
Phreabump [read up to my question] :D00:20
_CommandeR_sorry was not paying attention to this channel00:56
_CommandeR_in that you mean restricted drivers Phrea?00:57
Phreacan one refresh that list?00:57
_CommandeR_there should be a button line update or something if im not wrong00:58
Phreait's so weird that the little program doesnt do that automatically00:59
Phreait's a question of refreshing the list...01:00
_CommandeR_hm but there is a button yes?01:00
PhreaI'm asking her01:00
_CommandeR_long time since i used it.01:00
Phreano answer as of yet01:00
BodsdaPhrea: Have you enabled the extra repositories?01:00
PhreaBodsda: have to ask01:01
PhreaBodsda: this should be apart from the repo's...01:01
Phrea[imho, I know it doesnt work that way]01:01
Phreaasking her these questions01:01
BodsdaPhrea: Whenever I reinstall, I have to enable the repo's to get my nvidia drivers01:02
Phreaeven via the hardware driver app?01:02
Phreahmmm, odd....01:02
Phreanever had to do that before...01:02
Bodsdanot really, it is a restricted driver01:03
Phreayes, but they DO show up in my driver window01:03
Phreaadded or not01:03
BodsdaI personally dont care much for open source when it comes to drivers - it will show up, but wont install01:03
Phreait sees what kind of card I use, and it shows what I could use as a driver01:03
PhreaBodsda: neither do I :D01:04
Phreait just has to work01:04
_CommandeR_Bodsda, well there is some good stuff in open source drivers.01:04
PhreaI dont care a lot about 'free free'01:04
Phreato me, it's just free01:04
_CommandeR_From what i know devs that create programs know better how to do it.01:04
Bodsdayeah, - im off for no, but my recomendation is to enable all repo's, run   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade    then open the restricted drivers section and see if you can install01:05
PhreaBodsda: ok01:05
Phreathanks :)01:05
* Bodsda does care about free free, just not when it comes to my video display01:05
PhreaBodsda: same as me :P01:06
PhreaI bet you dont care about 'free free' codecs either, do you :D01:06
Bodsdacouldnt give a scooby01:06
_CommandeR_love are you mad01:06
Bodsdadma = bad though01:07
_CommandeR_you mean drm ?01:07
PhreaI bet he does01:07
Bodsdayeah, sorry, been writing dma a lot recently, its one of my variables in my bot01:07
Phreaand who can live without codecs, closed, lisenced or whatever :D01:07
PhreaI couldnt ever01:07
_CommandeR_i can live without WMA WMV01:08
* Phrea is pragmatic01:09
Phreait needs to work, period. :D01:09
PhreaLinux is free to ME01:09
Phreathat's what I care about01:09
_CommandeR_well there is still allot of man hours behind it01:10
PhreaI know01:10
PhreaIt's not that I dont appreciate it01:10
PhreaI LOVE OS01:10
Phreabut I love even more that it's free to me01:11
Phreaand I do fight for freedom if need be01:11
_CommandeR_hm, well Windows is also free in a way.01:11
Phreaya, no01:11
Phreait costs me an arm and a leg01:11
_CommandeR_are few ways to get windows for "free"01:12
PhreaI know01:12
Phreabut I also care about getting stuff legally nowadays :)01:12
Phreaand I really do love FOSS01:12
Phreait's a no brainer01:12
_CommandeR_but thing i love about linux is how you can change it for your own liking.01:13
Phreaoh, very true too !!01:14
PhreaI love that bit :)01:14
Phreaeventhough I dont hack much myself01:14
PhreaI still love that I KNOW that I can01:14
Phreait's amazing01:14
PhreaI have one more pc to go [this one]01:14
Phreathen I'm windows free01:14
Phrea[my default box is running Linux, home server is, this one is left, waiting for Lucid]01:15
_CommandeR_here you got mine = http://bayimg.com/image/ialekaaco.jpg01:15
Phreayour what?01:15
_CommandeR_desktop ^^01:16
Phreathought so :)01:16
Phreaseems cool01:16
_CommandeR_Lucid Lynx ^01:16
Phreabut I'm a Gnome user01:16
_CommandeR_that is gnome lol01:16
Phreait is?01:16
Phreawow, cool01:16
Phreahacked it to bits, didnt you :D01:16
PhreaI'm more of a user than anyting else01:16
PhreaI think my screenie is posted on the forums somewhere01:17
Phrealet me find it01:17
_CommandeR_not really, added Docky2 to use it instead of the lower panel and gnome-do to launch apps by typing them and on the right you got firefox and on left terminal and top left nautilus01:17
PhreaI've left that poo colored theme behind01:17
Phreait's a bit different now, but oh well01:18
Phreait's mine none the less01:18
Phreaas you can see, I dont 'hack' a lot01:18
_CommandeR_i still have the top panel for "when i need it" but it on auto hide01:18
Phreaah :)01:18
_CommandeR_seems more slik this way :P01:18
PhreaI dont understand docky at all01:18
Phreait takes up SO much room01:18
_CommandeR_mutch no...01:19
_CommandeR_change icon size then01:19
