
keffie_jayxguys could anyone help me check why a package fails to build a source pacakge? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/414593/00:01
RoAkSoAxkeffie_jayx, it seems because you are using a T in CAPS instead of lowercase somewhere.00:03
ScottKkeffie_jayx: Probably in debian/changelog00:04
keffie_jayxmmm ok00:04
keffie_jayxI think that is it00:05
micahgdirecthex: we need the gluezilla patch in Ubuntu for sure00:07
micahgdirecthex: s/gluezilla/GRE00:07
keffie_jayxyep that was ir00:07
keffie_jayxthank RoAkSoAx ScottK00:08
directhexmicahg, that's what broke it00:08
micahgdirecthex: I got it working00:08
directhexi did too, by removing the patch entirely00:08
micahgdirecthex: yes, but in that case, it uses the first GRE it finds which we don't want it to do00:08
directhexis it really the end of the world if it uses 1.9.1 when you have 1.9.1 installed?00:10
micahgdirecthex: 1.9.3 is the problem00:11
micahgdirecthex: crashes00:11
directhexwith 2.4.3-2 ?00:11
micahgdirecthex: yes00:12
micahgwithout the GRE patch00:12
directhexthis totally needs rewriting to use webkit instead00:12
directhexthis is with 1.9.3 only installed, no 1.9.2?00:13
micahgdirecthex: no, with both 1.9.3 and 1.9.200:15
directhexare there 1.9.3 packages for karmic anywhere?00:16
micahgdirecthex: mozilla-daily PPA00:17
directhextbh if it's crashing, you should post on mono-devel list. that's likely your best place for responses. i don't think your timezone and portugese timezone are entirely compatible00:21
micahgdirecthex: I'm ok with the timezones...00:22
micahgthey're 6 hrs ahead of me00:23
directhexit's gone 1am there though, so i doubt andreia is about00:23
micahgdirecthex: I can try in the morning00:23
directhexalso shana on gimpnet #mono. or @sh4na on twitter00:24
micahgdirecthex: k, will have to try in the morning00:24
IntuitiveNippleAnyone available to look at a universe package upload (no response to subscribing sponsors so far) ?00:27
keffie_jayxpbuilder fails, could the archive for pulling dependencies be down? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/414600/00:27
IntuitiveNipplekeffie_jayx: It's a 404 not found error: possibly the package version being requested has been superceded. You probably need to a pbuilder update before trying to build the package.00:29
keffie_jayxIntuitiveNipple: I have just updated pbuilder00:29
* keffie_jayx updates again00:29
IntuitiveNipplekeffie_jayx: Maybe the mirror you're using hasn't synced yet? check it manually using a browser to see what's there00:30
keffie_jayxI am updating again and removing that mirror from /etc/pbuilderrc00:30
ajmitchif it has 2.6.4 in its package listing for lucid, it's quite out of date00:31
IntuitiveNipplekeffie_jayx: Looking in that mirror, 1ubuntu1 isn't there:00:32
IntuitiveNipplekeffie_jayx: nor is 0ubuntu200:33
keffie_jayxwhat mirror do you recomend?00:33
keffie_jayxplain archive?00:33
IntuitiveNippleBut there are *later* versions of those packages00:33
IntuitiveNippleso that seems to imply that the Releases files fetched/used by the pbuilder are out of date in some way...not sure I understand how. I *assume* the package you're building doesn't build-dep on those exact python versions?00:34
keffie_jayxwhat do I do If after I change the mirror pbuilder keeps loking in ve.archive....00:34
IntuitiveNippleThe mirror settings are in the pbuilder's own /etc/apt/ configuration so as long as that is changed it should be ok00:35
IntuitiveNipplekeffie_jayx: You probably need to do a "pbuilder login --save-after-login ..." to change the apt sources.list00:36
keffie_jayxhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/414604/ is my debian/control...00:37
IntuitiveNipplekeffie_jayx: Yeah, that looks fine, it must be the pbuilder's apt settings00:38
keffie_jayxIntuitiveNipple:  I'll look into that00:38
keffie_jayxIntuitiveNipple: after I login I have no editors :S00:40
IntuitiveNippleI install nano for that reason :)00:41
IntuitiveNipplethere's vi but I never got the hang of its commands and interface00:41
keffie_jayxI can do vi00:42
IntuitiveNipplePackage upload request (universe) apt-cacher bug #56190200:42
keffie_jayxIntuitiveNipple:  no vi there00:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561902 in apt-cacher "Sorry, not allowed to fetch that type of file" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56190200:42
IntuitiveNippleinstall it using apt-get from the command line00:42
keffie_jayxErr http://ve.archive.ubuntu.com lucid/main nano 2.1.11-3 404  Not Found [IP: 80]00:44
