
debfxJontheEchidna: could you please have a look at bug #562240 ?00:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562240 in libssh "libssh-4 0.4.2 breaks kio sftp slave" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56224000:35
ScottKJontheEchidna: qt4-x11 does take ~26 hours on armel.  So from the time the new i386 binaries are built and published to the time the same happens on armel, you basically can't build Qt using packages on armel, they FTBFS due to archive skew.  Of course it's easy enough to retry ...00:36
JontheEchidnadebfx: waah! thanks for the heads up.01:17
JontheEchidnaI did all my testing on the regular ftp:/ ioslave01:17
JontheEchidnabut I guess the sftp:/ one needed testing too. oh well.01:18
CIA-6[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas (The man) <echidnaman@gmail.com> * echidnaman@gmail.com-20100414002148-leu4btfy6g3iux9x * debian/changelog Rebuild for sneaky libssh ABI breakage. The ftp:/ ioslave worked, but the sftp:/ ioslave didn't...01:21
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
ScottKUgh. network-manager-openvpn-gnome, network-manager-vpnc-gnome, and a stack of Gnome crap to follow.01:59
ScottKTonio_: What have you done to me?01:59
nixternalDarkwingDuck: pong02:05
Tonio_ScottK: hu ? I splitted so that this doesn't happen02:23
Tonio_ScottK: you might have a package that depends on those, but I don't any reason why you get this02:24
Tonio_ScottK: except if you install all suggested packages by default :)02:24
Tonio_bed time, we can discuss this tomorrow02:24
ScottKTonio_: i   network-manager-vpnc Recommends network-manager-vpnc-gnome | network-manager-kde02:24
ScottKWhen you replaced network-manager-kde with the widget, you didn't fix up the recommends02:25
ScottKetwork-manager-openvpn Recommends network-manager-openvpn-gnome | network-manager-kde02:25
ScottKapachelogger: No akonadi failure bitching after reboot this time.  Thank you.02:30
DarkwingDucknixternal: Okay, I'm back now03:34
nixternalanyone have connections for computer hardware? I need new puters and the insurance company is going to give me $200 for the computers destroyed in the storm04:17
nixternali won't be able to buy anything anytime soon, but something i will definitely need to do in the near future04:18
nixternalno way i can dev on an amd athlon from 1999 (which is my communications server, ie. irssi, mutt and such), or my PPC box, or my dell mini 10v04:18
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
txwikingernixternal: look for companies getting rid of their old computers04:35
txwikingerUsually they are still pretty good, and you might get them for free04:36
nixternalyeah, not here you won't find stuff like that04:36
nixternalcompanies usually lease their computers here04:36
txwikingerwell.. the company leasing them out doesn't want them back04:36
nixternaldell does :)04:37
* txwikinger knows why he never gets anything from Dell04:37
nixternali checked with my mom's company, but they return all of their computers04:37
nixternaland the ones they just returned, ran windows 2000, so they are probably as old as my machine here04:38
nixternali need something that will build kde trunk and packages04:38
* txwikinger doesn't have anything good either04:38
nixternalotherwise I am done for a while04:38
nixternali had a nice cheap quad core, but it was smashed flat04:39
nixternali think i paid $300 for the quad core, 4gb of ram, 250gb sata drive, and a 19" lcd04:39
nixternali just don't have that money to spend right now04:39
txwikingerthat's very good04:39
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ScottKJontheEchidna: I see you're putting that core-dev right to work.  Great.05:37
ScottKUnreleased changes for -workspace in bzr for anyone to add to ...06:04
debfxJontheEchidna: remmina (the only other package build-depending on libssh-dev) probably needs to to be rebuilt too06:16
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: your sig pic on forum.kde needs updating08:31
apacheloggerthat said, the kubuntu and ubutnu icons do too08:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: <3 how you showed off them bashers in the keeping 3.5 alive thread08:35
apacheloggerkubotu: order cappuccino for Nightrose08:37
* kubotu slides cappuccino down the bar to Nightrose08:37
apacheloggerNightrose: a wonderufl good morning08:37
Nightroseto you too08:38
* apachelogger hugs Nightrose and kubotu08:38
jussi01good morning all!08:50
jussi01apachelogger: Nightrose, are you headed to UDS at all?08:51
Nightrosenope - too busy atm and a few other conferences on the plate :(08:51
apacheloggerjussi01: no, I am heading to the supermarket ^^08:52
apacheloggerjussi01: IIRC there is a math exam in the week of UDS , so unfortunately I cant go08:53
jussi01SO which kubuntuites are going then? (apart from the bleeding obvious)08:55
Sputapachelogger: core restart coming up09:42
apacheloggeroh noes09:43
Sputgonna be quick09:43
* apachelogger braces09:43
SputI need to test the release :)09:43
apacheloggerSput: thx :)09:46
Sputapachelogger: looks like it worked :)09:48
apacheloggerSput: I always think that before we release a new kubuntu version, then it turns out that it is utterly broken and I am *sigh* :P09:52
Sputapachelogger: yeah, I'm slightly nervous because I touched a lot of code within the last 24 hours, and tagging of the final is.. pretty much now09:53
apacheloggeragateau: isnt bug 562856 a duplicate of another bug I dont seem to have in my inbox?09:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562856 in amarok "Amarok Notification Icon is Broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56285609:54
Sputwhat a fun language, this finnish09:54
* Sput notes that the 0.6 release will be much better in the translations department than 0.509:54
apacheloggerSput: the best part ist hat you would actually pronnounce it just like that ^^09:54
agateauapachelogger: it's not a duplicate, it's a result of the dumbed-down implementation of StatusNotifierItem on GNOME09:56
agateauapachelogger: no tooltips => no cover art09:56
agateauapachelogger: no left click / right click => no minimize / maximize09:56
agateau(actually I like this last decision)09:56
agateauapachelogger: nothing we can do about that I am afraid :/09:57
agateauapachelogger: but it's GNOME specific, the icon behaves correctly on KDE09:57
apacheloggerhm, soudns like the gnome way of doing things ... take a sane approach, remove everything sane and leave a usibility certificate behind ;)09:57
* apachelogger actually is a supporter of the one-button usage paradigm09:58
agateauyes, but "no tooltip" is a stupid decision imo09:58
apacheloggera computer should be usable with just ... the power switch09:58
agateauthe reasoning was that waiting for tooltips is painful09:58
apacheloggerturn on - computer does something - turn off to stop it from doing something09:59
agateauso instead of fixing them (like KDE does) they removed them :/09:59
apacheloggeragateau: removing seems like a much more efficient solution though09:59
agateauapachelogger: in terms of developer cost, probably10:00
apacheloggerless code == less maintenance == less work == less people you need to pay to hold everything together10:00
apacheloggerbecause it's not like anyone would really want to do C programming with GTK+ in their spare time ;)10:00
* apachelogger personally finds GTKified C rather ugly10:00
* agateau agrees10:01
agateauand it's not like I haven't done my share of GLib code this cycle10:01
* apachelogger hugs agateau and hands him a cookie :)10:01
agateaummm... cookies :)10:02
* apachelogger almost bought a packet of them delicoius choclate crips cookies, but fortunately rememberd that such a packet is worth a day's energy consumption ^^10:04
agateauYou know I am always here to help when cookies are involved10:05
apachelogger"Kubuntu greatly needs a divx player for online movies" anyone knows what that is?10:10
apacheloggerrgreening_: I doubt ubuntu will use your application.mneu10:15
apacheloggerrgreening_: re brainstorm that is10:16
Sputah yeah. the wonders of gnome "usability"10:18
* Sput wonders if they have anyone who has actually learned the matter professionally, like seele10:18
agateauI wouldn't be so arsh. There are quite a few things in gnome which kde could learn from10:19
Sputshe pretty much comes up with research papers when such issues are decided, whereas the gnome/ubuntu side generally comes up with "but we know best, and don't argue with designers"10:19
Sputagateau: stress is on "a few", right?10:19
* apachelogger clones empathy ^^10:22
apacheloggeris it me or is git.gnome just slow10:22
* Riddell does the one day to freeze dance10:32
