
=== carlos is now known as Guest44190
PhoenixzIm using kubuntu 10.04, plasma-desktop suddenly is using like 1GB memory, kwin a good 450MB and xorg some 750MB.. since I have like 2,5GB memory, just opening firefox kicks me in swapping.. Is this a new bug? The alpha versions didn't have this issue..00:52
PhoenixzIm using Kubuntu 10.04B2 by the way00:52
rajguys i have a question. what would the problem be. if the CD refuses to install at all costs no matter how i partition the drive. on the hard drive i formated it to EXT4 and it still says 4 GIG used then when i tried to install it stops and gives me a DVD/CD and/or a HDD error. is the drive filled with bad sectors? I dont finish the install no matter what CD i use. even if i use my external DVD drive. its not the CD drive or the CD itse00:53
raj<raj> lf ( tried multiple ones) can any1 tell me what could it be? i thought the even with bad sectors it still should install. or is the HDD locked?00:53
iconmefistoraj: what cd are you installing from?00:55
rajiconmefisto:  i tried ubuntu kubuntu and linux mint. does a bad drive refuse to install at all cost?00:56
iconmefistoraj: not sure. suppose it could00:57
iconmefistoraj: I read somewhere about a bug in livecd, it would not install if you chose the installer at boot, but it would install if you ran in live mode and started the install when booted00:58
iconmefistoraj: 9.10 ?00:59
rajiconmefisto:  yeah i knew about that bug but i tried both ways... well i guess im out of luck00:59
rajiconmefisto:  yeah 9.10 and 9.0400:59
iconmefistoraj: I suppose disk problems is the most likely cause00:59
rajiconmefisto:  even if i troed to partition it to see if i can miss the bad sectors i still get 500 MBS used if i make a 35 GIGS partition .. i think the disk is wack01:00
iconmefistoraj: how old is it?01:01
iconmefistonot that it really matters that much. even a new disk can have problems01:02
rajiconmefisto:  i have no idea i just got it to repair it. it had vista on it with no genuine key so i had to reformat and imnstall linux .. but when i did that it wouldnt install linux at all01:03
iconmefistoraj: are there sata bios settings you can play around with maybe01:05
rajiconmefisto:  nope. the bios is very limited .. its a small business laptop .. dell 1510.01:05
rajiconmefisto:  could the HDD be locked to run only NTSF and windows? is that even possible?01:06
iconmefistoraj: not as far as I know01:06
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
rogue780ok...so I've managed to kill kde...I hit xkill on the...'taskbar'...by mistake. how do I restart kde without losing the apps I have open which I can't get to since they're in another virtual desktop and I disabled shortcut keys?01:39
tsimpsonrogue780: you need to start "plasma-desktop"01:46
tsimpsonsee if Alt-F2 still works or if you have a shell open01:46
=== joliveira is now known as mushroomblue
=== douglas is now known as douglastibr
douglastibrhello everybody02:02
douglastibrsomeone can help me about postfix + courier-imap ?02:02
rogue780tsimpson, thanks! you're a life saver02:06
Scunizijust found a bug.. after installing samba-server-configuration the launcher contains "gksu <package name>" so it won't load in kde.. I changed it to kdesudo <package name> and it works fine.. the package manager should offer two versions or automatically reconfigure the launcher.02:24
=== mike is now known as Guest45842
tsimpsonScunizi: did you file the bug?02:46
Scunizitsimpson: not yet.. been distracted..02:46
=== Guest45842 is now known as Elessar
Scunizitsimpson: any idea where I can find the icon for samba? .. once I changed the launcher it lost the icon02:47
James147Scunizi: possibally somewhere in /usr/share/icons/oxygen/02:48
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tsimpson/usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/places/network-workgroup.png looks like a good one02:51
Scunizitsimpson: had to use locate to find it.. /usr/share/app-install/icons/system-config-samba.png02:56
Scunizitsimpson: also found out that adding the launcher to the panel it disappeared from the k menu.. :(02:57
Scunizioops.. actually it moved to "Lost and Found" menu.. errrrrr02:58
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)03:36
jacob_hey room03:40
jacob_windows sux03:40
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
contrastGreets, everyone... I'm having a rather odd issue-- my Up key will, with no apparent cause, stop working until I restart X. I've pastebinned the output of xev when pressing the Up key here: http://pastebin.com/UR48Zcc3 . Any ideas?05:08
Scunizicontrast: does it move the mouse? if so then take a look at the settings for Assistive Technology or some such..05:39
contrastScunizi: Nope, but thanks anyway.05:43
=== aperson is now known as darkhazard
pawancant restart immediatley07:17
pawan30 sec delay07:17
