
randomusr_Is the raid issue with ext3 fixed yet?00:00
kfarrellhello, I created a RAID array using disk utility in 10.4, but it doesn't start at boot. Can anyone advise me how to get the array to start at boot (it's mounting as /home)?00:01
PacketCollisionI'm trying to get my Synaptics touchpad to do two-finger scrolling under lucid.  At the moment, it works if I enable it manually via xinput commands, but the option is disabled in the Mouse preferences panel.  Does anyone know where I should look if I want to enable the option in prefs? I'm asking because I'd a) rather do it the "Right Way", and b) would like to contribute a patch/bug-report so it will work for others.00:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:05
Altinwhat is the command to uninstall ./bin file?00:05
methril_hi trying to use the beta2 install cd breaks partitioning a TB disk00:07
methril_someone has any advice?00:07
methril_it freezes00:08
kfarrellhello, I created a RAID array using disk utility in 10.4, but it doesn't start at boot. Can anyone advise me how to get the array to start at boot (it's mounting as /home)?00:12
randomusr_kfarrell, is it listed in /etc/fstab ?00:14
kfarrellrandomusr_, yes, it's an issue with /dev/md0 not being avaiaible. I have to go into disk util and manually start the array00:15
randomusr_what type of raid?00:15
DanaGNice job, gwibber:00:26
DanaG"Replying to <other person's name> as"00:26
DanaG... as?00:26
DanaGas what?00:26
DanaGAnd there's something cut off hanging below that.00:26
lookok when i try to boot into 10.04 it dies like i said last time i was in here. i get slplash but nothing ells just a blank screen that thinks its turned off00:29
randomusr_has anyone else had their ext3 raid volumes fail? if so, what raid controllers were being used?00:32
lookdoes anyone know what going on?00:32
looki try to boot ubuntu 10.04 with live cd right and when it gets to splash screen my screen goes blank and nothing happens00:33
randomusr_look, try the alternate cd maybe00:33
looki even tried to boot from usb00:34
looki made usb with Unetbootin00:34
randomusr_what,s the video card you have?00:34
lookNvidea 980000:34
chrisl2424hey, i need help installing a graphics card. It is a nvidia 210 geforce and everytime I try to install the driver for it on my new ubuntu (new beta) it fails the installation. The driver download from the website also fails. Can you please help me00:34
lookgnome ofc00:34
=== methril_ is now known as methrl
=== methrl is now known as methril
randomusr_chrisl2424, the issue with drivers from nvidia are known issues00:35
methrilrandomusr_: and with the ati too?00:35
=== methril is now known as Guest29932
chrisl2424okay, then you can help me, right?00:35
Guest29932i have some similar issues with ati00:35
randomusr_look, did you attempt to boot graphics safe mode?00:35
randomusr_methril, don't know about ATI00:36
lookso how do i turn off quiet splash?00:36
lookthat is what they told me to do first00:36
lookbut i dont know how00:36
chrisl2424? no, i do not know much about this00:36
=== Guest29932 is now known as methril_home
randomusr_methril, the nvidia packages fail to meet many distro specific restrictions00:36
randomusr_a little additional help here00:37
lookits sad that just one user cares enough to help people00:37
randomusr_!nvidia | chrisl242400:37
ubottuchrisl2424: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment00:37
* look cheers on randomusr_ 00:37
methril_homei was using open ATI (radeon)00:38
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:38
methril_homebut fails at init00:39
randomusr_ok we get it00:39
* look did not know it would do that00:39
methril_homei was going to try with radeon.modeset=0, but my partition gets corrupted00:39
randomusr_methril_home, sounds like you need to recompile the kernel or rebuild init to work with your driver00:39
methril_homei just backuped the data & i'm trying a fresh install00:39
randomusr_unfortunately, I don't know the process for that yet00:40
methril_homewell, now i don't have a ubuntu in my system00:40
chrisl2424ubottu: is there away around this00:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:40
* miha started network install.. now it doesnt detect disk00:40
chrisl2424is there anyone intelligent in this chat00:41
mihait does offer to partition my usb disk though00:41
Picichrisl2424: Please mind your attitude, the people here are all volunteers.00:41
methril_homechris4585: depends what you consider intelligence00:42
chrisl2424Does anyone know about graphic card drivers or a room that does00:43
methril_homechris4585: just ask00:43
chrisl2424hey, i need help installing a graphics card. It is a nvidia 210 geforce and everytime I try to install the driver for it on my new ubuntu (new beta) it fails the installation. The driver download from the website also fails. Can you please help me00:44
methril_homechris4585,: how it fails?00:45
methril_homeput messages in pastebin00:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:45
randomusr_chrisl2424, please be respectful, as was said before, these folks are volunteers00:45
bogorHow do i enable breaking window effect on closing a window in compiz in ubuntu 10.04 ?00:45
chrisl2424I'll get the code it gives me, one sec00:45
randomusr_bogor, really? do you have compiz-config installed?00:46
bogorrandomusr_, yes i have installed it00:46
chrisl2424that it what it gives me after failing the driver installation00:47
PacketCollisionchrisl2424, try running "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" in a terminal window00:47
PacketCollisionthat worked for me, even though I couldn't get jocky to work00:47
_CommandeR_how do you list grub menu on boot ?00:47
arand_CommandeR_: Hold shift00:48
gabbydo anyone know how to get unwanted icons in KDE netbook remix00:48
randomusr_bogor, search for compiz and look for animations00:48
randomusr_it may not be in the default install00:49
chrisl2424nvidia-current is already the newest version.00:49
chrisl2424  00:49
chrisl2424what do i do now?00:49
methril_homewhat is the content of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?00:49
iconmefisto_CommandeR_: left shift key00:49
PacketCollisionchrisl2424, if it's installed, your drivers should work00:50
_CommandeR_seems that i had to do grub-update00:50
chrisl2424But the driver does not work? it said it had failed installation and I have seen no effect of the card yet00:50
randomusr_PacketCollision, what's that command to confirm 3d functionality? something like glx-gears?00:51
chrisl2424Its worse then before and i had no graphics card to begin with, ran off cpu00:51
PacketCollisionrandomusr_, I always just try to enable Desktop Effects00:51
randomusr_chrisl2424, what motherboard and cpu are you using?00:51
randomusr_PacketCollision, meh00:52
input`pressing F6 at boot did not work00:52
methril_homechris4585: when you installed nvidia package where you asked to reboot the system?00:53
randomusr_I really hope chris isn't using an i series cpu with cpu video acceleration on some funky bios00:53
PacketCollisionglxgears doesn't prove it's hardware acceleration, it works with mesa too00:53
input`it still was just a blank black screen after i pressed "try ubuntu without changing anything"00:53
randomusr_PacketCollision, someone told me it did over in compiz fusion a while back. oh well00:53
chrisl2424no i was not asked to reboot system and i am using an intel mother board00:55
randomusr_chrisl2424, could you pastebin you /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:55
chrisl2424what is pastebin?00:55
randomusr_chrisl2424, what's the model of your motherboard an cpu?00:55
randomusr_!pastebin | chrisl242400:55
ubottuchrisl2424: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:55
FishscenePastebin is a website where you can quickly and easily post logs and readouts for other people to read. We use it so that you don't spam the channel with huge blobs of text.00:56
chrisl2424intel pentium 400:56
bogorDo i need to logoff and login to view each effect in compiz. b'cos i tried many changes. But nothing is reflecting.00:57
PacketCollisionbogor, no, it should take effect immediately00:57
Fishscenebogor: I've noticed that I had to close the configuration window before the effect would apply.00:57
chrisl2424why do u want me to use paste bin, i am so confused00:58
bogorThank you guys, do u knwo the name of the effect that makes the window breaks into pices upon closing the window. I just love that animation. Do know which one to choose from.00:58
PacketCollisionchrisl2424: we need to see the contents of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file00:58
input`Can some one help me for a bit im getting a little frustrated00:59
input`ive been working on this problem for 3 days now00:59
chrisl2424what do i type in this? it's just a letter box00:59
randomusr_silly network01:00
input`i boot from a cd AND/OR usb after splash i get nothing even with quiet splash off01:00
bogorchris12424, read up on what is pastebin on wikipedia01:00
PacketCollisionchrisl2424: in a terminal, type gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:00
randomusr_bogor, was someone able to help?01:00
PacketCollisionhighlight everything, copy, paste in the box on pastebin01:00
bogorrandomusr_, no not yet01:00
PacketCollisionthen paste the url it gives you into the chat here01:01
randomusr_can you tell me if the nvidia config-settings package is installed?01:01
PacketCollisioninput`: what cpu/graphics card/motherboard/chipset are you using?01:01
randomusr_bogor, you could find it under system>administration I believe.01:01
Fishscenebogor: shatter? It should be a minimize or windows close effect. I don't have compiz in front of me at the moment, so I can't hunt it down myself. Maybe under Animation settings?01:01
randomusr_or preferences01:01
PacketCollisionbogor: I didn't see it in the list of window effects.  Maybe it insn't included in Ubuntu's compiz distribution01:02
PacketCollisionI assume you can add additional animations somehow01:02
randomusr_bogor, wait, did you enable effects?01:02
bogorrandomusr, i find it under system -> prefrences01:02
bogoryes i did01:02
randomusr_do you have wobbly windows?01:03
bogorthe maximum effect one01:03
chrisl2424i type that code in terminal and it gives me a blank page. Opens a writer to nothing01:03
randomusr_bogor, likely that Fishscene is correct.... it's shatter that you want01:03
bogorrandomusr_, exaclty, where can it be found ??01:04
randomusr_fire up synaptic01:04
chrisl2424Nvidia 210 512 mb geforce graphics card with Pentium 4 intel processor01:04
PacketCollisionchrisl2424: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current"01:04
randomusr_search for shatter or compiz xtra's or something01:04
bogorrandomusr_, i am not able to find it in compiz-config-settings or simple compiz settings01:05
PacketCollisionrandomusr_ / bogor: you'll definitely need compizconfig-settings-manager01:05
randomusr_synaptic package manager01:05
PacketCollisionrandomusr_ / bogor: but I couldn't find it in the list of effects in compizconfig settings manager01:06
bogorOk i did search on ubuntu software center. I will try on command line also01:06
randomusr_PacketCollision, i don't think shatter is in the default compiz install and thus not compizconfig settings manager01:06
PacketCollisionrandomusr_: that's what I was thinking01:06
bogorrandomusr_, that exaclty what i am also facing like what PacketCollion is saying01:06
randomusr_hehehe watch this, i'm smart01:08
PhoenixzIs there a known but about this in KDE? Im using kubuntu 10.04 beta 2, plasma-desktop suddenly is using like 1GB memory, kwin a good 450MB and xorg some 750MB.. since I have like 2,5GB memory, just opening firefox kicks me in swapping.. Is this a new bug? The alpha versions didn't have this issue..01:09
Phoenixzheh.. and then it drops back to normal values again (~50-100MB each)01:10
randomusr_Phoenixz, it's plasma, what can ya do?>01:10
chrisl2424I have compiz but i can't start it. how can I get it to stay on01:11
randomusr_can you not start it, or does it not stay on?01:12
PacketCollisionchrisl2424: does choosing Normal from System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects make it run?01:12
PacketCollisionthat's the "Right Way To Do It" (tm)01:13
bowserhi all, my boot screen does not show ubuntu logo, is there a way to fix it?01:14
chrisl2424like i have compiz but it's not on because i can't use the cube. How can i turn it on (that way did not work)01:14
randomusr_chrisl2424, go to preferences > compizconfig settings>  desktop01:15
chrisl2424nm, the cube started working out of no where01:16
iconmefistoI have no VTs. is this a plymouth bug?01:16
PacketCollisionchrisl2424: the cube is not enabled by default.  Does Win+N invert the current window?01:16
bowsermy boot animation disappeared once, playing with startupmanager hasn't helped, any ideas?01:17
bjsniderchrisl2424, how did you get lucid on your laptop?01:18
tbobo05Hey guys!  First time in the Ubuntu channel after 5 years as a user!01:18
PacketCollisiontbobo05: welcome01:18
tbobo05Thanks PacketCollision.01:19
bjsniderthis isn't the ubuntu channel01:19
iconmefistobowser: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth  to choose a theme. then sudo update-initramfs -u01:19
PacketCollisionwell, it's an ubuntu channel, but not the ubuntu channel01:19
tbobo05I know, I joined this channel b/c I updated to Lucid Beta 2 the other day and had a few question.01:19
PacketCollision!ask |tbobo0501:20
ubottutbobo05: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:20
tbobo05Ok, fair enough.  Wasn't sure of proper etiquette.01:20
FishsceneHas anyone been able to enable Visual effects in VMware workstation/Fusion?01:20
tbobo05After I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 Beta2, my external monitor has been acting a bit funky.  It seems as if the refresh rates are off.  I am using a ATIx1250 card and my external monitor is a Samsung 2333 (supporting 1080p @ 60Hz).01:21
looki keep getting this bug01:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526873 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "no gui lucid " [High,Fix released]01:21
bowsericonmefisto, trying that01:22
Again617My swap is disabled.  I check fstab and it is still in there01:22
Again617I've tried rebooting without success.01:22
tbobo05I've tried playing with the xrandr command to manually set refresh rates without success.  I was wondering if any of you have experienced this also?01:22
Again617My swap partition is /dev/sda5.  How do I check its UUID?01:23
PacketCollisiontbobo05: you're using the ATI proprietary drivers?01:23
tbobo05no, open source.01:23
PacketCollisionoh, ok01:23
bjsniderAgain617, ls /dev/disk/by-uuid01:23
Again617right, I checked that and none of the UUIDs in there are also on the swap line in my fstab01:24
bjsniderAgain617, ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -l01:24
Again617ok thanks01:24
Again617/dev/sda5 is not in there01:25
bjsniderthen it doesn't exist i guess01:25
Again617When I open Disk Utility /dev/sda5 is in there and is shown as formatted as a swap type01:25
bowsericonmefisto, I'll reboot to see whether it works thank you!01:25
PacketCollisiontbobo05: I only use Intel and Nvidia, so I'm afraid I can't help you01:26
lookI am trying to boot ubuntu 10.04 from live cd, i boot from my cd, get the slpash and push enter on the "try ubuntu without changing anything" option and it gives me nothing ells just a blank black screen can anyone help me out with this?01:27
tbobo05Thanks PacketCollision, I appreciate your help.  Do you know of anything outside of the refresh rate that would cause the screen to look fuzzy?  (The monitor itself is fine, there is no distortion when I boot up and the BIOS logo comes on).01:27
bjsniderlook, i'll bet your cd image was broken01:28
PacketCollisiontbobo05: is it a CRT or LCD?01:28
lookbjsnider: no i just downloaded a new one a few minutes ago burned it and tryed again01:28
lookbjsnider, also i even tryed like 20 minutes ago to boot from a USB that i made from the new ISO01:29
bjsniderlook, which image did you download?01:29
PacketCollisionThen refresh shouldn't make a difference.  Most LCDs only support one speed anyway.  It might be an A->D conversion issue, assuming you're using VGA not DVI/HDMI01:29
lookbjsnider, desktop cd01:29
bjsnidercould also be that the panel isn't at the native resolution01:29
bjsniderlook, imeant which version01:30
lookbjsnider, how would i fix that01:30
lookbjsnider, i have a Nvidea 9800 graphics card01:30
lookbjsnider, i will try the Alternate cd first01:30
tbobo05Could be, I am using VGA.  It was working fine prior to my upgrade to 10.04.  I'm assuming the Radeon driver was updated and also the X-Org.  Is there a way to roll back to the previous driver and see if it helps?01:31
lookbjsnider, can get back to you01:31
bjsniderlook, you're not understanding my question. which lucid version did you download. what is the exact location of the image01:31
tbobo05The native resolution is 1920x1080 60Hz, which I have set in the Displays gui and have set with the xrandr.01:31
bjsnidergive me the url of the image01:31
lookbjsnider, http://mirrors.xmission.com/ubuntu-cd/10.04/ <--- ive used this one before and it worked with the first beta01:32
bjsniderlook, wrong image. you should have downloaded the daily-livecd. could people please stop downloading the beta now, please?01:32
lookbjsnider, will you give me URL?01:33
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:33
lookbjsnider, thanks i will try this and get back to you01:33
Again617I have swap back.  I used mkswap on /dev/sda5 and then swapon to get it running.01:33
Again617I hope that I don't lose swap again. Should I file a bug on Launchpad about this?01:33
bowsericonmefisto, it didnt help :/01:34
bjsniderif you have a sufficient amount of ram, you don't need swap01:34
Again617I don't have sufficient amount of ram, I've been running my comptuer for the last while painfully.01:34
Again617I always had sudo killall chrome in a terminal in the background because at times the  computer would slow to an absolute crawl01:34
Again617I've been running it for about a week probably without swap and it has been a terrible week01:35
bowsericonmefisto, I have nvidia card and I switched from Kubuntu. After I switched my kubuntu splash stayed, later it changed into very few colors, finally it disappeared altogether01:36
iconmefistobowser: might be related to the nvidia driver and kms01:38
bowsericonmefisto, well there is small garbage at the top of the screen01:39
bowsericonmefisto, however I had to install from CD and when running it, the splash worked01:39
iconmefistobowser: you probably have a different driver installed now01:40
bowsericonmefisto, I do... thank you anyway01:41
iconmefistoI can't switch to a VT. any ideas?01:44
ninjai_anynody know how to get asus brightness keys to work? works in windows, xev shows no output when they are pressed01:50
ninjai_running 10.04 beta01:50
ninjai_anybody know how to troubleshoot non working brightness keys on laptop if xev shows no output??01:57
Fudgehi im trying to track down why my lucid beta2 / vinux keeps locking up, cpu temps fine, stress test didnt kill it but memtester i installed im not sure how to specify how to test like 3gig of the 4gig of ram,have read man page but hasnt helped me01:58
Fudgesoemtimes it seems to be if i push a couple keys at once and others if the speech seems to have to read a lot and processing it makes it fall over :(01:59
DanaGninjai_: what brand laptop?01:59
ninjai_danag: Asus UX50V01:59
DanaGah, I don't know much about Asus stuff, unfortunately.02:00
chorseninjai_: can you set the brightness manually?02:04
ninjai_nope, the app crashes02:04
Fudgeis keegconnection.org anything to do with lucid repositires?02:04
chorseninjai_: does something like /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness exist?02:05
perscitusAnyone know how to convert netbook image to flash drive with usb startup creator?02:13
TecnoBratAnyone getting 100% CPU usage from mountall?02:17
ninjai_chorse: /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCDD/brightness02:18
ninjai_thats what i have02:18
chorseninjai_: cat the file, do you see different modes (numbers)?02:19
ninjai_chorse: yes02:20
chorseperscitus: that's straightforward, download the image, plug a flash drive, start the creator, format the drive with it and select the netbook iso02:20
ninjai_chorse: 0-1502:20
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
ninjai_chorse: if I vi it and change "current: 15" will that update it?02:21
perscituschorse,   there is a misssing step.02:21
perscitusSelect the second partition in creator.02:21
chorseninjai_: try to write one of these numbers into the file using "echo 5 | sudo tee /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCDD/brightness" for mode 502:21
chorseperscitus: which one?02:22
ninjai_chorse: that works! but how do I get my key combination to recognize?02:22
perscitusI hate the button window layout for Lucid. its messed up.  Close should be on left and not on the right.02:23
Fudgeare there any known bugs concerning keyboard repeat being enabled?02:23
chorseninjai_: you can set it back to 15 the same way. the good news is, your graphics device works ;) but i'm sorry i don't know how to set up the combination for your model02:23
perscitusClose button for closing windows is to remain on the outside position. otherwise its just bad usability02:25
hagabakaare there known problems for the kernel in lucid with radeon video cards?02:25
perscitushagabaka,   read release notes.02:25
chorseninjai_: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141292202:26
chorseyour problem may be similar02:26
nathanbrauerWow. I have 275 updates waiting for me....02:26
ninjai_chorse: yes i can set it up again02:26
hagabakawhere can I find the release notes?02:27
TecnoBratAnyone experiencing 100% CPU usage from the "mountall" process since updating packages in the last few days?02:27
perscitusI wonder how well Lucid netbook plays starcraft02:28
hagabakayou mean http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2 ? that doesn't mention radeon, but has anyone else had problems02:28
perscitushagabaka,   there isnt a driver issue anymore now02:29
iconmefistoI can't switch to a VT. any ideas?02:29
perscitushagabaka,   in beta1 and before, Radeon drivers wouldnt work. But at beta1 release, it was fixed.02:30
hagabakawith the 2.6.32-20 and a few others before in lucid, I get a backtrace from radeon when booting, and X never shows. but 2.6.32 from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ works02:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released]02:33
PiciThe radeon driver has been working fine for me since alpha 2 or 3.02:33
perscitusi missed ubuntu loading screen02:35
hagabakaI'm using the radeon driver, fglrx is not installed02:35
perscitususplash didnt work in netbook install02:35
nathanbrauerUbuntu keeps mounting a non-existent Blank CD-ROM Disc ....02:36
_CommandeR_guys how do you enable widescreen resolution in grub2?02:36
