be found" should I take it out and format it elsewhere?05:08
greezmunkeyacovrig: did you create the /opt directory, and untarr the files as root (sudo -i)05:08
KyliesBF!ru | null__05:08
ubottunull__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:08
maginotchief, just copy and paste on the terminal... (use  the text without the number ;)05:09
smick2this is my 2nd internal HD I want to use for storage05:09
acovriggreezmunkey, yes05:09
hiexpoKyliesBF, thanx05:09
chiefmaginot thanks mate05:09
devdzubuntu kernel is Debian ?05:09
bullgard_What DEB program package provides the Disk Mounter applet?05:09
dj_segfaultIs there a CLI tool to add album cover art to MP3 files?05:10
acovriggreezmunkey, error.log pastbin soon...05:10
KyliesBFhiexpo, if they are using cyrillic it's almost always russian05:10
DolpI want to make a 10GB partion on g-parted. how?05:10
Gadg3takuma2020 soon as it starts up it says ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode the folliwing error was encountered. you may need to update your configuration to solve this.  (ee) problem parsing the config file, (ee) erroar parsing the config file05:10
hiexpoKyliesBF, ok kool thanks for the back05:10
greezmunkeyacovrig: ok, it took me two tries, the third worked. remove all of the files again, and restart you machine. then begin with untarring the files again...(I know) but it worked for me.05:10
juliodoes anyone here uses easytag?05:11
dj_segfaultDolp: What problem are you having trying to add the partition?  Just right click on the unused hard drive space05:11
dj_segfaultjulio: A little.  Not very fond of it though.05:11
hiexpowent to the store and came back to a flood lo05:12
greezmunkeyacovrig: I was amazed that my second attempt failed as well, but I did notice when I ran the installed the second time that it had some of my previously entered information. once I restarted, and configured from scratch it worked like a charm05:12
juliowell, mine isn't working at all from months to now05:12
juliowhy don't u use it?05:12
acovriggreezmunkey, do I still need to do the apt-get install stuff?05:12
greezmunkeyac, no05:12
greezmunkeyacovrig: no05:12
greezmunkeyacovrig: you'll still have all of that, and the tarball.05:12
red2kicbullgard_: I imagine it is gnome-applets05:13
greezmunkeyacovrig: hold on a sec, I have to answer a chat from myself...05:13
MachnanGreezmunky, you are from Oregon, right?05:13
dj_segfaultjulio: When I ask it to do larger tasks it gives no indication whether it's doing anything or not.  For instance, I was trying to work around a bug in Banshee by removing album cover art from MP3 files.  I selected all in easytag and told it to remove them.  No feedback at all, but when it was done, some had the album art removed and others didn't.05:13
greezmunkeyMachnan: mmm maybe, who's askin'05:14
maginot!ot > Machnan05:14
ubottuMachnan, please see my private message05:14
acovrigmaginot, what was that freespace command again?05:14
maginotacovrig, what?05:14
bastid_raZordf -h05:15
chiefmaginot: ok done now I execute the script ?05:15
maginotchief, no, just boot and see the result.05:15
acovrig349MB! ah05:15
juliodj_segfault, for me it doesn't do anything05:15
chiefmajinot: okay :D05:15
julioi load an albun and tell it to look for info05:15
julioand puuf05:16
julionothing but an error05:16
acovriggreezmonke, what exactly does mv downloadServlet\?filename\=openfire%2Fopenfire_3_3_2.tar.gz openfire_3_3_2.tar.gz do? it didn't work for me05:16
maginotchief, lets see if works...05:16
juliosome server returned... shish05:16
juliodo you know some other soft for such task?05:16
chiefmaginot: brb05:16
dj_segfaultjulio: I mostly use id3v205:17
greezmunkeyacovrig: that gives you the openfire install files, that's all you needed, all that other stuff was stuff I didn't need.05:17
Gadg3takuma2020 any suggestions?05:17
greezmunkeyacovrig: if you have a working mysql, and that tarball, thats all you need.05:18
juliobut is it a soft?05:18
dj_segfaultacovrig: I missed the beginning of your thread but there's an excellent program to find out what's using up your hard drive space called "filelight"05:18
julioor talking about the id3 tags ?05:18
hiexpoi know this is off topic and i will scorn myself but if anyone has a linksys WRTSL54GS they wanna part with i will pay bucks for it i am desperate05:18
dj_segfaultjulio: I'm talking about the program "id3v2" in the repositories.  Command line program to print and set ID3v2 tags.  Works flawlessly.  I prefer CLI anyway05:19
=== skbohra_ is now known as skbohra
greezmunkeyacovrig: well, those and an up to date java.05:19
hiexpo!ot | hiexpo05:19
ubottuhiexpo, please see my private message05:19
greezmunkeyacovrig: you restarted?05:19
juliocount me in on cli05:19
julioi'm on the look that allows me to organize the whole music folder05:20
juliowith some kind of standard set of info :D05:20
akuma2020Gadg3t did u select the correct graphic driver and monitor driver when u type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to reconfigure your xorg configuration05:20
dj_segfaultjulio: Then check out id3v2.  It even lets you set all the weird ones like TPE2 (Album Artist, for multi-artist CDs)05:20
PratikAnandthe synaptic manager opened by uck isn't allowing me to add DVD...what shud I do?05:20
acovrigyup, and about to vim openfire/bin/openfire05:20
juliothats new :P05:20
hiexpoKyliesBF,  - how long for you in linux ?05:21
sine_xangua:  darolu: minigot: thanks alot05:21
maginotakuma2020, actually is "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:21
=== jason is now known as ubuntu
=== ubuntu is now known as Roasted
dj_segfaultjulio: TPE2 was originally supposed to be "Band/Orchestra/Accompanyment" but has grown to be used for album artist.  For instance, minutes ago I ripped a CD from Ministry of Sound with different artists for every song, but they were remixed by Pete Tong.  So I did 'id3v2 --TPE2 "Pete Tong" *'05:22
chiefmaginot: what was supposed to happen ?05:23
FloodBot3Juzzy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
Juzzywrong window :/05:23
acovriggreezmunky, can I user nano instead of vim?05:23
greezmunkeyacovrig: sure05:24
greezmunkeyScreenShot tool anyone?05:24
maginotchief, actually I just forgot to mention one last command.... grup-update05:24
crunchbangHey all!  So, I was in gparted trying to make another partition when I accidentally formatted my ext3 drive to ntfs.  I clicked cancel as soon as I could but it said completed already.  Now I have a large ntfs partition but I am sure my data is still there somewhere.  It was only working for a second, maybe less.  Any help?05:24
maginotchief, and what is your windows partition?05:24
chiefmaginot: lmao05:24
chiefmaginot: ntfs / hd2,0 I think05:25
bastid_raZorgreezmunkey: gnome comes with a screenshot tool. press the printscreen button05:25
maginotchief, just double check please, if is /dev/sdc1 or /ev/sdc205:25
y0guhey guys can anyone help me with aircrack-ng???05:26
Untitled_onlysup room, can anyne tell me how to make my computer faster?05:26
greezmunkeybastid_raZor: thanks, I just saw the list of files 17+MB that shutter wanted to install!05:26
chiefmaginot: /dev/sdc1               1        9728    78140128+   7  HPFS/NTFS05:26
greezmunkeybastid_raZor: dude!05:26
maginotchief, okay, just retry this: http://maginot.pastebin.com/qEt2DEJ405:26
greezmunkeyIt shouldn't be that easy, where's my little handbook....05:26
acovriggreezmunkey, and this time, I use 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openfire' right?05:27
greezmunkeyacovrig: go for it05:27
maginotchief, I'm sleeping on the keyboard already... will just wait to see if works05:27
dj_segfaultUntitled_only: Knock it off the desk.05:27
hiexpogreezmunkey,  - what time is it there ?05:27
crunchbangno ideas?05:27
greezmunkeyacovrig: with the proper login and password for mysqkl05:27
Untitled_onlyknock what?05:27
greezmunkeyhiexpo: 9:30 pm or so I think05:27
y0guaircrack anyone....???05:27
greezmunkeytrying to quit05:27
acovriggreezmukey, is it ok to use root?05:28
=== crunchbang is now known as nintnint
greezmunkeyacovrig: for a test case, probably, but you really should create a user for the openfire database. Heck, once you get it working, you can always do it again the right way later.05:28
kermitmy virtualbox was working fine until i updated it, has anyone else broke too?05:29
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
infidsound stops working in chrome/flash randomly. what can i do?05:29
hiexpogreezmunkey, oh same time as mine05:29
maginotkermit, did you tried: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup05:29
greezmunkeyhiexpo: socal I would guess05:29
acovriggreezmunkey, how do I do that, btw error.log: 2010.04.12 23:27:12 [org.jivesoftware.database.ConnectionPool.<init>(ConnectionPool.java:111)] Failed to create new connections on startup. Attempt 0 of 305:30
acovrigcom.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception:05:30
acovrig** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION **05:30
acovrigMESSAGE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused05:30
FloodBot3acovrig: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
hiexpothats right05:30
Untitled_onlyI have 10.5 gigs free but it still slow05:30
kermitmaginot: i dont have that file05:30
chiefmaginot: how do I properly get out of the > after paste ?05:30
dj_segfaultinfid: type "pulseaudio 0k && pulseaudio --start"05:30
infidE: pid.c: Daemon already running.05:31
infidE: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.05:31
maginotchief, did you copied from the text box bellow the numbered lines? the > is from the terminal (is the PS2 variable) don't care about it05:31
=== gewt is now known as ____________
hiexpowho cares whats free whats on the total be real the more u have the longer it takes to load05:31
greezmunkeyacovrig: stop there. what do you get when you do this: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin05:31
=== ____________ is now known as gewt
maginotchief, "cat /etc/grub.d/30_CustomWindows"05:31
greezmunkeyacovrig: does it tell you that you are up to date?05:32
infiddj_segfault: ane other suggestions?05:32
voss749greez, is there a punchline somewhere?05:32
dj_segfaultinfid: Did it fix your problem?05:32
Triplicateso I emptied my trash can with the terminal, stupidly, I did rm -r ~/.Trash rather than rm -r ~/.Trash/*... now I need a new trash can. I did mkdir ~/.Trash, but when I try to 'move to trash' on something, it will tell me it can't move it there, and wants to delete it straight away. What am I doing wrong?05:32
greezmunkeyvoss749: ?05:32
infiddj_segfault: no it did what i pasted05:32
chiefmaginot: yes I did, I pasted it, it left me at > but didn't run the command update-grub.05:32
voss749Well you asked what do you ge when you do this? :)05:33
hiexpothis is not Kansas i tell it like it is05:33
greezmunkeyvoss749: hmm, I shouldn't have used enter for punctuation, I get it.05:33
dj_segfaultinfid: pulseaudio is the work of the Devil.  Just because it spat out errors doesn't mean it didn't work.  But it sounds like it got killed and left its PID file around.  Can you verify with ps whether its actually running or not?05:33
greezmunkeyvoss749: and the group: I'm sorry :(05:34
maginotchief, well, just copy lines 2 to 9 inside /etc/grub.d/30_CustomWindows and run line 11 and 1205:34
voss749greezmunkey, Im just being funny05:34
voss749Or not that funny05:34
ZykoticK9Triplicate, what version of Ubuntu are you using?  Trash has moved - I'll going to send the trash factoid following this.05:34
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash05:34
greezmunkeyvoss749: it'a all good 'sup05:34
Untitled_onlycan anyone help me? my computer is running slow and I have 10.2 gigs free. any advise?05:34
chiefmaginot: well the file is created in /etc/grub.d/30_CustomWindows05:34
voss749untitled how much memory do you have?05:34
=== SpinUp is now known as DanDare
Matt1whats up with install mscorefonts ?05:35
Untitled_onlyI think 21 gigs in total05:35
greezmunkeyacovrig: Did you find out if your java is up to date?05:35
maginotchief, yes, like expected, and inside the file you have the content of lines 2 to 9, right?05:35
Dolpdj_segfault can you tell me how much unused space i have on my hard? (http://img651.imageshack.us/i/lllabast.png/)05:35
hiexpono of them05:35
voss749untitled, no disk space, physical memory05:35
infiddj_segfault: it didnt fix sound and ps says its runnin05:35
hiexpono ms core fonts05:35
CrustyBarnacleUntitled_only: output of 'free' ?05:35
Untitled_only10.2 gigs free05:36
hiexpothis is not microsoft anyways05:36
Matt1yeah does any1 eles have issue with mscorefonts?05:36
chiefmaginot: indeed I do, this is the result after update http://maginot.pastebin.com/p313EmCc05:36
voss749untitled, Not hard drive space actual physical memory05:36
red2kic!anyone | Matt105:36
ubottuMatt1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:36
ZykoticK9hiexpo, do you have ttf-mscorefonts-installer package?05:36
Untitled_onlylet me check05:36
hiexponope i hate bill gates05:37
maginotchief, wait wait are you using grub legacy, not grub 2? DO you have /boot/grub/menu.lst?05:37
dj_segfaultDolp: You have that 167GB chunk free.  Did you delete a partition from there?  Try right-clicking on the rectangle in the chart where it says "unallocated" and see if there's an "add" option or "create" option.05:37
bastid_raZorchief: to get rid of other kernels just uninstall them via synaptic05:37
chiefmaginot : yup05:37
Matt1yeah i have the ttf-mscorefonts-installer05:37
maginotchief, ahhh and I was thinking you were using grub2... this changes things a little05:38
greezmunkeyacovrig: ?05:38
ZykoticK9Matt1, sorry sent my post to the wrong person (sorry hiexpo)05:38
TriplicateZykoticK9: 9.10, thanks for the factoid.05:38
selig5Dolp: you have 16.74 Gb free in the partition05:38
dj_segfaultinfid: That should fix it.  Being the work of the Devil, though, sometimes it doesn't die when you tell it to.  Run "pulseaudio -k"  then verify that ps says it is not running.05:38
chiefmaginot : grub (GNU GRUB 0.97)05:38
Dolpselig5 okay05:38
maginotchief, here, take a look, much easier (I think): http://boff.wordpress.com/2007/01/17/editing-bootgrubmenulst-to-change-the-grub-boot-menu/05:39
Dolpselig5 how much free space do i have overall?05:39
chiefmaginot: ok give me a moment05:39
dj_segfaultDolp: Did you try what I said?05:39
selig5Dolp: there is a big chunk of the hdd that in unallocated05:40
infiddj_segfault: should i use esound05:40
maginotchief, use the link to get situated where you must change your menu.lst, in the end your windows entry will be like this: http://maginot.pastebin.com/Uxvtn9Fj05:40
Untitled_onlyhow do u find out how much physical memory you have?05:40
maginotchief, after that, don't need to do nothing, just reboot.05:40
TriplicateZykoticK9: I looked in ~/.local/share/Trash, the file exists, and I haven't emptied it or even touched that dir, however it's empty and nothing can be moved into the trash, everything just wants to be deleted straight away. Could the permissions be wrong possibly?05:41
dj_segfaultinfid: Not since lilo has a single piece of Linux software caused so many problems.  To be fair part of the problem is the flash player too, though.  You don't run MythTV by chance, do you?05:41
greezmunkeyCan I patebin a screenshot, it's a *.png file?05:41
selig5Dolp: 167 GB unallocated05:41
bastid_raZor!screenshot | greezmunkey05:41
ubottugreezmunkey: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.05:41
hiexpowhere is the city of sandy05:41
greezmunkeythanks bastid_raZor :)05:42
bastid_raZorgreezmunkey: no problem.05:42
ZykoticK9Triplicate, they could be -- "ls -ld ~/.local/share/Trash" on my system shows owned by my user and ONLY permissions for my user05:42
maginotchief, I'm just confused if will be (hd2,1) or (hd2,0), because with grub2 is hd2,1 which means /dev/sdc1 , if something go wrong, just change from (hd2,1) to (hd2,0) you got it?05:42
greezmunkeyduly bookmarked05:42
chiefmaginot: yup giving it a shoot now05:43
infiddj_segfault: no i dont use myth tv, and it's ONLY flash that sound is flakey. i use rhythmbox all day long fine05:43
Gadg3takuma2020 it never asked me anything just went back to the command line05:43
infiddj_segfault:  and it's equally flakey in chrome and firefox05:43
dj_segfaultinfid: Same flash player.  There is only one, and it's closed source.  Did you try killing both browsers?05:44
Untitled_onlyif I run the computer janitor, will it delete all my documents?05:44
infiddj_segfault: yeah and sometimes restartin the browser works, sometimes i dont have to restair the browser, it'll just magically start workin an hour or so later05:44
xangua Untitled_only no05:45
Dolpselig5 does that mean I have 167GB of free space?05:45
Untitled_onlyok, but will it make my computer faster05:45
dj_segfaultDolp: Why do you keep asking the same damn question 15 times without responding to people who are trying to help you?05:46
selig5Dolp: unallocated space is free space you can expand your other partitions into or just partition it separately05:46
Dolpselig5 thanks. so how do i make a 100GB partion on my hardrive?05:46
xanguaDolp: with gparted live cd05:47
greezmunkeybastid_raZor: check this out: http://imagebin.org/9287005:47
bastid_raZorgreezmunkey: is that your background?05:47
selig5Dolp: with gparted click on the unallocated area  and click on 'new partition' or something like that ...05:47
greezmunkeybastid_raZor: It's one I made in gimp05:48
bastid_raZorgreezmunkey: nice05:48
greezmunkeybastid_raZor: thanks.05:48
infidhow can i run flash player from the command line?05:49
harejI have the Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2. When the 10.04 for-real version comes out, will I be able to upgrade within the beta or will I need to download yet another ISO?05:49
infidto see a youtube video without a browser and see any errors05:49
kdasHello all. I read that to get my usb tv tuner card to work (myGica u6012a) i need to use this au0802 module http://linuxtv.org/hg/~mkrufky/teledongle/ however it is 16months old and arch wont compile it and it throws many different errors. The problem is I cant see my device in /dev/dvb or /dev/v4l-dvb. Any help would be great.05:49
akuma2020Gadg3t try using Xorg -configure to create xorg.conf in ur home dir and copy it to ur /etc/X11/05:49
xanguaharej: yes you will05:50
bastid_raZorharej: no more iso's.. apt-get will keep you upto date all the way to the final05:50
xanguafor other lucid question better try #ubuntu+1 ;)05:50
MononaHow do I share folders from my external hard drive over the network from one ubuntu machine to another?  I've set the folder sharing options to allow sharing, writing, and guest access, but it doesn't show up in my laptop.05:51
harejbastid_raZor: that's awesome. that's what i love about linux. thank you05:51
dj_segfaultinfid: You mean you save an .flv from your hard drive and you want to play it?  Use vlc or mplayer.  There's no way to stream flash using the flash player outside the browser.  It's a plugin, not an executable.05:51
bastid_raZorharej: good luck with the beta.05:51
smick2Is there a difference between a shared folder on the main drive and one from a mounted drive?05:52
smick2I can access shared folders from Win / Mac on the main drive, but the mounted (internal sata) folders are visible but "not found" in both win and mac.05:52
rumpsyhow to integrate xampp with eclipse05:52
greezmunkeyI don't know where acovrig went, and I have to go. He should only have to solve his java, and db access issues to get openfire working. pretty easy if I can do it. good night all.05:53
bastid_raZorMonona: you could  go to Places > Connect to Server then Service type: SSH .. fill in the proper credentials and have it as a bookmark in your Places menu.05:53
infiddj_segfault: totem player is able to stream youtube isnt it05:53
acovrig? ok, goodnight too05:53
dj_segfaultinfid: Dunno.  Never tried.  Don't use totem.  I like command line, so I just run mplayer directly.05:54
greezmunkeyAciid: there you are, how far did you get?05:54
Aciidno problem05:54
infiddj_segfault: so if i download the flv of the files i should be able to get passed the sound issue since i wont have to rely on flash player?05:54
greezmunkeyacovrig: how far did you get?05:55
dj_segfaultinfid: Absolutely.  I use the DownloadHelper plugin to download flash videos.  It can even convert them to .mpg for you.  But mplayer and its ilk can play flvs straight too.  Even if flash is freezing and not playing sound, mplayer will work.05:56
infiddj_segfault: ok thanks, and is that plugin for firefox or chrome or both05:56
Dolpselig5 i just made a 70GB partion, does this look right http://img192.imageshack.us/i/lllkt.png/05:57
Gadg3tdoes anyone know how to get ubuntu to autodected the monitor settings?05:57
Untitled_onlyok peeps I did the computer janitor, but every time I'm on youtube my videos start to lag. can anyone help me?05:57
dj_segfaultFirefox.  I haven't found a plugin for Chrome that does that for most any site.  Some for Youtube specifically though.05:57
skriteanyone know how to change ubuntu to boot to a command line instead of gdm or X ?05:58
ZykoticK9skrite, are you using Karmic?05:58
swoodyskrite: sudo apt-get purge gdm && sudo apt-get install xinit xorg05:58
Mononabastid_raZor:  What will the Server be in Places>Connect?05:58
ZykoticK9skrite, don't remove gdm!05:58
swoodyskrite: you can still start your GUI with: startx after you login at the CLI05:59
allowoverridecan someone assist me with downgrading bios. should i use flashrom ? i haven't done that on intel before using ubuntu or linux05:59
bastid_raZorswoody: that is a horrible idea.05:59
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, +105:59
bastid_raZorMonona: the IP of your other box05:59
swoodybastid_raZor: why do you say that?05:59
ranjanHello every body can any body can tell me from where can I got some news for ubuntu 10.0405:59
bastid_raZorswoody: you would remove gdm just to boot to command line?05:59
Untitled_onlyis there anyway to stop the lag on youtube?06:00
ranjanany help would be of great help06:00
allowoverrideUntitled_only: ?06:00
Dolpi just made a 70GB partion, using gparted does this look right? http://img192.imageshack.us/i/lllkt.png/06:00
swoodybastid_raZor: if the goal is to permemantly remove gdm so you can always boot to CLI then yes06:00
Flomasterharro harro06:00
bastid_raZorranjan: #ubuntu+1 or  .. let me get the link06:00
Untitled_onlyon chrome?06:01
bastid_raZorranjan: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100406:01
mcnellisI'm try to burn an iso to a usb device and when i'm using usb-creator it says that my usb only has 657 MB of free space but that its capacity is 1GB06:01
FlomasterI just installed 10.0.4 beta2 and wicd is giving me a bad password error when trying to connect to my wireless network06:01
mcnellishow can I format the partition before burning the iso?06:01
bastid_raZorswoody: removing gdm is not the answer. not starting it is.06:01
ZykoticK9Flomaster, Lucid/10.04 Support in #ubuntu+106:01
Flomasterzykes-, thanks will go there06:01
Mononabastid_raZor:  Basic question, I'm sure, but how do I find my IP address?06:02
mcnellisI think I've actually been able to reformat a differnet usb device before burning the iso before...so i'm confused why i can' find the option - anyone know where it is in usb-creator?06:02
Dolpi just made a 70GB partion, using gparted does this look right? http://img192.imageshack.us/i/lllkt.png/06:02
dj_segfaultMonona: ifconfig06:02
swoodybastid_raZor: what will removing gdm harm?06:02
ZykoticK9swoody, you can simply disable GDM without removing it06:02
bastid_raZorswoody: if you're asking that... then it is above your comprehension.06:02
skriteZykoticK9, cool thanks06:02
skriteswoody, you too, thanks06:02
Mononadj_segfault:  I want the one that starts 192.168..., right?06:03
ZykoticK9skrite, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/boot-to-console---disable-graphical-login-gdm if you are using Karmic06:03
swoodybastid_raZor: very nice, friendly answer. thanks :)06:03
dj_segfaultmcnellis: Burning the ISO image to the thumb drive should overwrite anything on it.  Are you sure you're not trying to copy the .iso file to the thumbdrive instead of burning the image onto it?06:03
bastid_raZorMonona: on the box you want to connect to type ifconfig | grep -i inet  ..it will be inet addr:06:03
dj_segfaultMonona: 192.168... will be your intranet.06:03
bastid_raZorswoody: very destructive answer you gave.06:03
mcnellisI'm using usb-creator dj_segfault I located the iso to burn but then under "USB disk to use" it lists my usb device but it lists /dev/sdb1 I don't know why it wouldn't just use /dev/sdb and ask to format it..06:04
mcnellisit then reports the capacity of the device but then says only 657 MB are free06:04
mcnellisI can "open" an alternative path to use though06:05
dj_segfaultmcnellis: Does /dev/sdb1 take up the whole thumbdrive?06:05
bastid_raZormcnellis: if /dev/sdb1 is already formatted.. you'll need to let usb-creator format it and create a fat32 partition. just hit the format button and let it do its thing06:05
MononaWhen I try to connect with SSH, I get error message: "Can't display location.  Connection refused by server."06:06
greezmunkeybastid_raZor: this one is fun, insert your interface: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'06:06
mcnellisbah nvm my bad this install has an old version of usb-creator06:06
dj_segfaultMonona: When you try to connect to what with ssh?06:07
selig5Dolp: was away for a minute... That looks good.06:07
Dolpselig5 okay, I wanna install slackware on it, does that mean i gotta make the 70gb portion a swap partion?06:08
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dj_segfaultMonona: You only mentioned one computer.  If you're trying to ssh from machine A to machine B make sure sshd is running on machine B and that ssh is allowed by its firewall.06:08
Mononadj_segfault:  I'm trying to access my external hard drive from my desktop over the network.  Ubuntu on both ends.06:08
selig5Dolp: I don't think you ever need a swap partition that big.06:09
dj_segfaultMonona: Do you know ssh is running?06:09
dj_segfaultMonona: Sorry. sshd06:09
Untitled_onlydoes anyone know how to increase your ram size if possible?06:09
bastid_raZorUntitled_only: do you have an actual Ubuntu related issue?06:10
ZykoticK9Dolp, don't create a 70GB swap partition - that would be a HUGE waste of disk space06:10
swoodyUntitled_only: are you trying to put more RAM into your computer, or do you want to cut down how much Ubuntu uses?06:10
ZykoticK9Untitled_only, to increase RAM you need to buy more RAM - increasing swap is NOT going to speed up Youtube videos06:11
DolpZykoticK9 I'm putting slackware on the 70GB partion, I just wanna know am i set? or do i need to add something more?06:11
selig5Dolp: You already have a swap partition.06:11
Mononadj_segfault:  Nope.  Don't even know what sshd is, so it's probably not running.  Is there a better way to set up shared files?  Mostly music on my external hard drive.06:11
bastid_raZorMonona: install openssh-server on the box that has the music.. you should be able to connect then.06:11
ZykoticK9Dolp, i'm sure Slackware will go onto a 70GB partition (i was worried by what you originally typed that you where going to make it a swap partition)06:11
Untitled_onlyso what will?06:11
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ZykoticK9Untitled_only, actually if you're getting choppy YouTube the most likely causes are A) Slow Internet and B) Video Card06:12
swoodyUntitled_only: higher bandwidth, lower system requirements (lxde, openbox, etc.), faster processor/GPU...06:13
swoodyUntitled_only: have you tried diasbling compiz?06:13
Untitled_onlyyea i did06:13
swoodyUntitled_only: go to System>Prefs>Appearance, and set Visual Effects to 'none'06:13
swoodyah, gotcha06:13
Untitled_onlyit is06:13
swoodyyeah, then you can either try to make Ubuntu use less, or buy more ;)06:14
Untitled_onlyhow do I make ubuntu use less06:14
dj_segfaultMonona: sshd is the server side of ssh that you connect to.  If you're trying to get from your work computer to your home computer, you'll never be able to do it connecting to a 192.168 address.  Like I said that's an intranet address and can't work over the internet.  You have to find out what the IP address is of your router/cablemodem/etc is, and it needs to be configured to forward ssh requests to your computer.  Bu06:14
=== akuma_ is now known as akuma2020
Mononabastid_raZor:  OK, installed that.  How do I get it up and running?06:15
bastid_raZorMonona: once installed it is up and running06:15
swoodyUntitled_only: well, if it's your graphics card that's making Ubuntu slow and choppy, there's not a whole lot you can do. If you're running low on RAM and/or maxxing out your CPU, you can try a lighter distro to free up more resources for flash - lxde, openbox, lighter apps, etc.06:15
Mononadj_segfault:  Just two computers on my home network.06:15
Untitled_onlywhats openbox06:15
ndanis there anyone familiar with multitouch problems, particularily tied to the tx2z...  i've gotten hella far but i've been working on this for months.06:16
swoodyUntitled_only: it's a very minimal window manager, probably not something newer users would enjoy a whole lot ;)06:16
swoodyUntitled_only: but I would recommend trying out lxde, as it's based on openbox, and has a nice GUI06:16
dj_segfaultMonona: Oh, you said you were trying to do this from work I thought.  Both computers on the same intranet?  Check out ampache or musica.  Or you can do it over Samba shares.06:17
Untitled_onlyooh.. I really don't want to uninstall ubuntu. do you think it could be my 10.0406:18
ZykoticK9swoody, actually the memory usage difference between Gnome and LXDE/XFCE aren't really all that great, see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_vitals&num=1 KDE uses a lot more memory06:18
goodjob66I'm using xfce406:18
ranjanhello Every body can help me in figuring out any appropriate answer with Ubuntu Moblin Remix  does it'll too be an LTS product .. for this new upcoming 10.4  or not .06:19
dj_segfaultSorry Monona, gotta go to sleep.  Up in 6 hours.06:19
xanguaranjan: now moblin is meego, no idea06:19
xanguameego = moblin + maemo i believe06:19
Mononadj_segfault, bastid_raZor:  Thanks!  I think it's working now.06:20
dj_segfaultMonona: What did you do to get it working?06:20
Untitled_onlyI think I found out the problem, I was running cairo-dock and had the slider going I just turned it off and the video stopped lagging06:20
bastid_raZorMonona: nice, enjoy your music06:20
Mononadj_segfault:  Installed sshd, and connected to the server from Places menu.06:21
bastid_raZorMonona: you can add a bookmark to be listed under Places. makes it easier in the future when connecting to the box06:21
ranjanxangua :: thanks for your help06:23
xangua!hi | emad06:23
ubottuemad: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:23
emadhi xuangua06:24
ActionParsnipYo yo yo06:24
Mononabastid_raZor:  Yeah, I checked that box.  I'm trying to load the hard drive in rhythmbox now.  Are there any additional security concerns I should be aware of when I'm running this?06:24
bastid_raZorMonona: no. rhythmbox takes a bit of time to load my music.. but then again i have 18days worth of music to be loaded.06:25
Flomasterharro harro06:25
bastid_raZorMonona: everything is running on your internal network. all is safe.06:25
Flomasteranyway to use GRUB and have it default to Win7 instead of Ubuntu?06:25
swoodyZykoticK9: that's very true on higher-end systems, but with low systems - say with 512 MB RAM - lxde uses 90MB less RAM, that's about an 18% decrease in memory useage... that can mean a lot to a system.06:25
swoody(figures from the link)06:26
ZykoticK9swoody, that's true!06:26
ActionParsnipFlomaster: edit /etc/default/grub06:26
swoodythat's where the lighter DE's really make a difference06:26
mkquistMonona: all that for sharing?06:26
Mononabastid_raZor:  I hear that.  45 days worth over here.06:26
ActionParsnipSwoody: I always use a light de, more ram for disk cache and apps06:27
=== emad is now known as loev
Mononamkquist:  I guess so...  Although I'm open to other suggestions.06:27
mkquistjust share the folder?06:27
bastid_raZorMonona: one downside i've seen in rhythmbox is on every reconnect it has to resync the music.06:27
FlomasterActionParsnip: thanks my wife is going to be happy now, I just installed on our laptop and I know she would freak in the morning if it didn't boot into Win7 ahha06:27
mkquistMonona:  just share the folder?06:27
swoodyActionParsnip: I do, too :) And there's no denying that they boot faster and load apps quicker06:27
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Peddymy virtual terminals (ttys) are falling off the screen, I can only see the top 4 lines at the bottom of the screen. How can I get them back?06:28
mkquistMonona: terminal - type shares-admin - should do it too06:28
ActionParsnipSwoody: lxde + openbox here, slick as a really slick slicker06:28
swoodyActionParsnip: have you seen/tried out the new lubuntu-destop in Lucid? :o06:28
ActionParsnipSwoody: I'm part of the project (in ideas and discussion etc). Check the project page on launchpad and you'll see my ugly mug06:29
swoodyActionParsnip: very nice :)06:29
Out_Coldswoody, his mug??? no it's horrible06:31
swoodyActionParsnip: one decision I don't agree with - Chromium as default browser. I have always found it to use less memory, but more CPU on my machines :/06:31
swoodyOut_Cold: lol06:31
Mononamkquist:  Ok.  Set that.  Now how do I access it?06:31
allowoverridecan someone assist me with downgrading bios. should i use flashrom ? i haven't done that on intel before using ubuntu or linux06:31
swoodyActionParsnip: I would have gone with midori if the aim is for a lighter browser06:31
Mewaywhats the command to show my computers IP?06:31
Mononabastid_raZor: doesn't seem to be loading the music in rhythmbox.  Maybe I'll try amarok and see...06:32
Out_Coldallowoverride, i don't think flashing bios has anything to do with using linux or windows06:32
bastid_raZorMeway: ifconfig06:32
swoodyMeway: ifconfig06:32
Mewayah i cant beleave i forgot that06:32
ActionParsnipSwoody: it was benchmarked for startup time, ram use and some speed tests and chromium was great (although I was shooting for arora but chromium is an awesome browser)06:32
allowoverrideOut_Cold: i believe thats not what i asked06:32
xanguamaybe this is not the correct place to get that help allowoverride06:32
allowoverridethis is a an ubuntu laptop, so im in the right place06:33
bastid_raZorMonona: set rhythmbox to scan the remote folder for new music .. this is where the bookmark comes in handy06:33
allowoverridei need to prepare the usb so forth, what program to use... xangua your not helping06:33
sinistradworst I've seen in a while06:34
TvLwhat's a net split?06:34
TvLnever seen this  before06:34
hateball!netsplit | TvL06:34
ubottuTvL: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:34
TvLhateball, I see! thanks06:35
Flannelallowoverride: A netsplit is when one of the IRC servers disconnects from the others, so everyone connected to that server gets split off from the rest of us06:35
ActionParsnipAllowoverride: there will be a way even if it involves installing dos to the stick and doing it there but it can be done. Some company's may give an image you can put on the stick. It all depends06:35
allowoverridehaha here it goes again06:36
sloopytime to get out yer boards and surf the wild waves of a net split...06:37
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* iflema :)06:37
* Out_Cold waits for the day that he gets op'd afte ra netsplit06:37
allowoverridei guess a better question is, whats that supposed to do?06:37
sloopyallowoverride, its not supposed to happen... but does...06:37
allowoverrideanyfoo back to my issue, can someone help out with links to use ubuntu to prepare media for flash?>06:38
sloopyyears ago they were common06:38
Out_Coldif you want to ignore them, just hide join/part msgs06:38
allowoverrideyah filter it06:39
Philosoraptoralright my battery died while I was writing a paper and it somehow corrupted my entire OS (9.10) on a wubi virtual partitionnow I'm just stuck with a grub and access to my windows 7. help please06:39
swoodyActionParsnip: arora is just a midori clone, but it uses qt instead of gtk, why were you rooting for it?06:39
AndorinWhat's the command to bring up the Appearances menu?06:39
ActionParsnipAllowoverride: you need to get the image and the flashing utility on the usb. There is no single answer dude06:39
sloopyand hope whoever is helping you is on the same server as you06:39
hateballallowoverride: can you repeat the question?06:39
ActionParsnipSwoody: it supports a lot of the new technologys like ajax etx which afaik midori doesn't06:40
allowoverrideanyfoo back to my issue, can someone help out with links to use ubuntu to prepare media for flash? i believe i need to do a flash on bios and downgrade per dell issue someone pointed me to earlier. i can not burn cd/dvd's06:40
allowoverrideit reads, just doesn't write06:40
swoodyActionParsnip: ah, ok. It's been a while since I've used either one of them, so I was curious :)06:40
allowoverrideActionParsnip: what flash util should i use that comes with ubuntu 9.1006:40
allowoverrideor i can apt-get06:41
allowoverridea good one06:41
AndorinThe same menu you get when you go to System > Preferences > Appearance. I would like a way to open this from a terminal.06:41
hateballallowoverride: doesnt Dell provide you with some sort of Flashutility for BIOS? Usually a bootable cd06:41
xanguaAndorin: edit the menu and see what comand it uses06:41
chrisl2424does newest version of Ubuntu (beta) have driver download for graphics card because it failed to install my new graphic card driver. nvidia geforce 21006:41
allowoverridei cant burn a bootable cd :|06:41
allowoverridei do have usb though06:41
Andorinxangua: ...good point. >_<06:41
ActionParsnipAllowoverride: it doesn't come with one you may find a ppa to do it from livecd but the stock repos don't have flashers afaik.06:42
robertzaccouri confirmed a bug fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/555503 did i document it correctly at the end? also how do i permanently enable this change?06:42
xangua!lucid > chrisl242406:42
ubottuchrisl2424, please see my private message06:42
allowoverridei cant use a livecd06:42
xanguachrisl2424: there is envy06:42
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver06:42
ActionParsnipChrisl2424: add the nvidia vpau ppa and install the 195 driver06:42
allowoverridei have had issues using ppa06:42
hateballallowoverride: no access to a different machine that can burn a cd either? that'd probably be the easiest...06:42
allowoverridenot to mention the support isnt all that06:42
allowoverrideyah hateball i hear ya06:43
nishanthis there a karmic channel?06:43
crucialhoaxnishanth: this is it06:43
nishanthoh ok06:43
allowoverridei need to find out if this is hardware or software issue before approaching dell and really jsut get it to burn again. lappy is only 4 months old06:43
nishanthi have a question. i try to set visual effects to extra and it does not do it can someone help?06:44
allowoverrideshoots crucialhoax with a rubber band and home made paper clip projectile ;)06:44
mcguirerWowa there's a lot of people in here. Holy wowsa.06:44
blah-blahno shit06:44
crucialhoaxnishanth: What video card do you have?06:44
mcguirerIs this the main Ubuntu channel?06:44
ardchoillemcguirer: yes06:45
robertzaccour!shit | blah-blah06:45
nishanthcrucialhoax : how can i check?06:45
wizard_mcguirer: #linux is a great channel06:45
robertzaccourjust tried it to see what it would do lol06:45
mcguirerAh that explains it :-P06:45
tritiumblah-blah, robertzaccour: enough, please06:45
crucialhoaxshoots allowoverride with slingshot holding a frozen paintball ;006:45
crucialhoaxnishanth: is this a laptop?06:45
robertzaccourtritium, yep06:45
nishanthcrucialhoax: yes06:45
crucialhoaxnishanth: older?06:45
AndorinOkay, now what on Earth does this mean? http://pastebin.com/vBq8eai106:45
tritiumThanks, robertzaccour.06:46
nishanthcrucialhoax: newer i5 processor06:46
allowoverrideanyfoo, my eyes are burning, ill pick this up tomorrow06:46
allowoverrideNjoy, l806:46
robertzaccouri added i915.powersave=0 to the grub how do i make this change permanent?06:48
nishanthcrucialhoax: newer i506:48
crucialhoaxnishanth: And it wont let you apply the extra settings?06:48
nishanthcrucialhoax: yes06:49
chrisl2424redirect me to a room that can not help me? why can't you help me here?06:49
=== benjamin_ is now known as BenjaminB
futurama140Excuse me, can anyone tell me how to search for monitors plugged into the system? im trying to run 3 monitors, 2 integrated and 1 on a pcie card, the integrated 2 work fine, but idk how to configure for the 3rd one.06:49
crucialhoaxnishanth: in a terminal type sudo lshw -C Display06:50
crucialhoaxAndorin: What was the problem?06:51
blackbullben cikiyorum06:51
nishanthcrucialhoax: description: VGA compatible controller06:51
nishanth       product: Arrandale Integrated Graphics Controller06:51
nishanth       vendor: Intel Corporation06:51
nishanthcrucialhoax: i guess this is what you are looking for06:52
Andorincrucialhoax: As outlined in http://pastebin.com/vBq8eai1 , the gnome-appearance-properties window crashes I try to load it. Attempting to use the --install-theme option results in a segfault.06:52
crucialhoaxfuturama140: type xrandr will display currently used ports for display06:52
futurama140crucialhoax: ty06:52
mattomynameohey does anyone know how to find where my harddrives are mounted from (like if my system's harddrive is hda0 or what?)06:53
o2oodoes anyone know if there's any irc chat room about Android development?06:53
Andorinmattomynameo: Wouldn't that be /dev/?06:53
jhambohey folks, I see that there is a fix for a bug i'm experiencing.  and it looks like a fix has been released, see here:06:54
mattomynameoyeah it should be in dev, and i see sda1,3,4,5.  no hda.  and fdisk can't open any of them06:54
futurama140crucialhoax:  the monitor on my pcie card isnt showing up with xrandr, how can i see if ubuntu even detects the card?06:54
jhamboBut how do I get that fix into my 9.10 system?06:54
crucialhoaxfuturama140: lspci06:54
shane2hi to06:54
robertzaccourdid i add i915.powersave=0 to grub correctly? http://pastebin.com/REXnmmUw06:55
shane2i am new commer in ubuntu06:55
Andorin!hi | shane206:55
nishanthanyone know how to set visual effects to extra? mine does not allow me06:55
ubottushane2: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:55
subonecan someone assits me, ive locked myself out of my sudoers file and when i try to recovery console i get a frozen screen on the menu before selecting drop to root terminal06:55
crucialhoaxnishanth: Try this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-and-configure-compiz-fusion-in-ubuntu-9-10karmic.html06:56
subonenow im logged into a live cd06:56
robertzaccourdid i add i915.powersave=0 to grub correctly? http://pastebin.com/REXnmmUw06:56
mattomynameolike how could i see the partition table it showed me right before installing ubuntu?06:56
nishanthcrucialhoax: i dont want to install compiz .06:56
futurama140crucialhoax: ok, my card is there, but my monitor isnt being detected. it all worked on my previous windows build so i know its not hardware issues. Is there a way to install drivers for the card seperately from the integrated?06:56
Andorinsubone: What about replacing the sudoers file from the live environment?06:56
crucialhoaxsubone: Wow, amazing. Same problem I had about a week ago. Confused my Linux instructor and I, my solution, re-install.06:56
crucialhoaxnishanth: My apologies. Let me find something else.06:57
stanman246hi in here! I've got some old vhs tapes and a vcr. What's the best way to digitalize them? Anyone done this before?06:57
robertzaccouryou have a linux instructor?06:57
subonecrucialhoax: i already fixed it once a little while ago but i forget how06:57
nishanthcrucialhoax: i just wanted to know why it would not set it to extra06:58
crucialhoaxnishanth: I am looking for that now...06:58
suboneAndorin: how do i go about loading my internal hdd as writable?06:58
crucialhoaxsubone: Oh, I do know about that.06:58
Andorinsubone: I actually don't know, but perhaps someone here does.06:58
nishanthcrucialhoax: i had this issue earlier with lucid . and it was solved when i removed VESA06:58
nishanthcrucialhoax: but i am not sure if i should just remove arrandale06:59
=== aperson is now known as darkhazard
crucialhoaxnishanth: Precisely. this thread I believe covers the issue: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/problem-with-compiz-fusion-in-ubuntu-9-10-a-796252/06:59
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:00
shane2hi Andorin07:00
subonecrucialhoax: well how do i do it?07:00
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:00
crucialhoaxsubone: typo, =/ I mean do not*07:01
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning07:01
bazhangnoren_, /msg ubottu please07:01
o2ooanyone here could help?07:02
yetifoothi all, i used brasero to rip a cd, but i can't figure out how to now mount it, i try loop/iso9660, no joy, and i can't find a convertor for linux, can anyway recommend a porgram?07:02
Andorin!ask | o2oo07:02
ubottuo2oo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:02
o2ooI want to join the #android chatroom, but it says:  #android :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services07:02
Andorino2oo: That means you have to have a registered nickname on IRC07:03
bazhango2oo, /join #freenode and ask for help with registration07:03
yetifooto2oo, i think doing /msg nickserv help    will help you register07:03
bazhang!register > o2oo07:03
ubottuo2oo, please see my private message07:03
o2ooAndorin,  how07:03
AndorinI think you just got lots of info on that. :P07:03
o2oook, i try... thanks all07:03
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
yetifootsorry, i didn't mention brasero ripped as toc/bin, i couldn't find iso option07:04
axplayerhello everyone. I recently installed a game in Wine and decided that during its installation the music was too annoying, so I just wanted to turn that specific application's sound off. I went to sound-preferences and to the 'applications' tab and muted the Alsa driver and kept Rhythm Box with volume to play a cd instead. now the option to unmute isn't there when the specific application is running. every other sound works exc07:04
axplayerept the sound from the application and WIne for that matter. any thoughts?07:04
Ryguycould someone help me out? I installed ubuntu from my laptop onto a HDD in an external harddrive enclosure. I could not connect online so I plugged it into another computer and updated the system. now when I plugged it back into my laptop, I cannot boot. it says "ALERT! /dev/sdd1 does not exist. Dropping to shell!"07:05
shane2how we can cop a directory from /usr/share07:06
suboneok i guess it was just as easy as a chmod07:06
ardchoilleshane2: cp -r /path/source /path/target07:06
crucialhoaxsubone: What did you do?07:06
shane2a propmt is say premission denied07:07
GaMeBoYhey everybody :)07:07
=== ns9242_ is now known as ns9242
crucialhoaxshane2: So: sudo cp -r /path/source /path/target07:07
ardchoille!sudo | shane207:08
ubottushane2: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:08
subonecrucialhoax: i just chmoded the sudoers file so i could edit it07:08
subonebrb test it07:08
o2ooyetifoot, could you help, give me the command to register the nickname on freenode?07:08
Ryguycould someone help me out? I installed ubuntu from my laptop onto a HDD in an external harddrive enclosure. I could not connect online so I plugged it into another computer and updated the system. now when I plugged it back into my laptop, I cannot boot. it says "ALERT! /dev/sdd1 does not exist. Dropping to shell!"07:08
ardchoilleshane2: but be advised, wherever you copy that to will need sudo to also delete it07:08
chris4585 /ns register your_password email07:09
yetifooto2oo, what chris4585 said07:09
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:09
shane2sory i did not understand could you explain  ardchoille07:09
nishanthanyone know how to set visual effects to extra?07:09
noren_Ryguy: what does sudo fdisk -l sayd07:09
robertzaccourdid i properly edit my grub? http://pastebin.com/Qz6LnbGa07:10
ardchoilleshane2: if you use sudo to copy a file, then the copy iteself will also need sudo if/when you delete it as it will be owned by root, not your user07:10
ActionParsnipNishanth: in display settings. You will need to have 3D accelleration to enable any level of effects07:10
Gadg3tis there anyone here good with xserver stuff07:10
axplayernishanth, System-Preferences-appearance-effects07:11
Ryguynoren_: 'sudo fdisk -l' returns `/bin/sh: sudo not found" and 'fdisk -l' returns `/bin/sh: fdisk not found"07:11
ardchoille!sudo | shane2 Please familiarize yourself with this07:11
ubottushane2 Please familiarize yourself with this: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:11
ActionParsnip!anyone | gadg3t07:11
ubottugadg3t: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:11
nishanthaxplayer : i tried that it wont work07:11
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: Look at line 9, why is it twice?07:11
Ryguynoren_: 'help' displays a list of commands, do you want me to list them to you07:11
subonecrucialhoax, looks like i accidentaslly chowned a few things i shouldnt07:11
axplayernishanth, what won't work about it, it won't let you click it?07:11
o2oohi, the faq says: "/msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>"07:11
crucialhoaxsubone: Nice. lol.07:11
shane2 ardchoille can you send me command07:11
o2oobut what is the nickserv07:12
shane2i dont feel mind07:12
Gadg3tok well here is my problem i have been posting all night i cant get my graphics to appear right if i do some editing to the xorg file i can make it crash to allow me to get  my system to run in low graphics mode07:12
noren_Ryguy: i think u have to alter the grub menu list to get it working07:12
ActionParsnipO2oo: its the nick server, you only need to provide what is in the <>s07:12
nishanthaxplayer i tried changing to extra but it wont change07:12
Ryguynoren_: how would I do that? live disc?07:12
ActionParsnipO2oo: the word nickserv is correct in the command07:13
noren_Ryguy: yes the live disk is the best option07:13
Gadg3tsometimes when i boot up i get no graphics at all07:13
Ryguynoren_: alright, thanks alot man07:13
o2ooI entered the command07:14
ActionParsnipGadg3t: if you press alt+k+printscreen does it show?07:14
Gadg3t sometimes i can get it to give me the low graphics mode and then i can start up ubuntu in graphics mode but only 640 x 48007:14
o2oobut nothing tells succeed or not07:14
ardchoilleshane2: command for what?07:14
robertzaccourupdated http://pastebin.com/U2YeMbUf07:14
noren_Ryguy: run sudo fdisk -l from live disk and it will give u the nae of hte devices listed and then change the menu list accordingly07:14
robertzaccourdoes that look ok?07:14
theadminGRUB sometimes doesn't boot at all. It doesn't get to booting, it just freezes after i select the OS. what the heck.07:14
ActionParsnipO2oo: you don't type the <>s in the command though ;)07:14
Ryguynoren_: Yeah, thats what I figured. I'm googling about how to do that right now07:14
ActionParsnipO2oo: i'd ask in #freenode07:15
chris4585o2oo, an example is /msg nickserv mypasswordisthis myemail@whatever.com07:15
Gadg3tActionParsnip right now when i do that it wants to save the screen shot07:15
Gadg3tActionParsnip i have it booted into the gui07:15
shane2thanks i have solved ardchoille07:15
ardchoilleshane2: ok, glad you got it :)07:15
robertzaccourupdated http://pastebin.com/U2YeMbUf07:15
robertzaccourdoes that look ok?07:15
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
o2ootheadmin, could you help me to register a nickname or username on freenode?07:16
ActionParsnipGadg3t: but when there is no display it should be nice. Press them together, no in sequence07:16
axplayerwhats a PCM Playback Volume? from the error: err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element07:16
theadmino2oo: PM please07:16
ActionParsnipO2oo: that sort of thing is supported in #freenode07:16
Gadg3tActionParsnip ok ill reboot then07:16
theadminCan someone name a non-KDE torrent client that is faster then Transmission?07:16
ActionParsnipGadg3t: the combination resarts the x server07:17
robertzaccourtheadmin, probably not lol07:17
RyguyWould running 'sudo update-grub' on the live CD fix the grub menu?07:17
ns9242theadmin: deluge?07:17
theadminns9242: Hm, gotta research into that07:17
ActionParsnipTheadmin: the speed will depend on health. The client used is fairly moot07:17
selig5theadmin: rtorrent07:17
theadminActionParsnip: No no, KTorrent is around 1.5 times faster then Transmission. Tested it with same torrents.07:17
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).07:18
noren_theadmin: i use qbittorrent cause its the only one i found with the option to get the parts in sequential order its good for preview07:18
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P07:18
ActionParsnipTheadmin ^ go crazy with that list dude07:18
RyguyHow would I fix my grub boot menu using the 'update-grub' command from a live CD?07:18
xinglightwhich pdf viewer is the best in ubuntu ?07:18
xinglightadobe is to large07:18
robertzaccourupdated http://pastebin.com/U2YeMbUf07:19
crucialhoaxxinglight: eVince?07:19
robertzaccourdoes that look ok?07:19
ActionParsnipXinglight: there is no best any app07:19
noren_xinglight: i use epdfview07:19
theadmino2oo: Yes, yes, hello. Anyway, to register your name, do "/msg nickserv register password email", example: "/msg nickserv register blahblahblahblah myemail@email.fake"07:19
robertzaccourdoes anyone here know anything about grub?07:19
xinglightok  thank you !  i will try07:19
theadminrobertzaccour: I do. It's a bootloader. :P07:19
ActionParsnipXinglight: each app has different strengths, if there was a best then the others would die as nobody would use the others07:19
robertzaccourupdated http://pastebin.com/U2YeMbUf07:19
robertzaccourtheadmin, how's that look?07:19
=== magn3ts is now known as newtoc
ActionParsnipXinglight: just like there is no best operating system or web browser or best irc client07:20
Gadg3tActionParsnip: right now all i can get it to do is ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode with the following errors: problem parsing the config file, error parsing the config file07:20
theadminhm, dunnno, this looks weird, robertzaccour %) Never dug in grub.cfg yet07:20
robertzaccourtheadmin, oh ok thanks anyhow07:20
xinglightActionParsnip: i just want one which is good support for chinese07:20
ActionParsnipGadg3t: what video card do you use?07:20
Gadg3t Intel 82845G Extreme Graphics on board07:21
ActionParsnipXinglight: try a few or read feature lists. Afaik pdf is pdf as it is standardised07:21
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
xinglightok thank you Action07:21
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: on line 9, but the quotes around  the i915 line07:21
ActionParsnipGadg3t: thought so, you may have to form an xorg.conf file to make things nice07:21
