
elkyHmm, i included the news team on the To: for the announcement email. Is there something else I needed to do to get the competition Fridge'd?00:11
pleia2first pleia2 needs to finish work00:17
pleia2then I'll get it up00:17
pleia2akgraner is a fridge editor now too, but she was busy today as well00:18
elkynhandler is too afaik,00:19
nhandlerNeed me?00:20
pleia2he's mostly around in evenings, he has to proof my post anyway00:20
pleia2nhandler: I'll need you in a few when I post the new UW competition to fridge00:20
nhandlerAh yes, it was on my todo list for after dinner ;) It is all yours if you want pleia200:20
elkyalso, someone get jono to RT it. Surely it's more RTworthy than RTing someone mentioning his book :P00:20
nhandlerelky: Link to a dent?00:21
pleia2nhandler: I have rough html tossed together, then work ate me00:21
* pleia2 will finish soon00:21
nhandlerNo rush pleia2. I'll be around probably about 5 more hours (at least)00:21
elkyhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2010-April/002759.html is the email announcement00:21
pleia2yep, already mostly drafted into the announcement :)00:22
elkyand if i can learn how identI.ca is spelled, i'll get you that00:22
elkyhttp://identi.ca/notice/28397262 http://twitter.com/elkbuntu/status/1211270858700:23
nhandlerRetweeted and redented00:24
elkyi need to run to work now, cyas in 4000:24
macoelky: *snort*00:37
maco(@ jono RT priorities)00:37
IdleOneEdith_: welcome!!01:02
hypatiathis is an awesome contest01:03
Edith_Hello  IdleOne ! I'm trying to translate Base de données. Where do you want I send to you the trial ?01:05
IdleOneyou don't have to send it to me. you can just add to the wiki page.01:06
IdleOneI see all the updates.01:06
IdleOneEdith_: this is a team project, so pleia2 has volunteered me :) as team lead for the French translations but we all work together :)01:07
IdleOneWhat I mean is that if you see an error or something that can be worded better please feel free to edit :)01:08
IdleOneThank you so much for all the excellent work you are doing!01:08
Edith_It's nothing. I like it01:09
elkyThat's what contributing is all about; enjoying yourself :)01:10
* IdleOne has not been able to do any translation the past week or so, busy with work but I do keep an eye on it 01:11
Edith_IdleOne, j'ai un problème. Je ne sais comment conserver les hyperliens, après avoir fait la traduction :(01:37
IdleOnequels liens exactement?01:37
IdleOneles liens qui dirigent aux entrevues et autre articles en anglais on ne traduit pas01:39
IdleOnemais on vas les inclures01:39
IdleOneDo we know if there is a Code of Conduct in French we can link to?01:40
Edith_I don't know.01:42
macothat would be useful to have01:46
elkyasking in #ubuntu-fr might be worthwhile01:46
IdleOnealso in other languages01:54
IdleOneWho is in charge of the CoC and it's wording? irc council right?01:55
pleia2community council01:55
IdleOnepleia2: would be nice if someone on that council can maybe find out if there is an official way of getting the CoC translated :)01:55
pleia2the ubuntu website is currently undergoing the beginnings of a translations project01:56
pleia2it might be included, I'm not sure01:56
elkyIt amazes me that it's taken us, what, more than 5 years to get to "beginnings of a translation project" for the website01:57
elkysadmaking :(01:57
IdleOneelky: true but atleast it is started :)01:58
JanCtranslating the whole site is not exactly easy01:58
JanCespecially not keeping translations up-to-date01:58
elkyJanC, sure, and it's harder when you don't even start.01:58
JanCelky: parts of the site are already translated on locoteam sites01:59
JanCwhat I understood is that ubuntu.com won't be translated, but would gain a feature to link to such translations02:00
IdleOnethere is an unofficial translation at http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/codedeconduite02:00
JanCI think there is an unofficial translation in Dutch too02:01
pleia2looks like that unofficial translation hasn't been updated for the latest CoC revision02:01
IdleOnereading over it now to see if it is close enough for us to use as a temporary fix but with a link to the official English version included02:01
pleia2(not a huge deal since the nature of it is the same, but might be worth pointing out to them)02:01