pawanhow to get rid07:17
=== darkhazard is now known as aperson
ubuntuWhat are some of the features that need to be fine tuned before official release of Kubuntu?08:01
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:03
iconmefistoubuntu: #ubuntu+1 for lucid questions08:03
=== ubuntu is now known as AlvaroEP
cjaeHi using kde 4,4.2 does google earth play nice with kde yet? tried back in kde 4.1 and it there was issue08:05
AlvaroEPHow do I connect my Sprint USB wireless internet with Kubuntu?08:06
AlvaroEPRight now I am using Kubuntu on VMware with Windows XP as host.08:07
AlvaroEPBy the way, for all of the developers working on Ubuntu, Kubuntu and all it's rerivartives, you are doing an excellent job!08:08
AlvaroEPI plan to be a contributor in the near future.08:08
MadMouse[laptop]cjae, my Google Earth is working fine on Kubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.408:14
cjaeMadMouse[laptop]: thanks08:24
vivekhi! can someone tell me of a good UML tool08:40
vivekand yes free one :-)08:40
vivekgot it thanks!08:52
st4aluckPls help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934109:21
31NAAODJ5hi gays09:23
st4aluck31NAAODJ5: you are "gay" or gui:)))09:32
vivekhii.. a few days back I had installed Klam AV on my system .. but yesterday I had uninstalled it.. however when i open the system monitor i can still see a process called clmad (username clamav) using a memoy of 90.5MB... why is it so and can someone please help with that09:33
vivekbigbrovar:hii.. a few days back I had installed Klam AV on my system .. but yesterday I had uninstalled it.. however when i open the system monitor i can still see a process called clmad (username clamav) using a memoy of 90.5MB... why is it so and can someone please help with that09:38
st4aluckI need somebody to talk about my toshiba laptop https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55308409:39
bigbrovarvivek: have u tried sudo aptitude remove clamav-daemon clamav09:40
Eruaranst4aluck: Sounds like an ACPI issue...09:40
vivekbigbrovar: no i will do that now09:40
st4aluckI have something els to say09:40
31NAAODJ5someone know the maximum number of rows for calc 3.2?09:41
31NAAODJ5'cause in openoffice channel everyone's sleeping :]09:41
Eruaranst4aluck: I'm not sure what the issue is but I know Toshiba do funny things sometimes with their hardware...09:41
bigbrovarKlam AV  the kde fronend to clamav which is more backend/commandline app. installing klam AV would install clam AV as a dependencies. however removing Klam AV might not remove clamav the background commanline app which would still be running.09:42
vivekbigbrovar: it says it will have to remove the following files:"clamav-base{u} clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam{u} libclamav6{u} libtommath0{u}".. is it ok removing the last package"libtommath0{u})09:42
st4aluckEruaran: ~$ /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose This CPU has nx in the flags, so the BIOS is not disabling it.09:42
vivekbigbrovar: yes09:43
st4aluckEruaran: do you tink is something relared to my problem09:43
vivekbigbrovar: i had earlier used the command sudo apt-get remove clamav09:43
Eruaranst4aluck: maybe see if Toshiba has an update for your laptop's BIOS09:44
vivekbigbrovar: and now when i use this command you gave me .. it says it will have to remove all these packages"clamav-base{u} clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam{u} libclamav6{u} libtommath0{u}".. shall i go ahead09:44
st4aluckEruaran: EruaranIt gave me masage that I have to unable the NX cpu security at the bios09:45
Eruaranst4aluck: I had kernel errors using my old Asus motherboard, a BIOS update fixed the problem.09:45
st4aluckEruaran: but there is no such option09:45
vivekbigbrovar:thanks a tonne09:45
bigbrovarvivek: aptitude is more powerful than apt-get. while apt-get remove only removes the package, aptitude removes the package and all its dependencies which are not being used by any other application09:46
bigbrovarvivek: np09:46
vivekbigbrovar: while installing a package also should aptitude be used instead of apt-get09:46
Eruaranst4aluck: What model is your Toshiba laptop?09:46
st4aluckEruaran: do you think that I can do bios updated by myself?!09:46
st4aluckEruaran: its A205-S456709:47
bigbrovarvivek: well personally i use aptitude. for installation there is not much different between both of them.09:47
vivekbigbrovar:ok will do that from next time :-)09:47
st4aluckEruaran: As I know it's a bit dangerouse to do the bios update if you are not very competent09:47
Eruaranst4aluck: Is your Toshiba a Satellite?09:48
bigbrovarvivek: just that most times i find aptitude is better at resolving dependency issues and also it often install recommended packages (which u may not want)09:48
st4aluckEruaran: yeah Satellite09:48
