
kirklandhggdh: status check00:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #562635 in krb5 (main) "Sync krb5 1.8.1+dfsg-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56263500:02
hggdhkirkland: finalising installs00:07
hggdhkirkland: only waiting for the two NCs to finish install. UEC image is registered00:10
kirklandhggdh: k00:11
kirklandmathiaz: nearly done ....00:11
mathiazkirkland: I need to jet out for now00:21
kirklandmathiaz: are you traveling all day tomorrow?00:21
mathiazkirkland: yeah - I'll be able to retrieve/read/respond to email though00:22
mathiazkirkland: (when I'm not on planes)00:22
kirklandmathiaz: okay, we'll try to get the debug info to you00:22
mathiazkirkland: the next step is to run the tests again and save the log information00:22
mathiazkirkland: put them online somewhere if they fail again00:23
kirklandmathiaz: what specifically do you want?  a tee of the run ?00:23
mathiazkirkland: the whole test run log00:23
kirklandhggdh: ^00:23
hggdhkirkland: nodes registered, running a single-instance test now00:25
hggdhkirkland: test running, log is being written to ~/uec-testing-scripts/resutls/single*00:33
hggdhkirkland: on cempedak00:33
kirklandhggdh: cool, and you can ssh in?00:33
hggdhkirkland: negative00:35
kirklandhggdh: cannot ssh in00:35
hggdhkirkland: ssh fails on timeout00:35
hggdhreally sounds like routing00:35
kirklandhggdh: interesting00:36
kirklandhggdh: okay, put the log somewhere for me to check out00:36
hggdhkirkland: k. I just ran one instance by hand, and then tried to ssh into it -- fails with a timeout00:38
kirklandhggdh: okay, that's easy to reproduce00:39
kirklandhggdh: log?00:39
hggdhkirkland: people.c.c/~cerdea/single_test.log.2010-04-13_19321800:42
kirklandhggdh: rsync -aP people.canonical.com:~cerdea/single_test.log.2010-04-13_193218 .00:46
kirklandhggdh: file not found00:46
kirklandhggdh: found it, public_html00:47
hggdhheh. one wants it on public_html, another on the root ;-)00:47
kirklandhggdh: ls -alF users/admin/uectest-k0.priv00:49
kirklandhggdh: and cat that file, make sure it matches -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----00:50
kirklandhggdh: is that instance still running?00:50
kirklandhggdh: can you telnet to its port 22 ?00:50
hggdhkirkland: yes, the instance is still running00:51
hggdhkirkland: the priv key seems kosher00:52
kirklandhggdh: and telnet ?00:52
hggdhkirkland: timeout. Also, a traceroute (FWIW) reaches marula (the CC) and stops there00:53
kirklandhggdh: oh, interesting00:54
kirklandhggdh: that's got to be it00:54
hggdhkirkland: let me try to ssh from marula00:54
kirklandhggdh: yeah00:54
kirklandhggdh: scp the priv key over00:54
kirklandhggdh: and try from there00:54
hggdhkirkland: first test -- reachability -- successful00:55
kirklandhggdh: ack00:55
hggdhwill move the priv key there now00:55
kirklandhggdh: and?01:00
hggdhkirkland: getting permission denied (pub key)01:00
hggdhkirkland: but the important piece is that I am *reaching* the instance01:00
kirklandhggdh: hrm, odd01:00
kirklandhggdh: agreed on that point01:00
kirklandhggdh: and you're doing ssh -i ./whatever.priv ubuntu@ip ?01:00
kirklandhggdh: and whatever.priv is perm'd 60001:00
hggdhkirkland: yes indeed, and will check again01:01
hggdhbut on wrong permission ssh would bail out01:01
hggdhkirkland: and the full command is ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ./uectest-k0.priv  ubuntu@
hggdhalthough sort of overworked, I admit01:04
kirklandhggdh: hmm, okay01:04
kirklandhggdh: it may be that the guest is having trouble getting out01:04
kirklandhggdh: or at least to have the key injected01:04
kirklandhggdh: okay, add your traceroute findings to that bug01:04
kirklandhggdh: and email mathias (cc me) the link to that log01:05
kirklandhggdh: i'm reassured that this appears to be a networking issue, but we'll need to get to the bottom of it01:05
kirklandhggdh: i gotta run for the night01:05
kirklandhggdh: thanks dude!01:05
hggdhkirkland: will do, and g'night01:05
storrgieset up key based auth with ssh, but still get password prompts on one of my computers... any idea why?01:06
ScuniziWhat's the best/easiest way to share a directory on a secondary drive with no password access for those on my LAN?01:38
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
osmosiswho is the server team manager?03:48
osmosisas in, job description, Reports To:  Server Team Manager03:48
twbMaybe https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server says03:49
twbIt's "owned" by mathiaz, for whatever that's worth.03:49
twb(I tend to avoid lp, so I'm just guessing.)03:50
ScottKHe's not the server team manager03:50
=== smoser_ is now known as smoser
ziesemer_Can anyone here help me with a few basic questions concerning OpenLDAP under 9.10 or 10.04?04:18
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:19
ziesemer_OK, I was asking for that.04:19
ziesemer_So dpkg-reconfigure no longer really does anything for OpenLDAP in Karmic in newer.04:20
ziesemer_I.E., LDAP is pretty much unusable once installed, apparently without a large amount of additional configuration.04:20
ziesemer_Two such guides I found for this are at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1313472 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8154148 .  However, they vary quite a bit, etc.04:20
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ziesemer_Is there anything more official towards getting this running other than a forum post?04:21
ziesemer_For example, the first one uses back_hdb for olcModuleLoad, the other uses back_bdb.la .  What's the difference?04:22
twbziesemer_: have you tried the ubuntu server guide?04:22
ziesemer_https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html ?  Yes, but apparently it is very wrong and incomplete, as detailed in those forum posts.04:23
twbAre you running 9.10 or 10.04?04:24
ziesemer_Either.  I played with this previously on 9.10.  I'm trying to start from scratch on a 10.04 VM, since it'll be official in just a few weeks...04:24
twbHave you looked at the 10.04 ubuntu-serverguide?04:25
ziesemer_I couldn't find.  Google wasn't helping...04:25