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.powersave=0"07:22
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, what about the quotes?07:22
chittiany one answer to start MYSQL in ubuntu07:22
Gadg3twell it was working 2 days ago it just ended up this way.07:22
theadminCan someone say how can i consequently output all the variables, values of which contain "var"? (Well, actually, the values, not var names)07:22
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: Look at my post above yours.07:22
theadminchitti: Do you already have it installed? If so, it should auto-start07:22
Gadg3tActionParsnip is there a way to do an auto xorg.conf07:22
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, so i should delete the quotes?07:22
chittii have installed07:22
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: This is correct, copy and paste this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.powersave=0"07:23
chittiwhen i type mysql in command it will giving some error like not connected through the socket07:23
xinglightto chitti: just do "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql  start "07:23
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, with or without quotes?07:23
ActionParsnipGad3t: not sure, I'm sure there are guides though. I think the Xorg command can spit one out but the web will be a more exact source07:23
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: With..07:23
chittiwait i will07:23
Gadg3tActionParsnip: how about if i boot up with a live cd, and copy the conf file?07:24
chittiits giving some error07:24
ArunomiHi every body....07:24
DolpI have a slackware live CD and  this 70GB partion is everything good http://img697.imageshack.us/i/llluc.png/ ?07:24
xinglightpls show your error message...07:25
ArunomiI got a little problem...07:25
theadminArunomi: What is it?07:25
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, http://pastebin.com/cRdCHdxb is this correct?07:25
ActionParsnipGadg3t: sure if it has one then that may clinch it :) make sure you specify the driver as intel if the file doesn't fly. You may just need the skeletal file07:25
ArunomiI got 10 mp3's that i cant play07:25
theadminArunomi: Just 10 of them? Or ALL mp3s?07:25
ardchoilleArunomi: permission problem?07:25
ArunomiRthuem box say's07:26
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: Yes! :)07:26
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, so i can save and restart with the bug fix now?07:26
theadmin"Rthuem box"? That's probably the weirdest spelling error i've seen in my life07:26
Gadg3tActionParsnip well i guess thats what i will have to do thank you for your help07:26
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, i booted the bug fix and it worked07:26
ArunomiThe GStreamer plugins to decode "MP3" files cannot be found07:26
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: If the bug fix was that i915 then yes, it has been correctly appended.07:26
Arunomiand its just 10 of my 300007:27
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, thanks man you're my friend now :)07:27
crucialhoaxrobertzaccour: Sweet! ha glad it is running :)07:27
theadminArunomi: maybe you should try VLC, it plays pretty much everything07:27
nascentmindhi. When I do a sudo do-release-upgrade i get Failed upgrade tool signature. How can i fix this?07:27
ActionParsnipGadg3t: sometimes its needed despite the OS not shipping with one (annoying). I keep mine backed up so I just restore when I clean install the next release07:27
robertzaccourcrucialhoax, i didn't save it yet, but that fixed my bug07:27
o2oohey friends, I still couldn't join the #android channel, it says: #android :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services07:27
ZykoticK9!register > o2oo07:28
theadminIs it safe to put this in /etc/crontab? "0 0 * * * apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"07:28
ubottuo2oo, please see my private message07:28
Arunomiyes but it dont have a search mode...07:28
ActionParsnipO2oo: someone needs to invite you. Questions like that are not ubuntu specific and are fielded in #freenode also07:28
o2ooubottu, ok07:28
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:28
Darth_Psi3VHello! Can you help me? In my kubuntu on laptop works only google, but on desktop all works fine. Where is problem?07:28
theadminDarth_Psi3V: ...what?07:29
ActionParsnipDarth_psi3v: can you expand on "works only google"07:29
nishanthanyone know how to set visual effect to extra... i tried  it does not do it07:29
ArunomiI have no premissions for any mp3... its root thats the owner07:29
ActionParsnipNishanth: you may need to configure video drivers07:30
fabio-msi_ben 1007:30
theadminArunomi: Oh! cd into folder with mp3s, then "sudo chown $USER *.mp3"07:30
nascentmindcan somebody help me?07:30
Arunomibut just this 10 i cant import to ruthembox07:30
Darth_Psi3VActionParsnip: I have internet connection, but I can visit only google and all his services. Another site's I cann't visit.07:30
nishanthActionParsnip: how?07:30
theadminDarth_Psi3V: Firewalls of any kind?07:31
chris4585nishanth, look in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers and see if there is a driver available for your video card for 3D support07:31
shane2hello i am trying  to delete a directory by this command "rm -rf directory_name " but prompt say permission denied  i am login with root07:31
xinglightsudo rm -rf07:31
shane2\why this happening07:31
ActionParsnipNishanth: run: lspci | grep -i vga ,websearch for guides using that07:31
rocket16Hello all, I have a Samsung SGH-J600 Mobile Phone. I tried GMobieMedia, but it says that my Phone is not supported at this time. So, is there any other software for Mobile Phone browsing? (In Windows, a CD is supplied by the Company, which loads a nice Mobile Browser, but I hate Windows)07:31
ActionParsnip!noroot | shane207:31
ubottushane2: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.07:31
Darth_Psi3Vtheadmin: I have no firewall07:31
Arunomithe hole partition is root... i cant unmount it ...07:31
theadmin!RootSudp | shane207:32
theadmin!RootSudo | shane207:32
ubottushane2: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:32
fabio-msi_ben 1o07:32
Arunomiits in fstab to mount in start up07:32
sandro_ciao a tutte e tutti07:32
theadmin!it | sandro_07:32
ubottusandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:32
rocket16I wish a software was there, :(07:32
shane2do yu hav babay07:33
shane2I need girl07:33
ActionParsnip!ot | shane207:33
ubottushane2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:33
=== homer is now known as Guest93858
nascentmindhi. When I do a sudo do-release-upgrade i get Failed upgrade tool signature. How can i fix this?07:34
Arunomiit say's chown missing operand after *.mp307:34
theadminshane2: You need girl? Do "sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get install hot-babe"07:35
FloodBot3theadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
theadmin...what the07:35
ActionParsnipArunomi: sudo chown $USER file.mp307:35
ActionParsnipTheadmin: haha I remember that, very funny ;)07:36
Jordan_Utheadmin: It's safe, it just won't ever upgrade your packages (apt-get is by default interactive)07:36
Jordan_Unascentmind: Are you behind a proxy / firewall?07:36
theadminJordan_U: Oh. Then like that: "0 0 * * * yes | apt-get update && yes | apt-get upgrade"07:37
nascentmindJordan_U, yes I am. I had upgraded from hardy.07:37
nascentmindJordan_U, it worked fine that time.07:37
Jordan_Utheadmin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates is a more supported way.07:38
suboneoh man i need some serious help now... im messing my computer up big time07:38
nascentmindJordan_U, my http_proxy is setup properly as i can do a apt-get update and dist-upgrade07:38
hasibullahsallam and How are you all i have got a problem07:39
rocket16Friends, My Laptop is with Wifi connection, and my Mobile has BlueTooth. Now, I read that BlueTooth can be connected with Wifi. Anybody know how to do that? Because they say that In Ubuntu, the drivers will never be released by SAmsung Company, :(07:39
theadminhasibullah: What problem?07:40
nascentmindJordan_U, any chance of a fix?07:40
subonecan someone tell me how to set permissions to /etc i did a dumb thing and did chmod 777 -R /etc/... i hit enter meant to hit something else...07:41
o2oohi, I still could join the #android , why ?07:41
crucialhoaxsubone: let me check my permissions.07:41
o2oohi, I still could join the #android , why ? I've register the nickname07:41
ArunomiI cant change ownership.....:-(07:42
Arunomii tried on one text file07:42
subonecrucialhoax: but this is recursive!!07:42
Arunomichown arunomi test.txt07:42
o2ooHi all, who know this: #android-dev :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services07:42
Arunomibut it's still root07:42
crucialhoaxsubone: I just notice... oh lovely.07:42
theadmino2oo: /join #freenode and ask there07:43
e1even25is it possible to make the length of your password less than 8 characters?07:43
ardchoilleArunomi: sudo chown arunomi test.txt07:43
Arunomii meen sudo chown arunomi test.txt07:43
theadmine1even25: methinks you can use passwd07:43
o2ootheadmin, ok07:43
ardchoille!sudo | Arunomi Please read this07:43
ubottuArunomi Please read this: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:43
subonecrucialhoax: idk what it did, but now i have that same issue that someone else had in here earlier... i try to login and it just kicks me back to the login screen again07:43
theadminIt's just a stupid GNOME thing, e1even2507:43
nishanthanyone know how to set visual effects to extra .. i tried but it wouldn't set it to extra some grapics driver issue anyone know to fix?07:43
crucialhoaxsubone: I remember that!07:43
e1even25that sucks, ok thanks man07:43
subonewell now im getting it07:43
crucialhoaxsubone: His was in VMware though.07:44
suboneyeah this is rl lol07:44
theadminnishanth: You might need a better video card07:44
Berzerkerhow would I use sed to change all instances of "\" to "/"?07:44
ardchoilleBerzerker: sed 's|\|/|g'07:45
Ubuntuhi, I have a little problem with pidgin. it doesn't show icons in the notification area with transparent background (ubuntu 9.10 karmic) what can I do to fix this ?07:45
iguannahi all07:45
unopBerzerker, sed 's,\\,/,'07:45
nishanththeadmin: i guess not ... i had the same problem in lucid but someone helped me .. they told me to remove some driver and use another one07:45
theadminardchoille: what's the s...g for?07:45
hasibullahwhat to install for video all formats07:45
ardchoilleg is to change all instances07:45
theadminhasibullah: VLC07:45
subonewhat do i do? must i reinstall again?07:45
crucialhoaxsubone: I checked the permissions of all of the files in /etc and there is quite a variety =/07:45
iguannaare there any way to hide the terminal windows when I raise a app from there in?07:46
crucialhoaxsubone: Or manually set all permissions.07:46
subonecan you pastie it :p07:46
crucialhoaxsubone: Yes.07:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:46
sevoldoes anyone know why when i boot up my computer it goes to a greenish/yellow staticy screen.. instead of regular bios loading07:47
crucialhoaxsubone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413499/07:48
suboneok... i think i can deal with this...07:48
subonecrucialhoax: gah some of these are directories07:49
crucialhoaxsubone: Correct =/07:49
subonedis not good fer me07:49
crucialhoax#permissi0n fail07:49
suboneyou think this means another reinstall?07:50
crucialhoaxthat was be the easiest...07:50
crucialhoaxalthough it is the most drastic.07:50
theadminsubone: I could send you my /etc, but it's not small or something :/ besides i'm on another computer now07:50
suboneyeah i wonder if i had someones full /etc ls i could write a script to reset my permissions based on the file...07:51
robertzaccourhey yall have a great day07:51
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
robertzaccouri'm gonna get a few hours sleep07:51
subonehahah reinstall it is07:51
Berzerkerunop: ardchoille, thanks that worked07:51
robertzaccourthanks and God bless07:51
crucialhoaxsubone: Bleh. No fun.07:52
subonecrucialhoax: except that since i wanted to contribute my progress with my current hardware with the world... i have a log of the entire install :p shouldnt be hard to follow07:53
dogdogdogcan anyone tell me why different themes crash and completely ruin my system so that I lose all my data and have to reinstall the whole OS? I'd REALLY like to use a different font than this hideous one that comes with Ubuntu.07:53
dogdogdogdifferent *theme*, that is07:53
crucialhoaxsubone: How did you log that?07:53
nishanthcrap no one can find a solution.......07:53
subonecrucialhoax: in my wordpress blog07:54
ardchoilledogdogdog: themes shouldn't do that, you may have an underlying problem unrelated to the themes. Which ubuntu version are you running?07:54
crucialhoaxnishanth: Try making a ubuntuforums.org post07:54
crucialhoaxsubone: Oh, so it wasnt a system created log?07:54
subonecrucialhoax: no, idk how lol07:54
ardchoilledogdogdog: how are you installing these themes?07:54
crucialhoaxsubone: Nice nice. Well good luck :)07:55
dogdogdogardchoille, from some themes website. they have many many dependencies07:55
ardchoilledogdogdog: Can you give me a url?07:55
Arunomii cant see what that should tell me???07:55
suboneholy crap the installer suggests an 8.2gb swap partition07:55
=== peenhazard is now known as iceberghazard
dogdogdogok one minute07:55
crucialhoaxsubone: I have an 11gb =|07:55
theadmino_O isn't 1 gig more then enough?07:56
crucialhoaxYes, but I just used the defaults for formatting the system. That swap is 2.5 times larger than my ram.07:57
awesome_guesthi, I'm trying to restore my (windows xp) mbr using a livecd07:57
ardchoillecrucialhoax: I don't think that applies anymore, over 2gb swapis kinda "iffy" these days07:57
nomad77!info ms-sys07:58
ubottuPackage ms-sys does not exist in karmic07:58
crucialhoaxardchoille: "iffy" as in?07:58
suboneardchoille: i usually just set mine to 2gb... i sometimes work with a whole lot of stuff open including huge image files, so i figure im safe07:58
ardchoillecrucialhoax: "double your ram" is ok but I feel it should be "double your ram but not more than 2gb"07:58
dogdogdogardchoille, I can't find the exact theme it was but the site is www.gnome-look.org07:58
fardadhi there. does anyone has any experience with ubuntu on acer aspire 4520?07:59
subonefardad: unlikely, just ask your question07:59
fardadthe LAN connection doesn't work07:59
nomad77awesome_guest: http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/07:59
ardchoilledogdogdog: I would download the theme and check to make sure it doesn't have a maliscous file or installer. Themes shouldn't have that problem of "deleting my data"07:59
subonefardad:  as in the wired port?07:59
subonefardad: did you attempt to find drivers for it?08:00
dogdogdogardchoille, I didn't say it deleted my data08:00
crucialhoaxardchoille: Well in your case double would be 8gb =/ however decrease to 2gb as I never use all 4gb of my ram at any given time.08:00
crucialhoaxdogdogdog: Yes you did...08:00
ardchoille <dogdogdog> can anyone tell me why different themes crash and completely ruin my system so that I lose all my data and have to reinstall the whole OS? I'd REALLY like to use a different font than this hideous one that comes with Ubuntu.08:00
dogdogdogI said I lost it08:00
fardadI'm already searching, but I thought maybe there is someone who knows something about it, so I came here to ask08:00
ardchoilledogdogdog: ok, my bad08:00
theadminOMG I just realised that Lucid comes in 16 days08:01
crucialhoaxfardad: in a terminal type: sudo lshw -C Network pastebin the results08:01
crucialhoax!pastebin | fardad08:01
ubottufardad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:01
ardchoillecrucialhoax: yeah, I just feel that more than 2gb swap is a waste. but just my opinion08:01
crucialhoaxtheadmin: It prolly wont be available for download till the 30th =| at least on distrowatches site.08:02
crucialhoaxardchoille: I agree. Especially if a system has a large amount of RAM.08:02
theadmincrucialhoax: Well, it says "Here in 16 days" on ubuntu.com08:02
crucialhoaxtheadmin: Correct the 29th, however, it seems it is always 1 day late on distrowatch.com08:03
theadmincrucialhoax: Who cares about distrowatch? o_O I download from official resources08:03
crucialhoaxhaha true true I was just saying. irrelevant however.08:04
theadminBy the way, is www.ubuntu.ru an official site or some kinda fanstuff?08:04
tapan_chughi am using ubuntu lucid beta 2. I am having problems with gwibber. When i run gwibber it shows Sorry the program gwibber has closed unexpectedly.08:04
xinglightanybody who can teach me how to register a name in IRC08:04
crucialhoax!lucid | tapan_chugh08:04
ubottutapan_chugh: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:04
=== kompi04 is now known as aku
theadminxinglight: /msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL08:04
Schmitty./nickserv register help withhout the leading .08:04
xinglightthank you08:05
ardchoille/msg nickserv help register08:05
suboneshould i make a /home partition? how big should i make it08:05
theadminSometimes Ubuntu says "Rejecting IO to dead device." on shutdown, is that bad?08:05
crucialhoaxsubone: Some may say yes for data safety, however user preference.08:06
fardadcrucialhoax: here is the output : http://paste.ubuntu.com/413505/08:07
crucialhoaxfardad: which interface does not function? the wired or wireless?08:08
Berzerkeranyone here use liferea?08:09
crucialhoaxfardad: what version of ubuntu08:09
xinglighthaw ..i have a nickname08:09
bobthemilkmanHow can I sync my clock to anywhere when I am behind a proxy and thus unable to use ntp?08:10
xinglightanybody could you tell me how to chat to sombody ?08:10
nishanthnext time anyone ask for troubleshooting the problem with setting visual effect to extra give them this page08:11
=== sandy is now known as adi_sw
subonecrucialhoax: installation started cross your fingers :p08:11
theadminThat presentation in ubiquity is weird o_O08:12
crucialhoaxsubone: Yay lol08:12
red2kicDoes anybody here use amd64 and use native Flash-64 linux libsoplayer.so08:12
theadmin!flash64 | red2kic08:12
ubottured2kic: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:12
subonered2kic: ive tried them all08:12
red2kictheadmin: I understand. The latest flash64 libsoplayer.so is terrible. I should had saved the old lib*.so.08:13
nascentmindhow do i debug apt?08:13
=== sandy is now known as Guest76199
theadminnascentmind: apt is too generic. apt-get? Aptitude? Synaptic?08:13
red2kictheadmin: If you're using amd64 and flash64, I'd like to know the hashes of your libsoplayer.so. :)08:14
=== sysop is now known as Guest99034
theadminred2kic: I never used 64-bit machines yet08:14
subonered2kic: reinstalling ubuntu atm :p08:14
nascentmindtheadmin, i want to see why i am getting an error in do-release-upgrade.08:14
=== xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK
red2kicsubone: Roger roger.08:15
subonered2kic: but i do have amd64, what is the problem?08:15
theadmin...hm... nascentmind, dunno.08:15
nascentmindtheadmin, what about aptitude? how do i debug it?08:15
crucialhoaxfardad: I may have a solution08:15
nascentmindtheadmin, also how do i upgrade the mirror list?08:15
red2kicsubone: Firefox kept crashing on me. Turned out to be the latest Flash lib*.so since I took it off... No crash...ever.08:15
theadminnascentmind: There is some verbose option AFAIK...08:15
red2kics/since/and when08:15
theadminnascentmind: the sources.list upgrade is a part of do-release-upgrade08:16
subonered2kic: did you follow the instructions posted by ubottu?08:16
fardadwhat is that solution?08:16
hasibullahi can not play avi format with vlc what to install08:16
red2kicsubone: No. You don't need instructions if you know what you're doing. :)08:16
theadminhasibullah: No you can :P If you can't, it means file is damaged08:16
infidhow can i delete a file in nautilus, and have it bypass the trash bin?08:16
theadmininfid: Shift+Delete08:16
subonered2kic: i usually read instuctions anyway08:17
gonzaloafhi, is it possible to install 32bit packages on a 64bit ubuntu?08:17
red2kicsubone: I'm trying to find somebody here that uses amd64 (and native plugin64) because well, that's something everybody does not always update on.08:17
subonered2kic: after im finished install ubuntu i'll be glad to let you know my hash08:17
red2kicsubone: To clear things up, I'm trying to retrieve/rollback the old libsoplayer.so (and advise them not to update the native flash)08:18
Anomie2can anyone tell me how to check the MTA in ubuntu?08:18
theadminred2kic: What's the problem? Install back the flashplugin-installer package08:18
theadminoh wait, it's flashplugin-nonfree in amd6408:19
fardadcrucialhoax: the wireless is functioning properly,08:20
red2kictheadmin: You have yet to use native amd64.  In this case, I would refrain myself from using ndiswrapper and 32-bit flash plugin.08:20
theadminred2kic: Hm, lemme check up, there IS a 64-bit flash package08:20
theadmin!flash64 > theadmin08:20
ubottutheadmin, please see my private message08:20
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
Anomie2can anyone tell me how to check the MTA in ubuntu?08:21
red2kictheadmin: Yes, there is.  The latest one is terrible.08:21
red2kic!away > RaMcHiP08:21
ubottuRaMcHiP, please see my private message08:21
theadminred2kic: Oh.08:21
red2kictheadmin: I think I'll get lucky. I almost forget about my idle backups.08:21
subonered2kic: in that case, which plugin do you recommend i install? ;)08:21
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:22
gonzaloafhi, is it possible to install 32bit packages on a 64bit ubuntu?08:23
red2kicsubone: Well, I use Namoroka (3.6) -- You could be okay using stable Firefox. If you're experiencing one-too-many Firefox freezing and crashes, you want to try the old lib*.so.08:23
red2kicgonzaloaf: Yes, it is possible.08:23
Anomie2can anyone tell me how to check the MTA in ubuntu?08:23
kermitis there an app that can track the time i spend in different windows, or idle?08:23
crucialhoaxred2kic: Actually earlier today, someone was running 3.6 with libflashplayer.so and it caused FF to crash on Flash videos08:24
red2kicgonzaloaf: Use dpkg --force-arch (something like that). It should be in manual or a quick Google will ail your cure.08:24
gonzaloafred2kic, are they available in my default repos?08:24
subonered2kic: i dont get so many ff crashes as i get "flash crashes?" flash just stops working after a while, i have to either reload the page or sometimes restart firefox, it happens often08:24
red2kiccrucialhoax: I see. :)08:24
crucialhoaxred2kic: yeah lol08:25
subonebrb ubuntu is installed08:25
Berzerkerwhat's the app to view all the variables used for every program?08:25
onaoghBerzerker, htop08:25
banshee_Whats the terminal command to empty trashbin?08:26
red2kicgonzaloaf: You want to download name-of-package-i386.deb from packages.ubuntu.com.  Then open a terminal. Run dpkg on the deb. That'll get it installed.08:26
Berzerkeronaogh: uh...no that's not it08:26
red2kic!trash | banshee_08:26
ubottubanshee_: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash08:26
onaoghBerzerker, i think with htop i can see what variable is passed to which prog08:26
Berzerkeronaogh: sorry, maybe not variables, probably setting is a better word08:26
gonzaloafred2kic, thanks08:26
Berzerkeronaogh: like to edit nautilus settings, etc.08:26
Berzerkeronaogh: thanks that's it08:27
onaoghBerzerker, gconf-editor is like regedit32 in windows08:27
red2kicbanshee_: Sorry, I X'd myself out. Check out package: trash-cli08:27
red2kicbanshee_: rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/* --> That would do it, I believe.08:27
Hattabany can help in apache2 web server08:29
banshee_red2kic no go08:29
red2kicbanshee_: You can delete the trash using the Trash Applet (on bottom-right Gnome Panel)08:30
Hattabhelp in apache208:30
ACKT1Clocal or remote08:30
crucialhoax!patience | Hattab08:30
ubottuHattab: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:30
rocket16What will be the connection type for a Samsung SGH-J600 Phone with USB Cable linked to dev/ttyACM0? "At" connection?08:31
banshee_red2kic yeah but terminals fun to goof around in :D08:32
neetoI had a random thought, is there a screen sharing program that would allow me to broadcast my screen output over /dev/video0 so other programs think it's a webcam?08:32
banshee_red2kic who knows one day I may have to recovery clear my trashbin or something lol08:32
rocket16how to activate bluetooth in compaq 6710s laptop?08:33
=== banshee_ is now known as BANSHE3
red2kicrocket16: "lsusb | grep -i bluetooth" --> Does it display something?08:34
red2kicrocket16: Also, make sure the Wifi/BT switch is on.08:35
neetoI had a random thought, is there a screen sharing program that would allow me to broadcast my screen output over /dev/video0 so other programs think it's a webcam?08:35
crucialhoax!patience | neeto08:36
ubottuneeto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:36
rocket16red2kic: No, it does not display. Does this mean that I don't have bluetooth?08:36
red2kicrocket16: Pretty much yes.08:36
neetodammit ubottu, I know you're just a bot, but I'm not trying to spam...08:36
rocket16red2kic: Oh, I see, :(08:36
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
red2kicrocket16: You can get BT dongle for... few bucks. It is incredibly cheap.08:37
elky!cn | sexghost08:37
ubottusexghost: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:37
red2kic!away > JimmyJ|zz08:37
ubottuJimmyJ|zz, please see my private message08:37
rocket16red2kic: Oh, thanks08:37
sexghostelky: 是的08:38
Exposure548jyf1987? :)08:39
jyf1987sexghost: 你骗人,哪里有bot来说话08:39
slonikI've got two encodings defined for gnome terminal - is there a way to start the terminal with different than the default encoding?08:39
jyf1987Exposure548: chinese?08:39
rocket16red2kic: But, I see over Google, that Compaq 6710s has Integrated and inbuilt Bluetooth, :(08:39
Exposure548jyf1987: yes I know, but I don't understand :)08:39
red2kicrocket16: Link?08:39
sexghostsexghost: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn  或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:39
rocket16red2kic: http://forums13.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/bizsupport/questionanswer.do?admit=109447627+1271144260957+28353475&threadId=116224408:39
elkysexcopter, this is english only. I dont read chinese.08:39
jyf1987Exposure548: but why you know this is chinese not kanji?08:40
CyrusYzGTtsexghost§ 还真是哦,08:40
neurecan i loop mount sdcard image that has multiple partitions?08:40
Exposure548jyf1987: i lived in Korea few years ago, i can see small differences between japanese and chinese :)08:40
neetojyf1987: japanese never has more than 5 kanji in a row08:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:41
jyf1987Exposure548: aha, korean,why you leave there? why leave the source of the whole world ? :]08:41
red2kicrocket16: That's not really useful. Even the user and the helpers seems to be skeptical. Furthurmore, my PC does not have BT and i have BT dongle for the said PC, it showed up in lsusb too.08:41
Exposure548jyf1987: i had a job there, they invited me to help them :)08:41
theadminsexghost: Kanji are symbols borrowed from chinese. There are also Hiragana and Katakana. Wikipedia for more info.08:41
elkyIf I have to bring out the 72pt font to repeat the ot factoid, I will.08:41
Exposure548jyf1987: back to europe now08:42
rocket16red2kic: Oh, thanks08:42
jyf1987Exposure548: its really a pity to leave the center of the universe08:42
Tm_Tjyf1987: stop the offtopic chat here, thanks08:43
Exposure548jyf1987: for the center is in europe :)08:43
CyrusYzGTtjyf1987§ 这里比ubuntu-cn屏蔽的多08:43
jyf1987and btw, why cant i download the jeos now?08:43
Exposure548yeah we'd better stop this offtopic thing08:43
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:43
ZykoticK9jyf1987, jeos is included as an option in the regular server cd now08:44
jyf1987i have got a jeos 7.xx and i am really like it08:44
ippo_ciao a tutti08:44
jyf1987ZykoticK9: is it?08:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:44
ZykoticK9jyf1987, yes08:44
ZykoticK9jyf1987, don't think it's called joes though08:44
sexghosttest is over,please return08:44
madjidi want change to gnome desktop in ubuntu08:45
* CyrusYzGTt who know the miredo 's high configure?08:45
jyf1987ZykoticK9: and my current OS is xubuntu 904, is there xubuntu 1004?08:45
crucialhoaxjyf1987: Yes08:45
ZykoticK9jyf1987, jeos is server only08:45
sexghostmadjid: just do what you want08:46
CyrusYzGTtmadjid§ you can use aptitude install gnome gdm08:46
ZykoticK9!lucid | jyf198708:46
ubottujyf1987: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:46
madjidi wana chang to gnome desktop08:46
madjidand i cant do it08:46
jyf1987acturlly i use ion3 as my wm08:47
madjidi have gnome desktop but my ubuntu swicht to KDE08:47
jyf1987but i hear that gnome shell will support javascript , it match me08:47
sexghostmadjid: take your time08:47
madjidi want re switch it to gnome08:47
sexghostmadjid: just when you login you can choose the gnome08:48
hateballI want to copy folders that are returned by $(date -d "-1 day" +"%Y%m%d") but I cant seem to do cp -r /path/*date -d "-1 day" +"%Y%m%d" /target. What am I doing wrong?08:49
madjidi chose but it goes to KDE08:49
hateballobviously I have $() in the command08:49
madjidsexghost : i chose gnome but it goes to KDE :(08:50
sexghostmadjid: are yousure?08:50
=== yoda is now known as Guest7612
sexghostmadjid: are you sure?08:50
madjidsexghost : yes08:50
madjidsexghost : :(08:51
ardchoillehateball:   cp -r /path/*$(date -d "-1 day" +"%Y%m%d") /target08:51
hateballardchoille: yeah, but it doesnt expand *$(whatever)08:51
hateballardchoille: as in... it tries to copy *20100412 rather than *whatever*2010041208:52
ardchoillehateball: I see08:52
GutZuWiSSeNhi ... is it possible to change the position of the OSD?08:53
zirodayGutZuWiSSeN: nope08:53
GutZuWiSSeNit appears twice  .. (on 2 monitors)08:53
ardchoillehateball: Perhaps ask in #bash ?08:56
Glahey guys I need a chat roulette clone ASAP, can you help out? thanks08:56
AK I need ur help as per comments related to alsa_record_playback_internal audio , which is getting failed on my DELL Vostro Laptop ALC268  The problem I am facing on SOund Recorder and Voice Call. Please advise to solve the issue08:59
sandro_ciao a tutte e tutti09:02
mathkhi I got a ssh issue when I try to run a command, here the comand: ssh lab "sshfs ..."09:02
mathkI got a read: Connection reset by peer09:03
mathkdoes anyone have an idea09:03
CyrusYzGTtman scp09:03
mathkCyrusYzGTt, I don't want to copy file I just want to remote machine to mount a directory09:04
mathkon my machine09:04
kalucan you guys help me mount my time capsule drive on ubuntu?09:04
kaluI found some forum posts about it but I can't figure out how to make it work for me09:05
phylockmathk - what about a normal ssh connection09:05
CyrusYzGTtmathk§ mkdir name09:05
DryGrainwtf is filesystem type 'fuseblk', rather than say ext3 or fat?09:05
Hattabany one know about apache source package09:05
CyrusYzGTtssh -D 7070 -g usename@hostname    then passwd09:05
ikoniaDryGrain: control your language please09:05
ikoniaHattab: in what respect09:05
mathkphylock, because I want to do it in a script09:06
phylockmathk - yes yes, but do a normal ssh connection work09:06
Hattab<ikonia>configure httpd.conf to make virtual host09:06
DryGraini meant What is The Function of09:06
mathkbut I have to enter my passphrase09:06
mathkthat might be the issue09:06
phylockmathk - you could use a key instead, but its a long time since ive done, and do not remeber the command09:08
mathkphylock, I use a key but I did not lunch my ssh-agent on the remote machine09:08
mathkphylock, that give me the idea to use ForwardAgent09:09
mathklets try :)09:09
Hattabanyone can help me to make virtual host using apache source package09:10
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
ikoniaHattab: apache source is source code - not used for making a virtual web host09:12
ikoniaHattab: google/research "Name Based Hosting" in apache09:12
DryGrainwhat's the deal with filesystem type 'fuseblk', rather than say ext3 or fat?09:12
ikoniaDryGrain: it's a remote mount or an NTFS mount using the Fuse file system09:12
ikonia!fuse | DryGrain09:13
ubottuDryGrain: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems09:13
Hattabya i know i want to configure /usr/local/apach2/conf/httpd.conf09:13
ikoniaHattab: ok - /usr/local/apache2 is not an ubuntu installed apache build, and not supported09:13
ikoniaHattab: try in the channel #http09:13
ikoniaHattab: sorry #httpd09:13
b__how to remove or uninstall KDE?09:13
=== bigjb_gone is now known as bigjb
ikoniab__: open the package manager, select the KDE packages you want to remove and click "remove"09:14
ardchoille!away > bigjb09:14
ubottubigjb, please see my private message09:14
=== VanDyke is now known as VanDyke_away
Hattabikonia sorry but actually i am using ubuntu and i have it09:15
Hattab<ikonia> u dont know nthn09:15
eni23hello everyone. got a problem with a mdam raid5 with 3disk and 1 spare. it seems to crashed, and now there is only on 1 disk a valid superblock. on the other 3 seems to be no correct filesystem. is it possible to rebuild the filesystems on the other 3?here is my fdisk-output: http://pastebin.com/UCqM8gXK09:15
b__ikonia, i dont know which to remove?.. im new to ubuntu ...  dont want to mess up removing the wrong packages..any cli method?09:15
ikoniaHattab: no you're using apache that is configured in /usr/local/apache2 - that's not an ubuntu package, so it's not supported here09:15
eyceldoes any one know  how to get to the processes in puppy linux?09:15
bigjbardchoille, whats my client throwing up please?09:15
ikoniab__: why do you want to use the cli if you're new, open the package maanger, search for KDE and remove it09:15
ardchoillebigjb:   * bigjb_gone is now known as bigjb09:15
ikoniaeycel: puppy linux is not supported, please check their website for their support resources09:15
b__ikonia, cli was how i installed it in 1st place...  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.. so remove should be sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop?09:16
shazbotmcnasty!away > shazbotmcnasty09:16
ubottushazbotmcnasty, please see my private message09:16
bigjbardchoille,  ah, missed the bit about nicks :) will fix09:16
ikoniab__: no as that's just a meta package, follow the process I have suggested09:17
ardchoillebigjb: Thank you :)09:17
b__ubottu, r u a bot or  r u a real person?09:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:17
ikoniab__: it's a bot09:17
Hattabikonia to know i have two apache in my machine one /etc/apache2 and the other one is /usr/local/apache2 and bot r supported09:17
ikoniaHattab: no - they are not09:17
ikoniaHattab: the one from /usr/local/apache2 is not packaged/built by the ubuntu project, so are not supported here09:17
b__ikonia, is it synaptic package manager?.. which all packages to remove?09:18
ikoniaHattab: for that, please try #httpd09:18
ikoniab__: search for KDE and remove the packages09:18
StarStruckWhere can I get a list of the 10.04 repo's?09:18
psycho_oreos!lucid | StarStruck09:18
ubottuStarStruck: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:18
ikoniaStarStruck: 10.04 is discussed in #ubuntu+109:18
eni23noone knows about mdadm09:22
ikoniaeni23: yes they do, however you have to ask a question09:22
tatselI don't09:22
eni23got a problem with a mdam raid5 with 3disk and 1 spare. it seems to crashed, and now there is only on 1 disk a valid superblock. on the other 3 seems to be no correct filesystem. is it possible to rebuild the filesystems on the other 3?here is my fdisk-output: http://pastebin.com/UCqM8gXK09:23
shane2can you guide me how we can copy and rename a file via command09:23
b__ikonia, how to start gui from the command line?09:23
psycho_oreosb__: startx09:23
ikoniab__: why is the gui not running - on an ubuntu desktop it should be running already09:23
psycho_oreosshane2: man cp and man mv09:24
b__ikonia, i once got stuck in the cli when i pressed alt ctrl n f2... couldnt get back09:24
tatselshane2: "mv file1 file2"09:24
ikoniaeni23: can you assemble the array09:24
ikoniab__: ctrl+alt+f7 or F609:24
psycho_oreosb__: try Ctrl+Alt+F709:24
shane2but i need one command09:24
laclasseeni23, on a raid 5, you can fail only one drive09:24
shane2for both action09:24
laclasseeni23, if you have 2 drives failed out of 3, your arrays is dead09:25
tatselshane2: can you give us some more context?09:25
ikoniaeni23: why are you trying to use the raw disks, you need to assemble the array09:25
eni23no with mdadm --assemble --scan : no suitable drives ..09:25
psycho_oreosshane2: put && in between the command, i.e. cp foo1 foo2 && mv foo3 foo409:25
ikoniaeni23: why are you scanning ? use the mdadm.conf you created, or manually specify the array details09:25
StarStruckHow can I upgrade with the command line?09:25
b__psycho_oreos, ikonia i had tried ctrl alt f7 too but i had uninstalled some packages needed to fully start the gui via packagew manager.. so was stuck in cli .. installed kde from the cli.. the fixed gnome from there.. now i wanna remove kde09:25
b__StarStruck, sudo apt-get upgrade09:26
ikoniab__: ok - so I've told you how to remove KDE09:26
eni23"if you have 2 drives failed out of 3, your arrays is dead:" i know this but i think this is nearly impossible that 3 disks failed at the same time09:26
shazbotmcnastyreallydoe, what's your problem????09:26
StarStruckI mean, distro upgrade.09:26
ikoniaeni23: it is most liklkey none are failed09:26
reallydoefor russian language support,09:26
psycho_oreosb__: so remove kde whilst in cli and install/use gdm?09:26
shazbotmcnastyoh my09:26
ikoniaeni23: assemble the array and check the file system on the array, not on the individual disks09:26
eni23fdisk shows the correct partitions but mdadm means "no such file or directory"09:26
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:26
shazbotmcnastythey might know better09:27
ikoniaeni23: using fsck on the original disk partitions may damage the array file system09:27
brontosaurusrexeni23: as ikonia said, this is usually a connection problem, bad cables, or dead controler, are this external drives?09:27
reallydoeshazbotmcnasty: I can't send to that channel09:27
eni23no, intern09:27
reallydoeпочему нет?09:27
b__ikonia, it was the synaptic that i screwed up n removed the wrong packages in the 1st place.. so was thinkin abt.. sudo aptitude remove-kubuntu and sudo apt-get remove-kubuntu.. dont know the exact commands09:27
ikoniareallydoe: speak to someone in #ubuntu-irc09:27
ikoniab__: forget the command line - launch the gui, remove the kde package09:27
reallydoeikonia: спасибо.  thanks09:27
almoxarife!remove kubuntu09:27
psycho_oreosb__: kubuntu-desktop is the correct package09:27
ikoniapsycho_oreos: no it's not, that is just a meta pacakge09:28
eni23ikonia: the problem is i cannot assemble the array because mdadam means there are no valid disks09:28
b__psycho_oreos, how to use gnome when in cli.. sudo use gnome?09:28
ikoniaeni23: what command are you using to assemble the arrary09:28
psycho_oreosikonia: correct but that will remove most of the kde related packages issued by kubuntu09:28
ikoniab__: start the KDE gui - remove the packages, revoot09:28
ikoniapsycho_oreos: it will just remove the meta package09:28
psycho_oreosb__: no you install gdm, that's what its for09:28
tatsel^ too much 4 me (array thing)09:28
psycho_oreosikonia: bleh I thought that would remove all the stuff easily, my bad09:29
almoxarifethere is a simple command line method to removing kubuntu, someone got the bot to show it here, I don't know the keys strokes to get the bot to show it09:29
b__psycho_oreos, ikonia there r number of packages in synaptic for kde .. which all to remove?.. cuz i heard gnome uses some kde packages to run kde apps support09:29
b__psycho_oreos, gdm is gnome?09:29
FriGiN_anyone know a well supported bot for irc?09:29
ikoniab__: you heard weong, remove all of them09:29
tatselshane2: What are you trying to do?09:29
almoxarife!uninstall kubuntu09:29
ikoniaFriGiN_: that's offtopic here09:29
FriGiN_ok where is it ontopic?09:30
psycho_oreosb__: and usually if that's the case apt-get, etc will automatically handle grabbing the necessary dependencies09:30
red2kic!info supybot | FriGiN_09:30
ubottuFriGiN_: supybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 430 kB, installed size 2676 kB09:30
shane2psycho_oreos: shane2: put && in between the command, i.e. cp foo1 foo2 && mv foo3 foo4 where is destination09:30
psycho_oreosb__: no gdm is gnome display manager, its like a login and after logging in, it will fire up gnome or whatever wm/de of your choice09:30
eev2Hi all, I'm having some trouble with the latest xubuntu 10.4. I upgraded yesterday (dist-upgarade) and now my system doesn't boot. It halts with the message "isapnp: No plug and play device found" and I cannot do anything. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.09:30
b__psycho_oreos, ikonia i had once removed kde via apt-get and aptitude.. just dont remember the exact commands09:30
ikoniaeni23: 10.04 is discussed in #ubuntu+109:30
FriGiN_red2kic, thx.09:31
eni23ikonia: mdadm --assemble /dev/sdd3 /dev/....09:31
psycho_oreosshane2: if you read the manual pages, usually the second arguments are the destination, so foo2 and foo4 are destination09:31
ikoniaeni23: that's not the right synatax09:31
eni23eni23: on this server is 8.04.2 :)09:31
ZykoticK9eev2, Lucid/10.04 Support in #ubuntu+109:31
ikoniab__: why are you not listening to what's being said - use the gui - open the package manager, remove the KDE packages,09:31
shazbotmcnasty!removeKDE almoxarife09:31
shazbotmcnasty!removeKDE | almoxarife09:31
ubottualmoxarife: Want to remove gnome/kde/xfce completely? Look at debfoster, it's a great help09:31
eev2ok, I will ask there09:31
circuitmanhi,i need a offline blog editor package like "windows live writer".09:31
b__eev2, try sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:31
=== kekehuoshan is now known as keke
shazbotmcnastyalmoxarife, the command is 'sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop'09:32
shazbotmcnastybut that removes A LOT of stuff09:32
ikoniab__: please don't give random advice - that will not help anyone09:32
eev2Well, I cannot boot into the system09:32
almoxarifeshazbotmcnasty: nope, that's not it09:32
shazbotmcnastywell then look at debfoster09:32
eni23ikonia: i mean "mdadm --assemble -v /the/drives....."09:32
ikoniaeni23: don't you have to specifcy a meta device too ?09:32
circuitmanhi friends, i need windows live writer like package for ubuntu09:33
tatselb__: yeah, he/she can't even boot09:33
eni23shure first md0 then the drives i think?09:33
* tatsel is always late :S09:33
b__tatsel, ikonia sorry my bad09:33
tatselfrigging mobile09:34
SmokeyDhey everyone. I am installing ubuntu server on a fresh machine. I got two identical disks (sda and sdb). I configured sofware raid1, md0 for root and md1 for swap.09:34
SmokeyDbut where should I install grub?09:34
b__ikonia, when i clicked remove in synaptic why is it downloading more packages?09:34
ikoniab__: it's not09:34
SmokeyD/dev/md0 or on /dev/sdb and /dev/sda boot sectors?09:34
ikoniaeni23: look at mdadm --build /dev/md0 --level=5 /dev/disks09:34
ikoniaeni23: the option you want is build, not assemble09:35
b__ikonia, i right clicked marked for remove and clicked apply.. n now it is dl09:35
eni23ikonia: oh no i not want to build09:35
eni23i want to reassemble the old one09:35
ikoniaeni23: you do - you want to build your legacy array09:35
ikoniaeni23: that is what build will do09:35
almoxarifesudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data <-- this is what I used to get rid of kubuntu, I am wondering though if it is lucid specific???09:35
ikoniab__: let it do it's thing09:36
nascentmindhi. When I do a sudo do-release-upgrade i get Failed upgrade tool signature. How can i fix this?09:36
b__ikonia, k09:36
eni23ikonia: but then all the old data is away...09:36
tatselb__: unless it has to fix dependencies or reinstal the alternative package for the one you remove (e.g. you can't get rid of exim4 without putting some alternative.)09:36
ikoniaeni23: no it's not09:36
ikoniaeni23: read the infomation on "--build"09:36
b__ikonia, should i type almoxarife 's cli commands in shell after synaptic does its job?09:37
ikoniab__: don't type anything09:37
ikoniab__: let it finish09:37
b__tatsel, ikonia almoxarife i hope im removing the right packages... dont wanna end up in cli again09:37
almoxarifeb__: I assume you already have gnome installed?09:38
b__almoxarife, yes09:38
tatselyep, never force dpkg to quit, you'll break something09:38
b__almoxarife, if i get stuck in cli .. how to start gnome.. what command?09:38
* tatsel did it too often :p09:38
ikoniab__: ughhh09:39
ikoniab__: how many times09:39
ikoniab__: stop trying to do things manually - remove KDE, install the package gdm and reboot - it will all be done for you09:39
smftreis this the right way to do it? http://www.andrewodendaal.com/sudo-install-opengl-sdl-on-ubuntu/09:39
almoxarifeb__: I would reboot to gnome09:39
b__ikonia, not startx... another command gnome specific.. ikonia i already have gnome by default .. do i need to reinstall it?09:39
ikoniab__: stop trying to know better and listen to the help beign given09:40
b__almoxarife, i tried rebooting multiple times.. the cli would load09:40
tatselmaybe what you want is to boot gdm09:40
ikoniab__: let kde finish removing, then install the package "gdm" - then reboot09:40
eni23ikonia: your right. but build is not possible too. look at my fdisk output: http://pastebin.com/UCqM8gXK this looks fine. mdadm says: /dev/sdc3 /dev/sdd3 and /dev/sdb3 are no valid devices09:40
ardchoilleb__: just do what ikonia is telling you to do, don't read anything more into it.09:40
b__ikonia, i was stuck in cli .. n i didnt know how to start gnome.. so only option i had was to install kubuntu-desktop09:40
eni23only /dev/sda1 seems existing09:41
almoxarifeb__: follow ikonia, you don't have a working gnome, my recommendation09:41
tatselb__: wow..09:41
ikoniab__: I've told you what to do - please just do it09:41
bullgardHow can I copy a file having root file permissions using scp in a LAN from one computer to another where both have not been given root passwords?09:42
ikoniaeni23: so what's the actual error it's giving you ?09:42
ikoniabullgard: the easiest way is to change the permissions, the sudo option is quite messy for that09:42
b__ikonia, so would appreciate it if any1 could tell me the command to start gnome... prevention is better than cure in case im stuck in the cli again on rebooting.. the cli is a newbies nervous breakdown n worst nightmare.. the black screen of death...it scaries me09:42
ikoniab__: I've told you what to do - please just do it09:43
ikoniab__: let kde remove, then install the package "gdm" - then reboot, it's all done for you09:43
bullgardikonia: Thank you for your advice.09:43
ikoniabullgard: it's quite a scrappy situation09:43
b__ikonia, i removed some packages of kde.. should i remove python-kde4?09:43
ikoniab__: remove ALL KDE PACKAGES09:44
liminalmy wifi network connection isnt showing any single09:45
liminaliwconfig shows no wifi09:45
b__ikonia, which all packages for gdm?? do i type gdm in synaptic search and install all gdm packages available there?09:45
WizardOfOzLaptop liminal ?09:45
ardchoilleb__: I have been using ubuntu (gnome) for a while and I don't have a single kde package installed09:46
liminalno its a pc09:46
ikoniab__: the package name is "gdm"09:46
liminalthird party card and driver09:46
WizardOfOzliminal: Since when have you faced the problem?09:46
liminaljust building the pc from scratch09:46
liminalcompiled the drivers09:46
WizardOfOzTry this09:46
b__ikonia, my panel disappeared..im currenty in gnome... did i remove the wrong package?09:47
ikoniab__: how can you be in GNOME ??09:47
liminalshould the wifi work via ra009:47
ikoniab__: you said you where in KDE09:47
psycho_oreosliminal: depends on the chipset09:48
WizardOfOzliminal:  USB Wifi Adapters are good!09:48
liminalits not usb09:48
liminalits pci09:48
psycho_oreoscontrary to the fact, usb wifi adapters hardly have much native support under linux as opposed to non-usb based09:49
WizardOfOzD-link is rausb0 for me09:49
psycho_oreosliminal: pastebin your lspci -nnk output09:49
psycho_oreosWizardOfOz: yeah D-Link is the vendor not the manufacturer, rausb0 signifies Ralink (the manufacturer) usb based wifi (by the interface name)09:49
b__ikonia, i was stuck in cli.. even on rebootin..installed kde.. logged out...logged into gnomw.. now tryin to remove kde09:50
ikoniab__: just carry on09:50
geekphreakhi all09:50
psycho_oreosWizardOfOz: and iirc rausb is an old interface naming, unless you're still using manufacturer's drivers09:50
its-me-againhi all where can i download grub 2 from i need a general version for a hdd i am setting up.09:51
WizardOfOzI am going to update it09:51
ikoniaits-me-again: grub2 is available in the ubuntu repos09:51
b__ikonia, there r two options remove and complete remove in synaptic.. i chose remove.. should i do complete remove?09:51
ikoniab__: complete remove09:51
its-me-againikonia: its not for ubuntu09:51
frogzoo1any useful tips for unwedging a partially installed package that won't uninstall?09:51
ikoniaits-me-again: then it's offtopic for this channel09:51
psycho_oreos!info grub209:51
ubottugrub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4.1 (karmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 264 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia powerpc sparc)09:51
sevoldoes anyone know why when i boot, inmstead of loading bios screen it shows a green/blue/yellow tile screen?09:51
its-me-againikonia: its for linux and ubuntu too09:52
b__its-me-again, r u jenny?09:52
WizardOfOzpsycho_oreos: My fan works dreadfully bad on Ubuntu09:52
ikoniaits-me-again: it's offtopic for this channel09:52
psycho_oreosWizardOfOz: dunno if I can help much there09:52
geekphreakPici: howdy :)09:52
psycho_oreosWizardOfOz: and that could mean lots of things as well09:52
its-me-againikonia: really ok fine be like that.09:53
WizardOfOzI shut it the fan and made it to work fast09:53
b__its-me-again, i think i know u are jenny from india..right?09:53
geekphreakWizard cpu fan?09:53
geekphreakWizardOfOz:  dont think it has anything to with ubuntu09:53
WizardOfOzFunny my laptop shutdown automatically was getting too hot!09:53
geekphreakwhen was the last time u cleaned it09:53
WizardOfOzA week ago.09:54
geekphreakprob. going bad09:54
WizardOfOzI am going to change the settings through terminal and edit it make it to work full speed.09:54
WizardOfOzLets see if it's gonna make a difference09:54
b__ikonia, how many packages do i need to keep removing?... its taking ages removing them one by one09:55
ikoniab__: all of them09:55
almoxarife!info remove kubuntu09:55
ubottu'kubuntu' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable09:55
=== Mohammad is now known as Guest49292
geekphreakpsycho_oreos:  howdy09:55
chittineed help to reset admin password in mysql09:55
=== Guest49292 is now known as Shafiei
ikoniachitti: #mysql is the correct place09:55
geekphreakchitti:  ask in #mysql09:56
WizardOfOzgeekphreak: just made it nosier, yep need fan!09:56
kernel_geekCan I ban a package from being installed ?09:56
brontosaurusrexb__: well, why remove them in the first place anyway? they will be handy next time you trash gnome anyway09:56
chitti# means09:56
Shafieiwhat is x in ubuntu like x server09:56
ikoniaShafiei: exactly, it's an X server09:56
Shafieiso what's that?09:56
Shafieiwhats the x for09:56
brontosaurusrexShafiei: XFCE desktop environment = xubuntu09:56
geekphreakWizardOfOz:  fans aint that costly afaik09:56
almoxarife!info remove kde09:56
ubottu'kde' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable09:56
ikoniaShafiei: it's the visual aspect, the "windows" if you like09:57
marguerite001I need Printshop for ubuntu09:57
ikoniaalmoxarife: can you stop with that please, info is for package names09:57
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal09:57
marguerite001I have Ubuntu ver. 9.1009:57
WizardOfOzgeekphreak: Funny, thing is that I have to wait till September for a new fan! Cant get it in this country meh can't wait for 24 months later to move!09:57
Shafieiikonia : you mean something like kubunto09:57
almoxarifeZykoticK9: that's it09:57
psycho_oreosgeekphreak: hi09:57
ikoniaShafiei: no, the Xserver is the visual aspect of Linux, the "engine" that runs the windows09:57
b__brontosaurusrex, every time i try to update via update manager.. it also adds kde updates which totall up to over 150mb..with all the other updates.. if i kick kde out it will reduce the unwanted updates that i dont require09:57
Shafieiikonia : or what!!09:57
brontosaurusrexb__: right09:58
geekphreakWizardOfOz:  where you at again?09:58
ikoniaShafiei: what do you mean "or what ?"09:58
Shafieiikonia : aha. something like visual machine in windows09:58
WizardOfOzPakistan where lenovo doesnt exist!09:58
ikoniaShafiei: yeah09:58
ikoniaShafiei: no09:58
ikoniaShafiei: sorry - not virtual machines09:58
Shafieiikonia : hmm09:59
ikoniaShafiei: think of the visual aspect of Windows, the actual windows on screen, X is the driver of the "windows" in linux, the engine that draws them09:59
Shafieiikonia : o0ps! i think  i gotcha09:59
frogzoo1where does apt keep package specific remove scripts?09:59
Shafieiikonia : never tried to use it un fortunately10:00
MerwinDoes anyone know how I can disable automount on ubuntu 9.10 ?10:00
geekphreakMerwin:  partition?10:00
geekphreakor cdrom?10:00
=== WizardOfOz is now known as NotHereAway
ikonia!away > NotHereAway10:00
ubottuNotHereAway, please see my private message10:00
geekphreakMerwin: you can disable it in /stc/fstab10:01
MerwinNot for USB drives10:01
Shafieiand whats attribute in multithreading?10:01
geekphreakMerwin: it should have entry in fstab still , saying something like defaults,rw10:01
Shafieiwhats the use of it?10:01
ikoniaShafiei: that's not really on topic for this channel, this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only10:02
ikoniaShafiei: try ##hardware10:02
jockejockehey i have some trouble with getting CGI scripts to work on my apache2 intallation on ubuntu server. i get this download file prompt when trying to access .pl (perl scripts)10:02
Shafieithank you10:02
Merwingeekphreak, USB keys have not entries in /etc/fstab10:02
geekphreakShafiei:  #hardware10:02
jockejockeanyone who knows this type of things?10:02
elnurHow can I mount an external HDD manually via SSH which is mounted automatically when I login to Gnome.10:02
geekphreakMerwin:  make up ur mind, u said not for usb10:02
Shafieigeekphreak : i actually dint find hardware network10:03
Shafieiwhere is that?10:03
rocket16Hello all10:03
Merwingeekphreak, you said 'Edit /etc/fstab', and I said 'Not for USB drives' (It doesn't work for USB drives ;)10:03
geekphreakShafiei: plz type >> /join #hardware10:04
jockejockeanyone around who knows how to get perl scripts to work with apache2 on ubuntu server? i installed perl, mod_perl for apache and all that is left is to get the actual execution of pl-scripts to work. right now all i get is a "Download file" window when trying to run a .pl-script10:07
