
raphabeuno: btw, any chance for contact syncing between U1 and Thunderbird?00:00
beunorapha, sure, it works already00:01
rapha(and maybe even a GoogleMail import feature?)00:01
* rapha must be missing a plugin00:01
raphaoh and maybe you should include a 20GB option so that comparing the pricing with Apple's mobileMe is more convincing00:07
* mrandrzejak seconds raphas 20GB idea.00:11
beunorapha, a 20gb plan as in a cheaper one?00:15
raphabeuno: yes.00:16
rapha(cheaper as mobileMe anyway)00:17
raphabeuno: maybe it would be beneficial to add "Mozilla" and "Gnome" as phone manufacturers, with "Thunderbird" and "Evolution" as phones - or even better yet, let the user choose whether he wants to add a phone or an email client.00:18
rapha(Other/Other is a bit unintuitive)00:18
beunorapha, yeah, I've been looking into that00:19
raphacool :-)00:19
beunoit's not trivial because this comes from Funambol00:19
beunobut it can be done I think00:19
raphayeah i've set up my own Funambol servers before ... it can be a bi***00:19
beunoso mobileme is 20 bucks less per year00:19
raphaalso, it might be beneficial to tell me upfront (not in-my-face but clearly visible) what will happen to my contacts if i stop paying00:20
raphabeuno: 20 bucks less, 30 GBs less00:20
beunowhat happens is covered in the FAQ00:21
raphamy guess is that my gf for example wouldn't even bother to look there. if it wasn't _very_ (i.e. one-mouse-click-away) discoverable for her, she'd just cancel the sign-up00:21
beunoso I don't think mobileme gives you a better deal00:21
raphano ofc they dont00:22
beunoright, so phone sync is on alpha00:22
beunoreleased a week ago00:22
raphasorry - i was thinking too far ahead :P00:22
beunoso the commercial bits are still up in the air  :)00:22
beunoit's good to remind me  :)00:22
raphaso is the 30-day-thing for real?00:22
rapharight now, i mean00:22
beunoit will be reset when Lucid is released00:23
beunoso you get 60 days if you start now00:23
rapha(btw the message "You haven't synced any contacts yet so you still have 30 days left. The clock starts after your first sync." still appears even though i've just synced some contacts)00:23
raphacool :-)00:23
* rapha just got himself 60 days00:23
beunothat's interesting, can you file a bug with a screenshot attached?00:23
Emry:P Status report.  Rebooted after some updates.  Did " u1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l " and had around 1900 items in the que after the rescan.  Now, eight and a half hours later, it is down to a little over 500, still processing the que before uploads start. O.o;;00:26
raphawhat subproject beuno ?00:28
beunorapha, ubuntuone-servers00:28
raphabeuno: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/56265400:30
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/562654)00:30
raphaanother idea: a "change plan" link/button right next to "28.5 MB Used (1.4%)" might be sensible00:32
raphabeuno: and regarding the 20GB plan - what i'm suggesting is something like 20GB for $5/month (which is $60 per year, and as such much easier to compare to Apple's $99 per year for _the_same_amount_of_storage_)00:34
raphaoh, and if you install a cool webmail client like roundCube and offer a free email address with that - TOTAL BLISS!00:36
jblountrapha: Those are great ideas, I've thought that offering an email at some point might be nice.00:40
jblountrapha: When you get past 50% of your storage you do get a "upgrade" link. We didn't want to show that until someone was really using their storage space though.00:40
raphaah okay00:40
raphajblount: i wonder how many people are in just the current Ubuntu community who'd choose to switch from GoogleMail to UbuntuOne simply because of privacy concerns ... that number has got to already be in the thousands00:41
rapha(ofc, running smtp/imap servers that size isn't exactly an easy proposition - but if google can do it, you can, too :-) )00:42
jblountrapha: heh, Google has quite a few people hacking on Gmail, I don't think we're quite ready for something like that yet ;)00:43
raphawell, start small then - only a pre-existing webmail client00:43
Emryrapha:  If Ubuntu offered email, that would be cool. :P00:43
raphalookin' good!00:44
raphaalso it'd be the first email provider i'd be proud of having an email address at, and that's coming from somebody who still knows what "compuserve" was ;)00:45
EmryMost people that have even heard of it never saw the BBS side of it. >: P00:51
mkarnickiEmry: developers get name@ubuntu.com alias ;)00:51
* Emry was working for the competition at the time though.... And prepares to duck and cover given that there was only one competitor at the time. :P00:51
EmryAnd AOL doesn't count...  Would never work for them. :P00:51
EmryAnd in my defense, I was working for an outsourcer. :P00:53
raphaEmry: genie?!?!00:53
* Emry was doing tech support for MSN ^^;;00:54
Emry:P I was young and dumb.00:54
raphamy most heartfelt condolences00:54
EmryAnd they were paying me 15$ an hour for overtime.00:54
raphawell the overtime compensation is good defense i guess00:55
