
micahgcan I get an FFe ack for bug 562660?00:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562660 in dojo "[FFe] Sync dojo 1.4.2+dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56266000:47
ajmitchyou'll probably need to add more info about why a new version is needed00:49
* micahg didn't realize there was a -e option for requestsync00:50
ajmitchyeah, it even lets you fill in the reasons for a FFe :)00:51
* ajmitch used it yesterday for that00:51
* micahg knows for next time00:51
micahgajmitch: you think what I just posted was sufficient?00:52
ajmitchit may be enough, being a security issue, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess calls for a diff og the changelog, build log, stating that you tested it00:54
ajmitchhopefully they'll just wave it through as-is :)00:54
* micahg could do that...00:55
ajmitchyou'll need to subscribe ~ubuntu-release00:55
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
psusijdong, ping03:09
ScottKmicahg: FFe approved.03:39
micahgScottK: thanks03:39
zookoAnybody want to reproduce a performance issue on Ubuntu for me? We have this detailed, repeated report from one Ubuntu user of superlinear runtimes for larger mutable files, but I can't reproduce it on my Mac laptop.03:48
zookoMy Ubuntu workstation died the other day. :-(03:48
zookoWell if you are interested, it is http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/98303:49
micahgScottK: can you help me with something?  libnetx-java seems to be missing, but it shows up in LP04:11
micahgah, that was on the list of binaries to remove04:12
micahgScottK: unping04:12
zooko^-- exact, complete instructions on how to reproduce this alleged performance issue04:19
zookoDoes not require non-command-line interaction with your computer!04:19
zookoAnd as an added bonus you get to see that Tahoe-LAFS that everyone's been talking about.04:19
zookoAnd I'm about to keel over from some sort of sickness, so join #tahoe-lafs if you have any questions. Thanks folks!04:22
RoAkSoAxScottK, could you take a look to: bug #562709, bug #562710, bug #562711, and bug #56271204:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562709 in cluster-glue "[FFe] Please sync cluster-glue from Ubuntu-HA PPA" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56270904:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562710 in cluster-agents "[FFe] Please sync cluster-agents from Ubuntu-HA PPA" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56271004:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562711 in heartbeat "[FFe] Please sync heartbeat from Ubuntu-HA PPA" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56271104:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562712 in pacemaker "[FFe] Please sync pacemaker from Ubuntu-HA PPA" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56271204:27
ScottKRoAkSoAx: We don't sync from PPAs.04:43
ScottKRoAkSoAx: What does Ivoks say?04:44
RoAkSoAxScottK, he told me to go ahead with the new packages04:48
RoAkSoAxScottK, ok I'll change the bug from Ubuntu-HA PPA to debian unstable, cause, that's where they got actually synced at first, though I applied some changes that have not reached the debian packages yet04:49
ScottKRoAkSoAx: Are they new or updates?04:49
RoAkSoAxScottK, new upstream checkouts04:49
ScottKI'll try and look a little later.04:49
RoAkSoAxScottK, awesome. thanks04:51
micahgcould I please get a sponsor ack on bug 56274505:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562745 in libnetx-java "Sync libnetx-java 0.5-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56274505:05
zookoHm, I wonder if it could be a bug in Python 2.6. Seems unlikely.05:14
zookoBut I'm using py 2.5 on Mac OS X and can't reproduce it.05:14
RoAkSoAxScottK, ok just changed the title/descriptions of the bug reports :)05:26
ScottKzooko: Can't you use 2.6 on your Mac?05:26
zookoYes, but not tonight. :-) I would have to install it, and this could disturb other parts of my system.05:27
* RoAkSoAx off to sleep. Good nite05:28
* zooko also goes to sleep.05:33
zookoGood night!05:33
micahgsiretart: do you have time to sponsor the vlc fix?07:01
dholbachgood morning07:23
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
CiemonMorning all, just looking for some patching practice, does https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/548513 just need patching, there's one there to use?08:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548513 in oem-priority "Some firewire disks not working under 10.04" [Critical,In progress]08:01
RAOFCiemon: The kernel isn't a particularly good place to look for patching practice - it's got quite a different patch policy.  And it'll take you in excess of 4 hours and 20GiB of disc to actually build a kernel package, too.08:06
CiemonThanks :) Moving on....08:07
joaopintogood morning08:14
arajames_w, around?08:33
james_whi ara08:56
arahey james_w, lp:ubuntu-qa-tools is now ready to be built and upload to lucid09:16
james_wok, I'll get to it shortly09:18
arajames_w, thanks!09:19
sebphi, I get the following error when I try to upload a package to my ppa with dput: Not a .changes file. Please select a .changes file to upload. Tried to upload: build10:14
sebpI provided the .changes file, though10:14
sebpany idea?10:14
james_wsebp: what command did you run?10:14
sebpjames_w, dput gdd-ppa build gnome-dvb-daemon_0.1.17-0~ppa1~lucid1_source.changes10:14
james_wwhat's 'build'?10:15
sebpno idea, that's the error message I get10:15
james_wwell, why did you put 'build' there?10:15
sebpops, stupid mistake10:16
sebpthanks a lot for pointing out the obvious :)10:16
siretartmicno, I'm at a conference right now10:33
persiamicahg ^^10:33
DmitryKurochkinHi all! I would like to update polygraph package for lucid with a new upstream release. It is a bugfix only release with no new features. How can I do that? Should I file a bug, attach a debdiff and look for a sponsor?11:02
persiaDmitryKurochkin: If you're sure it's bugfix-only, that seems the right path to me.11:09
DmitryKurochkinpersia: thanks11:11
DmitryKurochkinAnother question, why needs-packaging bug is non automatically closed with package initial upload? Here is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/415395 and here is a changelog of accepted package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/polygraph/+changelog.11:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415395 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Web Polygraph" [Wishlist,Fix committed]11:13
persiaDmitryKurochkin: Because the bug isn't against the package, but against Ubuntu, and so launchpad-closes-bugs can7t find it.11:14
persiaIt's an unfortunate limitation, but I'm not sure anyone has dug deep enough to figure out what would be required to fix it.11:14
DmitryKurochkinhow should I(?) close the bug correctly? Just change status to "fix released"?11:15
persiaDmitryKurochkin: Yeah, if it's been packaged and in the archives, set to Fix Released.11:19
DmitryKurochkinclosed it. Thanks again, persia!11:26
persiaDmitryKurochkin: Thanks for helping keep polygraph in Ubuntu in good shape11:28
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
c_kornRhonda: ping11:57
Rhondac_korn: http://packages.debian.org/wesnoth-1.811:58
c_kornRhonda: you read my mind. thanks :)11:58
RhondaNo, I read backlog. I still wonder why you want to put it on getdeb at all, though.11:58
Rhonda… or at least the part of backlog that contains hilights for me. :)11:59
joaopintohe doesn't want it now :P11:59
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
joaopintooh it does11:59
joaopintoerm, he11:59
c_kornjoaopinto: good morning :)12:00
Rhondac_korn: If you put it on getdeb, pretty please make sure that you track changes I do later to the package. I don't want to yet again receive bugreports about outdated sources that just got the upstream source updated but not the packaging work.12:00
joaopintoRhonda, lucid is providing 1.6.512:01
Rhonda… or produce installation conflicts with the official packages.12:01
Rhondajoaopinto: Yes, and maverick will provide 1.8 and lucid will receive a backport when maverick is open.12:01
Rhondajoaopinto: 1.8 was just released two weeks ago, just for the record.12:02
c_kornRhonda: hm, we update the maintainer field and remove launchpad integration patches so bugs won't be filed against the official version.12:02
joaopintoRhonda, regular wesnoth user's can afford that delay, answering your question "why you want to put it on getdeb"12:02
joaopintoRhonda, right, which means we re two weeks late already :P12:02
Rhondajoaopinto: Exactly. They _can_ afford that delay. :)12:02
ScottKRhonda: Is there a reason not to update Lucid?12:02
joaopintoops, can't :P12:03
ScottKGenerally for games I'm pretty free with FFe.12:03
Rhondac_korn: Doesn't help with people complaining on IRC or on the wesnoth forum. I'm not talking about people using reportbug or tools. :)12:03
RhondaScottK: It's a completely new source package, it's not an update per se.12:03
RhondaBut it would be swift if 1.8 could get shipped in lucid, too.12:04
