
ZeRoDeAtH50435its not the network that is not allowing me to connect to the printer00:11
ZeRoDeAtH50435can anyone tell me how to get my scanner to work01:50
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elhoyoshi all02:34
Raidsonghello elhoyos02:34
elhoyosguys (and girls), do you know what's the name of a package with a set of unix games that include popular acronyms?02:37
elhoyosI always forget about it02:38
ZeRoDeAtH50435i don't02:39
elhoyosI believe nhandler might know about it, dont you?02:39
Raidsongthe great nhandler knows all02:40
elhoyoswhat about this: easiest known way to export and load your XChat prefs (w/ networks and channels).02:42
nhandlerelhoyos: Copy the ~/.xchat folder02:44
gwdeanHello. This is the absolute first time I've been on IRC. I've been using Ubuntu for 9 mos, so Im a quasi-beginner I guess. Look forward to using IRC-- I've heard a lot about it, but I finally decided that this is something I need to learn...04:05
gwdeanQuestion 1: Is there a directory that lists open source projects that a newcomer can contibute to?04:06
gwdeancontribute I mean:)04:07
steelsteve"Bad Request (Request Header Too Long)" I get this error message when I try to use Firefox to log into EBSCO (a library resource website) via one of my profiles07:31
steelstevecurrently, only one profile works with this site07:31
steelsteveand it does not have any addons installed07:31
steelstevethis is part of an alleged ongoing profile problem with firefox07:32
PreacherPlaying with karmic07:32
PreacherAbsolutely beautiful07:32
* steelsteve needs help with firefox profiles07:32
steelstevelovinglinux has been unable to help me though...07:33
PreacherCan except rhythm box isn't listed in applications menu07:33
Preacherhow can i add it?07:33
steelsteveis it even installed?07:34
steelstevewell that sucks07:35
steelsteve"Bad Request (Request Header Too Long)" I get this error message when I try to use Firefox to log into EBSCO (a library resource website) via one of my profiles07:36
steelsteveCurrently, only one profile works with this site and it does not have any addons installed07:36
steelsteveThis appears to be a part of an alleged profile problem with firefox07:36
steelsteveAnd I have discussed this with LovingLinux and he doesn't know what to do about it (last time I checked)07:36
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matt3206_i am having trouble using my webcam with empathy17:37
* matt3206_ shits on everyone's coat in the server17:38
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=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
g33kergRLi'm having problems with step 4 in the install process, is there a guide with screen shots?18:27
g33kergRLthere used to be one with pcis18:27
g33kergRLWhen installing ubu804 i have these issues  1. it doesn't offer me dual booting and 2. i've created partitions (an ext3 and a swap) but it says nowhere explicitely "i will install on those ext3 partitions and not wipe your ntfs partion, no way no how"18:28
zeer0hey, bit of a problem with the 10.04 beta 2. Supposedly it should have a pulse-audio equalizer ready-to-use in the sound&video application folder. I've only got pulse-audio device-chooser/volume-control applications.18:34
zeer0should i reinstall my pulse-audio files18:35
uRockg33kergRL, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing18:35
uRockzeer0, I don't have that in my menu either18:36
g33kergRLuRock:  is that for dual booting also?18:38
uRockYes, when you get to the partitioner screeen, you want to select the bottom selection to select partitions manually. When you go through and create/selct the aprtitions you want to use for the install such as /, /home and swap, it will only make changes and install to those partitions.18:41
LzrdKingumm... i downloaded the ubuntu ISO but i don't have a CD-R to burn it on; can i use a DVD-R?18:42
uRockg33kergRL, It only makes changes to the partitions you select. And it will install grub to the MBR which will allow you to dual boot18:42
uRockLzrdKing, Yes, using DVD is perfectly fine. I think it actually runs smoother and faster using DVDs to install.18:43
LzrdKingi had some iso that i tried to put on a dvd and it didn't work18:44
LzrdKingi forget what it was though18:44
g33kergRLif there's no checkmark on that particular partition, it won't erase it for sure? like, 99 percent sure?18:44
uRockUbuntu works perfectly on it18:44
g33kergRLi'm trying to do a usb install18:44
uRockg33kergRL, ?18:44