dedicing tulungan lieur oge make linux the can ngarti10:10
erUSUL!es | alumno10:10
ubottualumno: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:10
erUSULelnur: devkit-disks --mount /dev/sdxx10:10
dediari cara install linux gimana nih10:11
wayMy Xubuntu is no sound !10:11
wayGStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions problem.10:11
erUSULdedi: what is your language?10:11
dedimana orang indo nya nih10:11
steffan!hi | kan3_10:11
ubottukan3_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:11
wayHow should i do ? thanks10:11
steffan!sound | way (xubuntu also have their own channel in #xubuntu)10:12
ubottuway (xubuntu also have their own channel in #xubuntu): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:12
psycho_oreos!id > dedi10:12
ubottudedi, please see my private message10:12
kan3_how to find rox-file10:12
dedican't speak english I only want study linux please help10:12
b__dedi u mean edubuntu?10:13
psycho_oreosdedi: have you tried asking the same question in your native language in that channel?10:13
b__dedi, u want edubuntu?10:13
steffandedi: there are language channels for ubuntu support too, if that helps. what language do you speak?10:13
psycho_oreoshe already left fyi10:14
elnurerUSUL, thank you. i've mounted it. but I can't access it as non-root. what additional actions does Gnome do after mounting a disk?10:14
dedi_channels indonesia where /10:14
erUSULelnur: dunno sorry :( that should have just worked ...10:15
dedi_oh thank's10:15
Vishal_how to connect netconnect in ubuntu10:18
jockejockeI've got trouble with getting CGI perl scripts to work on my LAMP installation. I've got perl installed but all i get is a "Download file" window when trying to execute my .pl-script. I've set the directory to ExecCGI/AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl and file permission 777 on the script itself.10:19
wayWhen I boot without gdm, Xubuntu is no sound, but if boot with gdm , sound still on? What is this Problam? Thanks!10:19
erUSULVishal_: connect netconnect ?10:19
waySorry about my pool english!10:19
elnurWhen I press Ctrl+Z the process gets stopped before going to background. Is there a way to not stop it?10:19
shafieiwhats the difference between channels with # and the ones with ##10:20
Vishal_erUSUL: m having my datacard for netconnection ,when m trying to connect it through ubuntu ,,,it is showing can not connect /dev/USB010:20
tatselshafiei: You are offtopic, come in #ubuntu-offtopic10:20
erUSULelnur: after they are in background you can  « bg %JOB_ID » and they will continue in the background10:21
erUSULelnur: after they are atopped you can  « bg %JOB_ID » and they will continue in the background10:21
elnurerUSUL, ok, thank you10:25
eni23ikonia: are you still here?10:26
chittiwhat abt 10.0410:27
elnurCan I mount a partition with devkit-disks for a particular user? Now it is mounted for root.10:27
Indyhi all10:27
chittichange permis10:27
eni23ok the error on mdadm is : /dev/sd*3 is not a valid device10:27
Indyneed some help with ltsp...anyone here that has experience?10:28
Vishal_using wvdial but it is hsowing can not connect /dev/usb010:29
geekphreakikonia: what was the command to get get a list of all depned package for a particular package?10:29
chittivishal check that with ttl10:29
Grungewine has been failing me10:29
Grungealong with the movie players for divx10:30
chittiwine is not good i have tried able to play only games10:30
Grungethis drive all 300gigs is failing10:30
Grungechitti, i'm using it for the mirc client10:31
ikoniageekphreak: please control your language10:31
Grungeand it's notloading10:31
sham_i want to setup my own local repository, can anyone help me?10:31
geekphreakikonia:  what did i say?10:31
ikoniageekphreak: sorry - miss-tab10:31
Am4nochitti.i use wine for picasa 3.6 and airvideo server works fine10:31
ubottuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy10:32
Grungeso what do i do when ubuntu loads it gives me a error right off the bat when i log on such as error in the login10:32
Grungealong with flashplayerproblems10:33
Grungeand divx10:33
Grungedivx won't play in full screen as sson as i maximize it it closes it self10:33
Grungealso all flash based websites l;ag horrible and then freeze10:34
ikonia!wtf | Grunge10:34
ubottuGrunge: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:34
Grungei thought ubuntu was suposed to be greaT10:34
BANSHE3What program do I need to make a VPN?10:34
sham_ok thanks i will try it..10:34
chittii use that since so many days10:34
geekphreakBANSHE3: lot of apps out there10:35
om26erGrunge, which version of ubuntu are you using?10:35
geekphreakBANSHE3:  sudo apt-cache search vpn | more10:35
BANSHE3geekphreak: one you would recommend to your boss :)10:35
icerootBANSHE3: openvpn10:35
ardchoille!language | Grunge10:35
ubottuGrunge: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:35
nimrod10iceroot, I thought that with openvpn you need to pay for a license. Is that true ?10:36
icerootnimrod10: of course not10:36
Grunge9.10 KARMIC10:36
Grungeis what i run10:36
BANSHE3nimrod10: Thats why you have that name ;) Kidding of course!10:37
Grungealso what's going on woitgh the bots for booting me for slight obseinty10:37
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ikoniaGrunge: don't use bad language10:37
ardchoilleGrunge: And please to to refrain from using all caps10:38
Grungei avoid foul mouth language as much as i can10:38
ikoniaGrunge: don't use it full stop or you will be removed from the channel, it's that simple10:38
nimrod10iceroot, BANSHE3 there is a purchase license on their website. that confused me !10:38
Grungenot used to typing in the dark ardchoille10:39
Grungejesus you guys have many thing you could help me with10:39
sham_i have one Q regarding apt-cacher...10:39
BANSHE3how do I open a directory in terminal?10:40
Grungeubuntu sucks i'm starting to think that fedora red hat 9 is better than ubuntu10:40
local_ostecd ?10:40
chittibanshe3 try this10:40
geekphreakBANSHE3: open as in cd folder?10:40
chittii mean10:40
erUSULBANSHE3: you do not open t you move to it. "cd dir/"10:40
chittienter into that dir10:40
chittiand type ls10:40
Grungeforget the sudo command su10:40
sham_if suppose a client requests for a package then 1st it looks on local cacher server10:40
BANSHE3no not change directory, but to open it up in the folder browser10:40
steffanGrunge: that's offtopic, if you don't like it; don't use it. or if you need help, please ask here10:40
Grungeit barely helps10:40
ikoniaGrunge: the correct option is to use sudo10:40
geekphreakBANSHE3:  nautlius foldername10:41
BANSHE3cool thanks10:41
chittitry it10:41
sham_if it is not available there then it downloads from ubuntu site...10:41
geekphreakBANSHE3:  oops spelling i mean nautilus folder_name10:41
chittiits a default10:41
Grungesteffan, i'm using this client since it saved my butt when windows caught a virus10:41
codygmanis there some sort of add on that would let me alt-tab to desktop?10:41
codygmanadd the choice of desktop on there that is10:41
sham_so can i do something like this for the 1st occurnece of client call10:41
geekphreakcodygman: virtual desktop?10:42
Grungealso since it pullled my buttt out of the furnace i expect more frommy os10:42
sham_it should download pacakge on serever and then later on other clients will download the same package from the same server10:42
Grungewhy do you guys ubuntu tooo such a high level?10:43
fajeehi guys! care to chat10:43
erUSUL!aptproxy | sham_10:43
ubottusham_: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy10:43
Grunge*hold ubuntu10:43
Jimi_NeutralHi all. I am trying to get into phpmyadmin to create a mysql database and user from the web hosting control...this is so i can use plogger. For some reason though the user and pass that was set a while ago is not letting me in anymore. I have no idea why. Could someone help me on this.10:43
ikonia!topic | fajee10:43
ubottufajee: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:43
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  hello, during install of mysql it asked for password right?10:44
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  use root as login name and that password to enter your mysql10:44
bentlogicHi ubuntu support, newbie needing help configuring sound on 9.10; am I in the right place:10:45
NET||abusehey guys, have a machine someone was using, they've got some "firefox flash-alternative" extension that just doesn't work.10:45
NET||abusehow can i clean that out?10:45
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, Hi geek, yeah that has all been set when I first used it. I have been in and out of it since. Not touched it for a while and then today when I go into it....(password is saved by the way and written down) it says that access denied for user 'root@localhost' using password: YES)10:45
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
NET||abusei've looked in /usr/lib/mozilla /usr/lib/firefox /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox for plugins10:46
MinusSevenhi all10:46
NET||abusehow else can it be setup and how can i purge it and re-install the flashnonfree setup?10:46
steffan!hi | MinusSeven10:46
ubottuMinusSeven: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:46
MinusSeveni know when I ask the question, a lot of people will roll their eyes, or scream10:46
MinusSevenbut here goes10:46
MinusSevenThere's no countdown to version 10.04 on the website, just wondering if there's been a release date set for it10:46
fajee22 f phil here10:47
NET||abusehah, 22nd i believe10:47
Sia-!lucid | MinusSeven10:47
ubottuMinusSeven: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:47
MinusSevenok, not too far then10:47
geekphreakJimi_Neutral: so basically you frogot the password10:47
MinusSevenok, thanks10:47
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, no, as i said...password is saved in the form and written down10:47
MinusSevenhow many of you screamed?10:47
babu__is there any software to monitor the internet speed10:47
NET||abuseahh, 29th.. ok10:48
Sia-MinusSeven, nobody10:48
sinani am having trouble with my USB webcam, when I attach it dmesg shows that it detects a USB device (but doesn't mention a cam in particular), but there is no /dev/video*, nor does cheese work. The ubuntu page about webcams is a disaster. anyone can help?10:48
geekphreakNET||abuse:  u mean gnash?10:48
MinusSevenok, let me try with another question10:48
AnxiousNuti have a netbook connected to wlan and eth at the same time, which one is my netbook using to download?10:48
steffanMinusSeven: it is generally good practice to read the topic of entry too10:48
MinusSevenWill it be better than Kubuntu?10:48
Sia-MinusSeven, ok, but in lucid, join #ubuntu+110:48
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  open etrminal10:48
steffanMinusSeven: discussion only in #ubuntu+110:48
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, ok10:49
MinusSeveni need a coffee10:49
NET||abusegeekphreak, nope, not gnash,, in firefox it says the Plugin for Shockwave Flash is installed.10:49
Sia-MinusSeven, why not join #kubuntu10:49
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  type mysql -u root -p10:49
Jimi_NeutralAnxiousNut, do you have a wire plugged in...ethernet I mean10:49
knoppiesAnxiousNut, I dont know if you can tell for definite, I know that if you disconnect the one it should just continue downloading on the other.10:49
geekphreakNET||abuse:  ok10:49
zougsinan, http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/#devices10:49
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, that asks for a password10:49
knoppiesAnxiousNut, I use conky, and it tells me my network usage for each adapter, that is how I can tell.10:49
geekphreaktype your password10:50
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, i have and it is saying access denied...this is the problem. Its like it has been changed or something10:50
ChikProhey anyone could help me pls ?10:50
ChikProim the newbie to linux and got some problems10:50
Sia-!ask | ChikPro10:50
ubottuChikPro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:50
geekphreak!ask | ChikPro10:50
AnxiousNutknoppies & Jimi_Neutral: i have conky too, it tells me that i am connected to two, listing two different ips! I have a connected wire btw10:51
geekphreakJimi_Neutral: sorry i wont help bypassing the password, though it was just setting issue or you did not howto10:51
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, sorry i didnt understand what you just said10:51
knoppiesAnxiousNut, does your conky setup have usage graphs? or up/down meters for each adapter?10:52
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  try #mysql10:52
sham_hi can anybody suggest me any different method to setup local repository other than apt-proxy and apt-cacher?10:52
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, that goes to another prompt10:52
knoppiessham_, change the sources file??10:52
AnxiousNutknoppies: yep, but doesnt tell me which ip is being used10:52
Jimi_NeutralAnxiousNut, if you have two different ip's and they are DHCP'd then looks like you are using next doors wifi lol10:52
sham_i have tried apt-cacher aerlier10:53
sinanzoug: the webcame i have is a brandless chinese gizmo :)10:53
eni23it looks like 3 of 4 raid-disks have an invalid filesystem. is there a possibility to fix the filesystem?10:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:53
tatselsham_: earlier* ;)10:53
AnxiousNutJimi_Neutral: NO!! one is wire connection, ethernet wire, and the other is our wifi router10:54
knoppiesAnxiousNut, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413570/10:54
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, not necessarily. Each adapter would get its own IP from the DHCP server, even if they are using the same DHCP server.10:54
sham_sorry for that ... :) but problem is that if the package is not available on local server then it should fetch from ubuntu site and then server should keep the copy of that new package so that others can download the same package from the server only10:55
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yeah just realised that lol10:55
alketIs there anyone who lives in Serbia or Kosovo10:55
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, any idea?10:55
geekphreakJimi_Neutral: if some has changed password, i cant help10:55
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, cause i have done it myself at work, im a muppet10:55
=== tys_ is now known as liitonia
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, can i not change it?10:55
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  you can reinstall ;)10:56
knoppiesAnxiousNut, does that help? you will have to replace eth0 and eth1 with the name of your adapters.10:56
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, are you talking about a mysql root password??10:56
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Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yeah10:56
AnxiousNutknoppies: yeah i know, thanks for the code, gonna try it :)10:56
eev2Hi all, I upgraded yesterday my kernel to 2.6.32-20-generic but I was running into issues. I am able to boot into my system using version 2.6.32-18-generic so I would like to remove the 2.6.32-20-generic package. Can I remove it using apt remove or will that cause problems?10:56
=== clement_ is now known as electriix_
geekphreakbut i wont help with changing passwords sorry10:57
knoppiesAnxiousNut, hope it helps, thats what I use right now.10:57
ardchoille!nick > electriix_10:57
ubottuelectriix_, please see my private message10:57
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, root@localhost and i have the password saved int he browser form and I have it written down so i have not forgotten it10:57
=== electriix_ is now known as Electriix
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, why not?10:57
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, so then what is your problem? (I was going to find a tut that explained how to reset the root password)10:57
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, is it too dangeous?10:57
sham_tatsel : can u tell me that if suppose requested package is then from where its is fetched?10:58
* tatsel struggles at weird syntax10:58
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, when i go phpmyadmin i get this error with the saved user and pass....#1405 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) then at the bottomit says Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.....im trying to install Plogger10:59
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, I dont know what Plogger is (and you dont have to explain it), and I gave up on phpmyadmin because I had no luck with it the few times I tried to use it.11:00
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, well i installed it fine and have used it fine....went away fro a while, come back to it and the saved usernad pass no longer works11:00
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, can you edit the saved user and pass?11:01
knoppiesof phpmyadmin I mean.11:01
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, i have no idea how to, still a newb to linux and mysql11:02
BANSHE3Whats the command to list the files in the directory your browsing via terminal11:03
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, that makes two of us.11:03
geekphreakBANSHE3: wb11:03
knoppiesBANSHE3, ls11:03
geekphreakBANSHE3:  ls foldername11:03
Zeit|awyls -al11:03
knoppiesBANSHE3, -a means all, and -l means long list format.11:03
babu__how to play youtube video in mozilla....do i want to install any plugin11:03
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, this is typical i tell ya, i go away for a while and everythign is fucked whe i get back11:04
geekphreakbabu__: flash11:04
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Zeit|awya = all incl. hidden11:04
BANSHE3geekphreak: Ty, I'm having troubles getting this openvpn to work, im following the tutorial word by word, https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openvpn.html but at the 4th part when it tells me to run commands like ./clean-all it says no file exists11:04
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, anybody else been using the PC?11:04
ardchoille!language | Jimi_Neutral11:04
ubottuJimi_Neutral: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:04
ChikProi can't play youtube viedeo live by my movie player , any help pls ?11:04
knoppies!hi| ubuntu_linux11:05
ubottuubuntu_linux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:05
Jimi_Neutralsorry all11:05
Jimi_Neutraljust annoys me11:05
Jimi_Neutralpeople think this is a damn playground11:05
AnxiousNutknoppies: cool!! it tries to use eth whenever available!! I <3 ubuntu! Thanks for the help, works like a charm11:05
Jimi_Neutraland yes knoppies they must have been, passwords dont just change themselves11:05
Jimi_Neutrali was doing some work with changing permissions though a while back for FTP, would that have done anything11:06
knoppiesAnxiousNut, my pleasure.11:06
Jimi_Neutraland removing users11:06
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, maybe, removing users sounds like the lethal injection.11:06
geekphreakBANSHE3:  did you first cd to  cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/easy-rsaasyi11:06
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, can you still log into the mysql cli?11:06
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, i dont know how, i have only used the browser to log into phpmyadmin11:07
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, mysql -u root -p11:07
geekphreakknoppies: he cant, he dont know pass :d11:07
MoatHello, how do i access /boot/grub/menu.lst?11:07
BANSHE3geekphreak: I'll try that, going back through the process11:07
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, no that gives me no access11:08
geekphreakMoat: which ubuntu version?11:08
knoppiesgeekphreak, hmm. ok.11:08
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, thats basically the same as going through the web browser but with a terminal instead11:08
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, Im going to try find that tut, see if it helps.11:08
BANSHE3geekphreak also, the vars file should it have pre-existing content, cause when I nano -w the said directory in the tutorial, it opens blank? "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars11:08
Moat9.10 geekphreak11:08
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ok ty, you aer a star11:08
geekphreakMoat:  see any folder name /etc/default/grub  ?11:08
jespervHi, I you have the same binary file in /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin which will have the highest priority?11:09
babu__how to install flash11:09
Moatoh wait11:09
geekphreakBANSHE3:  you have to cd just to  cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/easy-rsa11:10
geekphreakBANSHE3:  once inside that folder then run command source var and  so on11:10
BANSHE3geekphreak: -bash: cd: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/easy-rsa: No such file or directory11:10
Moatgeekphreak, now what?11:10
geekphreaksorry my mistake11:10
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset you can try that, I dont know if it will help.11:10
geekphreak cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/11:11
geekphreakcopy/paste can mess up sometime BANSHE3 :)11:11
icerootjesperv: which programname   will tell you, i guess the first one which is found11:11
geekphreakMoat:  you have new grub , what do you wana edit?11:11
BANSHE3root@banshee:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# source vars |||||||||| root@banshee:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ./clean-all |||||| -bash: ./clean-all: No such file or directory11:11
Moatgeekphreak, i wanna put slackware in it, here is the guide http://www.brunolinux.com/05-Configuring_Your_System/Multiboot_grub.html it confuses me11:12
geekphreakBANSHE3:  hmm wierd ok11:12
jespervso if my PATH variable looks like this: PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/jesperv/Downloads/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/" it is the one in /usr/local/bin that is used?11:12
geekphreakMoat: slackware by default as lilo right11:12
Moatgeekphreak, i wanna chainlink slackware into grub11:12
Moatthat guide says how but i am to a point, confused11:13
geekphreakMoat:  ok11:13
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ty i will give it a go11:13
Moatgeekphreak can I pm u/11:13
eni23is there any possibility to fix a broken partition-table11:14
geekphreakyou just have to add those liner11:14
BANSHE3geekphreak: It almost seems like have the files are missing, im going to try installing it by downloading it off the webpage.11:14
geekphreakmoat 1 sec11:14
meatbun http://linuxologist.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/dell-typo.png11:14
geekphreakBANSHE3:  ok good luck11:14
knoppiesmeatbun, a typing error.11:15
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Ahmed\How do i REINSTALL Evolution Mail its not working !11:16
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deseroAhmed\: can't you do it from the Ubuntu Software Center?11:17
geekphreakMoat:  go ahead11:19
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, lol that tut just told me to put a line that made sql run with the skip grant tables option...so i did that and then when i went to do SET PASSWORD it said it cant do it cause it is running with the skip grant tables option enabled hahahaha, mate dont you just love linux11:19
subone!flash64 > subone11:19
ubottusubone, please see my private message11:19
eni23someone can help me with fix a broken partition table?11:20
jasonmchristos1i installed powertop and it suggested that i enable suspend non-inpyut usb devices then my wireless mouse keeps freezing how do i disable suspending?11:21
geekphreakeni23:  ubuntu system?11:22
babu__how to install flash11:24
maxagazwhat newsreader should I use ?11:24
geekphreakbabu__:   download from adobe.com11:25
ChikPromaxagaz: which extention ?11:25
arindahi all. i looking for program for open nb file (mathematica files). so, is there any program in ubuntu that can open file?11:25
maxagazChikPro, sorry?11:25
b__HELP  E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?11:26
ChikProPDF file ? or PRC or something like those ?11:26
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, will you marry me lol11:26
blinkizarinda, Hi. I do not know of any program to do that. Have not search for any. Just wanted to make sure that you know that Mathematica exist for Linux?11:26
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, it works bud, ty very muchly11:26
ChikProu mean reader for doccument file maxgaz ?11:26
b__ikonia, u there ...........need help11:28
arindablinkiz: do you was used sage? it's can be opened that file but i not sure...11:29
AnxiousNutin xchat, how do i view my buddy list?11:29
coz_AnxiousNut,  mm  I dont know of a buddie list however  if you go to the  #xchat channel...they will know if one is available :)11:30
blinkizarinda, I do not understand what you are trying to say.11:30
Jimi_Neutralanyone used plogger? The instiurctions are saying to upload of all the files to my webserver and then crate a new sql dayabase and run the script. Well i downloaded the dist to the webserver so where do i unzip the file to? does it matter?11:31
SmokeyDhey everyone, should I use a 32bit or 64bit ubuntu server version if I am running a dual core intel atom processor?11:32
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  in /var/www11:33
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, i thought so, cheers for the confirmation geek11:33
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  mostly i create a folder like /var/www/workfiles  << then unzip them here11:33
arindablinkiz: sorry, i mean. do you ever use sage?11:33
AnxiousNutcoz_: i feel like an idiot! "Window" menu --> "Friends List"11:33
coz_AnxiousNut,  there you go :)11:34
blinkizarinda, no11:34
arindablinkiz: ok, thanks11:35
JoshuaLSmokeyD, 64bit11:36
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, my pleasure. Im glad I could help.11:36
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, this is freaking me out, never used it this much. It wants me to create a new database and user....i can see create database on the front page, not sure what collation is though and im not sure how to make a new user.11:36
=== Gateway is now known as Gateway`
pawel__kto gra w metina11:38
yaccpawel__, I'm almost sure that this is not meant to be a polish language channel11:38
pawel__i`m bad michael jackson11:39
pawel__uhh h h h h h h h h  u u u u u  u u u u u u u h h h hh h hh h i i11:39
pawel__kto z polski11:40
SmokeyDJoshuaL, ok11:40
xumuk_!pl | pawel__11:40
ubottupawel__: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:40
pawel__jestem polish hehe11:41
arindawhich the best LaTeX editor in linux?11:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:42
pedrosantahi all11:45
lalalolhi, i removed some default apps from my 9.10 installation, when 10.04 comes out and i want to update, will they get installed again?11:46
coz_lalalol,  which apps did you uninstall?11:46
lalalolcoz_, openoffice, rhytmbox, and some others11:47
coz_lalalol,  I am going to guess they will not reinstall    if you uninstalled gimp for example...gimp no longer comes default with ubuntu at least in lucid11:47
lalalollets take empathy as example, it came with 9.10 and will come with 10.04, i removed it, will 10.04 install it back when i update?11:48
elkycoz_, i dunno, it might install the ubuntu-desktop metapackage before the upgrade. I don't know the order it goes in.11:48
coz_elky,  with an upgrade  maybe11:49
DryGrainhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1453313 Could someone have a look at my problem?11:49
coz_lalalol,  I am guessing it will not ...although I have never experimented with that... but if it does of course you can uninstall again11:49
lalalolk coz_11:49
coz_lalalol,  is there a reason you are concerned about this?11:49
kslenhey guys. i can't see the partition on the memory stick in my phone which is connected through usb. couple of weeks ago it worked. any clue as where to start? the memorystick works in windows :S11:50
coz_lalalol,  or was this just a question that came up for you?11:50
lalalolcoz_, yeah because i plan to sell pc's with ubuntu on it, and customers wouldnt like it when they need to remove the apps again, and they'd blame me11:51
coz_lalalol,  ah i see11:51
coz_lalalol,   mmm  I do similar things here with clients...however i always leave default install on their systems... mainly to get them used to the default applications especially if they need office11:51
elkylalalol, then you'll want a custom script to run after the upgrade and remove them all11:52
lalalolthx coz_ and elky11:52
coz_lalalol,  what you might want to do is edit the live cd  to install only waht you want  or use ubuntu minimal and go from there11:52
Jimi_Neutralhow do i run a php script in a web browser....this is what the readme of plogger is telling me to do but when i open the hp file with firefox all it is saying is to open or save file....i open again with firefox and nothing happens11:52
coz_lalalol,  rather create a live cd with what you choose to install11:53
tobi_can someone help me find PyTube?11:53
lalalolcoz_, it's more like i explain ppl how ubuntu works, and if they want to remove empathy for example, they can remove it, once :)11:53
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, it sounds like you have to set up your apache server (or whatever you are using for your HTTP server) to parse the PHP.11:53
coz_lalalol,  understood...11:53
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, eh? lol11:53
daniel90DryGrain: If you just want to format you drive (*with* loss of data) you just have to type "mkfs.ext3 DEVICE"11:54
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, it is apache11:54
geekphre1kJimi_Neutral:  when was the last u used apache?11:54
daniel90DryGrain: Of course you have to replace DEVICE with e.g. /dev/sdb2, or whatever is the drive you want to format11:54
Jimi_Neutralgeekphre1k, i just install it all for my boss as and wehn he asks and then he plays about with it...i have no idea what it is, does or how to use it...yes i am a gofer here11:54
DryGrainand device is /dev/sdb1 (or whatever it happens to be?)11:54
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP11:55
geekphre1klol :)11:55
Jimi_Neutralgeekphre1k, i spent 5 years training to be come a windows technician and ended up doing nothing to do with windows11:55
DryGrainthanks kindly11:55
daniel90DryGrain: Yes. But if you want to do it with an gui just install "gparted"11:55
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, Im anti microsoft so I wouldnt say thats a bad thing.11:55
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yes I have installed LAMP11:55
daniel90DryGrain: then you don't have to fiddle with the command line11:56
geekphre1kJimi_Neutral:  i remember you :)11:56
coz_lalalol,  although the other approach, , since most of the applications have a small footprint...is to go into alacarte and simply remove menu entries so they dont show up11:56
Jimi_Neutralme too but it is what i trained in and im good at it11:56
DryGrainIs that any easier than one line in terminal?11:56
Jimi_Neutralgeekphre1k, yeah, im that one lol11:56
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, scroll down that tut for the "troubleshoot" part11:56
enriqhello. are install instructions at ie4linux valid for karmic?11:56
coz_lalalol,  this way  they are avaialable for your clients at a later date11:56
geekphre1kJimi_Neutral:  i met u in #window, helped you with dos ;)11:56
DryGrainI happen to like the command line :)11:56
Jimi_Neutralgeekphre1k, what was it?11:56
daniel90DryGrain: If it works with the command line, why not use it11:56
DryGrainI'll give it a shot11:57
geekphre1kJimi_Neutral:  think it was some issue with user mangment, you were trying to config mp3 player or something11:57
daniel90If you want you can use mkfs.ext4, then you also have the shiny new ext4 istead of ext3 (If you ubuntu version is new enough)11:57
Jimi_Neutralgeekphre1k, no that wasnt me11:57
DryGrainWhy do you think it was inaccesible in the first place?11:57
lalalolnice idea coz_ ^^11:58
DryGrainAlso, what command tells me the /dev/sda path for each drive?11:58
DryGrainIs 9.10 new enough :)11:58
coz_lalalol,  that is actually a better approach for you the administrator.... dont screw with default install just limit access to certain things for the clients until they become acustomed to Linux /Ubuntu11:59
daniel90DryGrain: I'm no professional in this area, so I've unfortunately no idea. Yeah, 9.10 is new enough11:59
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, thats not really making much sense to a newb like me im afraid, ty for trying tho11:59
lalalolyeah, nice11:59
DryGrainWhat are the advantages of ext4 over ext3?11:59
daniel90DryGrain: If it's not just the filesystem that is corrupted but also the partition itself, then this oneliner might not suffice12:00
coz_DryGrain,   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113371912:00
DryGrainWell let me give it a shot and see what happens12:00
DryGrainThanks coz_12:01
coz_DryGrain,   http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/Linus-Torvalds-Upset-over-Ext3-and-Ext4   << for the other side ")12:01
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, do you want me to try and explain?12:01
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daniel90DryGrain: ext4 has a lot of improvements, but what's most important for me ist that file-system checks are *much* more fater than with ext312:01
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yeah sure....to be honest knoppies I dont really want to learn any of this, im just doing what im told using an O/S I have no idea about. I dont have time to read manuals and stuff, if it isnt done asap then i get moaned at.12:02
daniel90Wikipedia summes it up quite well^^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext412:02
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, have a look at this (this time I scrolled it down for you): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting%20PHP%20512:02
DryGrainI'm going to use mkfs.ext412:02
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, I assume its asking for you to download the .php files, rather than displaying them like it should??12:03
daniel90DryGrain: Good luck. And if it won't work, then just try gParted :)12:03
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yuppers12:03
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, that link will tell you how to fix it.12:03
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, should take 4 CLI commands.12:03
DryGrainit says "/dev/sdb1 is mounted, will not make a filesystm there"12:04
DryGraintried it with sudo too12:04
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, rgr, on it now12:04
DryGrainnow it opens in nautilus just fine12:04
DryGrainwhat in the world12:04
DryGrainall my data is there12:04
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knoppiesDryGrain, when mounting filesystems, sometimes nautilus takes a second before it can read the data, so it says failed to mount, but then on the second attempt it works.12:05
^b0ss^Question : i have ubuntu how do i add adobe flash player ?12:05
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^b0ss^libflashplayer.so i have download that file ....12:06
knoppies!hi | mbarper_12:06
ubottumbarper_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:06
SmokeyDis it possible that when I have a disk which used to hold (soft) raid partitions, but I deleted all of them using fdisk, ubuntu still detects the raid partitions and automatically sets up md0?12:06
daniel90DryGrain: Ok, then you don't have to reformat^^ But just the you know it, if it says "/dev/sdb1 is mounted, will not make a filesystm there" you have to unmount it at first with "umount DIRECTORY" where DIRECTORY is the directory where /dev/sdb1 is mounted12:07
Gateway`hello everybody... I have some printers running on windows and they are shared and I want to use some of them on my machine which running on ubuntu ! How can I do that please ? :)12:07
SmokeyDGateway`, System->Printing->New12:08
ActionParsnipYo yo yo12:08
^b0ss^libflashplayer.so i have download that file .... trying to work out how to install adobe flash player on ubuntu12:08
mbarper_I have a pc in a ldap and when logon something is executed. I would like to know what it is.12:08
ayam_jagohello i need to merge hdd partition using gparted what sould i do to merge partition without remove the files there?12:08
SmokeyDGateway`, but it depends if there is a diver for linux for that printer12:08
DryGrainok daniel, thanks12:08
DryGrainit mounted fine on my netbook but not my nedia comp12:08
DryGrainso im formatting anywho12:08
ActionParsnip^b0ss^: sling it on your plugins folder for your browser. Which one do you use?12:08
Gateway`SmokeyD, OK I'll try that and tell you after... thanks :)12:09
SmokeyDGateway`, see http://www.openprinting.org/printers to check if your printer is supported12:09
DryGrainwriting inode tables...12:09
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, well so far it was installed and enabled and has made no difference, doing an update just in case12:09
Gateway`SmokeyD, ok thanks alot12:09
^b0ss^ok thanks12:09
SmokeyDGateway`, sorry you need System->Administration->Printing12:09
^b0ss^will do12:09
Gateway`SmokeyD, yes I'm on it ;)12:09
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, k.12:09
ActionParsnip^b0ss^: you will need to restart the browser to then test12:10
^b0ss^what should i be searching for ..12:10
^b0ss^i search for adobe flash player and get nil results12:11
ActionParsnip^b0ss^: if you tell me the browser(s) you use I can tell you where to copy the file12:11
^b0ss^oh sorry12:11
ActionParsnipYou can put it in $HOME/.mozilla/plugins12:12
ActionParsnipYou will need to make the plugins folder12:12
Gateway`SmokeyD, thanks alot every thing is ok ;))12:12
^b0ss^libflashplayer.so file?12:12
NightKhaos^b0ss^: sigh. apt-get install flashplugin-installer should do it. Unless that installs a different flash. :P12:13
ActionParsnip^b0ss^: yes, copy the file to that folder and as long as the architecture of the plugin is ok for your system, it will be used12:13
^b0ss^sorry sooo new to it12:13
geekphre1kBANSHE3: how did it go :)12:14
ActionParsnipNightkhaos: or s/he wants 64bit flash ;)12:15
NightKhaosActionParsnip: *blinks* I'm pretty sure I'm running 64bit Ubuntu.12:15
ActionParsnipNightkhaos: the package will give 32bit flash + nspluginwrapper12:16
geekphre1kBANSHE3: ?12:16
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NightKhaosActionParsnip: name me one flash process that actually uses 4GB of RAM and I will agree that it is a legimate reason to install the plugin manually. Until then, I'd wait until apt includes 64bit flash. :P I also think ^b0ss^ just wanted to get flash running.12:17
^b0ss^all i wanted was to get flash running12:18
^b0ss^lol ..still trying12:18
NightKhaosActionParsnip: point, ^b0ss^ execute apt-get install flashplugin-installer then.12:18
ActionParsnipNightkhaos: it won't but the 64bit plugins run without the need for an abstraction layer so run slicker, its not about ram use and if it did the nspluginwrapper is 64bit so will be handled12:18
^b0ss^i did12:19
^b0ss^it said denied12:19
ActionParsnipNightkhaos: less complication = smoother ride12:19
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, nope, all that was installed fine but it is still not running the script12:19
NightKhaos^b0ss^: as root, i.e. sudo?12:19
NightKhaosActionParsnip: oh yes, you're so smart.12:19
* NightKhaos hands ActionParsnip a cookie.12:19
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, I assume you are trying to access the file using localhost (or the IP/name of the server) and not just opening the .php file in your browser?12:20
^b0ss^thank you that worked :)12:20
DryGrainhow do i copy the contents of one folder to another with bash? cp /media/source /media/destination  ??12:20
DryGrainor is it mv?12:20
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^b0ss^thanks so much NK12:20
NightKhaosDryGrain: mv is to move. cp is to copy.12:21
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, never assume lol....yes I am trying to do that cause that what it says in the readme....."Run the install script _install.php in the web browser of your choice"12:21
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, i am actually working with the server....im not remoting into it12:21
DryGrainalso, now that I formatted this drive to ext4, it's name and mount point is a lost string of letters and numbers, how do i set it to somethink legible?12:21
exupHi - I am unable to pair my Ubuntu 9.1 with a Win Mob Phone. Bluetooth service is running, Win Mob device can see my machines BT device but Ubuntu is not popping up message to pair. I have tried installing Blueman but same issues. -PS my Linux exp is very new12:22
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geekphre1kBANSHE3: :)12:22
ActionParsnipdrygrain: if you ran the command with cp you typed you would get a /media/destination/source12:22
ActionParsnipExup: pair from ubuntu12:23
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, Im not sure what install script you are reffering to. To access a php file you have to do it through the apache webserver. You do this by placing the .php file inside the www folder you have setup (I cant remember what the default folder is, but its something like /var/www/) and then accessing it by typing localhost into your browser. If you are not on the same machine as the webserver, then you must type in the IP/host12:23
knoppiesname of your server.12:23
BANSHE3geekphre1k: :) Still no luck man, I figured all the files out but they're in the wrong locations making following the tut very confusing, that and the tut itself is poorly written12:23
FloodBot3knoppies: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
DryGrainhow do i do it correctly ActionParsnip12:23
exupActionParsnip - have tired that it never sees my BT phone12:23
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, I dont mean to offend you, but your answer was vague.12:23
geekphre1kBANSHE3: you just want a gui based remote right?12:24
DryGraini want to contents of /source copied to the /dest folder12:24
BANSHE3geekphre1k: yeah but I also want to run the server on this comp12:24
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, its the plooger install script. Do all the plogger files have to be in root of /www cause i have put them in a folder within /www12:24
DryGraindo i throw a -t argument in there?12:24
geekphre1kMoat: any luck?12:25
ChikProi have several PCs in my LAN net work , and im running ubuntu 9.04 , could i remote their PCs and how ?12:25
geekphre1kBANSHE3: other options there too12:25
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, as long as its inside www it doesnt matter what folder its in. but then you need to browse to it using localhost/path/to/file.php12:25
ActionParsnipDrygrain: i'd try: cd /media/destination; cp -a /media/source/* .12:25
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ahhhh ok, brb12:25
ActionParsnipDrygrain: make a test folder or 2 to test12:25
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DryGraingiving it a shot now12:26
daniel90DryGrain: If you want to rename the drive: "tune2fs  -L NEWNAME DEVICE" of course you have to replace NEWNAME and DEVICE with the corresponding values12:26
elyobHi, I'm having some issues with aptitude and wondered if anyone had any ideas, have tried force remove etc, but no luck ... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/53CqcafG12:26
DryGrainits a few hundred gigs of data to copy12:26
ActionParsnipDrygrain: once you get it nailed on the test data you can go primetime12:27
elyobThe machine was crashing before and fell over during an upgrade12:27
DryGrainwell i think its working12:28
DryGrainit hasnt returned a prompt yet12:28
DryGrainbut theres no output either12:28
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ok browsed to it with firefox, there was the link for it to execute it along with all the other files, did that and it STILL is trying to open it with a program12:28
ActionParsnipElyob: jump into /var/cache/apt and force install the deb is one possibility12:29
hellyeahis there a way to convert png to eps12:29
ActionParsnipDrygrain: cp doesn't output stuff. If you open another prompt etc you can check the files in the dest12:30
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, you said earlier that you had libapache2-mod-php5 installed, am I correct?12:30
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, that is correct12:30
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, did you try: sudo a2enmod php512:30
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yup12:31
DryGraintheres no files popping up in the dest folder12:31
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, and then you restarted the server with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart12:31
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yup yup12:31
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, ok, Lets try something else. Im going to pastebin a php file. give me a sec12:31
ActionParsnipDrygrain: then stop the cp. Could ask in #bash too12:32
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, rgr12:32
hellyeahanyone use a2ps12:32
riversilica123i installed vncserver, but it is not opening it on lan12:32
ActionParsnipRiverillica123: can you ping the server?12:32
^b0ss^Question : is there a msn messenger client for ubuntu that lets you use webcam.12:32
ActionParsnip^b0ss^: amsn12:33
ActionParsnipOr emesene I believe12:33
riversilica123ya i can12:33
tatselThere is a Skype client, now :o12:33
ayam_jagowhat about camfrog?12:33
ActionParsnipRiversilica123: can you telnet to the socket12:33
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413600/12:34
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, that is a .php file (I call it phpinfo.php) create it and then browse to it, see what happens.12:34
riversilica123ActionParsnip: ya i can, from another machine ssh,telnet,ftp everthing is working except vncclient12:34
^b0ss^thanks action ....downloadin it now12:34
exuphi no other ideas around troubleshooting my Bluetooth problem?12:35
ActionParsnipRiversilica123: is the service running? And on the right port12:35
aprilharehello. trying to connect to a Microsoft Exchange MAPI server using the evolution-mapi plugin but having no joy. unsure whether 1) server name is correct and 2) whether evolution-mapi plugin is working. is there like a mapi server that everyone uses, e.g. associated with windows live or outlook.com?12:35
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, create it?12:35
riversilica123ya it is running, in localhost i can open it using vncclient12:35
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, create a file named phpinfo.php inside your www folder. Then paste that into it. Save and browse to it using localhost/phpinfo.php12:36
* ayam_jago need camfrog client for my ubuntu lol12:36
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, yeah that gives me the phpversion and everything12:37
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, hmm, then php should be working, Im not sure why your install script isnt running.12:38
ayam_jagomaybe the permission12:38
ayam_jagoset it to 77712:38
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, would it be something to do with the database and user i tried to create12:38
riversilica123got disconnected for a while12:38
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, i just went and added a user and it gave me the option of creating a database at the same time so I did that12:39
riversilica123can u please send the suggestions12:39
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, or should it run it anyway12:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:39
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, that phpinfo script is awsome for debugging purposes, but can be a vulnerability issue if your server is open to the internet and a hacker stumbles across it. Im not sure about creating users and databases, that should not really affect the PHP, it depends how that script is set up though.12:39
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins12:39
Fudgehi how can i get my cpu temp in a shell?12:41
riversilica123do we have anyother tool like vncserver12:41
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, Im getting tired and would like to retire to bed. I hope somebody else here can help you.12:41
knoppiesFudge, lm-sensors gives the command sensors12:41
Fudgethanky :)12:42
knoppiesFudge, my pleasure.12:42
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, i am almost there....i took all the files out of the folder i made and put the directly into /www...i then browsed to it and it worked i am on the plogger install page12:42
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, awesome. I can see you are getting a hang of this.12:43
^b0ss^hey thanks channel amsn is heaps better12:43
Fudgeand may i ask about a memtest i can run whilst i have system mounted and running, cant read the one in grub menu12:43
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, but now it is saying the following probs need to be resolved before plogger will install.....the path /var/www/plog_contant/images is not the writable by the server and the same goes for /thumbs12:43
BANSHE3Can somebody suggest a good VPN other then OpenVPN please?12:44
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, they should (in theory) work from within another folder within your www folder. That could be file permissions of the files/folders themselves. I think you need to chmod the www folder to allow write access to 'other' recursively. This could (in theory) be a security risk if your server is open to the public.12:45
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, do you understand how to chmod, or should I run you through it?12:45
Jimi_Neutrali dont, no. It would be cool if you could but if u are tired mate I dont want to take the pi**12:45
^b0ss^Question : hey all my webcam works on a flash chat with my freinds but not with amsn ....anyone know why12:46
BANSHE3Can somebody suggest a good VPN other then OpenVPN please?12:46
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, Its quick and easy, wont take us long.12:46
^b0ss^what a sec12:46
^b0ss^it might be working12:46
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ok, as long as it wont affect my access to any of it.12:46
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, in a shell prompt, cd to your www directory.12:46
Fudgesorry can you repeat that i cant read the channel when it goes fast12:47
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, no it shouldnt, I hope it doesnt break anything though, since its in /var/ I normally create a www folder inside my home directory and then use that.12:47
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ok im in www12:47
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, chmod is used to change permissions of files/folders. you can read more about it by typing into a terminal (you dont have to do that now, I will explain what you need to do now): man chmod12:48
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, type this: chmod -R o+w .12:49
knoppiesFudge, yes?12:49
Fudgeoh memtester think found one, nvm12:49
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ok done tht12:49
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, then try your script again, that command above changes the file/folder permissions of everything inside the folder you are in (in this case www) by adding write permissions to everyone. you can read more about it by using: man chmod12:50
awesome_guesthi, I cloned an xp image from my old hard drive using clonezilla12:50
awesome_guesthowever, it won't boot since grub somehow got wiped out12:51
awesome_guesthas anyone worked through this problem before?12:51
knoppiesawesome_guest, not personally, but from what I see, shouldnt you just be able to reinstall grub and then make an appropriate menu.lst?12:51
awesome_guestI mean, I'm doing this from a livecd12:52
awesome_guestI don't have an ubuntu install12:52
romain__i have a problem to post on launchpad12:52
awesome_guestso the standard instructions may not work12:52
romain__launchpad want have "referer header" ??12:53
romain__ launchpad want "referer header" ??12:53
romain__what is referer header??12:53
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, ok did those permissions and moved everyhting back into a folder and then tried it as before and now it works :)12:54
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, awesome. Glad I could help. Im off to bed.12:54
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, again, you are a star mate ty12:54
Jimi_Neutralknoppies, nn mate12:54
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, anytime.12:54
knoppiesJimi_Neutral, thanks.12:54
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geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  done?12:56
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, yup, plogger is installed :O)12:57
geekphreakabout time12:57
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geekphreakBANSHE3:  need glue?12:58
geekphreakBANSHE3:  which ubuntu version r u on?12:59
keyvanhow can i see how much hard drive space ive used so far, within console?13:00
AnxiousNuthow do i make chrome-browser the default browser in openbox?13:01
Picikeyvan: df -h13:01
bodomkeyvan: df -h13:01
keyvanthanks :)13:01
ubdIf i install the beta, it will seamlessly update to the release version, right?13:03
^b0ss^Question: can anyone give me tips too programs i should get ..i got a demoniad acct ..13:03
jribubd: yes, but #ubuntu+1 for beta questions13:03
christian_What kink of programs?13:03
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, ty for your help mate :O)13:03
benjasHello there, I am trying to share a USB Stick through Samba Share. I can see it from my windows box, but cannot open it, I have tried chown to change the ownership so I change the permissions on it, but to no avail. Any ideas?13:04
keyvan^b0ss^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Transmission13:04
ubdget windows server 2008 r2 boss!13:04
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  welcome :)13:04
ded_maybe someone can help me with my audio... it isnt working at all. im kinda new to Linux, so this is a problem for me. heres my lspci output13:04
ded_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)13:04
ded_using xubuntu 9.10 amd6413:05
bodomded_: what if you start alsamixer?13:05
ubdIF you are NEW why the fuck did you install X64!!13:06
erUSUL!language | ubd13:06
ubottuubd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:06
elkyubd, don't be so rude please.13:06