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Eruaranst4aluck: Ok, let me check09:48
st4aluckEruaran: 10x09:48
=== Guest83029 is now known as pronkar
Eruaranst4aluck: If you look underneath the laptop do you see a model number starting with PSA?09:49
vivekbigbrovar: if you are free enough can you explain what is this concept of desktop activities.. cant i just have many virtual desktops and have different widgets,wallpapers etc on each of them,KDE 4.4.2 does let you do that. if both are the same why should there be the concept of desktop atcivities or is there some difference09:50
st4aluckEruaran: Wait I will give it to you09:51
bigbrovarvivek: to be honest i dont really understand or use desktop activities. here is what i think its for. (and dont quote me on this, its not gospel)09:51
st4aluckEruaran: PSAF0U-01P00909:52
Eruaranst4aluck: Thanks09:52
bigbrovarvivek: desktop activities allows the user to have different desktop profiles for different activities. like a deskto profile for work and one for home.09:52
bigbrovarvivek: hence i can have a desktop activity for work which has widgets like calender, and stuff of that activity desktop09:53
vivekbigbrovar: is it not the same as just 2 virtual desktops .. one for home and one for office.. the home dtop can have its widgets and office dtop can have widgets like calendar etc etc09:54
bigbrovarvivek: and for home i have a different desktop which has media player widget on the desktop. so when am at work i just use the work activity and when am at home i use the home activity09:54
bigbrovarvivek: not really cus 2 virtual desktops is just for switching workspaces... so u can have more places to manager your windows and applications09:55
bigbrovarvivek: but like i said am not a guru at desktop activities, i dont know how to use it nor do i care09:55
vivekbigbrovar: hmm same here till now.. lol.. anyway thanks buddy.....!09:56
Eruaranst4aluck: Give me a few minutes and I will see what I can find out about this model09:56
st4aluckEruaran: 10X09:56
Eruaranst4aluck: Latest BIOS version for your laptop is ACPI Flash BIOS version 5.2010:03
Eruaranst4aluck: Check what version your BIOS is, if its an older one you should update it... the only problem is Toshiba only give you a Windows installer.10:04
Eruaranst4aluck: It can be downloaded here - http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/modelContent.jsp?ct=SB&os=&category=&moid=1702255&rpn=PSAF0U&modelFilter=A205-S4567&selCategory=3&selFamily=107376866310:05
st4aluckEruaran: Mine is 1.010:07
Eruaranst4aluck: lol :P10:07
Eruaranst4aluck: It's really old then :)10:07
st4aluckDo you think that the problem with the battery mode is from the bios10:07
Eruaranst4aluck: Its a distinct possibility10:08
st4aluckEruaran: so I have to install windows in purpose to update the Bios10:08
Eruaranst4aluck: unfortunately yes10:08
st4aluckEruaran: I am again fucked up:(((10:09
st4aluckEruaran: would it matter if I install it on onother hard drive?10:10
Eruaranst4aluck: Before you try this... Disable graphics support(i.e 'no desktop effects'), and see if you still have the same problem.10:12
st4aluckEruaran: I already tried that. It doesn't work too10:13
Eruaranst4aluck: Ok10:14
st4aluckShall give the computer to a shop to have the new bios or I can do it by myself10:14
st4aluckEruaran: Shall give the computer to a shop to have the new bios or I can do it by myself10:15
Eruaranst4aluck: Have you tried changing your power management settings?10:16
st4aluckEruaran: not yeat, but I dont tink it will solve the problem cause I even tried to run live CD and its the same10:17
Eruaranst4aluck: try resetting your BIOS to default settings and then changing your power management to 'Performance'10:20
Eruaran<st4aluck> Eruaran: would it matter if I install it on onother hard drive? -- No, it shouldn't matter10:21
st4aluckEruaran: look I have a spare disk on which I can install windows and upgrade the bios to 5.20, cause my spu can't run on dynamic mode but only on low freq10:22
st4aluckEruaran: when I reset the bios to default it fucks up-freezes10:23
Eruaranst4aluck: Yes, if you have a spare disk then do a basic Windows install on it, download the BIOS exe file and install/run it to update10:23
st4aluckEruaran: it's because of the cpu frequancies10:24
Eruaranst4aluck: If resetting the BIOS makes things worse then its definitely a BIOS issue and I'd recommend updating it10:24
st4aluckThanks mate, see you after the upgrade10:24
Eruaranst4aluck: I know its a pain but hopefully it will resolve the issue or at least make resolving the issue a lot easier10:25
Eruaranst4aluck: No worries10:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:10
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
