
nhandlerjoey: Any estimate on when attachments on the fridge will be fixed00:37
joeynhandler: why I didn't know they were broken01:24
joeynhandler: there's no bug about it01:26
joeynhandler: care to file one? :-)01:26
nhandlerjoey: Yeah. Maybe I'm just imaginging conversations I've had with you now ;)01:45
nhandlerI'll get a bug filed tonight01:50
joeynhandler: thanks. screenshots too if you can manager it02:27
joeynhandler: pretty please with sugar on top02:28
nhandlerjoey: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/fridge/+bug/56272203:27
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
joeyoh ho16:00
joeyI scored16:00
joeyemail coming16:00
akgranerjoey will you have time for a call today or tomorrow?16:02
joeyhi akgraner16:02
akgranerwould like to pick your brain about UDS a little16:02
joeyakgraner: yep, 1pm est, or after 4pm est16:02
akgraner1pm will work for me...16:02
joeyakgraner: ok, pm me your number and I'll ring you16:03
akgranerdone ;-)16:03
joeyakgraner: you and everyone else has mail16:19
* akgraner looks17:05
joeyakgraner: the meeting I was supposed to be having this hour with my boss didn't happen. It's possible he's going to want to do it next hour so I may need to bumb.  Will advise17:49
akgranerjoey ok - no worries  - I got tons to keep me busy :-)  so just ping whenever17:58
joeyakgraner: well, tell you what, let's start and see how far we progress!17:59
akgranercool beans18:00
joeyakgraner: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/fridge-and-news-team-bof18:20
joeyakgraner: you know what would be cool but not sure how to do it.... make a "Congratulations Ubuntu Fridge" banner and put that up when we take the UDS Photos18:55
akgranerbanners are easy to order18:55
akgranerwhat size and what design is the big question18:56
akgranerI can GIMP up a few ideas and post a link for people to tweak18:57
akgranerbut art isn't my expertise - so if someone is an art person and wants to design a banner that would be awesome18:57
akgranerjoey the link you posted returns Error:Page not found - and I get the Lost Something Screen :-)19:01
joeyakgraner: oh sorry I just changed it19:02
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
akgranerjoey, thanks19:15
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
nhandlerjoey: What did you mean by "a link to the calendar" ?22:19
joeynhandler: gcal22:20
joeynhandler: folks look for that on the front page22:20
nhandlerjoey: Alright. Just making sure we are going to be sticking with the gcal and not trying to switch to some other system22:20
joeynhandler: we can if you really want but I'm not that interested in it :-)22:20
nhandlerjoey: Nope. I like the gcal22:22
akgranerjoey, do you want the points you included in on the mailing list added to the blue print as well?22:25
joeyakgraner: wrong question22:26
joeyakgraner: correct question: Joey, I think we should <xxx>.  What do you think?22:26
akgranerhehe :-P22:27
akgranerwell whadda ya think?22:27
joeyif all goes well, the upgrade will happen during UDS :-)22:28
joeyso maybe .....22:28
joeysomething like....22:28
joey1) here's what's coming this week.... 2) what other things can we do with WP that would make it rock?  3) etc22:29
* akgraner nods and scampers away to the land of blueprints 22:30
joey3) do we need to hold an editor training session or just produce a quick step by step on how to enter, peer review, and publish22:30
nhandlerI don't think most of our editors will have an issue switching to wordpress22:30
nhandlerDo we know if wordpress has a way to allow people to submit stories but not actually publish them?22:31
joeynhandler: yeah, it's call a draft :-)22:35
joeynhandler: you save the post as a draft and then copy & paste the URL into this channel for review22:35
joeynhandler: once the peer review happens then the author presses submit22:35
joeynhandler: WP allows drafts to be publicly visible22:36
nhandlerjoey: But can we allow people to save drafts without allowing them to publish?22:36
joeynhandler: yes indeed22:36
joeynhandler: OUR people22:36
joeynhandler: not J Random User22:36
joeynhandler: so let's say svaksha is writing up a post about a new LoCo event in India. She writes it up and saves it as a draft. Then she pokes someone here to do a peer review. They can see the post, make comments, and once the review is over and svaksha is ready, she presses submit (after selecting appropriate tags) and viola, front page news22:38
joeyakgraner: I think we'll need a migration doc. For example, categories are done as tags in WP22:39
joeyakgraner: maybe best to put on wiki22:39
nhandlerjoey: But what stops J Random user from skipping the peer review step?22:40
akgranerokie dokie to link to the blueprint or completely separate?22:40
joeynhandler: they don't have access to WP admin22:40
joeynhandler: the migration would keep the submission processes as is.. email story to ubuntu-news-team22:41
nhandlerAh, ok.22:41
=== Vantrax|Work is now known as Vantrax
johnc4510hey all23:41
akgranerhey johnc4510 !23:42
johnc4510wordpress...I likey23:43
johnc4510btw....10.04 is just rockin' so far23:43
akgraner+1 on wordpress even I use wordpress23:44
johnc4510i'm even lovin' Evolution mail23:44
johnc4510which i never have like too much23:45
akgraneris it really all that much better23:49
akgranerI always remove it23:49
akgranertend to peg out my CPU when it is running23:49
johnc4510it's gotten much better...close to thunderbird now i think....not that bad on my cpu23:50

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