
Sachse_SiechtumHello Sysi00:21
rajguys i have a question. what would the problem be. if the CD refuses to install at all costs no matter how i partition the drive. on the hard drive i formated it to EXT4 and it still says 4 GIG used then when i tried to install it stops and gives me a DVD/CD and/or a HDD error. is the drive filled with bad sectors? I dont finish the install no matter what CD i use. even if i use my external DVD drive. its not the CD drive or the CD itse00:54
raj<raj> lf ( tried multiple ones) can any1 tell me what could it be? i thought the even with bad sectors it still should install. or is the HDD locked?00:54
BalsaqGood evening citizens of Xubuntu!02:45
Balsaqgood morning kfisher welcome to Xubuntu.05:30
kfisherI have question how do i acces remove vps with xbuntu through nx05:30
kfisherremote vps*05:30
kfisherAny ideas?05:34
Balsaqat times, it take a while for a tech to answer. i am reding about it now. off hand i do not know the answer...seems to be ALOT of prerequisites.05:35
kfisherk, i'm reading to... thanks05:35
kfisheri know that with ubuntu desktop install you can connection with out installing nx server..05:36
kfisherwould it be easier to install vnc instead?05:36
Balsaqi am checking with a few techs in my channel to see  if they know05:39
kfisherthanks Balsaq.05:39
Balsaqwhat is vpn?05:41
Balsaqvirtual private network05:42
BalsaqEC said maybe you could use a tunnel05:43
Balsaq"I imagine he could access his vpn and set up a tunnel for nx"05:44
kfishervnc remove server/client app05:44
Balsaqone of my techs admitted he could never get nx working...05:45
Balsaqbut he is not into buntu05:46
BalsaqI'm not sure that nx can directly connect through a vpn without that being set up first05:47
kfisherI used in past with debian xvce vps05:48
Balsaqwhich edition of ubuntu are you using now05:48
Balsaqor xubuntu if you are here05:48
Balsaqhmmm...claims hen id it with debian xfce before05:49
Balsaqhe* did*05:49
Balsaqweird...has about 60 techs stumped05:50
kfisheri install xubuntu over ubuntu server jaunky05:51
Balsaqhmmm refresh me was that 9.10?05:52
kfisheri used vnc sever with xfce debian05:52
Balsaqoldie but a goodie05:52
kfishernot sure what version i have of xubuntu probbably 9.10 how do i check through putty?05:52
pleia2kfisher: cat /etc/lsb-release05:54
Balsaqits under the accesoories menu soemwhere...not on my xubutucomputer now05:54
pleia2and ubuntu w/ gnome's remote desktop is just a version of vnc or somesuch05:54
pleia2with xubuntu you'll need to install something05:54
kfisherDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 9.04"05:54
pleia2so yes, I'd just install vnc05:56
kfisheris that link i provide good enough, or do you have a more updated link anywhere?05:57
pleia2might want to try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC05:58
pleia2but the guide you posted might be ok too05:58
silareHow do I make my Albatross theme (Xfce) make it so Docky's icon is not red?06:27
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=== ANonTeq is now known as Balsaq
BalsaqGood Morning Lords of the Kernal.11:24
hatake_kakashigood evening Balsaq11:25
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
Dracarii was Reommended by the guys in #ubuntu-powerpc to try asking here about testing a slightly edited ISO of Xubuntu 9.10 PPC that Ha sNo extra langpacks. the current 9.10 ISO is Just a few MB too big for a CD-r11:34
Dracari(its a mere 6.6MB too big for a normal 700MB CD-R)11:35
Balsaqthats odd, i have 910 on a 700mb cd?11:36
Sysinote architechture11:37
DracariUnless the ISO i Downloaded is either outdated or corrupted11:37
Balsaqoh...maybe becasue its power pc11:37
DracariUltraISO show sits set as an 793MB ISO w/ *( MB free if ste to a 703(700MB) ISO it says 6618kb overload11:37
Sysii can't even find ppc-xubuntu 9.1011:39
Dracarii tried trimming the Unneeded files for 64bit PPC (the target PPC Macs are only 32bit) and it refuse dto even load let alone Boot.11:39
Dracariits in the cdimage section of ubuntu.com Sysi ( http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ports/releases/karmic/release/)11:40
Balsaqtry xubuntu powerPC9.04 maybe?11:41
BalsaqpowerPC 9.04 i meant11:41