g33kergRLif there's no checkmark on that particular partition, it won't erase it for sure? like, 99 percent sure, uRock?18:45
uRockyou are correct18:45
LzrdKingno, 100% sure18:46
g33kergRLuRock: i would really appreciate a guide with pics that is NOT about dual booting WITHIN windows, do you know of one?18:46
uRock1 min18:47
g33kergRLLzrdKing: theoretically, nothing's 100% sure, but i get your drift ... ;)18:47
LzrdKingg33kergRL: if you don't check it, the installer will not erase it; it may however get erased by other means coincidentally at the same time as and noticed immediately after the installer runs18:48
g33kergRLLzrdKing: it's just that the windows partion is seriously effedup18:49
LzrdKingmaybe you should erase it then18:49
g33kergRLit's not mine to erase, it's complicated18:50
uRockg33kergRL, I do not see any tutorials with the screenshot you want.18:50
g33kergRLuRock: that seirously sxx18:50
LzrdKing"its not yours" isn;t so complicated18:50
uRockWhen you get to that part of the install, the only partitions that get changed are the ones you select18:51
LzrdKingthat get changed by the installer*18:52
g33kergRLLzrdKing:  aha, a man with a sense for detail18:52
uRockIf one of the team members here have a screenshot of the partitioning screen for selecting partitions manually, it would be nice to share. I haven't installed a virtual machine since installing Lucid to be ble to get the screenshot18:53
LzrdKingso THATS how you get those screenshots!18:53
g33kergRLLzrdKing: i sooooooo ALSO wondered about that!!18:54
uRockTHat is how I normally get them. Some people manage to do them while installing with the livecd and saving them before restarting18:54
g33kergRLi'm gonna try to login via me laptop18:56
uRockg33kergRL, if you want to run the LiveCD and let it boot without making changes then do a screenshot when it gets to that screen, you can post it on ubuntuforums.org and let one of us see it, then we can say, whether you will be safe or not.18:56
g33kergRLuRock: isn't there a way to do it faster via pastebin something18:57
uRockg33kergRL, you can do a screenshot at any time with the livecd by clicking on Applications> Accessories> Take Screenshot.18:58
LzrdKingpastebin is text only18:58
g33kergRLuRock: noway!18:58
uRockI have never used pastebin, but if you wanna post there and give the link, I can do that too18:58
g33kergRLokay, i gotta use this keyboard for me laptop since its kb is fried for just a mo18:59
uRockI'll be here, just be sure to use my name in the post to sound an alert, so I know to look, g33kergRL19:02
g33kergRLi know now two things19:04
uRockI find it disappointing that none of the Installation Docs have a screenshot of the manual partitioning screen. Maybe after this semester is over I can find time to create one.19:09
g33kergRLhow do i resize two windows side by side in this livecd ubuntu? What are you studying?19:11
uRockYou should be able to click on one of the window borders and drag to make bigger/smaller. I am working on a degree in network security.19:14
g33kergRLso, there's no tiling of windows like in windows? aha, you're all about the ip-this-or-that, right? i used to lowlevel helpdesk at an isp19:18
g33kergRLhow do i mount a recently switched on external drive, attached via usb?19:18
g33kergRLhow do i mount a recently switched on external drive, attached via usb? uRock ...19:18
uRockMore than that, but yeah, I will work with the routing protocols that routers use to talk to each other and such19:18
g33kergRL i do realize " ip-this-or-that" is not really doing you justice ... ;)19:19
uRockIt should be listed in the Places menu or click on COmputer in the Places menu and it should be there19:19
g33kergRLuRock: the prob is, it isn't there19:19
g33kergRLcan i "kickstart" it19:20
swoodyg33kergRL: it should be detected automatically, if it's not, try unplugging the USB, and plugging it back in19:20
g33kergRLswoody: already did that, didn't worl19:20
g33kergRLit's a toshiba 1tb19:21
uRockShe's using 8.0419:21
swoodyg33kergRL: from a terminal, try running: sudo fdisk -l19:21
g33kergRLon a live-usb at that19:21
swoodyg33kergRL: use pastebin.ubuntu.com to post the output19:21
g33kergRLuRock: swoody: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/415114/ can u see it?19:24
swoodyg33kergRL: is that it there on the end? The 500GB partition? or is that something else?19:26
swoodysorry, 500GB disk*19:27
g33kergRLnope, that is a portable hdd without an extra feed cable, so it;'s like a usbstick19:27
swoodygotcha. And /dev/sdb and sdc aren't what you're looking for either?19:28