EmryI was on the team that did customer support through the transition to MSN 2.000:55
Emry:P First there was the confusion when they realised that IE actually was useful for something...  Then the massive mess when they got the new app. ^^;;00:55
* rapha never had more contact with MSN than to uninstall that pesky instant messenger thingy from family members' windows boxes00:56
EmryAnyway, I gotta go.  My current employer won't fire me for being late, but it will effect my evals. hehehehehe00:56
EmryHave fun. :)00:56
raphabut i did credit card number faking as a kid to get online through AOL trial accounts00:56
raphabye Emry!00:56
EmryI was pissed when they switched to CD's...  I had to actually BUY floppy disks after that ^_^00:56
raphanow for the prize question - how do you determine the number of workdays in a year up to the current date00:58
raphaah, got it01:13
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Emry:P I left for the day, came back and the que was empty but nothing had transfered. ^^;;09:55
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ryecandtalan, hi!12:16
candtalanhi rye12:16
ryeoops, wiki.ubuntu.com went down for me...12:17
candtalanI have a clean install of Ubuntu 9.10 and updated and an existing U1 account, but in this ne install I can see no way to add it to my U1 account. my U1 account does not have any machines connected just now12:20
ryecandtalan, hm, let me check that in karmic vm...12:27
ryecandtalan, i have just added a new machine, so it looks like the server-side is working12:43
ryecandtalan, could you please quit ubuntuone-client-applet and do u1sdtool -q - quit syncdaemon and run ubuntuone-client-applet in the terminal12:44
candtalanrye, thanks. I can see my server side (cloud) data via the web ok12:44
candtalanrye - ok will do12:45
candtalanrye: sudo u1sdtool -q - quit syncdaemon gives response: ubuntuone-syncdaemon still running (it should have stopped?12:49
ryecandtalan, try running u1sdtool -q again, it should stop then12:50
candtalanrye: sudo u1sdtool -q  produces response: ubuntuone-syncdaemon still running12:51
ryecandtalan, ok, could you please check whether you have ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log and most important - ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log - if you do, could you please pastebin the contents to http://paste.ubuntu.com12:52
candtalanrye: ok will do. I hav eno exceptions log, although three syncdaemon logs . attempting to post12:56
ryecandtalan, you may post the one that is called 'syncdaemon.log', w/o date/time suffix13:00
ryecandtalan, that is the latest one13:00
diverse_izzuehi nessita13:02
nessitahi diverse_izzue13:03
diverse_izzuei see my loop bug already has a proposed fix. you guys are pretty awesome!13:03
nessitadiverse_izzue: thank you! this one o13:03
nessitathis one is dobey's work13:03
nessitadiverse_izzue: so you may wanna thank him13:03
diverse_izzueright, dobey, you rock :-)13:04
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ryenessita, re loop bug - is it happening only when the server replies with non-valid response?13:04
diverse_izzuenessita, i'll try it as soon as it hits the nightlies13:04
nessitarye: as far as I understand, yes13:04
ryenessita, 'cause right now my system is receiving the list of public files, looks at them and requests the list again. and so on...13:04
nessitarye: you may wanna talk to dobey about that13:05
ryenessita, ok,13:05
nessitarye: it's the nautilus extension13:05
nessitadiverse_izzue: :-)13:05
ryenessita, hm... but it is run by syncdaemon13:05
* rye registers handler for "dobbey appears" event: poke13:06
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candtalanrye: paste is done13:10
ryecandtalan, ok, could you please provide the URL ?13:10
ryecandtalan, hm, were you running any part of ubuntuone as root?13:16
candtalanrye: not that I know of. Just normal user13:17
ryecandtalan, ok, could you please killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon ?13:17
candtalandone. response was: ubuntuone-syncdaemon: no process found13:19
ryecandtalan, ok, so nothing to kill, could you please start ubuntuone-client-applet now in the terminal?13:20
candtalanrye: will do13:20
candtalanrye: do this as me, user, or sudo please?13:21
ryecandtalan, no sudo, please :) ubuntuone will complain about running as root, and running as root is something that we tend to avoid for the time being13:22
candtalanrye: applet running in top panel13:22
ryecandtalan, ok, applet running but browser is not opened13:23
ryecandtalan, right? could you please try running "xdg-open http://www.ubuntu.com"  in the terminal?13:23
candtalanI have firefox running in other desktops and one of them has me logged into my account, should I logout and close all browsers?13:24
candtalanrye: Ah! I see a browser window opened , had not noticed, it invites me to add this computer! great. can I accept his invite ok now?13:26
ryecandtalan, are there several opened tabs/windows with request?13:27
candtalanyes there seems to be two grant access windows, so one might hav eappeared in a desktop previously. what should I do now, accept one maybe?13:28