* DanaG also has plymouth not work... since I have a serial console, it actively refuses to work.02:36
nathanbrauerI wasn't even touching the computer and it said that I inserted one.02:36
_CommandeR_for people having issues with plymouth check this out  = http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145373302:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516825 in plymouth "plymouth doesnt show any splash as soon as a console= commandline option is used on boot" [Medium,Fix released]02:39
* nathanbrauer has to restart. He'll be right back02:40
perscitusHow come Lucid doesnt detect wireless networksi n range?02:42
Dr_WillisProberly an issue with your specific wireless card perhaps.02:44
perscitusIm sure it works02:45
perscitusDr_Willis,   cuz it works in Karmic02:46
Dr_Willisits linux xrivers in the new kernel may have issues.02:46
Fudgecould i please have some help02:46
Fudgemy ubuntu keeps freezing and doing strange things02:47
Dr_WillisCare to give a few more details to the channel?02:47
Fudgeim not sure what should be given, i just do my normal tasks and the machine locks up, checked cpu temp but not ram yet. its a new quadcore shuttle one one hdd in it. using beta2 lucid02:48
perscitusdarn it. Wifi isnt working in Lucid with Dell Mini02:49
Fudgei havnt run memtester yet as cant figure out how to actually run the test, the cli memtester02:49
perscitusDr_Willis,   it says device not ready02:50
Dr_WillisIve heard of some Specific issues with some wireless on some netbooks in the latest kernel.02:50
Fudgethough last night i left stress running and machine was still operating in the morning. th last time i pinged here was because i moved to my gnome-terminal window, hot control after switching screen consoles and it locked up. seems to be on keyboard input02:51
Fudgeis there any kind of monitoring tool i can install that will track crashes and lockups with a report02:52
perscitusDr_Willis,  That would bring EPic Fail to Ubuntu developers02:53
Dr_Willisperscitus:  i dont recall what netbook. but there was some issue with some changes to the kernel.. it wasent ubuntu specific.02:53
Dr_Willisso i dont recall the details either.02:53
nathanbrauerGrrr....Ubuntu is failing at unmounting my iPod Touch.02:54
Dr_Willisfix to one thing.. broke some other chipsets/vairant of the same chipset.02:54
nathanbrauerand it can never send crash reports...02:54
_CommandeR_anyone knows how to change resolution in grub, ?02:54
Dr_Willisin /etc/default/grub i just used a -->02:55
Fudgenathanbrauer  was that to me?02:55
Dr_Willisand rerean update-grub and it works here.02:55
perscitusDr_Willis,   i cant use google to search... Karmic flooded results02:55
DanaGNone of my systems have any widescreen vbe modes for grub to use.02:55
DanaGsudo hwinfo --framebuffer02:55
Dr_Willis# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE02:56
Dr_Willis# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'02:56
perscitusAnyone care to help me with wifi?02:56
Dr_Willisthat says to go to the GRUB command line at boot and run the vbeinfo command? im not sure. :)02:56
nathanbrauerFudge, no, it was just me venting02:57
Dr_Willisbye all02:58
perscitusstupid ubuntu 10.0402:58
_CommandeR_DanaG, there is no output from hwinfo --framebuffer in terminal only command not found02:59
Fudgeplease help me before my computer goes out the window02:59
DanaGah, it's a package: hwinfo02:59
DanaGinstall that package to get that command. =þ02:59
ninjai_chorse: are you the one that suggested that thread? you NAILED it, thanks a lot! I dont know hwo I never found that thread before... or how nobody else could figure it out :D03:00
_CommandeR_DanaG, seems that it only supports 1024x76803:00
chorseninjai_: you're welcome ;)03:00
DanaGMy system offers up to 1600x1200 (since native is 1920x1200)... but if I do that resolution, everything's rather horribly garbled.03:01
perscitusCan some1 please help with Wifi on Mini 10v?03:02
_CommandeR_DanaG, hm it is a intel 965 so, but odd i cannot use native res on the laptop03:03
perscitusI wish people would staying in channels.03:03
_CommandeR_i have to get some sleep o/03:04
perscitusand i have to get wifi working03:05
UnNaturalHighIs anyone else here having problems with brightness keys?03:05
UnNaturalHighFor the entirety of Karmic I couldn't use my brightness keys and it seems the problem still exists in Lucid03:07
UnNaturalHighActually now it is worse, I can't even use the brightness app in lucid, lol03:07
nonameNNUnNaturalHigh: they dont work on my laptop... the only ubuntu version that make them work was 8.04 i have an hp dv6753cl03:08
UnNaturalHighnonameNN, same here, 9.04 worked for me too03:09
nonameNNUnNaturalHigh: i didnt try to find any solution though...03:09
=== log|in is now known as log|out
perscitusUnNaturalHigh,   Works in my dell mini 10v03:10
iconmefistoI can't switch to a VT. any ideas?03:11
geniiiconmefisto: What do you get? Blinking cursor? Garbled text?03:14
iconmefistogenii: blinking cursor03:14
iconmefistogenii: also, X is on vt8 not vt703:15
Volkodavwhat is the user's name on live CD ?03:16
perscitusX is VT703:16
nonameNNVolkodav: ubuntu? password ubuntu i would guess...03:16
VolkodavI'll try03:17
iconmefistoif I remove splash or use nosplash in kernel line, does that disable plymouth?03:17
perscitusi figured out my wifi problem03:17
Volkodavnope nonameNN03:17
nonameNNtry in #ubuntu if no one knows it... mine was just a guess.... sorry man03:18
iconmefistoVolkodav: try ubuntu with blank password03:18
ninjai_chorse: would you know how to key my keyboard backlight keys to work now too? :D03:21
spvensko1what's the expected release date for 10.04 final?03:21
chris4585spvensko1, 29th03:21
perscitusoh my. i hardlocked03:22
perscitusLucid hard locked03:22
jmcantrellgnome do will not start03:22
jmcantrellanyone experiencing this?03:22
input`bjsnider, the daily build did not work for me.03:23
=== input` is now known as look
lookbjsnider, this time i didnt even get a splash screen03:24
perscitusNow Lucid wont connect to wifi03:26
lookat least yours boots03:26
looki don't even get a splash screen all i get is a blank screen and a running computer03:26
chorseninjai_: there was a patch some time ago on lkm, don't know if it has made its way into stable or ubuntu yet, https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/44491/03:26
lookchorse, can you help me on this issue.03:27
chorselook: what's your graphics hardware?03:28
looknvidea 980003:28
lookchorse, Nvidea 9800 GT03:29
chorsedid you upgrade or is it a fresh install?03:30
lookchorse,  i just had the daily release03:30
lookchorse, wanted to try it out as live cd03:30
alex_mayorgabug 56115103:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115103:30
shawnboyCan someone suggest how to successfully get Adobe Flash plugin working in mozilla. I've done it many times in previous releases.03:31
chorselook: so you don't use an installed version?03:31
lookchorse, i do this for all the ubuntu from 8.04 up since i used it my first time in 200603:31
lookchorse, no just a live cd from the daily iso's03:32
lookits not my cd drive (brand new just got it 1 week ago)03:32
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:32
chorsein that case i'd say wait for the final release and hope it will be fixed by then03:32
alex_mayorgashawnboy: see ubottu above03:32
shawnboyI tried downloading and extracting libflashplayer.so and putting it into .mozilla/plugins/ but that doesn't work.03:33
lookbug 561153 i think it that one that alex_mayorga pointed out03:33
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/561153)03:33
look561151 i mean03:33
chorseyes, it looks like that03:34
shawnboyalex_mayorga, ok. thanks. I'll try that. I wonder why the old way doesn't work anymore. Oh well.03:35
lookchorse, how would i apply this fix to my iso?03:36
lookchorse, never did anything my iso's before03:36
look                    ^to03:36
chorseyou should wait until if it fixed03:37
* look will wait, i am sad that my compy cannot boot linux when EVERY other linux beta boots...03:38
chrisl2424what room can i go in for windows help03:44
chrisl2424k, i hate windows03:44
Fudgeok that lockup was pushing f6 in a pidgin window, pushing control to halt speech and up arrow to freeze system03:47
perscitushow do you enable path in nautilus?03:49
Chipacaperscitus: Ctrl-L ?03:51
chrisl2424windows form useless03:52
MrDowntempoI installed this beta a day or two ago on a brand new machine. After the first update my install was hosed. Guess it was #561151. I reinstalled and now everything is dandy. I see that the fix is out, (according to the topic) does that mean its okay to run updates now?03:57
lookbug 56115103:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115103:58
lookMrDowntempo, im getting the same bug but it wont even let me install from cd when i boot it wont even give me splash screen03:59
MrDowntempowhen I click mark all updates it will update to which is the bad kernel. I don't see at least not in the default repos04:00
holsteinbad kernel?04:00
MrDowntempolook, well I was able to reinstall by booting to the beta2 cd04:00
IdleOneno issues here with
IdleOnebut then again WFM is not a good gage04:01
Random832so does lucid support LILO? (at least as well as Karmic?) - my laptop has issues with grub04:01
lookMrDowntempo, not even the beta2 cd works for me04:01
IdleOnelook: then it is a case of bad download or PEBKAC :)04:02
chorseRandom832: lilo is still included.04:02
MrDowntempoor a bad burn04:02
lookive downloaded the iso 7 times today04:02
lookburned it 7 times over04:02
IdleOnelook: burn as slow as possible04:02
lookon a differant disc then i tried USB boot04:02
looksame problem with usb04:03
lookmy computer says hey look LINUX! YAY! BOOT TIEM!04:03
lookthen it tries to boot and i dont get GUI, i dont get even a command line my screen goes dead and my green light on my screen goes yellow like its in sleep mode04:04
MrDowntempodoes it not boot to the linux image?04:04
MrDowntempohmmm, dunno04:04
looki burned many discs of both the desktop cd and the alternate cd04:04
MrDowntempoDoes " Fixed kernel now on archive and mirrors"  mean its safe to do an upgrade via synaptic now?04:05
IdleOneMrDowntempo: all upgrades are at your own risk in Beta04:05
Random832chorse: don't suppose there's any chance it works any better than karmic, is there? (i have to manually update for each kernel update, and i had to put in a fake "update-grub" to make it happy04:05
Random832or was i just doing it wrong?04:05
MrDowntempolook: you might be having a different issue entirely then. Possibly bad hardware or an incompatibility. Have you tried a different OS?04:05
Random832(there seems to be an "update-lilo", i just noticed - how do i actually tell it i'm using lilo as a boot loader so it runs that instead of trying and failing to find update-grub)04:06
lookMrDowntempo, yes ive booted 9.10 live cd also puppy linux and even windows Bart PE cd04:06
sagacihow can you disable keyrings and authenticate automagically04:06
MrDowntempoIdleOne, certainly, but i mean in respect to the (known) bad kernel.04:06
IdleOneMrDowntempo: I assume it is safe now according to topic04:07
MrDowntempoIdleOne I just wasn't sure what archive it was refereing to. Guess I'll give it a go04:07
* MrDowntempo crosses fingers04:08
nathanbrauerCan anyone help me setup a LAMP stack on Lucid?  Does Lucid ship with a server pre-installed, because I think there may be competition for my :80 port.04:08
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:08
h00kif I were to file a bug for this icon, what should I file it under? http://anthonyrhook.com/dump/Screenshot-3.png04:09
h00knathanbrauer: it doesn't ship pre-installed, no.04:10
MrDowntempototally unrelated but... ambiance and radiance are sexy as hell, but is it possible for me to move the close/min/max to the right side of windows?04:10
nathanbrauerIdleOne, thanks.  h00k, I know LAMP isn't pre-installed, but before I installed apache, http://localhost/ was saying that something was setup correctly04:11
ZykoticK9!controls | MrDowntempo04:11
ubottuMrDowntempo: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d604:11
IdleOneh00k: what do the properties say for that icon?>04:11
h00kIdleOne: I don't know, it's in the alt-tab switcher when there is a message pending on Empathy04:11
shawnboyI'm back. I followed instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash with no success. Any other ideas?04:12
h00kIdleOne: I don't know what the icon belongs to, Empathy? The Radiance theme?04:12
IdleOneh00k: right click on it04:12
h00kIdleOne: I can't, it's in the alt-tab switcher!04:12
h00kit's the thumbnail preview if that window is minimized04:13
IdleOneI would guess Empathy04:13
h00kThat's what I would think, too, but I'm not sure04:13
IdleOnefrom what it looks like you got running there04:13
MrDowntempothanks ZykoticK904:13
IdleOneMrDowntempo: l2r is to change the buttons layout from left side of the window to  the right side , hit the  alt-F2 keys then type gconf-editor, then Applications > metacity  > general > button layout > menu:minimize,maximize,close or type the following command in Terminal: gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string  "menu:minimize,maximize,close"04:15
shawnboyAny suggestions for getting Adobe Flash 64-bit working in Firefox?04:17
exigraffh00k: /usr/share/empathy/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/im-message.png, perhaps04:17
h00kexigraff: that looks like it04:19
agronholmshawnboy, download and extract it in ~/.mozilla/plugins04:21
agronholmlibflashplayer.so that is04:21
shawnboyfirst thing I tried, agronholm04:21
shawnboyagronholm, worked for me in several other installations but not for Lucid.04:22
agronholmwell it works for me, what happened in your case then?04:22
shawnboyagronholm, :)  nothing happens. that's the problem.04:22
shawnboyagronholm, weird.04:22
agronholmit works here04:22
shawnboyagronholm, trade me machines?04:22
h00kIdleOne: reported it04:24
IdleOneh00k: that is UNR you are running?04:24
h00kIdleOne: yes04:24
IdleOnelooks pretty04:24
h00kIdleOne: thank you :)04:24
IdleOneby the way dude, your badges are awesome looking printed also04:25
h00kIdleOne: they do?? Sweet!04:25
IdleOnenow to figure out how to print them on stickers04:26
shawnboyagronholm, what do you know... it works now. Maybe I downloaded wrong file earlier.04:27
agronholmflash probably still has input bugs in it04:27
agronholmlike typing characters outside of the ASCII range gives weird output04:28
agronholmsince flash apparently assumes latin104:28
shawnboyIt's been one of those days for me though... absent-minded.04:28
Zelozeloshows it hangin holstein04:30
holsteinZelozelos: ;)04:33
* holstein hangin in there04:33
Zelozelosholstein good 2 hear same here04:34
almoxarifeanyone having problems with chromium daily builds, mine seems to be getting profile errors at every startup and I don't believe its closing properly04:39
Zelozelosis advanced ccsm working right? im thinkin about installin it but im hoping this time it wont interfere with blender's hotkeys, (i ws using ubuntu 9.10 last time ) it did even with the fusion icon set to metacity04:40
* Zelozelos wants his cube back :(04:40
git__is anyone here using SSD running Ubuntu 10.4?04:41
* MTughan gives Zelozelos a Mac G4 Cube04:41
git__will there be performance increase?04:41
MTughangit__: Not yet, but I hope to have one in the coming days.04:41
Zelozeloswats SSD?04:41
MTughanSolid State Drive.04:41
git__MTughan, PATA or SATA interface?04:41
MTughanHard drive that uses flash NAND memory instead of spinning platters to store info.04:41
MTughangit__: You can get ones with parallel?04:41
git__MTughan, from Kingspec04:42
git__I have 4 T40 laptops04:42
MTughanHuh... No, SATA here.04:42
csgeekhey.. really silly question.  I want to add a program to startup when I login04:42
git__PATA SSD is more expensive than SATA04:42
csgeekwhere did the session manager go  in lucid?  they moved things around on me04:42
chris4585csgeek, system > preferences > startup04:42
MTughangit__: Frankly, a PATA SSD is probably a waste of money. It can't keep an SSD saturated.04:42
MTughanGranted SATA 3Gb/s can barely keep it saturated either, but it's a lot closer to the theoretical limit.04:43
git__MTughan, I use PATA SSD not for the performance, but the lifetime of the laptop ... mechanical hard drive dies every 3 year04:43
git__well ... not sure if Ubuntu 10.4 is optimized for SSD04:43
MrDowntempoIs empathy supposed to startup at bootup?04:44
MTughangit__: I don't know that any operating system can be "optimized" for SSD, but I've heard that 10.04 can achieve a 10s boot with a new install on an SSD.04:44
csgeekchris4585: oops.  silly.  thanks04:44
chris4585csgeek, np04:44
iconmefistoMTughan: could be optimised in this sense: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIM_%28SSD_command%29#Operating_system_support04:46
MTughaniconmefisto: Don't know that I would call that optimized for SSD. Just makes it a little better in the long run. And drives with builtin GC don't need TRIM as much.04:47
MTughanAnyway, gotta run...04:47
bisbyif i have a package that isnt fully installed, but gets errors when i try to remove it, what can do about that?04:54
ZykoticK9bisby, using "dpkg -r PACKAGENAME" *should* remove it04:54
Zelozeloscan i have diff backgrounds for each workspace and still have icons?04:55
ZykoticK9bisby, does this package happen to be related to audacious?04:55
bisbyZykoticK9, its fglrx04:55
ZykoticK9bisby, ahhh04:56
bisbyZykoticK9, to get it to work on 10.04 I had to remove /usr/lib/fglrx and /usr/share/ati manually after uninstalling. after updating to the latest kernel it stopped working again. i forgot to run the remove before removing those 2 directories again... now it wont uninstall to install a newer version04:57
ZykoticK9bisby, sorry man - i don't run ATI so have 0 ideas04:57
ZykoticK9!controls | ViridianFire05:05
ubottuViridianFire: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d605:05
ViridianFireWhy are they on the left in the first place?05:06
ViridianFireI thought they fixed that05:06
ZykoticK9ViridianFire, that's the default for Lucid05:06
ViridianFireyeah but I had heard that they changed ti back to the right05:06
ViridianFireso I installed it and it was on the right05:06
ZykoticK9ViridianFire, nothing to be fixed - it will be the final version05:06
ViridianFirebut then today it switched to the left05:07
Zelozelosits easy 2 switch it to what ever side u desire, check out how-to-geek's site05:16
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, ViridianFire is long gone...05:16
Zelozelosrofl i just noticed :)05:17
Zelozelosis there a way to make empathy stop showing part/join messages?05:22
chris_why does 10.04 always look for a cd before it will boot? It will say it cant find the cd, keep waiting or press s to continue05:36
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
Zelozelosis there a way to make Empathy stop showing join/part messages?05:39
voss74910.10 Mating Meerkats05:48
Lazy^ /win 2705:52
bullgard4[GNOME] I upgraded 2 Ubuntu 9.10. One shows the quit symbol in the title bar of the windows to the left, the other at the right. How can change the latter to the right?05:57
bullgard4[GNOME] I upgraded 2 Ubuntu 9.10s. One shows the quit symbol in the title bar of the windows to the left, the other at the right. How can change the latter to the left?05:58
fvsselect an alternative theme: System -> Preferences -> Appearance06:01
fvsbullgard, try New Wave06:01
bullgard4fvs: Your answer is wrong. I have selected the same theme. It is Human-Clearlook on both computers.06:02
ZykoticK9fvs, windows controls isn't changed by theme06:02
ZykoticK9!controls | bullgard06:02
ubottubullgard: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d606:02
ZeldaIs there an adobe reader for Lucid AMD64?06:04
ZykoticK9Zelda, you can download the bin from Adobe, but it's not in the default repo no06:05
ZeldaIm not good with installing from a bin.06:05
ZeldaI dont know how to.06:05
Zeldawill you assist me?06:06
ZeldaOh theres a problem. There isnt an 64bit version is there?06:07
ZykoticK9Zelda, i really can't right now sorry.  But download the bin from http://get.adobe.com/reader/ then from a terminal "chmod +x THEFILENAME", then install with "sudo ./THEFILENAME" *should work* best of luck.06:07
ZykoticK9Zelda, no 64bit version that i'm aware of06:08
bullgard4ZykoticK9: You suggested me to read http://alturl.com/b6ja. I have done so. This however does not help me to move the close buttons to the left. They are still on the right. How can I change that so that they will appear on the left?06:08
Zeldayeah there isnt one on there webpage. I have an AMD64. I have tried to DL the x86 and obviously that doesnt work.06:08
Zeldaer their.06:08
ZykoticK9bullgard, the second part of the factoid show how to move left/right http://alturl.com/x5d606:08
Zelozelosis there a way to show the volume but not the letter-looking icon?06:08
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, yes see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/remove-mail-icon-leave-volume-control06:09
Zelozelosthank you ZykoticK906:09
Zeldathanks ZykoticK9. I'll try what you said.06:10
ZeldaI dont think the x86 will work on AMD64 but Ill give it a shot.06:10
ZykoticK9Zelda, it will i've done it06:11
Zeldaok thanks06:11
ZykoticK9Zelda, looks like i'm hanging around - so just shout if you run into any problems06:12
bullgard4ZykoticK9: It worked!  --  Thank you very much for your help.06:13
ZykoticK9bullgard4, glad to help06:13
Zeldaso after I go "sudo chmod +x ... it goes green and then the install is messing up.. what do I need to do?06:14
ZeldaI typed "sudo install ./"filename" and it gives me an error.06:15
Zeldahang on.. let me try with out the ./06:15
ZykoticK9Zelda, what is the actual filename of the acroread?06:15
ZeldaIm not that retarded.06:15
ZykoticK9Zelda, drop the "install" part06:15
bullgard4ZykoticK9: So the wording of ubottu : "To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d6" is somewhat misleading and should be corrected.06:16
ZykoticK9Zelda, so it's "sudo ./AdbeRdr9.3.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin"06:16
Zelozelosok now i want to get rid of the one that has my name and a circle with an x in it (if u click on it it has ubuntu one and a status things) whats that one called?06:16
ZeldaOk thanks. Its extracting it says.06:16
Zelozelosit has the power one attached to it06:16
Zeldaand i put the files in /zelda/home right?06:17
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, can you right-click "remove from panel"06:17
Zeldaor just ./06:17
ZykoticK9Zelda, you need to be in the same directory to use ./06:17
ZeldaI am in the same dir06:18
Zelozelosi still want the power one06:18
Zeldaits asking where  you want to install dir.06:18
ZykoticK9Zelda, that's up to you where to install - into your home dir or /opt would be fine06:18
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, sorry don't know how to separate those ones sorry06:19
