
Spreadsheet_Does Ubuntu artwork do the wallpapers for Ubuntu?01:27
Spreadsheet_How difficult would it be to get a picture into the official wallpapers?01:27
troy_sSpreadsheet_: Not terribly hard if you want to submit to the contest at Flickr.01:34
islingtonhaha lowry park zoo has a meercat place02:17
hunkeyWhoops sry.02:36
troy_skwwii: Your Warty-Final is labeled as a PNG in the Lucid package when it appears to be a JPG.03:34
troy_skwwii: Causes the default image viewer to poop out etc.03:34
=== DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit
vish"<kwwii> islington, everyone: with that update lucid is done"  ...! woot! yay07:39
islingtonkwwii: what is a good date to publish community wallpapers for lucid? on 29th?13:19
islingtonkwwii: I mean unofficial wallpapers on devart and suchlike13:19
kwwiiislington: feel free to publish them now ;-)13:47
kwwiiislington: I am working on a package with the community pics from the wallpaper contest from karmic13:48
kwwiiif I could only figure out how to get rid of the +junk in an lp name13:48
directhexkwwii, iirc that's based on the "maturity" setting on the bzr branch14:00
kwwiidirecthex: thnx, I will look into that14:14
thorwili thought the +junk appears on all personal branches, i.e. ones where no group has access / that are not associated with a project14:40
vishRubbish!  >  "Don’t leave these choices to people with no design experience!"15:11
vishhttp://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=355  commenter Ruby^15:11
vishhe is asking for "the name and version of the OS somewhere on the screen" which seems ridiculous .15:12
dashuavish, I saw that.  I guess that was cool ~Windows 95 or so.15:21
vishdashua: nah , it was weird when he talks about people with design experience and he mentions a crazy idea[or whatever you can call it] ;p15:22
directhexmaybe he has years of design experience, writing conky scripts which display "top" output in a serif font15:39
kwwiidashua: hey, when you edit anything from bzr, be sure to pull a fresh branch before you do17:03
dashuakwwii, Ah ok.  I thought I did.17:12
thorwilvish: maybe ruby is a mechanical engineer17:24
vishthorwil: i think people dont like it when we mention our blog links [the reply on gnome-shell]20:00
vishanyways.. nite ;)20:01
thorwilvish: huh? havn't seen anything pointing that way (yet?). nite20:02
thorwiltroy_s: i find myself in full agreement with your assessment of the wallpapers. the quality gap is gigantic20:03
troy_sthorwil: That's positive I suppose.20:03
troy_sthorwil: I worry more about the guiding hand of those that selected the completely rubbish photos.20:04
troy_sthorwil: As I did last year.20:04
troy_sthorwil: It _speaks_.20:04
troy_sthorwil: Sadly, no one gives a sh*t.20:04
thorwiltroy_s: fun fact: you could run this think in the exact same way and simply not call it a competition. and suddenly it wouldn't be one20:05
troy_sthorwil: Of course, with all of the flagwaving cheerleading noisy tripe rubbish of OMFGUbuntu individuals, the real issues seem to get buried under a mass of fanboism and vacuous highschool mentality.20:06
troy_sthorwil: Agree. There are at least enough people in the community now that have demonstrated a clear ability to take photography... I could pull their names from Flickr.20:06
thorwiltroy_s: what, do we need a linux for grown up snow? ;)20:06
thorwil"ups now", even20:07
troy_sthorwil: Pick 10 people, get one photo from each. Let them offer up two or three. Work _with_ them, not spin the random wheel of junk. It's really amateur.20:07
troy_sthorwil: Sadly, I think we all need to grow the fsck up.20:07
troy_sthorwil: It's just unfortunate tripe rubbish peddled by flag waving cheerleaders.20:07
troy_sthorwil: The flower shots I cited and the three ridiculously OpenSUSE quality blurry messes are just pure absolute unadulterated garbage.20:08
troy_sthorwil: Beyond amateur. Beyond hobby. Beyond redemption.20:08
troy_sthorwil: Seriously - time me on this... here I go!20:08
* thorwil looks at time stamp20:09