keffie_jayxsed can do the trick00:44
IntuitiveNippleblimey you're not having much luck there!00:46
keffie_jayxgot it00:47
IntuitiveNippleyou can force apt-get to get the version you *know* is on the mirror using the version-suffix: e.g. apt-get install ${package}=2.1.11-4ubuntu100:47
keffie_jayxIntuitiveNipple: thanks ... pbuilder is now pulling deps fine now00:53
IntuitiveNipplekeffie_jayx: What did you do? change the archive mirror it was using?00:55
keffie_jayxchanged it with sed00:55
keffie_jayxit worked fine00:55
IntuitiveNipplemight be worth reporting to the archive/mirror admins in case that issue on ve is important00:55
keffie_jayxit complained a bit about pbuilder-dependdumy?00:55
keffie_jayxbut I guess it was not that important00:56
IntuitiveNippleIt always does, as in, unmet dependencies00:56
IntuitiveNippleLike: "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy"00:57
keffie_jayxmy packages has binary filles in it and I hadn't noticed00:57
keffie_jayxthe script generates .eggs00:57
keffie_jayxgotta go home for now00:57
keffie_jayxsee you in a bit00:58
keffie_jayxguys, just wanna thank everyone02:56
keffie_jayxI have just packaged my first aplication from scratch02:57
keffie_jayxit is a twitter client made in venezuela, and it is my first package in my ppa02:57
ajmitchexcellent :)02:57
keffie_jayxthe app is not in debian yet02:58
keffie_jayxwhat would be the procedure to getting it in Ubuntu for the nextrelease02:58
ScottKTheMuso (or any Ubuntu Studio dev) apparently the Audacious package structure has changed and you'll need to update your seeds: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/audacious-plugins-extra02:58
ScottK!revu | keffie_jayx02:59
ubottukeffie_jayx: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU02:59
ScottKThat's where you start, but don't expect much attention to be paid until after release.02:59
TheMusoScottK: Thanks for the heads up.02:59
keffie_jayxScottK: I thought so02:59
TheMusoScottK: BTW as of lucid's release, I am resigning from the ubuntustudio dev team.02:59
TheMusoJust FYI.03:00
ScottKTheMuso: Feel free to beat bdrung about the head and shoulders when you see him.03:00
keffie_jayxScottK: thanks for all the help03:00
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Final Freeze in effect | Lucid Beta 2 Released | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi
TheMusoheh I am not that nasty.03:00
ScottKpersia: We still want Universe fixes though.  Let's make that clear in /topic.03:00
ScottKTheMuso: Who else should I be pinging about Studio?03:01
ajmitchpersia: want to add that rcbugs url to the topic while you're at it?03:01
ScottKYes.  Please.03:01
* persia has to hand-type URLs because of a client issue: if someone else wants to change the topic: please just do it :)03:01
=== ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Final Freeze in effect, but keep uploading fixes! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi
persiaScottK: Thank you.03:02
* ScottK leaves RC bugs URL to ajmitch.03:02
* ajmitch mutters03:03
=== ajmitch changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Final Freeze in effect, but keep uploading fixes! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi
=== ajmitch changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Final Freeze in effect, but keep uploading fixes! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bu
ajmitchdoesn't quite fit :)03:03
=== ajmitch changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Final Freeze in effect, but keep uploading fixes! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi
ajmitchsorry for spam03:04
persiaJust means we have to dop something.03:04
persiaLet's drop the rebuild failures in favour of RCbugs for now.03:04
persiarebuilds are important, but we've done the binary removals, so the FTBFS lists should be populated correctly at this point.03:05
persia(assuming LP did the sensible thing)03:05
ajmitchdrop the UDD FTBFS link?03:05
persiaActually, try dropping debcheck first.03:06
persiadebcheck is important and all, but not as important as either rebuild failures or rcbugs.03:06
=== ajmitch changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Final Freeze in effect, but keep uploading fixes! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://is.gd/2y76G | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | latest rebuild failures: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi
ajmitchit only matters if people actually read the topic :)03:07
persiaCool, it fits.03:07
persiaYeah, well.03:07