ScottKRhonda: If it's in Debian proper, I'm open to a sync.12:04
joaopintoand 1.8 is actually broken on Lucid, unless there is a patch on debian that helps :)12:04
ScottKRhonda: Are any new build-dep/depends needed?12:04
Rhondajoaopinto: I highly differ there, to be honest. 1.6 multiplayer server support isn't going to get dropped before the next stable release after 1.8 is done. That is not 1.8.1 but 1.10 or such. :)12:04
RhondaScottK: Yes, there are some new build-deps, and the packaging was _totally_ reworked in the sense that it's not possible to even ship 1.6 (the wesnoth package that's in the pool right now) and 1.8 - and people can even install them side-by-side. :)12:05
joaopintoRhonda, we have different views, we rely on upstream for release/qa management12:05
Rhondajoaopinto: And that upstream would be me, too. So I would have to rely on … me.  :P12:06
joaopintoRhonda, I mean still upper, the authors :P12:06
Rhondajoaopinto: In what way is 1.8 actually broken on lucid? What do you refer to?12:06
Rhondajoaopinto: … which also involves me. :P12:06
ScottKRhonda: If you could look at if any other packages would need updating, then I think it might be good to get it in depending on how much other impact there is.12:06
joaopintoRhonda, mouse clicks don't works, might be sdl related12:06
persiaThat's the SDL bug, for which there is a proposed fix.12:07
joaopintoRhonda, I read *stable* on wesnoth page :P12:07
persiawgrant: Did you ever look at that more?  Should I just upload it?12:07
RhondaScottK: I don't think any other package would need updating. It's just lua from what I remember and that should be in lucid proper already.12:07
joaopintopersia, oh, so its affecting more games ?12:07
ScottKRhonda: In that case, I think an FFe and getting it in is reasonable.  If you'll file it, I'll approve it.12:08
persiajoaopinto: Dunno: it mostly gets reported about wesnoth.12:08
Rhondajoaopinto: That's not 1.8 related, the same issue also is affecting the 1.6 part - and it's not wesnoth related, and also there is a patch for SDL available that persia somehow wants me to make the official decision statement for inclusion or such. ;)12:08
joaopintoRhonda, I don't know if it's 1.8 related, I just know it does not work12:08
RhondaScottK: Sweet - I wouldn't have dared because with last release an update got turned down because I had some packaging rework in it and it got rejected because of that. Great!12:09
persiaI just want someone else to say "It's good" or be told "just do it".  Doing it because it seems like a good idea based on IRC backscroll strikes me as insufficiently carefull.12:09
joaopintoargh, we are likely to have a broken SDL *again* ?12:09
Rhondajoaopinto: ctrl-f for fullscreen, it works in there. The bug is "only" affecting windowed mode. And right-click and _then_ left-click is another workaround that works.12:09
persiajoaopinto: If you have time to test the patch in lucid against a variety of SDL apps, and want to confirm it ought be applied, it would be something that would make me apply it :)12:09
Rhondapersia: I guess i can be your scapegoat, I really think that the drag'n'drop fix that triggered this issue is minor compared to this clicking issue.12:10
ScottKRhonda: I think different people on the release team may have differnt views.  My view on games is that the latest crack is almost always desirable.  Particularly in this case where the old version is still available.12:11
RhondaScottK: Actually, it wouldn't be a FFe from what I understand, it would have to be an import freeze exception.12:11
persiaI agree in principle.  I'm just wary about uploading something I only half-understand when nobody else says "Yeah, that's good" :)12:11
ScottKRhonda: FFe can cover that too12:11
RhondaAh, alright.12:11
ScottKRhonda: I'm also and archive admin, so I can cover those parts too.12:12
* persia will dig up the patch, verify against lucid wesnoth1.6 and upload shortly after finding a mouse12:12
RhondaScottK: I'll postpone my approach to add alternative-handling into the wesnoth-1.8 package then. This is something that I can't test in time properly.12:14
ScottKOK.  Thanks.12:14
wgrantpersia: I didn't, beyond confirming that the patch fixes it.12:16
wgrantUni has me reasonably busy at the moment.12:16
persiaYeah, that's all I've done with it, and confirming that it doesn't break KVM.12:16
wgrantIMO, upload away.12:16
* persia needs to find a mouse first12:17
* persia hunts more12:17
c_kornRhonda: if their bug is related to our package just point them to #getdeb or http://www.playdeb.net/contact/12:17
Rhondac_korn: That would be something needed to remember. %-)12:18
joaopintopersia, I can test the sdl patch on wesnoth, I didn't found the problem on other games yet, I probably tested about 10 sdl games lately12:32
persiajoaopinto: We know the sdl patch fixes wesnoth.  If you've not found it anywhere else, that's good news.12:33
persiajoaopinto: But after I upload, getting feedback fom SDL users is important: please let me know if you hear of any issues.12:33
joaopintoah ok12:33
joaopintopersia, do you know if the PA related problems are also fixed ? I mean those from jaunty12:34
persiajoaopinto: Which class of PA issues?12:34
joaopintohangs with 100% cpu12:35
joaopintothat one affected several games12:35
persiaI never encountered that one.  Was it hardware-specific or client-specific?12:35
joaopintoI didn't experienced yet, but this one was random12:35
joaopintonot sure, let me try to find the master bug12:35
persiaThat sounds hardware-specific then.  I know there have been *huge* efforts to fix all the ALSA bugs that made pulse go insane in 9.10 and even more in 10.04.12:36
joaopintobug 45487912:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 454879 in libsdl1.2 "Applications using libsdl1.2-alsa randomly use 100% cpu and have broken sound playback" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45487912:36
joaopintoI am sure it affected more apps/people, less techie would not figure it out that it was SDL/PA causing the system freeze12:38
persiaIf it was irreproducible, I strongly suspect SDL/PA/ALSA, but yeah.12:38
arandHmm, that's one that's been bothering me... Very random that one, generally happens more frequently after the system has been in use for some time, can be avoided for a while if respawning PA...12:41
joaopintoarand, are you still getting it with lucid ?12:46
arandjoaopinto: Have not tested enough to tell...12:46
arandI'll put that on a todo list.12:47
joaopintowe should have some system for end users to report their feedback on applications usage during development13:04
joaopintoright now there is no way to assess package testing in general13:05
persiajoaopinto: What sort of interface do you imagine beyond Malone?13:11
joaopintopersia, a simple wizard that would show me a random list of packages that I have installed (if we could identify the most used even better), asked some simple rating about the package stability an dupload thata data somewhere13:13
joaopintosomething that could be used for people not directly involved in bug reporting/fixing, those already cover their used packages13:14
persiaWe can identify the most-used, with popcon.13:14
persiaThat does sound like a good idea.  Just needs some implementation.  I'd recommend looking at the popcon source and coordinating with cr3 who somehow got checkbox to be able to report to LP in a useful way.13:15
joaopintoI guess that bug counts are so high these days that they are no longer an important QA metric13:18
joaopintoand they don't provide "positive" data13:18
persiaThe overall volume doesn't matter, really.13:18
persiaThe issue is that we can't usefully distinguish between a good package with lots and lots of users and a poor package with very few users based on bug counts.13:19
persiaDoing someting like bugcount/popcon might generate some idea of which packages are buggiest, but that then isn't a good metric to use to figure out what needs fixing.13:20
nenolodhow does one get a package removed from ubuntu?13:20
persiaWe end up mostly fixing bugs in packages with lots of users and lots of bugs, which is useful, but not necessarily optimal.13:20
joaopintowith a rating system we could identify per user "satisfaction"13:20
persianenolod: File a bug against the package requesting removal.  subscribe the archive admins if you can upload that package, otherwise subscribe ubuntu-sponsors13:20
persiajoaopinto: Right.13:20
nenolodi would like to remove audacious from ubuntu.13:20
persianenolod: Why?13:21
nenolodit's lack of proper maintenance in ubuntu and the general attitude of the people who try to maintain it are offensive to us.13:21
persiaSurely that can be fixed in other ways, no?13:22
persiaGenerally we only remove packages when they are superceded or hopelessly buggy, unmaintainable, and dead upstream.13:22
persiaI seem to recall you used to maintain it in Ubuntu fairly well: what changed?  Can that be fixed?13:23
nenolodthe reason why i attempted to fix the package was because we were getting an influx of ubuntu users bothering us (upstream) about the package13:24
