
jchrisrickspencer3:  I'd need a basic primer on launchpad first… but I gotta get on a train now.00:00
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
openyostHowdy All, I'm runnin Karmic and after removing all ubuntuone pakages completely and reinstalling and restarting ubuntuone I still don't get the option to add the computer to my account.  Any ideas?00:36
jdobrien_openyost, Go to applications > Accessories > and open Passowords and Encryption Keys00:38
openyostTried and no luck00:38
openyostnot even an ubuntuone password stored00:38
jdobrien_openyost, On the passwords tab look for UbuntuOne Token....do you have one?00:39
openyostjdobrien_, nope no token for ubuntuone00:40
jdobrien_the full name is UbuntuOne token for https://one.ubuntu.com00:40
jdobrien_you're on karmic?00:40
jdobrien_are there any log files in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log00:40
openyostoauth-login.log                                syncdaemon-exceptions.log.2010-04-12_18-55-28  syncdaemon.log.2010-04-12_18-37-06  syncdaemon.log.2010-04-12_19-25-0200:44
openyostsyncdaemon-exceptions.log                      syncdaemon-exceptions.log.2010-04-12_19-01-06  syncdaemon.log.2010-04-12_18-44-27  u1sync.log00:44
openyostsyncdaemon-exceptions.log.2010-04-12_18-37-06  syncdaemon-exceptions.log.2010-04-12_19-25-02  syncdaemon.log.2010-04-12_18-55-2800:44
openyostsyncdaemon-exceptions.log.2010-04-12_18-44-27  syncdaemon.log                                 syncdaemon.log.2010-04-12_19-01-0600:44
jdobrien_openyost, lets see the latest syncdaemon-exceptions. can you paste it in paste.ubuntu.com00:44
jdobrien_openyost, hmm. That strange.00:51
jdobrien_openyost, do you have a standard install with firefox etc?00:52
openyostjdobrien_, yep I also had chrome as the default but it worked fine on my other laptop this morniing.  I switched back to firefox as default and still same issue00:54
jdobrien_openyost, it looks like I'm not going to be able to resolve your issue as most of the team has gone for the day.00:55
openyostit's all good thanks tho00:55
dobeyajmitch: i thought i already marked it invalid or something01:51
ajmitchdobey: thought I'd check before I did so :)02:00
dobeyajmitch: well, 1.1.1 is obviously < 1.1.9x :)02:01
ajmitchobviously, but the diff was for the current version :)02:03
dobeyif you just looked at it now, probably, since the latest version would have been pushed already, yes :)02:09
dobeyanyway, i marked it invalid02:09
wgrantThe gwibber update this morning which supposedly prevented gwibber_messages syncing has actually caused it to start again, after I disabled it a few weeks ago.03:03
wgrantOh, wait, that was a month ago, not this morning.03:04
* wgrant misread the bug.03:04
wgrantBut still, it's started syncing gwibber_messages to U1, which eats all of my upstream bandwidth.03:04
lifelesswgrant: _lol_03:25
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skorangei've been playing with ubuntuone for a few days now06:26
skorangei have to say06:26
skorangethis is awesome06:26
skorangetomboy integration with simple sync.  this is so slick06:27
skorangebeing able to view and edit files online as well - this is great'06:27
skorangeafaik no one else does this - not dropbox, or others06:27
skorangenow i really want a mobile-phone accesible interface to my tomboy notes06:28
beunoskorange, it's on our roadmap to do that  :)06:31
skorangebeuno, are you involved with the project?06:33
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beunoskorange, I am, I'm one of the developers06:34
beunoa developer with insomnia, but still a developer   :)06:34
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skorangeha i see:)06:35
skorangewell i have to say, in case i haven't gushed enough, i'm very impressed06:35
beunoI appreciate the comment, I will pass it on!06:36
beunoskorange, speaking of mobile verisons06:37
beunoer, versions06:37
beunohave you seen our contact sync for mobile phones?06:38
beunowe launched an alpha version last week06:38
skorangewell actually06:38
skorangeyes, i've not had luck with the iphone app06:39
beunotell me about it, maybe I can help06:39
skorangemy credentials are always rejected06:39
beunohave you been to: https://one.ubuntu.com/phones/06:39
beunoyou need to use a special user/pass06:39
skorangeoh, no i hav en't06:40
skorangei'll check that out06:40
beunowhich is different from the one you use for Ubuntu One06:40
beunoon that page you just generate the user/pass, and you're on your way06:40
skorangegotcha, it looks like it's working06:42
skorangethe iphone app login process is counter intuitive in another way as well, in that after entering your info there is no "log in" button, so it's not clear until you try to sync whether you've got a valid user/pass06:43
