
txwikingerOh.. Stanley Cup playouff are starting00:03
blueyedstarshiptrooper: might help: http://wiki.debian.org/DpkgConffileHandling00:16
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ryanakcaHmmm... can anybody confirm having difficulty unlocking a disk at boot with plymouth?02:08
ryanakcaAt first I thought it was my imagination, but it is happening often enough for me to think there's an issue. I can usually unlock a disk on the first try if I boot in rescue mode (and enter my passphrase without it going through a plymouth theme). But if I boot normally, it takes me 6-7 tries.02:08
ScottKryanakca: I'd ask in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-devel02:28
ScottKI don't think Plymouth would affect it, but I don't really know.02:28
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jjesse-netbookScottK: question on netbook, dont know if this is something different on my netbook or a decision but the top bar (dont know what is called) with the minimize, close, maximize is missing02:33
ScottKjjesse-netbook: By design to maximize vertical space.02:33
ScottKjjesse-netbook: On the right end of the panel, there's a app control that effectively replaces that.02:34
jjesse-netbooktook me awhile to figure out that app control :)02:35
JontheEchidnaamichair: yeah, just forgot to upload. ;)02:39
JontheEchidnadoing that right now02:39
ScottKJontheEchidna: What are you uploading?02:39
JontheEchidnaScottK: kubuntu-notification-helper02:39
ScottKAh, OK.02:39
ryanakcaScottK: tHANKS02:40
CIA-6[kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas (The man) <echidnaman@gmail.com> * echidnaman@gmail.com-20100415014011-fqro6kwh3xtos899 * src/daemon/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Correctify iterators for stability and optimization02:40
JontheEchidnaamichair: uploaded, thanks02:41
JontheEchidnaI do have a patch for kde4libs02:42
JontheEchidnaanybody else have anything for kde4libs?02:42
JontheEchidna(mine is to fix: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=227117 )02:42
ubottuKDE bug 227117 in kdecore "Further attempts to authenticate fail if one closes the dialog after a wrong password" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]02:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: You might grab Debian's package and pull in their debian/copyright updates.02:43
JontheEchidnagood idea02:44
* ScottK already did that for -runtime and -workspace.02:47
ScottKand if you see anything else in the package we clearly want02:47
jjesse-netbookhrmm ok wierd question how do i renable compositing if i dont have an f12?02:51
ScottKjjesse-netbook: system settings02:53
ScottKDesktop -> Desktop Effects02:54
JontheEchidnawhew, got the upload in seconds before freeze was announced in #ubuntu-devel :D02:58
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Beta 2 Released!, Final freeze in effect | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
jjesse-netbookhrmm didn03:02
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nixternaloh man I am exhausted03:02
nixternalI trained for 6 hours today03:03
nixternalin the saddle for 6 hours....talk about sore ass03:03
ScottKJontheEchidna scores the second package in the freeze queue.03:04
JontheEchidnaaww, didn't make it :(03:04
nixternalsomeone is going to have to figure out how to import and package the translations for kubuntu-docs fyi...i can't do it, not even going to try to be honest03:04
nixternalor, just leave it, and not ship translations with lucid, but release them afterwards03:04
nixternalI might have a new computer sometime this year03:05
* nixternal wonders why he is even online as he is absolutely useless03:05
jjesse-netbookwaiting for your insurance to get you a new computer?03:06
nixternalnot gonna happen03:07
nixternalwait until i have some money to spend on a puter...hopefully sometime this year, would be nice03:08
jjesse-netbookgood luck03:08
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.03:08
jjesse-netbookhrmm wish i knew the process for importing and packaging the translations for kubuntudocs03:09
jjesse-netbookcan someone help?03:09
nixternali think i am the only one who has done them since 200503:09
nixternalbefore me, it was mdke doing them03:10
jjesse-netbookcan you send mdke an emaiL?03:10
nixternalpoke him on irc03:10
persianixternal: Do you have the process available, but just not the computing power, or do you lack the process as well?03:10
nixternalthough i doubt mdke will even have time for them03:11
nixternalpersia: the process actually needs to be created and played with, though hopefully with dpm rocking lp and translations it should be smoother...and yes, I have 0 computing power03:11
persiaOh :(  I have spare CPU cycles, but not time.03:12
nixternalin the past our translations from LP were such shit that you had to wing the process03:12
jjesse-netbooknow they are slightly better shit03:12
jjesse-netbookinstead of total shit03:12
nixternalyeah, i am probably going to be lacking the time as well....i think i am going to start concentrating on cycling more so than open source contributions03:13
persiaGiven your available CPU cycles, I think that makes sense :)03:13
jjesse-netbook hrmm03:13
jjesse-netbookyeah i guess it does03:13
nixternalthat it does, perfect timing I guess03:13
nixternalhow much EPO do I have to take to become powerful like Lance?03:14
jjesse-netbookmore then you can afford?03:14
nixternalhaha, so true03:14
nixternalplus with piss tests all of the time, I wouldn't even think about it03:15
nixternalSpeed: 9.88 (mi/hr) (avg)    37.01 (mi/hr) (max)03:18
nixternalhills rock!03:18
nixternalthough slow as hill avg, and 37.01 max, sitting up, not even pedaling03:18
nixternalIf I pedaled, I would have been doing about 60mph, maybe a bit more03:19
txwikingerHey nixternal03:31
txwikinger60mph.. where you going down a mountain?03:32
nixternaljust a hill, and a hill htat is actually close to my house that I didn't even know about03:33
nixternaltime trials on sunday, I was doing 43MPH on flats just pedaling03:33
nixternalI can't keep that though, but I can get up to 40MPH quickly, but as soon as I do, I am damn near dead03:34
txwikingerwell. you hit the wall03:34
txwikingerbicycling is about oxygen03:35
txwikingerLance is so good because he has such a big lung volumn03:35
txwikingernixternal: Does EPO enlarge your lungs?03:35
txwikingerand heart volumn too actually03:36
ScottKEPO enhances the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood.03:37
ScottKSo it has parallel effects.03:38
nixternalincreaces your VO2Max03:38
nixternalthat's because lance is a doper03:38
txwikinger43mph is quite high... even the peloton is not doing that03:39
nixternaldepends....the peloton can hit up to 60mph on a rapid burst of accelleration03:39
ScottKJontheEchidna: You still win.  KNH was the last pre-freeze upload.03:42
ScottKMy closest one was 10th to last.03:44
ScottKDapper has had ~53K uploads in it's lifetime.  Lucid is already over 115K.03:46
nixternalmeasure twice, cut once03:47
nixternalto bad nobody thinks about that when packaging03:47
persiaWhere is that number from?03:55
ScottKpersia: Number of results listed on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=3&queue_text=03:57
ScottK(and the similar page for Dapper)03:57
imbrandonScottK: i wonder would the -changes email archive say the same thing, seems like the same info04:10
imbrandonjust pre-parsed04:10
ScottKProbably.  I just happened to be on the LP page and noticed.04:11
imbrandonhehe yea04:11
imbrandoni wonder if seveas still runs the rss versions of the -changes email list04:11
imbrandonmight be someting to intergrate ( or re-write ) for ubuntuwire , hum , maybe a weekend project04:12
ScottKI think so.04:12
ScottKimbrandon: Universe is still open for fixing.  Please go fix me some FTBFS.04:12
imbrandonthose were nice when i used them, better than the ML imho04:12
imbrandonsure thing ScottK , and i can actualy upload those changes LOL04:13
imbrandonactualy i'm finishing a late dinner then i planed on some bug squishing, if you have any specific pet peeves lemme know i'll get to them in the next hour(s) , no RL work till next monday so i got lots of time next few days04:14
ScottKimbrandon: Pleanty of choices in /topic of #ubuntu-motu04:16
imbrandonohh also i ment to ask you the other night, a kind word or three on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BrandonHoltsclaw in the endorsement section, not sure if i'll need them for a renew but dosent hurt04:16
imbrandon:) ok lemme scarf down the food, brb04:17
imbrandonmain is solid frozen correct ?04:19
imbrandon( food down btw , not that any care )04:19
ScottKReasonably solid.04:20
ScottKIf there's critical bug fixes, put them in queue and they'll be reviewed.04:20