persiaHrm.  We appreciate you helping out of course, but we ought be a better buffer.13:25
persiaI know lots of folk use audacious in Ubuntu, so I'm not tempted to see it gone.13:25
persiaHow do you think users could be provided with a good audacious, and not end up pestering you all the time?13:26
nenolodby ensuring bdrung does not touch it any further.  we cannot work with him, he is far too abrasive.13:26
nenolodhis latest plan is to edit the artwork in the package because he does not like it.13:27
nenolodif that occurs, we will be forced to place the artwork under non-free license in future versions.13:27
persiabdrung: Um, why would we distro-patch artwork?13:28
ScottKbdrung: If that's accurate, that's not appropriate.13:28
persianenolod: We specifically don't have maintainers in Ubuntu, so it's hard to say "This person should not touch package X".  That said, you'll get support if you need to avoid inappropriate changes.13:29
persianenolod: So, setting aside the personal issue (and I suspect there's history, but don't think we need to rehash now), are there pending changes that you think need to be in Ubuntu to make sure the audacious experience for lucid matches what you'd like to see in a distribution?13:30
nenolodpersia, i understand that, but patching the audacious logo to fit better into a dark background is not really a desired or appropriate change13:30
persiaAgreed, especially since my memory is that audacious has fairly broad theme support, and can be rethemed with ease if there is a need/desire to change the theme on a per-distro or per-flavour basis.13:31
nenolodoh, this is the icon for the status icon plugin.13:32
persianenolod: Is that not themable?13:33
nenolodpersia, 2.3 is fine as it presently stands.  the icon being distro-patched is not something we find desirable13:34
nenolodpersia, no, it is not presently themable.13:34
persiaDoes it look terrible with the lucid default themes?13:34
kklimondait does look bad with the radiance theme13:35
persiaUgh.  That's annoying then.13:35
persianenolod: Can it be made themeable?13:35
wgrantMost notification area and indicator icons should be monochromised.13:35
wgrant(ideally in the theme, though)13:35
bdrungpersia: i just asked this question: is it intended to have a small white border around the black circle of the audacity logo: http://de.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=6sujo2&s=5 ?13:35
persiakklimonda: Do you happen to have a handy screenshot?13:36
nenolodas i said, if the icon is modified, it becomes non-free in 2.413:36
* nenolod isn't playing this game13:37
kklimondapersia: sure, give me a sec13:37
seglerhi, i am searching for help. i need a motu to upload my feature freeze exeption accepted package to universe, please. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441613:38
persianenolod: As I said before, it's inappropriate to modify your artwork.  I won't support that.13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:38
persianenolod: That said, if there's a way to add theme support, I'd like to enable that, if it otherwise looks bad (but let's wait for kklimonda's screenshot).13:38
persianenolod: So, I don't encourage you to make the artwork non-free: it's not going to make any useful difference to my opinion (because I don't want to modify your artwork), but it does make it hard to distribute.13:39
joaopintonenolod, I am not an ubuntu developer but I am an open source developer and let me tell you, regardless of the reasonably of bgrunts changes, you threat is not respectful with the free sofware spirit13:39
azeemnenolod: wow, you'll get the mako Hill Schily award for "excellence in being upstream" then13:39
kklimondapersia: ^13:39
bdrungthe questionable file is: pixmaps/audacious2.png13:39
persianenolod: That said, if there's some reason it cannot be made themeable, or there's a good reason not to make it themeable, I can support that.13:39
persiakklimonda: Thanks.13:39
LaneyCiemon: I'm going to upload your branch now, good work!13:39
persiakklimonda: That looks a lot like bdrung's icon to me.  Is that the modified one, or the upstream one?13:40
bdrungpersia: grab the source -> pixmaps/audacious2.png13:41
nenolodthat is the upstream one13:41
bdrungpersia: i did not modify anything13:41
nenolodpatches are accepted to make the icon themeable13:41
persianenolod: Cool.  In that case, if it ends up being consensus that the icon doesn't work with the Ubuntu theme, we'll send you a patch for that.  We will not modify your artwork.13:42
nenolodjoaopinto, i'm sorry but i'm not involved in this "free software" movement, because it produces things like http://www.boycottnovell.com/13:42
nenolodjoaopinto, therefore i could care less if GPL zealots are butthurt13:42
azeemnenolod: please refrain from personal attacks in here13:42
azeemyou#re supposed to follow the Code of Conduct13:43
joaopintonenolod, open source software freedom is not about license restrictions or enforcement, you clearly fail to acknowledge that13:43
persiaLet's not make this a discussion about philosophy.13:45
persiaWe have a package that needs attention.  Let's focus on that.13:45
nenolodi fully agree that the audacious icon does not fit those themes and should be modified, however13:45
nenolodit should be modified in a way that does not distro-patch the package13:46
azeemthat's not your call13:46
RhondaWhy doesn't the black circle just fade into alpha channel but fade into white?13:46
persianenolod: That may be tricky.  That said, if we end up with a patch, we'll definitely send it to you for comment/consideration, and appreciate any guidance on improving it (and will hope to see you adopt it).13:47
nenolodRhonda, ask whoever made the thing13:47
persiaI see an alpha channel.  What am I missing?13:47
* persia is looking at pixmaps/audacious2.png from the source.13:47
azeemmaybe the code is setting a background before rendering it?13:48
Rhondanenolod: But you seem to defend that this icon is appropriate - or I'm not really getting what you are offended with when someone else makes that happen.13:48
Rhondanenolod: … actually noone _did_ the change, there was just a question _wether_ the change was acceptable - which actually wouldn't even be needed. bdrung just asked, he didn't make any change?13:49
nenolodRhonda, what i am against is distributions pointlessly modifying audacious because then *I* have to deal with the brunt of audacious users in ubuntu who ask me about your patches.13:49
Rhondanenolod: I wonder why you consider it pointlessly when you don't even know why it's that way? That sounds strange to me …13:49
nenolodRhonda, ubuntu has applied plenty of patches to audacious in the past which have broken core parts of the application13:49
persianenolod: Understood.  We have no desire to pointlessly modify it.  We would like to work with you to ensure the audacious experience in Ubuntu is ideal.13:49
Rhondanenolod: Please don't distract - this seems to be a completely different and hopefully seperate issue.13:50
nenolodnobody contacted us when bryce harrington applied 6 patches (which were already fixed in newer versions)13:50
joaopintoI think it should be clear that patches are accepted based on technical merit while respecting legal rights and not on copyright threatening13:50
persianenolod: All of bryce's patches were already fixed upstream?  He ended up uploading those because he had submitted them 18 months ago, and nobody appeared to have reviewed them.13:51
nenolodpersia, we don't make point releases, and all of those subsystems were antequated vestiges of XMMS13:52
nenolodtherefore, they were fixed correctly, with a complete rewrite13:52
persianenolod: So, how can we better ensure patch sharing?  We don't tend to have anyone specifically as a contact for a package, which makes this tricky.13:52
Rhondanenolod: Actually, I fully understand where you are coming from. I package wesnoth for Debian (and thus Ubuntu) and got several users reporting issues by the packages in getdeb/playdeb and itwesnoth, which have very little to do with my work. I totally can understand that you don't like that. Though, patching an icon to work in every colored environment instead of only white doesn't play into that area, at all. At least IMHO. :)13:52
nenolodRhonda, i f'ing hate getdeb13:52
nenolodRhonda, i actually wrote a plugin for JIRA to automatically close bugs with the word GetDeb in them as invalid13:53
RhondaActually I'm neither aroused by the quality they spread around. But we are again losing focus. :)13:53
joaopintoRhonda, there was no need to get getdeb into a different trouble :P13:53
nenolodgetdeb was already in trouble for years13:54
Rhondajoaopinto: I know, they can do that on themself pretty well. ;)13:54
persiaAnyway, let's not get distracted.13:55
RhondaThe point that I wanted to raise - even if you disagree with others doesn't mean that one should behave disrespectful to them.13:55
persiaWe want audactious to be a good experience for Ubuntu users.13:55
joaopintonenolod, To be honest after seeing you threatening other people which trying to improve your own work I don't find your opinion respectful enough to debate it :)13:56