ziesemer_Was at least suspecting it wasn't done yet?04:26
twbapt-get install ubutu-serverguide in whatever you're running04:26
ziesemer_Oh - not available online?04:27
twbI don't know if it's going to help, I'm just giving you the standard triage04:27
ziesemer_Installed - how do I access?04:29
ziesemer_No man page, etc.04:29
JanCziesemer_: dpkg -L ubuntu-serverguide04:30
JanCshould tell you what files were installed where04:30
JanCit's probably some HTML files in /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-serverguide/04:31
ziesemer_file:///usr/share/ubuntu-serverguide/html/C/index.html - thanks.04:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #562746 in php5 (main) "Apache2 wont start, missing lib - 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56274604:31
ziesemer_Interesting.  They pretty much just copied one of the forum posts into the doc.04:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #562750 in apache2 (main) "Apache2 wont start, missing lib - 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56275004:36
axisysanyone know of a csv to html tool that takes multiple columns and generate a html table and a bar chart ?04:43
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axisystwb: gnuplot .. ok ... let me check it out04:53
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twbI don't know if gnuplot can emit the format you want specifically.05:02
twbBut it's the obvious way to turn data into graphs/charts.05:02
axisystwb: i am new to it.. have not fig out how to plot yet ;-)05:07
twbIt's not exactly intuitive :-P05:07
macnoHi, I have just installed a new machine with user's home encrypted. Now I need to run usermod -u but this not affect the unmounted home partition08:30
macnocan I mount the user's home from root?08:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #562832 in drbd8 (main) "module drbd8 update kernel from 2.6.32-16 to 2.6.32-20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56283209:06
RobbieThe1stI'm trying to get an email-server working on my Ubuntu 9.04 VPS. Checking my mail.log file, I see Apr 14 09:59:13 vps2735 postfix/master[28009]: fatal: bind port 10024: Address already in use - Port 10024 is being used by Amavisd... what should I do?10:07
RobbieThe1stTo be honest, I really don't care about Amavisd - all I want is a simple email server up and running. The tutorials I followed(or tried to) had other ideas, however...10:09
_rubenRobbieThe1st: then dont use amavisd10:29
_rubenregarding the use of tutorials, the #postfix channel bot has a clear opinion abou tit10:30
_ruben:30 < knoba> _ruben: "tutorial" : A very common problem is that some people prefer to follow a step-by-step tutorial that shows them how to setup their server w/out reading the documentation or understanding what they are doing. If10:30
_ruben something goes wrong, they have no clue whtsoever about where to find hints, and they sometimes decide to start from scratch using a different tutorial. This is not Th e Proper Way.10:30
RobbieThe1stI'm trying -yet again- to uninstall it, yet for whatever reason, last time I did it Postfix was looking for Amavisd.10:31
RobbieThe1stAnd, no its not the true way. Or the best way, but I can't understand all of the documentation, so I figure the best thing to do is to use tutorials until I get things mostly working, then experiment from there on my own10:32
pthsI'm wondering if the http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ha/ is going to be fully implemented in the standard Ubuntu repo, or do I need to enable this to be running get the complete cluster stack?10:35
persiaGood day.  In #ubuntu-powerpc we've been discussing oversized CDs.  The Ubuntu sever CD is one of those that is oversized on powerpc.  I wondered if the eucalyptus stuff could be safely dropped from powerpc because kvm doesn't support powerpc and we don't ship the IBM hypervisor.10:51
persiaIf that's not enough (it ought be), I wonder if anyone would object to dropping other virtualisation bits (and would hope someone could give me a list of good candidates)10:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #562912 in munin (main) "munin-node plugin initialisation fails on ip_" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56291211:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #562919 in samba (main) "Lucid Beta2: Desktop Crash, then Unable to Boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56291911:26
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ttxpersia: yes, that sounds like a good candidate for removal12:41
ttxpersia: however the eucalyptus.udeb might be linked from the "Install UEC" option on that CD12:42
ttxpersia: you probably would need to get rid of that as well12:42
persiattx: How is the "Install UEC" option defined?12:43
ttxpersia: I think it's directly on the ISO itself, let me check12:43
persiaMy worry is that this may not be an arch-dependent-aware construction.12:44
ttxpersia: right, that's why I mention it12:44
persiaBut I am fairly sure that attempting to do a powerpc cloud without IBM's hypervisor is doomed to failure :)12:44
ttxsyslinux/text.cfg has "menu label Install Ubuntu ^Enterprise Cloud"12:45
persia(unless someone steps up and ports another hypervisor, but given that only a small proportion of hardware supports it, and all of that comes with IBM service contracts, ...)12:45
ttxon the ISO itself12:45
ttxthen it points to /cdrom/preseed/cloud.seed12:45
* persia pulls debian-cd to see how that is constructed12:46
persiattx: Would you mind adding [!powerpc] to the relevant packages in the seed anyway?  I'll try to sort out how to make the option go away, but I'd rather a CD with a bug than an oversized CD.12:46
ttxpersia: that would be for package eucalyptus only ? (and then the deps will not get pulled ?)12:48
* persia looks at the seed12:49
ttxpersia: kirkland should upload a new eucalyptus today, could you sync with him when he is up ?12:49
binBASHnew eucalyptus?12:50
ttxwell, cherrypicking the last bugfixes from upstream branch12:50
binBASHok, just wondering because apt-get installed already new ones yesterday12:52