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck, jjesse: as I see it the gnome doc utils can parse mallard to html, which is exactly what you need to use it in KHC, so if you figure out how to construct the build magic for that there shouldnt be any problem regarding usage of mallard for kubuntu-docs10:56
agateauRiddell: it seems kmail ksni patch is gone :/11:16
agateauRiddell: I haven't checked the source package yet, but at least I get the wrong icon here11:17
Riddelldoes seem to not be there11:18
agateauRiddell: yes, just checked the source package11:18
agateauor rather, no, it's not there11:18
Riddellwhere can I find it?11:18
* agateau checks his people page11:18
agateauI can mail it back to you11:19
agateauRiddell: sent11:21
harrisonHi I just installed 10.04 a few days ago on my laptop, but apart from filling out the feedback widget I haven't done anything else. What can I do to help?11:25
Riddellagateau: don't see it11:26
jussi01harrison: report bugs hwerever you see them. if something is broken, we want to know.11:26
jussi01!bug | harrison11:26
ubottuharrison: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:26
Riddellharrison: we'll be needed ISO testers for the next couple of weeks11:26
agateauRiddell: http://people.canonical.com/~agateau/tmp/kmail-ksni.diff11:27
Riddellagateau: there's nothing in the changelog about this patch, I wonder if it was ever applied11:28
agateauRiddell: I need to improve my tracking skills then :/11:29
harrisonSo report any bugs I find in the beta 2, then test the next ISO's and report/confirm any bugs I find ?11:29
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
Riddellharrison: if you're able now it would be good if you could download today's daily-live CD and check for bug 53850511:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538505 in ubiquity "Extremely slow reponsiveness / high CPU usage" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53850511:31
Riddellagateau: what's the status of that patch with upstream?11:32
agateauRiddell: merged11:32
agateauRiddell: but kmail trunk is a quite different beast11:32
agateauRiddell: maybe it's time for me to learn how to integrate my patches into kubuntu bzr repositories11:34
harrisonRiddell: I'll start downloading the ISO now11:35
Riddellharrison: great11:35
Riddellagateau: it would still need a kubuntu-members to merge in and a kubuntu-dev to upload, and having an extra person to make sure it actually works is no bad thing11:38
agateauRiddell: ok11:38
harrisonOh, I had another question. I know a reasonable amount of python and c++ , is there a wiki or page that someone can point me to that will show me how I can help?11:40
Riddellharrison: hanging around on this channel is a good start :)11:41
Riddellharrison: we have a todo list https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo11:41
Riddellharrison: we're at the end of the cycle currently so less coding needed and more bugfixing and verification11:42
apacheloggerand cookie munching11:43
Tm_Tgood bug finding and reporting always helps11:43
* apachelogger hands out cookies11:43
harrisonRiddell: Ah ok ^_^ well I'll start with the bug reporting/confirming and hopefully you'll see me in here more often after the main release. Thanks for all the help, Riddell and jussi11:46
ScottKapachelogger: Would you please look at my proposed fix for a quassel bug and tell me if it is a) a reasonable way to solve the problem and b) if I did it right (I'm very tired and probably not thinking well): http://paste.debian.net/68804/12:18
JontheEchidnawhee @ bug 56277012:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562770 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "package plasma-widget-networkmanagement 0.9~svn1075616-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/kded/networkmanagement.desktop', which is also in package kn..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56277012:20
* ScottK naps12:20
RiddellTonio_: ^^12:25
apacheloggerScottK: I am wondering why to implement a new package for that and not just add the link to the existing data package?12:27
JontheEchidnabe back later today12:28
apacheloggeron that remark... the linking as implemented is pointless since it links from quassel-data to quassel-data which makes quassel-data-qt4 empty altogether12:28
apachelogger+ I would carry out the link via a .links file12:28
ScottKapachelogger: I guess it doesn't hurt there, just seemed better not to ship a pointless symlink.12:28
ScottKapachelogger: dh_links won't link directories12:29
apacheloggerScottK: I am quite sure it does12:29
apacheloggerIIRC kubuntu-default-settings links a directory12:29
apacheloggerfor the oxygen emoticons12:29
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/bzr/kubuntu-default-settings$ cat debian/kubuntu-default-settings.links12:30
apacheloggerusr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/emotes/ usr/share/emoticons/Oxygen12:30
apacheloggerScottK: I think you need to create the parent directories via .dirs12:30
apacheloggeryeah, kds got a fancy dirs file creating usr/share/emoticons12:31
apacheloggerand is missing a \n ^^12:31
CIA-6[kubuntu-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100414113231-zewkka2faq8koky9 * debian/ (changelog kubuntu-default-settings.dirs) Add final newline to kubunt-default-settings.dirs12:32
ScottKapachelogger: Any chance you'd have time to fix this up?12:32
apacheloggerScottK: is it in bzr?12:33
ScottKapachelogger: All but that last bit that's in the pastebin12:33
* ScottK has no bzr setup on any box that's immediately handy12:33
apacheloggerI can take a look at it12:33
ScottKapachelogger: Release tarball is at http://quassel-irc.org/pub/quassel-0.6.0.tar.bz212:34
ScottKme resumes napping12:34
apacheloggerScottK: not using source format 3?12:34
apacheloggercare if I switch?12:34
ScottKapachelogger: No.  I need to backport12:34
ScottKapachelogger: I do care12:34
Sputah. a packaging bug.12:36
* Sput was getting nervous there12:36
Sputactually, it's amazing that I haven't been bombed by all sorts of problems and crashes an hour after tagging yet12:36
apacheloggerSput: I could send you an ecard with a bliking pony unicorn if you feel like it12:37
* apachelogger is playing linker ... muhahaha ^^12:39
apacheloggerRiddell: ping12:41
Riddellyo apachelogger12:42
apacheloggerRiddell: what do you think about enforcing http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Semantics in the c++ codestyle?12:42
* apachelogger finds that KUIT stuff very sensible12:42
apacheloggerRiddell: by enforcement I mean ... in our applicatoins use whenever possible and when changing an old string, change it to KUIT12:43
Riddellyeah, seems fine12:44
apacheloggercool, I'll add it to the spec and see what theechdnia thinks then :)12:45
Tonio_Riddell: checking the knetworkmanager bug12:47
Tonio_Riddell: well I have no choice for that, since I activated the kded service for networkmanager, the desktop file has to come with the plasmoid...12:49
Tonio_Riddell: in fact the issue was in the previous packaging from a technical perspective12:49
Tonio_Riddell: so here is my question : cause the problem only happens between 2 dev releases, should I include the conflicts/replaces thing in it or should we just consider people who play with the dev release should be able to sort out this ?12:50
Tonio_Riddell: karmic -> lucid transition should be fine afaik12:50
Tonio_Riddell: you decide what is best, I'll do it12:51
Riddellapachelogger: how about this people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/cue.png ?12:51
Riddellmatches our boot splash12:51
Tonio_Riddell: imho, well what is important is the stable -> stable dist-upgrade12:51
apacheloggerRiddell: that could work12:51
RiddellTonio_: yes it needs the replaces, lots of people install betas12:51
apacheloggerlooks pretty slick actually12:51
Tonio_hum right12:52
Tonio_Riddell: uploaded13:00
ScottKTonio_: Please fix the nm recommends we discussed last night.13:02
Tonio_ScottK: hum dunno what to fix on that point lemme check13:03
Tonio_ScottK: oh only suggest and not recommends the vpn plugins ?13:03
ScottKTonio_: No, have them recommend the widget instead of the systray app13:04
Tonio_ScottK: hum I don't get why in fact...13:04
Tonio_ScottK: either for the widget or the systray app, they should only suggest it13:05
ScottKTonio_: Currently network-manager-vpnc Recommends network-manager-vpnc-gnome | network-manager-kde13:05
ScottKIf you leave it that way and we only provide the widget, the Gnome thing gets pulled in13:06
Tonio_well technically it should recommend network-manager-vpnc-kde13:06
ScottKNetwork-manager-openvpn needs fixing too13:07
Tonio_yeah they all need fixing13:07
ScottKTonio_: Can you take care of that?13:07
Tonio_ScottK: sure, although I'm not sure what you want exactly13:07
Tonio_there are 2 things...13:07
Tonio_1/ fix the network-manager packages13:07