ScottKpersia: LP does not create a build record after a binary removal, so the FTBFS won't have all you need.  You need the rebuild failures.03:14
* ScottK notes "The Unapproved queue is empty." and invites people to change that.03:14
persiaScottK: Should I process 500 changelog-only uploads to remedy that, or is there a better way?03:15
* persia grumbles. This CD managed to install on this hardware successfully (except for bugs) the last 7 times, and now it fails :(03:16
TheMusoScottK: Re studio, for lucid, its pretty much me atm, but for Maverick and beyond, I don't know. The team are still sorting themselves out I think.03:17
ScottKTheMuso: OK.  Thanks.03:17
ScottKpersia: There is a better way.03:17
persiaScottK: What's the better way, and who is doing it?03:18
persiaOr is the better way to review each, and upload things that fix the FTBFS?03:18
ScottKThe better way is to look at /topic, investigate the links, and do something useful.03:18
ScottKpersia: Excellent.03:18
* ajmitch looks for this mythical empty queue03:19
persiaOh well.  I was hoping for consolidated reporting.03:19
persiaajmitch: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=03:20
ajmitchScottK: if you were bored, the karmic unapproved queue isn't empty :)03:21
ScottKThe output of apt-cache unmet |grep -v Recommends|grep -v Suggests|less is also somewhat instructive, although it does require some interpretation.03:24
ScottKajmitch: Boost accepted.  I'm not messing with Landscape.03:31
ajmitchScottK: I don't care about landscape :)03:33
* ScottK neither03:34
ajmitch'apt-cache -i unmet' will probably do what you wanted there, too03:34
ScottKSure enough.  Thanks.03:35
zulwhats wrong with landscape?03:48
ajmitchI didn't touch it, so I don't know what changes it has in karmic-proposed03:48
zulah ok...i thought something was actually wrong with it03:49
ajmitchnah, it just has an update to be accepted by an archive admin03:52
zulheh..yeah i know I put it there ;)03:52
ajmitchoh did you now? :)03:53
zulwell uploaded it03:53
zulim falling asleep03:53
* ajmitch has been doing that all day03:53
ScottKzul: It has special rules about what's OK.03:58
micahgTheMuso: would you like to sponsor a vlc patch for me?05:07
* ajmitch wonders what we should do with spe - it depends on pychecker, which was removed 05:09
micahgajmitch: bring a new/working version of pychecker back?05:10
ajmitchat this late stage? it's possible, but it was removed due to python2.6 compatibility05:11
micahgajmitch: did debian not get a working version since then?05:11
ajmitchwhich may or may not have been correct05:12
ajmitchit has a version which appears to work, but has some open bugs with regards to py 2.6 features05:12
micahgajmitch: well, idk about now, but I filed a sync for something that was removed due to FTBFS, but it was fixed05:12
ajmitchso I'm not sure if it's worth dragging back in yet or not05:12
micahgajmitch: ah05:12
micahgajmitch: is spe needeed?05:13
ScottKajmitch: pychecker is needed, IIRC, for spe installability, so getting it back would be good.05:13
ScottK(if it works)05:13
ajmitchScottK: yes, this is what I'm talking about, someone mentioned spe being uninstallable in the loco channel05:13
ajmitchit at least has issues with relative imports05:14
ScottKI heard someone say it worked with 2.6, but never had a chance to look into it.05:14
ScottKThat'd be a problem in 2.5 too, right?05:14
ajmitchwould you be able to approve letting it back in from sid if that's the case?05:14
ajmitchnot sure05:14
ScottKI'll take care of Newing it, yes.05:15
ajmitchI'll see how it builds & runs on lucid05:15
ScottKFor now I'm going to go collapse for a few hours.05:16
ajmitchit passes a test suite when builkdding on lucid, so there's hope05:17
ScottKGreat.  Good night.05:18
micahgnight Scottk05:19
imbrandonugh got a strange problem05:39
imbrandonand arch : all package that has to be built on ppc though05:40
imbrandonanyway to force that on soyuz ?05:40
wgrantIt is, however, ridiculously easy to implement once a control field has been decided upon.05:49
ajmitchsomething like Build-Architecture?05:50
wgrantSomething like that, yes.05:51
imbrandonhum ok, i guess no openbios-{ppc,sparc} for lucid then05:53
ajmitchthose sort of packages have often been a problem05:54
imbrandonyea, i rember them messing with my head a year or two ago05:54
ajmitchI suppose it ought to be mostly safe by now to upgrade my laptop to lucid05:57
micahgajmitch: I'd wait for the 2.6.32-21 kernel to hit the repos first05:59
ajmitchthere have been a few issues with -20? :)06:00