binBASHdidn't think it updates that often.....12:52
persiaUgh.  Looks like it might be complicated, because the eucalyptus stuff is all split out in other seeds, which would need to be completely [!powerpc]'d12:52
persiaOr maybe better to have them [i386 amd64] ?  Does eucalyptus work on sparc/ia64?  I know it doesn't on powerpc/armel (no kvm).12:52
persiattx: But, yeah, I'll try to catch kirkland when it's daytime there.12:53
ttxhe should be around in ~1h12:53
ttxI don't think it works on sparc/ia6412:53
persiaThen, yeah, we ought special-arch that stuff.12:54
binBASHttx: Do you know how to pass kvm parameters when running instances? I want the kvm instances launched with -vnc12:54
ttxit builds, but I suspect kvm will play weird games12:54
ttxbinBASH: no, maybe ask in #eucalyptus12:55
persiaWell, we build qemu-kvm, so we end up with working qemu even when kvm isn't around.12:55
binBASHttx: Trying since some days now, I will ask in their forum12:55
persiaBut yeah, I don't know enough about hypervisors for sparc/ia64 to know if it *can* work.12:55
binBASHpersia: I think it depends on the cpu features.12:56
persiaAnd ia64 CD is also oversized (although I don't personally care), so making it [i386 amd64] may help there as well.12:56
binBASHnot on the hypervisor itself12:56
persiabinBASH: Well, yes, but also on the implementation.  For example, kvm hasn't been ported to use PowerVM12:56
persia(mostly because most folks who get hardware that has this feature are happy to get IBM's lower-level utilities and use that)12:57
Jeeves_Does anyone here know if keepalived in Lucid supports ipv6?13:22
Jeeves_Can't find anything about it13:22
zulmvo: ping13:31
smoserttx, ping13:33
ttxsmoser: yo13:33
smoserso the libsasl2-2 issue i mentioned.13:33
smoserthats not really a bug, right, but an unsupported upgrade ?13:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #562960 in samba (main) "folder sharing in gnome not working in Lucid" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56296013:33
ttxsmoser: I suspect it doesn't happen on a true do-release-upgrade13:34
ttxso it's taken care of by the upgrade script13:34
smoseryou are correct, it does not happen there.13:34
smoserthats what i thought.13:34
ttxsmoser: then no, it's not a bug, it's an unsupported scenario that needs some effort to work13:35
ttxsmoser: we'll let you test a little your latest, give a chance to mathiaz to ack, and I can sponsor it EOD in any case13:36
smoserwell i just tested the hardy2lucid13:36
smoserwhich is the only case in which the code i most recently changed fires13:36
ttxhardy2lucidppa direct ?13:36
ttxyes, I tested that one a few mion. ago13:37
ttxgot my email ?13:37
smoserright. i saw your mail and responded.13:37
smoseras much as i can tell its right.13:37
smoserit was a lot simpler once i understood what was needed....13:37
ttxTo test "real upgrade" we'ell have to get it into the archive anyway13:37
ttxcn=config is on the long list of things I've got to find time to play with, unfortunately nowhere near the top13:38
smoseryour explanation in the bug was good, but having no familiarity with it, i was misled a bit.13:38
ttxzul: mvo is not on this channel14:36
binBASHhelp.ubuntu.com down?14:50
PicibinBASH: its certainly taking a long time to access here.14:51
binBASHPici: I get here 50314:52
binBASHService Temporarily Unavailable14:52
binBASHThe server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.14:52
binBASHApache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g Server at help.ubuntu.com Port 44314:52
PicibinBASH: I'm poking some people about it.14:55
kirklandpersia: howdy14:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #563039 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56303914:56
binBASHPici: Now I get some Squid error ;)14:57
persiakirkland: Good day.  So, the powerpc CD is oversized, and I'd like to cut some stuff.  Am I correct that eucalyptus wants kvm, or does it also work against qemu?14:57
PicibinBASH: Try again, it just started working for me.14:57
binBASHIt's back! thx Pici14:58
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neuro666hi, if I use lftp ftp://login:pwd@ip -e "cd / ; mirror -R  /DIR_DIST_BACKUP ; quit"    for save any ubuntu server, is there any risk?15:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #563053 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "Please remove Mysql 5.0 from the archive for lucid." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56305315:21
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sherrneuro666: risk in what way? In the clear password presents some risk perhaps.15:37
b14ckHi all. I'm trying to configure my second NIC, I'm doing it via editing the file /etc/network/interfaces. Jere15:38
acalvoanyone using CUPS with SAMBA to store Windows drivers?15:38
b14ckI'm trying to configure my second NIC with a public IP. I'm editing the file /etc/network/interfaces. I've got my public IP, netmask, and gateway that I need to assign. But do I need to specify a 'network' and 'broadcast' line in the config? What are those for? How do I find out what addresses to assign those if they are required?15:41
_rubenb14ck: not required, they are automagically determined based on ip+netmask15:44
alvinb14ck: What you want to do is not difficult. You just type your netmask, gateway, network, broadcast and address under the 'iface eth? inet static' line. See http://www.debian-administration.org/article/An_introduction_to_Debian_networking_setup15:44
alvinEh, as _ruben said. They are not required15:44
b14ckAh thanks you both. I'll read that guide too.15:45
b14ckAppreciate it!15:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #563084 in bacula (main) "bacula-director-pgsql does not install cleanly with db-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56308415:56
persiakirkland: So, ttx suggested that if eucalyptus does depend on kvm, it would be safe to drop it from the CD.  The menu adjustments in debian-cd seem already to be i386/amd64 specific.  What do you think about adding [i386 amd64] liberally to the euca* seeds?15:57