Tonio_2/ fix knm-runtime which recommends the vpn plugins13:08
Tonio_Recommends: kwalletmanager, network-manager-vpnc, network-manager-openvpn, network-manager-pptp,13:08
Tonio_ network-manager-kde | plasma-widget-networkmanager13:08
Tonio_ScottK: I think it should not recommend, bug suggest13:08
ScottKI want the Gnome stuff not pulled into a standard KDE install.  It's also good to continue to provide the vpn/vpnc stuff too.13:08
ScottKI think it's OK to recommend, just the NM plugins need their recommends updated to be the widget instead of KNM13:09
ScottKI'll leave it to what you  think best though.13:09
Tonio_ScottK: as I said I disagree :)13:10
Tonio_ScottK: the NM plugins need to recommend the kde equivalent package to network-manager-vpnc-gnome13:10
Tonio_which is now network-manager-vpnc-kde :)13:10
ScottKThe main thing is with the switch to the widget we suddenly started pulling Gnome stuff in13:10
Tonio_that makes a lot more sense imho13:10
ScottKSo that's what needs fixing, how, I defer to you.13:10
Tonio_ScottK: it seems to me that if you install a package A that depends on a package which recommends B | A13:15
Tonio_then you won't get B installed right ? that would fix your problem I guess13:15
Tonio_install network-manager-vpnc-kde which depends network-manager-vpnc which recommends network-manager-vpnc-gnome | network-manager-vpnc-kde13:16
ScottKTonio_: Yes, but the key thing, IMO, is the plugin recommends are obsolete now.13:16
* apachelogger drinks cold coffee13:16
Tonio_ScottK: I agree13:16
Tonio_ScottK: you install either network-manager-openvpn-gnome|kde13:16
Tonio_ScottK: otherwise you would favor gnome and anyone installing network-manager-vpnc will end up with gnome stuff...13:17
ScottKTonio_: Changing network-manager-vpnc Recommends network-manager-vpnc-gnome | network-manager-kde to recommend the widget solves the problem I'm worried about.  There may be other solutions too13:17
Tonio_ScottK: also I suspect changing this won't be easy :)13:17
ScottKSince we seed the widget, it works out if one does it this way13:17
Tonio_ScottK: it fixes your problem, but the problem will appear with people using the widget like me :)13:17
ScottKnetwork-manager-vpnc Recommends network-manager-vpnc-gnome | plasma-widget-networkmanagement13:17
* apachelogger grabs a microphone, walks over to Nightrose and sings "total eclipse of the heart" with her13:18
ScottKTonio_: Now everyone uses the widget13:18
Tonio_ScottK: I agree, but the day we switch, same problem again :)13:18
Tonio_ScottK: I mean, I splitted the packaging in order to have the same -kde packages network-manager has -gnome packages for13:18
Tonio_so I prefer to try to fix thatway13:19
* ScottK goes back to letting Tonio_ fix it.13:19
Tonio_in case I fail, I'll go with your option, is that oki for you ?13:19
Tonio_oki ;)13:19
Tonio_ScottK: just if you install manually network-manager-vpnc you'll end up with gnome stuff anyway13:20
Tonio_ScottK: but the gnome crew won't give a sh*t, I'm used to that :)13:20
Tonio_I think I have to ping asac on that point13:20
* apachelogger will never sponsor an upload for lex again13:21
apacheloggerway too much a headache afterwards13:21
Tonio_apachelogger: what is a headache ?13:21
apacheloggerbug 554069 is13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554069 in xscreensaver "xscreensaver autostarted in KDE session" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55406913:22
apacheloggerScottK: you are aware that quassel is rpath'd?13:27
ScottKapachelogger: I don't recall what I'm aware of about that.13:27
apacheloggerScottK: E: quassel: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath ./usr/bin/quassel /usr/lib13:28
apacheloggercmake defaults to rpathing13:28
Riddellneversfelde: where can I find digikam 1.2?13:28
ScottKapachelogger: Didn't Riddell make some change in pkg-kde-tools so all our packages have that?13:28
apacheloggerRiddell: what's with that anyway?13:29
apacheloggerwhy do our packages get rpath'd again?13:29
apacheloggerScottK: lrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2010-04-14 14:13 ./usr/share/apps/quassel -> ../kde4/apps/quassel13:29
apacheloggerScottK: shall I upload?13:29
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  My test build built all the upstream stuff fine.13:30
ScottKPlease do13:30
apacheloggeroh oh13:31
apacheloggerScottK: E: quassel-core: init.d-script-missing-dependency-on-remote_fs /etc/init.d/quasselcore: required-start13:31
apacheloggerE: quassel-core: init.d-script-missing-dependency-on-remote_fs /etc/init.d/quasselcore: required-stop13:31
apacheloggerdid you look into those?13:31
apachelogger+ I think we should convert to upstart for maverick13:31
Riddelllikely that13:31
apacheloggerRiddell: did we set that to off?13:32
Sputapachelogger: do we do something wrong with rpath in Quassel? I recall having worked with distro maintainers a *long* time ago to get it all right13:32
Sput(and stop Gentoo's portage from screaming QA warnings all over the place)13:32
ScottKapachelogger: I don't remember that one13:32
apacheloggerSput: yeah, you worked with me on that too :P13:32
Sputapachelogger: so is it working right now or not?13:32
apacheloggerSput: but in general it should be controllable via cmake now13:32
apacheloggerSput: we have our cmake configured to rpath, for whatever reason there is13:33
apacheloggerScottK: maybe it is new, makes sense though13:33
apacheloggeralthough I do not think that many people have /usr on a remote share13:33
Riddellapachelogger: no Debian also has it13:34
Sputapachelogger: well, if we need to change something, let me know.13:34
RiddellI've no objection to rpath anyway, I've never seen any problem with it13:34
apacheloggerSput: sure, thanks :)13:35
apacheloggerRiddell: well, the only reason against rpath is that you cant move stuff around or something, and that it can break if it points at some libc dir and that gets changed for new libc version or something13:36
apacheloggerthen again new libc pretty much means recompile the whole archive anyway I guess13:37
amichairhey guys, how goes?13:37
apacheloggeryo amichair13:38
apacheloggerthe description of bug 562991 is my best one so far13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562991 in quassel "quassel init script needs to be converted to upstart job" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56299113:38
apacheloggerbetter than the title of kubuntu logo in kickoff is stupid and ugly ^^13:39
apacheloggerW: quassel-client: unusual-interpreter ./usr/share/applications/kde4/quasselclient.desktop #!xdg-open13:40
apacheloggeroh dear13:40
apacheloggerSput: ^13:40
amichairapachelogger: nice feedback graphs! (dunno what they say yet, but graphs be niiiice!)13:40
apacheloggerSput: what is the point of that?13:40
apacheloggeramichair: you ask about problems other than at installation and sure enough people will come with ubiquity crashes ;)13:41
Sputapachelogger: what do I know13:42
amichairit's their way of saying 'undefined' (since post-installation doesn't exist...)13:42
SputI didn't touch the .desktop files... but what would be the correct way to do it?13:42
apacheloggerSput: ^13:43
apacheloggerSput: there should be no shebang line at all13:43
apacheloggerSput: http://git.quassel-irc.org/?p=quassel.git;a=commit;h=9f9be449dd60c940135dbea8bac7712dbff0314813:43
apacheloggerthat one13:43
Sputapachelogger: care going in #quassel and talk to al directly?13:45
Sputhe's around too13:45
alintltool did that13:46
apacheloggeral: stupid tool, please report a bug against that beasie13:46
alwhich i was told to use by you guys :>13:46
alwon't do that13:46
apacheloggerintltool is gnomeware, it is bound to do fynny things ^^13:47
allast time i did that i got a pretty stupid response13:47
althat tool is a lost case13:47
apacheloggerso much for KDE's scripted approach is inferior :P13:48
apacheloggeral: what do you use it for anyway?13:48
CIA-6[quassel] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100414124825-bhhu2k183q4luyua * debian/ (4 files) releasing version 0.6.0-0ubuntu113:48
al.desktop file translations13:48
apacheloggeral: sync po-to-desktop file?13:48
apacheloggerhm, I would really go for kde's magic there13:49
alunfortunately i'm not wizard13:49
apacheloggeral: I'll look into it and poke you13:49
algreat :>13:49
apacheloggeral: with a long point lance :P13:50
apacheloggerScottK, Sput:0.6.0 uploading13:50
ali just hope that's not a metaphor13:50
Tonio_ScottK: all 4 packages uploaded, lemme know if that doesn't fix for you13:51
ScottKTonio_ and apachelogger: Thank you.13:51
Sputoh, apachelogger: al is here too :)13:51
apacheloggerSput: I am too attracting13:51
Sputapachelogger: we all know that13:52
* Sput remembers that night at the gothic club13:52
* ScottK is off for the next ~8 hours.13:52