ryecandtalan, you can try accepting any, if that fails, go to another one :)13:32
candtalanrye ok13:32
candtalanrye, it cannot connect'Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:44653' the second grant aces says similar with another number, maybe it is a timeout? I am still on the internet with  firefox ok13:34
ryecandtalan, just quit the applet and start it again - it will ask you about the permissions again13:35
candtalanrye ok13:36
candtalanrye - it looks good, has connected13:37
candtalanrye: the machine is now connected to my account. Thanks! Is there any further action I need to take please?13:40
duanedesignEmry: what does 'u1sdtool -s' say?13:46
ryecandtalan, i believe not, as far as I understand. Check that files are uploaded/downloaded, etc.13:46
candtalanrye: thanks much appreciated. Some Folders, Files, from the cloud are now being shown in my local U1 folder, I guess it will take some longer time to complete. Thanks again :-)13:48
ryecandtalan, you are very welcome!13:49
ryenessita, i am afraid that the bug with GetPublicFiles is in syncdaemon, not nautilus - is that ok for syncdaemon - http://paste.ubuntu.com/414316/14:03
nessitarye: yes, because the ourside application (nautilus) is queuing the GetPublicFiles command too often14:03
ryenessita, ah, so GetPublicFiles               share:---                                      node:---                                      GetPublicFiles() queueing in the %s META_QUEUE is actually from nautilus, right?14:04
nessitarye: yes14:04
ryenessita, hm, if then I believe the branch Needs Fixing14:05
ryenessita, i built nautilus extension and it misbehaves the same way :(14:06
nessitarye: please talk to dobey or Chipaca about it :-)14:06
nessitarye: but thanks for testing it!14:06
ryehm, is it me only of fs-1 is slow now? 2 minutes for 494 object for server rescan...14:11
rye2010-04-14 16:14:50,394 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - DEBUG - FreeSpaceInquiry             share:'4887985f-9dec-4fbe-948d-692ecb6c392e'   node:---                                      FreeSpaceInquiry() running14:15
rye2010-04-14 16:15:13,197 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - DEBUG - FreeSpaceInquiry             share:'4887985f-9dec-4fbe-948d-692ecb6c392e'   node:---                                      FreeSpaceInquiry() success14:15
rye23 seconds to get FreeSpace info???14:15
dobeyrye: even though what response is received?14:28
rye2010-04-14 16:20:10,533 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: AQ_PUBLIC_FILES_LIST_OK, args:(), kw:{'public_files': [{'public_url': 'http://ubuntuone.com/p/bk/', 'node_id': '1024e9f9-6e1e-410c-8d1c-3a738190029d', 'volume_id': ''}, {'public_url': 'http://ubuntuone.com/p/bj/', 'node_id': '1f95e546-b6e8-46b7-a74b-99b0965bb65e', 'volume_id': ''}, {'public_url': 'http://ubuntuone.com/p/bi/', 'node_id': '0a2d4be6-e0f9-43be-9c1a-f14b8021308e', 'volum14:29
ryee_id': ''}]}14:29
ryedobey, ^14:29
ryedobey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/414330/14:30
ryedobey, it tries to fetch the info again14:30
ryedobey, it asks for public file list, receives response, syncdaemon state changes to idle, it asks for public files list again14:31
ryenessita, re bug #537610 - how hard it is to add get_system_config as an opposite to get_user_config ? ... or i just need to fetch the default value for read/write limit from another config file, maybe there is an easy way, i.e. option.value.default or something like that...14:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537610 in ubuntuone-client "ValueError: Read/write limit must be greater than 0 in ubuntuone-preferences with disabled throttling" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53761014:42
ryenessita, because in case that bug is left and lucid is released then we are doomed to provide 24/7 support for those who updated from karmic and everything broke14:43
nessitarye: hmmm14:45
dobeythat bug wasn't set for u1-lucid?14:46
ryedobey, it was not, since it was ping-ponged for too long and the real cause was found after the bugs were granted u1-lucid tags...14:48
dobeyrye: well if it can be fixed in the next couple of hours, i think we should get it in14:53
ryedobey, it can, we need to apply defaults from xdg/syncdaemon.conf.. or if that requires too much work, then hardcode those numbers as that is done in preferences14:54
ryei am just not that familiar with this config parser :(14:54
ryeat the moment...14:54
nessitarye: talking with verterok right now14:58
ryenessita, thanks!14:58
verterokrye: what's your idea, se the values to the default/system ones?15:03
ryeverterok, yes, use defaults from /etc/xdg/syncdaemon.conf - I like the hardcoding but if nothing else is available, then it is ok for me15:05
ryei will file a bug if it is hardcoded so that it won't be lost15:05
verterokrye: no, isn't hardcoded, we use xdg :)15:05
verterokrye: user configs override system configs15:05
verterokrye: and...what is your idea to fix this? change it when syncdaemon starts or change it in the preferences app?15:06