_CommandeR_then change to inteli hide and it hides when you have something fullscreen and only shows when you move your mouse over it.01:19
PhreaI dont see how it's usable over the standard gnome panels01:19
PhreaI'm not one for eye candy01:19
Phreaas you can see :D01:20
PhreaI just dont care01:20
PhreaI'll prob not even change the theme of Lucid01:21
Phreait seems cool enough.01:21
_CommandeR_i dont like the pink01:21
Phreachange of wallpaper is all I need prob01:21
Phreait's purple :D01:21
_CommandeR_same thing diferent hex code01:22
Phreawich comes out as a different thing :P01:22
Phreayou dont catch me that easily, sir01:22
_CommandeR_but I am proud of this = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaSg2rRj4HQ&feature=related01:22
_CommandeR_this is my lucid boot screen :P01:22
PhreaI'm ignorant, but not THAT ignorant01:22
PhreaI dont do bootscreens01:23
Phrea...but ok, it does look effing cool01:23
PhreaI might steal it01:23
Phreais it your own?01:23
Phreabw ibuclaw01:24
Phreait's late01:24
_CommandeR_i did not make it I use it:P01:24
PhreaI love original stuff01:24
_CommandeR_xsplash is gone.01:24
_CommandeR_plymouth replaces it.01:24
Phreaaha... [as if I know what you are talking about]01:25
_CommandeR_here is another oldschool bootscreen :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwPVySwkaxw&feature=related01:25
PhreaI cant fap that fast !!01:26
Phreathat is the coolest thing I've ever seen ! :D01:26
Phreathe voice lights should've been animated too01:27
PhreaI adored KITT01:28
Phreacouldnt care less about the rest of the show01:28
_CommandeR_dont think there is really a problem improving it.01:28
PhreaI just cared about KITT01:28
_CommandeR_Plymouth does really have big improvements over usplash01:29
Phreanah, it's prob done easily01:29
Phreamust be posted with layers in tact, I'd do it that way too01:30
PhreaI can animate it in seconds, if posted in layers01:35
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ShadowKnighthey, i was wondering. does vmware work on ubuntu?02:28
ShadowKnighti know its available to download on linux 64bit on its website but not sure if that will work or to take the client on the software center02:30
haz3lnutShadowKnight: used to. I couldn't compile on karmic and finally resorted to virtualbox02:30
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ShadowKnightvirtualbox? where and how can i get that?02:31
ShadowKnightand how does it work?02:31
haz3lnutpretty much just like vmware02:31
haz3lnuteven reads vmdk disks02:32
haz3lnutadded benefit, the USB ports work02:32
haz3lnutsorry, virtualbox.org02:33
ShadowKnightoh wow okay ill look into it right now. thank you haz3lnut02:33
haz3lnutit's a Sun (now Oracle) program.02:33
paultagHowdy beginners02:59
phillwhi paultag, you know about git ?03:00
paultagyeah phillw :)03:00
phillwkewl, if i had this03:01
phillwphillw@piglet:~$ git clone git://lxde.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/lxde/menu-cache03:01
phillwhow do i update it ?03:01
phillwi.e get the latest version03:02
paultagphillw, git pull03:02
paultagphillw, :)03:02
phillw-clone + pull ??03:02
paultagphillw, cd menu-cache03:03
paultaggit pull03:03
phillwI'll learn this stuff one day, just don't count on it being soon :-D03:03
paultagphillw, it's different then svn in one really really important way -- every checkout is a full repository. You commit to the local "glob" and when you want, you can push or sync with another repo ( such as sourceforge's )03:03
paultagphillw, so when you "update" you are updating against the repository ( locally ). You want to sync remote to local, so you "PULL" their changes locally03:04
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paultagphillw, have you got it to update?03:06
phillwdrat and darnation, that worked, but the same for libfm: git://pcmanfm.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pcmanfm/libfm03:06
phillwdid not, yeah, it said i was uptodate03:06
paultagwhat was the output phillw ?03:06
phillwhillw@piglet:~$ cd menu-cache03:07
phillwphillw@piglet:~/menu-cache$ git pull03:07
phillwAlready up-to-date.03:07
paultagphillw, then your local branch is already at the latest copy03:07
paultag( that it knows about )03:07
phillwphillw@piglet:~$ cd lbfm03:07
phillwbash: cd: lbfm: No such file or directory03:07
paultagHold on phillw03:08
phillwit would help if i gave you the instructions ..03:09
paultagphillw, what's  git branch -a03:10
paultag  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master03:10
paultagis that there?03:10
phillwI already have built it once, and have all the bits, I need to update what I had to the new ones, and then i can follow the instructions03:10
paultagkk hold on phillw03:10
paultagphillw, info on libfm03:12
paultagcommit 60a482af6ab7902e247494515e3f09f23e7e2da003:12
