
humphreybci wonder who the kiwi could be? :P00:38
godbykprobably depends on which kiwi is awake at the time. ;-)00:43
humphreybci'm installing PS CS3 in an XP virtualbox... wish me luck00:58
semioticroboticoh dear00:59
semioticroboticgood luck with that00:59
humphreybci needs more rams01:00
semioticroboticwhen will your interview on Full Circle air, humphreybc?01:01
humphreybcabout the 22nd i think01:02
semioticroboticlooking forward to it01:03
humphreybcit's long :P01:03
humphreybcbout 40mins01:03
semioticroboticare they editing it?  or just unleashing your diatribe upon the world, uncut01:04
humphreybcediting it thank god haha01:04
semioticroboticwell, I always enjoy the podcast, so this will be a highlight for sure01:04
humphreybcdo you listen to uupc?01:05
semioticroboticproduced by the UK Loco team?01:05
semioticroboticjust started!  listened to another episode this afternoon, as a matter of fact01:05
semioticroboticwhat a great show01:06
humphreybcit is good01:06
humphreybci was meant to be on that too but i slept in, forgot all about it!01:06
semioticroboticand now the folks at OMG! are doing one, it seems01:06
humphreybci think i'll be on that after Lucid01:06
humphreybcfolks at OMG! = me and Joey01:06
semioticroboticawesome ... that's big-time press01:06
semioticroboticha!  really?01:06
humphreybc(I'm the other half of OMG)01:06
semioticroboticI had no idea01:06
humphreybchehe yeah, i've been a writer for a few weeks01:06
semioticroboticbut that's wonderful01:06
humphreybcwe're trying to work out what we're going to do differently to the others, skyping with joey about it soon (if he comes online!)01:07
semioticroboticI was wondering how that podcast would exist within the Ubuntu podcast space01:07
humphreybcit won't be as good in terms of quality as we'll be skyping from opposite sides of the world (whereas the uupc guys all sit in a room with mics)01:07
semioticroboticwhere's Joey?01:07
semioticroboticyeah, that's a bit tough01:08
humphreybcmeh, we know there are already lots of podcasts, but hey, there are lots of podcasts about apple, why not ubuntu?01:08
semioticroboticbut other podcasts do it ... so it must be possible01:08
humphreybcanyway we want to do it just for a bit of fun ourselves and I think OMG!'s 10,000+ subscribers will like it01:09
semioticroboticI'll be listening01:09
humphreybcwe'll do a podcast when i'm at UDS too01:09
humphreybcwhich will be neat01:09
semioticroboticUbuntu podcasts are my favorite distraction01:09
semioticroboticthat'll be excellent01:09
humphreybci might run around with a mic and interview some people at UDS like Mark and Jono and stuff01:09
semioticroboticinterviews with those folks would certainly put your podcast on the map01:10
humphreybcbut yeah, OMG! will be covering UDS pretty thoroughly01:10
semioticroboticnice ... i'm anxious to hear the coverage01:10
semioticrobotic"the perfect 10.10"01:10
humphreybci'll be there physically and Joey was meant to come too but he has to work for those weeks01:10
humphreybcit'll be good fun01:10
semioticroboticI'd offer to submit some content, but have absolutely no idea what I could contribute01:11
humphreybc:) if you think of something or write a good article you'd like us to repost, let me know01:12
semioticroboticcool ... will do01:12
humphreybcphotoshop appears to be working! yay!01:12
semioticroboticeven with limited rams?01:12
humphreybci've given the virtual box 1GB01:13
semioticroboticshould be enough for CS3, yeah01:13
semioticroboticalright, time to power down for the night01:15
semioticroboticgood to chat with you, humphreybc01:15
humphreybcsee ya bryan!01:15
semioticroboticnow that we're not squashing editing bugs, catching folks in the channel is hard01:15
semioticroboticmeeting this weekend?01:16
humphreybcyeah i think we'll have to have a meeting01:16
semioticroboticI think I'm available01:16
semioticrobotictake care, benjamin01:16
humphreybcsee ya!01:16
humphreybcgodbyk, http://www.flickr.com/photos/humphreybc/4518956963/sizes/o/02:00