Zeldaits going. Thanks for the assist.06:19
Zelozelosah well thank you anyhow06:19
Zelozelosoh cool i just found the shut down applet, that'll work :)06:20
robertzaccourwill gnome 3 be in 10.10?06:20
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, probably, but i don't think its been officially announced yet06:21
=== Random832 is now known as rZndom832
robertzaccourZykoticK9, oh ok because i know gnome 3 will be ready not too long before 10.10, just wasn't sure if that would be too rushed to get it on there or what06:23
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +106:25
markl_is anyone here familiar with setting up a PPA?06:25
robertzaccourmarkl_, a little06:26
markl_is that anything beyond just an http server that apt-get can hit?06:26
robertzaccourmarkl_, i know how to copy/paste to the gui06:26
markl_i have set up apt repositories before, just wondering if PPA is the same thing06:26
robertzaccourPPA usually has an authentication key right?06:27
robertzaccournot sure on the terminology, got some experience though i could probably look at it and figure it out06:27
ActionParsnipRobertzaccour: i'd email some guys who made their own to ask how they did it06:27
robertzaccouri've never made a ppa, just used them06:28
chris_why does 10.04 always look for a cd before it will boot? It will say it cant find the cd, keep waiting or press s to continue06:28
fvsrobertzaccour, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name06:28
ActionParsnipChris_: is your bios first boot device a cd?06:28
robertzaccouri'm goin to sleep, later yall06:29
chris_probably but with 9.10 if there was no cd it would just skip it06:29
ActionParsnipChris_: set your bootable hdd as first boot, see if it changes06:30
chris_alright. i will be back06:30
bullgard4[GNOME] I forgot where I can set that menu items not only show a text but in addition a symbol. Was that somewhere in Nautilus?06:32
chris_ActionParsnip: i just changed it and it didnt work06:37
ActionParsnipOk so its definately the OS06:37
Zeldainteresting. A new MyTouch Slide...06:38
Zeldahrm. I was about to get the MyTouch 3g.06:38
ActionParsnipOnly thing I can advise is look at your grub config as that is clearly at fault. I'm not too conversant with grub but you now know the culprit06:38
ZelozelosChris_ are you dual booting?06:38
chris_the new purple ubuntu screen comes up and says: the disk drive for /media/sdb1 is not ready yet or not present. continue to wait, or press s to skip mounting06:38
ActionParsnipChris_: then review /etc/fstab with the output of: sudo fdisk -l; sudo blkid06:39
ninjai_chorse: for my keyboard backlight I looked at the link you sent me and I have the file they mention.  it works if i use echo <0-3> | tee <filename>, but the shortcut keys dont work.  any idea how I can do this? shortcut keys show up in xev..06:40
ninjai_anyone know how how i can get my keyboard shortcut keys to work for backlight? this command works: /usr/bin/keyboard_backlight 306:47
ninjai_but i cant get it to do it with the shrotcut keys06:47
ninjai_and this is what it shows in xev06:47
ninjai_KeymapNotify event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x0,06:47
ninjai_    keys:  4294967278 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   006:47
ninjai_           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   006:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:48
mawstAnyone know anything about USB Internet from Sprint (over their cell network).06:48
mawstI have the "modem"06:48
Guest78617Does anyone here know where I can get more themes for lucid?06:50
mawstAnyone using the u304?06:52
ninjai_whats that06:52
Guest78617ninjai- when I go there what exactly am I looking for, like the GTK themes or what?06:52
ninjai_yes, gtk 2 themes06:52
bullgard4[GNOME] I forgot where I can set that menu items not only show a text but in addition a symbol. Was that somewhere in Nautilus?06:54
Guest78617What are the GDM themes?06:58
chris4585Guest78617, login themes06:58
Guest78617thank you chris06:58
magopianhi there guys06:59
kuttanshiii everybody, had a very bad experience in upgrading my karmic to lucid06:59
magopiansince this morning, i can't log in to X06:59
kuttansbut once again thx to linux and ubuntu to increase my creativity every time i do a dist upgrade07:00
magopiani have gdm, i can enter login/pass, but as it is going to log me in, it just takes me back to the login screen (login/pass are correct, i can log in using a tty, and i have no "bad login" message)07:00
kuttanswell now some interesting questions are with me, anyone interested just join me07:00
kuttansi have a encrypted swap and due to plymouth not running the swap space is not mounted07:00
Guest78617what would I be looking for if I wanted to change the way the windows in linux themes?07:01
dr3mroplease i can't export schemas from nautilus actions 2.30 i think its a bug and there is a new version of 2.30.1 but i cant find a deb file cny help using daily built of ubuntu lucid here updated to now !!!07:01
kuttans<Guest78617> what you mean by windows?07:02
kuttans<Guest78617> the theme of the windows can be changed by going to system->preferences -> appearance07:02
kuttanswhy plymouth is not running, and y bcoz of that my swap space is not mounted??07:03
magopianbtw, is it "normal" that gdm runs on tty8 ?07:04
magopianit seems that gdm runs on tty8 and X on tty707:04
magopian(but then, X doesn't seem to run properly in my case, it's just a black screen07:05
magopian(maybe that's why i can't login :(07:05
kuttansmagopian : all x related problems are due to the plymouth07:05
magopiananyway, anyone has a clue?07:06
magopiannever heard of it07:06
magopianit did work perfectly well yesterday (and this morning)07:06
magopianbut then i restarted :(07:06
mawstAnyone know what I need to install to get the usbserial kernel module?07:06
kuttanstry to remove the quiet in your boot line and check out -07:06
kuttansactually its the new splash theme ubuntu is incorporating in the lucid i guess, and beyond that im not well aware of07:07
magopiankuttans, remove the quiet in your boot line and check out what?07:08
magopiansorry i didn't understand that :(07:08
bullgard4http://www.gstreamer.net/data/doc/gstreamer/head/manual/html/section-checklist-debug.html: "You can set the GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR environment variable to 1." In what file should I do that? [Ubuntu 10.04]07:11
ActionParsnipBullguard4: $HOME/.bashrc07:12
Guest78617but isnt there a way to get more theme for those windows?  Like how you could change the whole theme/look of the other distros of linux into like a Mac look, or a windows xp or vista or 7 look?07:12
ActionParsnipBullguard4: export it like the other variables07:12
magopianman, the recovery mode in grub doesn't even work correctly: it boots, then black screen, and nothing else (can't even switch to a tty)07:13
ActionParsnipGuest78617: there's a script called gnomexp which will make you OS look like XP. There's also mac4lin to make it look like a mac07:13
st4aluckhelp http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934107:14
ActionParsnipMagopian: could reinstall grub from liveCD07:14
Guest78617do you know if there is a script that will make it look like windows 7?07:14
magopianActionParsnip, i don't believe it's grub's fault07:14
ActionParsnipMagopian: can you boot to recovery root console?07:15
magopianif i try booting in "normal" mode, it does work (well, i mean i have gdm and all, just i have my issue where i can't login to x, it keeps getting me back to gdm for some reason)07:15
magopiani don't even know how to start troubleshooting this issue :(07:15
ActionParsnipMagopian: hold shift at boot, select your kernel but choose recovery, then select root07:16
magopianActionParsnip, let me try that straight away07:16
ActionParsnipMagopian: see if you can read logs and/or startx from there07:17
magopianso, let me understand07:17
magopianwhat is the use of holding shift? what should it do in grub?07:17
magopiani have grub at the very moment in front of my eyes (on my desktop computer)07:17
Blue11hmm in windows, that used to bypass the startup files...07:18
ActionParsnipMagopian: select recovery mode for your kernel, then select root (like I said above)07:18
magopianand if i select the first entry (ubuntu, with linux 2.6.32-16-generic) it boots, and takes me to gdm (but then, i can't login to X, even though i can login to a tty)07:18
magopianif i select the second entry (ubuntu, with linux 2.6.32-16-generic (recovery mode)) then it just takes me to a black screen, and nothing happens (can't even switch to a tty)07:19
ActionParsnipMagopian: after selecting recovery, what option are you selecting?07:19
magopianthere's no option07:19
magopianshould there be one?07:19
ActionParsnipYes there will be a small menu07:20
magopianif i press shift?07:20
ActionParsnipNo, you hold shift at boot to make grub2 show its options07:20
magopianit worked (pressing shift) while i was shutting down07:20
magopianisn't that weird? it didn't when i was starting up Oo07:21
magopianso, "drop to root shell prompt" i guess ;)07:21
magopianwhat should i do from there?07:21
Vigomagopian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:21
ActionParsnipMagopian: try starting x as well as try reading logs in /var/log07:21
magopianActionParsnip, which logs? i mean, i have checked gdm logs, and i have nothing strange appart a warning that seems unimportant (after searching on google) about /Etc/gdm/custom.conf not being there07:22
dr3mroany one help me to create a deb file for nautilus-actions 2.30.107:22
magopiani xorg.log i have some messages aboug ddsig exiting07:22
st4aluckneed help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934107:24
ActionParsnipDr3mro: is there no ppa07:25
ActionParsnipMagopian: ok go find what that means and it should give clues07:25
magopianActionParsnip, the message i have in xorg.0.log when trying to login using gdm: ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log07:25
dr3mroActionParsnip, can i build from source it says there is alot of dependency i dont have to ./configure07:25
ActionParsnipDr3mro: in google search for; ppa search ,the first result will allow you to search launcpad's ppas and you may find one ready compiled07:26
ActionParsnipDr3mro: if you want to compile you will need to get the -dev packages of all the deps for the build so you can compile07:27
ActionParsnipSt4aluck: i'd log a bug07:28
ActionParsnipSt4aluck: make sure you have the toshiba acpi packages installed07:28
ActionParsnip!find tosh07:28
magopianActionParsnip, is it possible to "stop and restart" x?07:28
ubottuFound: libqyotoshared1, toshset, toshutils07:28
magopianto start x i just type "startx", but to stop it?07:28
ActionParsnipMagopian: you can kill the process I guess or use: sudo gdm stop07:29
DanaGhmm, here's a log of my boot....07:30
magopianok that did the trick07:30
magopiani then did a startx, and i have a few errors:07:30
DanaGplymouth is actively refusing to show splash.07:30
magopian(EE) PreInit returned NULL for "Microsoft Miscrosoft 2.4GHz Transceiver V2.0"07:31
magopian(EE) PreInit returned NULL for "Macintosh mouse button emulation"07:31
magopianand before that:07:31
magopian(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)07:32
magopian(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering07:32
magopianand X is just a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left of the screen07:32
DanaGso yeah......... plymouth is a no-go for me.07:33
slyrus_ah, missed the lucid lynx channel...07:34
msanchezDanaG: are you having the same problem than me then? I got bug #561151 fixed, but plymouth is not working and whenever it boots I need to select "resume normal boot" in a curses interface that shows up07:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561151 in linux " reproducible oops at startup in acpi_ex_read_data_from_field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56115107:34
DanaGnope, I haven't had such issues.07:36
DanaGanyway, my boot works fine... just never ever shows splash.07:36
msanchezok thx... then it might be something else07:37
msanchezI'll look through launchpad to see whether I can find something like this07:37
switchgirlhi who decided to not include gnomes activity monitor by default?07:37
switchgirlits awesome and makes ubuntu better07:38
switchgirl gnome activity journal*07:38
msanchezhmmm... maybe some issue with nvidia drivers? I'll check that out07:38
billybigrigger29639 root      20   0 26948 6032 2408 R  100  0.1   1588:11 backend07:40
billybigriggerthat process look familiar to anyone?07:40
Blue11somethings, you don't want to know07:41
billybigriggerroot     29639 77.1  0.1  26948  6032 ?        Rs   Apr12 1589:53 /usr/bin/python /usr/share/checkbox/backend /tmp/checkboxgMHa5w/input07:42
billybigriggervery odd07:42
billybigriggerlove the 100% cpu usage though07:42
VigoMy Network Manager Applet is corrupted on another user of this box, I make that account Admin and repair it, I feel that is a security thing, do I just sudo while on it? or Switch User?07:43
votanhey guys, is it ok that the updater shows me a lot of "Fail"s for translation-en-us ?07:53
iconmefistobillybigrigger: man backend07:55
st4aluckubottu: My laptop is not very old and I think that laptop's BIOS only supports ACPI and not APM, shall I install toshutils08:00
msanchezsame problem with nouveau08:14
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
GutZuWiSSeNhmm.. i cant browse the network in 10.04 .. are there any known bugs or workarounds?  (error cannot open network:///08:38
almoxarifeGutZuWiSSeN: have samba installed?08:39
GutZuWiSSeNarrr .. it has been deinstalled?! ^^08:40
almoxarifeGutZuWiSSeN: you will need samba, and insure you are not firewalled08:41
ojiihi everyeone08:41
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE08:41
ojiiI try to install ubuntu (10.04 beta 2) on my macbook pro, but after I select "install ubuntu" from the live cd menu all i get is a black screen with a white cursor blinking in the top left corner. What am I doing wrong?08:41
jussi01ojii: hang  on a sec08:41
ojiii ctrl-w failed again in xchat with multi screens :(08:41
GutZuWiSSeNalmoxarife, yeah i have samba installed .. it worked fine in 9.10 .. but i get the error after the upgrade (like a friend of mine, too)08:41
jussi01ojii: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook08:41
ojiijussi01: i read everything i could find on help.ubuntu.com concerning macbooks which apply to my model08:42
almoxarifeGutZuWiSSeN: what error?08:42
jussi01ojii: so you have refit installed etc?08:42
ojiijussi01: yes i have refit and made a second partition using DiskUtility08:43
BUGabundo_remotethe tuggs say Hi08:43
jussi01ojii: which generation do you have?08:43
ojiijussi01: 5.208:43
* jussi01 has a 2.1 and it works fine. 08:43
ojiior was it 5.1? lemme check quickly08:43
jussi01ojii: try the alternate installer08:43
ojiiargh meaning i need to find another cd :(08:43
ojiisilly mac that can't boot from usb08:43
jussi01ojii: i hear you...08:44
ojiiah it's a 5.108:44
ojiijussi01: any idea how i can find out if my macbook supports x64?08:45
jussi01ojii: no, sorry. Ive no idea :/08:46
ojiii'll just assume a core 2 duo is 64 bit08:46
GutZuWiSSeNThe error is: Could not display "network:///".  Nautilus cannot handle "network" locations.   when i click on "network"08:46
GutZuWiSSeNany ideas?08:46
EruditeHermithello, does anyone know how to get past the error http://pastebin.com/2kSwz5z4 when upgrading to lucid?08:47
EruditeHermitojii, it should work on core 2 duo08:47
ojiithanks EruditeHermit08:47
almoxarifeGutZuWiSSeN: I also had samba issues when I upgraded, mine resolved by completely removing samba and then re-installing08:48
GutZuWiSSeNalmoxarife, hmm okay thx, ill try that08:49
almoxarifeGutZuWiSSeN: and I mean -purge08:49
GutZuWiSSeNall right08:49
ratte_Acer Aspire One AOA-150 hot plug card readers not work in 10.04 any ideas for problem08:49
=== ironmunk_ is now known as ironmunk
st4aluckneed help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934108:52
st4aluck~$ /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose08:53
st4aluckThis CPU has nx in the flags, so the BIOS is not disabling it.08:53
blue102how to make icons on the desktop with lucid xubuntu08:58
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:01
chorseBlue11: right click, create launcher.09:02
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.09:02
switchgirli give up09:02
switchgirlwhat irc server do i use to annoy the dev's or rhthmbox?09:02
chorseswitchgirl: irc.gnome.org, #rhythmbox09:03
Guest32079can i ask support questions for 10.4 here?09:04
Votanyes Guest3207909:04
switchgirlno. lmao course you can09:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:05
Votananyone here running beta2 on a samsung n220 ? I dont get the god damn screen brightness to work -.-09:05
Guest32079i've got a newer laptop HP dv6 w/ AMD/ATI chipset, the update manager keeps trying to install nvidia drivers on me09:06
Guest32079how can I stop that09:06
Guest32079any thoughts?09:08
Guest32079oh and does anyone know it remix will be coming out with a 10.4 update too?09:10
Zelozelosheres an interesting question, i was surfing around and came accross this site   http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/09/14/animated-wallpaper-with-compiz-fusion-on-ubuntu/09:11
Zelozeloswill this still work???09:11
iconmefistoGuest32079: maybe try removing nvidia-current-modaliases09:11
GutZuWiSSeNyeah it works again09:11
Zelozelosb-cuz THAT would be really cool ?)09:11
st4aluckneed help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934109:12
GutZuWiSSeNfyi: installing gvfs-backends and rebooting fixxed the network problem09:12
Guest32079thx icon09:12
slyrus_ok, got sound working ok with hdmi, i just wish I could get it to be a little louder...09:13
VotanBUGabundo_remote u gave me a link to the kernel team ppa the other day to get the .33 for trim support. DO u got that link somewhere ? i forgot to bookmark it and cant find a working ppa for newer kernels09:13
Zelozelosslyrus did you try clicking on the volume icon and click sound prefs, then you can go beyond 100%09:14
Zelozelosanyone know if xwinwrap still works?09:14
[diablo]good morning all09:16
[diablo]is anyone having issues with booting the latest release of the kernel on an Acer Aspire One D250 please?09:16
almoxarife[diablo]: that a wubi install?09:19
[diablo]hi almoxarife nope09:19
st4aluckPls help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934109:19
[diablo]almoxarife, it was done using desktop install09:19
almoxarife[diablo]: explain desktop install09:20
[diablo]almoxarife, not the alternate, the desktop 386 iso09:21
almoxarife[diablo]: into a partion ?09:21
maccam94does anyone else have trouble with ksoftirqd eating the cpu after suspend/hibernate?09:22
[diablo]almoxarife, its a dual boot, but the issue is something acer specific09:23
Votanis anyone using LogFS with an SSD ?09:25
st4aluckPls help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934109:26
ojiiis there something like wubi for mac?09:26
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: google ubuntu kernel team ppa09:27
maccam94ojii: bootcamp is probably the way to go09:27
popeyojii: there was a plan for MUBI09:27
ojiimubi would be great09:27
popeyojii: in fact there was a plan for LUBI too!09:27
popeydont think either was finished09:27
BUGabundo_remotest4aluck: we would appreciate if you stop repeating your question09:27
ojiipopey: someone should (I wish I could)09:28
VotanBUGabundo_remote that's the one i found, but it is returning a 404 :/09:28
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: sec09:28
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds09:28
ojiipopey: actually lubi seems to exist (see http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lubi.html)09:29
VotanBUGabundo_remote i see, thx, was it you who said he uses LogFS or was that someone else ?09:29
popeyojii: not made by the wubi author, looks very different09:30
popeythe wubi author (ago) had planned them09:30
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: not me09:30
popeybut maybe he droped it, it was over a year ago at UDS I spoke to him about it09:30
popeymaybe even 2 years09:30
ojiipopey: i don't really care who did it, as long as it works :D09:31
ZelozelosOMG i simply must share this, some of you prob already know aobut it but... theres a prog called xwinwrap you can get it at   http://en.opensuse.org/Xwinwrap   stick it in your bin folder, then alt f2, type xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -nf -b -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id WID   and POW you now have the matrix screen saver running over your background, and you can change your background still! check it out man!!!09:34
BUGabundo_remoteahah ZOMG SO TRUE http://xkcd.com/727/09:36
ojiiBUGabundo_remote: never heard anyone say 'backslash' in urls09:37
BUGabundo_remoteoh I have09:37
BUGabundo_remotebut read the tag note09:37
BUGabundo_remotemouse overlay09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553084 in linux "Toshiba A205 freezes when I switch from AC to battery" [Undecided,New]09:39
Zelozeloshmm i wonder if i can get it to work on the panel instead of the background09:42
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
Votanso, I installed kernel .33 in 10.04 beta2 ... now theoretically it should do TRIM automatically, right? There's nothing else i have to add in lycid ?09:52
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: beats me! I'm counting on you to update us! you better email kernel team, or ask in their #09:54
BUGabundo_remoteapw: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you think you can help out on SSD TRIM ?09:54
apwyes .33 should have ATA TRIM and it should occur automatically if you are using a filesystem which supports trim09:55
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: ^^^^ there you go. thanks apw.10:00
BUGabundo_remoteapw: will/was any of it be backported to lucid kernels ?10:00
VotanBUGabundo_remote apw atm i use ext4, it should support trim afaik. I thought about trying LogFS, but I do not trust .34 rc4 as rc3 had quite a few issues10:00
apwBUGabundo_remote, nope not backported currently, the patches are marginal size wise10:01
BUGabundo_remoteapw: marginal as in, too big? or easy enough to port before feature freeze, and make the LTS have inicial support for TRIM ?10:03
apwfeature freeze has long past10:03
Votanimho .33 should have been in for 10.04 as it is an LTS release and SSDs are definately coming10:05
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: well, not the opinion that counts :)10:07
BUGabundo_remoteif you read a bit on it, many other distros will be using .32 for a long time window10:08
BUGabundo_remotemaking it wise for use to use it for a LTS10:08
VotanBUGabundo_remote yes but what'S the reason behind this ? What are the main concerns against .33 ?10:08
BUGabundo_remoteapw: from what I've read in steve emails, *final* FF is tomorrow10:08
