
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4073 ubiquity/debian/real-po/ (81 files): debconf-updatepo00:43
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4074 ubiquity/debian/ (83 files in 2 dirs):00:47
CIA-3ubiquity: Restore translations for oem-config-check and oem-config-udeb, lost in00:47
CIA-3ubiquity: oem-config merge.00:47
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4075 ubiquity/ (8 files in 3 dirs):00:49
CIA-3ubiquity: Display simple progress feedback using debconf-apt-progress while00:49
CIA-3ubiquity: removing oem-config (LP: #558593).00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558593 in omsk "During OEM-config removal, there is no graphical feedback" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55859300:49
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4076 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):00:55
CIA-3ubiquity: Write locale-gen output from ubiquity-dm to /var/log/installer/dm rather00:55
CIA-3ubiquity: than to the console.00:55
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
ogracjwatson, is there any way to convince partman to let me create /boot as fat ?08:35
ograi know it should work as long as /vmlinuz and /initrd.img are properly linked from the rootfs08:36
* ogra just tried a netinst installing to the SD he booted from08:36
ograomap uboot has probs loading from ext2 though08:37
superm1cjwatson, hm, so in trying a disk with that new casper it is hanging for a long time, with what appears to be looking for a dhcp address.  could you make that network start stuff optional instead?08:42
ogracjwatson, just fyi, i'm properly getting a kernel now with the base-installer change08:44
ograbah, i take that back, something failed08:52
cjwatsonogra: fat should be possible - what's going wrong?  are you getting an error dialog?08:53
ogracjwatson, yes, telling me that using fat for /boot is impossible08:53
ograi need to start over from serial console, the kernel has a bug that doesnt let me to switch ttys08:53
ograso i cant get to the actual log atm08:54
cjwatsonsuperm1: wait a sec though, that's odd, weren't you already doing url preseeding?  in that case you should already have been getting dhcp - I just moved it around08:54
* ogra would also like to know what fails with kernel installation :/08:54
cjwatsonogra: well, fat for /boot does have some genuine problems in update-initramfs08:54
ograyes, but you can work around them if you have the links on /08:54
ograi did that before08:54
ograits moaning but working08:55
cjwatsonogra: if it's your only choice, we can make a subarch exception from that dialog08:55
ograwell, i'll do some more tests08:55
cjwatsonlog - use "execute a shell" from the main menu?08:55
ograright, but for now it threw me back into base install08:55
ograwhich i cant stop08:55
* ogra twiddles thumbs08:56
ograserial is better since i can capture stuff from the laptop :)08:56
cjwatsonogra: something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/414145/ look OK to you?09:04
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1284 ubuntu/ (10 files in 6 dirs):09:24
CIA-3debian-installer: Tidy up the i386/netboot-xen configuration for Ubuntu, and enable it09:24
CIA-3debian-installer: (LP: #532547).09:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532547 in debian-installer "Create PAE enabled 32bit install vmlinuz/initrd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53254709:24
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1285 ubuntu/ (8 files in 2 dirs): Move to 2.6.32-21 kernels.09:26
cjwatsonogra: can I go ahead with that partman-basicfilesystems change I pasted?09:33
ogracjwatson, it will just omit the error, right ? in case i find a way to use ext2 it wont get in my way ?09:46
ograi think thats fine09:46
ev anyone have an idea of how I could reproduce the network environment in bug 556831? I've tried killing DNS, as well as just flat out disconnecting the host (I'm using KVM), but neither surfaces the issue that superm1 is seeing.  I hit the NetworklessInstallFixes code path just fine.09:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556831 in oem-priority "System takes forever trying to contact uncontactable sources during install" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55683109:48
CIA-3partman-basicfilesystems: cjwatson * r583 ubuntu/ (check.d/mountpoint_fat debian/changelog):09:48
CIA-3partman-basicfilesystems: Allow armel/omap to use FAT for /boot, since the problems with it can be09:48
CIA-3partman-basicfilesystems: worked around while it's difficult to use anything else given uboot09:48
CIA-3partman-basicfilesystems: limitations.09:48
cjwatsonev: sounds like you want firewall configuration that permits DNS but excludes anything else09:49
* ev dusts off the iptables manual09:49
cjwatsoni.e. local name server, drop (not reject) packets sent to outside world09:49