brad[]Hi folks, I'm going to be synchronizing some documents with Ubuntu One, wondering if the following scenario is too much for it15:08
ryeverterok, syncdaemon provides "get prefs" method ,and it returns whatever it read in the configuration file, but if it 0, then it is ignored by syncdaemon, BUT the preferences receive zero. Being nice, preferences then store the value and send it back to syncdaemon which causes an error message sent from syncdaemon15:09
brad[]Two virtually identical documents folders on two different Ubuntu machines - I'm going to start by syncing the first, and then sync the second, identically named folder. Will they merge together?15:09
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ryeverterok, I believe that in the default should not be -1 or 0, it should be read from xdg15:09
brad[]There are thousands of files and subdirectories in each folder15:09
verterokrye: it's being read from xdg15:09
verterokrye: I think preferences should be smart enough to know what values are valid, I think you can't set 0 as a value in the slider15:10
ryeverterok, karmic version allowed 0 to be set, and that was all OK, since [bandwidth_throttling] 'on' = 'False'.15:10
ryeverterok, ok, preferences operates only based on data that it received from syncdaemon15:11
netlore910_lapHey all... anyone have experience with the Phone sync project?... I have my android phone syncing, but it labels the numbers wrong, and doesn't sync them all.... weird!15:11
dobeyrye: hrmm, i'm never seeing the PublicFilesList signal get called here15:11
verterokrye: no, it also operates on data received from the user ;)15:11
ryeverterok, it asks for current read_limit/write_limit, syncdaemon reads the config and sends whatever it found in its configuration, 0 (e.g. in Karmic). Preferences receive 0 and it is ok. But when preferences try to save that 0, ValueError is thrown by syncdaemon15:12
verterokrye: yes, I know that15:13
ryeverterok, so syncdaemon does not want to set() the same thing it just returned from get()15:13
verterokrye: so, what do you propose?15:13
ryeverterok, in case of negative (-1) and 0 value (which are common after Karmic period) syncdaemon needs to read defaults from /etc/xdg instead.15:14
verterokrye: syncdaemon supports loading "old" configs, but will reject if someone try to set a invalid value via DBus15:16
ryeverterok, it supports loading "old" configs _and_ will provide the info it read from it to anybody who requested its settings w/o any validation/normalization15:17
verterokrye: yes15:17
ryeverterok, otherwise it is garbage in garbage out condition :(15:17
verterokrye: so, this could be fixed by returning "None" when the config is invalid15:17
ryeverterok, hmmm15:17
verterokrye: but I'm afraid the preferences app will not support that15:17
ryeverterok, let me check...15:18
verterokrye: syncdaemon supports None or int > 015:18
verterokrye: I don't like the hardcoded value we have in the default config... :(15:18
rye2010-04-14 16:01:21,565 - ubuntuone-preferences - DEBUG - got limits: dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'download'): dbus.Int32(2097152), dbus.String(u'u        pload'): dbus.Int32(-1)}, signature=dbus.Signature('si'))15:21
ryeverterok, is it possible to return None with si signature ?15:21
verterokrye: probably not, we usuablly use empty string as None15:22
ryeverterok, no, None is not handled, integer is expected in preferences15:23
verterokrye: :( so it doesn't support undefined :p15:23
ryeverterok, and, btw, when syncdaemon reads 0 from the config, it returns -1 to the client15:23
ryeverterok, undefined speed is also not a great thing15:23
verterokrye: why not, is I will not limit this thingy15:24
ryeverterok, we have the defaults... can we just trash invalid value and give them... since we don't have a way to set unlimited.. arrrrrggghh15:24
ryeverterok, bug #52324815:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523248 in ubuntuone-client "How to specify unlimited upload/download for syncdemon?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52324815:24
ryeverterok, i have a bug for everyone...15:24
verterokrye: ok, so it treats -1 as None15:24
verterokrye: that's a issue with the UI15:25
verterokrye: syncdaemono support unlimited, via dbus/config set it to -115:25
ryeverterok, well, preferences treat -1 as closest possible positive value... which gets 0...15:25
verterokman, that sucks :(15:25
ryedobey, could you please assist here ^15:26
verterokrye: we could change syncdaemon, but please check this with joshuahoover1 and __lucio__15:26
verterokrye: today is the last day to change it :(15:26
ryegrrr, /hm, can we make the spinner accept negative one, and do not accept 0 at all, simply skip... I wonder is syncdaemon bandwidth throttling that useful if desktopcouch transfers as fast as it can...15:28
dobeyno, we can't make the ui do that easily15:31
verterokrye: I think we (desktop+) decided to not accept 0 as a value in the spinner15:31
dobeywe can make the ui only accept values > 0 though15:31
