
histo!lucid > kfarrell00:00
ubottukfarrell, please see my private message00:00
bastid_raZorkfarrell: lucid/10.04 discussoin/issues in #ubuntu+100:00
tripelbgino make a live cd, have you dont hat yet?00:00
Ginowell i downloaded the version 9.10 with the intel architecture but i have an AMD cpu but i cant seem to find the download on the official site00:00
rodriguezjfzrc.local support md5 entries ?00:00
tripelbHey histo!00:00
tripelbgino it works on AMD. there is no special download.00:01
histoGino: do you ahve a 64bit cpu?00:01
histoGino: okay then you have the right cd00:01
tripelbgino, in fact you can take the same hard drive and more it from one (intel or amd) computer to another and IT KEEPS WORKING.00:01
Ginoi see00:01
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tripelbhisto; how about my issue. I want fonts. just one font actually.00:02
histotripelb: what font are you looking for?00:02
rodriguezjfzrc.local support md5 entries to hide psswor just like grub does ?00:02
Ginowell the thing is i followed some guide where it explains on to create a bootable USB stick but when i try to boot with it i get some blue screen with "Default" "help" and "EOM" and when i press enter on default it says, Booting in 10 secs and then it repeats it without doing anything00:02
histoGino: that does not sound like the normal ubuntu boot. Perhaps somethign went wrong when you were created the usb stick. The default installation cd for ubuntu is a live cd. You can boot that and hav ea workign system without touching your hardrive. You can also create a usb boot stick from the live cd.00:04
PacketCollisionCan anyone point me to how the Mouse Preferences panel decides whether your touchpad supports two-finger scrolling?00:04
histoPacketCollision: under the Touchpad tab00:04
hegHelloKitten: see http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/message.jspa?messageID=15929000:05
nimbioticshisto => it worked like  a charm, thx a bunch!!!00:05
ERREDERREi have a problem whith wifi interface00:05
antoniuswhat is the channel for off topic stuff?  like how much better the new theme is :)00:06
PacketCollisionhisto,Yes, I know where it is.  I'm asking what it uses to determine whether the option should be disabled or not00:06
nimbioticsalex_08=> sry i missed your private chat, didnt c it till a minute ago, but thx a lot 2 u 2!!!00:06
ERREDERREmy english is not too good so, sorry if it is not easy to understand me :)00:06
histoPacketCollision: wether you check it or not00:06
nimbioticsthx a lot evry1 & keep the good work!00:07
picard1421does anyone know where i can buy a vapochill?00:07
histoPacketCollision: believe its disabled by default00:07
picard1421the vapochill Lightspeed AC00:07
histo!ot > picard142100:07
ubottupicard1421, please see my private message00:07
PacketCollisionhisto, On my computer, the option is greyed out00:07
histoPacketCollision: ahh00:07
PacketCollisionhisto, and I want to find out where it decides that it should be greyed out00:07
PacketCollisionso that I can write a patch00:07
KettleCornwhats the terminal command to suspend/sleep in ubuntu server?00:07
PacketCollisionbecause it works perfectly on my computer if I manually enable it via xinput command00:07
KettleCornfrom 9.10 and onwards00:08
HelloKittenheg, checking it out.00:08
AltinWhat is the command to uninstall ./bin file?00:10
histoKettleCorn: sudo shutdown -H now maybe?00:10
eteachnick eteach00:10
KettleCornhisto: that just shuts down the computer? what are you implying?00:11
histoKettleCorn: you want sleep or hybernate?00:11
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KettleCornhisto: not sure which is which, but I want the harddrives to stop spinning at least, but I also want the mode that is the easiest to wake the computer from00:12
PacketCollisionKettleCorn: that would be suspend (to ram).  Hibernate saves all ram to disk and then turns the computer completely off00:13
histoKettleCorn: well power management should spin down the drivers etc.. if you have acpi enabled00:13
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PacketCollisionKettleCorn, try running /etc/acpi/sleep.sh00:14
histoKettleCorn: i'm still trying to figure out the best way to do it in console00:14
Guest79419hey, im really new to the whole computer thing and linux even more so. could some or a group of people explain irc and  how it works00:14
KettleCornPacketCollision:  ok I'll try that as well, I just did pm-suspend and it appeared to have been turned off00:14
tatselhisto: you want a "pause mode"(sleep) or a shutdown that will resume everything?(hibernate)00:14
histo!pm | Altin00:14
ubottuAltin: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:14
PacketCollisionKettleCorn, pm-suspend should work fine, that's what the acpi script calls anyway00:15
tatselhisto: sorry, tabfail+ typo00:16
* tatsel frowns00:16
KettleCornPacketCollision: do you know if it's possible to wake the computer externally somehow? can putty send some form of WOL-packet or something? never done anyhting like that, just curious if you happen to know00:16
histoKettleCorn: you may want to look at setterm for power down options00:16
histoKettleCorn: you could wake on lan or something00:16
histoKettleCorn: if your nic supports it.00:16
PacketCollisionKettleCorn, Yes, you should be able to use WakeOnLAN, although I've never really had much luck with it00:17
PacketCollisionKettleCorn, Make sure it's enabled in the BIOS00:17
tatselsame here00:17
Altinubottu:Thanks for ur information. I just want to know what is the command to uninstall .bin file00:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:17
izola86when I type /etc/init.d/vsftpd start nothing happens, any ideas?00:17
histoKettleCorn: actually setterm will only control the monitor00:17
histoizola86: what ar eyou trying to do?00:18
KettleCornPacketCollision: woohoo, I'm using Tomato on my Linksys router, and I could just click the IP-adress of the computer under the WOL section and it woke up!00:18
izola86histo: im trying to remove vsftpd and install it clean00:18
histoKettleCorn: pm-suspend00:18
izola86i sudo rm -r sftpd.conf and tried to reinstall but it wouldn't come back00:18
tatselKettleCorn: sweet00:18
histoKettleCorn: thats what you are looking for.00:18
PacketCollisionKettleCorn, Nice.  I'll have to try that the next time I accidentally let a computer suspend and I need to ssh in (I use Tomato too)00:19
izola86histo: with sudo aptitude install vsftpd00:19
histoKettleCorn: how do you like that tomato?00:19
KettleCornhisto: it's really nice! best router firmware I've ever used00:19
histoizola86: sudo apt-get purge vsftpd00:19
histoizola86: then sudo apt-get install vsftpd00:19
* tatsel trows a tomato at his netgear00:19
histoKettleCorn: i have to put it on mine have nothing but lockups withthe stock firmware althought its been behaving lately00:20
izola86histo: i love you00:20
PacketCollisionhisto, I agree, it's by far the best router firmware.  I actually use a variant that supports open-vpn, and it's great.00:20
KettleCornall that's left to do now is make sure I can wake on lan from outside my network00:20
tatselnah, it's a 2wire...00:20
tatselizola86: #love00:20
* tatsel giggles00:20
KettleCornPacketCollision: yeah that's the one I use too, has VPN Tunneling. not that I have any use for it, but I thought I did until I managed to connect to the office VPN in an eaiser way00:21
Altinhisto: Any idea what is the command to uninstall ./bin file00:22
PacketCollisionI use it so that I don't have to open ssh up to the world on my (ubuntu) servers.  VPN in, then ssh, but from home, I the tomato router takes care of the vpn00:22
jrcarr2hey I am on kubuntu... I hate it. how can I install gnome so I can switch to that?00:22
histoAltin: some bins have uninstall switches others you have to go and manually remove the files00:22
histoAltin: what is the bin?00:23
jrcarr2I tried apt-get install gnome and it complained :(00:23
PacketCollisionAltin: none of us know what the file is.  Since it's not an ubuntu package, there's no one answer00:23
histojrcarr2: what was the error?00:23
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.00:23
histojrcarr2: and yes you can install ubuntu-desktop or just gnome if you want.00:23
tatselfirst try \o/00:23
AltinThe file is j2sdk-1_4_2_19-linux-i586.bin00:23
jrcarr2  gnome: Depends: gnome-desktop-environment (= 1:2.22.2~4ubuntu8) but it is not going to be installed00:24
histojrcarr2: check your software sources00:24
PacketCollisionAltin: what happens if you type ./j2sdk-1_4_2_19-linux-i586.bin --help00:24
histojrcarr2: and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome   or sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop00:24
histoAltin: you may get lucky that it has a --uninstall switch00:25
shawnboyI'm having network connectivity issues with non-ubuntu linux distribution. Would anyone like to help, or suggest a more appropriate channel?00:25
histoshawnboy: what distro?00:25
shawnboy(distro is Linux Router Project running from floppy)00:25
jrcarr2oh, they call it Ubuntu Desktop00:25
jrcarr2I see00:25
PacketCollisionshawnboy, try ##linux00:25
histoshawnboy: i'm pretty sure they hare defunct00:26
shawnboyyes, it's old, but seems like I should still get connectivity, histo . Not even really using it as router. Trying this: http://members.shaw.ca/nicholas.fong/printsrv/00:27
histojrcarr2: thats the meta package just like kubuntu-desktop is the meta package for the default install of kubuntu. But you can just isntall gnome00:27
blendmaster1024how would i go about backing up the bootloader and not the partition table? i plan to install another OS and want to be able to just restore the bootloader afterwards00:27
shawnboyPacketCollision, I'll try. Thank you.00:27
histoshawnboy: you could just go with ubuntu-minimal and cups00:27
histoshawnboy: or lpr/lpd00:28
shawnboyhisto, thanks but would any of those run from one floppy? no hdd?00:28
histoshawnboy: uhm.. no. you'd have to boot someone and load in to ram00:29
histoshawnboy: with no hdd00:29
histoshawnboy: ubuntu is too big but there are other distro's i'm sure that may floppy load00:29
Fishscenedsl might fit00:29
histoshawnboy: http://www.linuxlinks.com/Distributions/Floppy/00:30
histoFishscene: dsl is like 50megs00:30
Fishscenenvm then :P00:30
shawnboyhisto, thanks for the tip. Maybe I can find a suitable replacement.00:30
histoshawnboy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini_Linux00:30
histoshawnboy: I would find something thats a little more supported00:30
histoshawnboy: problem being the newer kernels are so big. thats why you 're goign to be stuck with an older kernel.00:31
shawnboyhisto, yes, more supported would be nice. I was hoping to get this working on my old slow pc though. I'll keep fiddling and look at the links you suggest.00:31
blendmaster1024how do i install grub2 from a livecd? if my grub is wiped out and i want it back i need to restore it somehow00:32
ExterminansHi, i've got a little problem with a dedicated server that crashed and is not booting any longer (Last message in /var/log/dmesg and messages is HDA Intel 0000:01:05.2: PCI INT B -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19)00:32
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histoshawnboy: yeah it can be done.00:32
histoshawnboy: would be much easier with an old hdd00:32
histo!grub | blendmaster102400:33
ubottublendmaster1024: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:33
histoExterminans: what happens now when you try to boot?00:33
shawnboyhisto, I may have to go that route. I probably have an old hdd. I just thought it'd be cool to have a print server running from floppy. :)00:33
tripelbhisto, I just want some avant-garde font. I looked to install fonts in ubuntu and it's a word salad of pages that dont do it and instructions that dont follow and end up no where.00:33
histoshawnboy: would be neat and can be accomplished00:33
izola86histo: my local_umask is set for 002 but i am get permissions of -rw-r--r-- , any ideas?00:34
shawnboyhisto, especially since the ONLY things it needs to do is print and be on network.00:34
histotripelb: open nautilus and browse to fonts:/00:34
liminalhi im running the command00:34
liminalsudo iwconfig ra0 power on00:34
obiwan_ahha i created it lol00:34
Exterminanshisto: The server becomes pingable, but nothing more. The message is the last one i see when opening the logs from a liveimage00:34
liminaland my wifi card returns00:34
liminalError for wireless request 'set power management' (8DB2):00:34
liminalGET failed on device ra0: Operation not supported00:34
obiwan_oh sry00:34
blendmaster1024histo, that's great. i'm looking for a specific command to install grub from a chroot, so i can reinstall grub and use my old configuration file00:34
liminalanyone got ideas why00:35
histoliminal: does it have a physical switch?00:35
liminala physical switch?00:35
histoblendmaster1024: grub-install00:35
liminalas in is it turned on?00:35
_CommandeR_guys i need some assistance, I installed Lucid Lynx and it worked good then after i installed Windows 7 on another partition but on the same harddrive grub2 is no longer booting and only windows 7 starts is there  way to restore grub2?00:35
histoliminal: yes like on laptops00:35
liminalits not a laptop, its pci00:35
liminaland I can talk to the card00:35
Exterminanshisto: Tried 3 times so far, allways only the message with HDA Intel so i guess it causes a freeze00:35
histo!grub | _CommandeR_00:35
ubottu_CommandeR_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:35
AltinPacketcollision: No help for bin. easiest way is to remove the folder where it is extracted00:35
histoliminal: then why do you think its off?00:36
blendmaster1024histo, yes, but will it work from a chroot? or do i need a chroot? how do i keep my old configuration partition and directory?00:36
izola86Anyone know how to set default file permissions for vsftpd uploads?00:36
izola86Changing local_umask doesn't seem to do anything00:36
liminali dont, but when try to connect to my wep network it wont00:36
liminaland its only picking up one weak signal00:36
liminalthere are many in the area00:36
histoblendmaster1024: the link from ubottu will explain how to retore it. the config is in /etc/default/grub00:37
histoliminal: what kind of card?00:37
histoizola86: I remember someone else having the exact same problem not to long ago. Trying to remember the fix.00:38
histoliminal: whats lspci say the card is?00:38
tripelb histo, of course there is nothing that says nautilus and nothing that says browse to. haha so I have to UNDERSTAND somehow that you mean go to places, go to control-f put in fonts. OK now how can I find out what is the pwd for those files? This is totally beyond me.00:38
izola86histo: thanks a lot, this is driving me insane.00:38
histotripelb: ctrl+l will open the browse to00:38
liminal01:05.0 Network controller [0280]: RaLink RT2800 802.11n PCI [1814:0601]00:39
tripelbhisto control i does nothing controlshift I choses all my icons.00:39
* tripelb is beyond help with ubuntu. It is a constant project.00:40
histotripelb: ctrl+l opens a location dialog just below back and forard. hold up i'll get you the terminal command to launch it.00:40
rajguys i have a question. what would the problem be. if the CD refuses to install at all costs no matter how i partition the drive. on the hard drive i formated it to EXT4 and it still says 4 GIG used then when i tried to install it stops and gives me a DVD/CD and/or a HDD error. is the drive filled with bad sectors? I dont finish the install no matter what CD i use. even if i use my external DVD drive. its not the CD drive or the CD itse00:40
raj<raj> lf ( tried multiple ones) can any1 tell me what could it be? i thought the even with bad sectors it still should install. or is the HDD locked?00:40
histoizola86: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/umask-ing-with-vsftpd-635722/00:40
_silentAssassinallchan say goodnight00:40
hiexpohello all00:41
izola86histo: thanks00:41
histoizola86: make sure you are editing the proper file as well.00:42
historaj: which installer are you using the GUI?00:42
bogorI would like to have maximum desktop effects in ubuntu lucid lynx beta. Esp., the crashing window on close a window. How do i achive that?00:42
histoliminal: is there anything in System > admin > hardware drivers  for your wifi card?00:43
histobogor: /j #ubuntu+100:43
izola86histo: I'm editing /etc/vsftpd.conf, don't know of another file00:44
rajhisto:  the GUI and alternative install.. could a bad drive do this? i mean i can partition and do eerything i want it would still show used space no matter how i partition it. then everything is fine untill i install00:44
histoizola86: just make sureyou restart vsftpd after making changes.00:44
histoizola86: sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart00:44
izola86histo: could there be something overiding the local_umask?00:44
historaj: thats wierd that its showing used space.00:45
histoizola86: there are two umask settings I believe for vsftpd.conf00:45
rajhisto:  could be a bad drive / sector00:45
calumI can't open the virtual terminal by pressing ctrl + alt + f1. It doesn't appear?00:46
histoizola86: you need to set the file_open_mode00:46
tgp1994Hi everyone, for those of you who were here when I had my originial problem I could not get Ubuntu (more specifically, KuBunut) to detect an SDHC card in a card reader. The card reader automatically registers 5 devices with linux, however, I could not fdisk nor mount any of those 5 devices. They all show up as "SCSI" devices. This card is originally formatted in the Wii, and I do not mind nuking the card. If anyone can help, that00:46
tgp1994 would be great.00:46
histoizola86: those are the permissions with which uploaded files are created.00:46
histoizola86: umasks are applied on top of that.00:47
tripelbhisto I was doing cntl i this is L00:47
histotripelb: yes L not i00:47
tripelbhisto I was doing cntl i this is L -- ah "cound not display fonts. nautilus cannot handle this kind of location.00:47
tripelbit's an endless project.00:48
histotripelb: theykeep changing it on me try in a terminal gksu nautilus /usr/share/fonts/truetype00:48
histo!fonts | tripelb00:48
ubottutripelb: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer00:48
histotripelb: and there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts00:49
izola86histo: hmm i have file_open_mode=0777 and local_umask=0000 and still no changes to permissions00:49
tripelbhisto - I searched for fonts in  a places window. I FOUND THEM. I asked PLEASE how do I find out what FOLDER they are in?00:49
izola86histo: still -rw-r--r--00:49
histoizola86: which is 64400:49
histoizola86: thats odd00:49
liminalnothing in hardware drivers00:49
izola86histo: Exactly, this is just insane.00:50
histoizola86: let me check the man00:50
tripelbhisto: first instruction, open the folder where you have downloaded the fonts00:50
liminalralink open sourced the drivers00:50
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kermiti just upgraded to firefox 3.5.9 from 3.5.8, and every 4 minutes it copies places.sqlite to /tmp/ .. as thats a large file, thats a problem.  how do i stop this?   i don't think 3.5.8 ever did it.00:50
histoliminal: I have no idea yeah thats just odd I saw someoen else on the forums complaining of ping spikes and bad reliability with your exact card.00:50
flogI'm using ubuntu for the first time in a few years. Trying to install my swedish dvorak keymap. It's a .map file where do i put it and how do a activate the keymap?00:50
tripelbhisto: i went to that page BEFORE I came here asking. I dont just ask without doing the most I can by myself.00:50
avdiAnyone using Ubuntu on a Dell Studio XPS 16?00:51
gmonroeHello all.  Ubuntu has lost my CDROM and I cant access it from the desktop anymore.00:51
histotripelb: sry most people don't bother checking. Do you ahve the font downloaded?00:51
liminalwhat card would you recommend?00:51
gmonroeIt worked fine until last week and for no apparent reason (none that I can see at least) i need to be root to mount, un-mount, eject etc.   None of my cd's will autostart anymore...how do I access the CDROM again.00:51
histoliminal: there is a compatiblity list in the wiki i believe.00:52
liminali think this card is in that list00:52
histoizola86: are these anonymous users?00:52
calumMy virtual terminal will not open with ctrl + alt + f1 or ctrl + alt + f6?00:52
FishsceneDidn't Ubuntu disable opening virtual terminals? I don't know how to enable them though..00:53
izola86histo: local users00:53
histoizola86: and there is chown_upload_mode options as well00:53
tripelbhisto I have NO IDEA. how to download fonts/ which fonts work with ubuntu/ how to authorize the repositories universe and multiverse (and -no fault of yours-) I have mentioned that above.  ---> personally I have never been able to make synaptic work. ever.00:53
calumFishscene:It works on my laptop but not on my desktop00:53
histoizola86: hrm.. unless something in their .bashrc is doing it but i highly doubt i'm still reading.00:53
tripelbhisto and I dont care if I do, hoho00:53
histotripelb: System > admin > software sources check box multiverse and universe00:54
Fishscenecalum: What version of Ubuntu is on your desktop?00:54
LzrdKingmy VNC tunnel works!!!00:54
calumFishscene: Karmic00:54
rajguys i have a question. what would the problem be. if the CD refuses to install at all costs no matter how i partition the drive. on the hard drive i formated it to EXT4 and it still says 4 GIG used then when i tried to install it stops and gives me a DVD/CD and/or a HDD error. is the drive filled with bad sectors? I dont finish the install no matter what CD i use. even if i use my external DVD drive. its not the CD drive or the CD itse00:54
raj<raj> lf ( tried multiple ones) can any1 tell me what could it be? i thought the even with bad sectors it still should install. or is the HDD locked?00:54
liminalwhere is the wiki?00:55
Picitripelb: Er, if you just want the fonts for your user, can't you just drop them in ~/.fonts ?00:55
histoizola86: remember umask values are differnt than normal values00:55
izola86histo: I am using 0000 so it shouldn't mask anything00:56
tripelbfor just a break, something to laff at http://ny-image3.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.120756167.jpg00:56
histoizola86: you want only the file owner to read?00:56
izola86histo: I want to give the file 777 permissions00:56
izola86histo: so I did file_open_mode=077700:56
man29need pactise english00:57
histoizola86: umask would be 000000:57
tripelbpici, this sounds so simple where is ~/.fonts I've never heard of it. And I am my own user. And I dont have a font yet?  SEarching I get only stuff like this http://www.google.com/search?q=fonts+for+ubuntu+avant+guarde&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a Which is of no use at all.00:57
izola86histo: yes it is local_umask=000000:57
histoizola86: yeah that was the problem is umask values are different00:58
izola86histo: yes, but the file default permissions haven't changed00:58
Picitripelb: ~/.fonts/ is a path in your home directory, if it doesn't exist, create it.00:59
histoizola86: you've reuploaded?00:59
izola86histo: lol yep, I've never experienced something so insane. Is it possible to write a rule to say that the folder has a permission defaults for new files?01:00
j800rhey, does anyone use Evolution mail on here? I wanna find a way to get email notifications without having to leave the program minimised01:00
histoPici: ty01:00
gmonroeUhhh....that was weird....my computer just rebooted for some reason01:00
histoizola86: i'm sry 002 would be equivalent of 77701:01
gmonroeanyway, can anyone help me gain access to my CD?01:01
tripelbI searched for fonts in Ubuntuforums and got things that I hate about ubuntu, but it still didnt metion fonts.01:01
timothy__is any easy gui wifi card detector - and wifi network detetor application /01:01
tripelbgmonroe does a livecd see your cd?01:01
histoizola86: http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/workshops/cool_unix/umask.html01:01
gmonroeI haven't tried a Live CD.  I installed Ubuntu about a month ago and everything worked great.  Last week for no reason I can determine, when I insert a cd or try and do an install I get the following error "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:01:03
gmonroemount: only root can mount /dev/sr0 on /media/cdrom0"01:03
Picitripelb: Ubuntu can use the same fonts that Windows uses. .ttf .otf to name a few.01:03
tripelbhisto re (System > admin > software sources check box multiverse and universe) I have been there, thru the Symanic dialog box AND checking each tab nothing mentions Universe or Multiverse.  -- see my frustration. What's wrong with my box?01:03
izola86histo: It seems like a umask of 022 is affecting my files01:04
tripelbpici, good. then I am not stuck in another openformat alley. Then I need to find a free font. Then how to install it. Thank you.01:04
histotripelb: right on the first tab of software sources you have the option of selected Community-maintained open source software (universe) and Software restrcited by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)01:05
gmonroeWin XP Pro was able to access the CD also from VBox...but no longer01:05
histoizola86: that would be default root umask01:05
histoizola86: i'm trying to find a good example explaining.01:05
Picitripelb: Just copy/move the file into ~/.fonts if that directory doesn't exist, then create it. (~/ expands to /home/tripleb/ )01:05
=== sixtila is now known as Guest37313
storrgieset up key based auth with ssh, but still get password prompts on one of my computers... any idea why?01:06
histoizola86: hopefully this makes sense http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html01:06
histoI have to go guys have fun.01:06
=== horndog_ is now known as horndog
gmonroeAny suggestions on how to access the CDROM that worked perfectly last week?  Now I have to be root to mount/unmount or access anything on a CD01:14
UbossDo we need an AntiVirus for our Ubuntu ?01:16
johnweddUboss, not likely01:16
PiciUboss: Only if you're planing on sharing/hosting files for Windows users.01:16
izola86histo: could this be a bug with vsftpd?01:17
FishsceneIt is *always* a good idea to have an antivirus. Even if it's a basic one.01:18
kharnovHi, can someone help me? I'm on Mint but there's nobody on the Mint channel and it's close enough. Anyway, I'm having issues with my memory buffer. It's growing at a ridiculous rate and now I have about 600 MB being used despite running LXDE. Is there any way to stop it?01:19
johnwedd!mint | kharnov01:20
ubottukharnov: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:20
kharnovYes, but isn't there some general advice you could give me?01:21
johnwedd!mintsupport | kharnov01:21
ubottukharnov: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:21
Picikharnov: buffered/cached memory is fine.01:21
kharnovYeah but I'm really being slowed down here, it's unbearable.01:21
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
kharnovThere aren't any terminal commands to reduce the size of the buffer, are there?01:24
kermiti've tried so many new versions of firefox now, i just want to go back to 3.5.8.. how do i do that?01:24
johnweddno, but you can make more swap space01:24
izola86Anyone know how to setup default file permissions for newly created files?01:24
tripelbHELP what does this tell me: Ignoring install-info called from maintainer script01:25
tripelbThe package cvs should be rebuild with new debhelper to get trigger support01:25
tripelbIgnoring install-info called from maintainer script01:25
tripelbThe package cvs should be rebuild with new debhelper to get trigger support01:25
FloodBot3tripelb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
tripelb4 was ok01:25
kharnovI have like 2 GB of swap space, most of it isn't even used.01:25
snapzz_awsome hello all01:26
wyclif___johnwedd: oh hai01:27
johnweddkharnov, hmmm, you might want to check the the forums on mint, or look for a memory trouble shooting app01:28
shazbotmcnastyI installed a new KVM switch, and now I can only get resolutions 640x800 and 320x240 - I tried reisntalling my video driver with no luck... it says the driver is working, just....not quite right. The Video card is a nVidia GeFroce 7100, and the KVM switch is a "Zonet KVM3002"01:28
jimbobcojust upgraded to the lucid beta 2 netbook remix on my dell mini 9...another job well done!01:29
wyclif___linux: hai linux! :)01:29
Curly_QTgp1994 did you fix your problem?01:29
tripelbI've been coming here for 3 weeks telling about my freezing problem and staying I thik it is from flash. This is what no-one told me, Claims it is how to fix flash. I will see what works but this is what I am doing --- FF Tweaks pages   --   http://lovinglinux.megabyet.net/?page_id=220#Removing-Conflicting-Plugins-2   --- then search for these words to find the place I was in --> Ubuntu comes with swfdec plug-in, but it doesn’t work on several sites. Installin01:29
tripelbg the version from Adobe might solve this problem and improve performance.01:29
linuxI have a problem with my video card. Anyone able to help?01:29
progre55hey geeks =) how are you people doing? )01:29
tgp1994Curly_Q: Not quite :( But right now I'm trying to get the wii hooked up with my capture card so I can view it from my pc. Darn VirtualDub can't get any FPS higher than 16 FPS :(01:30
shazbotmcnastylinux, what's your problem?01:30
jimbobcotripelb: have you tried installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?01:30
wyclif___progre55: fine how bout u?01:30
kharnovjohnwedd, do you know of any good apps for that?01:30
progre55wyclif__: awesome01:30
linuxMy PC uses the Intel Brookedale G graphics card... and compiz won't work with it, neither will any 3D video acceleration.01:30
Curly_QTgp1994 have you first found out that it is compatible with Linux and in what version of Linux supports it?01:31
tgp1994Ya, somehow my FPS like to lock in at 16~17 FPS, even though it's set for 29.9701:31
tripelb(corrected - yes jimbobco that's how I got flash to begin with. Medibuntu + old_gray_wolf post in Ubuntu forums)  I've been coming here for 3 weeks telling about my freezing problem and saying I think it is from flash. I found some info that no one suggested. Claims it is how to fix flash. I will see what works but this is what I am doing --- FF Tweaks pages   --   http://lovinglinux.megabyet.net/?page_id=220#Removing-Conflicting-Plugins-2   --- then search for01:31
tripelbthese words to find the place I was in --> Ubuntu comes with swfdec plug-in, but it doesn’t work on several sites. Installing the version from Adobe might solve this problem and improve performance.01:31
tgp1994Curly_Q: I'm hooking up the wii on my windows pc.01:31
* wyclif___ is surfing eBay looking for ThinkPads to install Lubuntu on...01:31
Curly_QWhat happened to Linux hookup?01:31
soreaulinux: Sounds like your drivers are using software rasterizer. Can you pastebin your X log?01:31
linuxI have, and I've come to some upsetting conclusions: 1. It worked in Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy, with an older XOrg driver (and something else called the INtel Experimental Modesetting driver)01:32
linuxworked perfectly.01:32
linuxSince 9.04 and up, it doesn't.01:32
tgp1994Curly_Q: I spose I could... the graphics card on this pc isn't so good, though.01:32
tripelbjimbobco, how else could one get flash? clicking the install link on the web doesn;t do it. That one ends up saying "install manually"01:32
linuxAnd yes, I'll post my Xorg log01:32
tgp1994Curly_Q: And then I have to go through setting up the capture card drivers... I'll just do the viewing on he windows peeshee.01:32
Curly_QTgp1994 if the graphics card for any computer is not supported, your problem will always exist.01:33
tgp1994Curly_Q: Are we talking about the same thing?01:33
linuxThe thing that irritates me the most is that this card worked perfectly on 8.04. After Jaunty, nothing will work.01:33
Curly_QI hope so.01:33
kermithow do i downgrade a package?01:33
* wyclif___ had to kill the damn avahi daemon01:33
soreaukermit: Why do you need to downgrade it?01:33
tgp1994Curly_Q: Ok... I still have the memory card not being recognized in computers problem. Right now though, I have a capture card, which I've hooked up to my windows pc. The FPS in virtual dub are jerkey and bad, so that's my priority #1.01:34
kermitsoreau: because i liked it better than the newer versions01:34
johnweddkharnov, not off hand, i only know slax and ubuntu01:34
Curly_QKermit just uninstall it and then install a previous version. Dated.01:34
kharnovOkay thanks anyway.01:34
shazbotmcnastylinux, if your card is ATI, ati dropped support on a whole bunch of card after 8.1001:34
soreaukermit: Did you check synaptic already?01:34
Schizoidhey guys anyone care to help me with a basic issue01:34
kermitCurly_Q: yes thats what i'd like to do, how?01:34
linuxMan i forgot the command. How do I get to my X log?01:34
shazbotmcnastylinux, moved them to legacy01:34
soreau! ask | Schizoid01:34
ubottuSchizoid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:34
linuxShaz: the card is Intel.01:34
Curly_QSudo uninstall <program>01:34
linuxShaz: it's built in on the motherboard01:34
soreaulinux: Install curl and use this command to get a link for it: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us01:35
joneslee85hi guys, is it just me or ubuntu lucid still ship with 2.801:35
Schizoid!ask I am trying to make a list of all my music in a text file. I have ls -R to make terminal display the list, but how would I make it write to a file in the same command?01:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:35
joneslee85hi guys, is it just me or ubuntu lucid still ship with 2.28 gnome-icon-theme?01:36
soreauSchizoid: ls > somefile.lst01:36
Schizoidfailed on irc commands, havent used this channel before01:36
Schizoidbut thanks01:36
izola86histo: I found out that the file is maintaining its permissions from the remote machine. When I upload a file, the permission bits don't change.01:36
soreau! lucid | joneslee8501:36
ubottujoneslee85: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:36
kermitsoreau: the version i liked isnt listed in synaptic01:37
izola86Anyone know how to set defaults for uploaded files?01:37
Curly_QLinux, just open up a command prompt and type in  grep Xlog01:37
linuxsoreau: repeat that again, please?01:37
Shawn_lso the LTE is basically the official release of ubuntu, right?01:37
soreaukermit: Then you'll need to get the deb from an earlier repo or build it from source01:37
soreaulinux: Install curl and use this command to get a link for it: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us01:37
kermitsoreau: how do i get it from an earlier repo?01:38
baloo_yo yo every101:38
soreaukermit: Which version of ubuntu do you have?01:38
linuxsoreau: Done, now what do I do? (Major thanks btw!)01:38
FishsceneLTE is a long term release. Meaning it will be supported longer.. nothing more. Usually it's a bit more stable too.01:38
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)01:38
tatselShawn_l: LTS means Long Time Support. It just means that this release will have updates longer01:38
Fishscenesorry, LTS*01:38
kermitsoreau: karmic01:38
soreaulinux: Post the link here so we can see the log01:39
izola86anyone know how to set default file permissions for uploaded files using vsftpd?01:39
soreaukermit: Which package is it?01:39
Shawn_live only been using ubuntu for 2 years.01:39
digitalfizis there a way to adjust the notifications in karmic? they show too far down imo01:39
kermitsoreau: firefox, i want 3.5.8 back01:39
Shawn_lso im new to the whole releasze process.01:39
soreaukermit: Ok sec01:39
metrixI want to limit what devices will work plugged into a usb plug (I want a usb printer work, but not a flash drive).  Any idea how I would do this?01:39
linuxsoreau: http://sprunge.us/XKSh (Sorry about that lol shoulda put your name in)01:40
macometrix: you should be able to set a user's permissions to not include external drives01:40
macometrix: either in system -> admin -> users & groups or in system -> admin -> authorizations01:40
ScuniziWhat's the best/easiest way to share a directory on a secondary drive with no password access for those on my LAN?01:40
tgp1994Alright, so Curly_Q, I'm back here with the mysterious SDHC card. I can confirm that it works ok on the Wii, I can read and write files sucessfully. However, still issues getting it recognized on linux :( any other ideas?01:41
metrixmaco: cool, does that just limit filesystems? I want to limit any device from being recognized minus the things I decide should be plugged in.01:41
=== nirvous^away is now known as nirvous
jrcarr2what's the recommended best practice for installing something on a system to be globally available to everyone? Like Rails, Grails, etc. Note I am not using a package because they are often dated01:42
macometrix: i'm not sure how specific the "authorzations" thing will let you get, but that's definitely the place to go for fine-grained permissions01:42
jrcarr2ust drop it in /usr/lib?01:42
metrixmaco: thank you for your help01:42
jrcarr2and symlink any executables into /usr/bin?01:42
NDPMacBookAny good options for syncing an iPhone with Linux?01:42
soreaulinux: Seems you might have parts of the nvidia driver installed. Can you pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l|grep nvidia'?01:42
macojrcarr2: /usr/local/* is where compiled stuff usually goes01:42
shazbotmcnastyI installed a new KVM switch, and now I can only get resolutions 640x800 and 320x240 - I tried reisntalling my video driver with no luck... it says the driver is working, just....not quite right. The Video card is a nVidia GeFroce 7100, and the KVM switch is a "Zonet KVM3002"01:43
macoNDPMacBook: you'll need lucid (ubuntu 10.04, releasing 2 weeks from thursday) to access an iphone or itouch's filesystem01:43
blkhatjameswhats a good torrent client?01:43
linuxsoreau: I did install the NVidia driver in a last ditch effort to try and get the Intel oboard video to work01:43
Curly_QTgp1994 I have a hard time following you. You tell me that you are setting up Windows and then Linux with that SDHC card.01:43
kermitblkhatjames: transmission01:43
linuxbut yes I will01:43
metrixoops :P01:43
macoblkhatjames: i like deluge01:43
soreaukermit: Does /var/cache/apt/archives/ have the deb package version you're wanting?01:44
macoblkhatjames: but there is a torrent client included in ubuntu by default01:44
tgp1994Curly_Q: No, no :P I am using a capture card on windows to preview my wii on there, but that's irrelevant to the SDHC card.01:44
macoblkhatjames: its called transmission01:44
wyclif___blkhatjames: transmission on linux, utorrent on Win01:44
soreaulinux: That was the wrong thing to do. Remove the nvidia driver, restart your machine, then re-pastebin your X log01:44
kermitsoreau: no, i guess i shouldnt have cleaned it.01:44
linuxAlright, I will do so.01:44
scarter4utorrent runs very well in wine if you're familiar with it01:44
linuxsoreau: And once again, thank you01:44
scarter4and +1 for deluge01:44
soreaukermit: I can't seem to find a deb package of that version of firefox, but you can search if you want at packages.ubuntu.com01:45
blkhatjamestransmission bugs/crashes to much on  me. looking for something better01:45
Curly_QTgp1994 are you using wine or vmware for this situation?01:45
kermitsoreau: thanks01:45
tgp1994Curly_Q: The windows system is on an entirely different computer.01:45
macoblkhatjames: please file a bug by the way01:45
tgp1994Curly_Q: I have two computers on this desk.01:45
blkhatjameswill do01:46
shazbotmcnastyI installed a new KVM switch, and now I can only get resolutions 640x800 and 320x240 - I tried reisntalling my video driver with no luck... it says the driver is working, just....not quite right. The Video card is a nVidia GeFroce 7100, and the KVM switch is a "Zonet KVM3002"01:47
Curly_QTgp1994 the only thing that I can think of is to find another computer and install any card or device before installing the OS, i.e., Linux or Windows. Why, the installation process will see the hardware and install the necessary driver devices.01:47
infoshopkeeperhi folks, i'm having some trouble in karmic. My sound volume keeps lowering by itself with varying applications. i tried both mplayer and exaile01:47
wyclif___blkhatjames: Comparison of bittorrent clients: http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BitTorrent_clients01:48
infoshopkeeperit starts at a normal volume and then just gets lower01:48
tgp1994Curly_Q: Completely install a new OS? That sounds a little extreme for this. Don't you think just rebooting my box here will allow it to detect the card perhaps?01:48
rgoytacazHey guys, How do I know (and add/remove) programs from the boot up sequence of my Ubuntu?01:49
Curly_QTgp1994 I do this every day and all day long. I have tons of computers on my desk. If one OS doesn't work the way I want, I just re-format and install something else. If there is a virus, I just play the game of re-installing something else. I have that luxury. It is much faster.01:50
tgp1994Curly_Q: Oh, I guess I don't :( Well, thank you for your help today.01:50
chris78945i am having trouble setting my password in samba. i enter sudo smbpasswd -a <password> and get this: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JC3wVPnk01:51
scarter4rgoytacaz: main menu -> system -> preferences -> startup applications01:51
geniichris78945: sudo smbpasswd -a username01:51
goodfella121soreau: back01:52
geniichris78945: then sudo smbpasswd -e username01:52
soreaugoodfella121: Which one weer you?01:52
wyclif___blkhatjames: that's odd. Transmission is lauded as being very stable. I've certainly had no issues like that, YMMV01:52
infoshopkeeperit is very odd in that both mplayer and exaile do it, one uses gstreamer, and one doesn't01:52
soreaugoodfella121: You're linux?01:52
Curly_QTgp1994 one little bit of good advice, there is a software, expensive, but very valuable if you are interested. It is called: Acronis. That will help you solve many issues with installation problems as well as data recovery and if any mistake is made you can always revert back to a previous situation. Windows has a stupid version of that but it is completely vulnerable to more stupid problems.01:53
PacketCollisionblkhatjames: I suggest Deluge01:53
goodfella121soreau: yeppers01:53
soreaugoodfella121: Ok, what does 'glxinfo|grep renderer' say?01:53
tgp1994Curly_Q: Heh, ya, that's windows. I think the next time something bad happens, I'll just give in and buy Windows 7.01:53
chris78945genii, i am getting an error that it cant find /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb (also noted in my pastebin)01:54
goodfella121soreau: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 845G GEM 20091221 2009Q4 x86/MMX/SSE201:54
scarter4blkhatjames: deluge uses gtk, so its light on the resources and fits well with your style if you're using gnome01:54
soreaugoodfella121: Looks good. Now what's the problem?01:54
geniichris78945: Are you using straight samba or ldap as well?01:54
Curly_QWindows 7 is much better than Vista, but the caveat is that Windows XP Pro is much faster and better and well supported than 7 and Vista.01:54
goodfella121soreau: Well, let me try and enable desktop effects01:55
wyclif___scarter4: good point about gtk, forgot about that01:55
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone why would you ever need to know what the inode number of a file is and also does anyone know what a character device file and a pipe file is?01:55
blkhatjameshow do you convert a chm file to a pdf?01:55
chris78945genii, i dont know about ldap so i would guess im not using it01:55
goodfella121soreau: nope, "Desktop effects could not be enabled"01:55
soreaugoodfella121: Pastebin the output of 'compiz &' from your terminal to pastebin.com01:56
chris78945genii, i am currently on 10.0401:56
Fudgehi im trying to track down why my lucid beta2 / vinux keeps locking up, cpu temps fine, stress test didnt kill it but memtester i installed im not sure how to specify how to test like 3gig of the 4gig of ram,have read man page but hasnt helped me01:56
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:56
timothy__what is the application to setup the wifi in KDE ?01:57
goodfella121soreau: whoa. that wasn't a good idea lol01:57
timothy__or in gnome01:57
goodfella121soreau: http://pastebin.com/257FjiMu01:58
wyclif___blkhatjames: sudo apt-get install llibchm-bin01:58
wyclif___blkhatjames: IOW install Chmlib in Ubuntu01:58
wyclif___blkhatjames: then if you want to convert .chm files to HTML use extract_chmLib book.chm outdir01:59
alpicolatimothy__: In KDE 4 there's a plasmoid for it.  KDE Network Manager, I think it's called.01:59
soreaugoodfella121: Your intel chip is on the low end and the driver has poor support for it. You can try with 'SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz & disown' to see if it works anyway but WARNING: This may lockup your machine.01:59
digitalfizis there a way to adjust the notifications in karmic? they show too far down imo02:00
m477 i need help with mount iso02:01
wyclif___blkhatjames: in that example I gave, book.chm would be the path to your CHM file and outdir is your new dir, created for the HTML02:01
m477sudo mount -o loop Diablo2LOD.iso /media/cdrom0/02:01
m477mount: you must specify the filesystem type02:02
blkhatjamesok ty02:02
soreaum477: Does it make any difference if you specify the full path to the iso image?02:02
goodfella121soreau: I gave it a whirl and it killed metacity window manager.02:02
goodfella121soreau: How come it works on Hardy but not Lucid or Jaunty? I jsut don't understand02:02
soreaugoodfella121: Because there have been drastic changes in the intel driver02:03
soreaugoodfella121: You're chipset is *barely* able to run compiz, even with the right driver magic02:03
=== root is now known as Guest12038
m477soreau: im in folder with that iso02:03
goodfella121soreau: what would be the best solution? perhaps a nvidia card?02:03
soreaum477: Are you certain it's a valid iso image file?02:03
alpicolam477: What does file say the image is?02:04
=== Guest12038 is now known as redhat
Ed-ree-kayAny ideas on getting an Intel WiFi 5100AGN Wireless Card to work? It seems to recognize the card but won't show me any wireless networks.02:04
wyclif___blkhatjames: do you have htmldox installed? If not, consider doing so b/c it generates indexed HTML and PDF output02:04
m477soreau: im sure it works02:04
soreaugoodfella121: I recommend ati, because it too has had drastic changes in the driver, but it's better hw02:04
=== redhat is now known as Guest28598
wyclif___blkhatjames: sorry i meant htmldoc02:04
=== Ed-ree-kay is now known as JustEric
soreaugoodfella121: In any event, you can complain in #intel-gfx about it or just try again with the lucid release02:05
goodfella121soreau: alright, i see. Aside from this video issue, Lucid runs perfectly. I'll just purchase an ATI card or Nvidia.02:05
soreaugoodfella121: However in Lucid, SKIP_CHECKS wont work because ubuntu hard coded the blacklist into their version of compiz02:05
m477alpicola: what do you mean ?02:05
nomnexhow can I prevent the icon on the desktop? anytime I plug an external drive or create a network connection an icon is displayed on the desktop. I already have them on the panel menu, that's enough.02:05
soreaugoodfella121: But yea, you can get a decent graphics card for 10 bucks now days02:06
alpicolam477: Type this into a terminal and paste the result: file Diablo2LOD.iso02:06
JustEricAnyone know how to get an intel wifi 5100 to pick up wireless networks?02:06
goodfella121soreau: would this correct the lag issue in games such as Nexiuz? I would figure so02:06
m477alpicola: Diablo2LOD.iso: data02:07
jrcarr2heard some guy blow up at work this morning, was yelling "I'm tried of you treating me like shit, I'm quitting, blah blah blah" :)02:07
nomnexI don't find a setting in nautilus pref. it must be in gconf-editor.02:07
elkyjrcarr2, non-support chatter really belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic (but you should watch your language there too)02:08
alpicolam477: Interesting.  Looks like your image file is bad / corrupted.  file should have said something more like "ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data"02:09
soreaugoodfella121: Oh yes, nexuiz, enemy-territory, openarena, warsow, tremulous and all run nicely on my radeon rv350 (9600) with the open radeon driver02:09
m477alpicola: this file work on windows so isnt corrupted02:09
perscitusHow do you use USb Startup Creator? it wont format usb disk02:10
goodfella121soreau: excellent. Thank you for this, I figured it was because the card is blacklisted. I had read about it and checked the site, I just need conformation.02:10
soreaugoodfella121: Yes, the integrated intel chip you have isn't that great to be frank02:10
JustEricAnyone know how to get an intel wifi 5100 to pick up wireless networks?02:11
shazbotmcnastyI installed a new KVM switch, and now I can only get resolutions 640x800 and 320x240 - I tried reisntalling my video driver with no luck... it says the driver is working, just....not quite right. The Video card is a nVidia GeFroce 7100, and the KVM switch is a "Zonet KVM3002"02:11
goodfella121soreau: Yeah, I remember trying to play low-end specs for Half Life 2 on windows, and it lagged horribly02:11
goodfella121soreau: so I already knew it was bad card02:11
shazbotmcnastyhola loculinux-client02:11
chillindaveHow do I add the current date/time to a filename if I'm doing something like cd /var/www/; tar -cvpzf /home/user/backup{datetimehere}.tar.gz mywebsite.com/02:12
shazbotmcnastyhow would I manually add some resolution modes to xorg.conf  ?02:12
alpicolam477: Not sure, then.  I suppose you could always specify the filesystem when you try to mount the thing and maybe that'll work.  (mount -t iso9660)02:12
igoryonyahello, is alsa the only one, supporting 5.1 or more channel output? Pules, OSS, etc only support 2?02:12
m477alpicola: i tried sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 Diablo2LOD.iso /media/cdrom0/02:13
m477alpicola: but doesnt work02:13
alpicolam477: Definitely not sure, then.  What are you using in Windows to load the image?02:14
m477alpicola: daemon02:14
jrcarr2hey, what file do I need to edit if I want to add env variables and aliases? I thought this was ~/.profile, but even retsrarting has no effect and nothing I add there gets used!02:14
m477alpicola: but it isnt first time when i can mount02:14
igoryonyabecause, in SMPlayer, when I chose audio output driver, and the movie has 5.1 channel audio, everything plays 2 channels except for alsa. in VLC, even alsa plays 2 chnnels. what's wrong, does Linux really have a such poor support of audio?02:14
ScuniziHow do I get a gui app that needs root privileges to ask for a password and granting it root privileges.  The package is samba-server-configuration.02:15
m477alpicola: i recently got note that i have to specify file type02:15
igoryonyascunizi, you run it from the console: sudo and your gui app file name02:15
mdlueckDoes either Aptitude or Synaptic log events as it downloads from the repos? I see one fail after waiting a LONG time, but then the text goes away right away and I can not see which one is erroring.02:16
igoryonyascunizi: sudo samba-server-configuration (from the console, or you can create a launcher with that command)02:16
m477alpicola: maybe can you recomend some other program which can do that02:16
Scuniziigoryonya: been there done that.. and it loaded fine.. I'd just like to start it from the menu if possible.02:17
igoryonyascunizi: so, create a launcher shortcut with sudo prepending and add it to the menu.02:18
Scuniziigoryonya: good idea.. hadn't thought of that.02:18
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:19
ScuniziPici: kdesu in this case.. I made the switch from gnome..02:19
alpicolam477: Don't really know any, I'm afraid.  Loop mount has always worked for me.02:19
igoryonyahello, is alsa the only one, supporting 5.1 or more channel output? Pules, OSS, etc only support 2? because, in SMPlayer, when I chose audio output driver, and the movie has 5.1 channel audio, everything plays 2 channels except for alsa. in VLC, even alsa plays 2 chnnels. what's wrong, does Linux really have a such poor support of audio?02:19
kpourjxhi im kpourjx :)02:19
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:19
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:20
ScuniziPici: or now it's been superceeded by kdesudo .. kdesu isn't installable anymore.02:20
kpourjxI wonder if anyone here have a solid knowledge about parallel computing..there are tons of questions i wanna ask u guys02:20
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PiciScunizi: I'll need to remmeber that.02:20
Chris___I'm going to train my kids to say "Sudo" instead of "Please"02:22
workingworkif anyone want to be invited in lockerz whisper me add points and win console ipod and mac02:22
jrcarr2hey, what file do I need to edit if I want to add env variables and aliases? I thought this was ~/.profile, but even retsrarting has no effect and nothing I add there gets used!02:23
mdlueckjrcarr2: On Debian it is .bash_profile... have not set custom variables on Ubuntu02:25
TheVenerableZdoes anyone here know how to use spamassassin?02:26
obiwan_jrcarr2: man bash says if theres bash.profile first, it won't read .profile02:26
kpourjxjrcarr2: .bashrc02:26
kpourjxits already have there02:27
i12I have a dell Inspiron 600m with a dedicated video card, but cannot get any of the higher end visual effects02:28
m477fu me02:29
i12The wobble works but it disables full screen applications/windows, the 'chrome' bar stays but the ui of the window is black02:29
obiwan_When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a  non-inter‐ active  shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes com‐ mands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists.   After  reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one  that exists  and  is  readable.02:30
jrcarr2I thought the purpose of .profile was to have a profile read by multiple shells02:30
tomeois there a version of ubuntu that will run well on old hardware (p3 866mhz)02:30
obiwan_so you'll need to make a .bash_profile02:30
obiwan_jrcarr2: that's /etc/profile02:30
jrcarr2cp ~/.profile ~/.bash_profile02:30
kpourjxjrcarr2: read the man page of bash..see invocation section :)02:31
Shawn_ldoes anyone know how to get the flash plugin working on Chrome in 10.04?02:32
PiciShawn_l : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.02:33
Shawn_lwill do.02:33
AltinHello guys I am installing Yahoo Messenger from following link : http://www.technixupdate.com/download-yahoo-messenger-for-ubuntu-linux-with-webcam-voice-chat-photo-sharing-support/. The installation got error due to dependency packages on Ubuntu 9.10 desktop CD. Please find the attached screenshot error:http://imagebin.org/92943. Please advise how can we fix this?02:33
^b0ss^hey all i am trying to install plugin script with xchat ....i select the files from the xchat scripts but does load02:34
m477hello guys02:34
m477im going to kill myself :D02:34
^b0ss^im half way there02:34
jordanDoes anyone know if you can play WoW with Wine WITHOUT Installing it? But instead playing it off a hard drive that it is already pre installed into ?02:35
igoryonyai12, do you have nvidia?02:35
m477^b0ss^: (m)02:35
i12I think its an ATI card02:35
tatseljordan: I tried once, I didn't succeed02:36
i12is there a command to profile the hardware?02:36
NedraeWithout installing what, Wine or WoW?02:36
tatselNedrae: wow02:36
^b0ss^my amsn wont close ..02:36
^b0ss^is there like a crtl alt del button02:36
jordanDamn  I was hoping there was away around it02:36
NedraeJust run it, that's what I did and it never gave me trouble02:36
m477^b0ss^: try xkill02:37
m477alt + f2 > xkill02:37
igoryonyajordan, :), I had a windows WoW installation and when I booted to ubuntu, I just launched the exe file from the install directory and it worked. I have Wine 1.1.40 and Ubuntu 64bit 9.0402:37
zenlunatic^b0ss^, system monitor02:37
NedraeIt doesn't even need to be installed in windows. It does use some registry keys but it just re-creates them if they don't exist02:37
dhaneshwhich archive manager supports .rar format02:38
jordanLucky! Idk why it didnt work for me XD     How do you make the red text?02:38
igoryonyai12, strange, because, the problem you've described is known for nvidia cards and there is a fix for it.02:38
digitalfizdhanesh, 7zip supports everything :)02:38
_CommandeR_how do i change resolution in grub?02:39
dhaneshdigitalfiz:how it can be worked in ubuntu02:39
igoryonyajordan, what do you mean by the red text?02:39
^b0ss^cant find amsn on the process like02:39
zenlunatic_CommandeR_, what do you mean02:39
digitalfizjordan, the red text is xchat highlighting something said with your name in it02:39
jordanIdk when people say jordan, it appears red on my screen XD SOrry new to Ubuntu02:39
shazbotmcnastyI installed a new KVM switch, and now I can only get resolutions 640x800 and 320x240 - I tried reisntalling my video driver with no luck... it says the driver is working, just....not quite right. The Video card is a nVidia GeFroce 7100, and the KVM switch is a "Zonet KVM3002"02:39
chillindaveAnyone here savvy with CRON?02:39
shazbotmcnastyhow would I manually add some resolution modes to xorg.conf  ?02:39
_CommandeR_zenlunatic, i have a 1200x800 screen02:39
_CommandeR_but it seems to still not use that resolution in grub02:40
dhaneshdigitalfiz:how can i add 7zip in ubuntu02:40
jordanOH!!!!! okay haha damn it was freakin me out02:40
zenlunaticgrub is a boot loader who cares02:40
digitalfizdhanesh, search for it in synaptic02:40
Dr_Willisshazbotmcnasty:  ages ago i found a X modeline generator web site.  and used that. but   There may be better ideas in the forums.  KVM's are often a problem i hear.02:40
_CommandeR_zenlunatic, i have instlaled burg as a extension that is a graphical boot screen02:40
shazbotmcnastydhanesh, sudo apt-get install p7zip-full02:40
shazbotmcnastyMrHeavy, errrrrr02:41
_CommandeR_zenlunatic, http://ubuntuguide.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/os_logo.png02:41
_CommandeR_want this but to fill it out on my screen02:41
dhaneshdigitalfiz:oh thank you very much02:41
dhaneshshazbotmcnasty:thank you02:41
shazbotmcnastyno prob02:42
zenlunaticwow grub2 is ridiculous02:42
digitalfizthats not grub thats chameleon02:42
Dr_WillisGrub2 has some very nifty features.. and a lot more to come i imagine02:42
shazbotmcnastyDr_Willis, do you think manually adding resolution to xorg.conf would fix my problem anyway?02:42
Out_Coldthe greatest work excuse ever.. "I'm can't do any work until it's done compiling XD02:42
digitalfizunless grub2 took some pointers from chameleon02:42
Dr_Willisshazbotmcnasty:  thats how others have handled it in the past. but Ive never used a KVM switch. so no personal experioence with it02:43
_CommandeR_im trying to make it but when editing its settings and giving GFXMODE to 1200x800 seems not to change it02:43
Strife89Out_Cold: There's an xkcd comic about that. :)02:43
zenlunaticwhatever... that much gui in a bootloader is a waste02:43
shazbotmcnastyDr_Willis, the other side of the kvm is plugged into an xbox360, and it finds the resolution fine on that02:43
dhaneshwhich  digitalfiz02:43
shazbotmcnastyDr_Willis, oh...well okay02:43
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  you are rerunning tghe 'sudo update-grub' command after changeing any grub2 configf files?02:43
shazbotmcnastythanks anywhoo LD02:43
Out_Coldlol Strife8902:43
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, yes02:43
_CommandeR_if i run grub-emu or burg-emu seems to change resolution but not the real thing02:44
Strife89Out_Cold: http://xkcd.com/303/02:44
od3n_I was wondering if anyone would know how I would fix firefox from crashing all the time02:44
od3n_right from the get go its just crashes02:44
Out_ColdStrife89, hahaha.. minus the swords, that was me at work02:44
KB1JWQod3n_: Likely a plugin.02:44
Dr_Willisod3n_:  try disabling flash? that seems tobe a major cause of ff crashes.02:44
KB1JWQod3n_: Failing that look at the Lorenzo project.02:44
Dr_Willisod3n_:  or some other plugins.02:44
od3n_how do I do that02:45
Dr_WillisLorebzo Project has potential.02:45
od3n_cause I cant even get it to start long enough02:45
igoryonyai12, Have you read this? http://wiki.compiz.org/Troubleshooting  it might help you solve your problem02:45
jordanThanks all for the help :]02:45
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, how do i check what resolutions my computer got during grub?02:45
Dr_Willisod3n_:  in the firefox menus,  or use the command line options  - It would be very weird that FF would crash on startup loading ablank page.02:45
obiwan_guys, is there any file tag standard in common filesystems? (fat32, ntfs, ext*,...)? i want to tag all my files02:46
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  Ive never noticed. I set mine to be the native of my LCD monitor and it uses that.02:46
snowhouseWhen I plug my ipod (a fourth gen 8gb nano) into rythmbox, it asks me whether or not I want to initialize. I do want initialize it but it gives me an error about not being able to create a folder on it or something. Any ideas on what could be wrong?02:46
Dr_Willisobiwan_:  clarify what you mean by tag standard.02:46
^b0ss^Question im trying to move a file to a system area i tryed gksu nautilus and typed my password then tryed to copy paste the file ..didnt work please help02:46
daroluobiwan_: do you want to label your partitions?02:47
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_^mouse^_^b0ss^, you might try sudo mv <file> <destination> in terminal02:47
i12igoryonya, thanks I'll give that a look, the 'advanced' settings are compiz even without the compiz settings manager right?02:48
igoryonyamaybe obiwan_ is talking about mp3 tag?02:48
i12igoryonya, what should I do to see what kind of video card I have, that will help on the search02:48
^b0ss^surely you can do it from the gui?02:48
dhanesh Dr_Willis: i have installed 7zip but it is not in application menu.02:48
darolui12: open a terminal and type "lspci |grep VGA" (no quotes)02:48
