
neckrosuna pregunta, primera vez que enseño informatica a niños de primaria y secundaria, quisiera ver si me orienta para darles clases a estos grupos02:58
neckrosya llevan un avance pero me he encontrado con algunos que no conocen bien el teclado03:00
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* bencrisford is a little bit worried about the cloud of volcanic ash making its way across the UK10:21
bencrisfordall flights have been grounded :/10:21
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=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
mhall119i heard that on the radio this morning14:10
mhall119bencrisford: class on bug fixing/packaging with bzr going on in #ubuntu-meeting16:25
mhall119that one ^16:25
bencrisfordmhall119: awesome :), i might just go to that16:26
bencrisfordty :)16:26
mhall119it's half-way through now16:28
mhall119I just noticed it16:28
bencrisfordmhall119: ok, im playing around with sabayon atm (first time ive used it since i re-installed), its come a long way16:30
bencrisfordim sort of in the class too though16:30
bencrisfordhmm, i might just grab the logs later16:33
highvoltagebencrisford: hey17:12
highvoltagebencrisford: did you fix the dia menu bug? because I see it in my menus17:13
bencrisfordhighvoltage: it was qcad :/17:13
highvoltageoh right, d'oh17:13
* highvoltage discovers that we ship an entire kde session!17:13
bencrisfordnah, i was planning to have another look last night17:13
bencrisfordat the bug i mean17:14
bencrisfordbut it got to 1am and i was SO tired17:14
bencrisfordtoo much caffeine not enough sleep17:14
highvoltageheh, np17:14
bencrisfordits not exactly a serious bug17:14
highvoltageI was just surprised... (and obviously a bit confused)17:14
* bencrisford has been playing with sabayon for about an hour17:15
bencrisfordive set up my edu install like a school machine, with 2 users a teacher and an admin17:15
bencrisfordim having trouble making it un-hackable though :P17:15
bencrisfordi keep changing the students settings in sabayon, then testing it and finding there are still flaws!17:16
bencrisfordi dont know if its just because i know edubuntu well, or whether its that i dont know sabayon well enough17:16
bencrisfordim on the student account now :P and i thought i had stopped them going on pidgin17:17
bencrisfordapparently not :P17:17
bencrisfordhighvoltage: you've all done a great job with edubuntu lucid btw though17:22
highvoltagebencrisford: have you tried it out?17:39
bencrisfordhighvoltage: on it right now :D17:39
highvoltagebencrisford: cool :)17:40
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i might start spending more time on it, so i can work on edu bugs properly if necessary17:40
joergsbalneav, hey, are you there? got an ldap question ;)18:35
mhall119highvoltage: do you know if the bugfix for qimo-session is going to make it in?18:48
highvoltagemhall119: I guess you'll have to ask someone in the release team, if you filed the FFe and subscribed them then there's a reasonable chance20:24
highvoltageit might even be in already, have you checked?20:24
mhall119highvoltage: it's showing at -ubuntu2 in apt-cache,but the fix doesn't seem to be there20:36
highvoltagemhall119: which one isn't showing? just so that I can check here on what I uploaded20:37
mhall119in qimo-session20:37
mhall119still has $DGMSESSION instead of $GDMSESSION20:38
mhall119http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44060512/ubuntu2.patch at the bottom20:38
highvoltageI'll paste you the one I have in pvt20:39

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