bodomded_: also, please try ,pg123 from command line13:06
ded_bodom: card reads hda intel. chep reads intel g45 devctg. my volumes r up13:06
bodomded_: mpg12313:06
ded_ubd: sorry for having 64bit.13:06
zaggynlpeople new at ubuntu shouldn't try 64 bit versions?13:06
^b0ss^its there a better one KEYVAN thats the one that comes standard with ubuntu13:06
AquinaHELP! I have open questions which will expire soon! (https://answers.launchpad.net/~aquina/+createdquestions?field.search_text=&field.sort=NEWEST_FIRST&field.sort-empty-marker=1&field.actions.search=Search&field.language=de&field.language=en&field.language-empty-marker=1&field.status=OPEN&field.status=NEEDSINFO&field.status=ANSWERED&field.status-empty-marker=1)13:07
erUSULthat's not true the differences between 32 bit and 64 bit are nowdays minimum13:07
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elkyubd, 64bit isn't the realm of gurus anymore. everything works fine.13:07
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keyvan^b0ss^: thats my favorite… i think utorrent works on linux too13:07
bodomded_: looks like your adio is working, this should be only an xfce (graphical interface) issue. mpg123 should confirm that13:07
ded_bodom: mpg123 not installed.13:07
ded_install it?13:07
^b0ss^Key yea man ..got no hassle with it ..just wonder what everyone else was using13:08
MerwinHow can I disable auto-mount for some type of partitions (ext3, crypto_luks, etc) on ubuntu?13:08
bodomded_: if you can, it will not harm you :D It's a command-line mp3 player13:08
skinnymg1ok so 10.04 gets released on the 29th of this month right?13:08
ded_sudo apt-get install mpg12313:08
keyvan^b0ss^: what are you downloading? maybe u should be cool and start using usenet13:08
ded_wrong window. lol13:08
keyvan^b0ss^: oh yeah and if ur getting tv shows and stuff, i think Miro works with linux13:08
jribMerwin: putting them in fstab with the noauto option should work I believe13:08
keyvan^b0ss^: miro is awesome13:08
ubdi think 64 bit is useless unles you need smth to run in 64bit, especially if you want compatiblity, its safer to get 32 bit, everyone knows this13:08
^b0ss^is that like vlc player/13:08
Merwinjrib, I can't put them in fstab, drives are usb keys13:09
jribMerwin: use the uuid or label13:09
keyvan^b0ss^: its a bittorrent client (with RSS feed support) and media center/video player all in one13:09
^b0ss^i had a 64bit13:09
bodomubd: I'm an happy 64 bit user13:09
Merwinjrib, I want ti to be generic, not depending on the device13:09
^b0ss^i no nothing about RSS feed is that like ...auto updates or something/13:09
ubdyeah me too bodom13:09
keyvan^b0ss^: yeah, automatically downloads the latest tv shows when they get on bittorrent13:10
^b0ss^oh ok13:10
keyvan^b0ss^: you'll have to learn a thing or two first, i know some people HAAAAAAAATE learning,… but oh well i take no pity on men of this kind.13:10
jribMerwin: you'll have to mess with the program responsible for auto-mounting then.  I'm not sure at what level you want to do that13:10
bodomkeyvan: and maybe it also automagically translates them to italian language?13:10
BANSHE3geekphreak 9.1013:10
ubd^b0ss^: stop being a pirate13:10
Name141Is it possible to use Ubuntu's Live disk to blank windows partitions before installing, such as using shred or something of that nature ?13:11
keyvanubd: lol u tell him, but not me? thats funny13:11
bodomName141: what do you mean with "blank"?13:11
ded_i think he means format13:11
^b0ss^im only new to ubuntu13:11
Name141bodom: Overwrite with like 7 DoD passes or something13:11
^b0ss^just learning ..but i do like learning stuff13:11
ubdkeyvan: you seem like a natural born pirate13:11
keyvanubd: hehe.13:12
bodomName141: use wipe command line tool on your hard drive13:12
skinnymg1ok so 10.04 gets released on the 29th of this month right?13:12
bodomName141: man wipe. Exampe: wipe /dev/hda. It will take a lot of time, consider the -q option13:12
keyvani need some help with server administration..13:12
Merwinjrib, I want to remove the window 'Enter a passphrase to unlock this drive' showed when you plug a crypted USB key13:12
ubdyeah get the leaked copy from piratebay skinnymg113:12
Name141bodom: That doesn't seem to be as simple as DBAN ?13:12
bodomName141: It will DESTROY all your DATA.13:13
^b0ss^i got a revtt13:13
ivanESPcomo se activa compiz?13:13
Name141bodom: that's what I want.13:13
keyvansomeone good with ubuntu server, could you help me create a new user (i only have a root user) for apache2 to use?13:13
ubdrevtt is a bullshit tracker13:13
^b0ss^does vlc run under ubuntu fellas13:13
bodomName141: So wipe is what you need :) I don't know dban13:13
bazhangubd, stop with the cursing and the offtopic13:13
Oer!es | ivanESP13:13
ubottuivanESP: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:13
Name141bodom: Daraks (or something) boot and nude13:13
Name141err nuke13:14
geekphreakkeyvan: system user?13:14
geekphreakkeyvan:  sudo adduser name13:14
keyvangeekphreak: yeah its a linode virtual private server.. ok so once i do that, i need to assign all my apache stuff to that user somehow13:14
Name141bodom: Anyway, I can use this on a live CD , just boot it up as if I was using DBAN ?13:14
keyvani need to seal up all the holes and whatnot13:14
Name141bodom: And it'll have access to the internal drive?13:14
Name141or drives13:14
Am4no^b0ss^:yes it does13:14
jribMerwin: basically, I can see two possibilities (which you'll have to research more).  Either some configuration with gnome-volume-manager or with hal fdi files.  You can find the default fdi files (the ones that look relevant at least) in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/ (for example 15-storage-luks.fdi) is there.  Anyway, read the documentation and explore that tree a bit more from13:15
jrib/usr/share/hal/fdi/.  If you do figure out what you want to change, you should NOT edit these files.  Create your own fdi file in /etc/hal/fdi/ so that it overrides the ones in /usr/share13:15
^b0ss^yea ..thats awesome13:15
^b0ss^just installed it13:15
geekphreakkeyvan: ok kool13:15
keyvan^b0ss^: what did you go with?13:15
Merwinthanks jrib, I will look at this ;)13:15
bodomName141: you boot the live cd, then open a terminal. Your hark drive(s) will be /dev/hda /dev/hdb or /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc... use fdisk -l to find out13:16
^b0ss^what ya mean/13:16
^b0ss^what did i go with13:16
keyvan^b0ss^: werent you looking for bittorrent software?13:16
^b0ss^yea i have transmission installed ..so ill just leave it13:16
bodomName141: then when you've found wich device is your hard drive you type wipe -q /dev/sda (for example) and it will do the job (after some hours)13:16
ivanESPhow active the cube in 3d combiz? keyboard combination that I have to do.13:17
BANSHE3Name141 , bodom , can't the alternative disk do the same thing but with some what of a GUI?13:17
bodomName141: I've checked dban website, looks like a nice tool, maybe it's easier to use13:17
ivanESPwhich is13:17
DSpairGood morning all. I'm wondering if someone here could point me to some resources on expect scripting. I'm hoping to find a way to send the contents of a text file to a telnet session which is being managed by expect.13:17
bodomBANSHE3: wich thing?13:18
BANSHE3bodom: Partitioning / whiping HD's13:18
Name141bodom: I lost the CD13:18
Name141bodom: And I don't have anymore CD-Rs, it's an old P2 system with a CD-RW13:18
Name141not a DVD+/-RW13:18
bodomBANSHE3: I suppose it makes no differece13:19
StingGood Morning?haaa,here is night.13:19
Name141bodom: I'm assuming the live disk will do the same with wipe however?13:19
cozziemoto[1]Crash, hey guy13:19
geekphreakBANSHE3:  what are you trying to do13:19
BANSHE3geekphreak nothing really just suggesting an alternative for somebody else :)13:19
bodomName141: sure. wipe will overwrite your data about 24 times. wipe -q will do it only 7 times13:20
geekphreakoh ok :)13:20
[1]Crashits like 10 years ago that i was on an IRC channel :)13:20
Name141bodom: OK.13:20
bodomName141: using secure algorithms and blah blah blah :)13:20
Name141bodom: It's booting up in another room.13:20
[1]Crashso this is kinda new :)13:20
OerivanESP, install compiz manager and you can setup compiz  > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion13:20
^b0ss^if your blue and you dont know where to go to ..13:21
fastaHow can I disable that certain users can turn off the machine when someone else is logged in remotely?13:21
bodomfasta: /etc/sudoers I guess13:22
bodomfasta: or maybe just remove them from the "admin" group13:23
fastabodom, no, you don't understand.13:23
Random832fasta: only give the ability to turn off the machine to people you can trust?13:23
Random832fasta: though, disabling them from unplugging the power cord is kind of your problem13:23
bodomRandom832: lol13:23
fastaRandom832, I want a transparent solution, which enables users to disable the machine normally when I am not logged in, but when I am logged in it should say something like "users <me>" is still logged in, are you sure you want to turn off the machine or simply not even asking that".13:24
Name141bodom: Wipe doesn't appear to come installed, it's telling me I need to enable "universe" to get it13:24
bodomfasta: if the power cord is your problem, then consider hiring a coop13:24
fastaRandom832, disabling the power cord won't happen as I already explained that ;)13:24
bodomName141: mhhhh13:24
fastabodom, it is them using the "shutdown the computer"-Gnome thingie.13:25
Random832fasta: just tell them not to turn off the machine - why do you want them to do that?13:25
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geekphreakok guys time to go13:25
geekphreakhave   fun all, god bless13:25
fastaRandom832, that would be wasting energy.13:25
Random832because even if you're not logged in, what if you've got downloads going13:25
BANSHE3geekphreak: later dude13:25
bodomName141: can you access the internet from that machine?13:25
Name141bodom: yeah the NIC works right off the live CD13:26
fastaRandom832, don't question motives. I suppose there simply is no existing solution?13:26
bodomfasta: oh, so look at gdm config13:26
bodomName141: mom then13:26
Name141bodom: eh?13:26
fastabodom, and you say that because you know there is a solution there, or just because it is a guess?13:27
bodomName141: hold on a moment13:27
foxterri2just a quick question for installing ubuntu on a windows pc. I want to install Ubuntu at the same drive I have installed my windows. is that possible and will windows work correctly afterwards :) ?13:27
bodomfasta: life is a guess13:27
AudioB[21/84]E:\04 1996 BT - Ima\BT - Ima CD1\01 Nocturnal Transmission.flac...ERROR_FRAME_CRC_MISMATCH @ 6m 58s13:27
AudioBDoes anyone know why these errors occur to pass it on to dvd?13:27
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fastabodom, life is a lot, but it is not a guess.13:27
=== BAB is now known as bab
voxtknauf: "/quit"13:28
bodomName141: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/wipe13:29
bodomName141: you can download it from this page13:29
bodomName141: then a double click should install it13:29
Name141bodom: I found the universe repo in synaptic and using apt-get update right now13:30
Name141see if I can install it once it's updated then13:30
bodomName141: ok13:30
BANSHE3I have an extended desktop, I closed my laptop lid and when I re-opened it, the first monitor is fine in brightness, but the laptop seems really dark is there a way to reset to default or something13:31
bodomName141: I'm just curious: are you goin' to sell that PC? :)13:31
MoatI'm trying to make grub run slackware as well as ubuntu, can anyone help?13:32
bodomMoat: is grub handled from ubuntu or slackware?13:32
Moatbodom, what?13:32
Anomie2How can I search inside files for <div class="ad alignleft">13:32
jribAnomie2: use grep13:33
Moatbodom, grub is handled from ubuntu13:33
Anomie2The closest one I can get to work is grep -Rs alignleft /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique*13:33
Anomie2when I put the full div in or even ad align I get a error13:33
bodomMoat: ok, in brief, you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add slackware entires13:33
jribAnomie2: enclose your search string in single quotes ''13:33
Moatbodom can I PM you? I have done a fair bit of this already.13:34
Anomie2grep -Rs "<div class="ad alignleft">" /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique*   -- correct?13:35
bodomMoat: yes, you can query me, but speaking on channel will allow also other people to help you13:35
jribAnomie2: no, reread what I said13:35
Name141bodom: no.  Also ,it appears to have been mounted as /dev/sda113:35
Name141bodom: the internal 10 GB drive13:35
jribAnomie2: ' not "13:35
Anomie2grep -Rs '<div class="ad alignleft">' /var/www/ablemagazine.co.uk/wp-content/themes/mystique*13:35
Anomie2still doesn't work :/13:35
bodomName141: umount it13:35
jribAnomie2: yes it does13:36
bodomName141: umount /devsda113:36
bodomName141: Then wipe /dev/sda13:36
Name141bodom: I don't assume wipe /dev/sda1 is enough options and switches to kill it ?13:36
Anomie2jrib; not giving me any results - when I know it's in there somewhere.13:36
bodomName141: wipe /dev/sda is enough, just consider the -q option to save time13:36
jribAnomie2: see for yourself:  echo '<div class="ad alignleft">' | grep '<div class="ad alignleft">'13:36
Name141bodom: I got till the minor gets home to kill it...13:37
bodomName141: also, umount it before wiping or crazy things may happen13:37
Name141bodom: Ok13:37
circuitmanhow to install themes13:37
Name141bodom: It's the complaining after they get home from school I'm worried about.. lol13:37
bodomName141: lol13:39
tinmanwhat is this??13:39
bazhangtinman, ubuntu support13:39
Name141bodom: When I use wipe /dev/sda1 it says "do I want to wipe one special file" ?13:39
tinmanhello can any one see this13:39
bazhangtinman, yes13:39
bazhang!themes > circuitman13:39
ubottucircuitman, please see my private message13:39
tinmanthank u .. i am new to this13:40
bodomName141: mhhhh13:40
Name141bodom: is it taking the whole NTFS drive as 'one file' ?13:40
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:40
tinmancool ... it is having a sort of confusion do u hav more than one drive13:40
nevadaSalut, j'ai un petit pb avec codeblocks, lorsque je fait "build and run" il me lance message du genre "it seems that this project has not been built yet " !! quelqu'un peut m'aider ?13:40
bodomName141: yes13:40
Name141bodom: OK , so all 10 GBs should get overwritten ?13:41
tinmanok then which has the ntfs partition master or slave13:41
bodomName141: wiping /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda1 will also erase the partition table13:41
Name141bodom: OK13:41
bazhangobama, english only13:41
bodomName141: yep13:41
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tinmanhello guys can i join u13:41
amcsican I make it so like in windows when I type a path with a filename as to where to save a file, that if the path doesn't exist yet, it automatically creates the directories instead of saying that the path doesn't exist?13:42
derek__I'm having trouble installing a wireless network card. I'm hoping someone can help me out13:42
bazhangtinman, do you have an ubuntu support question13:42
bodomName141: is the wipe running?13:42
tinmanno.. i'm trying out irc for the very first time... but i can help13:42
BANSHE3amcsi you can do it by typing mkdir if you want it to be auto13:42
BANSHE3amcsi if you want it to be auto i don't know **13:42
derek__i have a driver disk with linux drivers on it, but i have to compile them and am getting an error13:42
bazhangtinman, if you just wish to chat then /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:42
Name141bodom: it is now, I had to use sudo wipe /dev/sda13:42
Name141bodom: Them type in yes , instead of just y13:43
bodomtinman: feel free to help :)13:43
Name141bodom: Then*13:43
tinmanwhy cant u use cfdisk to do that13:43
circuitmani also need a nice offline blog editor like "windows live writer". Is such a package available for ubuntu13:43
bodomName141: sorry, I've assumed you knew you had to be root or sudo to do that :)13:43
Name141bodom: wipe /dev/sda wouldn't work, some error came up .. but using sudo made it work, the hard drive light is flashing and I can hear it grinding and all13:43
ziroday is there a way to loop just a line in bash until you hit control+c or something similar?13:43
tinmancircuitman have u tried microblogging13:43
Name141bodom: Silly old drives .. I can hear it all the way in here with the AC off grinding13:44
tinmandude use sudo cfdisk /dev/sda<>13:44
mrpis there a ubuntu-tweak ppa or should i just install the package?13:44
bodomName141: nice, now just wait until it has finished bombing it :) enjoy13:44
Name141bodom: BTW: What is this anyway? How does it compare to that of DoD3/7/35 Guttman , whatever else?13:44
derek__please anyone? help with a wireless usb network adaptor here!13:44
circuitmantinman:i dont do microblogging.13:44
BANSHE3Name141: Sounds like it needs a good defrag13:45
tinmanwell there is a cute app called gwibber . that is usefu;13:45
Name141BANSHE3: more like taken out and shot holes in it or put back in my room.13:45
BANSHE3Name141: Or that :)13:45
circuitmantinman:does it has the most of the features of live writer?13:45
bodomName141: for tech details, better read this: http://abaababa.ouvaton.org/wipe/wipe.1.html13:45
BANSHE3Name141: I found some old hard drives, went hard drive crazy plugged em all in and blew my PSPLY lol13:46
tinmani have not used windows  in a long time.. but it aint halfbad..13:46
tinmanhello darek13:46
derek__oh few thx13:46
derek__wasn't sure if I was on this properly or not13:46
tinmanso r u trying out ubuntu for the first time13:46
derek__um yeah pretty new to it13:47
Name141bodom: I'm assuming the FBI, etc could get some data back from any form of software overwriting anyway?13:47
tinmancool.. do u need links to get started with ubuntu darek13:47
derek__I really need help getting this wireless usb adaptor installed13:47
tinmanname 141 do u mean u use windows13:47
Pici!u | tinman13:48
ubottutinman: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:48
bodomName141: wipe (without the -q switch) claims to use military-grade secure deletion, but I'm not an expert to confirm that13:48
Name141tinman: Mainly yes.13:48
minimecHi. Can someone help me with firefox and 'A4/US Letter' printing settings. I am gooing slightly mad here. Firefox doesn't accept any A4 settings.13:48
Name141tinman: I have an ATi video card13:48
BANSHE3Name141: If you want to delete it that bad, stick 100,000 magnets to it, burn it, then put it in acid13:48
derek__I have source code for the driver but can't compile it13:48
tinmanhey name141 so whats the problem13:48
bodomName141: when FBI will break my door, I'll let you know if they rescued something or not from my HDs :)13:49
=== vds1 is now known as vds
derek__I get errors like this: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘open’13:49
BANSHE3Bodom: I hope you can pull off a wipe when you see them pull up lol13:49
tinmandarek there is no need to compile .. mine was nvidia card so i got the driver went init 1 then ran sh <package> an all is fixed13:49
Name141BTW: that's another question I had13:49
Name141Is there still no native 3D Acceloration for ATI 4600 series ?13:50
rodsonn[drm:drm_fill_in_dev] *ERROR* Cannot initialize the agpgart module. I encounter this after upgrading to kernel 2.6.32. Any solution?13:50
rodsonnIt happens during boot.13:50
bodomBANSHE3: yep, usually fire does a better an quickier job13:50
tinmanname141 update your repositories with all the options checked ... then search ati13:51
derek__i just typed sudo init in the terminal window and it came back with init: missing runlevel13:51
Name141I'm assuming Source games (all the way up to HL2:episode 2) would work in Wine? Along with the Unreal package on steam?13:52
BANSHE3derek__ sudo init 1?13:52
Piciderek__: Why are you trying to change the runlevel?13:52
BANSHE3Name141 I tried, runs like shit almost like being through a remote desktop lol13:53
BANSHE3excuse my language13:53
Name141BANSHE3: and XP it is then.13:53
BANSHE3Name141: Don't do xp13:53
mr_mustardI ran crontab -e as root and put the following line:   55 09 * * * /root/scrips/mixbackup.sh. this was five minutes before I put the cron job, and it didn't run... I'm using ubuntu default config, and cron is running13:53
Name141BANSHE3: Pay for me the upgrade to 7.13:53
BANSHE3Name141: If you want a OS for gaming, 7 will win. GOOGLE IT :)13:53
BANSHE3Name141: Psh, who pays for anything on the internet anymore ;)13:53
tinmandude games like drivers parallel lines wont budge in 713:54
Name141BANSHE3: All the games say they need extra requirements on Steam if running Windows713:54
BANSHE3Name141: Like what?13:54
Name141BANSHE3: than XP, same for Vista (more requirements)13:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:55
Name141BANSHE3: More RAM, a little better processor, etc.13:55
bodomName141: what kind of games are you looking for?13:55
tinmanwell there are certain dll files you can download from the net for such games for 713:55
Name141I have Q4,HL1-Hl2:Ep2, UT3, UT2004, UT, Unreal, Unreal Gold, thinking about Crysis13:56
BANSHE3Name141: Well, 7, and vista will claim more usage of your internals then XP would I guess, hell id run windows 95 if it was still compatable, that OS was like a tank, but no more OT or i get in trouble :D13:56
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
bodomName141: try urban terror. It runs natively an smootly on linux13:56
PiciFeel free to move to ##windows for discussing Windows.13:56
bodombobstro: It's a FPS13:56
bazhangBANSHE3, Name141 #ubuntu-offtopic for chat13:56
Name141bazhang: I know that13:56
bodomName141: www.urbanterror.info13:56
BANSHE3bazhang: Read my last message, the last part after the comma13:57
Name141bazhang: Gaming on linux wouldn't be off topic to a linux distro help channel.13:57
Name141but none the less, I know the answer is still the same.13:57
haavarosI can't connect to a wlan although all settings are correct. It's a new network using certificates, and others can connect to it, and my pc can connect to other networks. Anyone know what I can do?13:57
derek__umm ok back! so i did sudo init 1 and got booted out to a dos-type prompt where I didn't know what to do and ended up restarting!13:58
derek__I'm really pretty lost here13:58
BANSHE3derek__ did you feel scared and confused?13:58
neurei just connected usb mempory stick to vmware ubuntu, how do i find it? (console)13:58
Piciderek__: Why did you change your runlevel?13:58
derek__I just want to get a usb wireless adapter working13:58
Rods_TigerI've got a problem with UNR on my Acer Aspire One. I've just tried to do an update, and it complains that there's not enough room! Why does it need any room at all? I'm not installing anything new, I'm updating what's already there - it already fits, by definition!13:58
derek__not sure how to do it13:59
Name141bodom: BTW:, I used Cygwin's shred one time and I was able to recover data13:59
Amberlamps123Hey guys, can someone point me to a tutorial on how to assign multiple ips (more then 100) to one box with ease?13:59
bodomRods_Tiger: try apt-get clean13:59
derek__it seems like i have to compile the driver source code but i get an error when i do that13:59
Name141bodom: is the native shred that terrible?13:59
Rods_Tigeraha - thanks13:59
Piciderek__: What error?13:59
haavarosI can't connect to a wlan although all settings are correct. It's a new network using certificates, and others can connect to it, and my pc can connect to other networks. Anyone know what I can do?14:00
derek__i'll bring it up again one sec14:00
bodomName141: I don't know shred, sorry14:00
Name141bodom: it was might as well have just deleted it bad14:00
Name141bodom: OK14:00
ChikProanyone pls tell me how to register Nessus14:00
bodomhaavaros: wich kind of wlan? WEP? WPA?14:00
derek__ah yeah: quite a few, similar to ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘open’14:00
BANSHE3haavaros does it come up when you click the button to the top right when it scans for wireless networks?14:00
circuitmantinman:gwibber is for microblogging14:01
bodomChikPro: http://www.darknet.org.uk/2006/11/installing-nessus-on-debian-based-oss-like-ubuntu/14:01
Piciderek__: Do you have any internet access on that computer?14:01
circuitmantinman: i need a offline blog editor for posting to google's blogger14:01
derek__yeah right now I'm on it - I've plugged my wired lan into it14:01
ChikProthanks very much bodom14:02
Piciderek__: Can you pastebin the exact errors you are getting, along with the commands that you're running?14:02
Pici!paste | derek__14:02
ubottuderek__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:02
derek__ok one sec14:02
dayohow do i change the editor used by crontab?14:03
Picidayo: Its your $EDITOR, so whatever you have that set as.14:03
bodomdayo: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-256778.html14:03
circuitmanhello i need a good blog editor package14:03
derek__!paste | derek__ test14:04
ubottuderek__ test: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:04
Picicircuitman: Check out drivel14:04
derek__!paste test14:04
ChikProis it right if saying that metasploit is just useful in local network ?14:04
Piciderek__: Please *read* ubottu's message,14:05
lyraewhat kind of information can an inode number give me?14:05
circuitmanpici:i hope its not for microblogging14:05
Picicircuitman: Its not.14:05
Vadtecgreetings all, im running 9.10 64bit, can someone tell me what the 32bit compat lib is for libssl? I have a 32bit prog i need to run, but not its source. error is as follows: ./sieve: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:05
bodomlyrae: man stat14:05
dayobodom: Thank you very much - it worked!14:05
lyraebodom, ty14:05
circuitmanpici:ok,let me check14:05
bodomdayo: you'r welcome14:05
babWhat is about one CD which has included (u|k|edu|x|…)buntu? You can easily select what you need.14:05
bodomlyrae: you'r welcome :P14:06
circuitmanpici:i've downlanded a theme from http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity  and dont know how to install the theme14:06
derek__sorry dude, very new at this. I got url http://paste.ubuntu.com/413635/14:06
Picicircuitman: drag and drop it over the window that comes up when you go to System>Preferences>Appearance14:07
bodomVadtec: mhhhh I know the answer but I don't remember it, let me think14:08
NET||abuseso, i've got an install of karmic with firefox, and for one user i can't get flash10 to run.14:08
bodomVadtec: you have to apt-get install something14:08
haavarosbodom: WPA enterprise. BANSHE3: Yes, it shows in network manager14:08
Vadtecbodom: yeah, ive been searching apt-cache all morning14:08
NET||abuseit's stuck running some borked version that doesn't play videos back properly.14:08
Vadtecbodom: just not having much luck14:08
bodomVadtec: maybe sudo apt-get install ia32-libs14:08
Vadtecbodom: fairly certain ive already got it, lemme check14:09
derek__does that help at all Pici?14:09
Vadtecbodom: ia32-libs is already the newest version.14:09
circuitmanpici:the theme is in tar archieve14:09
Name141bodom: how many passes is it going to make by default? I forgot14:10
Vadtecbodom: i wonder if its a glibc issue...14:10
bodomName141: 24 or 32 I'm not sure14:10
Picicircuitman: I know, you don't need to decompress it.14:10
Piciderek__: Yep, still looking at it.14:10
Name141bodom: Ok.  Nap time.14:10
judhey folks, novice here, trying to learn html. apparently i can use gedit. how do i save it as a .html? anyone?14:10
Pici!changethemes > circuitman14:10
ubottucircuitman, please see my private message14:10
derek__oh cool thanks14:10
ChikPrometasploit doesn't work on PC which is outside local network , does it ?14:11
erUSULjud: file > save as >14:11
thefedorabuggood evening14:11
thefedorabugi have one question14:11
thefedorabugwant to make a scrip14:11
Amberlamps123Hey this is gonna be a bit random, but can anyone direct to me a good java irc channel?14:11
bodomVadtec: sorry, I surrender.14:11
Dr_WillisAmberlamps123:  as in runs in java in a browser? or a stand alone java app? ive seen both  last time i googled for that14:12
juderUSUL: tried that but the options are just all files or all text files14:12
thefedorabugi want to know how to execute wvdial from script14:12
ubuntu_hiii everybody14:12
ubuntu_lucid please14:12
Dr_Willisthefedorabug:  run the command 'wvdial'  and it should run it.14:12
Vadtecbodom: i think its just a naming convention problem14:12
erUSULjud: just put the name with .html at the end, an html file is a text file.14:12
bazhangubuntu_, #ubuntu+114:12
Vadtecbodom: the program was originally compiled on a RHEL system14:13
Dr_Willisthefedorabug:  sudo wvdial perhaps.   been ages since i last used wvdial14:13
Amberlamps123Dr_Willis: I'm learning java at university as a language and I need some help :)14:13
thefedorabugi want to make a script14:13
bodomVadtec: omg...14:13
Amberlamps123Not javascript14:13
Dr_Willisthefedorabug:   #!/bin/bash    next line 'wvdial'14:13
thefedorabugDr_Willis, which runs wvdial, then restarts the system when wvdial exits14:13
Vadtecbodom: not by my choice :P14:13
Dr_Willisthefedorabug:  then next line 'reboot' or whatever command you want.14:13
juderUSUL: ah ok, it's that simple...cheers14:13
thefedorabugDr_Willis, thanks14:13
thefedorabugDr_Willis, I will try it14:13
bodomVadtec: If he's looking for libs in the wrong path, making a symlink should solve your issue14:13
minjoohello everyone14:14
mrpif i install a ppa and an update breaks can i roll bck to the last version?14:14
Vadtecbodom: yup, doing that now :D14:14
Dr_WillisAmberlamps123:  I never mentioned javascript    :) ive seen web based java irc clients.. and stand alone java irc clients. been ages.. so i dont even recall the names14:14
jonidoes anyone else have lost lucids bootlogo?14:14
Amberlamps123Dr_Willis: Oh I mean a irc channel for the language, not a client :p14:14
circuitmanpici:no use, the theme i downloaded is in .tar archive and dragging and dropping doesnt install the theme14:14
psycho_oreos!lucid | joni14:14
ubottujoni: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:14
bodomAmberlamps123: maybe #java?14:14
Dr_WillisAmberlamps123:  just guessing... #java14:14
Amberlamps123it's locked :/14:15
Dr_WillisAmberlamps123:  you proberly need to register14:15
bazhang!register > Amberlamps12314:15
ubottuAmberlamps123, please see my private message14:15
Vadtecbodom: *sigh* this proggy is being a pain, ill get its src and compile it later, dont have time to care right now14:15
Vadtecbodom: thanks for the help14:15
bodomVadtec: np :) good luck!14:15
haavarosI can't connect to a WPA or WPA2 I know works, and I know my wlan card works. I see the network in nm-applet, and I get asked for authentication, but I'm not asked to unlock keyring as I usually am. The network uses PEAP. It worked a couple of weeks ago.14:16
haavarosAnyone know what I should do next?14:17
ChikProno one know how metasploit work outside local network ?14:17
Amberlamps123!register > member:Amberlamps12314:18
Amberlamps123wrong window14:18
bazhangAmberlamps123, /join #freenode14:18
underdevhow to see processor information in ubuntu 10.04 (or 9.10)14:20
Dr_Willisunderdev:  $ cat /proc/cpuinfo14:20
ubuntirohello, what happens if i press altgr+print screen+o ?14:20
Dr_Willisalt-sysreq-o proberly has some special function.14:21
underdev Dr_Willis ty14:21
Jimi_NeutralHi all I have just installed plogger and I need to put a user and password front end on it, can anyone help with this?14:23
akioshey, is there a possibility to get rappelz working with ubuntu?14:23
* Dr_Willis wonders what rappelz is.14:24
bazhangcheck the appdb and ask in #winehq akios14:24
Dr_WillisAlt-sysreq-o = Shut off the system according to ---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:24
bazhang!appdb | akios14:24
ubottuakios: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:24
=== arm is now known as Guest84351
Piciderek__: Good news and bad news:  Bad: Looks like lots of people have issues compiling this module from source. Good: It should be included in a new kernel release. Bad: Not the one thats shipping with Lucid. Good: you can probably use ndiswrapper instead Bad: You might have issuses connecting to some secure networks.14:26
Adventurerjoin irc.gnome.org, irc.gimp.net14:27
PiciAdventurer: /connect not /join14:27
AdventurerPici: thanks14:27
ixmHi there, I'm stuck with a problem, the integrated speakers of my laptop make a "POC" noise ever since I've installed Kubuntu 9.10, have you any idea on how I can remove it ? This doesn't occur on Windows14:29
apsuvahey pici. how to change your ip. ubuntu/member/ ?14:29
Dr_WillisYou mean they pop/crackle  if theres no sound played for like 5-10 min.. then a sound plays..  it pops  then plays the sound?14:29
Piciapsuva: Are you an Ubuntu Member?14:30
Pici!membership | apsuva14:30
ubottuapsuva: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember14:30
ixmDr_Willis: I've not tried to play any sound, the sound comes every 10-15 seconds14:30
jose__I have a cups network printer and it is horribly slow.... any suggestions?14:30
ixmI'll try to play some music and see if it stays14:30
Piciapsuva: If you want an unaffilaited cloak, join #freenode and ask for one.14:31
apsuvapici: thanks for help14:31
Dr_Willisixm:  thres a powersaveing  setting that causes some soundcards to pop when they kick into power saved mode. then power back up14:32
ixmDr_Willis: you're right the sound disappear when playing a sound14:32
ixmcan I do something against that ?14:32
magmarulesGuys is there an easy gui to share my ethernet connection via wireless ?14:32
jose__I have a cups network printer and it is horribly slow.... any suggestions?14:33
ixmDr_Willis: should I check the power settings ?14:33
Dr_Willisixm:  disable that powersaveing mode. its in one of the alsa config files.14:33
gucko1guys how can I play quicktime videos in firefox?!14:33
Dr_Willisixm:  its not in the normal 'power settings' dialogs14:33
bilalakhtarIf you tell something to ubottu, it will give you a funny reply14:34
ixmok I'll try to find that :)14:34
bilalakhtarubottu: hi14:34
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:34
bazhangbilalakhtar, /msg ubottu14:34
bilalakhtarubottu: howzzit going?14:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:34
bazhanggucko1, apple trailers?14:34
gucko1bazhang: yeah14:34
bilalakhtaryes that was the reply :)14:34
bazhangbilalakhtar, please stop that14:34
ixmDr_Willis: /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf   ?14:34
bazhanggucko1, you need to wget them14:34
gucko1bazhang: O_O14:34
ixmor maybe /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf14:34
iromlii've just moving onto karmic14:35
Dr_Willisixm:  that would be a good guess.. im on 10.04 so mine may be different14:35
gucko1bazhang: isn't there a way to watch them on firefox?14:35
iromliand can't get my Gtalk account working on empathy14:35
bazhanggucko1, not on linux no14:35
Dr_Willisixm:  i recall there being a setting at the ottom of one of those files i just had to comment out14:35
ixmokay I'll check that thank you !14:35
iromlisomeone could guide me for this?14:35
therufuscan someone give me a hand with a cron problem please?14:35
gucko1bilalakhtar: hi dude14:37
MohaHow its goin on whit the 10.4 realase??14:38
bilalakhtargucko1: Hi!14:38
bazhangMoha, #ubuntu+1 for lucid14:38
Mohaoki, sorry14:38
MoatI'm trying to configuire grub to run slackware, can anyone help?14:38
blackorcaMoat, why not try asking in ##slackware?14:39
ixmDr_Willis: found it ! was in a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, I'll wait till the next reboot to check that :)14:39
Moatblackorca because ##slackware hates me14:39
blackorcaMoat, oh14:40
Dr_Willisixm:  i noticed my system dident have that issue any more with 10.0414:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:42
=== Warm_HUG_ is now known as Warm_HUG
geirhatherufus: Just explain the problem. Someone will answer if they know how to help.14:44
therufusi'm trying to get rtorrent to download between 1am and 8am, i'm using a cron job to do so, but when i wake up in the morning, nothing has downloaded14:45
wyclif___therufus: what are your crontab settings like?14:45
zllang-gadconfigure: error: --with-apr requires a directory or file to be provided. anybody can help me ,where is the path14:45
[1]Crashdoes it download at all?14:46
[1]Crashmay ben 1pm ?14:46
therufus00 01 * * * screen -d -m rtorrent14:46
geirhatherufus: Does it try to start rtorrent? rtorrent probably refuses to start if it doesn't have a terminal to attach to.14:46
therufus00 08 * * * screen -r -X quit14:46
Dr_Willistherufus:  I am pretty sure rtorrent has a built in scheduler feature. so you dont need to bothe rwith a cron job.14:46
therufusDr_Willis: are you sure?14:47
Dr_Willistherufus:  check its docs.. it has most features.14:47
=== david_brent is now known as nutbunnies
wyclif___therufus: check it before you wreck it14:47
geirhatherufus: transmission also has scheduling, (and it comes pre-installed with ubuntu)14:47
sabhello can any one please tell me...how can i check on my ubuntu i have java installed or not?....i would like to install jdk 1.6"I m beginner in linux and choose ubuntu"14:48
therufusyea, i'm reading that14:48
therufusi tried it before, it didn't work14:48
geirhasab: Which Ubuntu release?14:48
GeppyZhi all iam building a .deb package and it works pretty well, however i want my program to start rightaway after package installation is complete. in the DEBIAN/postinst file i have /data/usr/bin/appname& however this doenst seems to start the application. can someone give me a tip?14:48
wyclif___sab: System>Administration>Synaptic search for the JDK there14:49
GeppyZif i leave the & away it starts but the deb package installer will hang14:49
Dr_Willistherufus:  or perhaps you tried it wrongly.   theres always the rtorrent forums/channel14:49
sabgeirha, 9.1014:49
therufusthanks for the help :)14:50
geirhasab: Applications -> Software Center, search for «sun java»14:50
circuitmani tried drivel to post to my blogger blog but i could not insert images from my system. i can only insert images from a url.help me  how to insert images in drivel14:50
wyclif___sab: or use apt-get14:50
aurillianceWhat is the equivelant of regedit in ubuntu?14:50
therufusI don't believe linux has a 'registry' as suc14:50
arandaurilliance: gconf-editor14:51
Emryaurilliance, vim.  I know that is not the answer you are looking for, but... ^^;;14:51
geirhaaurilliance: There isn't one14:51
sabwyclif___, what is the full command to install jdk 1.614:51
geirhasab: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk14:51
Emryaurilliance, Basically, anything system wide is likely to be somewhere bellow /etc/   Anything local to your account will be in a .something directry in your home directory.14:51
zllang-gadany one can help me ,build  subversion   --wth-apr the next path14:52
Emryaurilliance, most configs are just text files.  MOST are even human readable.^_^14:52
aurilliancearand, thanks, that's what I was looking for14:52
wyclif___sab: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk14:52
aurillianceOk, in gconf-editor, does anyone know where I would look to change the behaviour of ubuntu when the power cord is unplugged from my laptop?14:53
Adventureris there anyone having problems with writing iso files to cd in ubuntu 9.10?14:53
sabgeirha, if i want to isntall java 1.6 sdk  then is this the same command ,frankly i dont know the diffrence between jdk and sdk14:53
geirhaaurilliance: /apps/gnome-power-manager/  (or something like that) most likely14:53
arandaurilliance: That's only user-specific settings though, but otherwise plaintext configfiles are used predominantly.14:53
wyclif___sab: apt-get install sun-java6-sdk14:53
geirhasab: It used to be called sdk, but from version 5 and newer, they call it jdk14:54
wyclif___sab: OK, then sun-java6-jdk instead14:54
auserofircHey... I'm testing something, and I just need the name of a program that sends the "Urgent" window hint...  Really could be any program at all.  Anyone have any ideas?14:54
ajipi can`t open file .pptx14:55
sabgeirha, thank you,can you please tell me how to check by command that i have already installed a software or not?14:55
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geirhasab: aptitude search sun-java6     i means installed,  p or c  means uninstalled14:56
wyclif___sab: If you don't know how to do this on the CLI, just use Synaptic search and you'll see if the JDK is installed or not14:56
[1]Crashcan i ask a simple maybe stupid question14:56
kuttansi encrypted my hard disk with a keyfile and i kept the keyfile in a usb which is luksformatted.  i got a keyscript from mazeoffiles which i placed in /usr/local/sbin/keyscript.  when i do a update-initramfs the keyscript is inserted in the image and it works in the boot up.  the keyscript look for the usbdrive with uuid and ask for the passphrase to unlock the keyfile and after that with that keyfile it decrypt the whole hard disk.14:56
circuitmancannot insert images in drivel14:56
aurillianceI have a problem where whenever I remove the power cord from my laptop, it goes into hibernation :(14:56
geirhasab: If you have more than one java version installed, it could be that the other one is "in use".  You can change that with   sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun14:57
kuttansnow after upgrading to lucid, the image is asking me the passphrase, but as there is no cursor im unable to enter passphrase or press enter key.14:57
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maginot!lucid | kuttans14:57
ubottukuttans: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:57
circuitmanhelp  me friends14:58
arand[1]Crash: Ask it. Don't ask to ask.14:58
circuitmani cannot insert images in the drivel14:58
* wyclif___ used to use BitchX, but now I use irssi. Mr. Rogers uses irssi, shouldn't you?14:58
Dr_Williskuttans:  you did try just typing the password in and hiting enter?   often password prompts dont echo anything. as a security feature14:58
Pici!es | mari14:59
ubottumari: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:59
ajipopenoffice can`t open file .pptx?15:00
sabgeirha, i tried your given command it gave me this "update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so."15:00
geirhasab: That just means you don't have sun's java plugin for firefox installed, so it couldn't set that as the default. You can safely ignore that message.15:01
screenshotHello. Ralink 3070 chipset driver for my wireless adapter how to install ubuntu15:01
Jimi_Neutralhow do i start mysql in a terminal15:02
screenshotRalink site, downloaded the driver file in the file make the necessary arrangements had to do. I'm new to linux, but could not.15:02
aurillianceJimi_Neutral, are u using XAMPP?15:03
aurillianceJimi_Neutral, are u using XAMPP?15:04
aurillianceI have a problem where whenever I remove the power cord from my laptop, it goes into hibernation :(15:04
Jimi_Neutralaurilliance, huh?15:04
geekphreakhowdy all15:04
bastid_raZor!pm | mirchi :: do not advertise via PM. It is very rude15:04
ubottumirchi :: do not advertise via PM. It is very rude: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:04
aurillianceJimi_Neutral, how did you obtain mysql, did you install it with XAMPP, or by itself?15:05
kuttanscan anyone look at this script and tell me how the passphrase is taken and used to unlock the keyfile http://pastebin.com/GNaJFEn115:05
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  man you are still at it :)15:06
geirhaaurilliance: See if you find a bug report of that on launchpad.net. If not, you should make one.15:06
Piciaurilliance: note: We do not support xampp installs here.15:06
geekphreakbastid_raZor: howdy15:06
GeppyZHow to start a X11 application in the background from a SH script? ./application& doest work15:06
bastid_raZorgeekphreak: morning15:06
aurilliancePici, I'm aware, that's why I was asking...15:06
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, yup lol15:07
rdgI need to add some environment variables to my user profiles, but editting /etc/profile isn't working.. what's the proper way of doing that15:07
Jimi_Neutralaurilliance, i installed LAMP15:07
Piciaurilliance: Okay :)15:07
GeppyZat least working with 'run in terminal' instead of 'run'15:07
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, he wants a login page at the front end now15:07
kuttanshttp://pastebin.com/GNaJFEn1 can anyone explain me how the passphrase i enter is been taken by the system15:07
geekphreakJimi_Neutral: aint hard15:07
kuttansits on the line 8515:07
alabdikonia, Good day , is it better to install packages separately or installing sudo tasksel install lamp-server15:08
mouse__I'm having trouble connecting to my LG VU CU920 cell phone when I plug it in through the usb.  I've already tried bitpim but the model is unsupported.  Does anyone have any suggestions?15:09
Picialabd: There is no difference.15:10
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blue112Hi here =)15:10
alabdPici, thanks alabd@alabd:~$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server15:11
alabdtasksel: aptitude failed (100)15:11
geekphreakhowdy pici15:11
blue112tasksel ?15:11
sabcan any one please tell me which one can be good choice for mp3 music player and organizer in ubunutu?15:11
perseo22Geppyz: did you try to remove "./" from the application command? That is "application &" (without)15:11
geekphreaksab matter of choice, i do like amarok and some others15:11
erUSULsab: the default rhythmbox does not cut it for you ?15:12
GeppyZperseo22: yea i've tried that15:12
sabgeekphreak, i prefer something like winamp15:12
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, whata int hard?15:12
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  login page15:12
Picialabd: Do you have another package manager running?15:12
alabdPici, no15:12
GeppyZperseo22: i have noticed that if i start the application with run that it works, however i need it to work when it starts as 'run in terminal'15:12
geekphreaksab: audacious?15:12
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, and be able to attach it to a plogger database?15:13
brad[]Hi folks, I'm a little frazzled here with TODO items can someone gimme a crash course on filing an Ubuntu bug?15:13
kuttanswhy the update-initramfs is not creating image for all the kernals i have15:13
alabdPici,  will use this instead apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server15:13
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  yes15:13
Jimi_Neutralwell i bleive i have to create a table and stuff but eeek15:13
sabgeekphreak, i m totally new in linux so really no idea,i switced from windows  now need some good video and audio player ,please suggest me15:14
erUSUL!bugs | brad[]15:14
ubottubrad[]: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:14
alabdPici,  but above command also gives error15:14
alabd  libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: apache2-mpm-prefork (> 2.0.52) but it is not going to be installed or15:14
alabd                                apache2-mpm-itk but it is not going to be installed15:14
geekphreaksab:    for video vlc15:14
Lazy^sab: mplayr15:14
brad[]thanks erUSUL15:14
geekphreaksab:  like i said it is matter of choice :)15:14
Lazy^there are quite many good ones :)15:15
sabgeekphreak, yah let me check15:15
geekphreakPici: wasnet there winamp version for linux too ?15:15
perseo22GeppyZ: weird problem! Check environment variables (put some code in your script to check for differences when launching from command line and from "run in terminal"15:15
sabLazy^, tell me some popular15:15
bastid_raZor!players | sab15:15
ubottusab: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:15
geekphreakbastid_raZor:  thanks :)15:15
alabdhow do you install php and sql ... in 9.04 ?15:15
Lazy^sab: mplayer or vlc15:15
geekphreakalabd:  apt-get it15:16
sabwow lots of now its time to try15:16
cllaudyuat what speed should i burn ubuntu?15:16
alabdgeekphreak, lamp ?15:16
sabtell me one more thing how can i download something by command line ?15:16
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, do you fancy helping me with it?15:16
Lazy^sab: but ash-2plus1 geekphreak sayed, it matter of choice... which one you like and so on...15:16
bastid_raZorcllaudyu: the slowest possible. data integrity is important.15:17
geekphreakalabd:  no we dont support LAMP here, download individual packages15:17
Lazy^so just try and see which is best one for your use15:17
cllaudyu8x is good?15:17
sabfor example if i want to DL vlc player,how can i dl this from command line15:17
alabdgeekphreak,  is this enough ? sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server15:17
sabi planned to work on cli15:17
geekphreaksab:  sudo apt-get install aplication_name15:17
geekphreakalabd: yes15:18
Guest30538my conky is loading can see it with top, its just not visible on the desktop, this is my output  http://pastebin.com/r7VaC0hG15:18
GeppyZperseo22: well thanks for your help anyways, ill keep trying somethings15:18
xompaltthough watching videos from the cli may be a bit of a task15:18
geekphreakJimi_Neutral: code all from scratch?15:18
alabdgeekphreak,  how about libapache2-mod-php5 ? and php5-mysql packages ?15:18
sabgeekphreak, how does this command work,like when i gv the command it connect to the net and search and DL15:18
geekphreakalabd:  mostly it will download dpen. packages too15:18
geekphreakalabd:  add phpmyadmin  to it too15:19
bastid_raZorGuest30538: you need to fix all the errors.15:19
geekphreaksab:  they download from repostories :)15:19
alabdgeekphreak,  and which reps should be enabled ?15:19
r0utealabd: if you want LAMP, just run 'sudo tasksel' and select LAMP15:19
geekphreakalabd: it will set it up for you15:19
Guest30538thats why then hehe bastid_raZor15:19
ianwizardHi All.15:19
alabdgeekphreak,  no that's good15:20
bastid_raZorGuest30538: :)15:20
cllaudyuwhen will ubuntu 10.4 be ready for download?15:20
geekphreakalabd:  1 more thing man, if you open synaptic, you can search through individual packages ok15:20
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, well at the moment it is just a test so all i need is a front end (user and login field) and then to attach it to the database i guess#15:20
ianwizardusually around the 20th of the month, sometimes later, sometimes sooner15:20
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, did that make sense....new to this as you know15:20
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, oh and a test user and pass obviouslly lol15:21
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  it made sense15:21
imnahow to share home wireless some one know15:21
blackorcaMoat, did you ever figure out your problem?15:21
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, cool15:21
alabdgeekphreak,  have this problem :15:21
alabd  libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: apache2-mpm-prefork (> 2.0.52) but it is not going to be installed or15:21
alabd                                apache2-mpm-itk but it is not going to be installed15:21
alabdE: Broken packages15:21
FloodBot3alabd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:22
ianwizardimna: do you want to connect to your wireless AND share it wirelessly, or do you want to share it over the WIRE?15:22
Guest30538bastid_raZor: whats the .scripts/ip.sh for?15:22
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, already got a php login script from www.adesdesign.net15:22
geekphreakalabd:  want to take 1 step at a time?15:22
bastid_raZorGuest30538: i don't know. you added it to your .conkyrc15:22
imnasome one can tell me how to share home wireless on Ubuntu15:23
alabdgeekphreak, if possible it is better , not possible ? so how ?15:23
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  then it should not be that hard , getting that in page15:23
geekphreakalabd:  sudo apt-get install apache215:23
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, well as I say, creating a table in mysql is the scary bit15:23
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, have no idea what to do15:23
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  its easy15:24
alabdgeekphreak,  it is installed before15:24
geekphreakalabd:  sudo apt-get install mysql-server15:24
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, ok well if you could guide me through it when you're ready it would be most appreiciated :O)15:24
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  no worries, give me sometime plz15:25
sabgeekphreak, when i m downloading something from CLI how do i know which version it is downloading ,if want to DL specific version how can i do that,for exmp if want to dl the latest version of VLC player how can i do that?15:25
alabdgeekphreak,  and then ?15:25
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, sure thing15:25
imnawireless sharing15:25
^b0ss^hey guys i have seem to of lost a hdd15:25
^b0ss^on the puter15:25
geekphreaksab:  it check for updates from time to time, it will be pop a message if update is available15:25
geekphreakalabd is it installed?15:25
alabdis installing geekphreak15:26
geekphreakremember the password you set, you will need it15:26
bastid_raZorGuest30538: there is a #conky .. unsure how active the channel is though.15:26
Guest30538yh bastid_raZor  seems dead :p15:26
sabgeekphreak,  is there any plugin for world clock and world weather?15:26
Guest30538gonna try make my own config >.<15:27
geekphreaksab yes there is15:27
MasterZxSpectrumpiotr_: Fakin again fake slut ?15:27
MasterZxSpectrumpiotr_: Show me its you big boy...15:27
jpdsMasterZxSpectrum: Please be civil.15:27
sabcan suggest me15:27
geekphreaksab:  it will tell you which version it is downloading, if you forget later you can use this command >> sudo dpkg -l package_name15:27
bastid_raZorGuest30538: Lua seems to make things work smoother but a bit harder to use. i liked the older config syntax better.15:28
MasterZxSpectrumjpds: We shoot liars for a livin. You gotta accept that.15:28
geekphreaksab: it is already installed, right click panel >> add widget15:28
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geekphreakthen choose weather widget from it15:28
Guest30538lua? not to sure what that is :p15:29
MasterZxSpectrumjpds: Or are you one of those bastards who like to sue people for a living ?15:29
sabgeekphreak,  my terminal is busy now ,i mean its already downloading the vlc player,should i open another terminal to check latest version ?15:29
geekphreakthank you jpds15:29
bastid_raZorGuest30538: http://conky.sourceforge.net/documentation.html15:30
geekphreaksab:  no wait for it to be finished15:30
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alkamidany idea why my FN keys stopped working? their settings seem to be ok and other keys (like volume up/down) work just fine15:31
geekphreakprogre55: yo dude15:32
Schmittyalkamid you probably have an f-lock key on your keyboard, push it15:32
alejandrocan someone help me out with airmon-ng?15:32
progre55geekphreak: hey man, how is it going? )15:32
geekphreakprogre55:  thanks , good here15:32
geekphreakprogre55: you ok in there?15:32
progre55geekphreak: yeah not bad..15:33