Dr_Willis^b0ss^:  i find it much SAFER to use the CLI. ive seen peopel running nautilus as root have at times really messed up their systems.02:49
igoryonyai12, I read your question 3 times and didn't understand what you've ment about advanced settings.02:49
_^mouse^_^b0ss^, idk, probably so, but easier to use terminal for it i think02:49
Dr_Willisdhanesh:  yes.. thats because its not a GUI tool.. You are thinking its a clone of the windows version.. its NOT.02:49
^b0ss^im just trying to copy a xchat script to the plugins folder02:49
Dr_Willisdhanesh:  now that its installed the archive gui 's in linux should be able to handle 7zip arhives.02:49
^b0ss^thats all02:49
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
Dr_Willis^b0ss^:  you do realize you could just use the users own personal xchat directories.. theres no real need to copy it syst4mwide.02:50
_^mouse^_right, what Dr_Willis said :)02:50
^b0ss^im trying to put it in the xchat/plugins   folder ?02:50
^b0ss^is that the right place02:50
obiwan_darolu: i want to label my files02:50
hiexpoi bricked my router so anyone with a WRTSL54GS i will be glad to buy it from you at a good price thanx02:50
dhaneshDr_Willis:then how can i extract file using 7zip02:50
Dr_Willisand each USER has their own .xchat/WHATEVER directory02:51
darolu^b0ss^: ~/.xchat2/ create a plugins folder first02:51
Dr_Willisdhanesh:  use ark or file-roller or the cli tools.  or the 'unp' command02:51
^b0ss^there was already one02:51
Dr_Willis!info unp | dhanesh02:51
ubottudhanesh: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB02:51
daroluobiwan_: what do you try to do exactly? what do you want to acomplish by "labeling your files"?02:51
igoryonyai12: well, normally, in your system -> administration -> hardware drivers, you can see what graphics card is installed, but there should be a command line, but I don't know what it is, although, when you start compiz or /etc/init.d/gdm, or X11, it tells you during start what it is.02:51
brah-quiet today02:52
daroludhanesh: if you have installed the 7zip package you should be able to right click your compressed file and extract it from any nautilus window02:52
daroluigoryonya: lspci |grep VGA should print video card model02:53
Dr_Willisp7zip -d FILENAME02:53
crucialhoaxdarolu: It does.02:53
igoryonyaobiwan_, what, do you mean by *label* your files, it can mean many things, what do you mean by that.02:53
obiwan_darolu: i find it extremely difficult to organise my files: if i got a software program for chemistry where do i put it? in chemistry dir? in software dir? what if i want to grab all my software and i've got that prgram in the chemistry dir? i'll have to search all the dirs in my disk for software. it'd be better to have all software in a dir. but then what if i need everything about chemistry? it'd be good to have that software in my chemi02:53
obiwan_igoryonya: what i just said please read my last comment02:54
igoryonyadarolu, thanx, I've forgot about lspci02:54
crucialhoaxobiwan_: Most software installed will go under the applications menu.02:54
alpicolaobiwan_: In short, you want a tag cloud like they have on blogs and such, but for your files?  Or your applications?02:55
NedraeI *think* you can tag them in the tracker search tool, but trackerd keeps bugging out on me and corrupting indices all over the place02:55
obiwan_exactly alpicola02:55
obiwan_crucialhoax: yeah i know, i mean software installers02:55
flybackwhy is it that ubuntu and knoppix have been consistanly a pain in the ass over 10 yrs when it comes to livecd's02:55
daroluobiwan_: it's quite easy to install probrasm at /opt/ and your files at your own /home; you can use different directories or file sufix to help keeping them organized; I do not know of any "label" system like the one you are describing; out of a database that is.02:55
flybackrandom suddentely can't read half the disc etc02:55
daroluflyback: that's a weird statement since Ubuntu hasn't been around for 10 years02:56
obiwan_but darolu i don't mean installed programs, i mean installers. i want to keep my programs organised in my external usb disk02:56
obiwan_what i want is exactly what alpicola said, a blog cloud tag for my files02:56
pranay_09hi , i want to install git in my system , but can't find the name of package , which one should i install?02:57
obiwan_i thought about that some hours ago, but couldn't find something related to blog tags for filesystems02:57
flybackhowever long I seen livecd's out for02:57
alpicolaobiwan_: I think dolphin has a feature like that in kubuntu.  Don't know if gnome/ubuntu has anything similar.  The dolphin functionality also doesn't work outside the GUI, so if you want to get your files from the terminal, you're on your own.02:57
crucialhoaxflyback: I have never had that problem...02:57
obiwan_alpicola: problem is that if dolphin is just for ext files or for linux it won't help02:57
Dr_WillisI wonder if theres a 'tag' fuse extension. for the FUSE stuff.02:57
brezWow, this box is awesome now!02:58
obiwan_alpicola: i need something working on a standard filesystem basis, working in ntfs, ext, fat32,...02:58
crucialhoaxflyback: If you check the md5 sums of the download, burn at a low speed like 2x or 4x you will be fine.02:58
snowhouse When I plug my ipod (a fourth gen 8gb nano) into rythmbox, it asks me whether or not I want to initialize. I do want initialize it but it gives me an error about not being able to create a folder on it or something. Any ideas on what could be wrong?02:58
flybackI been doing that for ages02:58
dhaneshbrez:how can i extract .rar file in ubuntu02:58
flybackthis is just random bullshit02:58
flybackI seen over the yrs02:58
obiwan_dhanesh: file-roller02:58
flybacki'm not blaming ubuntu at all02:59
brezchange the file name to .tar?02:59
igoryonyaobiwan_, I know, there are several programs, meeting your need. I need something like that too, but, I don't remember what they are called, I can just say, that I've seen a couple in synaptic (don't remember what category and the name) and on freshmeat.02:59
flybackgoing to free up a flash drive here02:59
flybackand work that way02:59
brezpranay_09: apt-get install git02:59
alpicolaobiwan_: If you're looking for something at the filesystem level, it doesn't exist in any current fs that I know of.  Definitely not in the "normal" ones like ntfs, ext*, etc.02:59
brezworks fine.02:59
dhanesh obiwan_:it is not supported .rar format02:59
^b0ss^Question getting closer03:00
snowhouseobiwan_: use wine and download winzip03:00
^b0ss^m angryfact.pl $HOME/.xchat2/ plugins03:00
dhaneshobiwan_:it is not supported .rar format03:00
greezmunkeyI am using network manager to share my wireless internet via eth0. The pc using the eth0 connection recieves an address of via dhcp. Where do I go to modify the address handed out over such a connection?03:00
^b0ss^is the command m?03:00
brezdhanesh: try in a terminal "unrar x filename.rar"03:00
obiwan_alpicola: i mean some tag standard, adopted by common filesystems, so i can use those tags interchangeably in different filesystems and then combine files seamlessly03:00
brezor alternatively, install "rar" from synaptic.03:00
crucialhoaxgreezmunkey: Edit the connection properties inside of Network Manager.03:00
obiwan_snowhouse: wrong person? :P03:01
dhaneshbrez:how can i extract using 7zip03:01
pranay_09brez: is gnuit and git the same?03:01
brezwhy do you need 7zip?03:01
obiwan_dhanesh: strange, mine works. maybe i downloaded some rar plugin i can't remember of03:01
igoryonyaIs alsa the only one, supporting 5.1 or more channel output? Pules, OSS, etc only support 2? because, in SMPlayer, when I chose audio output driver, and the movie has 5.1 channel audio, everything plays 2 channels except for alsa. in VLC, even alsa plays 2 chnnels. what's wrong, does Linux really have a such poor support of audio?03:01
alpicolaobiwan_: Yeah, I know.  It doesn't exist.03:01
obiwan_alpicola: aw :( what a shame03:02
brezpranay_09: I'd assume so, considering it's under the same file name :D03:02
obiwan_i'd really love03:02
obiwan_alpicola: do you know if some work is being done on that?03:02
dhaneshobiwan_: is there any other method03:02
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: I would, but once you select "shared to other computers" for the method of the wired connection, all other entries become greyed out.03:02
brezdhanesh: I just downloaded a .rar and typed in what I printed above in terminal with no problems.03:02
dhaneshobiwan_ can i extract in windows xp03:02
obiwan_dhanesh: of course, apt-get install unrar03:03
crucialhoaxgreezmunkey: Then I do not know. I have not ever played with a bridged connection.03:03
obiwan_sure dhanesh03:03
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: I suspect it may be in a config file somewhere, but have had no luck looking for it.03:03
ArsinDoes anyone know what I'm talking about : An application that show numerous graphs of network history, RAM usage, cpu usage, etc. all in one and most people have it on the right hand side of their screen03:03
Fudgeis there a program that will make my cpu run at 24400MHz instead of 1600 please?03:03
igoryonyaobiwan_, I was thinking about directories as categories and using symlinks as different types categories, placed in different directories for the same file.03:03
Fudgeintel quad03:03
brezwow, vnc is slow over thi wifi network :x03:04
obiwan_yeah i thought about that igoryonya03:04
crucialhoaxgreezmunkey: It might not be able to be configured since it is a bridged connection.03:04
* genii ponders this software to overclock a cpu to 24Ghz03:04
ArsinFudge, You want to OC it 22.8GHz?03:04
obiwan_igoryonya: problem is then i'd have to keep worring about what i wanna copy as a symlink or what i want to derrefer and take the real file03:04
^b0ss^Q : mv angryfact.pl ~/xchat2/ plugins03:04
^b0ss^mv: target `plugins' is not a directory03:04
^b0ss^thats the error03:04
^b0ss^trying to find out how to move the scripts into the plugins folder03:05
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: maybe that's why I can't find it! Like it's part of an executable somewhere.03:05
crucialhoax^b0ss^: there is a space after xchat203:05
obiwan_igoryonya: i may do that for a couple files, but when i copy like hundreds, i can't keep picking each one by hand03:05
_^mouse^_^b0ss^, try --- mv angryfact.pl ~/.xchat2/ plugins03:05
crucialhoaxgreezmunkey: Yeah, that is possible.03:05
igoryonyaobiwan_: you could keep all the files in one directory and use a subdirectory structure of categories with symlinks.03:05
greezmunkeycrucialhoax: It's not a big deal, I was more curious than anything else.03:05
_^mouse^_you need a period before "xchat2"03:05
^b0ss^nbrown@nbrown-desktop:~$ mv angryfact.pl ~/.xchat2/ plugins03:06
^b0ss^mv: target `plugins' is not a directory03:06
ArsinCan anyone tell me the name of this program http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2003/3541339716_75377c6f9a_o.png03:06
InternetPoliceFudge: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/96935503:06
crucialhoax^b0ss^: mv angryfact.pl ~/.xchat2/plugins03:06
crucialhoax^b0ss^: that is the file name from above, I just fixed the command.03:07
^b0ss^now this03:07
^b0ss^nbrown@nbrown-desktop:~$ mv angryfact.pl ~/.xchat2/plugins03:07
^b0ss^mv: cannot stat `angryfact.pl': No such file or directory03:07
FloodBot3^b0ss^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
^b0ss^its on the desktop03:07
Fudgenot o/c its a q6600 2.4quad and its only running at 1600MHz03:07
crucialhoax^b0ss^: What is the file name you are trying to mboe?03:07
^b0ss^the one above03:07
InternetPoliceFudge: it scales down to save power when it's not being used03:08
Fudgebut i use a screen reader and dont want that feature03:08
=== alpicola_ is now known as alpicola
Fudgeelse i get laggy speech03:08
^b0ss^the angryfact.pl03:08
InternetPoliceFudge: you really shouldn't, but there will be something in BIOS03:08
crucialhoax^b0ss^: here `cd ~/Desktop` then issue `mv angryfact.pl ~/.xchat2/plugins`03:08
brezDoes anyone know, I usually have 3x screens running irssi at one given time, it's really annoying have to type "screen -r numberhere" each time I wanna go back to a particular one, and most of the time I forget what screen is attached to what server. I would like to be able to substitute the number for a name, is that possible? eg?. "screen -r freenode"03:08
Fudgeim aware of that InternetPolice  yes, but couldnt find it in there when we looked03:08
InternetPoliceFudge: I doubt that scaling would be causing the issue anyway03:09
neil_dI have a EPSON CX-5500... I can't scan with it... lsusb finds "Bus 006 Device 003: ID 04b8:083f Seiko Epson Corp. Stylus DX4450".... sane-find-scanner finds "found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [Language Error], product=0x083f [Language Error]) at libusb:006:003".... scanimage -L returns "No scanners ...."   what is wrong?   what is meant by "language error"?03:09
obiwan_igoryonya: yeah that's exactly what i thought, but first issue is there's a maximum number of files per dir, so i'd have to make a pool with several dirs and then if i mvoe a file to another dir, i'd have to check all links to it. and plus the other is if i want to copy 100 files , i can't keep worrying about if what i'm copying is the symlink or the real one. You can specify to copy symlinks or derefer them, but when they're mixed like in 03:09
^b0ss^oh desktop/desktop03:09
^b0ss^shakes head03:09
igoryonyaobiwan_, I don't remeber, what it's called, but I've seen some plugin somewhere :( for nautilus, that allows to sort files by categories, you might want to search for nautilus plugins, I also saw (also don't remeber the name) a console based service that you can use to create a description for any file, which, when you search for files, the description is also searched.03:09
^b0ss^it workED~~~~~03:09
^b0ss^CH you rock man03:09
crucialhoax^b0ss^: Haha Idk about that.03:09
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obiwan_that description thing would be great igoryonya if it worked in other windows filesystems too and others03:10
alpicolabrez: Start it like: screen -S freenode03:10
i12you guys rock, thanks for all your help03:11
igoryonyaobiwan_: maybe create a directory with alphabetical folders: a, b, c and place files in each folder accordingly, and reference to them.03:11
obiwan_igoryonya: also somebody talked me aobut beagle and semantic desktops and stuff which classify things and let you search and stuff but that's not either cross filesystem standard03:11
FudgeInternetPolice  may i pm you please03:12
InternetPoliceI suppose03:12
ubuntunewbHey, all. I've got an Intel 2200BG chipset for my wireless connection, and apparently Karmic Koala doesn't have driver support for it out of the box. So I got some drivers, firmware, subsystem files, etc. Now I supposedly need to configure my kernel files to support the drivers et al. I get completely stuck when I get to this. How am I supposed to go about doing it?03:13
brezalpicola: champion! thanks!03:13
igoryonyaobiwan_: as far as I remember, the description thing was storing description in some centralized file or a db, which it is referring to on access to description or file search.03:13
littlefootohai everyone03:13
igoryonyaobiwan_: so it's file system independant03:14
LucidGuyldap/pam/samba situation.  Currently my linux users can perform passwd password resets successfully.  Unfortunately the majority of my ldap accounts have both linux and samba login information.  Passwd is unable to modify the samba attributes, anyone know of a solution?03:14
littlefootis there an established method to installing the alternate cd unto a netbook?03:14
crucialhoaxlittlefoot: It should install just like the regular CD unless you are getting errors.03:15
littlefootI do remember it, too -- I used unetbootin and it was trying to located a CD03:16
littlefootsomething about mounting it to /cdrom, but then it was looking for drivers...03:16
littlefootoh, has nobody tried to do this before?!03:16
^b0ss^CH you there .03:16
shawnboyhisto, FYI I got things working with the floppy Linux print server. I used Winimage according to instructions. Earlier I had tried dd.03:17
igoryonyaobiwan_: I just saw, there is an Alias plugin in "Gnome Do". Plugin description: Assign alternate names to items03:17
obiwan_yeah igoryonya the problem would be if the rest of filesystems know how to read/write that db info03:17
crucialhoaxlittlefoot: Just a USB stick to boot the iso..03:17
crucialhoax^b0ss^: Yes, I am.03:17
^b0ss^want to as ya something03:17
^b0ss^in priv03:17
shawnboyhisto, I still don't understand why dd if=/path/filename.imz of=/dev/fd0 didn't work.03:17
^b0ss^copy and paste abit big03:17
crucialhoax^b0ss^: shoot.03:17
shawnboyhisto, but at least my print server is working now from floppy.  :D03:18
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littlefootcrucialhoax: so can certain types of bootable linux (iso/syslinux) be used by copying the contents of the image directly to a bootable USB device?03:18
littlefootrather, is this *ever* the case?03:18
obiwan_igoryonya: well, i don't exactly want to add alternate names, i want to add tags hheh. anyway i've more or less give up, i'll do some simple dir classification and maybe a couple years later they launch some standard which does it. i think it'd be great03:19
littlefootI can read -- I've been looking, too. If there's a resource that covers this, I'll go bury my head in that first...03:19
crucialhoaxlittlefoot: I installed ubuntu on my netbook via booting a USB disk. I used my Ubuntu laptop to create a bootable USB drive with the preinstalled software03:19
Capt_Blackwoodhow do i purge a program through terminal?03:20
crucialhoaxCapt_Blackwood: sudo apt-get remove --purge <package>03:20
shawnboyCapt_Blackwood, sudo aptitude purge package03:20
Capt_Blackwoodthank you :D03:20
crucialhoaxI am off for now. I will be on later. Peace all!03:22
brezso happy with this now :DS03:22
emmais it normal for libflashplayer.so to be green and none of the other plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins to be green?03:23
obiwan_to be green? what do u mean emma ?03:23
ianwizardemma: do you mean when you do a ls ?03:23
emmaI think it means it is executable.03:24
obiwan_but what's green?03:24
obiwan_the icon? what?03:24
emmathe name of the file.03:24
emmaNo this is in a terminal.03:24
ianwizardemma: usually files that are green (from ls command) are executable03:24
emmaYes I think it means it is executable.03:24
emmaIs that normal for libflashplayer.so to be executable but none of the other .so files in there are executable?03:25
emmathis is in usr/lib/mozilla/plugins03:25
obiwan_the name of the file is green? omg, do you mean in ls emma ?03:26
emmacould one of you cd to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and do an ls -l03:27
emmaYes in ls.03:27
shawnboyIs there a channel for Lucid? I cannot get Adobe Flash mozilla plugin to work.03:27
emmayes #ubuntu+!03:27
obiwan_that means it's a regular file emma03:27
obiwan_a text file03:28
Capt_Blackwoodanybody know how to uninstall VMWare03:28
emmaCapt_Blackwood: did you install it with apt-get or aptitude?03:28
obiwan_emma: to know the file type of a file, just "file filename" . use the file command03:28
Capt_Blackwoodno emma03:28
emmahow did you install it?03:28
Capt_Blackwoodit was a .bundle file03:29
Capt_Blackwoodsudo ./file name here03:29
emmasorry i don't know anything about a .bundle file.03:29
obiwan_Capt_Blackwood: switch to the dir you uncompressed the tarball to, and run make uninstall03:29
sudo-suhow install a router D-LINK DSL-500 B en ubuntu without internet03:29
sudo-su? help please03:29
FlannelCapt_Blackwood: Are you on OSX?03:29
neil_dtrying to get my scanner working... I installed iscan it isn't working :(   it seems to be missing libltdl.so.3 :(  I have libltdl.so.7... where can I get the correct version?03:29
obiwan_hi sudo-su , ask03:29
Capt_BlackwoodUbuntu 9.1003:29
shawnboyemma, thanks.03:29
sudo-suobiwan_: how install a router D-LINK DSL-500 B en ubuntu without internet?03:29
emmaI downloaded the flashplayer from the Adobe site and I untarred it. Then I moved the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.   But firefox doesn't seem to know its there.03:30
obiwan_sudo-su: you don't need to install it, it's got its own operating system inside03:30
emmaI did an ls on that directory and I see that all the other .so files are owned by root but libflashplayer.so is owned by me.03:30
emmaand libflashplayer.so is the only one which is green.03:30
sudo-suobiwan_: but i can't conect03:31
sudo-sucan be because is from wubi?03:31
obiwan_sudo-su: what you need to do is setup ubuntu to work with it. usually it works out of the box with networkmanager, just selecting the wireless ap and entering the password03:31
sudo-suobiwan_: thank03:31
sudo-sui going to try this03:32
FlannelCapt_Blackwood: Do you have /usr/bin/vmware/vmware-uninstall.pl?03:32
obiwan_sudo-su: maybe, maybe wubi doesn't have access to the nic resource, maybe windows is blocking it, dunno03:32
obiwan_sudo-su: what you may try is booting from the livecd and trying to connect03:32
sudo-suobiwan_: ok03:33
obiwan_sudo-su: np, :)03:33
jdogis the room doing03:33
sudo-suthank you03:33
Capt_Blackwoodit's in my main bin folder03:33
FlannelCapt_Blackwood: an uninstall file?03:33
jdogme jusr\st cracking a wep key03:33
jdogyaaaaaaaaaaa go frr willeers03:34
igoryonyaobiwan_:  http://brib.wordpress.com/2007/10/18/howto-enable-tagging-in-ubuntu-gutsy-in-4-simple-steps/03:34
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emmaAny ideas?03:34
jdoggot frre wi fi crackt it03:34
Flanneljdog: Please take that elsewhere.03:34
jdogu guys do hack03:35
Capt_BlackwoodGOT IT!03:35
Capt_Blackwoodthanks guys :DS03:35
jdogit is the shit03:35
Capt_Blackwoodjdog, please take it elsewhere03:35
obiwan_thankss igoryonya i'm taking a look right now03:35
jdogok sarry03:35
jdogmy bad03:35
jdogcapt so ubuntu i like beter thin windows03:36
jacob_hey room03:37
jacob_ubuntu is the shit fuck windows03:37
IdleOne!language | jacob_03:38
ubottujacob_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:38
acon1831I need help with my sound for dv6 2155dx.  Any takers?03:38
abu123any one help me I lose my sound from ubuntu 9.0403:38
abu123any one help me I lost my sound from ubuntu 9.0403:39
stealth-Say I only know the root password on someones machine, and I have x11 forwarding setup, is it possible to forward applications that you are running through su? Ex: "root@system: gedit" works, but "root@system: su stealth -c "gedit"" does not03:40
abu123it shows nvidia sound drivers are not working falling back pulse audio03:40
abu123what I do03:41
tsimpsonstealth-: you'd need to use gksu or gksudo03:41
abu123any one help me03:41
stealth-tsimpson: ah, thanks03:41
awesome_guesthi, I have an intel mobile 945/950 gma video thingy03:41
awesome_guestjust upgraded to 9.04, wondering how to get a dual monitor setup going with a 1680x1050 external monitor03:41
tsimpsonstealth-: I've never used it over ssh though, so I'm not 100% it'll work03:41
stealth-tsimpson: it's worth a shot, right :)03:42
stealth-tsimpson: damn, no :(03:42
stealth-Thanks though03:42
jdogdo u telnet03:43
nytek_i edited my fstab file but i might have done it incorrectly03:43
nytek_how do i mount a piece of my hd upon bootup?03:43
psusinytek_, huh?03:44
nytek_im trying to mount a partition upon ubuntu startup? im using fluxbox03:45
Optimus55hey if i already have karmic with gnome installed, is there any way to change it to xfce?03:45
Fudgeoh gosh who was i speaking ot in pm now03:45
kl4mMy guess is you can alway install xubuntu-desktop03:46
Optimus55kl4m: what will that do?03:46
kl4mIt will install all the xubuntu packages03:47
awesome_guesthi, is it safe to disable the swap partition and then delete it in gparted?03:47
alphabuildhey everyone03:48
Optimus55kl4m: will it swtich the environment from gnome to xfce as well?03:48
alphabuildquestion. webcam works in ekiga not skype? looking through webcam documentation03:48
kl4mOptimus55, you can change the environment on the login screen03:49
alphabuildskype command doesnt fix03:49
bsmith093i have my home and ubuntu partitions seperated and i just got error code 15 file not found in grub03:50
bsmith093running off a live cd currently hlp please03:50
Optimus55kl4m: thanks a lot will try it out03:51
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bsmith093i have my home and ubuntu partitions seperated and i just got error code 15 file not found in grub any ideas03:52
OasisTopherHi, I have a question... i have a home network with one ubuntu pc and one windows XP.  I have samba installed, and I see that I have the nautilus interface to make sharing simple set up.  do i need to do anything beyond select "sharing options" and clicking the "guest" box to share my folder with my  windows PC?03:52
OasisTopheroh of course I have to have my win PC join the workgroup "WORKGROUP", right?  cuz that seems to be the samba defualt03:53
Guest91152how do i install the nvidia driver?03:54
stopsignWHAT DRIVER03:54
GothSparkHello all , I need help for my microphone on the jack audio .... it is correctly connected but it seams that it dosent capt a sound ...03:55
bsmith093im running gparted if that helps at all03:55
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bsmith093how do i fix error 15 in grub03:56
bsmith093not grub 2 grub 0.9703:56
^b0ss^crucialhoax> Error loading '/home/nbrown/.xchat2/plugin/Geo-ip.pl':03:57
^b0ss^ Can't locate NET/DNS.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 9) line 17.03:57
^b0ss^ BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 9) line 17.03:57
^b0ss^ 03:57
FloodBot3^b0ss^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
GothSparkno one knows how to make the recording jack working ?03:58
^b0ss^crucial you there bro03:58
bsmith093how do i fix grub errors03:59
mortal1hello folks.  So, I was doing my taxes in evince... next thing I know, it crashes every instance of evince.  Poof!03:59
zenlunaticcall the irs lol03:59
mortal1well, these were all off the internet so it saves the documents in tmp04:00
NedraeHum. Speaking of tagging, I wonder if tracker can still work as a tagger even with indexing disabled...04:00
mortal1only problem, they're empty now.  Apparently evince didn't save them?04:00
^b0ss^anyone help with a script error on xchat04:01
^b0ss^need to paste the error but it will flood the channel04:01
mortal1boss ever here of pastebin?04:02
qingcaihi all04:02
^b0ss^i have04:02
^b0ss^i did it04:02
ZykoticK9!paste |  ^b0ss^04:02
ubottu^b0ss^: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:02
^b0ss^i went to pastebin04:02
KindOnepaste the code, and it will create a page, past use that pages URL04:03
ZykoticK9^b0ss^, part of above message "Make sure you give us the URL for your paste"04:03
bsmith093please help im having problems with grub booting04:03
bsmith093how do i repair error code 15 file not found04:03
^b0ss^thanks .....http://paste.ubuntu.com/414062/04:04
W43372Do I need to leave Evolution Mail running all the time for it to inform me when I get new messages?04:04
mortal1bsmith093: lol04:04
carandraug! license > carandraug04:05
bsmith093mortal do u have any advice04:05
carandraug! licenses > carandraug04:05
mortal1no sorry, i was loliing about the url comment04:05
carandraug! gpl > carandraug04:05
ubottucarandraug, please see my private message04:05
KindOne^b0ss^: if this is a xchat issue, you could try the #xchat channel04:06
bsmith093i could really use some help what files d u need to see to fix this04:06
^b0ss^thanks kind ..just joined see what happens04:07
bsmith093not to be a noodge but could i get a respone please its so late its almost early where i am04:08
bsmith093grub erroe 15 i have seperate home partition helpplease04:09
W43372Do I need to leave Evolution Mail running all the time for it to inform me when I get new messages?04:09
pece2ei hola  quiem e puede ayudar en algo04:09
Flannel!es | pece204:10
ubottupece2: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:10
git__W43372, no, u just have to make sure the daemon is running in the background04:10
pece2quiero descargar adobe àra mirar los videos en youtube pero nose cual de todos estoy usando xubuntu04:11
pece2quien me alluda04:11
W43372git__ How do?04:11
Flannelpece2: This channel is english only, for help in spanish, /join #ubuntu-es04:11
pece2a ok04:11
bsmith093flannel: grub error 15 help please04:12
pece2y como me cambio al de espanol04:12
xanguapece2: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:12
xanguapece2: only english here04:12
xangua!es > pece204:12
ubottupece2, please see my private message04:12
Flannelbsmith093: Please pastebin your fstab (that's the one on your harddrive, not the liveCD) and your menu.lst (/etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst)04:13
aryomy pidgin is error, can not use for bonjour account04:14
W43372git__ How do?04:14
xanguaaryo: are you using the latest version of pidgin¿ 2.6.604:14
aryoxangua : i use 2.6.204:15
git__W43372, do you see a "mail" icon on the menubar, if you do, the evolution daemon is running04:15
aryoxangua : but with kopete is error too04:16
W43372git__ it's always up there, it does empathy too, It never makes any noise or changes color when I get mail, only when I get messages on empathy.04:16
xanguaaryo: you can find the instructions to update pidgin in http://www.pidgin.im/ ; i don't know anything about kopete04:17
W43372git__ it's always up there, it does empathy too, It never makes any noise or changes color when I get mail, only when I get messages on empathy.04:18
git__W43372, did you configure evolution to check mail every 10 minute?  Edit -> Preferences -> [your mail account] -> Edit -> Receiving Email -> Receiving Option04:18
git__"Check for new messages every ..." in Receiving Options04:19
aryoxangua : thank U04:19
axisysis there any tool that will take csv file and generate a table and a graph04:20
git__axisys, have you try openoffice (spreadsheet)04:20
axisysgit__: would be nice if I could script it04:21
W43372git__ yeah it's checked, but it hasn't been telling me when I get messages.04:22
git__axisys, you want to convert csv into html table?  pdf table?  i suggest you use python scripting language with math graphing libraries04:25
sCOTTohey guys - where would the best place be to talk to someone about opensource project management SaaS stuff?04:26
axisysgit__: i prefer html table and graph..04:26
git__Scotto, try #kvm04:26
axisysgit__: would be nice if there a tool that convert to rrd04:26
W43372git__ yeah it's checked, but it hasn't been telling me when I get messages.04:27
git__W43372, are you able to receive message fine?04:27
git__W43372, first, gotta test it, change the setting to check every 1 minute04:27
git__W43372, to test04:28
W43372git__ I assume so, I check it every couple of hours and it pulls up emails just fine.04:28
W43372git__ It just doesn't make noise or change color when I get mail04:28
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emmaWhat can be done to make these videos work -- http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/292726-104:29
AchooQuestion: I made a USB startup disk. I want to also put an antivirus program on there, like Avira, so that I can boot off the USB startup disk and run the antivirus on a hosed Windows machine. But where do I put files on the USB drive so I'll be able to see them once I've booted from it?04:30
sCOTTohey guys - I am looking for a bit of advice, I have a friend who wants ti install OS project management software for his building company, they need it to be compatible with MS Project.... any ideas? SaaS is best in this case.04:31
xanguaemma: have you installed adobe flash player¿04:31
emmaYes I did.04:32
spritleso i installed nvidia 195 and its not listed in hardware drivers... what do i need to do?04:32
ZykoticK9emma, if youtube working for you?  The c-span video is working for me.04:32
W43372git__ also how do I put HTML in my signature? I tried the other day and it just showed the code, but didn't turn it into links.04:32
emmayes youtube works for me.04:32
emmaZykoticK9: I don't understand why it works for you but not for me.04:33
emmaZykoticK9: what does it say in your /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins04:33
ZykoticK9emma, can't explain what's wrong with the c-span site for you?  We are using different versions of all software04:33
emmadoes it have a green colored libflashplayer.so ?04:33
axisysso i rather use a tool then write some code to generate html table and graph from csv file04:34
ZykoticK9emma, the green color is due to it being a link -- flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin04:35
emmayou are using flashplugin-alternative.so then04:35
aryowhere i must put file server.conf in openvpn04:35
emmaim using the 64 bit flash from adobe04:36
aryounder /etc/openvpn/04:36
ZykoticK9emma, i'm just using "ubuntu-restricted-extras" version of flash04:36
xanguaemma: well then is common that it doesn't work in some sites04:36
aryoor /etc/openvpn/2.004:36
wyclif___oh hai04:38
frazrashow do i download applications in command line04:38
wyclif___frazras: use apt-get, see documentation04:39
ardchoillefrazras: search for an app = apt-cache search appname; install an app = sudo apt-get install appname04:40
git__who here is using SSD running Ubuntu?04:40
wyclif___frazras: format would be: sudo apt-get install [name of program]04:40
carandraugcan anyone help me on picking a license for my code?04:41
xanguai am not git__04:41
xangua!ot > carandraug04:41
ubottucarandraug, please see my private message04:41
ardchoillecarandraug: Probably better to discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic04:41
wyclif___git__: what do you think of the Intel SSDs?04:42
frazraswyclif___: ardchoille thanks04:42
carandraugardchoille: xangua: I thought off topic was for more social things. I did want help, just not a very technical one. But thanks, I'll ask there04:42
git__wyclif___, i'm planning to get SSD, want to know if anyone is using Ubuntu on SSD04:43
judibeeflneed help with 9.1004:43
ardchoille!ask | judibeefl04:43
ubottujudibeefl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:43
judibeefli cannot seem to get any updates04:43
nytek_how do you mount a partition upon startup?04:43
ardchoille!fstab | nytek_04:44
ubottunytek_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:44
judibeefli get errors04:44
wyclif___git__: what make? I'm curious too b/c the ThinkPad I'm thinking about buying has SSD, I've seen that they can be pretty snappy when it comes to speed of opening apps04:44
ardchoillejudibeefl: How are you going about this?04:44
Zelozelosnytek_ you can get the storage device manager, its pretty easy to use04:44
ardchoillewyclif___: as that is not directly Ubuntu support, perhaps that be taken to another channel?04:44
nytek_Zelozelos: i can't do it via the fstab file? i enter somewhat of a correct line04:45
nytek_Zelozelos: maybe if i pastebin it you could look at it?04:45
wyclif___ardchoille: Well, we put Ubuntu on our ThinkPads04:45
ardchoillenytek_: Did you read the info the bot posted for you?04:45
nytek_ardchoille: i was responding to Zelezelos first :D04:45
Zelozelosnytek_ that wond do any good by me, but someone else may know what theyre lookin at, storage device manager does this stuff for me :)04:46
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Zelozelosbut the only partition i mount (besides the obvious) is my windows partition04:46
judibeeflthrough systems>>administration>>.synaptic pkg manager update04:46
ardchoillejudibeefl: Can you expand on that? Any errors? Problems?04:47
judibeeflswitched to upgrade manager seems to be working04:48
* wyclif___ also likes aptitude as a front end for apt-get04:50
kanakHi, is there a way to make a bootable usb from the linux command line? I tried unetbootin without success, and a simple dd of the image gives me a "no boot sector" error.04:56
hanasakiwhat is a good virus scanner for linux... one that does realtime file checking on file access also would be good04:57
hanasakiand FREE OPENSOURCE04:57
W43372I've got a serious problem with Evolution Mail.04:57
Flannelhanasaki: clamAV is in the repos04:58
xangua!virus > hanasaki04:58
ubottuhanasaki, please see my private message04:58
Zelozelos!virus > zelozelos04:58
ubottuZelozelos, please see my private message04:58
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hanasakixangua:  thanks.. .but its also a linux samba server so I need to catch windows bugs04:59
W43372I've got a serious problem with Evolution Mail.04:59
judibeeflok just got the update and received this error : W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/emacs22/emacs22-common_22.2-0ubuntu6.2_all.deb04:59
judibeefl  Hash Sum mismatch04:59
hanasakiclamav is good however it does not scan on access nor clean / only finds virus'04:59
ZelozelosW43372 you'll get a better response if u state the issue04:59
ardchoilleW43372: Please state the problem04:59
awesome_guesthi, I'm just wondering if slow redrawing with gnome desktop is a fact of life05:00
awesome_guestas in, moving a window around is a "laggy" experience05:00
W43372ardchoille: It doesn't notify me at all when I get mail and I have it set to check every five minutes. I just had a friend send me an email to test it, and I wasn't notified, and when I loaded Evolution it didn't automatically fetch the message. I had to click 'send/recieve' to get it to show up.05:01
ardchoilleawesome_guest: been using gnome for years on Sempron 2800 machine with nvidia 6200+ vid card and haven't had a problem05:01
awesome_guestardchoille: it is functional, but annoyingly slow compared to windows xp05:01
ardchoilleawesome_guest: That would depend on the power of your machine and video capability I would imagine05:02
p1oooopoops, forgot I left this on, hey ikonia :P05:02
ch33selomi need help with an applet05:02
igoryonyahow do you see the whole console command history all at once, instead of seeing it one by one when you move the up arrow key?05:02
ch33selomdoes anyone have times?05:02
awesome_guestardchoille: it does, in fact, work a lot better on a 9 year old OS05:03
ardchoilleigoryonya: use the history command05:03
awesome_guestdo you know how to disable a lot of graphical eye candy?05:03
ardchoilleawesome_guest: Then I would guess that you have something running in the background hogging resources05:03
ViridianFiremy window buttons are on the left can anyone help me get them back to the right where they need to be?05:03
ardchoilleawesome_guest: I don't use any eye candy, perhaps that's why mine is smooth, dunno05:04
ch33selomright click and move them ViridianFire05:04
ardchoilleViridianFire: on Lucid?05:04
igoryonyaardchoille: cool! that command is awsome!05:04
ardchoilleigoryonya: :)05:04
ViridianFireno on Karmic05:04
W43372ardchoille: It doesn't notify me at all when I get mail and I have it set to check every five minutes. I just had a friend send me an email to test it, and I wasn't notified, and when I loaded Evolution it didn't automatically fetch the message. I had to click 'send/recieve' to get it to show up.05:04
jmp_I wanna know how to remove junk entry from grub2, after updating05:04
wyclif_awesome_guest: I have a really candy-free setup, but biggest issue I see is people that have Compiz turned on, check to see if it's enabled05:04
ZykoticK9ViridianFire, join #ubuntu+1 - there is a factoid there that i can send you05:05
ViridianFireI installed the Lucid theme05:05
awesome_guestwyclif_: how?05:05
ardchoilleW43372: I don't use evolution, I just wanted you to state the problem so others could help if possible05:05
ch33selomcan anyone help me with user switcher applet?05:05
awesome_guestI am experiencing cpu usage that's a lot higher than I am used to.. I only have firefox and a text editor open05:05
ch33selomi used to be able to logoout/restart/shutdown from there05:05
ch33selombut now05:05
ch33selomonly lock05:05
ch33selomand quit05:05
FloodBot3ch33selom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
W43372Evolution doesn't notify me at all when I get mail and I have it set to check every five minutes. I just had a friend send me an email to test it, and I wasn't notified, and when I loaded Evolution it didn't automatically fetch the message. I had to click 'send/recieve' to get it to show up.05:05
awesome_guestI am experiencing 30-40% usage.. on two 2ghz cores05:05
awesome_guestthis is unacceptable05:06
ardchoilleawesome_guest: open a terminal and run "top" to find out what's using resources. Hit the q key to quit to[05:06
sinistradawesome_guest, try the 'top' command to see what process is taking up your cpu05:06
wyclif_awesome_guest it's in the Settings somewhere...looking now, give me a sec and I'll give exact location05:06
awesome_guestsinistrad: YES xorg is actually doing it05:07
awesome_guestthanks.  It's confusing, that all the great unix utilities are actually not even hinted at in the ubuntu gui tools05:07
awesome_guestbut I like it or else I wouldn't be here lol05:07
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
sinistradawesome_guest, hrm. I only get that much CPU out of xorg when I'm running 3D animated backgrounds05:08
ch33selomcan anyone help me with the applet or no?05:08
wyclif_awesome_guest: System>Preferences>Appearance05:08
wyclif_awesome_guest >Visual Effects: None05:09
awesome_guestwyclif_: I actually already did that05:09
wyclif_awesome_guest: Yeah, that turns off Compiz GUI-style05:09
awesome_guestI am completely comfortable with editing config files, etc.05:10
awesome_guestI just did some xorg.conf stuff05:10
igoryonyawhat's the command to see what processes are actiely accessing files, because, even if I don't do anything, my system monitor shows nearly 70-90% HDD activity, nonstop. It started happening ever since I've upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04.05:10
geniiigoryonya: lsof05:10
wyclif_awesome_guest: Right about the GUI way, users will never learn about coreutils w/o reading man pages, &c...the GUI hides all that from the user05:10
sinistradawesome_guest, what release are you running?05:10
awesome_guestsinistrad: 9.0405:11
ch33selomdoes anyone know how to add the applet is integrated with pidging and lets you log out/restart/shut down???05:11
sinistradawesome_guest, wow, that's was a pretty stable release too.05:11
wyclif_igoryonya: top -cs05:11
awesome_guestsinistrad: oh it's stable, just highly suboptimal05:11
Younderwhen is the 10.0 release coming?05:12
DonnyWhy does the new UNR not let you go into standard desktop mode?05:12
awesome_guestsinistrad: it's perfect.. if you don't care about power consumption05:12
ardchoille!lucid | Younder05:12
ubottuYounder: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:12
ch33selomdoes anyone know how to add the applet is integrated with pidging and lets you log out/restart/shut down???05:12
ZykoticK9Younder, 15 days from today :)05:12
awesome_guestthank you for the lsof tip - I just installed a ssd and need to figure out how to stop all these 'helpful' writes to the drive05:13
igoryonyawyclif_: which column represents disk activity?05:13
jason201is anyone else having trouble with flash and gstreamer?05:13
ZykoticK9!anyone | jason20105:13
ubottujason201: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:13
jason201seems to be a recent issue for me05:13
jason201say what?05:14
ZykoticK9jason201, you need to provide some details05:14
sinistradawesome_guest, I'm not sure what to tell you.  Maybe one of the gurus in here knows how to track/trace what xorg is doing.  Your experience is very unusual. I've got a ton of stuff running and I bet I'm at less than 5% CPU total05:14
igoryonyagenii, that seems to show currently active files, but what I need is to see the procentage of file system access load by which processes, to know which process is overloading the hdd with access reads writes requests, just like you see a percientage of CPU per process.05:14
jason201youtube give me an error and totem tells me there is a general supporting library problem for gstreamer05:15
awesome_guestsinistrad: I mean, I am running dual monitors with a mobile graphics thing, the intel 950 gma express05:15
wyclif_igoryonya: top isn't for disk activity, it gives status of running programs, CPU usage, memory, and swap05:15
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awesome_guestI had to disable something called 'DRI' which apparently gives better performance05:15
sinistradawesome_guest, DRI is basically your Direct Rendering05:16
igoryonyawyclif_: well, you suggested top -cs, so that's why I was asking.05:16
awesome_guestwyclif_: are there any specific utilities for writes to the hard drive?05:16
YounderOne of my major grudges against utube is the lack of support for standard video formats like mpg05:16
awesome_guestsinistrad: alright, it may explain why the cpu has to do everything05:16
picard1421hey guys im looking for an open source web confrencing tool like dimdim etc.. but some server i can install and host05:16
YounderYou can of course download them05:16
jason201I've never had a problem with youtube until tonight, I don't understand what has changed05:17
sinistradawesome_guest, meaning, that your video card is not handling the 3D as it should. Or at least that is my take on it. I know my 3D gaming is a no-go if I don't have DRI enabled05:17
Younderlinux being linux05:17
jason201I thought maybe it had sometihng to do with a recent update05:17
picard1421does anyone know of an opensource web-confrencing tool that i can host?05:17
YounderOne of my major grudges against ubuntu is the lack of support for standard video formats like mpg05:17
jason201which is why I wondered if anyone else was having the same problem05:17
Younderdumb and dumber.. argh05:18
h00kYounder: do you have a question?05:18
sinistradawesome_guest, still, you are not running compiz, so you shouldn't need 3D. Your desktop should be in 2D mode, which a year 1998 graphics card should handle, but the dual-monitor thing might throw a kink in it05:18
igoryonyahow do I find out which process/app is utilizing the disk most intensively (disk activity per process/app) or something like that.05:19
sinistradawesome_guest, let me rephrase. You aren't using compiz' 3D portions.05:19
Younderigoryonya, top05:19
awesome_guestsinistrad: the google says that graphics performance gets WORSE for intel gma in 9.0405:19
sinistradawesome_guest, heh, I'd bet you'd agree05:20
awesome_guestthis thing came out a year ago05:20
Zelozelossystem, admin, system monitor i think is what u want igoryonya05:20
igoryonyaYounder: top doesn't show disk activity, only virtual memory05:20
Younderigoryonya,  or system > administration > systemmonitor05:20
wyclif_igoryonya: have you tried System Monitor yet?05:20
awesome_guestI mean sheesh, all I want to do is develop code.. which linux is rather good at handling05:21
XuMuKhi there05:21
awesome_guestsinistrad: but I've found a set of relevant pages, so thank you for your help thus far05:21
igoryonyaZelozelos, Younder, wyclif_, I am using system monitor all the time and the only thing that it shows related to disk is virtual memory.05:21
sinistradawesome_guest, of course.  Sorry I couldn't be of more use.  I'm just like any other user =)05:22
igoryonyaZelozelos, Younder, wyclif_, it's, pretty much the gui top05:22
wyclif_awesome_guest: Ubuntu is a bonanza for a developer. If you're programming in modern, OO-oriented languages you have access to everything you could possibly need to develop code05:22
Younderigoryonya, no it has a different implementation05:23
igoryonyaZelozelos, Younder, wyclif_, I need disk activity per process, to see which process most actively uses the disk05:23
igoryonyaYounder: I wasn'05:23
Zelozelosis there a way to make empathy stop showing part/join messages?05:23
Younderigoryonya, you need Perl05:23
XuMuKanyone knows how can I setup defaults shortcuts? when I press del for delete some file it opens shut down dialog...05:23
igoryonyaYounder: I wasn't talking about implementation, but functionality.05:23
awesome_guestwyclif_: yes, I've had lots of fun developing on unix systems.. maintained by other people, thankfully05:24
igoryonyaYounder: :) do you mean, I have to write something like that myself?05:24
wyclif_igoryonya: I know there's got to be some small util for that on the command line, I'm still looking05:24
Younderigoryonya, yes05:24
XuMuKand ctrl+alt+del opens tty5...05:24
xatconhi there05:24
xatconthere is prob wit my hp printer05:25
wyclif_awesome_guest: you say "maintained by other people" as if maintenance is a chore :)05:25
MrDowntempoI have an old bookmarks.rdf file I suppose I exported from epiphany. Is there a way to import this into firefox?05:25
Younderigoryonya, you don't have to, but in the end you will bee better off05:25
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xatconi could not find my driver for that05:25
Younderafter all how else will you be sure it does exactly what you want05:25
awesome_guestwyclif_: well, I am not actually writing code while doing this :)05:25
awesome_guestbut getting an ssd to work with xp was a chore in itself.. it balances out05:26
wyclif_awesome_guest: a lot of ppl seem to be holding out on SSDs until there is TRIM support05:26
xatconso help me out05:27
igoryonyaye, I program perl, but I am in the middle of several projects right now, and starting an other one, not knowing even how to do it, I would spread even more between the projects, but I am sure somebody has done it already, I mean, come on, even if Windows has it, it would be strange that linux doesn't05:27
xatconi m using ubuntu 9.0405:27
Zelozelosxatcon if you may have 2 be more specific about what the issue is, if someone knows they will help05:27
xatconHp deskjet D 160005:27
igoryonyaI mean Windows has it built-in., but I always thought, that linux is way more advanced.05:27
subonexatcon, on one line05:28
xatconcant find driver for my Hp deskjet D1600 printer05:28
awesome_guestwyclif_: mm, intel put out a windows utility that does TRIM05:29
xatconprinter is not taking command but showing online05:29
awesome_guestthe other manufacturers are a bit behind on that05:29
wyclif_igoryonya: sorry I couldn't help, but the fact is that some of these utils are more popular than others05:29
wyclif_awesome_guest: no I mean in Linux05:30
igoryonyawyclif_: oh, well, I will keep looking, thanx anyway05:30
awesome_guestwyclif: fair enough.  However, ssds can be really fast if ubuntu is optimized for them.  do you know of a central repository of tips?05:30
igoryonyaawesome_guest, what's TRIM?05:30
awesome_guestigoryonya: if you have a solid state drive (usually faster than disk drives), you can extend the lifespan of the drive by using the "TRIM" command, roughly speaking05:31
Zelozelosxatcon did you try all the obvious trouble shooting fixes like turn off, turn on, reboot, disconnect, reconnect, check all connections etc?05:31
awesome_guesta lot of the ubuntu configuration stuff actually tries to optimize.. for disk drives05:32
subone!ask | xatcon05:32
ubottuxatcon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:32
Younderawesome_guest, no, solid state devices are slower05:32
awesome_guestit will wear out my ssd much faster05:32
Mrpeepers310Question: whenever i restart firefox or it tries to open a new window I loose all the icons i put on the window myself, is this a bug that has a work around?05:32
xatconyes i do it all05:32
sinistradxatcon, you may find information @ linuxprinting.org05:32
awesome_guestYounder: in which case?05:32
chris_what is the difference in the lts releases and like the regular 9.1?05:32
Zelozelosxatcon how does it connect anyhow, usb or serial?05:32
Younderawesome_guest, furthermore they have a limited number of writes05:33
xatconi just want my driver for Hp deskjet D1600 for ubuntu only05:33
xatconby usb05:33
igoryonyaawesome_guest: does SSD has a shorter lifespan, then HDD? I thought that it was the other way, since SSD doesn't use any mechanics...05:33
Younderawesome_guest, I'd wait a while..05:33
Mrpeepers310Question: whenever i restart firefox or it tries to open a new window I loose all the icons i put on the window myself, is this a bug that has a work around?05:33
wyclif_awesome_guest: I've seen Ubuntu run on an SSD, and it's pretty snappy. I've no idea about lifespan besides knowing it's less. But the upside is that if you carry a laptop around a lot it's MUCH sturdier with an SSD05:33
Zelozelosxatcon u shouldnt need 2 install any drivers, it should work asoon as u connect it, (as far as i know anyway)05:33
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isolat3dsh33pigoryonya, SSD have shorter life span... :)05:34
awesome_guestwyclif_: that is true, and I do have a laptop05:34
igoryonyaisolat3dsh33p: shucks, and I was thinking about replacing some of the disks that I had with SSD, now I am having second thoughts.05:35
awesome_guestYounder: I've read those articles as well, and intel seems to be rather committed to giving these things a decent lifespan05:35
=== bobbywilson0_ is now known as bobbywilson0
Zelozelosonly suggestion i have for you xatcon is to unplug it from the usb, restart you puter, wait for it to totally boot up, then plug it in and try and print something05:35
sinistradxatcon, http://www.openprinting.org/printer/HP/HP-DeskJet_1600C05:35
awesome_guestYounder: they claim 10 years, conservatively, and actually have a 3 year warrantly05:35
xatconya but not workin    i had used driver for 1500 but usless05:35
isolat3dsh33pigoryonya, too bad. :)05:35
wyclif_awesome_guest: although the number that really counts is how many big writes to the disk there have been05:36
Zelozelosxatcon oh and if u can, connect it to a diff usb port05:36
Younderawesome_guest, take that with a grain of salt.05:36
kbrosnanMrpeepers310: icons? do you mean you re-aranged the toolbars?05:36
awesome_guestwyclif_: yep, which is why I've gotta go hunting through this operating system looking for all that crappy code05:36
awesome_guestcould you point me to some utilities that track writes to the hard drive?05:37
Younderawesome_guest, No such system has worked for 10 years yet05:37
GiacomoCarissimii think im having some hard drive problems05:37
igoryonyadid anybody here had an SSD disk die on you?05:37
awesome_guestYounder: that's true.  However, I am giving this thing a try since I'd rather work to get a good experience as soon as possible05:37
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Mrpeepers310kbrosnan: yes05:38
awesome_guestalso: any typography people in here?  I'd like to hear your thoughts, and how you improved the default typeface05:38
Younderawesome_guest, good luck05:38
GiacomoCarissimii was dual booting xp and 9.10, and i had xp crash on me while playing a game, so i restarted and it gives me a message that there is no bootable sector on the internal disk.  so i used the live cd (now) and when i go to gparted it shows my internal as "unallocated"05:38
kbrosnanMrpeepers310: close firefox, delete localstore.rdf in ~/.mozilla/firefox/...05:38
CrOnOshi i need some help mounting raid can any one help me_05:39
Zelozelosis there a way to make Empathy stop showing join/part messages?05:39
Mrpeepers310ok sounds good05:39
GiacomoCarissimidoes anyone know of a way i can recover my internal drive after this crash?05:39
igoryonyaso, with SSD disk, you have to be doing live backups constantly, nonstop.05:39
h00kigoryonya: ...no05:39
Mrpeepers310kbrosnan: thank you05:40
igoryonyagiacomocarissimi, is the drive visible by the system or it's inaccessable?05:40
awesome_guestigoryonya: not really, ssds tend not to fail suddenly as disk drives do, which is a plus with a laptop05:40
GiacomoCarissimii can't see it's contents05:40
Younderawesome_guest, be warened! being the first you carrey the brunt on price and will get bugs05:41
GiacomoCarissimiit shows my external but not my internal partitions05:41
awesome_guestigoryonya: you get a warning when your ssd will get old (about 6 months before anything bad even happens)05:41
wyclif_awesome_guest: I would think it would be something that breaks down the contents of /proc/stat for you05:41
igoryonyagiacomocarissimi, I can only suggest some windows utilities, I don't know of any such linux utilities, do you want?05:41
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: i'll try anything :)05:42
Younderawesome_guest, that said. You are probaly making the best choice05:42
GiacomoCarissimiat first i thought it might be something with grub, but i kinda doubt that if i can't see anything on the disk from the live cd05:42
Younderawesome_guest, In the long run05:42
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igoryonyaawesome_guest, oh, that's good, because, I thought opposite, that it fails suddenly, because I've had, in my experience 2 flash sticks fail on me suddenly, which, as far as I understand use the same memory type as SSDs.05:43
awesome_guestigoryonya: yeah, intel's betting part of its future on these things05:44
awesome_guestwyclif_: thanks05:45
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: There is a really good tool, called SpinRite 6, but it's not a file recovery tool, but an inaccessable disk repair tool, I repaired many disks with it, but as far as file recovery goes, I just thought, what file system do you need to recover from?05:46
crucialhoaxawesome_guest: Isnt OCZ pretty popular?05:46
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: just ntfs and ext305:46
igoryonyaawesome_guest: by these things, do you mean memory chips?05:46
shazbotmcnastyHow can I make my audio input, come out my audio output???05:46
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shazbotmcnastyweird question, but I would love it to be answered.05:46
crucialhoaxshazbotmcnasty: on a laptop that would be cool lol, it would be like 3:1 sound haha05:47
voss74910.10 Mating Meerkats :)05:47
awesome_guestigoryonya: mlc and slc NAND flash, to be specific05:48
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: the windows tools I will suggest, will probably only recover fat and ntfs systems, although, some of them might work with ext3, I don't know though, just a sec., but I've recovered many disks with these tools that had ntfs and fat systems, I just didn't have any disk with ext3 to recover yet.05:48
shazbotmcnastycrucialhoax, that's not what I mean05:48
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel05:48
shazbotmcnastyI have my xbox hooked up to the audio input05:48
shazbotmcnastyand I just want it to play from my speakers05:48
awesome_guestcrucialhoax: yeah, but I wanted trim support out of the box05:48
crucialhoaxawesome_guest: I was just asking if it was a popular manufacture.05:49
awesome_guestcrucialhoax: yes it is.  I just went on newegg and looked at all the stuff with over 100 reviews05:50
shazbotmcnastylol retard question here05:51
shazbotmcnastywith three audio jacks05:51
shazbotmcnastygreen blue and pink05:51
shazbotmcnastyblue is audio in right?05:51
shazbotmcnastypink is mic05:51
shazbotmcnastywhich is also audio in...05:51
FloodBot3shazbotmcnasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:51
crucialhoaxgreen is output, pink is mic, idk what blue is05:52
igoryonyagiacomocarissimi, StellarPhoenix; R-Studio; GetDataBack (gda) [there are 2 versions - fat and ntfs]; Recover My Files <- all these are able to recover even from deleted partitions05:52
Youndercrucialhoax, what are you on?05:52
GiacomoCarissimithanks for the help igoryonya i'll look05:52
Random832crucialhoax: line out? (if green is headphone out, or vice versa)05:52
abhilashHi guys, I'm new to linux. Could anyone tell me how I can set up my ubuntu box so that I don't have to authorize it every time I install a .deb?05:52
igoryonyaeasyrecovery is good (it's easy), but nut as good as the ones I've gave earlier.05:52
Random832difference is that headphone out is amplified05:52
h00kabhilash: that's how it works.05:53
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: im not even sure the data is deleted, i doubt it was able to clear my entire hdd in the matter of 2 seconds the crash happened05:53
Younderabhilash, no05:53
abhilashI can't change that?05:53
Younderabhilash, no05:53
Youndernor should you05:53
abhilashI had a feeling lol05:53
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: these utilities will recover from deleted, lost partitions or individual files.05:53
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: im trying testdisk and some other linux options initially05:53
abhilashHmm how about signing into empathy automatically on startup?05:53
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: recover4all is a good utility, but it only works on existing partition, It cannot recover from lost partitions.05:54
h00kabhilash: you can add it to your 'startup applications' in System -> Administration05:54
abhilashoh thanks05:55
GiacomoCarissimihmm, maybe the partition table is just messed up05:55
h00kcrucialhoax: try to ask it all on one line, it would be easier for someone to follow05:55
abhilashi found it under preferences05:55
h00kabhilash: er, yeah. :)05:55
crucialhoaxh00k: huh?05:55
GiacomoCarissimibut i'm not sure which partition table type i would have05:55
GiacomoCarissimiintel/pc im guessing v0v05:56
h00kcrucialhoax: er, ignore that, sorry.05:56
abhilashWhat do I put in the command section for adding a startup item05:56
h00kabhilash: 'empathy'05:56
abhilashoh lol that's simple05:56
abhilashcomment can be empty?05:56
h00kabhilash: yes05:56
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: there is also good one Restorer2000 (r2k), but I don't remember if it can recover from lost partitions or only from existing; to come back to easyrecovery, it's good and it can also recover from lost/deleted partitions or existing, but as far as I remember It couldn't recover files that were NTFS compressed or NTFS encrypted, other tools I'05:57
h00k!recovery | GiacomoCarissimi05:57
ubottuGiacomoCarissimi: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"05:57
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: 've suggested can recover encrypted or compressed, did myself.05:57
h00k!recover | GiacomoCarissimi05:57
ubottuGiacomoCarissimi: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel05:57
skydromecan you paste into a virtualbox vm from outside?05:57
abhilashsweet, I've used ubuntu before but I didn't bother to update to karmic until now (several months later) but there are just a few things keeping me from using it regularly05:57