IdleOnepleia2: that is why I thought we might be able to use with a link to official updated version02:02
pleia2honestly I'm not all that familiar with translations in Ubuntu02:02
JanCpleia2: happy you  ;)02:04
IdleOneok, for now we can leave it linked to the official CoC.02:04
elkyYou know what we could really use right now? Competition translations :)02:04
IdleOneelky: msg me the links I'll add to the todo page02:05
elkyhttp://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay ... http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay/Announcement ... http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay/HowToEnter ... http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay/Announcement/ModelReleaseWaiver02:07
IdleOneerrr she left02:11
IdleOneI was about to ask her to look at the edits I did to http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Fr/Basededonnée so she can see the format to links in wiki :/02:12
IdleOneelky: will add those links to the todo page02:12
IdleOneWhen is this contest over?02:33
valorieEnter before 2359UTC 14th May 201002:41
IdleOnedoesn't leave much time to translate and the Release form is going to be tricky due to it's legal ramifications02:43
IdleOneWill do our best :)02:43
pleia2yeah, it took ages to get anything released for this competition due to legal stuff02:43
pleia2we were trying to get it out weeks ago :(02:44
IdleOnepleia2 I know, wasn't trying to blame anybody just saying :/02:44
pleia2thanks for trying02:44
IdleOnepleia2: CoC 1.0.1 is the updated version?02:59
pleia2IdleOne: yep02:59
IdleOneok posted on the -fr forum for help with translation. Hoping to get a bunch more people involved :)03:33
JanCprobably best make clear they have to sign the English form though04:11
elkyWhy? So long as we have someone who can validate the match, it shouldn't matter. And signing a form you don't understand verbatim is really quite wrong.04:14
pleia2yeah, there should be translations in lp to sign04:14
JanCwell, true, but we have no way to tell if a translation is correct?04:15
pleia2we work with trusted members of the ubuntu community04:15
elkyJanC, that's why you have /authorised/ translations04:15
elkyJanC, signing something in a language you do not understand is something that IMHO should /immediately/ invalidate it.04:16
elkyAnd I consider legalese to be a language in this respect.04:16
JanCelky: true, but OTOH, it has to be legally sound, even if it's in plain English, French, etc.  ☺04:17
IdleOneJanC: the French version links to the English. I agree with elky and pleia2 that we need official translations.04:18
IdleOneonly the CC can approve those unless I am mistaken04:18
elkyor appoint someone to do so, yes04:19
JanCI was talking about the release form  ;)04:19
pleia2a process will have to be established, none exists04:19
elkyJanC, even more important then04:19
IdleOneSo I will edit the current French translation to reflect CoC1.0.1 and propose soon as I can. Probably Thursday or Friday.04:20
pleia2thanks IdleOne :)04:20
JanCelky: it' something that goes both ways, I agree that nobody should sign a model release form they don't undertsand, but how can you use the photographs if you don't understand what they signed?  ☺04:20
elkyJanC, because we delegate to someone we do trust to testify to us04:21
IdleOnethen CC can decide on process quicker since they will already have a propsed version to approve :)04:21
elkylike IdleOne for french, etc04:21
elkyJanC, the burden is on /us/, not the signatory04:22
* IdleOne puts the pen in the French peoples hand and MAKES them sign04:26
IdleOne*bad french accent spoken in English* Yuu will sign zee paper or I will break zee face04:27
IdleOneI could of mistyped that a lot funnier04:28
IdleOneoh well04:28
IdleOnemonolinguals, go figure04:29
pleia2pfft, monolinguals04:29
pleia2oh wait04:29
IdleOnepleia2: you speak typoese also04:29
JanClearning a second language isn't mandatory in the US?  ☺04:32
IdleOnelearning a first language is mandatory04:33
JanCIdleOne: you sure?04:33
IdleOneUS doesn't have a official language04:33
IdleOneSo learning it can't be mandatory04:34
* IdleOne uses own logic to convince himself he is right04:34