howlymowlyhi poeple... short question about knetwork manager:  I want to use it to connect to a wpa2 network with tunneled tls PAP encryption with a certificate.. but it just does not work..  it says "activating" connection and nothing else.. I know that my connection data are right, because using the nm-applet from gnome under kde this works...  just setting up the nm-applet under kde is a little annoying..11:53
howlymowlythat's why i want to stay witht he knetworkmanager11:53
howlymowly(ahh btw. I am on ubuntu lucid)11:54
howlymowlyi mean kubuntu lucid11:54
beshrKDE sucks12:15
beshrGnome rulez12:16
bigjoolssuch insight12:16
pablo_is someone there?12:27
pablo_i am a teacher from spain12:27
pablo_and i want to show this resource to my students this afternoon12:27
pablo_in 7 hours aprox12:28
pablo_I am teaching them linux and i want to show this channel12:28
pablo_there will be any problem?12:28
pablo_we will be 30 persons with the samen IP12:29
pablo_is anybody there?12:29
pablo_could someone write something, please?12:29
Vgeafaik there will be no problems12:30
Tm_Tpablo_: no problems on that12:30
pablo_I do not know, they are teenagers, i hope they stay good12:31
Tm_Tpablo_: we'll try to keep channel clean, thanks for notifying us (:12:32
Tm_Tpablo_: if you see anything alarming, you can call ops by using "!ops | reason"12:33
pablo_thnks you for this resource, i will see you this afterneoon12:33
pablo_ok, thanks for all12:33
kaddiis there any developpement on making ext4 partitions available from windows installs?12:35
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Unterfranke
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:48
=== drdanz is now known as drdanz_home
BluesKajHowdy folks13:35
kaddihowdy :)13:35
=== rene is now known as Guest93561
HazamonzoHey folks. How might i go about setting RecordMyDesktop to record the sound coming from my speakers (master sound in KMix) instead of my mic? In RecordMyDesktop the sound device is set to record from DEFAULT14:15
HazamonzoI tried to set this to MASTER but its crashed RecordMyDesktop14:15
iconmefistoHazamonzo: can you set it to pcm?14:17
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: Worth a shot14:18
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: I can set it to anything really (its just a text field)14:18
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: Hmm. no luck14:19
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: I found this http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/rug/p1_3c.php14:19
Hazamonzobut my Use jack for audio capture is disabled14:20
iconmefistoHazamonzo: try hw:0,014:21
iconmefistodo you have just 1 soundcard?14:22
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: Indeed. a 5.1 onboard job14:23
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: We are getting somewhere. Setting it to hw:0,0 didn't cause RMD to throw an error14:24
Hazamonzobut instead no sound was recorded14:24
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: Found a video.. could help14:25
Hazamonzojust wathcing it now14:25
FloodBotK3Hazamonzo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
iconmefistoHazamonzo: how about plughw:0,014:29
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: Again it records okay but no sound. Following this video tutorial im told to...14:30
Hazamonzols -la /proc/asound/14:30
HazamonzoAnd i can see Intel14:31
Hazamonzols -la /proc/asound/Intel14:31
Hazamonzothats lists pcm0c, pcm0p, pcm1c, pcm1p14:31
HazamonzoIm told c = capture and p = playback14:32
Hazamonzobut why i have two copies of capture and playback i don't know14:32
iconmefistoHazamonzo: looks like 2 pcm's pcm0 and pcm114:33
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: Sorry this is probablt a stupid qustion.. but PCM stands for>?14:33
iconmefistopulse code modulation14:34
iconmefistoit's the digital audio in computers14:34
HazamonzoOkay. so the video goes on to say we choose (in this case he chooses a capture)14:35
Hazamonzobut i assume i want to select a playback device14:35
Hazamonzosince i want the sound coming rfom my speakers?14:35
Hazamonzo(sorry for all the typos)14:35
iconmefistoHazamonzo: I think so. makes sense to me14:37
Hazamonzookay. so if i choose to get info on one of mt PCM playback devices..14:38
Hazamonzohazamonzo@hobbes:~$ cat /proc/asound/Intel/pcm0p/info14:38
Hazamonzoim told this playback devide is card: 014:38
Hazamonzodevice: 014:38
Hazamonzoso it would make sense to set RMD to use hw:0,014:39
HazamonzoBut we already tried that and nothing. So i guess i will try the second PCM14:39
ubuntuis this working or not14:42
iconmefistoubuntu: is what working?14:42
Hazamonzoubuntu: Your irc client on the live CD?14:43
ubuntusince you are answering i think it is working iconmefisto14:43
iconmefistooh ok14:44
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: hw:0,1 fails :(14:44
HazamonzoCouldn't open PCM device hw:0,114:44
HazamonzoError while opening/configuring soundcard hw:0,114:44