g33kergRLthose are all usbs19:29
g33kergRLi just looked at my partitions in Gped  and they are all locked, at least they all have a key symbol next to them19:29
swoodygotcha. Can you plug in the USB again, and then give us the last few lines (maybe a dozen or so) from: dmesg19:30
g33kergRLit's already plugged in?19:32
swoodywell yeah, unplug it, and plug it back in, so it's the last action your computer makes :)19:32
g33kergRLi just looked at my partitions in Gped  and they are all locked, at least they all have a key symbol next to them, is that good, or should i swap the  ext3 and swapfile partitions, swoody19:34
g33kergRLand that other disk, fuggedaboudid please19:35
swoodyg33kergRL: that should mean they are all mounted. Does your computer show them as mounted on your desktop, or in the Places menu?19:35
swoodyand for the swap, from a terminal run: free -m to make sure you're not using any of the swap space, and then you can do: sudo swapoff -a to unmount the swap19:37
g33kergRLon both the desktop and the places menu, but it doesn't show the swap and ext3 as a separate thing, they're lumped together as 70GiB media19:39
g33kergRLwhich worrries me19:39
swoodyI would try unmounting them all. What does 'free -m' show you on the "swap" line?19:39
g33kergRLwhere? if you want me to do a terminal command, plse gimme the exact command, or is that it?19:40
swoodyyes, sorry :) Terminal command: free -m19:40
swoodythere will be a line that has the title 'swap' on the left side of the output19:41
swoodyand also, swap won't be shown on your desktop/Places menu, it will only show the ext3 partition as a mounted drive19:41
g33kergRLwait, but i don't wanna swapoff the swapfile partition now, or do i? i am now looking at my pc hardware, from a liveCD, maybe i wasn't clear about that?19:42
swoodywell for clarification, what are you trying to do here? :)19:42
swoodyI do understand that you're on a liveCD. The majority of the time, the live disc will utilize the swap space that you have on your HDD, and will be using it.19:43
swoodyso with the 'free -m' command, if it shows that it has swap space available, that means it's using your internal HDD's swap partition19:44
g33kergRLsorry. I wanted to ask you, if it would be better to unkey the ext3 partition and the swap partition that i've partitioned using Gped, so that my installation of ub804 will go more smoothly. My goal is a dual booted system19:44
g33kergRLSo, the free -m command will NOT unmount/swapoff the swap partition?19:45
swoodyg33kergRL: no, that just shows stats about your memory and swap19:45
LzrdKingno, you need to use swapoff -a to unmount all swap19:45
swoodyg33kergRL: if you're planning on installing, or modifying your partitions, you will need to unmount them first. So right-click on any mounted drives that are shown on your desktop/Places menu which you plan on using for the new install, and unmount them19:46
swoodyg33kergRL: then, once everything is unmounted, and you run: sudo swapoff -a19:47
g33kergRLwhat really bugs me, is that in while installing ubu804, it never says explicitely, do u wanna install on this here nice ext3 partition?" but it just has stuff about editing  a partition, which i thought i don't need to do anymore, since i've created partitions already?19:48
swoodythen in Gparted, in the menu at the top, go to Gparted>Refresh Devices, and it should show them all as unmounted now :)19:48
swoodyg33kergRL: if you've made partitions already, select 'select partitions manually' during the install19:48
swoodythen you can pick where and what to use19:49
g33kergRLdoes it matter to swap them off in gped or in the desktop?19:49
g33kergRLsorry to be so confusing19:49
swoodyg33kergRL: no, you can unmount them either way :)19:49
swoodyg33kergRL: using gparted will work, too19:49
LzrdKingwill ubuntu's installer be able to nondestructively repartition my windows drive?19:50
swoodyLzrdKing: it *should* as long as you have enough free space on your Windows partition to do it, but *please* make backups of anything you don't want to lose just in case :)19:50
LzrdKingswoody: there is nothing there, except what i backed up from my wubi install19:51
swoodyLzrdKing: then yeah, it should work fine, but just know that with any kind of partition modification, there's always a chance of losing some data :)19:52
LzrdKingi spent like 4 hours defragging the thing last night, it kept leaving stuff at the end; i used every trick i knew, including downloading a trial of diskeeper 201019:53