ScottKThere's still time between RC and Final for Main stuff to get in.04:20
imbrandonyea i dident have anything in mind, just makin sure i was clear04:21
ScottKimbrandon: You should probably update your wiki page and talk about your return before I add an endorsement04:22
imbrandonyea i actualy have that in draft, need to finalize it, will do and ping ya again04:23
* ScottK nods04:23
imbrandoni picked up a sweet dual quad core intel ( 8 cores total ) and 16gb ram  mac pro today VERY cheap04:25
imbrandonthats gonna make a NICE build / dev machine when i get it setup04:25
imbrandoncheap == less than $200 USD04:26
imbrandonno harddrives or video card, but those are reasonable04:26
nixternalpfft, my netbook will run circles around it04:27
imbrandonheya nix04:27
imbrandonnix, yea it came from a firedamage sale, banged up case but other than that , wow, sweet machine04:28
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nixternalthat's where my money is going currently04:32
ScottKYou use money in Chicago?  I thought you just exchanged favors with gangsters.04:33
* ScottK casually notes that billing for 18 hours instead of 81 is not a good plan.04:35
nixternalganstahs don't cycle though, otherwise that would be a different story...and they don't know which train this stuff comes in on, so they can't jack a train04:36
imbrandonpkgstriptranslations: The following PO/POT files are empty04:43
ScottKstarshiptrooper is our translations expert and he loves it when I say that.04:45
imbrandonyea these are just ftb because of empty po{,t} files04:50
imbrandonlow hanging fruit04:50
imbrandonbut easy to miss beacuse it will build in a normal pbuilder04:50
imbrandonthe next question is do i make a patch, just rm the .po files or use a debian/*.pre* file04:53
imbrandon( thats retorical btw incase someone misintriprets that )04:56
ScottKGood night all.05:12
macovalorie: crimsun was giving a talk called "Making Ubuntu Audio Not Suck" at CALUG, and i was attending it when you pinged05:13
imbrandongnight ScottK05:13
NCommanderScottK: OOo on ARM is building, we should hopefuly have it fixed06:02
Tm_TNCommander: we'll see it in couple days06:22
NCommanderTm_T: if it fails to build, we'll have to unseed OOo from kubuntu-netbook on ARM06:22
Tm_Tnot good, I guess06:26
valoriehey maco06:48
valorieI went off to hang out with my daddy for awhile06:48
dpmhey all, could someone tell me which is the source package for the application to change languages in Kubuntu? I've filed bug 563259 against language-selector, but I'm not sure it is the right package09:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563259 in language-selector "Language selector shows duplicate language names in Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56325909:19
amichairJontheEchidna: Thanks.09:51
amichairJontheEchidna: Although, I don't see the merge mentioned in lp (neither in branch nor trunk) - ?09:56
ofirkamichair: are you still working on ubiquity?10:06
amichairofirk: I don't have much free time this week, but trying to fix things here and there10:07
ofirkamichair: last week I translated the whole ubiquity slideshow. I wanted to finalize the translation for the installer itself but I can't find its entry in Rosseta10:08
ofirkamichair: do you know where the translation files are?10:08
dpmofirk, the installer is ubiquity-debconf and debian-installer, but today is NonLanguagePackDeadline, so I think you won't have more time to translate them10:09
amichairofirk: I'm actually not familiar with the translations procedures10:10
dpmofirk, if you go to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu and you click on your language, on the next page you'll see the translations I was mentioning10:11
ofirkdpm: what a bummer. thanks anyway amichair!10:11
ofirkdpm: if I translate it now, will it be included in the final release?10:11
amichairdpm: all translations frozen till release? till RC release?10:11
dpmamichair, not all translations. We've got two deadlines: NonLanguagePackDeadline (today) and LanguagePackDeadline (on the 22nd). The one today affects those things that go into the LiveCD (e.g. the installer) or documentation, in short, things that cannot go into the language packs. For all the rest, there is time until the 22nd10:13
amichairdpm: are exceptions possible? for example, if the entire slideshow is not translated at all and ofirk has a translation... pretty important to include, no? is there breakage danger in updating translations?10:14
ofirkamichair: the slideshow was translated last week. in launchpad. so I guess it *will* be included.10:16
ofirkamichair: it also seems that the entire installer is translated, so I guess all the translation work is done for ubiquity10:16
dpmamichair, there is no risk in breaking translations with exceptions (well, there is always the possibility to do something really wrong :), but if the exception is granted is up to the developers. Basically, everyone is busy getting the release ready, and the deadlines were well known since the start of the cycle10:19
dpmbut as ofirk says, it seems you should be fine with the installer translations and the slideshow :)10:20
amichairdpm: ah, so it's just a work overhead issue at this point10:21
dpmyes :)10:21
dpmofirk, amichair, in the future, I'd recommend you to subscribe to ubuntu-translators if you are doing translations and want to be kept up-to-date10:21
amichairofirk: I think I misunderstood then, I thought u had just finished translations and wanted to upload them or something - if it's all in already, that's great :-)10:22
amichairdpm: thanks for clarifying :-)10:22
dpmno worries :)10:22
ofirkdpm: yes, thanks :)10:22
amichairdpm: What, me worry? :-)10:25
ofirkamichair: what exactly you do on ubiquity? RTL support?10:26
amichairofirk: nope, started off with lower hanging fruit - progress bars, alignment, usability/display issues (on the code side, not translations), then into more critical milestone bugs (things slow/stuck etc.)10:27
amichairofirk: I did notice the front/back arrow buttons are reversed in RTL, but that's of lower priority10:28
amichairofirk: or rather, not reversed as they should be :-)10:28
ofirkamichair: yes :)10:29
ofirkamichair: actually there are other issues. I don't know if they are artwork related...10:30
ofirkamichair: anyway, is there anyone who works on RTL issues?10:31
amichairofirk: so u can open bugs on them if they don't exist, and/or discuss with shtylman. btw, I recently discovered the dedicated #ubuntu-installer channel for it!10:31
ofirkamichair: wow. ubuntu has a lot of channels O_O10:32
amichairyeah, I keep discovering more of them :-)10:32
ofirkamichair: are you an Hebrew speaker?10:33
amichairofirk: yep10:34
ofirkamichair: its nice to see there are more members from Israel10:35
lex79starshiptrooper: last quassel doesn't start, it crashes every time you try to start10:41
starshiptrooperlex79: quassel or the core?10:41
starshiptrooperlex79: client or mono?10:42
starshiptrooperlex79: qt4 or kde4?10:42
lex79starshiptrooper: I've installed quassel and quassel-data10:42
starshiptrooperlex79: also, yesterday we noticed that the xscreensaver upload did not strip the desktop file, whereas everything in /etc by defautl a conffile and hence not removed on its own10:43
lex79I saw your changes ;)10:44
starshiptrooperwhich I now, that I see the wiki page, remember to have stumbled across quite some time ago10:44
* starshiptrooper shall not forget that again10:44
lex79starshiptrooper: so the question is when we drop a file in /etc the preinst script is required, right?10:45
starshiptrooperlex79: http://wiki.debian.org/DpkgConffileHandling10:45
amichairofirk: yeah, most I think are us/uk/de/au/(fi?), but il also has some contributors :-)10:47
ofirkamichair: are you a member in ubuntu-il.com?10:48
amichairofirk: I'm not a member of anything officially... I just fix things that need fixing ;-)10:48
amichairofirk: plus I haven't seen that much kubuntu in those parts, mostly ubuntu or offtopic :-(10:52
ofirkamichair: yes, you are right10:53
ofirkamichair: I am a member there, actually a not active member ;)10:53
Tonio__Riddell: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23315910:55
ubottuKDE bug 233159 in general "rekonq addressbar (url bar) has encoding problems (e g non-latin letters)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:55
Tonio__Riddell: there is a working patch for this one, which I can confirm....10:55
Tonio__Riddell: still possible for a late upload ?10:56
RiddellTonio__: should be possible yes10:57
Tonio__Riddell: ok10:58
starshiptrooperRiddell: are langpacks built alread?10:59
starshiptrooperRiddell: can I fix bug 563591 real quick? ^^10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563591 in kdebase-workspace "systemsettings disapeared from kmenu after yesterday update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56359110:59
