
paul_bunyanunban me from #ubuntu00:25
paul_bunyanor i will hack ur boxes i am a bot master00:25
jriblet me get right on that...00:27
Seeker`/unban paul_bun....oh wait, maybe not00:30
geniiI wonder how the arizona educational facility might feel about him running bots01:08
PiciI didn't know botmasters used pidgin for irc.01:09
ubottuIn ubottu, Ivan747 said: This is a test01:36
ubottuIn ubottu, Some_Person said: shutup is Please stop talking NOW. It is annoying.01:37
Flannelubottu: tell Some_Person about attitude03:14
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ^b0ss^)03:57
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from shazbotmcnasty)05:51
bazhangban evading for the 3rd time in #ubuntu ,  at least twice in -ot (ackt1c)05:59
bazhangah missed that, sorry05:59
dholbachgood morning07:23
jussi01dholbach: Huomenta Daniel07:26
dholbachSalut jussi01, comment ça va?07:27
jussi01dholbach: Hyvin menee, kiitos! enta sinä?07:28
dholbachjussi01: sehr gut, danke :)07:28
jussi01google translte ftw :P07:29
dholbachindeed :-)07:29
elkydoes quassel do that on hover now or soemthing :P07:29
jussi01I dont think dholbach is using quassel...07:30
jussi01ikonia's connection again :(07:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, st4aluck said: ubottu: My laptop is not very old and I think that laptop's BIOS only supports ACPI and not APM, shall I install toshutils08:00
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
jussiI have been waiting for this nick to come free for so long...11:43
Tm_Twhy change? who are you? where's our jussi01 ?!11:43
Tm_Twhy the sky is falling on me?11:43
* Tm_T hides11:44
Tm_Toh, and congrats for the nick11:44
knomejussi, woot11:49
gord:( now you have a different colour11:51
Tm_Tyou are all yellow to me11:56
knomeyou are all white to me. am i a racist? :<11:56
Tm_Tno, you are just misguided11:57
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from mamous)12:19
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))12:19
Tm_Tthere will be one classroom (same ip) of teenagers in #kubuntu, so better not ban their ip if one misbehaves (:12:34
topyliTm_T, your class?12:41
Tm_Tnope, some spanish teacher told it beforehand in the channel12:42
topyliif so, we'll just take it on you at the slightest disruptio... oh :)12:42
Tm_Tand R. woke up so I'm prolly not available when it begins12:42
MamarokTm_T: I hope he told them to speak English though12:44
Mamarokand that it is not for random chatter12:44
Tm_Tye, was about to mention -es but he was gone already12:47
MamarokTm_T: I am not around tonight, it's around 20:00 my time (21:00 yours), so somebody should have an eye on it indeed12:49
Mamarokbut it was nice of him to give us a warning12:50
elkypeople should be more careful who they let testify for them. i'd take points off for certain -ot'ers.13:40
geniiWeird, didn't see that second set of flooding from DIKKy that floodbot3 jumped on14:28
PiciI did14:29
geniiBleh, work14:41
gnomefreakPici: i will let you deal with coc0nut :)15:40
Picilucky me.15:40
ubottuIn #ubuntu, iWantLinuzPointy said: ubottu: ur 2nd link is dead?15:57
Picihelp.ubuntu.com is having issues today.15:58
gnomefreakPici: i loaded it fine, is there a link on the main page that you are seeing it?16:14
Picignomefreak: Its coming and going, I've already poked #canonical-sysadmin about it.16:15
gnomefreakPici: ah ok16:15
ubottuTrek called the ops in #ubuntu (redrut is spamming)17:12
jpds#ubuntu+1 is getting kind of !ot.18:38
jpdsPici: LinuxGuy2009 in +1 looks dodgy and not helpful18:51
jpdsI've had to deal with him in #ubuntu before.18:53
Picijpds: does he have a ban in #u ?18:54
jpdsPici: No.18:54
aviswhen i type /ignore <user> all it doesn't work for me on freenode18:57
Myrttidepends on your client18:57
avissome user is saying that i will regret something if i die and i'm very disturbed by that18:57
avisusing xchat18:57
avishi Myrtti :)18:58
aviscould you help me make it stick please :)18:58
avishe changed nicks to get past my ignore18:59
Myrttiignores are dependant on your client usually18:59
Myrttiwe can't make the ignores stick for you18:59
avisok np18:59
avisthank you Myrtti  have a very nice day18:59
Myrttieven if it were a network feature (might be) this isn't the right channel for it18:59
avisi was told in #ubuntu+1 to come here19:00
jpdsavis: Try: http://xchat.org/docs/xchat-6.html19:00
avisthank you19:00
jpdsavis: We tend to prefer not to have users fight in the channels, which is why I suggested you come here.19:01
avisi was not fighting i told him he could become a gentleman if he were to be treated like one and that a gentleman walks but never runs and he has the nerve to tell me that if i don't do something before i die something is going to happen to me ?  he is the loose screw here.19:02
avisi'll get your of your hair19:03
jpdsDid I do the right thing there?19:04
Myrttibetter than having them fight on #ubuntu+1, true19:04
Myrttiuh. I'm having an English language fail. What did User_007 just ask?21:38
ikoniaI don't know21:38
ubottuIn ubottu, NinoScript said: he is called ubottu21:42
ikoniahello NinoScript21:43
ikoniaNinoScript: how can we help you today ?21:44
NinoScriptI was just testing IRC stuff with ubottu (like the ! stuff, /me, and other things that I'm just learning) and he (it) said  "Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail" So I came here to check if I did something bad :P21:45
ikoniadon't worry about it, no problem21:46
NinoScriptohh, ok :)21:46
NinoScriptbye bye, then21:46
ikoniaNinoScript: if you don't need anything can you please leave the channel so we can deal with any people that need operator support please ?21:53

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