apwno FF == FINAL FREEZE10:08
BUGabundo_remote33 is even, 32 is odd ! jk10:09
apwFF == FEATURE FREEZE is past10:09
BUGabundo_remoteapw: ahh10:09
BUGabundo_remotedarn short writting :)10:09
apwVotan, the reason is that this is an LTS, therefore we chose a more conservative kernel, one which most of the long-term supported releases are going with to gain economy of scale10:10
apwfeature freeze was much earlier this cycle as a result10:10
BUGabundo_remoteapw: is there any oficial docs (as in ubuntu-docs bug) to tell users that need TRIM support to use kernel team PPA kernels ?10:10
apwBUGabundo_remote, not that i know of no10:12
apwtrim is a .33 feature, so we'd not expect to have it10:12
BUGabundo_remotebut we have it in the .33+ kernels that are in kernel team ppa10:12
apwand frankly relying on a feature which is new in a release is risky in an LTS10:12
BUGabundo_remoteso, if an user comes here (and in the future to #ubuntu and ubuntu forums) asking for support for the LTS, what should we say?10:13
apwBUGabundo_remote, those are totally unsupported diagnostic kernels so we don't recommend them10:13
coz_hey guys... out of curiosity... why is the indicator-applet icon an envelope???10:13
BUGabundo_remoteNo oficial support? install PPA?10:13
BUGabundo_remoteok apw. thanks10:13
BUGabundo_remotewill act accordingly10:13
apwa tricky one, noone has formally asked for it that i know of, so we've not had to consider it10:14
apwi am sure someone will, and we'll have to consider it a10:14
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: kklimonda, bjsnider, maco, FYI: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ on trim suppport10:14
arandcoz_: First used for evolution and pidgin/empathy, meant for messages...10:14
BUGabundo_remoteapw: to late now, I guess10:14
apwand decide if the risk is worth it10:14
coz_arand,  right  but that's the point no?  it visually represents  "mail"10:14
apwits might be something which could be sru'd if its not tooo invasive, but i've not looked10:15
apwin enough detail to know the risks10:15
BUGabundo_remoteVotan: if you want, please file a bug requesting trim support and ping kernel team, and wait their decision on the subject, so we know how to act during LTS support10:15
arandcoz_: um, yes... that's likely the point, um... what was your question actually?10:16
BUGabundo_remotethanks apw. if it comes up again, ill let you or some other kernel team know! I've seen at least 5 users in here asking for it, this two last weeks10:16
apwsomeone always wants more, thats the way of people10:16
BUGabundo_remoteI'll be getting an SSD in the next few weeks, so I'm an interested party10:16
BUGabundo_remotebut in two weeks, I'll be running 10.10 so.... I dont care that much10:16
apwi'll personally be pleased if the kernel works well on most peoples machines at release10:16
coz_arand,  well my point is that  the icon image itself is not really representative of  "indicator"  I was just curious  since ,,,as an artist... I find the choice somewhat abstract10:17
BUGabundo_remoteapw: I don't doubt that10:17
BUGabundo_remotebut a 3 year desktop and 5 why server kernel with no SSD trim support, seems kinda rash10:17
arandcoz_: FOr the applications using it, I think it's rather appropriate, maybe the name isn't but that's the only thing...10:18
coz_arand,  ok :)  i disagree  but not trying to start an issue :)10:18
iahello. could anyone tell me, please, how to play youtube html5 video in firefox (3.6) on ubuntu (lucid beta)? I will be very appreciate for any useful links about installing necessary codec packages and set up related settings. I guess, that somehow i should "tell" firefox, that video tag can contains not only theora/ogg video, but h264 - how in that case to tell firefox use not only ogg codecs, but h264 codecs (from gstreamer, for example) also?10:22
=== |thade| is now known as Alexia_Death_
Trewasia: firefox does not support any external codecs (yet?) and html5&h264 is not possible10:24
Bittarmanfirefox has no plans to support h264 while its not free either10:25
navihi , I instaled ubuntu 10.4 and ati drivers, I can run ati control panel , but its impposible to run compiz10:27
naviany ideas how to fix it ?10:27
h2omorning everyone10:37
h2ocould anyone explain me, if i can update my karmic koala to lucid beta ?10:38
Votanwhat does the vm.swappiness entry mean again ? 0 = no swapping ?10:38
bazhangh2o, sure you can, do you wish to do a fresh install when it is released, or upgrade an existing install10:39
h2oi have karmic allready, all tunned up :)10:40
bazhangh2o, then read the upgrade link I sent you10:41
naviI want my compiz ... ;(10:41
redhow do I search recursively in nautilus+10:42
vistakiller1some package are break in last updates11:08
vistakiller1plasma network manager for kde11:08
h2oird party sources disabled11:22
h2oSome third party entries in your sources.list were disabled. You can re-enable them after the upgrade with the 'software-properties' tool or your package manager.11:22
bazhangh2o, that is normal11:24
LordMetroidFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic_2.6.32-20.29_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]11:24
h2owere is software properties ?11:24
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
marienzyay, I broke dpkg: dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: syntax error: unknown group 'gnokii' in statoverride file12:06
marienzthat's not supposed to happen, right?12:06
marienzah, it's bug 53702512:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537025 in gnokii "[lucid] Sync from Debian: fixes dpkg-statoverride error on package removal" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53702512:07
LordMetroidAnyone else getting:12:11
LordMetroidFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic_2.6.32-20.29_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]12:11
LordMetroidWhen trying to update?12:11
om26erLordMetroid, try changing your download mirror12:13
LordMetroidto what?12:13
om26erLordMetroid, another12:13
om26erLordMetroid, though choose a nearer location12:14
Lazyisn't this the most recent one? http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.32-20-generic_2.6.32-20.30_i386.deb12:18
strutsHi, after updating to Lucid, I can't use key combinations (like ä, é etc.) in Anki (built on Qt) regardless of whicht keyboard layout I'm using. Any idea?12:35
Votanerm, as there is no /boot/grub/menu.lst in 20.04, where can I add elevator=noop instead ?12:38
coc0nut/etc/default/grub maybe12:40
Votancoc0nut that works, but can i still put elevator=noop into that file when using grub2 or did the setting change syntax?12:46
Votanah, nevermind, found the answer :)12:47
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
om26ermy hardrive usage increases so much that the system starts lagging and eventually apps start hanging. how do I know which process is using my HD. cpu and ram usage are normal12:55
hylmanI've installed 10.04 beta 1, but everytime it boots and performs disk check, the system just hang up @ 71%. have anyone experienced the same issue?12:55
coc0nutNo, but it might be fixed in beta 212:56
hylmanwell, i updated my system yesterday, so I believe this is already beta 2. And, i just get the same error again today12:58
om26erhylman, can you run recovery mode?12:58
* om26er is facing a critical bug(well dont even know which package to blame)12:59
hylmanno.. it won't let me do anything, except shutting down,i.e.: i pressed the power button and it shut down.13:02
andatcheis it possible to make upstart show a traditional style output for init.d scripts when booting without quite and splash?13:02
andatchecurrently I get no output between the end of the kernel messages and getty starting13:03
hylmanwhere can I see the error log?13:03
andatcheI've tried with "--verbose" which spews a huge amount of information out, but nothing like the old "starting ......         [ OK ]" which I'd like13:03
alvinandatche: See bug 328881 and bug 54895413:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328881 in upstart "init: support logging of job output" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32888113:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548954 in upstart "Ubuntu servers should display information during boot by default" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54895413:07
alvinIn my experience, removing quiet and splash isn't adequate. You don't see the plymouth messages every time an error occurs and your system halts13:07
andatchealvin: thanks, re 548954, I've tried adding "nosplash" and still get nothing13:08
geekphreakquestion : what was the shortcut for xkill?13:15
om26eralt+sysrq+k ?13:16
geekphreakwhich is sysrq?13:16
bazhangprint screen13:16
geekphreakbazhang: nope that aint orking13:17
hylmananybody can help me? where can I see the boot log of the previous session?13:20
BUGabundo_remotethis is calm today13:26
* Crashbit bye!13:30
josiphello, I have just upgraded to lucid beta and there seem to be rpoblems with fglrx (can't get installed). Anyone familiar with this?13:33
josipit also broke apt-get http://pastebin.com/ePkeq1BE13:33
BluesKajHowdy folks13:35
josipanyone with an idea?13:39
holsteinhey josip13:41
josiphey hey13:41
holsteinis it one of these?13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546917 in fglrx-installer "fglrx fails to install in lucid (dup-of: 552782)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552782 in fglrx-installer "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: dpkg-divert: mismatch on package" [High,Fix released]13:42
holsteinthe second one then13:42
* holstein notices duplicate13:43
josipapt-get -f install13:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559587 in fglrx-installer "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/ati/signature', which is also in package xorg-driver-fglrx 2:8.721-0ubuntu8" [High,In progress]13:47
josipdoesn't seem to be solved13:47
holsteinBug #559587 seems to be a better fit13:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559587 in fglrx-installer "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/ati/signature', which is also in package xorg-driver-fglrx 2:8.721-0ubuntu8" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958713:48
* holstein agrees13:48
holsteinthey'll get it :)13:49
redmy numpad hasn't been working for past few days13:59
redany ideas what could cause it?13:59
redpressing zero on the numpad, wether num lock is on or off, starts some sort of "select" mode from cursors current position14:00
Bittarmanred, probably orca got turned on14:00
redpressing five does the same thing for the duration 5 is held14:00
redhow do I uninstall it? :p14:00
Bittarmansystem -> preferences -> assistive technologies14:00
redapt-get remove?14:00
Bittarmanuntick the enable button14:00
Picired: press ctrl-shift-numlock and see if that fixes it14:01
redhad pointer can be controlled from numpad on14:01
rednow it works :)14:01
redwhats the packages name?14:01
redwasn't orca - no need to load it up ever14:01
redi recall uninstalling it a few times from software manager but it keeps coming back with upgrades14:02
redso is there some way to mark it for no installation, ever?14:02
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:02
Picired: Removing it isnt going to stop that numpad behavior, thats an xorg feature iirc.14:02
Dr_WillisMouse moveing with numpad = Xorg feature. Correct14:03
redwell enabling it must have come thru some keybinding from orca :)14:03
redatleast i guess so14:03
Dr_WillisI forget the keybinding that enables/disables it.14:03
Picictrl-shift-num is the xorg keybinding that enables it, I remember using it long ago before I had ever used ubuntu14:04
RambJoedo the ati drivers work yet?14:11
Dr_Willisive heard peopel using them in here.. but no idea on what cards14:14
RambJoeok thanks14:15
TommyThaGunif I don't have and ATI or Radeon card, is it okay to remove the packages: xserver-xorg-video-radeon and xserver-xorg-video-ati ?14:17
TommyThaGunand I guess the same question for nv14:18
TommyThaGunthey came automatically installed, so I'm just wondering if there is something from them that is needed14:18
Dr_WillisI would leave stuff alone.14:19
patdk-wkTommyThaGun, no you don't need them, and could remove them14:19
patdk-wkbut most of the time things just generically depend on them14:19
patdk-wkso it's not easy14:19
TommyThaGunoh, got ya14:19
patdk-wkand overall, having them only wastes disk space14:19
patdk-wkand if I remember correctly, <1meg14:19
TommyThaGunso if its a depend thing then it's not worth it to try and remove them14:20
patdk-wkyou can try to apt-get remove them14:21
patdk-wkand see what all it attempts to wipe out :)14:21
Dr_Willisive seen too many systems trashed by people trying to remove stff they dident need..14:21
Dr_Willisare you that short of drive space?14:22
TommyThaGunI'm not too worried about trashing my system14:22
TommyThaGunin that, I don't think I will remove something that will trash it14:22
patdk-wkDr_Willis, dunno, never had an issue with removing things, and I remove everything I don't need14:22
Dr_Willistry removeing plymouth right now. :)14:22
patdk-wkbut then, if I trash it, I know how to fix it also14:22
TommyThaGunI just like things to be clean... sort of a case of disk space OCD14:23
TommyThaGunplymouth doesn't even work on my system for some reason14:23
TommyThaGunor it doesn't show14:23
TommyThaGunand then when Gnome loads, sometimes it gives me a crash that can't be reported14:23
quiritiuswhat's which this message during boot "broken pipe could not write bytes"? anybody knows?14:23
Dr_Willisquiritius:  yes ive seen it..14:24
TommyThaGunquiritius, I get the same thing14:24
thiebaudei have seen it also quiritius14:24
TommyThaGunwait... no! I didn't get it this time I booted14:24
Dr_Willisno idea why, or what its about. it gets fixed.. then breaks again a update later.. then gets fixed again14:24
Dr_WillisI got it when i rebooted earlier.. then i did a update got 200+mb of updates. :)14:24
Dr_Willisnot tried it since then14:24
alvinI have, fd0 read error, and then grub rescue>14:24
quiritiusit seems to vary from boot to boot. update or not...14:25
Dr_WillisYou even have a floppy disk?14:25
patdk-wkactually, removing xorg-video-radeon is easy, and frees up 2megs :)14:25
Dr_WillisNow ya got room for.. a whole.. nother mp3!14:25
patdk-wk1/4 of an mp3 :)14:26
Dr_WillisYou are leet and 192+rates :)14:26
Dr_Willisor listen to Looooong songs.14:26
patdk-wkonly do 320kbit14:26
Dr_WillisI ermber when 192 was 'high end' :)14:26
patdk-wkI only put it into mp3 format for *compatability*14:26
patdk-wkotherwise it's uncompressed :)14:26
Dr_WillisI rember when it took hours+ to rip a cd to mp3. :)  the Pent 100 days!14:27
patdk-wkI remember making mpegs in 24hours for 2hour movie14:27
Dr_WillisI wonder whatever happened to that one feature where the file manager whold show a audio cd as mp3's and wav's and flacs14:27
Dr_WillisI dont even recall if it was a KDE feature or a Gnome one.14:28
alvinok, i disabled floppy support in the BIOS. Now grub doesn't find any disk.14:28
alvinIt booted once, then I took a snapshot of a volume, and rebooted. No booting anymore. Can something be done in that 'grub rescue>' thing?14:28
alvin(Yes, there is a floppy disk.)14:29
alvinerror: fd0 read error.14:30
alvinerror: no such disk.14:30
Dr_Willisi recall some default grub option that can cause issues.14:30
Dr_WillisHmm.. see if your /boot/grub/grub.cfg has lines like -->14:30
Dr_Willis search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set e44da18d-9ed6-4fb8-9e1a-5c415af594d414:31
alvinI can't get into that file. Holding shift at boot doesn't work either. These messages appear right after 'GRUB loading'. (mdamd RAID1 here)14:32
Dr_WillisI seem to recall someone else that had issues wth the --no-floppy   default options14:32
Dr_Willisraid? Hmm no idea on using raid.14:32
alvinIt might even be related to the snapshot. I wanted to test if I could boot when there is a snapshots somewhere. My other computers have troubles with that.14:32
lastelement0hey everyone, i have 10.04 installed on my desktop fully updated. i can connect to the internet just fine, but when i try to download files, it will just stall. but i am still connected and able to use IM and browse the web. what could be the cause?14:33
alvinThe boot issues of Lucid are pretty severe at this stage. I hope it gets sorted out before release and don't mind waiting for that.14:33
TommyThaGunI've booted fine from the beginning14:34
TommyThaGunactually, with the the latest kernel update, 5 seconds were shaved off of boot time and shutdown time14:35
TommyThaGunbut, I know that's not the case with all systems14:35
alvinWell, I have to admit you have to use technologies like LVM (or NFS in karmic) in order to have issues. But the issues are sever for server users14:35
sealviewhi guys. I have a problem with Lucid, my display is making like an old TVBox when a program is not well tunned, is flickering, and shaking, does any one know anything about this?14:35
alvinMaybe it's a bit blunt, but I don't care about boot time. I care about being able to boot.14:35
TommyThaGunright, I suppose I would too if I wasn't able to boot14:37
TommyThaGunsealview, does hitting the side of the screen fix it?14:37
TommyThaGunI used to do that to my TV and it worked fine14:37
sealviewyeah,but that one didn't had LED tech in it, right?14:38
TommyThaGunno, it was definitely CRT14:38
sealviewnow really it's very frustrating, I can't do much this way14:39
TommyThaGunwhat sort of programs is it sealview ?14:39
TommyThaGunor is it doing it all the time?14:39
LivenDieIs everyone else having problems with Plymouth?14:40
TommyThaGunI m LivenDie14:40
TommyThaGunI still have yet to see this mysterious "Plymouth" I keep hearing about14:40
sealviewafter it boots and enters the X.org (I presume) or Plymouth it starts flickering and shaking all the time till shutdown14:40
TommyThaGunI can confirm that it exists, since I have received an error on it's behalf14:41
TommyThaGunbut that's all LivenDie14:41
LivenDieTwo weeks until release...I hope this is fixed14:41
LivenDieIt works fine on initial install but when I install the Nvidia drivers, it breaks14:41
Dr_WillisPlymouth is like the biggest problem ;) ive seen in a long time14:41
chuckfI'm running into a network problem on beta2 with my dell mini9. Wireless doesn't seem to work at all and the wired network picks up an IP but cannot seem to get beyond the local network. Prior to this install it worked just fine.14:42
TommyThaGunmaybe they're trying to keep Plymouth secret14:42
sealviewgotta restart 'n' get back to see if there's any change14:42
TommyThaGunspeaking of Plymouth, I just removed a bunch of junk from my system, so I need make sure it doesn't crash on reboot.14:43
lastelement0hey everyone, i have 10.04 installed on my desktop fully updated. i can connect to the internet just fine, but when i try to download files, it will just stall. but i am still connected and able to use IM and browse the web. what could be the cause?14:43
TommyThaGunis it in Firefox?14:43
TommyThaGunwait, sorry, gotta go14:43
sealviewno change with the latest updates14:44
thiebaudebug 55231614:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in linux "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231614:46
TommyThaGunI had broken pipes that time14:47
alvinunknown command 'boot' (... long live the grub2 beta rescue documentation)14:48
sealviewthis is crazy14:49
sealviewthe flickering and shaking has slowed down14:49
sealviewTommyThaGun: I think you're right about kicking the screen14:50
sealviewthe screen got scared :)14:50
* alvin is off to the noc to reinstall14:54
TommyThaGunhttp://j.imagehost.org/0799/Screenshot_5.png    <------ Plymouth14:54
TommyThaGunthat's all I've seen of it this far14:54
TommyThaGunsorry sealview, I don't know too much about troubleshooting video issues. All I can suggest is to apt-get update, clean, and then reinstall the drivers14:56
LivenDieTommyThaGun, yea, I've seen a lot of that too14:57
sealviewTommyThaGun: Thanks anyway14:57
=== ricotz is now known as ricotz_
Dimmuxxthat crash happens on one of my computers too14:58
DimmuxxI usually don't see plymouth at all on it anyways14:58
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz
TommyThaGungiganto bug report for plymouth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/55374514:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553745 in plymouth "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [High,Fix committed]14:59
Dr_WillisYea i see the whole obsession with Plymouth a litle weird.. when my system boots so fast  i barely have time to get soda and sit down15:00
Dimmuxxyeah it should just be dropped imho15:00
TommyThaGunyeah, I'm with you Dr_Willis15:00
TommyThaGunalthough, I think this latest update slowed it down a bit15:01
DimmuxxI always see it on my netbook but it experience the fsck lock15:01
alvinI started to get that 'MS Windows admin' feeling and decided against reinstall. Used the rescue on the install disk to remove the snapshot. Now, boot gets further.15:01
Dr_Willisyea  - at least the fsck screen now looks nicer. :)15:01
abuayyoub Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me. I just installed lucid a couple days ago and I seem to be having a problem with audio threw HDMI. not sure what the problem is, video works perfect but no sound at all over HDMI15:01
alvinYou are lucky. I'm still trying to get it to boot.15:01
Strife89What file contains the listing for grub? I wish to edit the name of an entry.15:02
Strife89Windows Vista somehow got listed as "Windows Recovery Console."15:02
* Strife89 just installed Lucid beta 2, mainly for testing.15:02
TommyThaGunUrgent Recall of PowerStrips and Extension Cords: http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml10/10184.html15:03
ryecould somebody please visit http://wiki.openvz.org/Download/template/precreated and check whether you have all glyphs in the list properly rendered. It looks like some font problem to me15:03
kklimondalooks fine here15:04
ryehm... Terminus font breaks here...15:04
ryekklimonda, do you have Terminus installed?15:04
abuayyoublooks good to me15:04
abuayyoubAnyone else have this HDMI problem ?15:05
abuayyoubwith Lucid?15:05
alvin /facepalm The graphical stuff was taken out on ubuntu-server (hurray!), but when plymouth now says ([Something] went wrong... press S to skip, etc...) you now do not see a) what went wrong b) what your options are.15:05
kklimondarye: surprisingly not :)15:05
ryealvin, we have an intel board with integrated video as a server, upon boot framebuffer switch scares the video board and _nothing_ is displayed...15:07
abuayyoubHello, I was wondering if someone could help me. I just installed lucid a couple days ago and I seem to be having a problem with audio threw HDMI. not sure what the problem is, video works perfect but no sound at all over HDMI15:08
alvinWhoa, sounds scary15:10
Dr_Willisabuayyoub:  and whats the video card/chipset?15:10
gnomefreakYAY! i lost X :)15:11
