
davmor2morning all11:01
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fader_Good morning folks13:12
aramorning fader_13:49
davmor2morning fader_ cr313:49
bladernrmorning all (though I should have said it earlier... it's 9:30 now...14:30
davmor2bladernr: morning14:31
fader_bladernr: yo14:38
bladernrI think I may need to go out for lunch today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVLEB0lv1rw&feature=player_embedded14:39
davmor2bladernr: that's just wrong14:41
bladernrI don't know that I disagree, but I really have to try one... I like to live dangerously14:41
davmor2bladernr: you like to live life in the fat lane ;)14:42
bladernrthat's it... but I figure, if I eat one of those, and have nothing else but water for the rest of the day, I should be fine ;-)14:43
bladernrI made one of these last year... took me a week to eat it though: http://www.bbqaddicts.com/blog/recipes/bacon-explosion/14:44
davmor2r00tbert: hello15:02
r00tbertjust installed the ubuntu 10.04 beta2 server iso15:02
r00tbertand recognized an error15:02
r00tbertwanted to set up a cloud and have 2 ethernet interfaces15:03
r00tbertand the installer mixed up the network configuration of eth0 and br015:03
davmor2hggdh: ^ server stuff is you right?15:04
hggdhdavmor2: right15:07
r00tbertis this problem already addressed or what should I do to contact the devs?15:07
hggdhr00tbert: I am not sure this is addressed already. It might be a good idea to test with the daily ISO, and open a bug if it keeps occurring15:07
arapersia, are you moderator of devel-permissions mailing list?16:33
* persia tries to find out16:34
persiaIn general, I avoid being a mailing-list moderator, so I hope not, but I'Ll check.16:34
persiaara: I'm not.  The current list of moderators is shown at the bottom of https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/devel-permissions16:35
arapersia, thanks16:37
persiaara: In my experience, he usually does batch moderation several times a day, so it oughtn't be too long.16:40
arapersia, finally I subscribed :D16:40
persiaara: That works too, and then you get to know about all the changes.16:41
nerdy_kidmy virtual terminals are crooked...16:53
nerdy_kidi can see the login text near the bottom corner of my screen16:54
nerdy_kidusing NVIDIA gefore8600M16:54
davmor2nerdy_kid: are you using the nouveau driver or the nvidia binary?16:59
nerdy_kidnvidia latest16:59
nerdy_kidi had it fixed, but i just got a grub update today which screwed it back up again16:59
davmor2nerdy_kid: grub shouldn't effect it unless you manually modified grub17:01
nerdy_kiddavmor2 it was broke to start with, i was messing with the resulution and i got it to behave by setting GRUB_GFXMODE to 640x480.17:02
nerdy_kidthis doesnt work any more.17:02
nerdy_kidive heard im supposed to use the vesa framebuffer for plymouth with nvidia cards?  cause im not using it.....17:03
davmor2ah in that case you are probably better off asking on #ubuntu+117:05
nerdy_kidhmm ok thanks :)17:05
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plarsanyone here done an upgrade test from karmic->lucid recently?23:07
plarsI know there are a lot of variables wrt packages installed, speed of machine, etc.  Just curious ballpark figure of how long it took to run23:08

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