RiddellI don't actually see an e-mail from slangasek about being frozen, maybe we aren't yet11:00
Riddelldpm will know about langpacks11:00
starshiptrooperdpm: ping ping11:00
starshiptrooperRiddell: Ill just upload and see if something explodes :)11:01
dpmstarshiptrooper, hi hi!11:01
starshiptrooperdpm: are final langpacks already built?11:01
starshiptrooperdpm: or a more particular question: can you drop a mail to ubuntu-devel AND/OR kubuuntu-devel once the packs are done?11:02
dpmstarshiptrooper, the final language packs will be built on the 22nd, at LanguagePackDeadline (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule)11:02
starshiptrooperdpm: ok, cool11:02
dpmstarshiptrooper, sure, I can send an e-mail to both11:02
* starshiptrooper would like to avoid last minute fixes this time round :/11:02
starshiptrooperdpm: perfect thanks :)11:02
dpmnp :)11:03
dpmRiddell, would you know the answer to my question earlier? -> <dpm> hey all, could someone tell me which is the source package for the application to change languages in Kubuntu? I've filed bug 563259 against language-selector, but I'm not sure it is the right package11:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563259 in language-selector "Language selector shows duplicate language names in Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56325911:03
starshiptrooperdpm: kdebase-runtime11:04
starshiptrooperthat is upstream's interface which changes the language for the current user11:04
dpmstarshiptrooper, a, thanks, I'll open a task for that, then. I would have thought that there'd be a more specific package for that11:05
lex79Riddell: kdevelop is not in lucid archive, we have only kdevplatform beta, what we have to do?11:05
Riddelllex79: kdevelop doesn't have a stable version, it's not ment to be in the archive11:06
Riddellkdevplatform needs to be removed11:06
starshiptrooperdpm: please assign to me while you are at it :)11:06
Riddellthey should both be in beta PPA11:07
dpmstarshiptrooper, alrighty11:07
lex79Riddell: but at least we should have kdevelop kde3 in the archive, no?11:07
Tonio__Riddell: I won't be able to fix... changes fromstable version are too big and the patch doesn't fit11:07
Riddelllex79: too much bit rot there.  I've discussed it with upstream ages ago and their preferred way is to have it in PPAs11:08
lex79oh ok11:09
CIA-6[kubuntu-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415101052-5wrhb2v2kwhdgtz7 * (6 files in 5 dirs) releasing version 1:10.04ubuntu2211:10
Riddellquassel 0.6~rc1+git100331-0ubuntu1 produces uninstallable binaries:                                                                             * quassel (amd64)11:13
* starshiptrooper doesnt have amd64 to test11:14
starshiptrooperlex79: quassel doesnt crash here, maybe you should turn off apport and get a backtrace11:14
jussiooh, whats the issue with quassel?11:16
lex790.6.0 doesn't start, it crashes11:16
* jussi prod at ScottK, wondering if he is awake yet.11:16
jussiSput: you about?11:16
starshiptrooperthe only change was that we made the -data package carry a link from the KDE 4 data to Qt 4 data dir11:17
starshiptrooperand fix a lintian warning in init11:17
* starshiptrooper doesnt see how either of those would cause the problem and suspects a bug upstream11:18
starshiptrooperbut you never know11:18
* starshiptrooper hates bugs11:18
lex79I try now11:18
lex79starshiptrooper: http://pastebin.ca/186159711:22
lex79ops maybe I don't have dbg installed11:23
starshiptrooperdrkonqi tells you that I think ^^11:23
starshiptrooperJontheEchidna: I would imagine adding a lot of window exceptions for that dont-blend-with-gtk-shiz will have a performance downside11:29
starshiptrooperat least on startup kwin needs to walk through each rule and check if it matches11:30
* starshiptrooper now has a cataln interface :D11:31
lex79starshiptrooper: I installed manually dbg package since I have this error: http://imagebin.ca/view/v5Ciz6M.html11:32
lex79btw the backtrace is here: http://pastebin.ca/186161511:33
* starshiptrooper is wondering if that dialog was not supposed to ahve a details button11:33
starshiptrooperoh well11:33
starshiptrooperlex79: what backtracey do you get11:33
starshiptrooperdpm: can you please run locate entry.desktop ... I fail to reproduce that  bug of yours11:34
lex79this http://pastebin.ca/186161511:34
=== starshiptrooper changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Beta 2 Released!, Waiting for Final freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
starshiptrooperlex79: that is with quassel-dbg?11:35
lex79yes :(11:35
starshiptrooperdid you reload the bt after installing it?11:35
lex79I start quassel with dbg package installed11:36
starshiptrooperme: ping11:36
starshiptrooperme: crash11:36
starshiptrooperme: now!11:36
mestarshiptrooper: idiot!11:36
dpmstarshiptrooper, unfortunately I was not the one experiencing it, I just filed it for Pau, the guy replying in the comments, and I'm on my Ubuntu system now. I think the best thing might be to ask him in the bug report to provide that info. In the meantime, I can try to reproduce it on a virtual machine.11:36
starshiptrooperdpm: to me that looks like he got kde-l10n from debian installed, since that specific button gets filled from entry.desktop in the local search paths, so the only way how this can appear is IMHO when you get a mixture of our's and upstream's11:38
starshiptrooperwhich either means that kde-l10n-FOO is from one of our backport ppas (incredibly unlikely) or that the kde-l10n-FOO does not come from us at all11:38
dpmstarshiptrooper, he's been testing the Catalan Valencian translations. He must have installed kde-l10n-ca and kde-l10n-ca-valencia. I noticed that somehow kde-l10n-ca-valencia is in universe. Could that be the problem? Would it be possible to promote kde-l10n-ca-valencia to main? (it is as well maintained as the -ca version)11:41
Guest34932lex79: I really cant reproduce you crash .. are you on i386?11:41
Guest34932dpm: are the other kde-l10n packages in main?11:42
* Guest34932 looks11:42
Guest34932wrong window ^^11:42
Guest34932starshiptrooper: kill me11:42
starshiptrooperGuest34932: certainly11:42
dpmGuest34932, starshiptrooper, yes :)11:42
starshiptrooperlex79: Riddell posted a statement that quassel on amd64 is uninstallable or something?11:43
starshiptrooperRiddell: can you please promote kde-l10n-ca-valencia to main?11:43
starshiptrooperdpm: I doubt that is the issue though11:43
lex79I can upgrade quassel from rc1 to 0.6.0 and I can install it. There is no problem here for installation11:43
ScottKIf it's on amd64, I suspect it's not built yet.11:44
ScottKamd64 was way behind i386 building last I looked11:44
starshiptrooperlex79: are you on 0.6.0?11:44
lex79no, now I'm on rc1, 0.6.0 crashes11:44
starshiptrooperI mean11:44
starshiptroopercan you upgrade quassel to 0.6.011:45
starshiptrooperor only -data11:45
starshiptrooperare you a 100% positive on this? :P11:45
lex79nope, amd64 is built https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quassel/0.6.0-0ubuntu1/+build/169144311:45
lex79-data is all arch and is built11:46
starshiptrooperlex79: please strace -f quassel11:46
ScottK0.6.0 works fine here on i386, FYI.11:47
starshiptrooperhere too11:47
starshiptrooperdpm: reproduced11:47
dpmstarshiptrooper, ahhh, "nice"11:48
starshiptrooperwhat is nice about a  but? :P11:48
* starshiptrooper thinks KDE needs a kcm naming policy11:49
starshiptrooperyeah, exactly the problem I expected11:51
starshiptrooperjust that so it would see at least11:51
lex79starshiptrooper: strace -f quassel > strace is right ?11:51
starshiptrooperlex79: strace -f -o output.txt quassel11:52
* ScottK decides to leave the fate of Kubuntu in starshiptrooper's capable hands and naps.11:52
starshiptrooperRiddell: bug 563259 ... duplicated entries in kde's langauge dropdown becuase kde-l10n AND the langpacks ship the entry.desktop file - as solution I'd propose to drop the desktop file from the kde-l10n-* packages11:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563259 in language-selector "Language selector shows duplicate language names in Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56325911:53
lex79well output.txt is 10 MB11:55
starshiptrooperlex79: lzma -9 output.txt11:58
starshiptrooperthen ship it off to me11:58
lex79starshiptrooper: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/394059/output.txt.lzma11:59
Riddellstarshiptrooper: I'd agree on that solution, do you know if this is a new problem or has always been there?12:00
starshiptrooperRiddell: new since before we did not install kde-l10n-* via langauge-selector12:01