underdevhi, does anyone else have problems with notifications in lucid15:11
Dr_Willisunderdev:  not really - i see them all the time15:11
* gnomefreak wouldnt know15:11
Dr_WillisI just did a update.  so it may be a new issue15:11
alvinWell, my suspicion is confirmed. I pressed 'M' when plymouth halted for a long time without giving an error, then typed 'mount -a' to mount the not-detected drives. Then I rebooted and everything went fine. A few reboots later, everything was still fine. Then I decided to be bold and create another snapshot. Bamf, again the grub rescue shell.15:11
abuayyoubDr_Willis I'm not sure. Is there a way to check which one I have?15:11
Dr_Willisabuayyoub:  check lspci output15:12
Dr_Willisabuayyoub:  check the pc's manual ? :)15:12
underdevDr_Willis: did you have to configure anything special to get notifications to work?15:12
abuayyoubDr_Willis lol you're supposed to read those things?> lol15:12
Dr_Willisunderdev:  nope. I see notifications from weechat, and firefox, and other thingsd all the time15:12
underdevDr_Willis: oic- do you use the social apps that come with 10.04?  like qwibber and empathy?15:13
abuayyoubDr_Willis http://pastebin.com/qbBckLWF15:14
sealviewStrangest thing, as I said my screen is flickering and shaking like the display freqvency is mised configured, but is doing the same if I hit Ctrl + Alt + F1, what is wrrong here?15:14
abuayyoubDr_Willis looks like ATI Radeon15:14
sealviewI also have ATI Mobility radeon on my notebook15:15
abuayyoubsealview, I;m using a Sony Vaio, do you have problems with HDMI audio as well?15:16
gnomefreakisnt ATI still broke?15:16
underdevi'm good on ati15:16
underdevintegrated sound + video15:16
sealviewabuayyoub: no, right now I'm listening a radio station15:16
underdevrunning compiz like a chap15:16
Dr_WillisHDMI integerated is often a issue with many cards/xd it seems15:17
underdevor a champ, even15:17
abuayyoubman this really sucks. lol I dont wanna give up my 32"15:17
Dr_Willisrun some normal audio cables.15:17
abuayyoubDr_Willis: My laptop dosent really have any ports to support that.15:18
Dr_Willisit dosent have Headhpone outs?15:18
abuayyoubyea, it has headphone out.15:18
abuayyoubbut that wouldnt work with my TV15:19
sealviewI give up! I'll do a fresh install of 9.1015:20
underdevquitter :)15:21
sealviewdon't like it, but have no clue how to trobleshoot this issue15:21
underdevyeah, i understand15:21
Dr_WillisHmm.. My tv's all have audio ins....15:21
underdev9.10 is solid as a rock15:21
Dr_WillisThe point of a beta test is to find  and report bugs..15:22
gnomefreakstart by filing a bug and/or look in ubuntuforums if no one here can help15:22
alvinNo, it certainly isn't.15:22
sealviewand it si anoing to not see well what you are "Desktoping"15:22
Dr_WillisI would not be suprised if this gets delayed a few days or more.  But we will see.15:22
alvinI'm hoping lucid will fix some of the critical issues karmic has15:22
abuayyoubDr_Willis: you have not come across this problem before? Dosen't seem like it should be a big issue. Then again I always seem to find some tiny unresolvable glitch when I use Linux. :(15:23
underdevunlike windows, which runs like a dream ;/15:24
Dr_WillisI have heard of a great many peoople that have issues with HDMI audio out.  I think the nvidia chipset has similer issues with specific  driver/cards15:24
* Dr_Willis watches his windows drive defrag for 2 days....15:24
geniiLuckily mine works OK15:25
underdevor a nightmare.. you know.. that's a dream too15:25
Dr_Willisbye all.. bbl15:25
sealviewKarmik since Alpha3 was working great on my notebook compared with Lucid15:27
sealviewI also need to work with Quickshot for Ubuntu-Manual but is impossible, so I will install a VM on 9.10 an use it from there15:29
ubuntujenkinssealview: quickshot will only work on lucid15:29
sealviewyes, i know, but I'll install it on a virtual machine15:30
ubuntujenkinssealview: you need to be able to set the virtual machine to 1024x768, btw15:30
sealviewubuntujenkins: I have a lot of space left15:31
z0rtdid someone just say windows runs like a dream!?15:31
abuayyoubz0rt lol15:32
ubuntujenkinssealview: fair enough15:32
abuayyoubI have to admit tho, Windows 7 is ALMOST decent15:33
coc0nutNah, it's good.15:33
abuayyoubat least it was for the first 2 months I had it now it's nearly unresponsive.15:33
abuayyoubI do love the superbar tho15:33
coc0nutApart from it being disgusting proprietary software, it's a very nice operating system.15:33
abuayyoubI agree. What happened? Microsoft actually started putting out decent things over the last year or two.15:34
TommyThaGunI'm interested to see the courier15:34
z0rtthey did!?!?!?!15:34
coc0nutThey started listening to people because they realised their profits weren't as monumental as before.15:34
TommyThaGunhaven't you seen the commercials? those girls told them what to do.15:35
abuayyoubim dreaming about the Courier ipad can eat one.15:35
coc0nutNo, I'm not in the US and I don't watch TV anyway. ^^15:36
z0rtis a courier an ipad not made by apple running some flavour of linux?15:36
abuayyoubZ0rt It's a duel screen "book" made by M$ and it looks amazing15:37
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.15:37
z0rtso it's an oversized ds lite running windows? can you root it?15:38
coc0nutPici: When people start asking for help, I'm sure others will oblige.15:38
abuayyoubz0rt: haha yea thats basically it. lol15:38
z0rtthis thing looks pretty15:39
abuayyoubz0rt: yea, the concept video is dreamy15:40
z0rti'm watching that now15:40
PiciWe'd prefer if people stayed on-topic in our channels, thats why we separate them.15:40
abuayyoubif they manage to release something half as cool I will be duly impressed.15:40
z0rtsoz m815:40
abuayyoubpici sorry,15:41
PiciFeel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic and talk about this there :)15:41
abuayyoubPici: Can you help me with an audio over HDMI problem?15:41
abuayyoubno audio over hdmi running lucid15:41
abuayyoubbig pain15:41
coc0nutIs there a bug on Launchpad?15:41
Piciabuayyoub: I haven't updated to lucid on the one computer that I do audio over hdmi on :/15:42
coc0nutWhat version is that one computer running?15:43
PiciKarmic, I'm using the fglrx driver.15:43
coc0nutIn terms of seeing native support in Ubuntu, the HDMI audio patches are expected to be pulled into the 2.6.34 kernel, so you won't see working HDMI audio in Lucid/10.04 unless you run a backported 2.6.34 kernel with it (Ubuntu plans to offer backported kernels for Lucid).15:44
abuayyoubI have another problem. Is there a way to install Flash on AMD64?15:44
coc0nutabuayyoub: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer15:44
abuayyoubcoc0nut you're awesome thank you15:45
coc0nutNo problem at all.15:45
h00kabuayyoub: another method is to look for it in the Ubuntu Software Center15:45
coc0nutOh yeah, that too.15:45
coc0nutUsed to using the command line here. =/15:45
h00kcoc0nut: me too15:46
z0rt|workme three15:46
abuayyoubh00k: yea I looked ther and it crashed every time15:46
abuayyoubthen i got an error message saying Adobe didnt support amd64 :O15:47
coc0nutIf you're looking for something and can't use Ubuntu Software Centre, try Synaptic15:47
coc0nutif that doesn't work, you can use: aptitude search15:47
aphid_I'm running 10.4b2 Netbook Remix on a Thinkpad X40.  One of the updates between  alpha 3 and beta 2 has killed the performance of the default "3d" launcher.  it's really slow and laggy just in the launcher.15:49
UrdaRedirected from #ubuntu ... In YOH is 10.04 pretty stable to upgrade to now from 9.10 for a heavy user15:49
coc0nutUrda: It really depends15:49
coc0nutSome people find it unstable, others don't15:49
coc0nutFor me, it's perfectly stable, but it's different for everyone =/15:49
Urdacoc0nut: and I assume it is a one shot deal, once your up your up15:49
coc0nutI guess so15:50
coc0nutalthough I haven't upgraded, just installed fresh15:50
coc0nutThe only Ubuntu upgrade I ever did was from Dapper to Edgy and that destroyed everything, so I said never again ;)15:50
Urdacoc0nut: do you have a lot of packages installed?15:51
coc0nutOn Lucid?15:51
alvinUrda: It depends on what software you are using. I'm currently testing what happens if you use lvm and it's a disaster. For most desktop users, I'd say that it is useable.15:51
alvinOf course, I'm using lvm on a desktop...15:52
z0rt|worklucid netbook remix is working quite well on my aspire one15:52
coc0nutIs your CPU fan working?15:52
Urdaalvin: I'm dual booting Win 7 pro and Ubuntu 9.10 x64 through GRBU215:53
z0rt|worksure is15:53
alvinThe only issues I have with grub2 (beta) is that it doesn't find my root device from time to time until I reboot a few times. Let's not forget that grub2 is still in beta and not ready for production yet.15:54
coc0nutIsn't grub2 installed by default now?15:54
alvinIt is, but I quote the developers: "GRUB 2 is the next generation of GNU GRUB. GRUB 2 is a complete rewrite and is at a developmental phase"15:56
alvinNotice the "developmental phase"15:56
albertitoHi! I've upgraded to lucid and hit a very annoying X-crashing bug (560899), which I reported, but has got no feedback. I tried to provide all the information I thought relevant. Is there anything I can do to get someone to look at it? I don't mind testing patches or things of the sort, but unfortunately starting to debug this from scratch would take me a huge amount of time15:56
z0rt|workgrub2 is super awesome and will change the world15:56
alvinOne day, yes. Right now, it doesn't find my root enough15:56
Urdaalvin: Hmmm, I loved grub 2 when booting up :) Has handled my Windows 7 Pro x64 and Ubuntu 9.10 x64 just fine. I had Windows installed first, resized my drive, and installed 9.10 last November15:57
UrdaI love*15:57
ZykoticK9bug #56089915:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560899 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "After upgrading to Lucid, xorg exits after a couple of minutes" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56089915:57
coc0nutalbertito: I submitted a pretty severe bug report for a package last week and nobody has had a look at it yet. I don't think there's any way to speed up the process15:58
alvingrub-legacy could do that already. I'm just worried about bug 360378. I'm not sure if it still is in Lucid, but all my Lucid installs are very unstable because of lvm.15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360378 in linux "Gave up waiting for root device after upgrade then busybox console" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36037815:58
albertitococ0nut: I don't mind if the maintainers have other things to do. I just don't want it to be my fault, that is, I prefer to send all the information they may need so they have it available when they have time to take a look at it. However, my main problem is that I don't know what that would be :S16:00
alvinbug 560899, right?16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560899 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "After upgrading to Lucid, xorg exits after a couple of minutes" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56089916:00
albertitoalvin: yes, that's the one16:00
alvinnothing in /var/log/kern.log ?16:02
albertitoalvin: dmesg showed nothing, no16:02
albertitoalvin: well, nothing suspicious or unusual, that is16:02
alvinHmm, a user in my network here has seen kubuntu (kdm) crash yesterday in karmic. Just went back to kdm. There was, however, a segfault at the end of dmesg.16:03
CT1Hi. I have a wedding dvd I want to convert to avi/xvid/divx (and possibly edit)  Could someone point me to a howto or let me know what packages I need (with GUI utils preferably).  Please excuse me if #ubuntu+1 is not the right place to ask and let me know where I should look/ask16:03
alvinBut you installed the debugging packages. Let's wait and see. Did you also enable apport in /etc/default/apport?16:04
alvinIf you did, there might be some files in /var/crash16:04
kklimondadoes 10.04 support upstream nvidia installer yet?16:05
ZykoticK9bjsnider, ^^^ if you're around can you answer above?16:06
albertitoalvin: well, there's a problem with the symbols, as I mentioned in the last comment (also reported it, bug 562418). I didn't do anything about apport by hand, but service apport status reports it as "start/running", although /var/crash is empty16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562418 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core-dbg debug symbols mismatch" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56241816:06
scott_ino2anybody in here use transcode/dvdrip? Need people to follow up on a bug and report that it affects you too.16:13
m0arI want help changing my splash (plymouth) theme, anyone?16:13
CT1scott_ino2: Did you see my previous chat? If so, are those packages what I need?16:14
iconmefistom0ar: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth16:14
iconmefistom0ar: then sudo update-initramfs -u16:14
scott_ino2CT1, ha well umm... perhaps i can help you16:14
m0ariconmefisto: Where do I set the theme of preference then?16:15
scott_ino2CT1, what format is the original video?16:15
iconmefistom0ar: the first command will let you choose from a list16:15
CT1scott_ino2: It's a dvd from the wedding photographer(plays in my dvd player, has vobs etc)16:15
m0ariconmefisto: It says it has only one active link16:15
iconmefistom0ar: have you installed any other themes?16:16
scott_ino2CT1, install k9copy, it can easily transcode to xvid,mkv h264 etc... using mencoder or ffmpeg16:16
iconmefistom0ar: apt-cache search plymouth-theme16:16
m0ariconmefisto: I've got this space-solar theme, which contains two .ogv files16:16
scott_ino2CT1, dvdrip has a little more control, however it uses transcode and there are issues witht he newest transcode package on 64 bit16:17
iconmefistom0ar: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth   should give you a list of installed themes, and allows you to choose one16:17
RambJoeanyone on beta 2?16:17
m0ariconmefisto: So, where should I put those files if I might want to use them? :)16:17
RambJoeis it worth upgrading to over beta 116:18
iconmefistom0ar: don't know. where did you get that theme?16:19
arandRambJoe: beta versions are not separate, if you have lucid you have whatever the current version is.16:19
m0ariconmefisto: Oops, last one is wrong16:19
m0ariconmefisto: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/ubuntu-lucid-plymouth-theme-idea-space.html16:20
m0arthere it is16:20
RambJoedoes it auto update then16:20
PiciRambJoe: Assuming that you've been update/upgrading, of course.16:20
arandRambJoe: Provided you have applied updates normally.16:20
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:20
RambJoethanks :)16:20
RambJoeyeah the message icon in the rop right turning green is s new feature right?16:20
m0ariconmefisto: I was wondering, if it's just an idea or if you actually can use .ogv files as bootsplash16:21
iconmefistom0ar: those are videos showing what the animation looks like16:22
topylihrm. upgrading epiphany still wants to remove epiphany-extension, which i'm not very keen to do :(16:22
RambJoeso when the final is released do i need to reinstall?16:22
m0ariconmefisto: So you can't use .ogv's as splashes?  Dammit, since it's looks hot16:22
arandRambJoe: Not unless you want to, or that it has messed up in some way along the route16:23
iconmefistom0ar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9118417#post911841716:24
RambJoeok thanks16:24
z0rt|work200MB of updates since this morning, i love it! :)16:27
dupondjeMy system booted today and did an fsck, but it stopped @ 78% and did nothing anymore, had to reboot16:29
aviscrimsun, might you be working on some alsa modules for the newer kernels ?16:31
avisjust wondering.  no pressure16:31
Volkodavdo you think I can pair these over bluetooth with mu ubuntu box ?  http://www.bluetechguy.com/proddetail.php?prod=B250XT&gclid=CPCIpIqQ7Z0CFcNx5Qod3SHsKg116:34
m0ariconmefisto: Oh, thanks a bunch16:43
nerdy_kidmy virtual terminals are crooked17:06
nerdy_kidi can see the login text at the bottom right corner of my screen....17:06
nerdy_kidusing NVIDIA 8600M with latest drivers (from nvidia)17:06
jameswfAnyone seen an issue with routing to addresses... I had to add a route as it was not in my routing table17:06
nerdy_kid_i got it fixed by adding "vga=0x314" to my kernel boot params :)17:14
yofelvga=... is deprecated in grub217:14
Dr_WillisYep. Check the /etc/default/grub file I think - it shows how to change the default res17:15
yofelnot quite, it has instructions for GFXMODE, but that only sets the grub menu resolution, for the framebuffer you need to set 'GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX' as explained on the grub2 wiki page17:16
Dr_Willisi normally want to disable framebuffer on my consoles. :)17:19
avisanyway to enable kernel output in lieu of any splash ?17:19
iconmefistoavis: remove "splash" from kernel line in grub17:20
aviscould you point to the file for me ?17:20
Dr_Willisi always edit it to be 'nosplash' :) but i think that has the same affect.17:20
avisi dont do much grub editing17:20
Dr_Willis edit the /etc/default/grub file I think for the default options17:21
avisthank you17:21
iconmefistoavis: and after that, sudo update-grub17:21
Dr_Willissee the !grub2 docs for more info.17:21
aviswhile i'm on the same topic, any way to make grub menu visible instead of holding shift ?17:22
iconmefistoavis: same file17:22
=== sean is now known as Guest61577
Dr_Willissee the !grub2 docs for more info.17:22
Guest61577does anyone know how to install new system sounds in lucid?17:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:22
iconmefistoavis: just remember sudo update-grub after editing it17:22
LivenDie is anyone else having problems using the restricted nvidia drivers in Lucid?17:24
agronholmnot me17:24
aviswill envyng-gtk be brought into the repo at some point ?17:25
Dr_WillisLivenDie:  not that ive seen. I updated yesterday, itw working.. updated today.. not rebooted yet.17:25
Dr_Willisrebooting other nvidia box now.17:25
LivenDieI'm going to try it again.  It was just showing all 3 versions as active in the hardware drivers app17:26
LivenDieill reboot and be back17:26
bbordwellavis, feature freeze was back in February so no not for lucid17:26
aviswiki.ubuntu.com wont resolve for me, and i've tried many times17:26
avisthanks bbordwell17:26
Piciavis: Its having issues today.17:26
avisi'll figure it out some other day17:27
Guest61577I am wondering how to install new sounds for my lucid17:27
bbordwellavis, When they start development on Maverick file a packaging request bug on launchpad for the program you want packaged17:27
avisi'm sure if i wont somebody else will17:27
bbordwellGuest61577, new sounds? like the login sound?17:28
Dr_Willisweird. my default window manager for this user.. is not getting rembered. :)17:29
Guest61577yes I downloaded a pack of sounds from gnome-look.org, but there are no instructions on how to install them17:29
Dr_Willisupdated rebooted.. nvidia drivers working on my Nvidia 5500 box.17:29
bbordwellGuest61577, give me a minute i will give it a look17:29
Guest61577okay thank you17:29
cleiferanybody know how i can go back from the 2.6.5 python that comes with lucid to 2.6.2 ?17:30
Guest61577here is the link of the specific sound pack that I am talking about http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4412617:30
bbordwellGuest61577, okay i think i figured it out.17:31
bbordwellGuest61577, the thing you downloaded is a .tar right?17:31
Guest61577its a .tar.gz17:32
LivenDiewell...that didn't work.  It was working before when I installed the drivers off of nvidia's site but the hardware drivers supplied by Ubuntu don't work.17:32
Guest61577when you open it, its another file, and then within that other file is a bunch of .mp3 s17:32
bbordwellGuest61577, okay open a terminal and type this comand "gksu nautilus"17:32
DarkauraI can boot up the Live cd of Lucid Lynx beta 2, but when I install and reset it freezes at the ubuntu splash screen. I've tried looking it up but I have'nt been able to find anything. Are there any ideas on what I could do to fix it?17:33
avisfor some reason i get no splash removing that, but no text output either.  and the grub2 ubuntu wiki is down17:33
om26erI have been facing a problem for 7days and now I have found that its compiz. but now its too late so Lucid with compiz for me?17:33
Guest61577okay done17:33
NinoScriptI want to mount a partition but changing the uid/gid, I know my filesystem supports uid=n gid=n in mount, I just don't know how to put those options :(  ———  mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac  <— where do I put those options? the file system is HFS+ (hfsplus)17:33
bbordwellGuest61577, okay cut and paste the extracted tar into /usr/share/sounds17:34
* om26er thinks compiz is moving him to mutter sooner than he thought.17:34
Piciom26er: It depends what the compiz issue is17:35
OxymoronDoes somebody know if there is any server or PHP "support" talking channel anywhere on freenode? :)17:35
avisOxymoron, probably, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic17:36
OxymoronI want to ask regarding a bug with newline character in PHP 5.3.217:36
avisxchat also has a list filter17:36
Guest61577the sounds in the /usr/share/sounds end in ogg though is that going to matter?17:36
om26erafter a usage of 40-50 minutes my harddrive light becomes mad so I have to kill X and then login again. This happens once in an hour17:36
Dr_Willis -o (or was it -O) option1, option2, iption317:36
CT1Very happy with the quality of ubuntu and the community support.  One thing though.  I wan't to drag-n-drop with right ("wrong") click and have an option to move/copy etc...  is there a wish-list? Is ubuntu the place to ask for this feature? is it a gnome "limitation" or is it nautilus?17:36
Dr_WillisCT1:  for gnome? use the alt, shift, and ctrl keys as you drag/drop17:37
bbordwellGuest61577, should not as long as you have the codecs installed to play mp3 fiels17:37
Dr_WillisCT1:  check the gnome docs/help guides for other not so obvious features. and the new ubuntu manual for 10.0417:37
CT1Dr_Willis: Wow. As I said, great community support! Just what I wanted.  Many thanks17:37
Guest61577i have codecs but then how do I make my system play those sounds instead of the ubuntu sounds?17:38
Dr_WillisCT1:   i discovered that one day while skimming the gnome docs. :)  (yes i was bored)17:38
strutsWhile trying to fix dead keys not working, I screwed up (not sure how). Is it possible to restore all keyboard conf files to their state just after a fresh install?17:38
DarkauraI can boot up the Live cd of Lucid Lynx beta 2, but when I install and reset it freezes at the ubuntu splash screen. I've tried looking it up but I have'nt been able to find anything. Are there any ideas on what I could do to fix it?17:38
Dr_Willisstruts:  proberly can. but it would depend on what files you altereed17:38
cleiferanybody able to help me go from the default 2.6.5 python in lucid to 2.6.2 from karmic ?17:39