HazamonzoError log for RMD14:44
Hazamonzomaybe it was never meant to be? :)14:44
ubuntuHazamonzo: yes this is from the live cd.i have never tried this ubuntu before so im testing it via the cd14:48
Hazamonzoubuntu: Good stuff :)14:48
ubuntuHazamonzo: im really surprised,it's working perfectly on this old machine14:49
iconmefistoHazamonzo: have you tried xvidcap? I've had better luck with that one, but the interface is kind of awkward14:50
Hazamonzoiconmefisto: Ive tried so many :)14:51
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
chi_hey people! can you tell me, if there is difference in installing beta 2 or another premature release?15:05
=== rene is now known as Guest2231
tsimpsonchi_: beta 2 is not the quality of a full release15:06
chi_tsimpson: also if one was about to update daily?15:07
tsimpsonthe beta is just less stable and incomplete compared to a full release, if you choose to run it you should probably expect some issues15:08
tsimpsonbut it's close to release now anyway15:08
chi_yeah, ive justed betas before. But since this will be an LTS release, i plan to use the same installation for a long time. my only concern is:  if i install beta2 ... will it shortcomings be fixed by installing the updates available?  ( so to say upgrade to final release ) ....15:09
geniichi_: Yes15:10
chi_and besides ... does kubuntu built the final freeze (as anounced for ubuntu)?15:10
tsimpsonyes, there is no difference from installing beta 2 and updating regularly, and installing 10.04 when it's released15:11
chi_good to know and thank you15:11
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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=== evilshadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer
nacho2khi guys, how are you doing? I am having a little issue, after restarting my kubuntu all fonts has converted in VERY HUGE ! and I am not able to use the system..16:26
nacho2kanybody knows where is located the fontsize so I could Changed it manually by console?16:26
nacho2kI have already try to remove .kde folder on my user but stills the issue..16:27
=== snoopy is now known as Guest89525
=== Guest89525 is now known as snoopy_
appleseed_Hi there. If I take a hdd with a 64bit Ubuntu installation on and move it from the original AMD machine to a new i7 rig with the exact same gfx, will ubuntu and the KDE gui work?16:34
James147appleseed_: it should, you may or may not need to edit /etc/fstab though16:48
appleseed_James147: Makes sense. Another thing, if the PC has 8GB RAM, do I need a swap drive? And if I hibernate?16:50
rmrfslashRC coming anytime soon?16:51
rmrfslashwho gots the indsider info16:51
rmrfslashappleseed: you may have issues w/ dev proc sysconfig and all kinds of other stuff16:52
James147appleseed_: you need a swap drive (or file) to be albe to hibernate, wiuth 8 gigs you dont really need one otherwise16:52
appleseed_Ok thx guys. I was just trying to figure out how to use a 80GB SSD optimally, I'll settle for a 10GB swapspace then.16:53
rmrfslash/sys/devices might be anothe point of peril16:53
James147appleseed_: you could try a swap file, then you can easaly resize or delete it without worrying about resizing partitions16:54
appleseed_Due to the installer asking for a separate swap partition I've never considered a swap file on the root partition, but I imagined it would be possible. Thx for reminding me16:55
James147appleseed_: :) i tend to tuse files now and ignore the installer16:56
rmrfslashdid i miss like 1/2 the conversation?16:56
rmrfslashor, all of it16:56
appleseed_I believe you got the gist of it, thx for the advice rmrfslash16:57
rmrfslashit started w/ you wanting to just pick up a hard drive from one machine and plop it into another machine and you expect it to boot16:57
appleseed_Hehe, that was a different question yes, I may have confused some.16:58
rmrfslashoh... so I totally missed something then16:58
appleseed_Another question for you, atm my kubuntu lucid installation takes 10GB, will I be OK with a 30GB root partition if I am going to also put a <10GB swap file on that partition?17:00
Torchappleseed_: probably yes.17:01
Torchappleseed_: i have a lot of stuff installed and hardly use more than 12 to 15 gib for root17:01
appleseed_Torch: Thanks17:03
=== Fifo is now known as Fifoxtasy
James147lucid really taking more then 10gig? never had any kubuntu version previouly taking more then 10 :S17:05
James147appleseed_: one thing to note, swap dosnt like ssd verymuch yet (think the have a lower read/write life time then normal hdd and swap causes alot of r/w)17:07
appleseed_James147: A very lucid observation, I will keep that in mind thx.17:07
James147appleseed_: I would be tempted to put the swap on an older hdd if you have one rather then the ssd :) but thats probally just me being paranoid17:08