Riddellstarshiptrooper: kde-l10n-ca-valencia in main12:01
starshiptrooperRiddell: additionally there is another problem with translations it seems... the entry.desktop from langpack lacks translations12:01
Riddellquassel seems to install fine on amd64, must have been a temporary problem at the time the CDs were made12:02
starshiptrooperwhich is in fact how this duplication occurs to begin with, because if they both had the same translations they would cascade12:02
starshiptrooperwhich is unfortuantely no the case righ tnow12:02
Riddellquassel does however crash on running :)12:03
Riddellagateau: have you seen the kmail unread font issue?  people are saying it's too small12:03
agateauRiddell: no12:04
agateauRiddell: bug number?12:04
starshiptrooperoh oh oh12:04
starshiptrooperRiddell: lex79 gets a crash too, on i386 it works perfectly fine though12:04
agateauRiddell: my connection is going to be unstable for the next minutes12:04
starshiptrooperRiddell: also, I must correct myself, the langpack entry.desktop files contain translations, while the kde-l10n packages do not (thanks ot pkgbinarymangler I suppose), so the way to go is indeed strip the entry.desktop from kde-l10n12:05
* starshiptrooper will fix in a bit12:05
lex79agateau: there is no open bug in LP, see this: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktoppz1586-jpg.jpg12:05
starshiptrooperlex79, Riddell: does quassel work with a new account?12:06
starshiptrooperlex79, Riddell: if that gets answered with no - does quassel work if you remove /usr/share/apps/quassel?12:07
starshiptrooperlex79, Riddell: if that gets answered with no as well -> upstream bug12:07
starshiptrooperor maybe someone broke something in that recent Qt upload ;)12:08
lex79I have to try12:08
test2quassel does seem to work with a new account yes12:09
starshiptrooperRiddell: are the entry.desktop files from the langpacks in anyway related to kde-l10n-* ... i.e. is there regression potential?12:09
Riddellstarshiptrooper: yes they come into langpack-o-matic using the script update-kde-tars12:10
Riddellwhich grabs them from kde-l10n-xx12:11
starshiptrooperRiddell: but from the source?12:11
* starshiptrooper would strip the entry.desktop via rules in kde-l10n at build time as to avoid problems12:12
lex79it says "Disconnected from core" with a new account12:12
lex79I tried to remove /usr/share/apps/quassel but I've the same issue12:13
starshiptrooperlex79: is libqt4-sqlite or what it's called installed?12:14
lex79starshiptrooper: libqt4-sql-sqllite is installed12:15
Tm_Tpsql <312:16
starshiptrooperlex79: ask in #quassel12:17
starshiptrooperI do not think that is a kubuntu issue12:17
Riddellagateau: I don't think there's a bug number for the kmail icon issue but the text is said to be too small12:21
Riddellagateau: http://imagebin.ca/view/437HGcC.html12:21
agateauRiddell: going to have a look at it this afternoon12:29
slacker_nlwat is tc1 en 2 trouwens? as in, science park?12:30
slacker_nlwrong chan12:30
dpmstarshiptrooper, Riddell, another question on the ca@valencia translations. I've filed bug 563755 against the language pack, but I'm not sure I should add a task for the kde packaging side (kde-l10n-ca or some other one?). I still don't understand whether this is a problem in importing the translations or in exporting them (lang-pack-o-matic)12:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563755 in language-pack-kde-ca-base "Missing ca@valencia translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56375512:52
Riddelldpm: it could be because it was in universe until just now12:52
Riddelldpm: I'll upload it now since it's been moved to main12:53
starshiptrooperRiddell: nah12:53
starshiptrooperRiddell: I have a bug fix in chain12:53
starshiptroopergotta upload in a bit anyway :)12:53
Riddellstarshiptrooper: ok12:53
CIA-6[kde-l10n-common] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415115451-r10opx3750f4bpbm * debian/ (changelog rules upload-l10n.sh) Strip entry.desktop file to prevent duplication in KDE's various locale listings, most importantly the locale selection button LP: #44673912:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446739 in kde-l10n-ca-valencia "duplicated language on kde systemsettings" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44673912:54
dpmRiddell, ah, thanks.12:55
CIA-6[kde-l10n-common] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415115838-kkmxjk3s1agdpk0k * debian/changelog Reupload so that ca@valencia gets imported properly, now that it is in main LP: #56375512:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563755 in language-pack-kde-ca-base "Missing ca@valencia translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56375512:58
dpmman, I call that speed bug fixing!12:59
starshiptrooperdpm: if only kde svn was as fast13:04
starshiptrooperbuilding the sources of kde-l10n-foo takes forever13:05
starshiptrooperRiddell: pkg-kde-tools savety update waiting for approval13:07
starshiptrooperbtw :)13:07
* starshiptrooper forgot all about that after beta freeze13:07
Sputfwiw, yours are the first and so far only reports of quassel crashing on startup, it seems to be working fine for everyone else :/13:35
Sputif anyone can get me a backtrace with usable symbols, that would be a great help13:35
starshiptrooperSput: it also only happens on amd64 with existing profiles13:43
starshiptrooperI really dont know what to make of this13:43
Sputwell, get me a backtrace!13:43
starshiptrooperSput: also, what do you think about what lex79 posted?13:43
starshiptrooperthat quassel is using psql13:43
Sputthe sqlite error has just been fixed13:43
starshiptrooperRiddell: can you try getting a backtrace of that quassel crash?13:43
Sputlex79: please apply http://git.quassel-irc.org/?p=quassel.git;a=commit;h=ea54ad388ad71169d16ef0a08488fa4972b526f1 and see if it fixes the startup problem13:44
lex79starshiptrooper: something is wrong in the package, in dbg13:44
lex79Sput: ok13:44
lex79uhm uhm13:45
starshiptrooperScottK: I think that qt4 shiz is messing up the dbg symbols13:45
* ScottK wonders if the -dbgsym are any better.13:45
starshiptrooperprolly not13:45
starshiptrooperScottK: how is the qt4 stuff done?13:45
starshiptrooperbuild without kde - package - build with kde - package?13:46
starshiptrooperif so then we need two dbg packages13:46
ScottKSomething like that.13:46
ScottKSome magincal debhelper thing that LucidFox came up with13:46
ScottKProbably (two -dbg)13:46
CIA-6[kde-l10n-common] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415125207-pyugpwr477dbzxhl * debian/build-l10n.sh Add savety net to prevent me from wiping a ready to upload build dir... :/13:53
starshiptrooperScottK: what it does is invoke the main build commands twice13:55
starshiptroopersince cmake does proper out-of-source it just creates a second build dir in debian/build-qt413:55
* starshiptrooper finds that name a bit distrubing though :P13:55
starshiptrooperthat is a bit ewww TBH13:56
* starshiptrooper starts poking the cmake documentation13:57
alScottK: yea, -dbgsym seems to work13:59
starshiptrooperSput: do you happen to know whether we can get cmake to dump debug shiz in seperated files?14:00
Sputno idea14:01
starshiptrooperah aha ah14:01
* starshiptrooper maybe has a solution to propper dbg stripping14:01
macoany of you ever seen "cups-missing-filter" as a printer status error message?14:05
macoi cant print my tax forms :(14:05
maco(i googled and got an old "fix released" bug report from 2007)14:08
macobut this just started happening for me on lucid (and that bug report was about apparmor permissions)14:08
starshiptrooperkubotu: np14:09
kubotustarshiptrooper listened to "Autioitu 2" by Ilpo Väisänen [Asuma, 2000] 4 years ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/6nsR3mugj1oWDUKFCAJFCk] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/starshiptrooper for more14:09
starshiptrooperkubotu: np apachelogger14:09
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Attacked By Snakes!" by The Aquabats! -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more14:09
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
ScottKmaco: No.  I don't recall that one, but my HP printers pretty much just work.14:10
macoScottK: it's an hp. it was working as of sunday14:11
starshiptrooperthis takes forever14:15
macoScottK: do you have the hp-check command available on your machine? i'm getting a not found on it, though the hplip package is installed14:15
tseliotmaco, ScottK: do you know if kde sets default values for tapping and scrolling for touchpads? If so, what values do you have by default? (xinput list-props "your touchpad name" should tell you)14:16
macotseliot: how do we know our touchpad names?14:17
macocan i call mine sally?14:18
tseliotmaco: "xinput list" should show you that14:18