cjwatson(a sensible firewall configuration would reject - but drop is the worst case)09:49
ograbah, sigh ... so the kernel fails because mmcblk0p2 has no uuid in sysfs09:49
evcjwatson: thanks, I'll give that a shot09:49
ograwell, mkinitramfs fails09:49
ograhmm, no, its all there as it should be09:53
ogragar !10:02
ograinitramfs-tools/hook-functions has no handling for mmc *at all* !10:02
* ogra curses10:03
CIA-3partman-basicfilesystems: cjwatson * r584 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 63ubuntu410:04
ogra                block=${root#/dev/}10:07
ogra                block=${block%%[0-9]*}10:07
ograbah ... that turns mmcblk0 into mmcblk10:07
dmarkeyis it on the roadmap to allow /boot to be on LVM?10:13
cjwatsonI thought you already could10:16
cjwatsonwhat error do you get when you try?10:16
dmarkeyoh, i never tried :), so in short there can be a single partition on the disk, comprising of an LVM pv?10:38
cjwatsonI think it should work, it's just subject to the bootloader understanding it10:45
cjwatsonwhich grub2 ought to10:45
dmarkeyi see. Must see if i can coerce the installer into doing that10:53
evFINALLY.  cjwatson, superm1: I can reproduce the apt timeout bug.  I'll work on a fix after lunch.12:33
ogracjwatson, Apr 14 11:57:47 base-installer: info: Using kernel 'linux-omap'12:59
ograApr 14 11:57:47 base-installer: info: Setting do_initrd='yes'.12:59
ograApr 14 11:57:47 base-installer: info: Setting link_in_boot='yes'.12:59
ogracjwatson, how do i tell it to not set link_in_boot ?13:00
ograsince we need a link in / instead if /boot is vfat13:00
cjwatsoncurrently that's only architecture-specific, not subarchitecture-specific13:01
cjwatsonI'm guessing that isn't appropriate for other armel subarches?13:01
ograimx has a very special setup for booting and dove has ext2 /boot13:02
cjwatsonyou'll have to hack it in base-installer/library.sh then13:02
cjwatsoni.e. if archdetect returns armel/omap, override what we get from debconf13:03
ograi'm not bitten by it yet but i think update-initramfs will chocke on it13:03
persiaIn which package do the CD boot menus live again?13:03
ograunless that changed13:03
cjwatsonit's slightly spread around13:03
cjwatsongfxboot implements the bytecode interpreter that drives part of the CD boot menus.  it is unlikely to be the package you need to modify13:04
cjwatsonpersia: could you be more specific about the change you'd like to make?13:04
persiaOK.  Specifically, I want to see if there's a way to disable the "Install UEC" feature from server CDs.13:04
cjwatsonfor yourself, or for server images in general?13:04
ograis that in the main menu ?13:04
ograi thought thats only in tasksel13:04
cjwatsonogra: no.13:04
persiaOn an arch-specific basis: UEC is currently [i386 amd64], but this isn't indicated anywhere (and CDs are oversize for powerpc/ia64)13:04
cjwatsonit's in the main menu.13:04
cjwatsonpersia: it'd be in cdimage, tools/boot/lucid/*13:05
persiaFor server images in general (well, actually, I'll work with kirkland to do it, but want to do prep work)13:05
cjwatsondebian-cd rather13:05
persiaThanks :)13:05
* ogra would like that to go away at some point on armel too ... but only from tasksel and its not for lucid 13:05
cjwatsonbut the Ubuntu branch, not the packaged version13:05
* persia tries to figure out why `grep -rn UEC .` didn't return anything for debian-cd13:05
persiaAha!  I thoguht the package was refreshed from the Ubuntu branch.13:06
cjwatsonbecause it's spelled "Install Ubuntu ^Enterprise Cloud"13:06
cjwatsonit's already amd64/i386 only in debian-cd ...13:06
cjwatsonas in, cloud.seed isn't used anywhere else13:06
cjwatson./tools/boot/lucid/boot-amd64:362:  append $KERNEL_PARAMS file=/cdrom/preseed/cloud.seed initrd=/install/initrd.gz quiet --13:06
cjwatson./tools/boot/lucid/boot-i386:360:  append $KERNEL_PARAMS file=/cdrom/preseed/cloud.seed initrd=/install/initrd.gz quiet --13:06
cjwatsonso - in what sense is UEC [i386 amd64]?13:07
cjwatsoneucalyptus-cloud | 1.6.2-0ubuntu29 |         lucid | amd64, armel, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc13:07
cjwatsonthat's the reason the task shows up in tasksel13:08
cjwatsonit's sensitive to whether the package is available13:08
persiaIt expects KVM as underpinning.  kvm doesn't work on armel (no HW support), isn't ported to PowerVR, so can't work on powerpc.  I'm less sure about sparc/ia64.13:08
ograright, no kvm on arm13:08
cjwatsonso shouldn't we be removing it from the architectures where it doesn't work, and updating Packages-arch-specific and the package's Architecture field to match?13:08
persiaQuite possibly.  I'll be discussing that in about an hour.  I just wanted to make sure that I had the right information about the CD menus as well.13:09
cjwatsonI don't see anything to do for the CD menus13:09
ograat least until someone makes kvm work on the other arches13:09