GiacomoCarissimih00k: i was reading through that ubuntu wiki page05:57
h00kGiacomoCarissimi: gotcha, okay.05:58
Random832skydrome: if you install guest addons05:58
Wolfman2000Evening/morning. According to the manpages for gzip, running gzip to compress a file replaces the file to compress with its compressed version. Is there a way to leave the original file intact without having to copy the original elsewhere first?05:58
GiacomoCarissimibut h00k i was giving testdisk a try and i don't know what partition table type ubuntu would be using.  its a regular dell laptop, so would it be intel/pc?05:58
john--__is anyone accessing an ubuntu desktop using a thin client? if so, what is your setup?05:58
lucretiaXis anyone else running chrome with ubuntu?05:58
crucialhoaxlucretiaX: I am.05:59
lucretiaXim running into issues with is not recongizing .swf files05:59
igoryonyaso, what about the 5.1 and more channel audio support, does only alsa support it. and pulse, oss, openal, etc. don't?05:59
lucretiaXeverything should be working but its not happy05:59
skydromeRandom832, can you do that from a shell?05:59
crucialhoaxI have no idea lol05:59
chopes_anyone here?06:00
Wolfman2000chopes_: I am, but I'm hoping to get a question answered myself06:00
Random832skydrome: huh?06:00
Random832you mean your guest os has no GUI? why aren't you just sshing into it then?06:01
skydromedo i need a dekstop to install it?06:01
skydromewhats the ip it uses?06:01
awesome_guesthey, how do I turn (completely disable) hibernation?06:01
BANSHE3Is there a installer kinda package like an equivilent of iexpress on ubuntu 9.1006:01
Random832skydrome: back up, what are you trying to do?06:01
GiacomoCarissimiah h00k igoryonya testdisk is showing me my partitions, do you think i should just have it write the structure?06:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:01
Random832i don't know - you might have to do port forwarding06:01
chopes_Well, I sorta have a simple question I think having to deal with the xorg.conf file. I have a dual display setup here and they are both the same monitor. Both are 1650x1080 resolution and I set it up so that they are side by side and the mirror option is not checked but for some reason, i cant do anything on the right screen lol06:01
skydromeRandom832, paste from outside vm into it (debian bare)06:02
Random832i don't think there's a way to do that06:02
Random832normally you'd set it up so you can ssh into the vm, so you don't have to use the vm console06:02
skydromeok will look into that06:02
awesome_guesthow do I disable journaling in ext3?06:02
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: there is Acronis Recovery Expert, I know that acronis is really good disk utility company. their HDD imaging software is better then norton ghost, and Disk Director Suite is better and more stable, then Partition Magic, but I didn't test their recovery expert, so I cannot say, how good it is yet, but I am thinking, that if their other disk utilities are superior, why this...06:03
igoryonya...utility would not be.06:03
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: well what im thinking is the partition table just got screwed, so if there's an easy way of fixing that up and having everything working, i could just get it to re-write the partition table structure06:04
GiacomoCarissimivia testdisk atm06:04
greezmunkey_heh, haven't fired up this virt mach in a while06:04
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: I didn't use testdisk, so I don't know, but if it was me, I wouldn't risk it until I imaged this disk with some disk imaging utility to an other disk first. I don't know how safe it is to suggest anything.06:04
greezmunkey_still works06:05
igoryonyais testdisk a linux tool?06:05
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: yeah06:05
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: this seems like a good idea, the worst that could happen is i'll have to spend the next 3-4 hours getting everything set back up.  i have most of my important data saved on my external anyway06:06
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: maybe, you can do it, but as I said, since I'ven't tested this util before, I am afraid to suggest anything about it.06:06
GiacomoCarissimiigoryonya: no worries06:06
GiacomoCarissimii wrote the partition table, now just have to reboot to see if it worked.  i'll  be back to let ya know.06:07
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: yes, I would like to know06:07
Jon-Why does the font look so unbelievably sexy in Ubuntu?06:07
igoryonyaGiacomoCarissimi: so I know for the future.06:07
GiacomoCarissimialright brb06:07
shazbotmcnastyhow would I find out what device my line-in port is? I mean like /dev/<line-in>06:07
shazbotmcnastyI did "cat /proc/asound/devices" but it didn't seem to give me any useful info I don't even know if it should have: http://pastebin.org/15064606:08
crucialhoaxshazbotmcnasty: as in your mic right?06:08
shazbotmcnastyno the other one06:08
Random832shazbotmcnasty: ls /dev/snd/pcmC?D?c06:08
shazbotmcnastyblue is line in06:08
crucialhoaxsorry. my brain is stuck on laptop mehh.06:08
Random832then cat one of them and see what happens if you tap on the mic06:08
shazbotmcnastyRandom832, okay that gave me: "/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c  /dev/snd/pcmC0D2c"06:09
Random832(wait maybe you can't directly cat alsa ports)06:09
Random832but you'll notice that tere was an "0" and a "2" in the output from proc06:09
crucialhoaxshazbotmcnasty: line 7 and 9 are capture.06:09
shazbotmcnastyRandom832, yep those were both there is proc06:10
silv3r_m00nme using 64bit ubuntu , I want to run a 32bit app06:10
silv3r_m00nhow ?06:10
igoryonyais 5.1 and more channel audio support, works only in alsa? ...and pulse, oss, openal, etc. only use 2 channels?06:10
silv3r_m00nwhen installing from deb file it says wrong architechture06:10
shazbotmcnastyRandom832, cat: /dev/snd/pcmC0D2c: File descriptor in bad state06:10
Random832yeah, you can't cat alsa - i was remembering from the oss days06:11
hanasakianyone get clamfs to send email?  my mail server says it never got an incoming connection06:11
Random832but anyway it'll e one of those two - "c" means capture06:11
shazbotmcnastyRandom832, okay, but now I need the dev name of the output too06:12
shazbotmcnastyoh i found it i think06:13
shazbotmcnastythanks :D06:13
giacomo_cigoryonya: well, it worked06:13
Random832shazbotmcnasty: that one will end in "p"06:13
Random832for playback06:13
Random832there's a method to the madness06:14
crucialhoaxgahh my math teacher always says that lol06:14
crucialhoax ot my bad06:14
giacomo_cigoryonya: but it seems grub wasn't recovered, so i guess i'll need to go about reinstalling that so i can actually get back to my 9.10 partition.  it had my ntfs (xp) partition set as the primary boot partition and my two linux partitions as just primary partitions06:14
ZykoticK9silv3r_m00n, to force a 32bit DEB install use "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture $DEB"06:14
igoryonyagiacomo_c: cool, now I will know a linux utility06:14
giacomo_cigoryonya: yeah, testdisk was a pretty simple program with menus (via terminal ofcourse)06:15
bearcamei've got error : http://pastebin.com/wctp4NyK,  when i install postfix what must i do, help me plzzz06:16
igoryonyagiacomo_c: well, the boot sector was probably refreshed, that's why grub doesn't work anymore, I think, you can rewrite itself on the boot sector without reinstalling it, but I don't know how.06:16
igoryonyagiacomo_c: the main thing is that the partitions are readable.06:17
cpyargerwhats the best way to rebuild ubuntu from the source for a specific custom server for a newly opened hardware?06:17
suboneTrying to do my part to help others.... Should I add anything to this article about setting up Ubuntu on my machine? http://subone.org/blog/2010/04/ubuntu-910-installation/06:17
shazbotmcnastyRandom832, do you know how I would go about listening to one of the input devices?06:18
shazbotmcnastysince I can't 'cat' them...06:18
cpyargerand where can i get the ubuntu ,id source?06:19
Random832shazbotmcnasty: i dunno06:20
ruby_on_tailshow can I save a command ofr my terminal that I have to type everyday ? like mysql -uuser -p ?06:20
Random832you could always cheat and use /dev/dsp emulation06:20
Random832but i mean - there are libraries and APIs for this stuff06:20
igoryonyasome mail, that I recieve I want to supply as data to a different program, a database for example, the rest of it should go to the mail client, is there a local pop3 mail client that I can supply some filters, and according to some filters it will pass messages to certain programs, other messages, that are not filtered, it will store and my mail program (seamonkey mail) will download from it?06:21
=== Random832 is now known as rZndom832
crucialhoaxsubone: on the update part, add the apt-get upgrade to it as well06:21
crucialhoaxsubone: and in the `other` section make the sudo apt-get install <put all packages on 1 line.> just a suggestion. saves time anyways.06:24
ActionParsnipYo yo yo06:25
subonecrucialhoax, even though i never ran the command?06:25
crucialhoaxsubone: huh?06:25
masiwanada yang tahu bagaimana membuat tampilan seperti vista pada ubuntu tidak?06:25
subonecrucialhoax, i mean 9.10 is latest, why would i upgrade06:25
MrKeunerhello, I am considering getting this hardware, do you think there might be any problems using it with GNU/Linux? http://shop.lenovo.com/ISS_Static/WW/AG/merchandising/US/PDFs/qseries_techspecs_080409.pdf06:25
ActionParsnip!hcl | mrkeuner06:26
ubottumrkeuner: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:26
crucialhoaxsubone: sudo apt-get upgrade downloads and installs the updates from CLI, it does not do a dist upgrade06:26
masiwaniki install apa mas06:26
ayam_jagomasiwan : #ubuntu-id06:27
igoryonyaI need some local incoming intermidiate mail server, where I can configure filters that, depending on the filter, will pass the incoming message to an associated program or script, other, unfiltered messages will be stored on this server until downloaded by a mail client, that will download all the messages from this server.06:27
xorwhyIn sound preferences I am unable to select my microphone jack as my input device, it only allows me to use the digital mic source, which is a microphone in my laptop's lcd06:28
subonecrucialhoax, i thought it did06:29
crucialhoaxnope lol06:29
xorwhyWhy do I not have microphone jack input as an available capture device?06:29
ActionParsnipIgoryonya: sounds like you need to setup a generic email server then add the extra functionality afterwards06:30
subonecrucialhoax, or rather i should say i just forgot... i didnt run the command because i did it last time around and it stopped halfway through because the gnome update manager opened and wanted to do the updates06:30
subonei guess i should have described that06:30
xorwhySince the new Ubuntu the volume control GUI has become limited, likely for user friendliness, but I need those obscure functions06:31
crucialhoaxsubone: In that case, do not run that command, just go into the update manager and use the check button lol06:32
ActionParsnipXorwhy: there may be an extra mixer you can install. Try reviewing: apt-cache search mixer | less06:32
igoryonyaActionParsnip: How do I add a functionality to it, is it a plugin based or is it flexably configurable like apache webserver? and which generic email server are you talking about? do you mean, like the servers that they use in ISPs and WebHosts?06:33
subonecrucialhoax, ive updated it to be more explicit06:33
xorwhyActionParsnip: Thanks that's a great idea06:34
bearcamemasiwan : ngomong apa iki06:34
crucialhoaxsubone: there is is lol06:34
crucialhoaxlooks nice06:34
ActionParsnipIgoryonya: depends on the mailserver, most allow filtering/intelligence of some kind but its not something I've done. The crux is getting the service up and running though so try find a mail service giving what you need or the possibility of expandability06:34
silv3r_m00nhi there06:35
silv3r_m00nI have 2 debs and each depends on the other , and won't install .....how to install them ?06:35
ActionParsnipIgoryonya: sounds like some simple filter rules to me but I'm not sure of being able to run scripts based on content of individual mails as I've not done it before06:35
cpyargerdoes anyone know how to recompile ubuntu for a custom kernel for an arm based device?06:36
cpyarger*on a custom kernel06:36
ActionParsnipSilv3r_m00n: sudo dpkg -i file1.deb file2.deb06:36
cpyargerand where to find the ubuntu mid src06:36
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: ok , done06:36
ActionParsnip!kernel | cpyarger06:36
ubottucpyarger: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages06:36
subonecrucialhoax, i plan to write another one shortly on how i have my remote control setup on my phone06:37
threexkhello.  Is NX the fastest remote desktop protocol for using X?06:37
cpyargernot quite what im looking for06:37
pk__subone : which phone?06:37
crucialhoaxsubone: Thats right, you have that wicked control for yours lol06:37
subonepk__, Motorola Cliq, but it will work on pretty much any phone06:38
subonejust a web interface06:38
crucialhoaxso I would use IE on my blackjack?06:38
igoryonyaActionParsnip: so, you are saying that regular mail servers are flexible, like apache webserver and I don't need to look for some special mailserver, but can configure a regular mailserver to do this task?06:39
JustEricAnyone know how to get an Intel WiFi 5100AGN To work w/ Ubuntu?06:39
suboneso i can run scripts on my computer from my phone.... for example, search all the movies on my computer and play one from across the room.06:39
crucialhoaxJustEric: Thats the card I am using.06:39
hasibullahhow to work with dialup modem i can't use dialup connection please guide me06:39
cpyargerActionParsnip, im looking to build ubuntu for this kernel that i already have06:39
JustEricDoes it work for you?06:40
knoppiessubone, that sounds awesome. What kind of phone?06:40
ActionParsnip!dialup | hasibullah06:40
ubottuhasibullah: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up06:40
crucialhoaxJustEric: Yes, but it took some tweaking.06:40
cpyargerActionParsnip, specifically the MID version if i can get the src code06:40
pk__subone ..what are you designing your remote control for?06:40
knoppiessubone, nvm, ignore my question. I read back a little.06:41
cpyargeranyone know where to get the ubuntu mid src code06:42
igoryonyathreexk, as far as I know, because, If I am not mistaken, it doesn't transfer the picture, but the window description and a local window manager draws the windows from the description, which saves a lot of traffic, because text description is transferred, instead of image screenshots. I might be mistaking.06:42
subonepk__, just to remote control my computer like a media center i guess06:42
sham_hello guys, i want to setup my own local repository, can anyone help?06:42
pk__subone : good06:43
circuitmani've installed drivel and have problems logging in to the blogger account06:43
pk__my college purchased a server costing $2000 bhut the software costed around $3000  they dint purchase software ..and took only hardware :(06:43
cpyargersham_, http://odzangba.wordpress.com/2006/10/13/how-to-build-local-apt-repositories/06:44
MoheroPlease use the format !ping {location} {# of pings (default of 5, 20 max)}06:44
circuitmanhelp me guys06:44
=== skbohra is now known as skbohras
FlannelMohero: Please turn that off06:44
voss749pk, what was the software?06:45
sham_please, suggest me any channel name which can help me to setup local repository06:45
circuitmani'm having problem logging in to the blogger account using drivel06:45
pk__dont know it is an hp server06:45
cpyargersham_, whats the problem your having06:46
voss749Pk, they have an HP server they bought but have no software for right?06:46
voss749pk, so they cant install linux or bsd on it?06:46
seandoes anyone in here perhaps use ubuntu lucid???06:46
=== sean is now known as Guest78617
Flannelsean: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid questions, thanks.06:46
pk__this server is given to me ...i have to do something on it06:46
cpyargeris there a room for mid help06:47
pk__can i install linux on it?06:47
sham_cpyarger, i want to setup my own local repositories06:47
voss749Pk, why not?06:47
circuitmanhow safely uninstall a linux distribution06:47
cpyargersham_, did you look at the link i sent06:48
cpyargercircuitman, safely how?06:48
pk__voss749: don't they have some hardware lock such that no other software can be installed06:48
JhongHello I'm trying to get an openswan VPN set up but can't get xl2tpd to work. Can anyone help?06:48
Guest78617does anyone know how I can get some new themes for my linux lucid?06:49
FlannelGuest78617: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid questions, thanks.06:49
threexkigoryonya: thanks06:49
voss749Pk, does the computer belong to you?06:49
circuitmancpyarger:i have ubuntu 9.04 and linux mint -8 kde and i want to uninstall linux mint-8 without affecting the ubuntu06:49
chillindaveAnyone know how to stop all local emails from being sent via exim4?06:49
pk__my department has given it to me..i can do anything06:49
cpyargercircuitman, do you have them on seperate partitions?06:50
voss749Pk, get an ubuntu cd and boot to it, and try an install06:50
circuitmancpyarger:let me show u the partitions06:50
Guest78617thank you flannel06:50
=== aperson is now known as darkhazard
cpyargercircuitman, do you still want the second partition or do you want the second one back as one?06:51
sham_cpyarger, i m looking the site you sent06:51
voss749Pk, whats the hardware specs btw?06:51
circuitmancpyarger:while installing mint i  selected the option install side by side06:51
cpyargerdo you want the harddrive back as one big one06:51
cpyargeror do you want to leave it so you can use it seperetly06:52
hasibullahhow to reset windows password with ubuntu my windows is looked please help06:52
circuitmancpyarger:just a minute06:53
crucialhoaxhasibullah: I will give you a link, follow that pages instructions.06:53
cpyargerhasibullah, get a copy of active @ bootdisk06:53
igoryonyais 5.1 and more channel audio support, works only in alsa? ...and pulse, oss, openal, etc. only use 2 channels?06:53
crucialhoaxcpyarger: Or use nt password and registry editor.06:53
JhongAnyone got any experience with xl2tpd on Ubuntu?06:53
circuitmancpyarger:i dont want to disturb the ubuntu06:54
CrOnOs__hi can anyone help me? i need to access a to a raid 0 that was made on windows i dont realy get the mdadm command06:54
cpyargercrucialhoax, ever since i got a copy of active@bootdisk ive found it extreemly helpful when doing windows work06:54
circuitmancpyarger: just uninstall mint06:54
cpyargercircuitman, what do you want to do with the freed up disk space06:54
circuitmancpyarger: presently i'm using ubuntu 9.0406:55
circuitmancpyarger: i want to install another os06:55
crucialhoaxhasibullah: http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/06:55
cpyargercircuitman, sudo apt-get install gparted06:55
cpyargerits a partition editor06:56
circuitmancpyarger:ok,just a minute06:56
cpyargercircuitman, you can delete the old partition and i recommend formating it to ntfs just to make sure you can distinguish the partition when you goto install it06:56
cpyarger*install the new os06:56
cpyargeri have previously split a HDD in half and accidently installed over the OS partition instead of the ext3 one06:57
cpyargerwitch was empty06:58
magopianhi there guys06:58
circuitmancpyarger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414108/06:58
circuitmancpyarger:getting error while installing gparted   http://paste.ubuntu.com/414108/06:58
magopianis this the right place to ask for troubleshooting on ubuntu lucid 64? since this morning i can't log in anymore (i have gdm, i enter my username/pass, and it is as if it was going to log me in, but suddenly it takes me back to gdm)06:58
magopianand username/pass are correct, i can connect in a tty06:58
cpyargercircuitman, do you have any other programs running using apt?06:58
crucialhoax!lucid | magic_ninja06:59
ubottumagic_ninja: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:59
cpyargersuch as synaptic, gdebi06:59
crucialhoax!lucid | magopian06:59
ubottumagopian: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:59
magopianthanks crucialhoax ;)06:59
cpyargeraptitude or apt06:59
crucialhoaxWell guys I am out. Night all.07:00
circuitmancpyarger:presently i'm running two browsers and an irc chat client07:00
JustEricDoes anyone know how to fix a wireless problem? Card: Intel WiFi 5100AGN... It doesn't seem to recognize it.07:01
circuitmancpyarger:r u there07:02
=== skbohras is now known as skbohra
cpyargercircuitman, one moment07:02
rebel_kidim not sure how/who did it but the application menu in my task bar (im running the netbook edition) isnt there but if i close all the windows it comes up, where is the setting to turn that back on?07:03
m0ar_I want to try the space-sunrise plymouth splash, but how do I set the .ogv as a splash?  Help appreciated07:04
xorwhyIs there a way to have pulseaudio send its out to the jack sound server?07:04
wolterto run php webpages locally, I just need to install php right?07:04
wolteror do I need apache?07:04
=== m0ar_ is now known as m0ar
rebel_kidwolter, both07:04
chittiM0ar better to use realtek07:04
chittiM0ar better to use realtek07:04
RandyOrthey I'm just curious but does anyone know when 10.04 is officially out if there will be an installer for Windows x64 that will download the x64 distro?07:04
m0architti: What?07:04
rebel_kidwolter, apache is the web server, php is the language07:04
hasibullahwhat download manager should i install for my ubuntu07:04
m0architti: Do you mind explaining?`:)07:05
chittino problem07:05
cpyargercircuitman, i have sent you a pm07:05
chittiar eu getting sound07:05
m0architti: You are definately talking to the wrong person07:06
wolterhow can I make apache2 not start on boot.. thats so unnecessary in my case07:06
chittii'm sorry dude07:06
digiforCan I use unetbootin to convert a cd to usb? (Not .iso file actual cd)07:06
chittidigifor there is preloaded version in ubuntu itself07:07
hasibullahwhat is the best download manager for my ubuntu07:07
chittidigifor lokk at admin07:07
mawstAnyone know what provides the usbserial module?07:08
chittiin the panel07:08
chittiusb serial module means07:08
xorwhyi have a bluetooth microphone that works fine, but i want it to output the sound to my speakers in realtime07:08
digiforthanks chitti07:08
cpyargerdoes anyone know where i can find the ubuntu mid source?07:08
ActionParsnip!find usbserial07:08
xorwhyit works fine in programs, like audacity, sound recorder07:08
ubottuFile usbserial found in linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic, linux-image-2.6.31-14-server, linux-image-2.6.31-15-generic, linux-image-2.6.31-15-server, linux-image-2.6.31-16-generic (and 11 others)07:08
xorwhybut i can't figure out how to make it output to the speakers07:08
chittispeakers must have a bluetooth07:08
xorwhychitti, i can't make any sense out of that07:09
ActionParsnipChitti: seems its in the kernel modules by standard. Does: sudo modprobe usbserial ,give an output?07:09
chittihmmmm i dont think so07:09
Out_Coldwow.. never knew xbox360 was so freakin picky about upnp servers07:10
ActionParsnipChitti: if you get no output then it is loaded. In Linux "no news is good news"07:10
Out_ColdActionParsnip, should I stop telling people that "good news is dead news"?07:11
ActionParsnipOut_cold: same difference?07:11
slyrus_evening folks. anyone have a good source for instructions on getting hdmi audio from an h55 mobo? I'm still flailing after a couple of days...07:12
Out_Cold:p anyone here know of a ubuntu xbox 360 media server?07:12
ActionParsnipOut_cold: xbmc07:14
chittiis it possible installing yahoo messanger in ubunut07:16
ActionParsnipChitti: sure, they have a client on their site, there is also gyache and pidgin07:16
chittiya they are already in my pc07:16
chittii just need a messange only for yahoo07:17
ActionParsnipChitti: head to yahoo's page and there is a linux client afair07:17
rebel_kidthe netbook-launcher icon on my panel was accidentally removed, how can i get it back07:19
rebel_kidnvm, the darn window applet was in the way of adding the icon back :P07:20
ActionParsnipRebel_kid: right click panel -> add item07:20
DarthPuffwhat is the name of that tool to send info to pastebin or something like it?07:21
ActionParsnipDarthpuff: pastebinit07:22
hasibullahdownload manager for ubuntu to speed up my downloads please my net is slow07:22
sandipi want c code for disassemble program  or to print the instruction07:22
DarthPuffActionParsnip: there is another one called wgetpaste :).07:22
ActionParsnipHasibullah: if you connection is slow it will be slow. You can't get a faster than you link will allow07:23
DarthPuffActionParsnip: the guys over at arch rememberd :D07:23
DarthPuffActionParsnip: remembered....07:23
ActionParsnip!info wgetpaste07:23
ubottuPackage wgetpaste does not exist in karmic07:23
DarthPuffi know, i'm in arch07:23
ActionParsnipDarthpuff: its not on the repo07:23
DarthPuffbut you guys are just so helpful ;)07:23
ActionParsnipDarthpuff: arch isn't supported here07:23
DarthPuffbut you guys will still know the answer to generic questions07:23
ActionParsnipDarthpuff: true but using help from one distro to another may brak things07:24
ActionParsnipWhich is one reason we don't support non-canonical releases07:24
DarthPuffActionParsnip: i understand :)07:25
sandipalso  give me  some releted  c code and information07:25
Optimus55hey is there a channel on freenode for ubuntu devs?07:33
ardchoilleOptimus55: #ubuntu-devel07:34
ardchoilleOptimus55: there is also #ubuntu-motu07:35
Optimus55what's the difference between the two?07:35
ardchoilleOptimus55: the #ubuntu-motu channel is for the universe packagers, iirc07:36
ardchoillemotu = master of the universe07:36
Optimus55ahhh okay makes sense07:36
Optimus55i want to get developing on some specific stuff in ubuntu, i suppose ubuntu-devel is a good place to start then07:37
ardchoilleyeah, I think so07:37
maltheguys; what could be the problem if during boot, pressing F6 does nothing? its all wired.07:40
xorwhymalthe: does your keyboard have an "office lock" function? I have a keyboard that, if office lock is enabled, all the fx keys do something different07:41
maltheoffice lock, i think not, its just a laptop.07:41
malthei've tried with "fn" key, but that actually does what its supposed to, e.g.activate special functions.07:42
freevryheidhow do I get a list of servers on my local network i.e. 192.168.*07:45
sham_can anyone help me for setting up my own local repository for my clients on my harddisk07:46
jaywongis there a guide that teaches me on how to install drivers for my ubuntu?  i want to install 3d drivers for my Intel 855GME, but I have no idea what to do with the files that I downloaded07:47
bugalooguys... a stupid question: is there a way to disable those tips (yellow tips) when you put mouse on something like windows buttons or menu entries?07:47
Vigojaywong: ATI binary?07:48
jaywongATI?  it's a intel card though.... i downloaded this http://downloadcenter.intel.com/detail_desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProductID=922&DwnldID=8203&strOSs=39&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng07:48
bugaloohi there! is there a way to disable those tips (yellow tips) when you put mouse on something like windows buttons or menu entries?07:49
Vigojaywong: Here is the How To:>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI07:49
jaywongthank you very much Vigo :-D07:49
Vigojaywong: From that page you can search deeper, but I think that is the one that explains it well.07:50
Vigojaywong: You are quite welcome.07:50
chdhow do I run traceroute in ubuntu?07:51
blinkizHi. I use intel graphics drivers built into ubuntu 9.10. I would like to have the external screen as primary and my laptop screen as secondary. I do not seem to be able to do this. As soon as a activate my laptop screen, it becomes primary. Only way (as I see it) is to disable laptop screen to be able to have primary on the external one. Anyone know how I can fix this?07:51
mawstchd: System>>Administration>>Network Tools07:51
mawstbugaloo: Have a look on google for "ubuntu disable tooltips"07:51
sham_chd: go to shell and type traceroute hostaddress07:52
wswhy can i not find nessus in the cache database for available packages?07:52
mawstThere's a setting in gconf iirc (if you're talking about gnome) bugaloo.07:52
wswhere can i find a package for Nessus?07:52
chdsham_, command not found07:53
bugaloomawst, it's gnome, yes... I'll take a look, thanks07:53
Vigows: CLI?07:53
bugaloomawst, using ubuntu in portuguese, I didn't know how ubuntu call it in english ("tooltips"), thanks again :)07:54
blinkizIs it possible to have laptop screen as secondary and external as primary? Using Intel graphics card and drivers07:55
wsVigo: cli/gui, anything would do.07:55
wsVigo: i would prefer gui to be honest.07:55
Vigows: Ok, still looking, but here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/nessus-update-plugins-gpl.8.html07:56
=== darkhazard is now known as aperson
cpyargeranyone know how to compile ubuntu MID form source on a  custom kernel?08:00
^b0ss^hey all Question how do you get like the gagets at the bottom...and there the apps and they scroll through08:00
ardchoille^b0ss^: sounds like avant window navigator08:01
ardchoille!info awn08:01
ubottuPackage awn does not exist in karmic08:01
wsVigo: thankyou for your help08:01
ardchoille!info avant-window-navigator08:01
ubottuavant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 104 kB, installed size 328 kB08:01
wsVigo: there is a man page for nessus as well, so weird i cannot find the package for it.08:01
Vigows: You are very welcome, look around on that page a bit, it does explain it in detail,,,,08:02
DarthPuffhey guys, have you ever heard of a wireless card being able to see wireless networks but not connect?08:02
TyanColtei'm needing me a wubi expert08:02
ardchoille^b0ss^: do you mean like at the bottom of this screenshot? http://picasaweb.google.com/ardchoille42/Screenshots#536886130639798017808:02
TyanColteanybody well versed in wubi installations of ubuntu?08:03
^b0ss^ardchoille, yes m808:03
BANSHE3Is there a better terminal I can get or am I stuck with the default ubuntu one?08:03
wsVigo: openvas-client seems to provide nessus.08:04
ardchoille^b0ss^: That's avant-window-navigator08:04
ws(using kramic repositories)08:04
^b0ss^and also i need to install a graphics driver ati 850x ardchoille tanks08:04
TyanColteoh wai, you weren't talking to me08:04
riversideHi,is there any kind of video chat software on ubuntu?08:04
ardchoille!ati | ^b0ss^08:04
ubottu^b0ss^: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:04
macoriverside: sure you can use empathy (included) or pidgin or even install skype08:05
Vigows: That may be where the Man pages are, cvs them or wget them. I am still looking for that, as you can see that is not very supported on Ubuntu.08:05
macoriverside: empathy and pidgin work with jabber (example: google talk) accounts for video chat08:05
^b0ss^ubottu, thanks08:05
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:05
riversideyeah, I have pidgin, but how can make it work?08:05
TyanColtei have a dual boot win7 ubuntu wubi installation, and i have one question, is there any way when you reboot ubuntu you can skip the bootloader and have it default to ubuntu instead of win7 or am i going to have to sit and wait and choose every time08:06
macoriverside: but im heading to bed so if you have ?s about those dont wait on me to answer08:06
DarthPuffubottu, i love you08:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:06
wsVigo: http://downloads.nessus.org/nessus3dl.php?file=Nessus-4.0.2-ubuntu810_i386.deb&licence_accept=yes&t=a78325f6663917ce368c8e8b853c22ce08:06
TyanColtei still want win7 to be my default OS it's just when i reboot while in ubuntu i want it to automatically restart with ubuntu instead of defaulting to win708:06
zhaothe 1st time i use irc08:07
sham_chd: first install traceroute on your system08:07
Vigows: Sweet, are you on 8.10?08:07
Miloshanyone here??08:07
TyanColteam i able to be seen on here, i'm using an evaulation copy of mIRC and I don't know how restricted i am08:08
VigoTyanColte: Yes, you are here.08:08
TyanColteok good08:08
Miloshis there someone who can maybe help me with a problem?08:08
Miloshi'm totally new to ubuntu :\08:09
raonidMilosh: just put your question here08:09
TyanColtei'm not new to linux i just have a question, i can't find it on google :P08:09
^b0ss^at the moment when i look up the graphics card there is nothing08:09
TyanColteanybody here better than google?08:10
Miloshwell, i think my audio card is the problem, my entire system freezes when i try to run java or flash apps08:10
VigoTyanColte: That is an odd thing, you are using WUBI?08:10
Milosh...with sound08:10
^b0ss^it says no drivers used on this sytem08:10
TyanColtei love my dual boot, i just want to be able to have it automate the reboot process when i have to reboot ubuntu, i can already do this in windows using iReboot08:11
TyanColteand i can actually reboot into ubuntu from windows using ireboot08:11
VigoTyanColte: Did you set the boot option?08:12
raonidMilosh: if the video or app has no sound, there's no problem?08:12
TyanColteset the boot option to do what?08:12
VigoTyanColte: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi08:12
Miloshnone raonid08:12
TyanColtethat's not going to help me Vigo08:12
TyanColtethe dual boot works perfectly08:13
TyanColtethere is nothing wrong with my installation08:13
TyanColtei'm a certified computer technician for crying out loud, i'm just wondering if this feature exists08:13
raonidMilosh: that's really weird08:13
Miloshi know man. you see, i think i messed up the drivers or something..08:14
raonidMilosh: sorry, I have no idea how to help08:14
Milosh i tried to install them myself, and just kinda.. installed everything i thought was relevant08:14
raonidMilosh: hmmm08:14
Miloshno sweat raonid, thanks anyway08:14
raonidMilosh: you tried to install what driver?08:14
Miloshoh, an audio driver08:14
=== Jacques_ is now known as Guest75802
TyanColtevigo: i'm pming you08:15
Miloshfor my sound card bcuz onboard sound wasn't working08:15
andrukanybody know the status of nmcli in ubuntu?08:15
ddrjany ideas ^ ? (xbmc guys don't know)08:15
TyanColteVigo: you still there?08:16
Miloshi guess, for now, i would just like to know some terminal commands08:16
Miloshlike how to see what is installed and such08:16
raonidMilosh: for that I can try to help08:16
Miloshmaybe.. idk, if there's a conflict or something08:16
MiloshCool! thanks08:16
raonidMilosh: you need not use the cli to see the installed packages08:17
raonidMilosh: you can use Synaptic08:17
raonidMilosh: it shows everything installed08:17
Miloshhow do i find the drivers there?08:17
ardchoilleMilosh: yeah, synatpic is way easier, it'll have a green box to the left of all installed packages08:17
Miloshall right, uncomplicated is better08:18
raonidMilosh: can you tell us how did you installed the drivers by yourself?08:19
raonidMilosh: and the model of your sound card?08:19
Miloshwell, it's an esoniq something or other, raonid08:19
Miloshi'm not sure how to tell :\08:20
sham_anyone can help me for local repository?08:20
ardchoillesham_: Explain your issue08:20
raonidMilosh: well, you already started08:21
Miloshas for how i did the drivers, i used so many commands.. I'm not sure which are which anymore08:21
LCID_FireIs there a way to just sync the rights of 2 paths (preferably via ssh)? The files are the same - just the rights (+owner/group) got screwed up08:22
ardchoilleMilosh: you can use the history command in a terminal to see what you've run08:22
Miloshi had tried to solve this through forums too, don't get me wrong08:22
sham_i want to setup my own local repository on my harddisk for ubuntu08:22
raonidMilosh: it's the way to do it08:22
sham_ardchoille :-  i want to setup my own local repository on my harddisk for ubuntu08:23
ardchoillesham_: I'm not sure how to do that, hopefully someone with more experience will answer08:23
Miloshwell raonid, from the history it shows allot of things. I installed gstreamer, pulse audio, i was editing source files of somekind08:24
DarthPuffi can see wireless networks but not connect to them.08:24
LCID_Firesham_: Did you read something like http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-create-your-own-debian-or-ubuntu-package-repository/08:24
raonidMilosh: well, I'm searching the web for something related...08:24
sham_ardchoille:can u suggest me any better channel to search for it08:25
TyanColteanybody know how to get the atlantis compiz plugin as a pre compiled package?08:25
ardchoilleLCID_Fire: nice link, thanks08:25
TyanColtecompiling isn't really my bag08:25
ardchoillesham_: This channel should be the best, just wait for someone to answer08:25
LCID_Fireardchoille: de nada - google is your friend ;)08:25
TyanColteunless you can't find it on google, then what do you do? come here, that's what i'm doing08:26
ardchoillesham_: Also, there's no problem with repeating your question every 15 mins or so08:26
TyanColtei downloaded mIRC just for this specific purpose08:26
LCID_FireTyanColte: what are you searching for?08:26
TyanColte2 things actually08:26
ardchoilleLCID_Fire must have some google foo08:26
TyanColtei've got somebody on the first one08:26
^b0ss^i have the driver its a run file how do i install a run file08:27
TyanColtebut right now i want to know if there is any way to download a precompiled deb package of the atlantis compiz plugin08:27
Miloshi'm wondering though, could it be like.. and audio conflict? if i have too many sound... things(?) trying to use sound?08:27
ardchoille^b0ss^: driver for what? ATI? Have you tried the Hardware Drivers GUI first?08:27
LCID_FireTyanColte: Since compiz frequently fucks up on my machines - I don't know too much about it - aside from - I want to get fucking rid of it08:28
^b0ss^nothing there says no driver08:28
ardchoille!language | LCID_Fire08:28
ubottuLCID_Fire: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:28
TyanColtei can help you get rid of it if you don't want it08:28
^b0ss^its says none used on this system08:28
sandro_ciao a tutte e tutti08:29
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
LCID_FireTyanColte: I would uninstall it - but lucid currently has a screwed up gnome-shell package :(08:29
raonidMilosh: have you seen this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards08:30
TyanColteLCID_Fire: that blows08:30
LCID_FireTyanColte: yeah and I haven't even started with all the bugs I have in lucid ;)08:31
Miloshyeah, i've done that08:31
VotanIS anyone running UNR 9.10 or 10.04 on a Samsung 220 ?08:31
Miloshi used snd-ens1731 or something, and it froze before logging in08:31
toaderHi, Could anybody recommend me GUI-based VPN client? thanks08:31
TyanColteyea, i'm using a wubi installation of ubuntu 9.10 on a toshiba laptop and i've got compiz running like a dream08:31
Miloshuh, is there a way to see what hardware i have installed?08:32
LCID_FireTyanColte: yeah - 9.10 was a lot better08:32
Votantoader use the network-manager plugins ?08:32
=== |doritos| is now known as spicy
TyanColtei want to make mine look like the linux beauty video on youtube08:33
LCID_FireTyanColte: I'm a simple man - I just want it to work ;)08:33
raonidMilosh: lspci is a command line program that tells you what hardware is in your pc box08:34
TyanColtei want mine to work and look pretty :P08:34
* LCID_Fire is sad for TyanColte08:34
* TyanColte wonders why LCID_Fire is sad08:34
LCID_FireTyanColte: you will NEVER get that ;)08:34
^b0ss^help ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run08:34
^b0ss^just want the command to run that .08:35
Miloshoh, okay.. hey raonid, what does 'lspci -v | less' do?08:35
TyanColtewell since i can make mine look pretty i just want it to look as pretty as possible and have it work alsoo08:35
Miloshoh nvm, i tried it08:35
o2oowho knows how to view the "*.jd" document?08:35
raonidMilosh: don't know08:36
GutZuWiSSeNhmm.. i cant browse the network in 10.04 .. are there any known bugs or workarounds?  (error cannot open network:///08:37
navneethHello... could someone confirm if a Erlang (the language) is a pre-installed package in Ubuntu?08:37
TyanColtehow unstable is 10.04 anyway08:37
navneethI'm using 9.10, and I have some updates, but I have no knowledge of installing the package08:38
LCID_FireTyanColte: depends - what do you define by unstable and what packages do you use?08:38
jussi01!lucid | TyanColte08:38
ubottuTyanColte: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:38
almoxarifeGutZuWiSSeN: have samba installed?08:38
Miloshwell thanks anyway raonid for all of your help08:38
raonidMilosh: ok08:38
jussi01!info erlang | navneeth08:38
ubottunavneeth: erlang (source: erlang): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:13.b.1-dfsg-2ubuntu1.1 (karmic), package size 33 kB, installed size 80 kB08:38
navneethThanks, ubottu... I wonder,then, how I have updates now08:39
ojiihi everyone08:39
kwtmHi.  How can I use the command-line to print a PDF file?  Can I do "lpr -P MyPrinter MyFile.pdf"?  Or is that only for PostScript files?08:39
raonidMilosh: anyway you should confirm if snd-ens1731 is the module you need to your sound card08:39
jussi01ubottu is a bot08:39
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.08:39
raonidMilosh: good luck08:39
navneethan informative bot at that08:40
ojiiI try to install ubuntu (10.04 beta 2) on my macbook pro, but after I select "install ubuntu" from the live cd menu all i get is a black screen with a white cursor blinking in the top left corner. What am I doing wrong?08:40
TyanColteoh lol08:40
Flannelojii: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks.08:40
Votanusing a mac!08:40
Votannah j/k08:41
Miloshis ubuntu worth it? i mean, all of this?08:41
Miloshdoes it become second nature over time or something?08:41
alabdGood day all ,  what is equivelant of  adobe dreamweaver in ubuntu08:41
VotanMilosh for me it is worth it as 10.04 beta2 runs better on my netbook then any windows08:41
Votanalabd have u tried NVU ?08:41
lblewhy somebody leave?08:42
Miloshwell thanks votan, i should keep trying it i guess08:42
alabdVotan,   no is it the best one ?08:43
Miloshor is it trying me? idk..08:43
TyanColteanybody know if you can modify a windows 7 bootloader "bcdedit" while in ubuntu?08:44
rangawhat is the web cam suport ubuntu chat service08:44
Miloshwell thanks dudes, u guys rock08:45
Votanalabd well for me it is sufficient in linux08:47
Merlin_does this channel cover ubuntu on the ppc?08:49
theadminMerlin_: Yes08:49
Merlin_ok i have a g4 ilamp and the 10.04 beta flashes between black white and brown at the "Desktop"08:50
theadmin!10.04 | Merlin_08:50
ubottuMerlin_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:50
Merlin_is there a workaround?08:50
=== ironmunk_ is now known as ironmunk
miloshanyone know a good windows password recovery tool?08:51
theadminmilosh: ntpasswd08:51
miloshtheadmin, is that a command?08:52
Kettle_Coookedwhat is the difference between "pico" and "nano" editors?08:52
theadminmilosh: That's some kind of utility08:52
theadminKettle_Coooked: nano is enchanced pico. Pico in Ubuntu launches nano, actually.08:52
hunahpumilosh: trinity-rescue-kit, is a distro designed specifically for your case (recovering/reseting win passwords)08:52
Kettle_Coookedtheadmin: I'm on Mac OS, and when running both I can't really see a difference. Just curious if there is any notable difference08:53
miloshthanks hunahpu, i'll look into them both08:53
theadminKettle_Coooked: No idea how it is on apples.08:53
theadminHm, i wonder what would sudo do if ran as root? :/08:56
st4aluckneed help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934108:56
hunahpuKettle_Coooked: there is not notable difference because they are the same program, MacOSX is a POSIX system too.08:57
st4aluck~$ /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose This CPU has nx in the flags, so the BIOS is not disabling it.08:57
miloshso.. when i have an iso.. what kind of project do i burn it as?08:57
hunahpumilosh: right click the .iso file and then click on "burn to CD"08:57
miloshbut hunahpu, it gives me options like, audio prject, disc copy, etc08:58
hunahpumilosh: alternatively you can create a bootable USB flash memory (pendrive) with it. (system - admin - usb creator)08:58
miloshi have no clue what those even are08:58
theadminmilosh: There should be a "burn image" somewhere08:59
miloshhaha, i wouldn't know where to begin dude08:59
miloshokay burn image got it, thanks08:59
hunahpumilosh: open brasero, it will display 5 big buttons, pick the last one (burn image)08:59
theadminhunahpu: brasero? Who even uses that? It burns nothing at all.09:00
hunahputheadmin: I agree, tell the devs who chose it as default burner :p09:00
miloshwait.. what should i use then, theadmin?09:00
Votani used brasero like 2yrs ago :>09:00
theadminmilosh: You can use gnomebaker09:01
Votananyways, anyone managed to get the display brightness to work on a Samsung N220 ?09:01
hunahpumilosh: brasero should work just fine; burning an iso file is not that hard; I also like gnomebaker more though (it plays a cool sound when it ends!)09:01
miloshokay, but.. is there a really big difference or will i not even notice it, theadmin09:01
Votanfor a simple task like burning an image u will not notice a diference milosh09:02
miloshokay. i had no clue there were differences in cds09:03
Guest32079can i ask support questions for 10.4 here?09:03
miloshwhat would a complicated task be for disc burning then, guys?09:03
hunahpuGuest32079: uhmmm not really, go to #ubuntu+109:03
theadminmilosh: Nothing really, brasero just is quite buggy09:03
miloshdude, my whole effin system is buggy. i'ma go with gnomebaker09:05
miloshno chances09:05
yogesh712harishcan anybody tell me wer i can find out debian packages for Internet download manager09:06
hunahpuyogesh712harish: try gwget09:07
yogesh712harishgwget.....can u tell me sumthing about it09:07
miloshso what are most of you guys like, underground status or something?09:08
miloshor do you just like helpin out newbies for fun?09:08
hunahpuyogesh712harish: sudo apt-get install gwget; if you want debian packages go to http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages09:08
hunahpu!info gwget09:08
ubottugwget (source: gwget2): GNOME front-end for wget. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 223 kB, installed size 1348 kB09:08
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
yogesh712harishoh tnx hunahpu09:08
hunahpumilosh: I personally help people "for fun", is better than just keeping my sit warm while I'm at work :)09:08
ddrjmixing amd cpu + nvidia video card = good or bad idea?09:09
ddrjreading different things09:09
miloshhunahpu: well that's really cool of you man09:09
hunahpuddrj: it's a good idea, they are fully compatible09:09
ddrjty hunahpu, currently i have an ati on board video that's causing me problems with xbmc... looking to replace it09:10
ardchoilleddrj: I have an AMD Sempron cpu with an nVidia vid card and have no problems.. I build my own computers09:10
hunahpuddrj: I actually tend to recommend Nvidia cards in Linux environments as Nvidia brings better support linux-drivers-wise.09:10
ddrjthanks guys, yeah turns out that my ati on board video doesn't support either vaapi or vdpau09:11
hunahpuddrj: yes, I have tested ati and nvidia cards with xbmc and nvidia does work better for me.09:11
ddrjhmm hunahpu, any specific nvidia card u'd recommend for xbmc? xbmc recommends series 8 and above09:12
ddrji might get an 8400 gs (hdmi out too)09:12
hunahpuddrj: I have a 9600GT with 512MB and works flawlessly09:12
koshariddrj i run it on a acer aspire reco with a ion gpu and its very nice09:13
ddrjyeah after reading the forums it seems that everyone goes after the acer revos with ion09:15
st4aluckneed help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934109:15
ddrjunfortunately i ended up buy an amd x2 250 + gigabyte board with radeon 3000 which causes my system to freeze often because of incompatibilities with vdpau (since it's ati and not nvidia) OR vaapi (which is SUPPOSED to support ati cards but can't because my radeon 3000 doesn't support UVD2 which is required for vaapi)09:17
miloshhey, anybody ever used a static proxy?09:18
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
rtaycheris there a key I can press to boot into recovery mode?, my grapics are messed up, and the grub screen is hidden as I only have one os installed09:19
miloshor, can anybody tell me the best way to boost my wireless adapter?09:20
ddrjcan you guys tell me if this video card would be fine for xbmc? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681414110609:21
hunahpurtaycher: hold Shift to open GRUB options; if it fails press Esc when you see grub loading09:21
hunahpuddrj: it should work fine; with propietary drivers that is.09:22
ddrjhunahpu: thanks! btw proprietary drivers are the ones that the ubuntu developers release right?09:23
=== chat33388 is now known as serdaar4
hunahpuddrj: uhmmm yes and no; the drivers are written by nvidia but ubuntu devs create the package for you to install it09:24
ddrjahhh ok perfect09:25
WyrdHmm, I am having problems with ATi09:25
hunahpuddrj: to install the drivers go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.09:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:25
ddrjahhhhh, thanks hunahpu, now to get the video card :)09:26
loki1023need help bad guys09:26
hunahpuddrj: np, good luck with your card09:26
miloshwhat speed should i burn an image file at?09:26
ddrjthanks, i hope it goes better than this horrible ati 3000 onboard one i have atm x(09:26
hunahpumilosh: if you want to be extra-safe at 1-4x but it will take some time09:26
loki1023decided to try unbuntu ,but upped the dpi way to much doh09:27
st4aluckPls help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9039341#post903934109:27
MoheroFlannel: actually it's a useful script for people in another channel. didn't realise it was running in here.09:27
hunahpuloki1023: dpi?09:27
miloshi have these options, max speed, 32.0 x(cd) or 24.0 x(cd)09:28
miloshis 24 1-4x?09:28
hunahpumilosh: use 24.0 x,09:28
loki1023dots per inch for font09:28
miloshiight! cool09:28
VotanIs anyone here using LogFS with an SSD ?09:31
balachmarI keep getting "Checksums do not match" in the usb startup creator. Eventhough the md5sum of the iso is correct. And there are no errors in the cli, I ran sudo usb-creator-gtk. Anybody know a solution?09:33
jasonmchristosjust use the gui version09:34
balachmar@jasonmchristos: Well that had the same problem, I ran it from cli to see if there were any error messages, but this is still the GUI version.09:35
jasonmchristosdelete the entire partition on the usb drive and reformat it09:35
jasonmchristosuse gparted to do that09:36
navihi , I have problem with instalation nod32 beta4 on ubuntu 10.4 , File is in .linux file format and when I try to run it I have error. What I should download before istalation of any ".linux" files ?09:38
Durfhey, ubuntu isn't picking up my USB drive, what do i do to make it recognise it?09:38
zambaDurf: 'dmesg'?09:38
zambaDurf: is it formatted?09:38
gm|lap'lo... i'm trying to get jamvm working on 9.10 and it's puking no matter what i throw at it09:39
gm|lapthis is from apt-get09:39
bullgard4My LAN is behind an ADSL router. My ADSL router reports: "DNS Server" What command determines the IP address of the DNS server currently in use? Don't tell me '~$ dig'.09:39
gm|lap(well, the jamvm + classpath i have)09:39
Durfzamba it isn't formatted.09:39
tasslehoffDuring installation, can I decide which UID/GID my user should have, or do I have to accept what I'm given and change it afterwards?09:40
Tim|Workbullgard, look at the contents of /etc/resolv.conf09:40
gm|lapfirstly, how would i know what classpath i have installed?09:40
zambaDurf: there you go09:40
zambaDurf: you need to format it first09:40
zambaDurf: you know for a fact it's blank?09:40
Durfzamba :|09:41
bullgard4Tim|Work: I have done so before I posted here. This will tell me the IP address of my router only.09:41
FireCrotchbullgard4: I believe that your router probably sends DNS requests out to both DNS servers listed, and uses whichever one replies first09:41
Durfhold up09:41
zambaDurf: hm?09:41
gm|lapbullgard4: try cat /etc/resolv.conf09:41
Tim|Workbullgard4, nameserver <X> is whatever your PC is using - most home routers have dns forwarders built in09:41
Tim|Workso thats expected09:41
jasonmchristosbullgard log into the router and see what dns server ius09:41
andrewBrianqualcuno mi può aiutare sono disperato09:42
andrewBrianqualcuno che conosca ubuntu09:42
bullgard4Tim|Work: How does your general statement help me?09:42
gm|lapwho's the maintainer of this crap, anyway09:42
jasonmchristosbullgard it means do what i said09:43
bullgard4jasonmchristos: I have done so. I posted the result here. But this does not answer my question.09:43
Tim|Workbullgard4, in resolv.conf, the line nameserver X will show you what nameserver is currently in use - which is what you asked... if it IS your router, that is quite normal because routers do DNS forwarding09:43
gm|lapthe jamvm which can be obtained from apt-get REQUIRES GNU classpath 0.98, the one packaged is 0.97.209:43
jasonmchristosbullgard the router will list the external dns server09:43
gm|lapwho should i bug about this?09:43
Tim|Workthe router may show one, but not give that out.09:43
bigbang12I am using ubuntu 9.04, i am getting this error "No package 'gtk+-2.0' found" please tell me ho to install gtk09:44
bullgard4Tim|Work: I see your point. --  Thank you.09:44
gm|lapbigbang12: uh,09:44
gm|lapbigbang12: first thing, you can use "apt-cache search gtk 2.0" or something like that09:45
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
gm|lapbigbang12: just telling you this so you remember in future09:45
jasonmchristosno thanks for me?09:45
bullgard4FireCrotch: Ah! Very interesting. --  Thank you very much for your help.09:45
gm|lapbigbang12: but anyways, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-009:45
gm|lapbigbang12: you'll need to do it in a terminal, of course09:45
jasonmchristosFireCrotch: didnt even say anything09:46
ddrjwould this video card support audio + video over its hdmi port? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681414110609:46
eZainnystupid Q, but am ab absolute noob with Linux/Ubuntu...hope someone can help :) How can I find out what port a vnc server is running on, on an ubuntu server (inherited linux box from another person, but having trouble connecting to it with ultravnc viewer). I can ssh in to the server fine, but am not sure how I can find out what port the vnc server is running on09:46
jasonmchristosddrj: thats off topic09:46
ddrjsorry, i'll ask the right channel09:47
bullgard4gm|lap: This only returns the IP address of my ADSL router.09:47
jasonmchristoseZainny: how do you even know its running vnc09:47
perseo22eZainny: by default, VNC runs on port 5900 (TCP)09:47
eZainnybecause i recall the admin guy used to vnc in09:47
eZainnyyep, tried connecting on default port, but it's not working...and i recall he changed it to something non-standard09:48
jasonmchristosbullgard4 you cannot get the dns from there it will list the router as the dns09:48
jasonmchristosthe router will list the dns of the real server09:48
jasonmchristoshave to log into the router to see it09:48
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
andrewBrianplease????there is anyone that speck italian??????????? i have a disaster09:49
jasonmchristoseZainny: try a portscan09:49
FireCrotcheZainny: netstat -apl  will list all ports that are listening09:49
gm|lapeZainny: netstat - just trying to work out what flags you'll want09:49
bullgard4jasonmchristos: I have done so and obtained the result I wanted. --  Thank you.09:49
gm|lapeZainny: netstat -l09:49
perseo22FireCrotch: that's it09:50
FireCrotch!it | andrewBrian09:50
ubottuandrewBrian: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:50
perseo22join #ubuntu-es09:51
eZainnyHmmm...I did the netstat -apl but nothing jumps out at me as being related to vnc09:51
eZainnyMaybe the vnc server isn't actually running :/09:51
jasonmchristosnetstat -tau | grep09:51
balachmar@jasonmchristos: I did a fromat with gparted and tried again, with the same result...09:51
perseo22eZainny: yes, mey be... :)09:51
jasonmchristosbalachmar: might be a bad drive try another usb port could be the port09:52
FireCrotcheZainny: it's likely that the old admin would ssh into the server and then start the vnc server each time he wanted to vnc in09:52
balachmar@jasonmchristos: OK will try that09:52
FireCrotcheZainny: at least, that's what I do on the off chance that I ever have to vnc into a machine09:53
eZainnyFireCrotch: Yeah, may be what he used to do. Any thoughts on how I can start up the vnc server again?09:53
eZainnyIf it type in vnc in to the term window and then hit tab i see vncserver and vnc4server09:53
eZainnyand just plain "vnc" is there too09:53
FireCrotcheZainny: maybe check .bash_history to see what commands the previous admin used09:54
jasonmchristosor just press the up key eZainny09:54
eZainnyI am using my own login to the server, so the bash history would be my own right (not his?)09:54
eZainnyhe had his own login09:55
eZainnybut we both have admin privledges09:55
=== Gateway is now known as Gateway`
FireCrotcheZainny: then you can check his bash history :)  /home/hisusername/.bash_history09:55
chittineed help on the mysql connection09:57
culinorhello, where is ubuntu profile directory located, anyone knows?09:57
eZainnysearching back through his bash history now...it's big :)09:57
eZainnythanks all...hopefully will find something09:57
FireCrotcheZainny: cat /home/hisname/.bash_history | grep vnc   maybe09:57
conb123Is xfs faster than ext4?09:57
Durfhey, ubuntu isn't picking up my USB drive, what do i do to make it recognise it?09:57
chittineeed help on mysql jdbc and odbc driver in ubuntu09:57
chitticonb123 may be09:57
eZainnyFireCrotch: Perfect, thanks. Was just about to ask how to do that :)09:58
chittijdbc and odbc for mysql09:58
itsahello all, how about 10.04? souns good to me .. :)09:58
conb123chitti: can you extend on that answer?09:58
Durfhey, ubuntu isn't picking up my USB drive, what do i do to make it recognise it?09:58
icerootitsa: #ubuntu+109:58
icerootchitti: please give as more usefull details09:58
chittiext4 have less features compare with ext309:59
eZainnyFireCrotch: All that came up in his bash history for vnc search was "vncserver -kill :1" and "vncserver -kill : 2"10:00
chitticonb123 xfs have limited features10:00
conb123Right, what about jfs is that faster?10:00
FireCrotcheZainny: that's odd - those kill the vncserver, not start it10:03
eZainnyYeah, I figured that :) Not sure why there isn't anything to start it up in there10:03
Durfhey, ubuntu isn't picking up my USB drive, what do i do to make it recognise it?10:04
sravan Hw can we unset every detail of previous plot in GNU plot ?10:06
sravan<sravan> using single ommand ?10:06
sravanlike unset <????>10:06
miloshanyone know how to recover a winxp pwd with trinity?10:06
eZainnyFireCrotch: so if the vnc server isn't running on the box, maybe i can just start it up again by running vncserver10:06
eZainnyor would it be vnc4server10:06
joaopintomilosh, wrong channel, try ##windows10:06
iIrssimilosh: You're in wrong channel.10:06
architokecan i get unbannd?10:06
architokewrong channel10:06
FireCrotcheZainny: just vncserver should do the trick10:06
miloshdude, i know that, but trinity is like.. a linux thing right?10:06
miloshand for the life of me, if i could get linux to work, i wouldn't be asking10:07
joaopintomilosh, which doesn't make it on topic with #ubuntu10:07
sravanlike unset <????>10:07
sravan Hw can we unset every detail of previous plot in GNU plot ?10:07
sravan<sravan> using single ommand ?10:07
architokewhat are you trying to do, sravan10:08
miloshiight, so would you be so kind to direct me to the right channel then10:08
architokemilosh: what are you looking for?10:08
sravanarchitoke, : In GNU Plot, I wanted to unset every thing that I have used fr previous plot10:08
eZainnyFireCrotch: Hey, that did the trick. vnc started up, and i was able to vnc in and am now on the desktop. Thanks so much for your help! (in retrospect, seems silly I didn't just try this earlier)10:08
architokesravan: just use R10:08
eZainnyThanks a lot!10:08
sravanI dont want to individually do "unset label , unset range"10:09
sravanand all10:09
FireCrotcheZainny: You're welcome :)10:09
architokemaybe unset * ?10:09
chittihelp on jdbc and odbc10:09
miloshuhm.. well something to do with this trinity recovery kit i was suggested to DL architoke10:09
FireCrotchmilosh: use the winpass command from a terminal10:09
sravanarchitoke, : R is not doing anythng10:10
sravanIt's giving me as invalid command10:10
miloshthanks fire.. how do i do that?10:10
geekphreakhi all10:10
architokesravan: whta do you mean R isn't doing anything?10:10
architokegeekphreak: hi10:10
FireCrotchmilosh: I assume you've booted the computer using the TRK disc?10:11
sravanwhen I type "R" Return10:11
sravanIt's giving invalid command10:11
architokethat's because its not installed10:11
architokeinstall it10:11
sravanarchitoke, :invalid command10:11
architokesudo apt-get install R10:11
miloshit's all command based and i'm totally lost there10:11
FireCrotchmilosh: just type in winpass10:11
miloshiight, then what will happen?10:12
FireCrotchmilosh: it should ask you what you want to set the password for the administrator account to (I've never actually used TRK before, just looking at the docs here: http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?wpid=42&front_id=12 )10:12
miloshoh, sorry fire, i should've google it or something10:14
FireCrotchmilosh: if all you need to do is reset a windows admin password, I recommend Offline NT, which can be found here: http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/10:14
FireCrotchmuch easier to use, and a very small download (theres a floppy disk version)10:15
miloshhaha floppy disk, wow10:15