bbordwellGuest61577, okay now go to system>preferences>sound17:39
bbordwellGuest61577, then select your new sound theme17:39
* om26er tried xorg edgers17:39
strutsDr_Willis: That would be a good question. I have a feeling "sudo im-switch -s default" did some damage.17:40
Guest61577under the sound theme I only have ubuntu and then no sounds17:40
Dr_Willisstruts:  ive never used that command. so no idea17:40
bbordwellGuest61577, hmm it worked for me when i just did it. can you give me the link to the theme you downloaded17:40
strutsDr_Willis: Nevertheless, restoring conf files is not the important thing; I need a fresh start -- but don't want to reformat.17:41
claptrapSo, searching for certain words on any search engine in any browser crashes that browser: The words so far are "weather", "clock" and one other one that I don't remember just now.17:41
bbordwellGuest61577, the one i downloaded had a file called index.theme I think that you need that17:43
Dr_Willisclaptrap:  exactly how are you searching? going to google.com? or useing the searh box in the browser top right?17:43
claptrapclaptrap: Both, and many, many more.17:43
Guest61577so then the one that I donwloaded wont work then?  I need to find one that says index.theme?17:43
claptrapDr_Willis: Both, and many, many more.17:43
Dr_Willisclaptrap:  i cant repeate the problem here.17:44
Dr_Willisclaptrap:  make a nes user. see if it affects them17:44
Dr_Willisa New user :017:44
claptrapDr_Willis: Guess I can try that a bit later on. Can't log out just now, though.17:45
bbordwellGuest61577, you need to find one that has a file called index.theme or something similar. I am sure you can make that theme work but I do not know how right now, I will look and see though17:45
Dr_WillisIt would be very weird if it affects several different browsers17:45
Guest61577okay thank you17:45
claptrapDr_Willis: It does affect different browsers.17:45
claptrapDr_Willis: So far it affects Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Seamonkey.17:46
Dr_WillisI would be tempted to say test a live cd.. and see if it  there17:46
bbordwellGuest61577, I am not seeing a way to change each sound individually which you would have to do to use those sounds. I would try and find another theme that will work.17:46
Guest61577okay thank you17:47
claptrapDr_Willis: As mentioned, too, it's not just Google. I've tried Bing, Yahoo and some random no-name search engine.17:48
AceKingDoes anyone know if Magicjack is going to work in 10.04?17:48
cleiferanybody able to help me go from the default 2.6.5 python in lucid to 2.6.2 from karmic ?17:50
Dr_Willisclaptrap:  run  the browsers from terminal,m check for  error messages. I cant imagine what would be crashing them all17:50
bbordwellcleifer, I can i think17:50
Dr_WillisAceKing:  i would be very suprised if Wine suddendly started working with magicjack17:50
avisubuntuone wouldn't happen to have a cross platform client would it ?  i'm using dropbox17:50
JMFTheVCIClaptrap: Not seeing this on my system either. (Chromium & Google or Bing)17:50
claptrapI figure it's something I must have installed, but I can't figure out what it would be. My main suspects were AWN and Gnome-do, but I've closed both to no avail.17:51
bbordwellcleifer, it looks like python in karmic is 2.6.417:52
cleiferi guess i mean jaunty17:52
claptrapDr_Willis: Termninal returned nada; it's not even acting like it's closed. And in fact, System Monitor shows Seamonkey sleeping in the processes.17:52
cleiferbbordwell, i have been leery to try much since so much in ubuntu depends on python - i could of course compile the source for 2.6.2 and just use that i guess, but wondered if i could do it w/apt17:53
bbordwellcleifer, packages.ubuntu.com17:53
cleiferbbordwell, yah i'm aware of that site17:54
bbordwellcleifer, well basicly you can go there and download the .deb files from jaunty and as long as you can get all the dependencies right you can downgrade17:55
cleiferbbordwell, word17:55
cleiferthank you sir17:55
TommyThaGunanyone used bootchart before?17:55
bbordwellcleifer, python might not be possible or very difficult though.17:56
bbordwellTommyThaGun, once a while ago17:56
TommyThaGunwhen you install it, do you just have to reboot your comp for it to run?17:56
cleiferyeah, i may just compile it and symlink it where i need it17:56
Dr_WillisIve had differnt vbersions of python befor.. but it was like 2.5 and 2.6  not 2.6.x  and 2.6.x+117:57
bbordwellTommyThaGun, I think so, it stores an image file somewhere i can not remember where though, look at that image and you can see the boot proccess17:57
TommyThaGunbrb then17:57
PiciTommyThaGun: Yes. It sticks the boot charts into /var/log/bootchart/17:57
AceKingThanks, Dr_Willis. I seen there was a way to use Virtualbox running XP, but you have to do something to get USB ports to be seen only by Windows17:57
bbordwellcleifer, yes you will have to uninstall current versions of python before you can install the ones you are downloading17:57
cleiferyeah, screw it, i'll build it17:58
Dr_WillisAceKing:  the VBOX from the vbox homepage can use USB stuff. not the one in the repos.17:58
cleiferthanks for the help bbordwell !17:58
bbordwellTommyThaGun, /var/log/bootchart17:58
AceKingDr_Willis, Thanks! I didn't know that17:58
bbordwellTommyThaGun, that is where it will be17:58
lunksHi, I just noticed Ubuntu has added support for iPhone/iPod Touch on Rythmbox, is it correct?17:58
thehumanelementEvince keeps opening up small, not maximised how I left it18:00
thehumanelementalso it forgets to close the sidebar which I don't ever use and never want to see again18:00
mc44lunks: it depends what you mean by "support"18:00
thehumanelementit only remembers for particular files18:00
thehumanelementPDF files18:00
lunksmc44, copy and write music files18:00
mc44lunks: copy from yes, write no18:01
lunksmc44, oh it's just that it allows me to copy, but doesn't show up on my iPod18:01
bbordwellthehumanelement, I do not see a way to change it18:03
thehumanelementwell it didn't do that in 9.1018:04
thehumanelementand now every time I start Evince it's small and in the top left corner, not maximised18:04
thehumanelementpretty ridiculous really18:04
bbordwellthehumanelement, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/54463918:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544639 in evince "evince doesn't remember the window size" [Low,Triaged]18:04
Dr_WillisYou could make compiz force its size.18:05
thehumanelementso, it will be fixed at some point?18:06
bbordwellthehumanelement, that is the idea18:06
bbordwellthehumanelement, not everything gets fixed though18:06
thehumanelementcool, also the DVD playback has all gone to shit18:06
bbordwellthehumanelement, I thought they got it working but i have not tried18:07
thehumanelementI realised this when I switched to an older, slower computer with 9.04 on it, and it worked really really well with the same disc18:07
bbordwellthehumanelement, what is the problem you are having with them?18:07
thehumanelementrandom freezing, menus not working, stuff like that18:07
thehumanelementalso, tearing18:07
bbordwellthehumanelement, hmm it is working fine for me18:08
thehumanelementsince 10.04, the graphics driver is better somehow, in that now all the fancy eye-candy crap works on my ThinkPad with an R100 based Radeon in it18:08
thehumanelementnow this window is just jumping from side to side18:08
bbordwellthehumanelement, have you tried VLC?18:08
thehumanelementas I type18:08
thehumanelementyeah, I tried VLC, it wasn't much better18:08
Dr_Willisbeen using vlc as my main player for the last 3 releases.  - not really had any issues18:09
TommyThaGun_33.75 seconds: http://j.imagehost.org/view/0269/spidersense-lucid-20100414-1 I suppose I'm happy with that.18:09
bbordwellthehumanelement, maybe it is the disk drive, vlc uses an entirely different system to play DVDs so if you have having problems with it on both it sounds like a hardware problem18:10
thehumanelementanyway, since DRI or whatever works properly on my graphics card, the DVD playback comes with a weird regular step pattern tearing across the video18:10
thehumanelementno, VLC sucks in a different way18:10
thehumanelementnow I can't make this window less wide to stop it jumping around18:10
thehumanelementugh, got it18:10
JEEBsvVLC is bad with H.264 seeking at least18:10
JEEBsvBut DVDs shouldn't have that18:11
thehumanelementyeah, VLC was having DVD navigation problems but it was slightly different18:11
thehumanelementokay, now this Empathy window is getting wider18:11
thehumanelementas I type18:11
z0rt|worksky is falling18:11
z0rt|workrun you fool!18:11
JEEBsvBut yeah, VLC is overall quite wtf >_> They should've just kept on the streaming side, that's something VLC can do at least semi-well18:11
thehumanelementI like that Movie Player generally works for everything, that's a good start18:12
thehumanelementAlso, 10.04 broke resume from suspend and hibernate18:12
Dr_Williscant say that ive ever had any issues with vlc.  I use it all the time18:12
Dr_WillisI cant stand movieplayer18:12
LinuxGuy2009totem-xine aint bad18:13
Dr_WillisYou dont hear much about xine these days,18:13
Dr_WillisI have been playing with moovidia, xbmc, and enna,18:13
JEEBsvmplayer is currently pretty much the only one that works correctly with most stuff... too bad the mplayer project is full of hurr durr politics18:13
JEEBsvand yeah, mplayer has no GUI :318:14
JEEBsv(it IIRC still has in the svn repo, but as far as I remember no-one ever wanted to keep it up-to-date)18:14
Dr_WillisI used to use mplayer all the time. basically switched to vlc now.18:14
avisi've no idea what new apps have come to have been known.  i'm just an old timer who hasn't paid much attention to #ubuntu just because of the sheer new user madness on it.  i feel bad though, because many many years ago, a group of people taught me what i knew.  and those are the basic skills that i've retained to this day.18:14
LazyJEEBsv: gnome-mplayer pretty decent gui18:14
thehumanelementI used to use mplayer, back in the Slackware days, but it's pretty unusable for day-to-day stuff18:14
Dr_WillisGeexbox (now  comming out with a new name) i recall still uses mplayer.18:14
JEEBsvWell, yeah -- Ubuntu loves to keep VLC up to date while mplayer is q_q old18:15
JEEBsvAlso, it doesn't help that uau was forced to make his own fork()18:15
z0rt|workvlc has worked fine for me with ubuntu-restricted-extras18:15
JEEBsv(which has the original working ffmpeg-mt and many matroska etc. fixes)18:15
bjsnidervlc is not up to date18:15
patdk-wkI wish I could do a playlist in vlc18:15
JEEBsvwell, it's MORE up to date than mplayer I'd say18:15
Dr_WillisHmm.. Vlc can do playlists.18:15
JEEBsvAt least the last I saw18:15
JEEBsvSomeone actually pays attention to mplayer?18:16
thehumanelementwhy would you want a playlist of a video?18:16
avisDr_Willis, is geexbox something like elisa, or now moovida that takes full control of your screen ?18:16
* JEEBsv checks the revision of mplayer package18:16
z0rt|workseveral videos, like a season of a television show etc18:16
LinuxGuy2009Doesnt VLC just use all the gstreamer stuff like all the other media players?18:16
bjsniderthe code for both is at least a year old18:16
patdk-wkthehumanelement, why wouldn't you?18:16
Dr_WillisGeexbox is a mini distrto to turn a pc into a media center.18:16
avisgot ya18:16
bjsniderso is the ffmpeg code18:16
JEEBsvbjsnider: yeah, I know of the ffmpeg at least18:16
Dr_Willisgeexbox has grown some and expaneded.. it has the 'enna' project that is like moovidia and xbmc.18:16
thehumanelementI guess you could drag and drop some ripped episodes in18:17
bjsniderLinuxGuy2009, vlc and mpayer use external ffmpeg18:17
JEEBsvDidn't know that both VLC and mplayer were in the same box >_>18:17
thehumanelementbut, management, saving, loading, not really that important18:17
Dr_WillisIt has some neat features compared to moovidia, and xbmc. but missing some that those have as well18:17
patdk-wkthehumanelement, could, IF I had a mouse :)18:17
avisDr_Willis, would you say its the favored media center choice ?18:17
JEEBsvAlthough I guess newer revisions wouldn't build with old ffmpeg18:17
thehumanelementyou don't have a mouse?18:17
patdk-wkI want a playlist, so when I click on the playlist file, it plays the whole seq of videos in order18:17
Dr_Willisavis:  depends on what you like. I rarely use the mediacenter stuff. but it was nice  - it even let you get to online comicbooks :)18:17
Dr_WillisI think that was enna.. i tried so many i forget what had what features18:17
JEEBsvholy shi- bjsnider you sure were right -- 2009042618:18
patdk-wkthehumanelement, no mouse, no keyboard, no harddrive :)18:18
JEEBsvthat's _quite_ bad considering that ffmpeg's H.264 decoding f.ex. got nicely faster in december-january or so18:18
avisthat one 4 letter group of comics guys are the ones i favor the most starts with an x or o  i can't remember, they're great tho18:18
Dr_WillisHmm.. Ive made and saved playists in vlc.18:18
Dr_Willisor i drag/drop or rigt click and say opwn with.. vlc.. and it plays all the vids in the dir18:19
patdk-wkDr_Willis, I'm all commandline18:19
thehumanelementgoing to try the suspend/resume thingy18:19
bjsniderJEEBsv, lts is a conservative release18:19
JEEBsvEven so... o_O18:19
bjsnideri have updated packages in a ppa18:19
avisi'm using my fathers box for itunes and someday i'll get back to buying my itunes i'm just too busy these days18:19
Dr_WillisNight all..18:19
JEEBsvHave you any interest in uau's mplayer? Which has ffmpeg-mt and matroska fixes?18:20
aviswhen i checked out the ubuntu store, its selection was limited18:20
avisit was some time ago18:20
LinuxGuy2009avis: You pay for lossy music formats?18:20
bjsniderJEEBsv, uau?18:20
avisLinuxGuy2009, i convert them to mp318:20
JEEBsvone of the mplayer devs who got kicked out at some point for not reverting a broken change ASAP and trying to fix his shit instead18:20
JEEBsvor something like that18:20
z0rt|worki love my zune it's so deliciously non-apple18:20
avisLinuxGuy2009, i may transfer them to my ubuntu box in which banshee will convert them before loading to my clip+18:21
LinuxGuy2009oh but so delicously M$? hehe that better?18:21
JEEBsvtoo bad most of his stuff actually works, and his branch actually is the only one that supports multiple segments and ordered chapters on linux18:21
z0rt|workhey it's DRM-free!18:21
bjsniderin matroska files?18:21
avisi didn't hope to start an argument but i have found the consistancy of rips at itunes to sound good compared to amazonmp3.com though sometimes i'll pick the best sounding one.  i also use emusic on ubuntu18:21
JEEBsvbjsnider: yeah18:22
bjsniderhe's the git guy18:22
LinuxGuy2009I stick to buying real CDs. I refuse to pay for lossy formats.18:22
bjsniderno, i didn't use his repo18:22
patdk-wkreal cd's are lossy :( only 16bits18:22
JEEBsvoh well18:22
avisLinuxGuy2009, i don't have the room, and my preference is usually a song vs an entire album18:22
bjsniderif his changes have merit, i'm sure they'll be merged18:22
patdk-wkand only 44.1khz :(18:22
m3wolf__vinyl is the way to go, yay analog18:22
JEEBsvThey have merit, but the mplayer dev community is a bit :/18:23
JEEBsvAnd well, not many people actually use matroska fully yet18:23
* patdk-wk hates matroska18:23
LinuxGuy2009patdk-wk: You must have super hearing, most mortals cant hear freq. past 20Khz.18:23
JEEBsvWhy? It's open source and all18:23
JEEBsvnot like nut is anywhere yet18:23
JEEBsvAnd ogg is uhh18:24
patdk-wkLinuxGuy2009, heh? and two samples to make a 20khz tone is not good18:24
JEEBsvogg is ogg18:24
z0rt|workLinuxGuy2009: have you checked out flac18:24
patdk-wkhorrible square wave :(18:24
avisi had given my best friend all my vinyl next thing i know he asks me if i'd like them back, i said, on second though i guess i would.  i never heard from him again :)  i find that funny18:24
vishanyone noticed memory leaks when running flash?18:24
vishflash video..18:24
LinuxGuy2009Yeah FLAC rules. Thats what I rip my CDs to for PC listening.18:24
JEEBsvAnd then the mp4 container has stupid limitations on what you can put there >_>18:24
nemoLinuxGuy2009: 20 isn't unusual for a kid18:25
bjsniderLinuxGuy2009, use rubyripper18:25
patdk-wk96khz at 24bits is ok18:25
patdk-wkmy friend is doing a crapload of stuff in 32bit though18:25
LinuxGuy2009Average human ears go from 20hz to 20Khz. Not much higher.18:25
avisi use the highest encoding vbr for mp3's because i've only got 750gb hard drive here, and flacs tend to be very large.  i only have 750gb18:25
LinuxGuy2009more than 44.1 is pretty useless18:25
avismy clip+ will play them though18:26
JEEBsvSo basically currently MKV is 'good enough' for video containment, whatever you're doing. >_>18:26
nemoLinuxGuy2009: people can also pick up conflicting harmonics, might be hearing that?18:27
LinuxGuy2009Until you do double blind listening test, you can speculate all day long.18:28
nemodon't forget 2 sets of equipment :-p18:28
LinuxGuy2009I like AAC over MP3 as well.18:28
LinuxGuy2009but FLAC whenever possible18:29
avisbanshee will convert them on the fly, should your media player not support say, AAC18:29
nemoLinuxGuy2009: you've seen those tests where audio snobs were unable to distinguish between 128VBR mp3 and flac? :)18:29
LinuxGuy2009nemo: Yeah the results for the double blinds are usually shocking to people who think they have super hearing.18:30
avisnemo, thats very similar to blind taste tests of wine drinkers.  your average $14 bottle of wine is no better than the one that cost $100 or more18:30
nemoLinuxGuy2009: of course flac is just practical18:30
nemoyou never know when you'll need, say, mp3 for your car18:31
nemoor aac for your iphone18:31
nemoor whatever18:31
LinuxGuy2009Thats why I even have a FLAC master library. For later conversion to lossy without ripping all my CDs all over again.18:31
avisyou all have mad storage :)  i really just buy song by song most albums i know i want i have18:32
CT1Hello all.  Is there a way to (preferably using audacity) record "what I hear"? be that a youtube video, game music in wine or just system sounds?  Please point me in the right direction of a how-to or aid me step-by-step.18:32
nemoavis: anyone paying $100 for a bottle of wine is either a sucker, at a strip club or rich and doing it to impress18:32
LinuxGuy2009CT1: YouTube videos are stored as FLV in /tmp folder.18:33
avisnemo, my mom does it every year and gives it to our judge18:33
nemoavis: ah. forgot bribes18:33
nemosilly me18:33
avisnemo, we're not looking for bribes.  thats just my mom doing what she wants18:33
nemoavis: many places judges can't accept gifts over XX, usually 2018:34
CT1LinuxGuy2009: Nice to know, but I want to record the sound my speakers play, keeping youtube videos is another matter.18:34
avistrust me you bribe a judge he'll come down much harder on you if you tried to win them over with a christmas gift18:34
LinuxGuy2009CT1: Well you asked.18:34
z0rt|workhave you ever had 100 dollar wine? it's brilliant18:34
nemoavis: you can just change the audio sink to be a file in many sound systems18:34
nemootherwise, if you want it to come out of the speaker first, you could use a mic18:35
avismy mother is a elderly woman.  she is not a criminal18:35
LinuxGuy2009CT1: No ieda about software land but buy a 1/8splitter. Run one end to speakers, the other end to line in.18:35
nemoer. that was to CT1 I guess.18:35
nemooh. right. I had one of those...18:35
lookavis: i just want you to know that you lost the game18:35
lookThe game18:35
nemolil' short line to connect line in and out18:36
nemousually I just strip it out of the file or dump the stream18:36
nemojust easier18:36
nemobetter quality too18:36
avissorry for being off topic i was speaking in response from flac to another format, is that the game you refer to look ?18:36
LinuxGuy2009dump the stream? meaning?18:37
CT1LinuxGuy2009: It's also handy to know, and no doubt I'd ask at a later date about that, But as for recording... I think the window equivalent is "stereo mix" is it possible in ubuntu?18:37
LinuxGuy2009CT1: We would have said that if it were as simple.18:38
lunksGreat, tried using gtkpod and all it did was erase all my album arts. :~18:38
LinuxGuy2009lunksz: erase everythingon you ipod and allow gtkpod to create the database.18:38
CT1LinuxGuy2009: Guess it's not simple then :(  Could you point me to some line of googling that may help (if it's even possible in ubuntu)18:39
LinuxGuy2009lunks: I use it all the time and works great.18:39
OldSamhi, I recently installed 10.04-beta2 server edition (with software-raid1) and now I faced a strange problem during boot (it worked before) : ...services like bind, cupsd and dhcpd aren't started anymore, though they're still listed as S..servicename under /etc/rc2.d/ - anyway, networking, pppd and sshd are still running...  I did not found an explanation for this so far, any ideas?18:39
LinuxGuy2009CT1: Sure google all you want. Keep in mind most of us have wanted this for a long time.18:39
arand_CT1: It's rather simple: http://theaikenfamily.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemid=3118:39
lunksLinuxGuy2009, if it creates the database, will everything i.e. album art goes right?18:40
LinuxGuy2009lunks: Yeah if your files are tagged when you drop em back in yeah. They show fine.18:40
CT1LinuxGuy2009: So it's not a matter of "it's not simple, but doable" rather "Re-write the kernel and you'll be fine?"18:40
LinuxGuy2009lunks:EasyTage-AAC is nice for tagging BTW.18:40
* arand_ rembers a nicer guide for it, but can't find it now18:41
LinuxGuy2009CT1: Its not easy from what I have found.18:41
lunksLinuxGuy2009, all my files are correctly tagged, but I don't think I'll reupload 2k files considering how gtkpod is slow. :/18:41
CT1arand_: I'll look that through.  Thanks18:41
LinuxGuy2009CT1: Trip to radio shack for a 1/8" stero splitter and little 1/8 wire from splitter to line inis what I would do.18:41
arand_LinuxGuy2009: It is actually very easy ^18:42
LinuxGuy2009lunks: Gtkpod isnt any slower than anything else ive used.18:42
CT1LinuxGuy2009: Thankd for the advice, I'm still not put off though.  I'll try the software approach for now. (very poor)18:42
LinuxGuy2009CT1: Good luck.18:42
lunksLinuxGuy2009, it's definitely slower than iTunes.18:42
LinuxGuy2009lunks: dont use it then.18:43
lunksI'll not be using it, I'm just stating 'beware, album arts may be gone if you use gtkpod'18:44
avisi'm wondering how good the battery life in my clip+ is holding up i'm using my phones charge now that seems to have the same input hoping for better results18:44
LinuxGuy2009lunks: not true. gtkpod does not remove tags.18:44
lunksLinuxGuy2009, please, explain to me why just hitting 'save' on it made my album arts gone.18:45
CT1LinuxGuy2009: Thanks.  I'll update you with PM if I accomplish the task18:45
LinuxGuy2009lunks: If you want to use gtkpod the erase everything on it. Allow gtkpod to create thedatabase. If you dont want to then dont.18:46