ScottKmaco: I have it in Karmic, but not Lucid.14:18
tseliotSally would be fine for a touchpad too, I guess :-P14:18
lex79Sput: quassel still doesn't start with your patch and I don't have a backtrace14:18
ScottKtseliot: The laptop I have handy is still on Karmic.  Is that useful?14:19
Sputfix pushed14:19
ScottKlex79: Install the -dbgsym instead of the -dbg.14:19
tseliotScottK: does Karmic have the kcm touchpad module?14:19
macoScottK: hmmm thats a problem.  bash says to install hplip to get hp-check, but the hplip package is missing the file in lucid14:19
ScottKtseliot: No.14:20
* ScottK looks at maco and her lucid laptop.14:20
tseliotScottK: ok, so I'll need the output from lucid14:20
macotseliot: im not sure if mine'll be default... ive edited my synclient values before with gsynaptics14:20
Sputthat's what one gets for last-minute fixes :/14:20
lex79ok, starshiptrooper are you building the package with that fix ^^ ?14:21
starshiptroopersee #quassel :P14:22
ScottK Sigh.14:22
ScottK  * debian/hplip-dbg.install, debian/hplip.install, debian/control: Moved14:22
ScottK    hp-check into hplip-dbg, as it is a debugging tool. Added dependency14:22
ScottK    on libcups2-dev to hplip-dbg, as hp-check needs cups-config14:22
ScottK    (LP: #530327).14:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530327 in hplip "hplip has dependency on libcups2-dev (for cups-config cmd)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53032714:22
ScottKmaco: ^^^14:22
tseliotmaco: ah, ok, never mind then. Thanks14:23
ScottKmaco: You can probably get a command-not-found bug out of this.14:23
* maco headdesk14:23
macoScottK: yes, definitely14:23
macoit shouldnt be suggesting a package that doesnt ahve that command14:23
macoalso, itd be nice if there was a symlink in hplip from hp-check to hp-dbg14:23
ScottKYes, it should have been updated when the command was moved.14:23
* ScottK assigns it to maco while he goes to find the netbook.14:24
macoalso, hp-dbg wasnt installed by the package either14:24
ScottKtseliot: I'll go get my netbook.14:24
tseliotScottK: thanks14:25
macoor oh...hp-dbg is a different package...14:25
macoScottK: command-not-found appears to have it listed with hplip-dbg...apparently there was an update today14:31
ScottKAh.  Good14:31
ScottKtseliot: http://paste.debian.net/69014/14:31
macooooh ok so apparently the name of the group for printer users changed from lpadmin to lp14:31
tseliotScottK: thanks14:32
macothis looks sucky for people who upgrade :-/14:32
ScottKmaco: That's a bug worth reporting.14:32
ScottKNot sure why everyone doesn't have it though.14:32
macowhen required-group-name-to-do-normal-stuff changes, shouldnt apparmor be setup to allow both the old and the new one?14:32
ScottKOr something14:33
ScottKstarshiptrooper: Are you fixing up quassel then?14:33
macopossibly the extra-hinty upgrader change group names for you? O_o14:33
macowhile i did an install from disc and copied over /etc/passwd|shadow|group14:33
maco(dunno why it was necessary to change a group name to start with.... or why it cares what group i'm in when the printer is configured to allow *all* users to use it)14:35
macoanyway, reboot time14:35
starshiptrooperScottK: no, I am fixing xchat right now14:35
ScottKstarshiptrooper: OK.  Did you have a debug fix?14:36
starshiptrooperScottK: trying that right now14:36
starshiptroopercerry picked the crash fix already14:36
ScottKWow.  kde4libs finally building....14:38
starshiptrooperScottK: I suppose we should strip the core to both packages and make them mutually exclusive?14:39
ScottKstarshiptrooper: Yes.  The regular packages conflict, so that's consistent.14:39
* starshiptrooper is wondering if that will work though14:40
starshiptrooper=> idea <=14:41
starshiptrooper=> idea was no good <=14:42
ScottKSince the -dbgsym packages work, you might look at them and see what's different14:43
starshiptrooperScottK: they just happen to work by chance14:43
starshiptrooperScottK: they are splitted per-binary package14:43
* starshiptrooper notes that stuffing the core into its own dbg package would be easier on the code ;)14:43
ScottKstarshiptrooper: Radical idea: Drop the -dbg and tell people to use dbgsym14:44
starshiptrooperScottK: I would keep the -dbg but not introduce -dbg-qt4 TBH14:44
ScottKReally we don't need it and we'll never sync from Debian, so why bother.14:44
alsince the -dbgsym packages work, just get rid of -dbg?14:44
ScottKThat's my idea14:44
aloh, yea14:44
starshiptrooperScottK: I would rather only do it in maverick when I have made kubuntu-debug-installer pick up ddebs support14:45
ScottKstarshiptrooper: I don't think the -dbg packages ever worked.14:45
ScottKstarshiptrooper: OK.14:45
ScottKThat's a good reason.14:45
starshiptrooperScottK: why did they not work? ^^14:45
ScottKNo idea.14:45
ali have reading and writing IRC implemented as simultaneous threads ;)14:45
ScottKIf I knew why, I'd have fixed it.14:45
starshiptrooperScottK: can you grant exceptions?14:50
=== starshiptrooper changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | Beta 2 Released!, Finally frozen | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 9 left to fix!
ScottKstarshiptrooper: Depends a bit on the kind.14:51
ScottKstarshiptrooper: FFe for new binary package to fix the -dbg mess is fine.14:51
starshiptrooperfinal uber freeze exception thingy14:51
ScottKDepends on what for.14:51
starshiptrooperScottK: fixing that debug thingy and the crash14:52
CIA-6[quassel-dbg] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415135231-z27eqqrdgw05qlw3 * debian/ (changelog control rules) Only strip KDE 4 packages to -dbg to make it work again, the dbg package should be dropped completely once kubuntu-debug-installer gains ddebs support.14:52
ScottKstarshiptrooper: Go for it.14:52
lex79the fix for the crash works14:53
ScottKSput: ^^^14:53
Sputyeah \o/14:53
CIA-6[quassel] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415140038-xfcppyzptnj03iqg * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add quassel_01_dont_crash_on_startup.patch from upstream to fix a crash on startup.15:00
* starshiptrooper pokes quassel into building faster15:00
* starshiptrooper invokes upload of kde-l10n-*15:02
=== starshiptrooper is now known as apachelogger
Sputyou want to apply the second patch as well15:07
Sput(the one that doesn't make the mono client fail with postgres)15:07
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: kde-l10n waitint for approval and quassel in a bit too15:11
CIA-6[quassel] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415141109-dudpay9jh8d5k762 * debian/changelog releasing version 0.6.0-0ubuntu215:11
* apachelogger poke Sput with a long pointy stick of steve jobs15:11
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: someone plesae reject quassel, so that I can add Sput's other fix15:12
CIA-6[quassel] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100415141612-xwqy3oxp865ihsdh * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add quassel_02_enforce_sqlite_in_mono_client.patch to enforce usage of sqlite in the monolitic client (preventing it from whining about usage of PSQL).15:16
debfxapachelogger: do you know if I need to request kde bug tracker permissions separately after getting an ftp account?15:39
apacheloggerdebfx: ftp account?15:39
apacheloggerdebfx: seperately15:39
debfxehh svn15:39
apacheloggerdebfx: just squeeze the bko permissions into the svn account request15:40
debfxapachelogger: I already have the account, the application form said something about using the same email address as on the bug tracker15:41
debfxso I suspected one gets the bug tracker permissions automatically15:42
apacheloggerwell, I had bko karma before I had an svn account, so I wouldnt know ;)15:42
apacheloggerdebfx: but I think that is more so that you can close bugs via the commit message tags15:43
apacheloggerBUG: #xxxxxx and the like15:43
debfxthat only works if you have the required permissions15:45
ScottKapachelogger: I'll look at it as soon as I get debfx's font fix installed.15:45
debfxScottK: what font fix?15:47
ScottKdebfx: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-indic-fonts/1:0.5.8ubuntu215:47
apacheloggeris it just me or do fonts always seem to big in lucid?15:50
nixternalfonts have been perfect for me thus far in lucid15:51
nixternalthough konsole/yakuake had something goofy go on, where bitmap fonts don't work worth a hoot, but I am using Liberation Mono now in yakuake, small, like 5px or 6px, and it looks lovely15:51
apacheloggerI always have the feeling that they are too big15:51
apacheloggerin khtml I had to reduce the max font size to 10 to make it readable15:52
apacheloggerand KDE I probably also reduced by 2 pt15:52
ScottKI think they are smaller than before.15:53