paultagMerge: 88be756 bf0d17403:12
paultagAuthor: Martin Bagge / brother (or Pootle...) <brother@bsnet.se>03:12
paultagDate:   Tue Apr 13 23:52:35 2010 +020003:12
phillwI need to add the --debug bit for the dev, as it is mis-behaving and feel like a reet twerp asking him to go through it all over again with me ;-(03:12
paultagInfo on menu03:12
paultagcommit 9f7ccf425f8db411098374305ac1bafb462fd57103:12
paultagAuthor: Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) <pcman.tw@gmail.com>03:12
paultagDate:   Sat Feb 27 16:45:37 2010 +080003:12
paultagphillw, on pcman03:13
paultagcommit faba3593dd59c4d85fe328270cfdc89465ed84a003:13
paultagAuthor: Martin Bagge / brother (or Pootle...) <brother@bsnet.se>03:13
paultagDate:   Tue Apr 13 23:51:35 2010 +020003:13
paultagphillw, go into each repo and run "git show" ( q to exit )03:13
paultagphillw, see if that data lines up. If it does, you are up to date03:13
phillwpaultag: which means exactly zero to me, took him 2 days for me to be able to compile it the 1st time :-(03:14
paultagphillw, go into each repo and run "git show" ( q to exit )03:14
phillwcd libfm  ?03:14
paultagphillw, the top three lines should match my three lines for each one I posted03:14
paultagphillw, yis03:15
paultagphillw, what makes you think you are out of date?03:16
phillwlibfm says03:16
phillwDate:   Sun Mar 21 17:55:21 2010 +010003:16
paultagyeah you are _slightly_ out of date03:16
phillwso, git pull ?03:16
paultagphillw, rm -rf libfm; git clone git://pcmanfm.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pcmanfm/libfm03:16
phillwpaultag: is there no way of updating them, or do we have to always do an rm -rf ?03:18
paultagphillw, git pull should work03:18
paultagphillw, but if your remote is fscked up, it could have issues03:18
paultagphillw, you should check with git branches -a and verify remote/HEAD is set to local03:18
phillwcan i try git pull 1st :-)03:18
paultagphillw, :)03:19
phillwDate:   Tue Apr 13 23:52:35 2010 +020003:20
paultagphillw, :)03:20
paultagphillw, congrats :)03:20
phillwpaultag: as i say on the forum, do not a couple thousand coffee beans catch you out, I'm very much a n00b, espcially to this level of testing releases03:22
paultagphillw, :)03:22
paultagphillw, I trust you are smart enough to take all this in :)03:22
phillwI have it logged, I will make notes later03:23
ShadowKnightHey, i downloaded the virtual box, i was wondering, how much ram should i put for it? my comp has 4gigs of ram03:23
paultagphillw, I'm here to help03:23
paultagphillw, please message me if you need more help03:23
paultagShadowKnight, it's up to you :)03:23
paultagShadowKnight, what are you running inside the vbox ?03:23
ShadowKnighti want to run windows (idk which one to run either yet lol) because of some things i needed with it. and i was just planning to see which other systems would be good to try out to just test them out03:24
phillwpaultag: I hope I summarised it here --> ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9108616&postcount=21803:26
ShadowKnightthe max it lets me put is around 3144mb of ram03:26
paultagcool! Thanks phillw :)03:26
phillwpaultag: the people who help me are those on #ubuntu-beginners, ##devil, ##ufbt, #lubuntu, #ubuntu+1 and then a load off the forums, the only reason I have those beans is that I always try to help back, as I know many do.03:31
paultagphillw, Yup :)03:31
ShadowKnightpaultag, do you have any recommendation on how much ram or how i should set up this virtualbox?03:33
paultagShadowKnight, what are you running inside the vbox ?03:34
paultagOh shit03:34
paultagsorry ShadowKnight, you responded to me03:34
ShadowKnightits okay dont worry lol03:34
paultagShadowKnight, what version of windows?03:34
ShadowKnighti was thinking windows 7 but if you recommend a lower one ill try that one. i know i am in between 7 or xp03:34
paultagShadowKnight, give it a healthy 2 GB03:35
paultagShadowKnight, go a bit over if you want, but 2GB is a sweet spot, I think03:35
ShadowKnightokay then ill try that out right now, what are the limitations of virtualbox?03:36
ShadowKnightpaultag, do i create a new hard disk or use an existing one? o_O03:38
paultagShadowKnight, the OSE is missing some functionality of the "full" version03:38
paultagShadowKnight, new hard drive03:38
paultagShadowKnight, but it should have everything you need, and it's "more" F/OSS then VMWare03:38
ShadowKnightpaultag, what do you mean the "full" version? and  more in what sense?03:39
ShadowKnightpaultag, sorry for bothering you again but dynamically or fixed size?03:40
paultagShadowKnight, please bug me, I'm here to help :)03:40
paultagShadowKnight, it's up to you03:40
paultagShadowKnight, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualBox03:40
