
ScottKslangasek: Thanks to seb128 syncing schroedinger at sabdfl's direction earlier today, we now need a MIR for orc.03:44
slangasekScottK: open an incomplete MIR bug, assign it to seb128?03:45
ScottKBug #56273503:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562735 in orc "MIR to support new version of schroedinger in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56273503:51
seglerhi, could somebody help me with a freeze exception? i created a bug report and added the necessary things, but nothing is happening and release is getting closer. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441610:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Undecided,New]10:21
seglerhi, could somebody help me with a freeze exception? i created a bug report and added the necessary things, but nothing is happening and release is getting closer. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/54441612:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Undecided,New]12:07
Riddellslangasek, cjwatson: I don't seem to be able to commit to ~ubuntu-cdimage but https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jr/debian-cd/ubuntu/+merge/23381 will bring in the new Kubuntu logo12:28
cjwatsonRiddell: bzr+ssh://antimony/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/bzr/debian-cd/ is the branch for commits12:46
cjwatsonthe ~ubuntu-cdimage one is just a mirror12:47
cjwatsonfeel free to commit to antimony12:47
Riddellaah, thanks, will do12:48
seglernobody responded, maybe i am at the wrong place, would somebody push me in the right direction?13:01
Riddellsegler: for gnomey stuff probably seb128 can point you in the right direction13:09
james_wanyone have an opinion on the suitability of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~arnegoetje/ubuntu/lucid/ttf-indic-fonts/merge-from-sid/+merge/23333 for this point in the release14:32
james_wI'm not sure what's considered to be a new feature in a font packages14:32
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lamontslangasek: can I have a livecd-rootfs build attempt on acorn pls?18:04
nigelbepiphany-extensions has a new upstream version.  it is possible to sync this from debian?  since the current epiphany-extensions doesn't work with the current epiphany-browser18:33
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nigelbslangasek, thoughts on ^?18:39
micahgcan I get an FFe ack on bug 46186419:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461864 in seamonkey "[FFe] Update Seamonkey to 2.0.x" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46186419:14
slangasekjames_w: there's already been a FFe for the font stuff, bug #53558219:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535582 in ubuntu "FFE/UIFE: replace some font packages with ubuntu-desktop-fonts on the LiveCD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53558219:22
slangaseklamont: running19:23
slangaseknigelb: epiphany-extensions> yes, that should be possible, please follow FFe process19:23
lamontslangasek: either that works, or we hurt someone. :-D19:23
nigelbslangasek, I'm unsure if we need to do it or not :(19:24
nigelbit seems we're going to end up with some broken package anyway..19:25
slangaseknigelb: why?19:25
nigelbcurrently epiphany-extensions and epiphany-extensions-more are broken.19:25
nigelbafter the sync, epiphany-extensions-more would still remain broken, since debian doesn't have the new version yet19:26
slangasekah, ok.  anyway, the FreezeExceptionProcess page is supposed to be complete in its explanation of when an FFe is or isn't needed; what part should we make clearer?19:26
nigelbits pretty clear.19:27
slangasekmicahg: where does seamonkey fall on the "decide what xulrunner revdeps we're supporting or not" list?19:28
micahgslangasek: well, seamonkey has its own xul copy ATM19:28
slangasekdoes that mean it avoided being on the radar?19:29
micahgslangasek: well, upstream is entirely new and no one has had time to package it yet19:29
micahgslangasek: it's been on my mind for months, but I've been busy porting other stuff19:30
slangasekso you, at least, think we should keep it rather than drop it?19:30
micahgslangasek: it seems there is an interest in it19:31
micahgI had someone else wanting to make a seamonkey2 in universe which I already said no to19:31
slangasekScottK: ^^ you've voiced your concerns about release-maintainability of mozilla bits in universe; do you have an opinion on seamonkey?19:32
micahgslangasek: I guess I should point out that sometime during the Lucid cycle we will have to jump to Seamonkey 2.1 which will be based on xulrunner-1.9.319:33
micahgslangasek: so, we'll need an SRU exception for new functionality if we keep it...19:34
slangasekright; if we let it into lucid we should apply the same SRU/security policy as for other mozilla packages19:36
micahgslangasek: does dropping an unnecessary option in an apache config require an FFe?19:40
slangasekmicahg: sounds like a cosmetic, low-urgency bugfix, so no; but we'll come for your head if it breaks something ;)19:43
micahgslangasek: k, just wanted to know how urgently I need to get phpmyadmin sync'd from debian :)19:44
james_wslangasek: aha, thanks20:00
james_wslangasek: is the freeze expected to start at ~midnight UTC, or will I have chance to squeeze these in tomorrow morning?20:00
slangasekjames_w: midnight UTC; doesn't mean you can't try to squeeze things through tomorrow morning, just means they'll need a hand20:02
james_wyeah, I'd prefer to save the extra work20:02
james_wperhaps not quite in the spirit of it though :-)20:02
segleri need a motu for uploading, but at #ubuntu-motu nobody is responding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-radio-browser/+bug/544416 it is already approved20:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544416 in rhythmbox-radio-browser "new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:25
ScottKslangasek: I worry about all the mozilla stuff.  Seamonkey probably less because aiui there aren't the same coordination requirements due to trademark restrictions.20:57
ScottKslangasek: It probably makes sense to update and stay ~ in sync.20:57
* ScottK hasn't studied the matter in any detail.20:57
slangasekScottK: do you think it needs more study, or can micahg take that as an FFe?20:58
ScottKslangasek: That was a barely informed opinion.  I'm unlikely to have more time today to give it more consideration.  If you think that's enough for an FFe, then please tell him to go ahead.20:59
* micahg is available for any questions :)21:00
micahgslangasek: so, I guess you have the final call21:41
slangasekmicahg: go ahead; I'll follow up to the bug in a bit21:44
micahgslangasek: ok, my plan is to have it in by Monday since it's unseeded21:44
ScottKAny ideas why new builds aren't getting dispatched for powerpc, ia64, and sparc?22:07
slangaseklamont: ^^?22:11
slangaseklamont: also, the acorn build died; some error message about tax advise for pimps?22:12
slangasek(I may be paraphrasing an error message that wasn't actually emitted)22:12

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