persiaNow if eucalyptus truly depends on kvm, it may make sense to set Architecture and P-a-s it, but if it works with qemu, maybe we can do a seed-only change.15:58
kirklandttx: persia: the only part of eucalyptus that actually depends on kvm is eucalyptus-nc (the node controller itself)15:59
kirklandpersia: that said, i don't have any interest in support eucalyptus on any architecture other than amd6415:59
jdstrandzul: hi!15:59
zuljdstrand: hey!16:00
persiakirkland: Not even i386?16:00
kirklandpersia: personally?  no.  but we shouldn't drop i386 :-)16:00
jdstrandzul: so on bug #559628 I think it should be marked "Won't Fix" per my comment #316:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 559628 in ntp "ntpd profile denies access to /etc/ld.so.preload" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55962816:00
kirklandpersia: i think it would be acceptable to force UEC to amd64|i386 in the CD seeds16:00
kirklandpersia: and leave the builds in the archive for ambitious arm,powerpc,sparc users16:01
jdstrandzul: basically, I think the apparmor profile is doing its job16:01
zuljdstrand: sounds good to me16:01
persiakirkland: OK.  I don't have write access to the server seed.  Would you mind adding "[i386 amd64]" to the relevant packages in those seeds?16:01
kirklandpersia: (the reason for my amd64 comment ...   amd64 hardware can host both 32bit and 64 guests; i386 hardware can only host 32bit guests16:02
persiakirkland: Also, eucalyptus-nc probably wants to Recommend: qemu-kvm rather than "kvm" to avoid installing the transition packages on new installs.16:02
persiaMakes sense.16:02
kirklandpersia: good call16:02
persiaThank cjwatson for it, really.16:02
kirklandpersia: i'll do it, if you'll double check my work for me before commit16:02
kirklandttx: are you okay with this?16:02
jdstrandzul: do you mind 2nding my opinion and updating the bug then?16:03
persiakirkland: Be happy to do so, thanks.  I believe this will get us burnable powerpc and ia64 CDs again (although we may need to find something else to trim).16:03
kirklandpersia: eucalyptus-nc recommending qemu-kvm committed16:04
zuljdstrand: sure16:04
jdstrandzul: thanks16:04
zuljdstrand: done16:05
alvinWhat package is responsible for changing entries in /etc/fstab to UUID on upgrade? I'd like to file a bug against it.16:07
ttxkirkland: yes16:11
kirklandcjwatson: persia: will this suffice?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/414373/16:11
ttxkirkland: that's easily reversible if it breaks the world as we know it16:12
cjwatsonI'd recommend [amd64 i386]'ing the entire tasks, not just eucalyptus-*16:13
cjwatsonotherwise you have weird half-empty tasks on other architectures16:13
persiacjwatson: Can that be done in STRUCTURE?16:13
ttxRoAkSoAx: around ?16:13
b14ckHi guys, one of my network interfaces isn't working, but I can't figure out why16:13
b14ckWhat command can I use to verify that my physical NIC port is UP and should start using the statically assigned IP when the ethernet port is plugged in?16:14
cjwatsonpersia: no, sorry16:14
kirklandcjwatson: hmm, i thought about that, but this didn't show me how:  grep "Task.*i386" *16:14
cjwatsonkirkland: I meant just every package in those tasks16:14
kirklandcjwatson: ah16:14
persiacjwatson: I hadn't thought so, but figured it was worth asking :)16:14
persiaSo users will end up with empty tasks for ports, but that's fine, as if they want to install UEC, they ought be doing it on i386/amd64 anyway.  And if someone wants to fix it by getting it to work nicely on another arch, the packages are available, and we can change in the future (assuming there's space on the CDs)16:16
kirklandpersia: cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414376/16:17
persiakirkland: Did you mean to drop screen from all the lsits?16:17
kirkland(note that i also dropped screen, which is no longer necessary since we have eucalyptus-udeb now installing the server seed too)16:17
kirklandpersia: yup16:17
persiaIn that case, yeah, looks fine.16:18
kirklandpersia: i can do this in 2 separate commits, if you like16:18
persiaDoesn't matter to me, I just wanted to verify it was intentional :)16:18
kirklandpersia: yeah, thanks16:18
kirklandpersia: cjwatson: r1699 pushed16:19
alvinI would really know the name of the package that is responsible for the change to UUID in /etc/fstab. Is it update-manager-core?16:20
kirklandcjwatson: ttx: can we get a server cd build going for i386 and amd64 just to make sure this is good?16:20
persiaExcellent.  Does that need a -meta upload also, or should I see the effects on the next round of ports CDs?16:20
kirklandalvin: totally guess here, but i'd expect mountall16:20
persiaIf we're building ports CDs, can we do powerpc and ia64 too?  I want to make sure they get un-OVERSIZED from this.16:21
kirklandpersia: i don't know the answer to that question16:21
cjwatsonkirkland: not right now, needs a d-i upload first16:21
cjwatsonpersia: it needs two non-empty publisher runs16:21
cjwatsonso I recommend against rushing to do CD spins in general for this, it will probably only confuse16:22
alvinkirkland: Thanks16:22
persiaRight then.  I'll check at normal rebuild time.16:23
nimrod10is there any other software to test hd performance other than iozone or bonnie ?16:26
RoAkSoAxttx, i am16:29
ttxRoAkSoAx: about cluster stack status16:31
RoAkSoAxttx, well everything is in universe besides corosync16:31
RoAkSoAxi mean cluster-agents, cluster-glue, pacemaker and heartbeat16:31
ttxRoAkSoAx: did you file the sync requests16:31
ttxwith debian ?16:32
tgalalI'm trying to automate install of ubuntu server on many machines using kickstart. All steps go fine except that setup complains about missing default route and needs user input.how do I bypass this?16:32
RoAkSoAxttx, i did16:32
ttxRoAkSoAx: and they were taken care of yet ?16:32
RoAkSoAxttx, im waiting for FFe to be accept to be able to upload the latest packages16:32
ttxRoAkSoAx: ok, maybe ping ScottK, would be good to have before the Freeze16:32
RoAkSoAxttx, i already did :)16:33
ttxRoAkSoAx: ok16:33
ttxRoAkSoAx: anything we can do to help ?16:33
