
bep_i want to install 9.10 but during isntallation i cannot see the whole screen00:19
tgm4883are you using a tv as a monitor?00:19
bep_so i can't see what i selevt00:19
bep_i have a 50" plasma conencted via hdmi00:20
bep_during bootup everything is sclaed fine00:20
bep_i tried beta 2, the mythtvfrontend was scaled correct too, but when trying to configure i was unable to see the whole screen00:21
bep_in xfce i was able to move the mouse outside the screen but not to the top00:22
tgm4883video card?00:22
bep_resolution was set to 1920 108000:22
tgm4883can you set the resolution smaller for a bit?00:26
bep_tried already but than i saw a quite smaller section of the screen00:30
boneliferHave you tried putting the install on a USB stick and booting from that?00:30
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] Mythtv Front and back ends. Screen size. - Ubuntu Forums00:31
bep_that's my problem i guess00:31
eggheadrunning mythbuntu 9.10, using ltsp on a 64bit machine, able to boot 64bit boxes, but cant boot i386 clients (using usb drive) but get i think the i386 client trys to load in from /opt/ltsp/images/amd64 instead of the /opt/ltsp/images/i386 image, any one know if there is a config file to change the boot image for different clients?01:09
PimPu got a usb stick that boots01:43
PimPi wanted to test that on my comp01:44
PimPwhats the best tuner card01:44
mrandPimP: 93 different answers to that question.  It depends on what type of tv service you have, and where you are in the world.01:52
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dewmanHi there. I am lookig for some help with a PCtv HD 800i remote, not sure if I should let the V4L drive the remote or use lirc....03:34
tmktis this bug still an issue ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/54655215:06
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #546552 in Mythbuntu: “MythTV is built without H.264 HE-AAC support”15:06
tmktI have the most recent build and it seems to be an issue even though the bug says its been done for almost a month now15:07
tmktAll my handbrake Ripped dvds won't play 5.1 anymore since i upgraded to 10.04/0.2315:07
Davieytmkt: should be fixed in lucid15:16
tmktyeah...mythfrontend --version tell me if it is?15:19
tmktRipped all my dvd's as AC3 passthrough and with previous version of mythbuntu they all played in 5.115:20
tmktno luck anymore15:20
tmktlive tv/recordings all play 5.1 np15:20
Davieytmkt: assuming you are using the Internal player for Ripped dvds?15:23
tmktusing internal player everywhere15:34
tmktshould i see afd or faad in mythtvfrontend --version?15:57
tmkt linux debug using_oss using_alsa using_pulse using_jack using_pulseoutput using_backend using_dvb using_firewire using_frontend using_glx_proc_addr_arb using_hdhomerun using_hdpvr using_iptv using_ivtv using_joystick_menu using_libudev using_lirc using_mheg using_opengl_video using_opengl_vsync using_qtdbus using_qtwebkit using_v4l using_x11 using_xrandr using_xv using_xvmc using_xvmc_vld using_xvmcw using_bin15:58
mrandtmkt: what version are you running?16:03
mrandsorry, what rev of mythtv are you running?16:03
tmktPlease include all output in bug reports.16:12
tmktMythTV Version   : 2413316:12
tmktMythTV Branch    : branches/release-0-23-fixes16:12
tmktNetwork Protocol : 5616:12
tmktLibrary API      : 0.23.20100314-116:12
tmktQT Version       : 4.6.216:12
tmktupdated this morning16:17
Zinn[www.baablogic.net] My MythTV Setup | www.baablogic.net16:58
tmktrh for me?17:01
tmktah no17:01
rhpot1991no just general output17:02
rhpot1991then I can just point people at that when they ask what hardware I recommend :)17:02
nixii have a question: does anybody knows how to setup propertly mythbuntu 9.10 or 10.4 with a skystar 2 (LNB and channel scanning)?17:04
tmktshould put a date on it17:04
* mrand hates web pages without dates. I hate^2 blog posts without dates.17:06
mrandnixi: sorry.  I do believe people use it however: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/mythtvnz/389540, so the forums and mailing lists likely discuss it in various degrees of detail.17:10
Zinn[www.gossamer-threads.com] LNB power with dual DVB-S cards | MythTV | Mythtvnz17:10
rhpot1991hmmm why doesn't it have a date17:28
rhpot1991ah prob cause I made it a page not a story, silly drupal17:28
nixithank you17:43
nixii have a look17:43
nixihmm that dosent answer my question... im more interested if rev 2.8 (this one i got) is working with mythtv cuse im not able to scan for channels etc even i have it configured in mythtv and its normaly detected.17:46
nixicuse there is aswell rev 2.6 of this card and there is not much good post about it and old one ;(17:47
mrandnixi: first thing I would do if I had a digital tuner (which I don't) would be to make sure the scanning works with an external (non MythTV) scanner.  If that doesn't work, then you know the problem is not with mythtv.  This is important because myth's scanning feature is not well documented, so some people find it hard to get it set up correctly.17:52
mrandOnce you know scans work, then either do searching on forums/mailing list, or post to forums/mailinglist/#mythtv-users with what you're seeing.17:52
nixiit works mrand (scanning) i scanned all channels to channels.conf using "scan" command in console17:55
nixiand i tryed even to import channels from this file using this option "import channels.conf" only errors about bad pharse...17:56
nixii hear that it could be a problem with LNB what i found - when you setup the DVB card its all ok but when you go do DISEQ option and setup there all and press save etc it dosent save it ;(17:58