nenolodand actually bdrung has done a lot to improve that.13:56
Rhondajoaopinto: Actually, it isn't even nenolod's work. "ask whoever made the thing"13:56
persiaSo it looks like we have 2.3.0 upstream and 2.3-1ubuntu1 in lucid.13:57
persiaand we have an issue with an icon.13:57
nenolodjoaopinto, i have not threatened anyone.  i have simply said that i will separate the audacious artwork and release it under a creative commons license.  really, the artwork needs to be separated anyway.13:57
joaopintoRhonda, work as in the product, as far I understood the goal is  to make audacious more appealing to users13:57
persiaAnd the issue with the icon appears to be that it has a white background, rather than an alpha channel background.13:57
azeemnenolod: you said non-free13:57
persiaDoes that match everyone's understanding?13:57
nenolodazeem, yes.13:57
azeemnot creative commons13:57
nenolodazeem, there are non-free CC licenses.13:57
azeemif that helps getting audacious removed from Debian, I'm all for it13:58
Rhondaazeem: Not all CC is free.13:58
azeemI know13:58
nenolodazeem, if you want audacious removed from Debian, file the request for removal13:58
azeemI don't care that muhc13:58
persiaLet's not go for removal.13:58
persiaWe can sort this in better ways.13:59
nenolodnote that audacious in Debian isn't the problem13:59
azeemnenolod: I was talking the other way round13:59
persianenolod: bdrung: kklimonda: Rhonda: Do you all agree that the issue is that the icon should use alpha-channels?  Do you think the best way to do this is to submit a change upstream, or to implement theme support?13:59
azeemif an upstream threatens to take stuff non-free, maybe it's not in Debian's best interest to ship it13:59
azeembut I'm getting off-topic13:59
persiaazeem: Indeed.14:00
nenolodah yes, ubuntu is flexing it's control of debian again14:00
persianenolod: No, there is no control.  Several folks happen to be involved in both Debian and Ubuntu, that's all.14:00
kklimondapersia: I see that status icon already uses a icon from theme and only falls back if it can't find it. I wonder if we couldn't just distribute "our" icon in the ubuntu-mono package.14:01
Rhondapersia: I always agree with submitting patches upstream instead of keeping them just in a distribution. And if I'm not mistaken, that's even part of the CoC. ;)14:01
nenolodkklimonda, that does sound like a good solution.14:01
persiaRhonda: It is: the question is whether to work with nenolod on an icon change or on theme support.14:01
nenolodpersia, theme support is actually there14:01
persianenolod: Sorry, I thought it wasn't from what you said before.  If there's theme support, then just adding the icon to the ubuntu-mono theme is definitely the solution.14:02
Rhondapersia: That icon isn't part of a theme, to the best of my knowledge.14:02
persiakklimonda: Would you mind running with that?14:02
persiaRhonda: Yes, but that's easy to change :)14:02
nenolodactually, the status icon uses an XPM file14:03
nenolodnot the png file14:03
joaopintoRhonda, afaik we getdeb had worked to resolve those packaging issues with you, please let me know the bug numbers which have not been properly addressed14:03
nenolodjoaopinto, you're with getdeb!14:03
Rhondanenolod: It has nothing to do with Ubuntu when azeem says that if audacious turns to use non-free license for the artwork then Debian won't be able to ship the package (in main). That's just pointing out the results that your move would make, nothing more, nothing less.14:03
nenolodjoaopinto, please stop publishing audacious packages, they are really a nightmare upstream14:04
bdrungpersia: yes, i think that it's an issue with the alpha channel.14:04
nenolodbdrung, it's an XPM issue.14:04
nenolodbdrung, XPMs do not have alpha channels.14:04
persiaLook.  We're not going to remove the package.  We have a strategy.  Let's not focus on what might have happened if we couldn't get along.14:04
Rhondanenolod: Oh, hmm. And XPM only have one alpha channel, not a scaled one. Now I see the actual issue.14:04
persiaHrm.  This makes it trickier.14:04
nenolodpersia, i was referring to getdeb14:04
joaopintonenolod, they are ? we never got a complain, neither from developers or users14:04
nenolodjoaopinto, i'm a developer.  i'm complaining.14:05
Rhondanenolod: Would it be acceptable to you if the icon would be switched to png instead? :)14:05
nenolodRhonda, yes, that's fine.14:05
nenolodRhonda, it should anyway.14:05
joaopintonenolod, right, and you found the problem today...14:05
nenolodjoaopinto, no, we've been aware of getdeb for several years14:06
Rhondajoaopinto: I'm happy to hear that - one thing was that you shipped all the campaigns in a single package and didn't add conflicts. Not sure if that is still the case these days. And I hope c_korn will try to follow my git repository for the packaging. :)14:06
joaopintonenolod, still you didn't had the time to report any of those problems, so they were not serious enough14:06
nenolodjoaopinto, we just haven't bothered to contact you, because we figured it would be a waste of our time.14:06
bdrungi think the png file i affected, too14:06
nenolodmodify it then14:06
nenolodbut regardless14:06
nenolodthe icon should be monochromized14:07
persiabdrung: The one in pixmaps/audacious2.png appears to have alpha channels in my image viewer.  Are you sure?14:07
joaopintoRhonda, that had a tecnhical reason, we were not using a repository at that time14:07
bdrungpersia: the icon in the menu is affected14:07
bdrunglet me check what we install14:07
persiaBut that's the XPM.14:07
nenolodno, the menu icon should be the .png ... oh right14:08
nenolodthe debian package makes XPMs14:08
nenolodfor whatever reason i do not know14:08
bdrungk, then i have to fix this14:08
lfaraoneIn squeak, /usr/bin/squeakvm has been moved to /usr/lib/squeak/3.11.3-2147/squeakvm. The "etoys" package expects it to use the bin one. There is however a helper script in /usr/bin/squeak that accepts less options than squeakvm. Should I use the helper script in etoys, or how should I deal with the potentially changing path of the squeakvm application?14:08
azeembecause the Debian menu only takes/took spms14:08
joaopintonenolod, that is sad to know, you assume people don't care about problems :P14:09
persiaCan we change how audacious loads, so that it prefers .png to .xpm?14:09
bdrungazeem: we could create a audacious32.xpm that do not interfere with the .png file14:09
kklimondapersia: it falls back to xpm only if it can't find audacious icon in the current theme14:10
persialfaraone: I think the safest path forward would be to have the helper script in squeakvm accept more options and pass them to the real binary.14:10
nenolodazeem, oh right14:10
Rhondanenolod: The Debian menu system requires xpm files. If there is a desktop entry though, that one can freely use the png file.14:10
persiaLets do that then: not create an .xpm that gets picked up, and use the .png, which *should* get us alpha blending without needing a theme.14:10
persiaRhonda: But if the two have the same name, and one autopicks, ...14:11
nenolodthe audacious_player.xpm is hardcoded into the statusicon plugin actually14:11
Rhondapersia: Yes, but gnome should do the proper thing here.14:11
bdrungnenolod: audacious detects only SSE on compile time and not on runtime, right?14:11
nenolodthat's an old XMMS vestige14:11
lfaraonepersia: okay, so I'll add a "-- [parameters to squeakvm]" to the spec?14:11
nenolodbdrung, yes.14:11
nenolodbdrung, so it should be disabled on i386.  all amd64 chips have it.14:11
bdrungyes, that was my plan14:12
persialfaraone: That seems safest to be, and most likely to offer general support for 3rd party squakvm users.14:12
Rhondapersia: The desktop entry should be without extension, and gnome picks up the png first. At least everywhere I looked myself.14:12
bdrungnenolod: are there plans to detect it on runtime?14:12
nenolodbdrung, no.14:12
persiaRhonda: Last time I looked, openbox preferred xpms, but yeah, pngs are preferred most places.14:13
Rhondapersia: And the xpm file is still required to not break the Debian menu. Please remember the pgadmin3 issue, I think you were involved in my rant back then. ;)14:13
persiaRhonda: I agree the package should have an .xpm (go look at the set of bugs I filed in the BTS, and notice that > 50% of them included adding a .xpm file to the package), but there's no reason it needs to have precisely the same barename as the .png is that is shown to cause some runtime issue (as seen in this case).14:14
Rhondapersia: It doesn't hurt neither.14:17
kklimondapersia: in case of the audacious it doesn't load xpm because it finds it in the theme - it loads xpm because it can't find "audacious" icon in the theme and falls back to /usr/share/audacious/icons/audacious_player.xpm14:18
kklimondaugh - it loads xpm not because it finds it in the theme*14:19
persiaRhonda: for pgadmin3 (and very many packages) it doesn't hurt.  For audacious, I think it does, because of the xpm/alpha channel thing.  Very specific case.14:19
bdrungwe provide only audacious2.png files (note the 2 in there)14:19