vishthorwil: nah , looks like people expect an explanation why the link is being given , rather than just mentioning "have a look here>"20:10
* vish -> ZZzzzz.... for real :)20:11
thorwilvish: ah yes. i'm lazy in writing sometimes20:11
troy_sthorwil: Phew.20:12
thorwil4 minutes20:13
troy_sthorwil: And _THAT_ is the feeling of quality that it instills. When you can deliver that absolute crap in that time with no degree of craftsmanship communicated, it speaks loudly to all of the distribution and the deeper level of caring about art and design at the core.20:13
thorwiltroy_s: nah, that one is clearly worse20:14
troy_sthorwil: Of the 15, there are at least 10 that are total tripe.20:14
troy_sthorwil: I am blown away that the pocket camera flower shots make it up to the 'decision' when you have maybe 50 extremely solid photos in that slew of Flickr slush.20:17
troy_sthorwil: It is nothing more than aesthetically bankrupt individuals making a call on those. No other way of looking at it. There simply is zero merit to them.20:17
troy_sthorwil: And that doesn't even begin to deal with the higher level thinking / design presence issue.20:18
thorwiltroy_s: today i saw sabdfl arguing with "taste" about an interaction design issue. maybe i will recollect my small pile of hope tomorrow20:20
troy_sthorwil: In what context?>20:20
thorwiltroy_s: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg01267.html20:22
troy_sthorwil: I've noticed an interesting bit of lazyness that comes out of having a set of ui bits available in a library.20:23
troy_sthorwil: It leads to "We need to show progress. Progressbar it is!"20:23
thorwiltroy_s: and then, on the same topic, in contrast: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg01275.html20:23
troy_sthorwil: Oh god. The classic "Oh Windows / Apple is doing it... maybe we should look at it."20:24
troy_sthorwil: Ugh. Infuriating.20:24
troy_sthorwil: I wouldn't want Libre culture to ever lose Ubuntu, but I am certainly hoping more higher level players enter the sphere.20:25
thorwiltroy_s: yeah, i think that we would not have window shadows / and compositing if it wasn't for apple. without that example, anyone proposing that would have been called nuts or just not listened to20:25
troy_sthorwil: I can't see how that list gets anything done or anything good comes of it.20:25
troy_sthorwil: I guess that is a design problem for design within the culture.20:25
troy_sthorwil: Agree 100%.20:26
thorwiltroy_s: well, there you might in agreement with Mark, actually20:26
troy_sthorwil: Christ, I remember suggesting transitions like four years ago and did the whole blueprint bullcrap etc. No one gave a crap until the iPhone put them on the map.20:26
troy_sthorwil: Just ridiculous.20:26
troy_sthorwil: It isn't easy... people easily get sucked into the 'this is my head' and start noise dumping.20:27
troy_sthorwil: But alas, as it stands, it is really 'this is my head and I am footing the bill' - which while totally acceptable and justified, is practically no different.20:27
troy_sthorwil: I found it humourous that Mark sort of dissed the Metro UI for possibly 'going too far' with the design savvy look.20:27
troy_sthorwil: It is clear he doesn't like it, but really, he is living in a cave if he doesn't think that in fact that style of contemporary interface design isn't going to get pushed further and further.20:28
troy_sthorwil: There is only noise because there isn't a target. It is just vacuous words like "What is best?" "What is pretty?" "What will rock?"20:29
thorwiltroy_s: that wasn't my impression. mine was rather: ooh, that looks great but is so different to wjhat i'm used to, so i'm also a little scared -> maybe they went a bit too far?20:29
troy_sthorwil: Engaging the emotions of individuals. Gosh... the iPad is a potpourri of experimentation on that front.20:30
thorwilwhat is this doing in the pool: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewkneebone/4417055810/sizes/l/in/pool-556923@N24/20:31
troy_sthorwil: Is there a huge difference between that and some of the others though?20:32