ScottKI like it better.15:53
apacheloggerI am xubuntu user15:54
apacheloggerYou are an indirect member of this team:15:55
apachelogger Harald Sitter → Ubuntu Core Development Team → Xubuntu Developers → Xubuntu Team → Xubuntu Users15:55
* apachelogger giggles15:55
* Tm_T sets banforward for apachelogger to #xubuntu15:55
apacheloggermeh :(15:56
ScottKapachelogger: Wasn't there also some fix about preferring sqlite needed?15:56
* apachelogger is a pyssssson anyway15:56
* ScottK is looking at the queue again now.15:56
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, hence please reject the quassel15:56
apacheloggerand on that remark15:56
apacheloggercan I upload the same version to the queue multiple times?15:57
ScottKapachelogger: Rejected.  Yes.15:57
apacheloggerah, handy15:58
apacheloggerScottK: new version uploaded already15:58
ScottKIf it's a source reject like this, the version doesn't get used.15:58
ScottKAfter a binary reject, then you need to increment.15:58
apacheloggerI just wasnt sure if the queue manager would allow the same version multiple times15:58
ScottKWhen the queue is frozen like this, it will even take multiple versions with the same revision sitting in queue at the same time.15:59
ScottKYou just have to make sure you accept the right one.15:59
agateauRiddell: lex79: I have a fix for kmail message count, but it will still be unreadable when count is more than 9915:59
agateauRiddell: lex79: see: http://imagebin.ca/view/UJ59kPpx.html16:00
ScottKagateau: It was readable before, why can't it be the same look?16:00
agateauRiddell: lex79: I suggest showing + when count is more than 9916:00
agateauScottK: because of the current limitations of KSNI16:00
ScottKagateau: My count is always over 99.16:00
agateauScottK: and you care whether its 123 or 124?16:01
ScottKActually I care how many digits it has.16:01
ScottK80,344 is the current number.16:01
* ScottK should probably look into that.16:01
ScottKagateau: Is there still a tooltip with the actual number?16:02
agateauScottK: yes16:02
ScottKI'd suggest just displaying nothing different over 100 then.16:02
apacheloggerRiddell: can we get rid of kubuntu-members-kde4?16:02
ScottKIf someone has over 100 they won't be confused about do they have no unread messages.16:02
agateauScottK: they may deduce the option is broken though16:03
ScottKThe other option is just to look ugly all the time.16:03
agateauYou think the "+" is ugly?16:04
nixternalRiddell: is it possible to have kubuntu-docs in the lang packs? it would be nice to have translated screenshots as well, but doing that in the kubuntu-docs package would make it huge16:04
ScottKIt's not too bad.16:04
nixternaland i am afraid there won't be room on the disk16:04
* agateau notes he should talk with notmart about having text overlays16:05
ScottKagateau: I think just having the + there all the time is a bit pointless.  As such things go, what you've done doesn't look bad.16:05
agateauScottK: it's true the + does not give much information, but at least it let you know there are *lots* of unread messages and kmail "show message count" option is still working16:06
ScottKapachelogger: quassel accepted.  Thanks.16:07
ScottKSput: ^^^16:07
ScottKagateau: I'd prefer just the plain icon, but I can see why that might not be generally suitable.16:07
ScottKSince we're going to have another kdepim upload, can someone look at Debian's kdepim package and see if there's anything we should cherrypick from it?  debian/copyright updates if nothing else.16:08
ScottKRiddell: I'm leaving the kde-l10n for you.  Accepting that many packages through the LP U/I would just be pain squared.16:13
ScottKPlus this language stuff always confuses me.16:13
ScottKProgress.  Unread mail is < 80,000.16:29
SputScottK: thx16:32
apacheloggerScottK: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4 what do you think of the small kubuntu-members icon?16:33
apacheloggerin the Latest members list16:33
apacheloggerlooks a bit like a m ;)16:33
* apachelogger hates how horrible the circle scales :/16:33
ScottKapachelogger: Is the seagull our new mascot?16:34
apacheloggerthat could work out16:34
apacheloggerdid we have an icon before :P16:34
ScottKSo anyway, looks like a seagull to me.16:35
apacheloggeroh hold on, isnt oracle staroffice already using it16:35
apacheloggerScottK: so no good?16:35
ScottKNot sure.16:35
apacheloggerthing is if I take the whole icon it looks like $crap16:35
ScottKapachelogger: Maybe an inverse of the gear in three parts.16:36
apacheloggerScottK: changed it to full icon scaled to 14x1416:36
apacheloggerif you care to check the crappyness ;)16:36
* ScottK looks again16:36
apacheloggerals I think the members small icon should stick out a bit16:37
ScottKI have no idea what that is.16:38
apacheloggerminding that we also need one for kubuntu-users16:38
ScottKThe one before was better.16:38
apacheloggerScottK: sry, try again16:38
ScottKI like that.16:38
apacheloggershtylman: ping16:39
* apachelogger notes that kwwii maybe would have some idea16:39
apacheloggerRiddell: can you please transfer ownership of https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-users to the council?16:40
ScottKapachelogger: kwwii isn't allowed to talk to you unless you move your buttons to the left.16:41
* apachelogger thinks the council should also use some better icon than that silly fish ^^16:41
apacheloggerScottK: dude, remember, my buttons are on the left!!!16:41
apacheloggerand on the nicely freed up space on the right I have a unicorn16:41
apacheloggersmiling at me16:41
apacheloggerunforunately not blinking yet16:41
ScottKUntil the unicorn poops rainbows, it's not done.16:41
apacheloggerI know :(16:42
shtylmanapachelogger: pong16:42
* apachelogger will suffer kaffeine overdose from drinking his coffee16:43
apacheloggershtylman: do you have some idea for a small icon for the kubuntu members team https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4 (see latest members section)16:43
apachelogger14x14 it must be16:43
* apachelogger notes that someone should update the example-content shiz btw16:44
shtylmanapachelogger: why not use the new logo?16:44
apacheloggershtylman: take a look16:44
apachelogger14x14 == uglyness16:44
shtylmanI dunno... seems alright here..16:45
shtylmanits not the greatest thing since sliced bread16:45
shtylmanbut you can still make out pretty well what it is16:45
shtylmanespecially once you have seen it before16:45
shtylmanyour mind will just fill in the rest :)16:45
* ScottK thought it was good16:46
ScottKapachelogger: I once knew a guy that had this: http://www.doctoryourself.com/caffeine_allergy.html <-- too much caffeine.16:46
ScottKHe got carried away in a straight jacket to detox.16:47
apacheloggershtylman: looks like jedi master blurry himself made it16:48
apacheloggerScottK: oh dear16:48
* apachelogger wouldnt mind a stay in detox though16:48
apacheloggerget some rest from them bugs16:48
* ScottK finds some of the mania symptoms resemble apachelogger.16:49
=== apachelogger is now known as starshiptrooper
starshiptrooperScottK: see, I am on the right way already16:49
starshiptrooperyou know16:51
starshiptrooperIMHO we should shoot kubuntu-testers dead16:51
* ScottK agrees.16:51
ScottKmhb can resurrect it if he returns.16:51
starshiptroopercreate a new one :P16:52
starshiptrooperwith fancy name16:52
starshiptrooperand fancy agenda16:52
starshiptrooperand a closed team16:52
* starshiptrooper notes that open teams are nothing but a collection of badge hunters16:52
* starshiptrooper has loads of badges thanks to his xubuntu membership :D16:53
starshiptroopertime for supper I suppose16:53
* ScottK recommends assigning loads of bugs to open teams.16:54
* starshiptrooper asks the wheel of fortune wehere to get something to eat from16:54
starshiptrooperScottK: I doubt that will help with getting them fixed though ^^16:54
starshiptrooperit is like that weird concept that was up at some point where developers would assign bugs they triaged to themselfs16:54
starshiptrooperso the bugs can rot away in a monster listed of assigned bugs16:55
starshiptrooperinstead of rotting away in a list of unassigned bugs16:55
ScottKMore lists is clearly the solution.16:55
* starshiptrooper agrees16:55
starshiptrooperonly if you move the lists into the cloud16:56
starshiptrooperalways beware the cloud, my friends16:56
starshiptrooperanyone knows what the zeitgeist logo is representing?16:58
starshiptrooperoh oh oh oh! a time ghost!16:58
* starshiptrooper doesnt think that looks like a ghost though16:58
* starshiptrooper pokes Tonio_ with bug 56383617:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563836 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "[lucid] knm-runtime should recommend plasma-widget-networkmanagement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56383617:02