* apachelogger doesnt for some reason13:52
Sputthanks ScottK13:52
Sputand apachelogger :)13:52
apacheloggerthough I was fat and ugly back then13:52
apacheloggersimply put: I was no kubuntu dev13:52
Sputyou're less fat now?13:52
apacheloggerSput: natural cause of digging around in mysql ... it kind of kills one's appetite13:53
apacheloggerbut now Kubuntu has a somewhat working akonadi13:54
amichairapachelogger: is this normal for a beta2 survey? looks a bit disappointing to me :-/13:57
Riddellwe've never done one before13:57
amichairstatistics rock!13:57
apacheloggerit was hidden away and all13:57
apacheloggerfor maverick we really should add the widget to the desktop13:57
apacheloggerin fact we could still do so for the rc13:58
apacheloggerRiddell: thoughts?13:58
amichairtrue, but what's the sample size? the numbers in parentheses?13:58
apacheloggeramichair: yeah13:58
apacheloggerat the very bottom13:58
amichairapachelogger: bottom?13:59
Riddellapachelogger: not for rc, for maverick we could have it as a small button on the desktop which expands into the full survey13:59
apacheloggerRiddell: why not fo rc? ^^13:59
apacheloggeralso the button shouldnt be too small :)13:59
amichairRiddell: maybe it could be a notification - once shortly after install, once a couple weeks later, something like that14:00
amichaira notification that stays open, that is. Not one that disappears in 2 seconds :-)14:00
Riddellapachelogger: because freeze is in a few hours and we don't want to introduce something which could be unreliable14:02
amichairso, it looks like one in 4 users have problems of some sort?14:02
apacheloggermy changes are not unreliable :P14:04
apacheloggerbut oh well, you're right14:04
amichairwas there a similar feedback form in Ubuntu?14:05
apacheloggeral: where do the translations come from?14:05
Riddellamichair: no14:05
alapachelogger: launchpad14:09
apacheloggeral: and you download them or what?14:09
amichairwhat say we do something about quality and usability? maybe an emphasis in MM? or something Timelord related?14:10
apacheloggeral: care to give me a url for testing? :)14:10
=== njpatel_ is now known as njpatel
alapachelogger: there you go: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44075714/launchpad-export.tar.gz http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44076003/launchpad-export.tar.gz14:14
apacheloggeral: thanks14:15
apacheloggeral: looks more complicate than I thought ^^14:30
apacheloggerwell, not the processing itself but wrapping around it to make the envrionment fit the constraints14:30
apacheloggeral: strange thing is, it doesnt seem a lot of debian packages have that particular issue14:36
apacheloggeral: maybe intltool does have some magic switch to turn that off or something?14:36
alapachelogger: dunno14:40
* apachelogger const casts14:40
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
shadeslayeranyone around to help me with a small question in packaging?15:19
shadeslayeri have a package which has .pot files,how do i build them with the package?15:20
shadeslayer( i know these are translation files ;) )15:21
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
* apachelogger giggles15:36
apacheloggeral: I got something borrowed, something new...15:36
apacheloggerevilnhandler: pot files are trainslation templates, they arent translation files15:37
apacheloggerhence the the t15:37
apacheloggerthe files without t are translation files15:37
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: oh ok,so how do i build them?15:39
apacheloggeryou dont15:39
apacheloggerwhat would be the point of building a template?15:39
apacheloggeral: are the regular translations straight imports or also merged?15:43
apacheloggerSput: ^ do you happen to know?15:46
Sputapachelogger: I don't actually15:47
apacheloggeralways these well informed devs :P15:47
alapachelogger: uh.. i don't quite get the question15:47
Sputapachelogger: btw, we're planning to move the core for real now anytime soon... remember the turbobomber.q-i.org URL?15:48
apacheloggeral: I take it you also get UI translation from launchpad?15:48
geniiHm. After last round of updates this morning, "System Settings" is no longer anyplace accessible from my main menu (I used to find it under Setting.. System Settings). Luckily for the moment it's on my most recently used apps.15:48
alapachelogger: yea, from launchpad and a bunch of other ways15:48
apacheloggeral: and you merge them all?15:48
alapachelogger: yea15:48
apacheloggeral: using what tool?15:48
apacheloggeralso intltool?15:48
alapachelogger: no, git :>15:48
apacheloggergenii: it should be on the computer tab15:49
apacheloggeral: that I do not quite understand ;)15:49
apacheloggeral: you surely must use msgmerge or something15:49
geniiapachelogger: I'm not using kickoff style15:49
alapachelogger: translators use that for updating the .po from the template15:49
apacheloggergenii: now I remember why I did not want to fix it that way15:50
apacheloggerALL OF PLASMA IS SCREWY15:50
apacheloggerLIKE MYSQL15:50
apacheloggerJUST WITH ECMASCRIPT15:50
* genii runs!15:50
apacheloggeral: so the translators merge from launchpad?15:51
apacheloggerah, never mind15:51
apacheloggerif you dont need no scripting then its all alike to me ;)15:51
apacheloggeral: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/src/quassel-desktop-merger/15:53
apacheloggergoes into the po folder15:53
apacheloggerfor merging extract the launchpad tar there (creates a po subdir)15:53
apacheloggerthen run the ruby script15:53
apacheloggerit will create another subdir merge-dir and bring everything in line with KDE's script exceptations regarding it's environment, and then merge away using that c++ app there15:54
apacheloggeronce it is done it will nuke the merge-dir again15:54
* al googles15:54
apacheloggeronly files in all_files_quassel get merged15:54
* al goggles actually15:54
apacheloggermerge_desktop_files.sh and applycontext.cpp are canonical sources http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/15:55
apacheloggerwell, latter actually has 2 nasty const casts because it wouldnt compile due to const vs. non-const on my system, maybe sput wants to look into that15:55
alcan't i just remove the shebang?15:55
apacheloggeral: yep15:55
alor maybe even just leave it there?15:56
apacheloggeral: then I or ScottK will come and annoy for every release :P15:57
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: oh btw what about .po files and docbooks?15:57
alapplycontext deals with msgctxts?15:57
evilshadeslayerhow do i build them?15:57
evilshadeslayeri was having a look at dh_installdocs15:57
apacheloggeral: msgctxts?15:58
apacheloggerall I know is that it does the heavy lifting ^^15:58
alapachelogger: uh, never mind then15:58
apacheloggerthe shell script really just builds lists and ensures all pos are valid from what I have seen15:59
apacheloggerso everything else is left to poor applycontext :)15:59
alhow the hell did i get into this mess?15:59
apacheloggerevilnhandler: a bit more context would be nice15:59
apacheloggerevilshadeslayer: ^15:59
apacheloggerevilnhandler: sry :)15:59
apacheloggeral: you commited with a shebang line and mad apachelogger furious :P16:00
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: ok,im uploading a kraft release to my PPA,now the dev has said that he has included .po files and a docbook,so i need package them as well16:00
apacheloggerQ: why does the dev not build this stuff?16:01
evilshadeslayerwhich ive never done before... or does dh --with-kde do that automatically?16:01
apacheloggerany kind of building is handled by the build system16:01
apacheloggerhence the name ;)16:01
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: A. Because he doesnt know ubuntu packaging,he has uploaded RPM's16:01
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: :D16:02
apacheloggerthat has absolutely nononothing to do with ubuntu16:02
apacheloggerand even less with packaging at large16:02
* apachelogger does looky looky the source16:02
apacheloggerevilnhandler: 0.40 b2?16:02
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: nope16:02
evilshadeslayerone sec16:02
apacheloggerPackages for Ubuntu can also be found there.16:02
apacheloggerthat statement is awesome ^^16:03
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kraft/files/kraft/0.40/kraft-0.40.tar.bz2/download16:04
apacheloggerwell then16:04
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/kraft-0.40$ ls16:04
apacheloggerAUTHORS  Changes.txt  cmake  CMakeLists.txt  COPYING  database  doc-translations  importfilter  INSTALL  po  README  Releasenotes.txt  reports  src  TODO  tools16:04
apacheloggerevilnhandler: I dont see no documentation16:05
evilshadeslayeroh my..16:05