appleseed_James147: My only gripe is that waking from hibernation takes an age and a half currently with my 1TB Seagate 7200.12.17:10
James147appleseed_: kk, was just a suggestion :) if you want speed then swap on an ssd would be fast, just wanted to note the ware :S17:11
Torchappleseed_: that's because linux and hibernate doesn't work very well.17:13
Torchappleseed_: suspens to ram, if you can17:13
appleseed_James147: It's a very interesting thing; I have read on a Tom's hardware SSD study that, at least with the Intel X25-M 80GB, you can write 500GB of data on the SSD everyday and the drive will still work the same in 10 years time, or something like that.17:14
appleseed_Torch: I was under the impression that it was the same thing, hibernate and suspend to ram, thx for informing me17:14
Torchappleseed_: not at all.17:16
Torchappleseed_: suspend to ram still needs power, hibernate (or suspend to disk) does not.17:17
Torchappleseed_: but the former works a lot better on linux and is way quicker.17:17
appleseed_Torch: I was thinking about 'Suspend to Disk' rather, which was not the same as hibernate when I tested it.17:19
Torchappleseed_: the terms are used interchangably. or at least i am not aware of any difference.17:20
Torchappleseed_: just look at KDE's kickoff menu.17:20
appleseed_Torch: You see under Power Profile menu you can set a shortcut for 'Suspend to Disk', and when this shortcut is pressed, I get a fatal error of sorts, as opposed to a working hibernation used under kickoff.17:21
Torchappleseed_: that's a bug, then, i guess.17:22
luckwisheranyone managed to get some useful things out of nepomuk ?17:41
appleseed_James147: I may have exaggerated there, Intel guarantees a 5 year lifetime for the X25-M SSD with an average write of 20GB/day17:44
James147appleseed_: heard alot of differnt values, but generally heard of them waring out quicker (mind, i havnt look at them in about a year )17:44
appleseed_James147: It's actually far more than 20GB: http://www.anandtech.com/show/2614/4: Intel went one step further and delivered 5x what the OEMs requested. Thus Intel will guarantee that you can write 100GB of data to one of its MLC SSDs every day, for the next five years, and your data will remain intact.17:56
giampo78ciao a tutti17:57
giampo78volevo un paio d'informazioni17:57
giampo78ho da poco installato kubuntu e volevo capire xke se vedo i video su firefox mi vanno a scatti17:57
giampo78o meglio ogni 3/4 sec prendono un sec di ritardo anche se il filmato è già stato scaricato17:58
geekphreakhowdy all17:59
giampo78e poi ho il backup della posta di windows mail volevo sapere se esiste su linux un prg alternativo ke legge il bck e se potevate aiutarmi ad installarlo17:59
geekphreakquestion can i use kopete to connect to irc?17:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:59
geekphreakdo i need extra plugin or something  for kopete to connect to irc?18:00
alakoogeekphreak: I think it's there as default18:01
geekphreakalakoo: i dont see it18:01
alakoobut why so keen on kopete, konversation and pidgin have better options18:01
geekphreaki want to use the default application dont want to install 1 more application for it18:01
Torchgeekphreak: it used to. probably this got removed because it wasn't useful  compared to konversation.18:02
Torchgeekphreak: kubuntu's irc default app is quassel.18:02
geekphreakTorch:  oh ok thanks mate, i really think they should add it back again18:02
geekphreakTorch:  i normally use pidgin , but would have been nice if fkopete worked as empathy seems to be broken  for me , i am working on it :)18:03
Torchgeekphreak: kopete works fine.18:04
Torchgeekphreak: it's just no longer supporting irc.18:04
geekphreakit does a good job yes , but just no irc :(18:04
geekphreaki will get konversation as suggested18:04
Torchgeekphreak: a good choice.18:04
geekphreakthanks for the help guys :)18:05
appleseed_geekphreak: I use Quassel, at least in lucid, it has very good KDE integration18:06
geekphreakappleseed_: i am on lucid18:06
appleseed_geekphreak: it should be there by default then18:06
geekphreaki will get both will see which suits me :)18:06
geekphreakits installing now , be right back18:08
geekphreaki am back on quassel , looks descent18:11
JuJuBeeI need help getting eclipse with pdt installed on Jaunty.  Any help?18:13
geekphreakJuJuBee:  just download and use18:14
JuJuBeeI can't see where to create a new Php project.18:14
geekphreakJuJuBee: goto eclipse site, download eclipse-pdt , use that18:14
geekphreakdont think they have eclipse-pdt still on repos18:15
geekphreakcan i post link for pdt here?18:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:17
JuJuBeegeekphreak: I was using the one from repos.  Now I have php projects.  Thanks18:17
geekphreakJuJuBee:  ok18:17
smbennythere is italian?18:18