Jimi_Neutralactually, while im on the mysql admin page there is a  message in a red box saying that "connection for controluser as defined in your config failed"15:33
alkamidSchmitty: f-lock key? but it happend a few weeks ago!15:33
alejandrois anyone good with airmon-ng?15:34
alkamidSchmitty: and I don't know where f-lock key might be (it's lenovo thinkpad t61)15:34
progre55geekphreak: got a question for you =) I've got 4gb of ram, but my system's saying "Mem:   4026984k total,  3661976k used,   365008k free,    62332k buffers" and the memory bars are showing "25% used by programs" and "70% used as cache". is it bad? ) and I dont have that many programs running..15:34
Schmittyalkamid, ah let me dig deeper15:34
bastid_raZorprogre55: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/  .. this will help explain all the numbers15:35
geekphreakprogre55: ^^15:36
Picibastid_raZor: heh, good link.15:36
geekphreakbastid_raZor: thanks :)15:36
greggI'm going insane. I need a 2-pane file manager that can handle archives inline, can handle tabs, but isn't krusader (which depends on half of kde it seems). Any ideas?15:36
progre55bastid_raZor: thanks, let me have a look at it15:36
bastid_raZorgeekphreak: i have a large bookmark section collected from this channel.15:36
sabgeekphreak, how can i make vlc player by default video player ...what will be the command15:36
geekphreakbastid_raZor: lol  do u belive in sharing ;)15:36
bastid_raZorPici: ubutto would like that link too :P15:37
geekphreaksab:  when you right click video file , it will give you option to make it default,15:37
geekphreakgood link non the less bastid_raZor thanks15:38
sabgeekphreak, unfortunately there is no such option15:38
geekphreaksab see open with?15:38
alabdgeekphreak, then ?15:39
bastid_raZorgeekphreak: sure, let me make a list.15:40
sabgeekphreak, open with other app and openwith vlc are present,but when i press open with other app there is no option to make this default15:40
geekphreaksab 1 sec15:40
alkamidSchmitty: an update: FN + key works for brightness up/down or light on/off, it just doesn't seem to work with multimedia15:40
buckyany one using lusid i"m having problems15:41
buckycould not write bytes: broken pipe15:41
sabgeekphreak, solved it....:-)15:41
geekphreaksab:  there is15:41
progre55bastid_raZor: lol, I feel like a noob now :D15:41
geekphreaksab:  good :)15:41
progre55..or maybe I am..15:41
ianwizardI need some help with mounting filesystems at boot.  I want to mount a read only copy of my primary drive (partition).15:41
bastid_raZorprogre55: at first i was confused by `cache` too.15:42
geekphreakianwizard: use the ro option15:42
sabgeekphreak, but when i right click on my panel there is nothing called widget15:42
geekphreaksab it is add to panel or add widget ,15:42
ianwizardBut then how do I mount a real copy to /  without screwing things up?  I want to mount the copy before things like /dev/ get populated15:42
geekphreaksab:  let me get on gone 1 sec man15:42
progre55bastid_raZor: I guess I'll better not show the memory part in "system monitor" =)15:43
FloodBot3drow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
Picidrow: Please stop.15:43
buckyanyone have any idea what (could not write bytes broken pipe) is all about15:43
buckyseems like has to do with video15:43
ianwizarddrow: heres one for ya, "kick"15:43
geekphreakok sab15:44
geekphreaksab:  see panel below, right click it, choose add to panel , then choose weather forcast15:44
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bastid_raZorgeekphreak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413683/  .. i should probably clean them up.15:44
fonsanI want to give a user that does not have sudo rights the permission to restart the apache service without using sudo how would I go about doing that?15:45
geekphreakbastid_raZor:  thanks man , much appreciated :)15:45
progre55bastid_raZor: oh and do you have a bookmark that says "www.whyislinuxunderestimatingmycpu.com"? :)15:46
alabdgeekphreak, after  sudo apt-get install mysql-server , php5 is installed then ?15:46
greggI need a 2-pane file manager that can handle archives inline, can handle tabs, but isn't krusader (which depends on half of kde it seems). Any ideas? gnome commander is fine, but doesnmucommander is perfect, but it doesn't do tabs.15:46
ianwizardfonstan: you may be able to add them to the group (as defined in apache config), and that may work.  I'm not sure though.15:46
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greggugh - let's try that again15:46
matundawhat is meanig sudo15:46
geekphreakalabd:  sudo apt-get install php5-mysql phpmyadmin15:46
bastid_raZorprogre55: heh, top should tell you that15:46
fonsanianwizard: will google15:46
progre55bastid_raZor: I mean, it shows that both my cpus are 800MHz, but they are 2.1 or smth15:46
greggI need a 2-pane file manager that can handle archives inline, can handle tabs, but isn't krusader (which depends on half of kde it seems). Any ideas? gnome commander is fine, but doesn't handle archives the way i want - mucommander is perfect, but it doesn't do tabs.15:47
alejandrowhy does my computer not recongnize wlan0 device but i am connected to wireless?15:47
matundaHow to subnet - My Way15:47
progre55alejandro: maybe it's not wlan0?15:47
progre55alejandro: try "iwconfig"15:48
ChogyDangregg: zeitgeist, muahahaha15:48
bastid_raZorprogre55: cpufrequtils .. cpufreq-info and cpufreq-set  .. check those out.15:48
bastid_raZortime for breakfast.. back in a bit15:48
progre55bastid_raZor: thanks man, appreciate =) and bon appetit )15:48
alejandroprogre55, it has info under eth215:48
progre55alejandro: are you sure you typed iwconfig, not ifconfig?15:49
progre55alejandro: if you did, then you got it, it's called eth215:49
greggChogyDan: little overcomplicated for what i need ;)15:49
alejandroprogre55, yes15:49
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, hey, had to go away from the pc, did i miss anything15:49
geekphreakgregg konqueror can do all that :)15:49
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  not really :)15:49
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, ok cool, will you have time to help, if not mate its ok15:50
sabwhich one is my home directory in ubuntu os?15:50
gregggeekphreak: yeah and konqueror rocks on kde, i just need to figure out if i really want to install all those dependencies just to move a few files ;)15:50
geekphreakJimi_Neutral: can i pm ?15:50
alabdgeekphreak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413688/15:50
progre55sab: ~/15:50
geekphreaksab: echo $HOME15:50
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, yeah course15:50
alejandroprogre55, well i am trying to use airmon-ng and it doesnt seem to work with eth215:50
sabduring the installation time i only choose diskspace for swap and root,do i have home directory?15:51
progre55alejandro: is it on monitor mode or managed mode?15:51
geekphreaksab all do , type what i typed15:51
lalalolif you had to name 3 killer features why ubuntu is better than fedora, what would you say?15:51
progre55alejandro: on the second line of its info, it should say smth like "Mode:Managed" or "Mode:Monitor"15:52
alejandroprogre55, oh yeah how do i find that out again i believe it is monitor15:52
progre55alejandro: iwconfig15:53
alabdgeekphreak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413688/ yes or no ?15:53
sabgeekphreak, yes its give me back this /home/sab15:53
alejandroprogre55, it says managed15:53
progre55sab: that's your home15:53
geekphreakalabd: let me chk15:53
progre55alejandro: in order to run airmon, you need to be on monitor mode15:53
alejandroprogre55, k how do i change that?15:54
geekphreakalabd:  dont see it all, yes though since we r setting it up15:54
progre55alejandro: you can start it by typing "airmon-ng start eth2" as far as I remember..15:54
sabgeekphreak, if i want to copy a file from another shared drive to home directory how can i do that ?15:54
BlubbTecmaking a device always mount during booting?15:54
alabdgeekphreak,  said : or if your database has already      │15:54
alabd │ been installed and configured,15:54
progre55alejandro: havent installed aircrack on my new comp yet, so I cant test =)15:55
geekphreaksab: cp /from  /to15:55
progre55alejandro: and actually, I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss aircrack15:55
sabgeekphreak, if i want to cut ?15:55
BlubbTecdoes there exist a GUI config-tool for /etc/fstab?15:55
geekphreaksab mv command15:56
geekphreakalabd:  you dont have dbase , you will have to set it up15:56
alabdgeekphreak,  ok done what should be done now ?15:56
geekphreakalabd:  restart apache >> sudo service apache2 restart15:57
matundaWhat happened to HyperTerminal in Vista and Windows 715:57
ZykoticK9BlubbTec, personally i'd recommend you learn to edit fstab with a text editor, BUT if you really want a GUI check out pysdm (i've never used it myself)15:58
jadhello there15:58
alkamidcould someone help with multimedia FN keys @8.04@thinkpad t61?15:58
alkamidin "keyboard shortcuts" tool everything seems to be fine15:58
Picimatunda: This is Ubuntu support, Windows support in ##windows15:58
alabdalabd@alabd:~$ sudo service apache2 restart15:58
alabdNo apache MPM package installed15:58
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Oseso I have a .txt with a lot of lines I need to run in terminal. is it possible to make a shell script that does each line in descending order?15:58
alejandroprogre55, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413691/15:58
jadhow can i set tasks to be done upon shutdown ?15:58
jador how can I catch the shutdown signal ?15:58
BlubbTecZykoticK9: nope, i prefer manually editing it myself, was just wondering whether ubuntu had some GUI for it shipped with it :)15:58
alkamidwhen I press FN + arrow down it recognizes "XF86AudioPause"15:58
jadhelp pls15:58
geekphreakalabd:  hmm15:58
BlubbTecZykoticK9: and ty ;)15:58
alkamidbut it doesn't work with exaile15:59
matundaWhy set an IP address to a vlan?15:59
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jadhelp ?16:00
jadhow can i set tasks to be done upon shutdown ?16:00
sabgeekphreak, if i want to untar a file from one location to another location how can i do that?16:00
progre55alejandro: are you using wireless only? I mean, when you are airdumping, you should better not use the same card to connect to the internet. otherwise it will be hopping between channels..16:00
MoatI installed slackware without LILO so I wanna use it on grub, so I've put this into the grub boot....http://pastebin.com/jaL6wBha but it's not working, I'm accesing grub through ubuntu, I'm using slackware 13, any ideas?16:00
geekphreakjad atd16:00
progre55alejandro: and as I said, it's not really the place for teaching you hacking and all )16:00
geekphreaksab tar -xf filename.tar.gz16:01
tommyedispatch_operation_ready_cb: Send to observers: /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/haze/icq/_3352682013/ImChannel3916:01
alabdgeekphreak,  ? why should apache be restared ?16:01
jadgeekphreak, thx16:01
* progre55 thinking.. to go or not to go?! that's the question)16:01
progre55damn, I have a date in 30 mins, and I'm here, in the official ubuntu irc channel..16:01
Kaleoprogre55: girl > ubuntu?16:02
geekphreakalabd:  for modules effect , i normally do it16:02
progre55Kaleo: ubuntu is my friend :P the girl is real..16:02
geekphreakalabd:  in firefox type http://localhost16:02
maginotgeekphreak, sab, from one location you can use -C, tar xf <file> -C <location>16:02
geekphreakwhat d o you get?16:02
progre55Kaleo: but dont feel like going out..16:02
maginothowdy geekphreak :)16:02
geekphreakmaginot: howdy :)16:03
ianwizardproge55: She's probably worth going out anyway.16:03
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alabdgeekphreak,  apache was installed before and is ok16:03
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alabdwhat should be done then ?16:03
progre55ianwizard: yeah, really hot =) but I feel sleepy.. mb should take a shower again, to wake up =)16:03
geekphreakalabd:  open firefox plz16:04
sabgeekphreak, but for example i have a  file named "X.tar" which in one of my shared drive "D",if i want to untar "X.tar" from D to my "home" directory how can i do that ?16:04
Devil_Wang>a alabd16:04
ianwizardprogre55: go lie down for 5 min, lites on, on top of the covers.  It usually heps me.16:04
Devil_Wang>a ianwizard16:04
geekphreak1 sec guys :)16:05
progre55ianwizard: thanks man =)16:05
progre55well, I'm off to shower, and wish me luck with the date :)16:05
hearthrobI've got a tricky problem16:05
ianwizardprogre55: good luck :)16:06
jadgeekphreak, how would atd help my problem ?16:06
sabwhen i gave this command  tar-xf filename.tar.gz its giving me this......tar-xf: command not found16:06
sabgeekphreak, when i gave this command  tar-xf filename.tar.gz its giving me this......tar-xf: command not found16:06
perseo22jad: How about creating a "K" script under "/etc/rc0.d" ??16:06
Devil_Wang>a perseo2216:06
_blackwater_sab space needs to go between tar (and) -xf16:06
alabdgeekphreak,  apache is not ok16:06
Picisab:  tar -xzvf file.tar.gz16:06
alabdalabd@alabd:~$ sudo service apache2 restart16:06
alabdNo apache MPM package installed16:06
jadperseo22, ill see about that16:06
hearthrobI moved my /usr to a new partition, which was initially mounted rw, and now all setuid programs are no more sudoable16:07
ianwizardI'm sorry for my IRC ignorance... but what the f... does ">a" mean?16:07
progre55sab: tar xfz file.tar.gz16:07
hearthrobany ideas on how to set them sudoable again16:07
ikoniaalabd: install it then16:08
progre55sab: you need to have "z" too, if it's a gzipped file16:08
Piciianwizard: Where are you seeing that?16:08
alabdgeekphreak, thanks a lot will come back later ikonia  it is installed16:08
ianwizardDevil_Wang keeps sending it.16:08
alabdikonia, pn  apache2        <none>         (no description available)16:08
ikoniaalabd: that doesn't mean the prefork stuff is installed16:09
progre55oh damn, am I still here 0_o16:09
ikoniaalabd: did you follow the lamp guide I gave you ?16:09
geekphreakalabd:  welcome16:09
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alabdikonia,  no installed packages16:09
PiciDevil_Wang: Please stop doing that.16:09
alabdgeekphreak,  am going16:09
ikoniaalabd: why did you not follow the guide I gave you ?16:09
geekphreakalabd:  take care good luck :)16:09
Piciianwizard: Its just annoying, no purpose.16:09
alabdgeekphreak,  because  of tasksel error16:10
alabdand this16:10
ianwizardPici: is it something you would explain in a private chat?16:10
alabdikonia,   libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: apache2-mpm-prefork (> 2.0.52) but it is not going to be installed or16:10
alabd                                apache2-mpm-itk but it is not going to be installed16:10
alabdE: Broken packages16:10
Piciianwizard: It doesnt mean anything.16:10
ianwizardPici: ok, thanks.16:11
BlubbTecshould i mount ntfs partitions as ntfs/ntfs-3g or as fuseblk?16:11
BlubbTeccause currently its mounted at fuseblk, so i'm wondering what to setup for mount on startup16:11
alabdanyway thanks16:11
alabdby 4 now16:11
sabi untar my package in home folder now i like to see it graphically,i mean i would like to see it in a window,not on command line by pressing ls command,can any one please tell me how to do that?16:12
mcnellisI'm trying to use usb-creator-gtk to burnt o my 1GB flash drive, but when i click format it doesn't do anything :|16:12
r0utesab: open nautilus if you're using gnome16:12
geekphreaksab:  sudo apt-get install mc16:12
sabr0ute, i m beginner how can i know that i m using gnome or not?16:13
mcnelliswhen i click format initially it says "DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMnoitor.NotFound: The given volume was not found"16:13
r0utesab: are you using a graphical interface or do you only have a terminal? (command line)16:13
mcnellisis there an easier way from command line using fdisk or something to format my usb in preparation to install a live iso on it?16:13
sabr0ute, yes i hv graphical interface16:14
sabgeekphreak, what is mc?16:14
r0utesab: then just type nautilus into your terminal and it will load16:14
ikoniamcnellis: what do you want to do ?16:14
idefineI am trying to access a host that is not on my router, but it is on the router that my router is connected to. the ip addresses are dynamic, can I connect to that host somehow? netbios is enabled on the host.16:14
buckyjust did a full install on lusid having some errors (could not write bytes: broken pipe) i get it 7 times during post and at shutdown when i install flash 10 i loose my screen16:14
r0utesab: mc is this: http://www.midnight-commander.org/16:14
ChrisC_Hi all.16:15
buckywhat up chris16:15
mcnellisikonia, i want to install ubuntu to my 1gb usb flash drive, but usb-creator-gtk is having trouble formatting the device16:15
ChrisC_I have just installed, amd64 version of Ubuntu 9.10 and it's working very well. But...16:15
mcnellisikonia, so I'd just like to format the flash device myself16:16
ikoniamcnellis: use fdisk to partition it first of all, is that working ok ?16:16
ZykoticK9bucky, if by lusid you mean lucid - then you need to reask in the #ubuntu+1 channel.16:16
buckymcnellis: 2gig min16:16
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ChrisC_Adobe Flash Player is not working well. Why?16:16
buckycool thanks\16:16
ChrisC_I can't watch BBC iplayer?16:16
r0uteChrisC_: There are a number of issues with flash on 64bit unfortunately16:16
ChrisC_What can be done about them?16:17
buckychris: use england proxy16:17
sabr0ute, let me know when i typing a command for install some thing on CLI,form where should i do it,like ...sab@sab-laptop:/$   always from here or i can do it from any directory ..sab@sab-laptop:/boot$   or   ..sab@sab-laptop:/home$..............???16:17
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r0utesab: you can execute programs from anywhere providing they are in a directory that is in the path16:17
ChrisC_What do you mean use England proxy?16:17
r0uteChrisC_: he thinks you are outside of the uk, which is not the problem16:18
ikoniaChrisC_: how did you install flash ?16:18
mcnellisah i see thanks bucky16:18
sabgeekphreak, why i need mc?16:18
javatexanis anyone running ubuntu 9.10 32-bit and vmware workstation 7.01?16:18
_blackwater_ChrisC https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash  - AMD64 and flash don't play nice.16:18
mcnellisikonia, you aware of a 2GB min for live usb?16:18
sabgeekphreak, what it will do for me?16:18
ChrisC_I used the ubuntu restricted extras from the software centre.16:18
ikoniamcnellis: what do you mean 2GB min ?16:18
geekphreaksab you said u wanted something  more graphical to view files and folders :p16:18
ikoniaChrisC_: ok, so that should do it16:18
sabgeekphreak, ........:-)16:19
ZykoticK9_blackwater_, AMD64 and flash work just as well as on i686 (once you fix the button clicking issue)16:19
tonysanHow to block an IP access specific port using iptables?16:19
ianwizardZykotniK9: Other people have that isssue?  Could you direct me to how to fix it?16:19
ChrisC_So what do I do? Can I uninstall the 64 bit version and run the 32 bit version. I mean there must be a way around this.16:20
mcnellisikonia, do i format it as fat32?16:20
ikoniamcnellis: you don't install onto fat16:20
buckyzykotick9: cant get into that room16:20
NedraeHello, has anyone seen nm-applet crash when trying to create an ad-hoc network in 9.10? And then I get a loop of "SoAndSoNetwork connected/disconnected" notifications afterwards16:20
ZykoticK9ChrisC_, I don't really agree with the following solution but if fixed someone elses BBC iPlayer issue https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2306516:21
ZykoticK9bucky, /join #ubuntu+116:21
ChrisC_OK looking into it now. Thanks. I have to watch my Dr Who. :-)16:21
mcnellisikonia, right, but i'm burning a "live cd" to usb? ... does that make a difference? or should I format it ext4?16:21
ikoniamcnellis: you don't format it16:22
Dr_Willismcnellis:  depends on what tools you are using to put the iso on cd.16:22
ikoniamcnellis: you burn it as an image16:22
Dr_Willismcnellis:  depends on what tools you are using to put the iso on usb,., :)16:22
tonysanHow to block an IP to access a specific port using iptables?16:22
mcnellisoh so I shosuld just delete the existing fat32 partition and leave it unpartitioned when i want to burn it?16:22
mcnellisDr_Willis, I'm using usb-creator-gtk the default in ubuntu 9.1016:22
Dr_Willismcnellis:  you are wanting to take a iso image and make a bootable usb flash drive from it? Use unetbootin, or the usb-disk-creator tool16:22
Dr_Willismcnellis:  it should format it  as part of the procedure16:22
Dr_WillisIt will use fat32/fat16 i recall16:23
mcnellisDr_Willis, yeah but the usb-creator tool gave me an error when trying to format it16:23
mcnellisso I'm trying to format it myself using fdisk16:23
Dr_Willismcnellis:  format the /dev/sdb1  NOT /dev/sdb  :) i saw that tool was a little weird in ways16:23
Dr_Willismcnellis:  fdisk dosent format.. it partitions16:23
ikoniamcnellis: fdisk is just for creating partitions16:24
mcnellisoic...okay it has 1 partition /dev/sdc1 that's fat3216:24
Dr_Willismcnellis:  be SURE you get the right device.16:24
geekphreakDr_Willis: howdy :p16:25
mcnellishmm strange now I hit format on /dev/sdc1 and it hiccuped like it was working and now the /dev/sdc1 option is gone lol16:25
mcnellis/dev/sdc remains an option though16:25
buckyzykotick9: says adress is banned16:26
ChrisC_Well thank you.  ChrisC https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash  - AMD64 and flash don't play nice.16:26
ChrisC_That worked well.16:26
switchgirli know this sounds off topic but does anyone use gaydar? have you tried useing the chat? does it work with Ubuntu? i cant get it to work in lucid (i know i know #ubuntu+1) i dunno what to do...16:26
ZykoticK9bucky, in that case you'd have to take it up with the OPs - their channel is #ubuntu-ops16:27
mcnellisbah i unplugged and plugged the usb back in and now it's telling me there's not enough space for this image. ... although it says ther's 979MB capacity but 0B free :|16:27
ChrisC_BBC IPlayer is working now.16:27
mcnellisso Dr_Willis is there an alternative way to format the usb disk?16:27
arandmcnellis: I'd say use unetbooting instead...16:28
geekphreakmcnellis:  can i ask you something?16:28
mcnellissure geekphreak16:29
geekphreakmcnellis:  see the pen drive icon on desktop , where it is mounted?16:29
geekphreakright click it, >> format16:29
mcnellisit's not geekphreak16:29
ChrisC_Thanks all, bye.16:29
mcnellisseems there's been an error trying to reformat the usbdrive or something16:30
mcnellisbleh i think i'm just going to buy a bigger flash drive to try doing this16:30
mcnellisthanks for your help guys16:30
geekphreakhow big is it?16:31
jadi want to log my internet or network usage (from ifconfig) when I shutdown, i can do that using the rc0.d16:34
jaddo u think that would be proper16:34
jadas in, in linux standards, that's how they usually do it ?16:35
peturiHello, I want to be able to browse the net anonymously. For this i use VPN, but my problem is that some of my applications might attempt to dial home and thus compormize my security. Examples of this are: UbuntuONE, Skype autologin (if launched by accident), GNOME tries to get data about the weather to show in it's applet... and so on.... How would i go about blocking EVERY single application except firefox from using TCP\IP in a simple activate\deactivate ma16:35
Des804Hello ?16:36
ikoniapeturi: traffic should go down the vpn so it would still be anonymous16:36
ikoniaDes804: hello16:36
subichanhi. what are the semantics of this construct in Ubuntu? LC_ALL=C16:36
sealivehi.A Wiine aplication wants to open Notepad! can i direct that to gedit ubuntukarmic6416:37
Des804I just installed Ubuntu as a duel boot on this computer and was reading over what to do to make my wireless work and it honestly confused me which is a good feat considering I have a degree in IT16:37
Dr_Willissubichan:  you mean what its doing? its setting a variable.16:37
Des804so was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out a little bit16:37
drmagoopeturi: what type of vpn are you using ?16:37
peturiikonia: In theory, if i would do something VERY bad and the goverment really would want to get me.. they could search if the IP used has tried to login to Skype\UbuntuONE\Facebooe(i use gwebber) etc.16:38
Dr_WillisDes804:  i just right click on the little network icon at the top right and tell mine to connect to my network. :)16:38
AcePreshawhere to help16:38
Des804Dr Willis it is not recognizing my Wireless16:38
ikoniapeturi: then don't do bad things - we are not here to help you avoid rules16:38
subichanciao Dr_Willis : it sets variable LC_ALL to C or to the value of another variable with identifier C ? And what are LC_ALL and C supposed to stand for? Especially that C is cryptic.. I meant all this by semantics, sorry16:38
Dr_WillisDes804:  that can make it harder then.16:38
Des804the thing isnt even turning on ( Turns blue if its on red if it isnt )16:38
Dr_Willissubichan:  its for 'language' aware appliocations.16:38
peturiikonia: So i'm a criminal because i want to hide myself? .. Have you ever helped someone enable /home/ encryption?16:39
Des804yeah there are sites the mention using NDISwrapper but they go off and on on different things that it gets confusing following the instructions16:39
Dr_WillisDes804:  the hardware-drivers tool dosent show anything needed for the wireless ?16:39
Des804what Hardware Drivers Tool ?16:39
Dr_WillisDes804:  in the menus.16:39
AcePreshawpeturi: you cant soz16:39
Dr_Willissystem -> admin -> somthing drivers  or hardware16:39
Des804theres a hardware Drivers tool in Ubuntu that will show me what i need ?16:39
ikoniapeturi: the governmet will not come looking for you if you don't do anything baf (as per your reason for wanting anonymous)16:39
ianwizardpeturi: if you do something bad over a VPN the gov can still get the records16:39
Des804Ok I'll try that out.16:40
Des804I'll be right back16:40
cllaudyuhey can someone tell me the puppy linux channel?16:40
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Dr_Williscllaudyu:  try #puppy-linux16:40
ikoniacllaudyu: search the puppy website16:40
Dr_Willisor without the -16:40
AcePreshawyou cant mak ur ip  anonymous16:40
peturiok forget the context. I want to prevent EVERYTHING on my computer from accessing the net, except /usr/bin/firefox ... how ?16:40
Dr_Willis and yes. the web site does state the channel.16:40
Dr_Willispeturi:  not very easially.16:40
toccifani would like to make a script to send email from linux shell but i have a gmail account and i have read that it's too hard to setup up sendmail with gmail.....can u suggest me something???16:40
ikoniapeturi: firewall everything execept port 8016:41
DawnDDjoin #upsd16:41
Dr_Willissome web sites use differnt ports (or they can)16:41
ianwizardsubichan: in unix a variable can be set with some thing like VARIABLE=Value, but to access it you have to prepend a '$'16:41
peturiikonia: Does the network traffic gothro a fifo?16:41
peturiikonia: erhgm, a socket file16:42
ikoniapeturi: no16:42
badcloudI've been scouring google for 7 straight hours. I need help16:42
badcloudI can't get the svidoe output to be at 50hz on a PAL tv16:42
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buckyjoin/ ubuntu+116:42
dajhornpeturi: There are some front-ends on iptables that will do this for you like TuxGuardian or PGRD.  You'll need to do some research because I don't think that any of them are currently maintained or packaged.16:42
sealivehow is the comand to direct a programm to another  Notpad shoud open wine notpad16:42
badcloudin karmic16:43
ianwizardsubichan: so it's not setting it to the value of another variable, because there isn't a $ before the C;  VARIABLE=$C16:43
badcloudIntel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML16:43
Loshatoccifan: you can install ssmtp and configure it to send email via gmail: http://www.nixtutor.com/linux/send-mail-with-gmail-and-ssmtp/16:43
AcePreshawcan i get my ubuntu LPIC-1 and Ubuntu Certified Professional (UCP) in the uk?16:43
badcloudbucky: ?16:43
subichanianwizard: ok thanks16:43
V3N0Many one here could help me out?16:43
geekphreaksealive:  if you wana use gedit, y get wine ;)16:43
toccifanthank u very much Losha16:43
Dr_Willissealive:  you could make an alias,  -> alias notepad = wine /pathtonotepad.exe'16:43
* Dr_Willis cant imagine why one would want to use windows notepad.exe16:43
geekphreakagrees with Dr_Willis for a change ;)16:44
sealiveok i try16:44
javatexanso no one is running vmware workstation 7.01?16:44
Unknown0BCHello, is it normal for php5 on ubuntu, when installed from the common packages, to not work by default on user directories but only on the root /var/www ?16:44
AcePreshawcan i get my ubuntu LPIC-1 and Ubuntu Certified Professional (UCP) in the uk?????????????????????????????????????16:44
geekphreak!ask | V3N0M16:44
ubottuV3N0M: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:44
Dr_Willis'do, or do not, there is no try'16:44
V3N0Mi have a problem bought a usb wireless device and i want to know how to install this driver in linux RT3070USB(RT307x)16:44
markl_my "locate" has become very slow lately, 30 seconds or so to do a search16:45
V3N0Mi have the tar file16:45
x2xx2ndhey people.... does anybody know when i open a web page where is the source code of the page saved .... I DO NOT mean to find the source code of the page through my web broswer..... i wanna know if there is a location on my hard drive THANKS16:45
markl_even if the whole locatedb file is still in the disk cache16:45
* rocket16 thinks that Pidgin and Beagle are among the best applications for Ubuntu.16:45
ikoniax2xx2nd: it's not16:45
Loshajavatexan: I am running vmware workstation 7.0.1 build-22760016:45
badcloudrocket16: try finch. it's pidgin's insides16:45
markl_rocket16: hmm you haven't tried xnuisance yet have you?  that one rocks16:45
geekphreakrocket16: pgp too16:45
Dr_Willisx2xx2nd:  firefox has a cache dir in .mozilla/SOMETHING16:45
x2xx2ndDR_willis , ok man thank you!16:45
rocket16badcloud, markl_ and geekphreak Thanks, :)16:46
kbrosnanx2xx2nd: the files however are randomly renamed and are extensionless16:46
ftnHi everybody. Do you know how can I use my camcorder as an audio input device?, please16:46
badcloudsorry, I'll 1-line my question. how to get the svideo output to be at 50hz on a PAL tv in karmic? graphics chip is Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GM16:47
spoutnik-i'm searching for one mpd client with itune skin16:47
x2xx2ndkbrosnan , thanks for that detail ill try to figure out something16:47
sabgeekphreak, can you please tell me how can i adjust the graphics of the windows,like usually in windows when i use firefox it was smooth and letter was not so bigger and was good looking,can please tell me  how can i make the same look in ubuntu?16:47
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xaminyinhi i have a M113 Avermedia TV Tuner Card... and its not working under ubuntu, what should i do?16:47
deostrollhi typing su in shell is asking for password...but after typing it...it say authentication failure?16:47
kbrosnanx2xx2nd: about:cache in firefox will tell you what is what16:47
Guest65224hi all, i'm trying to get a program to only appear (from launch) in a different workspace, is there a way of setting this?16:47
ikoniadeostroll: you don't use "su"16:47
Dr_Willisdeostroll:  use 'sudo' normally not su16:47
ikonia!sudo | deostroll16:48
ubottudeostroll: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:48
spoutnik-use su - deostroll16:48
x2xx2ndkbrosnan , ok...16:48
geekphreaksab: you can play with themes and setting , :)16:48
xaminyinDr_Willis, can you help me out?16:48
Dr_WillisGuest65224:  ive seen some compiz settings that may be able to do that.16:48
javatexanLosha and all: this is bizarre....I have vmware workstation 7.01 on ubuntu 9.10 32bit.  I can install ESX server in a VM just fine, it is 64bit and very picky.....but when I try to install 64bit windows 7 enterprise it fails whether I install via wizard or "install os later".  It goes though "64% to 99%" of the expansion windows files step and then fails saying it cannot get to E:\....that cpu goes 100% until I kill the VM.  Have you guys s16:48
Dr_Willisxaminyin:  i dont have that card.. so no. check the forums to see if its even supportred under linux at all.16:48
geekphreaksab: if you have got good graphic card, you can enable funky effects too :d16:48
spoutnik-i'm searching for one mpd client with itune skin , idea ?16:48
ashideostroll: try "sudo su"16:49
ikoniaspoutnik-: sorry - odd's aren't good16:49
ikoniaashi: please don't recommend that16:49
Des804Nope it didnt Work Dr16:49
Dr_Willissudo su is redundant.. 'sudo -s'16:49
spoutnik-ikonia: odd's ?16:49
ashiikonia: why not?16:49
ikoniaspoutnik-: "chances"16:49
Des804it didnt show any hardware when I ran it16:49
sabgeekphreak, tell me from cli and gnome how can i know about my system configuration ?16:49
ikoniaashi: because ubuntu has the whole security model based around sudo16:49
Dr_WillisDes804:  be clear and verbose in your irc statements.. i dont even rember what you were talking about.  also use peoples full nicks. (see the tab key)16:49
ashiikonia: if he wants to run as root, he has to use that command..16:49
ikoniaashi: no he doesn't sudo -i or sudo -s will do it for him16:50
Dr_Willis'sudo su' is redundant and should not be used. :)16:50
Loshajavatexan: sorry, I only run XP in vmware. There are extensive vmware forums. I suggest you look there next...16:50
Des804Dr_Willis:  You told me to try to ues the hardware thing a few seconds ago I just tried it didnt work to try and get wireless to work in my ubuntu16:50
spoutnik-su - ?16:50
alketis there anyway to remove Gnome-DO splash screen ?16:50
xaminyinDr_Willis, my lspci picks up the following device CX23416 and its using the ivtv driver... i really badly need to fix this issue... i think your the kinda expert that can do this... i searched all over the web... for  a solution... but its been 6 months... i was hoping lucid would fix it but nop it did not :(16:50
Dr_WillisDes804:  check the forums for that exact card  - or try the next release it may work  in it.16:50
Emanonin its preferences16:50
deostrolli am trying to copy a file to /var/www after typing su...it does not work!!!16:50
Emanonalket in gnome do preferences sellect to start up silently16:50
ikonia!sudo | deostroll16:51
alketthank you Emanon16:51
Dr_Willisxaminyin:  i havent used a tv card in ages. its possible that card has  issues with linux. the #mythbuntu guys may know more.16:51
Guest65224Dr_Willis: could you elaborate on 'compiz settings' please? i was under the impression this was something you could alter just in the GUI of the program16:51
xaminyinDr_Willis, ok thanks :)16:51
Dr_Willisxaminyin:  also the mythbuntu forums are good for tv card info16:51
geekphreaksab sudo lsmod16:51
Des804Dr_Willis:  So when the next Ubuntu comes out which I was told is soon do I just install it over the ubuntu I have or will it upgrade it without installing it or how will that exactly work ( Wishing he hadnt installed Ubuntu afterall )16:52
Dr_WillisGuest65224:  it would depend on the program.. and it would normally be a feature of the window manager. Compiz has a lot of fancy settings in the 'ccsm' tool that can force programs to opwn/stay in differnt locations16:52
plouffewhat's lucid?16:52
javatexanLosha: I looked on their forums, didn't see anything...Since there is nowhere to search for bugs, I guess I will have to add my own forum question :(16:52
Dr_WillisDes804:  you can upgrade. thats a MAIN feature of the package manager system16:52
ZykoticK9!lucid > plouffe16:52
ubottuplouffe, please see my private message16:52
Des804Also does anyone know if a Full restore will fix my computer if I would uninstall Unbuntu or do I have to have a repair disk16:53
Dr_WillisDes804:  what 'full restore' are you talking about?16:53
Guest65224Dr_Willis: okay, thanks. i'll Google it and have a go. :)16:54
Des804Dr_Willis:  The one where you press F9 when your computer starts that basically is a Full Image of your factory Defaults.16:54
Dr_WillisDes804:  that would totally depend on how the pc makers set it up.16:54
Des804Dr_Willis: Well its a HP DV4 if that means anything to anyone16:54
Dr_WillisDes804:  try it and see is the bottom line.16:54
Dr_WillisDes804:  ive seen some that totally erase the hd.. and some that dont16:55
Des804Dr_Willis: Ok16:55
pelmenguys, flash movie (in browser, swiftfox) kills nautilus. when I start palying movie, i get this:  nautilus[5110]: segfault at b150fad0 ip b150fad0 sp bf8646ac error 14 in 4794a0821666d79190d59a36cb4f44b5-x86.cache-2[b171f000+1000]16:55
deostrollikonia: yea i'd have to sudo everytime... :(16:55
j1nnhi guys. does everyone have problem in flash at firefox after last updates? most of flashes are not seen anymore..16:56
mont3furi4anyone know how can i burn iso file on ubuntu im trying to burn ophcrack iso but im totally lost im new to ubuntu .16:56
pelmenj1nn: my flash kills my nautilus :(16:57
Loshajavatexan: try also #vmware if you haven't already...16:57
j1nnpelmen - what nautilus has to do with it?..16:57
Dr_Willismont3furi4:  normally i can just right click on it.. and use 'burn to cd...' or whatever menu item it has.16:57
PupenoI've wrote a init.d script, when I call it, it works, like /etc/init.d/blah start, but I've set it to automatically start with the machine and seems not to be working. How can I debug this? How can I see what is the script outputting?16:57
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to get a  know what would be a good hardware to rent wifi and does it work with linux and how to get it to connect?16:57
pelmenj1nn: I have absolutely no idea. I get this nautilus[5110]: segfault at b150fad0 ip b150fad0 sp bf8646ac error 14 in 4794a0821666d79190d59a36cb4f44b5-x86.cache-2[b171f000+1000]16:57
deostrollis there a way we can avoid "sudo" ing everytime?16:58
pelmenand cannot open home folder anymore16:58
mont3furi4ty dr willis16:58
geekphreakdeostroll: disable it16:58
Dr_Willisdeostroll:  depends on exactly what you are trying to do... and why16:58
geekphreakdeostroll:  although it is not recommened ,16:58
Emanonperlsyntax: how do you want to plug it in (pci pcmcia usb)16:58
j1nni've an update yesterday, and now I cannot work anymore. tried to install-remove, nothing helps16:58
deostrollrun all commands as root...16:58
j1nnpelmen, pity.. but how do you know it's flash?16:58
=== Mazeal is now known as Smoodo
tarvidany easy way to divide 50GB of files into DVD burnable batches?16:58
Dr_Willisif you need a root shell do a 'sudo -s' then do your commands16:59
_silentAssassini installed ubuntu 9.10 using wubi installer !! but the power failed and system shut down!! now when selecting the menu i get grub prompt !! what should i do?16:59
Emanonyou wanted a wifi card that works under linux right perlsyntax16:59
perlsyntaxEmanon,I was worry what hardware would work with linux the best.16:59
maginotDr_Willis, don't you mean "sudo -i" ?16:59
Dr_Willismaginot:  either one. i never can rember which one is for what case16:59
Emanondo you want it to be pci (desktop) pcmcia (laptop) or usb (anything) perlsyntax16:59
Dr_Willismaginot:  and how i got my system setup - i dont think i t matters16:59
LoshaPupeno: scripts in init.d need to be soft-linked to the correct rc*.d directories to actually be run at boot time. You can add debug statements like echo "running script" >> /tmp/script.log to help see what's going on...17:00
perlsyntaxusb or pcmica whatever work better.17:00
pelmenj1nn: everything runs perfectly fine. What i noticed is when i start watching movies, i am not able to change sound volume anymore from keyboard muktimedia keys. SO i started experimenting it happens only when i watch flash movie. and only error i get in logs is nautilus segfault. It alsa maybe dbus17:00
deostrollDr_Willis: yeah tht wht i'm talking abt... :)17:00
perlsyntaxEmanon,I was worry about the MiFi 220017:00
Emanonokidoke perlsyntax might try orinoco/buffalo wifi cards they have a good track record under linux17:01
_silentAssassini installed ubuntu 9.10 using wubi installer !! but the power failed and system shut down!! now when selecting the menu i get grub prompt !! what should i do?17:01
maginotDr_Willis, well, the only difference between -i and -s is that one you are on a root shell, and the other you execute the commands after -s, either will be just fine =)17:01
PupenoLosha: I created the symlinks.17:01
j1nnpelmen, i see. seems to have nothing similar to my problem.. it looks i must switch to chrome, as i simply cannot work...17:01
perlsyntaxemanon,I am rent the wifi cards17:01
Emanonive also had some success with some of the older Linksys usb cards perlsyntax17:01
tarvidThe mifi 2200 needs to be installed tethered but after activation works fine with Linux, DD-WRT ...17:01
pelmenj1nn: hmm what if i watch a movie in opera or other browser... hmm logour17:02
perlsyntaxhow do i do that when i am rent it.17:02
perlsyntaxI hear the speed are slow.17:02
Emanonyou're right perlsyntax i didnt follow your link sorry hehe checking now17:02
perlsyntaxit ok17:02
tarvidThe TP-LINK WN422G v.1 works well with Linux, v.2 does not17:02
perlsyntaxi want to make sure i get the right hardware.17:03
BlubbTeci just added a partition via the line "UUID=01C8A70864A26380       /media/Marble   ntfs rw,user,auto,user=felix  0        0" into my /etc/fstab and then did a sudo mount -a. This made me able to open the partition via the desktop icon and via terminal, however opening it in nautilus "Computer" under Places does not work, and actually gives the same error message as trying to open it after unmounting it again.17:03
bondiblueos9hi all17:03
bondiblueos9I've got a file server question17:03
perlsyntaxemanon,I hope you can help me.17:03
bondiblueos9a home file server, not professional17:03
bondiblueos9so I've got a bunch of harddrives that I've connected to my ubuntu box17:03
Emanonim not sure which id any of these will work perlsyntax but i'll keep looking and maybe someone else knows as well17:03
bondiblueos9and mounted under /mnt17:03
BlubbTecerror is "unable to mount location"17:04
bondiblueos9now, for my purposes, I've shared /mnt with samba17:04
BlubbTec"unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library."17:04
bondiblueos9if I connect to my server and move files from one drive to the other, will the server just move them (as thought I'd sshed in and used mv) or will they download to my computer and upload back to the server?17:04
sabwhere can i find the them and settings?17:04
Lazy^bondiblueos9: with windows they make roundtrip =)17:05
Dr_WillisBlubbTec:  yea. i noticed that also today. i had to  do 'sudo mount /whatever....'   theres some seucrity catch 22 that is goofing up17:05
Lazy^bondiblueos9: do you need smb (do you have windows machines ect) ?17:06
BlubbTecDr_Willis: i guess using sudo in /etc/fstab doesnt do anything really?17:06
bondiblueos9no, I primary use a mac, but I would like windows compatibility17:06
BlubbTecthing is, i want the partition to be mounted on startup17:06
bondiblueos9would afp not make the roundtrip?17:06
bondiblueos9or do I need to figure out nfs17:06
Lazy^bondiblueos9: if u use mac, use nfs17:06
sabafter typing ----sudo apt-get install amarok---i got this msg-----"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:07
sabE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"17:07
Lazy^bondiblueos9: nfs is much more better / faster / lighter..ect17:07
EmanonK heads up everyone we're looking for a way to use a subscriber internet (like verizon or comcast 4g) wireless dongle under ubuntu anyone that knows might consider talking to perlsyntax if he comes back17:07
Lazy^sab: some other application is using dpkg17:07
bondiblueos9Lazy^, actually, I could just use smb to read from windows, and nfs to manage from my mac or wherever17:07
Lazy^sab: do you have synaptic open ?17:07
sabLazy^, nooo17:08
Lazy^bondiblueos9: that would we a wice thing to do...17:08
IceDaneCan someone tell me how I could set up my router, running ubuntu, to basically 'forward' DNS server information it receives from my isp via DHCP?17:08
jbwivguys, I have a machine I built that has a NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT card. I run Ubuntu Karmic on it. I have been having issues with system freezes, usually about twice a day, that completely freeze the system. Can't ping it, magic sysrq buttons don't work...the only option is to hard reboot it. After disabling compiz, the lockups disappeared completely. Now I'm wondering whether the issue lies with faulty hardware, bad NVIDIA drivers (version 195.36.15), o17:08
jbwivr compiz itself. Any ideas? I really miss having compiz around. :(17:08
Lazy^sab: aptitude or ?17:08
IceDaneDo I just have to set up a dhcp server?17:08
BlubbTecremoving the user=felix solved it17:08
Lazy^sab: since only one app can be using dpkg at the time17:08
bondiblueos9Lazy^, ok, thanks a lot17:08
sabLazy^, i dont know i m novice in linux17:08
geekphreaki am back17:08
geekphreaksab:  can i recommend something?17:09
Lazy^sab: if so, reboot and before you do anything do that ..17:09
bilalakhtarsab: apt-get and aptitude can't run at the same time17:09
macnoI need to change my uid  and I have an encrypted home. How can I do that?17:09
BlubbTecah, the problem was that i had rw,user,auto,user=felix and had user 2 times in that line17:09
rob_pIceDane: use dnsmasq17:09
BlubbTecwith only user=felix fixed now17:09
sabi m rebooting17:09
geekphreaksab goto this site and read http://linuxcommand.org/17:09
IceDanerob_p: I tried it and used some guide - it didn't want to work, heh17:09
Loshabondiblueos9: even on nfs, if you move files *between* filesystems, the copy is obliged to download to your client and then back up to the server so better to ssh in and do the move locally. Files moved *within* a filesystem over nfs simply get renamed however...17:10
rob_pIceDane: Strange, Ive never had it fail!  :-)17:10
uganduIs Hybernate Fixed in Ubuntu????????17:10
geekphreakmaginot: anything new dude?17:10
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IceDanerob_p: heh. Anything I need to set up except dhcp-range and interface? That's what the guide said17:11
bondiblueos9Losha: hmmm, is there anything that will let me remotely execute a move between file systems without sending the files all over the network?17:11
rob_pIceDane: It's one of the easier ways to configure the DNS/DHCP services offered by a server providing ICS.17:11
_silentAssassini installed ubuntu 9.10 using wubi installer !! but the power failed and system shut down!! now when selecting the menu i get grub prompt !! what should i do?17:11
icmp_requesthey guys, my PS/2 mouse eventually stops working the left and right buttons, is anyone experiencing anything similar?17:12
geekphreak_silentAssassin:  windows xp??17:12
maginotgeekphreak, nah, just finishing some reports of my project. Hate making reports, but what I can do :)17:12
icmp_requestI have to restart gdm to solve17:12
_silentAssassingeekphreak, yes17:12
bilalakhtar_silentAssassin: boot into windows, uninstall ubuntu, then reinstall ubuntu again17:12
Loshabondiblueos9: well, you can always execute mv commands on the server via ssh...17:12
rob_pIceDane: As I recall, there are very few things required in the config file although it has provisions for a lot of customization.17:12
IceDanerob_p: Alright, thanks. I'll look through the config17:13
geekphreak_silentAssassin:  , can i pm, as it is win related17:13
loxshow do I stop my applications from grabbing the whole soundcard for themselves? In other distros I have alsaconf, but here doesn't seem to be such a thing17:13
_silentAssassingeekphreak, ohk17:13
IceDaneloxs: I have this problem as well17:13
loxsIceDane, yeah, it's horrible17:14
bondiblueos9Losha: yes, well, I would like to work with the files graphically; actually, if I used an sftp client, would that work?17:14
karma_policeanyone messing with 10.04 beta2 yet?17:15
ugandukarma_police, ya17:15
maginot!lucid ! karma_police17:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:15
maginot!lucid | karma_police17:15
ubottukarma_police: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:15
arandkarma_police: #ubuntu+117:15
airstrikekarma_police: people in #ubuntu+1 are17:15
luc743Hi who can help me for exploit OpenSSL17:16
ugandu!lucid ! karma_police17:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:16
acovrigThe package openfire needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. - what can I do about this?17:16
luc743Who are hackers ?17:16
SirRedToothIf i have the previous version of ubuntu do I get a automatic upgrade to lucid lynx?17:16
ugandumaginot, how did u do dat?17:16
maginotugandu, what?17:16
acovrigThe package openfire needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. - what can I do about this?17:16
luc743Do you know irc server for hackers ?17:16
ZykoticK9!warez | luc74317:16
ubottuluc743: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:16
PyroPhelianoob question, when compiling a new kernel is it possible to have the make config script search lspci and only select the modules it detects?  it such a pain in the posterior to have to make a new config for each kernel version17:17
maginotPyroPhelia, no..17:17
SirRedToothIf i have the previous version of ubuntu do I get a automatic upgrade to lucid lynx?17:17
PyroPheliamaginot, i'm going to assume that gets asked alot eh?17:17
sipiorPyroPhelia: you can use the previous kernel config file as a starting point for the new kernel.17:17
luc743i'm on ubuntu 9;10 and I don'tt know if I can get free cd of ubuntu 10.04417:17
Loshabondiblueos9: sftp does have a rename file command, I don't know if it understands all the nuances of filesystem to filesystem copies. You'd need to experiment. Also consider using remote desktop/vnc to execute gui stuff remotely on the server...17:18
Emanonhacking isnt questionably legal as long as you dont attack anyone you're in the clear HACK ON luc74317:18
luc743emanon sorry17:18
maginotPyroPhelia, actually that is the first time I heard. =)17:18
luc743i'm french17:18
SirRedToothIf i have the previous version of ubuntu do I get a automatic upgrade to lucid lynx?17:18
harleypigI want to use the latest version of Thunderbird and I'm using the mozilla daily launchpad.  This is working fine for thunderbird, but firefox is being updated to unstable versions as well. I've read the manpage for apt_preference but I'm still not understanding how I can pin either thunderbird to mozilla-daily or firefox to *not* use the launchpad version.17:18
luc743it was my brother speak17:18
PyroPheliareally? i'm surprized more people haven't asked that.17:18
harleypigAny pointers?17:18
karma_policehow do i automatically mount a hdd at startup without having to manually authenticate everytime i reboot?17:18
Emanonmight try #rantradio there are a lot of nerds in there (myself included17:18
karma_policeis there a script i can put in the startup manager?17:18
PyroPheliait would seem to make the process a little more effecient.  but, maybe that's just me17:18
Emanonnot always geek talk but you might look into it17:18
luc743karma_police : doc.ubuntu.fr17:18
luc743good bye17:19
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bondiblueos9Losha, I'm trying to avoid installing anything graphical on the server, since it is old; I guess I'll just use ssh for now17:19
acovrighow do I reinstall a package?17:19
PyroPheliaI wonder what the negative aspect of having the make script search for installed compents would be.17:19
bondiblueos9on another note, can anyone tell me how to tell used/free/total space on a tape in a tape drive?17:19
PyroPheliathere has to be some reason they haven't implemented it17:19
maginotPyroPhelia, actually no, the kernel don't take care only about hardware17:20
=== vcs is now known as Motd
Emanonacovrig:  sudo apt-get remove -purge <program here> && sudo apt-get install <program here>17:20
sipiorPyroPhelia: lots of folks like to throw in modules for devices they don't yet have. people who care enough to build their own kernels take the time to do it right.17:20
dajhornacovrig: $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall MyPackage17:20
ugandumaginot, how did u do !lucid| karma_police ?? what does that command do?17:20
maginotPyroPhelia, and in the end many support the kernel give you are to things you plug on your machine17:20
Emanonoh dajhorn said it better do that acovrig17:20
karma_policei have a secondary hdd with my data on it and i have to mount it whenever i reboot. i have "startup applications preferences" installed. is there a script i can ass there to make it mount whenever pc boots?17:21
acovrigyea, but 'I can't find an archive for it.'17:21
sipiorPyroPhelia: you can use the previous kernel config as a starting point for the new kernel config, so that you only need to review new/changed modules.17:21
acovrigEmanon, yea, but 'I can't find an archive for it.'17:21
Emanonkarma_police: think you just ad it to fstab17:21
geekphreakkarma_police:  add it ot fstab?17:21
Emanon!fstab | karma_police17:21
ubottukarma_police: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:21
maginotugandu, that makes the bot displays a message about lucid, like Emanon just did with fstab...17:22
karma_policety.. i'm a noob.. lovin ubuntu tho17:22
Exposure548hello there17:22
geekphreakok guys i am out , nite all17:22
geekphreakmaginot: cya :)17:22
maginotgeekphreak, cya17:22
maginotgeekphreak, here is still morning =X17:22
PyroPheliaI know this isn't the right place to ask, but has anybody ever experienced a bug with filezilla that only allows 100Mbps transfers over sftp?17:23
maginotPyroPhelia, 100mbps is a lot...17:23
Exposure548PyroPhelia: maybe your CPU cannot do more ... sftp is encrypted17:23
Loshabondiblueos9: as far as I know, you have to keep track of it manually, unless you have an app that does it for you (don't know of one offhand, usually the manufacturer would supply or recommend something) since it depends on the recording density (bits per inch) and the length of the tape...17:23
maginotcpu, disk... network cable? =P17:23
Exposure548PyroPhelia: it's way slower than ftp17:23
acovrigstill doesn't work, ttfn :(17:24
Typhwhere do lib*** packages get installed?17:24
PyroPheliaMaginot, no 100Mbit/s  not 100Mbyte.17:24
PyroPheliaExposure548, and no, I can hit a full 1Gbps over nfs/afp/scp17:24
PyroPhelia100Mbit = ~12Mbytes17:24
maginotPyroPhelia, yeah, right17:24
Exposure548PyroPhelia: ok but those others are not usuch CPU intensive17:25
Exposure548PyroPhelia: what is scp? sisn't that sftp?17:25
PyroPheliayes it is17:25
PyroPheliait's sftp copy17:25
maginotscp is ssh copy... not ftp copy ...17:25
Exposure548PyroPhelia: oh ok so command-line scp is much faster ... then's it's a bug in filezilla?17:25
MotdPyroPhelia> how can you be sure the other server transfer to you faster17:25
V3N0Mwhat are other progams like mad-wifi?17:25
PyroPheliaso if scp can transfer @ 1Gbps it's illogical to assume that the problem lies in cpu or protocol overhead17:26
V3N0Mor wicd17:26
maginotV3G4RD, network-manager?17:26