miloshold school10:15
nucc1anyone got bluetooth-dun working in lucid?10:15
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:15
architokenucc1: i do10:15
miloshi would DL it, but i used my last disc on trinity so i'llll use it next time10:15
miloshthanks man10:16
nucc1architoke, how did you do it?10:16
RobbieThe1stI'm trying to get an email-server working on my Ubuntu 9.04 VPS. Checking my mail.log file, I see Apr 14 09:59:13 vps2735 postfix/master[28009]: fatal: bind port 10024: Address already in use - Port 10024 is being used by Amavisd... what should I do?10:16
ortsvorstehernucc1, may you try in  #ubuntu+110:16
architokenucc1: first thing i did was ask whoever has even want to do more like lucid, in the right folder of course10:16
sravanarchitoke, : Package R not found10:16
nucc1ortsvorsteher, lucid is already in beta, and releases in a few days. i can be forgiven for expecting that many people are already using it.10:17
architokesravan: judging by your response, you wouldn't know how to use it even if you had it10:17
basslinerhello. the icons in the gnome panel still look extremely squashed and have a 0px padding, both vertically and horizontally. fedora includes a patch to add padding which apparently didn't go upstream yet which dramatically cleans up the gnome panel and makes it much more aesthetically pleasing and a lot of bug reports exist for this in ubuntu since ages. anything more one could do on this?10:17
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architokebassliner: bug reports for aesthetic things?10:18
iahello. could anyone tell me, please, how to play youtube html5 video in firefox (3.6) on ubuntu (lucid beta)? I will be very appreciate for any useful links about installing necessary codec packages and set up related settings.10:20
hatake_kakashi!lucid | ia10:20
ubottuia: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:20
lorenzosuHi I'm trying to mount (temporarly just for this session) a samba share. I can successfully access it with smbclient but when mounting I get an error: http://pastebin.com/rzADR2gr10:20
architokewhat does lucid mean?10:21
shazbotmcnastyit's acodename10:21
architokeno kidding10:21
architokekinda like what?10:21
hatake_kakashiits new ubuntu version10:21
shazbotmcnastyeach release has it's own codename10:21
architokei know10:21
architokewhat does it mean10:21
shazbotmcnastyso you don't have to call it by it's number...10:22
shazbotmcnastyit doesn't MEAN anything10:22
shazbotmcnastyjust a nam10:22
hatake_kakashia code name doesn't have to mean anything just like karmic koala10:22
FloodBot3shazbotmcnasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:22
architokewhat do you mean, its number?10:22
architokeyou mean the version number?10:22
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91010:22
architokei'm pretty sure lucid has a definition10:22
shazbotmcnastywell yes it does10:22
architokewell, wat is it10:22
naviafter fresh clamtk instaltion , it's ready for full scan ? Or I need to find virus definitions/database somewhere ?10:22
balachmar@architoke : http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3A+lucid&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a10:22
architokenavi: clam scans for windows viruses10:23
naviI know10:23
architokenavi: there are no linux viruses10:23
shazbotmcnastylucid:having a clear mind10:23
architokefreshclam updates the virus defs10:23
architokeshazbotmcnasty: what does karmic mean?10:23
geekphreaknavi:  update it10:23
naviI need to cleen my windows10:23
chittilucid unstable10:23
chittineed some support10:23
navihow to update it ?10:23
shazbotmcnastyarchitoke, karmic refers to karma10:23
architokei think karmic means "stoned out of your mind"10:23
geekphreaknavi:  open terminal10:23
architokeshazbotmcnasty: ah ok10:23
shazbotmcnasty!ask | chitta10:23
ubottuchitta: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:23
chittito improve the code10:24
architokewhat code?10:24
shazbotmcnastyYou want to rewrite something?10:24
geekphreaknavi: type sudo freshclam10:24
architokedoes anyone ask even ever ask has to want even want more asked?10:24
chittidependencies have to improve10:24
architokedoes the latest cups support usb printing?10:25
architokei know there was a bug for it10:25
naviok , thx10:25
architokenavi: np10:25
geekphreakarchitoke:  i prefer glasses :p10:25
architokegeekphreak: huh?10:25
architokei have to go to sleep10:25
erUSULarchitoke: i've been printing in usb printers for ages10:25
sabhi,I am a new linux(ubuntu) user,i have wireless network in my premise but i cant connect that from my ubuntu machine,can any one please tell me, how could i activate and connect my wireless network10:25
geekphreakcups / glasses?10:25
geekphreaknevrmind :p10:25
architokeerUSUL: depends on version10:25
architokeerUSUL: 1.4.2 didn't support usb printing10:25
geekphreakhi sab good too see ya agin, how is ubuntu10:26
architokei don't think 1.4.3 does either, depends if its fucked or not10:26
erUSULarchitoke: i've been printing in linux in usb printers for *ages*10:26
navibtw. I instaled ati driver on ubuntu 10.4 , I can run Ati control panel , but it's imposible to run compiz , any ideas how to fix it ?10:26
architokeerUSUL: 1.3 supports it, what's your point?10:26
icerootnavi: #ubuntu+110:26
sabgeekphreak, ya its fine,but hard for me10:26
architokenavi: try uninstalling it, then reinstalling it again correctly10:27
geekphreaksab  for new users it is, it takes time :)10:27
sabgeekphreak, can u please tell me how can i connect my wireless network10:27
geekphreaksab:  in regards to your question, see network icon on top right?10:27
architokesab: which wireless manager do you use?10:27
architokesab: the default one , click at the top right and enter your network and password10:27
erUSULarchitoke: i should ask what is *your* point. do you have a problem with cups in any supported ubuntu release? if so which one and what printer model?10:27
chittisab: it automatically done10:27
geekphreakarchitoke:  i dont think he know, he just installed linux first time yesterday :)10:28
chittino need of manual10:28
architokeerUSUL: I want to know if >=1.4.3 can print via usb10:28
architokeerUSUL: can't you read?10:28
sabgeekphreak, i have already seen that icon but under wireless network its showing "disable", and i dont know which network manager i m using...:-(10:28
architokesab: try enabling it10:28
naviand one more thing , there is any live cd distribution with instaled good antivirus for windows ?10:28
geekphreaksab right click it make sure enable wireless ic chked10:28
geekphreaknavi not that i know off, but u can get something like ubcd10:29
architokeshit i'm so tired, lol10:29
sabgeekphreak, i tried as u said but that field under enable network ...enable wireless is not working,mean i cant put any check there10:30
sabgeekphreak, need help10:30
bazhangsab, which chipset10:30
geekphreaksab: is your wireless care even being detected?10:30
sabgeekphreak, nooo10:31
geekphreaksab:  which chipset bazhang is asking10:31
sabbazhang, i dont know,i m very normal user,using my dell vostro 132010:31
BANSHE3did I get disconnected10:32
ClusterOnei have a question reguarding 9.10 x64 i am looking to do a linux install on this machine and use it as a media server for the house, mainly through the xbox 360s. Is their any software like (tversity) and software like (autogk/fairuse wizard 2) out for 9.10? or do i have to continue using win7?10:32
bazhangsab, could you type ifconfig in the terminal and tell us via pastebin what it says10:32
geekphreakBANSHE3:  we see ya10:32
h2oi need help ppl10:32
BANSHE3geekphreak: neat :) do you know much about metasploit?10:32
bazhangsab dont paste it here10:32
airtonixh2o, let me call someone for you10:32
h2oi need to install the latests k3b 1.90 for karmic :S10:32
geekphreakBANSHE3:  nope :)10:32
h2othank you10:32
BANSHE3dang lol10:32
* airtonix dials emergency services phone number10:33
geekphreakh2o: sudo apt-get install k3b10:33
sabbazhang, what should i do,please tell me10:33
BANSHE3yay supernaturla is on brb10:33
h2othats the not the latests....10:33
h2othats 1.68 :S10:33
h2othats my prob10:33
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
geekphreakBANSHE3:  what is it?10:33
shazbotmcnastyh2o, "K3b 1.69.0 alpha4 released"10:33
shazbotmcnastyI don't think 1.90 is out yet...10:33
h2o1.90 is out10:34
h2omy karmic repository is very outdated10:34
xukunanyone here using dd-wrt firmware on there router and with ipv610:34
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:34
shazbotmcnastywhy would they skip10:34
bazhangsab, open a terminal and type ifconfig  ; open an internet browser and go to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and paste the output there then save it and tell us the web address10:34
Saj5786k2o h**p://k3b.plainblack.com/10:34
Hattabplease help any one know differance between TTL and Expire time in Bind910:34
BANSHE3geekphreak: Its for exploiting OS's kinda deal, I guess you'd call it hacking software but its easy mode :D i only use it to goof around on home computers lol10:34
sabbazhang, ok10:34
geekphreakBANSHE3:  omg :::)10:35
h2ohow can i update my karmic koala to the latests lucid beta ?10:35
bazhang!upgrade > h2o10:36
ubottuh2o, please see my private message10:36
sabbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/414202/10:36
shazbotmcnastyh2o, do not put a lucid repository on a karmic install10:36
shazbotmcnastyit won't work out like you want it to10:36
Hattabanyone know about bind910:36
bazhangh2o, for help you need to /join #ubuntu+110:36
h2othaks guys10:36
geekphreakbazhang:  no wlan0 :(10:37
bazhangsab, now paste.ubuntu.com the output of lspci10:37
goofriderhi all, i need some help with broken dependancies. I'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop on Hardy and many packages refused to install. it comes down to python-gtk2 package requires python-gobject -> libffi4 which in turn requires a very specific versio of gcc-4.2-base  (= 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)10:37
sabbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/414203/10:38
geekphreakit does show broadcom10:39
rallirssi users here?? Trying to set autolog on and filter out join/exits and spam like that10:40
bazhangsab, what version of ubuntu is this? did you check in hardware drivers for the broadcom nic?10:40
ubottuTo ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS10:40
bazhangrall, ^^10:40
sabbazhang, 9.1010:41
sabbazhang, no i dont know how to check in hardware drivers for the broadcom nic....i m sorry10:42
airtonixsab : ls mod b4310:42
airtonixsab : lsmod b4310:42
bazhangsab in the top menu--> System--Administration--Hardware Drivers10:42
pretenderubuntu 9.10 wont shut down with gshutdown or shutdown -p time10:43
goofridercan anyone help me with installing ubuntu-desktop on hardy server? I'm having dependancies issues10:43
geekphreakgoofrider: hello10:44
sabbazhang, i did it and it shows me Bradcom sta wireless driver10:44
goofriderhi geekphreak10:44
sabbazhang, should i remove ?10:45
geekphreakgoofrider:  sudo telinit 010:45
bazhangsab, and it shows activated and in use?10:45
geekphreakgoofrider:  does it shutdown?10:45
sabbazhang, yes10:45
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
goofridergeekphreak, i'm sure it does. how is that relevant to apt-get though?10:46
geekphreakgoofrider:  sorry meant the other dude :)10:46
geekphreakwho cant shut his pc off10:46
geekphreakpretender:  ^10:47
sabbazhang, can you please tell me how can i activate my wireless network now?10:47
bazhangsab, I asked you if it shows activated and in use; please respond to that question10:48
sabbazhang, yes is shows activated and in use10:48
goofridergeekphreak, no help for me then... LOL no worries :)10:48
MSKHi all, I would like to know like is there any software which is similar to Teamviwer for ubuntu ?10:49
bazhanggoofrider, care to pastebin your sources.list?10:49
MSKI need Teamviwer like software in ubuntu10:50
bazhangsab, are there any wireless hotspots to test it on at the moment in your vicinity? if so, are they open or encrypted10:50
hiexpomorning all10:50
goofriderbazhang, just all ubuntu repo's all hardy, hardy-security and hardy-updates, no hardy-backports10:50
nibblerMSK, vnc can do this, but not as "easy" as teamviewer (i think teamviewer is based on vnc) - but you can after installation also connect in both directions10:51
sabbazhang, yes there are but password protected and i know the pw10:51
MSKnibbler: k i will try out10:52
MSKnibbler: thank you10:52
goofriderbazhang, if it helps i can paste it. But i can use apt-cache policy now and then u exactly where the dependancy conflict is10:52
bazhanggoofrider, okay10:52
nibblerMSK, welcome.10:52
sabbazhang, can you please tell me on cli how to turn on the wireless device?10:53
goofriderbazhang, libffi4 in hardy-updates and hard-secuirty are @ 4/2/4-1ubuntu*  , it requires gcc-4.2-base (4.2.3-2ubuntu7), which is what hardy main repo is shipping10:54
bazhangsab, if you have the wireless drivers activated and in use, it should be detected, yet your ifconfig shows only ppp0 and no wlan0;10:54
sabbazhang, when i click on network manager under the "Wireless networks " its written "wireless is disabled"10:55
goofriderbazhang, but gcc-4.2-base in  hardy-updates and hardy-security is at 4.2.4-1ubuntu*  , which is what i have installed now10:55
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:56
bazhanggoofrider, let me check launchpad for a moment10:56
=== ubuntu is now known as Unterfranke
Jimi_Neutralanyone here use joomla! ?10:56
goofriderbazhang, if i downgrade to gcc-4.2-base=4.2.3-2ubuntu7 it removes a bunch of core packages10:57
BANSHE3Can somebody suggest a good terminal, preferably one with tabs10:58
sabbazhang, can you please tell me on cli how to turn on the wireless device?10:58
zetherooshut down my system running Ubuntu Karmic a few hours ago and just got back now and booted it up ... shows GRUB fine and it boots into the Ubuntu entry ... I see the Ubuntu logo fading in and out and then it bounces to command line input with "Mount of filesystem failed. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and re-try. root@zeth-desktop-karmic:~#  * Starting init crypto disks...         [OK]10:58
zetheroowhat happened?10:59
goofriderbazhang, i thouhgt about pulling libffi4 from intrepid, but that package is replaced by libffi5 in intrepid10:59
aifnorddoes anyone know where you can change the default editor from gedit to gvim? for some reason all results on google seems to date back to 2006-2007 something and don't seem to relevant any more10:59
masterkorpcan anyone help me mounting a bin image?11:01
airtonixzetheroo, run fsck on the drive in question11:01
sabmy synaptic package manager is not working properly,from last day i tried to install amarok but its always showing downloading and finally its show that network connection failed11:02
zetherooairtonix: ok I did ... and it fixed several dozen errors11:02
sabcan any one please help me how to solve this problem11:02
zetheroorebooting now11:02
ark3qqqWhen I aptitude install something, some of the NEW packages packages listed are followed by {a}. What does that mean?11:02
Slartmasterkorp: try converting it to an iso file.. I think the tools is called bschunk11:02
airtonixzetheroo, you did this while in mainenance shell i assume ?11:02
zetherooairtonix; yes11:03
bazhanggoofrider, cant see any bugs atm on launchpad; what important packages does it want to delete?11:03
geekphreaksab:  sudo apt-get install amarok11:03
gburtoncan anybody recommend a nice twitter application for ubuntu?11:03
zetherooairtonix: hey, it worked!!! Thanks so much!11:03
airtonixzetheroo, i don't think you need to reboot though 9but shouldnt matter if you did )11:03
geekphreakgburton: pidgin11:03
goofriderbazhang, i can pastebin that for u11:03
gburtoni want to use a keyboard shortcut to bring something up and then transmit my inane thoughts to the world11:03
* gburton googles pidgin11:03
ark3qqqgburton: Some people like gwibber.11:03
geekphreakgburton: its in synpatic, download it plugin pack and all11:04
masterkorpsab are you there?11:04
sabgeekphreak, its showing "0% [Waiting for headers]".......its remain same for a long time11:04
goofriderbazhang, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/414215/11:04
Slartgburton: a search in synaptic for "twitter" results in a reasonably short list.. you might want to try it11:04
sabmasterkorp, yes11:04
gburtonyeah, i have issus with apt and the fact that its not exactly well updated11:04
masterkorpgo to the private message that i send you11:05
goofriderbazhang, basically it'll uninstall my entire system including base-files and libc611:05
gburtonyeah, well the pidgin website doesnt even mention twitter11:05
bazhanggoofrider, that looks like a total no-go as far as downgrading11:05
geekphreakgburton:  i use it man, it needs a11:06
bazhanggburton, try gwibber11:06
geekphreakgburton: which ubuntu version are you on though?11:06
geekphreaki am on new one11:06
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:06
goofriderbazhang, i know. and I can't pull a newer version of libffi4 that depends on the newer gcc-4.2, since there isn't a newer libffi4 package11:06
gburtonits a work machine, so I cant just update it11:06
geekphreaki am on beta 1011:06
ark3qqqWhy does aptitude install ant want to install ant-gcj?11:07
bazhanggoofrider, very strange it wont let you install ubuntu-desktop, really not seen that before11:07
geekphreakgburton:  open synaptic, se any plugin for pidgin and all?11:07
ClusterOneI am curious can you stream video to Xbox-360 with ubuntu 9.10?11:07
goofriderbazhang, i know it's very strange11:07
bazhangClusterOne, with xbox media center?11:07
geekphreakgoofrider:   did something break for you, like when u were updating pc froze or something?11:08
Durfhey, ubuntu isn't picking up my USB drive, what do i do to make it recognise it?11:08
goofriderbazhang, i'm gonna try to downgrade the core libs with explicit =verion# arguements11:08
nibblerDurf, check dmesg | tail11:08
geekphreakgoofrider: good luck11:09
eni23hello everyone. got a little problem. my system was crashed a few days ago. could mount the harddrive and copy all data to another. but i still have 1 problem:  had some mysql-tables with important data. is it possible to start mysql whith these old tables11:09
ClusterOneHmm haven't thought of that. I've been looking for a tversity replacement so far no luck.11:09
goofridergeekphreak, no it's a server, i wanna add the ubuntu-desktop package to it11:09
bazhangClusterOne, there is an xbmc in PPA iirc11:09
nibblereni23, yes it is, but make a backup of the backup before!11:09
Slarteni23: those tables should be saved in some kind of database.. which should be in a file somewhere.. if you've got the file you can probably get the tables aswell11:09
geekphreakeni23: use mysqldump11:09
goofriderbazhang, either that or compile my own libffi4 package to work with the newer gcc libs11:10
Durfnibbler, I put "dmesg | tail" into terminal?11:10
geekphreakeni23:  path is /var/lib/mysql11:10
nibblerdurf: yep, right after plugging the usb11:10
eni23nibbler: allready done. i have the table filesa, but how to tell mysql to use the old ones?11:10
nibblerDurf, replug it if necessary11:10
ark3qqqWhere can I get answers to aptitude questions?11:10
=== rall is now known as ralll
ClusterOnei'm looking into everything before i change over, if my fiance can't watch anything she will kill me ;)11:11
nibblereni23, hmm define datadir to the old files? overwrite the new files with the old ones? use your old mysql config?11:11
=== ralll is now known as skrofs
bazhanggoofrider, sorry cant offer any advice at this point, not seen a bug at launchpad and that is a really weird error11:11
Durfhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/AkVDcDUr there nibbler11:11
geekphreakgoofrider: can i ask u something11:11
goofriderbazhang, maybe i'll file that, right now i specify specific version of libc6 and libgcc1 to downgrade to and no more essential packages are removed, so i'm close11:12
pajon_FingerPrint on Acer Apire ?11:12
nibblerDurf, unplugged is not enough, replug it and send me dmesg again11:12
goofridergeekphreak, shoot11:12
geekphreakgoofrider: what happens if you type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?11:12
geekphreakgoofrider: does package still brak / warn of breaking11:12
goofridergeekphreak, haha good point. since python-gtk2 is what's braking everything from the top11:13
geekphreakworth a shot goofrider :p11:13
=== skrofs is now known as testingsorry
Durfnibblers there http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TZQD2QxR11:14
nibblerDurf, thats it, even if you execute again it still looks the same?11:15
goofridergeekphreak, still breaking, but not as bad11:15
janisozaurhow can I generate random text (text as in letters, preferably words/sentences, not just any bytes)?11:16
Durfnibbler it works now11:16
Durf:3 thanks11:16
nibblerDurf, ... well, welcome :p11:16
goofridergeekphreak, bazhang thanks guys, i almost got it to downgrade cleanly for ubuntu-desktop anyways, just need to find a couple more libs11:17
geekphreakgoofrider:  good luck11:18
geekphreakbazhang:  yo ever played with rhl systems?11:19
bazhanggeekphreak, care to join offtopic channel?11:19
geekphreakbazhang: actualy question is in regards to ubuntu ,11:20
geekphreakbut nevermind11:20
Jimi_Neutralhey peeps, ow do i change permissions in the www folder to allow a php script to run in firefox rather than 'open with'11:20
=== testingsorry is now known as rall
rjharvJimi_Neutral: chown www-data:www-data FILENAME11:20
rjharvmake sure you u have apache2 installed and libphp511:21
rjharvthen you put the file in /var/www11:21
rjharvand vist
rall 11:22
Jimi_Neutralsorry its actually here /var/www/plogger/plog-admin11:23
Jimi_Neutralok got it working now but im getting the same error as yesterday, wehn it tries to run the script it says that /plog-content/images and plog-content/thumbs is not writable by the servr11:25
rjharvJimi_Neutral: i'll message you if thats ok11:25
LlywelynHello ;)11:25
Jimi_Neutralrjharv, yah fine mate11:25
LlywelynIs it possible to format easily my / (ext4beta) with a 10.04 beta2 bootable usb key?11:26
hatake_kakashi!lucid | Llywelyn11:26
ubottuLlywelyn: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:26
abssorbHi I have a problem with libdbusmenu-qt2 dependency problems.  Doesn;t show in synaptic.  Tried advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18667211:29
csabahey can anyone help me install ldap? I've set up everything according to instructions I've found, but when I want to add an entry I get the error that it can't contact the LDAP server... and I did start it with /sbin/service ldap start11:29
balachmarAny ideas on why the usb startup disk creator keeps failing to create a bootable usb disk. It gives the following warning: checksums do not match11:29
abssorbGrateful for advice. No matter what I do, package will not remove. "unable to execute installed post-removal script". Even   sudo aptitude remove -f libdbusmenu-qt2 gives this error.11:30
balachmarI have reformatted the drive multiple times and also tested it on multiple machines. (the same drive)11:30
nibblerabssorb, reinstall it first, then remove it. find out which is the post removal script and see why its not working (strace -eopen)11:30
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
m4rDuXhola a todos11:31
nibblerbalachmar, i had same problem once, so i booted a fresh ubuntu live cd, and created usb from within that11:31
csabaszia m4rDuX11:31
nibbler!es | m4rDuX11:31
ubottum4rDuX: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:31
abssorbnibbler: thanks, reinstall/remove tried already, all give same error. Will try strace.11:31
csabadid anyone ever manage to install ldap successfully?11:32
balachmarnibbler: I can't boot a live cd on this laptop, since I left the external cd drive at home...11:32
linx|csaba: I'm about to try setting up openldap on an ubuntu 9.10 box11:33
nibblerbalachmar, then look for manuals on how to do it manually maybe, sorry i dont have those at hand.11:33
csabalinx|: you're a brave man11:33
ottoshmidthello, can anyone assist me in printer installation - I get this error on hp-setup: Unable to communicate with the device. Please check the device and try again.11:33
linx|csaba: well, I've done it on other distros, and worked with ldap a lot - I can't see it being that hard11:33
linx|csaba: what problems have you had ?11:33
balachmarnibbler: well maybe the drive is too slow... I just wanted to disconnect it and it is will writing data... So I am going to do a md5sum again...11:34
csabalinx|: I've added the suffix and rootpw to sldap.conf, started the service, it is running, wrote an entry file based on an example, and then I write ldapadd -f example.txt and it tells me that it can't find the LDAP service11:34
csabaI think that means that the service isn't running11:35
csabaps ax|grep ldap returns an empty list11:35
nibblerbalachmar, good luck11:35
balachmarnibbler: thanks...11:35
linx|csaba: anything in the logs about it not starting ?11:36
csabalinx|, where should the logs be? find | grep ldap returns nothing11:36
csaba... in the /var/log dir11:36
=== animAgus is now known as _silentAssassin
linx|csaba: I'm just installing the packages on a box now, hang on11:38
linx|ps -ef | grep slapd11:38
linx|do you get anything in there ?11:38
csabagrep ldap... so no11:38
linx|slapd != ldap11:39
linx|then its not running :P11:39
csabaso... how do I start it?11:39
masterkorpsab if u r there private please11:39
JediMasterI'm generating new ssh keys for various people and wanted to know what provides the best level of security, DSA 1024bit (stuck at 1024 for the RFC) or RSA which can be whatever bits you want, say 4096 bit?11:39
sabmasterkorp, its working11:39
csaba/etc/init.d/ldap start doesn't seem to do anything11:39
Frantichey guys, I have an older PC running Xubuntu 9.10 with a dual-screen setup and an ATI video card. I've only set up nvidia before via nvidia-settings, but how do you set up twinView for ATI cards?11:39
linx|sab: I dont have ldap in /etc/init.d11:40
linx|csaba: even11:40
linx|csaba: I have slapd, and slpd (I installed those though)11:40
linx|csaba:  sudo apt-get install slapd slpd openslp-doc ldap-utils  odbc-postgresql unixodbc-bin11:40
linx|that's what I installed11:40
rjharvJediMaster: DSA/RSA is always a a strange one both have problems i use RSA 204811:41
csabahmm I've installed ldap-servers11:41
linx|csaba: you probably did the right thing11:41
JediMasterrjharv, yeah that's the default on ssh-keygen now11:41
JediMasterdoes anyone know if you increase the bits in the key does it take significantly longer to authenticate?11:42
linx|csaba: ok, I get a message about slapd in /var/log/messages11:42
goofriderbazhang, geekphreak got ubuntu-desktop to install!!! had to explicitly downgrade gcc, glib6, libgcc, update-manager-core and a few others11:42
linx|csaba: grep slapd /var/log/messages11:42
csabaah ok I'll check it out11:42
^b0ss^i got this driver pack ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run how do i install it11:42
rjharvJediMaster: only if you have lots of users or a slow connection or cpu11:43
linx|csaba: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html11:43
rjharvJediMaster: 2048 is sufficient for most things if you want to be paranoid security rotate them every X months or days11:43
masterkorpsab where are you?11:43
csabathere's nothing in the logs for me... what's interesting is that when I start the server, it says [OK], and when I do restart then the stopping part fails... probably cause it hasn't actually started11:44
linx|csaba: I'd guess you made an error in your config file, or you are starting the wrong thing (like I said, I dont have /etc/init.d/ldap, only slapd and slpd)11:44
csabalinx|, I've added this to slap.conf: http://eugeneciurana.com/pastebin/pastebin.php?show=4269411:47
geekphreaktalmai: failed11:47
csabajust the basic 3 lines11:47
AdvoWorkis there any way I can take an exact snapshot of  a server, so that I could install it on another server if needs be?11:47
moraeshey. trying to install ssl support for python 2.5, alongside of 2.6. So apt-get install python2.5-openssl will result in "Note, selecting python-openssl instead of python2.5-openssl"11:47
linx|csaba: what version of ubuntu are you running ?11:47
moraesand i get no ssl. do you have a clue o what should i do?11:48
linx|really? :o11:48
abssorbnibbler: Still looking re libdbusmenu. strace not revealing the script11:48
linx|csaba: ldap-server was the package you installed right ?11:48
=== Biolunar_ is now known as Biolunar
csabawait I'll copy-paste what you installed...11:49
linx|csaba: no dont !11:49
linx|csaba: I've got another 9.10 box here, I'll install what you did11:49
csabaexcept I don't need postgre...11:49
masterkorpcan anyone help me mounting a bin image?11:49
csabaok so basically everything was installed except that odbc thing11:50
linx|ok, I dont have a slap.conf, nor a /etc/init.d/ldap11:50
jrib!iso | masterkorp11:50
ubottumasterkorp: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:50
csabawhat about /etc/ldap/ldap.conf ?11:50
linx|yes, I have ldap.conf11:51
csabaand a slapd.d directory11:51
masterkorpno its a bin image jrib11:51
linx|did you add something to slapd.d ?11:51
pedrosantaIn empathy how can i show some sort of protocol icon to check on which network the people is in?11:51
jribmasterkorp: click the link about converting11:51
masterkorpi gona see11:51
csabano it has cn=config and another cn11:51
geekphreakmasterkorp:  you trying to mount it?11:51
linx|csaba: try sudo service slapd start11:52
masterkorpi dont know the filesystem11:52
geekphreakmasterkorp:  try -t auto11:52
geekphreakmasterkorp:  normally for iso ,11:52
geekphreakaint sure bout the bin file ,11:53
csabaStarting OpenLDAP: slapd.11:53
masterkorpi can for iso files, but for bin files doesn't work11:53
dezgo#join #gnucash11:53
mrpinkdezgo, you don't have 'basics::move::join' permissions here11:53
dezgo!join #gnucash11:53
linx|csaba: is there slapd in the process list now ?11:53
linx|o2oo: hello11:54
o2oolinx|, , hi11:54
masterkorpok i solved the problem with bchunk11:54
csabayes there is!11:54
^b0ss^question..... trying to install my graphics driver....its saying no such file11:54
masterkorpand i converted it to iso11:54
^b0ss^i got this driver pack ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run how do i install it11:54
masterkorpthanks anyway11:54
o2oowho knows how to view the "*.jd" file format? it seems to be the java document11:54
=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish
geekphreakmasterkorp:  good11:54
csabalinx|, $ ldapadd -f example.txt11:55
csabaldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such object (32)11:55
Gryllida$prefix/mm_cfg.py - where could it be?11:56
Gryllidais is a file path?11:56
^b0ss^ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86_64.run trying to install this thanks11:57
linx|csaba: well, thats better then I guess :)11:57
linx|csaba: follow that guide anyway11:57
linx|csaba: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html11:57
geekphreako2oo: tried gedit?11:57
DDAZZAI'm thinking of buying the NETGEAR WN111 Wireless-N USB Network Adapter can anyone confirm that this will work with Ubuntu?11:58
csabaok thanks linx|11:58
^b0ss^ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86_64.run trying to install this thanks11:58
linx|csaba: I wonder what gave you /etc/init.d/ldap though ? :o11:58
aoeuo2oo: if not gedit, then 'less file.jd' should show something.11:59
csabalinx|, I've been working on this for 2 days, I've tried everything11:59
tys_BONJOURS TLM !!!11:59
o2ooGeekthras,  aoeu,  gedit could open but it seems to be a web page12:00
^b0ss^ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86_64.run trying to install this thanks12:00
tys_venai sur#MegaBordel nouveau chan !!!12:01
masterkorpi can put the .vimrc file in the home directory and the vim form ubuntu it will read?12:01
aoeuo2oo: Then I would rename it to *.html and try to open it with firefox.12:01
o2ooaoeu,  its content:  page.title=Build Cookbook pdk.version=1.0 doc.type=guide @jd:body12:02
tys_venai su#MegaBordel nouveau chan !!!12:02
pedrosantahum... just thinking. empathy should group users, like for instance, a way to group john's facebook and google talk accounts into one meta user and then i decide which account to message on12:02
pedrosantafocus on the user instead of connections.12:03
ndlovuI'd like to get a wireless keyboard and mouse (apparently it uses 2.4Ghz), but I'm not sure if they would work on ubuntu. any experience with such devices on ubuntu?12:03
linx|ndlovu: almost certainly yes12:04
rjharvndlovu: should be fine keyboard and mice are a standard interface12:04
rjharvndlovu: no drivers required just plug and play12:04
linx|ndlovu: if it is USB then it will just be sending standard USB HID commands12:04
linx|and if its PS2 it has to work12:04
hiexpoplug n play12:04
haywireHey... during my difficulty getting my 32" LCD resolution correct (1360x768) in Xubuntu 9.10, I foolishly ran recovery mode from Grub.  Now I cannot get past the Debian log in screen.  Have ran gksudo gdmsetup, and gave admin. pwd, still appears dimmed, and when I click "Unlock" I get ignored... anyone?12:05
airtonix!u | geekphreak12:05
ubottugeekphreak: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.12:05
ndlovulinx|, it has a usb dongle which links wirelessly with the keyboard and mouse. are you saying that the dongle would sort out the communication so that the computer is unaware that it's wireless?12:05
geekphreakhuh what?12:05
melwtech35can i draw someones comments to http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=892138712:05
^b0ss^nbrown@nbrown-desktop:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install atidriver.runReading package lists... Done12:06
^b0ss^Building dependency tree12:06
^b0ss^Reading state information... Done12:06
^b0ss^E: Couldn't find package atidriver.run12:06
FloodBot3^b0ss^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:06
linx|ndlovu: yes, it should do12:06
aoeuo2oo: Well, I'm stumped. I've never messed with *.jd's.12:06
ndlovuthanks linx|12:06
linx|ndlovu: I just used a similar system on an ubuntu box last week- one with a charging station for the mouse etc12:06
linx|worked fine12:06
linx|ndlovu: you might be able to google the make/model and linux to see if others have reported problems, but it should just work12:07
widaro2oo: If you open the file using gedit, what are the first lines?12:07
abssorbnibbler: I found the script. /var/lib/dpkg/info/libdbusmenu-qt2.postrm.   it appears to be an empty file12:08
ndlovulinx|, google comes up pretty dry unfortunately. admittedly, the make is microsoft, so lots of noise comes up12:08
linx|ndlovu: oh it should be fine then12:08
geekphreakman i dont see o2oo12:09
geekphreakdid he leave?12:09
airtonix!enter | geekphreak12:09
ubottugeekphreak: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:09
linx|ndlovu: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/using-a-microsoft-wireless-keyboard-284892/12:09
linx|ndlovu: suggests that it works :)12:09
ndlovuthanks linx|!12:09
geekphreakoh well , still dont see him12:11
linx|he was here12:11
aoeugeekphreak: No. He left.12:11
linx|12:07 -!- o2oo (~xyz@ has quit: Remote host closed the connection12:11
melwtech35can i draw someones comments to http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=892138712:11
geekphreakaoeu:  oh ok thanks man, eclipse-jdt should also work for him12:12
nibblerabssorb, well, then: script=/var/lib/dpkg/info/libdbusmenu-qt2.postrm; echo #!/bin/sh > $script; echo exit 0 >> $script12:12
mamoushello all12:12
zambahelp.ubuntu.com down?12:12
mamousplease please please help me12:12
zambawhat's the repo for medibuntu?12:12
^b0ss^i have to do somethng like this12:12
mamousError mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so12:12
nibblerabssorb, that should give you an empty script running without error, of course whatever was supposed to happen during the execution of the postremoev script wont happen....12:12
^b0ss^Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version12:12
^b0ss^default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.31-20-generic-pae; make sure that the version is being12:12
^b0ss^correctly set by --iscurrentdistro12:12
^b0ss^Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install.xzF3Sh12:12
FloodBot3^b0ss^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:12
iceroot!medibuntu | zamba12:12
ubottuzamba: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:13
mamouswhen I try to mount my other hardesk12:13
zambaiceroot: that's exactly what i'm trying to do12:13
mamousplease help me12:13
mamousError mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so12:13
FloodBot3mamous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:13
zambaiceroot: but help.ubuntu.com seems to be down12:13
linx|mamous: stop flooding12:13
zambaiceroot: so i can't open http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu12:13
zambawhere the repo links probably are12:13
geekphreakmamous: stop flooding the room, we heard you the first time12:13
mamousoky oky sorry12:13
melwtech35does anyone know if its safe to use apt-get install libdrm-poulsbo1 backports in 9.10, will this achieve glx version 1.3+? or still be 1.212:14
icerootzamba: deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ karmic free non-free12:14
abssorbnibbler: OK I will try to make empty executable script.  I have already managed to get rid of the problematic dependencies. This is the last bit.12:14
mamousBut cz I have all my data inside it12:14
linx|mamous: ok, you are trying to mound a windows partition or something ?12:14
icerootzamba: replace karmic with your version12:14
zambaiceroot: thanks12:14
mamousno it is my internal harddesk12:14
mamousI always open it12:14
mamousbut 2day morrning it did not work12:14
nibblerabssorb, also a chmod +x $script will be needed12:15
mamousit is an jfs12:15
linx|mamous: if you didnt do anything to it yesterday, then I'd suggest the hard drive has failed12:15
mamouswhat should I do ?12:15
mamousall my data inside it12:15
linx|buy a new one and restore from your backup12:15
mamousI did not do any back up12:15
linx|well, lets hope I'm wrong12:16
geekphreakmamous:  is it an external case?12:16
mamousno it is internal12:16
mamousyesterday it was working ok12:16
mamousI just woke up and it gives me this error12:17
geekphreakmamous: can yuo type sudo mount12:17
mamous1 min I try12:17
mamousyes I can12:17
mamouswhat I do12:17
mamousmount the /dev/sdb ?12:18
geekphreakdoes it show that drive/partition listed by any chance there mamous ?12:18
_silentAssassin/me leaving12:18
abssorbnibbler:  Thanks, I just edited the original file. Ran sudo dpkg -r libdbusmenu-qt2 and it finished cleanly.  Many thanks for your help.  All this was just "yak-shaving" to get Kdenlive running after update12:19
mamoushere is the out put12:19
mamous/dev/sda1 on / type jfs (rw,errors=remount-ro)12:19
mamousproc on /proc type proc (rw)12:19
mamousnone on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)12:19
mamousnone on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)12:19
mamousnone on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)12:19
mamousnone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)12:19
FloodBot3mamous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:19
geekphreakmamous:  dont post the output in room plz12:19
linx|mamous: use the pastebin that floodbot has told you several times to use12:20
linx|mamous: if you do    sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb12:21
linx|mamous: can you paste that into the pastebin ?12:21
mamousoky 1  min12:22
melwtech35can i draw someones comments to http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=892138712:22
mamousmy pidgin crash12:25
mamousI fix it12:27
mamousthanks all12:27
mamousI did12:27
mamoussudo fsck /dev/sdb112:27
mamousand it said all clean12:27
mamousthen it work12:27
GryllidaMetaBot? Are you a Bot?12:28
geekphreakmamous: good job :)12:28
mamousit work by luck12:28
haywireAny takers of how to enable autologin in xubuntu 9.10 when it is dimmed from gdmsetup?12:29
thecookieI've tried to find the source of my menu item I added. But I can't find it in .config/menu12:29
thecookieWhere can it be?12:29
fruitwerks# start networking > start: Job failed to start12:30
Slarthaywire: it's not one of those.. "activate functions by authenticating" things?12:30
fruitwerksnothing in /var/log/messages12:31
Slarthaywire: in regular ubuntu there is a "unlock" button you have to press before you can activate it12:31
haywireYes, even when I run sudo gdmsetup, and click unlock, it ignores me.. I can only "close".12:32
geekphreakhaywire:  you can manually edit it12:34
haywireAccording to the output of my custom.conf file in gdm, everything looks correct, ie autologin=true....12:34
geekphreakhaywire: add this to custom.conf >> AutomaticLogin=username12:35
ActionParsnipYo yo yo12:36
ortsvorsteher!hi | ActionParsnip12:36
ubottuActionParsnip: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:36
haywireIt's already there...honestly I believe everything looks correct... can I post it for you?12:36
ActionParsnipHehe thanks ;)12:36
geekphreakhaywire: pastebin it12:37
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haywirehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/414256/ sri for delay...12:39
xukunanybody here using dd-wrt router firmware?12:39
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geekphreakhaywire: are     you sure you using gdm not kdm?12:41
geekphreakhaywire:  just ant to make sure :)12:41
ray_hello every body i am trying to use Ibus input method on skype but it is not working so does any body knows how to include that in skype chat  any help would be of great help12:41
ubuntudoes anyone have any experience with zoneminder??12:42
haywireWhy do all the tough ones have to hit a newbie like me ?12:42
iceroothaywire: noone is hitting a newbie12:43
haywireIt took me abt. 7 hrs to solve the 1360x768 resolution prob. I had with my 16x9 LCD, now this... heh heh..12:43
hiexpoxukun, did ya brick it12:43
geekphreakhaywire:  try this , change haywire  try adding this >> DefaultSession=gnome12:46
geekphreakhaywire: rest all looks ok12:46
haywireI guess if worse comes to worse, I can reinstall the whole ball of wax, saving my carefully edited xorg. conf file to get my res. back later...12:46
Jimi_NeutralDoes anyone here use plogger. I am having an odd problem. When I view the collections and albums in firefox i can see all the images fine and dandy..however when it comes to IE, they all show in the collections cover thumb and they all show in the albums wihtin the collections cover thumb but when i go into the albums some pictures show and some dont12:46
xukunhiexpo, no not yet ;) but I'm having hard time configuring ipv6 with the firmware and no reaction what so even from dd-wrt irc, so I need some help about this12:47
geekphreakhaywire: naaw you wont need that , try 1 more thing plz , press alt+f212:47
Jimi_Neutraland the ones that do show some will x out when you click on them12:47
geekphreakhaywire: in run type gksu gdmsetup, can you enable login now?12:47
hiexpoxukun, what model and ver is it12:47
haywiregeekphreak:  1 min...12:47
haywireLogin settings are still dimmed, still ignores me when I click unlock...:-(12:48
geekphreakyou wont need to unlock it with gksu12:48
haywireI'm willing to try the defaultsettings=gnome... I wrote that down for later..12:49
eZainnySo I own an Ubuntu server (7.10 - "gutsy") which was previously used for my small business. All setup and maintenance of this server was done by an admin who has since moved on. As part of the setup, this admin has somehow setup the server such that whenever I plug in an external HDD (USB) it automatically runs a backup script which copies over a whole bunch of stuff to this drive.12:49
eZainnyI want to cancel/delete this script as this is no longer necessary. Can anyone give me any pointers as to how I could track down where this script is and how to remove it?12:49
kaddihi, are there any plans on making a driver for ext4 on windows?12:49
eZainnybtw, I can ssh and vnc in to the server..but otherwise am a real linux noob12:49
xukunhiexpo, I'm using dd-wrt.v24-13575_NEWD-2_K2.6_big.bin firmware. I'm fellowing the wiki for ipv6 on "http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/IPv6"  but when I try to install the packages like aiccu I get warnings like this:"ipkg_depends: Warning: kernel mentioned in dependency but no package found in /jffs/usr/lib/ipkg/lists12:49
haywiregeekphreak:  Everything was fine until I foolishly ran recovery mode from GRUB... must be some kinda weird outcome from that..12:50
geekphreakhaywire: when you reboot, do you get any error, or it just stands there asking you to choose user12:50
hiexpoxukun, no what model wrt is it and ver number12:50
xukunhiexpo, I'm guesting you mean the firmware version?12:51
haywireI get the square Debian login screen, and it logs me on fine after typing un and pwd, I just want it like before... it is for home use, security not a major concern..12:51
hiexpoxukun, no the router number and the version of that model12:52
xukunhiexpo, aah so sorry. I have wrt320n v112:52
xukunhiexpo, linksys12:52
hiexpooh i have never done one of those sorry thats a new nmodel12:53
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xukunhiexpo, let me ask you one more thing. Can you confirm that de dd-wrt firmware V24(it's with Kernel 2.6) works with ipv6 using a tunnelbroker like sixxs12:54
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hiexpodid u go to dd wrt site and see12:55
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andatcheanyone know how I can make upstart show output from init.d scripts starting at boot?12:56
andatchecurrently with "quite" and "splash" removed from the kernel line, all I get is the kernel output then nothing until getty starts12:57
impii have a tab delimited file but in open office or ubuntu how to i add , instead of tabs?12:58
SliferSO YEAH I installed apache2 under ubuntu, using package manager, and it came all messed up, different from how I'm used to. the httpd.conf is empty, the only conf that has anything in it is apache2.conf, and that's missing the DocumentRoot; I added the DocumentRoot in manually but it seemed to make no difference, even after restarting apache12:58
SliferThe hell is wrong with it?12:58
Sliferwhy is half the config file missing12:58
Sliferand why won't it obey when I tell it the DocumentRoot12:58
Sliferanswer quick I need this working asap12:59
haywiregeekphreak:  Thanks so much for your efforts: I must run for now (have to work 1/2 day...)12:59
impislibuntu, check in /etc/apache2/conf.d13:00
impiand modules.enabled13:00
geekphreakhaywire:  cya13:00
aoeuSlifer:I had a similar sounding problem using the rc scripts. Try sending 'stop' and then 'start' instead of 'restart'.13:02
GavilasoQuestion: I would like to know how do i fix the black user list on ubuntu 9.10  I install it yestarday it was working fine. but when i create a new user and log off from the current (admin) to log in with the new user account. The users list square where you type your username or choose one is all black i can't click or do anything.... i'm new to linux.. can some help me??13:07
freshnewpageDo you get a text login prompt if you type Ctrl + Alt + F113:09
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Raydiationhow can i manipulate the grub params on boot?13:10
Raydiationi know i can press e to edit13:10
Raydiationbut how can i save the changes?13:10
joaopintoRaydiation, you can't save changes from the boot loader13:10
joaopintoto do permanent changes you need to change grub config on the filesystem13:11
Raydiationjoaopinto: ye, i mean how can i boot this13:11
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:11
erUSULRaydiation: edit the configuration files.13:11
RaydiationerUSUL: i dont want to13:11
Raydiationi just want to start 1 time withouth splash and quiet13:11
erUSULRaydiation: so what you want to do ?13:11
Raydiationwhen grub loads13:12
erUSULRaydiation: 14:10 < Raydiation> i know i can press e to edit <<<< So???13:12
Raydiationi press e and delete quiet and splash13:12
RaydiationerUSUL: yes how can i boot it13:12
Raydiationhow can i boot when i make chnages13:12
erUSULRaydiation: iirc in grub 1 you press b to boot. in grub2 is crtl +X or something like that... in both cases it is explained in the btton of the edit screen how to boot the modified entry13:13
aoeuRaydiation: I think, press enter, then 'b'13:13
RaydiationerUSUL: there is no explanation at the bottom, thats the problem13:15
Raydiationaoeu: b doesnt work any more13:15
erUSUL!grub2 | Raydiation13:16
ubottuRaydiation: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:16
fruitwerkscan aptitude show me what version of the package when I search?13:16
GavilasoQuestion: I would like to know how do i fix the black user list on ubuntu 9.10  I install it yestarday it was working fine. but when i create a new user and log off from the current (admin) to log in with the new user account. The users list square where you type your username or choose one is all black i can't click or do anything.... i'm new to linux.. can some help me??13:17
hatim_hello people13:22
om26er!hello | hatim_13:23
impihey guys, when i save my csv file some of my data dont wrap in "" - how do i ackomplish this?13:23
ubottuhatim_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:23
hatim_i am trying to install ubuntu after a windows 7 fresh install, i cannot seem to get the partitions in the GUI installer13:23
om26erhatim_, where did you start the installation from i.e. from windows? or booted from cd?13:24
hatim_from CD13:24
hatim_well to be exact from a solid state drive rigged to be a live CD13:25
hatim_I can see the partitions in fdisk13:25
hatim_ not in the GUI installer13:25
hatim_(i will try the alternate installer too)13:25
om26erhatim_, or you could test if lucid beta2 detects those13:26
hatim_oh it was lucid beta213:26
hatim_and actually this was the same with last release too13:26
hatim_i am sure there is some thing funky with my hardware13:26
Slartimpi: isn't is just text that gets wrapped in "" ?13:29
impiSlart, hey man :) thats the thing my lines loooks like: "ZA","*",7600,0,70 <---- but wheres my "" ? it should look like "ZA","*","7600","0","70"13:30
impiand it's so anoying13:30
zoobabanybody using Ubuntu Sparc here?13:31
^b0ss^never heard of it13:31
Slartimpi: only text cells gets wrapped with quotes.. 7600, 0,70 are numbers.. and thus don't get the quotes13:31
impiSlart, ah okay only text...let me try, thanks man13:31
Slartimpi: perhaps if you set the cell format to text it will be wrapped13:32
Slartimpi: I'm not sure how that affects calculations in your spreadsheet though13:32
kaddihi, are there any plans on making a driver for ext4 on windows?13:32
josiphello, I have just upgraded to lucid beta and there seem to be rpoblems with fglrx (can't get installed). Anyone familiar with this?13:32
Picijosip : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.13:32
josipit also broke apt-get http://pastebin.com/ePkeq1BE13:32
josipPici: thank you13:32
josipsorry for not reading the topic13:32
Slartkaddi: probably.. but i don't think there's anything official from canonical or such13:33
Slartkaddi: this might work, although it seems kind of limited http://ext2read.blogspot.com/13:34
kaddiSlart: I don't think canonical has offered anything official for ext3 or ext2 either13:34
Slartkaddi: nope13:35
BluesKajHowdy folks13:35
kaddithanks for the link I'm looking at it, sounds quite good13:35
craniumslowsI guess its too early for many problems eh13:39
strutsDead keys don't work in KDE apps. The "solution" is: "sudo im-switch -s default", but I get the error "No sysem wide default defined just for nb_NO . // Use "all_ALL" quasi-locale and set IM." I can't find any solution (in a language I understand). Does anyone know?13:40
strutsAfter updating to Lucid, dead keys don't work in KDE apps. The "solution" is: "sudo im-switch -s default", but I get the error "No sysem wide default defined just for nb_NO . // Use "all_ALL" quasi-locale and set IM." I can't find any solution (in a language I understand). Does anyone know?13:41
Picistruts: Please use #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support13:43
GavilasoQuestion: I would like to know how do i fix the black user list on ubuntu 9.10  I install it yestarday it was working fine. but when i create a new user and log off from the current (admin) to log in with the new user account. The users list square where you type your username or choose one is all black i can't click or do anything.... i'm new to linux.. can some help me??13:43
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:44
strutsPici: No one answers there, and this bug isn't lucid-specific. It has been there for years.13:44
Picistruts: Well, you said it was after updating to Lucid, I assumed it was working fine before.  Have you asked in #kubuntu ? or #kde ?13:45
Jimi_Neutralanyone here use plogger?13:45
strutsPici: Will do.13:47
strutsDead keys don't work in KDE apps. The "solution" is: "sudo im-switch -s default", but I get the error "No sysem wide default defined just for nb_NO . // Use "all_ALL" quasi-locale and set IM." I can't find any solution (in a language I understand). Does anyone know? (This happend after having updated to lucid, but the problem doesnt have a13:48
struts... isn't Ubuntu specific.13:48
outer_spacehow come system monitor is reporting 1.6gb ram used but in processes the memory only adds up to 800mb max13:51
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stillmehello all13:52
Slartouter_space: is it showing all processes or just your user processes?13:52
stillmepls am new to ubuntu am trying to install it13:52
airtonixouter_space, http://www.linuxatemyram.com/13:52
outer_spacei dont know. does system monitor show all processes?13:52
Slartouter_space: there is a setting.. in one of the menus I think13:53
airtonixouter_space, read the page.13:53
zombie-robotis there a way to disable the keybord temporarily?13:53
stillmeam using samsung R60 plus and i got ubuntu 9.4 pls how do i go about installing it?13:53
Slartairtonix: I don't think the system monitor includes cache when it reports memory usage13:53
Slartouter_space: in the "view" menu.. there's "my processes", "active processes", "all processes"13:54
outer_spacegood. i want it to cache my ssd13:54
youngtill1diehey ppl13:54
youngtill1diei  got an new eee 1001p and netbook remix on it13:54
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:55
youngtill1dieaqnd i got problem. windows dont want to resize13:55
outer_spacewhat does netbook remix bring?  I have an eeepc with regular ubuntu13:55
airtonixouter_space, a useless desktop overlay13:55
Jimi_Neutrali need help setting up permissions for someone to access my box remotley. I have pure admin installed and I have set up a test user but it keeps saying authentication failed13:56
geirhaouter_space: http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr13:56
Jimi_Neutralpass hidden authentication fialed13:57
gunkstawhat permissions should I have set on /var/lib/libvirtd/images to make it work with vir-manager?13:57
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  you mean pureftp?13:57
youngtill1dieand how can i change resolution with terminal?13:57
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, yeah13:57
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, hey mate :O013:57
zombie-robotis ther a way to  temporarily  disable the keyboard to clean it with out unplugging it?13:57
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  is service running?13:57
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, yeah cause i can log in with my ubuntu user account name and pass13:57
sheepzi'm trying to a send a message with an attachment mutt -s "Subject" -a README.txt someone@example.com < message_body.txt am I doing something wrong, because it includes the e-mail in the attachment and thus fails?13:58
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  you have to create the user13:58
Jimi_Neutrali thought pure admin did that when i created it13:58
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  i use vsftpd , never ran that mostly you need system account13:58
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, yeah dont want them to have system account13:59
Slartzombie-robot: have a look at this.. and be careful messing around in /sys http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72519913:59
geekphreakJimi_Neutral: no harm in it, give them limited perm. chainroot them13:59
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, i tried vsftp and couldnt get it to wor13:59
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, it will be a lot of users that will be logging in13:59
youngtill1dieis there any "testing" repositories from wich i can get a fresh packages?14:00
geekphreakJimi_Neutral:  be right back14:00
Jimi_Neutralgeekphreak, rgr14:00
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Slartyoungtill1die: there's the "proposed" repository14:03
GavilasoQuestion: I would like to know how do i fix the black user list on ubuntu 9.10  I install it yestarday it was working fine. but when i create a new user and log off from the current (admin) to log in with the new user account. The users list square where you type your username or choose one is all black i can't click or do anything.... i'm new to linux.. can some help me??14:04
sheepzi'm trying to a send a message with an attachment mutt -s "Subject" -a README.txt someone@example.com < message_body.txt am I doing something wrong, because it includes the e-mail in the attachment14:04
SlartGavilaso: I've never heard of that problem before.. are you running the default login screen? no customizations?14:04
Dzaeckhow to custum ubuntu14:05
Dr_WillisDzaeck:  clarify what you mean14:05
stillmepls how do i install ubuntu 9.4 on samsung r60 plus14:07
jack__stillme: the same way you install it on an acer 553214:07
Slartsheepz: that looks like the examples I found here http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/sending-mail-with-attachment.html .. odd14:07
frxstremI am currently reinstalling Ubuntu a lot on my computer, and I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to have /home as a separate partition from the root file system - also, would Ubuntu then re-use these directories as home directories for the new users (with the same name, of course), or would it make a new directory no matter what?14:07
Slartstillme: booting from a regular install cd doesn't work?14:08
jack__why not?14:08
stillmei havent installed it before14:08
jack__stillme: its very easy14:08
stillmei cant use it as live cd but am scared the display drivers wont work14:08
Slartfrxstrem: you can tell it to reuse the same /home partition for a new install.. there's an option during the install14:08
Slartfrxstrem: I think it's at the same stage where you decide how to partition the hard drive14:09
geirhafrxstrem: Having a separate home partition is always good. When you create a user and a dir by the same name exists in /home, it will use that as the new user's homedir.14:09
CryptIce7is there any secure deletion program that i can securely remove a file.14:10
frxstremgeirha: thanks, that's the answer I was looking for :)14:10
frxstremSlart: sorry, but I already knew that :/14:10
Slart!info wipe | CryptIce714:10
CryptIce7Slart: thanks14:10
ubottuCryptIce7: wipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-7 (karmic), package size 44 kB, installed size 140 kB14:10
SlartCryptIce7: you're welcome14:10
talmaiHow can i install libmozjs-dev on ubuntu 9.10 without uninstalling everything else?14:11
sheepzSlart, yes, I was following those instructions14:11
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youngtill1dieSlart: how can i add it to my source list?14:12
BANSHE3Say theres a file, and inside that file it says like something something windows vista, how do I use Find to search all files and look for that key word14:12
amanimy fingerprint reader not work.. what i can do for that??14:12
Dzaeckcan you help  website to special packeg for ubuntu soft ware14:12
Slartyoungtill1die: there a checkbox in system, administration, software sources.. but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to just add the whole repository.. there might be some bad things in there (bad = buggy)14:12
SlartBANSHE3: grep seems like what you're looking for14:13
BANSHE3Slart would you have any idea what i would type14:13
JustEricAnyone know how to get an intel wifi 5100AGN Wireless card working?14:13
erUSULBANSHE3: (they have to be plain textfiles) → grep -R "thatword" directory/14:14
SlartBANSHE3: something like this     grep -R 'somewordtofind" /some/base/folder14:14
Dzaeckwhat happened hypep terminal ubuntu and par six14:14
stillmeso after installing ubuntu do i go downloading drivers for samsung r60??14:14
frxstremI am gonna reinstall Ubuntu and mount a partition for /home, but how big should it be (I have 30 GB available of 40 GB in total)14:15
stillmewhere do i get the drivers??14:15
SlartBANSHE3: oops.. 'somewordtofind'  or "somewordtofind" .. don't mix those14:15
erUSULfrxstrem: do 10 GiB for / (root) the rest for home14:15
frxstremerUSUL: okay, thanks :)14:15
* Dr_Willis wonders what a Samsung R60 is14:16
SlartBANSHE3: then there's all kinds of switches you can add..  -R means recursive.. -i means case insensitive .. there are many many more but those are the ones I use the most14:16
airtonixerUSUL, interesting situation : 10gb for root and everything else for home used to be my choice, but now im thinking / = 3gb /usr = 10gb /var =5gb  /home = the-rest14:17
exarkunWhen I plug in a flash drive, it doesn't get automounted.  How do I change that?14:17
airtonixexarkun, start by giving more information about your system and software14:18
exarkunUbuntu 9.1014:18
erUSULairtonix: for a desktop PC separatting /var and /usr has no advantages imho14:18
Dr_Willisexarkun:  thers been soem bugs/issues with the automounting of devices - ive had smiler issues. I tend to just mount them by hand when they dont auto  mount.14:18