beunoah, that's interesting06:44
beunook, I'm off to bed06:48
beunoskorange, if there's anything else we can help you with, feel free to join the mailing list or file bugs06:49
skorangei just saw all my contacts in evolution06:49
skorangevery slick06:49
diverse_izzueverterok, i hate to be a killjoy, but after installing the nightly i still have my hard disk churning, and a waiting-content queue of 6000 items... :-(07:49
diverse_izzueverterok, are you around?09:32
incorrectsilly question,  are there plans to offer more than 50gb?10:37
PaulGitvds: ping10:48
emryIs there a way to reset my couchedb completely so that the ubuntuone directory and the server are bloth blank and can start over? ^^10:58
ryeemry, yes, there is a way, why do you want to do that?11:08
ryeTo whom notes oops right when you switch to the notes tab - could you please check whether https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/notes/ works for you ?11:14
emryrye, strange issues. I am wondering if the cause was my use of the software. :P  I tried deleting everything from my database locally, gave it time to update the server.. Then I coppied everything back into place.  A few hours later all that was on the server was the directory tree. ^^;;11:28
ryeemry, are you talking about the file sync or couchdb sync (i.e. notes/contacts)11:29
emry:P I also purchased a song on the music store, and it constantly says it is transfering but never does. ^^;11:29
emryThe file sync. ^^ The whole thing is a couchdb. :P11:29
* emry may still need to learn some of the terms used here. :)11:30
emryOk.. I am rebooting real quick, then I will be back.11:31
* emry is currently in Windows, but wwhat needed to be done there is done, and he can get back to a real OS.. :P (Even if beta craziness is still the thing of the day. hehehehehe)11:32
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diverse_izzuenessita, verterok, you guys around? i'm sorry but yesterday's fix didn't help me. my syncdaemon is still churning hd and has thousands of files waiting in the queue.12:32
nessitadiverse_izzue: hello there! how did you try it?12:33
nessitadiverse_izzue: what steps did you take, etc12:33
diverse_izzuenessita, i upgraded from nightly ppa. i deleted the ubuntuone directories in .conf, .local and .cache. then u1sdtool --start and --connect12:34
nessitadiverse_izzue: you removed .local/ubuntuone? :-/12:34
diverse_izzuenessita, yes12:34
nessitadiverse_izzue:  that's were all your metadata files was stored12:34
diverse_izzuenessita, so was that a bad idea?12:35
nessitayes :-(12:35
nessitadiverse_izzue: anyways, let's keep digging12:35
diverse_izzuenessita, but it restores it somehow, maybe from the server?12:35
nessitadiverse_izzue: yes. but we can ensure consistency of any local changes you'd have12:35
diverse_izzueok, my bad, sorry. so what's next12:36
nessitadiverse_izzue: could you please the whole content of the .cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf?12:36
rodrigo_bug #48070112:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 480701 in desktopcouch "contacts I enter in U1 on the web go into evolution, but contacts entered in evolution do not go into U1 on the web" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48070112:37
nessitadiverse_izzue: could you please paste*12:37
nessita(sorry I'm sleepy still :-P)12:37
diverse_izzuenessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413601/12:38
* nessita looks12:39
diverse_izzueoh, nessita, i just realised that my folder is back to "subscribed" is that because i deleted those config directories?12:40
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok, can you please paste now the log file? .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log12:40
diverse_izzuenessita, just give me a sec, i'll try unsubscribing an restarting the daemon. it might actually work if i'm unsubscribed :-)12:41
nessitadiverse_izzue: right, becasue you deleted the metadata and the unsubscription went away with that12:43
diverse_izzuenessita, it's doing a server rescan which seems to take a while. i'll let it do it's thing for a while and report back12:45
duanedesignEmry: if you deleted you contents from U1 folder and then replaced it and currently only shows folders on server then it has probably just copied metadata so far and the files should follow.12:46
rodrigo__bug #45845312:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458453 in desktopcouch "beam.smp uses lots of CPU on desktopcouch contacts lookup" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45845312:46