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geekphreakJuJuBee:  i use this http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/downloads/18:19
geekphreakthis  is much better18:27
geekphreakTorch:  you were right :)18:28
Hazamonzohmm, http://imagebin.ca/view/0CI-Fu.html does that mean im using all my ram and swap or i have all that ram and swap spare?18:28
Torchgeekphreak: about what?18:29
geekphreakTorch: that konversation client is good18:29
Torchgeekphreak: it's the best i've ever seen18:29
geekphreaknice, yup looks good , will have to play with it a wee bit18:30
geekphreakTorch:  any setting on it i should be looking for ?18:31
Torchgeekphreak: the defaults are fine.18:32
James147Hazamonzo: use the command "free -m" to see how much you are actually using (the line showing -/+ buffers/cache)18:32
Torchgeekphreak: might want to have a channel list at the left instead of tabs if you have more than a couple of channels18:32
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Torchgeekphreak: i also turn on marker lines18:33
geekphreakoh ok make sense will do that18:34
HazamonzoJames147: http://imagebin.ca/view/QxyrQ71k.html18:34
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James147Hazamonzo: shows your using 3179/3276 of your memory :S I think programs are only using 1986 of it though, the difference is buffers and caches18:38
James147Hazamonzo: and very little swap is being used18:38
geekphreakTorch: how do i move it to left :)18:39
geekphreakoh wow it even has a url catcher18:40
HazamonzoJames147: Good thing or bad thing?18:41
fifthwhat video plugin do most use for firefox in kde4? I've used totem/vlc before but is there a kde option for the likes of dragon player?18:42
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ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:42
James147Hazamonzo: depends on what your doing, 2gigs of used memory is quite alot (the buffers and caches arent that inmportant, my system reads used: 1992/2008  but programs only using 790)18:42
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fiffifth: mplayer i think has it too18:43
HazamonzoJames147: Hmm i run alot of java based tools here.. And some servers18:43
fifthfif: cool, thx ... I forgot about mplayer18:43
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geekphreakoh well will work on it later18:49
geekphreaktoo tired at this point of time18:49
geekphreakgoodnight all18:55
vbgunzI have KDE 4.4.2 on Kubnuntu 9.10. I just bought a Canon MP250 and downloaded the debian drivers and printing works. I have a bunch of printing options in system settings. Which controls the printing so that I don't waste so much ink?18:59
ivo_Hey. I'm uding an nVidia 9600GT with proprietary drivers. All the text looks blurry.19:06
ivo_What's going on?19:06
sn0manIn Ubuntu it's best to use gksudo when running in graphical, does anyone know if there is a similar/alternative for KDE?19:07
sn0man@ivo_ you probably need to adjust your resolution to the native resolution for your monitor.  Assuming you are using an LCD19:08
ivo_sn0man: Correct.19:09
ivo_The maximum resolution is 1360x76819:09
tsimpsonsn0man: kdesudo19:10
ivo_That's a bit underestimated, since it could run at 1900xsomething in Win719:10
sn0manahh, thanks tsimpson.19:10
sn0man@ivo_ you probably just need to manually add the resolution you want to your xorg config file19:11
ivo_Okay, I'll do that.19:11
sn0man@ivo_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397319:12
CartoonCatlooking for help with some BT, I hve a Eris and a Saga and i want ot sync them both to my contacts, what app is used on the pc side?19:39
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lalalolis someone canadian in here?20:05
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fifthanyone using lucid? I'm trying to find the best solution for firefox with embedded wav/avi/etc files ... got xine going for now but not ideal ... mozilla-mplayer is deprecated, official solution is gecko-mediaplayer, but that uses  the Gnome version of MPlayer ... was looking for a KDE/Qt solution?21:05
rorkfifth: you may want to ask in #ubuntu+121:06
fifthok thanks rork ... I'll try there21:07
* starshiptrooper drags a dead kdewebdev bug through the channel leaving a trail of slime behind21:09
patoneillcan't drag folders to an external drive21:15
patoneilldrive is hfs extended21:16
James147patoneill: using dolphin?21:17
James147patoneill: what error are you getting?21:19
scbHello. I am using the KDE 4.4 backports. After I close my lid or suspend, the screen gets locked. This would be alright BUT everytime I try to move the mouse or press some keys the unlock dialog never comes up. The only way I can unlock my screen is to killall -9 kscreenlocker a few times in pts/1, Any idea?21:20
James147scb: you can try disabling the screen locking (System settings -> Advanced -> Power managment)21:21
scbJames147: I want to be able to lock the screen.21:22