RoAkSoAxttx, other than that, ivoks and I discussed what to do, and we decided to keep some packages in ubuntu-ha-maintainers and provide updates there.. and then I guess we could backport them16:33
RoAkSoAxttx, other than that.. I think we are pretty much all set with the new clsuter stack16:34
ttxRoAkSoAx: sounds good to me16:35
RoAkSoAxttx, and I guess we'll try to SRU docs for the server guide16:36
RoAkSoAxonce polished16:36
ttxRoAkSoAx: good wikidocs are ok anyway16:37
* ttx brb16:37
RoAkSoAxttx, ok then. We still have some work items left that I guess could be worked for maverick16:40
ttxRoAkSoAx: ok, feel free to mark them "POSTPONED" on the blueprint whiteboard16:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #563114 in lm-sensors (universe) "w83697hf-isa-0290 wrong voltage values and tags" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56311416:41
RoAkSoAxttx, will do16:41
smoserzul, kirkland woudl one of you be able to sponsor a openldap upload later today?16:46
zulsmoser: sure16:46
kirklandsmoser: sure16:46
smoserwe're hoping to get mathiaz review and sponsor, but if he doesn't come around then we'll need someone else16:46
zulsmoser: lemme know when16:46
smoserwe'll give mathiaz till 4:00 PM US/Eastern (20:00 UTC)16:47
binBASHkirkland: Do you know how to pass kvm parameters when running instances? I want the kvm instances launched with -vnc16:57
kirklandbinBASH: through libvirt?17:00
kirklandbinBASH: if you're using libvirt, you need to edit the xml, or use virsh17:00
binBASHkirkland: yup, I mean in eucalyptus btw. Didn't find any xml :(17:01
kirklandbinBASH: i'm not sure, i haven't tried17:02
binBASHkirkland: http://forum.eucalyptus.com/forum/kvm-inbuilt-vnc17:02
binBASHthis is what I get :/17:02
b14ckWhat's the best way to force 'ssh' to start at boot?17:02
b14ckMine doesn't start automatically for some reason.17:02
pmatulisb14ck: you'll need to figure out why.  does manually running the init script work?17:04
RoyKbladernr: /etc/init.d/ssh starts it, and /etc/rc2.d/Sxxsshd should be a symlink to it17:04
bladernrRoyK:  huh?17:05
smoserbinBASH, are you looking to hack ?17:05
smoseri can hack this for you17:05
binBASHsmoser: Just want to get it running somehow ;)17:06
b14ck/etc/init.d/ssh starts it just fine17:06
smoserwell, on the NC there is /usr/share/eucalyptus/gen_kvm_libvirt_xml17:06
RoyKbladernr: heh - s/bladernr/b14ck/17:06
smoserthat is the thing that writes the libvirt xml17:06
b14ckI was thinking I had to run update-rc.d or something17:06
pmatulisb14ck: no, you should not need to do that with ubuntu17:07
smosermodify it, and put a vnc console stanza in, and then you will (untested) be able to get there via vnc.17:07
smoserthe difficulty will be in knowing which of the NC has the instance you just launched17:07
smoserit is possible with log scraping on the CC17:07
b14ckpmatulis, when I do an ls -la /etc/init.d | grep ssh, it is not a symlink17:07
RoyKb14ck: no, the symlink is in /etc/rc2.d17:08
binBASHsmoser: That was indeed a very good hint, will try it later.17:08
binBASHthanks a lot17:08
b14ckoh, ya that symlink is there17:09
binBASHsmoser: Within the script it's also possible for me to force mac address based on nodes hostname. Very good ;)17:11
smoserwell, ... maybe. you wont have much information to go on, though17:11
smoserbut it might work. i'm not sure.17:11
binBASHI will try ;)17:12
smoserbinBASH, http://pastebin.com/B0A8K3Zc17:19
smoseri did that, started an instance and verified connection17:19
smoserhowever, you can't log in because ubuntu user and root doesn't have a password (in the UEC images)17:19
smoseryou'd have to set one .  that can be done scripted with 'echo ubuntu:ubuntu | chpasswd'17:22
smoseror, possibly more clearly 'echo ubuntu:newPassWord | chpasswd'17:22
jjohansenttx: so yes basically Bug #542208 is the same and we need to blacklist the ATI ES1000 from kms17:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 542208 in linux "Please blacklist i830 from Kernel mode-setting" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54220817:30
v0lksmananyone know how to set internal-sftp users umasks?17:35
pmatulisv0lksman: create a new login class i guess17:41
v0lksmanjust read that somewhere...how do you do that?17:41
v0lksman(docs are fine...just no clue about that)17:41
pmatulisv0lksman: man 5 login.conf17:41
v0lksmanyeah:  No manual entry for login.conf in section 517:41
pmatulisv0lksman: i'm sure you'll find what you need eventually17:43
=== arm is now known as Guest86001
v0lksman"You" here is the upstream developers of OpenSSH, and they really did17:46
v0lksmanmean login.conf(5), since they're working on OpenBSD. Indeed it doesn't17:46
v0lksmanexist on Linux, though.17:46
v0lksmani just need to make sure that when an sftp user uploads a new file it is group writable...17:47
pmatulisv0lksman: maybe a wild cron job?17:49
v0lksmanhhaha...thought about it...but that just seem wrong...17:49
=== swift_ is now known as swift
pmatulisv0lksman: yeah17:50
v0lksmanopenssh 5.4 has the ability built in...and there is a patch available for 5.1 but again seems wrong to have to go that route...I think I'm stuck17:50
pmatulisv0lksman: run an OpenBSD server?  ;)17:52
v0lksmanhahaha...almost looking that way...I already had to break my LTS to get openssh5.1 so I could easily add chroot'd sftp users now this!  :)17:52
pmatulisv0lksman: cjwatson is here and he is the maintainer.  maybe get his thoughts17:53
v0lksmanthanks!  hopefully he will chime in... :)17:54
pwnguinMTecknology: approve my linked in group application!18:02
pmatulisv0lksman: i found this: Subsystem sftp /bin/sh -c ‘umask 0002; /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server’18:03
v0lksmanpmatulis: I don't think that works with 5.1...that's for older versions of openssh (< 4.6) if I'm correct18:04
v0lksmanI bit the bullet and applied the patch to 5.1...not happy about it but it works...18:05
v0lksmangoing to open a bug to see if it can be added in a backport or something...I hate having to maintain ssh on my own18:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #563202 in euca2ools "euca2ools often output error messages to stdout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56320218:06