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Emryduanedesign, Should the time it takes to upload less than a hundred MB be measured in days? ^^;12:46
* Emry is in this for the long haul though. ^^12:47
EmryI see this as a very worthwhile endeavor.   I realize it will take time to iron out all thebugs. ^_^12:47
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok then12:48
* Emry tries to remember the name of the script that acts as the ui. ^^;12:49
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
duanedesignEmry: what version of Ubuntu ONe do you have.  apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client12:50
Emryapt-cache policy ubuntuone-client12:50
Emryack wrong button ^_^12:50
* Emry is running lucid. ^_^12:51
Emry--waiting-content gives a long list, but --current-transfers shows 0 ^^12:51
duanedesignEmry: if you are 'connected' what does u1sdtool -s  say. If you could paste it at http://paste.ubuntu.com12:52
Emry description: doing auth dance  << Interesting status description :)12:52
EmryI tried -s and it said I was offline, so I did a -c12:53
EmryI think that there may still be some issues with it starting up.12:53
EmryI still get a crash regularly if I don't sign into the wallet RIGHT away.12:53
duanedesignEmry: it will say offline till its done doing stuff locally12:53
EmryI see.12:54
Emrycurrent state SERVER_RESCAN12:54
Emry:) I wonder how many people have signed up for the pay service.12:54
diverse_izzuenessita, i'm back to a working setup. thanks so much. i hope the bug yesterday was an actual bug and not just my incompetence :-)12:55
nessitadiverse_izzue: it was a bug indeed!12:56
nessitadiverse_izzue: thank you :-)12:56
duanedesignEmry: do you see anything in your ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log that has a current timestamp12:56
diverse_izzuenessita, emphasis on "was" :-)12:56
Emryduanedesign, >:) It is empty! ^_^12:58
duanedesignEmry: Server_Rescan is the last state before going online. So after it is done with that it should go online13:02
apacheloggerhullos o/13:02
Emry:) How long should a rescan take in general? :)13:02
duanedesignEmry: depends on the number of files. What does this return:    find ~/Ubuntu\ One | wc -l13:12
Emrydescription: processing queues :)13:14
ryeEmry, i believe it is processing the items in u1sdtool --waiting-meta13:16
ryeEmry, bug #531273 :(13:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531273 in ubuntuone-client "Meta Queue takes ages: 28 minutes for 1457 objects" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53127313:17
Emry:P So, when I go to bed tonight, I should leave my laptop running ^_^13:17
EmryI have decided though that I will start doing my work in another directory, then copy over the new files manually for the moment.13:18
Emryu1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l     Currently returns 1826 ^^13:22
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duanedesignrye: bug 56210 would you agree that is a duplicate of bug 53127313:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 56210 in evolution "Evolution crashes on start-up (dup-of: 56118)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5621013:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 56118 in firefox "Crashes on startup" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5611813:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531273 in ubuntuone-client "Meta Queue takes ages: 28 minutes for 1457 objects" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53127313:26
duanedesignbug 56210213:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562102 in nunitv2 "XML report produces invalid XML character" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56210213:26
duanedesignlmy fingers arent working well this morning13:27
duanedesignbug 56210113:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562101 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "A server rescan reoccurs quite often after every 2 files are uploaded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56210113:27
ryeduanedesign, it does not do server rescan unless it has reconnected13:30
ryeand it ...13:30
ryeGetPublicFiles does not work13:31
ryedesktop+ guys, http://paste.ubuntu.com/413621/13:32
duanedesignrye: ahh, good point13:41
Emryu1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l is down to 1682.. ^_^13:44
EmryWow...  I just realized that was the same digits just rearranged. ^_^13:44
PaulGitvds1: ping13:48
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vdsPaulGit: pomg13:49