godbyk'kay. gimme the spiel. what's this design trying to achieve?02:01
Red_HamsterXHe needs to stop leaving before I can ask what he wanted to talk to me about...04:14
godbykhe'll be back.04:18
godbykhe's just rebooting.04:18
godbykhe's trying to get his scanner working or something.04:18
godbykRed_HamsterX: humphreybc's here now.04:35
humphreybcgodbyk, we should probably move the website over to its own branch before release04:42
godbykI agree.04:42
godbykJust waiting to hear back from Adnane.04:43
Red_HamsterXhumphreybc, do you still need my attention?05:06
Red_HamsterX(You PMed me about twenty hours ago)05:06
humphreybcnope :)05:07
humphreybcthanks tho!05:07
vishhumphreybc: screenshots would probably need an update again ;p08:33
* vish runs08:34
humphreybcwas it you who updated the icons?08:34
vishhumphreybc:  yup , me and Dan , the orange was removed from almost every icon08:35
humphreybcoh well08:35
thorwilvish: there really should be a layer between applications and there interfaces, allowing to take "shots" of there state to then render them with theming arguments09:05
thorwilgodbyk: you added the translated titlepage SVGs to the branch? what's titlepage-*.svg?09:27
godbyk-android2thorwil: I think those are the translated svgs.09:29
godbyk-android2thorwil: did I actually add the svgs to the branch? I only intended to add the script.09:30
thorwilgodbyk: bzr status doesn't list them as unknown09:30
=== godbyk-android2 is now known as godbyk-android
godbyk-androidI added them to the ignore file.09:31
* thorwil checks .bzrignore09:40
ubuntujenkinsmorning all09:57
thorwilwtf, skype knows no Great Britain, no England?09:59
thorwilin add a skype contact, country/region list, i can't find Great Britain, Britain or England10:01
dutchieUnited Kingdom?10:02
thorwilbut of course!10:03
thorwilshoot me!10:03
dutchieofficially, it's "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"10:03
dutchiecommonly abbreviated to "UK"10:03
ubuntujenkinsunited kingdom isn't a country10:03
dutchieyes it is10:03
ubuntujenkinsengland, scotland, wales etc are countries10:04
dutchiebut not in the same sense that france/germany are countries10:05
ubuntujenkinserm but they are classed as countries10:06
dutchieEngland don't go to the UN, the UK does10:08
humphreybcso in summary, english people want to be different because they have no other way of getting people interested in them10:15
* thorwil has been told to be careful with calling people from the uk english10:17
dutchieonly if they're not10:18
humphreybclatest two posts10:26
thorwila t-shirt for humphreybc: http://www.bustedtees.com/trololo10:48
humphreybcthanks thorwil10:51
humphreybcthat looks nice10:52
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
dakerhi @all19:19
ubuntujenkinshello daker19:23
dakerhow are u ?19:24
ubuntujenkinsI am good thanks you?19:29
dakernot fine i am suffering from a from a lot of bugs19:31
ubuntujenkinsthats not good, hope you get better soon.19:32
daker Lucid :s19:32
ubuntujenkinso i see, what sort of bugs?19:32
dakerbug 55490419:35
manualbotLaunchpad bug 554904 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945G] Ubuntu 10.4 fails to boot into Xorg" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55490419:35
dakerwhen this bug happens i can't restart X, and the computer sleeps19:35
ubuntujenkinsnice not a good bug19:35
dutchieis there such a thing?19:36
dakerdutchie, like what ?19:36
dutchiea good bug19:36
ubuntujenkinswell if it is simple then or trivial. or wishlist then its ok19:37
dakerubuntujenkins, when this happens i see this Bug 52129819:38
manualbotLaunchpad bug 521298 in mountall "could not write byte broken pipe" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52129819:38
ubuntujenkinsThat bug effects me as well, I don't see it as plymouth hides it19:39
dakerhow can i report bugs that already happens and i didn't report them ?19:40
ubuntujenkinsadd a comment to the existing bug?19:46
daker_f*** again :s19:49