pmatulisv0lksman: so you made your own package?18:06
pmatulisv0lksman: ok18:06
v0lksmanhttp://sftpfilecontrol.sourceforge.net/ using that patch18:06
v0lksmanvery simple patch...I think it got approved by openssh and is now part of 5.418:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #563216 in openssh (main) "Openssh5.1p1 sftp file control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56321618:21
binBASHsmoser: thx for patch, I'll try that18:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #551901 in krb5 (main) "likewise-open fails to join Windows 2000 SP4 domain" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55190118:22
arthurjohnsonDon't you love when your trying to help someone in an irc channel, and they just part without saying anything.18:24
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
arthurjohnsonSo, I know this has been asked before, but does anyone know what the difference between a command line only install and a ubuntu server install?18:40
arthurjohnsonOther than the ubuntu-server kernel of course.18:41
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MTecknologypwnguin: please read directions18:51
MTecknologypwnguin: If I wasn't clear then please let me know. However, I won't approve it until you follow that one simple step.18:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #563240 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': Success" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56324018:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #563241 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu11 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56324119:01
binBASHsmoser: I have to make this changes on cluster controller I think?19:13
smosernode controller19:13
binBASHohh, ok19:13
smoseri'm not sure what does the replacement of the hard coded strings19:13
smosersuch as BASEPATH or PRIVMACADDR19:14
binBASHnp, I will hardcode those anyways per node19:15
binBASHlike I said my provider forces ip addresses bound to the mac address of eth019:16
binBASHso I think all vms need to have same mac19:16
ghostlineshi all, i mounted a ntfs partition with the -rw but can write to it even as root, any idea's?19:19
sipherI'm trying to setup a cloud, 1 cluster controler, 2 nodes. I can't start the images. Does ubuntu cloud REQUIRE kvm?19:25
sipherif not, the images are constantly stuck in a "pending" state...19:26
sipherthat or they will fail almost immediately. ...goes to terminted.19:26
NCommandercoffeedude: ping?19:47
NCommanderanyone around who can do an upload of likewise-open?19:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #552829 in eucalyptus "In rare cases, if the SC fails to export a volume, volume state is not correctly updated" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55282919:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #552883 in eucalyptus "When volume creation fails, storage statistics are incorrectly updated in some cases" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55288319:47
zulNCommander: sure19:51
NCommanderzul: I'm just waiting for GrueMaster to complete the validation, but it appears we have a working likewise-open on ARM (finally) :-)19:52
zulNCommander: nifty i can do the upload for you if you want19:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #545000 in eucalyptus "walrus, create_bucket with spaces" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54500019:52
rgreeningScottK: ping19:53
NCommanderzul: thanks, I'll have the debdiff ready to go in a few minutes19:53
zulNCommander: just lemme know19:53
NCommanderzul: just got the "Ok, it works" message :-)19:54
zulNCommander: pass on the debdiff then19:54
NCommanderzul: doing so now19:55
NCommanderzul: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44182186/likewise-open.debdiff & https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/likewise-open/+bug/51730019:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 517300 in likewise-open "[armel] likewise-open needs porting to ARM" [High,In progress]19:57
NCommanderzul: (sorry for the size of the debdiff, but autoreconf really clutters it up)19:57
zulNCommander: ick19:58
NCommanderzul: sorry, I know this is painful :-/19:58
zulNCommander: you didnt update the debian/control when you did ubuntu1, just doing a test build now20:05
NCommanderzul: no, your not supposed to20:06
zulNCommander: eh?20:06
NCommanderzul: this is an ubuntu native package directly maintained by likewise-open. I know the versioning is skewed.20:06
NCommanderIts not a sync from Debian :-/20:06
zulNCommander: k20:06
tgalal I'm getting debootstrap warning while installing with kickstart file ubuntu/dist/karmic/restricted/binary-amd64/packages was corrupt20:13
kirklandhggdh: dude, just switch the keyboard and mouse cables20:20
kirklandhggdh: :-)20:21
kirklandhggdh: that shouldn't hang your host20:21
NCommandercoffeedude: ping me when you reappear :-)20:21
hggdhkirkland: heh. I had not understood the first comment, but the second cleared it :-)20:27
kirklandhggdh: and if you keep hanging your hosts, you'll probably end up in jail20:28
hggdhkirkland LOL20:28
kirklandhggdh: :-)20:28
coffeedudeNCommander, pong20:29
NCommandercoffeedude: fixed likewise-open on ARM again, and got gruemaster to test it against an AD; it works20:30
RoyKomg. seems all air traffic in Norway might be closed because of volcanic ash from Iceland20:31
sipherNo air traffic was allowed in a large area above and around the eruption site20:33
zulNCommander: done20:34
guntbert!ot | RoyK sipher20:35
ubottuRoyK sipher: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:35
NCommanderzul: thanks20:35
sipherguntbert I asked my question 2 hours ago :p20:35
zulNCommander: no probs20:35
* sipher listens to crickets.20:36
tgalalanyone familiar with network installation with kickstart?20:36
zulkirkland: dont they hang hosts in texas as punishment anyways?20:36
kirklandzul: you know it ;-)20:36
NCommandercoffeedude: ARM fixed likewise-open uploaded to the archive.20:37