imbrandoni've been on it a few weeks on my laptop, seems fine so far, no major breakage06:00
imbrandonLinux jordan 2.6.32-21-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 13 20:34:00 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux06:01
imbrandonlooks like -21 is in06:01
ajmitchyeah, I saw the source upload06:01
ajmitchdidn't know how backlogged buildds are06:01
imbrandonyea i downloaded it a few minutes ago from archive , not sure about the contry codes06:02
ajmitchI have archive.u.c in sources.list06:02
* micahg is wondering why an upgrade hans't been offered06:02
imbrandonmicahg: apt-get update :)06:02
ajmitchi386 vs amd64?06:02
imbrandonmaybe, i'm on x86_64 but run 32bit06:03
micahgimbrandon: ah, that's probably it06:03
imbrandonajmitch: so i'm thinkin about sellin my wow acct06:04
ajmitchI'm not buying06:04
imbrandonhahah i know06:05
imbrandoni just keep seeing them on Craigslist for $1000 for about half of what i have06:05
imbrandoni'm like hum, an easy $1k usd06:05
ajmitchjust because they're listed for that doesn't mean they'd sell for that much06:05
imbrandonimho someone would be an idiot to pay for one, but thats ok, an idiot is easily parted with his $06:06
ajmitchnow if you were to try & sell your LP account we'd have to beat you :)06:08
imbrandonyou know that had never crossed my mind, thats kinda nuts06:08
imbrandonwonder what a dd gpg+ssh key would go for ? hahahahahahah blasphmy06:09
ajmitchif any developer were to do that, they'd be blacklisted rather fast, I hope06:09
imbrandonand since the wot is fairly personal, i would be hard to get back06:10
imbrandonthe reputation that is06:10
ajmitchthey may even end up with a personal visit from some nice people...06:10
imbrandonhonestly now that you mention it, i wonder if its ever been attempted or if there is a contengcy plan ( other than that of any other time there has been untrusted access to the dd systems )06:12
imbrandoni hope not but still ...06:12
imbrandonyou know i wish there was once place/page to manage all the lists.ubuntu.com subscriptions , instead of goting to each mailmans interface06:15
micahgimbrandon: you can bulk change your address06:15
imbrandondo tell06:16
micahgimbrandon: you can change your address for all lists in one shot06:16
imbrandonno no i got that part, but where06:16
* micahg is looking06:16
wgrantI think you can do it once you're logged in to any of the lists.06:17
wgrantI did it a couple of years ago, but don't remember the details. It wasn't that unobvious.06:17
micahgmaybe that's it06:17
imbrandonsee thats 3/4 of my problem, i've signed up to half the lists with diffrent email addresses etc ( but they all forward to my same inbox ) so its hard to manage them all06:17
* micahg did that too and migrated everything to ubuntu.com address once I acquired one06:18
imbrandonsome are @ubuntu.com some are @kubuntu.org some are my gmail , lol06:18
imbrandonand heck its been 4 years since i signed up on some of the lists06:19
micahgajmitch: can you ack a sync?06:19
imbrandonawesom, i found the area to do it ( on the ML pages ) thanks06:23
siretartmicahg: I'm at a conference in paris this week, so if you need a sponsor, I won't be avaiable before the weekend when I'm back home06:26
micahgsiretart: I'm trying to find someone to do it06:26
imbrandonwhat do you need micahg ?06:27
micahgimbrandon: I need vlc sponsored and phpmyadmin sync acked06:27
imbrandoni can take a look at vlc for ya, where do you have it ?06:28
micahgimbrandon: bug 55898106:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558981 in vlc "vlc fails to build against xulrunner-1.9.2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55898106:28
micahghi hyperair06:28
imbrandonmicahg: ok, added to my queue, i'll lookit over / upload before i sleep tonight06:28
micahgimbrandon: great, thanks06:28
* micahg would like to get a few days of testing before release06:29
micahgimbrandon: would you be able to push a packagekit rebuild for me or is it too late?06:35
ajmitchmicahg: I may be able to look at phpmyadmin in a bit, just in the middle of upgrading my laptop now06:36
micahgajmitch: k06:36
cody-somervilleIts too late06:40
cody-somervilleunless it meets final freeze exception criteria06:41
micahgcody-somerville: k, seems like it only has a build-dep on xul191 and not a runtime dep06:41
micahgseems like the only thing left that actually needs xul191 in archive to run is gjs06:44
* micahg will fix this weekend06:44
imbrandonmicahg: changes look good, test build is also fine, get me an FFe on IRC or on the bug report from a release team member and i'll upload it06:48