PaulGitvds: Hi mate, just wanted to say that having read the bug I submitted again I realized I only gave you half the logs, I need to re-do tests and give you logs for initial sync also.13:51
vdsPaulGit: cool, thanks! let me know when you upload.13:52
PaulGitI am currently in Wales, if I get home at a sensible time tonight I will do it then, if not tomorrow for sure. I trust this is ok?13:53
joshuahooverrye: is anyone having problems with authorizing with ubuntuone-preferences? i'm getting an "authorization error" with raw html output when trying to setup a fresh lucid beta 2 install13:54
ryejoshuahoover, raw html?13:54
ryejoshuahoover, 500 & oops there or 404 &  not found ?13:55
joshuahooverrye: checking13:55
PaulGitvds:  I am currently in Wales, if I get home at a sensible time tonight I will do it then, if not tomorrow for sure. I trust this is ok?13:56
EmryHmmm.. I have a download in the ubuntuOne music store that is still "Transfering to your ubuntuOne storage" after two or three days (I forget when I purchased it.)13:56
vdsPaulGit: sure it is!13:56
joshuahooverrye: it gives me the homepage back, no oops13:56
ryejoshuahoover, i've just updated my lucid vm, it reboots13:57
joshuahooverrye: cool, thank you!13:57
Emry:P What is the channel name for the music store again? hehehehe I keep forgetting, and I shall add it to my favorites this time. ^_^13:57
PaulGitvds: Ok, I will let you know when I'm done. Do you prefer logs attached to bug or is pastebin better?13:57
joshuahooverEmry: #u1msbeta13:58
vdsPaulGit: attachments if possible13:58
PaulGitvds: Attachments it is.  Talk to you later!13:59
vdsPaulGit: thanks13:59
ryejoshuahoover, confirming14:11
ryejoshuahoover, something is broken14:11
joshuahooverrye: ok, so it's not just me...hmmm14:12
diverse_izzuenessita, i think i have a few more questions14:16
joshuahooverrye: so you just get back the raw home page html?14:17
ryejoshuahoover, yes'14:17
raphaHi again!14:22
raphaI was asked on Friday to report if the songs that I had bought in the music store showed up by Tuesday ... now it's Tuesday and there's still 3 songs of an album of 8 songs missing :-}14:23
ryejoshuahoover, bug #562286, creating bugpattern based on OAuth contents and exception string14:37
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/562286)14:37
ryejoshuahoover, bug #562286 - no reason to keep it private since it is from vm14:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562286 in ubuntuone-client "Authorization Error with HTML page: ubuntuone-login crashed with AttributeError in from_token_and_callback()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56228614:38
ryenow if only apport retracer did not kick in...14:38
ryejoshuahoover, ok, bugpattern ready and will be effective in 15 minutes or so, after it is replicated the user will be redirected to the bug #562286 page instead of +filebug one14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562286 in ubuntuone-client "Authorization Error with HTML page: ubuntuone-login crashed with AttributeError in from_token_and_callback()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56228614:44
joshuahooverrye: great! thank you!14:45
Emry u1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l is down to 1375 :P14:50
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nessitadiverse_izzue: shoot15:06
diverse_izzuenessita, busy now, will get back to you15:06
nessitadiverse_izzue: np15:07
ryeI got AttributeError: 'UbuntuOneDialog' object has no attribute 'visible', woohoo!15:29
ryethe question is now "why?"15:29
ryejoshuahoover, does that HTML page triggers apport log collection ?15:34
joshuahooverrye: now that you mention, no, it didn't for me15:34
ryejoshuahoover, bad. it does it for my vm but not in a real world machine15:34
joshuahooverrye: hmmm...let me test it again just to be sure15:34
bacrye, alecu: did you get your server upgrade done?  should my music store downloads work now?15:38
ryeaquarius, ^15:38
bachi nessita!15:39
joshuahooverrye: no apport, just an "Ubuntu One: Error" dialog displaying the raw html15:39
nessitahi bac15:39
aquariusbac, we got one of them done, but the other's still being worked on. It's fixed some downloads, but not all of them, so yours may work and may not, I'm afraid.15:39
bacaquarius:  they don't appear to15:40
aquariusbac, darn. Sorry. We're working on it.15:40
ryejoshuahoover, is there anything ubuntuone related in /var/crash ?15:41
joshuahooverrye: checking15:41
bacaquarius:  np and no rush.  just being a conscientious beta tester.  (but i do want my music eventually!)15:41
ryejoshuahoover, something like _usr_lib_ubuntuone-client_ubuntuone-login.\d+.crash15:41
joshuahooverrye: yep, there is15:41
ryejoshuahoover, awesome. now apport is not cooperating...15:42