Davieytgalal: Yes, but you would be better asking your real question :)20:38
tgalalDaviey, everything is going fantastic with installation with ks file, except that a Debootstrap warning shows and say restricted Packages was corrupt. when I click continue, installation continues normally and finished.20:39
RoyKsipher: .no is quite far from .is.......20:40
sipherRoyK that was quoted from a repescted news source.20:41
Davieytgalal: What are you using as a mirror?20:42
coffeedudeNCommander, I only saw the debdiff.  Is there a new upload to main already with the patch?  Or you need me to review the patch and include it for the next upload?20:43
coffeedudeNCommander, I'm working on a new upload now but have not had time to review the patch yet.20:43
NCommandercoffeedude: it just got uploaded about five minutes ago20:43
* Daviey goes afk20:43
NCommandercoffeedude: your not going to be able to upload past today20:43
NCommanderWe enter final freeze tomorrow20:44
* zul wonders off20:44
coffeedudeI thougth the 15th was the freeze?  That's tomorrow.20:44
NCommandercoffeedude: generally speaking, you want everything in the day before final freeze.20:44
coffeedudeNCommander, that would have been good to know before now.20:44
NCommandercoffeedude: sorry about that, thats why I scrambled to get likewise-open uploaded with the ARM patch since if it didn't go now, there was a chance it wasn't going to go :-/20:45
NCommandercoffeedude: what changes are you making; you might still be able to upload past final freeze until release20:45
coffeedudeNCommander, so....I have no idea about your dcerpc changes.  it makes me nervous to have it uploaded without having run through my tests.20:45
NCommandercoffeedude: the !arm code is untouched.20:45
coffeedudeNCommander, small changes.  postinst fix, one more patch to fix an issue with domainjoin-XX leave.20:46
NCommandercoffeedude: we can back out the armel change if it fails your tests after the fact (its easier to remove than to add)20:46
coffeedudeNCommander, k.....I maybe out of luck anyways....since I can't upload without going through sponsorship and I still have my US taxes to file by midnight tomorrow....20:46
coffeedudeNCommander, I'll just keep working and if the upload has to be a patch after release, so be it.20:47
tgalalDaviey, I'm using another ubuntu server20:49
tgalalDaviey, in my network20:49
NCommandercoffeedude: that sounds like thats acceptable for upload past final freeze. I can help you track down a sponsor if need be20:49
tgalalDaviey, I moved the installation files inside /var/www/ubuntu20:49
coffeedudeNCommander, pitti has been helpful but I hate to always ask for more work for him :)20:50
tgalalDaviey, the installation works fine and completes normally .. except for the above error20:50
tgalalDaviey, suggestions20:52
ScottKRoAkSoAx: I'm good for your 4 FFe requests now (just got back from a $WORK thing).  Please just copy/paste this into the bugs and go ahead.21:02
ScottKrgreening: Pong21:02
RoAkSoAxScottK, awesome. Thank you!21:02
smoserok, kirkland zul i've given up on mathiaz for today.21:06
smoseri need a sponsor for  lp:~smoser/ubuntu/lucid/openldap/lucid.dev21:06
smoserkirkland, zul ^^21:11
binBASHsmoser: the patch works21:12
binBASHjust need to find out now how to change vnc ip because it bound to
smoseryeah, i'd tested it, but you sitl have to figure out where it got run and what port vnc on and such.21:13
smoserthat is strange.21:13
smosersee libvirt xml doc21:13
smoserit says how to do that21:13
binBASHit's default21:13
binBASHwhere it runs is not so problematic, I could send out mail via the perl script for example21:14
zulsmoser: ok on it21:20
kaffienhaving problems with cron making duplicate backups  for some reason  http://pastebin.com/mrdc5uZY shows my script, the results and my cronttab if someone could review it.  I can't seem to find anything that would cause duplication.21:25
zulsmoser: done, although I had to fix the changelog again21:29
RoyKkaffien: I'd use rsync if I were you, for a start21:29
* zul wonders off again21:29
smoserzul,  you had to move from "UNRELEASED" , right?21:30
smoserthat was all21:30
kaffienRoyK, might be a good idea21:33
kaffiencan rysync look for the latest file in   folder  X/ with the name starting with lsm2k8?21:33
zulsmoser: yep21:36
kaffienis rsync suitable for files  sized 7GB - 45 GB?21:39
kaffienug this is confusing hehe21:40
RoyKkaffien: no problems with large files and rsync21:41
kaffiendidnt think so21:42
kaffieni don't understand this command very well21:42
RoyKearly 32bit rsync had problems with >2GB, but I guess that's mostly history21:42
RoyKrsync -avP -e ssh somehost:/theirpath /mypath21:42
RoyKvery verbose version, though. -a will do the same, but verbosity can be fine for a start21:43
kaffienthe backup device is local21:43
RoyKyou don't need somehostess: unless it's remote21:43
kaffieni need to be able to tell it to copy  /backup/file.tgz   /rd1000   but it has to look through about half a dozen files with the same name  (date attached to name)  and copy only the latest21:44
RoyKkaffien: rsync will do that by default21:46
RoyKyou may add -c to use md4 checksumming to make sure the right stuff gets over21:46
RoyKbut mostly it just looks at size/timestamp and that should be sufficient21:46
kaffienso i  rsync -avcp /backup /rd1000 ?21:47
kaffienkeep in mind that /rd1000 will only be carrying the newest files21:47
kaffiennot the whole folder21:47
RoyK-a includes -p21:47
RoyKman rsync21:47
RoyK-P is (--progress --partial)21:48
kaffienbut i can only specify directories not files21:49
RoyKalso, doing rsync -avcP /backup/. /rd1000 (mind the space) might be better - if rd1000 exists, /backup/rd1000 will be created if you just do rsync -avcP /backup /rd100021:49
RoyKjust rtfm - there are --include and --exclude statements for rsync21:50
metalfan_server was running for about 180 days just fine, now it starts and says:  :/ waiting for /dev/server-bohlsen something21:50
kaffiensorry, just finding the manual confusing21:51
metalfan_why cant it find the lvm mapping?  the hardware wasnt changed21:51