exarkunDr_Willis: Yes... I've been mounting by hand for 6 months now, every time I plug in the device.14:19
airtonixerUSUL, right now i have it as / = 10gb /home = the-rest. however... after isntalling much doc packages... /usr/share/blah is reaching 8gb in size.14:19
LzrdKingerUSUL: lots more stuff goes into /usr than any other dir, so it could make sense to mount a larger volume on /usr14:19
GavilasoSlart i'm running everything default...14:19
Dr_Willisexarkun:  ive noticed that mine would auto mount for a while.. then stop. somthing with gvfs was crashing.14:19
LzrdKingerUSUL: plus, /var needs to be mounted rw while other directories can be mounted ro14:19
exarkungvfs is the software that's responsible for this?14:19
SlartGavilaso: and it worked before you created the new user?14:19
csabawhen I start LDAP, I get an error message saying "No DB_CONFIG file found in /var/lib/ldap"... and there are some dbd files there...14:19
csabawhy do I get this error?14:19
GavilasoSlart it was working fine until i create the new user14:20
airtonixLzrdKing, ja, /var is also somewhere you would have the mysql and apache root14:20
Dr_Willisexarkun:  part of it at least. Monitor the /var/log/messages file and /var/log/dmesg (i think) or kernel. files.. it may give a clue. but i know of no actual fix.14:20
erUSULLzrdKing: i know that but that makes sense in a server or multiuser system. a desktop pc used by 1 person or a family do not need the extra security of ro /usr/ and all that stuff; as i said IMHO14:20
SlartGavilaso: you could look through /var/log/syslog and see if you notice anything around the time you tried logging in.. it's a regular text file14:20
GavilasoSlart after i create the new user and reboot or log off so i can loging as the new user.. the log in screen.. or the square where you see the user is in black you can only see the background or wallpaper14:20
GavilasoSlart i'm new to linux how do i get there?14:21
exarkunDr_Willis: Okay, thanks for the hint.  I haven't investigated the gvfs part of this before, so that gives me something new to look into, at least.14:21
LzrdKingerUSUL: but as airtonix said, he's nearly out of room on / because of 8 GB in /usr14:21
airtonixerUSUL, but i think i have a solution, which involves changing the mount point for /usr to a new partition to accomodate its growing size (i'm going to want more doc packages)14:21
SlartGavilaso: open a terminal, write "gedit /var/log/syslog" .. it will probably be easier to start looking from the end since it might be a big file14:21
GavilasoSlart i can't login...14:22
quesoIf I have applications linked to in the gnome panel, where are they stored?  I'd like to be able to find the command to start an application on a remote computer.14:22
SlartGavilaso: oh.. right.. didn't think of that14:22
LzrdKingairtonix: if you have another drive, mount it on /mnt, do cp -a /usr /mnt, then unmount /mnt and mount the drive on /usr; once you verify that everything works, you can unmount /usr, then rm -rf /usr/*14:22
exarkunqueso: right click on the icon and select "Properties"14:22
LzrdKingthen remount the drive on /usr14:22
SlartGavilaso: do you have a live cd you can boot from? (the regular desktop install cd is a live cd)14:23
exarkunqueso: The command should be there.14:23
GavilasoSlart it just sits their.. the only ico i see is the accesibility.. or the man with the hand on side14:23
Gavilasoslart yest14:23
quesoexarkun: I've ssh'ed to the remote computer, I'm not actually in gnome on it.14:23
LzrdKingairtonix: make sure you add the drive to /etc/fstab so /usr is mounted on boot14:23
erUSULLzrdKing: i'm not talking about a specific case it was more of a genral opinion (see my response to frxstrem ). in the airtonix case i sayy that if you are going to install a lot of packages then 15 or 20 GiB (i have 15 GiB myself) for root and you are done :)14:23
airtonixLzrdKing, thats pretty much the method im going to use14:23
airtonixerUSUL, true most people wont grab 8gbs of doc packages  like me14:23
jlebrechdoes anyone know if there is a service that can recommend software to me based on the apt-get starts of ubuntu?14:24
LzrdKingairtonix: what doc packages do you need that take up so much space?14:24
tux_anyone know how to compress mp4 with ubuntu?14:24
airtonixjlebrech, please defien what you mean by " based on the apt-get starts of ubuntu "14:24
tux_i have a 25.5mb file and i want to compress it to under 25mb to fit in gmail14:25
dj_segfaulttux_: mp4 files are already compressed14:25
Dr_Willistux_:  try one of the many archiver tools out.. but good luck getting much more compression14:25
airtonixLzrdKing, lots of python docs ( mostly all of them ), i have lots of python packages too14:25
exarkunqueso: You can start a display remotely. :)14:25
tux_dj_segfault, yup but is there anything else to edge it that little bit more14:25
LzrdKingtux, you can try gzip -9, but you won't be able to compress a compressed file very much; in fact, it might grow14:25
jlebrechaironix: package x is getting really popular, and it has a description and reviews. and you can just click install. like an rss feed style app14:25
quesoexarkun: I can run the apps remotely via ssh14:26
LzrdKingtux_ ^14:26
tux_LzrdKing, worth a try14:26
exarkunqueso: I don't know which files the information is stored in, sorry.  Probably something in ~/.gnome2 I suppose.14:26
DiKKyHEARTIEZ <3<3<3  GOOD NIGHT  Pi LOL <314:26
dj_segfaulttux_: I would recommend looking into something that can break it up into multiple files14:26
DiKKyI STOP14:26
airtonixjlebrech, you mean like the apt:// url handler that firefox has ?14:26
DiKKySO WILL I!!!!!!!!!!14:26
quesoexarkun: k, thank you.  I think I may have found a way to figure it out14:26
FloodBot3DiKKy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:26
LzrdKingtux_: you could also try editing the content to make it a bit shorter14:26
tux_LzrdKing, added 1mb :)14:26
LzrdKingtux_: or reencode it at a lower bitrate14:27
tux_its a video mp4, hard to compress, it went from a 92 avi to 25.5 mp414:27
FloodBot3DiKKy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
tux_winFF doesn't have an mp4 option unfortunately14:28
LzrdKingtux_: if you converted it yourself, reconvert it but use slightly higher compression settings to the codec you used14:28
BurzmaliHello, anyone have advice for keeping one workspace at a default resolution while letting an application (Wine) resize another?14:28
jlebrech airtonix: like a desktop app, like message of the day. so it'll show you ad package you havent got install and explain what it does. especially if it has reviews.14:28
Dr_WillisBurzmali:  you mean a work space, and not a seperate monitor right?14:28
tux_LzrdKing, don't have the original anymore, i used prism video converted on winblows14:28
BurzmaliDr_Willis: Yes14:29
airtonixjlebrech, no there is not.14:29
Dr_WillisBurzmali:  workspaces/virtual desktops - ive never seen  be able to do differnt res's14:29
jlebrech airtonix: what do you think? good idea?14:29
wolfjbI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 64bit, how do I install libpcsclite1 32 bit library? I don't see an option for it in apt-get14:29
dj_segfaultBurzmali: I have two different displays at different resolution.  I do it using separate X displays in NVidia's driver14:30
wolfjbI have libpcsclite1 64bit installed but that won't work for me14:30
airtonixjlebrech, closest you get to ideas on start up is : ailurus14:30
Dzaecktime watcher14:30
Burzmalidj_segfault: I'm running nvidia too, let me check that out.14:30
lastelement0hey all is there a channel for ubuntu 10.04 discussion?14:31
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jriblastelement0: #ubuntu+114:31
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:31
LzrdKingtux_: you might be able to reconvert it to a lower bitrate, but i'm not sure what tool will do that, probably something using ffmpeg though14:31
numbchildwhat is this14:32
numbchildhi wverybody14:32
strutsI there any way I can reset my keyboard settings to how it was after installing Ubuntu. Some "fixing" on my behalf made matters worste than to begin with.14:32
genii!welcome | numbchild14:32
ubottunumbchild: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:32
h2ohttp://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/tomclancyssplintercellconviction/video/7625745/tom-clancys-splinter-cell-conviction-video-review i try to click the button enter but it never works on ubuntu14:32
numbchildthank you genii14:32
numbchildand you ubottu14:33
LzrdKingshould i do a fresh install of karmic or wait for lucid to be released?14:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:33
numbchildlucid will be reaseased14:33
LzrdKingyes it will14:33
numbchildthe screen of chat bresh so quickly14:33
numbchildi can not see clearly14:34
numbchildwhat is irc14:34
numbchildanybody is still here14:35
h2oonce i installed lucid beta14:35
HealingDruidHello, I have a weird problem: I have sound when I play videos through the browser but no where else (Ubuntu Karmic 64-bit browser:Chrome)14:35
h2oi cant copy past into terminal, everytime i right click on the terminal a new window opens :S :S14:35
geniinumbchild: Many are here. If you have no immediate Ubuntu questions, perhaps travel to #ubuntu-offtopic channel for more casual conversation14:35
numbchildgenii:thank you14:36
erUSULh2o: you release the button to fast and you trigger the first menu option (open terminal)14:36
LzrdKingnumbchild: this is irc14:36
h2othanks you erusul14:36
numbchildi do not know more14:37
erUSULh2o: no problem14:37
h2ocan anyone help me out please, i cant click the enter button!14:37
numbchildi come in for a minute14:37
h2othe enter button doesnot work on ubuntu :SSSS14:37
h2oi have flash 10 installed14:37
JustEricAnyone know how to get an intel wifi 5100AGN Wireless card working?14:38
Exposure548ty vole14:38
HealingDruidHello, I have a weird problem: I have sound when I use the browser (regardless of the media) but no sound when I play files on my disk using VLC and/or Totem (Ubuntu Karmic 64-bit browser:Chrome)14:38
KementariJustEric: It seems slightly odd that it didn't work out of the box, are you using 9.10?14:38
lastelement0this is my question i posted in #ubuntu+1 but maybe someone here has an idea of what could be wrong: hey everyone, i have 10.04 installed on my desktop fully updated. i can connect to the internet just fine, but when i try to download files, it will just stall. but i am still connected and able to use IM and browse the web. what could be the cause?14:38
JustEricI am.14:39
JustEricI've heard people are having issues. It's my second install.14:39
numbchildcan i ask a question that all of you are not from china?14:39
arandnumbchild: → #ubuntu-offtopic14:39
JustEricWhen I drop 'ifconfig -a' into terminal it lists 1 network named "lo", but doesn't show any wlan.14:39
mguylastelement0: Are you using Firefox?14:40
numbchildwhat is ubuntu-offtopic?14:40
KementariJustEric: does anything show when you go to system->hardware-drivers14:40
lastelement0mguy: yeah, but its also with trying to get the dropbox daemon installed14:40
numbchildmy hardware too14:40
Picinumbchild: The channel you are in is only for Ubuntu Support questions, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic  for other discussion14:40
numbchildnow i know ,thanks pici14:41
LzrdKing#ubuntu-offtopic is the best channel on freenode14:41
HealingDruidHello, I have a weird problem: I have sound when I use the browser (regardless of the media) but no sound when I play files on my disk using VLC and/or Totem, The volume is all the way up in both programs and for the system.  (Ubuntu Karmic 64-bit browser:Chrome)14:41
KentrelHi. About 10 years ago when I had red hat linux I remember it came with quotes, and there was a way of showing a random quote whenever you logged in14:43
mguylastelement0: Have you checked your logs for anything odd?14:43
KentrelCan anyone remember what that was called?14:43
mguykentrel: fortune14:43
hexdump__yeah slackware has that14:43
KentrelWow, I totally remember the name now that you say it14:43
=== hexdump__ is now known as Hellhound666
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h2othe enter button doesnot work on ubuntu :SSSS14:44
h2ocmon guys14:44
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tomeohow do I open programs in ubuntu just by using the keyboard?14:45
LzrdKingh2o: your enter button seems to be working here14:45
Haffetomeo: alt+f2 usually14:46
h2owhat could be wrong14:46
jose__I want to make a set of scripts available to all users in my machine. What's the best solution? Do I the executables under /usr/local ??14:46
tomeothanks Haffe14:46
Picih2o: it looks like you need to fill out your birthdate before the enter button becomes active, did you do that?14:46
jose__tomeo, try gnome-do14:46
LzrdKingtomeo: alt-f1 will open the gnome menus and you can use the arrows to move around and enter to select your application14:46
h2oi cant see the birthday thing14:47
tomeohow do I access the top menu bar of ubuntu just by using the keyboard?14:47
Picitomeo: if you press ctrl-shift-numlock you can use your numpad to control the mouse cursor14:47
LzrdKingtomeo: alt-f114:47
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tomeothanks Pici14:48
jose__tomeo, try gnome-do14:48
jose__I want to make a set of scripts available to all users in my machine. What's the best solution? Do I the executables under /usr/local ??14:48
LzrdKingjose__: /usr/local/bin is probably the best location, if there is no package that contains those scripts14:49
jose__LzrdKing, so anything under /usr/local/bin is accessible to any user?14:50
lastelement0mguy what logs would i want to look at for network items14:51
LzrdKingjose__: if they have read and execute permissions on the directory and the files inside14:51
rjharvis anyone else getting a 503 from http://help.ubuntu.com ?14:51
makaveli0129hey quick question how would i find out the driver name that my wireless is using i'm using the restricted driver in jaunty trying to set up kismet14:51
Picirjharv: Yes. Its not just you.14:51
rjharvwas just about to try the ec2 stuff14:52
jose__LzrdKing, so /usr/local/bin is added to every users path by default or is it /usr/local/bin?14:52
yshavitIs there a way to essentially set a different /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf per connection? My connection at home requires a "prepend domain-name-servers" that my work connection doesn't require. Or is it fine to have that prepend there superfluously at work?14:52
LzrdKingjose__: you may need to add the path to $PATH in /etc/profile14:53
adalalhey, is there a way to connect to a wpa2 network over commmand line with a hidden ssid?14:53
abuluhi, I'm having problems with aptitude...14:53
LzrdKingjose__: not /etc/profile, hold on14:53
airtonixmakaveli0129,  lshw -C Network | grep driver14:53
rjharvabulu: whats the problem14:54
jose__LzrdKing, Basically what I want is a set of scripts under a directory to be accessible to every user on a machine....14:54
abuluwhen ever I try to install, search, everything I get a msg saying that 68 packages will be removed14:54
abulubut, until I know, some of the packages can't be removed14:54
makaveli0129airtonix: thank you kind sir14:55
rjharvabulu: hmm sound slike its a hang over from a apt-get remove14:55
mihai'm trying to set grub splash http://shibuvarkala.blogspot.com/2009/11/how-to-make-your-own-splashimage-for.html .. i see no changes, any ideas?14:55
rjharvabulu: will message you14:55
fruitwerkshow do I get sun java jdk?14:55
airtonixmiha, need more information.14:55
phylockcan anyone recomend a good latex writer, atleast with suport for projects, autocompleation and inline spellchecker14:56
zleapphylock, i use LyX14:56
airtonixfruitwerks, http://ubuntuguide.org/14:56
mihaailyn well i copied lenovo.xpm to /boot/grub ... i guess this script should say 'found Debian background' but it doesnt14:56
LzrdKingwhat file sets the path for all users when they log in?14:56
phylockzleap - i take a look14:56
mihaairtonix sorry14:57
airtonixmiha, you still haven't told us what version of ubuntu you are using14:57
zleapthink the site is lyx.org14:57
airtonixLzrdKing, ~/.profile i think14:57
gunkstaabulu - try something like this - apt-cache --installed rdepends mono-runtime14:57
gunkstajust replace mono-runtime with a package that it's trying to remove14:57
LzrdKingairtonix: that's specific to the user though14:57
airtonixLzrdKing, yes.14:58
mihaairtonix i made 640x480 14 color indexed image, as some other site suggested :D14:58
mihado i have to 'enable' splash?14:58
LzrdKingairtonix: isn;t there one that is used for all users, something in /etc/?14:58
mihait seems 'graphic' though14:58
adalalhey, is there a way to connect to a wpa2 network over commmand line with a hidden ssid?14:58
airtonixLzrdKing, you're not referring to /etc/skel ?14:59
LzrdKingairtonix: thats used when a new user is created14:59
airtonixLzrdKing, correct14:59
Strife89What file contains the listing for grub? I wish to edit the name of an entry.14:59
phylockfruitwerks - apt-get sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre14:59
airtonixLzrdKing, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables15:00
LzrdKingairtonix: isn;t there a file that sets the default PATH variable for all users when they log in, then goes to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc?15:00
fruitwerksuhh yeah sun-jdk is just not in the repository15:00
=== bruciee is now known as kasunbg
abuayyoubHello, I was wondering if someone could help me. I just installed lucid a couple days ago and I seem to be having a problem with audio threw HDMI. not sure what the problem is, video works perfect but no sound at all over HDMI15:00
Strife89Windows Vista somehow got listed as "Windows Recovery Console."15:00
airtonixLzrdKing, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#Persistent%20environment%20variables15:00
souffledevquestion: postgresql8.4 and karmic. anyone gave it a try and failed?15:00
h00k!lucid | abuayyoub15:00
ubottuabuayyoub: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:00
Vincencikok problem solved...i must type "sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1400"15:00
Vincencikand any site loading now :)15:00
mihaadalal google says http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-324545.html15:00
smerzoh maybe not heh x)15:01
phylockfruitwerks - enable multiverse15:01
gunkstasouffldev - I used postgres on Karmic and didn't have any problems15:01
upera-onitehi buntions-any avast users here?15:01
fruitwerksno sun realted packages in the ropositiry and I have universe anabled15:01
adalalmiha: thanks15:01
mihaairtonix any ideas about splash?15:01
airtonixmiha, no.15:01
h00k!any | upera-onite15:01
airtonixmiha, tried using gdm2-setup ?15:01
erUSULfruitwerks: lucid ?15:02
h00k!ask | upera-onite15:02
ubottuupera-onite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:02
LzrdKingjose__: you'll need to either append the path for users, or have them execute the scripts using /usr/local/bin/scriptname15:02
airtonixmiha, https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup15:02
souffledevdid anyone have success with postgresql8.4 in karmic?15:02
fruitwerkserUSUL - 9. something15:02
upera-oniteubuntu snobs-forget it-it may have been of help to you too!15:03
gunkstasouffledev - yes15:03
erUSULfruitwerks: multiverse is enabled ?15:03
souffledevgunksta, did you just install it off the repository?15:03
erUSULfruitwerks: System>Admin...>Software Sources15:03
gunkstasouffledev - yeah, is it not installing?15:03
souffledevgunksta, it is but it doesn't like to start15:03
fruitwerksheh.. this is a headless install15:03
blendmaster1024i'm trying to install grub legacy to fix my 9.04 install, i'm at the grub shell on the livecd in a chroot of my install (udev is mounted), but i can't run the root or setup commands because it doesn't see any devices. so ... what now?15:03
upera-oniteban me!15:03
gunkstasouffledev - define "doesn't want to start"15:04
abulugunksta: what mono-runtime does?15:04
melmsome of app dont just run like skype and blender any one can help me plz15:04
michi_hey guys, is there an easy way to get mac keybords working?15:04
fruitwerksgot it.. thanks15:04
gunkstaabulu - ignore mono-runtim, it's just something I threw in there as an example. you need to use one of the packages apt is trying to remove15:05
souffledevgunksta, did you install the metapackage or postgresql-8.4?15:05
souffledevgunksta, meaning just `postgres` or `postgresql-8.4`?15:05
gunkstaabulu - this will show you what you have on your system that depends on that package. dborphan is another neat option15:05
erUSULfruitwerks: then check /etc/apt/sources.list15:05
jose__LzrdKing, Thanks dude!15:06
erUSULfruitwerks: it shiuld be a matter of uncommenting a couple of lines15:06
gunkstasouffledev - I almost always use the metapackage -- but remember, before using postgres it has to be configured. It's not like mysql15:06
souffledevgunksta, do you have a doc you used? :-)15:06
souffledevinstlalation doc15:06
michi_can anyone help me with setting up a macbook laptop keyboard? Standardkeys obviously work, but i can't get (at) input15:06
gunkstasouffledev - try this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL15:07
frostburnhow does one prevent applications from stealing focus?15:07
frostburnalso are there any compiz plugins that allow me to do the windows 7 thing where moving a window to an edge makes it take 1/2 the screen realestate?15:08
souffledevgunksta, thanks15:08
Slartfrostburn: there is a compiz setting for focus stealing prevention15:08
Dr_Willisfrostburn:  i seem to recall seeing some guide that sort of did that with compiz. KDE4 allready has a similer feature built in15:09
ianwizard1I am having trouble with Inhibit Applet, it works just fine, except when I close the lid, it doesn't catch it and the computer suspends.15:09
frostburnSlart, ah i see, it under general, focus prevention level15:10
gunkstasouffledev - postgres is a nice database, but it's not like mysql. I would come closer to saying it's like SQL-Server done right.15:10
raffixboa dia15:10
frostburnDr_Willis, yeah, i haven't seen anything yet, i'll google around a bit more15:10
electro_Can someone some me an example of how to put a post-install script into the preseed file? I am familiar with kickstart, but preseed appears much different.  I keep getting on error.15:10
raffixbr ae?15:10
underdevhi, does anyone have problems with notifications in 10.04 beta?15:10
airtonixfrostburn, yes its called place. use the numpad15:10
Piciunderdev : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.15:10
abuayyoubHello, I was wondering if someone could help me. I just installed ubuntu a couple days ago and I seem to be having a problem with audio threw HDMI. not sure what the problem is, video works perfect but no sound at all over HDMI15:10
AdvoWorkis there any way I can take an exact snapshot of  a server, so that I could install it on another server if needs be?15:10
rocket16How to make autoindent of parentheses in Gedit?15:11
erUSULAdvoWork: clonezilla ?15:11
rocket16Like whenever I make "{" in Java or C++, it move a little bit right, making it indented,15:11
Pici!clone | AdvoWork15:11
ubottuAdvoWork: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:11
mguyAdvoWork: You can use dd15:11
ianwizard1abuayyoub: yeah, I have the same problem, but have always just used the built in speakers.15:11
airtonixfrostburn, i have window + numpad 6 set to move the window to take 1/2 the screen on the right side on first push, then 3/4 the window on second push then full width on third push15:11
abuluwhat can happens if I run apt-get -f install?15:11
souffledevgunksta, it doesn't even start dude.15:11
airtonixfrostburn, window + other numpad keys do the same for those directions15:12
souffledevgunksta, this tutorial is kinda useless15:12
souffledevgunksta, i am not talking about client connect to pg server15:12
melmhey can anyone help me plz i use ubuntu 9.10 and some applications dont run when i click on them15:12
souffledevgunksta, the server itself never starts15:12
=== guido is now known as Guest82952
gunkstasouffledev - that's weird.15:12
frostburnairtonix, ah ha, ok found it, i'll play around with these settings, i bet i can get something more optimal than even win 7's default15:13
souffledevgunksta, i pull it from from standard ubuntu repo and it should at the very least start the server yeah?15:13
phylockmelm - check the location the link points at15:13
rocket16How to make TAB like indent with { automatically in Gedit? Like it works in Geany?15:13
gunkstasouffledev - yes15:13
peleczekanyone knows how to make one of the ttys for example tty3 to load irssi after login?15:13
gunkstasouffledev - try this /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 stop && /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start15:14
souffledevgunksta, i am starting to believe that the package is broken15:14
jose__how do I add a directory to every user's PATH?15:14
gunkstasouffledev - my idea needs sudo, sorry15:14
ianwizard1rocket16: use geany, that's what I do and you obviously have experience with it15:14
AdvoWorkmguy, so with dd can i just do an exact clone of *everything* ? what about restoring, am i limited to restoring to the same hardware?15:14
gunkstasouffledev: the package may be broken now, not sure. I'm on lucid but it did work for me on karmic15:14
souffledevgunksta, that's ok. i own the box.15:14
souffledevError: could not exec /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/pg_ctl /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main -l /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log -s -o  -c config_file="/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf" :15:14
rocket16ianwizard1: Yes, I do have. But, it would have been better it the feature have been implemented in Gedit as well15:14
souffledevgunksta, ^^15:15
Picirocket16: There may be a plugin for gedit that does that, have you check out that tab in the preferences? or added the gedit-plugins package?15:15
JustEricWho was I speaking to earlier about the 5100AGN?15:15
souffledevPici, you got anything about pg 8.4 on karmic?15:16
souffledevit's horribly broken i think15:16
souffledevdoesn't create directories and necessary files15:16
ianwizard1The inhibit applet doesn't inhibit when I close the lid.  Any body have any ideas?15:16
souffledevthis system did not have pg prior to installing 8.415:17
souffledevso in essence it's clean15:17
rocket16Pici: Yes, I have done in Preferences, but thanks for the plugins package. I am downloading it, really thanks.15:17
souffledevMr. Martin Pitt. Kindly help if you're around.15:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:17
gunkstasouffledev: is there anything else in /var/log/messages15:17
abulucan I trust on it: The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:15:18
gunkstaabulu: yes15:18
souffledevgunksta, nothing.15:18
abuluI is the result of apt-get -f install15:18
JustEricSo, Ubuntu doesn't allow me to connect to the internet. Hardwire doesn't work and my wireless 5100 doesn't work. Any ideas?15:19
kyngbuntuDoes anyone have any updated information on how to set a different OS as default in grub? every website I've referenced so far mentions editing menu.lst, but my grub folder doesn't even have that file, so I'm assuming that is an old way of handling this issue.15:19
gunkstasouffledev: rats. I wish I could be of more help, but I really don't know.15:19
souffledevgunksta, that's cool dude. thanks15:19
Traveler6hello all you clever (i hope) people.15:19
abuluon the list exist some packages that is a dependency of another that I don't want to remove15:19
airtonixfrostburn, sorry its not called place. the compiz module you want is called maximumize15:20
ianwizard1kyngbuntu: are you using 9.10?15:20
Traveler6anybody sick of hearing about vodafone 3g dongles yet?15:20
ianwizard1Traveler6: no.15:20
abulugunkstar:on the list exist some packages that is a dependency of another that I don't want to remove15:21
erUSUL!grub2 | kyngbuntu15:21
ubottukyngbuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:21
Traveler6got a problem connecting and seen as i have been a linux user for almost....36 hours now its a big issue15:21
kyngbuntui am not using 9.10. this is my first experience with nix OS and i, perhaps foolishly, went with 10.04 assuming the beta was in a pretty reliable state15:21
Pandemonium_ppki have a question for an ubuntu tech15:21
mihaairtonix got it working.. its http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-add-a-splash-image-to-grub-2-on-ubuntu-9.04 but .png better be 640x480 and 14 or so colours :D15:21
kyngbuntuif that has something to do with my issue, i'll be happy to format15:21
erUSUL!es | luismi15:21
ubottuluismi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:21
Pandemonium_ppkcan someone pm me please15:21
abulugunksta, on the list exist some packages that is a dependency of another that I don't want to remove15:21
arandPandemonium_ppk: Ask in channel.15:22
erUSULkyngbuntu: grub2 factoid aplys to your case. further help with 10.04 in #ubuntu+115:22
Pandemonium_ppkwhere can I can a list of compatible external usb dvd burners for ubuntu15:22
kyngbuntuthank you very much15:22
gunkstaabulu: then here's the problem. i'm guessing that these dependencies were originally installed as a dependency for something else. try installing this file with a --reinstall flag and it should stop autoremove from trying to remove it.15:22
erUSULPandemonium_ppk: all should work15:22
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:22
Traveler6how do i get vodafone 3g usb modem to work with 9.10?15:23
ianwizard1kyngbuntu: as said, since 9.10 ubuntu has used grub2, the config file that you need to edit is  /etc/default/grub15:23
kyngbuntuok thank you very much for you help gentleman :)15:23
Traveler6and edit what?15:23
Picisouffledev: Did you install the postgresql-server package or postgresql-8.4 ?15:23
abulugunksta, how can I know what package have started this problem?15:23
souffledevPici, postgresql-8.4 thanks is it the -server?15:24
gunkstaabulu: did you remove something recently?15:24
Picisouffledev: no, just checking though.15:24
arandPandemonium_ppk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport has some hardware related info, generally just search for the model and ubuntu as a keyword, and see if there are any problems...15:24
Traveler6how do i get vodafone 3g usb modem to work with 9.10? useing a huawei k3520 modem15:25
Pandemonium_ppkty arand15:25
Pandemonium_ppki'm looking now but not seeing anything about dvd burners15:25
wyclif_ianwizard1: I just looked in /etc/default, but there's no /grub file there even though I am running Ubuntu 9.10 and using grub15:25
erUSULTraveler6: right click on the NetworkManager icon. choose edit connections got to the 3g modems tab...15:25
geekphreakPici: howdy15:26
erUSULPandemonium_ppk: as i said all usb dvd's should just work. they do not need a special driver just like a hard disk do not need it15:26
ianwizard1wyclif_: I am on 9.10 and that's where it is for me, and that's where it should be.15:26
soiconhey guys, I'm using efax-gtk to send and receive fax smoothly and now I want to email the received fax without saving it to the hdd ..so which document viewer should I use to view the fax and send it through email? thanks.15:26
Picisouffledev: I assume you created that file in /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf ?15:27
Picigeekphreak: hi15:27
wyclif_ianwizard1: how do I explain the fact that there's no grub default file and yet grub runs on reboot?15:27
Oysterhi every1, does anybody know of yota drivers for linux? do they exist at all?15:27
frostburnairtonix, checking that out too, thanks for the info =]15:27
geekphreakwyclif_:  do you have file /et/default/grub15:27
peleczekwyclif it's normal i don't have that file there either15:27
souffledevPici, which file the data dirs and the rest?15:28
ianwizard1look in /boot and see if there is a grub config file there.  maybe somehow you got an old version of grub.15:28
wyclif_geekphreak: I have loads of default files for other services, but no grub file15:28
galerienHi gys, could anyone help me with my aptitude/apt-get please?15:28
wyclif_geekphreak: and yet grub is def. running15:28
peleczekyou have scripts to make grub.cfg in /etc/grub.d15:29
geekphreakwyclif_:  ok15:29
Picisouffledev: The file itself.  It looks like the postgres-8.4 package only distributes a sample file in /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/postgresql.conf.sample15:29
souffledevPici, why?15:29
wyclif_geekphreak: just listed contents of /etc/default lots of services like hal but no grub15:29
kamokowAfter installing java through apt-get, java-docs didnt install (it said to type no+return to abort). I didnt really need the docs, so I just aborted it-- but now everytime i install something via apt-get it keeps coming up. I've been ignoring it for awhile, but its starting to drive me insane. How can I stop this?15:29
souffledevPici, i remember in 8.3 it actually created those files for us :-)15:29
geekphreakwyclif_: which ubuntu version?15:29
mihaairtonix http://www.wolfey.si/lenovo.jpg :D15:30
wyclif_geekphreak: 9.10 same as you?15:30
pirearaduhy all15:30
galerienI tried to install php5-symfony1.0, but it only "partially install" and now I can't install anything because it's telling me that it's trying to solve the problem but don't succeed15:30
geekphreakwyclif_:  i am on lucid :)15:30
Picisouffledev: I've not used postgres in a long time, I'm just going by what I see in apt-cache and apt-file15:30
pirearaduhow to boot a iso image from usb?15:30
pirearaduhow to boot a iso image from usb?15:30
souffledevPici, oh ok. it exists just fyi then.15:30
abulugunksta, yes, but I can't remember what package was15:30
erUSULpirearadu: use unetbootin or the usb creator15:30
wyclif_geekphreak: ah, the bleeding edge. Can't wait for Lucid stable release15:30
Jimi_NeutralHi all..I have an edimax ps320u print server. I am on a private network but when I run the wizard utility it wont find the server. I have  gone into it directly and changed the ip of the print server to match my network settings and it still wont see it....please help as this is really important15:31
souffledevPici, lemme go through it again and see any discrepancies in the main config thanks15:31
kamokowOh, wait, I didnt realize I could remove it-- the fact I just realized this now makes me wonder what I was thinking. You can ignore my question :P15:31
arvind_khadrigalerien, sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f15:32
galerieni'll trie it, thx15:32
gunkstaabulu: doesn't really matter. Apt knows why it installed something. Did you ask for it specifically (user required) or was it installed as a dependancy. In the latter case autoremove will try to take it off the system if it is no longer required. That's why reinstalling it will fix the issue, because it will set the package to required.15:32
geekphreakarvind_khadri: howdy sir15:32
pirearaduerUSUL I do not put Ubuntu on USB15:33
geekphreakwyclif_: whats the actuall issue15:33
ravigehlotWhat is the executable for Apache2? There is no httpd or httpd2.15:33
geekphreakravigehlot: apache215:33
ravigehlotgeekphreak: thanks15:33
erUSULpirearadu: so; what are you trying to do ?15:34
gunkstaon lucid - does rhythmbox start slowly for anyone else? My music collection is hardly large and the machine has 4G of RAM. Banshee starts up instantly.15:34
wyclif_geekphreak: IOW I see all kinds of config files in /etc/default, the usual services like alsa, cron, cups, nvidia-kernel, fetchmail, spamassassin &c. but no grub file.  There is no issue; grub runs fine at bootup, I just wonder where I would go if I ever needed to change settings15:34
pirearadui try to make a usb bootable15:34
erUSULgunksta: #ubuntu+115:34
abulugunksta, I don't understanding, u are saying to run apt-get reinstall, is that?15:34
galerien@pirearadu where are you from?15:34
geekphreakwyclif_: whats in /boot/grub ?15:34
mguygunksta: Very slow, I use audacious15:34
pirearaduromania galerien15:34
peleczekanyone knows how to make one of the ttys for example tty3 to load automatic irssi after being loged?15:35
galerien@pirearadu You don't speak french I suppose? (cause i've got a great tutorial, in french)15:35
gunkstaabulu: yes - it looks like sudo apt-get install --reinstall yourpackagehere15:35
wyclif_:geekphreak: /boot/grub/default :)15:35
geekphreakwyclif_:  thats all , no menu.lst or grub. cfg?15:35
geekphreakno stage files?15:36
gunkstaerUSUL: oops yeah. wrong tab15:36
pirearaduand know how to speak French but little galerien15:36
galerienok, just hold on a second, I don't know if you will understand it all, but it might give you some leeds15:36
abulugunksta, ok, but how can I know what package should I put on the end of the command?15:37
wyclif_geekphreak: no, that's not all, you're right, I have menu.lst but NO grub.cfg15:37
geekphreakwyclif_:  you are using old grub15:37
wyclif_geekphreak: yes, stage files too15:37
wyclif_geekphreak: Ah! the plot thickens...15:38
geekphreakwyclif_:  you will have to edit the mneu.lst file15:38
wyclif_geekphreak: I now wonder why my grub didn't update15:38
gunkstaabulu: from our conversation it sounds like apt wants to remove something that you want to keep. Reinstall that package.15:38
pakauhi people15:38
pirearaduhy pakau15:38
pakaui have a question15:38
pakaudo u know this site ?15:38
pirearaduwhat question?15:39
abulugunksta, I had tryed this, but apt ask me to remove the packages I told u...15:39
pakauim trying to install a game from there15:39
pirearadui kow man15:39
wyclif_geekphreak: just opened menu.lst with vim15:39
geekphreakwyclif_:  ok15:39
abulugunksta, if I type "Y" apt will remove15:39
pakaui installed one15:39
pakaubut now15:39
pakauim getting a message15:39
pakaucould not find the pakage 'Oad'.15:39
electro_Has anyone noticed that when "preseeding" an automatic installation of Ubuntu, particularly when an existing drive configuration is present, it asks to confirm the changes to the disk.  I have the proper settings in my preseed to skip this, but it always prompts me.  Has anyone been able to fix this?15:39
peleczekwyclif when you have a menu on startup does it say 0.97 or 1.96 or something?15:39
wyclif_peleczek: I'll have to check elsewhere, cos that will require a reboot otherwise ;)15:40
gunkstaabulu: no need to remove anything. ANY apt command will trigger the autoremove message, if there's anything apt wants to auto-remove. if you throw out apt-get instal --reinstall foobar it should reinstall foobar, not remove it.15:40
gunkstaabulu: what's the list of stuff apt wants to remove?15:40
pirearadupakau search the executable of game in /usb/bin15:40
gunkstaabulu: and what do you want to keep?15:40
pakaubut i could install it :S15:41
wyclif_peleczek: I guess I just figured out it's not the most current version of grub15:41
pakaui just installed and run one15:41
pakaubut now this one15:41
pakaui cant install :S15:41
pirearadupakau what game is it?15:41
geekphreakwyclif_: you still have that menu.lst open?15:41
peleczekwyclif_ ok i thought you maybe saw it accidentally and remeber15:41
pirearadupakau wait 2 sec15:41
stercorI'm trying to run winamp under wine.  I compiled it for 64-bit architecture.  Here's the error message: "Trying to load PE image for unsupported architecture (I386)"15:41
wyclif_geekphreak: yeah15:41
pakauits O.A.D. !!!15:41
=== TycheC is now known as aetyr4
galerienGys, someone told me to try sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f to fix my aptitude, but it doesn't work, i get15:42
geekphreakwyclif_: just for testing purpose change a title of ubuntu rescue mode to something like ubuntu kaboom mode lol15:42
galerienupdate-alternatives: error: alternative path /symfony1.0/bin/symfony doesn't exist.15:42
galeriendpkg: error processing php5-symfony1.0 (--configure):15:42
galerien subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 215:42
galerienErrors were encountered while processing:15:42
galerien php5-symfony1.015:42
FloodBot3galerien: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
galeriensorry for flooding15:42
wyclif_geekphreak: LOL15:42
aphid_I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 netbook remix b2 on a thinkpad X40 (old hardware).  One of the updates between alpha 2 and beta 2 somehow managed to make the 3d launcher incredibly slow.15:43
wyclif_geekphreak: right now I'm looking at the kernels15:43
OZiRYHey! any1 know how to install qt 4.3 (or later) on ubuntu 9.10?15:43
=== aetyr4 is now known as TycheC
arindais the latest wine can install office 2007 or just wine 1.1.14-1.1.16?15:43
geekphreakwyclif_:  oh ok kool mate15:43
wyclif_geekphreak: Aussie?15:43
pirearadugalerien help me man15:43
geekphreakwyclif_:  mate eh ;)15:43
galeriensorry, can't find it....15:43
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
geekphreakwyclif_:  nope not an aussie :)15:44
Slartarinda: you'll have to check the application database  http://appdb.winehq.org15:44
OZiRYany1 know how to install qt 4.3 (or later) on ubuntu 9.10? srsly im dying here15:44
pirearaduok galerien15:44
aphid_The 2d launcher is good enough and I can get by with it, but the 3d interface is better IMO.15:44
geekphreakwyclif_:  always make a backup of file , that you are editing very important ok15:44
wyclif_geekphreak: and when I hear "eh?" I think Canadian :D)15:44
OZiRYhow do i backup files easily?15:44
underdevi can't seem to change the number of desktops in compiz.  I have 4 "virtual horizontal" desktops, but i want 4 actual desktops, so they can have different backgrounds.15:44
wyclif_geekphreak: of course, got it15:44
arindaSlart. thanks15:44
geekphreakOZiRY: manual ways, backup tools, or zip it :)15:44
Slartunderdev: I'm not sure if compiz has support for separate desktop backgrounds yet.. there might be some workarounds15:45
UrdaIs 10.04 stable enough to upgrade a system... or should I wait :s ? Home user here15:45
underdevthe slider seems disabled, and i can't change "Number of Desktops" to more than 115:45
tenmilesunderdev: use ccsm to change wallpapers on different desktops15:45
wyclif_geekphreak: should update-grub add savedefault to the default options15:45
underdevtenmiles: that's what i'm trying to do15:45
SlartUrda: ask in #ubuntu+115:45
geekphreakwyclif_:  ok15:45
Slart!lucid | Urda15:46
ubottuUrda: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:46
OZiRYdoes anyone know where i can get the QT 4 lib? for ubuntu karmic15:46
underdevtenmiles: but it won't let me change the number of desktops15:46
galeriengys, any idea how to fix apt-get where "sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f" fail?15:46
rajagenupulai want to join ubuntu beginners15:46
geekphreakrajagenupula: this is good place to start15:46
Picirajagenupula: type: /join #ubuntu-beginners15:47
tenmilesunderdev: how many desktops do you have right now? or "workspaces"?15:47
geekphreakPici: wow you got beg. channels too :)15:47
wyclif_geekphreak: wait I just noticed something15:47
geekphreakwyclif_: whats that?15:47
UrdaSlart: what about a decent - advanced linux user?15:47
bilalakhtar\join #ubuntu-offtopic15:47
underdevtenmiles: 4 virtual, 1 desktop, and ccsm won15:47
wyclif_geekphreak: as a check before I did anything, I ran sudo apt-get install grub b/c I wanted to see if any error msg15:47
underdevtenmiles: 4 virtual, 1 desktop, and ccsm won't let me change the number of desktops15:47
bilalakhtarsorry typed by mistake15:47
wyclif_geekphreak: "grub is already the newest version"15:48
SlartUrda: lucid support is in #ubuntu+1, this channel is for released versions15:48
geekphreakwyclif_:  yeah you got new grub old15:48
geekphreaknew grub is grub215:48
OZiRYdoes anyone know where i can get the QT 4 lib? for ubuntu karmic. sorry for spamming but i need to get this lib so that I can continue compiling for my server :p15:48
UrdaSlart: ok thank you for the tip15:48
wyclif_geekphreak: what do you mean, new/old?15:48
geekphreakwyclif_:  sudo apt-cache search grub215:48
tenmilesunderdev: ok, there's a part of ccsm that you use to change the wallpapers of your virtual desktops.15:48
underdevtenmiles: awesome, i'15:49
galeriengys, any idea how to fix apt-get when "sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f" fail?15:49
geekphreakwyclif_:  at this time i wont recommend installing it15:49
wyclif_geekphreak: AH! different name15:49
underdevtenmiles: awesome, i've looked everywhere, and can't find it15:49
enavhello i need the ubuntu channel on spanish pleas15:49
wyclif_geekphreak: why not?15:49
underdevtenmiles: i read its under "cube-15:49
geekphreakwyclif_:  if it aint broke, dont fix it15:49
enavHola necesito saber cual es el canal de Ubuntu en Español15:49
underdevtenmiles: i read its under "cube->appearamce15:49
OZiRYdoes anyone know where i can get the QT 4 lib? for ubuntu karmic. sorry for spamming but i need to get this lib so that I can continue compiling for my server :p15:49
LzrdKingenav: #ubuntu-es15:49
enavthanks LzrdKing++15:50
arindahey all. i looking for program that similar with simulink in windows? it's program to simulate electronic circuit.15:50
wyclif_geekphreak: check it before you wreck it15:50
wyclif_geekphreak: yup, grub2 is installed15:50
geekphreakwyclif_: exactly :)15:50
underdevtenmiles: oic, i make my background a skycap :)15:50
geekphreakwyclif_:  lol you installed it, told you not to man15:51
Slartarinda: something like Qucs ?15:51
Slart!info qucs | arinda15:51
ubottuarinda: qucs (source: qucs): Quite Universal Circuit Simulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.15-1 (karmic), package size 6043 kB, installed size 16496 kB15:51
trijntjehow can I copy a key from the default keyring? I want to transfer a wepkey to another laptop but seahorse wont let met copy it..15:51
wyclif_no, I didn't. I already had it installed, it works.  I just didn't know how it works because I'm used to LILO15:52
arindaya maybe. i'll check.15:52
enavhi to every one... i need some help about GNU/GPL licenses15:52
geekphreakwyclif_: grub2 was not installed man before :)15:53
wyclif_geekphreak: nope, already had it installed, the error I got was that it was already the latest version15:53
geekphreakif you had grub2 , you would have had /etc/default/grub15:53
geekphreakhhm ok15:53
underdevenav: you want #license-hell15:53
wyclif_geekphreak: ok let me check15:53
Anomie2Could anyone tell me the command to zip /var/www via ssh?15:53
enavunderdev thanks mate15:53
iWantLinuzPointyi have no sound, how do i correct and/or check for that?15:53
geekphreakAnomie2:  tar -cvf apache.tar  /var/www15:54
lao5what's your ages, please?15:54
zambalao5: 30+ :p15:54
enavho!!!! #license-hell  is empty15:54
Anomie2geekphreak: danke15:54
=== iWantLinuzPointy is now known as LinuzPointyClick
Picilao5: Why does it matter? This is a support channel.15:54
lao5zamba: thanks15:54
=== LinuzPointyClick is now known as iWantLinuzPointy
wyclif_geekphreak: why should I be wary of grub2?15:54
zambalao5: sadist :)15:54
iWantLinuzPointyi have no sound, how do i correct and/or check for that?15:55
=== iWantLinuzPointy is now known as LinuzPointyClick
=== LinuzPointyClick is now known as iWantLinuzPointy
lao5Pici: okay. I want to know the age range who uses linux15:55
h00k!sound | iWantLinuzPointy15:55
ubottuiWantLinuzPointy: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:55
ravigehlotWhat is the equivalent of DirectoryIndex in Apache2? I can't find the list15:55
Picilao5: Try #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chatter.15:55
Anomie2lao5: 2015:55
lao5Pici: ok. thanks15:56
geekphreakwyclif_: grub2 is ok mate, just sometimes seen when you update grub from old to new, sometime not always thing dont go right, so why mess it up, if its working good15:56
underdevoic, i don't even have a  background images option in compiz cube15:57
iWantLinuzPointyubottu: ur 2nd link is dead?15:57
underdevthat mgiht be my problem :)15:57
wyclif_geekphreak: ah, right. after all it just boots the computer in the order you want. thanks15:57
enavthe #license-hell  is empty  i just want to make few questions about GNU/GPL licenses today my company finish a specific software and we want to launch it as under GNU/GLP  licenses15:57
underdevenav: oh man, i'm so sorry, it was a joke15:57
geekphreakwyclif_: good luck, keep those fingers crossed ;)15:57
Breaking_Pittis there any policy for ubuntu packages?15:57
underdevenav: thus the emoticon15:58
Breaking_PittI can't find info on the ubuntu wiki15:58
wyclif_geekphreak: shouldn't be a problem15:58
underdevenav: no one here is a lawyer, but ask away!15:58
PiciBreaking_Pitt: There is, but the wiki is having some load issues at the moment.15:58
Anomie2geekphreak: where does it put the compressed file?15:59
trijntjeIs it possible to copy a key from the default keyring?15:59
enavi dont need a lawyer  i just want to know about some specific thing about GNU/GPL software15:59
Breaking_Pittok Pici there are so much differences between ubuntu and debian?15:59
PiciBreaking_Pitt: Take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages15:59
geekphreakAnomie2:  current folder where you ran the command from , just type ls, should be there15:59
iWantLinuzPointyhow do i ensure ALSA is selected? Where do I do some  double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer).???15:59
notlisteningwhen a bog os marek fix released in launch how long does it take to me to me?15:59
iWantLinuzPointyhow do i ensure ALSA is selected? Where do I do some  double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer)?15:59
galerienhello again every one, I get : Errors were encountered while processing:15:59
galerien php5-symfony1.015:59
galerienE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:59
notlistening*bug is marked fixed15:59
galerienwhen i'm trying to fix my apt-get16:00
galerienany one?16:00
Anomie2geekphreak: nope, can't see it. (browsing via FTP) - is it called apache.tar16:00
PiciBreaking_Pitt: No, we use the same guidelines from what I understand.  More packaging help can be found in #ubuntu-motu16:00
geekphreakAnomie2:  yes it is apche.tar16:00
Breaking_Pittok thanks! Pici16:00
* wyclif_ is now using mutt for his email over IMAP client16:00
Breaking_Pitt#j ubuntu-motu16:00
Breaking_Pittje je16:00
Anomie2root@CravenPublishing:~# grep -Rs apache.tar /*     ///  Binary file /dev/disk/by-uuid/f9fe83cc-e8f0-42f0-b467-44121a0388cd matches  ///  Binary file /dev/disk/by-path/xen-vbd-51712 matches //  Binary file /dev/xvda matches16:02
Anomie2any ideas? :S16:02
geekphreakAnomie2: nope16:02
geekphreakAnomie2:  are you logged as root?16:03
Anomie2geekphreak : yeh16:03
thisdotpheonix /join #eclipse16:04
blakkheimdoes anyone know what works/doesn't work on the new macbook pros with the 320m/330m?16:04
geekphreakAnomie2:  ok do this cd /var  , then sudo tar -cvf apache.tar www/16:04
mont3furi4good morning16:04
mont3furi4i have a ?16:04
thisdotpheonixis there a channel for eclipse16:04
geekphreakAnomie2:  you can change the name from  apache.tar to anything , and in pace of www/ use any folder16:04
mont3furi4in order to instal proggy got to do it thru the terminal ?16:04
galerienthisdotpheonix #eclipse-dev16:05
galerienI get "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" when i'm trying to fix my apt-get with sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f16:05
Picimont3furi4: You don't need to, but you can.16:05
galerienanyone can tell me why?16:06
Pici!software | mont3furi416:06
ubottumont3furi4: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:06
ounedis there any program with witch i can see which program is using the GPU and how much?16:06
matteo1990Hi, someone knows how to make an ISO from DRM protected CDs? Thx alot DD seems to have problems with it16:06
mont3furi4ubottu ty16:07
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:07
galerienI get "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" when i'm trying to fix my apt-get with sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f16:07
galerienanyone can tell me why?16:07
LohnSwoo go ubuntu =P16:10
FreezingFridaySorry guys, is anyone here willing to help me in PM with some PHP (OOP) issues?  ##php is either down or packed right now and I can't seem to get in. (I've been trying for a long time...)16:11
PiciFreezingFriday: You need to be registered and identified to join and talk there.16:11
Pici!register | FreezingFriday16:11
ubottuFreezingFriday: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode16:11
trijntjeIs it possible to copy a key from the default keyring?16:11
clutchanyone familiar with the minimal iso?  Is not selecting any of the packages the same as a basic command line install?16:12
clutchtrying to do a very light fluxbox setup16:12
FreezingFridayPici,  hm.... did they just start doing that?16:13
clutchoh wait, nevermind, I see the command line install option now16:13
Piciclutch: Yes, it will be *very* light16:13
PiciFreezingFriday: No, its been like that for a while.16:13
clutchPici: that's the idea.16:13
clutcheven xubuntu comes with too much extra crap for my liking16:13
clutchits going on a P4 with 216mb RAM16:14
clutchand a 40 gig HDD16:14
xinglighthi everybody.  anyone who use foxit to view pdf doc?16:14
galerieni do16:15
xinglighthow about foxit?16:15
galerienwhat do you whan to know about foxit?16:16
matteo1990Hi, someone knows how to make an ISO from DRM protected CDs? Thx alot DD seems to have problems with it16:16
=== FreezingFriday is now known as BPower
galeriendon't think that DRM is craked...16:16
xinglightgalerien: i  want to know weather the foxit support chinese well or not?16:16
KentrelThis might not be a linux question, but if I use a magnet link to load a torrent file in windows, how do I then resume that torrent in Ubuntu? I haven't managed to get magnet links to work in ubuntu by clicking on them, like they do in windows16:17
khalid-linuxagien mi puede a yudar en en cuentrar un programa avierta para poder aprender como a ser una programa gracias16:18
Pici!es | khalid-linux16:18
ubottukhalid-linux: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:18
xinglightpls do not speak franch.16:18
Picikhalid-linux: I believe  deluge supports magnet links, I don't think the version of transmission in Karmic does.16:18
KentrelWell I've been using Vuze16:19
SaintSinnerWhich file in the /dev/ directory contain the value "1" ? Which one contains "0" (/dev/null) ?16:19
PiciSaintSinner: /dev/zero ?16:19
xinglightSaintSinner: /dev/zero16:19
ZiderSaintSinner: /dev/full16:19
ZiderI think16:19
SaintSinnerPici: are you sure?16:19
clutchvuze has go to be the most bloated BT client ever concieved16:19
SaintSinner/dev/zero =1, /dev/null =0 ??16:20
clutchI uninstalled it a year ago when they started pasting ads and streaming videos all over it lol16:20
SlartSaintSinner: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//dev/zero16:20
SlartSaintSinner: I don't see one that has '1's though..16:20
SaintSinnerSlart: there's one containing 1 and the one containing 016:21
BPowerPici, thanks, I'm in now (i was FreezingFriday)16:21
PiciBPower: good :)16:21
PiciSaintSinner: Why do you think that?16:21
galerienxinglight don't know, never tried, It support greek, but don't know about the rest16:21
galerienI get "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" when i'm trying to fix my apt-get with sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f16:22
galerienanyone can tell me why?16:22
geekphreakBPower: :)16:22
pakaupeople i have a question.... i do i uninstall a program in ubuntu ?? ... if its not on the  add / remove APPS    list ??? .... is there any uninstall like in windows ??  or i must writte    RM and the folder of the program ???   ubuntu doesnt work with registry like windows right ?????16:22
Picipakau: What program? How did you install it?16:22
pakaui installed it16:23
pakauits a game16:23
FloodBot3pakau: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:23
Picipakau: If you installed from a .deb package, you can do: sudo dpkg -r packagename16:23
soiconwhich document viewer should I use to view file and send it through email?16:24
pakauoktks ;)16:24
galeriencan anyone help me please : galerien@Bigborther:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f16:24
galerienSetting up php5-symfony1.0 (1.0.20-1) ...16:24
galerien/var/lib/dpkg/info/php5-symfony1.0.postinst: 7: pear: not found16:24
galerienupdate-alternatives: error: alternative path /symfony1.0/bin/symfony doesn't exist.16:24
galeriendpkg: error processing php5-symfony1.0 (--configure):16:24
FloodBot3galerien: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:24
galerien subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 216:24
mguysoicon: What file?16:24
geekphreaksoicon: whats the extension, did it comes as an attachment?16:24
SlartSaintSinner: I've tried googline but I haven't found anything hinting to a device files that generates 1's.. there's /dev/zero, /dev/null, /dev/full and some other weird streams.. but no 1's..16:25
PiciSaintSinner: Please see `man full` regarding reads to that device.16:25
geekphreakgalerien: hello, did you try to install php5-sumphony?16:26
Picigalerien: Please use a pastebin, and can you separate those commands?16:26
DeadmanIncJSfew more weeks... 10.04 :D16:26
galeriengeekphreak yes16:26
SaintSinneri need to raise HDD = write to each block and make the built-in controller to self-diagnose the hdd.16:26
SaintSinnerPici: Oh I would I'm using Windows right now!16:26
galeriengeekphreak but if i try to install it again, it just fail16:26
geekphreakgalerien:  press alt+f2, in run type gksu synaptic16:26
SlartSaintSinner: /dev/full gives me zeros as well..16:26
soicongeekphreak: it should be pdf,ps16:26
SlartSaintSinner: but I'm not sure that stream is meant to be read from like that..16:27
galeriengeekphreak done16:27
napsterHad a silly problem :) My panels disappeared! How can I fix it?16:27
geekphreakgalerien:  look for the php5-sypony package, what is it status?16:27
lifestreamHow do I "burn" ubuntu live cd to a  usb stick,  on a distro that doens't come with unetbootin?16:27
geekphreaksoicon:  press alt+f2 type evince, use this to open that file16:28
napsterlifestream, You can use usbcreator16:28
lifestreamoh its available from apt get.16:28
SaintSinnerSlart: "dd if= of=", I need to write values to hdd and start formatting it just after.16:28
galeriengeekphreak doesn't show here, but it's "partialy installed" or something like that....16:28
lifestreamThats what I meant napster16:28
SlartSaintSinner: this thread has some info http://www.unix.com/unix-advanced-expert-users/130992-how-output-1s-endlessly-like-dev-zero.html16:28
napsterLifeLiner, ;)16:28
geekphreakgalerien:  right click it uninstall it for  for now plz16:28
lifestreamyean napster, this one doesn't have usbcreator16:29
soicongeekphreak: I am using evince, but evince cannot send the being viewed document as attachment in email. I want that function.16:29
napsterlifestream, apt-get!16:29
galeriengeekphreak I can't16:29
SaintSinnerthanks, will read right now16:29
cutaliviuhelp needed i have this problem: ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured after sudo ifdown wlan0 . It is RTL8187 usb the device is listed in iwconfig and working16:29
galeriengeekphreak sorry16:29
galeriengeekphreak complete removal16:30
geekphreaksoicon:  right click the file, choose sent to16:30
galeriengeekphreak found it16:30
napsterlifestream, Bith unetbootin and usbcreator are good softwares16:30
lifestreamnapster, not found!16:30
SlartSaintSinner: you might want to have a look at "wipe" as well..16:30
mihacan grub font size be changed?16:30
soiconlifestream: apt-get update , are you using U 9.10 ?16:30
lifestreamnapster thats what i was saying, usbcreator is NOT available16:31
galeriengeekphreak seams good for now, thanks a lot man!!16:31
trijntjeIs it possible to copy a key from the default keyring?16:31
lifestreamsoicon, no, i need a ubuntu livecd16:31
geekphreakgalerien:  welcome16:31
izola86anyone know why when I upload a file it retains the permissions it had on the client?16:31
appleseed_Hi there. If I take a hdd with a 64bit Ubuntu installation on and move it from the original AMD machine to a new i7 rig with the exact same gfx, will ubuntu and the KDE gui work?16:31
souffledevPici, i am a bit amazed why files weren't created in pg8.4 _by default_16:31
napsterlifestream, sudo apt-get update first :)16:31
souffledevi am having to touch so many different files!16:32
lifestreamnaspter give me a break, im not a retard16:32
phill_Unable to update ubuntu: Ubuntu Software Centre closes immediately on startup, same for Synaptic Package Manager16:32
souffledevnot good16:32
lifestreami'll try 'dd' tool16:32
rhineheart_mhello.. can anybody here confirm if this is working or not.. mine here is not..  http://opensourcevista.net:8888/NancysVistAServer/WVEHR-VOE1.0-Install/env216:33
napsterMy panels disappeared! How can I fix it?16:33
=== SaintSinner1 is now known as SaintSinner_
mihanapster killall -9 gnome-panel           and it will restart shortly16:33
SaintSinner_"One of the typical uses is to provide a character stream for overwriting  information", this is needed16:34
napstermiha, No it was not initialized yet from my login!16:34
mihanapster oh16:34
mihawell try starting it this way,its name is   gnome-panel .. it might tell you some error you can google?16:35
napstermiha, I tried apt-get install --reinstall gnome-panel16:35
soicongeekphreak: I configured efax-gtk to view fax with evince, and now I want evince (or some other doc viewer?) directly send the document as attachment in email, like OOo does.16:35
mihanapster if it helps...    dpkg-reconfigure gnome-panel16:35
napstermiha, Let me try16:35
outer_spacehow do you make ati CCC recognize onboard graphics after you add a graphics card?16:36
mihanapster    also    ps -aux | grep gnome-panel     is there one running or not?16:36
DeadmanIncJShi xion16:36
jetienneq. is there a tool which make binary diff on ubuntu ?16:36
phill_can't  update Ubuntu, Ubuntu Software Centre closes immed. on startup, same for synaptic16:37
geekphreaksoicon:  i am using adobe reader, it give me an option to send document as email16:37
soiconoh :d really ?, I'll give it a try, hope it work with efax-gtk16:38
=== jesse__ is now known as Guest5283