JanCeven then, they should make learning multiple languages mandatory IMHO04:34
JanCin Belgium it's mandatory from 10yo on (or 8yo in Brussels & some other bilingual regions IIRC)04:35
JanCso my French isn't very good because I don't practice is, but I still know when somebody makes an error in French (and I guess speaking it would improve quickly if I lived some place where French would be useful)04:38
akgranerJust walked back in the door - gave a talk tonight  - but it was a 6 hour drive round trip04:53
pleia2akgraner: how'd the talk go?04:53
akgranergreat - a women that teaches at ECPI gave one talk  - history of open source04:54
akgranershe was cool - but I was sad that the 1st 5 mins was all about how she was qualified to give the talk04:54
akgranerI was sad she felt she had to justify why she was qualified I should say04:55
pleia2I have gone back and forth on that point, ended with everyone agreeing that giving qualifications is good04:55
akgranerYeah I liked it - but you could tell that she felt she had too04:56
akgranerso she is going to check out the UW site04:57
akgranerI showed her some of it  - and she said her students would really like it04:57
akgranerso that was cool04:57
pleia2yay :)04:57
akgranerand I told her all about the learning project04:58
pleia2I am hoping we can make more progress on learning in the next cycle04:58
akgranerand all the "ubuntu" weeks stuff - she was really interested in all that - most of the folks really wanted to know more about quickly, opportunistic developer and developer weeks04:59
akgranerhow the server devels differ from desktop devels04:59
akgranerand the cool  part  - I knew what to tell them04:59
pleia2yay you! :)04:59
akgraneroh and Lernid blew their mind05:00
pleia2yeah, it really is way better than just irc for new users05:00
akgranerpeople were like where can I find more info on that05:00
pleia2classbot now posts the link to the slides at the beginning of the session too, so people on irc can follow along easier05:00
akgranerby the end of the talk even the non-ubuntu users were looking at Ubuntu Community stuff and how they could get involved05:00
akgranerpleia2, I have to learn how to use all that before open week05:01
pleia2hehe, maybe we'll give a classbot class05:01
pleia2it's not too hard though05:01
pleia2and there are some test channels set up if you want to practice sometime05:02
akgranerpleia2, yep I would love too - I'll block some time tomorrow05:04
akgranerJohn and I are going over stuff most of the day tomorrow05:04
pleia2akgraner: tomorrow isn't good for me (I'll be hangning out with pgraner for a few days!) so grab either nhandler or cjohnston05:05
akgranerhehe - so he *is* there :-)05:05
pleia2I'm sure either of them would be happy to get you set up for some testing :)05:05
pleia2well, I haven't seen him yet ;)05:06
akgranerI snag one of them  - gotta talk to cjohnston anyways05:06
pleia2he can set up a test session with you as the instructor and feed you soem QUESTION:s05:06
akgranerahh ok cool05:06
nhandlerI'll be around tomorrow evening if desired05:07
akgranercollaboration summit starts tomorrow right?05:07
akgranernhandler, awesome!05:07
pleia2akgraner: yep05:07
pleia2and Myrtti will be there too \o/05:08
akgranernhandler, there is a guy  - john someone  - I meet him tonight at the LUG meeting I spoke at - I gave him your name as the script guru - he loves writing scripts so you came to mind...05:08
pleia2nhandler is an /everything/ guru05:09
akgranerpleia2, cool - hope you all have a great time05:09
nhandlerakgraner: You might also like http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/myslides/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/ClassBot (for classbot)05:09
nhandlerRight now, I'm going to be the Sleeping Guy. Night05:09
* akgraner bookmarks those links05:09
pleia2night nhandler05:09
akgranerthanks and goodnight05:09
IdleOneOk I have created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Proposed/frCodeOfConduct and sent email to the community council06:07
IdleOneon an UGH note: I posted on the -fr forum asking for help with translation and I have received my first " Why do Women need an Ubuntu Women Project" response :/06:08
pleia2welcome to our world :)06:09
elkySounds about right.06:09
IdleOne:) EFFIN happy to be here06:09