swoodyLzrdKing: have you tried disabling the pagefile, rebooting, then defragging again?19:53
g33kergRLLzrdKing: did you manage to get a password serial for dk2010?19:54
LzrdKingi finally got it to where there is just some system file in the middle, which should leave enough space for windows to be happy and give me enough space for ubuntu to be happy19:54
swoodyif you remove the pagefile, and then resize the partition, it will allow it to be moved, and will usually be much smaller19:54
LzrdKingit's not the page file, i removed that, and hiberfil.sysand the usn journal19:54
swoodyah, ok.19:54
LzrdKingand used diskeeper, smartdefrag and pagedefrag19:55
LzrdKingnot all at once though19:55
swoodyLzrdKing: this may help free up some space until after you're done patitioning: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-5630184.html19:56
LzrdKingits not the free space thats the issue, its that there is blank space and then a small file in th emiddle of it all19:57
LzrdKingswoody: i already deleted hiberfil.sys19:57
swoodyLzrdKing: oh, ok. You already removed those, gotcha :)19:57
LzrdKingyeah, and i killed wubi too19:58
LzrdKingseems to be running ok with no swap, interestingly enough19:58
swoodyg33kergRL: so did that all work out for you? :)19:58
swoodyLzrdKing: yeah, as long as you have enough RAM, or don't use any real memory-intensive apps, you can run fine without swap - although it's not 'recommended' ;)19:59
LzrdKingjust boxee, thats all i'll be running20:00
LzrdKingdoes ubuntu-server install X?20:01
swoodynope, I don't think so, not by default20:01
LzrdKingso when my install is done i have to install it, or can i specify to add that during the install?20:01
swoodywell, if you're doing a new install, I would absolutley include a swap space, though20:02
swoodyLzrdKing: hmm... tbh, I'm not positive, I have done that kind of install with Debian, but not Ubuntu before :/20:02
LzrdKingyeah, even though wubi was also happy without swap20:02
swoodyif it doesn't give you the option, it's easy to 'apt-get install...' after installation20:03
LzrdKingvery tru20:04
LzrdKingbut what's the package called? x? X? X11?20:04
swoodyLzrdKing: are you doing an actual server install, or are you using the CD to do a minimal Desktop install and build it yourself?20:04
swoodylol, I think what you're looking for should just be 'xorg'20:05
LzrdKingwell if dependencies work as well as they should i can just install the boxcee .deb and it'll get the right X for me20:06
LzrdKingi have the server ISO20:06
LzrdKingcan i mount it on another linux machine and install from there so i don't need to burn it?20:07
swoodyyeah, that should work out fine :) (re: dpkg -i boxee.deb)20:07
swoodyLzrdKing: yes, you should be able to do a network install, or even mount it on your HDD and run it from there...20:07
LzrdKingbut i'd still need to boot to something other than windows20:08
swoodyLzrdKing: for more options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation20:08
g33kergRLi am trying to login via laptop also, so ..20:09
swoodyg33kergRL: you're having issues logging into your laptop?20:11
LzrdKingnetwork install looks like more work than just burning a disk20:14
swoodyLzrdKing: yeah, sometimes it's much easier to burn a disk, but for those cases where you absoloutely can't boot from a disc, there's other options :)20:15
LzrdKingfunny how grub4*dos* still works in windows20:16
swoodyLzrdKing: one of the easiest methods I've found - and it saves on not having to burn a CD - is using a USB stick with either unetbootin or Ubuntu's USB creator app20:16
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g33kergRLswoody: really serious issues. with the first bootcd i didn't have inet, with the 2nd no FF and chatzilla, and with the third i had a small screen20:20
LzrdKingif i use unetbootin and make a live usb drive, will it be able to boot windows off the harddrive?20:22
g33kergRLhow do i icrease the windows virtual memory?20:22
swoodyg33kergRL: http://www.hotcomm.com/FAQ/FAQ_virtualmemory.asp20:24
LzrdKingwhat are this disadvantages of booting off USB?20:25
swoodyLzrdKing: compared to a LiveCD?... none that I can think of. Unless like some installers (Debian in particular) where it tries to mount the CD in the cd-rom, and won't detect it if it's on your USB.20:26
swoodybut it's basically just a livecd on a usb drive, so it will be very similar20:26
LzrdKingswoody: compared to a harddrive install20:27