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/kraft-0.40$ find ./ -name *.docbook16:05
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: sorry about the docs,thats a leftover from the old package16:06
apacheloggerregarding po16:06
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: yes16:06
apacheloggeryou see that po dir in the source?16:06
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/kraft-0.40$ grep "( po" CMakeLists.txt16:07
apacheloggeradd_subdirectory( po )16:07
apacheloggervia that add_subdirectory it gets included in the build process16:07
apacheloggernow lets digg one directory down16:07
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/kraft-0.40/po$ ls16:07
apacheloggerCMakeLists.txt  cs  da  de  en_GB  eo  es  ga  lt  nds  nl  pt  pt_BR  sv  tr  uk16:07
apacheloggerif you few the CMakeLists.txt here you will see that it again includes all subdirectories16:08
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: cmake takes care of it?16:08
apacheloggerso lets digg again once down16:08
apacheloggerme@osiris:~/src/kraft-0.40/po/cs$ ls16:08
apacheloggerCMakeLists.txt  kraft.po16:08
apacheloggerfile(GLOB _po_files *.po)16:08
apacheloggerand this is the build magic16:08
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: ah so need to do anything?16:09
apacheloggeressentially that is a script that runs the funciton GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES on all *.po files in the current directory (as found with that glob)16:09
apacheloggerevilnhandler: nope16:09
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: tab fails :D16:09
apacheloggerevilnhandler: you are quite in the way today :P16:09
* evilshadeslayer wonders how to superseed 0.40b216:12
evilshadeslayerapachelogger: ideas?16:13
apacheloggerme@osiris:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.40c gt 0.40b2; echo $?16:14
apacheloggerme@osiris:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.40b2+reaylly0.40 gt 0.40b2; echo $?16:14
apacheloggerlatter should be really not reaylly ^^16:14
evilshadeslayerhehe thanks16:15
apacheloggerevilnhandler: I would go with latter16:15
apacheloggerevilnhandler: I am really sorr16:15
=== evilshadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer
shadeslayerthat should help :D16:15
apacheloggerI will not talk to you anymore when prefixed with evil :P16:15
alapachelogger: i'll look into it, thanks :>16:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: thanks :D16:17
shadeslayerwhy wont the stupid thing use the original tarball... *mumble*16:20
apacheloggerwrong name16:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: kraft_0.40b2+really0-0ubuntu1~ppa1.orig.tar.gz16:21
shadeslayeralso W: kraft source: native-package-with-dash-version16:22
shadeslayeroh my16:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: sorry for that... i forgot .40 after really016:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: that line is bogus anyway16:25
* apachelogger cant read today ^^16:25
shadeslayeroh my...16:29
shadeslayermust have disconnected16:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: what message did you get last?16:30
apacheloggerthat you forgot the 4016:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok well the source error is gone,but i stll have the native-package16:31
apacheloggerthat might be because the packaging revision is not part of the upstream version number16:32
shadeslayerah thats what i thought too :)16:32
apacheloggerRiddell, agateau, ScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/MaverickCodestylePolicy should now not duplicate kdelibs but stack explicity ontop of it16:34
apachelogger+ requireing i18n semantics16:34
agateauapachelogger: what changed?16:41
apacheloggeragateau: line length went up to 100 chars ;)16:41
apacheloggeragateau: and http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Semantics must be applied16:42
apacheloggerwhere it makes sense of course, and only for new strings or string changes16:42
apacheloggersee i18n section towards the end f the policy16:42
* apachelogger thinks we should make a cheatsheet for the roles and subcues16:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414394/ << is this a correct rules file for karmic?16:43
apacheloggertry building :P16:44
apacheloggerdoesnt look right htough16:44
apacheloggerkde.mk is KDE 3 AFAIK16:44
apacheloggerunless it got moved around16:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: then what do i use for kde 4?16:45
* shadeslayer keeps forgetting16:45
shadeslayerpkg-kde-tools right?16:45
apacheloggerwiki dead16:45
* apachelogger seriously hates ubuntu wiki16:46
apacheloggerlike sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much16:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: I wouldnt know16:46
apacheloggertake a look at a karmic package16:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok16:46
persiadh --with kde $@ seems to work16:48
shadeslayerpersia: karmic...16:48
persia(at least for some packages, but maybe that's lucid only)16:48
apacheloggerwell, that poor wiki seems dead alright :(16:51
apacheloggerno spec writing for apachelogger it seems16:51
ryanakcaRiddell: I can't subscribe ubuntu-archive myself, Scott subscribed ubuntu-sponsors for me....17:09
Riddellyou can't?17:10
RiddellI thought anyone could subscribe anyone17:10
ryanakcaRiddell: Well, I can, but I'm not supposed to. Someone from that team is supposed to review the packaging that Debian reviewed before ubuntu-archive folks do the work I think17:11
* ryanakca checks the wiki17:11
Riddellwell don't matter, it's synced now17:12
ryanakcaRiddell: Yep17:12
ryanakcaRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze%20for%20new%20upstream%20versions isn't clear. But for future reference, if its a sync, can I subscribe the archive folks myself? It isn't a package upload, so on second thought, I might not need to go through the sponsorship process?17:13
Riddellryanakca: syncs needs to be acked by someone who could otherwise upload that package, so a motu for universe, kubuntu-dev for kde in main etc.  also needs a feature freeze ack at this time in the cycle.  but once it's ready to be done anyone can subscribe ubuntu-archive17:15
ryanakcaah, ok.17:15
apacheloggershtylman: did you fix this runaway loop in ubiqity? seems to come up quite some times in the feedback ... oh and something else I also noticed, could it be that the installer only redraws upon movement?17:54
apacheloggershtylman: it appeared to me as if it seemed busy while indeed upon mouse movement the next page loaded right away17:54
shtylmanapachelogger: there is some weird behavior related to that... I have been poking at it to no avail so far17:55
shtylmanapachelogger: the runaway loop was fixed17:55
shtylmanbut then that introduced the weird mouse related stuff17:55
apacheloggershtylman: I think I noticed that mouse stuff while installing on my netbook, so that was defenitely before beta217:56
amichairone of the mouse related bugs was closed (the reported tz page thing), but I get the feeling there's a bunch more complexity hiding in there17:57
apacheloggeron that note ... is it ubiquity that uses processEvents?17:57
amichairapachelogger: among others...17:58
apacheloggerjonny got told to avoid them yesterday17:58
apacheloggerthey are evil and dangerous if I recall correctly17:58
apacheloggerwhich is exactly what I thought when I saw them, I just couldnt exactly remember in what source that was17:58
apacheloggeramichair, shtylman: according to the lords from KDE it would be much wiser to use threads when appropriate, and if that does not work, then at least an own event loop (which is stil evil and dangerous, but less than processEvents the word was)17:59
apachelogger 18:00
apachelogger   Wine software is still lacking. Having microsoft office running in linux is no a good experience. I can't print from word. I want very badly, a divx version for linux. The codecs do not work. You still in better plug-in software for this.18:00
apacheloggerthat I do not understand18:00
apacheloggerkubotu: google divx18:01
kubotuResults for divx: 1. DivX – Play DivX, AVI & MKV videos on computers and devices | DivX.com: http://www.divx.com/ | 2. DivX Plus Software – Play and convert DivX, AVI & MKV video | DivX.com: http://www.divx.com/en/divx | 3. DivX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DivX18:01
amichairapachelogger: I tend to agree (about event  handling), but just got into it this week, and at this point before release changing the design/implementation is a bit risky. Should definitly be reworked eventually though.18:02
apacheloggeryeah, defenitely not something to change now18:02
apacheloggerbut if possible this should be looked into for maverick18:02
apacheloggermaybe it saves us from some bugs18:02