* thorwil adds to his collection of hi-res portrait/anatomy references20:32
thorwiltroy_s: it's just so amazingly unsuitable, but someone put much more work into this one than most shots in the pool20:33
thorwilskin texture makes me happy, airbrush makes me sad20:34
troy_sthorwil: Of course, there are some solid pieces of effort there but why the hell bother when three of the pieces are blurry messes or pocket camera flowers?20:35
troy_sthorwil: A better method might be to do a roll call with example works on your blog or whatever. Then of that, select 10 folks and have them create original work.20:36
thorwiltroy_s: yes, but don't tell me (only)20:37
troy_sthorwil: I don't know. It's worth a try. Anything is better than reinforcing the idea of contests and speculative crap.20:38
troy_sthorwil: Has the #u-a mailing list quieted or is it filled with the older noise and voices?20:42
thorwiltroy_s: it's rather quiet20:42
thorwiltroy_s: recently something amazing happened. the topic of top-posting came up again, as someone infered that would be prefered as several posters before did it. i mailed to say not so, pointed to the ubuntu netiquette and warned that i would create a voodoo doll and put needles into funny places of everyone who would dare to "discuss" that topic20:44
thorwiltroy_s: what's the last you got?20:45
troy_sthorwil: Quiet lately.20:45
thorwiltroy_s: recently something amazing happened. the topic of top-posting came up again, as someone infered that would be prefered as several posters before did it. i mailed to say not so, pointed to the ubuntu netiquette and warned that i would create a voodoo doll and put needles into funny places of everyone who would dare to "discuss" that topic20:45
troy_sthorwil: Pidgin threw a fit when I close down a multi tabbed window.20:45
thorwiltroy_s: i think that's the first time on any mailing list i followed that that discussion sopped before it started20:46
troy_sthorwil: Well at least y'all is discussing top posting again. Way better than that art / design rubbish. lol.20:46
thorwiltroy_s: so i will have to try silly threads again, if there will be a similar opportunity20:47
troy_sSee... pixelflake is someone I'd say 'Would you create a wallpaper?"20:48
troy_sthorwil: It's nice when people drop contact sheets of their experiments into the group too. Nothing like 60000 mushrooms.20:54
troy_sthorwil: Did you participate this year?20:54
troy_sthorwil: Robbie has some interesting stuff up too.20:55
troy_sthorwil: Although I believe the centrepunched flower is his.20:56
troy_sthorwil: Sad really, as he has some very good work in there.20:56
thorwiltroy_s: nope. no wallpaper thingy, no countdown banner20:57
troy_sthorwil: I found it!!! This needs to be the default wallpaper for Lucid. http://www.flickr.com/photos/cleide_isabel/4429964373/in/pool-ubuntu-artwork20:57
thorwiloh yeah20:58
troy_sBikerblue has some definite chops. Some wow stuff in their stream - http://www.flickr.com/photos/27297126@N04/21:02
troy_s_REALLY_ lovely stuff there.21:03
troy_sNot even in the same league as some of the other dribble.21:04
troy_sknome: Eww?21:04
troy_sknome: Please.21:04
knomethat was yuck21:04
knomenot even a cute girl21:04
troy_sknome: if you are calling that yuck, you really need to give your head a shake.21:05
knomethe first one was nice21:05
troy_sknome: Sorry. But it is a batch of extremely well crafted stuff.21:05
knomethat's another thing.21:05
knomethe theme just definitely kills my want to say it's nice.21:05
troy_sknome: Set aside the 'theme'.21:06
troy_sknome: Whatever 'theme' means.21:06
knomestill not the most fabulous photo i've seen :)21:06
thorwilwicked: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27297126@N04/3796823634/sizes/o/21:06
troy_sI wonder if this one is a zoom blur or a post blur.21:08
troy_sZoom blurs are deadly tricky to pulll off.21:08
thorwilgood night!21:09
troy_sNight thor21:09
knomehe's always so quick21:09
LLStarkskwwii, are you around?23:40
LLStarksyou might want to read this about the latest ambiance update23:40

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