swoodyalso, I *think* unetbootn will give you the option of booting *to* your harddisk, but I'm not sure if it will boot an .iso *from* your HDD20:27
LzrdKingwait, would the usb drive bee read-only?20:28
swoodyLzrdKing: yes, I think so, unless you use Ubuntu's USB Creator, you can set it save changes to the spare space on the USB20:28
swoodynifty for having drivers, etc. already on the liveUSB for future use20:29
LzrdKingok, i thikn i'll install to my harddrive then20:30
swoodysounds good :)20:30
LzrdKingi have installed ubuntu a few times but i don't recall the option to repartition my harddrive; is that step integrated in the install?20:31
=== mohi1 is now known as mohi_away
g33kergRLswoody: im booting of a usb now, how do i save settings?20:33
swoodyLzrdKing: well you can setup partitions from the installer, but for modifying/moving exisiting partitions, I prefer to use Gparted before going through the install20:33
LzrdKingso i boot with gparted first?20:33
swoodyLzrdKing: ah, you're using the server .iso, hmmm...20:34
swoodyI would try going through the install then, it may give you the option to move/resize partitions during install20:35
LzrdKingi can download desktop if i need to20:35
swoodyLzrdKing: which version of Windows are you running?20:36
swoodyah, no partition resizing then :/20:36
swoodyyeah, I would give the server CD installer a go first. During the partitioning step, select to do it manually, and then see if you can shrink your XP partition. If not *then* I would look into downloading the Ubuntu desktop .iso and use gparted20:37
=== SYSTEM is now known as Guest50479
=== Guest50479 is now known as geek3rgrrrl
g33kergRLwow this blows20:39
swoodyg33kergRL: what's that?20:40
geek3rgrrrlthis alos me20:40
g33kergRLbut from a laptop20:40
LzrdKingxp pro*20:40
g33kergRLbut it has a rubber key board which blows20:40
g33kergRLswoody: okay, so i will unmount the ext3 partition and swapoff the swap part, yeah?>20:41
=== geek3rgrrrl is now known as laptop-geek3rgrr
swoodyg33kergRL: yup :)20:43
g33kergRLswoody: it has a install icon on the desktop, if i hit that, will it kill this entire ubuntu-livecd session?20:45
=== laptop-geek3rgrr is now known as laptop-geek3rgrl
=== mohi_away is now known as mohi1
swoodyg33kergRL: no, that'll open up the installation process, it's not harmful to your session at all:)20:48
g33kergRLvery odd20:49
g33kergRLit will live install?20:49
g33kergRLokay, here goes!20:50
swoodyg33kergRL: well it'll start the installation process, you have to go through a lot of menus and options before it actually installs. But yeah, it won't interfere with your liveCD session20:50
g33kergRLur right, im in the proces now 4 of 7, but it's confusing, im gonna look for way to upload screen shots20:52
swoodyg33kergRL: which step is confusing ya?20:56
g33kergRLswoody: http://www.flickr.com/photos/38396060@N06/4524210132/ can u see this?21:01
swoodyg33kergRL: yup :)21:02
g33kergRLhold on21:03
swoodyg33kergRL: just fyi, I would add a second or two to the delay for the screenshots. It looks like your window is fading out slowly, and it's still somewhat visable in the image :)21:04
g33kergRLnot sure what that means. can u c this http://www.flickr.com/photos/38396060@N06/4524220908/21:06
swoodyg33kergRL: ok, so you want to install to the ext3 partition you made, right?21:07
swoodyg33kergRL: ok, you had it right the first time, in the 'manual' option21:08
swoodyselect the ext3 partition, click on 'edit partition'21:09
swoodythen select the mount point as "/" and the file system as "ext3"21:09
g33kergRLyes and then journal as ext3?21:09
g33kergRLcheck mark format too? i think not?21:09
swoodyg33kergRL: you can, it won't add any time to the process, but since it's a new partition, it shouldn't matter either way really21:10
g33kergRLi've noticed that i cannot do a mount point for the swap partion?21:11
g33kergRLis that normal?21:11
swoodyg33kergRL: yeah, it's not a file system, it's a swap space, so it doesn't have a mount point21:11
swoodyso that's perfectly normal :)21:12
swoodyjust make sure to select it as a linux swap space, and you're good21:12
swoodythink of it more like RAM. You don't mount your memory :)21:13
g33kergRLi'd expected SOME sorta indexing thingee, but no matter. more importantly, I can NOT checkmark that one like the ext3 thing. is that normal?21:14
g33kergRLram, schram ;)21:14
g33kergRLswoody:  more importantly, I can NOT checkmark that one like the ext3 thing. is that normal?21:16
swoodyg33kergRL: to format it? or add a mount point?21:16
swoodyyeah, that's normal, and np :)21:16