amichairI have no doubt. Bugs tend to cluster, and we're already seeing them clustering in ubiquity - there are probably a bunch more just waiting to be reported.18:03
apacheloggerso if I understand wikipedia correctly I might suppose that the dear user wants wine, so that he can run ms office, but then complains that printing does not work, also he cant playback divx videos18:03
apacheloggerwhatever particular codec that is18:03
amichairmaybe some renewed Timelord marketing around launch can draw more ppl to help?18:04
* apachelogger also never used the software18:04
apacheloggeramichair: we need hand holding for that18:04
apacheloggerI got a bit dragged away form preparing that18:04
apachelogger"a bit"18:04
apacheloggermore like totaly and completely for months ;)18:04
shtylmanapachelogger: yea... easier said than done... but indeed... forn ext cycle.. I will probly aim to refactor ALOT of the ubiquity codebase for kde side18:05
apachelogger    even after going through the language options and after answering yes to the message "the language wasn't installed completely, install it now?", the dutch language isn't complete. About 75% is dutch, the rest is english.18:05
apacheloggerNot all programs have Russian language. Also not all programs have help (even in English), for example KTimeTracker and KTorrent18:05
apacheloggerItalian translation is lacking even in central apps like KPackageKit.18:05
apacheloggerWrong translation in systemsettings "General" (German)18:05
apachelogger Some program not fully translated, for example - kubuntu feedback, etc.18:05
apacheloggergo rosetta go18:05
amichairwhen I tested ubiquity in RTL (Hebrew), it was mostly English with a little Hebrew scattered around18:06
apacheloggershtylman: while you are at it, when changing strings make them i18n semantics ;)18:06
* apachelogger steps out of the akonadi mess and must read about all new l10n mess18:06
apachelogger"The guest additions don't work properly: mouse integration and resolution aren't as they should be. Everything works fine in Ubuntu Lucid b2."18:08
apacheloggerthat I dont know understand either18:08
amichairwhat is that referring to? I do all my testing in virtualbox amd64 and haven't had such issues.18:09
apachelogger"6. The option to change the cursor appearence theme strangely isn't under "Appearence" but "Keyboard and Mouse" in System Settings. Papercut? "18:09
apacheloggerthat I also find weird18:09
apacheloggeramichair: dunno its from the feedback page, so you think he means virtual machine guest additions?18:09
apacheloggeramichair: maybe vmware18:09
* apachelogger remembers the ESX in his old school had stuff like that18:10
amichairit's the only kind of guest additions that might relate to mouse integration I can think of18:10
* apachelogger also remembers that KDE never worked terribly great in vmware for some reason18:10
apachelogger"    I run my music of an nfs share. I linmk my music folder via it. due to the large collection (I think) amarok crashed when I tried to do something before initial scan was over."18:10
amichairothers here test with KVM too, dunno of any issues18:10
apacheloggerwe should have a system detecing when someone tries to use a remote share for stuff like that an shout at them ;)18:11
apacheloggeramichair: I find this all very bogus anyway + probably a mess in their driver18:11
amichairI also had some Plymouth ugliness like some ppl report - error text, black screens, etc.18:11
apacheloggerlast I checked I did not even see means for i18n18:12
amichairapachelogger: yeah, vm stuff is very unlikely related to kubuntu18:12
apacheloggerso form where I am standing plymouth is utter crap18:12
amichairI think it just isn't tested and tried well enough. I find quality in general a bit disturbing (but then I'm slightly on the perfectinist side)18:13
apacheloggerI am totally on your side18:14
apacheloggerIMHO we should have implemented it post LTS18:14
* amichair hands out some chocolate to everyone on this side18:14
neversfeldeRiddel bug 560576, bug 560579, bug 561691 and bug 56256118:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560576 in digikam "New upstream version digikam 1.2.0" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56057618:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560579 in kipi-plugins "New upstream version kipi-plugins 1.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56057918:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561691 in digikam "Feature/UI Freeze exception request for digikam 1.2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56169118:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562561 in kipi-plugins "Feature/UI Freeze exception request for kipi-plugins 1.2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56256118:14
apacheloggeroh my18:14
amichairapachelogger: and I'm not referring only to Plymouth - also the ubiquity stuff, software-properties before I got to it (and maybe still?), and others18:15
amichairit's a general feel of quality in the system18:15
apachelogger"Kockey-KDE bug with nVidia driver" I probably dont need to state what I just read there ^^18:15
apacheloggeramichair: dont look at the language-selector18:16
amichairinteresting app, that one :-)18:16
apacheloggerbest is to not even think about it18:16
* apachelogger doesnt sleep well at night because of the language-selector UI ^^18:16
amichairI was doing perfectly fine until u mentioned it :-P18:16
apacheloggeroh noes18:17
apachelogger"Bluetooth still doesn't work with Motorola Razor. Not Kubuntu specific (kdebluetooth), but Gnome bluetooth and blueman work perfectly."18:17
apacheloggerkubotu: google motorla razor18:17
kubotuResults for motorla razor: 1. Mobile Phones - Motorola USA: http://www.motorola.com/Consumers/US-EN/Consumer-Product-and-Services/Mobile-Phones/ | 2. Motorola Motorola RAZR V3c: http://www.motorola.com/motoinfo/product/details/0,,129,00.html | 3. SLB: Motorola RAZR V3 – How to charge and transfer files to your PC!: http://www.somelifeblog.com/2007/01/motorola-razr-v3-how-to-charge-and.html18:17
amichairquestion is, what do we do about all this? How do we get Kubuntu to become the highest quality, smoothest experience, most usable distro out there?18:17
neversfeldemeeh, I forgot to close all bugs in the changelogs18:17
apacheloggerphones are the shiz18:18
evilshadeslayerany ideas what linux-backports-modules-wireless contains?18:18
neversfeldeRiddell: could you add them, if you upload digikam and kipi?18:18
=== evilshadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer
apacheloggeramichair: if it was my choice, I would go review each app and boot those that suck until someone rewrites them18:18
shadeslayerhold on.. ill brb18:18
apacheloggerof course users would eat us for that18:19
shadeslayernow ive set it to default :D18:19
apachelogger"Are you going to provide a Network browser like Gnome does?"18:19
apacheloggerwhy oh why do people imply knowledge I do not have18:19
* apachelogger hates it when they do that18:19
amichairapachelogger: how about starting with our own self-developed stuff?18:20
apacheloggeramichair: I was talking about that18:20
apacheloggerand that stuff is most essential for users18:21
apacheloggerwe can only redo them bit by bit18:21
apacheloggerand qiute frankly I am not much for redoing that python uglyness in other python uglyness18:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: how does this rules file look for a kraft ( karmic ) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/414431/18:21
apacheloggershtylman: could be working18:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: still :P18:22
imbrandonmoins all18:22
apacheloggermaybe quassel is bogus18:22
apacheloggerSput: did you shift the autocompletion code around or something?18:23
apacheloggeryo imbrandon18:23
* shadeslayer replaces all of apachelogger's keys with tab keys18:23
Sputapachelogger: nope18:24
apacheloggermaybe I really suffered long-time brain injury from that akonadi fixing :(18:24
Sputhaven't touched that in a long time18:24
* apachelogger starts cryng and runs away18:24
Sputalso s<tab> highlights shadeslayer here18:25
apacheloggerSput: isnt there some magic behind it18:25
Sputyes, there is18:25
apacheloggerI think it goes to whoever I wrote last18:25
apacheloggercurrently you18:25
Sputyeah or probably whoever wrote last in genereal18:25
apacheloggerlex79: hullos18:25
Sputcan't remember exactly18:25
Sputalso, gotta leave18:26
* apachelogger waves18:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats the old entry for debian/source/format?18:26
apacheloggerbug 40361018:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403610 in kdebase-workspace "kde 4.3 Multiple Monitors tells lies" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40361018:27