Readouthey, i have a strange problem with my laptop. every couple of seconds the speakers make this strange static noise. this happens if the volume is up or down, if i'm using speakers or headphones etc. anyone got any ideas?16:39
DeadmanIncJSloose wire?16:39
Readoutdoesn't make the noise on my windows partition16:39
DeadmanIncJSim not very familiar with linux.  just enough to get online and run some apps16:40
DeadmanIncJShahah, wouldn't mind learning some programming or something to give back though16:40
Readoutyeah, i'm still in an extended learning period to be honest16:40
ZiderReadout: using just alsa or do you have pulseaudio in the way?16:40
mrMaxI've got a question. Could anybody tell me how to encrypt my Harddisk?16:41
Readoutits a completely standard Ubuntu 9.10 - the problem never showed up when I was on 9.04, and is annoying enough to deter me from using my laptop16:41
geekphreakmrMax: whole partition, or just $HOME ?16:41
mrMaxwhole partition16:42
ZiderI'm not sure when they started infesting it with pulseaudio, but try disabling that..16:42
geekphreakmrMax: you can use tool like truecrypt , google for it16:42
mrMaxi this were to complicated, just the home partition16:42
theadminHow does one replace all occurences of x with y using sed?16:42
mrMaxgeekphreak: and how to encrypt just Home?16:43
=== Guest5283 is now known as Flare-Laptop
outer_spacesed -e "s/x/y/"16:43
geekphreakmrMax: it will let you encrypt whole partition too16:43
genjinDoes an exit status of 255 have a specific meaning?16:43
theadmin-e? o_O16:43
mrMaxthen i'll try truecrypt16:43
phill_anyone heard of software centre closing immed after startup?16:44
geekphreakphill_: trying to install softwares?16:45
phill_yes, but just starting up closes after 2 secs...16:45
geekphreakphill_:  try this >> press alt+f2 , type gksu synaptic, , does it close too?16:46
phill_um... unfortunately yup16:46
geekphreakany messages?16:46
Piciphill_: If you run it from a terminal, do you get errors?16:47
Piciphill_: gksudo synaptic16:47
KentrelHow do I get ubuntu to stop using MoviePlayer to play avi files instead of AVI. Even though I've set VLC as the default, some programs like Vuze will play it using Movie Player16:47
blakkheimdoes anyone know what works/doesn't work on the new macbook pros with the 320m/330m?16:48
phill_yup I get errors....16:48
kimgeekphreak: see properties of the file, theres a tab there16:48
Piciphill_: Can you paste them to http://paste.ubuntu.com or your favorite pastebin?16:48
geekphreakkim:  excuse me?16:48
kimwrong nick, sorry ;)16:49
phill_last line is KeyError: 'libplayert\x02p2-dev16:49
geekphreakno worries Kim16:49
kimKentrel: see properties of the file, theres a tab there16:49
clutchlol Just looked at some screenshots of iceWM and realized that its what the point of sale computers at my work use16:49
* clutch shudders16:49
clutchsticking with flux16:49
Piciphill_: Unsurprisingly, the entire error is generally more useful ;)16:50
phill_k, just pasted it to where you suggested.16:50
Piciphill_: And the link16:50
ReadoutAnnoyingly, disabling pulseaudio doesn't stop the noise16:51
geekphreakphill_: when you paste the error to that site, it gives you a link, paste that link here plz16:51
phill_sorry, I'm an idiot  http://paste.ubuntu.com/414397/16:52
tropicalpunchhi i have a simple question. if i were to install karmic koala right now would i be able to upgrade to lucid lynx via download whenever it is out?16:52
H3ct0rhey all. i was installing lampp and i try to browse localhost with mozilla, but it's not connect. so, how to configure that?16:52
Picitropicalpunch: yes.16:53
tropicalpunchgreat. thank you16:53
Piciphill_: Did you recently have any issues booting or shutting down your computer, or a power outage?16:53
phill_yeah, something along those lines16:54
H3ct0rhow to configure lampp please???16:54
phill_trying to remember exactly what happened...16:54
theadminH3ct0r: Look in .conf files for the Listen directive.16:54
geekphreaktheadmin:  :p16:55
H3ct0rtheadmin, where is it?16:56
geekphreakPici: do you think power suge messed up that error ?16:56
theadminH3ct0r: I'm unsure... I think, though, that it's somewhere around /etc16:57
phill_I think the laptop went into hibernate mode and then pressing power button did a full reboot instead of unhibernate. Something along those lines. But I'm fuzzy on the details. Normally, I leave it on all the time. Or, I shutdown and restart...16:57
Picigeekphreak: It looks like one of apt's cache files was corrupted.  Can you try running: sudo apt-get update    in a terminal.16:57
karma_policei'm trying to set a program to run when my machine boots up. example: Skype16:57
geekphreakoh ok16:57
H3ct0rtheadmin, yup i found it. but, i think it's ok. it's look like in windows16:57
theadminH3ct0r: is apache even started?16:57
soiconphill_: I got the same problem before but... really don't remember the solution . =.=16:58
geekphreakphill_:  you heard him , open terminal plz, then run run sudo apt-get update16:58
theadminH3ct0r: Hm. Strange.16:58
Picigeekphreak: No need for that, I'm not in a hurry.16:59
geekphreakPici: its kool mate, i am still learning :)16:59
phill_k, done17:00
theadminkarma_police: Look into crontabs, /etc/init and System - Preferences - Startup Apps17:00
fastaHow can I change the name of an USB key?17:00
Piciphill_: Any errors?17:00
H3ct0rtheadmin, i was extract it in /opt and when i start that program, it's run. but when i try to connect localhost. it's not work17:00
geekphreakPici:  learning a lot from you , thank you :)17:00
fastaThat is instead of <BRANDNAME> get something like MY_DISK_NAME?17:00
theadminH3ct0r: You sure it works? Try "pgrep httpd"17:00
phill_no errors. Ubuntu Software Centre  seems to be up and hasn't abandoned on me yet. So, it looks good. Thanks a whole bunch guys.17:01
Piciphill_: yay, good to hear.17:01
geekphreakphill_:  awesome :)17:01
phill_any ideas why?17:02
DragginGood evening.  I haven't done this in a while, and I'm wondering if someone could refresh my memory... Can one change the sizes of existing partitions?  Specifically NTFS partitions. I want to install Ubuntu on a Compaq prebuilt computer with XP pre-installed on it, but I don't necessarily want to remove XP.  I'd like a dual boot system, but the entire partition is consumed by the XP NTFS partition...17:02
theadminfasta: System -> Admininstration -> Disk Utility17:02
mrMaxand how can I encrypt the partition using Truekrypt?17:02
H3ct0rtheadmin, it's result : 8112, 8220, 8264, 8265, 8266, 8267, 826817:02
theadminDraggin: gparted...17:02
theadminH3ct0r: Hm. So you were right. No idea then.17:02
karma_policeI have Startup Applications Preferences GUI open. I am trying to add a Skype instance so it will load when i reboot my machine.17:02
geekphreakmrMax:  , when it is installed, start it up , it will guide you step by step ,17:02
Draggintheadmin - okay... But I don't have Ubuntu installed yet...17:02
pyMitchgparted is clearer i think17:02
iromliH3ct0r: 'sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start' to initiate the webserver17:02
theadminDraggin: You need just a livecd17:02
ReadoutDraggin: the Ubuntu livecd will manage it all for you17:02
Draggintheadmin - okay... Didn't know the livecd had that...17:03
theadminDraggin: Also defrag your ntfs partition before resizing or you'll end up with buncha errors17:03
H3ct0riromli, ya. i was done17:03
fastatheadmin, that user-interface is really bad.17:03
DragginSo in other words, I can resize the NTFS partition in gparted without losing data?17:03
mrMaxgeekphreak: I started it, but now? What to do?17:03
pyMitchthe livecd has everything pretty much17:03
fastatheadmin, I see all kinds of fields, but I cannot change them, probably because it is mounted.17:03
ReadoutDraggin: just make sure you defrag etc first17:03
geekphreakmrMax:  read the documentation man :) , it is pretty straight forward17:03
fastatheadmin, but a user shouldn't need to care about that and the UI should inform the user that _because_ it is mounted it cannot be changed.17:04
DragginReadout - defrag etc... What else should I do other than defrag?17:04
theadminfasta: I am not responsible for this UI.17:04
theadminDraggin: defrag and run chkdsk on it and you're all set17:04
ReadoutDraggin: standard disk utility checks. check for errors, defrag and so on17:04
iromliH3ct0r: and what localhost returns?17:04
fastatheadmin, © 2008 Red Hat, Inc.17:04
theadminfasta: huh wha17:04
Draggintheadmin, Readout, thanks very much :) Lemme go see if I can manage this...17:04
mrMaxgeekphreak: I started reading. Could any bad thing happen, if i misconfigure something?17:04
Readoutlisten to theadmin, he uses better words than i do17:04
fastatheadmin, (they wrote it, apparently)17:04
H3ct0rtheadmin, iromli. thanks. it's was run. but i dunno how?17:05
theadminfasta: Oh.17:05
geekphreakmrMax: is there any data currently on that drive , that ya wana encrypt?17:05
theadminH3ct0r: Can you connect to "" instead of "localhost"?17:06
geekphreakmrMax:  what i would suggest is , make an empty partition, encrypt it using truecrypt, then put data on it :)17:06
geekphreakmrMax:  ok? , use an empty partition to encrypt, then put data on it after encryption17:07
mrMaxgeekphreak: is there any other way to encrypt the whole Partition17:07
H3ct0rya. it's run in localhost or
ReadoutOK, new twist on my sound problems. The strange click noise stops when I mute and then unmute in Sound Preferences, but returns when I reboot. Turning the volume down to 0 and back up, or muting using the mute button on the keyboard doesn't stop the noise. Any clues?17:08
geekphreakmrMax:  there is always a way, but it is better to start with empty partition imho, if someone else has better tool that they can  share, go for it :)17:08
theadminTrueCrypt is one heck of an awesomeness :D17:08
mrMaxgeekphreak: I thougt I could encrypt the whole file system17:09
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soiconTrueCrypt in Linux hasnt' supported  encrypting of the whole hard disk, rite?17:10
H3ct0rtheadmin, i've another problem. i can't find mysql directory like in windows?17:10
theadminOops, disregard the above, it's the rabbit running on keyboard17:10
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geekphreaksoicon:  on linux there are ways too, it just a matter of choice mate17:11
theadminsoicon: It can, except for not the system drive17:11
FloodBot3redrut: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
karma_policehow do i figure out the script to open Skype? i want to add it to Startup Applications Preferences17:11
Trek!op | redrut is spamming17:12
ubotturedrut is spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:12
joaopintokarma_police, i'ts "skype"17:12
PiciTrek: hes also not in this channel anymore17:12
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theadminkarma_police: Click "add", name/comment don't matter, command should be just "skype"17:12
soicongeekphreak: yep :D17:12
karma_policethanks.. i was trying to use Skype... caps17:12
CaptainTrekheh Pici: it was a lag i typed that about 3 minutes ago :P17:12
theadminkarma_police: most UNIX and GNU/Linux commands are lowercase17:13
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karma_policecool. ty.. i'm a noob still17:13
geekphreakarvind_khadri: yo dude17:13
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Jhonghello, can anyone help with setting up openswan / xl2tpd ? I'm 99% there...17:14
H3ct0rwhere i can restore mysql data in lampp directory? in windows it's have /mysql/data/. but, i dunno in linux?17:14
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PiciH3ct0r: /var/lib/mysql, but you didn't do a dump?17:15
HandyGandyAny freeNX users out there?17:15
geekphreakPici:  he got LAMP17:15
theadmingeekphreak: So wud? :D17:15
ReadoutSolved with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8246102#post8246102 :)17:15
madjoedoes anyone have huge issues with Namoroka?17:15
Picigeekphreak: eh?17:15
madjoeit crashes down on Facebook, Gmail..17:16
NinoScriptHow can I mount a disk with other UID and GID? I don't want to use "gksudo nautilus" to navigate it's contents :\17:16
geekphreaktheadmin:  excuse me?17:16
iromliH3ct0r: if you use lampp, try to look at /opt/lampp/var/mysql17:16
theadmingeekphreak: How would it matter whether he has LAMP or a pure MySQL?17:16
v0lksmananyone know how to set a umask for an sftp only account with openssh5.1?17:16
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  it depends on its filesystem, there is a uid/gid option you can use with the mount command17:16
geekphreaktheadmin:  different path depending where he installed it i think :)17:16
madjoewhat would you recommend me as an alternative for Firefox? Chrome, Chromium, Iron?17:16
CaptainTrekmadjoe: opera :P17:17
madjoeriight :)17:17
NinoScriptDr_Willis, it's HFS+ (although I could change it to just HFS so I can also write on it)17:17
geekphreakiromli: thank you17:17
theadminDoes XAMPP work well on Ubuntu? It seems better then Ubuntu's LAMP17:17
pyMitchmadjoe: I recommend chrome17:17
clutchmadjoe: w3m  :)17:17
antivirtelhello all, i cant update from hu.archive.ubuntu.com (maybe offline?) what is the "deb" line of "ftp.fsn.hu" someone know it ?17:17
H3ct0rPici, iromli. ok, thanks i've found it.17:17
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  never used HFS. check the mount man pages for wiaht options apply for HFS+/HFS17:17
madjoeclutch: Internet Explorer 5.517:17
geekphreaktheadmin:  i install from scratch, much easier setting it up17:18
Picitheadmin: No, using XAMPP is not needed at all.17:18
geekphreakagrees with Pici17:18
madjoepyMitch: how could I install Chrome?17:18
theadminPici: ...Well, okay. Then how the heck do i get PMA anyway?17:18
Readoutmadjoe: I hear great things about Flock17:18
theadminmadjoe: Download from http://chrome.google.com17:18
pyMitchmadjoe: you cannot install via apt or synaptic17:18
madjoeReadout: Flock? hmm... how well is it supported? :)17:18
Picitheadmin: pma? You mean phpmyadmin?17:18
theadminPici: yah17:18
Dr_WillisThe latest Opera has some nifty features17:18
geekphreaktheadmin: sudo apt-get install php5 apache3 mysql-server php5-mysql17:19
pyMitchmadjoe: go to google chromes site17:19
Picitheadmin: Mine is working from the package in the repos.17:19
NinoScriptDr_Willis, it has "uid=n, gid=n"17:19
geekphreaktheadmin: phpmyadmin too :p17:19
theadminPici: I dunno, i did "sudo tasksel install lamp-server", it installed a ton of stuff but I can't seem to find pma along em17:19
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  there ya go then. make a fstab entry that has the proper syntax and uid=XXXX for your main user17:19
pyMitchmadjoe: www.google.com/chrome17:19
Picitheadmin: It may not be part of that task, but the package itself is in the repos.17:19
geekphreaktheadmin:  just type sudo ap-get install phpmyadmin man17:19
pyMitchmadjoe: you still there?17:20
Readoutmadjoe: Not brilliantly, only through unofficial sources17:20
theadminPici: I see. Thanks/Arigato/Danke/Merci/Gracias/Спасибо/Whatever else17:20
madjoepyMitch: already downloading ;)17:20
Readoutmadjoe: Its best points are integration with social networking and compatibility with firefox addons though17:20
madjoeReadout: I need a stable support for my browser, so I'll go on with Chrome for now17:20
geekphreakmadjoe: firefox is good :)17:21
pyMitchmadjoe: chrome is beta :P17:21
CaptainTrekmadjoe: firefox is most stable, I recommend it over anything else.  STRONGLY recommend17:21
geekphreaki recently started liking konqueror too :p17:21
madjoegeekphreak: it crashes all the time since 3 days ago17:21
Readoutmadjoe: Makes sense. Can't really fault Chrome, although I personally dislike the UI17:21
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madjoeReadout: oh, I love the ui :)17:21
geekphreakmadjoe:  make a new porfile /usr/bin/firefox -ProfileManager17:21
pyMitchReadout: the ui is wierd17:21
zaxonspoxwhat you can say about Opera?17:21
Readoutmadjoe: sounds like a good choice then17:22
theadminzaxonspox: Bloated17:22
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brontosaurusrexwhen running 'kate' text editor on gnome, what could be the reason that ctrl+z is not working?17:22
tkmrHEY! You took my name!17:22
pyMitchzaxonspox: I dont like opera personally17:22
zaxonspoxtheadmin why? whats wrong?17:22
kubanchow do i check my x.org error messages?17:23
theadminzaxonspox: Built-in IRC client, ad-blocker, some weird skin? Is that some kinda joke?17:23
theadminkubanc: ...Guess not like that.17:23
chakal^-^How are you?17:23
LivenDieis anyone else having problems using the restricted nvidia drivers in Lucid?17:23
madjoegeekphreak: wow! it really helped me! a new profile! :) yaaay!!17:23
j_I don't see any opitiion to print in black in Ubuntu ?17:23
j_Help me:P)17:23
madjoegeekphreak: thanks, thanks, thanks!! :)17:23
theadminubottu: 10.04 | LivenDie17:23
ubottuLivenDie: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:23
geekphreakmadjoe: welcome17:24
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j_I don't see any opitiion to print in black in Ubuntu ?17:24
chakal^-^hi j_17:24
j_How i set my printer to print in black :(17:25
madjoegeekphreak: ouch.. not really.. now it crashed again :(17:25
j_chakal pretty please17:25
zaxonspoxj_ try gray scale mode17:25
pyMitchj_: let me check17:25
blakkheimdoes anyone know how well linux supports the nvidia  gt 320m/330m?17:25
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:25
geekphreakmadjoe:  you spoke too soon :)17:25
DarkauraI can boot up the Live cd of Lucid Lynx beta 2, but when I install and reset it freezes at the ubuntu splash screen. I've tried looking it up but I have'nt been able to find anything17:25
madjoegeekphreak: it didn't crash.. it's just a frozen process17:25
PiciDarkaura : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:25
napsterI'm in trouble...! How can I restore my grub?17:25
j_zaxonspox when i do that and check with print preview no changes ?17:25
JustEricCan anyone help me with a Livebox question?17:25
geekphreakmadjoe:  disable any toolbars or add-on that a re slowing it down17:25
madjoegeekphreak: if I open a new profile, everything's disabled by default17:26
PiciJustEric: Don't ask to ask, just ask.17:26
DarkauraJustEric: what's the problem17:26
jwm_hello, can i ask for some compiz help?17:26
zaxonspoxJustEric what is?17:26
pyMitchj_: on the printer windows17:26
napsterCan anyone help me?17:26
clutchnapster: google ubuntu restore grub17:26
clutchprobably a wealth of information17:26
geekphreakmadjoe:  how much RAM you got?17:26
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:27
JustEricUbuntu 9.10 doesn't recognize my lan/wireless. I am trying to use a USB stick to load Ubuntu 10.4 in hopes that it will have some support.17:27
madjoegeekphreak: 1.5GB17:27
j_pyMitch what about the printer window?17:27
napsterclutch: ok17:27
pyMitchj_: one second.. sorry :P17:27
DarkauraI can boot up the Live cd of Lucid Lynx beta 2, but when I install and reset it freezes at the ubuntu splash screen. I've tried looking it up but I have'nt been able to find anything. Are there any ideas on what I could do to fix it?17:27
jwm_is anyone helpful with compiz?17:27
v0lksmanis there a sticky bit that will enforce a umask on a directory or something?  I need an sftp user to have a certain umask and I can't seem to figure out how to make that happen17:27
NinoScriptDr_Willis, I want to try it first, where should I put that options? I wrote: mount uid=502 gid=502 /dev/sda2 /mnt/mac, but I think that's not the place for those options17:27
JustEricWhen I open VirtualBox (It is already on the USB stick) - I come to an installer. From there - Do I install? Or load live mode?17:27
pyMitchj_: click options17:27
geekphreakthats good enough , try this for me man, press alt+f2, then gksu firefox,( close current ff ok)17:27
geekphreakmadjoe: ^17:27
pyMitchand there is a tick box on the left17:27
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pyMitchj_: and there is a tick box on the left17:28
pyMitchj_: saying Print Black17:28
pyMitchj_: See it?17:28
iromlijwm_: something wrong with compiz?17:28
j_pyMitch so i click on file>print>General ?17:29
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geekphreakmadjoe:  any luck?17:29
PiciJustEric: What USB Stick?17:29
madjoegeekphreak: workin on it17:29
pyMitchj_: file>print>options17:29
iadrianDoes anybody know why is it impossible to install sound on a HP DV6 laptop with IDT High Definition Audio CODEC17:30
iadrian sound card?  I tried every advice from the ubuntu forum with sound problem thread... it just doesn`t work...17:30
madjoegeekphreak: it's much more stable.. i dunno why17:30
h00kgeekphreak: running firefox as root is bad, it messes with permissions in the .mozilla folder17:30
geekphreakPici: whats the shortcut key to xkill ?17:30
j_pyMitch there is only General tab, page setup, page handling, job, image quality, color , advanced17:30
geekphreakh00k: just testing it17:30
madjoegeekphreak: nope.. same thing again :(17:30
DarkauraI can boot up the Live cd of Lucid Lynx beta 2, but when I install and reset it freezes at the ubuntu splash screen. I've tried looking it up but I have'nt been able to find anything. Are there any ideas on what I could do to fix it?17:30
Picigeekphreak: there is none by default/17:30
h00kgeekphreak: that's fine, but permissions are now broken17:30
pyMitchj_: Sorry i just realized what i have done17:30
Eighteensiadrian, when you find out about the sound on the HPDV6, could you let me know, i have same problem17:30
PiciDarkaura: You need to ask in #ubuntu+1 like I said earlier.17:30
Darkaurasorry I didn't see that17:31
iadriani tried everything... it is impossible.17:31
scan-plzHey, I'm trying to use my scanner, but whenever I open the scan tool, it freezes when I hit 'scan"17:31
geekphreakmadjoe:  crashing still?17:31
jwm--canadacan someone please help me with compiz?17:31
madjoegeekphreak: yes17:31
geekphreak!ask jwm--canada17:31
geekphreak!ask |  jwm--canada17:32
ubottujwm--canada: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:32
iadrianEighteens how do you use ubuntu without any sound ?17:32
AegNuddelI just got a steering wheel controller CHEAP. It works, but needs calibration.  I'm trying to remember the comand17:32
jwm--canadai have a new computer but compiz won't get running so I can't use AWN.  I have gotten to the white cube but no further17:32
j_pyMitch u there?17:32
strutsWhile trying to fix dead keys not working, I screwed ut (not sure how). Is it possible to restore conf files concerning everything keyboard to what it just after installing?17:32
pyMitchj_: yes17:33
zaxonspoxj_ do you have Advanced Tab?17:33
geekphreakPici:  ok thanks17:33
EighteensIADRIAN, i'm def, so sound doesnt matter to me, but my son would like sound, SO THATS WHY i said, when you find out, could you let me know17:33
soreaujwm--canada: Can you please come to #compiz ?17:33
soreaujwm--canada: we can help you in #compiz17:33
pyMitchj_: could you ask someone ele?17:33
zaxonspoxj_ by me i have in Advanced Tab Printout Mode: Draft Grayscale17:33
Eighteenscrappy HPDV6 with no sound under ubuntu, searched forums, and nothing yet17:33
iadrianEighteens Ok. if i find out...17:33
iadriani tried every command on the sound problem threads17:34
geekphreakgoodnight people :)17:34
Eighteensso mad i threw the laptop across the room and it hit tv, now 2 broken things.... and a wife that wont speak to me... thanks ubuntu, lol17:34
geekphreakhave a good one all , thanks again Pici17:34
geekphreakcya pyMitch :)17:35
strangehey guys do you know how i can force gdm to use a resoultion for some reason nvidia tool doesnt recognize it but when i plug a simular screen in the same computer it works then i switch the screen that doesnt work and it shows fine in 1980x1200 as well17:35
iadrianOmg :)17:35
iadrianI tryed Kubuntu too, since i heard that it uses a different sound system... nothing :)17:36
pyMitchstrange: I am not using gdm on this computer but, could you plug the smaller screen in and login17:36
CaptainTrekstrange: if the smaller screen doesn't officially support that resolution, that might be the issue, even if it can show it17:37
strangepyMitch: its not a smaller screen they are exactly the same heh17:37
pyMitchstrange: oh..17:37
LoshaEighteens: I know nothing about the issue, but I see lots of discussion on google under "ubuntu sound on the HP DV6"17:37
pyMitchstrange: your best bet is in screen settings (I think thats what it is listed as)17:37
strangenope it only lists up to like 640x48017:38
strangewhich is no fun on 26"17:38
pyMitchstrange: go to system>preferences>17:38
strangecan i force it in xorg.conf maybe?17:38
pyMitchstrange: are you sure you have the right driver?17:38
strangeif i boot with the other screen hooked up and then switch screens it works perfectly17:39
strangethe other screen works 100% and is the exact same one so i guess driver is fine17:39
pyMitchstrange: are they different model screens?17:39
pyMitchstrange: Oh.. could be a faulty screen?17:39
brontosaurusrexwhen running 'kate' text editor on gnome, what could be the reason that ctrl+z is not working?17:40
strangeonly on bootup then which is what makes it odd, if it wouldnt do the resolution at all that would make sense but it works perfect if i dont boot with it17:40
wyclif_brontosaurusrex: have you checked the keybindings/mappings?17:40
pyMitchstrange: Could you say that again?17:41
brontosaurusrexwyclif_: where? in kate or ... ?17:41
h00kstrange: you can try the forums, too, if nobody can help you here17:41
zaxonspoxstrange did you tryed setting higher res. on WinXP?17:41
wyclif_brontosaurusrex: in Kate17:41
zambaboohey guys what was the name of that app that lets you create bookmarks for directories you visit on the console (bash)?17:41
abstrakthow can i find the size of a folder?17:41
abstraktdf only gives me the disk stats17:41
zambabooabstrakt: du -hcs forldername17:41
pyMitchstrange: Did you mean it does display on boot17:41
JRidguys why i cant run compiz??17:41
zambabooJRid:  why do cows chew grass?17:42
abstraktcool thx17:42
zambabooabstrakt: np17:42
zaxonspoxJRid do you have video drivers installed?17:42
wyclif_JRid: does your video card support Compiz? It's resource-intensive for an older computer17:42
strangepyMitch: it displays all the way just not at a decent resolution (640x480) max17:42
JRidmaby i meed to reinst?17:43
pyMitchstrange: but the other screen the exact same works higher?17:43
JRidneed :)\17:43
=== arm is now known as Guest86001
pyMitchstrange: that must be a faulty screen then!17:43
brontosaurusrexwyclif_: well it says ctrl+17:43
wyclif_Jrid: have you checked to see if it's turned on in the System/Preferences menu?17:43
brontosaurusrexwyclif_: ctrl+z17:43
AegNuddelzambaboo, because they don't chew metal17:44
JRidok thanks will look17:44
pyMitchstrange: if the other exact same screen works17:44
wyclif_brontoaurusrex: Ctrl-Z it is then17:44
pyMitchstrange: it comes down to the hard ware17:44
pyMitchstrange: :)17:44
brontosaurusrexwyclif_: very interesting ....17:45
pyMitchstrange: send it back to the shop you got it from if it still has return time left17:45
ravigehlotHey guy, how do I put a folder inside of Places?17:46
pyMitchravigehlot: I do :)17:46
pyMitchravigehlot: Open up your file manager17:46
strangepyMitch: mmkay :)17:46
* wyclif_ is downloading git17:46
strangei just rebooted again with the other screen attached then when its done booting i switch screens and it works 100%17:46
pyMitchravigehlot: and drag the folder you want into the bottom list on the left17:46
strangeits really odd17:46
pyMitchstrange: Oh :/17:47
ravigehlotpyMitch: will try17:47
clutchNo sound in my mini-fluxbox install.  Alsa-Mixer?17:47
clutchor is there something lighter?17:47
AceKingDoes anyone know if Magicjack is going to work with 10.04?17:47
ravigehlotpyMitch: nice. thanks you bunches17:47
wyclif_clutch: maybe just alsa17:47
pyMitchravigehlot: Glad i could help :)17:47
PiciAceKing: Perhaps ask in #ubuntu+117:47
pyMitchstrange: then i dont know..17:47
strangeyeah me neither17:48
strangei just mailed them for rma17:48
AceKingPici, I will, thanks17:48
pyMitchstrange: it really is strange!17:48
strangeyup :)17:48
zaxonspoxstrange can you check this monitor on XP?17:48
kubanccan i revert updated packages. i went to firefox 3.6.4pre and it has a bug, can i revert to older version?17:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:49
Wolfman2000Morning/afternoon. I have PHP 5.2.10 installed via package manager, and phpinfo() reveals that zlib support should be enabled. When I try to use some of the gz functions such as gzdecode, I am told that it's undefined. What other package or setting do I have to mess with to have these functions working?17:49
brontosaurusrexkubanc: usually ff 3.6.x was refered as different name, shiretoko or something, so ff3.5 should still be there17:49
Nataniel_PLnatanielpl@natanielpl-desktop:~$ cvs -d:pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:/cvsroot login17:50
Nataniel_PLLogging in to :pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:2401/cvsroot17:50
Nataniel_PLCVS password:17:50
Nataniel_PLcvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.transgaming.org( failed: No route to host17:50
Nataniel_PL could anybody please tell me why possibly it not work if it worked just about 2 hours ago?17:50
FloodBot3Nataniel_PL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:50
Nataniel_PLnatanielpl@natanielpl-desktop:~$ cvs -d:pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:/cvsroot login17:50
Nataniel_PLLogging in to :pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:2401/cvsroot17:50
Nataniel_PLCVS password:17:50
Nataniel_PLcvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.transgaming.org( failed: No route to host17:50
h00k!pastebin | Nataniel_PL17:50
ubottuNataniel_PL: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:50
strangezaxonspox: no i dont have any boxes with windows17:51
strangenor do i have any desire to have one :)17:51
zaxonspoxstrange then force add res's in xorg.conf17:51
strangezaxonspox: have an url to see how?17:51
pyMitchstrange: Hi-5!17:51
wyclif_well floodbot still works heheheh17:52
kubancbrontosaurusrex, so, there is no solution to revert package...17:53
zaxonspoxstrange mayby try more the cmd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:53
brontosaurusrexkubanc: it should be just the matter of editing the repos17:53
wyclif_it was the damn avahi daemon17:54
PiciNataniel_PL: fwiw, its failing here too.17:55
wyclif_vim + screen + urxvt FTW17:55
eeanhow do I use the md5sum.txt file thats in the iso?17:56
moegreenhey guys i can connect to my network drives, but how do i make it so they automount everytime i boot into my linux partition?17:56
blakkheimmoegreen: fstab17:56
eeanoh well nevermind, doing some checks manually I noticed that vmlinuz isn't correct17:57
moegreen/etc/fstab ?17:57
wyclif_moegreen: make sure you read the fstab documentation17:57
moegreenok ill read the man pages..thx17:57
Nataniel_PLPici: So it's something there and I can olnly wait?17:57
antivirtelhello all, if i've installed an apt-cacher and i rewrote the sources.list to ...<compname>.local and sudo apt-get update writes this: "502  apt-cacher: libcurl error: couldn't connect to host", then what can i check ?17:58
PiciNataniel_PL: I assume so. You could try asking in #cedega, but I don't know how active it is there.17:58
sipioreean: try the "-c" switch for the md5sum command. feed it the sums file, and it should check them for you.17:58
thehumanelementWhy does Evince now open every damn document small17:58
thehumanelementand also keeps opening the thumbnails bar on the side17:58
Nataniel_PLPici: Ok, thx17:58
thehumanelementI'm using 10.04 Beta 217:59
Picithehumanelement : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:59
sorsismy gnome moves windows if "alt+mouseclick" how do i disable this feature?17:59
Nataniel_PLBtw., did any of you ran Unreal Tournament 3 somehow? I've payed for that, and I'm really disapointed ;(17:59
sorsisi want "alt+mouseclick" be transfered to Diablo II instead.17:59
pyMitchthehumanelement: this channel isn't for Beta releases of Ubuntu18:00
h00kNataniel_PL: that would be more suited to #ubuntu-offtopic discussion18:00
Nataniel_PLh00k: ok18:00
pyMitchNataniel_PL: next time check in the wine app db18:00
pyMitchNataniel_PL: I wouldn't count on wine every time18:00
Nedraesorsis: Go to the System menu, then Preferences, Windows, and select another movement key18:01
wyclif_pyMitch: Nataniel_PL has quit18:01
pyMitchNataniel_PL: oh... lol18:01
NinoScriptI want to open a folder that has other user's permissions. I can open it with root, but I cannot change the permissions as it is in a readonly fs (in another partition of the same HD as ubuntu) that I am mounting18:02
wyclif_fiona_: hi18:03
zaxonspoxNinoScript do you mounting a win ntfs partition or what?18:03
NinoScriptzaxonspox, a mac HFS+ partition18:03
erUSULNinoScript: no read writte support for hfs+ in linux i'm afraid18:04
wyclif_lotsa Netherlands traffic tonight :)18:04
NinoScripterUSUL, there is read support, but I don't know why I need to be root to be my Mac's home folder :\18:04
NinoScriptto see*18:05
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  its all about how its mounted with what options.18:05
NinoScriptDr_Willis, '-o uid=502,gid=502' didn't work18:05
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  and where did you get the 502 from?18:06
rogerioalguem poderia me explicar por favor como configura o partições no conky?18:06
wyclif_NinoScript: sounds like another user has the file permissions locked down18:06
Dr_WillisInitial user in ubuntu is 1000 i thought and up from there.18:06
Dr_Willis$ echo $UID18:06
AegNuddelno way!18:07
jpdskannan_: Way to get spammed. ;)18:07
AegNuddelI got one of these for $4! http://www.pacificgeek.com/product.asp?c=225&s=1301&ID=39268&P=F18:07
* wyclif_ prefers Python18:07
alseti've always had audio issues with my laptop, but this time, the login bongo drums sounds, but after that, i can't get any sound from the speakers (or headphones). nothing but video card drivers appears in the Hardware Drivers program. any suggestions?18:07
fabio_anyone know what wireless adaptor comes with Targa Traveller 826W MT3 ?18:07
fabio_its atheros?18:07
PiciAegNuddel: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?18:08
JEDIDIAH__what's the problem child laptop?18:08
AegNuddelPici, I need to calibrate it18:09
pyMitchfabio_: Check on their support site18:09
NinoScriptDr_Willis, that's what it says in MacOSX that my user is, and the folder I cannot open without being root in Ubuntu, when I see permisions, says User 502, Group Dialout18:09
FoolishOwlI have apache2 installed. I notice that httpd.conf is a 0-length file, instead of the long, thoroughly commented file I'd expect. How can I check Apache's settings?18:09
wyclif_it will be super cool if the LXDE project gets integrated and adopted by Ubuntu (as they suggest it will be)18:09
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  If you are mounting it IN linux/Ubuntu - you want your Linux USERS uid/gid. not the mac users uid/gid18:09
Piciwyclif_: See the lubuntu-desktop metapackage.18:09
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pyMitchyou can install it manually18:10
JEDIDIAH__...you also want to see names rather than numbers.18:10
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  try uid=1000   perhaps.18:10
wyclif_Pici: yes, I am looking forward to downloading lubuntu-desktop later tonight18:10
AegNuddelPici, jscalibrate? Is that right?18:10
zaxonspoxFoolishOwnl apache2.conf18:10
PiciAegNuddel: It sounds familiar, but I haven't used it myself.18:11
NinoScriptDr_Willis, just in case, I already tried that, didn't work18:11
Dr_WillisNinoScript:  time to check the forums for HFS+ ussage I guess. I use uid=1000 or umask options for  ntfs/vfat all the time.18:11
AegNuddelPici, ok18:11
dajhornFoolishOwl: Look in the *.d directories in the /etc/apache2 folder, especially the conf.d directory.  Ubuntu breaks-out the Apache configuration.18:12
gunkstalivirt users - what should my permissions be on /var/lib/libvirt/images (owner, group)18:13
wyclif_what are the best #python IRC channels for people getting started?18:15
Piciwyclif_: Best to ask in #python18:15
Dr_Willisgetting started in python. would be a good idea to track down a few tutorials/books :)18:15
=== manowar3bbl8r is now known as manowar3
aneesh1hi all . is it have 2 users with the same home directory.?18:16
jijutmhi a cli application I got from the internet works in my home machine but not on the colocated machine.. I doubt it as shared libs.. is there any tool to identify the libs that is being used by a binary app18:17
aneesh1hi all is it possible to have 2 users with the same home directory.18:17
jijutm@aneesh1: it is tricky.. but possible18:17
zaxonspoxaneesh1 it might be possible, but shouldnt be done18:17
mguyaneesh1: Change user1's home dir to user2's home dir and see what happens18:17
pyMitchaneesh1: why do you want that?18:17
mguyWhat is your reason for wanting to do this?18:17
JEDIDIAH__2 users, one home directory... probably not. Probably more trouble than you're willing to tolerate.18:17
Elfixanyway you'd have some things to fix with chmod then, aneesh118:18
JEDIDIAH__libs for an app? ldd <my-binary>18:18
jijutmlett me try now18:18
pyMitchaneesh1: I recommend creating a sym link in one users home directory to create a universal folder18:18
wyclifPici: I am also a newbie to irssi, for some reason I can't join that channel using /join18:18
aneesh1@pyMitch: I need to provide ftp access for 2 users to one directory18:18
aneesh1is there any way?18:18
zaxonspoxaneesh1 what do you want to achive?18:18
Piciwyclif: You need to be registered and identified to join18:19
Pici!register | wyclif18:19
ubottuwyclif: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:19
iSUKatLINUXhey zax18:19
iSUKatLINUXhey zaxonspox18:19
wyclifPici: ubottu: thanks!18:19
mguyaneesh1: Read the documentations for your ftp server18:19
zaxonspoxiSUKatLINUX hi, yes?18:19
JEDIDIAH__define a group and have both of the users in it. Have a 3rd location the group has access to.18:20
arthurjohnsonaneesh1: Thats easy actually18:20
wyclif!register | wyclif18:20
ubottuwyclif, please see my private message18:20
arthurjohnsonaneesh1: Just create a group and put both users in it.  Change grouop ownership to said group, then set the directory to 0770 permissions.18:20
wyclifubottu: thanks18:20
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:20
arthurjohnsonubottu: Robots need love too18:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:21
aneesh1@arthurjohnson: How?18:21
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox: i was g33kergRRL yesterday18:21
pyMitchwyclif: what was it?18:21
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox: can you help me wiht this "The playback of this movie requires a XVID MPEG-4 decoder plugin which is not installed"18:21
zaxonspoxiSUKatLINUX ok, and what was the prob. yesterday?18:21
pyMitchubottu: You are intelligent18:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:21
pyMitchubottu: In a dumb way18:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:22
iSUKatLINUXubottu: intelli r u18:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:22
iSUKatLINUXhar har18:22
JEDIDIAH__if the totem auto-codec-downloader is not giving you any joy, just install VLC and run that instead.18:22
JEDIDIAH__xine or mplayer should do fine as well.18:22
* iSUKatLINUX thinks: "myPitch...."18:22
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:23
JEDIDIAH__VLC - how to play just about any video file on any OS (even MacOS)18:23
arthurjohnsonaneesh1: You will have to work with the tools your comfortable with.  The easiest way is with the user manager, then use nautilus to set the permissions.18:23
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox:  Okay, I got a puzzle: I installed ubuntu 904 but it gave me no sound. Then I RAN, not install ubuntu 8, and i can play mp3s just fine, but now it says "The playback of this movie requires a XVID MPEG-4 decoder plugin which is not installed", when i try to play AVI18:23
pyMitchi wish gnome had kde's style and amarok :(18:23
LzrdKingi was about to say that VLC made me install codecs the other day, but i thikn it was totem18:23
iSUKatLINUXi'm running ubu8 of the cd now18:23
JEDIDIAH__totem does the auto install thing...18:23
AegNuddeljscal says missing device name18:24
JEDIDIAH__the other players just pull everything in at once.18:24
KentrelHi, I want to be able to mount all my drives automatically when I log in with my main user account, but only that account. Any other users have to enter the administrator password. How do I do that18:24
LuisV /join #ubuntu-es18:24
pyMitchadmin passwords is windows18:24
iSUKatLINUXLuisV: ke bueno!18:24
arthurjohnsonaneesh1:  I'm sorry I can't be more specific, right now I'm using a ubuntu server install with xfce, don't have Ubuntu Desktop loaded where I am.18:25
zaxonspoxiSUKatLINUX did you installed required gstreamer0 ... plugins?18:25
iSUKatLINUXin ub9, yes18:25
jwm--canadamy machine is not using the proper kernel.  how do i edit the grub process to get it to?18:25
nineclassany body here me?18:25
dos123none of us18:26
pyMitchjwm--canada: It depends18:26
soreaujwm--canada: You might want to explain you've upgraded from 9.04 -> 9.10 and it's still using the 2.6.28 kernel18:26
pyMitchjwm--canada: is it grub2?18:26
hpHAW ARE U18:26
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox: my choice is between getting Ubu9 to play sounds, or getting ubu80 to play avi, i think i'll go for the latter18:26
jwm--canadasoreau names the problem correctly -- thanks18:26
soreau! hi | hp18:26
ubottuhp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:26
pyMitchjwm--canada: oh its grub legacy18:26
zaxonspoxiSUKatLINUX on laptop or what?18:27
soreaupyMitch: Yea but it's chain loading to grub218:27
jwm--canadapymitch -- i'll trust you opn that -- do you have advice?18:27
soreauhp: That's enough18:27
erUSULhp: stop18:27
pyMitchsoreau: Oh okay18:27
JEDIDIAH__....I dunno. Canada's situation is one of those where if you are qualified to pull the trigger then you should be able to get the shotgun out of the gun cabinet yourself.18:27
pyMitchi wish gnome had kde's style and amarok :18:27
soreau! grub2 | jwm--canada18:27
ubottujwm--canada: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:27
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox: no on a dell pc18:27
spidySysInfo: uname: Linux 2.6.31-14-generic Distro: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu18:28
spidy: 1920x1080 (32 bpp) Netinfo: eth0: In: 5.43M Out: 0.23M18:28
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox: so, at first i thought it was the hardware, but it clearly isn't18:28
FloodBot3spidy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
jwm--canadashould i just install karmic fresh from a USB key?18:28
xanguajwm--canada: should you or you want to¿¿18:28
wyclifpyMitch: well, you can always just run Amarok and GNOME, but that's not very cohesive UX-wise, I admit...18:29
jwm--canadait's a new computer, no data to worry about.  i just want to get things right from the beginning and if a litle back track is necessary, so be it18:29
soreaujwm--canada: That is an option if you don't feel like fixing this.. it would use grub2 exclusively and probably work18:29
pyMitchwyclif: Yeh, and perforance impact on loading tqt18:29
wyclifhi ! | _TonyStark_18:29
_TonyStark_wyclif hi there18:30
jwm--canadathat's within my capability18:30
soreaujwm--canada: Right now, you have grub1 chainloading grub2 and it seems to not have installed the kernels right18:30
zaxonspoxiSUKatLINUX install gstreamer with ffmpeg18:30
wyclifpyMitch yes, not exactly a snappy load time18:30
soreauthe kernel entries, anyway18:30
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox: ooooh, i really did that18:30
iSUKatLINUXno dice18:30
Apachezis it possible to force to reinstall all currently installed packages ?18:30
jwm--canadawould the kernel mismatch explain some pretty sluggish performance?18:30
soreauApachez: That would effectively accomplish nothing18:31
soreauApachez: What problem are you having?18:31
zaxonspoxiSUKatLINUX can VLC handle mpeg4?18:31
JEDIDIAH__do you have a WD Green drive Canada?18:31
Apachezits not me18:31
wyclifit was the avahi daemon that did it this time18:31
Apachezbut im helping someone who have done something f**ked up with his system and want to reinstall all packages (without doing it ALL from the scratch)18:31
iSUKatLINUXzaxonspox: nut sure i;; check18:31
icerootApachez: that will kill your system18:31
JEDIDIAH__VLC pretty much handles it all...18:32
jwm--canadajedediah, i don't know what that is, so i guess not18:32
Apachezaptitude reinstall '~i'          is supposed to do that18:32
xanguaiSUKatLINUX: what's your problem¿¿18:32
Apachezbut that whines about intermediate something...18:32
iSUKatLINUXxangua:   Okay, I got a puzzle: I installed ubuntu 904 but it gave me no sound. Then I RAN, not install ubuntu 8, and i can play mp3s just fine, but now it says "The playback of this movie requires a XVID MPEG-4 decoder plugin which is not installed", when i try to play AVI18:32
JEDIDIAH__WD Green Drives can be a performance killer because they LIE about what they are for legacy WinXP support reasons.18:32
=== noel is now known as Guest16672
NinoScriptok, I'm going for the other solution… change my ubuntu uid :D18:33
jwm--canadanot my issue--thanks for your help soreau18:33
xanguaiSUKatLINUX: why don't you use karmic koala¿¿18:33
JEDIDIAH__They are newer hard drives with a larger physical block size.18:33
xanguaiSUKatLINUX: have you installed restricted extras¿¿18:33
Sa[i]nTIs there anyway to do like the wubi thing but with another linux version?18:34
zaxonspoxNinoScript http://viaforensics.com/computer-forensic-howtos/how-to-mount-mac-os-x-hsf-partition-in-linux.html18:34
iSUKatLINUXxangua:   I  just would like help to play avis in ubuntu 8. but it says "The playback of this movie requires a XVID MPEG-4 decoder plugin which is not installed", when i try to play AVI18:34
JEDIDIAH__If you don't handle them just right you end up with performance problems. That rightful handling is complicated by the fact that they lie to us for XP's benefit.18:34
soreaujwm--canada: You know, I just thought of one other thing18:34
pyMitchSa[i]nT: There isn't18:34
xanguaiSUKatLINUX: ubuntu 8, ubuntu 9¿¿ do you even know what are you using¿¿18:34
pyMitchSa[i]nT: Sorry18:34
soreaujwm--canada: Can you show the output of 'ls -l /boot/grub/grub.cfg'?18:34
VantraxWubi is a ubuntu only thing18:34
JEDIDIAH__"new box" + "performance problem" made me think of the WD thing.18:34
iSUKatLINUXxangua: if you just wanna take the piss, shut up18:34
guntbert!language | iSUKatLINUX18:35
ubottuiSUKatLINUX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:35
Sa[i]nTNo I mean, I have a version of linux on my laptop, I want to put ubuntu on it. I like the wubi thing, can I do it?18:35
guntbertxangua: your question marks are upside down :-)18:35
xanguaiSUKatLINUX: i have already asked you if you have restricted extras installed; but with that attitude you can get help from here18:35
soreauSa[i]nT: wubi is for installing ubuntu from/in windows18:36
pyMitchSa[i]nT: you can't18:36
pyMitchSa[i]nT: but18:36
soreau! wubi | Sa[i]nT18:36
ubottuSa[i]nT: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:36
xanguaguntbert: yes, i have a latin-american keyboard18:36
iSUKatLINUXxangua: if you don't wanna help, don't help18:36
Pici!attitude | iSUKatLINUX18:36
ubottuiSUKatLINUX: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:36
pyMitchSa[i]nT: you can dual boot it manually18:36
guntbertxangua: aah18:36
pyMitchSa[i]nT: It will be the same in the end (A little better actually18:37
soreauSa[i]nT: The best way to install ubuntu is just boot a ubuntu live cd and click on the installer18:37
zer0her0i have a ~/bin directory in it is a copy of Eclipse, ~/bin is in my path but when i run eclipse i get ~/bin/eclipse: Permission Denied18:37
zer0her0when I really need ~/bin/eclipse/eclipse18:37
zer0her0anyone point me how to fix this?18:37
AegNuddelcd /dev/input18:37
zaxonspoxzer0her0 installed from deb or from tar.gz?18:37
Picizer0her0: Your eclipse installation shouldn't live in ~/bin/   put a symlink to the eclipse exeutable in there instead.18:37
zer0her0zaxonspox: from tar18:38
iSUKatLINUXgood, i love ignore18:38
zer0her0Pici: it runs fine if i cd into the directory18:38
zaxonspoxzer0her0 then you could run it from every where, why putting it to /bin?18:38
t3chkommiehello everyone.18:39
pyMitchzer0her0: If you want to install eclipse the easy way18:39
dremitshey how can i apply permissions set in nautilus recursively?18:39
xangua!hi > t3chkommie18:39
ubottut3chkommie, please see my private message18:39
zer0her0zaxonspox: where my other apps i've installed are18:39
zer0her0(from zip or tars)18:39
LucidGuyntpd issues.  I believe all is setup properly on one of my servers yet it continues to hold the wrong time.  ntpq --numeric -query gives me back   4 u    5   64  377    0.052  5040635 1589.3318:39
pyMitchzer0her0: type in "sudo apt-get install eclipse"18:39
soreau! lucid | LucidGuy18:39
ubottuLucidGuy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:39
zer0her0pyMitch: that's an older version18:39
pyMitchzer0her0: Why do you need the newest of the new18:40
jyraiasomeone got problem connecting in MSN (pidgin, Amsn or emesene?)18:40
dremitshey how can i apply permissions set in nautilus recursively?18:40
Picizer0her0: But ~/bin/ isn't for putting application folders into, its for putting executables into.18:40
zer0her0pici i created ~/bin18:40
pyMitchzer0her0: Is there a reason18:40
zer0her0it's not a normal directory18:40
soreaudreamnid: I'm not even sure nautilus has that capability. Why not use CLI?18:41
pyMitchzer0her0: you should put its in /usr/sbin/18:41
zer0her0pyMitch: ah they are actually finally up to 3.518:41
soreaudremits: I'm not even sure nautilus has that capability. Why not use your terminal?18:41
xanguajyraia: do you have the latest versions of pidgin, emesene, amsn¿¿18:41
zer0her0last i check they were still on 3.2 or something18:42
PicipyMitch: er, sbin should only be for system administration binaries.18:42
xanguapidgin is 2.6.6 and emesene is 1.6 jyraia18:42
jyraiaxangua, yes18:42
jyraiathis is the 3rd time that i reinstall Linux18:42
Picizer0her0: ~/bin/ is typically the path thats added to your $PATH18:42
jyraiato try connect18:42
jyraiawith Xubuntu i didn't had this problems18:42
zer0her0Pici: ~/bin/ doesn't exist on a normal linux system, i created it, and added apps to it18:42
* soreau flips xangua upside down so his question marks are right side up18:43
zer0her0they all run fine, even eclipse if i cd into it18:43
dremitssoreau: i am. wouldn't mind a gui alternative as well if for example i'm just browsing with a GUI file manager and want to quickly alter permissions without loading terminal. it's not a big problem. i just wondered18:43
zer0her0it's just freaking out about permissions/execution when i try to do it from a diff location18:43
stuckeyI try to mount my cdrom with a disc in it and I get an error that says "mount: no medium found..."18:43
pyMitchzer0her0: Bash does not look in that folder normally18:43
soreaudremits: If it's possible, I don't know of the way to do it18:43
xanguajyraia: then no idea; for pidgin help you can try #pidgin; i have no isues with both apps18:43
pyMitchzer0her0: to do it more elegantly18:43
soreaudremits: but I think nautilus doesn't have this feature18:43
KentrelHi, I want to be able to mount all my drives automatically when I log in with my main user account, but only that account. Any other users have to enter the administrator password. How do I do that18:43
dremitssoreau: ok doesn't matter18:43
stuckeyhttp://paste.debian.net/68861/ <--- see that in dmesg18:43
zer0her0pyMitch: yes i know i added it to my $PATH variable18:43
zaxonspoxstuckey tryed with different cd's?18:44
dremitsstuckey: thanks anyway. no biggy18:44
pyMitchzer0her0: oh18:44
stuckeyzaxonspox: yes and it worked18:44
Picizer0her0: ~/bin/ is the canonical location for user binaries.18:44
clutchok, on my previous xubuntu install sound was fine.  minimal install + fluxbox has no sound now though.  I have installed alsa-base, alsa-utils, alsa-tools, linux-sound-base18:44
stuckeyThis can't be a bad dvd though -- it worked for like several weeks. I just burned it a few weeks ago. And it's a yuden disc.18:44
pyMitchzer0her0: why do you want it to be there? instead of in /usr/sbin18:44
clutchmixer is all unmuted and turned up18:44
clutchalsaconf returns command not found18:45
gunkstanot counting heavy, full-scale organizers like f-spot and digikam, are there any image viewers that do a good job editing IPTC tags?18:45
zer0her0forget it18:45
jyraia_xangua, it's try to connect but never got18:45
zer0her0Pici: ~/bin/ doesn't exist on a normal install how can it be the canonical's location?18:45
pyMitchzer0her0: this seems like alot of effort over nothing18:45
jyraia_stay with only loging in18:45
zer0her0pyMitch: you're exactly right18:46
pyMitchzer0her0: Lol18:46
zer0her0this convo is useless18:46
soreauzer0her0: It exists if you're root ;)18:46
jwm--canadastill here with the following question: does a Core 2 processor need the 64 bit PC version of karmic?18:46
soreauor if you create the dir18:46
Out_Coldjwm--canada, it can run on x8618:46
cyb3r37hello i don't know what it : http://pastebin.com/kzAF4zAH can do, who tell me what it do pleaze ?18:46
Slartjwm--canada: 64bit cpus can use 32bit ubuntu18:46
soreaujwm--canada: Yea, you can use 32 or 64 bit18:46
zer0her0soreau: um no it doesn't18:47
Slartjwm--canada: the other way around doesn't work though18:47
soreauzer0her0: Sorry, I was wrong18:47
jwm--canadaslart/soreau: any reason to choose one or the other?18:47
soreauzer0her0: I was thinking of /bin18:47
zer0her0whatever meeting time18:47
xanguajyraia for pidgin install msn-pecan: sudo apt-get install msn-pecan18:47
soreaujwm--canada: Well I think 64bit has more bugs in general but it's capable of handling more than 4GB RAM18:47
NinoScriptlol, not even making a new user with UID 502 worked :P18:47
Slartjwm--canada: not really.. the performance increase is not really noticable for normal use.. the 64bit version can use more than 4GB or RAM though.. that's the only reason I know18:47
xanguajyraia_: then change your msn acount to a wlm and try18:47
pyMitchjwm--canada: 64bit is only needed when you have over 4gb of memory installed (Including graphics memory)18:48
xangua(12:47:39) xangua: jyraia for pidgin install msn-pecan: sudo apt-get install msn-pecan - jyraia_ *18:48
onlymejoshI am trying to install ImageMagick onto my ubuntu machine, I followed the guide on the imagemagick site, but it seems I have done something wrong, How do I remove any installations of ImageMagick and start again if you will?18:48
Slartjwm--canada: oh.. and 64bit gets you that warm feeling of being on the edge ;)18:48
NinoScriptzaxonspox: btw, that page didn't help :P18:48
pyMitchjwm--canada: your processor also handles double the information in one go18:48
pyMitchjwm--canada: although that doesn't mean its faster18:49
cyb3r37who tell me what it do pleaze : http://pastebin.com/kzAF4zAH18:49
zaxonspoxstuckey is this cd and UDF one?18:49
stuckeyzaxonspox: I'm not sure I know what you mean.18:49
soreau! es | cyb3r3718:49
ubottucyb3r37: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:49
jetienneq. the new release will be using pulse audio ? if so, is it fixed ?18:50
xanguasoreau: that's french, not spanish :S18:50
soreauxangua: Is there a factoid for 'I cant understand your pastebin'?18:50
cyb3r37and i speak english ..18:51
Slartcyb3r37: but the text in the pastebin is in french18:51
cyb3r37so who can help me pleaze ? hum ok i convert it in english18:52
jetiennei speak french, you answer me, and i translate :)18:52
Slartcyb3r37: fichier_cible?18:52
jetiennetarget file18:52
zaxonspoxstuckey UDF-fs: No anchor found UDF-fs: No partition found (1), looks like UDF and damaged, or CD drive dont want to cooperate18:52
jetienneSlart: target file18:52
stuckeyzaxonspox: how can I determine?18:52
Slartjetienne: ah.. thanks18:52
stuckeyI'm guessing the drive might have taken a dump18:52
soreaucyb3r37: It might also help to explain what you're trying to do exactly18:53
cyb3r37i think it creat a file with 3 files18:53
cyb3r37.. but i don't know what it do exactly ..18:53
zaxonspoxstuckey put this CD/DVD into another Drive18:54
Slartcyb3r37: it copies the first 64kb byte from file 1, then another 64kb block from file 2 and so on.. I think18:54
cyb3r37who know the script ? and why it never make the same file ?18:54
Slartcyb3r37: or rather.. it starts off by creating a big file with \377 whatever that translates to.. octal?18:55
Slartcyb3r37: it doesn't? that's odd..18:55
cyb3r37i don't know ...18:55
cyb3r37i go eat18:56
iadriananybody who has a sound problem with HP Dv6 laptops with ATI chipset i found a solution18:56
daroluiadrian: you should post it in the forums :)18:57
Slartcyb3r37: here's a thread about it.. in french http://forums.fedora-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=4469418:57
pixilDefinitely would be forum thread18:57
djoefHi, could it be that a HP scanner G2410 is not supported in ubuntu 9.10 ?18:57
shane2perudoes anyone know how to setup spell checking in OOo Impress?  I have spanish dictionaries installed, but can't figure out how to enable them in Impress18:57
iadrianthis is the thread that works with the ATI  chipset18:57
iadriani tried everything else, only that works18:58
iceroot!xsane | djoef18:58
ubottudjoef: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR18:58
jakiwhi, how do i find out the pw of pidgin, when it does autologin?? i forgot the password and only can login into icq from that pc with pidgin autologin18:58
cyb3r37yeah but i arrived of this topic18:58
jwm--canadathanks for all the advice18:59
shane2peruoh, never mind, a rarity happened and I spelled everything correctly, lol.18:59
cyb3r37and i want to know what it do ..18:59
cyb3r37i have found it on this topic ..18:59
darolujakiw: somewhere in ~/.purple/18:59
jakiwdaurlo thx, ill search18:59
Slartcyb3r37: well.. there is an explanation right there in the text18:59
Nedraejakiw: you can read ~/.purple/accounts.xml with a text editor18:59
daroluhello krish-119:00
krish-1iam facing some problem in ubuntu19:01
krish-1plz help me out19:01
djoeficeroot, thank you, apparently the scanner is not mentioned, this is kind of weird as it is a common scanner from a well known brand :( (I just bought it this afternoon :()19:02
guntbert!ask | krish-119:02
ubottukrish-1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:02
Slartkrish-1: just describe your problem or ask your question19:02
djoeficeroot, Could I find out when it would be supported ?19:02
icerootdjoef: i think the best way is to google or search the ubuntu-forums for the scanner name and the ubuntu-version19:02
daroluwhat's a good tutorials site to learn Blender?19:05
krish-1when iam trying to minimize some window,at the bottom toolbar ,the minimized window is been disapears.19:05
mallen_Is it bad to run a Vitrual machine in a wubi install19:05
DrGamutIs there a way to install an older version of ubuntu within a newer version, such that I could chroot the old version's "root" for compiling applications with older libs/toolchain?19:05
gunkstakrish-1: can you still alt+tab to the minimized application?19:06
Elshar_You could dump an old userland and then chroot to it19:06
krish-1when iam trying to minimize some window,at the bottom toolbar ,the minimized window is been disapears.19:06
daroluHello pleed19:07
kainhello people. I'm experiencing a weird problem and I'm not sure where to look. I was having a karmic ubuntu server installed from scratch but due to faulty hardware we decided to move to amazon ec2. I used a public AMI for an ubuntu server and it's up an running. however there are two problems: in my app server log I no longer see japanese/chinese chars and UTC clock seems to be off -1 hour.. suggestions from some expert?19:07
gunkstakrish-1: it helps folks follow you if you include there name at the beginning of the post/19:07
SauLushow do I enable sudo for the software-center?19:07
xanguakrish-1: do you remover the 'list windows' applet¿¿19:07
gunkstakrish-1: ignoring the panel for the moment -- can you alt-tab to the minimized apps19:07
xanguaSauLus: explain yourself, what do you want to do¿19:07
pleed_I ve got the following problem: i installed an ubuntu 9.10 with rescue mode. before installing i manually opened a crypto container to get the lvm where i installed it into. now when trying to boot the system it does not try to open the crypto container, i tried to edit /etc/crypttab and have done update-initramfs after that. still not working, any ideas?19:08
icerootdarolu: #blender19:08
krish-1how can i get the minimized window.19:08
SauLusxangua: I'd like to give the right to use the software-center to a user.19:08
icerootDrGamut: use a vm19:08
daroluiceroot: of course! doh' thanks :D19:08
xanguaSauLus: then just give that user administrator privileges19:09
SauLusxangua: this is not windows. Common19:09
SlartSauLus: check the sudoers file19:09
SauLusxangua: I dont want the user to change domain settings19:09
xanguaSauLus: system> administration> users and groups19:09
daroluSauLus: in your super-admin session, go to System -Admin - Users and Groups and add privileges to the user in question19:09
iganduwhat is channel for ubuntu off topic?19:09
xangua!ot | igandu19:10
ubottuigandu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:10
gunkstakrish-1: if people are going to help you here, you have to answer their questions. Two different people have asked you relevant questions. Without more information, it's hard to figure out your problem19:10
icerootSauLus: installing /removing software is much worse then changing a domain-setting19:10
iganduxangua, can u link me the off topic channel plz19:10
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guntbertigandu: look at the sentence you got from ubottu19:11
krish-1iam a begginner.19:11
rhey guys! Does anyone here know a good network design program?19:11
SlartSauLus: I'm not sure if the software center runs apt in the background to actually install whatever you click on.. or if it's being run with root priveleges19:11