ryedobey, syncdaemon sends -1 when setting is invalid in users config, that gets directly to the spinners that normalize that to 015:32
brad[]How long should an initial sync take to begin?15:36
brad[]I've got all the folders listed on Ubuntu One but no files have shown up yet, and it's been 30 minutes.15:36
ryebrad[], what is the total number of the files you have added to Ubuntu One ? e.g. find directory_name | wc -l /?15:37
ryebrad[], the speed of processing for ubuntuone is decreases when number of files reach certain value. Unfortunately I don't have good numbers at hand15:38
brad[]rye: 171015:38
brad[]Ubuntu One prefs isn't telling me much, it says synchronizing...15:39
ryebrad[], the initial folder processing will take ~20 minutes, the files upload will possibly take the same amount of time. Unfortunately this is something that will be improved only in Ubuntu Maverick15:40
brad[]rye: Ah ok. That's fine then. Addition of individual files will be pretty quick after that though, right?15:40
ryebrad[], i have filed the bug #53127315:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531273 in ubuntuone-client "Meta Queue takes ages: 28 minutes for 1457 objects" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53127315:41
brad[]rye: Would be nice if that could be fixed before Maverick,  Ubuntu One is pretty competitive in terms of functionality with dropbox15:41
brad[]I could see some revenue coming in from it15:41
ryebrad[], you have just triggered a bug in XChat-GNOME notifications15:42
brad[]I did? How'd I do that? lol15:42
ryebrad[], I believe because your nick contains the brackets :)15:42
ryebrad[], i am poking the relevant developers every time I can, the local rescan was improved somehow, but startup time and sync time remain not as goot as they should15:43
brad[]rye: Will Ubuntu One scale  to 20,000+ files/directories? I'd like to get family members signed up but they're digital packrats and their documents folders are terrifying.15:44
ryebrad[], frankly speaking i would not recommend doing that at the moment :(...15:45
joshuahoover1brad[]: agree with rye on that15:45
joshuahoover1rye, verterok, lucio: bug #537610 ...this will affect most karmic to lucid users, correct?15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537610 in ubuntuone-client "ValueError: Read/write limit must be greater than 0 in ubuntuone-preferences with disabled throttling" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53761015:46
ryebrad[], that would slow down the startup time and the overall experience would be extremely annoying.15:46
netlore910_lapIt would be really nice to have a panel widget with some detailed information about what Ubuntu One sync is doing... it can be hard to know if it's working.15:46
verterokjoshuahoover1: I think so, but rye will know for sure :)15:46
joshuahoover1brad[]: it is top priority to fix next, the performance of syncing lots of files15:47
joshuahoover1verterok: ok, if it is, what is the fix?15:48
ryejoshuahoover1, yes, everyone who used ubuntuone, and at least once started preferences that had bug 455544 and then one more, searching for the one...15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455544 in ubuntuone-client ""Protocol version error" - when bandwidth throttling is enabled with the default values" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45554415:48
joshuahoover1rye, verterok: is there a quick fix for this? (oh how i hate the bandwidth throttling!)15:51
verterokjoshuahoover1: I think we have 2 options (rye, please correct me if I'm wrong): 1) fix prefrences app to handle the -1/None value returned by syncdaemon 2) fix syncdaemon to use the system default when the user setting is invalid15:52
joshuahoover1verterok: seems #2 would be the more appropriate fix15:53
ryeand bug #517843 - yes, here's how 0 appear in the config15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517843 in ubuntuone-client "Applet sets 0 for read_limit and write_limit when throttling is enabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51784315:54
verterokjoshuahoover1: the system default is a hardcoded value :( "2097152"15:54
* verterok don't like that15:54
verterokjoshuahoover1: but if you prefer that fix, we can do it...15:55
joshuahoover1verterok: yeah, not sure...did i mention i hate the bandwidth throttling? ;)15:55
verterokjoshuahoover1: :)15:55
ryeverterok, joshuahoover1 - quick fix - rm ~/.config/syncdaemon.conf15:56
ryeverterok, joshuahoover1 but that won't prevent people from trying to write 0 to bw prefs... grrr15:56
ryeset up a cron job to remove that file, yes.15:56
verterokrye: so the preferences app allow setting 0 manually? :(15:56
joshuahoover1rye, verterok: the app shouldn't allow 0 imo15:57
verterokjoshuahoover1: +115:58
ryeyes, it allows 0, and once the spinner reaches zero, BOOOM!15:59
joshuahoover1rye: yep, just saw that myself15:59
ryebtw, why does it REPLACE the devices tab with the error?15:59
joshuahoover1rye: that's a known issue...we have to fix it but not before final release16:00
ryeif it did not, it would be possible to update the data...16:00