persiaNo, it looks like the necessary bits are already done.13:10
persiaThanks for the pointer.13:10
cjwatsoneucalyptus-nc only Recommends: kvm13:10
cjwatson(which should be qemu-kvm these days, I think, rather than going through the transitional package?)13:11
ograi wonder if it can actually run in software emu13:11
cjwatsonI don't know - but that explains why eucalyptus-nc is installable on armel right now13:11
cjwatsonaccording to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/lucid_probs.html13:11
persiaI'll check.  If it can work with bare qemu, then the package can be left alone, but the seeds may as well shift: something has to drop from the powerpc server disk to fit, and this seemed like a good candidate.13:12
cjwatsonyou could make it arch-specific in the seeds, and that ought to do13:16
persiaThat was my initial plan, but as with so many things, once one looks into something, one discovers it may be larger than anticipated :)13:17
* ogra finds it really exciting that you can boot netinst d-i from SD and then overwrite the same SD during install13:23
* ogra glares at "Preparing language-pack-gnome-en-base"13:31
ograhrm ...13:36
ograreconnects ...13:36
ograyay, apart from the bootloader installation it seemd d-i survived on omap now \o/13:36
cjwatsonsuperm1: comment on bug 482757 suggests that something called "Dell DataSafe Local Backup" may be using the embedding area immediately after the MBR and interfering with grub2.  Can you find out if this is true and do anything about it?14:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482757 in grub2 "Grub loading. The symbol ' ' not found. Aborted. Press any key... (dup-of: 496435)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48275714:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496435 in grub2 "upgrades of the grub-pc package can overwrite wrong MBR" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49643514:15
cjwatson(bug metadata is probably wrong, never mind that ...)14:15
evoo, just got an idea.  Instead of relying on debootstrap, we could provide a desktop ISO to the test runner.  It would then mount the squashfs and mount (and unmount) a aufs writeable layer on top for each test.14:51
evgranted, we could use an aufs mount either way14:59
cjwatsonI thought the desktop team were doing some experimentation with EC2 testing15:03
cjwatsonmay be worth checking with them in case they have something already15:03
evyeah, you had mentioned Launchpad doing that as well, I think15:06
evwill do15:06
cjwatsonev: what do you think about http://paste.ubuntu.com/414362/ ?  csurbhi requested something like this at the platform sprint, and I'm just now getting round to it15:42
lamontstupid question for someone able to parse and explain partman-auto/expert_recipe preseed values15:42
superm1cjwatson, No, it's not URL preseeding, it's a flat file.  at some ODMs there is limited internal network access during install and some there isn't.15:42
lamontd-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string foo :: \15:42
lamont        2000 242 4000 ext3      \15:42
lamont                $primary{ } $bootable{ } method{ format } format{ } \15:42
lamont                use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 } mountpoint{ / } \15:42
lamont        .       \15:42
lamontI want bigger for that.. what do the '2000 242 4000' magic numbers mean?15:42
cjwatsonsuperm1: oh.  meh.15:43
cody-somervillelamont, minimal size, priority, and maximum size15:44
lamontin blocks, 1KB, or?15:44
cjwatsonlamont: let me find you the documentation15:44
lamontcjwatson: oh, awesome15:44
cjwatsonlet's please use Ubuntu references15:44
cjwatsonin this case they're probably pretty similar but they aren't always15:45
superm1cjwatson, re datasafe local backup, i didn't think that it actually used anything in the MBR, but I'll inquire more details about it15:45
cjwatsonsuperm1: so the reason that I did the dhclient thing was that it broke for me when trying to install a package which happened to be on the network15:45
evcjwatson: looks entirely reasonable15:46
superm1cjwatson, that's what I had figured.  could it just be made into something optional?15:46
cjwatsonif I can figure out a sensible option to use for it15:48
cjwatsonpreseed/allow-network or something?15:50
superm1sounds fine to me15:51
cjwatsoncan I default it to on?  I think that might be more generally appropriate15:51
cjwatsonwell, hmm, I wonder15:51
cjwatsonI guess preserve-previous-behaviour is better15:52
cjwatsonso preseed/allow-network=true then15:52
cjwatsonsuperm1: fixed and uploaded15:57
superm1cjwatson, i've got the right contact and going to set up a meeting about datasafe local and what it's really doing to the disk.  as a consolation, could you maybe query the contents of that 30kb after the MBR to see what's there?  It's normally unused in scenarios that are plain windows, right?  If it's being used by something currently, maybe recommend installing to a partition for those folks16:23