joshuahooverrye: yeah, sigh...15:42
* rye needs reboot, updates hit my laptop...15:43
glauco_brasilHi, how I add new computer in ubuntu one?15:44
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joshuahooverrye: and now i get apport when the crash occurs16:02
joshuahooverrye: why now and not before? not sure16:04
ryeguuuys, I thought that logging.conf introduced to share logging prefs for oauth and syncdaemon16:06
rye     33 # Only log this level and above16:06
rye     34 LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO16:06
ryehardcoded in ubuntuone-login :(16:06
ryebug #48842516:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488425 in ubuntuone-client "oauthdesktop/logger.py should have configurable log level" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48842516:07
ryejoshuahoover, it is our ubuntuone.com rewrites16:09
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=== nesita is now known as nessita
rockstaraquarius, ping17:00
alefterisis there a way to disable file sync. I tried to uncheck the option from ubuntu one client preferences window, but when I reload the preferences, its still checked. Thanks17:07
ryedobey, ^17:07
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
ryeto all who are trying to authorize syncdaemon - fixing this at the moment17:33
diverse_izzueso, nessita, current status: my syncdaemon doesn't go crazy upon start anymore, downloaded files from my webspace to local, UDF successfully deleted, also from webspace17:35
nessitadiverse_izzue: nice17:35
diverse_izzuefor the last 4 hours or so however, u1sdtool --status reports "processing queues", and has been constantly downloading at 40-60 kilobit, totalling to some 500MB17:36
diverse_izzuei assume it's u1 causing that traffic, how can i check?17:36
diverse_izzue--waiting-metadata says "GetPublicFiles"17:36
nessitadiverse_izzue: --current-transfers show anything?17:37
diverse_izzue--waiting-content is also empty17:37
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok then, I'll need logs one more time :-)17:39
diverse_izzuenessita, sure, which?17:39
nessitadiverse_izzue: could you please paste the whole output of syncdaemon.log? or you can email it if you want to17:39
alefterisI'm also noticing a network slowdown. What's why I asked how to turn of the file sync. Am I having the same problem?17:40
nessitaalefteris: I don't think so -- I'm having network slowness too and I have SD turned off17:40
diverse_izzuenessita, it's 9MB, i'll just put on my webspace17:40
nessitadiverse_izzue: perfect17:41
alefterisI mean my net connection is conjested because of of something sending/receing (?). And it might be u1. Is there a way to check what proceeses are sendting/receving the most stuff in my network interface?17:42
diverse_izzueactually, nessita, i have a series of logs 10MB each, it's spamming those!17:43
nessitadiverse_izzue: spamming?17:43
nessitadiverse_izzue: I'd need the last one, syncdaemon.log17:43
diverse_izzuei mean it's writing tons of into into the logs17:43
diverse_izzuenessita, www.nbi.dk/~hunziker/syncdaemon.log and syncdaemon-exceptions.log17:43
nessitadiverse_izzue: you should have DEBUG mode one (which is good)17:44
nessitadiverse_izzue: how many public files do you have?17:47
diverse_izzuenessita, what is a public file?17:54
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok, so you don't have any :-)17:55
diverse_izzuenessita, probably not17:55
nessitadiverse_izzue: I'm looking17:58
nessitadiverse_izzue: how are you accessing the syncdaemon?17:59
nessitadiverse_izzue: are you sing through nautilus? through the command line?17:59
diverse_izzuenessita, only through u1sdtool18:00
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok, please disconnect the daemon: u1sdtool -d18:01
nessitadiverse_izzue: and please paste the latest 100 lines of the log file18:02
diverse_izzuenessita, syncdaemon-100-last.log from the same URI18:06
nessitadiverse_izzue: thanks18:07
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verterokdiverse_izzue: hi18:08
verterokdiverse_izzue: are you running nautilus?18:09
ryejoshuahoover, could you please try authorizing, it looks like the issue is fixed18:10
joshuahooverrye: trying now...18:11
joshuahooverrye: great! works!18:11
ryejoshuahoover, although bug #562397 needs to be fixed, fixed and fixed forever!18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562397 in ubuntuone-client "client should use one.ubuntu.com, not ubuntuone.com for OAuth" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56239718:12
joshuahooverrye: yes18:12
Green_Waxwhat do i need to do to use ubuntu one on ubuntu 9.10?18:12