kklimondathe icon is called audacious2 and it's used for a desktop file14:19
nenolodjoaopinto, http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb/ubuntu/pool/apps/a/audacious/audacious_2.2-1~getdeb3.dsc14:19
nenolodjoaopinto, it's missing.14:20
kklimondaso we can't really change it to the monochrome icon as we'll change the application icon itself. we'll have to do the same we have done with other applications - create a patch that first tries to load "audacious2-panel"14:20
persiaIt seems the audacious2.png used in the .desktop file is created by debian/rules.14:21
persianenolod: What's your thought on a patch that first tries to load audacious2-panel and then audacious2 ?14:21
nenolodpatch for what, specifically?14:22
nenolodoh i see14:22
nenolodthat sounds fine.14:22
persiaLet's do that then: probably less invasive.14:22
persianenolod: Do you want that patch in JIRA, or should it be distro-specific?14:22
Rhondapersia: If the xpm would be preferred to the svg the report wouldn't have got closed, to be honest. :)14:22
nenolodi can handle it upstream14:22
persiaRhonda: heh, yeah.14:23
lfaraoneheh. /usr/bin/squeak is in a huuuge single patch called "linex.dpatch"14:23
persianenolod: Cool.  Thanks.  Do you expect to do that soon, so we can cherrypick, or ought we generate a patch locally?  (we're running against release freeze soon).14:23
nenolodaudacious-plugins: William Pitcock <nenolod@atheme.org> default * 4426:822c842d471e /src/statusicon/si_ui.c: Look for audacious-panel before audacious when looking up icons in the icon theme.14:25
nenolodgo for it14:25
seglerhi, i am searching for help. i need a motu to upload my feature freeze exeption accepted package to universe, please. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441614:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:25
bdrungnenolod: persia: kklimonda: Rhonda: i took audacious2.png and placed it on a black background: http://de.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ps3mf6&s=5 can you confirm this result? if yes, then something is wrong with the alpha channel.14:26
nenolodbdrung, i do see that in enlightenment's taskbar on e1714:27
lfaraonesistpoty|work: uh, is there a rationale for the NUV? please post the changelog, so it can be deterined that it introduces no new features.14:27
lfaraonesegler: see above14:27
nenolodthat icon sucks anyway it should be converted to SVG14:27
lfaraonesistpoty|work: oops, mishilite :)14:27
sistpoty|workheh :)14:27
persiabdrung: That looks clean to me.14:27
bdrungnenolod: i would love to see a svg icon.14:27
seglerlfaraone: what do you mean?14:29
bdrungpersia: what do you mean with clean?14:29
persiaThat I can read the 'a' and the background appears black, and not incedibly ugly.14:30
bdrungthe question is, if the icon should look like this on a black background: http://de.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2r4gy7c&s=514:31
bdrungnenolod: ^14:31
Rhondabdrung: Yes, it doesn't fade into alpha channel but into white. nenolod did also confirm that he thinks that's an problem and could get fixed.14:31
persiaI see where I'm confused.  The alpha channel was around, but the fade was white.14:33
bdrungi think that's the only issue.14:33
bdrungcan someone change the fade or do you, nenolod, want to do it?14:34
nenolodbdrung, go for it.14:34
bdrungi am not a graphics guru. i don't know how to fix it.14:35
lfaraonesegler: well, we only accept new upstream versions that do not include new features.14:36
persiakklimonda: Do you know how?14:36
seglerlfaraone: it is already accepted, i only need someone to upload it14:37
kklimondapersia: no, I'm more of a coder than a graphic designer :)14:37
lfaraoneah, didn't read the rest of the bug :)14:37
persiaPity.  Any artists about?14:40
jcastropersia: anything I can do to help wrt. audacious?14:41
sistpoty|workwhat's the deal with audacious?14:41
persiajcastro: Mostly we need an artist to fix the alpha-channel blending for an icon at this point, and we can get the fixed icon distributed upsteam and in Ubuntu.14:42
persiajcastro: If you can source someone with skils to get that done, it would be lovely.14:42
jcastroI can source! I need a bug or something with all the details the artist will need14:42
sistpoty|workah, k... thought things would have really gone wrong with the new upstream version, *phew*14:42
persiabdrung: ADowe already have a bug for this?14:43
lfaraonesegler: you have to subscribe ~ubuntu-sponsors. I've done that for you.14:43
seglerlfaraone: thanks14:43
bdrungpersia: no14:43
lfaraonepersia: I just briefly reviewed some documentation on bash, does http://sprunge.us/jKVb?sh seem like what I should be adding to the script? ( and the associated manual page, of course)14:44
lfaraonethere is probably a better way to handle this.14:44
lfaraonescratch that, http://sprunge.us/cZFZ?sh14:45
bdrungi think i manage to work with gimp14:46
bdrungno, still not perfect14:47
persiabdrung: OK.  If you get stuck, jcastro will get you an artist.14:48
bdrungjcastro: artist please14:48
persialfaraone: Something like that ought work, I think.14:48
jcastrobdrung: I need a bug with requirements pls.14:48
* bdrung is only a hacker14:48
bdrungjcastro: k14:48
jcastroso I can assign it to someone14:48
jcastrobdrung: I'll make it my priority14:48
lfaraonepersia: heh. this isn't made easier by the fact that /usr/bin/squeak is written in half-english, half-spanish14:49
nenolodlfaraone, ouch14:50
bdrungjcastro: bug #56304314:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563043 in audacious "audacious2.png alpha blending is wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56304314:52
bdrungnenolod, persia: ^14:52
bdrungjcastro: a svg version wouldn't hurt.14:53
bdrungnenolod: should the svg icon look like the png one or do you plan to create a totally new one?14:53
nenolodbdrung, just trace it with umm14:56
nenolodwhat is that app14:56
bdrungnenolod: k14:57
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bdrungjcastro: if possible, a svg version is preferred14:59
jcastroon it14:59
debfxI just read that packages should disable the launchpad integration (hide the "report a problem" menu entry) for the final release. is that true?15:26
shadeslayeri have a package which has .pot files,how do i build them with the package?15:27
shadeslayerwith the 3.0 format15:27
kklimondadebfx: yes15:27
kklimondaat least that's what I've heard too15:27
kklimondadebfx: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-bug-management15:27
shadeslayeralso,how do i build the docbook with the new format :)15:27
debfxkklimonda: ok thanks, do you know the reason behind it?15:29
shadeslayerok more specifically i need help with  dh_installdocs :D15:30
kklimondadebfx: not really but it's probably worth asking about15:30
shadeslayerim reading the manpage but i need a bit of help ;)15:31
kklimondadebfx: you can read more at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/BugHandling15:34
evilshadeslayeryeah so any ideas guys?15:35
joaopintois anyone aware about the licensing issues with audacious plugins ?15:35
joaopintoI am being threatened with DMCA, does the official package cover such concerns, bdrung ... ?15:36
kklimondadebfx: also "users usually want to use the answer tracker to have somebody looking at their issue rather than report bugs"15:36
bdrungjoaopinto: no15:37
persiajoaopinto: What's the license issue?  Under what license are they distributed?15:37
bdrungjoaopinto: are you getdeb dev?15:37
joaopinto<nenolod> joaopinto, the plugins collection contains plugins under many different license options.15:37
joaopintoand I am being threatened to get a DMCA noticed for distributing it15:38
bdrungjoaopinto: we removed one plugin in the debian package15:38
persiajoaopinto: You have to grep all the files, and check what can be distributed.  My memory is that it needed a repack.15:38
joaopintook, maybe I should compare it with the current lucid version15:38
nenolodjoaopinto, i want you to stop15:38
nenolodjoaopinto, providing audacious15:38
nenolodjoaopinto, in getdeb15:39
persiajoaopinto: How much patch are you carrying?  If none, ought we do a backport so you can share that?15:39
nenolodjoaopinto, is this really worth your time?15:39
bdrungjoaopinto: i recommend to pull the lucid version and to keep close15:39
bdrungyeah, a backport seams a good idea15:39
bdrung(after fixing the icon and the sse2 issue)15:40
joaopintonenolod, I don't like random persons violating free software policies, so yes, it does worth my time, is not about the package itself, is about the freedom which you are trying to restrict15:40
nenolodhope you have a lot of money15:40
sebnerbdrung: WTH is this new Audacious GTKui player thing btw :)15:40
persiajoaopinto: Um, have you checked the licenses?  Lots of audio codecs end up being problematic to redistribute.15:40
bdrungsebner: don't ask me, ask upstream ;)15:41
persiajoaopinto: As bdrung mentioned, some had to be removed in Debian.15:41
sebnerbdrung: upstream doensn't provide any changelogs or forums with information :P15:41
persiajoaopinto: So if getdeb isn't doing that, you're vulnerable (and you want to fix it).15:41