Tonio_starshiptrooper: right... it should not recommend any of those in fact :)17:13
Tonio_this is the backend, the frontend should depend on it, noone is supposed to install knm-runtime by hand.... fixing17:13
Tonio_starshiptrooper: uploaded, hope it'll get in....17:21
Tonio_starshiptrooper: cleanup for this package is a bit long... there are too many recommends,suggests, conflicts everywhere...17:22
Tonio_starshiptrooper: and ince packages names changed a lot i nthe past...17:22
Tonio_ouch... bad keyboard management today...17:23
ScottKTonio_: How sure are you got it right?17:24
Tonio_ScottK: some things changed on the vpn plugins this week, I discussed with the packager on that point17:25
Tonio_ScottK: well technically this wasn't critical (the bug is there for almost a year)17:25
Tonio_no harm to just drop the "recommend" part17:25
* ScottK looks17:25
Tonio_the frontend depend on the backend, I just removed the line that makes the backnd recommend one of the frontends...17:26
Tonio_ScottK: here is the debdiff17:26
ScottKTonio_: No need.17:26
ScottKI can diff what's in queue.17:26
Tonio_ScottK: the problem is due to the applet renaming almose a year ago :) I hope everything is nice this time17:27
mcas|screenshotsnixternal: ping17:27
ScottKTonio_: Looks good, but did seem to uncover a bug in the queuediff script, so I'll accept it after I use it for testing.17:32
debfxwhat can we do about bug #559154?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559154 in firefox "KDE users installing Firefox from archive don't know about kmozillahelper" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55915417:35
debfxI think we should mention it in the release/upgrade notes17:36
ScottKclaydoh would be in charge of that.17:36
Tonio_what would be the best on that point ?17:37
ScottKTonio_: Accepted.17:39
Tonio_ScottK: thanks17:39
ScottKNo problem.17:40
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKdebfx: Nice.  I see you got a mention on planet.kde: http://drfav.wordpress.com/2010/04/15/various-updates-and-stuff/18:44
debfxScottK: ah, cool :)19:03
* debfx just committed his first kde svn revision :D19:03
ScottKdebfx: Please be sure to apply to become a Kubuntu Member.19:05
JontheEchidnaI'm a bit concerned about the suitability of plasma-widget-googlecalendar in the default install19:06
JontheEchidnamostly due to bug 456003, which happens when you try to configure the plasmoid (you can't configure it, due to this crash)19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456003 in plasma-widget-googlecalendar "plasma-desktop crashed with MemoryError in walletOpened()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45600319:07
debfxScottK: when is the next meeting scheduled?19:07
neversfeldenixternal: ping19:18
starshiptrooperthe calendar be gone!19:20
starshiptrooperRiddell: ^19:20
starshiptrooperScottK: ^19:20
starshiptrooperit's not like it provides a super awesome feature we must have19:20
starshiptrooperso I would go for a more stable default selection and boot it off the CD19:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: Does it crash frequently/all the time?19:21
JontheEchidnaScottK: all it takes is hitting the configuration button19:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: How much do you know about seeds....19:21
=== starshiptrooper is now known as apachelogger
ScottKAs one of the core-dev, you can now fix this stuff yourself ...19:21
* apachelogger starts drawing cheatsheet19:21
JontheEchidnaScottK: I've done some changes that have been sponsored before19:22
ScottKapachelogger will play the professor.19:22
ScottKJontheEchidna: Do you have a checkout/branch of the Kubuntu seeds?19:22
JontheEchidnasomewhere, yes19:22
JontheEchidnayeah, found it19:22
apacheloggerScottK: a cheatsheet for KUIT :P19:23
apacheloggernot for seeds19:23
apacheloggerseeds are all goodly documented ^^19:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK, so make sure it's up to date and then fix it up.19:24
ScottKlet me know when you've pushed/committed it and I'll check it.19:24
ScottKLet me know if you have questions.19:25
imbrandonello all /me yawns19:26
JontheEchidnaScottK: do we have space for kbluetooth on powerpc?19:28
JontheEchidna140 kB19:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes.19:28
JontheEchidnaScottK: do you happen to know offhand how much space we have with powerpc?19:30
JontheEchidnathere are a few more things that have been commented out19:30
ScottKJontheEchidna: It's already bigger than amd64 and i38619:30
ScottKI'm reluctant to add much back in.19:30
Tm_Tbetter have it fit in and missing something than the other option19:31
ScottKAt 692 right now http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/current/19:31
ScottKBy contrast amd64 is 67519:32
ScottKJontheEchidna: You can probably add some language packs back on amd64/i38619:32
=== slacker_nl is now known as slacker|away
=== slacker|away is now known as slacker_nl
Tm_T!away > slacker_nl19:34
ubottuslacker_nl, please see my private message19:34
slacker_nlTm_T: sorry, wrong server19:34
Tm_Tslacker_nl: np (:19:34
JontheEchidnaanybody know why this bit is listed three times?19:42
persiaJontheEchidna: Different architecture restrictions.19:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: One is en only that we always want.19:43
JontheEchidnaah, ok19:44
* Tm_T huggles persia & ScottK19:44
JontheEchidnaso that means Languages changes each time you redefine it?19:44
ScottKThe next bit goes on amd64 and i386 both (this is what I'd change)19:44
ScottKAnd then the last on is i386 only because we have more room on it.19:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: First, since we have room on amd64, you should probably put the missing OOo bits back on.19:45
JontheEchidnalooks like impress is the only bit still missing19:46
ScottKThat matches my recollection19:48
JontheEchidnaScottK: pushed. see revisions 932 and 93320:02
ScottKJontheEchidna: Why xh?20:05
JontheEchidnaScottK: pitti's langpacksize tool says it's a priority20:05
JontheEchidnaplus it's fairly small20:05
ScottKBTW, you removed my absolute favorite comment in the seeds.20:06
ScottKLooks good.  Do you know what's next?20:06
ScottKThe one about HAL.20:06
ScottK# it's not very polished but it's the future20:06
JontheEchidnaah, well considering about how hal is looking like the past... ;)20:06
JontheEchidnaironic, I must say20:06
JontheEchidnaScottK: what next?20:07
ScottKIt used to just be funny.  Now it's fyn and ironic20:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: Grab the source for kubuntu-meta.20:07
ScottKThere's a script in there called update.20:07
jjessenew version of kde inl ucid?20:07
ScottKRun that and you should automagically get an updated package.20:08
ScottKjjesse: Still 4.4.220:08
ScottKThat's the latest there is.20:08
jjesseseems like a lot of updates then :)20:08
ScottKJust adjusting the seeds.20:08
JontheEchidnaYeah, there's been last-minute patches for a lot of KDE modules, plus packaging fixes20:08
ScottKJontheEchidna: After update runs you can see in debian/changelog what got changed.20:09
jjesseawesome, tonight is screenshot night for the ofificail ubuntu book kubuntu chapter :)20:09
ScottKThe live cd language pack changes won't show up, just the ones that affect kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-netbook.20:09
ScottKNone of this should affect screen shots.20:09
ScottKIt's the best kind20:09
ScottKJontheEchidna: One other detail: It takes two publisher runs for this to be effective for a live CD build.20:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/cheatsheet.png20:11
JontheEchidnaScottK: is 697 MB a good number to shoot for?20:11
ScottKAssuming you upload before 4:03, that means it'd show up in any build after 5:45.20:11
JontheEchidnaiirc most CDs have an actual limit of 698 or 69920:11
ScottKJontheEchidna: It's a little close for my taste, but let's give it a try.20:12
ScottKWe can always trim back a bit if needed.20:12
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: deleux20:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe more information?20:12
* apachelogger got plenty of space to fill letter/a420:12
JontheEchidnaI'll edit the plasma-widget-googlecaldendar part to have an explanation20:13
ScottKJontheEchidna: Looks right to me.20:13
ScottKGo for it.20:14
apacheloggerScottK: do you have a karmic install still?20:14
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.20:14
apacheloggerScottK: can you verify bug 560659 when you get a minute20:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560659 in kpackagekit "kpk shouldn't check for distro upgrades in karmic" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56065920:14