dobeyit is included in 9.1018:13
Green_Waxor maybe it is just that i have dialup internet... does ubuntu one work with dialup?18:13
dobeyyeah, but will be even slower i guess :)18:14
Green_Waxyeah i can get it to run, but i don't see a way to set up my account18:15
dobeyit should open your browser the first time you run it, to do that18:16
Green_Waxyeah that is what all of the sites that i have found say, but it does not :(18:18
Green_Waxalso is there any way to change accounts once it has been set up?18:18
nessitadiverse_izzue: we re digging into this18:20
diverse_izzueverterok, yes i am18:21
diverse_izzuenessita, great!18:21
nessitadiverse_izzue: in the mean time, can I ask you to try something?18:22
diverse_izzuenessita, sure18:23
nessitadiverse_izzue: could you please close all the nautilus windows, and then run in a terminal: nautilus --quit18:23
nessitadiverse_izzue: then, show me the output of 'ps aux | grep nautilus'18:24
nessitadiverse_izzue: (without the quotes)18:24
diverse_izzuenessita, nautilus will probably autorestart, is that ok?18:24
nessitadiverse_izzue: it won't18:24
diverse_izzuenessita, yes it does18:25
nessitadiverse_izzue: yes, right18:25
nessitadiverse_izzue: ok, keep the syncdaemon disconnected, we have 2 issues here18:26
ryeGreen_Wax, we have just fixed bug #562286 that affects authorizations, could you please quit the applet and re-open it?18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562286 in ubuntuone-servers "Authorization Error with HTML page: ubuntuone-login crashed with AttributeError in from_token_and_callback()" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56228618:26
nessitadiverse_izzue: one: you have the newest client and we haven't deployed the latest version of our server to work with that latest client18:26
nessitadiverse_izzue: two: the nautilus extension is retrying a command in a loop, that will always fails because of the former "one"18:27
Green_Waxrye: do i need to DL anything?18:28
ryeGreen_Wax, no, that's server-side issue18:28
nessitadiverse_izzue: could you please open a bug for this? description should read something like: GetPublicFiles loop when the url is not available18:28
nessitadiverse_izzue: I'll fill in the blanks and assign to the proper manager18:28
diverse_izzuenessita, bug for ubuntuone-client?18:29
nessitadiverse_izzue: yes please18:29
Green_Waxrye: nothing has changed... but i don't think that my issue is server-side18:30
Green_Waxi have never been able to authenticate my computer because it never opens the browser when i start ubuntu one18:31
ryeGreen_Wax, are you running an up-to date installation? what's apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client (the client in stock 9.10 was shipped broken)18:31
diverse_izzuenessita, that's 56244318:32
diverse_izzuebug 56244318:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562443 in ubuntuone-client "GetPublicFiles loop when the url is not available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56244318:32
* rye is also affected by that bug.. will go subscribe myself...18:32
Green_Waxrye: i have version 1.0318:33
ryeGreen_Wax, ok, so you start the applet, but that does not trigger anything, right? Could you please quit the applet and run the following in the terminal - u1sdtool -q18:34
ryeGreen_Wax, then in the same terminal run ubuntuone-client-applet18:34
Green_Waxk hold on18:34
Green_Waxrye: it starts the applet but still no prompt18:35
nessitadiverse_izzue: thanks!18:38
ryeGreen_Wax, could you please pastebin the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log @ http://paste.ubuntu.com ?18:42
Green_Waxyup hang on18:45
Green_Waxrye: there it is18:47
duanedesignubuntuone-login does that fall under desktop+, foundation+, or ops+18:58
ryeduanedesign, i believe that's foundations+, since it is a part of syncdaemon... pretty much19:00
ryeGreen_Wax, could you please download and run the following script - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanYepishev/UbuntuOne/Diagnostics19:01
duanedesignrye: thank you sir. Helpfull as usual :)19:01
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james_whi, anyone want to help debug an issue with syncdaemon not pulling down something I just purchased in the music store?19:12
james_wah, bug 544596 sounds likely to be it19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544596 in ubuntuone-servers "Songs not transferred from music store to U1 storage" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54459619:14
Green_Waxrye: i can't seem to find the DL for that script19:14
Green_Waxrye: oh wait... sorry i found it19:15
Green_Waxrye: bryce@bryce-desktop:~$ python ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py19:19