apacheloggerthat title is just awesome18:27
apacheloggershtylman: there is none18:27
apacheloggergod damnit18:27
lex79apachelogger: what happened to kmail icon in systray?18:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: try using sh<tab>18:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: i mean sha<tab>18:28
apacheloggershtylman: :P18:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: :P18:28
apacheloggertoo much to type18:28
* apachelogger shall not use highlights anymore18:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: i think now it should work with sh18:28
apacheloggerwhy does this imagebin url have no http?18:28
shadeslayer(now that youve highlighted me )18:28
apacheloggerthat is like in irssi18:29
apacheloggercopy tha url and past eit ^^18:29
apacheloggerso the kmail problem is that tini tiny number?18:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: compat is 5 though right?18:29
lex79apachelogger: yes18:29
apacheloggerthat entirely depends on what version your packaging is compatible with18:29
apacheloggerWell, I have no idea what happened to KMail. Tried restarting?18:30
apacheloggerVery odd18:30
apacheloggermaybe ask in #kontact18:30
lex79Riddell: upload new agateau's patch18:30
* apachelogger did not touch kdepim in ages18:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: its for karmic... so im guessing 518:30
apacheloggerin that case I blame Riddell and agateau :P18:30
apacheloggerno, karmic did have debhelper 718:31
apacheloggerso that might be compat 5 to 718:31
apacheloggerI dont think you crafted compat 4 with cdbs ;)18:31
lex79very fun with my xscreensaver uplaod buahah :)18:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: :P18:32
apacheloggerI already stated that I shall never sponsor an upload for you again18:33
apacheloggerway too much work post-upload18:33
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
shadeslayer0.40-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1 << that is correct right18:34
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
apacheloggerlooks like it18:34
lex79Riddell: sync please, bug 545690 54568618:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545690 in eric "[FFe] Please sync eric 4.4.2-1 with Debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54569018:35
lex79bug 54568618:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545686 in kvpnc "[FFe] Please sync kvpnc 0.9.6-1 from Debian testing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54568618:35
shadeslayer!find libboost1.40-dev18:36
ubottuFound: libboost1.40-dev18:36
shadeslayer!find libboost1.40-dev karmic18:36
=== apachelogger is now known as starshiptrooper
lex79in karmic libboost should be 1.3818:40
shadeslayerlex79: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libboost1.40-dev18:41
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
shadeslayerlex79: i can fix it right now.. but you need to be quick!18:43
CIA-6[kdewebdev] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100414174740-hj90wimhtvo3t5cj * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu118:47
CIA-6[kdewebdev] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100414174903-7l2tzo1xhipx5pkq * debian/ (changelog control) Change klinkstatus' description around to match a search for link checker18:49
CIA-6[kdewebdev] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100414174924-814k6hqegm64tv5i * debian/changelog LP: #20388218:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203882 in kdewebdev "Description & metadata not intuitively searchable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20388218:49
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
CIA-6[kdewebdev] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100414190609-3icz4dnn1iyk6d1k * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu220:06
Riddelllex79: what's the issue with kmail?20:27
Riddellneversfelde: where's digikam?20:27
Riddellneversfelde: oh I see, there's separate bugs from the FFe20:27
neversfeldeRiddell: yes, I did not subscribe main sponsors, because exceptions are not granted, yet20:28
neversfeldeshould I do it in one bug in future?20:28
RiddellI prefer it as one bug, others may disagree I suppose20:29
neversfeldeas always :)20:31
neversfeldeRiddell: I forgot to close the bugs in the changelogs, I could do this, when I push to bzr or can you add it?20:32
JontheEchidnathe kmail icon looks sorta crappy after today's updates :(20:36
RiddellJontheEchidna: not scaling properly?20:36
JontheEchidnaRiddell: that, and the dementedly-small unread count20:36
RiddellI have 14560 unread e-mails so the text is always dementedly-small20:37
RiddellI'll text agateau and see if we can get him back online20:37
neversfeldeyes, I can confirm this problem20:38
* Nightrose thinks Riddell needs an email intervention20:38
neversfeldethought that it is wanted20:38
Riddellneversfelde: if you push to bzr I'll grab the new changelog from there20:42
neversfeldeRiddell: k, should I also close the exception bugs?20:43
Riddellneversfelde: no I can do that20:43
Riddellonce I decide if I grant it or not of course :)20:43
neversfeldeok :)20:43
flacosteany knows about a mem leak in plasma-desktop?20:52
amichairflacoste: yeah baby!20:52
flacostesince i upgraded to lucid, the plasma-desktop process often climbs to 1.2G RSS20:52
amichairflacoste: every couple of weeks it reaches 1G and I need to restart20:52
flacostei have to kill it and restart it20:52
flacostewow, you are lukcy20:52
flacostemine reaches that in a few hours!20:53
amichairI am the chosen one :-P20:53
flacosteany work around?20:53
flacosteapplets that shouldn't be use20:53
amichairI reported one way I managed to recreate it (kde bug 216661), but the response is 'maybe someday it will be fixed by accident' :-(20:54
ubottuKDE bug 216661 in general "plasma memory leak in task thumbnails" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21666120:54
flacostenice answer20:54
amichairflacoste: no workaround that I know of. I don't use any plasmoids and nothing spiffy or strange configuration...20:55
amichairflacoste: say, do the steps to recreate there, in particular, trigger the leak for u as well?20:55
flacostei have two plasmoids on my desktop: cpu and temperature20:55
amichair(I have a feeling there's more than one leak though)20:55
flacosteamichair: what is the 'Taskbar thumbnails effect'?20:56
amichairit's when the mouse hovers over a window button/title in the taskbar, and u see a little snapshot thumbnail of what the window looks like20:57
amichairI think it's on by default (but not sure)20:57
flacostei don't have that enabled20:57
flacosteare you talking about the pager?%20:57
flacostebecause i removed mine20:57
flacostei only have the taskbar20:57
flacostewhich doesn't show any thumbnails when i hover over it20:58
flacosteonly a bubble with the icon and the window title20:58
amichairnono, just the things u click on the taskbar to switch between windows20:58
amichairflacoste: that bubble can be made to contain a thumbnail20:58
flacosteah ok20:58
flacostewell, it's probably something else20:58
flacostebecause mine leaks like crazy without that20:58
amichairtry to narrow it down somehow, it might help in reporting/fixing it20:59
amichairI had htop open for a month or two until I managed to pinpoint that one20:59
amichairI tried all kinds of things, closed applications, etc. to narrow down the possible cause21:00
amichairanything u find can be useful in getting this fixed21:00
neversfeldeRiddell: all pushed to bzr21:01
debfxsebas: ping21:01
amichairflacoste: btw what video drivers u use?21:02
amichairflacoste: interesting, I use nvidia - it was suggested this might be a driver issue, and this disproves it21:03
starshiptrooperpha 14560 unread21:04
starshiptrooperRiddell must have cleaned out recently21:04
* starshiptrooper just had the most ludicrous skype conversation with a friend and considers washing the cat now ^^21:05
Guest18670Hi there21:08
Guest18670I use Kubuntu 10.4 Beta221:09
Guest18670On a Lenovo Thinkpad SL51021:09
Guest18670when it boots , the battery monitor shows that the AC adaptor is plugged in21:10
Guest18670but it's not21:10
Guest18670if I plug it in and then unplug it , after that all the things work normally21:11
Guest18670How can I solve that?21:11
neversfeldehi Blizzz21:15
Blizzzhi nevi21:16
RiddellGuest18670: could be a problem at any of the several levels which report that, linux, hal, solid or powerdevil21:16
Guest18670Riddell: oh!21:18
RiddellScottK: what's this with openoffice and netbook?21:40
ScottKOOo is currently broken on armel.21:40
ScottKSo this upload is the last shot at getting it working.21:41
ScottKIf it doesn't work, I was going to go fish around on the UNE seeds and see what they're up to.21:41
ScottKThen do that.21:41