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakerit hangs at "checking battery state" event19:57
dakerit seems that he is waiting for something that will not happens19:58
dakerafter the screen start to blink the terminal, and it sleeps19:58
cephello everyone20:37
godbykhey, cap.20:38
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk and cep20:39
cepi faced a string starting with "\notecallout[Note]{The device (/dev/sda1.."20:39
cepthe [Note] should be translated?20:40
godbykcap: Yes.20:40
godbyk(I tried to get rid of all the \notecallout's, but apparently missed a few.)20:41
godbykIt will be printed as: Note: The device (/dev/sda1.."  with "Note" in bold.20:41
cepok thx20:41
godbykno problem.20:42
dakerubuntujenkins,  how to put rythmbox in the systray ?20:46
dakeri can't hide it to the systray20:46
ubuntujenkinsclick the close button daker that works for me20:46
cepi have a problem with a screenshot on the quickshot20:49
ubuntujenkinsfire away cep20:49
cepthe size of the image isn't enough for the windows20:49
cepbecause of the longer words of my language20:50
cep(I suppose)20:50
ubuntujenkinswhich language cep and which screenshots?20:50
cepGreek language and the screenshot is ... wait a sec20:51
cepi think the name is advanced search (on evolution)20:54
ceplook at the screenshot http://yfrog.com/jdquickshottemporaryscreep20:55
cepi tried to make the windows smaller but it wasn' t possible20:56
ubuntujenkinscep thats an interesting one, as the window is bigger than the width of the choosen resolution for quickshot images, not sure what to do there20:57
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: how would the scaling be effected if we allowed an image that was to wide?20:59
cepi can take a screeshot of the windows, edit it properly with gimp, and send it to you20:59
cepif that helps20:59
godbykubuntujenkins: we just need to set \setmaxscreenshot to point to the widest screenshot and everything will be scaled accordingly.21:01
godbykI could modify the code to scale a larger-than-the-max-width screenshot down to the max width if you want.21:02
ubuntujenkinscep can you change your resolution so that the window fits on the screen, take the screenshot with the normal tool and send it to luke@ubuntu-manual.org21:02
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: that might work it depends how it looks21:02
cepubuntujenkins, ok i will try this21:03
ubuntujenkinsthanks cep21:03
cepno problem :), my pleasure :P21:04
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: can i pick your expert brain, godbyk: if i have a file which lists lots of directories one on each line. how do i extract them i currently have http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/w4aWuZE6YZ how ever it doen't work any suggestions ?21:06
godbyktry read21:07
godbykone sec and I'll look at your code21:07
cepubuntujenkins, i took the screenshot on 1280x1024 resolution but by mistake i upload it21:17
cepthe screeshot was perfect on that resolution21:17
ubuntujenkinscep i will just look at it21:18
ubuntujenkinscep thats not a problem, i can use it from the server, please make sure you put your resolution back for the rest21:20
ubuntujenkinsthanks cep21:27
cepno problem :)21:28
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: we don't need to change the resize script the image that i have uploaded will be fine21:31
godbykubuntujenkins: okay.21:32
cepi have another question, some screenshots (obviously those that have been uploaded) are marked as "waiting for approval" or sth relevant. What's the process that will be followed ?21:41
ubuntujenkinscep I approve/reject them and then add them to bzr.21:43
cepnice and all screenshots should be uploaded since 29-30?21:44
ubuntujenkinsyes I have just looked at them all, i will change the button order and aprove them soon21:45
ubuntujenkinscep just approved all the screenshots done any time before an hour ago22:09
cepnice to hear that :)22:09
ubuntujenkinsnight all22:19

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