PyroPheliamotd, nfs, scp,afp all transfer at 100Mbyte+17:26
maginotV3N0M, wrong nick ^17:26
PyroPheliaExposure548, that's what I'm thinking but I can't find anything about it17:26
boournsi'm trying to use remote desktop viewer to connect to a windows host (vnc).  i get connection refused.  but on the same machine, if i boot up windows in a VM and initiate remote desktop from that, it works.  any ideas to make it work from ubuntu?17:26
V3N0Mmaginot i need a network-manager besides WICD17:27
mabusboourns: specify the port17:27
maginotV3N0M, wicd is one thing, network-manager is other thing...17:27
PyroPheliaExposure548, it's also a very curious bug.  If I open  10 conncurrent transfer then I can reach ~100MBps just like over scp or nfs.  but each individual connection through filezila never transfer at a higher rate than 100Mbit/s17:27
LoshaTyph: lib* packages are usually installed in /usr/lib. Why do you ask17:27
maginotV3N0M, they are 2 different programs17:28
boournsmabus, lemme see if i can figure out the port... from windows' remote desktop its set to "automatically determine port" or something17:28
maginotTyph, like losha said, "usually"  they can be inside /lib, /usr/local/lib, /opt/lib... it depends17:28
V3N0Mohh, cause i need one that works for a ralink usn wifi17:28
Exposure548PyroPhelia: maybe inteneded limitation in filezilla?17:29
sipiorPyroPhelia: have you tried the filezilla forum? contacting the developers? filing a bug report?17:29
wasauceif I am on the command line and have a command like ' telnet 443' and I need to jump around and say edit the IP address, how can I quickly jump to that position17:29
maginotV3N0M, maybe you need kernel/driver support for that?17:29
mabusboourns: try 590017:29
PyroPheliaaye, they seem idle though.  most likely just working on other things.17:29
maginotPyroPhelia, does it have anything to do with mozilla?17:29
PyroPheliamaginot, what do you mean?17:30
maginotPyroPhelia, because if so, maybe you could try irc.mozilla.org17:30
boournsmabus, ah got it, its a different port... had to do netstat -n from windows to see that17:30
PyroPheliaah didn't think of that17:30
PyroPheliait's part of their dev tree yes17:30
boournsmabus, thanks!17:30
xukun_can some body help me assigning static ipv6 to my local network card?17:30
Loshaboourns: I thought windows rdesktop and vnc were actually different protocols...?17:31
PiciPyroPhelia: Their official channel is #filezilla, and iirc, its not related to Mozilla.17:31
mabusboourns: no problem17:31
mabusLosha: they certainly are17:31
AltinHi I would like to know in ubuntu where are the environment variables files located.17:31
PyroPheliaPici, I've already made a few comments in the filezilla channel but I could of swore it was part of mozilla.  my mistake.17:32
mabusAltin: in .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, etc17:32
karma_policehow can i tell for sure which mount point is witch?17:33
maginotkarma_police, type "mount"17:33
Altinmabus: is it in the /home/<user> directory located17:33
Loshamabus: boourns: well, that goes some way in explaining why boourns can get rdesktop working but not vnc....17:33
bondiblueos9if I write something to a tape, can I delete it from the tape without erasing the whole thing?17:34
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karma_policei'm trying to figure out which hdd is sdb2 sdb1 etc..17:34
boournsLosha, i dunno the answer, but the rdesktop viewer does tell you to pick VNC for a windows host17:34
=== Rondom_ is now known as Rondom
mabusLosha: he got it working now. however the desktop viewer supports multiple protocols17:34
mabusit probably doesn't try the default vnc port first17:35
r0utexukun_: ifconfig <device> add <ipv6 address>17:35
maginotkarma_police, hdd is like sdd, hda like sda, but... hd* normally means an IDE disk, sd* an SCSI disk (Sata, pendrivers, etc)17:36
NedraeHas anyone else seen nm-applet crash when trying to share a 3G connection?17:36
maginotkarma_police, hdd is the disk, hdd1, hdd2 are the disk partitions17:37
karma_policejust trying to find an easy way to automatically mount my secondary(data) hdd without mesing anything up.. i'm a noob17:37
maginotkarma_police, well, if you want to automatically mount you may need to edit /etc/fstab17:38
Typhmaginot: The "depends" is throwing me off. Things tell me to install libblahblah-dev or something, but then I have no idea where the actual files go17:38
maginotkarma_police, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab17:38
Loshabondiblueos9: well, it's just like a VCR or a cassette player (remember those?). If you had 2 things recorded, you could overwrite the first as long as you knew exactly where and when it started and stopped, but it would leave a gap. In practice, whether you can do this on a tape device depends on whether it can distinguish the end of one recording from the start of the next. I remember sun cassette drives could do this, so you could skip over archives17:38
Loshaon the tape...17:38
Loshamabus: got it, thanks...17:39
JadenKornHello! I tried to create a VNC server via vino (Remote Desktop), but for some reason, people can't join it.17:40
maginotTyph, well, normally you don't need to worry about where the files are, since -dev files will go to the right paths, but normally it will use /usr/lib or /usr/include (-dev use include to headers and so on)17:40
JadenKornI don't have a router, just a local wireless access point.17:40
mabusJadenKorn: as in you are using a router you do not own?17:40
JadenKornIs there a way to make vino VNC server NAT aware or UPnP compatible?17:40
JadenKornWell, it's actually connecting to wireless network stations.17:41
mihais there any free linux software that can create simple flash animations?17:41
JadenKornSo I am direct connection with the access point.17:41
maginotJadenKorn, VNC server naT? did you set any nat on your network? On your router/server/firewall ??17:41
terrylmAfter applying the latest updates to 9.04, I lost the ability to play video in the web brouser, like youtube stuff. Any ideas how to fix it?17:41
alabdGood day all ikonia Geekthras   /var/www is set for default index.html how to access www folder without being root , should permission be changed ? is it good idea ?17:41
ikoniaalabd: use sudo or change the permissions17:42
xanguaterrylm: have you tried reinstalling adobe flash player¿¿ have you installed another player¿¿17:42
maginotmiha, no one is good like Flash itself, but when I need to make some flash animation I'm used to programming wit AS3.0, so all you need is a text file. But if you need an IDE like Flash CS so I recommend you to go to a Mac17:42
alabdikonia, each time we need to change php files should we sudo ? do you do so ?17:42
ikoniaalabd: either use sudo - or change the permissions, which every works for you17:42
JadenKornThere is no such thing to configure on it, though the internal firewall is disabled.17:43
terrylmxangua: no, no17:43
ikoniaalabd: or set the document root to a place on the disk that has less strict permissions17:43
JadenKornIt's a NanoStation2 access point device from UBiQUiTi if that helps.17:43
karma_policei've never messed with fstab.  i want my /dev/sda1 to automatically mount when i boot the system.  what do i need to put in the fstab file and where?17:43
maginotkarma_police, the link I gave you is the official ubuntu guide, if you take a look you will see that is there17:44
alabdikonia,  what do you mean ?17:44
ikoniaalabd: either 1.) use sudo to access your files 2.) change permissions on the document root to allow non-root users to access them 3.) move the document root from /var/www to somewhere else such as users home dir to allow them to access17:45
maginotkarma_police, maybe you want  to use something graphical: http://albertomilone.wordpress.com/2006/07/27/pysdm-a-gui-for-fstab/17:45
V3N0Mhow do i paste something really big17:45
V3N0Mon a site thingy17:45
dahudI need to uninstall and reinstall GDM.  How can I do this?17:45
PiciV3N0M: use http://paste.ubuntu.com17:45
maginotkarma_police, pysdm is a graphical tool for editing fstab, to install: "apt-get install pysdm"17:45
mihato that one that asked about editing /var/www : gksu nautilus is a dirty option ... sudo apt-get install nautilus-gksu will add 'open as administratior' (in true Vista/win7 style) (after restart)17:45
Dr_Williskarma_police:  backup your fstab  befor useing pysdm and be VERY carefull with that tool.17:45
maginot!pastebin | V3N0M17:46
ubottuV3N0M: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:46
alabdikonia, can we move /var/www folder , should not any conf file be edited so ?17:46
mihaalabd   sudo apt-get install nautilus-gksu will add 'open as administratior' menu option (in true Vista/win7 style) (after restart)17:46
ikoniaalabd: you change the document root in the apache config - you don't move /var/www17:46
mabusbut if you're not otherwise using /var/www it makes little sense to change it to another directory17:47
mabusalabd: but if you're not otherwise using /var/www it makes little sense to change it to another directory17:47
mabusjust change /var/www to permissions you see fitting, or listen to miha17:47
mihachanging /var/www to /home is quite difficult to set (AllowOverride and stuff)17:47
mihaif you are the one and only administrator, install nautilus-gksu17:48
BlubbTecdoes #wine exist?17:48
PiciBlubbTec: its #winehq17:48
BlubbTecPici: ty :)17:48
maginotmabus, alabd, if is a develop environment so you can change permission, but be aware to not do this on production system, it could lead to a lot of security flaws17:49
_thufir__anyone know anything about this bug?  http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2925727&group_id=175815&atid=87474617:49
quesoHow do I prevent ssh sessions from timing out due to inactivity?17:51
Dr_Willisqueso:  theres config/options in the ssh and sshd configs for that - i recall17:51
mp33pmI just did software updates and whenever I login now I have no mouse cursor, I can see everything and use everything including my mouse and keyboard but just don't get a cursor. I've managed to "blindly" install XCHAT and connect here... Anyone have any idea how I can fix this?17:52
Loshaqueso: Add a line which says "TCPKeepAlive yes" to /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:52
mp33pmI just did software updates and whenever I login now I have no mouse cursor, I can see everything and use everything including my mouse and keyboard but just don't get a cursor. I've managed to "blindly" install XCHAT and connect here... Anyone have any idea how I can fix this?17:53
quesoLosha, Dr_Willis:  great, thank you, I'll give it a try17:53
xukun_r0ute, what about the gateway and like that? my router has 2001:xxx:xxx:117:54
quesoLosha: do I have to restart the daemon after modifying the config file?17:54
Loshaqueso: I'm not sure, but I expect you do have to restart it...17:54
V3N0Mhttp://pastebin.com/4zLnbjwZ any one understand this17:55
quesoLosha: hmm, I already have TCPKeepAlive yes in my /etc/ssh/sshd_config file :(17:55
bondiblueos9I just realized that all the drives I just hooked up are ntfs17:55
mp33pmI just did software updates and whenever I login now I have no mouse cursor, I can see everything and use everything including my mouse and keyboard but just don't get a cursor. I've managed to "blindly" install XCHAT and connect here... Anyone have any idea how I can fix this?17:56
r0utexukun_: for the gateway it's something like 'ip -6 route add default <gw here>' - not 100% sure that's the correct syntax but the man page for 'ip' will help you out17:56
mihamp33pm try blindly changing mouse cursor? :D seriously, sometimes removing all .gnome or .gnome2 helps (if youa re not attached to your desktop settings)17:57
crucialhoaxI have an hp dv4 laptop and everything works properly except the touch button for the sound does not turn amber when it is muted. The wifi button does. Suggestions?17:57
mihaor if anyone has better idea? :D17:57
xukun_r0ute, I'm but I have no idea what the default gw is17:57
crucialhoaxmp33pm: I agree. Try that.17:58
r0utexukun_: I can't help you with that, that depends on what the address is of your router17:58
mihaor perhaps .gconf ?17:58
mp33pmwhere are those found17:58
V3N0Min build instructions in this http://pastebin.com/4zLnbjwZ what does it mean by this set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and chose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX"17:58
d_dyerHey is there a terminal command i can use to download and install Skype? I Downloaded the package from skypes website but it didnt work. Thanks17:58
Gavilasohi is there is anyone that can help me out with the later ubuntun17:58
mihamp33pm in your home directory, but . are hidden 'show hidden files' or ls -a option in terminal17:58
dm_Quick question: I have unmet dependencies, but the package I tried to install is broken, everytime i apt-get -f install, it tries to install said broken package. I just want to get rid of the message so i can apt-get remove something to get working on a work around.  Anyone know how to end this loop?17:58
jrib!skype | d_dyer17:59
ubottud_dyer: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:59
mp33pmwhere are the .gnome files located17:59
jribdm_: yeah, explain what got you into it17:59
mihamp33pm if you want to make sure, try creating another user from console... sudo adduser17:59
jribmp33pm: why?17:59
xukun_r0ute,if I do ip r on my router I get 2001:xxx:xxx:1/6417:59
mihaif that user logins normally, that's to blame17:59
crucialhoaxmp33pm: Right click the desktop, with nothing open and choose change desktop background, then when that window opens, choose your theme, then customize, then change your mouse cursor.17:59
bondiblueos9can ubuntu 9.10 32-bit server use 2 processors for anything?17:59
r0utexukun_: use that as your gw then17:59
mihacrucialhoax ahh yes :D17:59
V3N0Many one helppppppppp17:59
xukun_route thank you17:59
GavilasoI just install ubuntu and it was working fine but when i create a new user and logoff from the admin, the user login screen it just black...18:00
V3N0Min build instructions in this http://pastebin.com/4zLnbjwZ what does it mean by this set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and chose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX"18:00
xukun_r0ute, thank you18:00
r0utexukun_: np, have fun :)18:00
bondiblueos9I have a pentium 2 server, and I'm trying to decide if it would be better for it to have one 400mhz processor or two 300mhz processors18:00
jrib!wifi > V3N0M18:00
ubottuV3N0M, please see my private message18:00
jribbondiblueos9: maybe ##hardware18:00
tonysannmap said my TCP sequence is trivial, how can I change tcp sequence pattern in ubuntu?18:00
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:00
crucialhoaxmiha: ;)18:00
Loshaqueso: dunno then, start googling :-(18:01
zleap!lastseen cjware18:01
tonysan!TCP sequence18:01
LucidGuyldap situation.  All my clients authenticate via ldap.  Now the only way I can reset a password is if I personally run smbldap-passwd etc..  With that said they user is unable to change his/her password.  Is there away I can grant them the ability to change their ldap password from a local linux box?18:01
dm_jrib Well its fglrx in lucid, but my question isnt specific to lucid really. The fglrx package wont install because of a dev foobar, so the sub process fails, and therefore wont install the .deb. I cannot remove the other packages related to fglrx because it keeps trying to force me to (apt-get -f install)  Well the problem is, when i do that, it fails and exits in errors. I just want to clear the "history" of me trying to install fglrx, so that I18:01
GavilasoQUESTION: I just install ubuntu and it was working fine but when i create a new user and logoff from the admin, the user login screen it just black...18:01
Gavilaso <Gavilaso> I just install ubuntu and it was working fine but when i create a new user and logoff from the admin, the user login screen it just black...18:01
bondiblueos9is there any way for me to connect and mount a new drive without rebooting?18:02
crucialhoaxmp33pm: Did you get it?18:03
mp33pmlol, no18:04
dm_jrib any ideas?18:04
jribdm_: you should ask in #ubuntu+1 how to fix the issue as they may have a better procedure than using a hammer.  Anyway, you can edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE.postinst and change it so it completes successfully, then you could remove the package.  You can also just force the removal with dpkg.  Anyway, it doesn't matter, you should be asking if there is a proper solution for the lucid issue as I'm sure18:04
jribothers are experiencing it if it's a packaging mistake18:04
terrylmxangua: Thanks, that was it, just (re)installed flash player and it works now.18:04
mp33pmit's so hard when i can only see a light shadow18:04
mp33pmwhen hitting something18:04
GavilasoQuestion:  I just install ubuntu and it was working fine but when i create a new user and logoff from the admin, the user login screen it just black...18:04
Jadozabondiblueos9, You mean an internal hardd drive?18:04
bondiblueos9yeah, like ide or sata18:04
JadozaNo, I doubt it. The BIOS has to recognize it18:05
Jadozaiirc it only does that on reboot18:05
Jadozaget a USB drive? :)18:05
AnActivisthey everyone I'm trying to figure out what my usb devices name is so I read my system log updates real time with the following command "fail -f /var/log/messages" and then plugged in my device and among other messages I got this one "Apr 13 09:52:00 ubuntubox kernel: [ 4947.754175]  sdb:" now I'm pretty sure that there should be something like sbd1 after the colon but there is nothing what does this mean?18:05
dm_jrib and ive asked in #ubuntu+1, no help, I have found the bug, and they are working on it, and a temporary work around is listed, but this blunder of a loop is preventing me from fixing it.18:05
dm_jrib ill try what you said18:05
jribdm_: ok, just make sure you understand what you are doing18:06
Gavilasois there any one that can assiste me with this problem??   I just install ubuntu and it was working fine but when i create a new user and logoff from the admin, the user login screen it just black... i don't want to reinstall ubuntu18:06
JadozaGavilaso, How long have you waited? Is there hard drive activity?18:07
dm_jrib sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/fglrx.postinst, the file does not exist or is empty, the issue is the package isnt installed, and it fails to install, but keeps asking me to -f install.18:07
Loshabondiblueos9: I thought I recalled reading that SATA drives were hotpluggable (You'd need to check this before attempting). External drives in usb enclosures are generally hotpluggable...18:08
crucialhoaxAnActivist: Try doing an lsusb from the term18:08
dm_jrib i think the major issue is im stuck in an endless loop18:08
GavilasoJadoza the HD led is flashing every 5 to 10 sec18:08
Whisky`I'm having a tough time installing GTK. How do I automatically download it on my system? like through apt or something18:08
Jadozagavilaso I'd wait for 30 minutes and see what happens. Is it 10.04?18:08
alabdikonia,  where apache conf file to change /var/www18:08
GavilasoJodaza i'm have wait for around 15min already18:09
KB1JWQI'm scripting some installs; is there a good method to tell apt-get (or aptitude) to skip the configuration dialogs for packages such as postfix, and I'll handle the config manually?18:09
AnActivistcrucialhoax, this gives me a big list but nothing with /dev/sdxx in it?18:09
JadozaGavilaso, I'm not sure, but when I created my standard account, ubuntu wrote zeroes to my entire home folder iirc. It took a loooong while18:09
dm_jrib want me to post a pastebin of what is happening? maybe then you can see what I see18:09
GavilasoJadoza it is 9.10 the one on their site18:10
JadozaGavilaso, But I'm rreally guessing here18:10
crucialhoaxAnActivist: And you did type tail -f /var/log/messages? if the drive mounted there should be something there.18:10
mihaalabd /etc/apache2/sites-available/default  i think it should be here18:10
GavilasoJadoza ok... i'm new to linux sooo18:10
AnActivistcrucialhoax, yes thats what I thought but after the system message there is no name present18:10
AnActivistApr 13 09:52:00 ubuntubox kernel: [ 4947.754175]  sdb:18:10
AnActivistinstead of18:10
AnActivistApr 13 09:52:00 ubuntubox kernel: [ 4947.754175]  sdb: sbdx18:11
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI18:11
GavilasoJodaza for me it is weired that whe you create a new account and reboot the pc you don't see the login screen it is just in black18:11
jribdm_: sure, let's move to #ubuntu+1 though18:11
crucialhoaxAnActivist: Install gparted and see if it recognizes it. That should give you the disk's name.18:11
JadozaGavilaso, You reboot? Not just log out?18:11
_thufir__where are the printer configuration files stored?18:12
crucialhoaxAnActivist: sudo apt-get install gparted18:12
Gavilasonow i just log out.. but early this morning i reboot and because it didn't work i re-install ubutu18:12
GavilasoJadoza now i just log out.. but early this morning i reboot and because it didn't work i re-install ubutu18:12
AnActivistcrucialhoax, yes thanks I know, thats strange gparted recognizes it as sbd1 but its not in my /dev/sdb118:12
JadozaGavilaso, And it's still the same with the new installation?18:13
crucialhoaxAnActivist: Browse to your /media folder, that should have a logical name18:13
JadozaGavilaso, That sucks :) Is there _really_ a need for more than one account?18:13
bondiblueos9ok, is there any way I could attempt to write continuously to my tape drive and have the system tell me what byte it fails at? so I can determine the size?18:13
Gavilasoit work fine wite the user i create when installed.. but after i create a new user it just give me the black square where you are suppous to see the users list18:13
mp33pmI created a new user account and it's still not showing a cursor18:14
BlubbTecapt-get remove wine will uninstall/remove wine, right?18:14
GavilasoJadoza yes because i'm creating a guest account18:14
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: Yes.18:14
AnActivistcrucialhoax, hmmm theres nothing in there18:14
BlubbTeccrucialhoax: thanks18:14
crucialhoaxAnActivist: and the drive is mounted?18:14
GavilasoJadoza with just access to web browser and chat18:14
JadozaGavilaso, Have you tried pushing the buttons as usual? Perhaps it's just the graphics that's not showing, but if you hit enter and then the password it works?18:14
GavilasoJadoza YUP!18:14
AnActivistcrucialhoax, nvm its in the media folder as "disk"18:15
AnActivistbut how does this tell me the logical name like /dev/sdb1?18:15
JadozaGavilaso, Well, I'm giving up :) good luck finding someone who can give you more advise :)18:15
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: No problem, "sudo apt-get remove --purge wine" might be more efficient.18:15
GavilasoJadoza thanks for your time!!18:15
BlubbTeccrucialhoax: okay then i will do that aswell, thanks ;)18:16
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crucialhoaxAnActivist: Is that what you named it? When I plug in a flash drive named Blah, it shows in the /media folder as BLAH... Maybe your disk is named "disk"18:16
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: anytime.18:16
domois there a difference between 9.04 and 9.10 ? is one lts and the othe rnot?18:17
z0netany C/C++ programmer here? >.<18:18
Picidomo: One was released in April, the other in October, neither are LTS.18:18
Fleg_Hi All! How is the safest way to upgrade to a newer version of (K)ubuntu? Upgrade by installing or apt-get distupgrade?18:18
Piciz0net: If you need programming help, ask in ##C or ##C++18:18
Pici!upgrade | Fleg_ take a look18:18
ubottuFleg_ take a look: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:18
z0net[Pici]: ok18:18
d_dyerHey guys i have another question, Is there any way to install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 9.10? Thanks18:19
bondiblueos9Losha, do you know if there is a way for me to write random bits to a tape until it fails, and to know how many bits were written before the failure?  as a way to determine the size18:19
skeebosorry for a (probably) redunt question, but if I'm running beta 2 lucid, should regular updates carry me to "essentially" the same final release?18:19
Piciskeebo: Yes.  Further lucid help available in #ubuntu+118:20
skeeboPici: ty18:20
Fleg_Pici: thx.18:20
crucialhoaxd_dyer: A simple google search would have been sufficient.18:20
d_dyerI did, I tried one way but it didnt work.18:21
LzrdKingi want to install ubuntu on a pc which has XP on it already, preserving the XP install.  will the ubuntu installer be able to non-destructively  partition the drive up to the last block used by windows?18:21
crucialhoaxd_dyer: Which "one way"?18:21
d_dyerCan i link on here?18:21
crucialhoaxd_dyer: yes18:21
d_dyerok one sec18:21
BlubbTecapt-get install libgnutls-dev will install the latest gnutls-dev package, right?18:22
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: Yes, the latest one currently in the repo's18:22
BlubbTeccrucialhoax: yep, thanks again ;)18:22
d_dyercrucialhoax, http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/04/06/how-to-install-adobe-air-on-ubuntu/ I tried that one but it didnt work.18:22
crucialhoaxd_dyer: Use this one: http://www.mikesouthby.co.uk/2009/11/ubuntu-9-10-installing-adobe-air/18:22
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: No problem :)18:22
d_dyerOk Thanks!18:22
crucialhoaxd_dyer: :)18:23
Loshabondiblueos9: yes, something like this should work: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/tapedevice     See also the 'dump' command (no use for ntfs though) and the 'mt' command. What program will you be using for the actual backups?18:24
LzrdKingalso, how can i have my wireless nic connect without using gnome's nm-applet?18:24
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alabdmiha, thanks18:25
kuttanslucid pls18:25
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deathzorLzrdKing: depends have you ever used the console before ...18:25
kuttanslucid channel pls18:25
LzrdKingdeathzor: all the time18:25
LoshaLzrdKing: yes it will, but note that there's *no* substitute for having a full backup of your XP system in case it all goes horribly wrong....18:25
kuttanswhere is that ubottu18:25
Losha!lucid | kuttans18:26
ubottukuttans: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:26
d_dyercrucialhoax, Thanks! It worked!18:26
LzrdKingLosha: its ok, there is only one application installed on there, i just want to keep around an install of xp since i don't have a disc anymore18:26
deathzorLosha: your kidding me lynx is a browser damit :P18:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:26
Loshadeathzor: *I* don't name this stuff...18:27
deathzorLosha: i guess don't shoot the msger apply's again ...18:27
crucialhoaxd_dyer: Perfect! :)18:27
dkgwhere is firefox's lock file located?18:27
crucialhoaxd_dyer: What is adobe air used for anywho?18:28
d_dyerI am using it to install Twhirl, A Twitter App18:28
Jadozafersen85, You're not called Joakim? :)18:28
crucialhoaxd_dyer: Oh I see.18:29
Nataniel_PLif i copied some digit can i add it to my keyboard?18:29
CrazyWoodsscim didn't work any idea?18:31
BlubbTecis it possible to remove pulseaudio completely in karmic, so only alsa is used?18:32
crucialhoaxI believe so.18:33
crucialhoaxYour sound functions with alsa?18:33
xjkxhow do i make a video with a text ? i'm about to create a presentation and there i will expose videos, the video should previously come with a black screen and an explanation of what the hell the video is about, and then i will show it, i already know how to unite videos so if i could create a text video i'd just join them, i dont even know the name of this "writing-text-video" so i cant even google18:33
BlubbTecmy sound is quite fine, only thing is my mic got EXTREMELY low voice18:34
crucialhoaxxjkx: Language please.18:34
BlubbTecand starts getting distorted when i boost it18:34
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: And that is because of Pulse?18:34
BlubbTeccrucialhoax: from what i've read, yes18:34
jake_is there a need for antiviruses on ubuntu? my windows installation has plenty of viruses and i cant run an av for some reason, so is it possible to use one on ubuntu to scan the windows partition?18:35
xangua!antivirus | jake_18:35
ubottujake_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:35
BlubbTecanyway, i decided to wait for lucid and see if its fixed there18:35
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: I believe it can be removed from the package manager.18:35
jake_xangua: i have been moving files between windows and ubuntu. can that cause a problem?18:36
mp33pmMy cursor isn't showing after running a software update. Created a new user with the same issue. Any ideas?18:36
domohey guys.. i'm using 8.10 and i need a package (libc 2.9) and 2.8 is the latest in the repos. can i grab a newer package and install it manually?18:36
BlubbTeccrucialhoax: sure? wouldn't that be too simple? :P18:36
joaopintodomo, no, that would break your system18:36
LzrdKingdeathzor: how can i connect my wireless nic from the command line??18:36
mp33pmMy cursor isn't showing after running a software update. Created a new user with the same issue. Any ideas?\18:37
xanguadomo: you will need to compile it and also compile all the dependencies if it needs18:37
mihadomo: did you try enabling 'backports' ? otherwise upgrade to newer version18:37
crucialhoaxBlubbTec: System > Admin > Synaptic Package > search for pulseaudio > there are quite a few...18:37
sipiormp33pm: depends on what was updated, surely.18:37
mihadomo: you *dont want* to manually install such18:37
domomiha: alrighty18:37
* miha remembers Gentoo GCC Upgrade Guide 's :D18:37
xjkxcrucialhoax: language... ?18:37
mp33pmlots was updated18:38
xjkxcrucialhoax: hell is not a bad word18:39
GavilasoQuestion:  I just install ubuntu and it was working fine but when i create a new user and logoff from the admin, the user login screen it just black...18:39
prof_god ??18:39
xukun_r0ute, if my gate way is 2001:xxx:xxx:1/64 can I assume that my local ipv6 address can be: sudo ifconfig eth0 inet6 add 2001:xxx:xxx:1018:39
crucialhoaxbe back later. buh bye.18:40
kootoomootootrouble with wireless connection18:40
GavilasoQuestion: is there anyone really good at Ubuntu that can help me out????18:41
soreauGavilaso: Not if you don't ask18:41
soreau! ask | Gavilaso18:41
ubottuGavilaso: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:41
LzrdKingdeathzor: you around?18:41
sipiorsoreau: he did, actually.18:41
deathzorLzrdKing: use iwconfig18:41
V3N0Many one help me out18:41
Gavilasosoreau Question:  I just install ubuntu and it was working fine but when i create a new user and logoff from the admin, the user login screen it just black...18:42
soreauGavilaso: Which graphics driver?18:42
BlubbTec!ask | V3N0M18:42
ubottuV3N0M: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:42
mp33pmMy cursor isn't showing after running a software update. Created a new user with the same issue. Any ideas?18:42
Gavilasosoreau i have been asking for more that 15 min the same question lol18:42
soreauGavilaso: Didn't see you before. What graphics card is it?18:42
xanguaGavilaso: then if no one answers, no one knows or either you are not being explicit in your question18:43
kootoomootooI used iwconfig but interfaces file is still empty18:43
Gavilasosoreau i haven't install any, it was working with the default one.. until i create a new user18:43
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DexterFI have 9.10 on regular partitions, now I'd like to move them to LVM volumes on a new disk. I guess I'll have to reinstall grub anyway, how does grub 2go with lvm?18:43
soreauGavilaso: Yes, but what does 'lspci|grep VGA' report your card as?18:43
Gavilasosoreau how can i get that info now that the login screen where you are suppout to choose the user is black... ?18:44
deostrollhi went and set group permissions for a folder via nautilus running as root...how to set it via shell?18:44
LzrdKingdeathzor: i had tried it before but i will try it again18:44
deathzorLzrdKing: are you use WPA ?18:44
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BlubbTecdeostroll: check out chmod18:44
Gavilasosoreau i'm completly new to linux... sorry18:44
deathzorbecause WPA is a bit different and iwconfig can not handle wpa out of memory18:45
mp33pmMy cursor isn't showing after running a software update. Created a new user with the same issue. Any ideas? My bluetooth mouse and keyboard are working fine minus the cursor on the screen...18:45
=== jnperlin_ is now known as jnperlin
V3N0Mokay i have a ralink usb and i want to know how to install this tar, i read the read me but i do not understand it18:45
V3N0Mcould anyone put it in lame man terms18:45
LzrdKingdeathzor: no security :D18:45
deathzorLzrdKing: very secure but yeah iwconfig should do the job then18:46
Snookie1im having difficulties installing broadcom drivers on ubuntu18:46
LzrdKingdeathzor: set the essid?18:46
mp33pmMy cursor isn't showing after running a software update. Created a new user with the same issue. Any ideas? My bluetooth mouse and keyboard are working fine minus the cursor on the screen...18:47
bondiblueos9Losha, I was going to use mt and tar, but I'm also looking into dump/restore; as for the size of the tape, I googled the letters and numbers on the tape; who would have thought of that :P18:47
deathzorLzrdKing: essid and channel use iwlist or spy to get the info18:47
BlubbTecmp33pm: try a different mouse?18:47
LzrdKingdeathzor: i know the essid, and it's hidden, if i set channel to auto will it use the right one?18:48
budlustis anyone familiar with getting wireless adapter to work on lenovo thinkpad t400? I just installed ubuntu 9.10 and i cant seem to figure it out.18:48
bondiblueos9Losha, do either tar or dump/restore make it easier to pull individual files/diretories from the backup?18:48
deathzorLzrdKing: you can try18:48
V3N0Mthis is bs XD18:48
Loshabondiblueos9: I use dump/restore a lot, but did you not say your drives were ntfs. I don't think dump will work with ntfs filesystems at all...18:48
deathzori perfer setting my channel manually to a free channel whats your location if its europe there are only 13 options in the US 1218:48
bondiblueos9Losha: oh, but I could use tar to backup all the files from it still, right?18:49
LzrdKingdeathzor: when i tried iwconfig before, i set the essid but it didn't associate with my network in anyway18:49
GavilasoQuestion; i install Ubuntu 9.10 I just left it with the default setting and drivers. It was working fine with out any problem. I create a new user and log off from the current one so i can try to log in with the new user. When the system log me off and now where you should see the user list so you can choose one that square is black.. but the ubunta wallpaper is ok.... so i can't login or choose any user ... hope my question is clear now...18:49
deathzorset it to managemend and power it on ( if its not already )18:49
LzrdKingdeathzor: was that for me?18:50
Snookie1i am having difficulties installing broadcom drivers on a  compaq presario, i already got wifi radar and other drivers, but when i get to configure which wifi reciever i want to use it doesnt show broadcom, and when i try getting the driver from the third party drivers enable the bar stays empty and doesnt enable anything18:50
bondiblueos9Losha: will dump/restore work for hfsplus?18:51
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deathzorLzrdKing: yes18:51
Loshabondiblueos9: dump/restore are excellent because they store a directory of files at the beginning of the tape, and you can mark everything you want to retrieve, then just let it run, but I believe it's for ext2/ext3 filesystems only. You should be able to use tar, and it will allow you to pull individual files/directories from the tape, but I'm not sure if all the ntfs filesystem semantics are captured faithfully by tar, since ntfs is, in the end, a pro18:52
Loshaprietary microsoft filesystem format...18:52
jaysern-wwhat is the upgrade path to go from Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS to the latest stable desktop Ubuntu (would that be Maverick Meerkat?)18:52
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ZykoticK9jaysern-w, 10.04 is the next LTS release18:52
ardchoillejaysern-w: It would be Karmic Koala. the next LTS is Lucid Lynx, will n=be out in about 15 days18:52
LzrdKingdeathzor: how do i set it to managed?  i don't see that option for iwconfig18:53
LzrdKingmaybe there is a really light x client thats ligh nm-applet but not an applet?18:53
ZykoticK9ardchoille, "about 15 days" is actually 16 days from today ;)18:53
jaysern-wi see. i can wait for the freshest version. so I can go straight from hardy heron to lucid lynx ?18:53
jaysern-wsomeone mentioned i need to upgrade to an intermediate step before, but i wasn't sure why that was18:54
deathzoriwconfig mode managed ;)18:54
deathzoriwconfig card mode managed *18:54
ZykoticK9jaysern-w, i believe you will be able to update from 8.04 to 10.04 (but perhaps not on release day, a little while after)18:54
PiciZykoticK9: You should be able to do it on release day.18:54
icerootjaysern-w: you can update directly on release day18:54
PiciAlthough doing anything on release day with the archives will be slow.18:55
ardchoilleWas just going to say that18:55
iromlihi guys, i need libicu38 for karmic ... figured out that it was removed but i found it on jaunty packages18:55
LzrdKingis there a really light x client thats like nm-applet but not an applet? maybe for openbox?18:55
Snookie1hi, i need some help with getting some wireless drivers to work18:56
iromliis it okay if i use the package from jaunty?18:56
jaysern-wokay. in Ubuntu parlance, when one talks about upgrading, does that mean I have to save all my data elsewhere, format the machine, boot from the CD/DVD and do a fresh install ?18:56
ardchoilleiromli: mixing release packages is a very bad idea18:56
joaopintojaysern-w, upgrades don't touch your data18:56
iromliardchoille: how about getting it from source?18:56
xanguaLzrdKing: wicd¿¿18:56
joaopintoassuming you do an upgrade and not a clean install18:56
GavilasoQuestion; i install Ubuntu 9.10 I just left it with the default setting and drivers. It was working fine with out any problem. I create a new user and log off from the current one so i can try to log in with the new user. When the system log me off and now where you should see the user list so you can choose one that square is black.. but the ubunta wallpaper is ok.... so i can't login or choose any user ... hope my question is clear now...  anyone on t18:57
sipiorjaysern-w: no, although a current backup is advisable in any event.18:57
RyanPjaysern-w: You should be able to upgrade in place. Backups are always a good idea, though.18:57
ardchoilleiromli: That would be preferaable if it isn't in the Karmic repos18:57
Snookie1i am having difficulties installing broadcom drivers on a  compaq presario, i already got wifi radar and other drivers, but when i get to configure which wifi reciever i want to use it doesnt show broadcom, and when i try getting the driver from the third party drivers enable the bar stays empty and doesnt enable18:57
jaysern-wso I just download the .iso, burn it to a CD, boot from the CD, and there will be an upgrade option ?18:57
BlubbTecanyone here had problems with wine, warcraft 3 and battle.net and solved them? if so, pm me please18:57
iromliardchoille: you mean to compile it from a source? :)18:57
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bondiblueos9Losha: I'm not too concerned about anything but the files being stored from the ntfs drives, since its just data18:57
bondiblueos9Losha: thank you a lot18:58
BitEncrypthow do i install games18:58
ardchoille!info libicu40 | iromli18:58
ubottuiromli: libicu40 (source: icu): International Components for Unicode. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.1-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 6815 kB, installed size 16944 kB18:58
Loshabondiblueos9: you're welcome. Also checkout https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem for other options...18:58
Snookie1i am having difficulties installing broadcom drivers on a  compaq presario, i already got wifi radar and other drivers, but when i get to configure which wifi reciever i want to use it doesnt show broadcom, and when i try getting the driver from the third party drivers enable the bar stays empty and doesnt enable18:59
Loshajaysern-w: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for a fuller story...18:59
Snookie1right now i am on a borrowed computer, and have been without internet on my main laptop for three days, if someone could help me i would apprecciate it, please19:00
iromliardchoille: already have that, but the package i need to be installed is complaining about libicu3819:00
yitz_I'm trying to build some kernel module stuff and make is complaing that /lib/modules/2.6.24-27-generic/build does not exist. How can I search for packages which provide that?19:01
GavilasoThanks all for your help!19:01
ardchoilleiromli: Then that package is old. Can you find a newer version of it? Compiling may be the only way to go.19:01
BitEncryptwhat does bz2.bin file mean19:01
jaysern-wi should probably mention, the reason why I'm upgrading from Hardy is because some time ago I (stupidly) accidentally deleted some .so files in one of the lib directories. Upgrading will include any files missing system files that come by default, right ?19:01
iromliardchoille: ok, i'll try it19:02
yitz_Nvm. dpkg -S19:02
iromliardchoille: thanks19:02
insulinahow do I create a user without lan access19:03
jaysern-wis there not a libxml2 for hardy heron? aptitude and apt-get can't find it19:05
bondiblueos9if I write files to tape using tar, can I extract them to stdout and pipe them to a viewing program to use them without puting them on a harddrive?19:05
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toaderHi, i have two computers pc1 and pc2, in different subnet. I can ssh pc2 on cp1, but i cannot ssh pc1 on pc2. How can i make the later work? thanks19:08
BasiumDeJudasgood evening all.19:08
munskinggood evening :)19:09
BasiumDeJudasvlc problems.19:10
BasiumDeJudasor noob problem. hehe.19:10
adityagi installed windows 7 on ubuntu 9.10, now i dont see an option for booting ubuntu, now im running from live cd, how do i reintsall grub?19:10
xanguaadityag: do you use grub 1 or grub 2¿19:11
sidh_i m new to ircc19:11
sidh_hw it works19:11
FloodBot3sidh_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:11
xangua!hi > sidh_19:12
ubottusidh_, please see my private message19:12
electro_Has anyone setup an automated installed using a preseed file?  I have mine almost complete, but the partition section is still requiring input.  I currently have the following: http://pastebin.com/BRUkhSS0    what do I need to get past the section that states: Partion Disks, Partitioning method: Guided use entire disk, etc.19:12
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adityagxangua: grub219:13
xanguaadityag: sorry, only experience with brub 119:13
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gregghow's the beta doing as far as your average user is concerned? Any major bugs that would make me need to stay away?19:14
adityagany help on grub2??? i installed windows 7 on ubuntu 9.10, now i dont see an option for booting ubuntu, now im running from live cd, how do i reintsall grub?19:14
acovrighow do I forcebly remove a package?19:14
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:15
nibbleracovrig, aptitude remove yourpacketname19:15
adityagnibbler: is that for grub2?19:15
JayAymy dad upgraded to 9.10 and now his screen will only go to 800x600 - the detect monitors button returns unknown, it worked under 9.4, how do I get this to work again so he can select higher resolutions?19:15
nibbleradityag, did your read the full line?19:16
adityagnibbler: oh sorry19:16
acovrignibler, whats the diff between aptitude and apt-get?19:16
csabahello, I'm trying to set up ldap but I've no idea how to do it... I've installed ldap-server and ldap-utils, and I've edited the /etc/ldap/ldap.conf file and added the suffix, rootdn and rootpw19:16
csabahow to add entries now?19:17
acovrignibbler, whats the diff between aptitude and apt-get?19:17
nibbleracovrig, aptitude is the successor of apt-get, in some cases it still works better i believe19:17
acovrignibbler, when I try 'apt-get install beep' it gives me an error because 'E: The package openfire needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'19:17
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adityagnibbler: is this cmd enought "grub-install -v"?19:21
c3lis there some terminal in which the overflow of text is going downwards? or is this possible to achieve in the ubuntu standard terminal?19:25
zottelhey, due to a driver issue i had to install ubuntu 9.04 upon a mini-itx board (x86) and had to realize that #include <time.h> doesn't include gettimeofday() and including boost/thread.hpp doesn't include boost::lock_guard any more (as it did in 9.10)19:25
JayAyugh, restarted gdm, still can't detect monitor19:25
zottelis there a simple solution for that stuff?19:26
JayAyhardware drivers says no proprietary drivers in use, could it be that there was before but it wasn't preserved in the upgrade?19:27
acovrigwhen I try 'apt-get install beep' it gives me the error 'E: The package openfire needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.' how can i fix it?19:28
JayAyand if so how do I get ubuntu to recommend which ones to install?19:28
kjeleHow to clear the history buffer and clear the history in zsh?19:29
erUSULkjele: #zsh19:29
m_anishHi I am trying to publish a key to the ubuntu keyserver and getting an error. Here is the transcript http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ZrEWsmGG . Is the keyserver currently down... Pings to keyserver.ubuntu.com work though.19:29
m_anishthe url http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/ also times out.19:30
glitsj16acovrig: have you tried downloading/installing the .deb from the openfire website yet?19:32
kjeleerUSUL: Looks like people are sleeping19:32
KB1JWQm_anish: Stand by.19:32
karol_why shouldn't 'em19:32
karol_ye stand by :P19:32
JayAylshw shows that I have: 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller - how do I get the driver for it?19:33
karol_I was always like that but in schoo only19:33
m_anishKB1JWQ, ok19:33
karol_update ?, apt-get :>19:33
etsorbme8would it be possible to install a pci vga card and not use the video but use the ram on it for swap in my ubuntu box    see:  http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Using_Graphics_Card_Memory_as_Swap19:33
isnoopIs it possible to upgrade 8.04 LTS to 10.4 Beta2 at the command line?   "do-release-upgrade -d" exits with an error.19:33
isnoop"An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade"19:33
KB1JWQisnoop: I'd probably step through other udpates as well.19:33
munskinghas any one in here ever tried to play warcraft 3 + the frozen throne on ubuntu (latest version) ?19:34
JayAyor if it's not the graphics driver, is there a way to manually say what the monitor is so that I can pick a higher resolution?19:35
Piciisnoop: It should be able to upgrade directly to 10.04, You should ask in #ubuntu+1 if anyone else has had a problem though.19:35
nibbleradityag, i dont know, try it19:35
karol_how can I simply downgroad my g++ to version 3,xx ?19:35
isnoopPici: Sounds good.19:35
isnoopKB1JWQ: I've considered that, but I'm pilot testing the upgrade for an entire cluster of servers and we certainly don't want to go that route with all of them.19:36
KB1JWQisnoop: Then why not wait until the LTS hits release, THEN try it?19:36
karol_how can I simply downgroad my g++ to version 3,xx ? :|19:36
KB1JWQisnoop: Not to mention that Lucid isn't supported here. :-D19:36
adityagnibbler: i tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows .... but getting this error http://pastebin.com/78vpf1Uf19:36
scivi JayAy check under administration > hardware drivers for 3rd party drivers and in display if you are using standered drivers to change resolution19:37
nibbleradityag, did you try with /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda7?19:37
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adityagnibbler: no.... i cant use that19:38
JayAyscivi, there are no proprietary drivers, I think when 9.4 was installed it suggested some and installed them, but since upgrading to 9.10 they're not preserved and it's not suggesting any now19:39
isnoopKB1JWQ: 10.04 *is* the LTS release, no?19:39
kjeleHow to clear the history buffer and clear the history in zsh?19:39
adityagnibbler: its mentioned  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows that i need to use sda719:39
KB1JWQisnoop: Yes.  It's also pre-release, and unsupported here until it hits release. :-)19:39
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isnoopKB1JWQ: Fair enough.  Taking it to +1.  =)19:39
scivihey whats the chipset19:39
JayAylahw says 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller19:40
JayAyum, lshw that is19:40
infiddoes ubuntu come with a command-line image viewer?19:41
adityagany help on recovering ubuntu after intalling windows for grub2.... getting this error http://pastebin.com/78vpf1Uf19:41
m_anishKB1JWQ, any updates?19:42
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
KB1JWQm_anish: Not yet, you can use the mit keyserver in the interim.19:43
m_anishKB1JWQ, what is the URL?19:43
m_anishKB1JWQ, got it pgp.mit.edu19:44
sciviJayAy: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Graphics&ProductLine=Desktop+graphics+controllers&ProductProduct=Intel%C2%AE+82915G%2f82910GL+Express+Chipset+Family19:44
ardianI'm having a problem with eSpeak19:44
ardianbt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused19:44
Whisky`how do I check which WiFi driver I'm using?19:44
brad[]Hi folks. I need a reliable java plugin - I'm using Lucid beta2 and icedtea doesn't do much good for me. Sun Java used to be available19:44
FoolishOwlI'm curious about apache2's httpd.conf. In other installations, the default httpd.conf is a fairly long document with lots of explanatory text. In Ubuntu, it appears to be a 0-length file. Is it just using defaults, or is it all set somewhere else?19:44
brad[]Anyone here using java in Lucid?19:44
Picibrad[] : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.19:45
JayAyscivi, ok thanks - any idea why ubuntu didn't find this by itself? I'm sure I never manually installed it in 9.419:45
brad[]Pici, Thanks19:45
adityagany help on recovering ubuntu after intalling windows for grub2.... getting this error http://pastebin.com/78vpf1Uf19:45
cutebelinda05I need help on how you know the tool thing with the accessories and everything. I need help to get it back because all it shows is the places, system, and quit button. Do you know how to fix it?19:46
m_anishKB1JWQ, Well that worked, but launchpad recognises keys hosted on keyserver.ubuntu.com only!19:46
cutebelinda05I need help on how you know the tool thing with the accessories and everything. I need help to get it back because all it shows is the places, system, and quit button. Do you know how to fix it?19:46
cutebelinda05I need help on how you know the tool thing with the accessories and everything. I need help to get it back because all it shows is the places, system, and quit button. Do you know how to fix it?19:46
conb123Hiya does ubuntu support GUID Partition Table, it's just I'm installing os x on this pc but I want to keep linux, The guide tells me to format my partition table as GUID Partition Table, will ubuntu still boot like this?19:47
scivino it prob just flasd up a dialog saying drivers were available on install as to why they dropped no clue19:47
scivigoodluck with the tarball tho19:47
JayAyugh, yeah thanks :)19:47
sandking_i got some issues with a laptop - windows xp installation doesn't recognize network adapters properly and i wanted to use linux live cd to get info about those adapters since it works under ubuntu. i used ifconfig but it doesn't list manufacturer or something that would help get the windows drivers for it19:48
KB1JWQm_anish: When it's working properly they share data.19:48
sandking_is there a way to display name and manufacturer of the device not strict tech info?19:48
m_anishKB1JWQ, Ohh , ok :)19:48
KB1JWQsandking_: lspci or lsusb19:48
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sandking_KB1JWQ: thx19:48
acovrigglitsj16, good idea, but I get 'The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file.  Check ther permissions of the file.' why, I am root19:49
adityagany help on recovering ubuntu after intalling windows for grub2.... getting this error http://pastebin.com/78vpf1Uf19:49
charlyis there an hacker???19:49
cutebelinda05what do u mean a hacker?19:49
cutebelinda05can anyone help me19:50
xangua!help > cutebelinda0519:50
ubottucutebelinda05, please see my private message19:50
sandking_KB1JWQ: worked like a charm :D19:50
spykeI have several folders set up on a samba server. I have a script on my laptop that basically mounts each folder. Is there any (easier) way (in lucid) to just say: "mount whatever folders there are on SHARE"??19:52
wowotoanyone here give me a /lib/ld-linux.so.2  of X64 ubuntu?19:52
swebdownload and compile the last v of `zlib` that see what happened on ubuntu !!! ???19:52
swebgnome will show many errors and ubuntu will be ended !!!19:52
AngryPunktrying to upgrade to the beta but it seems to be stuck preparing memtest86+19:53
kevin009"fbi" is a command-line image viewer19:53
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PiciAngryPunk : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.19:54
Picisweb: What?19:55
cutebelinda05I need help on how you know the tool thing with the accessories and everything. I need help to get it back because all it shows is the places, system, and quit button. Do you know how to fix it?19:55
cutebelinda05I need help on how you know the tool thing with the accessories and everything. I need help to get it back because all it shows is the places, system, and quit button. Do you know how to fix it?19:55
panfisti have a spreadsheet open in gnumeric that i want to print in landscape orientation. if i go to file > print dialog, then the page setup tab, the orientation combo box is disabled19:55
Picicutebelinda05: Please don't repeat.19:55
swebPici, download last version of zlib19:55
cutebelinda05ummm ok19:55
swebsource code19:55
Picisweb: Why would I want to do that/19:55
swebextrace and config make and make install it19:55
swebyour gnome after restar show many errors19:55
oldmerovingianDo intermediate and advanced Linux users use Ubuntu?19:56
xanguacutebelinda05: no idea what are you talking about, the menu bar¿¿19:56
swebubuntu will be down19:56
swebIT'S A BUG REPORT19:56
Picicutebelinda05: Right click on your panel, go to add to panel, and then find the 'Menu Bar' item.19:56
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:56
Picisweb: This isn't the place to file bug reports. use http://bugs.ubuntu.com, and thats not really a bug anyway, you shouldn't be replacing key system components like that and expect everything to Just Work™19:57
=== iceberghazard is now known as signpost