paultag"The application was initially offered under a proprietary software license. One version of the product was available at no cost for personal or evaluation use, subject to the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL).[4] In January 2007, VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) was released as free software, subject to the requirements of the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2.[5]"03:40
paultagThere are two versions of the VirtualBox software.03:41
paultagThe full VirtualBox package comes under a proprietary Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL), which allows using the software free of charge for personal and educational use and evaluation of the product.[14] Licenses for commercial deployment of the full VirtualBox package can be purchased from Oracle, although commercial use by individuals within a company is covered by the free PUEL.[15]03:41
paultagA second version called the VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) is free software released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), from which the following closed-source features are missing:[16]03:41
paultagThe built-in Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server03:41
paultagUSB support (see below) and the combination of running the RDP server with support of remote USB devices03:41
ShadowKnightlol thanks paultag, well i dont think that ill be missing those features very much lol03:41
paultagShadowKnight, :)03:41
ShadowKnightpaultag, if you uninstall the package would it take away the harddisk storage it is using?03:42
paultagShadowKnight, no03:42
paultagShadowKnight, What it does is it creates a disk image in ~/.VirtualBox or something03:43
paultagShadowKnight, and you can manually remove the files ( that act as hard drives )03:43
ShadowKnightoh okay then thanks for clearing that up paultag03:44
paultagShadowKnight, sure thing :)03:44
ShadowKnightpaultag, what does this mean?03:47
ShadowKnightVT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Your 64-bit guest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot. Please ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer.03:47
paultagwhat CPU do you have ShadowKnight?03:48
paultagWait, hold on03:48
paultagShadowKnight, can you pastebin /proc/cpuinfo ?03:48
VotebotFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com03:48
paultagShadowKnight, `cat /proc/cpuinfo`03:48
ShadowKnightyea sure, ummm how do i do that paultag? is that a terminal command?03:49
paultagShadowKnight, yis :)03:49
ShadowKnightpaultag, okay done lol what do i paste for you here?03:50
paultagShadowKnight, paste the whole thing in a pastebing03:50
paultag!pastebin | ShadowKnight03:50
VotebotShadowKnight: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com03:50
paultagShadowKnight, flawless, thank you :)03:51
paultagOK you can support it. ShadowKnight If you could reboot into your BIOS and check that you are allowing virtualization Check for something like VT-x, or Hypervisor03:52
ShadowKnightso i enable virtualization under bios? okay thanks ill go try that right now.03:54
paultagShadowKnight, let us know :)03:54
ShadowKnightpaultag, it still give me the same message even after enabling intels virtualization technology04:14
paultagShadowKnight, odd04:14
paultagShadowKnight, and you are sure you enabled it?04:15
ShadowKnightyep i tried it twice and it says enabled04:15
paultagShadowKnight, can you paste the error message again?04:15
ShadowKnightyea sure np04:15
ShadowKnightVT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Your 64-bit guest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot.04:15
ShadowKnightPlease ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer.04:15
paultagShadowKnight, what's the output of `uname -m` ?04:16
paultagShadowKnight, ^04:17
paultagShadowKnight, looks like your situation, I think04:18
ShadowKnightokay then ill look into this right now paultag, thanks04:18
paultagShadowKnight, keep us updated :)04:18
ShadowKnightpaultag, it says that my processor does offer hardware support for virtualization but that it needs to be run with administrative rights in order to determine whether intel's vmx virtual machine extensions are being locked on, locked off, or neither. it says that the bios may be deliberately disabling support and that i should do it with administrative privileges under a 32bit version of nt xp or vista04:30
paultagShadowKnight, :/04:30
ShadowKnightany guesses? i also saw that i should try to update my bios04:31
ShadowKnighti got this all from a program called securable04:31
paultagShadowKnight, let me meditate on this real quick04:31
ShadowKnightokay thanks paultag04:31