micahgimbrandon: should an FFe ack already in the bug...06:49
* imbrandon will look closer06:49
micahgimbrandon: wait, it's an FTBFS fix...I guess I do need an FFe...this gets confusing06:50
imbrandonjust ping any of the awake release team members on irc or get them to ack it, i'll take care of the rest if wanted06:51
micahgimbrandon: I just asked pitti06:51
imbrandonbrb more mt dew time06:51
* micahg requested several already this week and thought all were had06:51
micahgimbrandon: pitti said it's bug fix only, so go for it06:55
imbrandonmicahg: k will so07:13
micahgimbrandon: thanks07:17
hyperairmicahg: hello.07:21
RAOFmicahg: You've got a fix for that gjs madness?07:23
imbrandonmicahg: uploaded, should have email shortly07:25
micahgRAOF: this weekend, sorry for the delay07:29
micahgimbrandon: thanks07:29
micahgRAOF: gjs is the last thing that depends on xul191 in lucid, but it depends on an older version ATM, so it doesn't  matter07:29
RAOFmicahg: No need to be sorry!  I was just wondering how you'd fixed it :)07:29
micahgRAOF: I still have my idea, I just need time to look into it, unfortunately, I was thrown a curveball with vlc and we just got that uploaded tonight07:30
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
dholbachgood morning07:51
ajmitchhi dholbach08:08
dholbachhey ajmitch08:09
imbrandongnight all08:33
micahggnight imbrandon, thanks again08:34
splashotehey, I'd like to propose guayadeque for inclusion in the Ubuntu repos. https://sourceforge.net/projects/guayadeque/ it's not my project but anonbeats. it's a quite advanced lightweight AudioPlayer with a very fast development and a very active group of users behind it08:44
splashote1if there is anybody willing to help us in order to include guayadeque, we'll discuss this here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139812809:00
ajmitchwow, plymouth looks ugly on fglrx :)09:27
micahgajmitch: I thought that release doesn't need to ack bug fix only universe packages until RC week09:48
micahgajmitch: ah, it seems that it was updated :)09:49
* micahg thinks he said the same thing by beta 209:49
ajmitchmicahg: I thought I'd subscribe them before I got told off too much10:01
micahgajmitch: no, you're correct, I forgot that the policy changed this cycle10:02
=== hannesw_ is now known as hannesw
directhexis making a source package compile on amd64 as well as i386 something that needs a FFe?10:22
micahgdirecthex: I don't think so, but I think at this point, you need a -release ack for upload10:25
directhexeven for universe?10:25
directhexhm, spose so10:25
micahgdirecthex: I should restate, I'm assuming that it was capable and something broke and it's not new like all to separate arch?10:25
micahgdirecthex: I think it's new this cycle even for universe10:26
* micahg keeps forgetting10:26
directhexmicahg, it was previously Arch:i386, due to a very small bug10:26
micahgdirecthex: idk, you should probably just ask in -release and you can get whatever ack you need at this point :)10:27
micahgor maybe someone else will pop in here :)10:27
LaneyYou don't need any additional approval for unseeded packages10:54
micahgLaney: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#Exceptions%20for%20Universe/Multiverse seems to imply something else10:55
micahgLaney: I thought I saw it somewhere :)10:56
* micahg goes to subscribe ubuntu-archive to my sync10:57
micahgLaney: should I sync be confirmed after MOTU ack or still NEW?10:59
micahg*a sync10:59
LaneyI don't understand10:59
Laney"or still NEW"?10:59
micahgLaney: the status on a sync bug should be confirmed or new after MOTU ack?10:59
Laneyoh, confirmed if you have sponsors ack11:00
micahgLaney: yep, he just thought release ack was needed11:00
Laneymaybe it needs an ffe11:00
micahgLaney: bug fix release11:00
micahgLaney: you want to verify?11:01
Laneyno, it's alright11:01
james_wScottK: bug 563697 if you would be so kind11:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563697 in bacula-doc "FFe: sync bacula-doc 5.0.1-1 from unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56369711:33
ScottKjames_w: Approved.11:42
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ScottKbdrung: Your vlc upload has an undocumented change in debian/rules.  I'm going to reject it.  If that was desired, please document both the change and the rationale.12:14