joaopintopersia, the discussion was drove  for the DMCA, was the fact that getdeb drivers to much poor quality bug reports (which are not related to packaging), so I am not quite sure they are bing honest about the license issue15:42
persiasebner: No, but upstream idles here and helps us deal with some classes of issue, so we oughtn't complain too much (live people are more precious than changelogs)15:42
nenolodjoaopinto, the USF plugin is not free software.  but it doesn't affect you.15:43
persiajoaopinto: For your own due dilligence, you need to check.  That something was removed in Debian is a strong indicator there is an issue.15:43
joaopintook, I will15:43
bdrungDEB_BUILD_ARCH is "i386" on x86?15:47
persiaI believe so.15:47
* persia checks15:48
* persia checks on a non-powerpc machine15:48
persiabdrung: Yes.15:49
persia(at least according to `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH`)15:49
nenolodsebner, audacious2 has modular frontends.16:03
nenolodsebner, GTKUI is one of those frontends.16:03
sebnernenolod: Ic, thx16:03
dupondjeits nice the newest audacious got into Lucid :)16:07
persiadupondje: Thank bdrung and nenolod for that.16:10
dupondjefeel the love !!!16:11
nenolodactually it's ctaylor and bdrung16:11
lfaraoneIf debian is not using a patch system for a package, and I need to modify it in Ubuntu, should I add such a system?16:59
persialfaraone: Generally not, but it depends on how Debian isn't using a patch system.17:00
persialfaraone: Check the diff: if there's really no patches at all (it's quite possible to patch without a patch system), check other packages with the same maintainer, to try to determine maintainer preference.17:01
persiaIf there are patches in the diff (without a patch system), just stay with that model.17:01
lfaraonepersia: yep, they make changes directly it seems.17:03
persiaThen do it that way.17:03
james_wanyone want to help with https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/am-utils/+bug/509981 ?17:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509981 in texlive-base "Please sync texlive-base 2009-7 (main) from Debian testing (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released]17:03
james_wshould be fairly easy changes and I will be on-hand to sponsor (preferably from bzr)17:04
persiaThis usually happens when a maintainer has a private VCS and doesn't want to fuss with dealing with two different classes of patch management.17:04
sistpoty|workjames_w: debian-faq already has a debdiff at bug #53171117:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531711 in debian-faq "Please merge debian-faq 4.0.4+nmu1 (universe) from debian unstable (doc)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53171117:07
sistpoty|work(not too sure if it's correct though)17:07
james_wsistpoty|work: cool, thanks, I'll take a look17:08
james_wah, don't worry, I've never been bothered with correctness17:08
lfaraonepersia: interesting, in /usr/bin/squeak it says "If the available arguments to start the squeak virtual machine have to be used, you should avoid using this script, and call the real virtual machine using squeakvm"17:13
lfaraonepersia: I could just have etoys use the same magic that the squeak script uses to find squeakvm.17:13
nigelbbdrung, poke17:15
persialfaraone: That would be easier, yes.  The rationale for chaning the handler is to support random 3rd party scripts.  That's not a high priority.17:17
lfaraonepersia: okay. well, I tryed making the change and I can't seem to do it right, so I'll just fix etoys. :)17:17
jcastrobdrung: can you attach the original icon to the bug please?17:18
persialfaraone: That seems reasonable :)17:18
jcastrobdrung: kwwii found someone to do the work!17:18
bdrungjcastro: icon added to bug #56304317:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563043 in audacious "audacious2.png alpha blending is wrong" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56304317:21
jcastrothank you sir!17:21
nigelbbdrung, for the vlc, what did you need again?17:22
bdrungnigelb: only the translation patch17:22
nigelbits already there in the bug I believe17:23
nigelbbdrung, sorry about the typo in the name.  I was at work and quickly rushing through my mails17:24
bdrungnigelb: no problem17:25
bdrungit was funny17:25
nigelbI only noticed it now17:25
lfaraonepersia: mk, fixed in etoys right now at bug 561332, filed a separate wishlist bug 563164 asking for more magic in /usr/bin/squeak17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561332 in squeak-vm "bad path to squeak virtual machine" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56133217:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563164 in squeak-vm "squeak should accept additional command line parameters to be passed to squeakvm" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56316417:28
persialfaraone: Good plan with the wishlist bug.17:31
lfaraone(not fixed, rather "proposed for merging")17:31
lfaraonepersia: thanks. I should either learn bash at some point or convert /usr/bin/squeak to a Python script :)17:32
persialfaraone: The former is probably easier, as it introduces fewer dependencies on the package :)17:33
CiemonLaney: thanks, long may it continue :)17:46
c_korndoes someone know the bug+ of the SDL bug affecting wesnoth 1.8 ?17:50
sistpoty|workc_korn: bug #52895717:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528957 in wesnoth "mouse button clicks not detected in windowed mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52895717:51
jcastronenolod: ok so we're fixing the icon, what were your other concerns?17:51
c_kornsistpoty|work: thanks17:54
* sistpoty|work heads home now... cya17:56
nenolodjcastro, i think that was the general concern18:01
jcastrook, we've got someone working on it now.18:01
jcastrowhen things like this come up just ping us and we'll fix it18:01
seglerhi, could somebody help me with uploading this package? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441618:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:03
nenolodjcastro, i believe the icon was bdrung's concern18:04
seglerit already got accepted, i only need someone to upload it18:05
nigelbIs it too late to sync something from debian?  not syncing causes 2 packages to be broken in lucid18:26
nigelbthe package in question ins epiphany-extensions18:26
nigelbunless its synced, the current epiphany-extensions and epiphany-extensions-more would be broken18:27
hyperairi don't think it's too late.18:29
hyperairif it's a bugfix only thing, of course18:29
nigelbits a new upstream release18:30
nigelbwhich is whats giving me a little jitters about syncing18:31
hyperairheh i see.18:31
hyperairwell talk to some ubuntu-release people.18:32
hyperairthat's what i do when i encounter situations like this18:32
nigelblemme ask in #ubuntu-release then :)18:32
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lfaraonejames_w: fixed issues with dropping @prefix@ in etoys, missed that.18:44
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RhondaScottK: Should I submit the FFe for wesnoth right on - upstream told me that there are two bugfixes that I should pull in and I'm starting to prepare 1.8-2. That will take me a few days though because of my baby. :/18:56
james_wRhonda: congratulations btw :-)19:01
nigelbjames_w, for what?19:01
james_wa new arrival19:02
nigelbjames_w, core dev?19:02
sebnernigelb: baby19:02
nigelbRhonda, congrats :)19:02
sebnerRhonda: from me too of course, so will you be at GLT next week?19:02
seglerhi, could somebody help me with uploading this package? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441619:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:05
seglerit already got accepted, i only need someone to upload it19:05
Rhondajames_w, nigelb, sebner: Thanks. :D19:08
Rhondasebner: Yes, will be there - the small one though won't attend the conference. ;)19:08
sebnerRhonda: good, to know, where can I find you then? :)19:09
RhondaDebian booth, grml booth, LPI booth and especially LPI examns (for most of the time probably). Oh, and keysigning of course.19:10
Rhondasebner: Did you sign up for keysigning yet?19:10
sebnerRhonda: nah because I won't be able to be around until the signing party (~18.00) starts so I thought we two can do this alone19:11
mdeslaurnhandler: Unfortunately, I need to cancel the packaging training tomorrow19:11
Rhondasebner: Sure, fits too. :)19:11
Rhondasebner: Bring enough slips of paper then, also for others. :)19:11
sebnerRhonda: great :D you have to tell me what I have to do though xD19:12
Rhondasebner: Print your fingerprint onto it of course. ;)19:12
Rhondasebner: The rest is reading the manpage of caff and getting familiar with it (package signing-party)19:12
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mdeslaurjames_w: I unfortunately need to cancel my package training session tomorrow19:17
james_woh, that's a shame19:17
james_wmdeslaur: who did you talk to about setting it up?19:17
mdeslaurjames_w: sorry, but I just got home from emergency surgery :(19:17
james_wouch, get well soon19:17