ShadowKnighthey paultag, ill be right back imma try something in windows really quick04:39
paultagOK ShadowKnight04:39
ShadowKnighthey paultag, it says it doesnt support some hypertreading thing is that a problem?04:56
paultagI don't think so04:56
ShadowKnightokay, i checked some utility for my processor and it is able to be used on it so idk.04:57
ShadowKnightshould i update my bios? its in A10 and theres an update for A1404:57
paultagGive it a try ShadowKnight04:58
ShadowKnightokay thanks paultag, ill be back again later then lol04:59
ShadowKnighthey paultag, it doesnt display the error message anymore but now it says05:11
ShadowKnightFATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted. in a terminal screen.05:11
paultagShadowKnight, that's awesome, congrats, it works :)05:12
paultagShadowKnight, just open up the manager and set a CD to put in the CDROM drive05:12
paultagShadowKnight, you can use an ISO for that, then install to the HD :)05:12
ShadowKnight1hey paultag, thanks ill go try that right now :)05:14
paultagShadowKnight1, congrats, you bested me :)05:14
paultagyou beat me too it, outstanding show :)05:15
ShadowKnight1paultag, thank you. i had your help i owe you a lot :)05:15
paultagShadowKnight1, Nah, great work05:15
ShadowKnight1paultag, im so sorry lol but idk how to make a new HD for it, i have been looking and and the only thing i find is to make a new .vdi05:19
paultagShadowKnight1, that's what you want05:19
paultagShadowKnight1, just open up the manager and create a new drive, and set the new machine to that HD05:19
ShadowKnight1that one to be the primary master?05:20
ShadowKnight1okay, so the original one i made is the primary slave then?05:22
st4aluckneed help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934108:53
st4aluck~$ /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose This CPU has nx in the flags, so the BIOS is not disabling it.08:54
st4aluckPls help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934109:20
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LzrdKingi'm here to help, if i can15:48
rajagenupulai am a new one how can i learn ubuntu effectively?15:48
rajagenupulahello anyone plz15:49
rajagenupulagive me the start point15:50
LzrdKingi'm sure there a books you can read15:50
LzrdKingor you can just install and play with it15:51
rajagenupulai here lucid released15:51
LzrdKing2 weeks, april 2915:51
rajagenupulais a good one15:51
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: Download ubuntu manual beta from ubuntu-manual.org if you want to learn ubuntu 10.04 (which is not yet released)15:51
rajagenupulathank you15:52
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: if you want to learn 9.10 then try out ubuntupocketguide.com15:52
rajagenupulai have learned some concepts in this like how to install and update15:52
rajagenupulai am still fail while installing from tar15:53
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: install the package build-essential using synaptics15:55
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: then just unpack the tar15:55
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: cd into it from the command line15:55
rajagenupulai have install that from sudo apt-get install build-essentila15:55
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: and type the following command exactly:- ./configure && make && sudo make install15:55
melmhow can i stor my downloaded programmes in usb to install them on other pc15:55
bilalakhtarmelm: programs downloaded using what?15:56
bilalakhtarmelm: I think for this purpose you should install aptoncd15:56
bilalakhtarmelm: it will help you a lot15:56
bilalakhtarmelm: install aptoncd from synaptic15:56
rajagenupulamalm saying that after downloading from sudo he wants to save the dump15:56
bilalakhtarmelm: yes for that he needs aptoncd i got it15:57
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: so you installed build-essential?15:57
duanedesignrajagenupula: the ubuntu dos are helpfull as well for learning your way around current releases. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/15:58
rajagenupulayes i have15:58
rajagenupulathat ./configure and ,make all done from the client or the user15:59
rajagenupulai mean root or user15:59
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: do ./configure and make as your own user16:01
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: then when you do sudo make install root is used16:01
bilalakhtarrajagenupula: then when you do 'sudo make install' root is used16:01
rajagenupulabilalakhtar don't mind may i take ur messanger id and if have any problem then i will send u16:02
bilalakhtarbilalakhtar: ok take by yahoo id bilalakhtar96@yahoo.com16:02
bilalakhtarand password ****************************** lol16:02