elkyWe'll check back on you in a month for any changes to that statement.06:09
IdleOnewell least I know where to go to get support and encouragement06:10
* IdleOne is learning and applying the look on the bright side of things philosophy06:10
IdleOneSo where do we keep the cookies in this world?06:11
* pleia2 opens the cookie jar and gets a cookie for IdleOne 06:12
IdleOnenom nommy nom nom06:12
IdleOneGood night!06:21
macoIdleOne: if you join #kubuntu-devel i might be able to convince kubotu to give you cookies :P06:31
ubot2Cookies are delicious delicacies.06:39
dholbachgood morning07:23
AlanBellakgraner: pong07:38
AlanBellping czajkowski08:22
czajkowskiAlanBell: pong09:14
AlanBellthe spreadsheet needs updating, but I know you don't have much time09:15
AlanBellI was thinking of just going through the process here, so you and everyone can follow along09:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: I've penciled in Sunday to work on UW stuff09:16
AlanBelland laugh at my weak spreadsheeting skills09:16
czajkowskitomorrow talking at a GGD meet up, friday work on ossbarcamp, saturday IS OSSbarcamp so Sunday is looking good09:16
AlanBellakgraner: is Sunday OK or do you want an update today?09:17
AlanBellsaturday is the Science Museum visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/ScienceMuseumVisit09:18
czajkowskiAlanBell: is it urgent it needs doing?09:19
czajkowskiI guess I could work on it tonight in between runs to airport?09:19
AlanBellakgraner is doing something with the data09:20
akgranerAlan Sunday is fine I can use what is there for now :-)  or is it up to date through March?09:20
akgranerJust need to know where the cutoff is - not in those sheets at the moment of I would look :-/09:20
AlanBellcutoff is somewhere in March, probably at the start of the month09:22
akgranerAlanBell, that will work - don't spend too much time - it's not that critical and I can always go back and up date once you tell me its ready :-)09:23
AlanBellok, lets go through it on Sunday then czajkowski09:23
czajkowskiAlanBell: adding to google cal now what time suits09:24
akgranerThank you!!09:24
AlanBellgosh, I am not that organised!09:24
czajkowskiAlanBell: my bad.09:24
AlanBellum some time on Sunday, after I wake up, before I pass out09:24
czajkowskiif tis in google cal I get a reminder and I also look at it when planning other bits and bobs09:25
AlanBellactually sunday might not be so great11:06
czajkowskiAlanBell: ok11:06
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altharaAny other ubuntu women people going to LinuxFest Northwest?20:15
altharaAlso do we have a flier for Ubuntu Women that I can print up and have at the Washington LoCo table?20:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: yes it's on the wiki20:17
akgraneralthara, we have some stuff on the resources page20:17
czajkowskiunder resournces20:17
akgranerone sec I'll grab you the link20:17
altharaJust order a bunch of busines cards using the designs elky put up. Woohoo!20:35
altharaordered, even my brain is slow today20:36
akgranerthey are really great and people think they are really cool20:37
akgranersvaksha, ping22:18
akgranerdo you have like 5 mins need to get some stats from you on the mailing list if you have a sec I can let you know what I am looking for :-)22:18
pleia2akgraner: fwiw jamfish over in -women is also a list admin23:22
pleia2also - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2010-April/000953.html23:22
pleia2"Canonical is slowing moving away from Drupal. ...There is a Drupal to Wordpress migration"23:23
pleia2this matters to us because it looks like canonical is going to start supporting wordpress23:23
pleia2which I believe is the better option for this team blog-wise23:23
valorieyay althara!!!!!!!!!!23:24
pleia2if this is the case, we should probably hold off on our blog (which wasn't officially a cycle goal anyway, just the static website was) and wait until they can offer us wordpress23:24
* valorie is gonna try to be at the fest23:24
valorieit's a long drive though23:24
akgranerpleia2, thanks!23:26
* AlanBell huggles wordpress23:55
AlanBellhttp://votegeek.org.uk is a wordpress site and it was easy peasy23:55

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