mrandnixi: if you're saying you believe it to be a bug in mythtv, could you go over to #mythtv-users, tell them what you're seeing, and go from there?18:04
mrandno-one here is an expert on channel scanning, unfortunately.18:04
nixiok will do :)18:07
nixithank you18:07
mrandnixi: no problem.  Please be VERY patient there... it may take quite a while for someone to respond.  So therefore you'd do good to say what does and does not work (i.e., the "scan" works)18:09
MarkDudetgm4883   - what is your email? It is not on Launchpad.18:11
mrandMarkDude: from the launchpad page, click to his wiki page.  It's there.18:17
MarkDudemrand, I just found his @mythbuntu email18:18
mrandHe does need to fix his home web page link though18:18
mrandthat should work as well.18:18
MarkDudeI noticed that18:19
mrandI wonder what other faults we can find in his stuff.18:20
tgm4883!stab mrand18:22
* Zinn stabs mrand with a rusty spork.18:22
MarkDudeYay, you exist tgm488318:22
MarkDudeI just emailed you18:22
tgm4883I always wondered why there needs to be 50 million places to keep all my info18:23
tgm4883maybe i'll delete that wiki page18:23
MarkDudemrand, its like a code review - too bad he did not volunteer for it18:23
MarkDudeMe too, Im still finding old contact stuff for myself18:24
mrandtgm4883: if you wouldn't have so many myspace pages, it wouldn't too hard.18:26
tgm4883I have to for all of my identies18:26
MarkDudemyspace & some shiny Ubuntu logos - sounds epic18:26
tgm4883I haven't gotten any email recently18:27
MarkDudeor not18:27
DavieyMarkDude: all the mythbuntu dev's have ircnick@mythbuntu.org18:28
MarkDudethat is where I sent it18:28
MarkDudethere it is.18:29
tgm4883i'm the founder?18:29
tgm4883defacto founder I guess18:29
mrandNot only that, but you're in the drivers seat.18:30
mrandWhich is appropriate, since you spend so much time driving.18:30
mrandnixi: http://mythtv.beirdo.ca/ircLog/channel/1/2010-04-13 might provide some applicable reading (including how to get a useful log message that you can pastbin... a good log showing the mythtv-setup run would probably be the next step)18:33
Zinn[mythtv.beirdo.ca] Beirdobot, irc.freenode.net :: #mythtv-users18:33
mrand(starts at 08:40 and goes for quite a while)18:33
foxbuntuwho said tgm4883 was a founder?19:14
tgm4883foxbuntu, a few people19:16
tgm4883mrand did19:16
rhpot1991what did he found?19:16
tgm4883the oregon loco channel19:16
mrandBut when is he going to found his sanity?19:17
foxbuntuthats quite sad for oregon loco19:17
tgm4883!eat foxbuntu19:17
ZinnSorry I don't know about eat foxbuntu19:17
tgm4883!eat foxbuntu19:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about eat foxbuntu19:18
foxbuntutgm4883, do it now19:18
tgm4883that didn't work as good as I thought19:18
tgm4883!eat foxbuntu19:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about eat foxbuntu19:18
tgm4883!eat foxbuntu19:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about eat foxbuntu19:18
tgm4883!eat foxbuntu19:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about eat foxbuntu19:18
tgm4883!eat foxbuntu19:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about eat foxbuntu19:18
tgm4883!eat foxbuntu19:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about eat foxbuntu19:18
tgm4883!eat | foxbuntu19:18
Zinnfoxbuntu: Eat? You must want to play #wolfie19:18
foxbuntu!paste | tgm488319:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about paste19:18
foxbuntu!paste% | tgm488319:18
Zinntgm4883: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.19:18
tgm4883rhpot1991, you need to fix zinn for that19:19
ZinnHi tgm4883, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.19:19
mrandzinn, tgm4883 needs help with eating19:19
ZinnHi mrand, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.19:19
rhpot1991fixhim for what?19:19
tgm4883add a !eat command19:19
tgm4883!eat | rhpot199119:19
Zinnrhpot1991: Eat? You must want to play #wolfie19:19
foxbunturhpot1991, anytime tgm4883 says Zinn there should be a random comment19:19
ZinnHi foxbuntu, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.19:19
rhpot1991foxbuntu: random insult generator?19:20
mrand!eat | zinn19:20
Zinnzinn: Eat? You must want to play #wolfie19:20
foxbunturhpot1991, exactly19:20
rhpot1991foxbuntu: I assumed that is what would happen if I ever implemented the AI module19:20
foxbunturhpot1991, and?19:20
tmkthow do i confirm that my version doesn't have this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/54655219:54
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #546552 in Mythbuntu: “MythTV is built without H.264 HE-AAC support”19:54
tmktfrom what i've read it should show up in the compile options from mythfrontend --version19:55
tgm4883!wolfie | tmkt19:55
Zinntmkt: Come play 2 rounds of #wolfie and get assistance with your issue19:55
tgm4883tmkt, i'm not sure how to tell, but that should be active now19:56
tmktits the only thing that I can think off why my handbrake dvd rips no longer play 5.119:57
tmktwhen they did with 9.10 and 0.2219:57
tmktsaw mention on ubuntuforums of seeing libfaad needing to be listed in the compile options..19:57
tmktbut that isn't the case when i look at my mythfrontend compile options..which is from the v0.23 repo as of this morning19:58
tgm4883tmkt, i'd have to check when I get home19:58
tgm48839.10 still?19:58
tmkt10.04 and 0.23 right now20:00
tmkt5.1 on my recordings and live tv20:00
tmktjust not 264/ac3 videos20:01
foxbuntuneed two more people in a fun game of #wolfie, just /j #wolfie now :-)20:01
tmktusing spdif passthrough and all20:01
Ivan747Hello, how do I set a default system volume? Mythbuntu sets volume to 0% on startup.21:15
Ivan747Nevermind, problem solved21:19
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