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ShadowKnighthey, i was trying to install virtual box yesterday  but i still cant get it to get a bootable medium, is there anything i can do about that? i have tried a lot of different things and nothing works so far19:28
ShadowKnightdoes anybody know why?19:45
Raidsongis the computer on?19:45
ShadowKnightyea i have it on i am using virtualbox for windows 7 but it says fatal: bootable medium something something19:47
Raidsongis your windows 7 a legit copy?19:47
ShadowKnightyea but does that have anything to do with virtualbox on linux? o_O19:48
Raidsongif your copy of the OS is no good it wont work19:48
Raidsongdid you check the md5sum on the file?19:49
ShadowKnightno i wouldnt know how to check that actually.19:49
ShadowKnightso virtualbox is linked to your os? what about if you just have linux by itself installed? how would that work?19:49
Raidsongvbox runs the os in a virtual computer the base os has little effect on this19:51
ShadowKnightoh okay then so how would the windows 7 legit thing work in this case when im trying to run virtualbox in linux to emulate windows 7?19:51
Raidsongwell if your copy of windows 7 doesnt work, it wont work19:52
Raidsongis it a .iso?19:54
ShadowKnightso is there anything i can do about that?19:54
ShadowKnightyea it should be, imma try to redo everything right now i think cause this is really weird to me.19:54
Raidsongyou should double check to see if the image is good19:54
ShadowKnightokay ill be back in a bit thanks raidsong19:56
krish-1no videos is running on youtube plz help19:57
pedro3005krish-1, have you installed flash?19:58
krish-1u mean adobeflash19:58
pedro3005krish-1, have you installed any flash, adobe or not?19:59
krish-1no i dint19:59
pedro3005krish-1, what version of ubuntu are you running?20:00
pedro3005krish-1, ok, click Applications -> Add/Remove20:00
pedro3005Found it?20:01
krish-1done den20:01
pedro3005krish-1, search for 'ubuntu restricted extras'20:01
pedro3005got it?20:02
pedro3005krish-1, install it20:02
krish-1ya i installed20:03
pedro3005krish-1, has it finished already?20:03
krish-11 min20:04
pedro3005krish-1, alright, try restarting firefox now20:04
pedro3005krish-1, try opening youtube20:06
krish-1opened  but no video is running20:07
pedro3005krish-1, hm.. are you sure it installed correctly?20:09
pedro3005does it report any error?20:09
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ShadowKnighthey Raidsong, is there a way to do it without the iso? because it says something about creating a new hard disk and what not so i was wondering about that20:28
Raidsongi have no idea, ive never used vbox20:29
ShadowKnighthmmm okay then thanks20:29
pedro3005ShadowKnight, do you have a burned CD?20:30
ibuclawShadowKnight, an iso of w7...20:35
=== Commodore64_2 is now known as Commodore64
Raidsongibuclaw, its legit though20:36
ibuclawlegit != legally acquired.20:37
Raidsongit was legally acquired20:38
Raidsonghe assured me so20:38
ibuclawnow last time I checked (being an MCP) - Microsoft only supply trial versions via the mcp site20:38
Raidsongibuclaw, what are you trying to say?20:39
pedro3005denying someone help just because they supposedly acquired it illegally (with emphasis on supposedly) does not demote piracy20:41
swoodyand I wouldn't jump to conclusions. My school offers W7 Pro for free, and you can download it as an .iso and burn it yourself :)20:42
Raidsongits not what you know its what you can prove20:43
ibuclawRaidsong, what I'm saying is - this is the only legal version of the W7 iso you can get. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/cc442495.aspx20:45
ibuclawtrue on school volume licenses though...20:45
Raidsongperhaps hes friends with somebody who works for microsoft20:46
ibuclawam not sure on isos though (although - am not a MCT ... but knowing one - he downloaded gigabytes of images onto his server)20:47
pedro3005ibuclaw, innocent until proven guilty!20:47
Raidsongyea lets say he got it from a school20:49
ibuclawin any case he's probably being a dumbass and not loading the iso as a cdrom20:49
ibuclaw"fatal: no bootable medium found" being round abouts the message emitted when the vbox BIOS can't find anyhting to boot from20:50
pedro3005ibuclaw, no need for disrespect20:51
Raidsong...shadowknight left a long time ago20:53
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ZeRoDeAtH50435I need help installing my printer/scanner21:24
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, what's the model?21:26
ZeRoDeAtH50435brother MFC-255CW21:27
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, have you checked out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1256630 ?21:28
ZeRoDeAtH50435will this work for wireless21:40