LinuxGuy2009CT1: Thanks id like that!18:46
lunksLinuxGuy2009, you're saying 'if you get an already populated iPod on gtkpod, it may mess your tags up.'18:47
LinuxGuy2009lunks: I use gtkpod all the time. Tags work fine. I already said that.18:47
z0rt|workcan you sync an iPad with lucid?18:47
arand_LinuxGuy2009: Did you look at the link? pavucontrol can do the stereo mix recording in software as simple as pie...18:48
LinuxGuy2009arand_: Ill take a look now.Thanks.18:48
lunksLinuxGuy2009, it's not that it works for you makes it work for everyone, is it?18:49
LinuxGuy2009lunks: Please dont waste your time. Linux isnt for you obviously.18:50
lunksLinuxGuy2009, I'm not sure I follow.18:50
LinuxGuy2009lunks: Yeah I noticed18:50
joaopintoLinuxGuy2009, please be respectful18:51
arand_lunks: Probably, no one knows why it does it, do report a bug about.18:51
claptrapSo, searching for certain words on any search engine in any browser crashes that browser: The words so far are "weather", "clock" and one other one that I don't remember just now.18:51
=== look is now known as neidorlee
joaopintolunks, you probably hit some bug , assuming it was not an user action ;)18:51
CT1LinuxGuy2009: It works!!! Spotify under wine is now recording in audacity. arand was right!18:51
lunksLinuxGuy2009, stop trolling around18:51
LinuxGuy2009lunks: I already gave you advice to make it work. If you dont like it dont use it.18:52
CT1LinuxGuy2009: care for PM instructions as to what I drunkenly did?18:52
lunksjoaopinto, will sure do this.18:52
LinuxGuy2009CT1: Did you just follow that link and followed the directions?18:52
=== neidorlee is now known as look
=== look is now known as neidorlee
CT1LinuxGuy2009: Pretty much.  I had some packages installed beforehand from other guides, but never managed to get it working18:53
avissomeone tell neidorlee that if i don't help him that when i die something will happen i have asked him to seek mental health assistance18:54
avislike an op please18:54
neidorleei didnt force you to help me18:54
neidorleeyou PM'd me18:55
avisi never attempted to help you18:55
jpdsavis, neidorlee: Please, not here.18:55
avisyes sir18:55
Darkauraokay I downloaded the latest lucid amd64x iso, and my processor is a amd64 processor. anyway I get everything installed and before it freezes, I see a login prompt. Then it goes to the ubuntu splash screen and freezes, any thoughts?18:55
avisjpds, and thank you18:55
arand_Darkaura: May be a plymouth/kms issue, try booting with kernel option nomodeset18:58
Darkauraokay I don't even get a grub, or do you mean the livecd18:58
LinuxGuy2009Is flash for 64bit still in beta or whatever? Or is there a finished 64bit version now?18:59
jpdsLinuxGuy2009: Beta.18:59
LinuxGuy2009Im still running 32bit on my quad core. Just waiting for 64bit flash.18:59
agronholmwhy wait19:00
* agronholm runs 64 bit flash19:00
LinuxGuy2009does the beta flash work ok?19:00
* blendmaster1024 has a 32bit proc :(19:00
agronholmunless you want to input international characters, sure19:00
agronholmnot sure it works on the 32 bit version either19:01
LinuxGuy2009input internation characters? you lost me.19:01
Darkaurathat was weird it just booted up19:02
arand_LinuxGuy2009: Far better than the 32 wrapper on 64, seems to be the general concesus19:02
LinuxGuy2009I have 2GB of system ram. Would 64bit benefit me very much at all?19:03
patdk-wkif you want to use harddrives >2tb :)19:03
joaopintodepends on what you use, in regular desktop usage you will not feel any difference19:04
avisit would have to be a little over 3 i believe LinuxGuy2009 but you can get 3.2 whatever gb limit to be seen by using a pae kernel19:04
arand_LinuxGuy2009: Depends, as a rule of thumb, no, maybe if you're doing heavy encoding work...19:04
avisthough i have heard speed is most optimal in the 64 bit version of ubuntu19:04
avisin comparison to the pae choice for 32 bit users19:04
atruspatdk-wk: er, that doesn't make any sense at all.19:05
LinuxGuy2009Well as far as encoding, what about speed for handbrake DVD rips to x264?19:05
patdk-wkatrus, why?19:05
atrusoh, tb... hmm. i don't actually know :) i read that as gb.19:05
atruspatdk-wk: i've never heard of 64-bit mode having anything to do with disk size though. any reference for such a thing?19:06
patdk-wkyou never did?19:07
patdk-wkand your in here?19:07
atruspatdk-wk: pardon?19:07
UrdaQuestion: Anybody upgrade from 9.10 to a 10.04 Beta 2 in a Dual Boot Environment where Windows was installed first?19:07
z0rt|workUrda: which windows19:08
Darkauraarand_ thanks for the help I don't know what I did but after I rebooted a second time it started to work19:09
Urdaz0rt|work: Windows 7 Pro x6419:09
Urdaz0rt|work: I'm assuming my GRUB2 settings will remain during an upgrade?19:10
z0rt|workUrda: they should, i had to do some wacky stuff with bcdedit to get mine to work. however, i had the installer resize my windows partition and put ubuntu on the remainder, so YMMV19:10
arand_Darkaura: Good : ) , didn't actually notice your response before, ya need to highlight people ; )19:10
=== EdgEy_ is now known as EdgEy
Urdaz0rt|work: YMMV? I had used Ubuntu to resize Windows to install 9.1019:11
quiritiusi've fix the cli resolution with thru grub config (1440x900 now) but as often as not the cli is shifted below the screen border: only 2 line are visible.19:12
z0rt|workUrda: i started with 9.10 as well19:12
aviswould someone be kind enough to send me the url the the ubuntu grub 2 wiki real quick just to see if the problems with ubuntu's serves have been resolved19:13
Urdaz0rt|work: What does YMMV mean? Also would I have to worry alot about going from Beta 2 to the release later this month :)19:13
avisits a trigger19:13
Urda!avis grub219:13
avisthank you19:13
z0rt|workUrda: it means your mileage may vary :)19:13
Urda!grub2 avis19:13
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:13
markl_hmm is there a place to discuss Tomboy issues?19:13
Urdaz0rt|work: oh awesome :)19:13
markl_i realize that is the simplest app of all time so that should be unnecessary19:13
Darkauraarand_: okay sorry about that and I'm got my wireless working, god I remember when I had to compile the drivers for the Broadcom wireless, anyway, and now I'm updating19:13
Urdaz0rt|work: so about that Beta to release... no big deal right?19:13
markl_but i'm wondering if there is any sort of networked tomboy app19:13
markl_so i can share notes on my iphone19:14
z0rt|workUrda: the only issue i really had to deal with was the fact that windows is still installed on my pc19:14
markl_or is there another ubuntu app that can do that kind of thing?19:14
ninjaiI have a laptop and my keyboard backlight keys dont work.  xev returns output when they are pressed, and I am able to change the brightness manually from some file in the /proc directory.  How can I fix this19:15
Urdaz0rt|work: lol, unfortunately I need it for my Engineering courses and USA Track and Field programs :\19:15
patdk-wkatrus, I'm thinking the 2.4 kernel, max size 2tb, since I had long ago switched to 64bit19:15
claptrapmarkl_: Honestly, I never even saw anything decent like that for Windows. The closest you can get, AFAIK, is using a web-based service like Evernote.19:15
markl_claptrap: i don't care about windows, just ubuntu 10.04 and iphone19:15
Urdamarkl_: Evernote has an iPhone app for sure19:15
patdk-wkwith 2.6kernel and 32bit, your limited to 16tb19:16
claptrapmarkl_: Well, what I meant was, I don't think the application exists in the way you want in, EVEN in Windows, much less Linux. :p19:16
markl_oh ok, gotcha19:16
z0rt|workmarkl_: you could use google calendar i guess19:16
markl_is evernote a php app that i can deploy, or a service?19:16
markl_maybe i'm weird but i'd rather keep my personal info on my server19:17
z0rt|worki don't blame you, haha19:17
claptrapmarkl_: Evernote is a service. And yea, I agree. :p19:17
aviswhat is evernote ?  may i ask ?19:17
claptrapavis: It's an online sticky notes kinda webapp.19:18
avisooh ok19:18
claptrapavis: Well, notes, anyway.19:18
markl_i have mob ties so i can't have my notes on google19:18
markl_unless i want cement shoes19:18
z0rt|worksleepin with the fishies19:18
claptrapmarkl_: Google will just use it to suggest where you might buy those shoes. ;D19:19
gunkstaIs there any way to get a daily lucid image for the i386. I want the alt install, not the normal install. I don't see it at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:19
avisdaily live build, google for that gunksta19:19
gunkstaavis - thanks, but i don't want the live cd and that's all I'm able to find. I do know how to use Google19:20
avisthey would not leave i386 out19:20
patdk-wkavis, he said ALTERNATE, not he couldn't find i38619:20
gunkstaavis:all I can find are the live cd's - 386 and amd64, but I want the alt install19:20
avisgot it.19:20
avisi hear you.  i'm sorry i've always used the live cd19:21
patdk-wkavis, I know I have like 6 computers, the live cd won't boot on, alternate works fine :)19:21
gunkstaavis: i do too usually but this particular laptop is . . . well, it's a little difficult19:21
claptrapLaptops hate Linux. )=19:21
z0rt|worknetbooks love it! :)19:21
gunkstai could just use the beta2, but I was trying to avoid a ton of updates19:22
gunkstawants a netbook19:22
avisoh wow yes there does seem to be a good place for those i used to use them and then after installation use envyng-gtk -core package to get support for my video card19:22
claptrapSo, searching for certain words on any search engine in any browser crashes that browser: The words so far are "weather", "clock" and one other one that I don't remember just now.19:22
claptrapReally pissing me off, lol.19:22
avisgunksta, i'm sorry you can't find what your looking for19:22
z0rt|workthe duck flies at midnight19:22
gunkstaavis - no worries. I can always just use a beta and update it19:23
avissounds like a plan19:23
Urdagunksta: this ins't what you want is it ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/19:23
Urdaactually that might be it19:24
gunkstaUrda: yes, that's exactly what i want.19:24
Urdagunksta: awesome. Glad I could help :)19:24
patdk-wkis that why ubuntu servers got so slow?19:26
avishave a nice day :)19:26
memedoodI'm using this new ZOHO Office thing and in Word it has problems with the bold button19:26
arand_patdk-wk: The closer to release, the worse.19:26
memedoodI can't turn off bold for next letters19:27
joshyfluffIs this the place for 10.04 discussion?19:27
patdk-wkarand_, ya, I was running my own mirror for a year or so19:27
TommyThaGun_jes JoshuaL19:27
patdk-wkthat made things fast19:27
TommyThaGun_jes joshyfluff19:27
patdk-wkkilled it off a few months ago though19:27
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +119:27
joshyfluffOk then... I'm having tablet problems...19:27
patdk-wkjoshyfluff, order a new tablet?19:28
TommyThaGun_is it an ipad?19:28
patdk-wkdon't spill soda on this one :)19:28
joshyfluffIts a wacom bamboo pen19:28
joshyfluffAnd it isn't hardware issues19:28
arand_They really should advertise torrent and zsync better on the homepage19:28
TommyThaGun_I don't know anything about tablets, just try me19:28
=== TommyThaGun_ is now known as TommyThaGun
joshyfluffThe tutorial I am following tells me to copy a nonexistent FDI file, and replace it. Is there no other way that I can get my tablet working? Because it currently has zero usability19:29
gunkstai wonder if the ubuntu servers will see a bigger crush now that the pirate bay is gone, and it looks like a few of the others may follow soon. They aren't necessary, but they do help people find the torrents19:30
patdk-wkyep, I downloaded many of my ubuntu iso's from bittorrent using isohunt19:30
patdk-wknow that is useless too19:31
ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: as long as its md5 matches what is on the official md5sum page it doesn't matter where its from19:32
joshyfluffNo help then?19:32
z0rt|workgunksta: thepiratebay is still going strong mate19:32
joshyfluffNever mind.19:32
patdk-wkActionParsnip, how many clicks I do to find it does matter though :)19:32
gunkstaz0rt|work: I thought they got shut down . . . sheepishly goes to look19:33
patdk-wkjoshyfluff just overloaded us with info to help him :(19:33
* arand_ remembers the "leaked" ubuntu isos that always gets pushed to the torrent-sharing sites close to release >_<19:33
z0rt|workgunksta: isohunt got accosted though19:33
patdk-wkarand_, I would never download something from there that is that close to release, maybe a few months old :)19:33
gunkstaz0rt|work: yep -- piratebay is most definitely still there. memory must be fading with age.19:34
ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: just remember to md5 sum all isos you download. You did md5 sum right?19:34
patdk-wkheh, I had md5 so bad, need sha256 atleast :)19:34
ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: whatever as long as its verified its ok19:36
Sa[i]nTIs there a Meerkat chatroom yet?19:36
JoshuaLin lucid ubuntu would connect to wifi before i logged in19:36
ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: also burn as slow as you can and run the cd verifier when you first boot to the cd.19:36
JoshuaLnow i always have to wait before i can actually surf the internet :(19:36
patdk-wkActionParsnip, I never burn19:36
ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: if its still bad, try boot options19:37
patdk-wkvmware mount, or put it onto flash19:37
jmichaelxSa[i]nT: i do not believe so. it will be found in #ubuntu+1 , after lucid release19:37
patdk-wkoh, mounting the live or desktop iso's?19:37
patdk-wkna, it's some issue, like half the dell hardware I have just won't boot them, grub won't even start I believe19:38
patdk-wkjust shove the alternate cd in, and it's fine19:38
z0rt|workbe gentle!19:38
patdk-wkit's not a burning or md5 issue, as it checks out fine, and even works perfectly on a different computer19:38
ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: then use boot options or vm config to make the system simpler for the duration of the install19:38
ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: or disable it in bios19:39
patdk-wkboot options don't work, if the boot menu doesn't come up :)19:39
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patdk-wkdisable what in bios?19:39
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ActionParsnipPatdk-wk: if its to do a non-vm install then stuff like bluetooth,networking,sound anything you can to make life easier19:40
patdk-wkno bluetooth, only intel e1000 network, no sound19:40
patdk-wkit's dell servers, not much of that in them19:41
ActionParsnipStill kill the lan, it may be silly enough to help19:41
patdk-wkheh, plugging in a usb cdrom drive also fixs the issue19:41
patdk-wkso I doubt it19:41
patdk-wkbut it's a pain19:41
ActionParsnipIf you fixed it then no need :)19:42
Zelozelosevery once and a while when i start up and it gets to the purple screen it says "checking disk" and it gets to 72% and then freezes or something, whats goin on here?19:43
ActionParsnipZelozelos: run a full fsck in a livecd environment. You may also want to get the ultimate boot cd which has many manufacturers disk check tools to make sure it is physically ok19:45
Zelozelosok i will thanks19:45
Zelozeloswhere do i find the fsck thing?19:46
z0rt|workZelozelos: it's an integral part of linux19:48
Zelozelosok but how do i get it to check my hd from live cd?19:49
Zelozeloswill the screen savers from this site work on this os?  http://www.digimindsoft.com/ubuntu-screensaver.html19:51
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PiciZelozelos: Generally no.19:52
z0rt|workZelozelos: boot the livecd, open a terminal, do sudo fdisk -l, then if your disk is /dev/sda do fdisk /dev/sda19:52
Zelozelosahh ok z0rt|work  i will do so :)19:52
Zelozelosany suggestion on whre i can get more screensavers?19:52
gunkstaZelozelos: from the command-line apt-cache search screensaver or look in synaptic.19:53
z0rt|workZelozelos: make sure your disk isn't mounted before you fdisk it19:55
Zelozelosalrighty will do so ;)19:55
JoshuaLempathy only shows jabber as protocol for a new chat account19:58
JoshuaLhow can i make use of the msn protocol?19:58
Darkauranow that I finally got lucid working it's awsome19:59
avissimply beautiful.  new graphics card.  works like a charm :)20:00
dupondjeto bad empathy doesn't support msn transfers :(20:01
z0rt|worki'm installing jolicloud on my lucid netbook so i can dualboot and check it out, i hope it doesn't explode!20:04
jrrI'm not adapting to Empathy IM easily20:06
jrrcan it be made to pop up new IMs into existing tabbed conversation windows?20:07
JoshuaLempathy only shows jabber as protocol for a new chat account, and i want to use the msn protocol. is there a fix for this?20:07
atrusJoshuaL: you probably need telepathy-butterfly installed.20:07
Darkaurawell if you don't like empathy you can uninstall empathy and install amsn20:08
JoshuaLatrus, i checked that already20:08
JoshuaLatrus, sudo aptitude install telepathy-butterfly gives: No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.20:08
JoshuaL0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:08
gunkstaJoshuaL: something doesn't sound right - on my empathy, I can definitely set up a MSN account, among many others. Are you sure that MSN isn't an option after you hit the ADD button in the accounts dialog?20:09
JoshuaLgunksta, totally sure, only jabber20:09
balassudo apt-cache search msn empathy20:10
JoshuaLbalas, http://pastebin.com/FZKve96t20:11
gunkstaJoshuaL: you could try reinstalling empathy empathy-common telepathy-gnome and then delete the local config to see if that helps.20:11
balaswhats that ?20:11
JoshuaLbalas, a link to pastebin with the output of that command :)20:11
balasi believe gunksta is more knowledgeable20:12
gunkstaJoshuaL: yuck - looks like empathy stores everything in gconf.   ~/.gconf/apps/empathy/accounts20:12
gunkstabalas: i just make it up as i go20:12
balas:)  i hate being other peoples google20:13
gunkstagives me something to do when I'm bored at work20:13
balasi'm guilty of that too, but sometimes the answer is simple :)20:13
z0rt|workjrr: pidgin does that20:13
JoshuaLgunksta, doing that now20:14
gunkstaThere's definitely something weird about JoshuaL's system. I don't know if empathy's MSN support is any good, but it is definitely an option on my machine20:14
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +120:15
JoshuaLreinstalling doesnt help either gunksta20:15
gunkstaJoshuaL: did you wipe out the gconf settings?20:15
NinoScriptAbout the guest session: Is it possible to configure anything there?20:16
JoshuaLgunksta, i did20:17
gunkstaJoshuaL: well, it beats me. It should offer MSN as an option.20:18
gunkstaJoshuaL: you could try #ubuntu where there are more people20:18
dr3mrodoes nautilus crash when trying to access network shares in lucid or it's just me ?? and do lucid uses much RAM Mine uses up to 800 MB and idle 450 MB ??? of My 3G Karmic didn't exceed 400 never ?????? and fspot greys alot ??? are these bugs or it's just me ????20:19
gunkstaJoshuaL: I think someone else mentioned this, but do you have telepathy-butterfly installed?20:19
JoshuaLgunksta, yes and i just reinstalled it without luck20:19
ActionParsnipDr3mro: check the output of: free -m ,you will find most of it is disk cache, this is normal and will be freed up if real apps need the space20:20
ActionParsnipDr3mro: disk cache makes you slow hdd access go smoother and faster20:21
JoshuaLi give up for now20:22
jrrz0rt|work: yeah, I know pidge does.. was evaluating empathy.  I wound up going back to Pidgin.20:23
jrrfor exactly that reason20:23
JoshuaLill stick with pidgin20:23
JoshuaLthanks for the help everyone :)20:23
dr3mroXchat + firefox & lots of plugins =100M +empathy +gwibber+terminal update + terminal free -m  = 452 MB ??? thats too much I think and rest of cache makes my usage 1.5 GB and by the way is there a tweak to make ubuntu caches more i mean i never get the use of my 3G only 450 ~ 800 for apps and 800~400 for disk cache ?20:23
jrrI just hopped by #empathy on irc.gimp.org, where they told my they haven't implemented the feature for fear of stealing focus with buggy WMs20:23
ActionParsnipDr3mro: your disk cache and ram use will be transparently managed by the kernel. You could change you vm.swappiness to 1 to make the system try to keep apps in ram which can make life smooter20:25
NinoScriptI want to configure how my guest session will behave and look like (change the wallpaper, switch desktop environment, swap keys with xmodmap, &c.)20:26
NinoScriptor make a passwordless account… or an account with a veeeery small password (1 character or so)20:27
ActionParsnipNinoscript: you could make another user, configure everything then copy the config files to the guest accounts then chown them to the guest account20:27
dr3mroActionParsnip, mine never swapped except with fspot when i imported my iberary and it literaly used 2G swap and 1.5 G ram to import and it hang 3 times and i had to start again and it never can upload large number of photo to facebook ?? may be its a beta problem but i wish it get fixed by the final release .. fspot did had a problem in karmic with the new wave them .. i mean if canonical don.t tweak fspot why dont just use gthumb instead i uses it and its20:28
dr3mro really flaky but any way fspot have morefeatures20:28
ActionParsnipDr3mro: I don't use facebookand didn't know it could upload to fbook20:29
Machtinhow can i switch to another window, like alt+tab when i got a window open, which obviously doesn't support that? openarena, for example20:29
ActionParsnipDr3mro: use gthumb if you prefer it, just because an app is default doesn't make it better than any other20:30
Bizzehhi, cant seem to get ubuntu 10.04 to connect to a windows 7 share, could anyone give me any help?20:35
z0rt|workhey what's the key to pull up the grub2 menu at boot?20:36
dupondjez0rt|work: I tought ESC20:36
josiphello, anyone tried the server no backfill patch on lynx?20:36
dupondjeor tab20:36
NinoScript"[…] copy the config files to the guest accounts then chown them to the guest account" so… how do I do that? :P20:36
josipNinoScript: man cp and man chown20:37
josipassuming that you want to learn something20:37
NinoScriptmmm, let me rephrase that… where do I copy the config files to? the guest account doesn't really exist until you log in (or that is what I thought)20:39
dr3mroplease help me fix nautilus crash when trying to click on windows networks icons in network and gives me segmention fault20:39
josipdr3mro: I doubt that anyone here is very familiar with natuilus' internals20:41
josipis there a similiar bug report filled in?20:41
dr3mrojosip, is it working in you machine or a bug so i try to find a fix or wait for update20:41
StevenRHi. I'm running the lucid b2 ... is it correct that update manager should be wanting to update 350ish packages today (I did the upgrade a couple of days ago)... has something big changed?20:43
dr3mrodoes nautilus browse networks in your lucid install or its just me20:43
