
blueyedalso for pages like: https://code.launchpad.net/bzr-pager00:18
dhdhi, is there something wrong with the  build farm?01:01
dhda package in my ppa has been scheduled to build "in 3 hours" for the last 8 hours01:01
dhdI promise it will only take like 5 minutes to build :)01:03
maxbYes, something is wrong with the build farm. I don't think it's quite been figured out *what* is wrong yet, though01:03
dhdahh okay01:03
dhdno problem, good to know it's a known problem01:03
MattJdhd: Yay, I thought I was alone :)01:12
MattJMine even went down to 53 minutes an hour ago, and I dared get my hopes up01:13
MattJThen it went back up to 1 hour, 2 minutes later :)01:13
BadHorsieSay I create a project on launchpad, should I resort to the project files for documentation or are there project documentation features in launchpad.net ?02:10
maxbIf the project has no external website of its own, you'll probably have to resort to something like that02:11
lifelessyou could create a wiki on one of the free wiki sites02:25
keffie_jayxhello all03:03
keffie_jayxI have just uploaded an app to my ppa, but trying to setup my ppa I get this error, What did I do wrong? Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint03:04
maxbkeffie_jayx: Could you try that again now? It's quite likely that since this is your first time using your PPA, the signing key had not been generated yet03:07
keffie_jayxmaxb: yup, that did it03:08
keffie_jayxthanks maxb03:08
TresEquiswhat is SOP for correcting a mis-assigned project maintainer?03:13
persiaGererally filing a question.03:14
TresEquison the launchpad project itself?03:14
persiaBut 90% of the time it can be resolved more simply and faster by contacting the person involved directly.03:14
TresEquisThe person seems to be AWOL03:14
TresEquisno projects, no bugs, no branches, no karma03:14
persiaYeah, but really, send them a note first.  It's quite possible someone registered a project because they needed a placeholder, and *kjnows* they aren't the right contact point.03:14
TresEquisin this case, the maintainer (a teammate) hit enter too quickly on the search dialog03:15
TresEquisand now the maintainer is somebody who likely never heard from Zope03:16
TresEquishappened this morning (around noon US/Eastern)03:16
TresEquisThe project is here:  https://launchpad.net/zope.testrecorder03:17
TresEquisthe guy whose finger slipped is the original registrant, and a member of the ztk-steering-group (with me)03:17
TresEquis"filing a question" -- that would be on the launchpad project itself?03:18
spmTresEquis: this be you? ~tseaver03:24
TresEquisspm: yes03:25
spmTresEquis: coolio; I've set you as maintainer; but you should probably create (if not already exists) a group; and set them as maintainer03:26
TresEquisright, I'll set it to the ztk-steering-group03:26
TresEquisthanks very much!03:26
spmfwiw, what persia suggests is the normal method for this style of thing - but it's pretty clear a mistake was made and I'm feeling generous this morning. ;-)03:27
spmerr. 12.30pm. this afternoo. :-D03:27
TresEquisthat was what Christian was trying to do:  but he typed 'zt' in the search box and the other guy's account is ~zt ;)03:27
TresEquisspm: I owe you a beer ;)03:28
spmthe line of folks that owe me a beer is very long... I should open a pub. /sigh ;-)03:29
persiaspm: An inverse pub, where folks stop by and give beer to the proprietor?03:29
spmpersia: well, I don't drink (effectively) so I may as well sell the beer they owe me. that'd be ok wouldn't it?!?!?! ;-)03:31
persiaspm: IF we wanted to give you money, we'd just do that.  The point of beverages is the conversation :)03:32
TresEquisspm:  I'd be glad to make it coffee, or name your poison ;)04:17
spmNow a *good* coffee is worth savouring. I'll hold you to that. :-P04:18
BadHorsieI can't upload screenshots to launchpad right?04:30
BadHorsieAlso, if I already did an initial bzr push, and then I do a bzr commit, would I need to do a push again? I'm only familiar with svn and I'm not sure if I have to do another push or some how bzr update on the launchpad side04:32
BadHorsieHum I guess bzr push --no-strict did it...04:36
BadHorsieAnd I guess flickr does the screenshot thingie too :)04:47
TresEquisBadHorsie: 'bzr commit' affects the local branch, unless it is "bound" to a remote one (e.g., if you did 'bzr checkout' instead of 'bzr branch')05:26
TresEquisso you need to 'bzr push' to get the remote branch updated for the "unbound" case05:27
spivmwhudson: could you compare the hosted & mirrored copies of lp:~toshio/bzr-gtk/handle-patch-fix, and if the hosted branch differs could you send me a tarball of it?05:58
spivmwhudson: I'm looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/56238005:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562380 in bzr "bzr push from 2a to older format may corrupt branch?" [Critical,Confirmed]05:58
mwhudsonspiv: that'd be easier for spm if he's around05:59
spmbarely. hanging out for lunch...05:59
spivspm: please spmdo that ^05:59
spmspiv: tsk. sudo spmdo05:59
BadHorsieThanks TresEquis06:14
spmspiv: sorry - never did get to that request today - can you throw it into an RT, hopefully one of the other guys can grab it for you overnight09:11
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=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: intellectronica | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== daniloff is now known as danilos