cjwatsonnot feasible at this point16:24
cjwatsonit's actually really hard to do even that16:24
cjwatsonwhat's there might be a previous version of grub and it isn't easy for it to recognise itself16:24
superm1You mean previous versions of grub put stage 1.5 there right?16:25
cjwatsonprevious versions of grub216:26
cjwatsona previous grub-install run16:26
cjwatsonblacklisting certain magic numbers or something might be more feasible - but I think it probably is what it is for lucid at this point, although I know it does cause some problems16:27
cjwatsonI don't want to make precipitate changes as this stuff is really quite delicate16:27
superm1right.  well i'll gather what details I can about DDLB and share them at UDS.  could at least try to get it right for maverick and backport to the dot releases after making sure that it's stable16:28
cjwatsonnot that I'm happy about the current situation, it's not just this Dell software, it's other things16:28
cjwatsonunfortunately right now I do not have a better solution in mind16:28
cjwatsonall the alternatives also have fairly serious problems16:29
cjwatsonthat I've thought of so far, anyway16:29
cjwatsonit may have to come down to a UI option, but the accompanying text would be thoroughly nasty16:30
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1286 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu9916:36
cjwatsonev: can there be a ubiquity upload at some point today so that it's possible for people to test my oem-config UI change?16:39
cjwatsonI'm heading out v. shortly ...16:40
evcjwatson: absolutely16:40
evI'll sort it out16:40
evsure thing16:40
dmarkeycjwatson: i see some progress has been made on pae :)16:52
cjwatsondmarkey: yeah, aside from xenfs which is probably now too late for lucid, the rest should be in once that d-i builds16:54
cjwatsontesting welcome16:54
dmarkeycool, xenfs isnt needed it turns out, when will i see a netboot image hitting the mirror?17:00
cjwatsonlater today17:02
dmarkeyexcellent, thanks17:03
dmarkeyis there still a preseed argument to fallback to grub1?17:03
cjwatsonyes, same as before17:03
dmarkeyyou think it would give out installing onto /dev/xvda?17:05
cjwatsonno idea :)17:06
dmarkeyand as far as i remember, the installer will pick up on grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy=false if its on the kernel command line?17:07
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4077 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py):17:10
CIA-3ubiquity: Increase kernel flush times (dirty_writeback_centisecs to 3000, and17:10
CIA-3ubiquity: dirty_expire_centisecs to 6000) during bulk data copying. Surbhi17:10
CIA-3ubiquity: Palande suggests that this should make it easier for the kernel to pack17:10
CIA-3ubiquity: blocks contiguously, speeding up ureadahead after installation.17:10
dafyddJust a quick question regarding the Karmic ISO layout,17:26
dafyddI read the guide on CD customization,17:27
dafyddand the example seems to be different than the layout from the Karmic ISO17:27
dafyddShould my extra packages be put in /pool or in /dist/karmic/extras/binary-i386/pool/extras ?17:28
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4078 ubiquity/ (158 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.17:34
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4079 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):17:37
CIA-3ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer17:37
CIA-3ubiquity: 1.103ubuntu7, choose-mirror 2.29ubuntu3, partman-base 139ubuntu4,17:37
CIA-3ubiquity: partman-basicfilesystems 63ubuntu4, tzsetup 1:0.26ubuntu8.17:37
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4080 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.1718:02
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
cjwatsondafydd: it doesn't actually matter as long as the references in the Packages files are correct - however putting a "pool" directory under dists/ is just plain bizarre23:13
CIA-3partman-ext3: cjwatson * r764 ubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs):23:36
CIA-3partman-ext3: Add preseedable partman-ext3/lazy_itable_init question, which if true23:36
CIA-3partman-ext3: runs mkfs.ext* with '-E lazy_itable_init', greatly speeding up mkfs on23:36
CIA-3partman-ext3: large drives (LP: #556621). This defaults to false since it is23:36
CIA-3partman-ext3: currently unsafe for use on areas of disk that previously contained a23:36
CIA-3partman-ext3: filesystem.23:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556621 in e2fsprogs "lazy_itable_init not on by default" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55662123:36

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