
stochasticrlameiro, yup, what's up?00:53
rlameirolong time00:55
rlameirostochastic: so you could make it to the interview00:55
TheMusoLooks like Debian already has jack2 packaging.00:56
stochasticrlameiro, nope, I slept through my alarm.  Working nights and early morning interviews just don't work well together.00:56
rlameirostochastic: yea..00:57
rlameirodid you looked at my wiki?00:57
stochasticrlameiro, nope00:57
stochasticrlameiro, I really don't have time right now to discuss this, but I will get back to you soon about it00:58
rlameiroTheMuso: what would be need to use jack and dbus?00:59
TheMusorlameiro: Depends on how Debian build it and go from there basically. It just requires configure arguments I believe.01:00
rlameiroso, will it be easy to put it on maverick?01:02
rlameirojust packages?01:02
TheMusoAh. Debian are using dbus.01:02
TheMusoThe packages in Debian use the same namespace, so it shouldn't be too difficult.01:03
ScottLTheMuso, that is surprisingly good news, hopefully it transitions smoothly02:17
TheMusoScottL: It should, and yes I agree, great news.02:25
panmanphilhey can anybody tell me what the plans are for an rt kernel for lucid?04:02
ScottLpanmanphil, i think that a -rt kernel will not be available in the official repositories for the 2.6.32 kernel for lucid release04:05
panmanphilthat what i have been reading04:05
ScottLhowever, i think that a -lowlatency (or something similar, I can't recall) will be available for the amd64 architectural kernel04:06
ScottLbut only a -generic kernel will be for the i386 kernel04:06
panmanphilYeah I've tried it but way to many xruns, even for practice04:06
ScottLthat said, both the ubuntu studio ppa and abogani's ppa have additional kernels in them that you may find helpful :)04:07
panmanphildoes this mean the ubuntu studio will be kind of crippled like it was in the 8 version?04:07
ScottLpanmanphil, i've run the -generic kernel on i386 and found it more than acceptable for recording audio04:07
ScottLpanmanphil, which version is the 8 version?04:08
panmanphilYeah, I've been trying some. the beta 10.04 generic kernel has the neuvous (sp) driver which works great for my laptop + extra monitor04:08
panmanphilI can't remember the ubuntu name .... two versions ago where the rt kernel had heavy cpu use problems. 04:09
panmanphilone sec....04:09
ScottLi wouldn't say it will be crippled as you can always use the ubuntu studio ppa or abogani's ppa for other kernels04:09
ScottLalso the 2.6.31 -rt is always available as well in the official repositories04:09
ScottLi didn't find Hardy to be crippled, but perhaps i'm only remembering updated kernels after release04:10
panmanphilI am using the 2.6.31 and audio is good. I have a headphone jack sense problem though so i can't really use my jacks. Also, the video driver is really flaky04:10
panmanphilright, that is what I did as well, updated my kernel after the release. I was using some other kernel modules though, cisco vpn at the time, so updates were more of a pain than I liked04:11
panmanphilare any of you using the nouveau video driver? 04:13
ScottLi'm currently testing lucid and running the default driver at the moment04:17
TheMusoyes with generic amd64 kernel.04:18
panmanphilit is working much better than the previous one for me, and handles the two monitors setup very nicely. 04:18
persiaGrr.  Silly autojoin.  jussi01: I thought you said there was some appropriate redirects for #ubuntu-studio-devel and #ubuntustudio-devel05:08
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
ScottLfor those who are interested, last Saturday I did an interview with the Open Source Musicians (#opensourcemusicians) guys about Ubuntu Studio11:57
ScottLwhile i didn't go to heavy about it i did mention that we could use help, primarily in testing and documentation, but mainly testing11:57
ScottLfrom the live streaming interview i've already gotten two emails with offers to help11:58
ScottLhopefully when the interview is edited and available on their website there will be more :)11:59
aboganiScottL: Yes it is very cool!12:01
* abogani is wondering if is Lead role is already assigned....12:02
aboganiSo no I suppose... :-)13:27
* abogani would want recall you that comments are very welcomed on my wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlessioIgorBogani/linux-rtPPUApplication). So if you are used linux-rt and you find that I have done a good job please help me to obtain per-package rights on linux-rt package adding a little comment on my above-mentioned wiki page (Comments section). Thanks!16:20
aboganipersia: Are you around?18:43
aboganiNo you can't at 2.45pm :)18:45
persiaBut I can at 2:56 :)18:56
scott-workhi persia, abogani  :)19:01
persiahey scott-work.19:02
aboganipersia: I would want let you notice that DMB Agenda report next meeting at 27 April instead your email into -devel-announce report 17 April. What is the right?19:02
aboganiscott-work: Hi Scott!19:03
persiaabogani: 27th.19:05
aboganipersia: Ok. Sorry for disturb.19:05
persiaYou didn't disturb me at all.  If I wasn't around, I wouldn't have responded.19:07
ScottLabogani, i just saw your comment about the lead role, no i don't think it is assigned as neither cory or luis are active and they were the last "official" project leads21:01
ScottLbut to say who...i don't know, i suspect anyone wanting to step up and help, much like any other position i would imagine21:02
ScottLif you do it, then probably by default you will be it21:02
aboganiScottL: No absolutely.21:03

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