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, probably21:41
ZeRoDeAtH50435is there a easier way to install it21:42
ibuclawZeRoDeAtH50435, Only installation via the command line interface (terminal) is supported.21:43
ibuclawYou can have a look at their website - http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/index.html21:44
ZeRoDeAtH50435had can I install i386 architecture21:46
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, it's explained in that tutorial, just ignore things about 64 bits21:48
ZeRoDeAtH50435I am running 64bit21:48
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, so don't ignore things about 64 bits21:49
ZeRoDeAtH50435well there is something I want to try and I do not know the command that lets you install i386 architecture21:50
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, oh, I think what you want is21:51
pedro3005sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture pkg.deb21:51
ZeRoDeAtH50435doesnt work21:52
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, well, what exactly are you trying to do?21:52
ZeRoDeAtH50435I have the drivers that I need but there are for i386 and I cant install them21:53
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, they are .deb's?21:54
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, and you did substitute pkg.deb with their proper names?21:55
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, do you know how?21:55
ZeRoDeAtH50435change the pkg.deb to the name of the file21:56
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, did that work?21:56
ZeRoDeAtH50435trying it now21:57
digevolhey all.  when someone gets a chance, I am trying to get an Intel Corp 82801DB Pro/100 VE Ethernet Controller (rev 81) setup and online on ubuntu 9.1021:57
ZeRoDeAtH50435no it did not work21:58
ZeRoDeAtH50435my not have put it in right21:58
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, are you sure you are in the correct directory?21:59
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah that might be why21:59
pedro3005digevol, so it's a wired connection?21:59
digevolyes it is22:01
pedro3005digevol, what's the output of ifconfig?22:02
digevolim on a mac sitting next to the linux box, any lines you prefer me to write out?22:03
pedro3005digevol, are there a lot of lines?22:04
digevolRX packets: 7783 errorrs: 0 dropped: 0 overruns 0 frame: 022:04
digevoleth0 and lo22:04
digevolunder each sectin theres a bit of info22:04
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah Im not getting any where22:05
pedro3005digevol, does eth0 has an IP address somewhere?22:05
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, where are the drivers located?22:05
digevolim not seeing a standard external or internal ip.. i see what looks to be MAC addresses, but no 192's or other ips22:05
ZeRoDeAtH50435downloads file22:06
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, the absolute path22:06
digevolim showing an Ethernet HWaddr and inet6 addr22:06
ZeRoDeAtH50435it in my home file22:06
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, can you see the files with 'ls'?22:07
ZeRoDeAtH50435what do you mean22:07
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, run ls on a terminal22:07
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, you see the files?22:08
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, what are their names?22:09
ZeRoDeAtH50435mfc255cwlpr-1.1.2-1.i386.deb & mfc255cwcupswrapper-1.1.2-2.i386.deb22:10
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, run:22:11
pedro3005sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture mfc255cwlpr-1.1.2-1.i386.deb22:11
digevolpedro3005, you look to be a smart yet busy guy, does anyone else know where I might be able to find some further information, any other channels i should look into?22:16
pedro3005digevol, oh, don't mistake me for smart :p you can try your luck on #ubuntu or the forums (ubuntuforums.org).. or someone here who knows more than me (anyone)22:17
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, what's the output of 'ls /var/spool' ?22:18
ZeRoDeAtH50435anacron  cron  cups  mail  openoffice  plymouth22:20
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, run?22:22
pedro3005sudo apt-get -y install lib32stdc++622:22
ZeRoDeAtH50435its running22:23
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok its done22:24
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, now:22:25
pedro3005sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/MFC-665CW22:25
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, then22:26
pedro3005sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model22:27
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, run this one:22:27