=== mohi1 is now known as mohi_away
LzrdKingswoody: accoridng to "http://www.howtoforge.com/unetbootin_windows_ubuntu_fedora" the ubuntu installer can resize the partitions for me, but it's old21:16
swoodyLzrdKing: that's true, but IIRC the server install doesn't have the entire live desktop on the disc, so you won't be able to use gparted unless it's part of the installation process21:18
LzrdKingpage 3 of that articlewentions a unetbootin package called partition magic but unetbootin seems to work a lot differently now than it did then :)21:21
g33kergRLswoody: check it out: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/415180/21:22
swoodyg33kergRL: this is correct for your keyboard?: "USA - With EuroSign on 521:23
swoodyg33kergRL: yep, then everything looks good :)21:23
g33kergRLswoody: check it out: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2696/4523633131_08194919d3_m.jpg should i change something in that?21:26
swoodyLzrdKing: well, I'm not sure if partition magic is included with unetbootin, if it is that's awesome, but I know it's available as an .iso that you can use with unetbootin (just like using the ubuntu .iso)21:26
g33kergRLLzrdKing: are trying to install ubu on loads of pc's at the same time?21:27
swoodyg33kergRL: no, I would leave it on /dev/sda, or (hd0). This will install grub onto your HDD bootloader, so it will show Grub at bootup, and give you the option of which OS to boot into. It will be much easier than trying to modify Windows' bootloader to add Ubuntu :)21:28
g33kergRLswoody: ok here goes nothng21:28
g33kergRLits asking me to unmount my c drive21:29
swoodyyeah, go ahead and unmount it - right-click on the icon on your desktop, select unmount21:30
g33kergRLit says it is locked, should i now unlock it via gped?21:31
LzrdKingg33kergRL: no, i'm just installing on one for now21:31
g33kergRLit says it is locked, should i now unlock it via gped?, swoody21:34
swoodyg33kergRL: is it giving you a permissions error? or what did it say exactly?21:34
g33kergRLhmm not sure, i forgot21:34
g33kergRLbecos now it's installing stuff21:35
swoodyoh, is it installing fine now?21:35
g33kergRLit's copying files and all that21:35
g33kergRLi guess21:35
g33kergRLif i suddenly dissappear w'll know21:35
=== mohi_away is now known as mohi1
g33kergRLthis morning, all of a sudden, my pc went down, black screen,21:36
g33kergRLand i smelled some burnt rubberr!21:36
swoodyouch :/21:36
LzrdKingalways pleasant21:36
g33kergRLi checked and cheked21:37
LzrdKingsounds like the powersupply21:37
g33kergRLcan u imagine that!?!?21:37
LzrdKingwas it the powersupply?21:37
g33kergRLi NEVER had a power cable just crap out like that21:37
g33kergRLwell it must have been since i replaced it and the juice came back21:37
LzrdKingit was the cable?21:38
LzrdKingir the supply itself?21:38
g33kergRLno the cable21:38
g33kergRLi didn't replace the supply box21:38
LzrdKinggood you had a spare21:38
LzrdKingdid your dog bite on the cable?21:39
LzrdKingmine would have21:40
g33kergRLha ha, i heard a good one the other day, in class a bloke didn't do his homework, and the teacher asked: what happened, did the dog eat your homework andthat boy said, I've never thought of my dick as homework and i resent you calling me girl a dog21:40
LzrdKingwow, that took balls to say in class21:41
g33kergRLhe's like that21:41
g33kergRLhe dont care nothing21:41
LzrdKingyou from UK?21:41
g33kergRLyes, autralia21:42
LzrdKingyou making fun of my typing?21:42
g33kergRLno, no, autralia21:42
* g33kergRL advises LzrdKing to shoot his typist21:42
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LzrdKingyeah; he can spell, just not type21:43
g33kergRLit's bad, i know21:43
g33kergRLhard to get good help these days21:43
g33kergRLokay im gonna restart it, in 1 sec ill be on the laptop21:44
laptop-geek3rgrlokthat was odd21:45
LzrdKingwhat was?21:46
laptop-geek3rgrlthe screen went purpele21:47
laptop-geek3rgrland then the usb got stuck21:47
laptop-geek3rgrlwow its kinda worken21:47
laptop-geek3rgrlthis feels really werd21:48
LzrdKingthats what she said21:49
laptop-geek3rgrlshe who?21:52
pedro3005laptop-geek3rgrl, don't mind it, just a lame joke21:52
laptop-geek3rgrlokay so there's a diff between ubu-live and ubu installed, this one does see my usb hdd21:53
bodhi_zazenlol LzrdKing , you should have that thing fixed21:53
swoodylaptop-geek3rgrl: that's good to hear :)21:58
swoodylaptop-geek3rgrl: so installation went well then?21:58
swoodyvery good to hear :)22:02
swoodyI had to go afk unexpectedly, sry22:02