ScottKapachelogger: Probably not today.20:14
ScottKRemind me tomorrow.20:14
JontheEchidnaScottK: uploaded20:15
ScottKOK.  Takes a few minutes to hit the queue.20:15
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: maybe add some common mistakes like how to do args properly20:15
JontheEchidnawhat's the magic to boot my computer with only 1GB of RAM?20:17
persiaTo simulate?  Isn't it mem=1G ?20:17
JontheEchidnayeah, if I'm correct it can be simulated with grub20:18
JontheEchidnaah: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-legacy-faq.en.html#q920:18
JontheEchidnapersia: thanks20:18
JontheEchidnamem= it is20:19
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.  Congratulations.  Feel the power?20:19
* ScottK is off for a while.20:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/cheatsheet.png now with default formattings20:21
apacheloggersince richtext will die out in user visible tags unless the widget supports rich20:21
apacheloggergood idea on the common mistakes20:22
JontheEchidnaI should so get a color print of that20:22
apacheloggerkubotu: np20:30
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Act I" by Giuseppe Verdi [Rigoletto (disc 1)] [http://open.spotify.com/track/0R5hYVWENQzC6xnWVIKuIR] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more20:30
* apachelogger is wondering what to do with bug 22958320:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229583 in strigi "__STRIGI_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY is not correctly undefined" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22958320:42
lex79picture of the day in frame picture plasmoid doesn't work, the patch introduces a new string...is it too late right?20:53
lex79the string is in line 6920:53
ScottKlex79: It's too late for the string change.  Can you come up with some kind of generic image to mean the same thing and provide that?20:57
JontheEchidnaIn my opinion, the feature is not vital enough to warrant a string that won't be translated by upstream until 4.4.3 anyways20:58
ScottKJontheEchidna: Actually 4.5 I think.  Generally KDE doesn't allow post release string changes.20:58
JontheEchidnaScottK: this change did get backported to 4.4. It has to get i18n team approval though20:59
JontheEchidnaand the backporter is a translator (for french) iirc20:59
lex79yes I taken it from branch20:59
JontheEchidnaI think the best course of action would be to not add the message, then set m_image to be a KIcon of the "icon not found" image21:00
lex79JontheEchidna: instead of m_image = QPixmap(); ?21:02
JontheEchidnamaybe the cancel button icon?21:02
JontheEchidnathat's what the pastebin plasmoid uses when uploads fail21:03
lex79oh right21:03
ScottKSounds workable.21:04
ScottKBTW, kubuntu-meta missed this publisher run, so at least 6:45 before we can ask for an ISO build.21:04
JontheEchidnado these builds show up anywhere before they show up on the daily page? (e.g. will I be able to see if things are oversized before tomorrow?)21:05
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ScottKJontheEchidna: No, but we can ask to have a special rebuild done.21:06
ScottKIf it doesn't interfere with anything else, they generally will.21:06
JontheEchidnaneat, then that rebuild will show up on the daily iso page?21:06
JontheEchidnaok, cool. Gotta go home now. Be back in half an hour or so21:07
ScottKISO building resources are often contrained, but aren't right now.21:07
ScottKSee ya.21:07
lex79JontheEchidna: could be m_image = KIcon("dialog-cancel"); ?21:08
Riddellapachelogger: kubuntu-users not owned by -council21:16
* ScottK waves to Riddell.21:17
Riddellnixternal: kubuntu-docs in the lang packs should be possibly, probably dpm would know how, but I think it's too late for this cycle21:17
neversfeldeRiddell: I marked the digikam/kipi ui freeze bugs as Fix Released, hope that it is ok?21:18
Riddellneversfelde: yes thanks21:18
neversfeldeRiddell: I cannot unsubscribe the release team, if this is necessary21:18
ScottKneversfelde: It's not21:19
neversfeldeand I am afraid that the translators are not very happy with the kipi-plugin upload21:19
neversfeldethey wanted more information, why it was necessary to update21:19
apacheloggerRiddell: so go make it rebranded :P21:24
nixternalmcas: pong21:28
nixternalRiddell: yeah, thinking in maverick maybe21:29
mcashi nixternal we did some translation work on the kubuntu-docs and we found some problems21:30
mcasi heard you will remove the screenshots but i filled a bug report against it because the screenshots did not fit the actual version of apport21:31
mcasand the sharing section should be much shorter21:31
nixternalto late to do anything for lucid21:32
mcasi think the normal kubuntu user won't build an domain controller on his pc so this infos should be in the server guide not in the kubuntu docs21:32
mcasubuntu+1 nixternal ;-)21:32
nixternali am not planning on removing any screenshots I don't think...but I don't know yet either21:33
nixternalyeah, i noticed that with sharing as well, i thought it was a bit much myself21:33
nixternali think dhillonv did that, something i want to fix in maverick21:33
nixternalthough I don't know what my plans are yet for maverick..i am thinking it will probably be all DarkwingDuck_ and jjesse21:34
mcasok good to know the contacts ;-)21:35
mcasshould i fill a bug report about sharing?21:37
nixternalif you want21:38
mcask thx21:39
ScorpiionRiddell: is there any C programming involed in Kubuntu or is that all Ubuntu? I guess it's a thin line what is Ubuntu and what is Kubuntu... is there any differences "under the hood" between kubuntu and ubuntu or "just" KDE/GNOME?22:43
Tm_TScorpiion: that, and tools22:44
ScorpiionTm_T: okey :)22:44
Tm_Tthere's plenty of KDE bugs to be waiting the fixer, for example (;22:45
Scorpiionas I thought then.. it's just that I have not been doing that much C++ and in school I doing mostly C and systemprogramming at the moment.. that's why I thought if there were any part that was near what I'm doing at school now.. :)22:45
Tm_TScorpiion: C helps, though C++ and Python is mostly here22:46
ScorpiionTm_T: yeah I guessed so.. have done a little in both but not as much.. :)22:47
Tm_TI had done ~none when I jumped in22:47
ScorpiionTm_T: how much is it that is done with python?22:47
ScorpiionTm_T: hehe okey.. no programming at all? ;P22:48
Tm_Tmuch of Kubuntu specific stuff22:48
Tm_Twell I had experience with C and other languages, not much but some22:48
Tm_T...but I think I'm not best to tell about all this, I mostly poke little things in KDE side22:49
persiaScorpiion: I'd recommend finding a bug and working to fix it.  For example, most crash bugs in C++ are fixed with almost precisely the same syntax as you'd fix them in C.22:52
persiaAnd by looking around the code chasing the bug, you'll surely learn more C++22:52
Scorpiionpersia: yeah I guess that's a good way to go.. :)22:56
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
JontheEchidnacan anybody tell me why after calling" bool firstStart = cg.readEntry( "First start", false );  " that firstStart is true, even though there isn't any such key in the config file?23:19
JontheEchidnaaccording to the KDE docs it should return false when there isn't a first start key, as that's the default value I gave as the second argument of readEntry: http://api.kde.org/4.0-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdecore/html/classKConfigGroup.html#6b73da6e0b768b5a46b43f5a2d755d3223:20
Riddell"Amarok 2.3.1 beta 1 tagged" <--  ninajs23:39
RiddellJontheEchidna: try readBoolEntry ? (or am I thinking KDE 3 API?)23:39
JontheEchidnaYeah, probably KDE3. It's not in KDE4 api23:40
JontheEchidnaif I can't figure this out we'll have to revert the strigi ram detection patch23:40
Riddellwhere's the patch?23:42
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
JontheEchidnaRiddell: kdebase-runtime23:47
JontheEchidnafor testing, I just bump the ram check up to 9 GB or so :P23:48
Sputso... any feedback concerning the fixed quassel package? everything working smoothly so far?23:49
lex79Sput: yes it works fine now23:50
Sputok, cool23:50
SputI'll push out 0.6.1 tomorrow then23:50
lex79ScottK: ^^23:51
Sputdid you also fix the debug symbol issue?23:51
lex79Sput: seems so, apachelogger knows better23:52
apacheloggeryes, but they only will work for the KDE enabled client23:53
apacheloggerqt misses out on this one since the implementation would require about 5 more lines of make :P23:53
Sputwell, that should be the usual case for kubuntu users23:53
Sputso the chance of getting usable backtraces increases23:53
apacheloggereven more so once I have made our debug-installer use the dbgsym packages instead of -dbg23:54

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