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LaneyPlease could someone rescore https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/highlighting-kate/
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kwwiiI keep having a timeout error when filing a new bug, is there something wrong atm?14:49
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mbtHello.  There appears to be a spam commenter on bug 255651 that needs to be handled somehow.15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255651 in linux "floppy disk drive not detected (module not loaded) in Intrepid and Jaunty" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25565115:41
c_kornhello, can someone please confirm bug 563884 ?15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563884 in python-launchpadlib "AttributeError: 'Entry' object has no attribute 'transitionToImportance'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56388415:58
maxbc_korn: bug=Invalid. transitionToFoo no longer exist in Launchpad API 1.0 and later.15:59
maxbScripts which require the legacy 'beta' API must specify this when creating their Launchpad object15:59
c_kornmaxb: oh, I was said I should open a bug if I could reproduce it.16:00
maxbThe bug is in the test script.16:00
c_kornmaxb: I see. is there an apidoc for the Launchpad API 1.0 ?16:01
c_kornoh, here it is https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html16:01
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c_kornis lp_save() now mandatory after each change ?16:40
keffie_jayxhey all, If I want a package from my ppa t be available for older supported releases I have to upload the different .changes files?16:48
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persiakeffie_jayx: No.  THe preferred way to do it is to upload to the oldest release you wish to support, and copy the package forward.  You will have to upload again if you hit a library transition or some such.16:49
=== apachelogger is now known as starshiptrooper
Byt|EeeSo I'm sure this sounds silly, but in my own instance of launchpad, how do I edit a web page? I'm not much of a web admin and I'm used to basic files full of text through apache.16:49
keffie_jayxpersia: right, thanks.16:50
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
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=== danilos is now known as daniloff
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=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
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barryare there any ppa experts around today?19:21
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persiabarry: Given the underwhelming response, you might want to just ask the question: perhaps it is answerable by a non-expert with a different set of specialised knowledge than your own.19:32
barrypersia: thanks.  i may have figured it out actually. ;)  will ask if not19:33
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dickelbeckasking for help on a 'question'21:01
dickelbeckThis seems to have been stalled, has deryk been out?21:01
HudzillaHey! I'm trying Launchpad for the first time, and it's making me feel stupid. Is that normal? :)21:09
bdmurrayI've received several oops reports trying to file a bug report on edge21:34
bdmurrayIs this a known issue?21:34
bdmurrayDisabling redirection would lose my apport collected information wouldn't it?21:34
bdmurrayand it oops'ed on production too21:37
jelknercan anyone tell me if launchpad itself is translated into other languages?21:45
jelknerthere is a big focus on translating other software, but what about the launchpad site itself?21:45
jelknerwe have a need to use it in Spanish21:45
jelkneris this possible?21:45
beunojelkner, hi, I'm looking for the FAQ explaing why Launchpad is not available in other languages21:48
beunomaybe kfogel is around and knows where that is...21:49
beunojelkner, it boils down to a communication problem21:50
beunoif people file bugs in languages the developers can't understand, then it's pointless21:50
beunojelkner, see: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/389621:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3896 in launchpad-foundations "Launchpad itself is not translatable in Launchpad" [Low,Won't fix]21:54
jelknerthis presents a real problem21:58
jelkneri'm active with the SchoolTool project21:58
jelknerwe use launchpad all the time to permit users to file bugs21:59
jelknerthe very purpose of SchoolTool was to be a free school information system for developing countries21:59
jelknerso we are currently working on a pilot in El Salvador22:00
jelknerwe have a tough choice to face22:00
jelknerwe will not be able to use launchpad for the project22:01
jelknerand will have to setup software system22:01
* jelkner wonders if this is a good use case for setting up another launchpad22:01
jelknerone in spanish22:01
kfogeljelkner: may I strongly advise against trying to set up a separate launchpad instance?  It takes some resources to run (human, as well as computing, that is).22:02
jelknerkfogel, i understand, and i read the argument against doing this22:02
jelknerbut would this be preferable to *not* using launchpad at all?22:03
jelknersince as long as it remains English only, we can't use it in El Salvador22:03
jelknerkfogel, what would you suggest?22:04
jelkneri appreciate you advising against, but what would you advise for?22:04
james_wyou could write a skin that uses the API to report bugs etc. and is translatable22:04
james_wspeed could be a problem though22:04
jelknerjames_w, that sounds promising22:04