joshuahoover1rye: right, but you wouldn't know what to do (most users wouldn't)16:00
verterokrye: oh, that's bad(tm) :(16:01
* verterok fires the preferences app 16:01
ryejoshuahoover1, true16:01
joshuahoover1rye: still needs to be fixed though :)16:01
brad[]Apropos of nothing, is Ubuntu One planned to be offered to other platforms? Windows users would probably be pretty interested in synchronizing arbitrary folders (a feature dropbox doesn't provide them)16:02
joshuahoover1brad[]: it's in discussion16:02
brad[]I really think the interest in that would be massive - my company is in the process of looking for a document sync solution right now and the pickings are a bit slim16:02
brad[]We're all Windows based though16:03
joshuahoover1brad[]: yeah...do you know what services your company has looked at?16:16
brad[]joshuahoover1: Dropbox, Google Docs (horrendous user experience for uploading files), looked at Novell iFolder briefly16:21
brad[]Syncplicity which is another cloud startup16:22
joshuahoover1brad[]: i see... have you guys looked at box.net? spideroak is another16:22
brad[]Aside from those there's really not much one could put a lot of faith in16:22
brad[]oh yeah, looked at box.net too16:23
brad[]$1 per gigabyte is exorbitant16:23
brad[]We can set up our own Amazon S3 storage and spend less money16:23
brad[]joshuahoover1: ok spideroak  we did not look at but I'm trying to help Ubuntu out here :P16:41
verterokjoshuahoover1, rye: so, this throttling issue is actually about the preferences app changing the -1 returned by syncdaemon to 016:42
joshuahoover1brad[]: and we appreciate that, just know that we don't support windows (yet)16:42
verterokjoshuahoover1, rye: I think the bug is in the UI, not in syncdaemon returning a value it doesn't accept later16:42
joshuahoover1verterok: interesting16:42
ryeverterok, hm16:43
brad[]joshuahoover1: hehe16:44
rye2010-04-14 18:44:54,972 - ubuntuone-preferences - DEBUG - got limits: dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'download'): dbus.Int32(2097152), dbus.String(u'upload'): dbus.Int32(-1)}, signature=dbus.Signature('si'))16:45
ryeValueError: Write limit must be greater than 0.16:45
ryeverterok, joshuahoover1 ^ syncdaemon replies with -1 when 0 is set in the config, but it gets translated to 0 by the prefs' spinner, and then the hander for changed value is fired that attempts to set 0 as a value for syncdaemon16:46
verterokrye: yeap, the preferences app changes the returned value to a invalid value (0)16:48
verteroksi, we need to fix the preferences app16:48
ryegrr, rye wants [ ] Bandwidth throttling enabled \n [ X ] limit upload speed [ 200 ] \n [   ] limit download speed [          ]16:48
ryei.e. if I want to limit upload, i tick upload thing and set the value, if I do not want to, then it is set to unlimited16:51
verterokrye: +1!16:52
verterokrye: we need a custom spinner with "unlimited" as a value? :)16:52
ryeverterok, i thought about that16:52
ryeverterok, but the user would need to spin up to +Infinity to get this value16:53
verterokrye: or to -1 :)16:53
ryeverterok, this is not intuitive, if i want unlimitedm then i want moooar!16:54
verterokrye: add a check box next to each spinner?16:54
verterokrye: so we can enable/disable each one :)16:54
ryeverterok, still, no idea how to handle this,, custom spinner handler that allows [-1, 1..MAX_INT]16:55
ryeverterok, well, that's what i tried to display in that one-liner :)16:55
verterokrye: or just use 0 as unlimited, and send -1 to syncdaemon, that's the less intrusive change to the UI16:56
ryeverterok, true!16:56
ryeverterok, since e.g. download managers usually treat 0 as unlimited16:56
verterokrye: and torrent some clients too16:57
verterok*some torrent clients16:57
ryedobey, it looks like preferences app is guilty after all, syncdaemon sends -1 to it, but its spinners normalize that to 0. can it be made - if value == 0 then set value to -1 and send to syncdaemon ?16:58
verterokrye: I'll bbiab, need to get some lunch17:00
=== verterok is now known as verterok|lunch
ryeverterok|lunch, i'll bbia byte, need to fetch some foods from the location nearby17:02
ryeurbanape, you are using IPv6? Native or tunnel?17:02
rye urbanape (~zbir@2002:4a6e:a495:0:226:8ff:fede:174d) has joined #ubuntuone17:05
urbanapeI never set up any tunnels, so native17:06
urbanapeI guess?17:06
ryeurbanape, what's your ISP name? So i can dent about it :)17:06
urbanapeVerizon FiOS17:07
topyli!away > verterok|lunch17:07
ubottuverterok|lunch, please see my private message17:07
verterok|lunchubottu: k17:11
=== verterok|lunch is now known as verterok
brad[]Still waiting for files to show up on Ubuntu One...17:36
dobeyrye: no, there are problems with both. we can't make the ui skip 0 easily17:58
ryedobey, how about we allow 0, but send -1 to syncdaemon instead?17:59
dobeywhy is it sending -1 to anything? how does -1 get set? it's not the default17:59
mernisserye: fwiw, 2002: prefix is a 6 to 4 tunnel, he's prolly got a router (like an airport) that does native 6 to 4, the isp isn't assigning it.18:09