xanguakrish-1: right clic in the panel> add> search for 'windows list'> add it19:11
SauLusiceroot: In my particular application I want to give the user full rights to install. However, apt-get and aptitude are not his prefered program.19:11
icerootSauLus: then give him sudo-rights19:12
toyman61Avidemux: Reading DVD-Video... how to store as DivX-compatible ?  Version 2.5.119:12
laughterHey guys, pidgin no longer is working with the indicator applet in my 9.10 set up, how can i get this working agin?19:12
kooshahow can i upgrade my ubuntu by CD or DVD ?19:12
iceroot!upgrade | koosha19:12
ubottukoosha: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:12
erUSULkoosha: with the alternate CD19:13
erUSUL!alternate | koosha19:13
ubottukoosha: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal19:13
guntbertSauLus: won't work anyways - its not only a question of being able to execute a program but to write to the system folders - without much work only root can do that19:14
icerooterUSUL: alternate is supporting more hardware?19:14
laughterHey guys, pidgin no longer is working with the indicator applet in my 9.10 set up, how can i get this working again?19:14
theadminlaughter: ehm, indicator applet?19:14
theadminoh, that. laughter: Sorry, dunno19:14
laughteryeah, in the top right corner19:14
SauLusguntbert: thats what sudo is for. All processes launched run as root.19:15
xangualaughter: do you have pidgin's notify icon enabled¿¿19:15
xanguaif you want pidgin to use indicator applet disable notify icon laughter19:15
laughteri looked but couldnt find a plug in for preference19:15
kooshaDoes Alternate cd/dvd different from regular cd/dvd?19:15
guntbertSauLus: then I misread - I thought you didn't want to use sudo - sorry19:15
theadminkoosha: YEs, it has a text installer and can be used to upgrade the existing dist19:16
krish-1the window which iam minimizing disappears at the bottom toolbar,and iam not able to restore it, plz help19:16
theadminkrish-1: Seems like an app-specific stuff, it may close instead of minimization or dive somewhere into tray19:16
xanguakrish-1: ignoring the people that are trying to help you is not the best way19:16
laughterxangua: how do i disable the icon? through pidgin?19:16
theadminlaughter: Yeah, it's in preferences19:17
ninocassHi can someone tell me how to make openVPN exit after it fails to connect instead of constantly retrying?19:17
xangualaughter: tools> preferences ;)19:17
xanguammm the notify icon option is in the first tab19:17
darolukrish-1: did you try to use ALT+TAB?19:17
theadminHm. Why when transmission works, Pidgin connects to MSN forever?19:17
krish-1no idint19:18
SlartSauLus: try this.. http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1427971&page=219:18
laughterxangua: i'm there but cant find the setting19:18
darolukrish-1: well do and see if you can restore your window that way... if you can't you probably closed it intead of minimizing it, do you have this problem with other windows?19:19
SlartSauLus: it describes how to disable the password requirement for the software-center.. not sure if it will be system wide or just for a specified user.. it might be worth looking at though19:19
CiprianXconnect ubuntu-ro19:19
daroluCiprianX: try "/join #ubuntu-ro"19:20
SlartCiprianX:  type    /join #ubuntu-ro19:20
xangualaughter: does this work¿¿ http://bit.ly/dwF2aB19:20
CiprianXk thx19:20
krish-1it worked thanks19:21
laughterxangua: that's ho i've kept it set, to "never"19:21
ghostlineshi all, i mounted a ntfs partition with the -rw but can write to it even as root, any idea's?19:22
xangualaughter: are you using lucid beta¿¿19:22
CiprianXproblem with lxde session can anyone help ?19:22
laughterxangua: this only became an issue after i used ubuntu tweak to clean out cache and etc19:22
laughterxangua: i am using 9.1019:22
schweegican anybody help me by installing a sounddriver on ubuntu? i must compile them but i don't know what to do because i get an error19:22
xangualaughter: mmm then no idea :S maybe that ubuntu tweak deleted something19:23
darolughostlines: did you use ntfs-3g filesystem?19:23
theadminschweegi: I think you can avoid compilation. Nevertheless, there usually is a file named "README" in source folder. Read it.19:23
laughterxangua: i guess so, would a reinstall of pidgin help?19:23
theadminlaughter: You're thinking the windows way. Right, let's reboot after every mouse movement and reinstall everything after every key press.19:24
daroluschweegi: pastebin your error http://paste.ubuntu.com19:24
xangualaughter: don't know if that works, but remember to also reinstall pidgin-data19:24
schweegitheadmin: yes, there is a readme file with instructons, but when i type "make" into a terminal i get an error that a folder can not be found19:24
CiprianXproblem with lxde session can anyone help ?19:24
ghostlinesdarolu, i just did mount -t ntfs -rw so i guess no?19:25
laughterxangua: i've been solo ubuntu for a year now, iguess ive still got some windows tendancies ;)19:25
joshyfluffHi all, I'm having tablet problems.19:25
kooshahow I start to design program for Ubuntu os?19:25
darolughostlines: try with mount -t ntfs-3g ....19:25
krish-1iam not able to play any video in youtube.19:25
schweegidarolu: thanks. http://paste.ubuntu.com/414459/19:25
VonTempestKoosha: You start programming. There is not much use in developing programs for just a single OS. (Aside from it being utterly impractical.)19:25
xanguaschestowitz: in teh terminal, are you in teh directory of that app; or you just star to type commands¿19:25
joshyfluffDoes onyone know how to et a wacom bamboo working under 10.04?19:25
Picijoshyfluff : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.19:26
joshyfluffOoh, ok!19:26
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:26
schweegitheadmin; darolu: i get this error when i type "make" in a terminal. and this is the readme file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414461/19:26
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krish-1no video is running in youtube19:27
theadminschweegi: please run the command on english way (LANG=en sudo make), i can't read german very well19:28
daroluschweegi: alsa is already installed in all Ubuntu versions, do you absolutely need to install this alsa version?19:28
ActionParsnipKrish-1: do you have flash installed and javascript enabled19:28
laughterxangua: what should i do? wait for lucid to come out, I was planning a fresh install, i really do want to know how to fix this without a reinstall19:28
krish-1ya i have adobe flash installed19:28
erUSULiceroot: so the factoid says. it has more room for modules19:28
xangualaughter: try to update, maybe that works; for updating pidgin you can find the instructions in it's web http://www.pidgin.im/19:29
=== TommyThaGun_ is now known as TommyThaGun
kermitargh gnome-power-manager STILL dims my display when idle for even a few seconds, even though the option is disabled.19:29
theadminkermit: Screensaver set to "Blank screen"?19:29
xangualaughter: you can also try getdeb for updating pidgin; but it will also update some more http://www.getdeb.net/19:29
craigbass1976I've got this scandisk card reader plugged in.  My computer has no port for the cards, so I'm using this usb rig.  Anyone know how to mount it up?19:29
ActionParsnipKrish-1: use http://pastebin.com to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf19:29
schweegidarolu: yes, because the microfon is not working in skype and all other applications. sometimes, when i type "alsamixer" into the terminal and set the input source to ext mic, it will be work, but now it doesn't work anytime... :(19:29
Harrison_Bergerohello all.  I have an officejet v40 that prints a test page after terminal command "sudo hp-setup" but i cant get openoffice to print...what gives?19:30
wyclifkermit: I hope the new release fixes all the sleep/hibernate issues, because that's a deal-breaker for some folks.19:30
ActionParsnipCraigbass1976: if you put a card in the reader and wait a while, does the partition show in the output of: sudo parted -l19:30
laughterxangua: thanks19:30
Harrison_Bergerois there a terminal command i can use to print from OO directly?19:31
ActionParsnipHarrison_bergero: do you have the latest hplip?19:31
kermitwyclif: i usually uninstall gnome-power-manager so it stops dimming my screen, but then if i leave it unplugged i know no way to auto-hibernate when the battery is low19:31
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, Nope, just regular filesystems19:31
kooshasometimes when i want to install new software or package in ubuntu when i type make, terminal show me an error about target19:31
SauLusSlart: the url gives me what I want. Thank you!19:31
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, i dont know.  How do i tell?19:32
wyclifkermit: if you have dimming turned off in the app I have no idea what would cause that though19:32
theadminkoosha: You usually get it from repositories. Make requires a makefile. You must run a configure script or write one.19:32
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, I'm jus tnot sure what filesystem these usually use (fat?) and where in /dev/ I should be using to mount it19:32
Sa[i]nTIs there a Maverick Meerkat room yet?19:32
rsyringHow can I "make install" into a .deb file so that I can then install/uninstall the deb.19:32
ActionParsnipHarrison_bergero: get the install script from the hplip site, make it executable and run it as your user (not sudo) in a terminal19:32
schweegidarolu: i hope that this problems with the ALC888-Chipset in lucid is fixed..19:33
ActionParsnipHarrison_bergero: ok then run: lsusb;lspci ,see what the card reader is, it may need a module modprobing to work (some ricoh readers need it extra modules)19:33
daroluschweegi: well my german knowledge is not good but it seems it can't find the "patch" command, try installing it with "sudo apt-get install patch" and try again19:34
SlartSauLus: you're welcome19:34
=== mike_ is now known as Guest933
kermitis there a power manager besides gnome-power-manager ?19:34
krish-1Krish-1: use http://pastebin.com to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf, idint undstand19:34
xanguarsyring: i think you can do that with check-install, i am not very good with commands :(19:34
rsyringxangua: I think thats what I was looking for, thank you19:34
rhineheart_mplease see this pastebin.. my problem is.. I received Permission Denied after executing ./configure http://pastebin.com/vQvHuvXH19:34
ActionParsnipKrish: run the command then copy the output to the website to make a paste, when you click the paste button the page will change, copy the address in the address bar and paste it here19:35
schweegidarolu: thank you :) now, "make" seems to work..19:35
craigbass1976ActionParsnip, forget it; it worked on a hardy box I have in the back room.19:36
rhineheart_manybody here knows the permission denied problem I'm facing? thank you..  http://imagebin.ca/view/7slPXxU.html http://pastebin.com/vQvHuvXH19:37
darolu!patience | rhineheart_m19:37
ubotturhineheart_m: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:37
ActionParsnipCraigbass1976: ok then run; lsmod ,to see what modules (if any are needed), you can then mirror on you other box19:37
Slartrhineheart_m: what software is it you're trying to compile?19:38
rhineheart_mdarolu: sorry.. I just supplemented the first question I raised here with image19:38
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rhineheart_mSlart: GT.M sir..19:39
josoanyone can help? my update manager suddenly stopped working because of unknown error? it says same every time i try to update.19:39
wyclifhow do you register a /nick using IRC? I run irssi. Thanks in advance!19:39
rhineheart_mSlart: http://www.fisglobal.com/Products/TechnologyPlatforms/GTM/index.htm19:39
sintheteki am hoping someone could help me resolve graphics issues on karmic using nvidia for video playback19:39
erUSULjoso: try to update via terminal. « sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade »19:39
erUSULjoso: paste the errors you get if any19:40
erUSUL!paste | joso19:40
ubottujoso: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:40
sinthetekeverything is pretty choppy since upgrading to karmic and reinstalling the 185 drivers didn't seem to help19:40
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, "You have selected Ubuntu 9.10 using the HP Officejet v40 All-in-one Printer.19:40
Harrison_BergeroUbuntu 9.10 supplies HPLIP 3.9.2 and it does support your printer."19:40
daroluwyclif: /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>19:40
ActionParsnipHarrison_bergero: i'd still use it personally19:40
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, I checked with synaptic package manager...im using the 3.9.8 version19:41
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, no mention of my printer in the updates including the latest 3.9.1019:41
ActionParsnipHarrison_bergero: I see19:41
wyclifdarolu: Thanks.19:41
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, i find it odd that using terminal i can print but not through OO19:42
ActionParsnipHarrson_bergero: can you print from other apps except OOo?19:42
joso4it says:19:42
josoWriting extended state information... Done19:42
FloodBot3joso: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:42
josoE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:42
josoE: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?19:42
erUSULjoso: close the update manager or synaptic19:42
wyclifhow do I find out what my nick is registred under if I've registered before but forgot?19:42
erUSULjoso: do not paste here. use the pastebin19:42
ActionParsnipJoso: use sudo at the start of the command19:43
erUSULwyclif: #freenode19:43
ActionParsnipWyclif: ask in #freenode19:43
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, yeah, just printed using gedit...and what do you know, it was a txt file of one of our conversations!19:43
schweegidarolu: now i have "make" and "make install" finish, but now the readme file says that i must type "alsaconf" into the terminal. but the terminal means "commant not found". do you know what i can do? ...19:43
ActionParsnipWyclif: freenode passwords are nothing to do with ubuntu19:43
ActionParsnipHarrison_bergero: what version of OOo are you on?19:44
daroluschweegi: no idea sorry :(19:44
GuiriI seem to be limited to two webcams because my motherboard just has two intel EHCI controllers. Any way to get around this? I have 6 ports and need 4 cams hooked up19:44
xanguawyclif: better ask that in #freenode19:44
toyman61How do I find out if avidemux is compiled with Xvid-support ?19:45
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, nevermind...got it to print.  Seems i have multiple drivers installed.  Ill throw out the others including the default which doesnt work19:45
Harrison_BergeroActionParsnip, thanks19:45
josotried, didn't work. It goes to 93% and then freezes. any idea?19:45
ActionParsnipHarrison_beregero: glad you got the gold :)19:45
RinsmasterAny reason why my /dev/cdrom device disappeared? No programs recognize any dvd drive at all anymore, not even when (re-)inserting a cd/dvd...19:45
erUSULjoso: freezes how ? waiting for a mirror to respond?19:46
josoyes, connection timed out.19:46
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josothen it offer partial upgrade, but same result19:47
earthlingI've been using linux quite a while now and still don't have not found any good font viewers ...  I'm not going to fire up Openoffice writer just to use it's font select option...  ANY HELP??19:47
erUSULjoso: which repo times out ?19:47
joso93% [Connecting to packages.freecontrib.org (]19:47
jpdsjoso: They are not an official Ubuntu mirror as far as I know.19:48
erUSULjoso: ust disable that third party repo; why are you using it btw ?19:49
Lipe-jpqual canal pra SERIALs ???????????????????????????????????????19:49
jpds!es | Lipe-jp19:49
ubottuLipe-jp: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:49
erUSUL!piracy | Lipe-jp19:49
ubottuLipe-jp: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:49
josodunno. I'm beginner. I try to update my ubuntu through synaptic manager every time for security purpose19:50
jpdsjoso: Can you put your /etc/apt/sources.list file onto paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link?19:50
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toyman61How do I save as DivX-compatible from avidemux ?19:54
brontosaurusrextoyman61: DivX-compatible doesnt mean anything19:54
josoyeah. here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414482/19:54
guntbertjoso: are you on ubuntu server?19:56
josohm. I dunno what that means?19:56
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : I will refine my question: I want to save it into a format which is playable on my home theater equipment. (MPEG 4 ASP?)19:57
stinger05hello there everyone19:57
Lipe-jpvery good, bye19:57
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : My home theater is capable of playing "DivX" (aka MPEG4 ASP?).19:57
brontosaurusrextoyman61: what player do you have?19:57
toyman61Samsung HT-BD 125519:58
guntbertjoso: because according to your sources.list you seem to be using a rather old version of ubuntu - which is only supported on ubuntu-server19:58
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : Samsung HT-BD 125519:58
stinger05can a ubuntu system read a printer connected through a lan on a windows XP OS ?19:58
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : But it should also be playable on Samsung HT-BD219:58
guntbert!who | joso (I'm sure jpds didn't see your answer)19:58
ubottujoso (I'm sure jpds didn't see your answer): As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:58
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : I used Pinnacle Studio 11 on Windows XP before, and it was able to store videos in what they called "DivX"...  :-)19:59
brontosaurusrextoyman61: select xvid asp, make it two-pass, set desired bitrate, leave everything default, but you can raise 'motion search precision'19:59
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : But DivX is not a format as such..19:59
costreman .. dark scenes are a bitch in compresse video. The reduced number of colors make even the best encoded HD-image look crappy :/19:59
joso!tab guntbert doh, it's ubuntu downloaded before a month or two from official site. how it can be old?19:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:59
brontosaurusrextoyman61: audio can be mp3, make it CBR20:00
joseI have just made a modification to my /etc/bash.bashrc file to include in the global path a directory, however the path is not being recognized20:00
LivenDieI have a cat20:00
joso!who | joso20:00
ubottujoso, please see my private message20:00
LivenDieok...I don't have a cat...I was lying20:00
brontosaurusrexbrontosaurusrex: with xvid quantizer mode should work as well20:00
guntbertjoso: (no need to type !tab - try with gunt<tab> (<tab> meaning press the tab key))20:01
josehas anybody had experience in adding paths to the /etc/bash.bashrc file?20:01
josoguntbert: lol. nice20:01
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : I'm using avidemux 2.5.1. but I'm not able to find xvid asp as a choice in the program ??!?!?20:01
guntbertjoso: please paste the output of lsb_release -a20:02
josoguntbert: ok. ny help where can i find it?20:02
stinger05can a ubuntu system read a printer connected through a lan on a windows XP OS ?20:02
brontosaurusrextoyman61: MPEG-4 ASP (Xvid)20:02
guntbertjoso: open a terminal (in applications/accessories/terminal) and there you type that20:03
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : I see.. :-))  I'll try that. Thanx!!  :-)20:03
LivenDiestinger05, I think the real question is; Does the Windows XP OS really exist?20:03
brontosaurusrextoyman61: no problemo20:03
josoguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414487/ stupid question. here it is20:03
guntbertjoso: strange, thats an actual version - how in the world did you get that outdated sources.list?20:04
stinger05LivenDie: What do u mean ?20:04
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : Which is the best to choose: "Two pass - video size" or "Two pass - average bitrate" ?20:04
LivenDiestinger05, I don't know.  I didn't have an answer to you so I decided to give you something to think about20:05
josoguntbert: sorry friend, dunno. It comes by itself. any help to repair this? :)20:05
brontosaurusrextoyman61: this are the same thing quality-wise20:05
stinger05LivenDie: u didnt have an answer or you didnt understand my question ?!20:05
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : OK. I'll try it out.20:05
magn3tsDoes anyone know how to get ubuntu to actually use the settings in my gnome-mouse-preferences selectionS?20:06
LivenDiestinger05, both20:06
josoguntbert: i installed ubuntu before a month i think. I'm rather new and unexperienced user.  any help on this outdated list?20:06
dravinehas anyone been having problems with gnome-settings-daemon?20:06
guntbertjoso: just thinking :)20:06
icerootdravine: no20:06
dravineit keeps segfaulting with a libglib error20:06
josoguntbert: ok. man, I can't believe it that ppl are so helpful here.20:07
LivenDieI'm going to have a tea.  Does anyone else want one.  Oh wait...you're all on the internet...forget it20:07
fabio_when i doo airmon-ng20:08
wyclifok back20:08
dravineanyone know of a way to run gnome-settings-daemon in debug mode by default?20:08
LekeFlyi have a broken ubuntu install.. it wont boot into security mode or normal.. what to do?20:08
fabio_apears interface chipset and driver20:08
fabio_but all in blank20:08
dravinethis is pretty maddening, as it just kills my gnome session randomly20:08
fabio_can anyone help with this?20:08
guntbertjoso: lets try one thing: open system/administration/software sources20:08
weeklyhey ubuntu gods, is there a way to make rsync use a specific ethernet card if i have 2 installed on the system?20:08
josoguntbert: yeah, then?20:09
toyman61brontosaurusrex, : Does it matter which format I use ?  Should I use AVI, or is it better to use another format (MPEG4?) ?20:09
magn3tsDoes anyone know how to get ubuntu to actually use the settings in my gnome-mouse-preferences selections?20:10
guntbertjoso: open the tab "other software" and unselect everything there20:10
lalalolis someone canadian in here?20:11
LivenDielalalol I am20:11
josoguntbert: I did it. but friend, are u sure about this? this are important security updates, as I can see. ?20:11
LivenDieand the answer is yes20:11
lalalolLivenDie, may i pm you please?20:11
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LekeFlyi have a broken ubuntu install.. it wont boot into security mode or normal.. what to do? is there a command to reinstall all packages?20:12
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guntbertjoso: yes, but they are for dapper (from 2006) according to your sources.list20:12
guntbertjoso: and then lets check what is selected on the first tab20:13
BigbrumbrumLeke: Repair broken packages in recovery mode?20:13
LekeFlyBigbrumbrum: Recovery mode wont boot.. kernel panic20:13
josoguntbert: there's nothing selected on first tab. is this ok?20:13
dravinesegfault errors from gnome-settings daemon20:13
LekeFlyBut i get command line i guess20:13
Bizzehhi, im having trouble connecting ubuntu to my windows 7 shares... all set up via advanced sharing, none of that homegroup rubbish. cant seem to connect to the workgroup at all, and when i could connect to it, i couldnt mount any shares... are there any workarounds or fixes for samba to get windows 7 shares to work?20:14
Bigbrumbrumdo you get root command line?20:14
ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:14
guntbertjoso: no, that is NOT ok: please select at least the first two (canonical supported, community maintained), but I have the next two enabled too20:15
LekeFlyBigbrumbrum: When i boot i can select Recovery and alot of options i then can type "c" to get to command line.. so i guess i should just try a command?20:15
moodyits been a few years since i've used IRC, can someone remind me how to register your nick?20:15
dravinemoody, that tends to be network specific20:16
ActionParsnip!register | moody20:16
ubottumoody: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:16
BigbrumbrumLekeFly: im not into grub command line, sorry20:16
=== bryan is now known as Guest37914
LekeFlyAllright.. iv seen the command somewhere.. but i dont remember.. was something like sudo install -all -f or something..20:17
ActionParsnipLekefly: sudo apt-get -f install20:17
CVirusI'm getting debootstrap warning while installing ubuntu server with kickstart file ubuntu/dist/karmic/restricted/binary-amd64/packages was corrupt http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9122485#post912248520:17
LekeFlyill try :p20:18
NinoScriptAbout the guest session: Is it possible to configure anything there?20:18
ActionParsnipLekefly: it can't hurt if its not needed20:18
guntbertjoso: done? then click on <close>20:18
Bigbrumbrumtryout dpkg --configure -a while you are on it LekeFly20:19
ActionParsnipNinoscript: you can configure your own apps but won't have sudo access20:19
LekeFlyActionParsnip: Hmm.. this is grub.. does that matter? "sudo: unknown command" :P20:19
josoguntbert: ok, i did it how you recommended. I'll try to upgrade now through update manager20:19
ActionParsnipLekefly: yes, those aren't grub commands20:20
LekeFlyOkey.. what do i do? :20:20
jack_singhany one know why I get this problem20:20
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jack_singh [Waiting for headers]bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.20:20
jack_singhfor apt-get20:21
NinoScriptActionParsnip, but… can I as an admin, configure how my guest session will behave and look like? (change wallpaper, change desktop environment, swap keys with xmodmap, &c.)20:21
jack_singhbehind a apt-proxy server20:21
guntbertjoso: at first you "reload" the database - then you can use any package manager you like - please !pastebin your changed /etc/apt/sources.list for me to check the outcome of the change20:21
ActionParsnipNinoscript: I guess you could but I am unsure how. Guest accounts are too risky for my liking20:22
jack_singhhow do i reload the database20:22
josoguntbert:  yeaaaah, update is working again! tnx God. and tnx  to you guntbert.  I'll post it in a sec20:22
appepzcan somone please help me?20:22
guntbertjoso: good - and please do so20:22
guntbert!ask | appepz20:22
ubottuappepz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:22
appepzI tried to install phpmyadmin using apt-get and now my mysql is not running20:22
appepzI am getting following error message: Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)20:23
LekeFlyActionParsnip: Any idea what to type in GRUB.. ?20:23
jack_singhI am getting  [Waiting for headers]bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file. when i run apt-get update on a debian box behind a apt-proxy server20:23
josohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/414498/ here it is.20:23
ActionParsnipLekefly: I'm not conversant with grub. You could boot to the livecd and reinstall grub there20:23
jack_singhgrub2 has a huge set of options20:24
LekeFlyActionParsnip: Is it possible to boot from live CD then fix the ubuntu unstall? :p20:24
LekeFlyjack_singh: My ubuntu install wont boot.. think it have to do with ubuntu packages..20:24
jack_singhany ideas anyone20:25
bsmith093serious grub problems20:25
darolujoso: remember you may have repositories at "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" files20:25
NinoScriptHow do I make a passwordless account (like the guest session) or an account with a very small password? (1 char?)20:25
bsmith093eror code 15 file not found20:25
bsmith093i have a seperate home partition20:25
Bigbrumbrumhow do i enter that confi-grub thing you got popping up when you installed 10.4?20:25
jack_singhif you upgraded and can't boot then it is the packages you updates20:25
ActionParsnipLekefly: absolutely, read the grub (or grub2) documentation online to see how its done20:25
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ActionParsnipBigbrumbrum: hold shift at boot makes grub2 show its options20:26
bsmith093grub error 15 help please20:26
LekeFlyjack_singh & ActionParsnip doest seem like GRUB is corrupt.. just the ubuntu files..20:26
guntbertjoso: looks good now -- but just to make sure that doesn't happen again your should edit that file and remove some unneeded lines - do you want to do that?20:26
darolubsmith093:  you may need to reinstall grub20:27
bsmith093how do i wipe and reinstall grub20:27
BigbrumbrumActionParsnip : Even which images to add?20:27
Gnea!grub | bsmith09320:27
ubottubsmith093: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:27
bsmith093will this work if im running off of a live cd20:28
LekeFlySeems i just have to reinstall then;/ doh.. thats 2 tb gone:p20:28
darolubsmith093: it's actually necessary to do it from a LiveCD20:28
ActionParsnipBigbrumbrum: images are automagically added in postinst.20:28
ActionParsnipLekefly: you don't, just reinstall grub via livecd20:28
LekeFlyActionParsnip: but grub isnt the problem :p20:29
LekeFlyUbuntu "core" files are..20:29
bsmith093the ipage is really slo loading can u list the commands if i have a seperate home partition20:29
darolubsmith093: http://odzangba.wordpress.com/2007/03/10/how-to-restore-grub-using-the-ubuntu-live-cd/20:29
bsmith093it says server temporarily unavailible20:29
bsmith093thanks ill try th link20:30
ActionParsnipLekefly: then boot to livecd and chroot to the system to fix20:30
Bizzehi may have to kill someone20:30
Bizzehcannot get these shares to work at all20:30
ActionParsnipBizzeh: yes flawlessly using samba20:31
darolubsmith093: if you want to install GRUB2 instead: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html20:31
cba123I have a webpage with images linked together, I've been trying to download them, I can't seem to get it to work.  The links seem to be http://site/itemId=number then http://site/itemId=number+x (x is different each time, but x > 1), any ideas?20:31
ActionParsnipBizzeh: I have an age old smb.conf which I simply restore after installing samba then restart the service then create my samba user for authentication20:31
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Bizzehim not sharing on the ubuntu box, i want the ubuntu box to connect to a win7 share20:32
bsmith093will this still work if i have the home partition split off from the main install20:33
bsmith093it says grub is on hd0020:33
bsmith093but when it boots up it fails on loading hd0020:33
josoguntbert: hey. I've been logged off. Have you read my list?20:34
Azzipquick question... is it bad to have kpowersave and the native power management program running at the same time?20:34
guntbertjoso: looks good now -- but just to make sure that doesn't happen again your should edit that file and remove some unneeded lines - do you want to do that?20:34
Bizzehyou want ondemand20:34
Bizzehjust has ondemand set in your kernel, and your good20:34
josoguntbert: yes, np. just lead me step by step.20:35
darolubsmith093: yes it works with split home partition; make sure you are using the right value (hd0,0) or (hd0,4) etc...20:35
guntbertjoso: I guess you are more comfortable with a graphical editor?20:35
bsmith093it says grub (or whatever stage 1 stage 2 are) is on hd0,0 so thats where i reinstalled it to20:36
bsmith093do i reboot now20:36
josoguntbert: you're right :)20:36
darolubsmith093: yeah20:36
bsmith093if i till get the error can i reinstall ubuntu to the small partition with out blowing away the home partition and losing all my data20:37
darolubsmith093: yes, your /home partition will remain intact (including files and configuration) if you don't format it20:37
josoguntbert: i opened i file sources.list as root. what lines to remove?20:37
guntbertjoso: then (in the terminal) type sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup   -- (just in case...) should give no answer20:37
darolujoso: guntbert: if a repository line is causing problem, remember to edit files at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ also20:38
bsmith093thanks darolu20:38
bsmith093im rebooting now20:39
josoguntbert:  just as u said, no answer20:39
darolubsmith093: good luck20:39
guntbertdarolu: thx for the hint - we had the problem of dapper sources in a karmic install though20:39
guntbertjoso: how did you "open the file as root"?20:39
guntbert(you see I can be picky :-))20:40
josodarolu: it was damn problem, system was trying to update my ubuntu with updates from 2006! :)20:40
StevenRI'm running the lucid b2 ... is it correct that update manager should be wanting to update 350ish packages today (I did the upgrade a couple of days ago)... has something big changed?20:40
SlartStevenR: lucid support in #ubuntu+120:41
loonyjuicehas anyone else noticed that their apt-get update hangs at 99%, or is it just me? :(20:42
Slartloonyjuice: it's not just a repository that isn't answering?20:42
loonyjuiceMy repo hasn't changed20:42
Trashihi. i have a user1 > homedir /home/user1 ... and a user2 /home/user2 ... user1 = group1 .. user2 = group2 ... how can i set, that user2 has full access to the homedir of user1?20:42
loonyjuiceit just says waiting for headers20:42
Slartloonyjuice: yes.. because the repository isn't answering ... like I said20:43
daroluloonyjuice: if a repo host (server) is slow, there's not much you can do :(20:43
loonyjuiceI see20:43
Slartloonyjuice: just like www.yahoo.com doesn't work sometimes..20:43
guntbertjoso: how did you "open the file as root"?20:44
Trashihow can i give a user access to  foreign user homedir?20:44
StevenRSlart: thanks.20:44
StevenRTrashi: use groups20:44
mguyTr0gd0r: change the permissions on the directory20:45
SlartTrashi: I'm not sure there is a good way to allow just one other user access to your files.. you can change permissions to allow access to everyone.. that's easier20:45
StevenRallow group foogroup access, put user in foogroup20:45
TrashiStevenR: i did add user2 to group of user1 but user2 hasnt access to homedir of user1? :/20:45
StevenRTrashi: what are the permissions on the homedir?20:45
SlartTrashi: you might be able to do some voodoo using one of the extra security frameworks.. selinux and whatnot20:45
StevenRSlart: normal unix perms and groups should be simple and fine.20:46
TrashiStevenR: user: user1 group: user120:46
loonyjuicewhilst I'm here, can anyone explain why top claims my memory free is about 50MB, yet conky reports 2GB free?20:46
StevenRTrashi: *permissions*20:46
Trashisrry, w820:46
StevenRTrashi: that's ownerships :)20:46
TrashiStevenR: drwxr-xr-x20:46
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StevenRTrashi: did user2 log out and log in again?20:47
SlartStevenR: I've always come to the conclusion that regular permissions with groups and owners are nice for simple stuff.. but harder for weird permission setups... it might just be that I've not "seen the light" yet though =)20:47
StevenRTrashi: does id user2 show them as being in user1 group20:47
StevenRSlart: POSIX ACLs then20:47
Slartloonyjuice: top sees cached memory as used?20:47
peleczekanyone know how to make one of the tty to load automaticly irssi after user has logged20:47
Bizzehit should not be this hard to connect to a windows share20:47
SlartStevenR: oh.. never used those.. are those supported by default?20:48
brontosaurusrexgroup and anybody seems to have the same access here StevenR, Trashi20:48
Slartpeleczek: .profile or .bashrc ?20:48
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:48
StevenRSlart: don't know on ubuntu, they are on CentOS (which is what runs out fileservers).... I guess they probably should be.20:48
TrashiStevenR: i will login and logout now^^20:49
SlartStevenR: I think I've found some good articles about it on the ubuntu wikipedia.. seems interesting.. thanks!20:49
josoguntbert: i was disconnected. Can we advance now?20:49
loonyjuiceSlart: ah, i see, thanks!20:49
peleczekSlart i've studied both bash manual and i was looking for some examples of profile file but i haven't found anything about this issue20:49
guntbertjoso:of course -- how did you "open the file as root"?20:49
StevenRSlart: WARNING: setfacl and getfacl may cause your brain to melt.20:49
Slartloonyjuice: this site give you the same info.. but with more bling bling.. and a penguin =) http://www.linuxatemyram.com/20:50
alketIs here anybody from Serbia ?20:50
magn3tsI will paypal $50 to anyone that can make my touchpad stop respodning to taps as clicks.20:50
SlartStevenR: I'll keep plenty of ice cream nearby =)20:50
josoguntbert:  i typed sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.file is this ok?20:50
magn3tsI've been asking about this for 2 weeks and no one can help me. I'm at my wits end.20:50
TrashiStevenR: well, i did login/logout ... nothing xD .. is it right to put user2 in group of user1?20:50
StevenRTrashi: what does id user2 show ?20:50
guntbertjoso: actually no - never use sudo with graphical apps - use gksudo instead20:51
guntbert!gksudo | joso20:51
ubottujoso: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:51
acovrigdo I want dapper-backports or jaunty-backports?20:51
Trashiuid=104(hudson) gid=105(hudson) Gruppen=105(hudson),511(beta) ... beta = user1 ; hudson = user220:51
josoguntbert: ups. Ok, i'll remember this.20:51
StevenRTrashi: and ls -l /home too please .... paste the one line that's relevant to the homedir20:51
xanguamagn3ts: you want to disable your touchpad¿¿20:52
magn3tsxangua, just so the tapping it causes it NOT to click20:52
guntbertjoso: and now after gksudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list you are in the editor20:52
magn3tsthis is an option in gnome-mouse-properties but it doesn't fraking work20:52
magn3tsat all20:52
TrashiStevenR: drwxr-xr-x 3 beta   beta   4096 14. Apr 21:40 beta20:52
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: Edit that feature using gconf-editor. I will get you the key, one sec20:52
StevenRok... is the wiki down?20:52
josoguntbert: i typed that, but editor is not starting. what's the difference between sudo & gksudo?20:53
StevenRTrashi: that looks right.... what happens when you try to cd into the dir?20:53
chervaanyone willing to help me with firefox ? ver 3.6.4pre (aka Namaroka) is having problems with flash 10.0.r45  if I don't disable the plugin and open a page containing flash firefox stops responding :(20:53
TrashiStevenR: one moment20:54
josoguntbert: restarted, working. But instead of my source file i get empty source file20:54
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: in a terminal type `gconf-editor` then when it opens, browse to desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/ then untick the tap_to_click box20:54
magn3tscrucialhoax, don't bother, its already disabled in gconf-editor. The key is /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/tap_to_click20:54
guntbertjoso: sudo *can* mess up file permissions in your home directory20:54
crucialhoaxok nevermind lol20:54
loonyjuiceSlart: cool, makes sense20:54
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: And that key does not do it?20:54
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:54
magn3tscrucialhoax, nope. it ignores it. If I check it and then uncheck it, it works for about 10 minutes20:54
guntbertjoso: probably a typo in the line (you can use the <tab> key for completion here too)20:55
Slartloonyjuice: well.. I'm  not sure if it makes sense.. but it's what the linux community has decided to use =)20:55
josoguntbert: understand. I opened file, but it appears to be empty20:55
toader Hi, i have  two computers and Both runs openssh server, can ping each other and can ssh to, but cannot ssh to  How can i make them be able to ssh each other? thanks20:55
magn3tsand then I'll be sitting here typing and my hands will select a bunch of text and make me type over it (yeah, the disable touchpad while typing is an EVEN BIGGER JOKE)20:55
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: Have you tried syndaemon? maybe that will do it.20:55
magn3tscrucialhoax, I've yet to have luck with it either to be honest20:55
peleczekmagn3ts what version of Ubuntu do You use?20:55
usrlocalbinmagn3ts: try this... I did this on a laptop of mine.  a dell latitude d400 and it worked http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/654/disabling-touchpad-taptoclick/20:55
magn3tspeleczek, 9.10 Karmi20:55
[Spooky]Is there any way to get more bass in the sound? Using the Ubuntu default music player...20:56
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: Hm, mine works quite well. Let me give you the syndaemon I am running, just to try it :)20:56
guntbertjoso: you said so - you probably made a typo in the command - please check again20:56
josoguntbert: it was typo error, nice how u noticed this.20:56
magn3tsusrlocalbin, I'll look at it20:56
josoguntbert: got it now.20:56
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: syndaemon -i 1 -d -K20:56
guntbertjoso: good, now leave the very first line in place, then delete all lines that start with # or ##20:57
nyadhi when I change songs in audacious it's extremely delayed20:57
nyadhow do I fix this?20:57
TrashiStevenR: i can reach the directory via cd but for example i cant create a now directory via mkdir or s.th. like this?20:58
nyadit should be instant20:58
acovrigdo I want dapper-backports or jaunty-backports? in my sources.list?20:58
crucialhoaxacovrig: It depends on what version you are running20:59
guntbertjoso: it should look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/414515/20:59
crucialhoaxacovrig: jaunty is 9.0420:59
acovrigcrucialhoax, I am running 9.04, is this ok for http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52567021:00
josoguntbert: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/414517/21:00
TrashiStevenR: but i think that could be a chmod problem21:00
Machtinhow can i switch to another window, like alt+tab when i got a window open, which obviously doesn't support that? openarena, for example.. (I'm on KDE, if that's what matters)21:00
crucialhoaxacovrig: Yours will say jaunty instead of dapper.21:00
acovrigok, thanks21:01
magn3tscrucialhoax, would that have to be applied at every boot or how does syndaemon work?21:01
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: Yes, it does. I added it to the startup programs.21:01
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: It sticks through every boot.21:01
magn3tscrucialhoax, okay I'll give it a shot21:01
guntbertjoso: looks good - that way those old lines won't get in your way again21:02
guntbertjoso: please save the file and exit the editor21:02
crucialhoaxmagn3ts: Just add it to the `Startup Applications` did you want the command again?21:02
magn3tscrucialhoax, no I got it21:02
crucialhoaxacovrig: No problem.21:03
se5aI've got ubuntu on a USB drive, but it doesn't save any updates and changes to the drive, next time I boot up on it, it's back to how it was origionaly.21:03
guntbert!fr | Wisdonsim21:04
ubottuWisdonsim: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois21:04
pleedIs there a possibility to maximize a window to full screen on gnome dual head configuration?21:04
se5aI think it's treating it as if it were a CD and not writing to the drive21:04
pleedbecause of xinerama my window will always 'maximize' into one screen21:04
se5aany idea how to change that?21:04
josoguntbert: ok, that is solved. tnx for being my first ubuntu tutor. ;)21:04
ddrjhow would i apply svn in ubuntu 9.10? cd xbmc and then svn co http://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xbmc/trunk21:04
ddrjwould that work ^21:04
guntbertjoso: you're welcome :-) nice we got it working - have fun21:05
josoguntbert: do u know any good application for managing my wireless connections?21:05
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acovrighow do i install irssi-xmpp?21:05
guntbertjoso: I use the default: network-manager, but there is wicd too21:06
josoguntbert: I also have problem, once i get disconnected, there's no way to connect again to network except to restart the syystem21:06
josoguntbert: where can i find wicd? through apt - get install ?21:06
StevenRTrashi: chmod 770 /home/user that'll give you write access21:07
josoguntbert: found it. Tnx :)21:07
acovrignevermind about irssi-xmpp, its in snaptic21:07
guntbertjoso: please put that previous question to the channel (without my nick) - I just "use" wireless21:07
TrashiStevenR: thank u very much21:07
josoguntbert: what u mean by that "use" ?21:08
crucialhoaxjoso: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/moinmoin/Wicd%20on%20Ubuntu21:08
ddrjhow would i install latest beta of xbmc? cd xbmc and then svn co http://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xbmc/trunk21:09
kaffienI have a script that copies files to an external drive.  if i manually run the script it backs up the files no problem.   if i let cron run the script for some reason it tries to copy the two latest files to the disk instead of just the latest.21:09
guntbertjoso: I never had to try any tweaks - it just works for me (on my system) - so no experience here21:09
LekeFly How do i fix a ubuntu install with the live CD .. ?21:09
tomeowhat is the ubuntu equivalent of windows ctrl+alt+del?21:09
kaffienif anyones good with scripting and cron i'll pastebin the files if that will help.21:09
erUSULLekeFly: depends on what it needs fixing21:10
ddrjtomeo: ctrl + alt + f121:10
pleedI would like to disable xinerama in ubuntu 9.10. how to do that?21:10
=== XaS is now known as DarkZell666
ikoniapleed: how did you enable it ?21:10
crucialhoaxtomeo: As in opening the task manager?21:10
LekeFlyerUSUL: i have no idea.. getting kernel panic on boot.. think i has to do with packages from update..21:10
pleedikonia: didnt, was enabled after install.21:10
rocket16Friends, really sorry to ask an offtopic question, but can anybody point me to a  Windows gaming channel? (I am a Ubuntu user, but need to play a Windows game, :( )21:11
ikoniapleed: xinerma is not enabled by default, it requires manual setup21:11
erUSULLekeFly: well if you do not know what is wrong; how do you plan to fix it? tried booting with an old kernel if the update included a new one?21:11
ikoniarocket16: please dont ask an offtopic question21:11
guntbertrocket16: try to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or in ##windows21:11
rocket16ikonia: I said sorry already,21:11
pleedikonia: all i did was adding some statements to xorg.conf for twin view. but i did not explicit enable xinerama21:11
josocrucialhoax: your  link isn't working21:11
rocket16guntbert: Ok, thanks21:11
LekeFlyerUSUL: Have no idea.. but my plan was to just to update all the packages.. think something is corrupt..21:12
ikoniarocket16: then don't do it, instead of saying sorry, please21:12
zenlunaticrocket16, most any gaming channel will apply considering 99% of gaming is one windows21:12
crucialhoaxjoso: One second21:12
erUSULLekeFly: well you will need to chroot to the hard disk install21:12
rocket16ikonia: I understand, please leave the issue21:12
ikoniapleed: if you have enabled twinview, xinerma is not enabled, they can't exist together21:12
erUSUL!grub2 | LekeFly21:12
ubottuLekeFly: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:12
rocket16zenlunatic: Thanks21:12
crucialhoaxjoso: Use this link: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php21:12
erUSULLekeFly: the grub wiki page has a step by step to chroot21:12
LekeFlyerUSUL: Dont think grub has anything to do with it..21:13
erUSULLekeFly: i know but as i said the grub wiki page has a step by step to chroot21:13
pleedikonia: when i maximize a window, it just maximizes to _one_ screen size. that is xinerama isnt?21:13
ikoniapleed: no21:13
zenlunaticrocket16, youre not gonna stumble in a gaming channel and see folks turn you away because youre gaming on windows21:13
ikoniapleed: xinerama is two seperate x servers configured to work as on21:13
pleedikonia: okay, then my question is how can i maximize a window over both screens.21:14
LucidGuyCan someone recommend a decent free large file transfer website.21:14
licquorcan anyone tell me how i can install downloads that i downloaded on ubuntu onto windows xp  that i have on the same pc which wont connect to the internet21:14
rocket16zenlunatic: I see,21:14
ikoniazenlunatic: please drop the offtopic conversation21:14
ikoniapleed: you need to enable twinview (I assume you're using nvidia) and use the one desktop setting21:14
Adyethsok, stupid question, what would cause me to no longer be able to drop to a console?21:14
pleedikonia: using nvidia21:14
ikoniaAdyeths: "drop" a console ?21:14
MP1Is there a netbook version of the beta for 10.04?21:15
zongohey guys, for a newbie to learn programing, what would be the best language to start with ?21:15
Adyethsdrop to a console window so I can do stuff from the command line21:15
ikoniapleed: then you need to configure twinview to use the virtual desktop/span 2 monitors21:15
User_007is here the right place to talk about shipit?21:15
pleedikonia: what is the "one desktop setting", where to find it?21:15
xanguaMP1: ubuntu netbook remix21:15
Adyethsas in not use the gui temporarily21:15
guntbert!ot > LucidGuy21:15
ubottuLucidGuy, please see my private message21:15
crucialhoaxMP1: I have not seen one yet, but ask in the lucid channel.21:15
rocket16Adyeths: Try using "Ctrl+Alt+F2"21:15
ikoniazongo: that's offtopic for this channel, how easy it is depends on what you find easy21:15
ikonia!twinview | pleed21:15
ubottupleed: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings21:15
Adyethsthat doesn't work21:15
Adyethsit USED to work. but I can't figure out why its not working any longer.21:16
crucialhoaxAdyeths: Try that same combo with F121:16
User_007I want to request an Ubuntu CD, but since after i requested karmic i had no more permission to request a CD. I have just requested 1 CD.21:16
NinoScriptWhat desktop environment can emulate the look and feel of Windows XP? I want to make a guest account for stupid people :P21:16
AdyethsI tried that. It doesn't work.21:16
crucialhoaxNinoScript: KDE21:16
daroluLucidGuy: http://ifile.it/ is not so bad21:16
MP1how do I join this lucid channel?21:16
pleedikonia: yes i have enabled twin view, but i dont understand what the "one desktop setting" is.21:16
ikoniaNinoScript: you are calling people stupid - yet you don't know how to do it21:16
crucialhoax!lucid > MP121:16
ubottuMP1, please see my private message21:16
xanguaUser_007: you can down load it21:17
ikoniapleed: use the nvidia settings tool suggested to use the span desktop screen21:17
crucialhoaxikonia: lol21:17
=== juan__ is now known as lamports_alg
NinoScriptcrucialhoax, Thanks, I am installing KDE, I just wanted to know if there was another21:17
lamports_alghi, do you guys know a channel where I can ask questions about concurrent programming?21:17
ikoniaNinoScript: there are plenty of themes in gnome-look.org and kde-look.org, no desktop emmulates windows well21:17
User_007xangua, no i can't my internet is super slow and i have a limitted download ( i can only download about 100MB for month)21:17
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:17
ikonialamports_alg: that's offtopic for this channel, please seek irc help in #freenode21:17
lamports_algthank you21:18
Adyethsany ideas on what could be preventing this from working for me?21:18
MP1!lucid > MP121:18
ubottuMP1, please see my private message21:18
licquorcan someone help me transfer downloads from ubuntu to  windows xp which wont connect to the internet on the same computer21:18
crucialhoaxNinoScript: KDE most resembles it because it has the look of windows. single bar on the bottom with a menu in left corner21:18
xanguaUser_007: search then for a close linux comunity and ask them, if they have, a  recent ubuntu cd21:18
Adyethsor know somehwere that I could go to find out why it might not be working?21:18
User_007ok, ty21:18
NinoScriptikonia, I'm not saying windows users are stupid, I just happen to know some stupid people that only use window21:18
NinoScriptikonia, :P21:18
Gnealicquor: just mount your windows partition and copy the files over, unmount it, then reboot to windows21:18
crucialhoaxAdyeths: Keyboard shortcut? I am not sure exactly why it is failing.21:18
brontosaurusrexNinoScript: you can also do it with gnome, check default linux mint setup21:18
ikoniaNinoScript: I'm not laughing21:18
crucialhoaxbrontosaurusrex: True, Mint has a nice setup.21:19
=== XaS is now known as DarkZell666
=== DarkZell666 is now known as XaS
licquorhow do  i  mount the  partition   im really  new to   ubuntu21:19
bigtom21485good evening everyone21:19
pleedikonia: i m sorry but i still didnt understand. i know the nvidia-settings tool, but i still didnt get what to change there to be able to use both screens as one.21:19
brontosaurusrexNinoScript: http://www.linuxmint.com/img/screenshots/helena/mintmenu.png21:19
crucialhoaxBigbrumbrum: Hello.21:19
Adyethsnothing in the keyboard shortcuts thats using those keypresses.21:19
bigtom21485im having trouble with my soundcard turning itself down21:19
BigbrumbrumHello :)21:20
crucialhoaxAdyeths: Neither do I, so I would have no clue. =/21:21
Adyethsok, thanks.21:21
NinoScriptbrontosaurusrex, that's a good menu… but it's really too different for this kind of guy (I already tried it)21:21
crucialhoaxask the channel. Someone might have an idea where that keystroke combo is stored.21:21
crucialhoaxNinoScript: So use KDE.21:22
rocket16I downloaded Ming, how to cross compile using g++ now?21:22
ikoniapleed: I can't walk you through it as I'm not using an nvidia card, so can't use nvidia-settings, but the bottom line is when you open the tool you should see two screens, do you see the two screens ?21:22
ikoniarocket16: cross-compiling is a very big topic,21:22
rocket16ikonia: I see, thank you21:22
NinoScriptI hate these kind of people who say: "no, it's new, it's not the thing that I'm used to, I won't even try it, I don't like new"21:22
licquoru still  here21:23
switch10does anyone know of a good alternative to "portable Linux", that is compatible with grub2?21:23
TyphHow do I set locale on a fresh 9.10 install? :(21:23
ikoniarocket16: why not just compile it nativly, why cross-compile it ?21:23
brontosaurusrexNinoScript: what then, they should use what they want then, easy peasy21:23
andrew__Hey, so I'm trying to install ubuntu from a usb pen21:23
crucialhoaxNinoScript: OT, but sometimes people do not adjust well. Deal with it and move it. Please stay on topic.21:23
ikonia!offtopic > switch1021:23
ubottuswitch10, please see my private message21:23
_pg_how do i identify with network services21:23
andrew__It's not working :/ It's basically saying 'operating system not found', any ideas?21:23
ikonia_pg_: join #freenode for help21:23
Bigbrumbrumhow do you edit which disks grub search os:s from?21:23
switch10ikona its not off topic..21:23
ikoniaswitch10: you're asking for an alternative to portable linux ?21:24
rocket16ikonia: I appreciate what you say, but the thing is that, my C++ Programmes do not run on Windows, when made from Ubuntu. And there is a difference between Windows C++ and Linux C++.21:24
licquorcan someone tell  me how to transfer downloads from ubuntu to windows xp which wont connect to the internet on the same computer21:24
TyphI run locale-gen en_CA.UTF-8, then dpkg-reconfigure locales, and I get this: http://dpaste.com/183934/21:24
zaxonspoxswitch10 what do you want to achive?21:24
ikoniarocket16: yes, windows programs will not compile on Linux and vicevesa,21:24
switch10ikonia: yes.  It is a program that runs on Ubuntu.21:24
licquorhow  to   configure my windows xp  to connect on my  computer where ubuntu is connecting21:25
switch10nevermind found larch in ##linux.21:25
ikoniaswitch10: I thought it was an OS21:25
switch10ikona I know and you are wrong..21:25
Bigbrumbrumdoes anyone know how to grapical setup grub2?21:25
NinoScriptCan I have one account using Gnome and the other KDE by default?21:25
ikoniaswitch10: documentation seems to suggest it's a portable linux21:25
jarray52How does one prevent an ethernet interface from being reset?21:25
rocket16ikonia: Yes, I have started using Java, for this purpose, for both Windows and Linux, much better than C++ in many aspects. Anyway, thanks.21:25
pleedikonia: thanks for your help! yes i see the picture with both screens. but in my opinion there is no option for what i would like to do, my state is that there are two screens used as one big and they re working. but when i maximize a window in one screen, it does not span over both. i have no clue where this should be configured using the nvidia-settings layout configuration.21:26
switch10ikonia: http://rudd-o.com/new-projects/portablelinux21:26
ikoniaswitch10: reading, thank you21:26
Bigbrumbrumikonia: Dsl?21:26
ikoniaBigbrumbrum: what ?21:26
Bigbrumbrumikona: Demi sized linux21:27
zaxonspoxpleed do you want to maximize window only to one screen?21:27
crucialhoaxDamn Small Linux?21:27
ikoniaBigbrumbrum: I don't want a demi sized Linux21:27
brontosaurusrexpleed: i'd probably check if there is something in compiz settings, but i'am not really sure, so...21:27
ikoniapleed: twinview options are listed here http://http.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8178/README/appendix-g.html21:27
Bigbrumbrumikonia: Sorry, damn small linux, http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/21:28
ikoniaBigbrumbrum: I just said "I don't want a demi sized Linux"21:28
Bigbrumbrumoh snap21:28
ikoniaBigbrumbrum: I'm not looking for a Linux21:28
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pleedzaxonspox: no, i would like to maximize one window over both screens. i would like to use virtualbox and the guest windows shall be as big as possible.21:28
Bigbrumbrumikonia: sorry, need to maximize my window ^^21:28
ikoniaBigbrumbrum: not a problem21:29
crucialhoaxikonia: What are you looking for then?21:29
licquorcan anyone tell  me  how to  mount my partition21:29
ikoniacrucialhoax: nothing21:29
zaxonspoxpleed yes, i understand, would like also :D21:29
darolu!msg ubottu !mount21:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:29
licquormy  windows partition21:29
crucialhoaxI am lost. Nevermind lol21:29
nesh2010alguem fala portuques21:29
switch10licquor: sudo mount -a21:29
xangua!pt > nesh201021:29
ubottunesh2010, please see my private message21:30
BigbrumbrumSo, neither of you did know how to config grub2??21:30
crucialhoax!grub2 > Bigbrumbrum21:30
ubottuBigbrumbrum, please see my private message21:30
zaxonspoxpleed read about xinerama, mayby this is what you want http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/X.Org/Dual_Monitors21:31
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ikoniapleed: you don't want xinerama - you want twinview21:31
Bigbrumbrumubuntuwiki doesnt say shit about setting up which drives to search for os:s on...21:31
crucialhoaxI have touch sensitive sound keys above my keyboard, when the mute key is cycled it should change from white to amber, it only stays white, even when muted. suggesions?21:31
zaxonspoxikonia ok then, sory for messing around21:31
ikoniazaxonspox: no, you're right, however he's using an nvidia card so if he doesn't use twinview and uses xinerama he'll lose his 3d extensions21:32
pleedzaxonspox: my default window manager ion3 does not support xinerama and is able to span a window over all screens but ion3 catches a lot of keycodes which is bad for working in the vbox guest.21:32
User_007how to "become an Ubuntu member by contributing to Ubuntu, and thereby becoming eligible for more CDs"21:32
darolunesh2010: você precisa escrever /join #ubuntu-br21:33
moegreenhey guys can someone look at http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html and tell me how i can do this in linux?21:33
User_007i requested two CDs (one from jaunty an another from karmic) and dow i can't request anymore21:33
moegreenit seems there is no such thing as user.js in ubuntu21:33
peleczekanyone know how to make one of the tty to load automaticly irssi after user has logged21:33
unicumwhere are external drives mounted to?21:34
switch10unicum: /media21:34
User_007how to "become an Ubuntu member by contributing to Ubuntu, and thereby becoming eligible for more CDs" ?21:34
User_007i requested two CDs (one from jaunty an another from karmic) and dow i can't request anymore21:34
licquorswitch10: do  u know anything about connect windows xp to the internet my ubuntu works but  not my  microsoft21:34
ikoniaUser_007: you know the answer - become an ubuntu member21:35
User_007ikonia, how to become a ubuntu member?21:35
licquoror does anyone else  know21:35
Myrtti!membership | User_00721:35
ubottuUser_007: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember21:35
ikonia!member | User_00721:35
switch10licquor: I havent used windows in over 5 years sorry.21:35
licquorok thanks21:35
xangua!windows | licquor21:35
ubottulicquor: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents21:35
zenlunaticswitch10, me too21:36
brontosaurusrexlicquor: also dalnet, #windows95 seems to be a nice channel21:36
pleedikonia: zaxonspox:  i used the "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" feature and now it works. Great!21:37
ikoniapleed: well done, good find21:37
User_007Myrtti, ok. Can i become a member by disclose ubuntu?21:37
switch10User_007: You can't just download the iso's?  or pay a few bucks for one?21:38
LachesisHis internet is capped at 100mb / month and 10kb/s21:38
User_007i really had convinced a lot of people to become an Ubuntu User. I have done a lot of installations with the CDs i have requested on sipit.21:38
Lachesishe was just asking on #Ubuntu+121:38
pcgHow do I undo "sudo im-switch -s default-xim"?21:38
ikoniaUser_007: read the link about how to become a member21:38
LachesisUser_007, some people on +1 were offering to ship you a CD21:39
User_007>Already reading21:39
zenlunaticUser_007, where do you live21:39
Lachesisif you give your address21:39
_pg_good webdesign irc?21:39
ikonia_pg_: offtopic here - as I told you before21:39
ikonia_pg_: join #freenode for irc help21:39
daroluUser_007: read the link, if you really want to be a membership, you should be answering questions instead of asking them; if you got a CD create copies of it to keep installing/selling/giving them away21:39
_pg_if only everything i needed help with was as active as #ubuntu ;-)21:40