jelknerwe only need the SchoolTool pages to work in the other languages22:05
kfogeljelkner: reading22:05
james_wwell, doing everything would be tricky and time consuming (and impossible currently)22:06
geserhas an LP API user seen this error before? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/43700230/Traceback.txt22:06
geserIOError: [Errno 36] File name too long: '[...]'22:06
kfogeljelkner: let me think for a sec22:06
james_wbut something to report bugs and then see a subset of the information on the bugs page to followup would be possible22:06
kfogeljelkner: I do want to come up with some way to solve this22:06
james_wgeser: encrypted home dir?22:06
jelknerkfogel, we could be a great test case for you22:07
jelknerand we would love to work with the launchpad team22:07
jelknerSchoolTool is a large, zope 3 app22:07
jelknerso the developers who work on it know their way around zope22:07
kfogeljelkner: and schooltool is already using launchpad heavily22:07
jelknerkfogel, very heavily22:08
jelkneri'm one of the users, so i can tell you i love it!22:08
kfogeljelkner: although I'm not sure what the solution will be, let's talk through this a bit.  which pages would you want in spanish?22:08
jelknerhold on...22:08
geserjames_w: I don't know. I would need to ask the bug sumitter (it's from bug 560206)22:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560206 in ubuntu-dev-tools "pull-lp-source crashed with IOError in set()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56020622:08
asacso for some folks seems that bzr branch lp:... doesnt work inside their corporate env. is that a known problems? are there best practices to work around?22:08
kfogeljelkner: e.g., all of schooltool-in-launchpad, or just bug reporting pages, or... ?22:08
james_wgeser: then yes, probably22:09
jelkneryeah, all of schooltool-in-launchpad22:09
james_wgeser: see lazr.restfulclient bugs22:09
jelknerotherwise we are sending the wrong message to our new users22:09
jelknerthat we don't value their participation22:09
kfogeljelkner: understood, it makes perfect sense22:10
kfogeljelkner: I'm just trying to think of a way to do this without it turning into "internationalize all of launchpad"22:11
kfogeljelkner: let me ask about this internally and get back to you?  what's a good email address to reach you at?22:12
kfogeljelkner: gotcha22:12
jelknerkfogel, thanks!22:12
kfogeljelkner: well, don't thank me yet, but we'll at least explore this issue... thanks for raising it!22:12
jelkneri just brought this up with the schooltool project manager22:12
jelknerso he'll want to hear about it too22:12
jelknerok, i'll await your email22:13
jelknerthanks for taking the time to talk to me22:14
* jelkner goes back to his teacher duties...22:14
geserjames_w: thanks, looks like bug 545197. Do you know if an updated python-lazr.restfulclient will reach lucid?22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545197 in lazr.restfulclient "Cache filenames are (still) too long for ecryptfs" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54519722:20
james_whmm, I think barry said he would look in to it22:20
james_wshould be easy to pull in22:20
james_wif there has been a release with it then we could ask luca if he would upload to Debian22:21
dickelbeckhttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+question/106874 has been stalled for 2 days unexpectedly22:21
dickelbeckderyk said he would handle it 2 days ago, is he ill?22:21
geserjames_w: the latest lazr.restfulclient release (0.9.14) is 10 hours old, so I assume it contains the fix (I even assume that it got already fixed in 0.9.13 based on the dates). Lucid has
james_wlets pull in whatever makes sense for lucid then22:23
james_wdrop me a mail if you would like me to do it tomorrow22:23
james_wit's too late for that this evening22:23
allenapdickelbeck: Hi, he's not ill, just very busy. We've - the Launchpad Bugs developers - had a huge rush on bug import requests recently.22:23
allenapdickelbeck: It's always been quite a manual process to import bugs. With the number of requests we're getting now, we're struggling to cope, and we've been talking a lot about automation.22:24
allenapdickelbeck: In the meantime, please bear with us and we will get your bugs imported.22:25
dickelbeckallenap: thanks for the status report.22:25
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
allquixoticHi -- I read on https://launchpad.net/+tour/join-launchpad that, for commercial subscriptions, "Privacy features may incur additional charges after the beta." This sounds to me like additional charges coming down the pipe. Would this cause someone with a basic launchpad commercial subscription to lose the ability to have their code in a private bzr on launchpad unless they pay whatever additional fees Canonical is23:06
allquixotic asking?23:06
c_kornis there a way with python-launchpadlib to change the bug status for a task and make a comment in only one comment ? currently I have to lp_save() on the task for the bug status and then I lp_save() on the bug for the newMessage. this causes two comments to be made. but when launchpad janitor closes a bug it is all done in one comment.23:13
timClicksif a project doesn't use lp for bug tracking, is it possible for a project manager to indiciate where to go?23:33
mwhudsontimClicks: yes23:34
lamonthttps://edge.launchpad.net/builders <-- why does that say 1 disabled and not show any disabled?23:48

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