scbSpecially when suspending or closing the lid.21:22
patoneillerror is: access denied to /media/Courier_Drive/yard-05.21:24
avihayscb: I belive I saw other screen locking software. you can, in the worst case, add them to the close lid and suspend scripts21:24
scbavihay: Excellent, where can I find those scripts?21:25
scbI guess I can change it to xlock21:25
scbOr something21:25
patoneilli get the same thing with cp in bash unless i use sudo but there are too many files this time for bash21:26
avihaywell, there should be /etc/acpi/resume.d21:26
patoneilli'd like to be able to just drag a folder anyway as this is something i need to do repeatedly21:26
scbavihay: Let me check.21:26
avihayjust /etc/acpi21:27
scbavihay: sleep.sh passes the work to KDE.21:28
James147patoneill: its probally a premissio problem, my guess is that the folder is owned by root21:30
patoneillno. not owned by root.21:32
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jimmy51_hello, i'm getting a very ugly Go Upgrade! message when i try to open youtube videos in firefox on kubuntu 9.10.  it looks like youtube is being a jerk to firefox users.  anyone hit this?21:43
scbjimmy51_: I think I have seen it in grooveshark too.21:45
jimmy51_i read that youtube sets the video height to 0 or 1 px until the flash version is read.  if they don't like your flash version or can't read it, they block it.21:46
jimmy51_i don't know if that's the case, but it seems reasonable21:46
jimmy51_but ridiculous for youtube to do21:46
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10021:47
euanybody knows why kubuntu has a 800x600 resolution in a Virtual Box (Sun)?22:05
euor how to increase it?22:06
jaime1970join #kubuntu-es22:06
jaime1970join #ubuntu-es22:07
patoneillhow do i check disk space with 9.1?22:08
fifthpatoneill: not sure on gui, but from console you can type "df -h"22:12
NinoScriptI just installed kubuntu-desktop22:15
NinoScriptIt's my first time in life using KDE22:15
scbNinoScript: enjoy the ride.22:16
NinoScriptand it didn't feel good :S … my question is: do you actually use all those panels/widgets/etc?22:16
scbYes, we are crazy like that.22:17
NinoScriptI moved my mouse and there were more panels and stuff appearing22:17
scbJust remove them.22:17
NinoScriptwell, I just have to say that it is a really weird experience :P22:19
scbIt happens sometimes, sir.22:20
NinoScriptAre there any differences in the GUI between the version of KDE used in Karmic and the one in Lucid?22:20
scbWell, KDE 4.4 has windows tabs.22:21
scbAnd it has some nice under the hood features.22:21
scbThe notification system is a little less retarded.22:22
scbThat too.22:22
NinoScriptIs it normal that if I move/resize the "desktop" (widget? panel?) or the "blog" thing that opens by default (<—that's weird…), they just re-resize and move as if they didn't care where I wanted them to be>22:24
scbYou can move them back to where you want them to be.22:25
scbJust tried resizing some applet I have22:25
scbDoesn't happen to me though22:25
NinoScriptwell it may be that I am using Lucid22:26
NinoScriptbut I move/resize them, and like 3 seconds later, they come back22:27
scbThat's weird. Are your effects on?22:27
NinoScriptwith a smooth and beautiful animation22:27
scbthat *shouldn't* happen I believe.22:27
scbMaybe they are crashing. Which plasmoid are we talking here?22:27
NinoScriptmaking me think that maybe I actually did want them to stay there xD22:27
NinoScriptDesktop and Blog22:28
scbUhm, you trying to resize them?22:28
NinoScriptI'm confused, what's what? widget, panel, applet, plasmoid22:28
scbYour whole desktop22:29
scbPanel + what you know as wallpaper is the plasma workspace22:29
scbyou can add to that Plasmoids22:29
scbbasically everything is a plasmoid... The microblogging thingy is a plasmoid, the taskbar is a plasmoid, and so on.22:29
NinoScriptso the desktop is a plasmoid too22:30
scbThe desktop as in the Folder view you have? Yes.22:30
NinoScriptinstead of the normal approach of other DE22:31
scbUhm, yea. You can have a normal DE if you want just right click and... let me check.22:31
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scbNinoScript: if you want the "normal approach of other DE" you can right click, select DEsktop Activity settings, go to Activity tab and change to Folder View22:32
NinoScripthaha, this is so weird, sooooooooo many options :P22:32
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NinoScriptI've had Macs all my life, just started testing linuxes about 3 months ago22:33
scbWelcome. I guess it's weird feeling like you have choices.22:34
NinoScriptMacs have almost no options, they just give you something that works, but you can't change it (well you can, but no easily), and this is sooo different, I'm shocked :P22:34
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