
bdrungdoko_: yes: bug #52051500:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520515 in openjdk-6 "Fonts in Java application are distorted" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52051500:36
doko_bdrung: not for me, sorry00:37
bdrungdoko_: you installed ttf-tahoma-replacement without any result?00:39
bdrungdoko_: btw, i am on amd6400:39
doko_bdrung: ahh, didn't see this comment00:39
bdrungdoko_: i was able to reproduce this issue in kvm.00:39
doko_bdrung: confirmed, reassigning to wine00:42
doko_bdrung: I hope it's not sarcasm, but apparently there's something with the font00:44
bdrunggood night00:50
=== doko__ is now known as doko
KA1234how do i get invite to #java?16:55
nthykieryou register your nick - see freenode's documentation16:56
KA1234but they say my nick name is already registered and i still cant get into the channell16:58
nthykierwow, they really restrict it to invites only16:59
nthykierwell, no clue how that works16:59
persiaJust worked for me, and I've no reason to have been invited there.  Dunno.17:02
nthykierwell, I get a "require invite"17:03
nthykiernot that I have much desire to join that channel :P17:03
persiaIf I ask NickServ about you, it says you aren't registered.17:05
persiaMaybe unregistered folks need invites?17:05
nthykierTruly I am not registered - but KA1234 claimed that he was17:06
persiaRight.  I'm wondering if the channel is set up to require invites for unregistered folks.17:06
persiaAnyway, doesn't matter.17:07
nthykierAgreed - I am perfectly okay with not being able to enter #java :P17:07
persiaOh, #java?  I've never tried there, only ##java.17:25

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