YokoZarCan someone with archive please sync hedgewars?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hedgewars/+bug/55508212:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555082 in hedgewars "new version 0.9.13 released ... ppp (pretty please package)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:18
bdrungScottK: it's for installing the apport hook12:20
ScottKbdrung: As long as you tested it, reupload with a more thorough changelog then.12:21
bjfsIf I include python-fpconst on lucid (pbuilder) for build depends, the build fails with "Depends: python-fpconst which is a virtual package", though it looks normal... any idea how to hack this?12:42
james_wlfaraone: know what we should do with http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/sugar-0.86 ?13:04
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
james_whyperair: any idea about http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/banshee-extension-telepathy ?13:16
hyperairjames_w: oh yeah, sorry i forgot to tell you. please remove it.13:17
james_whyperair: remove what?13:17
hyperairjames_w: -telepathy.13:17
hyperairi commented out the package13:17
hyperairit's documented in the changelog13:17
hyperairtelepathy-gabble >= 0.9 doesn't exist in lucid13:17
hyperairit's not installable.13:17
james_wyou just uploaded?13:17
james_wthe problem is that banshee-community-extensions still depends on it13:18
hyperairjames_w: heh? i thought i commented that out as well.13:19
james_wpls to be fixing13:19
hyperairjames_w: it is commented out.13:19
hyperairjames_w: are you sure you're looking at the correct version?13:19
hyperairjames_w: -1ubuntu313:19
james_wno idea13:20
james_wI'm just going on the output of NBS13:20
hyperairit's commented out13:20
james_wyour answer can be "It's waiting in the build queue", or "it was only built two hours ago"13:20
hyperairmore like it hasn't been built at all?13:20
hyperairfine, it's waiting in the build queue.13:21
james_wmust have been skew with the old standalone package or something13:21
james_wI'll remove the binary and it will all work itself out when that builds13:21
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kreuterhi #ubuntu-motu.  how do I help fix a bug in a package whose maintainer is "Ubuntu MOTU Developers"?14:47
nenolodmake a debdiff containing the fix and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug14:48
ScottKnenolod and kreuter: ubuntu-sponsors, not ubuntu-universe-sponsors anymore.14:52
nenolodwell i haven't needed to fix a ubuntu package in some time. :p14:55
ScottKjames_w: Thanks for taking on the NBS stuff.14:57
james_wthere's still quite some to do unfortunately14:58
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james_wI'm starting a packaging training session on using bzr for Ubuntu development now in #ubuntu-classroom16:03
james_wanyone is welcome to come ask questions16:03
james_weven those who think they know everything ;-)16:03
lfaraonejames_w: not sure :(16:22
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micahgttx: I'm not sure how they choose what to sync, I had something else requested to sync that wasn't this morning even though it was approved17:04
ttxmicahg: we'll see, I can upload the limited fix in case the sync gets rejected for any reason17:20
* ttx disappears17:20
bdmurrayHow or who do I talk to about getting bughelper removed from the archive?17:48
geserbdmurray: the archive admins via a bug17:48
rbaut0exists a how-to about how packaging app that are build with maven ?18:27
geserrbaut0: if you don't find any, you might check how other package are done (look for package build-depending on maven)18:30
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ScottKbdrung: Thanks to your audacious upload there are now a number of packages build-depending on the old, no longer built ones.  Please ensure they get transitioned.  See http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ for details.18:41
bdrungScottK: there are four B-D on audacious-plugins-dev. This must be changed to audacious-dev, but all four package fail to build, because some functions are missing (renamed/removed?)19:00
ScottKbdrung: OK.  Please take care of fixing it.19:00
ScottKhyperair: Similarly your dropping of banshee-extension-telepathy has left banshee-community-extensions uninstallable.19:02
hyperairScottK: it hasn't built yet.19:02
ScottKhyperair: OK.  Great.19:02
hyperairScottK: it's been stuck in the queue for nearly 20 hours now, i think.19:02
ScottKhyperair: The buildds are really backed up.19:03
hyperairScottK: weird, some hours ago i checked the buildds, and there were at least 8 i386 buildds idling19:03
ScottKhyperair: Those were PPA buildds.  Not interchangable19:04