laptop-geek3rgrlim on my way ak22:02
g33kergRLi'm back22:10
g33kergRLswoody: ur still here22:10
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LzrdKingbodhi_zazen: what thing?22:11
swoodyg33kergRL: yes, on and off :)22:13
g33kergRLok a definite improvement over the live-usb version is that i seem to be able now to play youtubes22:13
LzrdKinghooray for tax refund check tomorrow!22:14
g33kergRLtoo soon22:14
g33kergRLgod dam22:15
swoodyg33kergRL: have you installed the flash plugin?22:15
swoodydid you also remove swfdec?22:15
g33kergRLno, how do i do that?22:16
swoodyg33kergRL: use Synaptic, System>Admin>Synaptic Package Manager22:17
g33kergRLLzrdKing: i wanted to tell you, that a disadvantage of the usb installer over a cd installer is that the usb installer might get infected with a virus22:17
swoodysearch for 'swfdec' and also 'gnash'. Remove anything installed with those in their name22:17
swoodyg33kergRL: ^22:17
swoodythey're open-source versions of adobe's flash player, and they might conflict with the flash-plugin when trying to view websites22:19
g33kergRLnone of those seem to be installed now, there's no option to uninstall when i righclick them22:20
g33kergRLonly to install22:20
swoodywell that's good I suppose :)22:21
swoodyand you're having issues with Firefox?22:22
swoodysry, youtube*22:22
g33kergRLit keeps telling me to upgrade22:23
swoodyhow did you install flash? Through Ubuntu?22:24
swoodyor did you go to their website and get the .deb?22:24
g33kergRLi guess both22:26
g33kergRLnah i went to their site22:26
g33kergRLvia youtube22:26
g33kergRLthis "Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10"22:26
g33kergRLmaybe it doesn't work with FF 3.022:27
swoodywell, it should. If it's being recognized that it's there...22:28
g33kergRLit's 10.4522:28
swoodylet's try installing it through Ubuntu's repositorys though..22:28
g33kergRLi'm wide open for that22:29
swoodygo to Synaptic again, search for 'Flash' and uninstall the flash plugin there22:29
swoodythen search for 'flashplugin-nonfree' and install that package22:29
swoodyg33kergRL: then restart Firefox, and test it out :)22:35
g33kergRLno it didn't work22:38
g33kergRLreally odd22:39
g33kergRLsince i now checked the specs and i have good specs22:40
g33kergRLright browser, etc22:40
g33kergRLswoody: what does this mean "Only Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) is supported (OSS/ESD will not play audio; audio will silently fail). Only GTK2-based browser versions are supported."22:41
swoodyg33kergRL: ALSA is a system for your sound, and that it's the only version supported. Since you are using FF, you should be good :)22:42
swoodyg33kergRL: open a terminal, and run:      sudo apt-get remove --purge swfdec-mozilla swfdec-gnome mozilla-plugin-gnash gnash22:43
g33kergRLswoody: what good will that do? they're not even installed?22:43
swoodyg33kergRL: well just to double-check they're all gone. In case something may not have displayed correctly in Synaptic22:44
swoodywith it asking you to upgrade, I'd just really double-check that they've all been removed successfully :)22:44
g33kergRLReading package lists... Done22:45
g33kergRLBuilding dependency tree22:45
g33kergRLReading state information... Done22:45
g33kergRLPackage swfdec-mozilla is not installed, so not removed22:45
g33kergRLPackage swfdec-gnome is not installed, so not removed22:45
g33kergRLPackage mozilla-plugin-gnash is not installed, so not removed22:45
g33kergRLPackage gnash is not installed, so not removed22:45
g33kergRL0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 350 not upgraded.22:45
g33kergRLso ... yeah, sorry to spam22:45
g33kergRLbut i get you22:46
swoodyg33kergRL: it's ok, but please use pastebin in the future :)22:46
swoodyhmm... you haven't run updates yet?22:46
g33kergRLshould i ?22:46
swoodytry that, and maybe it'll help :)22:46
swoodyof course! :)22:46
g33kergRL358 updates?22:47
swoodynice :)22:47
g33kergRLorly? ;)22:47
swoodyit's been a while since 8.04 was released (you're using 8.04, right?) So there's going to be a lot the first time around :)22:48
swoodynearly two years of updating ;)22:48
g33kergRLhmmm still 3 mins to download 300 mb22:48
g33kergRLhmmm still 3 mins to download 328.1 mb22:49
swoodywow, that's a quick connection :)22:49
swoodythat would take me probably ~40mins, lol22:49
g33kergRLit kinda is22:49
g33kergRLyou on a phone?22:49
swoodyDSL. You have cable?22:49
g33kergRLno but i have A-dsl22:50
g33kergRLits the A that makes *A*LL the diff ;)22:50