ryedobey, -1 is the default for syncdaemon, None is not a valid integer so -1 is sent, but spinners translate that to 0 (since they do not allow -1 value) and BOOM!18:10
dobeyrye: no it isn't18:11
ryemernisse, thanks, i was looking at 2002 and it has rang only some tiny bell18:11
dobey[dobey@lunatari:fix-public-loop]: grep "_limit.default" data/syncdaemon.conf18:11
dobeyread_limit.default = 209715218:11
dobeywrite_limit.default = 209715218:11
dobeythat is not -118:11
ryedobey, 2010-04-14 18:44:54,972 - ubuntuone-preferences - DEBUG - got limits: dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'download'): dbus.Int32(2097152), dbus.String(u'upload'): dbus.Int32(-1)}, signature=dbus.Signature('si'))18:11
ryeValueError: Write limit must be greater than 0.18:11
dobeya long long time ago, in a revision far far away, it used to be -118:12
dobeybut it is not the default now18:12
ryedobey, when read_limit is 0 in prefs, syncdaemon sends -1 as the value upon request, so api sends -1 when it has invalid value18:12
ryeand api is ok with -1 sent back, but not translation of -1 to 018:12
dobeywtf, that makes no sense18:12
dobeywhy would "0 is invalid, here's -1 instead" make any sense?18:13
dobeywhy isn't it sending the default value?18:13
ryeverterok, ^18:18
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
verterokdobey: it's sending the undefined/unlimite value instead of 0, when 0 is detected, we use None/-1 internally to turn off that limit18:19
dobeyif it's sent via dbus, that's not internal :)18:20
verterokdobey: SD reads the old config and handle that in the best way possible in that context, this is inside a configglue parser, which can't know the default config18:20
verterokdobey: SD also logs a warning about this18:21
dobeybad configglue18:21
dobeyi need to make me some lunch18:22
dobeyor go get some18:23
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
duanedesignrye: was reading a paper on IPv6 adoption on the internet and thought you might find it interesting. http://ln-s.net/5i6P19:14
ryeduanedesign, /me has a tunnel, and whole my lappyfamily.net domain is IPv6-enabled... and it looks like my ISPs are not going to do anything native...19:15
ryeduanedesign, i believe the first thing that admins will learn about ipv6 is that firewall rules for ipv4 do not apply here... and that their beloved crazy NAT rules do not apply as well19:17
verterokrye: what about this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/30626/ ?19:34
ryeverterok, let me patch my sd..19:34
ryenot sd, thingie19:34
ryeverterok, well, that works19:37
verterokrye: it's only one part of the issue19:37
ryeverterok, but farewell to unlimited speed...19:37
ryeverterok, this is a workaround, I agree19:37
ryeverterok, but it is way better than nothing19:37
verterokrye: the other way I came up is: https://pastebin.canonical.com/30625/19:38
verterokrye: that one ^ makes 0 == unlimited19:39
verterokrye: revert the previous patch ;)19:40
PaulGitvds: ping19:48
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
PaulGitvds: I did the test again and have added logs to bug #548657 - I hope this gives you the information you need.20:03
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/548657)20:03
moodylambwhen i try to register with ubuntuone, i get to the point where i select the free plan....when i click subscribe under the 2gb option, i get to a white page that says OpenID Failed: OpenID discovery error: Error fetching XRDS document: (77, 'Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)')20:03
ryeverterok, i like the second one more20:03
verterokrye: ok20:04
moodylambany ideas?20:04
ryemoodylamb, checking...20:05
moodylambrye: k thx :)20:05
* rye has 5 sso and 2 launchpad accounts for ubuntuone... 24Gb of space if all of them are used...20:09
ryemoodylamb, hmmm, confirming20:11
ryeopenid discovery error20:12
moodylambrye: may it be because i just upgraded to lucid?20:12
moodylambrye: i've never used ubuntuone before, btw20:12
ryemoodylamb, no, it is not client-side, I am trying to find the reason now, thanks for notifying!20:13
moodylambrye: np :)20:13
tekstr1der@joshuahoover: thanks for replying on the forums to my inability to sync. experience very strange behavior with u1 suddenly. it eventually did sync, but is seemingly randomly displaying status and account info20:19
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: hi!20:19
ryeok, we have openid failure now, awesome20:19
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: i know we're experiencing an issue on the server side right now that we're tracking down but your problem sounds like it started before this20:20
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: do you have any ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log files?20:20
tekstr1dernot sure. have not looked at what u1 has been doing in a while b4 today20:20
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: ok, yeah, if you can check the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log folder for any syncdaemon-exceptions.log files that would be a good place to start20:21
tekstr1deryes, several. all from today20:21