Green_WaxChecking your Ubuntu One client...19:19
Green_WaxReading package lists... Done19:19
Green_WaxBuilding dependency tree19:19
Green_WaxReading state information... Done19:19
Green_WaxNo issues were detected.19:19
Green_Waxrye: it looks like the script did not find any problems19:20
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brad[]Hi folks. I just mistakenly billed $10 to the wrong Ubuntu One account. Who can I talk to about financial support?21:23
beunohi brad[]21:23
beunomattgriffin, is your guy21:23
brad[]mattgriffin: Hi there21:23
mattgriffinbrad[]: happy to help you. please go to the ubuntu one website (http://one.ubuntu.com/) and choose Billing Assistance from the Support page. Fill out the form and we'll take care of ya. thanks21:25
brad[]mattgriffin: Much appreciated21:25
mattgriffinbrad[]: no problem :)21:26
Green_Waxrye: you there21:32
lherrmannHi! Is this a problem on my end or is file sync broken again? I keep getting disconnected...21:38
verteroklherrmann: it's a server side issue, we are rolling out new code to the server(s)21:47
lherrmannokay, thanks for the reply! is there an ETA? I'm waiting for my music. ;)21:48
beunolherrmann, we should have things back up in 20-30 minutes tops21:49
lherrmannalright, thanks!21:50
brad[]I'm trying to sign up and use this stuff for the first time21:53
brad[]That's good timing :P21:53
brad[]Will there be Windows clients for Ubuntu One? If the service can scale out it would be decent income to put toward Ubuntu development n'est pas?22:09
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brad[]Is it still down? :\22:59
lherrmannDon't think so, it works for me again. (Except for the fact that some songs of my last album purchase still haven't been transferred to my account. -_-)23:05
brad[]I haven't successfully been able to make this thing work23:07
beunobrad[], I think the final servers are being brought up now23:08
beunowhat are you trying to do?23:08
brad[]I'm attempting to adda computer23:09
beunowhere is it failing for ypu?23:09
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brad[]Well, I was just now able to add my computer finally, but now I'm  running into an issue where nautilus thought a folder was marked for synchronization, but wasn't, as the computer hadn't previously been successfully added to the sync service23:10
mrandrzejakHi all. Having a problem getting my computer listed as a trusted system in U1. Ive gone so far as to purge ubuntuone* and then reinstall, but no luck. Anything else I can try? Thanks.23:20
mrandrzejakIve also purged, then followed the instruction page here as well with no luck.. https://one.ubuntu.com/support/installation/23:21
* mrandrzejak honk23:22
brad[]also my VISA hasn't been refunded yet.23:25
* brad[] frowns.23:25
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brad[]beuno: I'm also not able to manually upload a file via the web interface23:30
beunobrad[], uploading via de web ui is still being upgraded, something's funky and we're poking at those servers23:30
beunosorry for the rocky ride, we're preparing for the Lucid launch23:31
brad[]beuno: Should the desktop client work?23:31
beunobrad[], on and off while all the servers are upgraded23:31
brad[]If I leave the ubuntuone-syncdaemon running will it automatically start synchronizing when the servers are up?23:32
brad[]@ beuno23:36
beunobrad[], it should, yes23:36
rapha15:26 < rapha> I was asked on Friday to report if the songs that I had bought in the music store showed up by Tuesday ...  now it's Tuesday and there's still 3 songs of an album of 8 songs missing :-}23:48
raphaanything happen in that regard?23:48
beunorapha, yes, the changes are being deployed right now23:48
beunowe're having a few hiccups in some servers, but things should hopefully be back into shape very soon with the fixes to the music downloads23:49
raphabeuno: awesome! means i can recommend the music store wholeheartedly to my nontechnical users :-)23:51
beunorapha, yes you can!23:51
rapha(when 10.04 is released, that is)23:51
raphaimho, this is the best thing that happened to linux since warty warthog, and i really wish canonical to make some money off of it and become sustainable beyond sabdfl's injections23:53
raphas/to/that they/23:53
beunowe're getting there, slowly but surely23:55
raphaindeed you are ... today an apple afficionado asked me how i got some cat or another installed on my thinkpad :-)23:56
rapha(interestingly the only cat he didn't mention was a lynx)23:57
* mrandrzejak honks23:58
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg

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