balaswill there be a large update between today and tomorrow ?20:44
balassomething gets frozen on the 15th20:45
Darkauraokay I have a problem my the computer with lucid on it can see the computers with windows on them no problem, when go to view the shared folders it asks me for a user name and password I enter the user name and password but it won't connect the screen with username and password comes back up am I doing anything wrong?20:47
z0rt|worki think installing jolicloud broke my lucid install20:50
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darkaurawould I have to install samba to view my windows shares?20:54
darkaurabut how come I can see my windows computer on the ubuntu machine20:59
z0rt|workbecause ubuntu has native samba support21:01
darkaurabut I still have to install it to view the shared folders21:02
z0rt|worki think i'm reading something wrong here21:02
darkaurahow come when I go to  personal file sharing preferences, and under Share files over the Network it shows This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed? what packages do I need21:07
fifthI'm trying to find the best solution for firefox with embedded wav/avi/etc files ... got xine going for now but not ideal ... mozilla-mplayer is deprecated, official solution is gecko-mediaplayer, but that uses  the Gnome version of MPlayer ... was looking for a KDE4/Qt solution?21:10
JEEBsvIs there a "real" solution? Other than just telling people to use the player itself to load the file/stream >_>21:11
JEEBsvAFAIK none of those addons really are endorsed by Mozilla, and, in the worst case, abandoned21:11
fifthyeah but there are working solutions for GNome, even if unsupported, was just hoping for an embedded video with controls21:12
JEEBsvOh, I'm surprised -- gecko-mediaplayer actually is still updated21:13
JEEBsvBut does it use the unkept mplayer GUI from the svn or something else?21:14
darkauraI have samba smb/cifs file, print, and login server for unix installed, is there anything else I need?21:14
W3ird_N3rdI am either very very stupid or I have found quite a bug. I'm trying to install lucid beta2 using a netboot CD, but all it says is that no kernel modules can be found in the archive, no matter which mirror I pick21:15
W3ird_N3rd..which is quite annoying because it prevents me from installing lucid21:15
W3ird_N3rdany of you ever installed lucid using a netboot disc?21:21
JEEBsvI'm getting tired21:22
JEEBsvmisread that as netbook >_>21:22
JEEBsvcarry on21:22
W3ird_N3rdwell, I tried, but did not succeed.21:23
W3ird_N3rdSo I wondered if anyone tried and succeeded.21:23
LachesisHello all. I'm using Xubuntu 10.04 (up to date in Synaptic) and am having problems with gnome-keyring-daemon. It works fine in seahorse and for my wifi, but it isn't setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK no matter what I do.21:24
User_007Hello. Where can i talk about shipit? i requested a CD and now i get "Demand for Ubuntu CDs is very high, and we're trying to ensure that we have enough CDs for those who really need one. We've noticed that you've already received CDs of several previous Ubuntu releases. "21:24
W3ird_N3rdUser_007, this channel is for Ubuntu 10.04 lucid (beta) testing21:25
User_007shipit is already lucid lynx21:25
W3ird_N3rdbut do you really need CD's?21:25
Lachesisit is definitely starting the SSH component, because /tmp/keyring-xxxxyy/ssh exists and when I manually set the right SSH_AUTH_SOCK, it works. Also, GNOME_KEYRING_PID and _CONTROL are getting set21:25
W3ird_N3rdyou know you can download the ISO and burn one yourself.21:25
User_007W3ird_N3rd, yes. but i have not enought internet limit or bandwith21:26
User_007i have about 100kbps (10KB/s) and limitted by 100MB internet21:27
W3ird_N3rdthat's not much.. south africa or something?21:27
karlhuntBlimey you can have some of my 10mb if you like :-p21:27
User_007is there a way to get alowed to shipit more cds?21:27
LachesisAnybody have any ideas about gnome-keyring-daemon errors?21:28
W3ird_N3rdbut euhm, I could also understand shipit doesn't indefinetely ship free CD's around. Considering all the updates (in terms of bandwidth) it might not be a bad idea to stick to LTS versions21:28
User_007like "becoming an Ubuntu member by contributing to Ubuntu, and thereby becoming eligible for more CDs"21:28
W3ird_N3rdother than that, there are also shops selling Ubuntu CD's, in case shipit doesn't ship to you anymore.21:28
User_007i requested two CDs21:29
W3ird_N3rdnot that I have any experience with shipit, I don't even have a data limit21:29
User_007one from 9.04 and one from 9.1021:29
gunkstaUser_007: I know it's not exactly what you were looking for, but you can purchase Ubuntu DVDs from Amazon - http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/purchase - You get more add-on apps that way.21:30
User_007gunksta, i don't have enough money to buys CDs21:31
User_007either to an decent internet plan21:31
W3ird_N3rdUser_007, it's a good question (becoming a member or anything to become more eligible for more CD's), I would suggest asking that in #ubuntu. If that's not possible I still suggest buying them from some shop, they won't be that expensive.21:31
W3ird_N3rdUser_007, just wondering in that case.. where do you live?21:31
gunkstaUser_007: I was afraid you might say that.21:31
User_007ty all21:33
W3ird_N3rdeuhm ok his country is a secret apparently21:33
W3ird_N3rdif he would indeed live in south africa I would have likely been willing to ship some DVD's to him21:34
gunkstayeah, i was thinking I would log in and give shipit his address and order them as myself.21:34
Lachesisi can't think of any reason for him to fake not having good internet.21:34
gunkstaBut, we can't really send him something if we don't have anything more specific, than 3rd rock from the sun21:35
Lachesisjust blanket the earth with Ubuntu CDs21:35
Lachesisthat ought to reach him21:35
gunkstaGood idea. Anyone have Shuttleworth's cell number?21:36
karlhuntUpdates must be a nightmare for him21:36
EdgEyyou might have a problem with distributing 10.10, when you blocked all the sunlight with .0421:36
gunkstaBut if you've got practically no Internet connection, security updates aren't particularly important21:37
Lachesisno updates? that would be like going back to the Windows 98 days.21:37
karlhuntDid anyone see the Futurama where there was a giant ball of garbage and aol disks threatenting to crash into the earth?21:37
Bookmankarlhunt, and this offers support how?21:39
LachesisUser007 just joined #ubuntu to ask people21:40
Lachesisthey asked where he lived21:40
Lachesisand he /quit21:40
gunkstaAnd a touch of humor ensued.21:41
Bookman#ubuntu-offtopic offers lots of conversation.21:42
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darkauraI'm having a problem for some reason I'm unable to view my shared folders on my windows 7 machines21:43
LachesisI'm having trouble with the SSH component of gnome-keyring-daemon under Xubuntu. GNOME_KEYRING_PID is set to the right pid, and /tmp/keyring-xxxyyy/ssh exists, but SSH_AUTH_SOCK is unset. If I set it, everything works dandy, but for some reason XFCE won't do that for me...21:43
pcgHow do I undo "sudo im-switch -s default-xim"? "sudo im-switch -s default" didn't help and now I can't write øæå in for example gedit or accents, umlauts etc. anywhere. "Greek Polytonic" shows the same problem.21:44
LachesisI even have code in my .profile that, if sourced, will resolve the problem (for the current terminal, obviously)21:44
zenkeri was here earlier and stated  this "sometimes when i start up ubuntu it does a checking disk thing and it freezes at 73% and i was told to start a live cd session and fdisk, by fdisk /dev/sda5 (sda 5 is my ubuntu partition) but it says "unable to open /dev/sda5" what am i doing wrong?21:44
Lachesiszenker: fsck probably, not fdisk21:45
Lachesisso run fsck /dev/sda521:46
darkauradoes anyone have any ideas on how to do that21:46
Lachesisdarkaura, it works fine over here21:46
zenkerit says permission denied while trying to open /dev/sda5 you mush have r/w access to the filesystem or be root21:46
Lachesisyou probably have an error in /etc/samba/smb.conf21:46
Lachesiszenker, are you using fsck or fdisk?21:47
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maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10021:47
BUGabundoevening 'p21:47
Lachesiszenker: sudo fsck /dev/sda521:47
W3ird_N3rdsudo fsck -f /dev/sda521:47
Lachesis^^ what he said21:47
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zenkerahh ok there it goes thank you21:47
zenkerwhat is the -f switch? i want it to fix/resolve any errors or do what its gotta do21:48
W3ird_N3rdForce checking even if filesystem is marked clean21:49
W3ird_N3rdin case it's marked clean the check is skipped.21:49
BUGabundogreat... now I'm left with an artifact on my screen... from a mouse over tooltip. how can I remove this ?21:49
Lachesisanybody know what's up with my gnome-keyring-daemon problem?21:49
BUGabundome, on debian21:49
BUGabundono prob so far in ubuntu21:49
darkaurawhat would cause me not being able not to see the shared folders it has been a while since I've looked through a samba config file21:50
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Lachesisdarkaura, not sure21:50
Lachesiscan you see them from another ubuntu machine?21:50
Lachesishow about from that machine?21:50
LachesisBUGabundo, for some reason it refuses to set SSH_AUTH_SOCK. It even puts the proper line in .Xsession.errors21:50
zenkerso i guess after it ran its all good now? would it have reported any issues  i saw the pass 1-5 and  /dev/sda5: 163923/1966080 files (0.2% non-contiguous), 2086461/7851760 blocks  lines21:51
W3ird_N3rdI thought windows ignored shared folders at random. At least that's what it's always done to me.21:51
BUGabundoLachesis: not what I'm seeing in debian21:51
darkauralachesis this is the only ubuntu machine21:51
W3ird_N3rdsometimes you get them, sometimes you don't, sometimes only a few.21:51
Lachesisdarkaura, can you see ANY shared folders?21:52
Lachesisdarkaura, try smbclient -L localhost21:53
darkauraLachesis not from the Ubuntu machine, but I do see the computers themselves21:53
zenkeris .2% non-contiguous meaning that theres .2%fragmented files ...do i need to defrag?21:53
Lachesiszenker, nah21:53
Lachesis.2% is nothing21:53
zenkerallrighty thanks guys21:54
darkauraLachesis it says client plaintext auth21:55
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info21:56
ryeanybody got image of alpha1 iso for i386/amd64 ?21:57
yofelrye: why would you need alpha1?21:57
ryeor anybody knows of a secret place where this can be taken from21:57
ryeyofel, bug #560377 - virtual mouse of lucid in vm is sloow21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560377 in qemu-kvm "[lucid] Stuttering/skipping mouse with Lucid guest" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56037721:58
Lachesisdarkaura, not sure, sorry.21:58
W3ird_N3rdrye, you said alpha 1 right?22:01
W3ird_N3rdhttp://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5251747/Ubuntu_10.4_%28Alpha_1_version%29 guess you have to wait for seeders, but why would you want it..22:03
W3ird_N3rdbut doesn't anybody know why the netboot disc doesn't work at all?22:04
W3ird_N3rdit says there are no kernel modules in the archive22:04
W3ird_N3rdwhich is really bad22:04
darkauranow I can view my ubuntu machine from my windows machine now to get it to work the other way22:07
W3ird_N3rdoh my, this is the second time this channel goes silent when I ask that.. is it something I said?22:07
W3ird_N3rddarkaura, places>connect to server22:08
darkauraW3ird_N3rd I see my computer through nautilis but I can't get access to the shared folder22:09
W3ird_N3rdI vaguely remember something like enabled guest account on Windows, but you're really in the wrong channel for that.22:10
W3ird_N3rdI haven't used Windows for years and wouldn't exactly know from the top of my head how you enable the guest account22:11
W3ird_N3rdthrough connect to server you can enter a user name, that might help22:11
z0rt|workfor guest accounts you have to set one up through an account with administrator rights22:12
qwebirc31570anyone here?22:26
BUGabundolets us enjoy the silence of post beta222:29
lullabudhah, seriously22:29
tabaskoI did found interesting thin about lucid22:32
tabaskoI lately changed my non-os partition's filesystem from ntfs to fat22:33
tabaskoI did that from OSX, which I have dualboot with ubuntu22:33
W3ird_N3rdinteresting swap22:33
W3ird_N3rdusually the other way around22:33
tabaskoBefore that I did edit /etc/fstab line, and when I did try boot ubuntu with old ntfs line there, thada, it doenst boot!22:34
thebrasseHello! Does anyone here know how to downgrade to python-reportlab 2.3 in lucid if I have already installed python-reportlab 2.4?22:34
tabaskoI di must boot from live cd and fix the fstab line, isnt this odd?22:34
W3ird_N3rdthebrasse, yes22:34
W3ird_N3rdyou are familiar with the commandline?22:35
W3ird_N3rdfirst you need to remove python-reportlab 2.4 (you can also do that with synaptic if you want)22:35
yofeltabasko: actually that is to be somewhat expected, mountall handles bad fstab lines really bad by just stopping to boot right now, I think many of us had similiar issues22:35
lullabudtabasko: if you changed your partition type and didn't update fstab, that's not weird at all.  NTFS and FAT are incredibly different.22:35
W3ird_N3rdnow you "cd /var/cache/apt/archives"22:36
W3ird_N3rdthebrasse, and you can sudo dpkg -i yourdesired.deb22:37
tabaskoyofel, yes. errors about mountall did come when I hit esc on boot22:37
ardchoilleIf I install 10.04beta 2 now and keep it up to date, will it end up being the exact same thing as if I installed the final release scheduled for the 29th of this month?22:37
tabaskobut, is this always been this way? I remember fussing around with filesystems with old ubuntus, and they did still start22:37
yofeltabasko: actually I think that's to protect against corrupt systems if a necessary mount is just skipped, doesn't plymouth give you a prompt to skip mounting it?22:38
tabaskoyofel, no22:38
W3ird_N3rdis that working thebrasse?22:38
tabaskoit did shoot me with errors and odd numbers22:38
yofel!beta | ardchoille22:38
ubottuardchoille: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:38
thebrasseW3ird_N3rd: It would if I had the debs... :-)22:39
ardchoilleyofel: Thank you :)22:39
thebrasseW3ird_N3rd: I only have the reportlab 2.4 debs there. Where can I download 2.3?22:39
yofeltabasko: did you see odd errors in the boot splash or in the terminal? did you see anything in the splash22:39
tabaskoyofel, plymouth did show that cute bootlogo all the time, until I did hit Esc then I did see the errors scrolling on the screen22:41
yofelhm, mountall *should* post an error message in the splash too then22:41
tabaskothat would be nice yes22:41
tabaskobecause its pretty easy "broke" ubuntu if somebody only changes filesystem22:42
tabaskohaha, but maybe everybody isnt gonna do that all the time22:42
W3ird_N3rdthebrasse, you can try http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/python-reportlab but I can't guarantee it'll work22:43
ZeldaHello everyone.22:43
ZeldaI just purchased a MyTouch 3g, is there a managing program for this?22:43
Zeldait recognizes it and charges it... but it wont open it.22:44
jcastroZelda: it mounts as a usb stick22:44
jcastroyou need to pull down the bar thing on the phone and mount it22:44
Zeldayeah but its not mounting.22:44
Zeldahm hang on..22:44
thebrasseW3ird_N3rd: Thanks! I'll try and see what happens.22:45
Zeldahahah there we go!22:45
ZeldaWow! this is SWEET!22:46
yofeltabasko: ok, didn't find any bug on LP about that, can you file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug mountall' that you don't get an error message in plymouth when it fails to mount the drive?22:46
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
W3ird_N3rdis there a seperate channel for the netboot disc?22:48
W3ird_N3rdbecause boy this is annoying. First it says no mirror has kernel modules. That sucks. So I burned a new netboot ISO (daily it seems), and this one doesn't obtain an IP through DHCP!22:49
W3ird_N3rdthat's a step backwards.22:49
jpdsW3ird_N3rd: No mirror?22:49
W3ird_N3rdjpds, tried the netherlands, UK and US mirrors22:49
W3ird_N3rdit kept saying none had kernel modules22:50
W3ird_N3rdthat was the netboot ISO from 1 or 2 days ago22:50
W3ird_N3rdand the one from 13 april can't obtain an IP using DHCP22:50
W3ird_N3rdjpds, it's most likely a netboot specific problem22:51
tabaskoyofel, yes. I will do that22:54
MTecknologyso.. I just finished wiping / off of my system temporarily and now I can't install lvm2 which is pretty much required for to finish fixing my system...22:55
MTecknologyAny ideas what's broken?  http://dpaste.com/183963/22:56
MTecknologyI'm on a 10.04 live cd - I have no other cd's22:56
vengerthere's a known issue where windows disables (or puts in sleep mode?) realtek NICs thus the NIC won't link up until windows is booted again.  This breaks networking in linux.  Anyone dealt with this and devised your own fix?  I've tried things like turning on the boot rom and disabling things in the driver.  tia for any help.22:56
MTecknologyvenger: ouch..22:57
lullabudvenger: i know that in the past, realtek windows drivers have had an option to disable that feature.22:57
lullabudvenger: i've always hated that "feature"... unplug power, card goes to sleep.  because, you know, nobody uses ethernet on battery....22:57
vengeri thought it would be something like diabling "Allow windows to manage power"22:58
vengerand i enabled Shutdown WOL22:58
lullabudvenger: check control panel in windows, there's a driver in there with a checkbox.  otherwise it's worth looking in BIOS too.22:58
lullabudvenger: what model computer?22:58
len_I just upgraded to 10.04 (Kubuntu) and can't get the nvidia drivers to work.  They load ok, and there are no errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.  I can log in but everything looks crappy, and then the screen goes black the if I launch a program.22:59
vengerlullabud, custom built Asus p7p55d evo + i7 86022:59
len_I'm so sick of the video driver bs every release.  The worst problem with linux.23:01
W3ird_N3rdlen_, did you install the closed drivers or are you using nouveau?23:03
len_Seems like a lot of people are having problems getting the nvidia 195 drivers to install and/or load.  I had no problem with that.  They just don't work right.  Anyone else having that problem?23:03
len_The closed drivers.23:03
len_They are the only ones with usable 3d23:03
len_I am using nv right now, and they are working ok with no 3d23:04
vengerlen_,  well from what i've seen nouveau would need to be blacklisted to use the blob or roll your own kernel without it23:05
W3ird_N3rdlen_, that's impossible I believe23:05
W3ird_N3rdthe nv drivers were removed in 10.04 weren't they?23:05
len_I'm using them, so I guess not.23:05
len_It doesn't matter if nouveau is blacklisted or not in my case23:06
len_nouveau modules doesn't get loaded anyway.23:06
underdevanyone else having a problem connecting to ubuntu one?23:06
vengerlen_, what about some fb module ala vga16fb or something?23:06
len_I'll check, but I don't think that mod is loading.23:07
W3ird_N3rdhttps://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa has only karmic drivers..hmmm23:07
len_hmm, vga16fb is loaded now, but not sure if it was when I was on nvidia drivers23:09
len_I thought that was causing problems getting nvidia to laod in the first place though.23:10
len_It's all thumbs up in my Xorg.0.log file.  nvidia 195 drivers load fine23:10
len_The just don't work right23:10
W3ird_N3rdI would suspect that would be an nvidia problem23:10
vengerlen_, meaning?23:11
Volkodavwhat's the name of gnome language switcher applet ?23:11
len_Starts out looking crappy (oversaturated, and parts of text washed out), then goes to all black screen when I launch any program.23:12
len_Can still see/move white pointer around though23:13
yofellen_: what graphics card? kubuntu with 195 works just fine on my Quadro NVS 140M and GeForce 250GTS23:14
len_Do you have desktop effects turned on?23:15
len_I was wondering if compositing was broken23:16
len_KDM logon screen looks bad too and shouldn't be effected by that23:17
len_It looks bad like lcd screens do when they are set to a non-native res--even though it is not.23:18
len_looks perfectly crisp when I switch back to nv23:18
AKGuys mine Audio input level (internal microphone) is not recognized on dual boot install. Please advise ...23:19
AKHardware: DELL Vostro 2510 ALC26823:19
AKIs it true that Ubuntu doesn't work on Dual Boot...?23:20
len_youfel, 195 worked for me (except for some other unrelated issues which caused me to stick to 190) in karmic, just not lucid23:21
DanaGlen_: sounds like the nv driver may be dithering, and the nvidia binary not?23:24
DanaGMost laptop LCDs are not true 24-bit color... they're usually 18-bit.23:24
DASPRiDDanaG, and i always thought mine had 32-bit ;P23:25
DanaGnaw, 32 is what Windows calls 24-with-alpha.23:25
len_It's a Desktop, and black text looks terrible, so colors is not the issue23:25
DanaG8 bits each R, G, B, A.23:25
DASPRiDDanaG, that's the joke i was refering to ;)23:26
len_Could be some nvidia-settings that are being applied that need to be cleard I though.23:27
DanaGWhat I'd want some day: DreamColor LCD (30-bit color, woot!)23:27
DASPRiDDanaG, i bet you can't tell the difference between 24-bit and 30-bit colors when i show you them ;P23:27
len_If I try to open nvidia-setting though it crashes to black screen just like any other app23:27
DASPRiDDanaG, anyway, 32-bit color display are possible in theory, think about transparent glass displays ;)23:28
len_I think those are stored in user profiles though23:28
len_and kdm is before logon and that looks bad too23:29
BUGabundodisk mounted in read only :(23:29
BUGabundorebooting and fscking :(23:29
DanaGI don't think I'd want my display to be transparent.23:30
DanaGToo much mess behind it.23:30
Volkodavwhere did shared folders go ?23:32
len_What problems is having vga16fb loaded at same time as nvidia module supposed to cause?  Or is the problem just that they won't both load at the same time?23:32
Volkodavto set up shares ?23:32
jimericksonwhen will gnome-shell be available in lucid?23:45
BUGabundoI'm scared to even look at my disc23:48
yofeljimerickson: 2.28.1~git20091125-1 is available in lucid23:50
len_OK, I went back and tested nvidia with and without vga16fb loaded, and it made no difference either way.23:50
jimericksonyofel: but it won't install for me because of libgjs023:52
yofeljimerickson: then make sure there already is a bug filed about that on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell and file one with 'ubuntu-bug gnome-shell' if that's not the case. There's already a sync bug for 2.29 though23:55
jimericksonyofel: ok will do thanks alot23:55
m0ar*-16-generic will ONLY match things that END with -16-generic, right?23:57

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