ScottKThey aren't using OOo on armel.21:41
RiddellI thought they'd added it back21:41
Riddellneversfelde: digikam and k-p up21:42
ScottKRiddell: I don't think so, but I could be wrong.21:43
ScottKIn any case, I don't think it makes sense to keep something known broken (as opposed to terminally painfully slow) on the image.21:43
Riddellnetbook: * (openoffice.org-gnome) [i386 amd64 powerpc]21:43
Riddellah, not arm21:43
neversfeldeRiddell: nice :)21:43
neversfeldethank you21:43
Riddellneversfelde: thanks for packaging21:43
lex79Riddell: the issue in kmail is the number of unread mail in the systray21:58
lex79JontheEchidna: o/ congrats :)22:05
lex79JontheEchidna: can you push your qt changes in bzr?22:06
JontheEchidnalex79: oops, thanks for the reminder22:07
JontheEchidnawill do after I eat22:07
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
ScottKRiddell: I put some conflict/replaces versioning fixes in bzr for -workspace to smooth upgrades with backports enabled.  I don't think it's essential to get in before freeze.22:17
ScottKI suspect it'll be allowed in over the weekend if nothing else needing doing for -workspace appears.22:18
txwikingerwhat a pain... the screensaver issue is back23:01
ScottKIIRC starshiptrooper what rhapsodizing over that very thing earlier.23:02
starshiptrooperdoes someone want to anger me or what?23:03
* ScottK picks "what"23:03
starshiptroopertxwikinger: can you ls /etc/xdg/autostart for me please23:04
txwikingersure starshiptrooper23:04
txwikingerwhat do you need starshiptrooper23:05
* starshiptrooper meant that litterall23:06
starshiptrooperls /etc/xdg/autostart23:06
txwikingerwell.. is has about 20 files in it23:06
txwikingerxscreensaver.desktop among them23:07
txwikingerthe autostart is commented out23:07
starshiptroopertxwikinger: dpkg -S xscreensaver.desktop23:07
starshiptroopertxwikinger: what do you mean by commented out?23:07
txwikingerthere are # in front of the gnome-autostart settings23:08
* starshiptrooper doesnt understand a word23:08
starshiptroopertxwikinger: please just paste the ls and run the dpkg -S :)23:08
txwikingerthe dpkg says not found23:09
starshiptrooperoh my23:10
starshiptroopergrep -ri "xscreensaver.desktop" /var/lib/dpkg/info23:10
txwikingerwell .. it needs to be xscreensaver-daemon.desktop23:10
starshiptrooper<txwikinger> well.. is has about 20 files in it23:11
starshiptrooper<txwikinger> xscreensaver.desktop among them23:11
txwikingerok.. it is in the xscreensaver package23:11
txwikingersorry it was xscreensaver-daemon.desktop23:11
starshiptrooperme@osiris:~$ dpkg -L xscreensaver | grep autostart23:13
amichairyo JontheEchidna23:14
starshiptroopertxwikinger: please run the grep with appropriate desktop file name23:14
valoriemy sound seems to have completely disappeared in the last couple of days, running Lucid beta23:15
valorieanyone else experiencing this?23:15
valorienot even startup chimes23:15
amichairJontheEchidna: is the knh fix to ur liking?23:15
starshiptrooperthat is ultimately weird23:16
starshiptroopertxwikinger: what version does your xscreensaver package have?23:16
txwikingervalorie: I had that in karmic23:16
starshiptrooperand what does apt-cache policy hav eot say23:16
txwikingerstarshiptrooper: I know :)23:16
txwikingerInstalled: 5.10-3ubuntu323:17
txwikinger  Candidate: 5.10-3ubuntu323:17
valorietxwikinger: what was your solution?23:18
starshiptroopertxwikinger: that does make absolute no sense at all23:18
txwikingervalorie: I upgraded to Lucid :D23:18
starshiptrooperwe have the exact same version of xscreensaver23:19
valorieeverything was cool on install23:19
* starshiptrooper is clueless on this23:19
starshiptroopertxwikinger: mind to post your dpkg.log23:19
valoriea couple of days ago, however, sound disappeared23:19
txwikingerstarshiptrooper: sure23:19
valorieI've been upgrading daily, so I assume it was something in the upgrades23:19
ScottKvalorie: Do you have Ubuntu and Kubuntu both installed on your system?23:20
valorieclean kubuntu lucid beta install23:20
ScottKCheck and see if pulseaudio got installed somehow.23:21
valorieI believe it is23:21
ScottKThat's not the standard Kubuntu config then.23:21
ScottKI'd try removing it and see if your sound comes back.23:21
valorieOK, I was going to ask if that might be necessary23:21
valorieit's always worked before23:22
ScottKIf it does, it at least helps narrow thing down.23:22
ScottKIt doesn't necessarily mean it's pulseaudio's fault though.23:23
valorieright, and I can always reinstall23:23
starshiptrooperI think pulseaudio implementation is still broken23:24
txwikingerstarshiptrooper: sorry no luck with pastebin.. file is too big23:25
valoriepastie.org should work23:25
starshiptroopertxwikinger: paste.ubuntu.com23:25
valoriepastebin chokes on big files, for sure23:25
txwikingercan I upload a file without pasting there?23:26
starshiptrooperoh my23:27
starshiptroopertxwikinger: just send it to apachelogger@ubuntu.com23:27
txwikingeryou know.. I will just paste a grep for xscreensaver23:27
* starshiptrooper is rather tired23:28
txwikingerstarshiptrooper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414583/23:28
starshiptroopertxwikinger: your apt is broken23:29
starshiptrooperclearly ubuntu3 never got installed on your system23:29
txwikingerand http://paste.ubuntu.com/414584/23:29
txwikingeryes in the second part23:30
* starshiptrooper blinks23:30
starshiptrooperoh well23:30
starshiptrooperpackages.ubuntu sez there is no such file in autostart23:30
starshiptrooperI do say there is no such file in autostart23:31
starshiptrooperand the buildlog also says there is no such file in autostart23:31
valorieok, sound still doesn't work, but I'll try restarting23:31
starshiptroopertxwikinger: are you on i386 or amd64?23:31
txwikingerthis is a MacBook23:32
starshiptroopertxwikinger: try manually installing https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/xscreensaver_5.10-3ubuntu3_i386.deb23:32
txwikingerbut the Futjitsu-Siemens (also i386) has the same issue23:32
txwikingerwell.. doesn't change the existence of the file23:35
ScottKIIRC you have to manually remove the file in postrm.23:36
ScottKRemoving a conffile doesn't automatically happen I don't think.23:37
txwikingerScottK: It is neither in postrm nor in postinst23:37
ScottKThe one that stopped shipping it should have removed itin the postrm.23:37
ScottKSo afaict the upload that dropped it was incomplete.23:38
starshiptrooperHOLY SMOKES23:38
starshiptrooperwhy in the name of all that is unholy does debhelper make crap a conffile on its own23:38
starshiptrooperwhat a crappery23:38
txwikingerScottK: well.. it is not removing it in postinst or postrm23:38
txwikingerand it actually has the file in the .deb anyway23:39
starshiptrooperit does not have the file in the deb23:39
txwikingerwell.. dpkg-query -L has it in the list23:39
* ScottK waits for enlightenment23:39
starshiptrooperBECAUSE IT IS A CONFFILE23:39
starshiptrooperor rather was23:39
ScottKstarshiptrooper: everything in /etc is a conffile unless you really go out of your way by generating it in the postinst23:40
txwikingerwell. even if postrm would remove it, it would be reinstalled in the new package23:40
ScottKtxwikinger: Not if the package wasn't shipping it anymore.23:40
txwikingerScottK: Well.. I am saying the newest package is still shipping it23:41
starshiptrooperScottK: that is inconsistent, by that definition dh should make everything in /usr/share/ unexecutable23:41
ScottKstarshiptrooper: I don't make this up.  That's just the way it is.23:41
ScottKIf you ship a file in /etc in your .deb, it's a conffile.23:41
starshiptrooperyeah it oviously is23:42
starshiptrooperwhoever invited that should be sacked though23:42
ScottKIn any case postrm has to deal with it.23:42
* ScottK move on to see what damage he can do elsewhere.23:45
valorieheh, still no sound, and the sound config crashed while I was testing23:45
valoriewhat does it mean, when you are filing a bug: KDE Platform is compiled from sources23:45
valorieI never know whether or not to check that23:45
ScottKNot if you're using Kubuntu packages23:46
* txwikinger still disagrees with the fact that testdrive does not have Kubuntu iso as default selections in it23:47
valorieany hints on where i should go to hunt this no-sound bit down and fix it?23:47
txwikingersound is always a pain23:48
* starshiptrooper is getting majorly annoyed about that screensaver crap23:49
valorieyes, I've fought this battle before23:49
valorieand always won23:49
valorie::knock on wood::23:49
* ScottK usually takes the beg crimsun for help approach.23:50
valoriecrimsun appears to be not available23:51
ScottKYep.  That doesn't always work.23:52
ScottKmaco can sometimes help if she's around.23:52
valoriefor sure23:57

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