
elkypleia2, i find it incredible that from a security p.o.v they're moving to wordpress01:17
elkybut happy as its admin stuff is something you could train a dead fish to use.01:17
elkypleia2, we can always set up a temp one at wordpress.com and export when they're ready for us, too.01:18
IdleOneI am so happy to see that my post on the -fr forum and subsequent negative remarks from one user got defended (+1 for Ubuntu Women ) by several of the users of that forum :)03:04
czajkowskimorning folks07:07
dholbachgood morning07:51
AlanBellpopey: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hhd-test-livecd now what?09:45
AlanBelloops, wrong channel09:45
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
AlanBellczajkowski: would you like to do some sheet spreading?13:05
akgranerelky ping13:11
elkyakgraner, pong?13:12
akgranerhehe :-)13:12
=== issyl0_ is now known as issyl0
IdleOneakgraner: How would I add a file to be downloaded to a wiki page?14:13
akgranerIdleOne, you just want the link for them to go to?14:13
IdleOneI want them to be able to click and the link and be offered to save the file14:14
IdleOneif that is possible in wiki14:14
akgranerlike a pdf or something - you will need to put it on a server somewhere (or at least that is what I do)14:14
akgranerso when they click on the link it downloads14:14
elkyupload it as an attachment and {{attachment:file.ext}}14:15
elkyer, no... that's showing an image14:15
akgranerelky, I tried that and it didn't work the way I wanted it to :-(14:15
elkysquare brackets not curly brackets14:15
IdleOneok how about this14:16
IdleOneI will send you the .odt and you decide if you want to add to the wiki14:16
akgranerIdleOne, attach the file to the page14:16
elkywe'll figure it out from there14:17
akgranerIdleOne, ok14:17
akgranergo for it14:17
akgranerakgraner ubuntu com14:17
IdleOneit is for the Model release waiver. just thought it would be easier for the parents to save the file and sign then send back.14:20
IdleOnethen copy/paste/scan/errrr so much work14:21
elkyIdleOne, They can put a legal signature in it?14:21
IdleOnethey still need to print and scan but the fields that need to be filled are empty14:21
akgranerIdleOne, thanks!14:21
IdleOneI looked at it and was like, wait I have no room to right stuff down :)14:22
IdleOneOMG I am losing my English :(14:22
elkyakgraner, when you throw it up, reply to the announce mail with the link14:22
elkyIdleOne, that means it's bedtime.14:22
IdleOneI just woke up lol14:22
elkySame thing.14:23
IdleOneprobably right14:23
* IdleOne goes to bank14:23
IdleOnebe back14:23
akgranerelky yep will do14:23
akgranerIdleOne, how does this look to you  - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay/Announcement/ModelReleaseWaiver15:23
akgranerI just added the header and turned it into a jpg15:24
IdleOneakgraner: looks good but now it is even harder for parents to print :/15:27
IdleOneI was thinking more a easier way for the user to print the form and fill it out15:28
akgranerwhy just print the page and print it out15:28
akgranerwe don't care about the UW headers and stuff15:28
akgranerbut I'll add the pdf link there as well15:29
IdleOneup to you, whatever you think is best :)15:29
akgraner:-)  one sec and you can test it for me if you don't mind15:29
* IdleOne prints page to see output 15:29
IdleOnesure thing15:29
IdleOnethe page prints nicely15:30
akgranerCan you try the click here link now :-)15:32
akgranerI think that is more like what you were wanting15:32
IdleOnelooks good yup15:35
akgranerThanks! :-)15:35
IdleOnehmm pdf has two pages15:35
akgranerthat is weird15:35
akgranerlet me resave it   - I am sure there is one character space that got bumped down or something15:36
IdleOnesecond page has the logo at the top only15:36
akgranerIdleOne, can you look at it now  - should be just one page15:59
IdleOneperfect :)16:00
IdleOne<Edith_> IdleOne : what would be the translation's priority ?18:33
IdleOne<IdleOne> Edith_: right now we need the WorldPlayDay pages translated so we can let people know about the competition18:33
IdleOne<IdleOne> I saw you did the first two pages :)18:33
IdleOne<IdleOne> thank you!18:33
IdleOne<Edith_> No problem. I had time ;)18:33
IdleOne<Edith_> But now, what must be the first ? Announcement or Model Release Waiver ?18:33
IdleOne<IdleOne> les deux parceque sans une l'autre n'est pas valide18:33
IdleOneSo yes we need both of those pages translated18:34
Tm_TIdleOne: samma på svenska?18:34
* Tm_T hides18:34
IdleOneTm_T: I don't speak that language :/18:34
Tm_Tneither do I, really18:35
IdleOnebtw team Edith_ has been working very hard at translating the UW wiki to French. She is awesome :)18:36
akgranerIdleOne, Edith thank you all for all the work you are doing18:36
Edith_It,s a pleasure for me !18:36
akgranerIt is so exciting to see all the translation happening18:37
akgranerand the team activity18:37
akgranerit's GREAT!!!18:37
IdleOneakgraner: I haven't been keeping up with the other languages, how are they doing?18:37
akgranerwhen I was in Texas this weekend  - it was great to have people ask me about Ubuntu Women before I even mentioned it18:38
IdleOneI think we need a plan of attck to get more LoCo teams involved18:38
akgranerIdle Italian and Spanish translations have started18:39
akgranerIdleOne, I am going to show this and ask for global help on it at UDS18:39
IdleOneI would love to attend a UDS18:42
IdleOnemaybe 11.0418:42
IdleOnedepending on location18:42
akgranerI learn a ton of stuff :-)18:42
IdleOneif it is in USA I won't be able to go18:43
IdleOneEdith_: there is also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Proposed/frCodeOfConduct if you would like to and have time :)18:44
IdleOneok I am going to take a little break and will be back later18:45
Edith_Before Announcement and Model Release Waiver ?18:45
IdleOneafter :)18:45
Edith_I'll come back later18:50
IdleOneAwesome online tool http://www.ietherpad.com could be useful to those doing translation22:43
IdleOneand collaborative work on any document really22:43
akgranerwhat is the difference in iether and ether I wonder - just don't have time to poke around and find out atm22:56
akgranerI love etherpad22:56
czajkowskiehterpad rocks23:00
Tm_Tpiratepad.org too23:11
IdleOneakgraner: guess they all work the same23:22
akgranerlooks like it23:22
IdleOneused ietherpad today with MagicFab to edit/work on the -qc release party announcement23:23
Davieydon't forget pad.ubuntu-uk.org :)23:29
Tm_Tah, yet another etherpad instance23:29
Daviey(which will soon have some added awesome of "tagging" support, and more colour options)23:29
Tm_Tpink like a pony?23:30
DavieyTm_T: could have a whole range of pink options!23:34
DavieyTBH, at UDS i often pick pink for gobby, as it's always avaliable!23:35
IdleOnepleia2: ping23:42
czajkowskinn folks23:42
IdleOnenight czajkowski23:43
pleia2IdleOne: yo23:59
IdleOneHey! you woke up :)23:59
pleia2been at a conference all day23:59
akgranerpleia2, how is the n1 working for ya?23:59

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