mdeslaurjames_w: I think it was nhandler19:17
nigelbmdeslaur, oh.. get well soon19:17
james_wmdeslaur: don't worry about it, we'll take care of it19:18
james_wthanks for letting us know, now go and rest :-)19:18
mdeslaurjames_w: thanks, and sorry...I'm looking forward to giving it in the future19:18
seglerhi, could somebody help me with uploading this package? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441619:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:34
seglerit already got accepted, i only need someone to upload it19:34
seglerplease, i need someone to upload something for me, it is already approved. it is only a rhythmbox-plugin https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441619:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:48
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seglersomebody out there? :)19:56
segleri could still could use some help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441620:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:26
cr3if I want to debianize an upstream project, would it make sense to create a project in launchpad where to push branches and build packages?20:36
seglerhi again, i know you guys are really busy right now, some answer would be nice20:49
blueyedjust ask, segler20:54
micahgmr_pouit: I don't like the new cpufeq applet20:56
blueyedknown? http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/wiki.ubuntu.com - where to report?20:57
mr_pouitmicahg: mmh, "new"?21:01
blueyedwith a ubuntu-only package, the version should be -0ubuntu1 always, shouldn't it? re bug 544416 - which I'll sponsor in case segler asked here before already.21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54441621:02
micahgmr_pouit: maybe it was just me, I thought it required powernowd for some reason...I'll do some more research I guess, but the dynamic frequency changing doesn't seem to work right...probably not the applet's problem in any case, just coincidence...21:03
blueyedScottK: re bug 544416: I will upload 3.0.1 straight away, ok? - as 3.0.1-0ubuntu121:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54441621:03
blueyed^^ sry.. 54838921:04
ScottKblueyed: As long as you've tested, fine.21:04
ScottKRhonda: A few days for Wesnoth is fine.  Since it's Universe we have pleanty of time.  I totally understand about children.21:05
ajmitchScottK: I assume you'll wave through the syncs that ~ubuntu-archive is subscribed to if they're not done by final freeze in a few hours?21:05
mr_pouitmicahg: xfce4-cpu{,-}freq-plugin aren't really maintained upstream anyway. So it's possible they don't work well =]21:06
micahgmr_pouit: as long as I have you here, I was wondering why we didn't jump to xfce4-power-manager without hal...21:07
ScottKajmitch: "Final freeze" is really only at all final for seeded packages.21:07
ScottKWe've got ~10 days for Universe yet.21:07
ajmitchI'll try not to touch too many seeded packages then21:07
RoAkSoAxblueyed, tentative changes for nginx the index in /var/www: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414519/21:08
LaneyIt won't affect my ability to do give-backs, will it?21:08
ScottKAlso, since I don't have shell access due to not being a Canonical employee, I can't actually do the sync's anyway.21:08
ScottKLaney: No21:08
Laneythere seems to be a backlog on the buildds so I'm not abe to get these haskell rebuilds done as fast as I'd like21:08
ScottKLaney: Do be at least a bit careful.  The buildds are quite backed up at the moment.21:08
ajmitchah, I didn't realise it *still* needed shell access :)21:08
ScottKIt does.21:08
mr_pouitmicahg: unfortunately, it depends on libxfce4ui, which is still in development (will be released with Xfce 4.8).21:08
ajmitchhow frustrating21:08
micahgmr_pouit: ah, ok21:09
ajmitchthe rcbugs page still has a few packages to look at, I suspect21:09
mr_pouitmicahg: afaik, there is a package for that in the xubuntu-dev ppa if you want it21:09
LaneyScottK: I imagine they will be freed up somewhat after the freeze21:10
ScottKyes.  Things should slow down somewhat then21:10
micahgmr_pouit: I was wondering if it might make power management better...I'll have to check out the dev PPA21:10
ajmitchScottK: we'll still be allowed to just push through new upstream versions which just fix bugs for the next few days without approval?21:11
ScottKajmitch: For unseeded packages yes.21:12
ScottKThe queue will be frozen, so they'll need a manual push.21:12
* ajmitch had someone asking about bug 531275, it needs a quick merge to do it21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531275 in postr "New version needs packaging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53127521:12
Laneyajmitch: *cough* fancy being a Debian sponsor?21:12
ajmitchLaney: I haven't updated my sid VM for a week or so, so it may take a little bit21:13
ajmitchwhat do you want uploaded?21:13
Laneydocky. See in #-cli21:13
Laneywe can wait for 'hex if you'd rather21:13
LaneyI just feel a bit impatient about this one21:13
ajmitchprobably best, since I don't have git-buildpackage & co setup properly in the vm, it's all arcane magic :)21:14
ajmitchtips on setting that up properly for sponsoring would be nice at some point :)21:15
LaneyI don't think there are any tricks, just install it and make sure your user.name and user.email are set21:16
Laneythen git-buildpackage --git-tag{,-only} when you upload21:16
Laneybut others would obviously know better21:16
keffie_jayxhello guys21:16
ajmitchas long as that'd automate generating the orig.tar.gz & preparing something useful for upoad21:17
keffie_jayxI am trying to package something from scratch, the tarball is name satanas-Turpial-1fe9fa5. the source tarball should have the same name?21:17
Laneyproviding you have pristine-tar branched21:17
keffie_jayxeventhough it is a branch name and a revision number?21:18
ajmitchLaney: it's those little gotchas...21:18
Laneybut if you want to do it, come to #-cli and we'll hand hold you for the first couple of goes21:18
ajmitcheep, 872MB of sid updates, I forgot it's been awhile since I touched that21:19
ajmitchthis may take some time :)21:20
ajmitchkeffie_jayx: having a revision like that in the version name may not be sensible21:21
ajmitchgiven that it probably won't be an increasing revision number like with svn21:21
Laneythere are schemas for git version names21:22
Laneywhere x is an increasing number21:22
keffie_jayxand the x increases how?21:23
Laneyif you have to make more than one upload on a given day21:23
Laneythen increase it from 0 to 121:23
Rhondahmm. I have issues with calling requestsync.21:25
keffie_jayxsource package would then be turpial_1.0_b1~git20100414+r0+??21:25
ScottKRhonda: What's the issue?21:26
keffie_jayxor turpial_1.0_b1~git20100414+r0+??.orig.tar.gz21:26
RhondaE: No credentials found for 'ubuntu-dev-tools', please see the manage-credentials manpage for help on how to create one for this consumer.21:26
RhondaScottK: Do I have to configure it somehow before I use it first?21:26
ajmitchRhonda: see the end of that manpage21:26
ScottKRhonda: You can either follow those instructions or submit via gpg signed mail.21:26
ScottKThe man page for requestsync gives you the flag for doing it by mail.21:27
* ScottK has never tried the Launchpad way21:27
RhondaIs the wiki down currently?21:27
* ajmitch really really felt like stabbing requestsync the other day - turns out that it'll happily try ipv6 by default before ipv421:27
micahgScottK: it's cool, it checks your package upload rights21:27
ajmitch10 minutes of wated time per sync trying to connect to packages.debian.org before I setup an ipv6 tunnel :)21:28
blueyedwhen you're waiting for a reply, please resend, computer locked up.21:28
jpdsajmitch: Is that not always the case?21:28
ScottKmicahg: The email one used to do that before it was crippled somehow.21:28
ajmitchjpds: possibly, but it took about 5 minutes to timeout per ipv6 address tried21:28
micahgScottK: I thought the email one just asked you if you have rights21:28
ScottKI suspect we're being 'encouraged' to use the launchpad way.21:28
ScottKmicahg: It does now.  That wasn't always the case.21:29
keffie_jayxis there any guide I could follow that could help me through packaging naming convention for sources from version control like git21:30
blueyedpersia: re ubuntu-sponsors.. how to ask those for main then in particular? or is only u-u-s deprecated?21:31
RhondaScottK: Acutally I wonder wether I should just turn bug #557696 into the FFe as additional reasoning. ;)21:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557696 in wesnoth "upgrade-request: version 1.8 released" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55769621:31
keffie_jayxi am sure renaming the source package to what I think is not aceptable right?21:31
ScottKRhonda: That looks sensible.21:31
keffie_jayxthe tarball I mean21:32
RoAkSoAxScottK, I was re-checking the dropping of python-dev build-dep for pacemaker, and they also use it on RPMs to build, so I'm unsure if I should go ahead and drop it or keep it21:32
RoAkSoAxblueyed, tentative changes for nginx the index in /var/www: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414519/21:32