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: can you paste the contents to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and then post the url here so i can take a look?20:22
tekstr1derhere's one of 'em: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414500/20:24
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: reviewing...20:26
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: can you tell me what version of ubuntuone-client you have installed? apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client20:27
tekstr1derwell, after looking at a few more, they all seem to be the same, but here's another with a couple of different errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414502/20:28
tekstr1derInstalled: 1.1.91-0ubuntu120:29
joshuahoover1rye: you still around?20:30
ryejoshuahoover1, i am around, but in vm20:31
joshuahoover1rye: ok, wasn't sure if you could look at the two paste url's above from tekstr1der ...syncing was working and then just stopped working (today, i believe)20:31
tekstr1derrecently anyhow20:33
tekstr1derand, like i said, it did eventually sync, however, after an un-reproducable series of connect/disconnect/restart/killall buttonmashing :)20:34
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: if you run the following, what does it report? u1sdtool -s20:36
tekstr1derwell, that looks all good20:37
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: ok...hmmm...and things are syncing now as far as you can tell?20:38
tekstr1derState: QUEUE_MANAGER    connection: With User With Network    description: processing queues    is_connected: True    is_error: False    is_online: True    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH20:38
tekstr1deri just modified a file in the Ubuntu One folder. upon saving ubuntuone-client status changed to synchronizing. still stuck there. this is the problem behavior.20:40
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: ok...can you: tail -fn 50 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log20:41
tekstr1derjust tried to verify whether or not it was truly synced at website. think i just ran into the openid issue mentioned earlier?20:41
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: yeah, we're on that one right now20:43
tekstr1dermaybe I'm just being unduly impatient? that tells me the from start to finish was about 1.5 minutes. I guess that's not too bad...20:43
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: it just all depends...performance needs to be faster in a number of areas, we're working on that, but some users are seeing really poor performance20:44
tekstr1deryes, this morning when i reported my problems on the forums, it was more like 10-15 minutes that it was not going through.20:47
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: ok, it sounds like a server side issue since the numbers are varying so much20:47
zillianIs it correct that I cannot log into Ubunto One at the moment?20:48
joshuahoover1zillian: unfortunately, yes20:49
zillianThanks! All i need to know. Stored something there from my study place and now i cannot log into using my computer (have never used it before)... thought it was my comp20:50
zillianWill have to be patient than, Thanks joshuahoover1!20:51
joshuahoover1zillian: are you trying to login to the web site?20:51
zilliandon't know how to configure ubuntu one yet20:52
joshuahoover1zillian: ok, so you're trying to set it up on your computer and getting an error, correct?20:52
joshuahoover1zillian: i think the problem is fixed now20:53
tekstr1derso, is the consensus that i should chalk this up to an unlucky performance day? it is eventually syncing it seems. from previous experience, it has always been far more responsive. Should I not be concerned about the contents of those syncdaemon-exception logs?20:53
zillianyes I can login now20:53
joshuahoover1tekstr1der: right now, yes, i'd say it's a hiccup, but if it continues, can you file a bug and be sure to include all the log files in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log20:54
tekstr1derjoshua: absolutely, thanks for your prompt responses and good work!20:55
zillianthanks people!20:55
joshuahoover1tekstr1der, zillian: thank you both for your patience and support!20:55
TreenaksI get 504 on the music store. Is that known?21:11
beunoTreenaks, yes, we're working on it21:11
Treenaksok, good to know I'm not the only one ;)21:12
duanedesigngot two new projects on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/ThirdPartyProjects  \o/21:17
joshuahoover1duanedesign: great!21:33
duanedesignjoshuahoover1: i have also gotten a couple emails from people wanting to collaborate on my project. Pretty neat.21:35
joshuahoover1duanedesign: cool!21:35
* mkarnicki likes to have his project on /UbuntuOne/ThirdPartyProjects \^O^/21:50
mandelduanedesign, mind if I add mine: http://www.themacaque.com/?page_id=40621:51
joshuahoover1mandel: please do!21:55
mandeljoshuahoover1, cool, I'll do then21:55
duanedesignmandel: great!22:34

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