swoodyah, ok. My real DL speeds are about ~160KB/s max22:50
g33kergRLdownload or upload?22:50
swoodydown, up is like 40KB/s max :/22:50
g33kergRLor whatever ...22:50
g33kergRLwith pop[ular torrents, i can get 1.2 MB down. I get 100kb up22:51
swoodyvery nice :)22:51
g33kergRLit's like 30 euros p/m22:52
g33kergRLso its not really cheap22:52
g33kergRLu on a uni connection?22:52
swoodynope, home. My house is kind of odd, and it's the fastest I can get here without going to satellite :/22:53
g33kergRLdude, sux2bu22:53
swoodyand that's just crazy expensive22:53
swoodyno kiddding :(22:53
g33kergRLwhat u pay now?22:53
swoody$30USD a month22:53
g33kergRLoooh sooo cheap22:53
swoodyyeah, but I'd go with a faster setup for a bit more $ if I could22:54
g33kergRLis your house like isolated?22:56
g33kergRLu live on a farm?22:56
swoodyhaha, almost. Small town, long road, long driveway. Just a tiny bit too far for cable :/22:59
swoodyand this is the fastest DSL they offer here22:59
laptop-geek3rgrlitmade me restart23:08
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g33kergRLswoody: u still here? it worked, i can now see and hear youtube23:14
g33kergRLnow im gonna worry about avi and vdub23:14
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swoodyg33kergRL: excellent :)23:18
swoodyg33kergRL: if you're going to setup all your video/audio codecs, this might be of use to you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668323:19
g33kergRLswoody: okay thanks23:23
g33kergRLthanks for all your patience23:23
swoodyg33kergRL: it's np :)23:23
g33kergRLso, maybe you should move to a blue state .... ;)23:24
g33kergRLto get a better connection23:24
swoodylol, I am in a blue state ;)23:24
swoodyjust a bit outside of town, lol23:24
paultag+1 there g33kergRL23:24
g33kergRLblue states are quite red once you leave the cities23:25
g33kergRLpaultag: wot?23:25
swoodyvery true. I'm only 40 mins from Chicago, but it's a different world here ;)23:25
paultagI agree with you there g33kergRL. Red states are the suck23:25
g33kergRLif only red staters realized how much blue states subsidized them ...23:26
g33kergRLif we treated red states like they wanted us to treat black people they'd have no roads, electricity or running water23:27
g33kergRLnot to mention luxuries like fire dept23:27
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g33kergRLpaultag: if we treated red states like they wanted us to treat black people they'd have no roads, electricity or running water, not to mention luxuries like fire dept23:35
g33kergRLpaultag: or y dont' u like redstates?23:35
paultagg33kergRL, because I'm a communist23:38
g33kergRLreally? how odd, there's not many around23:38
paultagg33kergRL, Do you use GNU/Linux?23:39
g33kergRLi would be a communist if i wasn't a greenie first23:39
paultagg33kergRL, Well, you support the same kind of Communist that I am :)23:39
paultagBRB, taking the new netbook out for a spin23:39
g33kergRLcheck out that youtube23:40
g33kergRLpaultag: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jng4TnKqy6A23:40
swoodyg33kergRL: that seems rather simplified, but I am a supporter of the idea :)23:47
g33kergRLthe rebuttal vid is pure lies, though23:47
swoodybut if you'd like to keep chatting about this, join ##politics :)23:47
running_rabbit07g33kergRL, I watched the first 40 seconds of it, I agree with23:48
swoodyno, really :)23:48
swoodyit's a good channel for political discussion :)23:48
running_rabbit07swoody, I agree23:48
g33kergRLhmm, i think those channels r kinda useless, except to vent23:49
running_rabbit07too much flaming there23:49
running_rabbit07no real conversations23:49
g33kergRLi'm too old for that sorta crap23:49
g33kergRLswoody: is it true that aaron schock is gay?23:51
swoodyg33kergRL: no idea tbh, and it's a bit offtopic for a support channel :)23:52
g33kergRLswoody: idk ne body from chicago23:52
g33kergRLas long as there's no support questions. ....23:53
swoodyg33kergRL: you could ask in #ubuntu-chicago if you'd like :)23:53
swoodymaybe someone there would know?23:54
g33kergRLits too trivial, i admit23:54
g33kergRLhow do i do that whole Wine thing23:54
g33kergRLi wanna run some windows apps in ubuntu23:55
swoodyg33kergRL: you can find it in synaptic, or from a terminal: sudo apt-get install wine23:56
swoodyg33kergRL: also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine23:56
g33kergRLhow do i check again if something is installed via terminal?23:58
g33kergRLu gave me that command23:58

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