drmagooI have a dual monitor setup up and now, after install wine, the "taskbars" have moved to the right monitor. Anyone know how to move them back to the left?19:57
Whisky`how do I check what channel my wifi AP is running on?19:58
=== KatherineD is now known as Guest78878
cutebelinda05ok thanks!19:58
=== FunkySayu is now known as FunkyMiam
cutebelinda05Okay Thanka!19:59
DanielpkGUys, how i can update GIt at Ubuntu?19:59
Danielpkto latest version?19:59
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ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:00
DexterFhow do I reinstall grub2 on lvm?20:00
Whisky`how do I check what channel my wifi AP is running on?20:00
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.20:00
cutebelinda05on the menu bar the applications will not pop up can someone tell me why?20:00
ActionParsnipCutebelinda05: do you mean no menu is shown when you click 'applications'?20:01
xanguacutebelinda05: right clic over the menu> edit menu20:02
xanguamaybe you disable it20:02
cutebelinda05ActionParsnip: Only a couple of items is shown the only items that are shown are the quit button, system button, and places button. The rest will not show.20:03
ActionParsnipCutebelinda05: if you run alacarte are the menu items enabled?20:03
ActionParsnipEvening exposure54820:04
cutebelinda05ActionParsnip: what is alacarte?20:04
ActionParsnipCutebelinda05: use alt+f2 to launch alacarte20:04
ActionParsnip!info alacarte | cutebelinda0520:04
ubottucutebelinda05: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.4-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 1332 kB20:04
electro_everything in my preseed file works except "accepting" the partition changes.  I have d-i partman/confirm_write_new_label boolean true | d-i partman/choose_partition select Finish partitioning and write changes to disk | d-i partman/confirm boolean true20:05
=== student_ is now known as snowhouse
snowhouseI have a question about wi-fi20:05
cutebelinda05ActionParsnip: okay20:05
KeggSo, issues with wifi... On Ubuntu 9.10, just updated the driver, and it still says "disconnected" under the network manager drop down20:05
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Kegghardware is a fit-pc220:06
ActionParsnipSnowhouse: ask away :)20:06
snowhouselast night i was online fine20:06
ActionParsnipKegg: if you run; sudo iwlist scan ,do you see APs?20:06
snowhousethis morning i go on and nothing wi fi relate dloads20:06
snowhouseany halp?20:06
unruffleddoes anyone know how to connect their ubuntu laptop to a larger computer monitor?20:06
KeggActionParsnip: says interface doesn't support scanning20:07
ActionParsnipSnowhouse: if you run: sudo iwlist scan ,do you se e APs?20:07
unruffledit's a samsung np nc1020:07
snowhousewait let me go check'20:07
cutebelinda05it says that i have to run the application. so what do i do?20:08
ActionParsnipKegg: sounds like your wifi driver is incorrect. Run: sudo lshw -C network ,to find the wireless chip then go find drivers using the chip make/model in websearches20:08
ActionParsnipKegg: if you boot to an older kernel (if you have one) is it ok?20:09
KeggActionParsnip: I just finished updating the driver to the current one20:09
nw-banyone knows if it is possible to synchronize a "motorola q" smartphone with evolution? or any ubuntu app to get connectivity?20:09
KeggActionParsnip: how does one boot into an older kernel? that's outside of my area of knowledge...20:09
ActionParsnipKegg: maybe its incorrectly installed or doesn't run your chip20:10
adityagsound does not play in sony vaio e series, videos play, any help will be appreciated20:12
neothecathelo.  i used update-alternative to set my java to use java-6-sun instead of openjdk, but netbeans still uses openjdk.  does anybody know what i am doing wrong?20:12
lollllllhey guys ive setup a root account (me) and 3 users.  i installed apache2 but only root has a website in /var/www, how do i allow users to have the own website, e.g. /home/testuser/public_html20:13
kenjyguys  Ubuntu Mobile Internet Device (MID) Edition  is no longer a supported platform?20:14
adityaglollllll: sudo chown user.userGroup path20:14
unruffledalright, we just logged in and logged out20:14
lollllllhuh wouldnt that change the permissions 0.o?20:14
unruffledit worked20:14
adityaglollllll: that will work...20:15
adityagsound does not play in sony vaio e series, videos play, any help will be appreciated20:16
caolanmI want to make some changes using xmodmap, but I don't know how to have the commands run each time an x session starts20:16
caolanm.xinitrc and .xsession seem to be ignored in karmic?20:16
gaveenadityag, that's not what lollllll wants20:16
adityaggaveen: whats the better solution?20:17
nascentmindhi. When i try to upgrade from jaunty to karmic i get this error ---> Checking for a new ubuntu release Failed Upgrade tool signature20:17
nascentmindhow can i fix it?20:17
lollllllroot@test-desktop:~# sudo chown philip.1004 /home/philip20:17
lollllllroot@test-desktop:~# ls /home/philip20:17
FloodBot3lollllll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
=== FunkyMiam is now known as FunkySayu
lolllllldidnt work :(20:17
lollllllsorry for flood20:17
troopi have LG w2486L monitor and when i try to install ubuntu my computer goes power saving mode. how can i solve?20:18
kenjyguys is Ubuntu Mobile Internet Device (MID) Edition a no longer a supported platform?20:18
gaveenlollllll, search more about UserDir directive in apache config <-- adityag20:18
Goliath i just bought a power adapter for my laptop. the specs of it are the same as those of my laptop. When i plug it in the adapter makes a funny insect-like noise at a stable rate. Is this good?20:18
LoRezGoliath: try not to use /amsg20:19
gaveenlollllll, adityag http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/mod/mod_userdir.html20:19
LoRezor hit multiple channels up at once with the same question20:19
lollllllthis the config file? /etc/apache2/apach2.conf20:20
student_ah crashed20:20
student_?nick snowhouse20:20
=== student_ is now known as snowhouse
adityagsound does not play in sony vaio e series, videos play, any help will be appreciated20:21
snowhouseah nvm20:22
dassoukii'm having troubles installing python-gtkmozembed on ubuntu. it says that the package was referenced but nto available20:23
catai m now instaling xubuntu 64 bit ,looks nice:)20:23
GoliathLoRez fu off ubuntu n00b20:24
=== lollllll is now known as Mel0nHEaD
catahu do  call noob?20:25
gaveendassouki, try searching for it. $ apt-cache search mozembed20:27
ah149159101If anyone here speaks French or Spanish fluently and wants to make a few dollars translating, message me.20:29
KeggAnyone here have any experience on a FIT-PC2 using Ubuntu?20:29
nullp0interhow do i concat a string inside of a bash script with the first argument to the script?20:30
dassoukigaveen: well i installed all the librararies that it said it might be in, but no luck20:31
gaveennullp0inter, you are not making sense, even if you did I'm not sure this is the correct channel20:31
crucialhoaxhow do you tell whether the system is using alsa or pulse?20:32
gaveendassouki, I don't have an Ubuntu box to access and check right now. :( Anything with similar names. It'd be easier to search and skim through in Synaptic20:32
dassoukigaveen: no gui on this server20:32
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gaveendassouki, then apt-cache search it is :)20:33
lcarvalhois there any plugin to gnome-terminal to run parallel command in mult-tabs?20:33
dassoukigaveen: indeed ,, well i'll look more into it when i get home .. time to go  no !! thanks20:33
Picidukz: What version of Ubuntu are you using?20:34
gaveenlcarvalho, why would you need additional plugins?20:34
Picidukz: sorry, mistab.20:34
GuthurIs it possible to add a bin folder, in addition to /usr/bin/ & /usr/bin/local20:34
Guthur/usr/local/bin even20:34
lcarvalhogaveen: to configure multiple servers20:34
gaveenlcarvalho, No, I mean. You can already run commands in tabs. I'm not sure I understood your question in the first place20:35
lcarvalhogaveen: imagine that you have tree tabs ... connected to different servers, and you want to run the same commands in the all tabs in parallel20:36
lcarvalhokonsole has this feature.20:36
Hawkeye1913I installed Ubuntu 9.04 then upgraded to 9.10. I later had to re-install windows 7 and that overwrote the grub boot loader. Is there a way I can make grub the default bootloader again?20:36
gaveenGuthur, what exactly do you want to do?20:37
crucialhoax!grub | Hawkeye191320:37
ubottuHawkeye1913: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:37
ardchoille!grub2 | Hawkeye191320:37
ubottuHawkeye1913: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:37
Guthurgaveen: I want to have the mysql commands available20:37
Guthurwithout having to ln or cp20:37
Guthurso I have /usr/local/mysql/bin which I would like to add20:38
arandHawkeye1913: You want to look at the instructions for grub (not grub2) and for "restoring after windows".20:38
gaveenGuthur, you could add the mysql bin dir path to system $PATH20:38
gaveenlcarvalho, ah, didn't know konsole could do that.20:38
Guthurgaveen: ah ok, cheers20:39
crucialhoaxhow do you tell whether the system is using alsa or pulse?20:40
d_dyerWhen i try to upgrade to 10.04 I get "The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources.  It cannot continue." Is there anything i can do to continue the update? Thanks.20:41
Guthurlol i had done this before for /usr/local/bin/, I had just forgot20:41
xanguacrucialhoax: gstreamer-properties20:41
ZykoticK9d_dyer, in a terminal run "ps aux | grep pulseaudio" if you get results - you're using Pulse20:41
gaveencrucialhoax, OTOH, if your system is new, it's probably using PulseAudio20:42
ZykoticK9d_dyer, also, re: network manager - reask in #ubuntu+1 (the lucid channel)20:42
crucialhoaxgaveen: Is one better than the other?20:42
crucialhoaxgaveen: Your opinion.20:43
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d_dyerok i got alot of stuff in the terminal, Can i post here or do you want me to pist it in #ubuntu+120:43
ZykoticK9crucialhoax, sorry man ps aux command above should have been directed to you20:43
nullp0interif i have a bash script in my PATH, i already gave it chmod u+x and now i still cant run it from the command line without adding ".sh"20:44
ZykoticK9d_dyer, sorry the puseaudio thing was suppose to be directed to someone else... sorry20:44
Jadozad_dyer,  use paste.ubuntu.com for pases, and #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 issues20:44
sheeps10hi, I'm trying to manually set my network settings on another pc so that it doesn't use dhcp, but it won't stick through reboots, can anyone suggest something?20:44
crucialhoaxZykoticK9: Its okay lol, is one more preferable than the other? both alsa and pulse work...20:44
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gaveencrucialhoax, Haven't used alsa in quite a while. Pulse seems to be maintained well20:44
d_dyerok thanks!20:44
ZykoticK9crucialhoax, Pulse actually uses alsa -- this is a common misconception20:45
crucialhoaxZykoticK9: Hm, interesting.20:45
maginotpulseaudio is a mixer, capable of working with multiplexing and sound trnasformation not available direct on alsa20:46
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Hawkeye1913arand: thank you20:46
crucialhoaxOn the top of of my keyboard I have touch keys for sound and when the mute button is pressed it does not turn amber. Suggestions?20:47
gaveencrucialhoax, what maginot said20:47
joedarkHey, can somebody help me configure the correct resolution on my laptop? already tried Xrandr with no success20:50
bondiblueos9I've got a ZFS question20:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:51
bondiblueos9I, wow, I will20:52
bondiblueos9just gathering my thoughts is all20:52
bondiblueos9and I didn't actually ask to ask, i made a statement20:52
LzrdKingi just bought the final version of lucid from a yugoslavian pirate20:52
LzrdKing16 days early! woohoo!20:52
maginot!lucid | LzrdKing20:53
ubottuLzrdKing: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:53
PiciLzrdKing: Please keep the offtopic in -offtopic20:53
joedarkanyone here have much experience with openchrome? Need to get the proper resolution set up on my laptop.20:53
Tapouti've got a broken key on my keyboard.  It's not stuck, it's just broken.  It continually inputs [[[[[[[[, and i've taken it off, it's not stuck.. the board is just whacked.  In ubuntu, can i disable a key from ever inputting?20:53
macoPici: someone's got a TARDIS i take it?20:53
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LzrdKingmaginot: i got it20:53
karma_policei am trying to unmount. i get this error: Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount /dev/sdb2 from /media/sdb220:53
maginotTapout, you could try using Xmodmap to make that key input nothing, but I think that won't fully work anyway20:54
bondiblueos9I've got a drive that had one ntfs partition on it.  I had it set up to mount by UUID in /etc/fstab.  I removed all the files from it, and created a zpool on its vdev20:54
maginotkarma_police,  "only root can unmount /dev/sdb2 from /media/sdb2"20:54
bondiblueos9and changed the pool mount point20:54
Tapoutmaginot, it will continually input nothing and beep or something?20:54
crucialhoaxkarma_police: put `sudo` in front of the command20:54
bondiblueos9do I need to remove its entry from fstab?20:54
bondiblueos9does zfs automatically mount it?20:54
bondiblueos9will it work if the device path changes?20:55
karma_policei can unmount it but i want it to stay unmounted when i reboot system..20:55
bondiblueos9blkid still shows the drive having type ntfs20:55
maginotTapout, I think you could make it input nothing, but I don't think it will stop sending events to the kernel, so I suggest disabling the keyboard (or in the bios or on thehardware) and using an external keyboard20:55
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karma_policei am a noob and am not too familiar with fstab20:55
Schmorgluckdoes someone here know what are the rules for passwords on Launchpad? I haven't found them anywhere20:55
Tapoutmaginot, it's a POS acer laptop, go figure i saved a few bucks and now i've got to shell out $$$ earlier than I would have .. had i spent a few more bucks when i first bought it :)20:56
Tapoutacer sucks.  :)20:56
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:57
maginotkarma_police, I think you must have something like: "/dev/sdb2  <mount_point>  ntfs  defaults   0   0" on your /etc/fstab, have you tried that?20:58
SchmorgluckI mean, the passwords I'm trying to enter are made of perfectly valid Unicode characters, why does launchpad.net tell me "Invalid characters in password"?20:58
PiciSchmorgluck: Have you asked in #launchpad ?20:59
maginotSchmorgluck, try typing your password on Gedit and cut and paste on launchpad to see if its your error or theirs20:59
Schmorgluckoh, I didn't know there was that chan20:59
Schmorgluckthanks Pici20:59
joedarkhow can you change the resolution if xrandr failed? Anybody know?20:59
a-stray-cathey all, what's out there on linux to manage an ipod?21:00
Schmittyi bought an acer one aspire and added ram for a total of 2GB and then I added a intel 160 SSD to it from our hosting servers and now it flys.21:00
Aln31Hi, I have a big problem :/21:00
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
Aln31Yesterday, i buy a niew laptop21:00
Aln31an acer,21:00
maginotTapout, I had an similar problem with my HP notebook too, the only solution was permanently disable the keyboard and using an external one (of course I could expend $200 to fix it)21:00
Schmittya-stray-cat, gpod21:00
ekontsevoyWhy is it when I close Apache, some process (uuidd) binds to port #80 and prevents Apache from restarting?21:00
gaveenkarma_police, if you specify "noauto" as a mount option in won't get mounted automatically21:00
maginotAln31, please, put your question on 1 line if possible.21:01
karma_policei have this http://pastebin.org/14958521:01
gaveenkarma_police, in the fstab21:01
bondiblueos9ugh, how to make zpool mounts writable by other than root?21:01
Aln31maginot: sorry, it's very long and english isn't my first langage, in french it is really difficul to explain it, so in english.. :/21:01
xangua!fr | have you tried Aln31 ¿21:01
ubottuhave you tried Aln31 ¿: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois21:01
a-stray-catthanks Schmitty, ill check it out21:02
Aln31xangua: I know but they haven't any answer, so mayby here..21:02
crucialhoaxbondiblueos9: chgroup?21:02
maginotkarma_police, ok, and what is the problem them ? (Why using locale=C and why using ntfs-3g and not just ntfs)21:02
HKPCHi , How to make USB autorun ?21:02
sheeps10hi, I'm trying to manually set my network settings on another pc so that it doesn't use dhcp, but it won't stick through reboots, can anyone suggest something?21:03
crucialhoaxbondiblueos9: `chgrp` <-- correct command.21:03
ianwizardHKPC: it isn't easy to do, I dont even know how.  It a security thing.21:03
karma_policei have no clue.. i have a dualboot with win7 then ubuntu.. i want my seconday hdd with my storge to be mounted.. it is mounting that and my win7 file system21:04
gaveensheeps10, you are setting it using NetworkManager right?21:04
HKPCianwizard, I gess yse21:05
karma_policewhat would have set this up as ntfs-3g? i did use the storage device manager gui.. i guess that was wrong to do21:05
maginotkarma_police, I want to know, what problem are you having then, since all looks pretty good21:05
LzrdKingi'm getting "connection to closed" on my home computer but vnc should be tunnelled there (must be or else 59000 would not be listening)21:06
icerootLzrdKing: nmap -p 59000  (maybe you mean 5900??)21:07
crucialhoaxOn the top of of my keyboard I have touch keys for sound and when the mute button is pressed it does not turn amber, but mutes the sound. Suggestions?21:08
LzrdKingiceroot: no, i'm forwarding locat port 5900 to remote 5900021:08
aapzakguys, need help, I wish to pin a whole PPA, suggestions?21:08
crucialhoax!ppa | aapzak21:09
ubottuaapzak: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.21:09
iceroot!shortcuts | crucialhoax21:09
ubottucrucialhoax: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts21:09
sheeps10gaveen: I've been using the System/Preferences/Network Connections, I just tried sudo NetworkManager but it doesn't appear to do anything21:09
Talon_how would I add my general user into roots group or whatever so I can manipulate my apache files... apaches document root is in /var/www, or would it be easier to just chown the /www directory?21:09
coventryHow can I diagnose a problem with slow screen refresh (like, it takes about 1s for firefox to repaint my screen on each movement in scrolling a page?)21:09
aeon-ltdcoventry: graphic drivers.21:09
icerootTalon_: think about using mod_userdir s you can use ~/.public_html with user-rights21:09
coventryI don't like the default ubuntu desktop, so in the past I tended to start up a simple sawfish session in my ~/.xsession.  However, that required gdm-2.20 rather than the standard login manager; later versions don't run ~/.xsession.  I was making do with just going over to a virtual terminal, logging in, and running "startx -- :2", but now when I do that, I'm getting the slow screen refresh I just mentioned.21:09
gaveensheeps10, System > Preferences > Network Connection should invoke NM GUI21:10
andrew_lok, so can anyone help me? i installed 9.1 on this computer, and the dvd rom didn't exist, so theen i tried to follow the instructions here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/mount-special-device-dev-cdrom-does-not-exist-21369/ and now thr dvd rom wont even show up in the places list21:10
coventryaeon-ltd: How can I determine the difference between the graphics setup which the standard ubuntu login is running, and what I'm doing with startx?21:10
maginotcoventry, why not just install the desktop and on gdm choose the one you want as default???21:10
Talon_iceroot: I don't want individual user directories.21:10
aeon-ltdcoventry: possiblity, its not setting a correct framebuffer21:10
DJ_HaMsTai installed ubuntu-desktop on a server install and i get the old gnome desktop, how can i upgrade it ?21:11
coventrymaginot: I like to run sawfish.  I have been using it almost a decade and depend on it pretty heavily.  But it seems to be broken when I use it under the default ubuntu login.21:11
coventryaeon-ltd: How would I diagnose that?21:11
Talon_its my machine, my website being run from my machine, and sudoing to edit files is growing quite old.21:11
aeon-ltdcoventry: what screen res. have you got?21:11
sheeps10gaveen: when I open that I get a list of 2 connections, 1 called Ifupdown (eth0) which it won't let me edit or delete, and another which is what I made and can't seem to enable21:11
TripplehelixI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and my CPU is maxing out at 100% and overheating my laptop. It's been doing it since installing folding at home. Yet I have uninstalled it... wat do?21:12
icerootTalon_: #ubuntu+121:12
xangua!lucid | Tripplehelix21:12
maginot!lucid | Tripplehelix21:12
ubottuTripplehelix: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:12
LzrdKingiceroot: any tips to troubleshoot my connection?21:12
icerootLzrdKing: nmap as i said21:12
DJ_HaMsTahow can i upgrade the gnome GUI version of ubuntu ?21:12
PrebenRTripplehelix: what does 'top' tell you?21:12
aeon-ltdTripplehelix: check your daemons21:12
crucialhoaxiceroot: its not that the shortcut does not work, its that it does not turn colors when the sound is muted. my wifi goes from blue to amber when off, sound does not.21:12
coventryaeon-ltd: 3840x1200 pixels (dual monitor, split using "xrandr")21:12
Tripplehelixits showing origami maxing it out21:12
icerootcrucialhoax: hm ok, sorry dont know21:12
maginotPrebenR, discussions relative to lucid must be on #ubuntu+121:13
TripplehelixI uninstalled origami...21:13
icerootLzrdKing: is nmap telling "open, filtered or closed"?21:13
crucialhoaxiceroot: I cannot find anything on the web either. Its not a big deal, but that is the last thing from making it work 100% compatible.21:13
TripplehelixHow do I kill processes in 'top'?21:13
ianwizardpress k21:13
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: killall origami21:13
coventryTripplehelix: type "k", then enter the pid, then the signal number.21:13
bondiblueos9if I'm creating a zpool do I want to use zpool create MyPool /dev/sda or zpool create MyPool /dev/sda121:14
Tripplehelix"No process found" crucialhoax21:14
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:14
LzrdKingiceroot: how about telnet? "RFB 003.889" thats vnc!21:14
Tripplehelixcoventry: Operation not permitted21:15
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ok, type this. ps aux | grep origami21:15
coventryTripplehelix: who owns sthe process?21:15
icerootLzrdKing: hm, looking good if you say that it is vnc21:15
aapzakexact answer to my specific ppa pinning problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8636047&postcount=3621:15
aeon-ltdcoventry: damn. i don't have the correct settings for 1920x1600 but it might involve adding a vga= parameter to our menu.lst (grub)21:15
LzrdKingawww, it almost connected but it destroyed the tunnel instead!21:16
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: ok done21:16
Tripplehelixlists lots of stuff21:16
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: There is a lot of origami's running? haha21:16
coventryaeon-ltd: well, I don't have this problem if I do a standard log in (but I have a whole slew of other UI problems) so I don't think it's a matter of boot-time configuration.21:16
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: paste.ubuntu.com please? so I can see it.21:17
Tripplehelix13 cases of it... I just booted the system21:17
maginotaeon-ltd, some high resolution frammebuffers have some problems to work21:17
aeon-ltdcoventry: what gtk theme are you using?21:17
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413875/21:18
sheeps10gaveen: when I open that I get a list of 2 connections, 1 called Ifupdown (eth0) which it won't let me edit or delete, and another which is what I made and can't seem to enable21:18
coventryaeon-ltd: How do I determine that?  (BTW, keep in mind that this session was initiated using "startx", and my .xsession does not explicitly invoke gnome.21:18
LzrdKingit destroyed the tunnel again! maybe because i'm vncing back to the machine i'm vncing from?21:18
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ok, did you want this `origami` still installed?21:19
gaveensheeps10, you can't edit even when it's disconnected?21:19
Tripplehelixno I'd like to kill it with fire please crucialhoax21:19
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: sudo killall origami21:19
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: and ASAP before the battery explodes21:20
sheeps10gaveen: no, delete... and edit... are permanently greyed out21:20
Tripplehelix"No process found" crucialhoax21:20
sheeps10gaveen: (only the ifupdown (eth0)) config, the others work as I expected but don't seem to affect the active config21:21
=== Nedrae|f00d is now known as Nedrae
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: sudo kill -9 1176 1208 1216 1220 1240 1242 1243 1244 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 126121:21
gaveensheeps10, which connection is being used?21:22
aeon-ltdcoventry: are you absolutely sure this only happens when using startx?21:22
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: It's dead, you have slayed the beast, now how do I uninstall it??21:22
TripplehelixThank you very much21:22
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: No problem. kill -9 is like a headshot for killing processes. It will kill anything lol21:23
sheeps10gaveen: Ifupdown, I assume, I can't get it to tell me what settings it is using but it must be the source of dhcp since the only other config is static ip21:23
TripplehelixI'll remember that21:23
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: sudo apt-get remove --purge origami21:23
LzrdKingwasn;t there a psdoom that you could kill processes by shooting them?21:23
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: But kill -9 uses the process ID not the name so as you seen it was `1261` not `origami`21:24
coventryaeon-ltd: Those are the only circumstances in which I've observed it.  In addition, at times I've had the startx session and a standard session running simultaneously.  When I saw the problem on the startx session with paging in an emacs instance, I went over to the standard session and checked whether it was happening in an emacs window there.  It was not.21:24
Tripplehelix"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:24
TripplehelixE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:24
Tripplehelix" Missile missed21:24
LzrdKingTripplehelix: but you could have done killall -9 origami21:24
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Do you have another terminal open or Synaptic Package Manager?21:24
tripelbI'm in Gimp, I have an image, began as a jpeg, but when I made an image from a crop It became scf and I need it in jpeg. How can I save it in jpeg? Else this is unusable to me.21:24
Tripplehelixnot anymore that was a silly mistake crucialhoax lol21:25
crucialhoaxtripelb: scf I believe is a GIMP file, so just `save as` .jpeg21:25
gaveentripelb, File > Export21:25
Tripplehelix"Package origami is not installed, so not removed"21:25
zaxonspoxtripelb use extension .jpg in name of file21:25
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ehh? lol well...21:25
LzrdKinghow would i make openbox connect my wireless then start boxee?21:26
moegreenhey guys... Im using evolution and images are not loading like signatures or if anybody pastes in the email.  I looked on google and that did not help21:26
gaveentripelb, my bad. it's File > Save As21:26
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Lets double check by going into Synaptic and searching for `origami`21:26
TripplehelixIt's showing in synaptic21:27
Tripplehelixshall I uninstall it there?21:27
Tripplehelixoh no, it's not ticked21:27
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ok, hm. On the left side do you see a `Residual Config` button?21:27
aeon-ltdcoventry: have you uninstalled gdm? and all dependancies? because it could be missing a library that is not neccessarily a dependancy21:27
budlustis anyone familiar with getting thinkpad wireless adapters to work?21:27
cognitiaclaevesI've accidentally deleted a file that wasn't backed up on a command line ext3 file system.  Anyone know a way to try to recover most of the data from it?21:27
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: nope21:28
AltinHello I am getting a info message when I log into the ubuntu window destop screen. The message is "Your battery may be broken. Your battery has a very low capacity (33%). Is it any fix to the problem??21:28
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Well then it is def not installed anywhere.21:28
maginotAltin, you could change your battery21:28
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: Why does it start when I boot the laptop?21:28
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Go to System > Preferences > Startup Programs > and look for it in there.21:29
guntbert!crosspost | Altin21:29
ubottuAltin: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.21:29
TripplehelixI installed it to system when I installed it I think21:29
LzrdKingi get the message that my harddrive is damaged but it hasn't been a problem yet!21:29
Guest8375hi there, could someone advise me how i can get video files on my iphone using ?, ive seen loads of guides on how to set rhythmbox to get music on (which incidentally works fine) but those methods dont allow me to drop mp4 files (already iphone formatted) onto the iphone ...any ideas?21:29
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: nothing in there21:29
Guest8375uim using karmic21:29
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: would the fact that I installed it to system have anything to do with it?21:29
moegreendoes anybody here use evolution and images load automatically?21:30
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Meh... Iam not sure, but it should not be running if it not even installed ha21:30
coventryNo, gdm is still running.  There was a problem with running gdm-2.20 instead, I can't remember exactly what it was.  If there's a problem with gdm missing a library, it's probably not causing the slow refresh, as the refresh rate is fine in a standard gdm session, just not in a startx-based sesssion.21:30
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: I will restart and get back to you, hold on21:30
coventryaeon-ltd: I meant that last for you.21:30
crucialhoaxbudlust: What wireless adapter is it?21:30
Nastya_Hi everyone!21:30
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ok.21:30
gaveenmoegreen, you have to set images to load21:31
Nastya_Advise me a TEX editor that you use, please.21:31
moegreeni did that but they are still not loading21:31
crucialhoaxNastya_: For what? Ubuntu has `gedit` which is like notepad from Windows and Open Office which is a free Office suite.21:31
DasEi2Nastya_: gedit for common, aboword or oo for advanced21:31
zaxonspoxcognitiaclaeves try DiskExplorer for Linux V3.4121:31
diskinNastya_, these people do not know what is TeX :)21:32
suboneis it normal for blkid to return no output?21:32
diskinor you misspelled it21:32
gaveenmoegreen, Preferences > Mail Preferences > HTML Messages > Loading Images ?21:32
DasEi2subone: sudo it21:32
moegreenya i have "always load images from the internet" set21:32
suboneDasEi2, ty21:33
Tripplehelix_crucialhoax: guess what's burning up the CPU again...21:33
=== zelda_ is now known as Zelda
Nastya_diskin: TeX or LATEX all is correct21:33
crucialhoaxTripplehelix_: I have an idea.21:33
=== Tripplehelix_ is now known as Tripplehelix
gaveenNastya_, It's LaTeX21:33
crucialhoaxTripplehelix_: kill them all again please21:33
sheeps10gaveen: Ifupdown, I assume, I can't get it to tell me what settings it is using but it must be the source of dhcp since the only other config is static ip21:33
ZeldaHello. I have Lucid. Im having issue installing sun-jre. I have AMD64. Can someone help me figure out wtf?21:34
maginot!lucid | Zelda21:34
ubottuZelda: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:34
=== murat is now known as Guest6971
icerootZelda: #ubuntu+121:34
Nastya_Actually I know several editors, but IO want to see Latex source coe in different colors and I want to have a compile option included21:34
bondiblueos9if I want to remove all the files ending in .zip from the current directory and subdirectories, how do I do that?21:34
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: Sorry but I'm a noob how did we list the process ID's?21:34
icerootNastya_: vim21:34
ZeldaThanks Iceroot.21:34
jribbondiblueos9: you can use find (see its -delete and -iname options)21:34
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: try `sudo killall -9 origami`21:34
icerootNastya_: and if you want a gui, use kile, imo the best gui-editor for latex21:34
Guest8375WOW this channel moves fast ... it took 12 seconds for my question to move off the top of the screen .. is this the best place to ask questions, or is there another channel ? cheers21:34
zaxonspoxbondiblueos9 rm -R *.zip21:34
ScuniziZelda: open synaptic package manager and enable the Partners repository.. refresh and you'll find it in there when searching synaptic for sun-java21:34
icerootGuest8375: this is the correct place21:35
TripplehelixI\ve got the ID\s crucialhoax Sudo kill.... just says no such process21:35
Nastya_iceroot: THank you . I thought thast it is for KDE enxironment21:35
Curly_QIceroot why not Gvim?21:35
bondiblueos9zaxonspox, I like that; jrib, I'll look into it, but find and I don't tend to get along21:35
Nastya_But I'm with GNOME21:35
icerootNastya_: but you can install it on gnome too21:35
LzrdKingTripplehelix: ps aux |grep origami21:35
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: If you have the process ID's then it is `sudo kill -9 <list ID's here>21:35
icerootCurly_Q: because vim dont need a gui :)21:35
icerootCurly_Q: if you are using vim and can handle it, you dont want a gui21:36
Nastya_iceroot: I thiank that I can find something native for gnome21:36
gaveen_Nastya_, try Texmaker, or Gedit and Vim both have nice LaTeX plugins21:36
LzrdKingi know like a tenth of the vim commands21:36
panfisti had created a bunch of links to files that were hosted on another server, and it was working great until i rebooted. the links appear to be broken because spaces in the path are not escaped21:36
Nastya_gaveen_: Gedit? Hm.. How can I install these plugins?21:36
Curly_QIceroot true, it uses less resources, but, in the real world a GUI makes it faster.21:36
jribbondiblueos9: well zaxonspox won't do what you want21:36
panfistwhy would they work before but not after i rebooted?21:36
icerootCurly_Q: not really21:36
jribbondiblueos9: his command I mean :)21:36
Curly_QIceroot can you type about 200 words a minute?21:37
icerootCurly_Q: have a look at youtube and search for "vim" you will see how fast the real vim is, so dont need a gui21:37
_blackwater_Guest8375 you're trying to open mp4 files on iphone?21:37
jribbondiblueos9: what version of ubuntu are you using?21:37
Nastya_And I know vim a little bit, but I don't know how to compile from it's console21:37
zaxonspoxjrib what?21:37
Curly_QIceroot I have used both vim and Gvim. I like them both.21:37
icerootCurly_Q: i can type faster then moving my hand to the mouse and click something21:37
Exposure548how can I install Ubuntu in my g fridge?21:37
gaveen_Nastya_, you can copy the content of the archive into ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins or look for a package21:37
bondiblueos9jrib: oh, will his command take all the directories ending in .zip and remove them and their files?21:37
bondiblueos9jrib: I'm running 9.1021:38
tripelbcrucialhoax, zaxonspox gaveen  (file saveas choose jpeg sounded obvious so I had tried it) I'll see if doing it a 3rd time changes anything) you have the magic?  --- I choose jepeg, it saves it as an .xcf anyway.  Have you ever done this yourself?21:38
Guest8375well, i jusr wan to find a way of getting them on there so i can play them under the movies section on my iphone21:38
jribzaxonspox: rm -r *.zip will not delete foo/bar.zip21:38
gaveen_Nastya_, gedit-latex-plugin21:38
MyrttiExposure548: find out what processor it's using, then google it up.21:38
Guest8375i can get music on just fine21:38
Nastya_gaveen_: thank you you're so nice21:38
Tripplehelixnot working.... crucialhoax21:38
Curly_QNot bad Iceroot. Walking and chewing gum at the same time is great.   :)21:38
Exposure548Myrtti: i think it's some RISC ;-)21:38
jribbondiblueos9: since you hate find... you can use: rm **/*.zip21:38
icerootCurly_Q: :)21:38
=== gaveen_ is now known as gaveen
Curly_QWhere are you from Iceroot?21:38
MyrttiExposure548: good luck then. For offtopic discussion, we've got #ubuntu-offtopic.21:39
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Tripplehelixcrucialhoax:  ok got it, put killall accidently21:39
Curly_QI am from Massachusetts. MIT.21:39
bondiblueos9jrib: and that'll do it? I don't like seeing *'s in rm, haha, but I'm sure you know what you're doing21:39
icerootCurly_Q: i think its getting offtopic21:39
Exposure548Myrtti, i know, just kidding :)21:39
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ok.21:39
braxCan someone help me with the filesystem of linux? I don't comprehend it completely.21:39
jribbondiblueos9: well use -i if you want21:39
Curly_QSo is typing faster than using a mouse off topic.21:39
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: wait, there's one more that wont die21:39
iceroot!ext3 | brax21:39
ubottubrax: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org21:39
jribbrax: what's your question?21:39
zaxonspoxtripelb yes, i have saved it, what option do you choose Save according to extension option?21:39
crucialhoaxtripelb: File > Save As... > JPEG has always worked.21:40
LzrdKingthank you, whoever told me about autossh!21:40
icerootubottu: you are not very helpfull :)21:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:40
LzrdKingoops, wrong channel, it wasn;t here21:40
tripelbcrucialhoax, zaxonspox gaveen  (file saveas choose jpeg sounded obvious so I had tried it) and choosing select file type by extension means I can no longer see the SAVE button. It's below the bottom of my screen.21:40
braxjrib: I don't get how it all fits together, I guess my main question would be why are there identically-named folders in different directories?21:40
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ok, that is fine. Now in the same terminal type `cd` then `ls -a | grep ./FaH`21:40
jrib!fhs | brax21:40
ubottubrax: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier21:40
braxThanks! :D21:41
jribbrax: like what?21:41
Curly_QUbottu, by the way, I will have two crumpets and a cup of tea please.21:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:41
zaxonspoxtripleb than press Enter, or use TAB21:41
braxI'll just take a look at that link and ask you any questions that I have later.21:41
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: that did nothing but showed no error21:41
tgp1994Hi there everyone, I've plugged in a stratitec all-in-one flash card reader, with one HDHC card, but it does not show up in KDE. Any help?21:41
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Ok, then try this `ls -a` and scroll thru the directories and see if you find ./FahCore21:42
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: nothing21:43
Curly_QTgp1994 have you formatted the FLASH card with Windows?21:43
panfisti have created a bunch of symbolic links to files hosted on another server. i rebooted my system, and the links broke. it looks like the spaces in the link paths are not escaped. why would something like this happen?21:43
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: well looking at your paste been something is starting it.21:43
tgp1994Curly_Q: Actually, the first time I formatted it in the Wii :( So windows can't even recognize it.21:43
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: it's installed to the system, not to the user.... where would that put it? It's not in root21:44
jribpanfist: I don't understand what you are asking... I suppose the links don't have escaped spaces because you didn't escape them...21:44
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: `whereis origami`21:44
Green_Waxdoes anyone here have experience with getting evolution to sync to an iPod?21:44
histo Okay whats the magic shortuct that I bumped that disabled my touchpad?21:44
histoIt works fine at the GDM screen but soon as a login mouse is disabled.21:45
crucialhoaxhisto: It is probably an FN key plus a F<number here> key21:45
Tripplehelix"origami:" crucialhoax21:45
bondiblueos9jrib: hmmm, that doesn't go into sub sub etc directories; I guess I'll man find afterall21:45
maginothisto, I know that you can disable in System > Preferences > Mouse21:45
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: It made its own line stating your search?21:45
jribbondiblueos9: it should21:45
histomaginot: yeah there aparently is a shortcut that I hit.21:45
Curly_QTgp1994 depending upon whether that flash card is legit or not, and when I say that is that I recieved a Kingston 64 gig flash and it was fake card. It works great but Windows was not able to format it. That was a problem, but I fixed it though.21:45
tripelbcrucialhoax, zaxonspox gaveen  FILE, SAVEAS, dialog box. I make it say Jpeg in the box below the box that shows my folders. I REMOVE the .xcf from the filename (up top in the dialog box)  I change the name of the file or marr the pic so I can tell which it is. (this is ubuntu 9.10)  upgraded from 9.04) My system is in no way tweaked. I have done this in photoshop or the free windows photo-program in my windoes past. === as I said, saves as a .xcf == there must21:45
tripelbbe some differeence in what you do.21:45
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: yep, just says "origami:21:45
Tripplehelix" then next line is the regular input line21:45
tgp1994Curly_Q: If the Wii can format it though, shouldn't it be legit?21:46
crucialhoaxtripelb: You cannot just change the file name to .jpg. you have to change the drop down menu to jpg21:46
Curly_QIt depends.21:46
Curly_QDid you try to format the card in Linux?21:46
wildc4rdevenin' all21:46
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: try `whereis Fah` or `locate Fah`21:46
tgp1994Curly_Q: And I mean with the homebrew file browser, I can browse it, but that's something else. I'm just concerned about linux recognizing it. ACTually, I wouldn't mind if I could just reset the FS.21:46
tgp1994Curly_Q: Ya, I don't know how, I don't know the device ID.21:46
crucialhoaxfabrizio: /LIST21:47
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax:  "/var/lib/origami/foldingathome/CPU1/FahCore_78.exe" and CPU221:47
red2kicfabrizio: !list21:47
zaxonspoxtripleb try png not jpg21:47
Curly_QTgp1994 see if your Linux box can see the device.21:47
histoHave no idea what I bumped to do this.21:47
tgp1994Curly_Q: How can I go about doing that, and how will I know it's that same memory reader it's recognizing?21:48
histoHow do you open the gnome menu with kb?21:48
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: I believe that is it... Yeah, that is the same .exe as the one in your pastebin. So I would do this.21:48
Curly_QI think that command is dmesg.  After that mount the device.21:48
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: sudo rm /var/lib/origami/foldingathome/CPU1/FahCore_78.exe ?21:48
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: `sudo mv /var/lib/origami/foldingathome/CPU1/FahCore_78.exe FahCore_78.exe.OLD21:49
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Do not delete it, just rename it. Do you have WINE installed?21:49
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: I've renamed both in CPU1 and CPU2 ... no21:50
albjoin #ubuntu-es21:50
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: KK, now I guess see if it still runs after a reboot..21:50
tgp1994Curly_Q: Any ideas21:51
coventryWhat is the cognate to ~/.xsession-errors, on a modern ubuntu system?21:51
Curly_QTgp1994 have you tried the flash drive on another computer?21:52
crucialhoaxcoventry: I have the same files on my Ubuntu system21:52
tgp1994Curly_Q: The only other computers I have are windows.21:52
crucialhoax~.xsession errors21:52
Curly_QDoes it work there?21:52
coventryOh, still the same.  Thanks.21:52
tgp1994Curly_Q: Tried it on a memory reader in our printer, but now that you mention it... I'll give it a try with this external one.21:53
amy_i required help21:53
zaxonspoxamy_ ask21:53
amy_on the desktop21:53
amy_there is a file of some kind, I cannot seem to delete it21:53
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: that was a messy login only one FAH process now21:53
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Messy login?21:53
crucialhoaxamy_: What is the file/21:54
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: it loaded funny, but it's fine now21:54
PyroPheliawhen doing a scp transfer how do you specify a directory that has spaces in it?  \ is not working.21:54
zaxonspoxamy_ what files? names21:54
h00kPyroPhelia: put the path in quotes21:54
PyroPheliah00k, still didn't work21:54
amy_it says Blue Hard Drive 37221:54
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: this last process I guess has started as it was running before, it won't die21:54
amy_don't know what it is and trying to delete it21:54
tgp1994Curly_Q: On windows, four new removable disks come up, all of them asking me to insert a device.21:54
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: Lets see if we can get ride of that last one then. `ps aux | grep origami` then paste bin it please. I would like to compare the two :)21:55
sheeps10PyroPhelia: I normally just make a tar archive when I want to copy files with spaces21:55
zaxonspoxamy_ did you connected a Flash Drive or Flash Card21:55
amy_my dad decided to test it on a different machine21:55
histoThis makes no sense how could touchpad just stop working for one user?21:55
PyroPheliaah I got it.  "" with \21:55
amy_and now I cannot remove it off the desktop21:55
countessquestion, is the offical ubuntu book still up to date and good for new users21:55
crucialhoaxhisto: It was prolly disabled by a hotkey21:55
PyroPheliasheeps10, can't tar atm.  the HD is full.21:55
Curly_QTgp1994 is this flash drive store bought right of the package or did someone give it to you? I ask that because it may be that the flash drive has logical partitions on it.21:55
countessi wanted to find a book to recommend to my friend21:55
Tripplehelixhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/413905/ crucialhoax21:56
zaxonspoxamy_ then this is a Flash Drive connected through USB, click right with mouse on it and choose Unmount21:56
tgp1994Curly_Q: The Flash drive was store bought, from meijers.21:56
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: It is no longer running any longer :)21:56
histocrucialhoax: I have a button that can disable right above the touchpad its not disabled because the light isn't lit. The pad works fine on GDM just right after I login it stops working.21:56
Curly_QDid you logically partition it?21:56
tgp1994Curly_Q: Whatever the wii did to it, I dunno.21:56
TripplehelixI know that  but it;s still using 10% of my CPU on this process :P21:56
crucialhoaxhisto: Hmm. That is odd. What kind of touchpad is it?21:57
histocrucialhoax: I was working in a gnome-terminal ssh'd in to another box earlier and it just went crayz.21:57
TripplehelixCan I rm those folders? crucialhoax21:57
LzrdKingwoo, i just attached screen from inside itself21:57
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: I do not know for sure =/21:57
histocrucialhoax: by crazy I mean scrreen flickerd and mouse pointer stoped responding. But keyboard was fine.21:57
amy_ok, i just did what you told me to do, unmount the drive but there is no response21:57
crucialhoaxhisto: Hmm. That is odd. What kind of touchpad is it?21:58
Curly_QTgp1994 I had a problem with my 64 gig flash drive. Windows could not format it. Another problem with it is that when I was doing some forensic data recovery with it, the files were scrambled and I could not delete any of the files. However, Hewlett Packard has a nice software to format any memory stick.21:58
Tripplehelixsudo rm /var/lib/origami/ results in "rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/origami/': Is a directory" also how do I kill that process?21:58
amy_he also just diconnected the drive21:58
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: sudo rm /var/lib/origami/ results in "rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/origami/': Is a directory" also how do I kill that process?21:58
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: what do you mean kill that process?21:58
histocrucialhoax: let me check i'm not sure who makes it its on an hp laptop21:59
crucialhoaxhisto: It is probably synaptics then.21:59
tgp1994Curly_Q: I'll give it a search, thanks. I just hope it works when windows is still asking to insert a device.21:59
tripelbcrucialhoax, i DID NOT CHANGE THE FILENAME TO JPG. I changed the BOX below the choice of directories. As I said. I only changed the filename so that It would be distinct from the previous try.21:59
zaxonspoxamy_ sorry? who, when disconnected? after clicking unmount?21:59
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: 1627 in the paste bin..21:59
Curly_QTgp1994 hang in there for a moment, I will tell  you what the software is.21:59
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: my CPU used to run at 2% usage now it's over 10% something's still odd21:59
benkong2hello all21:59
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: ignore me22:00
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: thank you very much22:00
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: That is not a process. that is the command `ps aux | grep origami` that is all that is.22:00
tgp1994Curly_Q: I think I may have found it, HP USB Disk Storage Format tool, right?22:00
amy_zaxonspox: my dad disconnected the hard drive before unmounting it22:00
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: What's the command to remove "/var/lib/origami/"22:00
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: However, if you did want to remove those directories. it would be `rm -R` -R for recursive22:00
zaxonspoxamy_ bad, thats not the way, he might destroy data on the drive22:00
BlacKnighthey guys, i'm looking for a voltage monitor for ubuntu... my system is failing and i think it's my psu any suggestion? thanks22:00
benkong2I just did the latest update and now my grub entry shows this line22:01
benkong2'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-20-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {22:01
histocrucialhoax: yeah its using synaptics and there is some macintosh button emulation on. Which i think might be the culprit. although I have no idea how I could have turne dit on with keypresses.22:01
Tripplehelixcrucialhoax: I owe you alot, thank you :D22:01
benkong2what happened22:01
zaxonspoxamy_ thats for is Unmount option, for safe removal, if some data were copied, hard disconnect might not saved them22:01
Curly_QIt is free and it works real nice.22:01
amy_zaxonspox: on the hard drive, there wasn't any important file on there22:01
tgp1994Curly_Q: Ya, for each of the 5 empty devices, it says there is no media inserted. I'm pretty sure I have it in right.22:01
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: No problem. I am glad it is working correctly now :)22:01
amy_zaxonspox: in other words, there wasn't any file22:01
zaxonspoxamy_ then no problem, just for the future - unmount first22:02
TripplehelixI shall no longer trust FAH after killing two of my computers :)22:02
Curly_QTgp1994 it might be that there are logical partitions there that are not being seen properly.22:02
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crucialhoaxhisto: type `gconf-editor` in a terminal22:02
tgp1994Curly_Q: So what can I do22:02
crucialhoaxTripplehelix: I would not either. That was terrible.22:02
histocrucialhoax: yeah any idea what key i'm looking for in there?22:02
amy_zaxonspox: he took the hard drive out of the CCTV and then he decided to check it on the computer as the hard drive keeps popping up saying hard drive fail on the CCTV and decided to test it on the computer22:02
Curly_QTry formatting it with the HP USB program in Windows.22:02
Curly_QIt won't hurt anything.22:03
tgp1994Curly_Q: Ya, I got it. Says for each of the 5 devices, that no media is inserted.22:03
crucialhoaxhisto: desktop > gnome > peripherals > touchpad22:03
amy_zaxonspox: when he connected the hard drive on to another machine, it wouldn't come up with the hard drive name or anything22:03
Curly_QTgp1994 it may be that you will have to use fdisk and remove the logical partitions.22:03
histocrucialhoax: it was disabled22:03
braxThis might be slightly off-topic, but I once stumbled upon a website that had irc quotes and it also had the GNU logo at the top, do you know what the URL might be?22:04
histocrucialhoax: how could I have done that with keyboard22:04
tgp1994Curly_Q: The problem is, I don't know what device it is in linux.22:04
PyroPheliawhat kernel does ubuntu use in their latest release?22:04
crucialhoaxhisto: I have no idea lol that is random. usually if there is not an fn key it is the button above it, which you stated was on. I have no idea.22:04
jfroebe0.01 ;-)22:04
Curly_QTgp1994 did you try dmsg  or is it dmesg.22:04
amy_but is there anyway that i will be able to remove the drive from the desktop?22:05
tgp1994dmesg, right, but what am I looking for?22:05
Curly_QThe device. USB22:05
SickPuppyhey there,,whats the --sm-disable option for with the nm-applet in Gnome on Ubuntu ?22:05
bondiblueos9jrib: ok, if "find . -name *.zip" gives me the correct files, then "find . -name *.zip -delete" will delete them, right?  is there any way to make it interactive?22:05
crucialhoaxI cannot wait x.x.3322:05
PyroPheliajibadeeha, ty22:05
zaxonspoxamy_ it still resides? then after reebot it should disapear22:05
tgp1994Curly_Q: Alright, I see five devices being recognized, good. So do I try mounting all of them?22:05
Curly_QIt may say the manufacturers name there Tgp1994.22:05
amy_zaxonspox: what if it doesn't disappear?22:06
tgp1994Curly_Q: Ok, or should I actually try fdisk?22:06
crucialhoaxhisto: Is it re-enabled?22:06
Curly_QTry mounting first.22:06
jribbondiblueos9: find -iname '*.zip' -exec rm -i '{}' \;22:06
zaxonspoxamy_ it should, if not, then connect it again, and normal unmount22:06
tgp1994Curly_Q: Now mount has frozen :(22:07
zaxonspoxamy_ hard way will be to remove entry in ....   .mtab file i think22:07
Curly_QIf you see five devices that indicates but I am not 100% sure that there are five logical partitions. How big is that flash drive?22:07