pedro3005sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/MFC-255CW22:28
pedro3005and then:22:28
pedro3005sudo rm /usr/share/cups/MFC-665CW -r22:28
pedro3005^ carefully though, don't wanna mistype anything22:28
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah, done22:29
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, try22:30
pedro3005sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture mfc255cwlpr-1.1.2-1.i386.deb22:30
ZeRoDeAtH50435same as before22:31
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, try this:22:33
pedro3005sudo apt-get install lpr22:33
ZeRoDeAtH50435that worked22:33
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok its done22:34
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, did it finish?22:34
pedro3005now, try again?22:34
pedro3005sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture mfc255cwlpr-1.1.2-1.i386.deb22:34
ZeRoDeAtH50435worked and done22:34
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, now try:22:35
pedro3005sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture mfc255cwcupswrapper-1.1.2-2.i386.deb22:35
ZeRoDeAtH50435its working22:36
ZeRoDeAtH50435its done22:37
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, try printing now..22:38
ZeRoDeAtH50435nope nothing22:39
ZeRoDeAtH50435still has not printed anything22:42
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, does it detect the printer?22:43
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, can you see it in System > Administration > Printing ?22:44
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, right click and then click properties (on the printer)22:45
pedro3005nothing if you click Print Test Page?22:46
ZeRoDeAtH50435i know what it is22:46
ZeRoDeAtH50435the device URL: usb:/dev/usb/lp0 its wireless22:47
ZeRoDeAtH50435that has to be changed for the network i think22:47
=== Vantrax|Work is now known as Vantrax
ZeRoDeAtH50435 how would I go about doing that22:48
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, do you know the printer's IP?22:49
ZeRoDeAtH50435ssid right22:50
ZeRoDeAtH50435MAC address22:51
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, try accessing your router's configuration page and finding out all the network's ips22:53
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok got ip address22:53
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, what is it?22:54
ZeRoDeAtH50435thats what it is on the printer itself22:55
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, well, just to be sure, run this on a terminal:22:56
ZeRoDeAtH50435its doing something22:57
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, tell me what it's saying22:57
ZeRoDeAtH50435PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.22:57
ZeRoDeAtH50435is all right now22:57
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, then what next?22:57
pedro3005does it say anything else?22:57
ZeRoDeAtH50435not yet still waiting22:58
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, your printer isn't connecting to the network22:58
ZeRoDeAtH50435to my computer22:59
ZeRoDeAtH50435it works fine on the other computer running windows22:59
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, oh ok, that helps23:00
pedro3005so there's a technique23:00
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, on the windows machine, go to the control panel23:00
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah I know its connected23:00
pedro3005open Printers and Faxes23:00
pedro3005right click on the printer, select properties23:00
pedro3005click the "Ports" tab23:00
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok its slow had to run some updates23:01
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, can you see the printer's IP there?23:01
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, what do you see there?23:02
ZeRoDeAtH50435LPT1-3, COM1-4, FILE, USB DOT BR SEN NUa23:04
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, yeah, try widening the LPT1-3 column23:04
pedro3005whatever that means23:04
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, what?23:09
ZeRoDeAtH50435what I tried to test print it didnt23:10
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, on windows?23:10
ZeRoDeAtH50435its says that its offline23:16
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, see, it isn't connecting to the network23:17
ZeRoDeAtH50435yeah it isnt23:17
ZeRoDeAtH50435but its connect23:17
pedro3005but it isn't23:17
pedro3005ZeRoDeAtH50435, try restarting it etc23:18
pedro3005did it work?23:20
ZeRoDeAtH50435sorry about that23:30
ZeRoDeAtH50435still off line23:38
ZeRoDeAtH50435I think I know what the problem is23:45

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