Dracariif i didnt Ultra care of Dual booting between OSX or had teh drive pre-configure dto do so.. i'd Just use  the Net installer ISO11:41
Sysioh right, under ports11:41
Sysidvd isn't an option? you should be able to do dualboot with netinstall also11:42
DracariDVD is And isnt an option11:43
DracariTarget 1 is a 400MHZ G3 that has a dvd drive Target 2 is a 700mhz G4 but only a cd burner11:44
Dracarii'd haveto dismantle em both Just for a drive swap.. Twice11:44
Sysi400mhz sounds more like Lubuntu, depending about RAM11:45
Dracariin both Macs11:46
Balsaqpuppy runs fast on 400mgz...i have one11:46
Sysiso much, xub propably runs fine11:47
DracariBalsaq: im more use dto *ubuntu as it dual boots w/ my pcs and is now my Webserver's OS11:48
Balsaqi ran ubuntu on my400mgz machine for awhile...iwas pretty good11:49
Balsaqi like xubuntu the best of all of them no doubt11:49
Dracarii even use a special xUbuntu (not to be confuse dfor Xubuntu[Xfce ubuntu] but is Xbox Ubuntu) fo rmy Xbox 111:50
_Techie_wow, somebody talking about both xUbuntu and Xubuntu PPC11:51
Dracariwhere i should be using actually puppy or DSL for it since teh Xbox 1 only has 64MB Ram11:51
_Techie_Dracari, you running xUbuntu via a xbe loader or have you installed it with a cromwell bios?11:52
Dracarixbe loader but Fully dedicated HDD11:52
Dracarias teh xbox is Softmodded11:52
_Techie_i see11:53
_Techie_ive got a dualmodded xbox11:53
Dracariand i dont trust myself to tsop flash11:53
_Techie_its softmodded and hardmodded11:53
=== ardian is now known as ardian_hacklab
zebra5anyone here ?14:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:32
zebra5I need help with setting same resolution GDM login screen as my default desktop resolution (1680x1050).14:34
zebra5My setup is a laptop attached to a 22'' TFT, laptop lid is closed and its lcd is off.14:34
zebra5second Q. i don't have a xorg.conf in /etc/X11 - should i manually run sudo Xorg -configure ?14:37
zebra5and copy xorg.conf to /etc/X11/14:40
geniiIt would be called xorg.conf.new but basically yes15:15
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=== xubuntu635 is now known as hum_bak
clutchIn my previous xubuntu install, sound was fine.  Now I have formatted and done a minimal cli install + fluxbox and sound doesn't work.  Installed alsa-utils, alsa-tools, alsa-base, linux-sound-base, nothing.18:50
clutchAll channels in alsamixer are unmuted and turned up18:50
TheSheepclutch: how do you check if the sound works?19:18
TheSheepclutch: because mp3's won't work on fresh install19:19
sn0mandid you install the restricted extra's?19:20
clutchTheSheep: youtube videos19:32
clutchwasn't sure if there is a sound test or anything19:32
TheSheepyou'd still need the codec installed, I think19:33
clutchinstalling restricted extras for the hell of it right now...19:33
TheSheepthere used to be some example content installed that didn't need restricted codecs19:34
TheSheepsome Aesop's fable I think19:34
clutchI used a minimal iso and just installed the CLI version, so no example content here19:34
clutchtrying to kind of build from the ground up for an old laptop that I need to use everyday19:34
clutchhlysht there're a lot of restricted extras...64.8mb19:35
clutchso many fonts too lol19:37
clutchnope, still nothing.  wtf19:38
clutchI must be missing some package somewhere or something19:38
=== Noob_Saibot is now known as SoniC
SoniCcome si fa a mettere le addon su xchat19:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:59
=== nikolam_ is now known as ninkolam
Aquinasudo find / -xdef -xtype f -print | grep "konsole" > /home/denton/Download/scanresult.txt 2>&122:04
Aquinafind: ungültige Option `-xdef'22:04
Aquina(means: find: invalid option `-xdef')22:05
AquinaCan someone help me, please?22:05
Arpad2the upper and lower trays on my desktop have disappeared, is there a renedy for thid?22:16
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/22:16
Arpad2thats the pro term, thanks:)22:17
Arpad2i heve them back now , thanks ubottu!:)22:19
AquinaCan someone tell me why "-xdef" is declared as an invalid option of find?22:31
subspiderhello everyone22:42
subspiderlong time no see22:42
=== __Techie__ is now known as _Techie_

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