amy_ok, i will do that now and try your suggestion22:07
amy_if don't work, i will come back on chat22:07
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tgp1994Curly_Q: Nevermind, just took awhile. I'll keep trying on the other devices. Oh, I see where you're going here. No, I think those five devices are the five ports on this AIO card reader.22:07
zaxonspoxamy_ spox22:08
Curly_QI see.22:08
tgp1994Curly_Q: There's actually only four, but maybe one has two in it.22:08
Curly_QSee what fdisk tells you. Just do a querry there.22:08
crucialhoaxhow do you get ubuntu to show the boot process?22:09
tgp1994Curly_Q: How do I do a query in fdisk?22:09
crucialhoaxdo I need to remove the `quite` part from grub menu?22:09
tgp1994Curly_Q: Umm, it just shows examples for usage.22:09
jfroebeI think "F2" when starting but I might be remembering wrong22:09
Curly_QTry fdisk help  -help22:09
Zeldaits different for all machines man.22:09
crucialhoaxZelda: My netbook does it automagically.22:10
Curly_QIt would be better to Google fdisk in this case.22:10
Zeldasee, some do it automatically.22:10
tgp1994Curly_Q: Mk.22:10
SickPuppyanyone know what the --sm-disable option is with the network manager applet ?22:10
Zeldaits fdisk -help I think22:10
Curly_QGreets to Zelda    <--------------<22:11
Zeldaor /help22:11
tgp1994Curly_Q: I think you may be thinking of the windows version of fdisk, since that has a /query switch.22:11
Curly_QNo Linux has an fdisk.22:11
grogoreois it possible, like you can on windows, to use the mic socket for surround sound output?22:11
tripelbhas been doing save-as since before you touched a computer dudes22:11
xrax063alguien podria decirme que es esto?22:11
morris1hi. i connected my computer to my HD tv. i just changed my audio output device to HDMI, and most sounds are now output on the tv. however, some programs refuse to output there and output on the default sound device (desktop speakers). what can i do?22:12
tgp1994Curly_Q: I realise that :) but google searching is revealing only a /query switch, which means it's for windows.22:12
Zeldaespanolo dude.22:12
tripelbubuntu wont make the window fit my screen. So not ready for primetime.22:12
Zeldayou think save-as is bad.. i have to save using punch cards!22:12
crucialhoaxSickPuppy: I am googling now. One sec22:12
tripelbZelda, when we had punch cards I had a keypunch operator to do them for me.22:12
ZeldaI have to use a 7 punch cards..22:13
sab_i was trying 'sudo synaptic' on cli...its giving me this msg............Unable to get exclusive lock......................................why and how could i solve this problem??22:13
tripelbzelda, base 7 ! how alien !22:13
tgp1994Curly_Q: Says nothing about querying for devices :)22:13
crucialhoaxsab_: you have something else running apt22:13
* tripelb goes irl (not getting any help here)22:13
iadrianI have a simple question. If anyone can answer please, i already have windows. I want to install Ubuntu 9.10 but i want to keep windows too and to have an option to choose between them at boot. And if i install Ubuntu , does it have to be on a separate partition? Or if i use with a windows normal it will change it`s data structure?22:13
Curly_QWhen I said querry I was referring to take a look at what the partitions were with fdisk.22:13
Zeldaiadrian. you can do that.22:14
Flare-Laptop!aptlock | sab_22:14
ubottusab_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:14
ZeldaYou run the live cd, and it will give you the option to run them and choose at startup22:14
tgp1994Curly_Q: That would mean I'd have to mount a device, and all five of the devices failed at mounting.22:14
iadrianjust install ubuntu now normal installation just to a separate partiotion?22:14
hassanakevazirsab_, pkill synaptic && pkill update-manager22:14
sab_crucialhoax, how can i stop that apt,and how do i know what is running on apt?22:14
Zeldaiadrian,: yes22:14
iadrianThank you Zelda !22:14
tgp1994Curly_Q: In fdisk I mean22:14
crucialhoaxsab_: Are you using apt-get in a terminal?22:14
Curly_QTgp1994 this website will help you.    http://www.basicconfig.com/linux/linux_fdisk_command_check_hard_disk_partitions22:14
Zeldathats what Im doing right now.22:14
Zeldawell, I mean, thats how I have my computer set up right now.22:15
sab_crucialhoax, yes22:15
tgp1994Curly_Q: Nothing came back when using the -l command, what does that mean?22:15
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Zelda^ maybe he went to get some pans22:15
iadrianwhich one is better, Ubuntu OR Kubuntu ?22:16
crucialhoaxsab_: That is why, when that is finished, you can open Synaptic22:16
preston_I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and wanted to know how to set my network connection priorities22:16
Zelda-l is the list command22:16
crucialhoaxiadrian: It is your choice22:16
Flare-Laptop!best | iadrian22:16
ubottuiadrian: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:16
ZeldaKubuntu uses KDE and Ubuntu is Gnome. I like Ubuntu22:16
crucialhoaxiadrian: I prefer ubuntu because I like gnome, but if you like KDE, then use Kubuntu22:16
tgp1994Zelda: Ah, so if it only comes back with my hard disk, that means no other partitions are detected anywhere?22:16
red2kic!de | iadrian22:16
ubottuiadrian: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:16
red2kiciadrian: Er. Not the one I was looking for.22:17
c3liadrian, if youre a former windows user KDE (kubuntu) might be more familiar to you, personally I prefer kde over gnome, and im a "experienced linux user"22:17
sab_crucialhoax, i was running this command ....apt-get install amarok ,then it stops and not working,i pressed ctrl+z to quit22:17
Zeldatgp1994: what are you trying to do?22:17
red2kic!desktop | iadrian22:17
ubottuiadrian: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors22:17
tgp1994Zelda: Trying to figure out why my SDHC card isn't being read.22:17
Curly_QIf that is what it is saying then mount that one partition rather than the 4.22:17
Zelda<--likes GNOME22:17
crucialhoaxsab_: Now try opening synaptics22:17
iromlicrucialhoax: agree with you, i like gnome too22:17
tgp1994Zelda: It's only read on my wii.22:17
Zeldatgp1994: in LInux?22:17
tgp1994Curly_Q: Huh?22:17
sheeps10for posterity: my problem with networking was caused by having the ubuntu-minimal package installed, which recently installed ifupdown, which is hard configured to use dhcp, and /etc/network/interfaces needs to be edited by hand22:17
crucialhoax<---- agrees with Zelda22:17
tgp1994Zelda: Right, not read in linux or windows, only read on the wii.22:18
iadrianBeside the desktop enviroment there is no big difference ...22:18
crucialhoaxiadrian: Correct22:18
c3liadrian, imo there is22:18
Zeldatgp1994: so you have formatted it using the Wii?22:18
tgp1994Zelda: Correct.22:18
crucialhoaxtgp1994: Can you reformat it to something else in the Wii?22:18
tgp1994crucialhoax: I'm not quite sure :S22:18
Zeldatgp1994: Interesting. Let me see if mine will read in Linux or windows.22:18
preston_Hey I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and was wondering if anyone knows how to set priorities on network connections22:19
crucialhoaxtgp1994: What did Wii format it to?22:19
tgp1994crucialhoax: Beats me :P22:19
crucialhoaxlol sweet22:19
Curly_QTgp1994 have you gone to the manufacture website to check for drivers so Linux can see that device?22:19
crucialhoaxCurly_Q: It is not that. I believe it is a Wii only format lol22:19
tgp1994Curly_Q: The Mfg's website looks like one of those knockoff ones, but heck, I don't even know what the device S/N is.22:20
Zeldaits probably a matter of the Wii formatting it to like fat16 or something.22:20
crucialhoaxfat16 i recognized by Linux22:20
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tgp1994@all, And even then, I would think that at least the physical card would be recognized.22:20
Curly_QTgp1994 the serial number is not what is important, it is the PART NUMBER and name of the device and MODEL NUMBER.   :)22:20
Zeldahm... maybe the way they formatted it, the MBR is only recognized by the Wii's software.22:20
Zeldais it a WII branded SD card?22:21
histocrucialhoax: yeah its a bug from resuming after bumping the button. I can recreate it.22:21
tgp1994Curly_Q: Ya, I guess that's what I meant :P Very fishy of knocked-offed ness.22:21
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histocrucialhoax: I'll look at filing it later22:21
tgp1994Zelda: No, it's a standard SanDisk card.22:21
crucialhoaxhisto: As long as it works now lol22:21
ZeldaI dont know then. I cant get to mine right now. I have it packed somewhere.22:21
tgp1994Zelda: Oh, alright. Perhaps the Homebrew channel has a formatter, im gunna go to their website and look.22:22
Zeldagood idea.22:22
tgp1994(Blasted think can't update, which is why I'm trying to format the card in the 1st place :P)22:22
crucialhoaxtgp1994: So you formatted the the SD card using the Wii and now it wont read on the computers?22:22
ZeldaIve never had an issue using it in a Windows machine..22:22
tgp1994crucialhoax: Correct.22:22
Zeldacrucial: precisely.22:22
tgp1994Zelda: Odd.22:22
Zeldatgp1994: indeed.22:23
tgp1994Zelda: Double confirmation :P22:23
crucialhoaxHmm... that is weird. does it show up in the logs as being recognized? `tail -f /var/log/messages22:23
geoffbNot odd at all methinks. If you asked the Wii to format the SD card with one of the homebrew apps, then it's going to make the assumption that you're planning to install gam, uh, 'backups' on the card, and format it with WBFS22:23
geoffbWBFS is a format that, for the most part, the Wii recognises and nothing else does22:24
Zeldawhich woudlnt be recognized by either system.22:24
histocrucialhoax: yeah but definately a bug.22:24
tgp1994Here's the paste: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2zRLxbJq22:24
Zeldatgp1994: there you are man. thats the problem.22:24
geoffbThere's a program for Windows, WBFS Manager, that will handle the filesystem, but it just installs games on it.22:24
ZeldaI dont have mine "hacked or modded"22:24
sab_when i m using synaptic to install something its trying to DL but no progress,but my internet connection is good now,why?22:24
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geoffbtgp1994: Zelda: what are you trying to do with the SD card? why do you need the SD card in the Wii? Are you softmodding your wii?22:25
zaxonspoxZelda tgp1994 mayby it is exFAT (FAT64). What size is this card?22:25
Zeldageoffb: its not me its tgp199422:25
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hawkeye13Is there a way to use GDM login screens on Ubuntu 9.10?22:25
geoffbI figured that Zelda, it's just that with a name like Zelda, it's kinda easy to assume it's you :-D22:25
Zeldazaxonspox: its not me ask tgp199422:25
sab_i m trying different soft to DL,but not a single one is working22:25
tgp1994@both: I'm trying to install a homebrew channel update on it cause the HB channel doesn't update its self.22:26
tgp1994zaxonspox: It's 8Gb.22:26
geoffb(remembering that the game, "Zelda, Twighlight Princess" was the source of the leak that led to the softmod stuff for the wii becoming available22:26
tgp1994I mean GB :P22:26
ZeldaI know, im so great arent i? L)22:26
Zeldaer :)22:26
zaxonspoxtgp1994 :P did you tryed formating it in GParted, and putting in Wii?22:27
sab_can anyone please tell me how can i solve this problem,i m very new in linux(ubuntu)22:27
tgp1994zaxonspox: Nah, without thinking, it went straight from the packaging into the wii.22:27
geoffbso, like it or nor Zelda, you're irretrievably associated with the Wii :-)22:27
Zeldageoffb: damn!22:27
morris1i'm trying to make epsxe output the sound on a different device than the default. it does not show up in pavucontrol though. any other ideas?22:27
BlaDe^hi guys,  the range available for all of my cpu-frequency scaling governors is 800-800MHz22:27
geoffbtgp1994: so the SD card you're using... has that already been used with the wii, does it already have softmod/homebrew stuff on it?22:28
tgp1994geoffb: Yessir.22:28
Zeldageoffb: thats what hes been saying.22:28
BlaDe^my CPU supports 800, 1.6, 1.8 and 1.9 but I can't get it to use any of them! Can anyone help me with that? or to turn it off.22:28
geoffbtgp1994: the SD card is in your ubuntu box now? you have a command prompts up?22:28
tgp1994geoffb: Although somehow I think I remeber it almost working with my printer's memory reader...22:28
tgp1994geoffb: Yes.22:28
=== BengtRibba is now known as dennis__
Zeldablade^: can your mb support those other speeds?22:28
geoffbtgp1994: do you know what device it is? also, what makes you think it's not working. Are you getting some sort of error message?22:29
BlaDe^yeah, Zelda  when I first installed it used to run at 1.14 constantly (even though that isnt supported)22:29
snowhousehi would this be the right place to ask a question about rythembox?22:29
sab_when i m using synaptic to install something its trying to DL but no progress,but my internet connection is good now,why?22:29
histo!ask | snowhouse22:29
ubottusnowhouse: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:29
mendipHi guys! Anyone know a good scanner that works well with xsane?22:29
BlaDe^but I played with the governors trying to fix it and now it's gone all wrong22:29
sab_can anyone please tell me how can i solve this problem,i m very new in linux(ubuntu)22:29
tgp1994geoffb: Well, right away five devices pop up, which I'm assuming is the card reader its self registering five ports with linux, so I'm not sure which port the mem card is in.22:29
nerdy_kidhey whats the name of the disk utility the karmic uses instead of gparted?22:29
ZeldaBlade^: check to see if there is cmos update for your board.22:29
nerdy_kidusing kubuntu22:29
BlaDe^how do I do that Zelda ?22:29
histosab_: what are you trying to download with synaptic? Is it a package in a normal repository or a third party?22:29
tgp1994nerdy_kid: I think it's Partition Manager straight up.22:30
darthwonkaanyone know what would cause a remote app (via ssh -X) to spawn a windows that has a transparent background rather than filled?22:30
BlaDe^for the record, it works brilliantly on my dads laptop downstairs he just installed it22:30
sab_histo, amarok22:30
loonyjuiceWhat's wrong with gparted?22:30
BlaDe^and his laptop is very similar to mine22:30
BluesKaj-Laptopsab_, how is synaptic not working, explain what it's doing pls.22:30
Zeldaim assuming thats your issue. if it wasnt supported from the get go.22:30
nerdy_kidtgp1994 i think it was called palpiset or something like that22:30
Zeldamaybe there has been an update to "unlock" that feature22:30
darthwonkathe remote system is Solaris22:30
histoBlaDe^: have you enabled the scaling tool?22:30
tgp1994nerdy_kid: I dunno, in KDE's software manager I see Partition Manager, as is.22:30
geoffbtgp1994: trial and error my friend... :-D actually, no... if you get a command prompt up... "sudo dmesg" right after you've plugged it in should give you some info about those five devices, and whether any of them have an actual disk in it (And yes, that almost certainly is the card reader waking up)22:30
histoBlaDe^: you can disable scaling and see how high it goes wiht he tool22:31
nerdy_kidtgp1994 yeah im looking to install that in my kubuntu :(22:31
tgp1994geoffb: Ya, I think I posted a log from that, do you want the link?22:31
snowhouseso when i plug my ipod into rythmebox, it asks whether i want to set it up or not (which i do) and when i enter in what model it is and what i want the name to be it gives me an error22:31
geoffbtgp1994: yes pls22:31
morris1how can i find out which sound architecture my ubuntu is currently using?22:31
histoBlaDe^: right click on panel and add to panel. Add the cpu frequency scaling monitor22:31
tgp1994nerdy_kid: Ya, what I did was just search for "part" and then get the first thing that isn't a library or gparted22:31
tgp1994geoffb: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2zRLxbJq22:31
sab_BluesKaj-Laptop, well before few hours ago when i was using synaptic to DL something it was working properly,now when i trying to install something it just stop on DL process,i mean no progress at all22:31
BlaDe^histo:  yes I havae that, but it isn't working22:31
BlaDe^it oesnt let me use the selector (Even if I try and select speeds manually using cpufreq-selector) and all the governors have 800MHz-800MHz scales in cpufreq-info22:32
troophi, i have lg 2486l monitor and it goes power saving mode during boot...how will i fix it.. thanks.22:32
Curly_QTgp1994 you said nothing above about SCSI.22:32
nerdy_kidtgp1994 hmm ok...i cant find it via google and its not showing in synaptic.  i am using lucid, maybe they renamed it or something22:32
geoffb(What a strange morning... I've just woken up, halfway through my first coffee, I'm supposed to be downstairs diagnosing an electrical problem wiht my motorcycle and somehow I find myself sitting in #ubuntu solving a Wii problem with Zelda, Twighlight Princess looking over my shoulder :-D )22:32
snowhouseit says "problem creating ipod directory or file '/media/ipod/ipod_control/artwork'.22:32
histoBlaDe^: if you left click on the monitor do you have higher speeds availible?22:32
tgp1994Curly_Q: I didn't think that really applied to memory cards, so I was just thinking that was the default for nothing pluggied in :S22:32
BlaDe^yes histo22:33
Curly_QIt does.22:33
kermitwhy is apt-get update saying my firefox-3.5 is being held back?22:33
Curly_QIt has everything to do with it.22:33
tgp1994nerdy_kid: You're using synpatic? Then gparted should be no issue.22:33
BlaDe^800MHz, 1.6, 1.8, 1.922:33
=== darkhazard is now known as aperson
geoffbug, tgp1994, that tells me sweet nothing :-D Plan B: trial and error....22:33
tgp1994geoffb: Lol22:33
histoBlaDe^: click on 1.9 then22:33
BlaDe^histo:  re-read what I said22:33
geoffbtgp1994: wait... do you need the stuff that's already on the card?22:33
Curly_QIt looks like a RAID array to me.22:33
tgp1994geoffb: Not at all. A nuke would be fine.22:33
reborni got 10.04 beta and every other day i have updates which are around 100mb sometimes even way more. what's up with that? all in all i think i've d/led updates worth more than 600 MB!22:33
tgp1994Curly_Q: RAID? Lol, this is getting out of proportions.22:34
BluesKaj-Laptopsab_, make sure you have just one instance of synaptic open at one time22:34
nerdy_kidtgp1994 well this program could create LUKS partitions that gparted cant; unless there is an easy way to do that.22:34
histo!lucid | reborn22:34
ubottureborn: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:34
tgp1994nerdy_kid: So you're looking for a specific program?22:34
sab_BluesKaj-Laptop, ya22:34
sab_BluesKaj-Laptop, but tell me how to stop everything and can restart again22:34
nerdy_kidtgp1994 yeah i am looking for the disk utility GNOME uses.  think its called palpiset.  sorry didnt mean to be confusing22:35
geoffbok, if a nuke would be fine, then will someone who knows about gparted buy in please... does gparted have a gui, can it figure out which of these devices has an SD card in it and... then create a single FAT16 partition on the card???22:35
Curly_QTgp1994 I just looked at your post:   example: Apr 13 17:04:35 tgpserv kernel: [ 6615.217939] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk22:35
histoBlaDe^: I have no idea then. usually this stuff is pretty trivial all power management. How old or new is your hardware?22:35
geoffbtgp1994: I could talk you through command line stuff, I'm not much good on gui stuff, but maybe that's doing it the hard way.22:35
BluesKaj-Laptopsab_, just close synaptic and try again22:35
histoBlaDe^: and is a custom built machine? Or does it have a make/model?22:35
BlaDe^my laptop is an acer aspire 7520 - it's relatively new22:35
tgp1994nerdy_kid: Oh, I just mis-intperreted your OP. Sorry, I guess that's it for my knowledge :P22:35
BlaDe^by that I mean like 2 years22:35
histoBlaDe^: let me check something22:35
gspence___anyone able to help me? think my apache server no working - i had mythtv installed and mythweb was working perfectly - but now since i did an update it's not working.  any suggestions22:35
nerdy_kidtgp1994 ok thanks anyway :)22:36
Curly_QTgp1994 which brings us right back to logical partitions for a RAID array.22:36
geoffbtgp1994: what I would do next is 'sudo fdisk /dev/sdb' then use 'p' to show what's on the device, if anything, wash, rinse, repeat for each of the others... sdc, sdd, sde, sdf22:36
tgp1994geoffb: Ok, will do.22:36
geoffbtgp1994: but there's probably an easier way.... anyone?22:36
zaxonspoxgspence___ what is the status of apache?22:36
tgp1994Curly_Q: Lol, I can't image a wii making logical partitions22:36
gspence___zaxonspox - how do i check that?22:37
histoBlaDe^: what version of ubuntu are you running?22:37
sab_BluesKaj, its the same its stop on downloading file 13of 13,no progress at all,before it was ok22:37
zaxonspoxgspence__ can you type localhost in browser url?22:37
tgp1994geoffb: Failed for all of them, unable to open /dev/sd*22:37
Curly_QPerhaps that is the logic behind the device and is the reason why you cannot figure it out.22:37
nerdy_kidis ext4 safe for a backup drive?22:37
geoffbCurly_Q: the Wii itself isn't terribly smart... this is a partition made by a third party 'homebrew' app... it should be one of two partition types... actually, it SHOULD simply be Fat16... the utilities for Wii are pretty basic, they don't do elaborate stuff like raid22:38
tgp1994Curly_Q: So would I have to look for whatever three letter device is behind it? I guess I don't understand logical partitions too well.22:38
BlaDe^histo:  9.122:38
geoffbtgp1994: is the SD card good? maybe it's crapped itself?22:38
tgp1994geoffb: I guess I might have misled you and everyone else helping me, it was the wii software it self that formatted i.22:38
BluesKajsab_, what are you trying to install ?22:38
sab_BluesKaj, amarok22:39
geoffbtgp1994: ok, no worries... wait, I'm gonna go tell my wii to format a card and see what it does with it.... (hope it doesn't fry a card! lol)22:39
tgp1994geoffb: Heh22:39
Curly_QMount it as sddb   sddc   sdde etc.22:39
nerdy_kidshould i use ext3 or ext4 for a backup drive?22:39
tgp1994Curly_Q: Really? Wait, should I just look in my dev folder for any four lettered drives?22:39
meliknerdy_kid: ext422:40
dogdogdogmelik, why not fat32?22:40
nerdy_kidmelik ok thanks :)22:40
histoBlaDe^: I'm not finding anyone else withthe same problem. Perhaps someone else can provide some insight.22:40
tgp1994Curly_Q: Hmm... don't see any four lettered devices under sd**, or is it supposed to be not visible?22:40
melikdogdogdog: ext* has less data corruption, and i'm assuming he doesn't need a FS compatible with windows22:41
sab_BluesKaj, its give me massege like "connection failed" but my internet connection is good22:41
BluesKajsab_, you may have a dependency problem ..libraries that you don't have that amarok needs. Make sure you have all the sources enabled in amarok , including 3rdparty software22:41
Curly_QGood question. I like your inquisitiveness. Hidden might be it.22:41
BlaDe^histo it was running at 1.14 previously, but I played with the governors trying to set the max to 1.9 and i've buggered it completely22:41
churlwhat's it mean when i can't create a folder (file exist) and i can't remove it? (no such device or address)22:41
BlaDe^sometimes it used to run at 1.4 too... in perfomance.. was weird22:41
geoffbtgp1994:  how do I make the Wii format the card?22:41
tgp1994Curly_Q: Actually, I better go look up logical partitions :S I have no clue how this works.22:42
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BlaDe^in the replies here: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/22:42
histoBlaDe^: what where you playing with to change it?22:42
BlaDe^some people say they are stuck at 800MHz too22:42
nerdy_kidtgp1994 ahhh found it! its gnome-disk-utility -- they did rename it lol22:42
tgp1994geoffb: I believe in your settings menu, there's a card management section22:42
BlaDe^cpufreq-set -f/-d/-u22:42
sab_BluesKaj, i m new in linux(ubuntu)22:42
tgp1994nerdy_kid: Alright :D22:42
sab_BluesKaj, can you please tell me what to do on cli22:42
vbgunzare there any ppa available that have the 64 bit drivers for a canon mp250?22:42
Curly_QTgp1994 here: http://www.basicconfig.com/linux/linux_fdisk_command_check_hard_disk_partitions22:42
tgp1994Curly_Q: Alright, thanks.22:43
histoBlaDe^: thats also very old post22:43
BlaDe^yeah indeed22:43
BluesKajsab_,sorry i meant to say : you may have a dependency problem ..libraries that you don't have that amarok needs. Make sure you have all the sources enabled in synaptic , including 3rdparty software22:43
tgp1994Curly_Q: Wait, that seems familiar :( Don't I want to figure out the device name first?22:43
Curly_QTgp1994, simply put, a LOGICAL PARTITION is just a separation of either a disk or drive that is totally isolated from each other partition.22:44
histoBlaDe^: I would start by returning it to defaults22:44
BlaDe^how do I do that?22:44
KamaLhello, i'm using ubuntu desktop and I wanna connect remotely through a VNC connection. Which is the best VNC server/client out there?????22:45
magicianlordeth0 and eht1 keep switching22:45
histo!best | KamaL22:45
ubottuKamaL: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:45
magicianlordso that sometimes my wicd wont find the network until reboot22:45
histo!vino > KamaL22:45
magicianlordthis is the question. what is your answer22:45
histoKamaL: vino i the default client22:45
tgp1994Curly_Q: Hmmmmmmmm... So that makes the drive mostly invisible... and the partitions as they are? But wait, is windows supposed to be able to recognize Logical partitions as is?22:45
tgp1994Curly_Q: And ls -a did not reveal any hidden devices with sd** :(22:46
KamaLno... you didn't get what I mean22:46
KamaLI wanna connect from my home windows PC to the remote ubuntu server running desktop22:46
KamaLi wanted to see what's the best way to connect22:46
KamaLright now i'm using ultraVNC - but find it limited22:47
Curly_QTgp1994, an other way to say it is that a LOGICAL PARTITION is basically seen by the OS as a SEPARATE hard drive. Does that make sense?22:47
tgp1994Curly_Q: I'm almost afraid that the card reader doesn't support SDHC cards :S Which would I guess make sense. The thing hardly fits, anyways.22:47
geoffbtgp1994: can't figure out how to format an SD card. my wii is refusing to use it until I put a partition on it already22:47
histoKamaL: whats limited about it?22:47
tgp1994Curly_Q: Ah, that does. And it always follows the naming scheme with four letters only?22:47
histoKamaL: and vino is the default server installed in ubuntu is what I was saying.22:48
histoKamaL: vino is a vnc server22:48
BlaDe^histo:  how do I reset to defaults?22:48
tgp1994geoffb: Interesting, could SanDisk have put some sort of bobby trapped partition on it?22:48
KamaLeach time I run the vnc4server command so i can connect remotely22:48
Curly_QYes.  <______<   Tgp1994 has seen the light.   :)22:48
histoBlaDe^: you'd have to find otu what file its editing with your settings22:48
KamaLmaybe the nxclient is better?22:48
tgp1994Curly_Q: :D22:48
histoBlaDe^: most likely somewhere in /etc22:48
tgp1994geoffb: Lemme look at my wii, and get back to you.22:49
histoKamaL: have you tried using the tight encoding22:49
churlAnyone know what it mean when i can't create a folder (file exist) and i can't remove it? (no such device or address)?22:49
histoKamaL: speeds things up quite a bit22:49
chun2Wonder if anyone can help -- when I try to play mp3s in totem, I get this error when it tries to download codecs: "No packages with the requested plugins found [MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder]"22:49
KamaLhisto: u mean tightVNC?22:49
histoKamaL: no I mean tight encoding22:49
BlaDe^cpufreq.d probably histo22:49
geoffbtgp1994: I'm using an sdhc micro card... when the wii wouldn't partition it, I used linux / dd if=/dev/zero to wipe out the beginning of the card... Wii just said "nup, ain't touchin' that"22:49
PrestonConnorsHello, is there a way to have ifup / ifdown scripts NOT restart iSCSI on Ubuntu 9.10?22:50
histoKamaL: but tightvnc has it22:50
magicianlordyou need the hp format utility22:50
magicianlordto restore usb key drives22:50
histo!vnc | KamaL22:50
ubottuKamaL: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:50
KamaLi'm using this command22:50
KamaLtightvncserver -geometry 1366x768 -depth 2422:50
KamaLis it ok?22:50
uchobbyLinux Newbe here, I have a fresh install of Unbuntu and do not have sound working. The PC was working with Windows, playing an MP3 to test with VLC and VLC seems to be playing but no sound. I tried all the jacks on the PC and did a check to see if a card was detected. I'm not sure but...22:50
uchobbycat /proc/asound/cards22:51
uchobby 0 [ICH            ]: NFORCE - Intel ICH22:51
uchobby                      Intel ICH with ALC655 at irq 2322:51
histoKamaL: yeah but your really dont' need a color depth of 24 do you for remote desktop?22:51
histoKamaL: also make sure your windows client is specifying tight encoding22:51
bondiblueos9is there any way to invoke cp or mv so that it tells you its progress?22:51
KamaLhisto: done22:51
tgp1994geoffb: Actually I went to the settings menu, wii system settings, and then near the end of it there was a Format Wii System Memory, wish ironically does not format the system memory, but any SD** card inserted :P And I have SW version 4.0U, how about you?22:51
zaxonspoxuchobby are you suer you havent muted in seetings?22:52
histoKamaL: is it still to slow then?22:52
Curly_QI hoped that helped Tgp1994. I must go for now. Hope to see you again. If you see me again please let me know how things worked out. I hope everyone here has a nice day.22:52
geoffbtgp1994: (see my pm just now).... yes, I saw that... I didn't use it though! I'm using 4.2E22:52
BluesKajuchobby, make sure the alsamixer ctrls in the terminal not Muted (M) and are craked to 75%  or better22:52
histoKamaL: i'm not really following what you mean by its limited?22:52
sebphi, I tried to upload a package to my ppa, but if I run dput I get: Please select a .changes file to upload. Tried to upload: build22:53
tgp1994Darn, all the wii helpers are leaving :P22:53
apparlehow to use uint8_t types in gcc?22:53
tgp1994C y'all.22:53
uchobbyI tried turning up the volume on ever setting in alsamixer22:53
sebpthough I provide the .changes file22:53
HelloKittenHey, complete newb here.. Trying to figure out why a startup script doesn't work... Wondering what the different is between #!/bin/sh  and #!/bin/bash  at the beg of a script?22:53
magicianlordwhat is the best utility to format usb drives?22:53
zaxonspoxbondiblueos9  with dd i was able to "kill" it from other terminal to get info like this sudo kill -USR1 <pid_here>22:53
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* kost{a}s_thess is away: Gone away for now22:54
magicianlordwhere you can just type "format d: /fat32"22:54
histoHelloKitten: you're specifying what shell you want to use.22:54
zaxonspoxbondiblueos9 but not sure if it works for cp / mv22:54
histoHelloKitten: can you pastebin your script22:54
HelloKittenEither way, the file runs on startup -- The first line is an echo to a file. The problem i'm having is with the command afterwards. It doesn't seem to be running22:54
magicianlordthat's what i want, homiies22:54
KamaLhisto: what's a good color depth?22:54
KamaL16 is enough?22:54
histoKamaL: sure.22:54
HelloKittenSuch as wget22:54
capletonmagicianlord, depends what you are trying to format for, gparted is the best in general, unetbootin is good if you want to install another distro via usb22:54
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* kostas_thess is back.22:54
histoKamaL: you can also try freenx everything is free so there's really no trouble from tryign different ones22:55
histo!freenx > KamaL22:55
ubottuKamaL, please see my private message22:55
magicianlordi have used gparted, but i want a command lnie utility only. i understand that parted works as well, but does it require specification of cylinders and such?22:55
capletonhi all, I'm still pretty new to arch, anyway i'm using e17, and I had gotten the wireless working last night, but now my wireless no longer works, i get two "ioctl[SIOCSIWPMKSA]: Invalid argument" errors.  I am using the rtl8191seVA1 driver on an asus 1201n.  Does nayone know how to fix this???22:55
histo!paste > HelloKitten22:55
ubottuHelloKitten, please see my private message22:55
geoffbtgp1994: my wii was happy to look at the SD card once I fdisked it and put a fat16 partition on it.... (fdisk /dev/sd?, create new partition, type '6', write) (mkdosfs -F 16 /dev/sd?). You hsould, I suggest, try to figure out if the SD card is good... if linux isn't finding it, I'm gonna ask questions about the card itself. It's not uncommon for those to die22:55
tgp1994magicianlord: Maybe you might like fparted, isn't that gui?22:55
zaxonspoxHelloKitten wget dont work? what you want to donwload with it? does the link is right?22:55
magicianlordfparted? havent tried it22:55
histocapleton: maybe you should ask in an arch linux room22:55
magicianlordi just need to be able to format drives22:56
histotgp1994: gparted is the gui22:56
KamaLhisto: any advantage over tightvnc?22:56
tgp1994geoffb: Alright. (I still don't think it's dead since the HB channel can still read files off of it.)22:56
magicianlordand in case an image is written, restore them to max capacity, like the hp format utility on windows22:56
tgp1994histo: I was kind of meaning like terminal-gui-ish.22:56
histomagicianlord: no you don't have to specify cylanders22:56
histomagicianlord: there is also cfdisk22:56
tgp1994histo: I know there is some sort of parted program that has a gui-ish look to it, but in the terminal.22:56
histotgp1994: ahh22:56
magicianlordcfdisk is part of my distro22:56
tgp1994histo: Ya, that's the ticket.22:56
magicianlordis that safe to use?22:57
tgp1994magicianlord: If you know what you're doin :)22:57
histomagicianlord: safe to use for what?22:57
magicianlordfor formatt drives, without blowing up your system partitino22:57
magicianlordi am very scared of scerwing up my install22:57
tgp1994magicianlord: Hmm... might want to try VMWare. Or openbox.22:57
wyclif___magicianlord: safe as milk22:58
magicianlordim using openbox22:58
magicianlordi mean a format utility22:58
magicianlordill stick with cfdisk and learn it hten22:58
tgp1994magicianlord: They're both Virtual Machine "hosts" I suppose, very safe. they don't touch your HD in terms of partiting.22:58
magicianlordthanks, homie22:58
KamaLhisto: thx for the help :)22:58
histomagicianlord: I'm not sure if you can format with cfdisk22:58
histoKamaL: np22:58
magicianlordis there one utility to format and partition?22:58
HelloKittenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/413948/ - The contents of my loader file22:59
magicianlordim looking for hte equivalent to what windows does22:59
tgp1994magicianlord: You can format a partition if that's what you mean :)22:59
tgp1994magicianlord: You mean right clicking on the usb disk and stuff?22:59
HelloKittenThe command s3cmd is installed and functional outside of that script22:59
histomagicianlord: you can use parted to format but its kind of confusin if you are new.22:59
churlwhat's it mean when i can't create a folder (file exist) and i can't remove it? (no such device or address)23:00
histomagicianlord: there are plenty of utilities23:00
BlaDe^histo:  i'll try 10.04 see if that fixes it23:00
magicianlordi mean just taking a new usb drive, remove all partitions, repartitiong to one or more partitions, and then formatting then individually. if i want to do all those steps, i need a utility that allows it in a few seconds23:00
histomagicianlord: do you want a console based one or a GUI one23:00
tgp1994Ya, and there is a linux based distro called partition magic, but pointless to get if you already have gparted.23:00
BlaDe^I have nothing to lose23:00
magicianlordconsole based23:00
rlameirohy, testing beta, How do i map a keyboard shortcut to change my keyboard layout? on lucid, karmic worked fine....23:00
histomagicianlord: like text based right?23:00
wyclif___magicianlord: there are plenty of linux utilities for that, do a search23:00
magicianlordtext based23:00
histomagicianlord: well your default isntall has cfdisk for partitioning and mkfs for formating23:01
magicianlordi use term for everything unless i need to view the internet23:01
magicianlordoh ok23:01
magicianlordi will man those23:01
wyclif___Mr Rogers uses BitchX, shouldn't you?23:02
magicianlordmr rogers also visits courtasans23:02
kermitwhy is my firefox-3.5 updates being 'held back' ?23:02
rlameiroHow do i map a keyboard shortcut to change my keyboard layout? on lucid, karmic worked fine....23:02
histomagicianlord: you can w3m for a browser in term23:02
magicianlordi use firefox though23:02
histomagicianlord: or links elinks etc.. there are plenty of term based browsers23:02
magicianlordhappy with that. not that of a purist23:02
histo!who | magicianlord23:02
ubottumagicianlord: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:02
magicianlordwhat is the command to list file systems23:04
wyclif___magicianlord: ls23:04
rlameirofdisk -l23:05
magicianlordno, file systems. not list files23:05
Miro_hola :)23:05
magicianlordrlameiro: that didnt work23:05
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
magicianlordrlameiro: run in root?23:06
rlameiromagicianlord: you need to give the disk23:06
rlameirofdisk -l /dev/hda1 for example23:06
wyclif___magiclord: df23:06
wyclif___magiclord: actually df-k will work wonders23:07
magicianlordi did /dev/sda1 and get msg cannot open etc23:07
wyclif___magicianlord: sorry, I meant df -k23:07
magicianlordwyclif___: can i trust you23:07
rlameiroit should work23:07
wyclif___magicianlord: ? look it up if in doubt23:07
rlameiromagicianlord: yes you can trust him23:07
magicianlordok thanks. dk works23:08
wyclif___magicianlord: it's a simple utility, can't harm your filesystem, just displays and prints it23:08
lil_cainanyone got a realtek 8192 wireless network adapter running under 10.04?23:09
rlameiroHow do i map a keyboard shortcut to change my keyboard layout? on lucid, karmic worked fine....23:09
Miro_anyone uses awesome wm?23:09
spongebobEvening All :)23:09
spongebobI have a program I run that im trying to automate23:09
wyclif___spongebob: Howdy23:09
spongebobThere's a batch mode and everything is working 100%23:09
spongebobhowever, I need to "inject" the password into the "password:" command that comes up when I run the program23:10
magicianlorddf works, but the drives have to be clicked in thunar to mount first and they only list partitions23:10
spongebob /bin/someprogram < "passwordhere" - I was hoping that would work, any ideas?23:10
magicianlordi suppose i can also use truecrypt to view them all23:10
alketI have ATI Radeon x700 drivres so games like Glest and Yo Frankie are slow. But there is another framework beside blender in Yo Frankie, its Crystal Framework. Do you think that it will run faster ?23:13
alketP.S. Games like Open Arena and  Urban Terror work fine23:13
Myrtti!lucid | lil_cain23:17
ubottulil_cain: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:17
magicianlordthe best games on linux use zsnes23:17
magicianlordall you need23:17
lil_cainMyrtti: Ah, fair enough.23:18
chun2Wonder if anyone can help -- when I try to play mp3s in totem, I get this error when it tries to download codecs: "No packages with the requested plugins found [MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder]"23:19
rlameirochun2: maybe you need to enable the partner repository23:19
rlameiroor install it by hand23:19
magicianlordchun2: install vlc23:20
chun2rlameiro: it's enabled, magicianlord: vlc is installed, also gives an error (one sec)23:20
tatselmagicianlord: hum/23:20
chun2" No suitable decoder module: VLC does not support the audio or video format "mpga". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this. "23:21
tatselit's just that maybe rhe user wants to keep using totem23:21
chun2I don't particularly want totem, but I can't play mp3s with anything23:21
rlameirochun2: maybe you dont have a mp3....23:22
aciculahave you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras chun2 ?23:22
tatselchun2: bad metadata on the mp3 file/ not a mp323:22
chun2happy to install it by hand, just not sure what package I need...23:22
chun2acicula: yep23:22
|littlebear|chun2: um.. get restricted-extra23:22
magicianlordi dont like totem at all23:22
chun2tatsel: tried multiple mp3s23:22
switch10any alternatives to "portable linux" that will work with grub2??23:22
magicianlordive always preferred vlc for all music and video formats23:22
tatselchun2: strange23:22
chun2|littlebear|: already done23:22
aciculachun2: tried playing the mp3's with mplayer?23:23
histochun2: totem should prompt you for codec for mp3's23:23
HelloKittenHey folks, I have a script loading up at runtime but it doesn't appear as though the command is working, despite the fact that when I copy the exact same line into my command line it runs23:23
chun2"mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libdvdread.so.4: file too short"23:23
histochun2: if you double click on an mp3 whatever the default player is in ubuntu should ask if youw ant to dl the codecs23:23
histo!dvd | chun223:23
ubottuchun2: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:23
HelloKittenand the runtime script also loads, using an echo to test this23:24
histoHelloKitten: can you please pastebin your script23:24
histo!paste | HelloKitten23:24
ubottuHelloKitten: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:24
liminalim trying to run iwlist power command on my networkcard23:24
chun2histo: yep totem does, that's my original problem: "No packages with the requested plugins found [MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder]"23:24
liminalbut it says its not supported23:24
liminalanyone know why its not working23:24
aciculaiwlist needs an interface as argument first23:24
switch10HelloKitten: make sure you are not using any options that would need to output somewhere, like -v, --progress --stats, etc, unless you set up a log..23:24
histoliminal: run it as sudo23:25
HelloKittenSo the s3cmd doesn't seem to be functioning, despite the fact that the line runs without fault when i copy and paste it23:25
tatsel <magicianlord> ive always preferred vlc for all music and video formats    your preferences should not interfere23:26
nimbioticsgood evening evry123:26
alex_under08how can I join the php channel?23:26
acicula alex_under08 /join #php23:26
histoHelloKitten: maybe because its trying to write in a folder owned by root?23:26
liminalhisto i was running it was sudo23:26
HelloKittenhisto, why would that be a problem for a script running init.d ?23:27
alex_under08acicula  I already tried23:27
histoliminal: iwlist power should list all devices and show the current mode for yoru wifi card23:27
nimbioticsim a complete noob and need help installing wine23:27
alex_under08acicula neither #php, nor ##php works for me23:27
HelloKittenHisto, to rephrase, doesn't this run as root due to it being a runtime script23:27
tatselalex_under08: maybe you are banned23:27
wyclif___nimbiotics: don't worry, that's not difficult23:28
tatsellook at your server window/tab23:28
histoHelloKitten: how are you calling the script23:28
aciculaalex_under08: you need to register first probably before you can join that channel23:28
alex_under08tatsel that's impossible :D23:28
tatselmeh, my touch screen is freezing23:28
lillemanHow do I do auto login on a command line system? I have googled and tried things but cant get it to work :S23:28
alex_under08acicula I registered, no use23:28
acicula!register > alex_under0823:28
ubottualex_under08, please see my private message23:28
histolilleman: type in yoru user name and password23:29
rexnHey all. Does anyone know of a solid ftp daemon with a decent GUI front end for group and account management?23:29
lillemanhisto: tnx, will try :)23:29
histolilleman: username goes where it says login:  (username)  then hit enter23:29
blizzkidHi ppl, when packaging, in a control/rules file is it possible to have another package removed? "Conflicts" only indicates it conflicts apparently?23:29
jamil_1I am trying to compile a module, When I execute: insmode ./hell.ko I get error: insmod: error inserting './hell.ko': -1 File exists23:29
HelloKittenHisto, i made a runtime association to the file: update-rc.d -f initialize start 99 2 3 4 5 .23:29
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP23:29
histolilleman: then it will prompt for password23:29
tatsellilleman: is it even doable?23:29
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd23:29
lillemanhisto: ah, no. I mean AUTO, as in Power on->loggedin to a tty23:29
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.23:29
nimbioticswyclif: i tried the software center and it didnt work, then tried sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa and its telling me it cant find /etc/apt/sources.list23:30
lillemantatsel: Says so here and there on the net :)23:30
histolilleman: you need to use minegetty or something23:30
HelloKittenHisto, it is writing to root without a problem, as the first line WORKS (the echo to file WORKS)23:30
histolilleman: let me find you a good link23:30
tatselYou need to use a password-free account then23:30
alex_under08does anyone know basic php, here ? like simple tasks as connecting to a database or so ?23:30
histotatsel: no you do not23:30
lillemanhisto: yeah, I've tried. But /etc/inittab doesnt exist on ubuntu as it should... and I cant get NO_PASSWORD_CONSOLE to work either23:30
tatselwhich ic bad23:30
lillemantatsel: oh, thats good! *googling*23:30
rexnThx acicaula, ubotta!23:31
lillemanalex_under08: yes :)23:31
nimbioticswyclif: i tried the software center and it didnt work, then tried sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa and its telling me it cant find /etc/apt/sources.list23:31
alex_under08lilleman I tried to make a little script23:31
histolilleman: you don't need a password free account23:31
rlameiroHow do i map a keyboard shortcut to change my keyboard layout? on lucid, karmic worked fine....23:32
alex_under08lilleman but, I don't know it dosen't do nothing, not even the basic printf command from the beggining23:32
histolilleman: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2010/01/01/enable-automatic-login-in-ubuntu-9-10-server/23:32
tatsel <tatsel> I came across a user that claims being unable to join this channel23:32
tatsel<18:31:45> <Tucos> tatsel: make him register and identify23:32
histoHelloKitten: I don't know enough about upstart yet to really help with this one. I'm sure someone else will23:33
histotatsel: is he banned?23:33
HelloKittenThanks anyway! This issue is making me go crazy23:33
lillemanalex_under08: PM me for help, I'm getting lost in all these messages here :D23:33
alex_under08tatsel : -NickServ- You are now identified for alex_under08.23:33
alex_under08* ##php ##overflow :Forwarding to another channel23:33
lillemanhisto: awsome! Thanks23:33
diesel118hi all does any one no how to install a DECnet moduel23:33
nimbioticsim a complete noob and need help installing wine23:34
histo!who | lilleman23:34
ubottulilleman: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:34
tatselalex_under08: try again, they said23:34
DJ_HaMsTasudo apt-get install wine23:34
HelloKittenAnyone know a thing or to about initilizing scripts on startup?  Having an issue here I can't seem to resolve.23:35
diesel118nimbiotics apt-get install wine23:35
diesel118hi all does any one no how to install a DECnet moduel23:35
tatselalex_under08: services says you are NOT identified23:35
nimbioticsdiesel118=> im geting errors stating it cant find /etc/apt/sources.list23:35
aciculadiesel118: load via modprobe using sudo?23:35
tatselalex_under08: Check your mail -.-23:35
tatselalex_under08: you haven't onfirmed23:36
Vincencikhi anyone know how can i fix the problem with compiz (for example slow minimize and maximize) ? Ubuntu 9.10, the video card is ATI Radeon HD3470. Is there any "HOW TO" in the web ? pls help23:36
HelloKittenI have a script that runs on startup by creating an association to the file using "update-rc.d -f initialize start 99 2 3 4 5 ."  The file is recognized, as the first line successfully echos to a file. The next line however, doesn't seem to be running despite the fact that the very same line can run without issues if I copy it straight to the shell (Script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/413949/ )23:36
alex_under08tatsel tanks mate23:36
alex_under08tatsel I'm one big dumbass :))23:37
tatselalex_under08: we all was at some time.23:37
diesel118yea but how do you install it23:37
nimbioticsdiesel118=> as instructed in their site "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa"23:38
trying_hardwow channel is huge , tried listing all but even larger . is the a chan for beginners or for help ? , i understand you are all busy23:38
KamaLis there any WINE channel here?23:38
diesel118im not after installing wine i need to install DECnet moduel23:39
nimbioticsim a complete noob with linux  and need help installing wine, im geting erros...23:39
tatselKamaL: #winehq23:40
alex_under08nimbiotics I think on ubuntu it's sudo apt-get install wine23:40
tatselalex_under08: you confirmed?23:41
tatseltry joining after23:41
hegHelloKitten: Have you tried running this script in a terminal?23:41
KamaLtatsel: thx ;)23:41
HelloKittenYes heg, the script runs flawlessely23:42
nimbioticsalex=> geeting dif err msg "wine depends on wine1.2 but it is not going to be installed"23:42
alex_under08nimbiotics wine depends on wine1.2 ?23:43
obiwan_hi people23:43
nimbioticsalex=> yup, thats what im geting...23:43
soreauVincencik: It's supposedly fixed in more recent versions of the proprietary fglrx driver. The good news however is that the open radeon driver now has 3D support for your card without installing the blob23:44
hegHelloKitten: tested line by line or with sudo /etc/init.d/your_script23:44
soreauVincencik: The radeon driver should work with 3D OOTB with Lucid23:44
HelloKittenline by line..23:44
HelloKittenwhen i sudo /etc/... it runs23:45
hegHelloKitten: and what gives sudo /etc/init.d/your_script23:45
HelloKittenit outputs everything23:45
nimbioticsalex_under08=> yup, thats what im geting...23:45
nimbioticsalex_under08=> any ideas?23:45
alex_under08nimbiotics do you have synaptic?23:46
nimbioticsalex_under08=> not sure, dnt even know what it is23:46
nimbioticsalex_under08=> where or how would i find it?23:47
hegHelloKitten: output only or you got the file?23:47
obiwan_do you know if some file tagging standard is going on?23:47
HelloKittenoutput and files23:47
histonimbiotics: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine23:47
soreauHelloKitten: Perhaps the issue is because the script is being run from different environments23:48
HelloKittenWhat do you mean by that?23:48
obiwan_i know there are some projects for ubuntu and more or less linux in general. but i mean, is there any tag standard cross system ? i mean, working in windows, linux, and everything23:48
histo!info wine | nimbiotics23:48
ubottunimbiotics: wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu8 (karmic), package size 7359 kB, installed size 54436 kB23:48
nimbioticsalex_under08=> got it, now i c win, & wine 1.223:48
histonimbiotics: what version of ubuntu are you running?23:49
obiwan_why did they call it wine if it's an emulator? lol xD23:49
nimbioticshisto=> im reading u 2 histo, will try synaptic now23:49
obiwan_they state it isn't hehe23:49
histoobiwan_: its not an emulator23:49
zvacethow can I integrate pacpl in amarok I ask same question per days with no response can someone give me  a hand23:49
obiwan_histo: so who says microsoft windows compatiblity layer (binary emulator and library)?23:49
histonimbiotics: als check in System > Administration > Software Sources and make sure universe is enabled23:50
quidnuncHow do I print a "PJL job" file23:50
nimbioticsalex_under08 & histo=> working on it, plz gimme a minute23:50
Bizzehhi, can someone point out a decent php/html editor with syntax highlighting? and possibly live preview.. something like expression web or dreamweaver23:50
=== jynn_ is now known as jynn
jsecBizzeh, Kompozer isn't bad...23:51
doctorZeusI have an intel rig running a c2duo e6850.  As far as I know it's all x86 and 32-bit.  I wanted to beef up to 8gb but understand I need to add a PAE mod or load 64-bit ubuntu.  I'd rather run everything in 64-bit.  Should I expect any problems?23:51
hegHelloKitten: like histo, I don't know enough about upstart. May be it's the priority you gave the script23:51
HelloKittenhmm.. From my understanding it was positioned nearly last23:51
HelloKittenthe 99 in update-rc23:52
hegHelloKitten: yes i know23:52
nimbioticsalex_under08 / histo=> trying 2 use synaptyc, but any time i click on 1 of the wine packages it tells me it need something else thats either not 2 b installed or not installable...23:52
doctorZeushave read some mixed reviews but mostly positive that I should be able to run 64bit Ubuntu (or any o/s) without issues but nothing really elaborates, just that it should be ok23:52
histonimbiotics: What version of ubuntu are you using?23:54
nimbioticshisto=> 9.1023:54
histodoctorZeus: yes its fine23:54
histonimbiotics: click on Systme > Admin > Software Sources23:54
histonimbiotics: make sure that universe is checkboxed23:55
kermitwhy is my firefox-3.5 updates being 'held back' ?23:55
histonimbiotics: was it unchecked before?23:55
nimbioticshisto=>yes it was unchecked23:56
Bizzehwhats a decent c/c++ ide also? tried kdevelop, but its project management and debugging are both shit23:57
histonimbiotics: okay now you should be able to just sudo apt-get install wine in a terminal or you can use Applications > add/remove programs to install the wine package.23:57
histonimbiotics: or synaptic23:57
bastid_raZorkermit: apt-get dist-upgrade will pull the held back packages.. normally23:57
histonimbiotics: the issue was the repository where wine is located wasn't enabled23:57
nimbioticshisto=> k, thx, will try and bb23:57
histo!language > Bizzeh23:57
ubottuBizzeh, please see my private message23:57
Gun_SmokeWhich service is responsible for the "Ubuntu One" sync's? I'd like to restart it.23:58
jsecBizzeh, CodeBlocks23:58
tripelbre fonts. I would like to look at some avant-guarde font examples that will work in ubuntu. where do I find these? -- some community doc page says I need to add the universe and some other repository, the pae on how to add them does not show that and synaptic wants a complete apt-get terminal line so AS USUAL just use terminal. If I only knew how.  ((the system that's a project and not just to use))23:58
Ginohi guys im new to this OS (havent yet installed it and i could use some help)23:58
Ginoanyone care to help me out? =)23:59
jsec!ask | Gino23:59
ubottuGino: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:59
tripelbgino read the documents. It works. Then come here with your problems.23:59
kfarrellhello, I created a RAID array using disk utility in 10.4, but it doesn't start at boot. Can anyone advise me how to get the array to start at boot (it's mounting as /home)?23:59
histo!rtfm > tripelb23:59
ubottutripelb, please see my private message23:59

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