hyperairScottK: aah i see.19:04
hyperairhmm 24hours, not <20h19:04
ScottKAs the main freeze gets harder, things in Universe will catch up.19:06
ScottKbdrung: Feel free to ping sistpoty for help when he's around since he approved the FFe.19:14
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bdrungScottK: do we need a FFe for bug fixes?19:26
ScottKbdrung: No.19:27
bdrungScottK: so for what was this notice?19:27
ScottKPlease don't do stuff like rewrite the entire build system if you can avoid it.19:27
ScottKbdrung: Getting the audacious rdpends fixed.19:27
bdrungScottK: oh, i missreaded your comment: i read "since he approves FFe" instead of "since he approved the FFe"19:29
ScottKAh.  Right.19:29
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bdrungScottK: bug #564087, #564088, #564091, #56409219:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564087 in g15daemon-audacious "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56408719:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564088 in imms "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56408819:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564091 in upse "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56409119:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564092 in xmp "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56409219:38
bdrungwhere is sistpoty?19:38
ScottKNot sure.19:41
ScottKbdrung: I'd first check and see if any of those packages have new upstream versions that do build with 2.3.19:42
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lfaraonepersia: in other news, it looks like asking nicely managed to convince the Debian maintainers to adopt the epoch for squeak-vm. Yay for cross-distro coordination!20:16
persia"asking nicely" is the most powerful tool in free software :)20:17
persiaExtra points for asking nicely with a patch20:17
lfaraonepersia: heh, there wasn't much to patch :)20:18
* ScottK prefers asking nicely with a big stick, but doesn't always have that optin.20:20
ajmitchScottK: using a big stick in debian can be counterproductive20:20
lfaraoneFor SRUs, we should use version numbers like ubuntu0.1, right? (what if I'm considereing SRUing to multiple serieses?)20:27
lfaraonepersia: uh, is bug 301190 corrently worded? (my second SRU)20:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301190 in etoys "etoys does not launch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30119020:35
persiaI'm not the best person to ask about SRUs, but it appear to have rationale, test case, and a patch.20:36
* persia accepts some nominations, expecting lfarone will follow-up appropriately20:37
james_wlfaraone: what was sugar-0.86 and why was it removed?20:41
mhall119question: should this package branch have all the qimo-games* files in it?20:53
james_wmhall119: no, they must have been in the source package when it was uploaded20:55
mhall119do I file a bug and then propose a merge to remove them?20:55
ScottKmhall119: Yes20:56
ScottKOr attach a debdiff to the bug.20:56
mhall119I already have the branch checked out20:58
mhall119do I update the changelog when I do this, or will the person merging update it?20:59
james_wmhall119: update the changelog, but the uploader can do it for you if you want21:02
mhall119what's the usual way of doing it?21:04
* mhall119 is trying to learn the "correct" way21:04
james_wadding the changelog entry is usual21:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564152 in qimo-games "Package branch has extra archive files that shouldn't be there" [Undecided,New]21:11
mhall119does that look right?21:11
james_wmhall119: looks ok to me21:18
mhall119yay, I may finally be starting to get the hang of this21:20
lfaraonejames_w: older version of sugar. It was removed since .88 is out, I guess, and we need only one version.23:02
lfaraonejames_w: sadly due to some pyxpcom issues we can't ship a working sugar-browse, which is critical.23:03
lfaraonejames_w: by the way, I can propose for a package to be merged into RELEASE-proposed like I do with "lucid" during the development cycle, right?23:04
micahglfaraone: I can try to sort out the upstream pyxpcom goals after UDS23:05
lfaraonemicahg: mk, thanks. that's a bit above me unfortunately :(23:05
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james_wlfaraone: but we can't keep them around depending on the removed package either23:58
james_wlfaraone: and you can propose for -proposed for karmic and earlier23:58

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