daroluget a membership*21:40
zenlunatic_pg_, quantity rarely matches quality21:40
LachesisI'm having a strange problem with gnome-keyring-daemon as an SSH-Agent21:40
Machtinhow can i switch to another window, like alt+tab when i got a window open, which obviously doesn't support that? openarena, for example.. (I'm on KDE, if that's what matters)21:41
weeklyhow do i ping a mac address to find its IP in linux?21:41
ikoniaweekly: you don't ping a mac address21:41
LachesisGNOME_KEYRING_PID is set to the right pid, and /tmp/keyring-xxxyyy/ssh exists, but SSH_AUTH_SOCK is unset. If I set it, everything works dandy, but for some reason XFCE won't do that for me...21:41
daroluMachtin: I don't use kde but I suppose you can use compiz to do what you need21:41
weeklylol, all i have is the Mac address though, im trying to locate the IP of my router21:42
_pg_zenlunatic: but is less depressing than silence21:42
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crucialhoaxweekly: try `arpcache` in the terminal.21:42
ikoniaweekly: if you are connected you can check the arp table with "arp"21:42
W3ird_N3rdyou figured out where User_007 comes from?21:42
rwengcan anyone help me installing the rmagick gem for ruby on ubuntu 8.04 LTS? everywhere i read that i only need imagemagick and libmagick9-dev, but then i get the error Can't install RMagick 2.13.1. You must have ImageMagick 6.4.9 or later.21:42
Slartweekly: I think arp might be what you need21:42
zenlunaticgod, i should know that21:42
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Machtindarolu: hmh, so it is a KDE-thing?21:42
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penguinixoh hai guiz21:43
soreauMachtin: Games like openarena trap all input, so it never reaches any other process like your window manager (ie. compiz)21:43
crucialhoaxikonia: Thanks for the correction.21:43
daroluMachtin: I can't tell since I don't use KDE21:43
penguinixim using amarok .. and i have music on another partition ... how do i add it to my collection?21:43
weeklywell "arp" gave me my main router to the outside world, im looking for a routher between that router and my machine21:43
zenlunaticpenguinix, you probably already mounted it?  that would be step 121:43
xanguapenguinix: mount the particion and add the directory to your list21:44
ikoniaweekly: you're not connected to that, so you won't get it21:44
weeklyweird, im plugged directly into it21:44
ikoniaweekly: then you should get it arp21:44
molqrhello all21:44
crucialhoaxweekly: If that is the case, do a tracert to the router to which you have the arp to.21:44
xangua!hi > molqr21:44
ubottumolqr, please see my private message21:44
crucialhoaxweekly: That should expose the other routers IP...21:45
JRidguys can u help me? how can i run windows aplications on my kubuntu?21:45
crucialhoaxJRid: Wine.21:45
weeklythanks crucialhoax, trying that now21:45
JRidok thanks21:46
Slartweekly: you might be able to use nmap as well21:46
weeklythanks crucialhoax, trying that now...21:46
crucialhoaxJRid: Which Windows apps?21:46
LekeFlyerUSUL: Ey.. i got into the live CD now .. but it says "the until fdisk doesnt support GPT use GNU.. also this command $ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt  from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD doesnt work.. any idea?21:46
Slartweekly: that's what I usually use when I want to find out what ip something has21:46
molqrsudo apt-cache search pylab returns lots of useful results while sudo aptitude search pylab returns nothing......  what is the origin of the difference between the two behaviours?21:46
shastaoi've got a new thinkpad edge 14 that i'm trying to install 9.10 on, the prompt screen that asks what I want to do when it first boots the cd shows up, but when I hit install it just kinda sits at a black screen reading off the disc continuously21:46
tgp1994Hi again everyone, I've made a small step with my wii-formatted memory issue. It turns out I was not pushing it in all the way (lol), and ubuntu recognizes the name of the memory reader, but no dev is created for it. Any anyone help?21:46
=== Tohuw is now known as canthus-Tohuw-hy
crucialhoaxJRid: depends on the game. Not sure. Look to see if the game is supported on wines page.21:47
FrijolieI keep getting "access denied for <user>@localhost using Password(YES)" when attempting to log into MySQL21:47
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Frijolieanyone know how to solve this one?21:47
weeklyargh tracert give me " 1 (  5.149 ms  5.400 ms *"21:47
weeklythats all21:47
JRidou thanks i will trie to run wine.21:47
weeklyill try nmap21:47
tgp1994Frijolie: Make sure you have the correct password, sorry if I sound like I'm being smart, but that's always the prob for me.21:48
nyadhi. My audacious changes songs really slowly, but in gentoo its instant. here its literally a 2 second delay between song changes. why is this so?21:48
crucialhoaxweekly: Is it like this? PC > router > router > modem?21:48
scivihi has any1 else had a problem with xchat recently it wont start as a normal user complaining about a myspell dict but will run under admin21:48
Slartweekly: something like "nmap 192.168.0.*"  should take a couple of seconds..21:48
Frijolietgp1994, yeah, thanks. I just added myself as a user and am typing in the correct password. Also done all of the GRANTs to the database21:48
tgp1994Frijolie: Interesting, sure sounds like you know a heck of a lot more about MySQL than I have :D Have you tried restarting the server?21:49
Cryp71cI was interested in snagging Ubuntu, but if I do so I'm going to grab the latest version (10.04) but since its still in beta, I'd want to be able to easily jump up to the final release version when it comes out, are there plans for this type of 'upgrade' to be fairly straightforward and maintain system configurations?21:49
weeklycrucialhoax: yeah its pc<router<router<router(254)<modem21:49
Frijolietgp1994, started, stopped, flushed privileges etc21:49
blendmaster1024anyone know if grub legacy is available for 9.10 or 10.04? i'm on 9.0421:49
fifthCryp71c: yes, you just update as normal, your system will have the final version the day its announced21:49
SlartCryp71c: it's worked like that for the last couple of releases I've seen.. you just update it when the real one comes out21:49
crucialhoaxweekly: Like firewalls? haha jk. I am surprised that tracert didn't show it.21:50
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10021:50
=== canthTohuwhybrid is now known as Tohuw
tgp1994Frijolie: So you're trying the root account? I'm sorry that I don't know much about how user accounts work in conjuction w/ mysql, but does it read off of linux's users?21:50
darolublendmaster1024: if you upgrade from 9.04 grub legacy will be kept; 9.10 and 10.04 doesn't come with grub legacy anymore21:50
Frijolietgp1994, no, I can log in fine with the root account. I want to be able to log in with my user account21:50
blendmaster1024darolu, no, i'm not talking about upgrading; is it in the repos?21:51
elfohello guys, im having some trouble with ram on 64bits...can anyone help me plz??21:51
Slartelfo: just ask your question21:51
crucialhoaxFrijolie: I googled that error a few days ago and it took me a Mysql forum page with a bug... I think it is a bug.21:51
tgp1994Frijolie: I guess my last area to check would be the host section. Are you trying this with MySQL? I think it will nix you if you try to log on with localhost when the account is actually setup to take the computer's static IP address (if applicable)21:51
tgp1994Sorry, correction, are you trying this with phpmyadmin?21:52
unicumnow.. i have the following problem.. i have 2 external drive plugged in.. both are mounted to the desktop, which is good.. but only one is listed in /media21:52
Frijoliecrucialhoax, a bug?21:52
penguinixwhen i try to play music in amarok it just goes to the bottom of the list.. playing nothing21:52
unicumany ideas as to where the other one could be mounted to?21:52
crucialhoaxFrijolie: One sec.21:52
Frijolietgp1994, i'm not using static ip, I got the host set to the loopback adapter (
ardchoilleblendmaster1024: apt-cache search -n grub | grep legacy <-- returns nothing in 9.1021:52
darolublendmaster1024: yes it is http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/grub http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/grub21:52
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fifthpenguinix: you got the mp3 codecs installed?21:53
elfook..tks...I have 4gb ram (2x2gb)  im using ubuntu 9.10 64 bits....my bios shows 4gb, but free -m shows 3gb. my graphics is dedicated. how can i put the 4gb working?21:53
crucialhoaxFrijolie: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=82721:53
penguinixi believe i have them installed21:53
tgp1994Frijolie: I even think it will get antsy if you try to mix localhost and even, I would just make sure you're browsing to it with the EXACT address you have setup for that user's access.21:53
blendmaster1024darolu, thank you. ardchoille, that's because it's not going to be under "grub legacy" in the first place.21:53
penguinixfifth yes i have them installed21:54
tgp1994So can anyone help me with my memory card issue?21:54
knittlgood evening. is there an easy solution to purge old kernels?21:54
Echo2010hello all21:54
rayne_What temp should I expect my GPU to operate at under basic functions? (web, word processing, etc.)21:54
Slartelfo: sure you're running 64bit?21:54
tgp1994knittl: You can just aptitude purge linux***, then install the new one all in one session.21:55
elfoy...but can i use some code to check?21:55
penguinix<fifth> yes i have them installed still not working21:55
knittltgp1994: what if my system powers down before installing the new ones???21:55
Slartelfo: uname -a21:55
Frijoliecrucialhoax, they're talking about 4.1.0 alpha, I've got 5.1.41-3ubuntu7 installed from the repos21:55
ardchoilleknittl: yeah, I don't think that is safe IMHO21:55
penguinixiits just amarok thats not working21:55
Frijoliecrucialhoax, and that article is almost 7 years old :(21:55
crucialhoaxFrijolie: Scratch that then.21:55
tgp1994knittl: I suppose that would be a problem :S I guess I would suggest sepeartly installing the new one, then purging the old one.21:56
penguinixother mp3 players are working21:56
=== Kenneth_Faried is now known as coolduemikey999
daroluknittl: open synaptic and search for "2.6.31" and uninstall the ones you don't want21:56
elfo2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:38:19 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:56
Echo2010ubuntu overcloking motherboard any problems21:56
fifthhmm ok ...  not sure what's causing that then ... when you said it goes to the bottom of the list, u mean the playlist?21:56
rayne_What temp should I expect my GPU to operate at under basic functions? (web, word processing, etc.)21:56
h4fhi all21:56
earthlinghas anybody used or are you now using the applicatin GOZER??  I can't get the damn thing to use any font other than the default supplied with the source package..21:56
* Slart suddenly got a craving for buffalo wings.. =)21:56
crucialhoaxFrijolie: My apologies.21:56
Slartrayne_: depends on the model.. cooling etc21:56
knittlok, so there is no pre-built/recommended way?21:56
Echo2010overcloking motherboard any problems if already ubuntu installed shud be all ok21:56
rayne_Slart, Laptop running Nvidia 9600GT21:56
Slartrayne_: 40-60 deg C perhaps?21:56
tgp1994rayne_: I thought that was a desktop gfx card :S21:57
h4fI want to try xfce or kde but at the same time keep gnome. how can I do that ? can I ran any of them at the same time may be on different terminal21:57
=== coolduemikey999 is now known as PokemonTrainerTi
rayne_Slart, so 85 C under those conditions and 110+ under graphics is considered WTF your shit is melting right?21:57
Droopsta915Hello. Does anyone know the path for rythm box?21:57
crucialhoaxelfo: You said you have dedicated graphics, as in you do not have a video card? It is built in?21:57
daroluknittl: no, I think the safest way is to do it with synaptic; leave the one you are currently using and an old one21:57
Slartrayne_: 110+ is a bit excessive.. yes21:57
mezquitaleDroopsta915, whereis rhythm-box ???21:57
Echo2010nessuna risposta21:57
Slartrayne_: but you'd have to verify that with the cpu makers to be sure21:58
rayne_Slart, I can't seem to get tech support from HP to realize what a serious issue it is to have a GPU running at 110+ C21:58
frxstremis there a way to list all the mounted devices in the terminal?21:58
tgp1994frxstrem: mount21:58
ikoniafrxstrem: mount21:58
mezquitaleDroopsta915, whereis rhythmbox21:58
elfothis is a laptop...but i came with a geforce go 7300, drivers are already installed21:58
rayne_Slart, CPU is running at nearly 80 C under load21:58
tgp1994ikonia: Jinx :)21:58
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Slartrayne_: I think the new nvidia gpu ran at 100 deg C something.. and they thought that was a bit high21:58
frxstremtgp1995 and ikonia: thanks :)21:58
tgp1994frxstrem: Np :)21:58
h4fI want to try xfce or kde but at the same time keep gnome. how can I do that ? can I ran any of them at the same time may be on different terminal21:58
LekeFlyWhen 10.0 is out of beta.. will there be a easy way to upgrade from beta > stable.. ?21:59
crucialhoaxelfo: When you open up the system manager how much does it show in there?21:59
daroluh4f: just install xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages21:59
bnelsonmillerhello, I have a question about using both ubuntu and ubuntu studio21:59
rayne_Slart, that seems way to hot for a notebook.... will cause issues with all the surrounding components, like my battery that is now incapable of holding a charge for the 3rd time21:59
tgp1994LekeFly: I'm pretty sure 10.0 is the stable version?21:59
h4fdarolu: yeap and how will I then select which desktop to start ?21:59
Slartrayne_: I've got a 8800gtx that's running at 56 deg C on idle.. it has a "start to slow things down to cool it off a bit" setting that starts at 110 deg C .. so perhaps 110 isn't the end of the world21:59
LekeFlytgp1994: 10.04 then :p22:00
crucialhoaxh4f: when you log in, at the bottom of the screen there will be a `session` box, choose one.22:00
elfosry...where is that?22:00
ChogyDanLekeFly: just upgrade as normal, but discussion is in #ubuntu+122:00
tgp1994LekeFly: I think they will usually give you an easy time with the upgrade, apt-get upgrade should help you.22:00
rayne_Slart, 110 is the lowest though, it never drops below that after running graphics heavy apps for longer than 15 minutes22:00
LekeFlyah thanks:)22:00
h4fcrucialhoax:  will there be a choise of xfce gnome or kde ?22:00
bnelsonmilleris it worth it to have both ubuntu and ubuntu studio running on separate partitions? I like ubuntu 9.10 but i want the low latency kernal for recording22:00
crucialhoaxelfo: System > Administration > System Monitor22:00
crucialhoaxh4f: Yes, if they are installed.22:00
aj00200Does anyone know what the Ubuntu notification system is called or how to integrate it with python?22:00
elfo2.9 GB22:00
h4f crucialhoax: thanks22:00
=== solar_hell is now known as zerg
crucialhoaxaj00200: The popups in the upper right hand corner?22:01
ChogyDanaj00200: libnotify22:01
aj00200thanks ChogyDan22:01
brontosaurusrexbnelsonmiller: ask22:01
frxstremI had a problem with the built-in remote desktop server, where it wouldn't enable UPnP, but after I reinstalled Ubuntu, it works again - any idea why? is the problem related to the router or Ubuntu?22:01
daroluh4f: you can select at log in screen, in the bottom (gdm)22:01
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h4fdarolu: thanks22:01
Slartrayne_: this table http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_9600gt_us.html lists max GPU temperature as 105 deg C22:01
crucialhoaxelfo: Hmm. that is odd. total is 2.9?22:01
tgp1994So, I've been having trouble getting an originally Wii-formatted Memory stick read on my Ubuntu 9.10 box. It recognizes the Stratitec 33-in-1 memory reader, and it seems to recognize the fact that SOMETHING is plugged into it. However, it does not create a device name for it. Can anyone help with this?22:01
bnelsonmillerwhat does that mean brontosaurusrex?22:02
tgp1994bnelsonmiller: Shoot :)22:02
elfoyes...i guess this is total....im on the separator system...22:02
brontosaurusrexbnelsonmiller: no idea really, not an audio guy22:02
LekeFlyCould someone guide me tru booting in chroot.. ?22:02
LekeFlyHaving some issues..22:03
elfosays memory: 2,9GiB22:03
tgp1994LekeFly: Wait, you mean rebooting in matinence mode?22:03
crucialhoaxbnelsonmiller: Unless there is a space requirement why not keep both?22:03
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bnelsonmillertgp1994, is it worth it to get the low latency kernal on its own partition for recording?22:03
airtonixwhat are my gui options for creating gnome documentation for my app ?22:04
bnelsonmillerok thanks crucial22:04
crucialhoaxelfo: Does it say `of 2.9 GB`?22:04
tgp1994bnelsonmiller: Sure, that sounds good. It can share that swap partition on your hd, too.22:04
crucialhoaxbnelsonmiller: Just my .222:04
LekeFlytgp1994: ops.. i meant via terminal.. on a Live CD22:04
tgp1994LekeFly: Ah, then chroot /mnt/(hardrive)22:04
tgp1994LekeFly: Make sure that Live CD is in root, as well.22:05
Droopsta915mezquitale: thanks found it22:05
crucialhoaxbnelsonmiller: Or install the same kernel that studio uses on the Ubuntu partition and select it at boot time?22:05
LekeFlytgp1994: How do i do that? :)22:05
elfothis is portuguese, but there is no "of" says "Memory: 2,9GiB"22:05
tgp1994LekeFly: As long as you see a root in the prompt, you're golden.22:05
windowserofuck fuck22:05
windowseromadona is a bitch22:05
crucialhoaxelfo: No idea. Sorry =/22:05
LekeFlytgp1994: cool ill try:)22:06
elfothis is usual to happen on 32bits version right?22:06
frxstremI'm just randomly wondering - and I know this may not be the best place to ask it - but is it possible to have more than one partition on a USB flash drive?22:06
crucialhoaxelfo: Correct. It usually reads 3.5 ish, but you are running a 64bit machine. Not the issue.22:06
LekeFlytgp1994: it just says ubuntu@ubuntu says i have to run as sudo at the top22:06
darolufrxstrem: yes it is possible22:07
crucialhoaxfrxstrem: Yes22:07
tgp1994LekeFly: Ah, then sudo chroot /mnt/whadeva22:07
tgp1994LekeFly: It will probably ask for a password then.22:07
frxstremdarolu and crucialhoax: okay, thanks :) any recommendations for good partitioning software, then? or anything built into Ubuntu?22:07
elfoubuntu is stealing 1gb of memory...grrrr22:07
darolufrxstrem: Gparted22:07
tgp1994frxstrem: GParted is user friendly.22:07
crucialhoaxfrxstrem: Gparted. `sudo apt-get install gparted`22:07
frxstremokay, thanks guys :)22:08
crucialhoaxfrxstrem: Np :)22:08
tgp1994Now can anyone help me on my memory card problem?22:08
bnelsonmiller<crucialhoax> well i want to keep the recording side clean (ie no widgets, extra running programs) so I think the having the separate partitions might be better. will this cause any problems? other than using extra space22:08
ChogyDanelfo: 32bit?  you need to run 64bit22:08
JuJuBeeHow do I find out a computer is running 32-bit or 64bit ubuntu22:08
elfoim running 64bits22:08
* darolu felt like a besbty geeksquad dude22:08
francesco_Hello, I have just installed Ubuntu on my laptop. The problem is that I don't know how to search wireless connections the way I do with Windows. Could you help me?22:08
coreymanWhat are some live chat options?22:08
crucialhoaxJuJuBee: `uname -m` in a terminal.22:08
zleapfrancesco_, there is a bar chart thing on the gnome task bar22:09
LekeFlytgp1994: chroot: cannot change root directory to /mnt/sda: No such file or direct    i did sudo fdisk -l first22:09
JuJuBeecrucialhoax: thanks, didn't know the -m option, only -r22:09
frxstremfrancesco_: if you see a few bars (a wireless icon) in the upper right corner, click it and select your network there22:09
manowar3francesco_, try `iwlist scan` maybe22:09
tgp1994LekeFly: Have you mounted the hard drive you are trying to chroot into?22:09
crucialhoaxJuJuBee: No problem `uname --help` to see all of them.22:09
elfocrucialhoax: tks for the help anyway :)22:09
LekeFlytgp1994: No.. :P22:09
daroluLekeFly: did you mount the hard drive? proc? binded devs?22:09
francesco_Doesn't tell me anything.22:09
tgp1994francesco_: If you're in GNOME, at the top right of your screen should be a network-looking ish icon :)22:10
crucialhoaxelfo: No problem. Hopefully it gets sorted out =]22:10
tgp1994LekeFly: Alrighty then, mkdir /mnt/sda, then mount /dev/sda22:10
tgp1994LekeFly: And then chroot, of course.22:10
francesco_There is an icon with wired network (disconnected) written on that.22:10
frxstremfrancesco_: if the icon isn't there, you should make sure that you have compatible drivers for your wireless network device - if not, you may try to find if there is a Linux driver available, or try something like ndiswrapper22:10
tgp1994LekeFly: Correction there, you'll want to do mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda instead.22:10
LekeFlytgp1994: really? mkdir? doesnt that create a directory? im tr22:11
LekeFlyah hehe22:11
tgp1994LekeFly: Ok.22:11
francesco_frxstrem: The problem should be "no drivers"?22:11
LekeFlytgp1994: sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda does not exist.. :/22:12
crucialhoaxfrancesco_: In a terminal type `lshw -C Network` look for the wireless device and see if a driver is in use. Or use paste.ubuntu.com22:12
tgp1994LekeFly: You did try mkdir /mnt/sda, right?22:12
bkocevhello, installing texlive screwed my packages. Doing an install -f results in http://pastebin.com/V4N6kJYv22:12
LekeFlynope did do that :P22:12
ardchoilleLekeFly: you need a number in there, sda1, sda2.. we mount file systems not devices and /dev/sda is a device22:12
tgp1994LekeFly: What does ls /mnt give you/22:12
tgp1994ardchoille: Whoops lol :P Been awhile since I've mounted in terminal22:13
tgp1994Why does floodbot keep changing the mode >.>22:13
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LekeFlyardchoille & tgp1994: what does boot * mean on fdisk -l ?22:14
frostburnardchoille, not necessarily, you can mount raw images as a file system, and raw disks as a filesystem without partitions22:14
francesco_crucialhoax: What device should I look for?22:14
trexyzhello how can i configure squirrelmail form ehcp22:14
trexyzto receive emails?22:14
LekeFlyardchoille & tgp1994: in the column22:14
crucialhoaxfrancesco_: the wireless device22:14
tgp1994LekeFly: Is that exactly what it says? Boot *?22:14
elfocrucualhoax: im thinking about 1 thing...before i installed the graphics driver, how could i have image....probably i have onboard graphics too...is possible that i lost the ram before i have the dedicated graphocs installed?22:14
francesco_crucialhoax: It's in the laptop.22:14
crucialhoaxfrancesco_: Did you run that command?22:15
tgp1994LekeFly: Oh, just looked at fdisk my self, when there is a * in that column, that means that partition is bootable.22:15
trexyzhow can i configure squirrelmail from ehcp  to receive emails22:15
LekeFlytgp1994: ah okey..22:15
tgp1994LekeFly: Which is probably the one you're looking for.22:15
andrew_____i just ran am update to bring beta 1 up to beta 2 and now i have ot boot with the old kernal the new one will not boot22:15
LekeFlytgp1994: i really dont know what i should write now.. :P22:15
francesco_crucialhoax: I did.22:15
trexyzcan somebody help me?22:15
tgp1994LekeFly: Ok, so what was the exact name of that partition?22:16
LekeFlytgp1994: /dev/sda222:16
ardchoilleandrew__:  Support and discussion for 10.04 in #ubuntu+122:16
LekeFlyBut its got 0 blocks tho22:16
tgp1994LekeFly: Ok, then sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda22:16
crucialhoaxfrancesco_: One of those lines should say `description: wireless interface`22:16
tgp1994LekeFly: I bet when you do it in sudo it will work.22:16
andrew_____ardchoille: what do you mean??22:17
andrew_____is that a known bug22:17
tgp1994LekeFly: Actually, since this is on a live cd and so we don't get confused, just su root right now.22:17
ardchoilleandrew__: are you running Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)?22:17
bogdan_ba da ii cineva aici22:17
andrew__andrew_____: :o22:17
LekeFlytgp1994: lol.. not its says " mount: only root can do that"22:17
bogdan_can somebody help me?22:17
andrew_____ardchoille: yes22:17
ardchoille!lucid | andrew__22:17
ubottuandrew__: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:17
tgp1994LekeFly: Ya, run the command su root so you'll be in a root terminal.22:17
andrew_____ardchoille: with windows on another partition22:17
ardchoilleandrew__: you need to be in #ubuntu+122:18
LekeFlytgp1994: what would the password be? its a live cd :P22:18
andrew_____ardchoille: what does that mean??22:18
crucialhoaxLekeFly: I believe its ubuntu22:18
ardchoilleandrew__: you need to /join #ubuntu+122:18
tgp1994LekeFly: Did you happen to notice when you booted it up? Ya, like crucialhoax said, it may be that, or the name of the distro on the livecd.22:19
tgp1994LekeFly: Or you can give password a try :)22:19
digevolhey #ubuntu, i am having trouble trying to get an Intel Corp 82801DB Pro/100 VE Ethernet Controller setup and online on an ubuntu 9.10 install anyone have any time to help a guy out?22:19
ikoniaLekeFly: what distro are you using ?22:19
ardchoilleandrew__: Did you read what ubottu posted for you?22:19
LekeFlyikonia: 9.1022:19
LekeFlytgp1994: tryed all.. no luck lol :P22:20
tgp1994LekeFly: Oh, on the live cd?22:20
LekeFlytgp1994: Yeah:)22:20
switch10digevol: can you see the card in lspci?22:20
andrew__ardchoille: Stop hilighting me arrgghhh22:20
andrew_____there is no one in that channel22:20
ikoniaLekeFly: so what are you trying to do22:20
tgp1994LekeFly: You might wanna google ubuntu 9.10 live cd root password.22:20
ardchoille!lucid > andrew__22:20
ubottuandrew__, please see my private message22:20
ikoniaLekeFly: there is no root password, you are meant to use sudo22:20
digevolswitch10: yes i can, thats actually how i found out what the thing was to begin with :)22:20
andrew__Damnit people, andrew_____ and Andrew__ are DIFFERENT22:21
switch10digevol: can you see it in ifconfig?22:21
=== andrew_____ is now known as SpockVulcan
tgp1994ikonia and LekeFly: Oh, my bad :P Ok, try sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda22:21
LekeFlyikonia: mount doesnt work tho22:21
digevoli see an eth0 and an lo22:21
tgp1994LekeFly: You sure you tryied putting sudo infront of the command?22:21
ikoniaLekeFly: use "sudo" to run commands as root22:21
ikonia!sudo | LekeFly22:21
ubottuLekeFly: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:21
SpockVulcandoes anyone know how ot fix this22:21
switch10digevol: any info under eth0?22:21
crucialhoaxLekeFly: try `sudo -i`22:21
bkocevhello, installing texlive screwed my packages. Doing an install -f results in http://pastebin.com/V4N6kJYv22:22
digevolswitch10 i see a HWaddr, inte6 addr, but they look like MAC's and not ip'22:22
crucialhoaxLekeFly: Just be careful with root. He does not play well ;[22:22
switch10digevol: try ifconfig eth0 up22:23
dr3mroplease what are the apt-get command to install packages for samba file sharing with nautilus22:23
LekeFlytgp1994: now i did sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda22:23
crucialhoaxdr3mro: Looking it up now22:24
digevolswitch10:  should there be an output?22:24
tgp1994LekeFly: Did something go wrong? Can you see your hard drive in /mnt/sda now?22:24
grkblood13how can i find what version of flash i have installed?22:24
LekeFlytgp1994: now i did sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda        sda2 was the one with the * and it says that i does not exist..22:24
switch10digevol: yes it should say it is now active, or something along those lines..22:24
LekeFlytgp1994: Or more corretly it says mont point /mnt/sda does not exist22:24
tgp1994LekeFly: Hmm... what was the original problem that made you want to try chrooting?22:24
tgp1994LekeFly: Then try sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt22:25
LekeFlytgp1994: i want to run a update command.. ubuntu install is corrupt it seems22:25
ikoniaLekeFly: you need to mount it on a valid mount point22:25
digevolswitch10: sudo ifconfig eth0 up gives no output, no response22:25
crucialhoaxdr3mro: `sudo apt-get install samba samba-common samba-common-bin smbclient winbind nautilus-share22:25
LekeFlytgp1994: Seems like that worked.. no error at least..22:25
LekeFlytgp1994: how do i check it ? :P22:25
switch10digevol: you don't want/need a static IP right?22:25
tgp1994LekeFly: ls /mnt :D22:26
LekeFlytgp1994: huh? :P22:26
crucialhoaxls /mnt22:26
digevolswitch10: it may be nice, but i just want to get online to be honest22:26
dr3mrocrucialhoax, is winbind essential22:26
digevolswitch10: short answer is no, it doesnt need to be static22:26
crucialhoaxdigevol: `ifconfig -a` what does that supply as of now?22:27
crucialhoaxdr3mro: Not sure, I have it installed. I gave you what i have installed.22:27
switch10digevol: ok do:  sudo dhclient eth022:27
loquitusHas anybody got a problem with samba after upgrading to Karmic? I am getting a symbol lookup error on _talloc_free for /usr/sbin/nmbd22:27
LekeFlytgp1994: Oh i got it now hehe.. Where theres files there at least.. bin cdrom etc lib and so on22:27
rocket161My friend accidentally ran Shell forkbomb (He did not know),with :(){ :|:& };: Command, now he restarted the System, but it appears to be a little slower. The forkbomb is not running, still is there anything affecting the Linux system? (I have checked the Startup script, nothing serious is there)22:27
jribloquitus: no, but check bugs.ubuntu.com if that's your question22:27
tgp1994LekeFly: Alright, so we know it works. Now you can sudo chroot /mnt22:27
switch10digevol: then try to ping
jribrocket161: no it's fine.  You can set limits if you don't want to be affected by forkbombs in the future22:28
grkblood13how can i find what version of flash i have installed?22:28
digevolcrucialhoax: i see an eth0 and lo22:28
LekeFlytgp1994: no error :D and it says root@ubuntu now22:28
rocket161jrib: Sure, thanks22:28
crucialhoaxgrkblood13: Open firefox and in the address bar type about:plugins22:28
jribgrkblood13: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/22:28
grkblood13crucialhoax, is ther a way to do it form the command line?22:28
digevolswitch10: it responded with no DHCPOFFERS received, no working leases in persistant database22:28
crucialhoaxgrkblood13: Not sure.22:28
tgp1994LekeFly: Ok, you are now in a chroot environment :) Any commands you run now are run and effecting the mounted hard drive only.22:29
tgp1994LekeFly: You can type exit once you are done chrooting.22:29
jribcrucialhoax: you can get the version of a package using « apt-cache policy PACKAGE » if you want22:29
switch10digevol: is your gateway at ?22:29
tgp1994Can anyone help me with my memory card problem yet :(22:29
crucialhoaxjrib: That is assuming that it was installed with apt or as a package...22:30
LekeFlytgp1994: cool.. now ill try this then: sudo apt-get -f install and crosses fingers it fixes my problem xD22:30
jribcrucialhoax: right, I meant to address that to grkblood1322:30
tgp1994LekeFly: Ok, good luck :)22:30
digevolswitch10:  pinging localhost is working. sadly i am no 100% sure of my gateway, if you giveme one minute i can try and find out.  i am on a network i do not have administrative access to22:30
soniaalgu[em por aiw22:30
crucialhoaxdigevol: run `lshw -C Network` see if the wired interface has a driver or module22:31
LekeFlytgp1994: Know of any other way to "reinstall" all the other packages ?22:31
ardchoille!pt | sonia22:31
ubottusonia: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:31
tgp1994LekeFly: Did apt-get -f install not work?22:31
digevolswitch10: it looks like my gateway should be, assuming the workstation next to me is on the same gateway22:32
LekeFlytgp1994: Nope.. "Can not write log, openpty() failed /dev/pts not mounted?)"22:32
tgp1994LekeFly: That's something you can ignore, the rest of the program worked ok.22:32
tgp1994LekeFly: Supposing there aren't any other errors, that i.22:32
LekeFlytgp1994: There is :P22:33
tgp1994LekeFly: Ah, what would that be?22:33
thebrasseHello! Does anyone here know how to downgrade to python-reportlab 2.3 in lucid if I have already installed python-reportlab 2.4?22:33
jrib!lucid | thebrasse22:33
ubottuthebrasse: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:33
LekeFlytgp1994: Alot.. hehe.. like 5 lines22:33
LekeFlyor more..  :/22:33
digevolcrucialhoax: that cmd does spit out information about the controller, not sure what specifically i am looking for though22:33
tgp1994LekeFly: Let's pm then, I don't really want to have you go through the trouble of patebinning and me having to wait :P22:34
bkocevhello, installing texlive screwed my packages. Doing an install -f results in http://pastebin.com/V4N6kJYv22:34
crucialhoaxdigevol: Towards the bottom, look for `driver=` or `module=`22:34
digevolcrucialhoax: oh yes, driver=e100 driverversion=3.5.24-k2-NAPI22:35
jribbkocev: installing texlive how?22:35
crucialhoaxdigevol: Ok..are you using 9.10?22:35
digevolcrucialhoax: yes i am22:35
crucialhoaxdigevol: Maybe this will help? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-intel-cards-with-broken-eeprom-e100-driver.html22:37
digevolcrucialhoax: does that mean everything looks like it should be working from a technical standpoint?22:37
b0n1where are the hacker channels here in irc ?22:38
digevolcrucialhoax:  if so maybe the sys admins here have some type of firewall/network protection that i am unaware of and a fresh OS needs to somehow be configured by them first?22:38
crucialhoaxdigevol: Are you asking me if the hardware itself is broken? No I do not think so. It is a configuration issue. I am not sure if that will solve it. Just a suggestion.22:39
digevolcrucialhoax: thanks, ill look at the link22:39
crucialhoaxdigevol: That would not prevent the interface from coming up.22:39
bkocevi installed it from synaptic22:39
bkocevbut the thing is22:39
bkocevit was ok22:40
bkocevuntill i installed texlive-full22:40
=== Surion_ is now known as Surion
crucialhoaxdigevol: I may have found one more thing22:40
bkocevtexlive-full did not complete the intstallation22:40
jrib!who | bkocev22:41
ubottubkocev: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:41
digevolcrucialhoax: what is that?22:41
jribbkocev: what version of ubuntu?  Did you use unofficial ubuntu repositories?22:41
=== manowar3 is now known as manowar3away
crucialhoaxdigevol: Maybe not, the thread I was reading from had a bad router port.. =/22:42
=== kostas_thess is now known as kost{a}s_thess
ZeldaI just purchased a MyTouch 3g. Is there a managing program for Lucid?22:43
* kost{a}s_thess is away: Gone away for now22:43
jribZelda: #ubuntu+1 for lucid questions22:43
MrKeunerhi, anybody happy with their recent purchase of compact desktop PC in terms of compatibility with Karmic/Lucid?22:44
airtonix!anybody | MrKeuner22:44
ubottuMrKeuner: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:44
bkocevjrib: i installed it from synaptic22:44
Odd-rationaleMrKeuner: i got a shuttle xpc. works pretty good.22:44
crucialhoaxdigevol: I would see if the first suggestion works..22:45
MrKeunerOdd-rationale, thanks I'll check that out, please feel free to let me know if there are others as well22:45
bkocevjrib: texlive-full did not complete the intstallation22:45
MrKeunerairtonix, get some air22:45
jribbkocev: for me to help you, you have to answer the questions I ask you22:45
airtonixMrKeuner, this is not  a poll22:45
bkocevjrib: ok22:46
crucialhoaxI have touch sensitive sound keys above my keyboard, when the mute key is cycled it should change from white to amber, it only stays white, even when muted. suggesions?22:47
bkocevjrib: Ubuntu 9.0422:47
b0n1how can i join #linux ?22:47
bkocevjrib: I used the official repositories22:47
crucialhoaxb0n1: /join #linux22:47
=== Vantrax|Work is now known as Vantrax
b0n1no crucialhoax22:48
jrib!away > Vantrax22:48
b0n1i dont mean ##linux22:48
ubottuVantrax, please see my private message22:48
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
bkocevjrib: i mean i searched on synaptic for texlive-full22:48
crucialhoaxb0n1: ?22:48
Vantraxjrib, bite me22:48
airtonixinb4 kick22:48
bkocevjrib: before that texlife was ok22:48
jribbkocev: ok, so no clue why it would not install correctly?22:48
Adyethsanyone around that might know why "ctrl-alt-f1" wouldn't work? Or how to make it work again?22:49
crucialhoaxb0n1: /join ##linux22:49
bkocevjrib: i pasted the output i got after sudo apt-get  instal -f22:49
bkocevjrib: but22:49
mickster04Adyeths: does ctrl+alt+f2 work?22:49
Adyethsnone of those work22:50
bkocevjrib: the problem is with some languages support22:50
jribbkocev: I see.  have you checked bugs.ubuntu.com for an existing issue?22:50
mickster04Adyeths: mayb it has actually crashed?22:50
Adyethssomething about my X11 configuration is preventing me from using those keypresses. (though I can't figure out what it is)22:50
bkocevjrib: i checked but the thing is22:51
bkocevjrib: i want to remove texlive completely22:51
bkocevjrib: and this does not work22:51
Adyethsif I open a terminal window and type   sudo chvt 1   and then type in my password, it does what ctrl-alt-f1 should do. But I can't use the keypresses like I used to be able to do.22:51
bkocevjrib: and later i will install it without texlive-full22:51
=== PussyLover is now known as Guest89859
blendmaster1024i have a big problem22:51
tehbauthow do I upgrade to FF 3.6?22:52
jribbkocev: ok, pastebin for me the contents of the following file please: /var/lib/dpkg/info/texlive-lang-polish.postinst22:52
blendmaster1024i just installed win7, but i don't dare repair grub so that ubuntu boots22:52
Adyethsif I knew where the configuration files were that control these sorts of keypresses I *might* be able to fix my problem. but I can't figure that out either. :/22:52
Salva1Hello. How can I stop gvfsd from starting?22:53
blendmaster1024because if i fix grub then win7's grub entry causes the machine to reboot22:53
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/hqgreNqh22:53
airtonix!enter | blendmaster102422:54
ubottublendmaster1024: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:54
jopieIf a driver is compiled as a module, how do I add it to the kernel or activate it?22:54
wyclifhi, back22:54
blendmaster1024airtonix: sorry, sorry...22:54
tgp1994did help.ubuntu.com get DDoS'd?22:55
jopie* has been flaky all day22:56
airtonixblendmaster1024, don't apologise to me... also don't assume your enter delimited message won't be interpolated with other peoples messages.22:56
tgp1994Oh, nvm, back up for moi22:56
idefinecan I resolve a hostname via netbios in linux?22:56
linx|yes, using samba22:56
jribbkocev: ok, now add "set -x" on a new line right below the "set -e" in that file22:56
idefinelinx|: I have samba setup, but I am not able to see the other machine22:57
linx|idefine: nmblookup22:57
Tig3rzharkhi, I have a Gateway MT6728 laptop and it has a built-in microphone.  I'm having trouble with getting it to work properly, when I go into sound preferences I don't see any response from the input level.22:57
bkocevjrib: i added22:58
idefinelinx|: it might be, because it not on my router ( it is on the router that my router connects too)...anyway to get this to work?22:58
jribbkocev: now run your command that gave errors again and pastebin them22:58
linx|idefine: iirc netbios uses broadcast to do lookups. if you arent on the same subnet you need to get your router to forward netbios requests iirc22:58
kern00bhi guys. I'm not really a very big kernel expert, so I would rather ask the pro's. I have a box that's presently in production, and I/we had to manually roll in the NIC driver/module. If/when I dist-upgrade the kernel, would I have to manually re-roll the driver into the new kernel, or will it get ported in the upgrade?22:58
linx|kern00b: I would say you have to do it again22:59
tgp1994Is anyone up for making a driver mod :P22:59
bkocevjrib:  ok22:59
Tig3rzharkcan anyone help me?22:59
jrib!helpme | Tig3rzhark23:00
ubottuTig3rzhark: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:00
kern00blinx|: well, see, that's the problem. the system is in a hosted space, to it it gets rebooted, the HNIC interface is down; then the only way to access the system it to *physically* go there & load the driver/module23:00
idefinelinx|: it's a long stretch, but any idea if this is possible with a wrt54g2?23:00
linx|kern00b: then install the new kernel and dont reboot. check if the module is there for it - if not, build the module against the new kernel and install it, then reboot and pray23:01
linx|kern00b: or better, do this on a non-production box and test it, then deploy it production and reboot23:01
elorianHello all, I am trying to add the Ubuntu Mailing Lists to my Newsreader (Mozilla ThunderbirD)..could someone tell me what the URL of the Ubuntu's news server is?23:01
linx|idefine: I doubt it :)23:02
kern00blinx|: thanks; I think that might be safest. Can you please point me to a guide for the latter method?23:02
david_brenthi, a bit of an unrelated question, but can someone tell me how to set up libs i need in anjuta or is there maybe an Anjuta channel23:02
elorianI tried "lists.ubuntu.com" as source, but it timed out23:02
linx|kern00b: erk ;-) you need to change the include paths iirc23:02
linx|kern00b: it should be just like compiling last time, but you just change the paths to look at the new kernel includes instead23:03
kern00blinx|: I'm sorry, but I'm a bit lost here. I don't work with kernels much (unless they break), to this it a bit outside my current skill-set23:03
leewardevening all... trying to install ubuntu 9 on a Athlon based pc... via burned iso.... and keep getting "initramfs unable to find a medium"... anyone willing to help diag this ?23:03
jopieI'm looking for a driver that was compiled as a module, but can't find the module, where should I look for the module? (it's hid_quanta)23:04
emilyhello channel23:04
zleapjopie, try locate hid_quanta23:04
emilyjust installed ubuntu on Asus laptop. Can't play dvd... can you tell me where i can get dvdcss2?23:04
linx|jopie: not hid-quanta ?23:04
jrib!dvd | emily23:04
ubottuemily: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:04
jribemily: also see: /msg ubottu medibuntu23:04
tgp1994By the way Mr.Bot, help.ubuntu.com isn't doing so good :P23:05
Tig3rzharkhi, I have a Gateway MT6728 laptop and it has a built-in microphone.  I'm having trouble with getting it to work properly, when I go into sound preferences I don't see any response from the input level.23:05
linx|kern00b: well, you compiled the module last time ?23:05
emilyjrib, thanks23:05
linx|kern00b: what nic is it ?23:05
kern00blinx|: yes downloded & uncomressed tgz, make, make install23:05
jopielinx|: you're right it's hid-quanta23:06
timClicksI've found an error in the help docs for the "lightsout" package, a new entrant in the GNOME games. Where are the GNOME docbook xml files stored so that I can create a patch?23:06
kern00blinx|: "Attansic Technology Corp. Device 1063 (rev c0)"23:06
elorianDoes anyone here use the Ubuntu Mailing Lists? I can't get them to work :(23:07
idefinelinx|: I could make one of my linux machines act as a router right? I'd just need to interfaces?23:07
idefinelinx|: and then have it rebroadcast netbios23:07
jopieThis is using an upstream kernel, but can't find hid-quanta, but according to the buildlog, the option line has an 'm' behind it23:07
jopiewhy can I still not find it?23:07
idefinetwo interfaces*23:07
underdevhi!  anyone having a problem connecting to ubuntu one?23:08
=== manowar3away is now known as manowar3
kern00bunderdev: it was overloaded witht syncml release23:08
underdevokay, so its not jsut me than23:09
underdevokay, cool23:09
jrib!away > manowar323:09
ubottumanowar3, please see my private message23:09
linx|kern00b: what kernel version do you want to run ?23:09
timClicksunderdev: I had trouble connecting to the ubuntu wiki a while ago, was returning 503 errors23:09
underdevyeah, they really opened the pipes for lucid, must be taking all their bandwidth23:09
underdevthanks guys23:10
linx|idefine: yeah - you can probably even do it with 1 interface and ethernet aliasing23:10
leewardevening all... trying to install ubuntu 9 on a Athlon based pc... via burned iso.... cd checksums ok.... harddrive is ok master/slave... keep getting "io error initramfs unable to find a medium"...used nolapic noapic  any suggestions ?23:10
powertool08Is there a way to find out what a cronjob was? I'm seeing this line in my logfiles: CRON[21928]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user23:10
underdev leeward can you boot live?  have you tried alternative?23:11
jribpowertool08: check the crontabs?  I don't think the actual job is logged anywhere though you do get mail if a job fails23:11
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/ZFx1RE9T after sudo apt-get install -f23:11
leewardunderdev: what is alternative that non gui  mode ?23:11
zaxonspoxleeward CD Drive problem? CD problem? did you ran in LiveCD CD-Check?23:12
underdevleeward: yes23:12
jribbkocev: pastebin: #23:12
underdevleeward: exactly23:12
leewardunderdev: CD checksums ok23:12
jribbkocev: pastebin: /tmp/fmtutil.dhSXkPIb23:12
powertool08jrib: Ok, then what would be the crontab format to run the job at 5am every week on day 6? I think it is running every hour. (crontab only has one entry)23:12
jrib!crontab > powertool0823:12
ubottupowertool08, please see my private message23:12
idefinelinx|: if I have only one interface how would I connect to say a switch and a cable modem?23:12
underdevleeward: you can download alternative from the same place you got desktop, or use the torrent, which tends to be much faster23:13
underdevleeward: does it boot the live cd23:13
leewardunderdev: hardware worked fine until 1 hr ago when I toasted windows  :)23:13
linx|idefine: plug the switch into the modem, and the pc into the switch ? :p23:13
leewardunderdev: thanks I'll give it a test23:13
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/7qQSUvED23:13
jribbkocev: by the way, which file did you add the "set -x" to?23:13
underdevleeward: if you can't boot live, there is probably an incompatibility23:14
bkocevjrib: /var/lib/dpkg/info/texlive-lang-polish.postinst23:14
leewardunderdev: testing live CD again  just changed bios... should use  non-plug andplay bios  correct ?23:14
underdevleeward: this is probably blasphemy here, but you might want to burn puppy linux and see if that cd will boot live23:14
cliffJust wondering if any1 knows, what language are Ubuntu commands written in?? Can I give a command that orders Ubuntu to write a character??23:14
underdevleeward: don't mess with anything at first, just try to boot from the cd with the same config as windows23:15
idefinelinx|: oh, lol23:15
jribbkocev: can you make sure that set -x is actually there?  It doesn't seem to be.  Also, we need to figure out why this is happening: #23:15
jribbkocev: argh, hate pastebin copies... why this is happening: pdftex: unrecognized option `-jobname=latex'23:15
leewardunderdev:  btw i'm not a linux newbie.. may help save time a bit... ;)23:15
underdevk, nm than23:16
underdevthen* :)23:16
linx|idefine: you might have fun with anything non-tcpip doing that, but it can work fairly well (I've had to do similar)23:17
`blackmk4`linuxwhy would rar tell me no files to extract when the archives work on two other computers and i updated to the latest rar23:17
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/fkAGL7zR is the file23:17
idefinelinx|: cool, i'll give it a go.23:18
jribbkocev: ok.  What does: dpkg -S $(which pdftex)   return?23:18
powertool08jrib: I looked at your links, can you verify? I want to run it every saturday at 5am:  0  5  *   * 623:18
bkocevjrib: texlive-base-bin: /usr/bin/pdftex23:18
jribpowertool08: yes that is correct23:19
powertool08jrib: Thanks.23:19
alketHow to make empathy font bigger ?23:21
jribbkocev:  pdftex --help | grep jobname23:21
bkocevjrib: no output23:22
jribbkocev: oh, I see our mistake with the "set -x" by the way.  Add it to the .postrm, not the .postinst please23:22
jribbkocev: that's mighty interesting23:22
jribbkocev: pastebin: apt-cache policy texlive-base-bin23:23
leewardunderdev: 9.10 live CD not booting... same error23:23
leewardunderdev: downloading alternate now...  should be 30 mins before testing23:23
alketWhy ubuntu switched from Pidgin to EmpathY ?23:24
lazarusSystem:    Host bluemoon13 Kernel 2.6.31-20-generic-pae i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Xfce Community Edition23:24
lazarusAudio:     Card Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller driver HDA Intel23:24
lazarus           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version 1.0.2023:24
streamexhello guys23:24
mickster04lazarus: flood warnin23:24
streamexcan anyone help a little23:24
mickster04streamex: hey23:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:24
streamexi got mouse/touchpad issue23:24
heikeI am following this tutorial to install php 5.3: http://www.brandonsavage.net/installing-php-5-3-on-ubuntu/ but I got issues as you can see in my pastebin =( http://pastebin.com/6adJCXyE can you help me please23:24
streamexok mickster23:24
mickster04hey ubuntu23:25
streamexMouse/touchpad issue on a laptop. Evo N1020, Touchpad works perfect, but when i plug in PS/2 mouse, it doesnt recognize it23:25
leewardubuntu can use IRC ?  cool AI !23:25
=== heike is now known as tokam
=== tokam is now known as tokam_1
streamex!name iNsane!23:26
streamex!nick iNsane!23:26
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/MiEw9HfT23:26
mickster04streamex: ?23:26
=== tokam_1 is now known as tokam
streamexlet's go pvt23:26
streamexi'll ask you23:26
mickster04streamex: no pm's please, i can't answer your problem anyway23:27
mickster04!pm > streamex23:27
ubottustreamex, please see my private message23:27
mickster04is that ironic or just me?23:28
streamexoh mick.. sry..23:28
crucialhoaxIs there a way to set the notification area to load the sound, network, and battery in the same order each time?23:28
streamexGuys, anyone know a little about BackTrack4?23:29
Evetgnome-volume-control-applet gone, and its muted. how to resolve this?23:29
crucialhoaxEvet: System > preferences > sound23:29
crucialhoaxEvet: Un mute it from there.23:29
jribbkocev: theories on why your pdftex doesn't support -jobname?23:30
bkocevjrib: i dont know23:30
jribbkocev: I think that will be the key to figuring this out23:31
andaihai guize23:31
Evetcrucialhoax: i cant open sound settings23:31
Evetit does nothing23:31
andaiSo i have a CD with both CD audio and files23:31
andaibut i only see the files23:31
Evethow to open this on terminal?23:31
freevryheidmy printer server's ip is dynamically assigned. I'm trying to connect to it from my laptop. What network command can I use to track down the server ip?23:31
bkocevjrib: i just know that before installing texlive-full everything was ok23:31
mickster04streamex: have you tried a different ps2 device?23:31
andaiand i can't open it as a disk because it always just browses it and shows the files23:31
=== freevryheid is now known as fvs
bkocevjrib: now i cannot do bibtex or pdflatex nothing23:31
bkocevjrib: and cannot remove it23:31
jribbkocev: run sudo apt-get update and then the apt-cache policy again please?23:32
streamexi dont have other ps/2...23:32
Random832my screen keeps flashing and i get a message in dmesg[37000.325182] [drm] DAC-6: set mode 640x480 023:32
hexdump_has anybody been able to run rott full version in linux?23:32
streamexanyways it works on other 3 computers23:32
hexdump_built from source?23:32
Random832repeating over and over23:32
hexdump_hmmm wait a sec23:32
Random832the screen flashing is X apps seeming to refresh themselves - no actual video mode change23:32
streamexIf anyone knows about touch/mouse issues on ubunto/backtrack4 please pm me!!23:32
bkocevjrib: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B523:33
jribbkocev: erm, fix that please23:33
Random832has anyone else gotten this situation happening?23:33
andaimore accurately: How do I open a mixed media (CDA + files) disk as just the audio?23:33
fvsi know the printer is somewhere on 192.168.*23:34
Random832it's on an i915 video card23:34
bkocevjrib: i dont know how23:34
stercorI compiled Wine with 64-bit support (--enable-win64) because I have an Athlon 64-bit CPU.  When I issue the command 'wine winamp' it returns "Trying to load PE image for unsupported architecture (I386)" and quits.  Any help appreciated.23:34
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/4THjcXtR cache policy23:34
jribbkocev: nah, just go to the site for that ppa and add the gpg key please23:35
crucialhoaxIs there a way to set the notification area to load the sound, network, and battery in the same order each time I reboot?23:36
streamexIf anyone knows about touch/mouse issues on ubunto/backtrack4 please pm me!!23:36
SamuelPetersonI know alt+f1 will get me to my gnome-panel menus, but how do I get to the notification icons without using a mouse?23:37
andaihai thar23:37
TetracommVLC says that MPEG Audio layer 1/2/3 was not found, how do I install it?23:37
hexdump_hell with it, I guess I'm usin' dos box23:37
nibblerSamuelPeterson, you know you can use the keypad to control the mousepointer?23:38
nibbleror you leave... whatever23:38
andainibbler: how? :P23:39
ravigehlotWhat does PPA stand for?23:39
fifthPersonal Package Archive23:40
bkocevjrib: i went to that site and search for 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B523:42
bkocevjrib: i did not find anything23:42
jribbkocev: link me to the ppa page please23:42
streamexIf anyone knows about touch/mouse issues on ubunto/backtrack4 please pm me!!23:42
bkocevjrib: http://ppa.launchpad.net/23:42
braxMy speakers don't work. After I turn on the computer and log in, (they work before I log in to my account) a weird sound comes out and they just refuse to make noise again.23:42
jribbkocev: no.  What is the ppa you are using exactly?23:42
bkocevjrib: a sec23:43
bkocevjrib:  GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B523:43
bkocevjrib: i dont know if that is what you ask23:44
tm0Hi i need sound help :P PA isn't allowing me to record anything :(23:44
jribbkocev: do you understand what a ppa is?  You added one to your sources.list23:44
bkocevjrib: i dont know what ppa is but i remember i have modified that list once or so23:44
jribbkocev: ok, pastebin it please23:45
jastordoes, or doesnt m/ctime change of /random/folder when you create/edit /random/folder/file.txt (so that /random/folder/ has the same m/ctime as /random/folder/file.txt)23:46
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/4x0Qc81V23:47
Random832jastor: i believe mtime changes, ctime does not23:47
streamexIf anyone knows about touch/mouse issues on ubunto/backtrack4 please pm me!!23:47
streamexIf anyone knows about touch/mouse issues on ubunto/backtrack4 please pm me!!23:47
tm0Hi i need sound help :P PA isn't allowing me to record anything :(23:47
Random832mtime of a dir changes when you _create_ (or remove) a file in it23:47
Random832not when you modify a file23:47
jribbkocev: you added the chromium dailly ppa, see?23:48
chsmith700could  anyone give me some direction. I have a Gateway with ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics card in which I am connected via HDMI. The performance is terrible!!23:48
histo!ati | chsmith70023:48
ubottuchsmith700: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:48
jastorRandom832: mmm .. i monitor atime,ctime and mtime on a folder on two different servers (same filesystem) .. one updates the time of the folder and the file, the other doesnt for the folder only for the time23:48
bkocevjrib: should i remove it?23:48
jastorRandom832: trying to figure out which one is faulty :)23:48
chsmith700Its a Quad AMD 64bit 8gb system so I know its not that :D23:48
histoRandom832: there is no modify time in linux23:49
Random832histo: um... huh?23:49
jribbkocev: no, go to https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa and add the gpg key given there23:49
magicianlordcool chsmith70023:49
magicianlordi also have a phenom 223:49
histoRandom832: sry though you were asking a question23:49
Random832histo: still, huh?23:49
Random832there is no _creation_ time on linux (but there is still a ctime which that is not what it stands for)23:49
histoRandom832: I was saying there is no modify time kept on files in linux23:49
Random832and you're wrong. 100% completely totally wrong. you're probably misremembering the common misconception about 'creation time'23:50
Random832but "atime" "mtime" and "ctime" which is all that have been discussed, are members of struct stat, whose existence is not at all in dispute23:50
magicianlordRandom832: you like specific, dont you23:50
Random832magicianlord: ?23:51
magicianlordwhat is ctime?23:51
Random832inode change time23:51
magicianlordi am only famliar with atime and relatime23:51
Random832which _is_ updated when you create a file, but it's also updated lots of other times23:51
ravigehlotIs it okay to install hardy software on karmic?23:51
bkocevjrib: i did sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4E5E17B523:51
bkocevjrib: i did sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4E5E17B523:51
Random832(i think it's also updated whenever you modify the file, so it's always >= mtime)23:51
jribbkocev: now run « sudo apt-get update » again23:52
histoRandom832: i'm sorry i mean the creation time23:52
bkocevjrib: worked fine23:52
bkocevjrib: but23:52
h00kravigehlot: I'm not sure why you'd want to, but it probably exists in the Karmic repo also23:52
bkocevjrib: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily this does not work23:52
histoRandom832: I haven't had much sleep23:52
Random832histo: right, but i was talking about the mtime on the _directory_ changing when you create _any_ file in it - not a time being tracked per file23:52
magicianlordFor solid state disks, we should always use "relatime."23:52
ravigehloth00k: no it doesn't. Google Gadgets23:52
jribbkocev: you don't do that, you already added the ppa yourself23:52
histoRandom832: ahh gotcha23:52
Random832really if i were implementing a new filesystem23:52
Random832i'd keep all the atimes in one block at the beginning of the disk, and try to keep that in the cache (and not write through) at all costs23:53
h00kravigehlot: sure it does, it's in Universe23:53
bkocevjrib: no errors now23:53
h00k!info google-gedgets23:53
ubottuPackage google-gedgets does not exist in karmic23:53
h00k!info google-gadgets23:53
jribbkocev: run that apt-cache policy command again23:53
ubottuPackage google-gadgets does not exist in karmic23:53
ravigehloth00k: oh really, let me check23:53
h00k!info google-gadgets-gtk23:53
ubottugoogle-gadgets-gtk (source: google-gadgets): GTK+ Version of Google Gadgets. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.5-0.2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 145 kB, installed size 500 kB23:53
h00kravigehlot: http://packages.ubunut.com/ko/source/karmic/google-gadgets23:54
bkocevjrib: just that after every sudo update the update manager runs and tells not updates completed run partial update23:54
vikestadIs there any official Ubuntu version like the netinst image available for Debian? In other words a very minimal installer, without all the crap the 700mb ubuntu CDs come with?23:54
histoh00k: you can pm ubottu rather thanspaming channel23:54
tm0Hi i need sound help :P PA isn't allowing me to record anything :( How to i change the mic to Alsa or OSS?23:54
histovikestad: yes23:54
magicianlordWhat is OSS?23:54
ravigehloth00k: is there a difference between ppa.launchpad.net and this URL you sent me?23:54
histo!mini | vikestad23:54
ubottuvikestad: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:54
historavigehlot: yes23:54
ogenumm I did ps and only got bash and ps when more is running. I want the list of all processes so I can kill one of them.23:54
ravigehlothisto: tell me23:55
historavigehlot: ppa is a private repository he sent you the link for the ubuntu repository I believe23:55
vikestadhisto: thx23:55
h00khisto: yeah, I was sure I had it on the first shot, whoops.23:55
historavigehlot: but there was a typo on it.23:55
ravigehlothisto: private repo as in what?23:55
historavigehlot: as in I can create one and put whatever I want in there.23:55
jribbkocev: yes, we haven't actually tried to fix anything yet23:55
ravigehlothisto: okay23:55
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/7ebN6GJB23:56
historavigehlot: the first part of the link he gave you should be ubuntu not ubunut23:56
magicianlordQS: Where?en you run Kega Fusion, all other programs produce no sound. What is going on h23:56
ravigehlothisto: k23:57
h00kravigehlot: check for google-gadgets in synaptic23:57
braxCan someone please help me, I'm getting worried. I'm running Karmic Koala and my speakers won't work at all, even after three reboots.23:57
od3n__anyone have a idea why out of the blue my flash plug-in causes firefox to crash23:57
m0ar*-16-generic will ONLY match things that END with -16-generic, right?23:57
Random832brax: you're sure it's not muted?23:57
jribbkocev: sorry, I meant: apt-cache policy texlive-base-bin23:57
crucialhoaxod3n: Are you using Firefox 3.6?23:57
od3n__I think so23:57
Random832what happens if you go into sound settings and do the sound test?23:57
braxI don't know how it would be muted, Random832.23:58
Random832bad mixer settings?23:58
od3n__not sure cause I am not in front of it23:58
braxI'll run alsamixer and see, but I think they look fine.23:58
crucialhoaxod3n: Then how are we supposed to help23:58
magicianlordbrax: in terminal, type alsamixer -c0, raise and unmute the proper levels, and then press escape to exit, then type alsactl store23:58
bkocevjrib: no problem at all http://pastebin.com/qbmt0Awu23:58
od3n__well I might need just a clue to fix it23:59
jribbkocev: how about: apt-cache policy texlive-lang-polish ?23:59
creat0rthere is no way to connect to the internet with the sagem f@st modem??23:59
braxShould I unmute PC Beep?23:59
od3n__or I can wait 2 hours till I get home23:59
bkocevjrib: http://pastebin.com/uiYTvjin23:59

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