persiablueyed: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-February/030194.html21:32
blueyedRoAkSoAx: thanks, I've got that, but had not looked at it. will do.21:32
ScottKRoAkSoAx: If you aren't compilling C code into a Python extension then you  shouldn't need the -dev.21:32
RhondaHmmm, who was to be subscribed again? Unfortunately the wiki.ubuntu seems to be down for me. :(21:33
ScottKblueyed: Note that Red Hat's python-dev split may be different than ours.21:33
RoAkSoAxblueyed, i'll be uploading it to my ppa and start testing21:33
ScottKRhonda: Just ping me when you've got the bug fixed up.  I'll deal with it.21:33
RhondaScottK: If it won't be too much bother I would like to request 1.8-1 now and when I manage to get 1.8-2 ready request the update then again. As sort of save net. :)21:33
RoAkSoAxScottK, right. So how would I check if there's compilation of C code into Python extensions?21:34
ScottKRhonda: That's fine.21:34
ScottKRoAkSoAx: Look at the source and see or test build without -dev and see if it explodes.21:34
RhondaScottK: I think I adjusted the subject correctly, can you look?21:35
RoAkSoAxScottK, well it builds without the -dev but I'm waiting for it to build on PPA to test if it works after dropping the dependency21:35
micahgcould I get a MOTU to respin IA64 on miro please: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/miro/2.5.4-1ubuntu221:36
* persia presses the shiny button21:36
* ScottK looks21:36
c_korncan someone please test this code http://paste.debian.net/68889 and confirm that it gives this error http://paste.debian.net/68891 ? (I opened the bug with this bug_id just for the purpose of modifying)21:36
persiamicahg: Just as a side note, the ia64 queue is long enough that you'll need a buildd-admin to reprioritise if you want it done before release.21:38
micahgpersia: as long as it gets done at some point, I guess I don't care21:38
micahgpersia: 3.0 or 3.0.1 might supersede by then21:39
persiamicahg: The queue is currently at 7 days, and any new uploads take precedence over any rebuilds by default.21:40
micahgpersia: thank you21:40
ScottKRhonda: Approved.21:40
micahgpersia: yep, that's fine, my guess is not too many people on that arch are using it anyways21:40
RhondaScottK: \o/21:41
ScottKRhonda: Now we just need a kind archive admin with shell access like james_w perhaps to do the sync.....21:42
blueyedmicahg: I'm working on miro 3.0.121:44
micahgblueyed: I know :)21:44
blueyedok.. just catching up.21:44
james_wScottK: package name and lp id of the requester?21:44
blueyedpersia: re sponsors, ok.21:45
james_wcould someone possibly testbuild and upload miro?21:45
blueyedjames_w: on the run.21:45
james_wI can't install xulrunner in my build chroot for some silly reason21:45
ScottKjames_w: wesnoth-1.8 from experimental.  Rhonda: What's your LP id?21:45
james_wblueyed: you're already uploading it?21:45
blueyedjames_w: 3.0 is in my ppa already (should be)21:45
blueyedjames_w: testbuilding21:45
persiablueyed: So, do you want to join ubuntu-sponsors?21:45
james_wblueyed: you have upload permissions?21:45
ScottKjames_w: LP ID is rhonda21:46
blueyedjames_w: how do I know? ^^21:46
persiablueyed: You do.  You have for a long time.21:46
Rhondajames_w: Like ScottK said, surprisingly enough. ;)21:47
lfaraoneFor SRUs, if we're creating a new ubuntu delta we use ubuntu0.1, right?21:47
RoAkSoAxpersia, btw.. now that you are talking about ubuntu-sponsors... please add me too :) lp: andreserl21:47
persiaRoAkSoAx: OK.21:47
RoAkSoAxpersia, thank you :)21:47
james_wblueyed: then please be more explicit when requesting reviews using bzr21:48
ajmitchI think I'm still a member of ~ubuntu-sponsors, indirectly21:48
james_wblueyed: I assumed you needed sponsoring21:48
ScottKpersia: Sounds like ajmitch just volunteered too.21:48
persiaajmitch: You are, but none of the memberships in the teams that grant indirect membership are being renewed.21:48
* micahg needs things sponsored :)21:48
persiaajmitch: If I add you, will you sponsor something?21:48
blueyedI'm via motu, too. And cannot apply manually: persia, please add me, too.21:49
ajmitchpersia: I've been sponsoring a few changes in the last week or two21:49
persiablueyed: It's not via MOTU, but I'm adding you.  Please wait for me to dig through the LP interface :)21:49
persiaajmitch: I'll add you directly then :)21:49
blueyeduniverse sponsors (motu) ;)21:49
james_wRhonda, ScottK: please ack: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414532/21:50
blueyedpersia: wow. that could get done with a single db query prolly for all ;)21:50
micahgpersia: will the meeting on the 27th be an ok time to apply for MOTU or will it be too busy?21:50
ScottKjames_w: That's the one21:50
ScottKjames_w: #557696  if you want to add it.21:51
ScottKI'll do it manually if not21:51
micahgajmitch: would you like to sponsor vlc for me?21:51
persiamicahg: Hard to say: depends on how much administrative stuff we have.  I suspect admin will be light, so we'll end up with time for several candidates.  An exact number is hard to predict.  Worst case, you end up at the top of the queue for the following meeting.21:51
micahgpersia: k21:51
james_wScottK: I can do it, but just wanted a check I was doing what was requested21:51
ScottKjames_w: OK.  Thanks.21:52
Rhondajames_w: Looks proper, yes.21:52
james_wScottK: can you handle NEW?21:52
Rhondacheers :)21:52
ScottKjames_w: Yes.21:52
james_wor will it timeout due to the large size?21:52
Rhondacat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed  # maybe my wesnoth compile finishes earlier now21:53
ScottKjames_w: For New, it's the number of items in the package history, not the size of the package that seems to drive timeouts.21:54
ScottKIf it does, I'll ask for help.21:54
james_wah, ok21:54
james_wI can get source actually21:54
james_wit will just be if binaries make it through soon, as I'll be off shortly21:54
ScottKOK  Great.  I'll keep an eye out for them.21:55
james_wok, waved through21:55
ScottKAlthough as backlogged as the buildds are, I suspect you;ll be back well before the binaries are ready.21:55
ScottKRhonda: There you go.21:56
james_wright, uploaded and sponsored everything on my plate, so I'm calling it a day on final freeze21:56
james_whave fun everyone21:56
blueyedjames_w: wiki is down. how do I go on uploading now? (via builddeb plugin)22:01
ScottKblueyed: How is a wiki related to uploading?22:03
blueyedScottK: documentation.. :)22:03
blueyedthe miro upload22:04
Laneybzr bd -S ... do the normal thing22:04
Laneythen bzr mark-uploaded; bzr push lp:ubuntu/XXX22:04
ScottKLaney: Actuall it's -S -- -sa IIRC22:04
Laneydepends what you want to do, but yes indeed you can pass extra flags in22:05
blueyedthe last push to the bug ID? or package name?22:05
Laneypackage name22:05
ScottKSince it's a new upstream, it needs -sa22:05
LaneyI presume it's a merge, so yes22:05
Laneyand -v then22:05
nhandlermdeslaur: Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully we can reshedule you once you have time to recover22:06
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
nhandlerAre there any developers who might be willing to fill in for a Packaging Training session tomorrow?22:24
blueyedShould have done debcommit, shouldn't I?22:24
blueyedNow I've missed the "-v" to bd even.22:24
blueyedshould I reupload for finxing the changelog in changes to include all changes?22:25
* ajmitch wishes the wiki would work properly22:27
ajmitchnhandler: sorry, 6AM local time is a bit too painful for me :)22:27
nhandlerajmitch: We could change the time if necessary22:29
ajmitchI don't feel confident that I'm familiar enough with everything again to be able to give a session22:30
james_wnhandler: I could do it actually22:35
james_wwhat time was it scheduled?22:35
ajmitch1800 UTC22:35
james_wnot great, but can probably swing it22:36
nhandlerjames_w: Like I said, we can change the time22:36
james_wnhandler: yeah, better if we don't though22:37
james_wnhandler: yeah, can we move it 3 hours earlier?22:37
nhandlerjames_w: Sure. What topic do you want to present?22:38
james_w"Fixing an Ubuntu bug with bzr" is not the most imaginative title, but the best I can do right now22:38
james_wwhere should I update?22:38
nhandlerjames_w: Everything is updated. Thanks a lot!22:39
james_wyou rock22:39
james_wthanks nhandler22:39
nhandlerjames_w: Thank *you*.22:40
nhandlerI'll get a little publicity work done for it later today22:40
kklimondahmm.. is UI Freeze only for packages from main?22:42
james_wkklimonda: it's for the assistance of the doc teams and the like, so the less likely it is to be documented somewhere then the less it applies I guess22:43
ScottKThere are Universe flavors that have documentation too.22:45
kklimondaok, thanks - that makes sense22:50
james_wScottK: yeah, I don't think I claimed there weren't?22:51
ScottKjames_w: No, I was trying to amplify your statement, not contradict it.22:56
james_wScottK: sorry, misunderstood then22:59
ScottKjames_w: I could have put it more clearly.23:00

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