
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
IdleOneis there an official CoC translated to French and other languages?01:45
elkyIdleOne, I'm going to guess that the answer is yes, and the real question is "where?"01:55
rwwIdleOne: Not that I've heard of or can find.05:15
IdleOnerww: sadly there isn't but I heard talk about the ubuntu site being translated officially05:16
IdleOneso I would hope that includes the CoC, actually working on it right now05:16
IdleOnethe French version that is05:16
IdleOneGoing to propose it to the CC05:17
rwwGood idea. I'm surprised it hasn't been done already, considering how international Ubuntu is.05:25
persiaNote that in terms of interpretation, the CC is likely to rely on the English version.  Translations should probably note this so that people don't get caught up in potentially variable semantic wrangling.05:30
pleia2persia: *nod*05:39
IdleOneEmail has been sent to CC mailing list06:05
jussi01IdleOne: Im pretty sure the loco council were talking about translations of the CoC recently.06:51
Tm_Twe have finnish translation of CoC06:59
Tm_TI wonder how the official status would be obtained and monitored07:01
elkyTm_T, AIUI, the CoC is in version control anyway08:40
Tm_Thmm, translations should be reviewed in some way, I think, would that be a job of LoCo, some council or... CC is to decide, I guess08:42
elkyI kinda suspect that if there's enough demand for a particular translation, then there'll be someone who speaks the language who is trustworthy enough.08:45
elkyhmm, s/speaks/writes/08:46
Tm_Telky: I count our loco trustworthy enough, dunno if others would count too10:38
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ubot2AliTarihi called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()18:43
jtatumhi Pici :)19:58
PiciSo we need #ubuntu-virginia forwarded to #ubuntu-us-va ?19:58
jtatumPici, I think that would be best. there is still some info on the net which references #ubuntu-virginia20:00
Picijtatum: Is panickedthumb MIA?20:01
jtatumPici, as far as i can tell. they last identified to nickserv in August. Admittedly, I have not tried to locate them in LP and contact them that way yet though.20:02
Picijtatum: Well, since its not the main channel, I'll go ahead and get it forwarded to #ubuntu-us-va.  I'm on the IRC Council and one of the Group Contacts for Ubuntu on freenode.20:04
jtatumah, great :) i was just reading the irc team pages on the wiki before you sent me here :)20:04
Picijtatum: All set :)20:18
jtatumyou rock Pici, thanks! :)20:18

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