RoyKkaffien: do some testing - rsync is quite easy, but depending on your needs, you might need to do it right, yourself21:52
metalfan_kaffien, rsync has this ugly behavior that "rsync target source" and "rsync target/ source" mean different things21:54
RoyKmetalfan_: no, source target, not target source21:55
metalfan_yes, my fault21:55
RoyKjust use rsync -a /some/source/. /some/target21:55
metalfan_i was hinting at the "/"21:55
RoyKthat works21:55
RoyKyeah - i know21:56
kaffienanyhow my problem isn't with the cp command21:56
kaffienits cron21:56
kaffiencron is doing something funky21:56
kaffienthe script only double copies files when i run it via cron21:56
RoyKrsync won't do that21:56
kaffienprobably will if cron runs it21:57
RoyKI use rsync a LOT21:57
RoyKwith terabytes of data21:57
kaffienah i see21:57
binBASHsmoser: I found it out, had to specify listen='' attribute21:59
smoserbinBASH, you actually could be ok with the bind to localhost22:00
smoseryou could live with that by having ssh in as a user and using ssh tunneling22:00
smoserie: ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 vncuser@node-controller22:01
binBASHI am connected via vnc.22:01
binBASHthough there is no login screen22:01
binBASHonly qemu bios ...22:01
binBASHit logged everything else in the logfile I think22:01
binBASHhave to find out now how to enable login console ;)22:02
binBASHA task for tomorrow, going to bed now.22:07
binBASHgood night and thx again smoser for all the help22:07
smoserbinBASH, hm.. i got a console login22:08
smoserbut it failed in my test22:08
smoserbut i migh thave enabled serial console in some other debugging on the instance that i ran22:08
smoseri'd have to look at it22:08
binBASHsmoser: The serial type is set to file in the xml so it can't have a console I think22:13
binBASHhas no console section, I'll add one so I can connect using virsh console22:15
kaffienhrrrm i did that wrong22:25
kaffienits syncing the whole directory22:26
kaffieni see how i would exclude certain files but not how to only backup the first of  2010-04-14 2010-04-13 2010-04-12   i only want 2010-04-14 to copy22:29
smoserbinBASH, yeah, i wsa misguided above commenting about console22:38
smoserbut you have to replace the console section that is present22:39
smoserand then get-console-output will fail22:39
smoserie, instead of to a file you want to at tty22:39
gzmaskdo I need an intel VT or AMD-V enable cpu to run UCE?22:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #393396 in quota (main) "warnquota mail template stored in static strings within the executable, impossible to customize or translate" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39339622:52
Xpistos|workHI all.23:21
Xpistos|workCan someone give me a hand with a permissions issue?23:21
hggdhXpistos|work: just stae your issue, hopefully someone will help ;-)23:24
=== [1]kaffien is now known as kaffien
Xpistos|workI have a folder that for some reason is telling me it is read only but I chmod it and no change?23:27
gzmaskdid you sudo before your chmod?23:27
Xpistos|workgzmask: yes23:27
Xpistos|worksudo chmod -r 766 /foldername23:28
gzmaskwhat's the "ls -la" detail for that file?23:28
hggdher. You really want 766?23:29
Xpistos|workNot really, but I want to get it working first23:29
hggdhso, as gzmask asked for, give us the 'ls -la /foldername'23:30
hggdhXpistos|work: pastebin if needed23:30
Xpistos|workdrwxrwxrw-  9 xpistos xpistos  8192 2010-03-25 10:55 torrent23:30
Xpistos|workThe folder is it's own drive mounted in /home/data/torrent and it is NFS and SSH23:31
Xpistos|workremote or local I get the same issues23:31
Xpistos|workI just started doing this about a week or so ago23:31
Xpistos|workand the install was done back in december23:31
Xpistos|workwhen I run the chmod it asks for a password and that is it23:32
Xpistos|workbut there is no change when I try to rm a file23:33
hggdhXpistos|work: you want to change the permissions on all subfolfers and files under it?23:33
Xpistos|workchmod -R23:34
hggdhalso, is this a soft link?23:34
Xpistos|workI don't believe so23:34
Xpistos|workI have an NFS share set from it however if that makes a difference, mounted in my laptop's home partition23:35
hggdhoh. This is a *remote* folder/fs?23:35
Xpistos|workThe issue is on the server23:35
Xpistos|workbut I noticed it on the laptop23:36
Xpistos|workif I ssh in to the server, same problems23:36
Xpistos|workI can mv files from this one folder elsewhere, I can rm -rf files from the SSH, but I can't delete from my NFS share and I can rename anywhere (SSH or NFS)23:37
Xpistos|worki haven't tried sshfs but I don't know that would make a difference since ssh isn't doig the job either23:39
hggdhand you cannot change the permissions at the server either?23:41
Xpistos|workit doesn't give me an error, but it still doesn't work23:41
Xpistos|workI use the laptop most to move the files and use filezilla  as well but it is just with that specific folder23:42
hggdhXpistos|work: if you chmod from the laptop (i.e., remotely) what will happen will depend on the permissions NFS gave you23:45
hggdhnow, locally, if there are no ACLs involved, a chmod should work23:46
hggdhyou said it is a filesystem by itself. WHat type?23:46
Xpistos|workif I try and chmod from the laptop23:49
Xpistos|workchmod: changing permissions of `Torrents/': Read-only file system23:50
Xpistos|workchmod: cannot access `Torrents/lost+found': Permission denied23:50
hggdhheh. There is your answer... from your laptop this is a read-only FS.23:52
Xpistos|workbut I never had it set that way and when I ssh in to my server, it is no I still can minipulate files23:52
hggdhXpistos|work: if you access it via NFs, NFS will impose its own permissions23:53
Xpistos|workI have rw in NFS23:53
Xpistos|worklet me check my exports23:54
* hggdh thinks an answer was found...23:55
Xpistos|work data/torrent,async) nfs defaults 0 023:55
=== [1]kaffien is now known as kaffien
hggdhgood, now you know why23:56
Xpistos|worknow if I can remember how to restart the nfs23:56
Xpistos|workAll this time23:59

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